Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, April 03, 1851, Image 3

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at the Cd 1*1 na s Ik jsfl I wJI llMfell g - a T3-a | .^-3 o-H r teri J: *' . LtJ a; fii Im O o h ; 9 -s 3 s <1?-j“3 ti jc 6 s o aS -NEW SPRING GOODS. Will be received in afew days a Splendid Stock OF NEW STnlE SPRING GOODS, Being selected by one of our Firm now in New York. Our Goods will be sold for a small Vofit, and will comparo favorably with any stock of Goods in the Southern CoffiMM^n BURNS & MURRAY, Opposite the Choice Hotel. GREAT ATTRACTION ! JVeto and Splendid 'Summer Stylc3—Better and Cheaper than ever. M. STERN & CO. TITOl!LD respectfully Inform their ft-lends ntul the YV public thet they hove just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and opened a splendid assort ment of Goode, adapted to the season ; consisting, in part, of superior spring and summer silks, os also a very large assortment of lawns, ginghams, prints, oil calicoes, dee. TO THE LADIES. Their st .ek of fancy articles and Jewelry will be found to bo equal to any in the State of Georgia.— Their assortment is composed of gold and silver watch es, rings, ear-rings, pencils, gold and silver beads, purse rings and tassels, Ladles companion, fancy rib bons, trimmings, work-boxes, summer mantillas; Ger man, English and French peribmes and soaps, fancy collars, undersleeves; note papers, fancy envelopes, worsteds; peribrated papers, carpet bags, fancy trunks, brushes, Accordeons, from SO cut up to $35, parasols, kid, silk and cotton gloves,bonnets, ladies’ caps,laces, edgings, inserting!, shoea, gaiters, and a great many other goods impossible to be enumerated in an adver- tlaemept. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS Of our own manufacture at wholesnlo prices All gentlemen who may be in want of good and cheap clothing, would find it to.their great advantage to call on ua before purchasing elsewhere, as they have an entire new, splendid and largo stock of ready-made clothing of all sizes, styles and qualities, as also extra sizes for children, caahnrarette, drab d’ete, queen’s cloth gold, silver and steel mixed tweed, linen. See.. See.— Pants of doeskin, plain and fancy casslmere, drill, &c. Vests of silk, satin, Valencia, cashmerette, linen, Mar seilles, See. Also an assortment youth’s and servant's cloth. Customerscan depend upon finding them mnde in splendid style, latest fashion and superior work manship. However low the price, we will also call the atten tion of the public to our assortment.of Gentlemen's ' Jb'URNISHING GOGDS. Consisting of shirts, standing collars, cravats, Jenny Lind ties, fbney silk suspenders, portmanteoua. Mon ey purees, pocket books. 60,000 superior segors of our manufacture, memorandum books, writing materials. See . Ate.; always on hand an extensive and fashion able assortment of hats, cups, boots, shoes, traveling trunks with secret springs, packing trunks, valises, carpetbags, walking canes, Ac. Prices not surpassed for CtlCBpnoM. We.are gratoftil for past encouragement by our for mer customers, and solicit a continuance of the same, and all who reoommend their friends to trade at this establishment, may depend upon being dealt with fair ly and honestly, and ol receiving for their money Its full equivalent; and we pledge ourselves to ties all horn arable means to give satisfaction and deserve tho con. fidenceof onr patrons. Call at our establishment and soe for yourselves. M. STERN 4s CO. Broad Street, Opposite the Post Office. Rome, April 3,1851. Something Worth Possessing TVFUS. ADKINS respectlhlly informs the ladies of •LVA Rome and its vicinity, that she proposes to give lessons In the beautiful art of working all kinds of Fruits and Flowers from wax, together with the art of making the moulda, alum work, dec. Mrs. A. is also prepared to give lessons in every description of orna mental work,to such as may desire it. Specimens of her work, (which drew the highest premium at tho Into annual Fair,) may be seen at her residence nenr the new Methodist Church. N. B.~Tcrtns moderate. As the scaton for Dowers is near nl hand, persons wishing to toke lessons, will please make curly appli cation. march SO If FLOYD SHERIFF’S SALES FOR MAY. "WTB71LL bo sold on the Drat Tuesday it. May ne.l ■w V before the Court-house door In the City of Rome, Floyd, County, within tho usual hours of sale the following property, to wit. Benjnnvn, a negro boy len years old, and Arnandu, a girl ninu years old; leviud on as the pro- petty of John Hatcher to satisfy two fi tas issued imam Floyd Superior Court, one in favor of Hobart (Itobell vs. John Hatcher, tho other in favor of Ro- t Mitchell ys.. John Hatcher and William Brad- Alao, Lot of Land No 244, in the 22d rtrict and 3d section; levied on as tho property of orge Lumpkin, to satisfy a 0. fa. issued from yd Superior Court in favor of James Morris, and lerted to Hiram P. Lum; k.n, \ l. George Lump- Also, Lota of Land Nos,. 