Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, April 10, 1851, Image 3

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Ieavv Business m SoTTON.-ThcN. 01' Orescent of the 2^th tilt. says 5 “The past went has beau an unusually active one in the Colton market, the sales having reached some 37,000 bales. Prices, too, have steadily advanced, and'are now fully one and a quarter cent above the low* est point of depression some \ weeks since. This is attributable, in some degree, to the recent favorable accounts from liurope, hut still more, we believe, to a growing.convtc- tion that th6 first and most moderuie estt •mates of the crop aro likely, to prove in the cnd.ihe most correct.” (& An ignorant fellow, who was about to be married, resolved to make himself perfect ■clergyunan disked"him,-in the’ church *VVm thou have this woman• to be thy wedded wife?” the- bridegroom answered in u very solemn tone’, “l leubuiice them all.” Ibe -•astonished minister said, “1 think you ure u tfoolIn which lie replied. “All this I stead fastly bplieve ” (jtjr. A young gentleman descrihing the tf- Vccta of his first waltz, saya.he thought he -was going to haeven on a band of- music.— Fof, fifteen minute* lie appeared to-be s«in- tnifng hi a sea of rose leaves, with a blue an- jJB, Tills soon changed, lie says, to udeliri- uui.of peacock leathers, in which his brain got so much mixed up with low necked frocks, musk nnd melody, that he has fed on ilutes .ever since. Foots you Luck—This is till, old sriw, ntid in funny cases Its truth has been verified. But nri exception, and on important one. seems to have been recently discovered in Havana. The Far0 Industrial, n pnpor of that city; says that a few days ago, n \oung 'lady requested one of tho editors of that pa per to let her see his wutcli. On looking at it,she pointed out. tlie numlier engraved on it by tlie maker, nnd toldliim to take that num ber in the lottery. He paid no attention to (the suggestion, but suio enough that very number drew tho $100,000 prize. Among the curiosities of the World’s Fair will be a pond of ice punch, its com ponent parts are to consist of n river of bran dy 4 an,iceberg from Greenland, two hills, of siugar and an orchard of lemons. It is to he .atirred up with the North Pole, and ladled •out with the dredging machine.—Alb. Dale. Union Meeting in Mississippi.—At Jack- son, Mississippi, on the 10th instant, n large and enthusiastic meeting of the friends of the Union ivns held, nt which all the pre cincts in Hinds county were represented \Y. L. Sharkey, Henry W. Foote, and Amos K. Johnson wero nominated ns delegates to .the State convention by acclamation. . Female Duelmst.—Gient sensation has liccn lately caused ut Florence, by an intend ed duel with pistols lietivoon tivo eountcsses, in consequence of n puliticcl dispute. One of these Indies had takon an nctive part in the war of Italian independenop, nnd tho oth- or was the wife of a distinguished diploma tist. Tho combatants were nil tho ground, at,d The pistols' charged, when fortunately their husbands arrived, and put n stop to tho a (fair. . O^Tlie Now Orleans Crescent learns tlint n mmtlier of gentlemen, ullicers of the Southwestein Bible Society of thnt city, ure zealously and successfully engaged .in sums necessuiy for the purchase of a lot and the' erection >if n building suitnblefnr n Depilsitury irt which it i* in ended nt ull'imes, to keepn stock of Bible* and Te"ament« mi hnndsnle. or distribution, sull.cieiu for the supply bi the citizens of New Oi leans, and of lim n hole S u hues ern i-mintri. - Tlie goutlemeii on gaged in 1 he work me aided by 1 he Hev. Dr. Sides special Sccroinry for the South, of the Amo.-icnn Bible SucietjS T HE Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders of tbe- ..Is'ita - Rnibond'Co., for tho election of Directors, the, transaction of other business, took - Ince nt lhe Directors' Office in Rome, on the second Tuesday ol lids gist., nnd there not being a majority of the stock rephyojira, the meet ng adjourned until lire firm VVedne. dny iti April i.qxt, of wlilchall interested will ta1iedue S. T. CU.MBS, Sec'y. treh.20. The agent of tho Slate of Alabama ,has selected of the land granted ir, this Stale by Congress to tho Mobile and Ohm Kail iroad 396 sections—equal to 253,440 acre*. Tho land is valued nt $3 per acre, most of it being vnlunblo. The whole land granted by ■Congress, to that road w ill be about 2,000,- .000 acres.