Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, May 08, 1851, Image 3

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Distressing Occurrence.—A friend .writes us the following jmrlieulats in refer*! Cnee to a sad affair wtiiich ocoored lie* tween twit students of Etrinry College, nt Oxford, on Sunday Inst. Several of the. students were standing together in Bishop' Andrews' yard, when one of mem,"a young rtian by the name of. Middlchroults, eom; menee'd teasing another by the name di Jones. After some words had passed bo tween them, voung MttltUoitrpolts picked up a stick nutl approached Jones for the purpose of striking him. Jonos told him that if ho came any near* 6r he would kill him. Middlehmoks dis regarded the lliicnt, kept approaching and finally seized him hv the collar. Jones fulfilled his threat, drew a pistol nna killed - him dend upon the spot. Neither ol the young men were over lit yettri of age. S nth me very respectably connected, Mr. iJdloorooks' friends reside in Hanppfek County—Mr. Jones in 'Jolumbin. Soon alter the fatal deed Jones gave himself up and is now in custody. The affair is truly a most melancholy one and of a character which never before occur red in that peaceful community.—Aug. Republic. State of Georgia, Floyd county- Court of Oidimry, MayTcrm, 1851. T appearing :to.tho Coart, by the petition of .tohn. T.'.Moddor and Joseph C, Honeon, that Thorans- McGuire,.' by . his agent Tetenco McGuire of snid county, deceased. did ill Ills lifetime execute to said John.T.'IMeddor nml' Joaeph O.-Benson, hie bund, conditioned to cxconte titles in feesimpio to i .id John T. 1 Jlfeddor and Joaeph C. Benson, for lot of land No. 901, ami two-thirds of lot No, 971, more or less, it being nil mat of n line of. partition tun between Buhl McGuire 0ml Uuggcss s -nll being and lying In the lllih district of Cntroll county, Statu of Georgia; and it further appearing that anal Thomas McGuire depart ed this life without executing lliles to said hit and part of lot of load, or in any way providing therefor; and it appearing that said John T. Metldor and Joseph C. Benson, has paid the full nmomit of the purchase ir or of snid land, nml said Joint T. Meddor nod Jo- icph O Benson having petitioned this 'Jourt lo direct Terrence McGuire,ndnt’r nnd S B, G. McGuire,.ad m’rx upon the estate of the snid Thomas McGuire, de ceased, to execute to them thlos to snid lot nod part of lot of land, in conformity with Slid Bond— It is therefore ordered, hj the Court, tit it notice' ho given at three or more public places in S lid county, ami in tile Rome Courier, of such application, that all person* concerned inny flic objections hi the t Merit's Office (if any they linve) why said Toreuoe McGuire, ndtii'r und S B. G. McGuire, ailm'rx, ns aforesaid, should not execute lilies lo said lot and putt of lut of laud in conformity with s ihl bond. A true extract from tile minutes of Court, given un der my hand, this Sih d ly of May. 1911. JESSE LAMBEHTII.c.c o. Bounty Land Claims.—Those who hnipelaims f-ii- Unumv. Lamia timlcr i hi* fate net will find it m-cessi.ry lo oxiirrise Some considerable dugice of pitiit-nce.— The number of applications received hi n day have run up »s liiglt as 15U0 They flow average about 400 a day, There are 100.000 npi'licnlions on file which Imvu dot been touched. Fne number id war* fants which, ihn depnriincni have found it ffnetieablo to issue is about 200. TiIe CdiiPUMENTh op the East.—Tho following extracts of a letter seat to the pro prietor of Cherry Pectoral, from Et, Hassan the ruling Pusliu of Trchizond, ut Kzeioum, allows the peculiariiios of Oriental courtesy : 7’o Dr. J. 0. Aver .- the Chemist of rare learning, al Lowell, in Massachusetts amt the United States. God is great forever i 1 have received you letter of affectionate love, with the present of choice Essence in Bottles, by which your ex cellent skill teuehes to cure the afflictions of my children. As the file ol one of my people is more dear to mo than cnmels and gold, wo shall pray Tor you lu our heart when they are ruis cd up from the tent of sorrow by this pr-duct of your deep learning and boituliful wisdom For this Gift of Love to your friend, si distant over many Seas, nad lor this rare in volition of your skill, liiuy > ou be placed in such seats of honor and dignity the great in know ledge, as we should offer lo you iu our dominions. Given in this Central City of our Power, by express command of NESCHID EL HASSAN PASHA. Ezhoum, Jnmud Awah 1265. "romepiiiCEs cu mua w t. coun iicniD wuiiKLV BY FRANCIS M. ALLEN. ABTintsK^. Bacon, Hums Side**, Sliou tier*, • • • Hog Houml, • Baooino, Uumlou Ky . Gunney . Burnett, Goshen* •' Coumrv. . ..... Berk, Foro quarter* ....'