Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, April 24, 1851, Image 4

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New Music* J UST received, and for sale,a fire supply of Musci or the Piano Forte, consisting ol the latest Songs, Mfchca, Wahz«**,fcc. The subscriber being the authorised agent of an •xtnsive Music S tore, will receive orders at oil times fir any particular kind of music. Also, Piano Fortes, Gullets, or anylkind of musical instruments. Orders handed in will be thankfully received, and filled with the earliest dispatch. J. D. DICKERSON, Ag’t. October 31, 1S50. FALL SUPPLIES. B ATTF.Y vC BRO., liaving received their Fall Supplies, invite attention to a large and well as sorted Stock of /are Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Pyo-S.ufiV, Glass, Brushes, Perfumery, Fancy article?, etc., otr. Dec.' 5. CQSKEKY JA.VHB & CO Warehous Commission Mcrciimits AUGUSTA, C.A. T UI? undersigned thankful for the liberal patronage of the past season, again ten ders their services to their friends and the public, in the sale o! Cotton and other l’ro duce, at their Fire Proof Warehouse on stroel, wheto their petsonnl atten tion will be given to all business entrusted to them, and liberal Cash ndvancea made on Produce when re juirod. Orders for Bagging, Slope and family supplies, executed at the lowest market price. JOHN COSKERY, A. Q. JANES, l'HOS. \V. COSKERY. Augusta, Sept. 11), 1850. 50tf “COD LIVE, OIL. T HAT ceicbrated cure Tor Consumption, Scrofula In nil its forms and various oilier dis- eM(l,just received 20 guts, direct from tlio itmntt- aictory of llushton, Clark & Co —warranted genu ine. p„r ,nfo by I1ATTKY in BUO. Dec. 3, IsfiO. Choice's Z/ctW /bin** SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN, GEORGE BONE R ESPECTFULLY informs tho Citizens of Floyd nnd the ndjouutig Countie?, and the p-jblic gener- ally, that lie has pctinanently located in the City of Rome, with the intention of carrying on the CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS in all its various tirnnchcs. From his long experience in one of the most extensive Carriage manufactories in the State of North Carolina, lie flatters himself that he will he able to give entire satisfaction to all who may foci disposed to test his mechanism. “ Equaled by few and Excelled by none,” is his motto, and in order to carry this fully in to effect, he employs none but first rate workmen in every department of his business, from the turning of a common wngon-spoke, to a full trimmed Pleasure Carriage. In connection with his establishment he lias nn extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate business and fill orders in work- manMke style, He cordially invites the public, nnd es pecially those who arc disposed to encourage “ home manufactures*’ to give him a cull nnd examine his Car riages, Buggies amt Wagons, before purchasing else- wnerc, ns ho is determined to sell for cash or to pune tual customers, on ns good terms ns can be obtained South of “ Mason and Dickson’s Line.” Repairing done to order, nnd in the shortest possi hie time, liis establishment may be found in the immediate vicinity of the Rail Road Depot and next door to the 11ilburn House. Broad Street, Rotne.Gn. January 1st, 1851. THE ATTENTION OF PHYSICIANS I S invited to one fresh supply of Drugs nnd Medi cines, English and American t hemienls, 8iirgi* e&lInstruments, Medical Bags, Homeopathic CnM’8, etc.. The price and quality cannot full to please nil who wish unudultcrcd articles. A. HATS, 7 Fashionable French Boot Maker. I S prepnred to execute work in his lino, in a neat ami substantial manner, and will be thankful fur a liberal share of the patronage ot Rome and vicinity He may be found at the room formerly occupied by the Courier Office, on Broad street. Rome, Jan. S3, 1851; PROSPECTUS OF TUB CUBAN LIBERATOR. A NEAT Book of 300 Octavo pages, descriptiv of the Island of Cuba, present nnd prospective, and every thing on about it: Price $1,payable, in ail instances, when subscribing, to enable the Author to hatJ the work in the finest style of the arts. Besides the rending matter, additional pages will in No. I Steel engravings, illustrate many curious nnd instructive, as well ns exciting f-ccnes; and prominent among them will bernota few Americans transported, grated, shot, and in dungeons and highways in chains, WILLIAM A. AND JOHN M. SANFORD* H AVING taken the HOTEL recently occupied by LI. It. GARRETT, in Summerville, Go. would respectfully inform the travelling public that they ate prepared to nci-ominodate all who may favor them in call. Tln-ir House is large nnd commodious, and well suited for the comfort and convenience of families travelling the up country in the pursuit of health or pleasure; nnd their tabic furnished with the very brit the country nfiords. Their stables will be supplied wi h on abundance of provender and attend* ed by faithful nnd efficient Or tiers. Their friends and acquaintances are cordially invited to call and give them a trial, as no pains will be spared on their port to render oil comfortable, Summerville, Ga. Jan. 0, 1830. DR. ROGERS* LIVERWORT AND TAR* A SAFE nnd certain cure for consumption of t Lungs, spitting of blood,coughs, colds, Asthma pain in the*side, bronchitis, hooping cough, and ni. pulmonary affections. Extracts from Certificates Which con he seen in full by calling on the agent getting a pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris, Asristant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospitul, New Yo»k, says; Dr. Rogers* Liverwort and Tar cured a case of tho most distressing Astlunn of twenty-six years standing. [signed] Adam Harris. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, snya—I had the consumption, attended with the most distres- sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood frein ilis lungs, nnd nil my friends and physicians gnvo ine up to die, yet a few bottles of Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar restoiecl me to perfect health l Gamuel Win to head, Sworn to nnd subscribed this 27th day of Novem ber, 1840. H. E. Spencer, Mayor of Cincinnati* Mis. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says—1 find the pulmonary consumption, attended with a most distressing cough, which reduced mo to u inert* skeleton. »»wl under the care of nn able physician [Prof. Harrison] 1 continued to grow worse, nnd gnvo up all hopes of recovery ! At this crisis 1 was persuaded to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort nnd Tar, which entirely healed my lungs and restored me to perfect health, by the use ol a few bottles. [signed] Ann Child. Qtj- Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says— Although it may seem unprofessional, I feci constrain ed to Matr that l used Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar in the ease of Charles Wade, who was quite low without committing any offence whatever. Seconda- . . ... rily, like illustrations will exhibit the author before with pulmonary consumption, w i iihe happiest effect, tUo"Si>ucii«/i Inquisitionsupposed by many to be ex Mler Hie usual remedies had fhiled. jiloded/and American Ladies and Gentlemen in Ha 1 vanim piling bogs of gold before the onthorities for hUrelease. Confident of a patronage os liberal ns the subject is Important, Editors who copy this, nnd Post .Masters who “frank” remittances, ore my agents, retaining 2.*5 per cent commission for the same; nnd ns nil truth is excluded by the Government Censor from the Cubnn press, and all peoplo there afraid to talk, for n like reason, less is actually known of Cuba in the United States than even the remotest co ner of the earth. Ills time this should cease : respecting the gnrden spot of this earth, when once under American rule, and the latter is os necessary os the former, ntul both •• certain aa the record of Genesis, containing the commands of Almighty God. EDWARD STIFF, Author of the “Texan Emigrant,” and late Editor of the “Cherokee Sentinel,” at Cedar Bluff, /lla. P. S,—The day is not remote when I shall attend the Circuit Courts of DeKnlb, Cherokee, dec., Arc., in Alabama, and my f.lends will please have a goodly list of names for two purposes rendy. JOHN W. BURNETT, Rome, Ga., is the author ised Agent. Match 0,1831. tf GRISWOLD’S COTTON GIN. r FHE increased demand tor these Gins rendered it nec * essary for the proprlr tor greatly to extend his works, which he is doing with entire new buildings, and supe rior new Machinery, on the Central Railroad, at Gris- woldvil.r, Jones comity. Goorgia, 8i miles cast from the city of Macon, These are not Premium Gins. Not having got up a fancy one expressly lor that purpose, his sample Gins, are of the same quality, rnd of no bolter appearatter, than those sent to his customers nnJ without saying he makes tho best performing Gin in use, deems it equiva lent to say, that his ore in hotter demand than any other nowin use—not having failed within the Inst fiveyenri to sell double os many a> any other Factory in the Sinte,. and will guarantee those he is now manufacturing for the ensuing crop, are the best made Gins In Georgia nt the price, and worth ns much to tho purchaser, it best he can get in any State at any price. He would also caution Planters not to purchase Ginn with Water Boxes from any other Factory than his, as he hoe paid o high price lor, nnd owns the exclusive right tu Georgia for all the Water Boxes over patented, nnd to the Oil saving Boxes for the entire cottun reidon; nnd hereby notifies oil who make, sell, or use Water Boxes or Oil* savers other than Ids Fectory, they will he held accountable for damnges in conformity with the Pa tent laws of the country. Orders for Gins by Mail, or through Agents, promptly •xscuted,and delivered at the pusciiaheis dour, when not convenient to o Railroad Depot or In tiding * Feb. 27,1851* SAMUEL GRISWOLD. Griswoldvillk, Feb. 1851. 10m. [signed] Wm. Richards, M* D The following is written from Elizabethtown, Ky.: Your Dr. Roger’s Liverwort nnd Tnr give? great sat isfaction in litis place. Dr. Howard prescribes it, and Vrouuunccs it one of the best medicines in use. E. II. Havoitaft, Druggist. Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Patriot, Gallia county, 0., writes -Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tnr has been the means olsnatching my life from n premature grave! [signed] HENRY WISEMAN* Mr. Merriweather, of Denmark, Tenn., writes— Dr. Rogers’Liverwort and inu jwitlt great success/ A young man of this place, suppi aed by every one to be in the lust stage of Consumption ! is entirely cured by its use ! [signed] Davip Mekriweatiibr, Druggist. Mr. H. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia, O., states— A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was appa rently in the last stage of the Consumption, was re stored to perfect health by the use of Dr Rogers’ Liv erwort nnd Tor. The cure was n most extraordinary one. Dri Wilson, tan old school Physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, G., writes—I have been the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman lor twelve years, and during that time alic has suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into pulmonary consumption ! 