— Tits. Monitor The Telegraph in the United States —There is said to be ill this t mo 23,0l)J miles of elegraph in operation in the United .Stntos ; 12,000 on tho Morse principle, and -about 10.00(1 on the House and Bain princi ples. Tito telegraph now extends Irani Hal ifax to New-Orleans, and us tar west ns Du buque, Iowa. A New Quebtijn —The Hon. Mr. Yulee iclnims his sent us Senator elect fiom Florida, although the Hon. N. Mallory was declared -elected by the Legislature and the Governor, .and bns ins commission. YVe presume Mr. Yulee claims the election on the ground o' .Tinving received a majority of all the vote .cast ; exclusive of blanks. The blank ■wore counted bv the Legislature ag.tiiist Mi, Y. The decision of ibis question, by the Senate will determino the lognli'y of tie election of 'Gen. James, of Rhode Island, who did not receive a innjotiiy of nil the votes enst, had the blanks been counted — 7'be same rule of counting 'which defeated ML Yulee would have defeated Gen. James. —Mobile A dv. Emphatic a Family Man.--The Macclesfield Courier of a recent dale says ;that their is id this time a man residing in MUat town, an Irishman, whose graudla'.hei .died some years ago at the .ago of 99. r . TDUrlng his life he had been the husband of •five Wives, by whom lie became the father of thirty-seven children Thirty two sons, of these thirty-one enlisted in the nrniy. Thp • thirty-second, who did not enlist, occupies a situation in an iron foundry in Kgjhereum and is the father of a large family. One of .-the daughters, aged forty-six, lives inlmi- aon, end is the mother of twenty four chil- GRANITE STORE. JOHNSON- POPS A CO F EELING thankful for thv liber d pnt.onngp that has heretofore b.en Vo gen rortsly extend (1 to wards them, would solicit a continuance, nnd invite the attention of their fiends mid the public generally thnt they are now receiving and ftienmg n large nnd well selected stock of i foods, nnd wool I ndd th t hc.uity and taste their s yles cannot > surpn ?cd. Our stock consi ts ol the l ttests yl a Ladies’ <>r ss g .oils, viz • Silks, kualina, G nghnma, Barragea Tjs- sues, t/'ripo de Pari.-, Broctdu Poplin, Prints, Vc., Ileiewilh n well select d stock of • opes, Colin h, Cuff* l.ndifs' Sho *.*«, Vc. Onr stock of Gents’ divs* good-c mnot fail to suit buyer-. <»ur assormie'nt of Fin dware Cutlery, S iddh-ry, Crockejy, Shoes, Boots, Bu^’gy nnd Carriage Tiimtnhtgs o nnot be equalled by tiny in Rome nt tit s tune. We* do not h mg out our sign and -ay that we will sell lower than our neigh bors, but only ask oar friends and the public gonerol- ty, to be give ns a full before buying, and we promise to give th *in sntJsfuotiQn both in prices nnd quality. We only add, you can nil make money by giving us me.ill Irfore making you purchases. April 10, l no 1, TENNSS3EE BAOjN AM) LARD. T HE subscribeKls jn»t receivingnind will keep on hnml. at tliu Roil Road /Jrpot, for n short tint •, n supply of prl no Tennessee Bacon and Lnrd He Isnlso prepared to fill ordetson shot! nonce, for Com,, Fenther.-*, Oats and Irish Potatoes. Rome, April 10, 1851. J. J. REEVES, Ag’t FL0Y0 SHERIFFS SALE8 FJR MAY. W ILE ho sold on the firlt Tuesday, it: Miy im*t he lore the Courthouso (loot in the City of Home, Floyd, County, within tho usual houraol sale the following property, to w.t Deiijnin n, u negro buy ten years old* and Anmnilu, a girl nine years old; levied on ns tho pro- purty ot John Hatcher to Hiitisfy two fl ins issued Iroin Floyd Superior Court, one in fnvor of Robert Mitt hell vs. John Hatcher, the other in favor of Ro- rcii iMitcludl v«. John Hatcher and William Brnd- •litiw. Also, Lot of Land No 244* in lhe 22d lift)let and 3d Section; levied oh as the property ol Georut* Lumpkin, to satisfy n H. fit. issu • Fh yd Supnior Court in'fuvor of Jrofies Mori d to III rant 1*. Lutnpkfn, vs. GeOr| i\ Alsu, Lots of Lund Nosj 1S7 nnd the I fith district nntl lth section, now Flo d county; til-o th • umliv.d (I fourth part ofLot'nfi Land So 1 iiil f m said district mid h-ciimii: hi o, No. -133. in h * 1 ‘Itli tlo-trift and Ith s . i.ot of •« dd eotpity; nil • v'td nil ns tin- property ol RoJj ’.t W ire,d •efnsrd, J»y virtue of a I] fit is-necl from Floyd Supupor ' on.t in favor ql John ami S tmU ’l Bones, vs A Ivan Demi anti-others, Adm’rs. on tlie Estute of Robert Wore, (U'OeuScd. April 3. Til!-MA^ S, PRICSh ’ i , At flMt yriiit* timet • ml plnrt** John Militn’s interest, in and to Lot of Land No. 315 in the 25th district and 3d section : levied on «3 fhe property of said .Mjljcr, to sotislV a ii lit. isiiicd Irani a Justices court of the OlUth district, G* M.,.in'favor of R. II. Couch, vs. J«.hn M|Her. nnd controlled by Wiley Grizzle, Property pointed out by sntd Grizzle. Levy f uriiad to me by a CpiKtjble THOMAS G. W Ajjj-ii At i|io *iil)iu time nnd place, Lot of Lund No 319, in th* 4ih district and Ith spefion, Floyd eonuty? levied cm os the pro- iy nt William White, to s uisiy u li. fii. Issued .u th«* Sup M rfgr Oourr of’Stewart county, in favor of Frederick Bed! and Kni.-fpu* T Beutl, the firm of F. E, Heidi vs snUl Whit-, and trnnslerred to J is. Rouse, and eontroR" I by Jam ** C. Pemberton I’lOuerty pointed out by William Waters. 