Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, April 10, 1851, Image 4

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J U T're.-eivc.l, and lor .-iilo.n fine supply of Music or the Piano Forte, cons.eting ot the latest Songs. Mfclics, Waltzes, tec. The subscriber being the authorised ngent of an extnsivo Music S tore, will rec-eivo orders nt all times for any particular kind of musiu. Also, Plano Fortes, Ouitats, or any kind of nroricnl instruments. Orders handed In will be thankfully received, and filled with the earliest dispatch. J. D. DICKERSON, Ag’t. October 31,1850. PAIL SUPPLIES. B ATTEY te BRO., Having received their Fall Supplies, invite attention to a large tttul well as* orted Stock of pure Drupe and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyc-Siufl>, Glnss, Brushes, Perfumery, Fancy rticles, etc., eta. Dec. 3. t'OSKEKY JVM5S & C > Warchons Commission Merchant! AUGUSTA, GA. T HE undersigned thankful for the liberal patronage of the past season, again ten ders their services to their friends and the public, in the sale ot Colton and other Pro duce, nt their Fire Proof Wnrchouse on Campbell street, whete their personal atten tion will be given to all business entrusted to them, and liberal Cash advances made on Produce when required. Orders for Bagging, Rope and family supplias, executed nt the lowest market price. JOHN COSKERY, A. G. JANES, THOS. W. COSKERY. Augusta, Sept. 19, 1850. 50tf bOH£?jftllG NEW TINDER THE SDN. GEORGE BONE R l-.St'ECTFULLY informs the Citizens of Floyd and the adjoining Counties, and tl,e p tblic gener ally, that ho haa peimanently located In the City of Rome, with the ititeutiun of carrying on iho CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS in all its various nt nnches. From his long ex|orb nee in one of the most extensive Carriage manufactories in the State of North Carolina, he flatters himself tbathe will be able to give entire eatisfaction to all who may feel disposed to test his mechanism. " Equaled by rtw and Excelled by none," is his motto, und in order to carry (his fully in to effect, he employs none taut first rale workmen in every uepnrtment of his business, from the turning of it common wngon-.poke, to a full trimmed Pleasure Carriage, lit connection with his establishment he has an extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate business and fill orders in work manlike style. He cordially invites tha public, und es pecially those who arc disposed to encourage 11 home manufactures” to give him a cull and examine his Car riages, Buggies anu Wagons, before purchasing else- wnere, as lie is determined to sell for cash or to punc tual customers, on as good terms ns can be obtained South of “ Macon anil Dickson’s Line." Repairing done to older, and in the shortest possi ble time. His establishment may he found in the immediate vicinity ofihe Rail Road Depot and next door to tile Ililburn House. Broad Street, Rome, Go. January 1st, 1851. iT. lie OR GOD LIVE OH. T HAT celebrated cure fdr Consumption, Scrofula In nil its Terms and various oilier dfa- cases, just received 20 gals, direct from tliu mantt- nictory of Hushton, Clark te Co.—warranted genu ine. For an re by BATTEY te BRO. Dec. 5, 1S50. Choice'$ Hotel Ran?' THE ATTENTION OF PHYSICIANS I S invited to onr /rn/i Supply of Drug* nnd Medi cine*, English und Antcricun Chemical*, Surgi cal Instrument*, Medical Buga, Homeopathic Cases, etc.. The price and quality cannot full to please all who wish unadultcred article*. A . RATS, Fashionable French Boot Maker. I 8.prepared to execute work In his line, in n nea 1 and substantial manner, and will be thankful for a liberal shore of the patronage oi Rome nnd vicinity lie may be found tit the room formerly occupied by the Courier Office, on Broad street. Rome, Jan. 23, 1831; PROSPECTUS or THE CUBAN LIBERATOR. A NEAT Book of 300 Octavo pages, descriptive of the Hand of Cuba, present and prospective, and every thing on about it: Price $1,payable, in nil instances, when subscribing, to ennhlc die Author to have the work in the finest style of tho arts. Besides the reading matter, additional pngea will in No. I Steel engravings, illustrute tnuhy curious and instructive, as well a* exciting scenes ; nnd prominent among them will bernota few Americans transported, grated, shot, and in dungeons and highwaya in chains, without committing any oflence-wlintevcr. Seconda rily, like illustrations will exhibit the author before tilo u Spadi$h Inquisitionsupposed by many to be ex ploded, and American Ladies and Gentlemen in tin- y anna piling bags of gold before the authorities for lifarclfase. .Confident of a patronage aa liberal as the subject is important. Editors who copy this, and Post Ahieters who “frank” rewlttsnccs, are tny agents, retaining 25 per cent commission for the same; and as all truth is excluded by the Government Censor front the Cuban press, and all people there afraid to talk, for a like reason, less is actually known of Cuba in the United States than even the re notest co ncr of the earth. It is time this should cease : respecting the garden spot of this earth, when once under American rule, end the latter ia os necesiur'y aa the former, and both ns certain aa the record of Genesis, containing the commands of Almighty God. EDWARD STIFF, Author of the “Texan Emigrant/’ nnd late Editor of the “Cherokee Sentinel/’ at Cedar Bluff, A la. P. S.