8J»e was enlirtly cured by the use of Dr Rogers’ Li verwort nnd Tor. H. R. WILSON, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, That wherever Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort nnd Tnr has been introduced, it is superceding every otli- or Cough Medicine before the public This is wholly owing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtues. Be warned in Season ! And neglect not that cough which is doily weaken ing your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, nnd inviting on that dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can bo ob tained us Dr. Rogers* Syrup of Liverwort and Tnr. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on on the engraved wi upper around each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold wholesale and retail by 3COVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres st., bet. Conti and St. Louis, N. Oileans, Sole agents for the Southern States, to whom nil orders nnd applications for Agencies must be address ed. Ctf* FRl by BATTEY & BRO., Rome, Gs. ,Fonv era A: Bio., Kingston, Ga. John K. Erwin, Cnssviile, J. J. Hopkins, Mtmmerville ; J. W. Robbins, Cave Spring ; J. L. Elliot & Co., Cedar BluflT, Ain. WASHINGTON HALL, Atlcntu, Georgia. T HIS HOTEL has been n-r.vly fitted up nnd finely furnished for the arcontr i-.dmiou of the Travel ing Public, generally. 03- N° pains will be spared ti render all comfortable who inay give us n coll. ldP Sorvants always in attendance nt the Cars to convey baggage and conduct Passengers. JAMES LOYD, Proprietor. GEO. R. FRAZER, Superintendant. N. B.—A now and splendid BARBER SHOP r •entiy attached, under the same roof. Dec. 5,1850. ly LIVER COMPLAINT. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC OR NEYVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, and ail diseases aris ing from a disor dered Liver or Sto*> mach, such a. Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fullness, or blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dim gust for food, Fullness or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Flut tering at tho Heart, Cho. king or Suffocating Seusationa when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever nnd Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of ihe Skin and EyeSj Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, L ; .mbs,&c., Sudden Flushings of Heat, Burning in the Flesh Constant imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, Cun bo IPormemcntly Cured by l)K. HOOF LAND’S Celebrated german hitters, TREPAKED DY DU. C. M, JACKSON, AT THE GBR MAN MEDICINE STORE\ No, 120, Arcli Strcte, IMiilucIcIpliin. Their power over the above diseases is not excel led, if vquntlcd, by any other preparation in the United Stntes J us the cures nttest, in many cases after skillful physicians had failed, These Bitters are worthy the attention oT inva lids. Possessing creot virtues in the rectification of diseases of tho Liver a..d lesser glands, exorcis ing the most searching powors in weakness ond af fections of the digestive organs, they ore, withal, safe, certain nnd pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Ciiab. Robinson, Esq , Easton, Md., in a letter to Dr. Jackson, Jan. 9, 1850, said— “ My wife nnd myself hnvo received more bene fit Irnm your medicino than any other we have ev* or taken for the (LTUyspepsia and Liver disease.” " Tub Tenth Legion," published at Woodstock, Va., Jan. 10, 1850, said— “A GREAT MEDICINE.” ” Wo hove uniformly refrained from recommend ing to the pjhlie ot.y of the various Patent Medi cines of thu day, unless thoroughly convinced of thotr value. Among those we consider worthy of notice is tho German Bitters, invented by Dr. IIoofuand, nnd prepnred Ly Dr. Jackson in Phila delphia. Ono instance in particular, in which the superior virtues ol this medicine have been tested, has fallen under our observation. During the last summer, a son of Mr. Abrahoin Crnhill^ of this coun ty, waa very seriously afflicted M,l-t t-ivar Complaint ond after lryi"« *»« * Q,rr Various remedies, tufpu. chased a bottlo of tho Bitters, and after using it, was so much relieved ol his distressing malady, that ho procured another bottle, nnd it restored hirn en tirely to health.” READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judor M. M. Noah, n gentleman with great sci entific and literary attainments, said in his •• New York Weekly Messengo-,” January f», 1850, Dr. Hoofi.and’s Gasman Bitters.— Hero is n preparation which tho leading presses in the Union appear to he unanimous m recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made niter a prescription furnished by one of (he most celebra’ed physician- 0! modern tunes, the lato Dr Christopher Wilhelm llnofiatid, Processor to the Univorsit) of Jena, Pri vate Physician to tho King ol Prussia, an t one of the greatest medical writers Germany has orer pro. duced He was emphatically tho enemy of hum- nua.nnd therefore a medicine of which he was the inventor nnd endorser may be confidently relied on. He specially recommended it in Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Debility Virtigo, Acidity of the Stom ach, Gonslipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and tho intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, nnd several of the editors now *peak of itn effects from tlioir individual experience. Under these circumstances, we feel warnmed, not only in colling the •ttontion of our readers to the present proprietor’s (Dr. C. M. Jack- i’s) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted.” MORE EVIDENCE. The “Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,” the best family newspaper published in the United States^ tho editor says of DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. * It is seldom that we recommend what are term- d Patent Medicinos to the confidence nnd patron ago of our renders; and, therefore, when we recom mend Dr. Iloofland’s German Bitters, wo wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of tho nostrums of the day, that ore noised about for a brief period and thoi forgotten after they have done their guilty race ol mischief, but of a modi* cine long established^ universally prized, and which has met (he hearty approval of (he Faculty itself. Evidence upon cvidonce has been received (like the feregoing) from all sections of the Union, in three years 4 * and the strongest testimony in its favor iBj that 1 bore is moro ol it used in the practice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia than oil other nostrums combinod, a fact that can easily be esta blished, and fully proving that a scientific prepara tion will meet with their quiet approval when pre sented even in this form. This medicine will euro Liver Complaint nnd Dis- pepsin no one can doubt, alter using it as directed It nets specifically upon the stomoch nnd hvor—it is preferable to cnlontel in oil biliious diseases—the effect is immediate. They can bn administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. HEALTH RESTORED! BOTANIC INFIRMARY. T HE Increasing popularity of tho roformed Botan ic Prnotico 6f Medicine, nnd the continued ap plication of patients for mcdicnltreatment, ns well as prescriptions nnd medipine to distant patients, has induced the Propreitor to mnko more extensive arrangements for tho butter nnd more comfortable accommodation of tho afflicted, where every varie ty of diseaso will bo treated upon the most scien tific physiological principles. The reformed Prac tice is becoming to be too well known and too high ly appreciated throughout our country, to require eulogium or panegyric in this placo. It needs not the aid of declamation to foster, to substantiate or enhance its value; i only claims for itself a fuir investigation and trial to be duly esteemed—and certainly it cannot bo denied that. If the most vi olent opposition could hnvo had its intended effect, the system would long ago have been annihilated. The argument in its favor ncuctnulntos, when we contemplate this fact, and still survey the rigid examination it is every where forced to pass thro’ Like true friendship, it lias thoroughly to be tested “lias ever to undergo nnd withstand tho shocK of adversity before it is justly entitled to the name.” Tho Practice having outlived tho prejudices which in innny instances are too justly attached to it from being in the hands of ignorant pretenders, where it was tooofien found in its infancy in this country, it lias been, nnd now is affording extrnordiury re lief to suffering thousands, while cures, in some cases almost bordering on tho miraculous, are be ing effected by Its potent influence. The unparal leled success It lias met in the hands of Dr. Jones, (whoso course of treatment in many respects is purely oi iginul,) lias gained for him celebrity, fnr surpassing his fondest expectations, nnd thousands arc rejoicing under the beneficial offects of a Prac tice whoso tendency is to heal without any of those disagreeable consequences which tco often follow the eradication of ono disease by the substitution of unothet. From the many testimonials which Dr.has Jones received of his unparalleled success, he has thought propor to lay tho following before a reflecting com munity. The statements hero made arc not from persons who live out of tho reach of enquiry, but they cotno from respectablu citizens of our own country, who can ho seen nnd consulted personally, in reference to their true conditions, Dyipoptla, Dr. Jones—My Dear Sir * This is to certify that was, for some 15 or 20 years, grievously afflicted with dyspepsia or indigestion. My case was one of a very distressing nature j for several years I was compelled to throw up every thing tlint 1 ent, which kept rn« in quite a feeble and debilitated condition. But I am now proud to lmvo it to say, that through tho blessings of Dr. Jones’ Remedies, I feel that lam restored to a perfect state of Itealth, and that, too, witli hut one month's supply of med icine, which lias proved to be tho cheapest and best medieinc I ever purchased. For tho truth of thu above statement, uiiy one can he satisfied by appli cation to me near Dirt Town P. O., Floyd county, Ga. THUS. MIDDLETON, J. I*. Spinal Disease mid SuprcaHed Menstrua tion. Dr. Jonrs—Dear Sir s Believing it a duty I owe to the public, and in true justice to yourself, I have thought proper, for the information of those who may be afflicted, to give a candid stuteincnt of my twgro girl Jane's diseased state, broughton from or monthly cou-■••• attacked hi No. 1R48. with » A Q Clulliltver, Dumb Ague, Intel millent & Remittent Tevers & all the various forms of Bilious Diseases r= SPEEDILY & TH0R0UGEQS DZTTIiq lletiorllig influence of this med icine upon constitutions impaired and injured by a residenceJn bilious climates, is one ol its most valuable qualities. There are many conatilutions which become gradually undermined by miasmal causes, without even a day’s actuol confinement. The sallow compluxion, loss o' bppotite, languor, weariness and depression of spirits,—oil yield to this remedy if