3. I) D DUKE, D irh’tV. P <»y<l llBort^nyc *»»!<» i<»r June evy made and I'ATTE'tS, D. Sidff. sold ( i tin* first.Tu •y' . Jn ■ .Beautiful Extract.—The following ex- 4racl frqm a sertnoo, preacbed in Newark, N j'.j will be read with pleasure: “What do the*o fqmonters of disunion want? What would they have? IsiheUtt- Jon to be gently dissolved like m'st hefire ihe’.ijiorniug sun? Or will it not rather bring aervile and civil war? YVhat shall be done with those hallowed |)laces around which Ailing the memoflfti of the Country? . North ern bayonqts 1 'gleamed among the bills of .Carolina, and Southern men died at Sarta'o eajiho North was not absent from the event.' Jt'Yorktown,and Southern feet oled at Treri- j4on.” r.-..“And Mount Vernon, whose shall ; t he?— -Will nny American be willing to visit his (a «her’s,grnve by stealth or sutfernnee? Whose Cannon shall desecrate that hallowed ground? -'rather whose blood shall drench tlie liui- l.ijilace-of YVnshington? The mind shud- « at ,the throught. And who is v filing .Usuch things shall he? Shall New Jersey tin become the Flanders of America?.— . ill New Brunswick see nonin .t fie syoamoie jBarnett Street converted into the Hag stall of a foreign foe? Again, what joy would • dissolution'bring to our enotries? The ots of Europe would exenaage notes of jrntuliion ; and Jbe fiends of hell hold fccarhival ! Theti let us avoid disun vespoct.the laws, and beware how we t our stars ib endless night, and stain out fitHour own blood.” _ __i-——~~— — e REgEtPTs of Oil r-’lho New Bed- cut-y says that during the Inst twelve his hat) qrrived qt thqt novt seventeen ^JY'ing hr) aggregate of 3,655 barrels '',47,650 barrels of whole, and pds.of home, besides 69 cqsks of ftp.'''' _ __ SiNtA Block,—The inscriptlcn " franite presested by Virginia Washington "Monument is. ,-ive '.Vnsliittfcteii lo Americ,- dt If, Knunj. Ftnyilcimitj', witllfii tliciisi(;il |lO|tnof-gl., lim IblloWlllU nrql” ,| jyj I" wit : Out set of Ilemdi I’hp.s, one enmonm ■non nail svl Ilf tilit', .OilC, hnml. s w. nuv dozen chisels one iluz.-u stiiligl'S, nhe Syiailf saw, one iron squ ire, one tl illtt nx, .lie el.iw linmnie.-, .cun- pnir-Cifeoinputs s, :mil i.iie ii.le ; nil Iqvnito.i ns llie prepeiiy of.hdiii D- Ceuvlord. m satisfy a M.i.t- 'fliga li. fa. issued Rnrii ill • lnl'-i :oi- ' niui'if Huy.I county, in fuvor of Witt.ant D. tlnvis vs. .Intiu i r.nvibrd. April 3. TiUlMAS S 1'ltIGt:, ill’ll' PURE FAMILY MEDICINES, Jt LWAYSou hand,'and put u j. u ill -most care A. Ini uinnucr, uudet our man diale attention. Dee. 3. UAVJ'HY ry ItRO GARD: N bEEDS-CBOP OF 18dO. W E invite attention looqr Hue Hwaftnienf pftin.-. Seed, etc. Just received n Icy hit. i ‘nion s t|. mill bimons—some Victoria Rluihnrh (or Pi.- Plant' Roots—Mill i seed, Field Pens. (English) Early' or., bO hbls. Nortbcrn seed Potutees, etc. Mcrchnim supnlieit upon the best terms. J 111 23* ' ' T1 A r r r 1 , P.^ ItATTEY & BRO , Dru taists Snini'lliinu VffiBll Pin»i«> , M RS. ADICI - S respectfully informs tlie Indies o Row* ar.d its vicinity, thnt she proposes t., piv lemons in tile beautiful art of working till kinds of Fruits nnd Flnweis from tvnx, together with the nrt n mnkiug 'he rpoulds, nlum wn Ii, Arc. Mrs A. is also prepnred to give lessons in every deseript on of orun- incntnl work, to such nstrrny desire it Spec mens n her work ( drew th- high st prem.unf nt th iiitcnnnunl Fnir.) mny lie £ “ 1 the new Methodist Church. N. B.—Terms mode nje As (lie eenson for flowers i» nenrnt hand, person- wl hing to lake lessons, will plrnse^mnke c..rly nppli cation. i nt Iter residence a. nr • fnfirch 20 JUST RECEIVED V LAR'IEnnd extensive mock of’ and r\. Gents' dress goods, newest spring styles ; also u very large stock of staple dry goods hoqts, .-hoes, hnts nnd clothing, saddlery, carriage trjuimmjjjj sp.ings anil oxlesfor buggies mid two-lmrse wngons, shelf dad heavy hardware , of every style nnd priqe.ntpiihs’ tools, sheet, hoop end bar iron cud steel, hoes, chains. &c.. Also a very large and genera! stock of Groceries, At- Inom stcom Mills Hour always on hand [ together •witlt every other article wanted either. for city or country use,all of which will be sold as cheap ns the ■ii i 24 H l be received in a few days a Splendid Stock » OF ' - NEW ..STYLE SPUING dpl)I)S, Being selected by one of oiir Firm notv in .IYfcw York. Our Goods will bes°ld for a small profit; nnd will compare favorably with any stock of Goods in tho Southern Country. BURNS & MURRAY, Opposite tire Choice Hotel. FRESH ARRIVAL OF.PUREMEDIDINE8. Weil selected to suit Physicians. L I NS BED. OIL—A 1 good supply* nnda very fine ar ticle. ■ ' PURE WHITE LEAD^-A largo fupply* and ofU*rcd low for cosh. - ’ : LAMP 0IL—A very superior article for winter or aninmer use. PUTTY—Fut up In