167 and 194, in ) 15th district and 4th section, now Flo"d county; > the undivided fourth part of Lot of Lnnd No. l In said district and section; nlso, No, 432. in s 16th district and 4th section of said county; all g(ed on as tbo property of Robert Ware, deceased, zvlrtuo of a D. fa. issued from Floyd Superior hurt In favor of John and Samuel Banes, vs Alvan ean and others, Adm’rs. on tbo Estate of Robert Faro, deceased. April 3. THOMAS S. PRICE, Sh’ff. At the snme (line nnd place, ; John Miller’s interest in and to Lot of JLortdNb.315 in the 25th dlstriot nnd 3d section; levied on ns tho property or said Miller, to satisfy • D. fa. issued from n Justices court of the 010th district, G‘M., In favor of E. H Couch, vs. John Miller, and controlled by Wiley Grizzle. Property -pointed out by sold Grizzle. Levy made and re sumed to roe by a Constable. “ : THOMAS G. WATTERS, D. Sh’ff. April 3, 1851., At iho mme tfimo and place. „Lot of Land No. 319, in tho 4th district 14th section, Floyd county; levied on ns tho pro- f ot William White, ta satisfy a fi. fa. issued __i tho Superior Court of Stewart county, in favor Frederick BoallJarjd Erasmus T. Boali, thejfirm of 1E. Beall vs said White; and transferred to Jus. Rouse, and controlled by James C. Pemberton, petty pointed out by William Waters. 3* - D. D.'DUKE, D. Sh’ff. Floyd Morlgatfa ftnle for Juno. ~~TILL be sold on tho flrft Tuesday in Juno nex(, ** before tho Court House door in the City of ne, Floyd .dounty, within the usual hours of sale, | following pfoperty, to Wit t j)ne set., of Bench Plains, one common fee and set of Bitt8, one hand s w, one dozen . one dozen gouges, one tenant saw, one inro, one hand ax, one claw hammer, one ijeiupaspre, and one rule; all levied on os ferty of John D. Crawford, to satisfy a Mott- lln. issued from the Inferior Court of Floyd |in fuVor of William D. Davis vs. John D. THOMAS S. PRICE, Sh’ff. JESSE LAMBERTH& CO. Broad Street, Rome, Georgia. R espectfully announce to the public that they ore new opening ami will keep constantly on hand, a large and well selected stock of Itcndy-Mndu Clotliinu, of every description. Also Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Shoes, Umbrellas, Tranks and Carpet bags. To gether with a well selected stock of Ladies and Misses Straw and Satin Bonnets, Ladies ana Misses Satin and Lasting Gaiters and Buskins, Ties, Slippers ond Walking Shoes; Also Parasols, Gloves, mils, Fans, ombi.Jcc., March 13, 1631, CORN- 1 KABUSUELS Corn fbr sale, at XtJU March 0. F. M. ALLEN’S. A LOT of superior Pianos fbr sale at OSGOOD, .ALSOBROOK Se CO. ITWOSE who wish the best upland Colton Seed in X the world had better apply soon at OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO. March 30, 1801. Free Bridge Notice. A LL persons who have subscribed to the building •TjL of a Free Bridge across the Etowah River, will please oall and pay the amount of thulr subscriptions either to Wx. Jonrtsort, A. T. Hardin or D. S. Print- or, march 30. MEDICAL NOTICE. DRS. MELTON & WINN, H AVING associated themselves together in the practice afPhysle in ElDJay, would respectfully in form the citizens of Gilmer and the adjoining counties that they are prepared to engage in the practice of Physic Surgery & midwifery They have on hand n largo ond splen d assortment of Drugs, instruments, See. Sea. Dr, Melton graduated in td- inburg in the year 1810,—was attendant physician in the Chelsey Hospital, London, for 4 years, has since been surgeon in the United States Navy, and is now a momber of the Medical Society of Lexington Ky. Dr. Winn is a graduate of Augusta Ga. and has prac tised in Georgia nnd Alabama with unrivaled aueeess and has just returned from visiting tho Charity Hospi tal of New Orleans and the American hospital of the West Indies, where he has hod all opportunities of be coming familiar with moat mallgani diseases, that in test our country No pains will be spnrcd on their part to accommodate oil who may cnll. Objects o charity will meet with prompt attention ; also invil ids, will find a healthy and pleaiant locution at thei Office; which may be found on the North East corner of thq public square in Ellijay. March 13, lbSl. 0t T HE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Rome Railrond Co-, for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other business, took r law at the Dlrectora’ Office in Rome, on the second Ttteedoy ol this inat., ond there not being a majority of the stock represented, the meeting adjourned until the first Wednesday in April next, of which all Interested will take due notice. S. T. COMBS, Seo’y, march 30. New Family Provision tf Grocery Store, BY JOHN H. ROBERTS. J UST received and always on hand, at Stovall’s old stand, fine Hiram Smith Flour, common Flour ond Buckwheat Flour; fine Canton TeaB in £ packages; Crashed and Clarified