—The day Ib not remote when I shall attend the Circuit Courts of DeKulb, Cherokee, tec., tec., in Alabama, and my f»iends will please have a goodly list of names for two purpoin ready. JOHN W. BUKNF/TT, Rome, Go., is the author ised Agent. March 0,1851. tf rendum Gin*. Not having got up n lor that piirpo*e, his sample (Jins, art y, rnd of no belter appearance, than GRISWOLD'S COTTON GIN. *]*HE increased demand tor these Gina rendered it nee * esaary for the proprh tor greatly to extend hi* works, which he Is doing witu entire new buildings, and supe rior new Machinery, on theC$ntral^Rajjrwnd^nt ^5^* the*city of Macon, ’ * " * • Theso are not Premium Gin*, fancy one expressly (or of the some q mliiy, ri„ those sent to his customer* nnd without saying hs makes the best performing Gin in u*e, deems it equiva lent to say, that his are in belter demand tlmn any other now in use—not having fniled within the Iasi five years to sell double as many b» any other Factory in tho State, and will guarantee those he is now manufacturing for the ensuing crop, are the best made Gins in Georgia nl the price, and worth as much to the purchaser, beet he can get in any Slate at any price. He would also caution Planters, not to purchase Gins wuh Water Boxes from any other Factory Ilian his, as he bos paid a high price for. and owns the exclusive right to Georgia far all the Water Boxes ever patented, and to the Oil saving Uoxes for the entire cotton melon; nnd.hereby notifies all who mnke, sell, or use Water Duxes or Oil* savers other than his F'ctury, they will be held accountable for dumages in conformity with the Pa tent laws of the country. Orders for Gins, by Mail, or through Agents, promptly executed, and delivered at the pusetmsers door, when not convenient to a Railroad Dei Feb. 27,1851- SAMI Griswoldvillk, Feb. 1S5I. WASHINGTON HALL, Atlanta, Georgia. T HIS HOTEL hnsbeeu newly fitted up and finely furnished for the accommodation of tho Travel- i ig Public, generally. Qcj- No pains will be spared tj render uli comfortable who inay give us a call. ICP Solvents nlwtiy» in attendance nt tho Cur* to convey baggage und conduct Passengers. JAMES LOYD, Proprietor. GEO. R. FRAZER, Superintended. N. B.—A new mid splendid BARBER SHOP •stilly uttnehed, under the some roof. Dec. 5,1S50. ly WILLIAM A. AND JOHN M. SANFORD- H AVING taken the HOTEL recently occupied by E. It. GARRETT, in Summerville, Ga. would respeotlully inform the travelling public that they are prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with a cull. Their House is large and commodious, and well suited for the comfort nnd convenience of families travelling the up country in tho pursuit of health nr pleasure', nnd their table furnished with the very best the country affords. ’I heir stables will be supplied with an abundance of provender and attend ed by fa.thfu! nnd efficient Ostlers. Their friends nnd acquaintances nrc cordially invited to cull and give them it trial, as no pains will be spared on their part to render all comfortable, Summerville, Ga Jan. 0, 1850. DB. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR. A SAFE nnd ccituin cure for consumption of th Lungs, spitting of blood, coughs, colds, Aathme pain in the aide, bronchitis, hooping cough, and nl. pulmonary olfactions. Ertracta from Cirtificatu Which can be seen in full by culling on the ngcht n getting u pamphlet. Mr. Adnm Harris, Assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New Yoik,soya; Dr. Rogers’Liverwort nnd Tnr cured a case of the moat distressing Asthma of twenty-six years standing. [signed] Adam Harris. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq,, of Cincinnati, says—I hud the consumption, attended with the most distres sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood fretn the lungs, nnd all my friends and physician* f ovo me up to die, yet a lew bottles of Dr. Rogers' liverwort und Tar restored me to perfect health 1 Gabriel Whitqhxad, Sworn to and subscribed this 27th day of Novem ber, 1840. H. E. Spencer, Mayor of Cinclnnutti* Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says—-I had the pulmonary consumption, attended with a most distressing cough, which reduced me to n mere skeleton, nnd although under the on re of on able physician [Prof. Harrison] 1 continued to grow worse, nnd gave up all hopea of recovery ! At this crisis I wns pesuuded to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort nnd Tar, which entirely healed my lungs and restored mo to perfect health, by the use ol a few bottles. [signed] Ann Child. 0j>- Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, aoys— Although it may seem unprofessional,!feel constrain ed to ptate that I used Ur. Rogers’ Liverwort Hnd Tnr in the case of Charles Wnde, who woo quite low with pulmonary consumption, with the happiest effect, alter tho usual remedies had failed. [signed] Wm. Richards, M. D The following ia written from Elizabethtown, Ky.i Your Dr. Roger’s Liverwort and Tnr gives great sat isfaction in this place. Dr. Hownrd prescribe* it, und p.onounces it one of tho best medicines in use. E. H. Hatch aft, Druggist. Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Patriot, Gallia county, O., writes -Dr. Rogers* Liverwort and Tnr haa been the tneunsolsnatohing my life from a premature grave! [signed] HENRY WISEMAN- Mr. Mcrriwvnther, of Denmark, Tenn., writes— Dr. Rogers*Liverwort and un.jwith grent success' A young man of this place, auppi sed by every one to be in the last stage of Consumption ! wns entirely cured by it* use! [signed] David Meruiweather, Druggist. Mr. H. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia. O., states— A gentleman of iny acquaintance, who wus appa rently in the Inst stage of the Consumption, was re stored to peifcet health by the use of Dr Rogers' Liv erwort and Tar. The euro was u moat extraordinary one. Dr! Wilson, tan old school Physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, O., writes—I have been the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman ior twelve years, and during that time sue ho* suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into pulmonory consumption ! She was eniirely cured by the u.«e of Dr Rogers* Li verwort and Tar. H. R. WILSON, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, That wherever Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort nnd twins 10 i» truly wonderful medicinal virtues. Be warned in Season I And neglect not Hint cough which is dully werker.- ing your cousiiimioii.iriitnting your throat nnd lung., nnd inviting on Hint drend disease, Consumption, when 80 soothing nnd healing n rsmedy cun he ob tained us Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort end Tnr. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations, Tho genuine article ia signed Andrew Rogers, on on the ongriivcil wmpper around each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $3. Sold wholesale an.t retail by SUrtVIL dr MEAD, 113 Chartres at., bet. Conti nnd fct. Louie, N. Oilcans, Sole agent, for the Soulhorn States, to whom all orders and applications for Agencies mutt be address- ed. GO- Fid by BATTEY Jr BRO., Rome,Gt. .Font* I re Sc Bro., Kingston, Gu. John t. Erwin, Cnssvlllc, J. J. Hopkins, Miinmcrvllle ; J. W. Robbins, Cave Spring | J. L. Elliot & Co., Cedar Bluff, Ala. LIVER COMPLAIN JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC NEYVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEY8, end eli ' diseases aris ing from s disor dered Liter or Sto mach, such as Constipi. I tion, Inward Pilet, Fullneie, or blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, l)i»» gust for food, Fullnnee or Weight |n the Stomach, Sour Eructations, sink ing or Fluttering .1 the Hi of the Stomach, Swimming of the Hoad, Hurried end Diffi cult Breathing, Flut tering, it the Heart, Cho. king or Suffocating Soueations when in a lying pasture, Dinmeee of vision. Dots or Webe before the Sight, Ferer and Dull Pain in the Heed, Deficiency of Peripirttion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Beck. Cheet, Limbs, dee., Sudden Flnshinge of Heel, Burning in Hie Flesh Constant imagining, of Evil,und, dm beIPerninnonllr Cured by lilt. HOOP 1.AN 11*S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, rRRFASED RT I)H. C. M, JACKSON, AT THE GBliMAN MEDICINE STORE. Mo, 130, Arch Slrcc, Philadelphia. Their power over the above dieeasee is not excel led, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United Stslea, as the cures attest, in many ceaes after skillful physicians hod failed, Tlte.o Bitter, ar. worthy Iho attention of inva lid., Poi.a.sing creel virtues in the reetificutinn of disuses of the Liver and lesser glnnds, exercis ing the most scutching power, in we.kneu and af fection. of the digestive organs, they ere, withal, safe, certain end pleasant, BEAD AND BE CONVINCED. J UST received by tho subscriber, direct from New York, n lurgo und .apply of Drug, nnd Medicines. J D. DICKERSON, Ag’t. July 25, 1S50 43 I ALI, AMD WINTER ROODS. ft. J. OMBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR, "TTAS now ori hand n wolf selected stock of Cloth*. JJ. Cassimcrcs nnd Vesting*, of every simile and plor. together with every other article usually kepi _ n *aiv establishment of this kind- These good, have been,selvctud by hi nisei f m New York, with grent care and purtijpulnr reference to the prevail- l Fashions. lie fa also prepared to nmmifiic- ; cloiliing in ti maimer and style not to be snr- l ill our largest and most fashionable cities, her 10 JSftf, IEL 8. PRINTUP he Southern Mutual Insurance t Rome, Ga. * by FIRE; also, LIVES of DAILY LINE OF FOUR HORSE POST COACHES. ROME! TO GUNTER'S LANDING. THE Proprietor takes plena a ure in announcing to tho pub lic, that he bn* re-established ihis line ol Four Horae Post Coaches, between the above points, connecting at Gunter’s Landing with the Decnt rMnil Boats, und nt Rome with the Rome Railroad. A line of Four Hoisc Conches from Montgomery, connects with the above route at Blue Pond ; leaving Blue Pond on the arrival ol the I’cnch from Gunter’s Landing, on Mondays, Wednesday* nnd Friday*, at 12 P. M.— Fare—Montgomery to Huntsville $20; to Nashville $23. A tri-wyekly line of Four Horae Coaches is now in operation Jiom Rome to. Jacksonville, which will be extended to Elytonn* soon a* the- connecting line to Tuscaloosa is stocked with Coaches; leaving Rome, Mondays, Wednesday* and Fridays, on the arrival of the Cars,nnd leavinj^Elyton Wednesdays, J- R. POWELL. R Fridays nnd Sundays, at 8 A. Feb 0,1851 , AT HOME AGAHJ. R. HUDi»iN.> can be fouud at his Shop on . Broad Street, in the lower part of the City, pre pared to do any kind of work In the Carpenter’s line, and at hi* usual low piices Window NukIi, Blinds tec., will be kept constantly on hand. Per sona wishing wotk done in Ills line would do well to call and sec him bclorc making a trade elsewhere. Jun. 9,1331- Cm GEORGIA, Floyd County. Y\7 II EKE AH O. E. Payne, Executor of the last ’’ Will and testament of Samuel Payne, er. de- deceased, applies to me for letter, of Diami.cion from the further aun.ini.ttMion of said estate These are the efoie to cite nnd admonish oil and aing,ilar the kindred and creditors of said deceased Hi be nnd nppjorat my office within the time prescribed by ldsv to .hew cause, if any exist, why said letter, not be granted. Given under my hand at Of- llli. December. 