bladders, and of the best qual ity. i - SPIRIT GASS-A pure article, and warranted to Rtvc tho most brilliant light—nlBo Drugs, I'ninto, Dye- Stairs; Gloss, Perfumes, fro., tanking a tall nnd com. ptete stock of every article in the Drnggiat line. Mnnih 6, 1851. .1. D. DICKERSON, Agent. •2 doom ubove the Exchange Hotel. Koine, Git. mxm iCTOR&Xi For Iho Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS. WHOOPING-COUGH, OROtiP, A8TEMA and CONSUMPTION. AutOiig die tiitiiicroo.s discoveries Sc encehnsnia;! in this generntiou tofaell.tate the busiooss of life—in- creitse its enjoyment, and even prolong tlie term of hu mnn existence, none can be ivinied of more real value to mankind, than this contribution nf Chemistry tq th- h'tiling Art A vnjt trial of its virtues throughout thit* broad country, has proven beyond n doubt, that no medicine or combination ol medicine*, yet known, surely centrol nnd cun* th.* numerous varlctn* of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from our mldtt thousmds and th Mismd* every yenr. In deed, there is now abundant r.»nson to b fieve a reme dy has at length b um louml which can le relied on to cure th-* most dangerous nlfeetions of tho longs. Our spncohere wfit not permit uit to publish any proportion of the pures cffcotpd by itsn/c,butwe would prescni the following opinions of eminent men, find refer Amir er onqu ry to the chculnr whlohi^b ng<ft below nam ed, will qlways bo pleas *d to furnish free, wherein arc full particular.'*, nnd indisputublo prool of these facts. From the the Prudent of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK. James C; Ayer—Sir, I have used yottr Cherry Pectoral in my own qase of deep se^bd Brotichltis, am snti.*fied from its chemical constitution, tint it is odmirablo compound for the relief o| Inryngial nnd bronchial di tliculties. If my op.nion as to its r uperior character can b *of any service,you are at libc ty to use it os you think proper. En. Hitcucock, L. L. D. From tho widely-celebmtod Professor SfILLIMAN, M,U., L. L. t)., Profes«or ofCcmistry, iVI.nerniogy, &.o, Yalo College, Member of the Lit. Hist. ,\led. Phil. anwScienlific Societies ol ame.ica and Eu rope. “I deem the Cherry Pectoral an ndmirii hie composi tion from some of the best articles in the materia tnalfl- cu.nnd n very t fiVetlve lemedy for the class of dis eases it Is intended ta euro.” New Haven Ct. Nov. 1,18i0. * Major.Pattison, President of the 3. C, Senate,states he has used the Cherry 'Pec torn I with wondeifn) suc cess, to cure nn inilamtnntion of the lungs. Front one of the first Physicians in Maine. Saco, April 26, IS40. Dr- J- C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, I am now e'dn- stonily using your Cherry IVctornl in my practice, and prefer it to any ptht.r mediciu • for puiutoniry com- pi tints From observation of many severe cases, I convinced it will cure coughs, cold-*, and dj-tCascs of the lungs, that have put to defiance all other temedies. I invariably recommend its use in cases of eoiisuinp- tiournnd consider it nmch the best remedy known for that disease, Respectfully yours, 1 S. Cushman, M. D. Prepared nnd siihl by James C. Ayer, Practical ChemUt, t.owrll, Mas*, Sold inRomcby Battky Brother, in Moriettn, by Wm. Uoor, in Augusta by Uavjland, Risley, 6c Co!, nttd by all D.ugg sts throughout the Ht te. h 20, 1851. 1 v Aleut Family tfrocision. Sf Grocery Store, BI JOUX It. ROBERTS. TL r ST received nttd always on hand, at StovalPa old stand, fine Hiram Smith Flour, common Flour and fBnekwheat Flourfine Cnnton Tens in i packoge*. l Crushed and Clarified Sugars ; Kits No. 1 fine Mack-, tel} Cranberries, Tonrnts, O.ttsup,. bevt Havnhna, .-'egars, Georgia and A ignsta Brand imported d.roet by Messis. W. S & J. H: Hoburts—jutlgcsand fastidi ous smokers prohoutve the best in Rome. Extra cuted hams, fine Wines and Pale Rram dy, best sugar hou^e Syrup, Lotf Sugir snd t^yrup. Also a general assortin.-nt of cheap Liquors, Augurs, Coffee, Paints, all colors, in oil nnd dry, fire-p*roof Lin Oil. Conch VarnO-h, (Copnl) Varnish and Tur pentine by the gallon. 1 (EP WuvA-to buy through the yenr Bacqh, Lard Meal, Corn, VVheat, Hides, Feathe s, Flour and Pfo- vLions gem-roily. Mnvch 13, 1851. V GREEABLY to nn order of the honorable the In lerior Court of Floyd cohnty when sitting hs a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Juno nost, the Court House door in the City of Romo, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale the following city lot, to wit: No. 23, in the Coosa Division of faid city of R-unc.. Sold for the benefit pf Sarah A. and Wesley 3. Trotjt, minor orphans o Tilmnn Trout, late of said county, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. A. arch 13,1851. SAM’L STE>VART, Guar. TO PLANTERS. . T HE umlerslaned can be found on Court Street, In tho renr of the llilhttrn House, where he Ib pre pared to execute oil kind* of BLACKSMITH WORK iit tlie vcty be.