only faithfully uted according to the directions of tho pamphlet which accompanies each bottle. A small Treatise on the “ooutcsr, treatment and 'mro of Feverand Aguo.and other diseases of bil. ious climates,” may he had Rraiis of the under- signed. Also numerous certificates from men of tl.o highest responsibility, testifying to the great efficacy of thin medicine can bo seen on aplication to J. D. DICKERSON, Agent for Romo Ga. March 2, 1849 31—fim “How low who think nrightamongtho thinking few How i,.uny never think, but only think they do.” $>*Tuk sentiment implied in tho above exclam ation Is on no subject more fully exemplified than on that of Health. But few give it a single thought, and fewer still reflect upon it with tho observation and good sense which matters ofminorconsequenor receive As observation teachers the fact that Dr. Osgood’s India Cholagogue is a never failing reme dy in Fever nnd Ague, good sense would surely indicutc Us prompt and immediate uso. To be found nt J. D. DICKERSON’S Mav 3, Agent for tho Proprietor Oqf-LIVER COMPLAINTS of bilious climates uriso from tho same causes which produce Fever and Ague, and are cured with the same certainty by Dr Osgood’s India Cholngogue. Even after the Liver bus become much enlarged and tender upon pressure, it is in a few weeks restored to its natural size, soreness and pain in the side relieved with uucli general improvement ns denotes returning health. Tho above highly valuable preparation may -mud at the Drug Store of J. D. DICKERSON, May 3, Agent for the Proprietor, Rome, Gn J UST received by the subscriber, direct from New York, a large and fresh supply of Drugs amJ Medicines. J D. DICKERSON, Ag’t. July 25,1850 43 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. N. J. OlBEItG, MERCHANT TAILOR. H AS how on hand a well selected stock of Cloths Caxsiinexes and Vestings, of every shade and color, together with every otliemrticle usually kepi in an establishment or this kind. These goods have been seleolud by himself m New York, with ireat earn mid particular rgfibsnco to the prevail- Fashions. Ktr is also ftreiinred to maiiufnc. clothing ina manner nnd style not to be sur- itt our largest and most (aslnonuble cities, iber 10 lS5f. S, PBINTUP ern Mutual Insurance G aL, LIVES of DAILY LINE OF FOUR HORSE POST COACHES. HOME TO GUNTER'S LANDING. THE Proprietor takes plena ure in announcing to-the pub lic, that he hns re-established his line of Four Horse Post Coaches, between the above points, connecting, nt Gunter’s Landing with the Decat r Mail Boats, and nt Rome with the Rome Railroad. A line of Four Horse Coaches from Montgomery, connects with the above route nt Blue Pond ; leaving Blue Pond arrival ol the Conch front Gunter’s Landing, on Mon'doys, Wednesdays nnd Friday?, at 12 P. M Fnre—Montgomery to Huntsville #20 ; to Nashville #25. A tri weekly line, of Four Horse Coaches is now in operation fiorn Rente to Jacksonville, which will be expended to Elytonus soon a* the connecting line to Tuscaloosa is stocked with Coaches ; leaving Rome, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, on the arrival of the Cars,nnd leaving Elylon Wednesday! Fridays and Sundays, at 8 A. M. Feb 0,1851 J. R. POWELL. AT HOMJTaGADL R R. HUDGINS can he found at his Shop c Broad Street, in the lower part of the City, pre pared to do any kind of work in the Carpenter’s line nnd nt his usual low prices Window Nuftll, Blinds &c., will he kept constantly on hand. Per sons wishing work done in his line would 10 call and see hint beiore making o trade elsewhere. Jun. 0,1351. Gin GEORGIA, Floyd County. TjmiEREAS O. E. Payne, Executor of the last v* Will and testament of Samuel Payne, sr. de deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of said estate. These ure theiefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said decs 0 and appear at iny office within the time present) lYilaw to shew cause,if nny exist, why said let be gran^-4. Given under my hand at j .RTH,c.< DEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high charncter which is necessary for all medicines to attain to in duce counterfeiters to put forth 0 spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who aro innocently de ceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have the written signature of C.M.JACKSON upon tho wrapper and tho name blown in the bottle O*wilhout which, limy are spurious..fp For sale wholesale nnd retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120, ARCH Street, one door below Sixth (Into of 278, Race street.) Philadelphia, nnd by re ipectahle dealers generally throughout the country Also for solo by DR.J. D. DICKERSON, Drugoist, Rome, Ga- August 1, 1850. 43 ly. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE* T HE subscriber would respectfully announce the citizens of Rome nnd vicinity, thnt he has lust received ond i? now opening u laigo and splendid ns- gortment of Uooltt mill Siloes, consisting ol sentletneu’s water-proof nnd dtess boot* ladies boots and shoes, and every variety of boots and shoes for children. Also, a fine assortment of strong course shoes and hoots for common wear. As ho selected his stock in Clisirl«i8toii witli gn at care lie can confidently recommend it to his friends and patrons, and will repair any rips without charge. He also has on hand nil extensive supply of Hem- ock Baltimore upper mid sole leather, fine calf skin, arid n general assortment of materials, in his line which, together with his boots and shoes will be sold as cheap ns can be bought in ’his market. He will continue to manufacture boots and shoes as heretofore to order, on ronsonable terms. Thankful for past fa vors, he cordially invites liis friends and ucqnaintan* ces nnd the public generally to give him a call. P, A. OMBERG Jun. 19,1851* URAYING AND BOATING* T HE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Rome and its vicinity, thu t they have entered into Co ai tnership for the purpose of boating anddray- tnemselvea in readiness to have Pro- She was back of Vlm 'heSa;-'iSiStWltb a severe pain in course of the spine, producingcontyYJL.!