185(1. -. Vi..; BPS CitAs. Robinson, F,sq. Easton, Md„ in a latter to Dr. Jackton, Jan. 0, 1850, said— “ My wife and myeell have received more bene fit Irtim your madioine than any other we have cv- er taken for the ICTDiapepaia and Liver diaoaae." “ The Tenth Legiuh,’’ published at Woodetock, Vn., Jen. 10,1850, said- •• A GREAT MEDICINE," •• We heve unilormly refreined Irom recommend ing to the pjhlic er.y of (he various Petent Medt- clnee of the pay, unless thoroughly convinced ot their vnluo. Among thnte we consider worthy nt notice ia the German Bitter., invented by Da. Hootland, and ptepnred by Dr. Jaekaon in Phila delphia- One inainnee In particular, in which the euperinr virtues ol this medicine have been tailed, haa (alien under our nbaervalion. During the last summer, a sun of Mr. Abraham t’rabill, ul thia coun ty, was very eeriouely afflicted with Liver Complaint nnd niter trying In vain varinue remedies, he pur chased a bottle of the Hitters, end after uaing it, was ao much relieved ol hie distressing malady, that ha procured another bottle, ond it restored hint en tirely to health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Juooa M. M. Noah, n gentleman with great sci entific and literary attainments, said in hie •• New York Woekly Meanings’,” January fi, 1850. " Da. lloorLAND'e Gasman Bitters.—Here is o preparation whioli tho leading preales in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, and tha ruaaon ia obviuua. It ia made attar a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians ol modern times, tho lets Dr- Chrialopher Wilhelm llnofland. Professor to the Untveraity of Jena, Pri vate Physician lo the King ol Prussia, .n-t one ol the greatest medical writer* Germany Itna ever pro duced He wee emphatically tho enemy nl hum bug, and therefore ■ medicine of which he wee the inventor end endorser Tnvy-tae L.nfidrnily r-liod on. He specially recommended it in Livor Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility Vtrtigo, Acidity nf the Stom ach, Constipation, and all complaints arising ftotn a disordered condition nf the stomach, the liver and tha intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of he excellence, andeeverat nfthc editors now .peak of it. effect. fYom their individual experience. Under these circumstance., tv. feel w.ranted. not only in celling the attontiun of our readers to the preeent proprietor's (Or. C. M. Jack- ion's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia NatuedatGaiette," the be«t fnmity new.paper published in the United States, the editor sayanf DR IIOOFLAND'8 GERMAN BITTERS. •• It ia seldom that we recommend what are term ed Patent Medicines lathe confidence nnd patron age of our readers; ond, Iher.lorc, when we recom mend Dr. Hnoffand'e German Bittera, we wish it to be diatinctly understood that we ere not speaking of tho nostrums of the day, that are noiied about fur tt brief period nnd then forgotten after they have done their guilty race ol mischief, bu. of a medi cine long eatabliehed. universally prised, and which no* me* mo iicuriy aVjuuvnt Ot tno ITfcCUfir lIBOlf Evidence upon evidence heebeen received (like tho foregoing) from ell sections ol ihe Union, in three yeere’’ end the strongest testimony in its la/nr is, tint there is moro ol it used in the practice ol thr regular Physicians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, n foci that con easily be eats- blithed, and fully proving that a scientific prepara tion will meet with their quiet approval wnen pn sented even in this form. Thu medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dia- pepsia no one can doubt, nltor using it aa directed It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver—it is preferable to calomel in all billioue dioceses—the effect i. immediate. They can be administered to prhalr <>r inpant with safety and rolitble benefit, at any lime- BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine lies attained that high character which is necessary for all medicines In attain In In duce counterfeiters to put lorth e spurious article at the risk of the lives oflhose who arc innocently de ceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have the written signature of C.M JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the rattle blown in the bottle, ffTwithnut which, they arc apunous. a Q) For sole wholesale and retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120, ARCH Street, one door below Stath. (late ol 378, Race street,) I'hiiadelphta, end by re. spertahie denters generally throughout the country. Alt,) for sslc by DR. J D. IJICKF-RSuN, Druggist, Rume.Ga. August I, 1850. 43 ly, HEALTH RESTORED ! BOTANIC INFIRMARY. T HE increasing popularity of tho reformed Bot&n Ic Practice of Medicine, and tho continued ap plication of patients for raedioal treatment, as well as prescriptions and medicine to distant patients, has induced the Proprcitor to mako moro oxtensive arrangements for the better and more comfortable accommodation of the afflicted, whore every varie ty of dlsoaso will be treated upon the moxt scien tific physiological principles. The reformed Prac tice ia becoming to be too well known and too high ly appreciated throughout our country, to roquiro euloglum or panegyric in this placo. It need* not tho aid of declamation to foster, to substantiate or enhance its value; i only claims for itself a fair investigation aud trial to be duly esteemed—and certainly it cannot be denied that. If the most vi olent opposition could have had its intended effect, tho system would long ago have boon annihilated. The argument in its favor ncucmulutesi when we contemplate this fact,.and still survey the rigid examination It is every where forced to pass thro* Like true friendship, it has thoroughly to bo tested “has over to undergo nnd withstand the shoot of adversity before It is justly entitled to tho name.