Sugars; Kits No. 1 fine Mack- rel; Cranberries, Tonruts, Catsup, beat Havnnnu, Segura, Georgia and Augusta Brand imported direct by Mcssis. W. $ & J. II. Roberts—judges ond fastidi ous smokers pronounce the best in Rome. Extra sugar cured hams, fine Wines and Polo Bran dy, best sugar house Syrup, I«oaf SugUr and Syrup. Also a general assortment of cheap Liquors, Sugars, Coffee, Paints, oil colors, in oil and dry, fire-proof Lin Oil, Conch Varnish, (Copal) Varnish and Tur pentine by the go lion. (CT Want to buy through the year Bacon, Lord Meal, Corn, Wheat, Hides, Feathers, Flour and Pro visions generally. March 13,1851. tsuurdiun'M Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the In /"V ferior Court of Floyd county when sitting as a Court of Ordinary,will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, before the Court House door in the City of Rome, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale the following city lot, to wit: No. 22, in the Coosa Division of sold city of Rome. Sold for the benefit of Sarah A. and Wesley S. Trout, miner orphans o Tilman Trout, late of said county, descased. Terms made known on day of sale. March 13,1851. SAM’L STEWART, Guar. TO PLANTERS. T HE undersigned can be found on Court Street, in tho rear of tho Hilburn House, where he is pre pared to execute all kinds of BLACKSMITH WORK in the very best style and at reduced prices. 20 per uent deducted from the usual charges for cash receiv ed for work Turning Plows Of a superior quality manufactured by the undersign ed. Horse Shoeing Executed by a skilful workman, and in fact, all kinds of work will be finished in a workmanlike manner, and at the shortest notice. Call and examine for your selves. N. DUDLEY Rome, March 13,1551. FRESH ARRIVAL OF PURE MEDIDINES. ( Well selected to suit Physicians. J^INSEED OIL—A good supply, and a very fine sr. BURE WHITE LEAD—V largo supply, offered law foresail. LAMP OIL—A very superior erttela for, or summer use. ) ' PUTTY—Fut up in bladders, and of me beat qual ity. SPIRIT GASS—A pure article, and warranted to give the moat brilliant light—also Drugs, Faints, Dye- Stuffs, Glass, Perfumes, jj-c., making a lull and com plete Block of every urtmMh the Druggist line. March 6, 1851. .1. D. DICKERSON, Agent. 3 doors above the Exchange Hotel, Home, Gu. ry nne or* ’Pi}’. 4d ”4# Administrator’. Sale. A GREBABLY to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting M a Court of Ordinary, Will be sold on the first Tues day in April next, before the Court House door in,the City ofRomo, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale, the following tracts or parcels of Land, to wit t Lots known and nistinguhhed os numbers One Himd- oil slid Fifty,[150] and Two Hundred and Sixteen, r2ltl] In the Twfemy-third [23] District of the Third section; iSaldasthe property of Philip Reilly, late of Chatham county, decearadt Terms Cush* Jon,23.1851 JULIA ANN REILLY, A rtmr'x PROVISION STORE. S. G. WELLS. B ACON, Lard, Corn, Flour, Wheat, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, and Molasses, Domestic Yarns, Cloth, Shoes and Leather, Dried Fruit, Bctf and Fish. Pure Port fVtne, and Pale Otard Brandy, Porter ond Lemon Syrup, A small lot of Shoes on consign ment. A few young men can be nocommodoted with Boarding. March 0,1851. Veranda House, Depot .Square. NOTICE. TJ ANAVVA Y from the subscriber on^ednestlay, mat the 11th ult., a chestnut Sorrel MARE, shod nil round, nnd I think a small white spot in the fore- ltoad with some marks of guar. Any person taking up said animal ond giving me information of the stme, will be liberally rewarded. Writo to John sdn’s Post Office, Floyd county, Get. JOHN JOHNSON,P. M. Jan. 2, 1851 t GRISWOLD S COTTON GIN. 'TUIE increased demand tor these Gins rendered it nen. estnry fur the proprfr tor greatly to extend hii works, which lie is doing with entiro new buildings, and supe rior new Machinery, on tho Central Railroad, at Grit- wuldvil e, Jones county, Georgia, 8» miles east from tho city of Macon, These are nut Premium Gins. Not having gut up n funcy one expressly lor that purpose, his sample (Jins, are of the snmo q inlity, rnd of no better appearance, than (huso sent to his customers j—nnd without saying he makes the best performing Gin in use, deems it equTvn* lent to say, that Ills are in belter demand than nny other now in use—not having failed within the last fivo years to sell double as many as any oilier Factory in the Sfute, and will guarantee those he is now manufacturing fur the ensuing crop, are tho best mnde Gins in Georgia at the price, end worth ns much to the purchaser, as the brat he can get in any Slum at any price. He would also caution Planters not to purohnso Gins with Water Boxes from nny other Factory than his, os ho has paid a high price tor, ond owns tho exclusive right to Georgia f>»r oM the Water Boxes over patented, and to tho Oil saving Boxes for the entire cotton reaion; and hereby notifies till who innko, sell.ortisn Water Boxes or Oil-savers utlier than Ids Factory, they will bo held accountable for damages in conformity with the Pa tent laws of the country. Orders for Gins by Mail, or through Agents, promptly executed, nnd d.divoml at the puschnsers door, whon n«n convenient to a Railroad Depot or landing’ Feb. 27,1831* SAMUEL GRISWOLD. GRiswot.uviUUt, Feb. 1851. 