^. tion of the left side, and rendering it Perfectly lieiffi -ss, and in a short time she lost thu use ol tho hole system. She could not turn herself in or out of bed, was reduced to a perfect skeleton, nnd to all appearances past the reach of remedies. But 1 now, through the judicious and skillful applica tion of Hr. Jones’ Remedies, consider her restored to a perfect state of health, tor which lie will ever have my lasting gratitude. Should any one desire firnintion of tho above statement, they can address mu near Summerville, Cbattooga co., Ga. March 7, 1S50* WILLIAM STANTON. I>J*ca*o of Stomucli, Spine ttitil Head. For the benefit ofsutrcriug humanity, I have thought proper to lay my case before the publio. Having been severely afflicted for severul years with a disease of the stomach, spine and head—to enumerate all the long train of symptoms with which I was troubled, would occupy more space than would be interesting Suffice it to say, tlint frequently alter eating, l would be taken witli vio lent and distressing sensations in the bead and back of my neck, extending half way down the spine. At such times I was compelled to take my bed. These spells usually continued for several hours, nnd were frequently so severe aa to render life a burden. To obtain lulief I had recourse ro the best medical aid the country afforded. Having tried the most skillful physieinns in Rome, 1 applied ot sevornl of the most eminent professional men of the United States. I wrote to Prof. Hadley, of Kentucky *, had the celebrated Hr. Mott, of New York, written to, uttd bis prescription tried} ap plied also to the much extolled Hr. Hurliam j und then successively to Dr. Dugas, of Augusta, Dr. Banks, of Gainesville, Hr. Fort, of Milledgeville, Hr. C’utridgo, of Ghattooga county, und the reput ed Hr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon. All having failed to give relief, I finally, upon Dr. Jones, loca ting In Romo, ventured on giving him a call. For the encouragement of others, I am linppy to certify that Dr. Jones has given mo more relief than al! the rest combined. I can now say that my health is better than it has been for severul years past. I am able to attend to my plantation ulfairs, and ride to Rome, or any where else my business requires my personal attention (signed) JOEL MANN. Cures effected without teeing the Ptuiep Those persons living at a distance, and cannot conveniently place themselves under my immediate cliurge, may have their case strealed by Bonding ine an accurate statement of symptoms, age, occupa tion, habits of life, &c. Medicines will be scicu tiflcnlly componunded, and neatly put up, with am ple written directions for use, by the duo observ* unce of which distant patients may cure them selves of the most complicated nnd obstinate disease, though it would be much better for the patient to ap ply personally,if possible; because ho will then enjoy all the advantages of Hr. Jones’ personal aequain tance witli the peculiarities of the case. Since the reduction of postugu, tue expense of sending medi cines by mail is but trilling, My cliaigc, in ail cases not requiring my personal attendance, i: FIVE HOLLARS FOR MEDICINES TO LAST A MONTH. This fee must invariably be enolosed in the letter asking advice, in order to insure attention directed, post-paid, to Dr. D. S. Jones, Romo, Ga. Persons owning afflicted slaves, eau have them treated at my Infirmary, or medicine.*- sent them as above sluted. D. S. JONES, M. D To the Friends of Medical Beform, T HE oft and repeated cnlls to virit patients nt a dis tance in the country, has induced the subscriber to unite with him in the practice of medicine, Dr. IL B. RANSOM, late of Monroe, Walton county, Georgia whose qualifications are of the first order, liav ing practiced for several years with flatteringsucces: in Middle Georgia, where his reputation os a prac titioner, is best known and appreciated I will also take this method of retur- ng my most grateful acknowledgements to my patrons for past Invars, and still solicit a continuance of the same. In connection with the above named gentleman, I will be prepared at all times to attend to calls in reasona ble distance, and when necessary, the services of both will be tendered in consultation without additional charge. D. S. JONES. Rome, Ga., October 21, 1S50. tf MEMPHIS INSTITUTE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HE regular course of Lectures- 1 in this Institute will commence on the First of November, and continue until tho lust of February. The Anatom ical Department will bu opened und rendy to receive students by tiio First of October. The Medical De partment will be under the direction ol iho follow ing PUOFESSORS. J. Uo.nqukst Gnoss, M. D.. Professor of the In stitutes ol Medicine, and Medical Jurisprudence. W. Bvnu Powkll, M. D., Professor of Cerebral Physiology, Medical Geology, nnd Mineralogy. R. 8 Newton, M, D., Professor of Surgery. PrnctiW^ ul * c,! » l’rolossor of Theory and J. A. - Ulscnscsol Woman iinUCI>iltIrSir-UU>»>Stnc.iinil J. Kino, M. D,» Professor of Mater in