* Hind do Candles, Box, Spermaceti,... • AdiimmUini',... Cokfek. Java, 8nck,...*.. Cubn, Laguirn, ...*•*•• Bio, Cotton Coun, Cohn * Colt da ok, Bale Rope, Mnnilln, Cotton, ..«•*«•• Ft.oun, * *! * * aMacKW., No l l>or bul . No. 2“ “ v Nc jliuRS, Green Pry... Jiuon, Swede, $ CIS. $ :;«v. 01 H lOin U n 5 n S5 n 00 n 10 n IS lb.. English, . Roil, .... Bund, ... Hoop, .. • Gin 7in ,,r t Ioi.assks bbl pr gal; vV. 1. • • 8yrup, Jails* Keg, 'V* * tiCK, • «* • IAlt*> Liverpool per Stick .. -.•do do bushel. , Table, per box. iuciAit, N. Orion ns,. •. V Pot torloo, .... Holtu, Santncru«,.... He fin eel,., i... Loaf, Crushed, .,... \ Clarified, .... rA5.t.ow. tVcioL, Raw,...* Roll*, CARD- mtlE Lodio. and Gemlfiiicn of Rome and vicimly X ere respectfully imbed to cull to-day,end test Rome, May, 8, 18.11- ■ TENNESSEE AGEKCY. ■M 20.000 lbs. BACON 2 000 •• LMlIJ. .1.001) BUSHEL'' CORN. (JST receiving and for sole al the Tonne* ey, one door below Johnson, Pope As C... omo, MnyS, 1811. J. J. Rl.hVI.S. Agt Agen .. o ’ia, Floyd County- [THEREAS, Benjamin II. I.ntnpkln applies lo » jar'tellers of Ailministrnuon on the Estsie ,jjf. C Butler-, line of raid county, deceased— * These ere, therefore, to cite and ndmoiibh nil nml igagulartha kindred and oredltorsof said deceased ic •io,end appear at my office within the lime preserile Jlpby law,to show, cause (if aiiyoxisO why sajd Lei. jr» should not be grained. • Given under my hand, nt office, this 6th day ol May 'SSJ. JESSE LAMBEKTli.o.c. o. *111 PerHUis ,10. ALEXANPR te Co. -aounr. ore requested to 0,1) end Jtuy^MoSV gslGf A Fresh Stock of NEW SPJUXG GOODS. Just received at Burns 7 & Murray’s C ONSISTING of c ununer Silks, Beroze, Del.ones, Poplins, Jenny Lind Silks Muslins. Prints, Cambrics and Ginghams, from 12J to cents, Calico lrom 0 to 12J cents, fast colors, bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, very low price And cjood ouality. Grau- ite (without a false lace) Shirtings, at 16 yards for a dollar. Charleston and olher brown Shirtings, with a fine slock of Hoisery, and other articles usually kept in our lino; which wo respectfully invilo the public to call and examine. We will take pleasure in showing, and charge nothing for looking. BURNS & MURRAY. April 24, 1851. Floyd Sheriffs Sales for Jane- W ILL be koM on the fir t Tucsil «y in June next between tlic usual houis of aale, before the Court hou c door, m the City of Rome, the following operty, tp wit: One Iron Grey Horse, nbout 5 yvarsold—levied up- t ns the property ol' JanioH M. Gurney to satisfy a fi fj. front Floyd Inferior Court in fivor of NVarre.i Clayton vs. Jutnes M* Carney. Property pointed out by plaimifTa att’y. Also, a lease for 2 years from the 2Uh December. I8*»0,onlotol land No. 77 in the 29d dlst. and 3tl section, leased by Larkin Barnett; the said len-e is cleared out and contains Is acres of good fresh land, with comfortable cnbbins—levied upon as the p oper- tv of Parkorson .Stewart to satisfy six fi fits, fnni a Justice’s Court of Floyd county,in favor of A. J. \\ is- dom, bearer,vs. Pnrkerson Stewart, maker, and R. J. Johnson', endorser, an I one in favor of it J. John on vs Pirkorson Stewart. Sloan V Hawkins vs. P, k r son Stewart, Maker, and Robert Mewnrt, et d< r or, Robert Stewart for the use of A. U. Coult r vs Parker- son Stcwntt, .Miles \V. Johnson & Co. vs. Purkera.iti Stewart William A White vs. Pnrkerson Stew .n, nil levied and returned to mo by a const «ble. Fost-Foncd Sale—dl the fttnie timt and;»’ace, Abo, Lot of Lund No 244, in the 22d Uriel anil 3d section; levied on us the property of George Lumpkin, to sutiAly a fi. fit. is mi d from Floyd Supeiior Court In fitvo^Pf James Morris, and transferred to Hiram P Lumpkin ~ kin. For Hie Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOABSEWESS, imoKTCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, OBOUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. . vs. George Lump- THOS. S. PRICE, Sh’fi*. At the same time ami place. John M Sanford’s interest in and to Town lot N'*. 