** The Prnotlce having outlived the prejudices which in many instances ure too justly attached to it Irom being in the hands of Ignorant pretenders, where it was too oflen found in its infanoy in this country, it has been, nnd now is affording oxtrnordlnry re lief to sufferlngjhousands, while cures, In'some cases almost bordering on the miraculous, are be ing effected by its potent influence. The unnnrul- ieled success it has met in the hands of Dr. Jones, (whose course of treatment In many respects Is purely original,) has gained for him celebrity, far surpassing bis fondest expectations, nnd thousands are rejoicing under the benotloial effects of a Prac tice whoso tendency is to heal Without any of those disagreeable consequences which too olten follow the eradication of one disrate by the substitution of anothn. From the many testimonials which Dr.lms'Jones received of his unparalleled success, he has thought proper to Iny the following before a reflecting com munity. Tho statements here made aro not from persons who livooutof tho reach of enquiry, but they come from respectable citizens of our own country, whouun be seen and consulted personally, in reference to their true conditions, lOyspopila, Da. Jones—My Dear 8ln This is to certify that 1 wns, for some 15 or 20 yenrs, grievously afflicted with dyspepsia or indigestion. Mycu$c was one of u very distressing nature; for several years I was compelled to throw up every tiling thnt 1 eat, which kept me in quite a feeble and debilitated condition. Rut I am now proud to have it to say, that through tho blessings of Dr. Jones' Remedies, I teel that lam restored to a perfect state of health, uudthat, too, with but one month's supply of med icine, which 1ms proved to be the cheapest and best medicine 1 ever purchased* For tho truth of the above stutemont, nny one cun be satisfied by uppli- ontion to me near iNrt^Town P. O., j^loyd county, Ga. THOS. MIDDLE IV NEW BOOT AND SHOE ST0BE. rpilE subscriber would respectfully announce the -L citizen* of Rome and vicinity, thnt he has lust received and is now opening u lmge and splendid as sortment of Uoulft and ShiMMi, consisting of Bentltmeti's water-proof und dtess boots ladies boots and shoes, nnd every vuriety of boots and shoes for children. Also, a fine assortment of strong course shoes und boots for common wear. As he selected his stock in Cliiirlctitoit with grain cure he cun confidently recommend it to hi* friends and patrons, and will repair any rips without charge. He also has on hand an extensive supply of Hem- ock Bultimore upper and sole leather, fine o&lt skin, and a general his line which, together with his boots und shoes wiil be sold as ch* up as can bo bought in 'hi* market. He will continue to manufacture boots and shoes as heretofore to order, on reasonable terms. Thankful for past fa vors, be cordially invites hi* friends and ncqnaintan- ccs und the public generally to give him a call P, A. OMBERG Jan. 19,1851. DRAYING AND BOATING. f pHB undersigned thnnkful.for past favors, respect- J- Itally informs the citizens oi Rome nnd its vicin ity, the t he will suit continue his old bu fines* ol boat ing and drnying. He holds hims.fif in readiness to have Produce, Merchandize, tec., c<n?e/ed to nny —-‘ of the pity or^Country, and to furnish from his 1 " itanaulii River, Any quantity of Spinal Disease nnd MuproMed Menstrua 1 Hon* Dr. Jo.vrs—Dear Sir» Behoving it n duty I owe to the public, nnd in truo justice to yourself, 1 have thought proper, for the information of those who may bo afflicted, to give a candid statement of my negro girl June’s diseased state, brought on from an obstructed menses or monthly courses. She wns uuut'ked in November, 1848, with a severe puln in the back or the head, extending down the whole course of the spine, producing complete pnrulyza- tion of the left side, mid rendering it perfectly help less, nnd iu u short time she lost the use ol the whole system. She could not turn herself in or out of bed, was reduced to a porfeot skeleton, and to nil nppeumnee* past the reaoii of remedies. Uut I now, through the judicious and skillful applica tion of Hr. Jones' Remedies, consider her restored to n porfect state of heultli, lor which he will evur have my lasting gratitude. Should any one desire a confirmation of tho above stntemant, they can uddress mu nuur Summerville, Glmttooga co., Gu. March 7, 1850* WILLIAM STANTON. Disease of Stomuoli, Pplno nnd Hoad* For the benefit ofsufferiug humanity, I have thought proper to Iny my case before the public. Having been severely uffl-iatad for suvurnl years with a disease of the stomach, spine nnd head—to enumerate ull the long train of symptoms with which 1 was troubled, would occupy more spaoe than would be interesting Suffice it to say, that frequently nltor eating, 1 would be taken with vio lent nnd distressing sensations in the head und back of my n^ck, extending half way down the spine. At such times I was compelled to take rny bed. These spells usually continued for several hours, nnd were frequently so severe as to render life a burden. To obtain telief l had recourse ro the best medical aid the country afforded. Hnving