*t stylo and'st reduced, prices. 30 per eont dedurted from the usual charges for (tosh reoeiv- e<J for work Turning Plows Ol a superior quality manuikctarcJ ay tho undersign- ctl. T ; Horstt Shoeing (executed by a .-Ulful workinnn, and In (net, nil klada 8} vv.irk will be finished in n wo kinnnliko maant-r, Siiiliutlie notice. Cali and examine for your- a-lvea... . N.DUDLEY. (.JRqtn,., March J3,1S51. . . NEW SPRING GOODS. TI'ST received, fun: Primed Muslins, for Spring, U .luckooet and Alu.liua anil Iaenlngs, nt mm G. F. M. ALLEN'S. JESSE LAMBERTH& CO. Broad Street. Rome, Georgia. R espectfully th y are now opening announce to the public that ing and will keep constantly on hand, a lorje and well selected stock of lUmdy-Mudt! Cluiliinti, of every deiscription. Also Hats and Cape, Boot* nnd Blmcs, Umbrellas, Trunks and Lurpet Bags. To- gulte* with n well selected stock of Lndius and Misses Straw nnd Satin Bonnets, Ladies ana Mis cs Satin and Lasting Gaiter** and Bu-kin4, Ties, Slippers nnd Walking Shoes ; Also Parasols, Gloves,vnlits, Fans, ombs, (tec.* March 13, 1851. 150’ CORN- BUSHELS Corn for sale, at P. M. ALLEN’S. A LOT of superior Pianos fo snlent OSGOOD, Ahr OBROOK fc CO. r UO^E who wish the best upland Cotton Seed in the world hnc h tt-.T apply soon at OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO. . March 20, 1351. MAT p™gfgl! New and Splendid Summer Styles—Delict and Cheaper than cocr. M. STERN & CO. W OULO ri-ope«»»faby W'»».♦!»«:r-irianJg. ijjp public that they h ive just returned from New* York and J'h.lndelj hi t, nnd openc'l u s. lcn’tlitl assoit; merit of Goods, ml : pted to ihesea-oir; conslstmg. m part, of Superior spring and summer silks, »s nlsi^ vety large nssdnmeitt of lawns, giagluims, -prints, | hcoc^.tec.' TO THE LiU>IEL. Their st ck of fiificy u.iiulcs om) Jewelry will • be foquij to h* eqq >1 to miy in the Mate of G orgin.— L'he:r nssortui' nt i eonipo nl of gold tutu silver wntel- cs, r.nifs, efu rings, pencils, gold and silver bends, pu se riugsnnd t.ts eis, Lailiescomp injon, fancy rib- I»oih,trim•u.i:gs*, work-boxes, summer in.«ntillns; Ger- mun,- English nnd French penume' rind soups, firticy eolhtis, underlie ves; uotep pers, fancy envelopes, wor,*t.‘(l?, per.orated pnpe^.eurpet bogi*, fancy trunk^, brushes, Ai eoi de'on>, from nO c.s uj» to $35, parasols, kid, .-ilk and cotton gloves,bonnets. Indies’cape,Inc s, edjngs, m8ertin.;8, shoes, gidteis,nnd n grent ninny other _ooil.< impossible to be enumerated in nn adver- tiseiuetit. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS O, our qwu n> oujfifciurc .it wholesnlo pile-, s wh » may be in want of good and cheap clothing, would find it to their advantage to call on u , u clots ng elr-i where, as they Imvri an mire new, s; lendid nod la-ge st.iek of re uty-mnde loth ngoi all sizes style- n. d qmtli ie.**-, ns also extra ei, cs fur cliililred, c .pinna)et»c,d tab d’ te, queen’s cloth guld, HI vex-and sfe. I mixftl tweed |ih>n, tec ‘.‘tee.— Pains of doesk.n. plain and fuiiey c.i ^ ir.e.e, drill, tec. VepiBof plik, sai.n, Valencia eai-hnie.ette, linen, M r sullies, tec Also nn ussoi’ini; tit yutAli’s itid servant^ cloth Lust niters c’lrf u,petid upon uiid ng them tn.ide tii splotid.d style) latest' Itifejiion and -uperior. wo.k* matisltlp.. However low the, we will also call the atten tion of thp public to o ir us Gentlemen's UUUI.I.S. Consisting of shirts, Standing poll ers, cravats,. Jenny Lind ti s, ihne/ silksuspendeis, fjortinvi'teous, Mon ey purses,pocket books, G ,000 snpdrjor segnrs of our manufacture, memorandum books,' wr.ting inaterinls, tec . tec ) always o» band an exte mive and fashion' able ns.**ortnj.-m of hnts, caps, IjooIf, shoes, traveling trunks wfilt secret springs, jinckjng t.links, valise-, cnlj.fel hngs, wulki.-gcaiics, tee. Prices not t-uqinssci' for ch apness. VVe are grateful for nst.encoqrngemcnt by oiir for tner custom, rs and split*.t n cont.i.uunceoi the same, and all who recommend their fr.etids t-i trude at this ettabl.shment, may depend upon'beirife dealt \yitliThiT- ly and honestly, mid rtf receiving for the}/ money Its full equivalent; and wo pledge ojirw lyes to tiss all hon orable means to give s.ttisliic.ioi) and deserve tho con* fidenc • of our pntrons. Co|j qt opr . smfilbbmi-uf and s.