Me»lTCirr4^Ut<iJj.iily_va hi ««h»t* Pi and Therapeutics. Z. Freeman, M. D., Professor ol Anatomy. J. Milton Sanders, M. D., Professor ol diemir-* tiy and Pharmacy. Li:> TI7KB*. Medicine—Prof. 11 J 8ukokry—Prof. U* 8. Newton. Anatomical Demonstrator—Z. Freeman, M U The* lees for a full course of lectures amount to #105. Matrioulator’s #5; Demonstrator’s Fee, #10. Graduation, #20. Those desiring furher information will please address (post paid) to the Dean; and students arri ving in the city will please call on aim at the Hotel R.8. NEWTON, M. D , Dean oftlie Faculty* LAW DEPARTMENT. Hon. E. W. M. Kino, Professor of Theory and Practice ol Law. Hon. V. D Barry, Esq., Professor ol Commor- iul Jurisprudence Terms—-#50 per Session. AH communications pertaining to this depart ment must be addressed to E. W M. KING, Memphis, Town, July, J850. TI10 Faculties, lor intellectual abilities moral ortli ami professional acquirements, will compere favorably witli the most distinguished in onr c«»un- medicnl faculty constituus an anomaly in Ilia or any other country—nil ol them ure able lee- tuters ond (lie best of teachers. Those who wilt contemplate onr geographical po sition. ond ihe extern of our population, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of our situation fer an en terprise ot the kind. As to health, inciud ng «H sco ot the year, w deny that any 01 her city has more. A common error exists in the minds of mnny indents relative to the place of studying medicine; those who intend practising among the the diseases oftlie IFostnnd 8outh, should certainly educate themselves at a school vvho-»o Facility ure practi- ully acquainted with those diseases. That the public may be satisfied ol this school we feel it our duly to state, that the Trustees and Faculty farm a unit in action, which augurs well lor its future success; and that tho peculiar inter nal organization which connects them, cannot be in terrupted. E, W. M. KING, President of lii0 AfHmphts Institu April 4, 1650, 64 J. J, COHEN’S CHEAP CASH STORE. T HE subscriber informs his friends and the public generally, that he has removed his Flore from the Corner of Broad nnd Etowah Streets, to the first 8 tore below, in that purl of the City called Pittsburg on the same side of the Street where he offers the same bar gains ns ever. He has lately been joined in business by J. Jaraslnwsky, who is well acquainted With the Southern trade, nnd has been the whole summer nt tho Noithom cities fer the purpose of selecting n choice Stock of Goods suitable for this market, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries of ull descriptions, Carriage nnd other Hardware, Cutlery, und a large variety of car penter’s Tools, and other tools, &c., all of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms by J. J. COIIEN & Co. Otf-We moke no promises to the public to sell at, or under cost, but invite ono undall to :ry us, us we are confident of giving satisfaction to every one. Dec. 4o, 1850. 9 ATLANTA IB0N FOTJNDERY. M ILLUEAUINUof evi-ry description, Gin Gonr- ilig,Flutes iimlBttlls, tec., &c., together with nil auch other castings ns nre usually mntle ot similar es tablishments, will be inunufacinrril to order on nc- rmmodoting terms, nnd warranted to he oftlie best material, by A. LEYDEN &CO. Nov. 28. ly It Great Hi maty for Hneumutum, Govt, Pain iir Ihe Side, Mill, Hack, Liwbi, and Joint,, Scrofula Aftnar’a Evil, White Swelling,, Hard Tumott Stiff Jointe, and all Fixed Pain, whatever. WHERE THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED, PAIN CANNOT EXIST. A gentleman In the South ol Europo end Palee- ,ne, in 1830, heard ao much said in the letter blare in lavor of JEW DAVID'S l’LASTJSlt, and of tho (ae he considered) miraculous cures it bed per- formed, that he woe induced to try It on hie own parson, for e Lung end UiverAfl'ectloir, the removal of which had boon the chief objeot nl hie journey, but which had reeielcd Ihe genial and deliciou clime. lie accordingly applied a plaster on the rightr aido of Ilia chest where the pain wee aeated, another between the ehouldors, end one oter the region o0 the livor. In the meantime he drank freelyot air- herb tea of laxative quoiitioe. He loan found him health improving, end in e few week, his cough lefts him | the eelluwneee ol hie skin disappeared, bie> pain wae removed, aud his heatih became permg. nently reinstated. rpilESE FLAS1ERS poesoee the advantage ol b »mg put up in air-tight boxes—hence they re tain their full virtuoa in all climates- We have just received the following teenmouial trom C. C. Sel- leu, nn eminent lawyer in eucoesefui practice in Wilcox county, Alabama. He it a gentleman in high standing, and ono whose influence lias groat weighti •Camden, Ala., Nov 24th, 184S. Messrs Scoail &. Mead—Gamlamem—Havi ng been requested to state whet has been tho re tail of my oxperienco in tho uae of your -Hebrew Plaatar,' I cheerfully comply by saying that I have found i- to ba as heretofore recommended, an "in valuable medicine ' In different cases of my femi- ly I have applied the Fla.ler tn Chronic Sorei, Tumor, nnd Paina, and il line never foiled to afford indent relief, 1 have also used it with good effect upon my own person in the cure ol ulcere, with w hich I have been severely afflicted, ‘•Re.pcctfully, etc. C. O. 'SELLERS.'