tried the most skillful physicians in Home, 1 applied ot several of the most eminent professional men of the United State*. I wrote to Prof. Dudley, of Kentucky ; had the celebrated Dr. Mott, of New York, written to, uud his preseription tried; ap plied also to the much extolled Dr. Durham ; nnd then succexsivcly to Dr. Dugas, of Augusta, Dr. Bank*, of Gainesville, Dr. Fort, of Milledgeville, Dr. Catridgo, of Ghattooga county, and the reput ed Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon. All having failed to give relief, I finally, upon Dr. Jones, loca ting in Home, ventured on giving him a call. For the encouragement oi others, I urn happy to certify thut Dr. Jones has given mo more relief than all the rest combined. I can now sqy that my health i.u-**-. limit u tins neon lor several years past, i um uble to attend to my plantation affairs, and rido to Home, or nny wheroelse my business requires my personul attention (signed) JOEL MANN. Cures effected without seeing tho Patten Those persons living nt a distance, und cannot conveniently plaoe themselves under my immediate charge, may have their cuso strenled by sending me an accurate statement of symptoms, age, occupa tion, habits of life, tee. Medicines will be soien- tiffcully comnonunded,and neatly put up, with am ple written direction* for use, by the due observ ance of which distant patients may cure them- selvesofthe most complicated and obstinate disease, though it would be much better for the patient to ap ply personally, if possible; becuuse he will then enjoy all tho advantages of Hr. Jones’ personul acquain tance with the peculiarities of the case. Since the reducticn of postage, tne expense of sending-medi cines by mail is but trifling, My chutge, in nil cuses not requiring my personal attendance, fa FIVE DOLLARS FOR .VIED1C1NE6 TO LAM’ A MONTH. This fee must invariably be enclosed in the letter asking advice, in order to insure attention, directed, post-paid, to Dr. D. S. Jones, Homo, Ga. Persons owning afflicted slaves, can have thorn treated at my Infirmary, or medicines sent them ns above stuted. D. 8 JONES, M. D To the Friends of Medical Beform. T HE oft and repeated calls to vfait patients at a dis tance m the country, hn* induced ih • subscriber to unite with hitn in the practice of medicine, Dr. H. B. RANSOM, late of Monroe, Walton county, Georgia, whose qualifications are of the first order, liov- M irncticed for several year* with flotteringsucee** iddle Georgia, where his reputation as a. prac titioner, is beet known and appreciated 1 will also take this method of refit** ng my most grateful acknowledgement* to my patrons for past invors, and still solicit a continuance of the tame. In connection with the above named gentleman, 1 will be prepared at all times lo attend to calls in reasona ble distance, and when necessary, the services of both will bo tendered in consultation without additional charge. ' D. S. JONES Rome, Ga., October 21, 1850. tf BANKS A EDDLEMAN, DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER. PEGS. SHOE-MAKKH’8 TOOLS, <&c. Atlanta, Ga., B AVE on band a large stock of Leather, Lasts, Pegs, Findings, Tools, tec., and will fill orders et Augusta price*, with the freight added. Shoe-Ma- At rsin Cherokee Georgia and Alabama would do well (otry them, as they might“go fartherand fare worse.” They also hove a large stock of well assorted Boots and Shoe*, mode expressly for them, which they will warrant. They are superior,and no mistake, and will he sold cheap Also, jfcjitvy doubled sole Negro Shoes, manfaotur- ed by ■ ** in Atlanta. These ore far superior, to any/P*”?/?* before offered in this part of the Massqcn uselt**,,, necoraraodoting terras. X VfrO AAke to orderIfine single' Clulllever; TMlmb Ajjuc. Inter millCTit & Remittent VevCrs & all the various forms of BiliousJDisenses SFEKD1LY&TII0K0UfiHLY h'tirn C URE D k r °%’oorrsliuLaCAuA’'’ .■ tCPThc ItcatorlliR influence of ihie med icine upon constitution! impaired end injured by e residence in bilious climates, is uno ot its moil valuable qualities. There ere many constitutions which bccumo gradually undermined by musmil causes, without even a day’s actual confinement. The isllow complexion, lose o r appetite, languor, weariness end depression of spirits,—all yield to this remedy if only faithfully used according to Ihe directions of the pamphlet which accompanies each buttle. A email Treatise on the "causos, treatment and ure of Fever and Ague, and other diaenaes of bil. ions climates,’’ may be had gratis of the under signed. Also numerous certificates from man of ll.c highest responsibility, testifying to the greet efficacy of this mediolnecen be seen on oplication J. D. DICKERSON, Agent for Rome tie. March 3, 1649 31—8m' How lew who think nrlglitnmong tho thinking few How t,.nny never think, but only think they do.” OO-Tuk sentiment implied in the tbovo exclam ation is on no subject moro fully exemplified than on thnt of Health. But few give It a single thought, nnd fewer still reflect upon it witlt the observation and good sense which muttersofminorconsequence recotve. As observation teachers the fact that Dr. milESE PI.AS1 ERS possess the advantage of A bffitlir mil lin in *lr.finlii - .1 •k fSs&JrZ-lill ana 011 *' xta ™l n9 whativtt. WHERE THIS PLASTER* 18 APPLIED, pain cannot exist. A gentleman in the South of Europe end Ptlei- •ne, in 1830. heard so much said In the latter piers n livor ol JEW DAVID’S PLASTER, end ol he (as he considered) miraculous cures it had pet-'' formed, that he wee induced lo try if on his owu v percon, for