*e for yourselvdP. M.. bTER.N Sc CO.' Broad Street, Opposite fiie PostOflice. Rome, April 3, 1851. to iJio oonomblo* the Inferior eburt of Klojd county, when sitiingasn court j( ordinary, forlotive to sell a negro boy by tho name of llausom, belong ing tp the estate of. A. S; W. Johnson, juni 16, 1851. A. B, liEE^SHGuard- © aodv MEDICAL NOTICE. DRS. MELTON & WINN, H AVING nwodntwi Itieniaftroi InRcth.r in ih~ prnnicc orPkysic in Ellljnv, would re ptcifuHy In- fi,vm llie Ciiizens of G.liner and tlie oiljnininq rountlea llint lin y WVrei'Vetl loengntre In the practice of I’liV-iC MI|'U< I'V & ' > Th y have o i lianil n inrpe nail aj.) rail nssurtnient of Drnpf . n ttunieala, J50. fro Dr, Mi lton gr.idMM in lid- inburjx in.thu yenr I Si n,—was ntn-ndont pilyalclaji In V''ifsurgeonTn’'i'!'e"uidted Stntca Navy, and !a mivv amemberofth.. M'-dical. Soci ty of Lexin«ton Ky. Dr. Winn ia a graduate ofA'igmin Ga, anil hiB prnc- ii cil in G ,0 g'. and A'abaain with unrivaled aupceaa mid lias just rein, lied H am yl»U ngth • Chni liy Hospl- oi uf N w Orl .'ini anil the Am.'iicar. ho pllnl Ilf the West lndiea. wh -re he baa hail ill opP'nihiti t ofhe- doiiiing,fnmiliar with moat maUunai diacaa >. f thol .n- ttest oureoqgtly No pains will he aj oretl j ; art to 111.00,1,111011010 all who may cult- Objects o l iiarily W II in -et wi h prompt nit ntlon-, ,Un fll\ il, will fin 1 a iieal'lty amt pjenaant lomlion at 11 lei Ollii'c, w ,i.:h mny lie j'nimil on the Notlh Emit co ner of the public a tuare in Ellijay. March. 13, laSt. fit ^ sr- i % ? l p J r uj r - 5* ^ K ■= S -x 5 --& 2. os gcg. P^'=> s . t—I O B | ? P8 S4?fSgjSa.l g 5.^ 2 gas. LOST 0 N ihe 2Bih of Jaiipary Inet, a Calf-kin POCKET BOOK with .Twenty-five Dollar, In it, nndae- vcrnl Tinlea mid paperB Two mu n on Win. ‘Bnily, enclif rone hundred piVil twenty-n-vcn dollnra ami fifty c ma, both given in Febr ary, 18-19, one due Do- eemher 25, 1-49, and the other December 21, 18.50 5 nne.on ? th Wind for three hundred nml eighty-seven tioliars aiit| tiff cents, g.ven in ,1/nrch, 1850, nnd due tin- 25lh of Deccmlier thereafter 1 tvyo on Xichol .a Pyle, one f.r fifteen dollnra. given in the tall of (859. and dqc Dce.inber 25th thereim. r, nnd one or twenty ilollnre.ilpr December, 1*50, both given at the same time : and pm- oil Lemuel Parker, for l i .hty-nili: dol lars, g veil in the v’inier or l“4q| nnd doe liecember tliereaUer j and one execution on Wm. Si .„ for ten doll irs, olitnined in llie city of ilomo. inlnvor I fjnmeB Ellin, und two receipts from Japiea Gordyncr, Editcr of the Weekly Constituii linlist, nnd seine other pn : pms, I do not recollect oil. Thu Notes were given (0 myself, except the two on N. Pyle and the one given to John C. Coleipan, inid.two executions on Reuben Phil ips, obta tied jn Floyd county, the amounts I do not recollect, both in fnvoi t£<ti■■■■'■ ir-the Lpr 1D ve papers were lost in Ro PROVISION STORE. S. O. WELLS. B ACON, Lard; Cam. Flour, Wheat, Sugar, ColTre, Salt, nnd Molasses, Domestic Yarns, Cloth, Shoes and Leather, Dried Fruit, Dec/and Fish. Pure Port Mine, and Pule (Hard Brandy, Porter and Lemon Syrup. A small lot of Shorn ott consign ment. A few yonqg men can be accommodated witii Boarding. Mareu 0.1851. Vxranda Iiottax, Depot .'■■qita.e. ! DISSOLUTION T HE Firm of Soluvax, Cabot & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. T|ia now firm of . v ullivan, t'ahot <Sc Co. are nutiiorired to seitlo all the btialness of tho Into firm. F. I .Sui.urAK, ■ i F. M. Gabot, Rome, Jan. J, 1831. Ji. D. Duxcam. THE subscribers lraving purcltnaed tlie iiiteiTst. o|- H, D. Duiicnn in the lute linn of Sullirali, (Jnbot A- Co , will continue the. bd-incss on their own account, under tbotiame mid style of Bullhorn, t.-ahot .V Co. F. I SULLIVAN, F. M. CABOT Rome, Ga , Jan. I, J851. NOTICE. R ANAWA Y from tho subscriber on Wodncday, the llihult., u chestnut rionel AtAHE, shod nil round, mid I think n small while spot 111 the fore head With roll! J marks of gear. Any person taking' up said animal and giving me inforiimtioii of the srmc, will bo liberally reworded. Write to John son3 1 ost Olhce, Floyd cbuniy, G.t. Jan. 2, ,831 J°HN JOHNSON,P. M. DISSOLUTION. ’PHE Firm of Wm. E. Ai.EXAvt.EH fr Co. hiivlug L been lir a iluy d siolvod hy mutual consent, th bu-lnea* will Ire conllnucd at tlieold at rml, by R. 8. NORTON, where nn n-iortimnt will always be kepi os heretofore. The unsettled huslueisof the firm will receive th ntteptionof both, WM- E ALEXANDER. Jan. 30, 1831. R. H. NORTON. ~NEW GOODS If.YDpU Till: 3IAAOMC tlAIX. H J. JOHNSON IS now receiving a very larg > find the beet assorted A stock of Goods ever rice vo I by him, court-ting 6? nearlyovcrythlng usunlly koj-t by merchants. Domei. tic und stqplo goods, soma very low price for luboring hai.ila Genirent. n’s fine clieas Juods, well, asao.ted. Frencfi nnd English Clothn C.isahneres, Vest ngsand Summer Clothe, all direct f.ont the Importers. La- di. s fine dress goods, almost every dosertption, and la- teet and most Irishloimblc for .Spring uqd Sunmn r *• col ored plaid embroidered, plain and Swiss muslin nnd Lawns j Fancy silk tissues, Bariages, and a handsome asmrtmunt of Ginghams pf every description, all .di rect and of the latest importations. Ribbons, and a large stock of .worked coflais. caps, mantillas, visettes, und m iny. other artiet s too tedious to mention. La- die* best twisted silk Gloves nnd mils, colored funey. ft nd, lawn handkerchief, hoisery, tec. BONpfEJ 18—a fine stock colored satin, lace, gimp, «at|n fetrnw, Hungfiri tn, pearl and Spanish halrbnnnets.