10m. NEW STRING GOODS. J UST received, fine Printed Muslins, for Spring, Jsckonet and Swiss Mutlins and Isertings, at March 6. F. M. ALLEN’S. 100 DOLLARS REWARD! STOP THE RUNAWAY!!! o LOST ! 28th of, January last, a Calf »kin POCKET ~K with'. Twenty-five Dolln rr .ill it, and ee- i and papers. Two notes on Wm. 'Bally, I hundred nnd twenty-seven dollars nnd KSh given in Febrsary, 1849, one due De li 1849,and the other December 95, 1850; "Yard fo> three hundred and eighty-aeven r cents, given in jl/iirch, 1850, and due ' ember thereafter; two on Nicholue m dollars, given in the loll of 1849, r 35th thereafter, and one for twenty _.nber, 1850, both given nl the aamo if on Lemuel Parker, for eighty-nine dol- he winteTof 1845, ond due December I one exeoution on Wm, Slots for ten |in the city of Rome, inlavor pf James ipts from James Gardener, Editor Wtutionulist, ond some other pa th, oil. The Notes were giveu to t two on N. Pyle and the one given to ~ ~ 1 two execqtiona on Reuben Phil- nty, the amomrts 1 do not "Vsaley Shrepabire; a|| the CHERRY FECTOKAL For the Care sf COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries Science has mad .in this generation to facilitate the business of life—in crease its enjoyment, and even prolong the term of hu man existence, none can be named of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the healing Art. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this brand country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination ol medicine-, yet known, eon so surely control ond cure tho numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto owept from our midst thousands nnd thousands every year. In deed, there is now abundant reason to believe a reme dy has at length boon (bund which can be relied on to cure the moat dangerous affections of the lungs. Our spaco hero will not permit us to publish nny proportion of the cures effected by its use, but wo would presen- tho following opinions of eminent men, and refer furth 1 er enquiry to the circular which the agent below limn ed, will nlwnysbe pleased to furnish free, wherein arc full particulars, and indisputable prool of these facts. From the the President of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK. “James C. Ayer—Sir, I have used your Cherry Pectoral in my own esse of deep seeled Bronchitis, am satisfied from Its chemical constitution, tlint it is an admirable compound for the relief ol Inrynginl and bronchial di fflcultieB. If my opinion ns to its superior character con bo of nny service, you arc at liberty to use it as you think proper. En. Hitciicocx, L. L. D. From the widely celebrated Professor SILLIMAN, M.D., L. L. D., Professor of Comistry, Mineralogy, dto, Yale College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Societies of .America and fiu- “Ideem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composi tion from some of the best nrtioles in the materia med- ca. and a very effective remedy for the class of dis eases It is Intended t, cure." New Haven Ct. Nov, 1,18s9. Major Pottiaon, President of the S. C, Senate,states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful auc- cess, to cure an inflammation of tho lungs. From ono of the first Physicians in Maine. Saco, April 26,1849. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, I am now con stantly using your Chorry Pectoral in my practice, ond prefer it to any other medicine for pqlmonnry com plaints. From observation of many severe cases, I convinced it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lunga, that have put to defiance all other remedies. I invariably recommend its qse in cases of conaump- lion.and consider it mtfch the beat remedy (cnpwn for that disease, ^ Prepared aid sold by James C.