t Lung and Liver Affection, the removal -of which hod been the chief object ol hie journey, but which had rcaictcd the genial and dcliciou' clitno. Ilo accordingly applied a piaster on the right' •ide ol bis cheat where (be pain wts seated, another' between the ahdaldora, end ond over the region of- the liver. In the meantime he drank freely of aif« herb tea of laxative qualities. He toon found hie ’ health improving, and in a few weoke hie cdugh left< him; the eallowncss ol hie akin disappeared, bis- pnm wnB removed, aud his health became perma nently reinstated. w i tig dy in Foverand Agile,“good senso woultl surely indicate Its prompt and immediate use. To be found at J. D. DICKERSON’S Mav 3, Agent lor the Proprietor OOLIVElt COMPLAINTS or bilious climates arise frum tho snma onuses which produce Fever und Ague, and are cured with the snino certainty by Dr Osgood's India Chnlttgogue. Even alter the Liver has become mueh enlarged nnd tender upon pressure, it is In n lew weeks restored to Us natural size, soreness and pain in the side relieved with vuch general improvement as denotes returning health. The above highly vulimble preparation may ound at tho Drug Store of J. D. DICKER80N; May 3, Agent for the Proprietor, Rome, Ga MEMPHIS INSTITUTE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HE regular courao of Lectures in this Institute will commence on the First of November, und continue until the last of February. The Anatom ical Department will be opened und ready to receive students by the First of October. Tho Medical Ue partment will be under the direction ot ihe follow mg PltOFKSSSOR*. J. Conquest Gitoss. M. D., Professor of tho In stitutes ol Medicine, und Medical Jurisprudence. W. Utrd Pown.L, M. D.» Prolessor of Cerebral Physiology, Medical Geology, nnd Mineralogy. R,S Newton, M, D., Profu<spr ol>urgery. H. J. IIutCE, M. D., Prolessor of Theory und Practice oi Medicine. J. A. Wilson, M. D., Professor of Obstetric* nnd Discuses ol Women and Children. J, Kino, M. D,, Professor ol Materia Median, and Therapeutics. Z. Freeman, M. U., Professor oi Anatomy, J. Milton Sasders, M. D., Professor ot CUcmfa- tiy anJ Pharmacy. CMiMQiii: ms- tukes, Medicine—Prof. H J Suna *ry—Prof. R. 8. Newton. Anatomical Demonstrator—Z Freeman, M D The feci for a full course of lectures amount to #105. Mutrioulntor's #5; Demonstrator's Fee, $10, Graduation, #30. Those* dosiring fur-her information will plonse •ddress (post paid) to the Dean; am! students arri ving in the city will pleuse call on iiim nt the Hotel R.S. NEWTON, M. D , Dean oftheFaculty LAW DEPARTMENT. Hon. E. W. M. Kino, Professor of Theory and Practice oi Lav/. Hon. V. D Barry, E*q., Professor of Commor- cinl Jurisprudence Terms—#50 per Session All communications pertaining to tUU depart ment must be uddreseed to E. Wi M. KING, Memphis, Tenn, July, 1850. TIih Faculties, ior intellectual abilities moral worth and prolVeaionai acquirements, will compan favorably with the most distinguished in uur coun try. The medtcrtl Inanity con*t>tuii a an anomaly ip this or any other country—ult ul them are uble Icc- • uteri and the best o( teachers Those who will contemplate uur geographical pu •ttion, and tha extern olour l opulaimn, can have no doubt aa to the eligibility ol uur -ituaiinn lor an eti: lorpriR oi the kind. As to beiiltli, iucuid ng .til sea sons ol the year, w deny that ANY otltRR CITY IIAS More. A common error exists in the minds of many students relative to the phi.,'; ol study mg; those who intend practising umong the the disease* ofthe I Pent and Mouth, should certainly educate themselves at u school vvlio-o Faculty are practi cally acquainted with those disuase*,. ’Unit the public may be sattatied of this ti-hool we foul it our duiy to state, that the Trustees and Faculty form a unit in action, which augurs well lor its future success; and that tho peculiar inter nal oraanixaimr which connects them, cannot be tcrrupicd. E, W. M. KING, President of the A/tmphi* Instiiu April 4, 1850, 84 J. J. COHEN'S CHEAP CASH STORE. T HE •ubacriber informs hi* friends and the public generally, that he has removed ids Store from the Corner of Broad and Etowah Str* ets, to the first ffrore below, in that part of the City called Pittsburg on the same side ofthe Street where he offers the same bar gains as ever. He has lately been joined in busipess by J. Jaraslnwsky, who Is well acquainted with the Southern trade, nnd ha* been the whole summer at the Noithom cities fer the purpose of selecting a choice Stock of Goods suitable for this market, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries of all description*. Carriage nnd oth.-r Hardware, Cutlery, and a large variety of car penter’s Tools, and other tools, tec., all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms by J. J. COHEN & Co. OO-We make no promises to the public to sell at, or undercoat, but invite one andoll to try us, as we are confident of giving satisfaction to every one. Dec. 4o, 1850. 