*s pearl audsafln straw and gimp UoiinaN. Bon net 8ilk^, llowejPti^tLLnings ; Ladies kid slippers and walking shoes j also n large stock ur Boats and fhoea fo ‘ gsutfetnen, fine and common, Rcndy-tnnde Clothing, summer lints, fine moleskin, fur mid silk hats. Crockery, China and glass wore, hardware, cutlery, snddjes, bridles, martingales -. also, a fine lot of sugar*, coffee and molasses will be sold vet) cheap'for cash only. He respect fill !y invites hi* Ibriner customers tind friends to give him a callj he is prepared nml will the best of bargains* A Bberal reduction will be tqado for o.\sh for nJI bills oyer $ ). Rome,mnreh27, 1851. NOTICE 1 S hereby given that Till notes nnd recount* hereto- ; w j‘ h F D i DICKERSON heve been a,- tuft u 'n lbi'aubseribaiv Persons owing the same ara requested to cqtne forward nt an only date and make payment to myself or J. D Dioker-on, who ia my autporired agent to collect nnd rcenot for .the TtlOS. D. SHELTON. Jun 7,1851 ROME -MALE~ACALEKy” > T HE Exercises oftlils Institution will be resum .1 on Monday the 2Utli ittat., to co.ilinno during i session of live months. ;The services of Mr. JOHN GOSMAN", n graduate «.f ftfucttiih’ have been aj- cured aa Assistsnr, ufid tire Teadlicrr pledge tliem- selves thnt no efforts on th -ir pn,. ahu.l be waMqg to render the School .worthy,of a liberal patronage. Be side* tin atudics comprised in n thoroughi lasricalaiid English eburs.-, partieuinr nttmilioh wiirbepaid td Book-kvepiifg, and m lha preparation of young men f-r bus incss. Those who desire to study French can tin so under a French Inatruetor. Tuition ns hereto- fore. S J. STEVENS,Principal. Rome, Oa.,Jen 2.1831. TPOl’tl months niter date upplloution will be msda A- to tiro honorable the lnlbribr Court. of Floyd roimty.H-hen silling in n conrl pf ordinary, far lea r« to -ell all the Inml and negroes belonging to the es tate of William J oiks, lata of. said county, deceaa d. THOMAS S; PRICE, . 7 , WILLIAM O. MILEi, t Aa “ » Jan. 25, 1851. NOTICE A LL persons imlebtcd to tho estato uf William -£X Jinks, late of Floyd cotiniy,deceased, will plesra call and make immediate payment, and those having claim, against said eitnie writ plouac present them in terms of the law. THOMAS S. PRICE, ) . , , WILLIAM (?. MILES, } Admra ~6 Wfc KEGS Nails, assorted; Foranle low.whoL* 1 i *J sale and retail, by* F. M. ALLEN. 10 DALES Factory Yarn, for Bale low b; Jan 2. F. M. A! LLEN.; M K BALES Bieaobed and Brown Homeapum .L from 3-1 to (1-4 wide, for aale law by Jfitt 2. F. M. ALLEN. 207 Jan 2. CASES .Men’, Boot, and,Shoe, for rale low » F.M. ALLEN. 1 A CASES Ladles' Walking altoes and kid Blip. J." pert from SO cents a pairup. Foranle by Jan 2. F. M. ALLEN. A FEW piece, 8-4 Bleached Linen diaper for ts- ^ible.etob.-very nlee-for sa'e^pw w HITE WINE and pu:a Cider Vineg»r,_for aale by F. M. ALLEN. LOOK BLFOkli YOU LEAP. At Number 4 Choice House. YITHERE you wilt find nny quantity of Pant, lor * * ealc by OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK Si CO. inarch 20. XTESTS for married and single, with a few to mar s' ry in, for sale by march 20 OSGOOD. ALSOBROOK le CO. KAA LUS. Hemlock sole Leather for aale. Ap. C5UIP p td F. At- ALLF.N Jan. 2 ^ PENMANSHIP- T\/l R. MoKOY'S fonrth Torni of Penmnnthip will 1*X commence in thliploco on Monday,3d of March FREE AND EASY. /~1 ALL at the Free & EoayHouae. 4 doors below the Choice Hotel, whero you will find a gcrirrol ... a rtment of Confectionaries, Fruits, die., of the very heatthatever has heen.and aa good naever can be offer ed In Rome. Sold low for cash. GEO. SHAW- Fob. 90,1561. qfctf QK JiUSHELS of first rate Corn ftlenl just rc- td .3 oelved and for sale by Fcti 20 G. SHAW. "little more an, bar'll nnd cross bar'd. Come and s"c. march 20 OAGOOD. ALROIIROOK CO, A SUPERIOR article of family Fleur, lor sale by Fob-SO . G. SHAW. , A GOOD'artlde of shelled Corn on Haul nnd-far OATS to innti h, and n "little more an, plal snloby (J. SHAW, btird nml cross bar'd. Cmni» nnrl ■ ‘i*. Fell 20 ~i~TiriiOXEs^im^ior~SowYorkCbeiZeloFMieby yv „ . . 