* It has been very benafttial in cases of Weakno.e, such ns Puin anil Weakness in the stomeel.. Weak Limbs. Lameness, Atfeciiun of lire Spine, Female Weakness, die No female, subject to pain ot wcaknoas in the back or aides, should be without it Mnrriod ladies in riclicuie iiiuotiona, find great re lief from constant!) wejfjng this plaster. Tho application ul the Plaster hetwetn the shoul ders has inert fr.nnd a certain remedy lor Colds Coughs, Phthisic and Lung Afleeffbhe, jn i|,et' primary siogi-s It destroys iiillaiiimuiion hype 1 •pireiion. beware of Counterfoils and Base Imitations GAU’l IUN.—-Tiiu Hilisi-ribers ure thu only Gen- rnl Agent* m the Southern Flutes lor tliu mU- ot — u.d in order to (•revent (icle, s if(r7frrm»i6M*oM.(L. H !"»* by n counterfeit uine they uiviiu p.rtienlur au«nlTBiino*mwAh4uiutit_ mg Marks of the Genuine: The genuine is put up in smooth, engine turn ed but found boxes, not slwldered in. 2 d. The genuine has the engraved, head oj Jew Da - d un the aim tit nr, around the Lax, with arrow- anying record of the Court to E. Taylor, Roches ter. (D-SrOVIL & M I*’.AD. Charier* Street, Whole *ale General Agents lor ihe kSouihern Kiaies, to 'hum ull nrduitf must he miuressud. Sold also. Wholesale uitn Re.nil by B/UTS Y A im< Till It, Iteikie, Ga W- B. Summors, Kingston, Gn., J. I), Ctriiunt It. dt Co.. Caesvile, Ga., S. W. Bobbin*. Cave Spring, Go., L. W. Davis, Villa Rich Go. Al»ENU-v '»> Dr. FilcliS C elf bra led IVlcdecliK’ib * Pulmonary Balsam. Dernptivo 8yrup, Peetorul Expectorant, Heart Corruitor, Pulmonary Liniment, Humor Corrector, ^3 Pure and Medicinal Coil Liver Oil, ■ Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough nnd Cathartic Pills Nervine, Female Pills, Vermifuge, Female Specific, tec., &c. Used by him constantly nnd with unprecedented^ nieces* ;n tho treatment of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Rear* Diseases, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism,Female Com plaints, Files y S\'cSfc. DR. FITCH’S UNEQUALLED PATENT 8IL*: VER PLATED ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. DR- FITCH’S IMPROVED PLATED STEEL SPRING iSI-IOULHER BRACE. . | DR. FITCH'S SILVER INHALING TUBE. - - j Dr* Filcli’ft Celebrated kix Lecture** prevention and curb or • J Consumption, Asthma, Diseases oj the Hearty $c., and on themethed of preserving Health and Beauty to an old oye. This Book should ho in every family, To-dbe Consumptive it points out the only reasonable hope lor relief. To mothers, the directions it gives lor the care and education of Children ure mvaliuhle ! 7*5,000 copies of this Book have passed til rough thu press, and the sale eodtinues unabated. ,• .Jj For sale by S. S- FITCH & CO., , 707 Broadway, N, Y., and by J. D. DICKERSON, Rome, Ga. M Ccy- Hu Fitch’s Guide to Invalids, or Direction/ persons using Dr. Fitch’s Remedies, to be hr vt of all Iris Agents. ing They hold duoe, Merchandize, tec., conveyed to any part #■*»»_ __ ~ »untry, and to furnish from their wood- BANKS & EDDLEMAN, DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, PEGS, SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, &c. Atlanta, Ga., a AVE on hand n large stock of Leather, Lasts, Pegs, Findings, Tools, tec., und will fill orders nt Augusta price.-, with the freight added. Shoe-Ma- aersin Cherokee Georgia and Alabama would do well totry them, as they might-go farthernnd fare worse.” They also have a targe stock of well assorted Boots and Shoe., mode expressly for them, which they will warrant. They are superior,and no mistake, and will be sold cheap AIbo, heavy doubled sole Negro Shoes, manfootur- ed hj themselves irt Atlanta. These are far superior B ARK MILLS of different sizes, with nil tire lat est Improvements. Apply at the Atlanta Iron Foundery. A. LEYDEN & CO. ,’ov. S'8 ly every size, at manufacturer's prices, with freight added. Also, Bolting Cloths of superior quality, Cast Iron Water Wheels,of all sizes, for Flour und Saw Mills, & c., tec Apply at the Foundery of Nov. 28 1850. A. LEYDEN te CO. Profcnsor Hurry's Tricoplierauu or Mef h r.utocl Compound. .?* IH curing eruptions on the akin, diseases of ttyrty. glands, muscles and integuments, and relie^M'/ ing stings, cuts, bruises, spains, &c Sttplf With this preparation, “ there is no s\f* wotd ns fail.” It has obtained the hig‘ celebrity among the first classes in the ted Slates and stands unrivalled in all tl< professes lo be, both for cheapness ana cncy, it defies all competition. The • tific treatise on the hair and skin (ernbn valuable directions for the culture 1 antf p servation of natures choicest ornamenf which each bottle is enclosed, is alone W the money. It is upon the skin, the mu lar fibre, nnd the glands that the Trico ous has its specific action, and in allaffej and injuries of these organs, it is a sovf remedy. Sold in large bottles, price 25 ce the principal office 137, Broadway’ 1 ,'Y J and the principal men hunts ana throughout the United tales an' J D. DI( CERSC Ap- ii 25. Itt River, nny quantity of good, "o Iny Negro Shoes before offered in this part of the 1 u n have excellent tr- " e ' f - jind will he sold on accommodating. 1 ""' 0 ^, if he lvyyi»it; let J uffcfafrj ~ SI riei-ly tn'C, mnordey't'ir Ui i tronocu of- h: NEW AKEIVAL. JfcsrTMIE undersigned begs leave to inform the Hide citizens of'Rome, its vicinity and the public generally, that he has just received nnd opened a new Stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY ot the very la test palerns and finest ptyle. His friends and acquain tances are cordially invited to give him a call and ex amine his assortment. All kinds of repairing done to order, and goods and 3*ork warranted. His establishment will be four' Georgia Floyd County. plies to me for Lettl[y ’genera) administration of tgV exaoi4? These *o.d i singular the '- credit! to bo and/Vjiefl bed bafl ^ Vfi