9 ATLANTA IRON F0GNDEBY M ILLGEAUlNGof every description,Gin Gear- mg,Plates undBails, tec., tec , together with ail such other castings os are usually made at similar es tablishment*, will be manufactured to order on ac commodating terms, and warranted to be of th-* beat material, by A. LEYDEN teCO. Nov. 28. ly B ARK MILLS of different sizes, with all H e hi est Improvements. Apply at the Album iron Foundery. A. LEYDEN te CO. Nov. g*8 ly Iron Wo ter Wheels,of all sizes', for Flour and Saw Mills,tec., tec Nov. 28 1850. Apply at the Foundery of A LEYDEN teCO. NEW ARRIVAL. HPHE undersigned begs leave to inform the JilSt J- citizens of Rome, its vicinity and the-'public generally, thnt he has just received and opened a uew Stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY ol the very la test paterns and finest style. His friends and acquain tances are cordially invited to give him a cull and ex amine hia assortment. - All kind* Of impairing done to or^er,and goods and work warranted. His establishment will be found a few doors above th« A Hj[burn House, being put up in air-tight boxoa—hence they re tain their full virtue in all climate.' We have ju.t received tha following to.ltmonial from C. C, Sel ler., >n eminent Uwver in .uceeeiful practice In Wilcox county, Alabama. Ho Ia a gentleman in high ttanding, and one u hoae influence baa greet weight! ‘Camden. Ala., Nov 94tb, 1848. Manana 800x11, & Mntn—Gamlomom—Hav ng been requested to elate whet haa been the re. •ult of my experience in ihe uae of your ‘Hebrew i’laator,' I cheerfully oomply by eaying that 1 have ‘ound i‘ to be » heretofore recommended, an ‘in valuable medicine’ In different caaeeof my lami- ly I have applied the Platter to Chronle Sorea, 1 union ond Pain., and it haa never failed to afford tnalant reliel. I have alto uted it with good effect upon my own peraen in Ihe cute ot ulcete, with which I have been severely afflicted. "Retpcctfully, etc. C. C. SELLERS." It haa been very beneficial in ca.e.of We.knet. •ueh at Pain and in the •lomaul., Weali Liniba, Lameiicaa, Affection of ilia Spine, Pamela. We.knear. &c. No remale, aubjeci to pain o. weeklies, in the back or aide., ahould ba without ir Hurried ladiea (n delicate attuaiiona, find great ra> liel Irom constantly wearing lliia platter. The application of the Platter between the altonl- dere haa Pien I,.nnd o eerttin remedy for Colda Cough., I'hthiiie and Lung Aflaeiione, in thatr primary stages it deatroya inflammation hypo .plrailorn Beware of Couulerfeits and Bast Imitations CAUTION.—Tne aub.eribera are theonlyGcn- eral Agentain the Southern Slate, lor the tale of this truly valuublu Planer; and in order to prevent purchasers being imposed apon. by a counterfeit article, 1 .Id In Ihie city and elaewhere. tor Ihe oen uinb, they invite particular attention to Ihe lollow- tug Mtaas or tux Genuinxi S/MmoTA, .n/ffnt tuni- Si/. 77ir genuine has the enpavetl head oj Jew Da. aid on the directions, around Ihe box, with accom- IHtnying record of the Court <0 £. Toy for, Roches ter. u-st OVIL II MEAD. Charters Street, Whole •ale (general Agents lor the .Southern Rtetet, lo whom oil orders must be adilressed. Sold also. Wholesale anti Re .ail hv BAT’rti dt BunTnivR, Rome, Gw W. B. Slimmer., Kinyaton, Ga., J, D. Carpont >t. it Co.. Coa.vtle, Ga.. 8. W. Bobbins, Cave Spring, Gu., L. W. Davit, Villa Rlcai Ga. Al.KNl.' “I- . Dr. I'llihS Ctile|>i nlcd .Hedecluw Pulmonary Bntsuni. Derupiivo Syrup, j) Pectoral Expectorant, Hunrt Corrector, Pulmonary Liniment, Humor Corrector* Pure nnd Medinlmtl Cod Livor Oil, , f# 4 Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough und CaUiiirtic Pill, Nervine, Fenrale l’llla, . ' Vermifuge, Femule Specific, tec.. See. Used by him constantly nnd with unprecodeijtesi success :n the treatment of ■ - Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, i Diseases, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Skits ■ Diseases, Rheumatism,Female Com- ’ItM plaints, Piles, 8fc., fife. • DR. FITCH’S UNEQUALLED PATENT 81L . VEU PLATED ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. UK. FITCH’S IMPROVED PLATED STE SPRING SHOULDER BRACE. , DR. FITCH’S SILVER INHALING TUBEo? 7S Dr. Fill'll'* Celebrated tils Lectures. ' ON THE 1‘REVENTION AND CUBE OF ■=. '' Consumption, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart fyc., and on the melhcd of preserving Health and Beauty to an old oge. This Book should bo in every family. To the Consumptive it points out the only reasonaUe hope lor relief. To mothers, the directions it gives for the care nnd cduoation of Children are .nvaliable, 73,000 copies of this Book have passed through tha press, and the sale oodtintics unabated. For sate by S. S. FITCH Sc go.. -w 707 Broadway, N, Y„ and bv ’ J.D. DICKERSON, Rome, G«. ; CO Da Fitch’s Guide to Invalids, or Dlrectinnh persons using Dr. Fitch’s Remedies, to be lnd, at of all bis Agents. ' ’yv> Professor Harry's Trlcaphereiin or Medio cuiod Compound. I NFALIBLE for renewing, invigorating and beautifying the hair, removing scurf Dandruff, and all aflections of the Scalp, ana curing eruptions on the akin, diseases of tho^ glands, muscles and integuments, and reliei 1 ing stings, cuts, bruises, spains, &c be - With this preparation, “ there js< no sue wot d as fail.” It has obtained the high* celebrity among the first classes in the Ua_ ted States and stands (tnri vailed in all that I professes to be, both fc cheapness and dR cacy, it defies all competition. The seig tide treatise.on the hair and skin (embracic valuable directions for the culture ond 1 servation of natures choicest ornament) which each bottle is enclosed, is alone v the money. It is upon.the skin, the mi. lar fibre, nnd the glands that the Tricop ous has ilsspecific action,andin allg-* ' and injuries of these organs, it is remedy. Sold in large bottles, price 25 the principal office 137, Broadwav and the principil men'hants and throughout th. United tates andf J D. DI( XER3C" Ap- il 25. Georg W HEREAS, Joseph'Waiter/,l the estate of Granberry ViJ plies to me for Letters of Diamiaait administration of the unit— These ere, thcrelore. to cite end eingulur the kindp*d eatfo Ml.