-Avgq, Practical C/temitt, Lotcell, Mast, Sold in Rome by Battxy Brother, in Marietta, by " - ' i Augusta by Haviland, Rislry, Sc Co., RANAWAY from the subscriber, one mile North of GREENVILLE, on the night ofthe 2d Instant, a mulatto bay named JOE. He is a bright . r mulatto with blue eyes and black kinky hair. In conversation he speaks quick and very fast, but a little exeited he sluimncrs. He had on when ha left a Blue Cloth Dress Coat, dark colored Pants, and a Black Fur Hat, He took with him n swab tail ed Mare, either bay or sorrel, which trots very briskly, with an old Saddle with the horn broken off. It may be remarked that he has a full laec—Is nearly six feet high, or quite, close made, and has a very smooth face ; and ia about 21 years old. He may possibly trade the more in order to get money to travel on—may be walking, or he may be in company with n white man. I will give One Hundred Dollar, for hia delivery at my house, or 'I'winly-fivt Dollar, for his confinement in jail so that 1 can get him. FREEMAN McCLENDON. Greenville Meriwether Co., Ga., March 13,1851 DISSOLUTION. T HE Firm of Wx. E. Alexander Se Co. having been this day dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be continued at the old atnnd, by R. S. NORTON, where an assortment will always he kept ns heretofore. The unsettled business of the firm will receive th attention or both, WM- E. ALEXANDER. Jon. 30, 1831. R. S. NORTON. BACON- ■J Si HAA LBS. Bacon, at IsfijUUU March 6. F. M. ALLEN’S. NOTICE E SCAPED from me in Rome, on the 26th day of February lost, a negro WOMAN named Juley Ann. She gave me her name ns Mary Ann when brought to Jail. She was taken sick while in Jail, and for her benefit I took iter to my house. The said wo man is about fifty years old, and saya she belongs to George W.Stone of Augosta. Any information will be thankfuly received at Rome, Ga. March 6,1851. D. D. DUKE, Jailor of Floyd co. MAIL ABRANGEMENT- post-officf,. ROME, GA,) February 1,1851. { The Northern, Eastern and Southern mails arrive doily, except Sundays, ot 1$ P. M. Closes name days at 34 A. M. Mode of conveyance, Rail Road Cars. Western mail arrives daily, except Mondays, at 8 A, M. Closes dnily, except Sundays, at 2 P. M. Mode of conveyance, Four Horse Post Coaches. Southwestern mail arrives Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10 A. M. Closes Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 2 P. M. Mode of conveyance, Four Horse Post Conches. LaFnyette mail, via Summerville, Dirt Town, Mt. Hickory and Hnrdin’s Mills, arrives Mondays and Thursdays at 7 P. M. Closes same days at 9 p. M. Cnve Spring nnd Van’s Valley mails arrive Tues days nnd Fridays at 11 A. M. Closes same days at: I». M. Hermitage mail arrives on Thursdays at 11 A. M. Closes snme days nt 12 A. M. California and Johnson’s mails arrive on Fridays at 11 A. M. Closes same days at 12 A. itf. THOS. J. PERRY, P. M. COSKERY JAi\ JEsTac CJO NOTICE I S hereby given that nil notes ahd account* hereto fore mnde with J. D. DICKERSON hev‘e been ns- signed to the aubscribeJWPoraons owing the same are requested to come forwraLat an early ante and make payment to either myseiFor J. D. Dbkeraon, who l».my nuthorlfcd.nRcrtt to collect nnd receipt for the same. T1103.D. SHELTON. Jan 7, 1851 ROME MALE ACADEMY- T HE Exercises oftlils Institution will be resumed on Monday the 20th inst., to continue during n session of five months. The services of Mr. JOHN GUSMAN, a graduate of Princeton, have been se cured as Assistant, and the Teneheri pledge them selves that no efforts on their part shod be wonting to render the School worthy of u liberal pntronnge* Be- sides the studies comprised in it thorough t-laajfcftl and English course, particular attention will bo paid to Book-keeping, ond to the preparation of young men for business. Those who desire to study French can do so under a French Instructor. Tuition as hereto fore. S. J. STEVENS,Principal. Rome, Ga., Jan. 2,1851. Warehous Commission Mercliii ts r- AUGUSTA, GA. T HE undersigned thankful for th* liberal patronuge of the past season, again ten ders their services to their friends and tb* public, in thesnlo of Cotton and other Pro duce, at their Fire Proof Warehouse on ; Campbell street, >vhcic their-personal atten- tion will be given to all business them, and liberal Cash advances made on. Produce whon required. Orders for Bngging, Rope and family supplies, executed at th* lowest market price, i. JOHN COSKERY, A. O. JANES, VHOS. W. COSKERY. Augusta, Sept. 19, 1850. 50tf To Officers and Soldiers of the War with Mex ico, the War of ISIS with Great Britain, or any ofthe Indian Wars, Regular, Volunteer' or Drafted, or their legal Representatives, Widows and heirs. B y resent act of Congress you aro nlloivril boun. IV hinds imd money in proportion to tho timo ot service, rendered in nny of tho nhoyo nn.- • Wars. The undersigned having all the forn|. - cessnry, you onn obtain warrants for entering, your Inuda, nnd procure die bounty money whenev er allowed, by application to DANIEL 8. VRtXTUP, Attorney ot Low, Rome, Gii. October IT, 1SS0. um JpOl'R months after date application will be made tho honorablo the Inferior Court of Floyd county,when sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging to the os- late of William Jinks, late or said county, deceased. THOMAS S. PRICE, ' WILLIAM G. MILES. Jan. 23, 1851. ! Adm’rs FRESH ARRIVAL. At No. 2, Choice House. T HE undersigned would respeeifully Invite the eiti zensof Rome and tile surrounding country,to cal ami examine his FRESH STOCK OF GOODS just received uno opened, consisting iii part of the follow ing articles, viz: Refined, Crushed, Portorico and N. Orleans Sugars Javnjlin and Laguirn Coffee. Molnsses, Syrup, Rice, Clieeso, Sea-chocolate, Rni. sins, CatsupB, Pickles, Citton, Preserved Ginge Sperm, Starr and Tallow Candies, Family Flou Mackerel in bbls.,half bbls., and kitts. Butters,Pow der, Shot and J.ead, Axes, Iron and Nails, Bucket Brooms, Factory Thread, Stone-ware, Bouts, Shoe Hats, Caps and Blankets, and many other articles not mentioned; nil of which he will sell cheap for Cash,or in exchange for Country Produce. THOMAS J. VERDF.RY, Brood Street, Rome, Dee. 19,1850. PROSPECTUS OP TUB CUBAN LIBERATOR. A NEAT Book of 300 Oclavo poges, descriptive of the Island of Cuba, present ond prospective, ond every thing on about it: Price $1,payable, in all instances, when subscribing, to cnnble the Author to hnvo tho work in the finest style of the arts. ' Besides tlie reoding matter, additional pages will In No. 1 Steel engravings, illustrate many curious and instructive, os well as exciting scenes; and prominent among them will bernota few Americana transported, grated, shot, nnd in dungeons nnd highways in chains, without committing nny offence whatever. Seconda rily, like illustrations will exhibit the author before tlio“Spadiik InguitUion," supposed l,y many to be ex ploded, and American Ladies nnd Gentlemen in Ha- vantm piling bags of gold before the authorities for hisrelease. Confident of n pntronnge as liberal aa tho subject is important, Editors who copy this, and Post Musters who “frank’’ remittances, are my agents, retaining 35 per cent commission for the sumo; ond os all truth ia excluded by the Government Censor from tho Cuban press, and all people there afraid to talk, for a like reason, less is actually known of Cuba in the United States than even the remotest co ner of the earth. It is timo thio should cease: respecting the garden appt of thie earth, when once under American rule, and tho latter is as necessary as tho former, and both as certsiu as the recurd of Genesis, containing tho commands of Almighty God. EDWARD STIFF, Author of the "Texan Emigrant,’’ nnd late Editor of the “Cherokee Sentinel," at Cudar Bluff, .din. F. S The day is not remote when I shall attend the Circuit Courts of DeKnlb, Cherokee, See., Sec., ill •dlabninn, ond my friends will pleose have a goodly list of names for two purpoie, ready. JOHN W. BURNETT, Rome, Go., is the author ised Agent. Morch a, 1831. tf ’DISSOLUTION ~ T HE Firm of Sullivan, Cabot Se Co. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The now firm of Sullivan, Cabot Se Co. ore authorised to settle all the business of the late firm. ' F. I. Sullivan, F. M. Oabot, Rome, Jan. 1, 1851. H. D. Duncan. THE subscribers having purchased the interest of H, D. Duncan in the Into firm of Sullivan, Cabot Se Co., will continue tho business on their own account, under the name nnd style of Sullivan, Cabot Se Co. F. I. SULLIVAN, F. M. CABOT. Roms, Go’, Jan. 1,1851. NEW GOODS UNDEIt TIIE MASONIC HALL. R. J. JOHNSON I S now receiving a very large and the beat assorted stock of Goods ever received by him, consisting of nearly everything usually kept by merchants. Domes tic and staple goods, some very low price for laboring hands. Gentlemen's tine dress Goods, well assorted. French and English Cloths, Cussimeres, Vestings ond Summer Cloths, all direct from the Importers. Lo- dies fine dress goods, nlmost every description, nnd la test and moat fashionable for Spring and Summer; col ored plaid embroidered, plain and Swiss muslin nnd Lawns; Fancy silk tissues, Barioges, and a handsome assortment of Ginghams of every deicription, nil di rect and of the latest importations. Ribbons, ond a large stock of worked collars, caps, mantillas, visettes, and many other articles too tedious to mention. La dies best twisted silk Gloves and mils, colored fancy kidulores, Linen and lawn handkerchiefs, hoisery, itec. BONNETS—a fine stook colored satin, lace, gimp, satin straw, Hungarian, pearl and Spanish hair bonnets. Misses pearl nnd satin straw and gimp Bonnets. Bon net silks, flowers and linings; Ladies kid slippers niid walking shoes ; also a large stock of Boots and t-hoes foir gentlemen, fino nnd common. Ready-made Clothing, summer Hats, fine moleskin, fur and silk hats. Crockery, China nnd glass ware, hardware, cutlery, saddles, bridles, martingales ; also, a fine lot of sugars, cofice nnd molasses will be sold very cheap for cosh only. lie respectfully invites his former customers und friends to give him a call; he is prepared and will give tho best of bargains N. B. A liberal reduction will be mnde for cash, for all bills over $3. Rome, mnrch 27, 1851. 