1U Feb 20 i ' - G. SHAW. propose ro dre-s any g ■mleman who mny de- * mST rate l .t of Bncon Just received and for * v sire fin *style,and at % low priue—after tn- Ba u u v G. SHAW, king c ire of the outward tnnn, wo will nourish his mind with good Books of all kinds. Wo wilL furnish stationary and fancy stationary, nnd all that kind of thing, very cheap, as tnny be provn by eniuiring at march 20 . OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK te CO 1000 ‘iFArgd *‘ 11 ' 10 bbl8, Ko ' 1 tMuokerel for sirte L'Mkm'bmJ O Feb 20 Firat rate article or Tobacco and Oigum always kept at SHAW S Feb20 - - -' -■■■■- - CX u , oil It nn ga. Sardine-. oke., "Hiy " , , 1 **’• c * b bo found at the FREE fr EASY HOUSE. Felt 20 ■ ■ - - —- YSTEUS, L'jbmere,-Shrimper Pig’s Feet, Egg,. fro served up In a superior manner at Rio FeU 3# FREE VV EASY HOUSE. ~BScror - ;—r™ 1 SJ> fkOfk LB^. Bacon, at 1 Ai,UUU March G. F. M. ALLEN’S. NOTICE. E SCAPED from mein Ron)*,oil tile-Jfth day of rebraary lust, a negro WOMAN named Juicy Amt. She gave me her name ns Mary Ann when brought to Jail . Stic was inken sick while in Jail, nnd for her benefit I took her lo my house. The said wo. man i-nboiit fidy years ojd, and aaya ahe belong, lo George W.M ine of Auga.-tn. Any information will be thankfnly received at Rome. Ga. Morch G, 1851.. D. D. DUKE, Jailor of Floyd eo. 0 MAIL ARRANGEMENT- POST-OFFICK, ROME, GA,) February 1,1851,. \ The Northern, Eistern and Southern- molls arrive daily, except Sundays, at P. M. Closes same days at A. M. Mode of conveyance,Rail Road Cars. ~ Western mail arrives daily; except Mondays, at H A, :M. Closes daily, except Sun.doys, at 2 F’.M. Mode of conveyance, Four Horse Post Coaches. Southwestern inai) arrives Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10 A. M. Closes Mondays, VVednes* days arid Fridays at 2 P. M. Mode of conveyance, Four Hprsc Post Conches. LnFayette mail,.via Summerville, Dirt Town, Mt. Hickory and Hardin's Mills* arrives Mondays arid Thursdays at \ P. M. Cli-eeq same days at 9 P. M. Cave Spring and Van’s Valley mails ‘urriv^ Tues days and Fridays at 11 4* Closes same doys ot 2 p.m. *' • ; Hermitage mail arrives on Thurs^oya at 11 A. M. Closes same dnys at 12 A.* M. California ai\dJoh.ueon , 8jnaila arrive on Fridays at 11 A. AI. Clones same days at 13 A. Af. TUOS. J. PERRY. P. M.. , FRESH ARRIVAL. At No: 2, Choice House. T UB undersigned would resiiecfully invite the c:ti z<*nsof Rome nml the surrounding countiy,to chI nnd examine his FRESH STOCK OF GOODS just received ann opened* consisting in part of the follow ing orticU-s, viz: ■ Refined, Crushed,Portorlco and N.Orleans Stignis Juvn.Rio and Laguira Coffee. .M lasses, Syr.tip. Rice, Cliees3, Sea-chocolate, Rni fIii*, • otsups, Pickl *s, Citron, Preserved Ciingo- ^pern^, Starr and Tallow Caricll.n, Family Flori Mackerel in bb's.,hnlf bbL , nnrl kilts, Butters, Pow der, .Shot nnd L^nd, Axes, Iron nnd N" Is, Bucket Brootntf, Factory ThrpBfI, Stone-ware, Boots, Bltos Hnts, Caps and Blankets, nnd many other articles not mentioned; all of which he will sell cheup for Cash, or in exchange for Country Produce. THOMAS J. VERDERY. Broad Street, Rome, Dec. 19,1850. 200fcgar B18T ”'flg^' B UILDERS of Store and Dwelling houses nrb In. vice J to examine samples of Mineral Knob J^ock. -white and dark, at F. M. ALLEN'S Feb 29 1831 - ' ■ SURGICAL NOTICE, D R. PAUL F. EVE accepted the Professorship ot Surgery in tho Medical Department of tho Uni versity of Louisville, Ky., only for the session ot Lec tures now closing, with the hope of betrefitting the health of his family ■, but no improvement hiving been produced by the ehnnge, lie tins rciurpeU to Au guste, and is prepared to resomo the Pr-icticc of Bur- S ’u!s Infirmary for Negroes is open for patients. Augusta Feb. 12, 1851. [March 6, 3m NOTICE, T HE Co-partnership existing heretofore between Battiy & Ban. having been dtaolved-by mutual eonsent, the business will be continued At the oldstond by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of, thp firm will receive the attention of. u« hath- _ G. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome, March 1, IS51. ROBTI BATTEY. JUST RECEIVED, B Y the Subscriber, in addition to hla former- Mock., n choice lot of Groceries; consisting, in part, of New Orleans, Porto Rico, Crushed, Refined Granulat ed Sugars ; Superior Rio Coffee, Sperm.'Star and Tnl- low Candles t 12 bbla* Irish; Potntofs, fur seed i 30 Sacks No. 1 Penfield Family Flour t nlso a choice lot al Liquors, Uhl Cognac Brandy, Old'Port, Pure Hol land Gin, Scotch Whiskey, and Domestic Liquors. Hardw ire, Blacksmith Tools, Hoes, Trace Ciuinx, Shovels Spades, Gnrdcn Rakes, Boots,Shoes and list*, All of which hmoflere fur solo on. as good term, IA -Jj they can b« boughtt in thp city. - Rome, March 6,1851, TKOS.J. VERDERY. Dree Bridgo Notice, 4 LL pi-rsana wh ’ have auhfOrihed to the i uitqing of a Frea P,rirlge oerqra tfie Etowah R : ver, will ' ip caliand pay the amount "if (h dr sqbaerjJtio. s GEORGIA-Eloya Ooanty. TT7TIEREAS, Joseph Dutham applies ▼ * Letters of Administration oh the estai D irham, late?.of said county, th These are* thorefore to cite n> singular the kindied^nhjjt t be nnd appear at ( mj ed jy. law, to showj Mlt