100 REWARD e> i iSu t M: NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of William Jinks, late of Floyd county, deceased, will please call ond make immediate payment, nnd those having claims against said estate will pleute preeent them in terms of the law. THOMAS 8. PRICE, ) ... WILLIAM G. MILES, \ Adm r * 1^5 KEGS Nails, assorted. Forsalojow,whole 1 sale and retail, by- Jon. 2,1850. F. M. ALLEN. J Q BALES Footory Ysrn, for^iolHow^b^^ -f K BALES Bleached and Rrown Homespuns .1 from 3-4 to 6-4 wide, for sale lotv by_ F. M. ALLEN. on CASES Men’s Boots end Shoes for sale Jo w £\3 by F.M. ALLEN. Jon 3. 1 A CASES Ladies'Walking shoes nnd kid slip XU per. from 60 cents n pair up. For sole by Jan2. .F.M. ALLEN. A FEW pieces 8-4 Biooohed Linen diopei for to. bio cloths—vory nice—for sole low by Jon 3. F.M. ALLEN, ^jfHITE WINE nnd pure Cider Vinegar,. for AUCTION AND I OMISSION BUSINESS, THE undersigned wouldrespectfully tenth r.hls ser vices to the public as CITY AUCTIONEER. All bnslneik entrusted to his care will meet, with, prompt attention and quick retnrns. „ J. L.1IUSON,. lie would beg lenre to refer to NXSSXS. LOO.N A ATKINSON, I RAV A COTION, \ -'tseon.. . . MESSRS. JO-KV Se BttO. j - cntRBvJe SB. I c ’ ri "' n ' DENNIS Se III NT, V MB. I. TXAINOR,{ Millrd&rv I IMIflU*,^ aUIIIPUKvV II£. Rome, Ol., Deo. 10, I860,. 10 GARDEN SEEDS—CROP 0F1M0- W E invito Bttontlon to onr line nssortrornl of tier- Seed, sip. Just reuelveil a few bu. Onion silts nnd buttons—some Viotorln Rhubarb (or Pio Plant) Roots—Millet seed, Field Peas, (English) Enrly Com. 30 bbls. Northern seed Pomt.cs, etc. Merchants supplied upon the best terms. Jan. 3.'! BATTEY & BRO., Druggist*. United States Wholesale CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. 8. H. Hanford.Ac Co,. SUCCESSORS TO LEWIS Sr HANFORD, Not. 252,254,356 and 238 Piarl street, -Vito Will articles ol shirts end drawers, wo keep nn endin', vn- liety. Also,the mostexlenslvo iimnufitcturirajof oil* clothing nnd coveted hots in the world. Plain and fashionsbls clothing of nil kinds. Cntnlogues of stock sent by ninil. Orders Promptly ailed. N. H-HANFORD As CO. - Successors to Lewis 4s IlANroxn,. Nos. 333,334,336 and 238 Petri street,New York. solo by F. M. ALLEN. KfkA LBS. Hemlock sole Leather for rale. Ap- 391/ p to F. M* ALLEN Jan. 3 • penmanship” M r. McKOY’S fourth Term o( Peumanshlp will commence in this place on Monday, 3 J of March FREE AND EASY. C ALL at the Free & Eaey House, 4 doors below the Choice Hotel* where you will find a general as- s rtment of Confectionaries, Fruits, &o., of the very besith&tcver has been, and asgoodasever onn be offer ed in Rome. Sold low for cash. GEO. SHAW* Feb. 20,1651. BUSHELS of first rate Corn Meal just to- ceived and for sale by G. SHAW, pb 20 SUPERIOR article of Family Flour, lor sale by Feb 20 G. SHAW. GOOD article of shelled Corn on bond and for si sale by Feb 20 fit BOXES superior New XU Feb 20 G. SHAW. York Cheese for sale by G. SHAW, A FIRST rate let of Bacon jost received and for rale by G, SHAW. Fell 20 Y/w W k LBS. of su perior Lord just received at lUUU Feb20 SHAW'S. 1 A HALF I XU Feb 90 PERM and Star Candlea for sale by Feb 20 C 200 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. At Number 4 Choice House. YTT’HERE you vyill find any quantity of Pants for VV sale by OSQOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO* march 20, RUNAWAY from the subscriber, liv ing near Liberty Hill, Dallas county Ala. or was stolen on the J st of October Inst, my negro man, George Sims, 23 years old, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high and weighs about 150 or 60 lbs., complexion black, and has a small mole on tho end of his nose, some marks of the whip on his bnck,hna a low forch.-ad and rather small eyes, down look when spoken to. ! will give the above reward for the apprehension of the boy and thief, or $50 for the delivery of tho boy tome at my residence ns above, or $25 committed to any jail in the United States, so that I get him. march 29.1851. W. H. RICHARDSON. GEORGIA—Floyd County W HEREAS, Joseph Durham applies to me fo Letters of Administration on the estate of Jane Du'hatn, late of said county, deceased— These are, therefore to cite and admonish all nnd ainaular the kindied und creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescrib ed by law, to show came, if any th<7 have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office; March 20th, 1S3L JESSE LAMBERTH, c. c. o. S A First rate article of Tobacco and Cigars always A kept nt SHAW’S Feb 20 S SCOTCH Herrings, Sardine*, &c., may nt all times 5 be found at tho FREE & EASY HOUSE. Feb 20 O YSTERS, Lobsters, Shrimpe, Pig’s Feet, Egg% &c\, served up in n superioj manner at the Ffl> 2U FREE 3c EASY HOUSE. LBS GOSHEN BUTTER, for sale .vt Mnrch 6,1851. O. SHAW’S. B UILDERS of Store and Dwelling houses nre In vited to examine samples of Mineral Knob Locks —white and dark, at F. M. ALLEN’S Feb 20 1831 SURGICAL NOTICE. D R. PAUL F. EVE accepted the Professorship ot Surgery in the Medical Department of the Uni versity of Louisville, Ky., only for.the sea-ion ol Lec tures now closing, with the hope of benofltting the health of his family; but no improvement having been produced by the change, he has returned tb Au gusta, and is prepared to resume the Practice of Sur- ccrt/i - His Infirmary for Negroes isopen for patient.*. Augusta Feb. 12,1831. (Murch 6, 3m NOTICE. T HE Co-partnership existing heretofore b c t we <m Battxy &• Bro. hnving been dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be continued At the oldytnnd byROBT. BATTBY. All unsettled business of the firm will receive the attention of us both* G. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome, March 1,1631. ROBT. BATTEY. XTBSTS for married und single, with q few to mor- Y TV in. ibr salt, by march ?0 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK 4s CO. X\TE propose to dress ogy gentleman who may de- VV sire it,in fine style,und at x lo.w price— t care of the outward tr — “ good Boi ‘ JUST RECEIVED. B Y the Subscriber, in addition to his former stock, a choice lot of Grqcerlcs ; consi'ting. in part, of New Orleans, Forlo Rico, Crushed, Refined Granulat ed Sugars; Superior Rio Coffee, Sperm, Star and Tal low Candles : 12 bbls. Irish Potatoes, for eeed ; 30 Sacks No. 1 Penfield Family Flout; sign a choice lot si Liquors, Old Cognac Brandy, Old Port. Pure Hoi- lend Gin, Scotch Whiskey, nnd Domretic Liquors. “ wdwnre, Blacksmith Tools, Hoes, Trace Chains, els Spades, Garden Rakes, Bgpts, Shoes andHats. «f which ha offers fpr sale on ns good terms as |ht in the oily. DIRECT IMPORTATION. Charleston, South Carolina, Not. 1850, undersigned he. commenced the ImDOftingr - and Wholesale: Dry Goods Businesses' n~ 135, Meeting-street, where ha will open, by about.tbs fifteenth of January next, n large and very complete Stock of FarttlRia Goode, selected by himself* in the markets or England and Franca, and imported direst to this Port. He particularly invites attention to his 6'toek of SILK AND FANCY GOODS, os being ono of the most extensive ever offered in this Market—couipris. Ingnn assortment of Plain and Figured Black, Fancy-cclored Figured,, Foulard, Qlace, nnd Chene SILKS ; BAREGES, GRENADINES, ALBARINES; French and Scotch Ginghanmi, See., of the lutesti nnd newest styles ; A vety Ibll Stock of new style Bonnet Ribbons ;. GLOVES of every, description; A large variety of 8IIA WLS, udapted (e the Sprlng; and Summer trade ; ■ HOSIERY—Silk and Cottnn—In great variety ; A largestock of Silk, Mohair. Cotton and Thread: EDGINGS and LACES. Possessing facilities for purchasing on t!)s molt fa- voluble terms, ho confidently invites u comparison, with any Market in the United Stntcs. He will addition,. fullsuppiy of American, Manufactured Goods. A anil from his friends, and dealers generally, is re spectfully solicited. JAMES B, BETTS. Dee. 19,1850. MEDICAL CARD. DR. J. D. OWEN, (Late Assistant Physician lo the Lunatie Asylum at Milledgeville.) TT AV1NC permanently located in Rome, respectful- XX ly lenders his Professional services to nil peisons requiring Medical, Surgical or Obstetric aid in the City or country. He hopes by constant and unremit ting attention to hia profession, to merit a liberal ahare of patronage. _ OFFICE rut (nr to the Courier Office opposite the Buena Vista House—Residence, next doer to Mr. Cabot. Rome, Ga., Nov. 14,1850. 6. 3m. IRIUSAN, EITC-I§ A CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBMERS, 08 Liberty street, Now Ynqk, (Between Broadway trod Nassau,) A RE row receiving n rich nml beutrtifilL nreorl- mriit of Fancy Silk and Millcnrry Guods, to which we would particularly invite the attention of n Cash PutchaserS, and will make it, on object for them to give us a call, as wo are determined to sell our as. sortment, forCuBk, lower than ever before offered - in’ thlsmiukct. Milleneraoan supply themselves witii every article ill thcr line, at about the cost of Importation nr Auc tion price--. Many of our gooda are luamtfifstuired ex pressly for onr own sale, and cannot bj surpassed ■ lor beauty or low prlcei. Rich Hut and Cap Ribbons, a large variety. Silts and Satins for Bonnets. Crapes, Craps Liss.-s, Tarietonaond Illusion Lares Trimmings lor Hats, Capsantl Drex-eo. Jenny Lind Capa, Party and Opera Head DrC'ies, Embroidered Capes, Collars, Cuffs and Clientisetts. Thread, Brussels, Valenceinee, Silk end l.i.-ls Thresd Laces. Embroidered Edgings end In-erlings, Swiss anti Muslin. Embroidered, Revelre nnd Plain Linen Combiie iudfs. Gloves and Mils, Kids, Silk, Lisle Thread and Few- Hg Silk. Scarfs, Cravats and Dress HkfsJ Swiss, Jaconet, Bool; Mgs] in a, and Bishop Lawns. Embroidered, Dsirsak and plain Canton Crape Shawls. A Fall assortment of Straw Gooda. French and American Artificial Flowera. With a largo variety not mentioned above, All wishing tp avoid p.ying long prices will m«k# money by culling and satisfying themselves. Feb. 6. 1851. “ SB NQVQE. T HOSE having unsettled accounts scribcr, wili confer a favor Sy " able time and making settles! also,those havir ' or unsettled^ - ‘