47 in the Etowah Division of the City of Rome—le vied upon ns the properly of John M.'Sanford t» s it- isfy a li. fa. from Floyd Superior Coujt. in fitvor of JnnifsB. Wakefield vs. John .M. Hanford. Prope.ty pointed out by plaintiffs att’y. Also, Eber Cosset’s intciest in town lots Nos. 13 »nd 2U, in Etowah Division, in the City of Rome, and one set of Tinner’s 'fools—levied upon us the proper ty of Eber Gossett, principal; and lot of land No. |f»S> ill the 22d dist. and 3d section—levied upon ns the property of Richard Gossett,security, to satisfy o fi. fn. from Fioyd Superior coutlin f.ivor of .los-ph Witt rs vs. c.her Gossett, tn ker, and fi cltnid Gossett and Na ihnii Yarbroug i, securities. Property pointed out by Nnift-h Yarbrough. Also, .lames F. Long’s right of lease on lots ot tncisof Inml.Nos. C'» and 06, in the 2 :d dist and •lil section. fnclitd.iU' the prern ses and imnrovements whereon th • defend .nt now resides—levied upon tn V tlirec fi. fas f out a Justice's court of Floyd, n favor of Rns ell Reneau, one in favor of P. ek Vs llnrd rt, and one in favor of Miles W. Johnson Jomes F. Long. Levy made and returned to me by n constable. THOS. G. WATTERS, D. Sh’ff, May 3,1851. Portable Horse Power for Wheat Thrashers Vc C 1AN be set up in the livid in one day. For sale by FRANCIS M. ALLEN. April 24, 18 )1. GRANITE STORE. J0HMS0V. POPE & CO F EELING thankful for till* liberal patronage that has heretofore b on >o gcn< rously extend i wards Hu nt, would solicit a continuance, and invite the attention of their f.iends und the public generally that they are now receiving and opening a largi and well selected stork of t toods, nml would add th«.t for beauty and taste their s yles cannot ’..e surpassed. Our stock consi-ts of th * bitests yles Ladies’ fir goods,viz. Silks, Muslins, G ngliams, Barrages Tis- *, Crapu tie Paris, Urocudu Poplin, Prin's. .Vc cwlth a well selected stock of Capes, Colin. Cuffs. Ladies’ Shoes, Vc. Our stock of Geiits’ diei good* cannot fail to suit buyer*. «»ur assortment of Hntdwnrc Cutlrry.S uldlt ry, Crockeiy, Shoes, Bo Buegy and < orriage Tilnimings c -11001 be equal by any iu Rome at th a time We do not hmg out sign and ny that we will sell lower than our neigh bors, but only ask our friends nml the puhlio general ly, to be certain to give us n call before buying, nml we promise to give them satisfaction both iu prices and quality-We only"odd, you con all make money by giving usa cull Irfore making your purchases, April 10, 1>01, Among the numerous discoveries Science has mad in this generation to facilitate the business of ife—in crease* its enjoyment, and even prolong the term ofhu mnn existence, none can he mi tiled of more realyalue to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry t-» th* hauling Art A voi-t tiial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that 10 medicine or combination of medicine*, yet known, an so surely control and cure th * uumerou? varieties of pulmonary disease which have hith-rlo swept from our mid-t thousinds and tlnusnmls every year. In deed, there is now abundant reason to b lieve a reme dy hosnt length been found which can Le relied on to ure th- most dangerous affections of the lungs. Ou. space lu re will not perm t us to p ibllsli any proportion of the cures cll’ected I y Its are, hut wc would presen the following opinions ofeminent men, and refer forth- r enqu ry to the ci.cular which the ng lit below nnm- .1, will always be plena nl to furnish Bee, wherein are full particular*, and indisputable prool of these facts. From the the President of Amh-rst College, the cele- brated Profe. sor HITCHCOCK. Jnnv s C. Ayer—Sir, I hnvo u«ed your Cherry Pectoral in my own en.-e of deep seated Bromhitis, nut anti-fied from its chemical constitution, that it is admirable compound for the relief of Inrynginlntid bronchi il di Uieulties. if myop nioti ns 10 its -uperior diameter enn h • of any,you are nt libe ty to use it ns you think proper. Ed. Hitchcock, L. L. D. From th.-' widely celebrated Piofesaor SlLLlMAN, M, D . L. L. D., Profes.-or of Centistry, Mineralogy, &c, Yale College. Member of the Lit. Hist. M»-d Phil and Scientific Societies 01 /tme.jca and Eu rope. "I di/eni the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composi tion from >ome ol the bet; art cl. h in them itenn tned- and a very effective remedy for the class of dis eases it is intended to cure,” New Haven C’t Nov. 1, |S-*9. Major PutiLon, President of the S. C, Senate,states he has used the Cherry Pevt>r U with wondeifui sue- ss, to cure nn inliniumatiou of the lungs. From one if the firet Physicians in Maine, Saco, April 2G, 1*40. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, l am now con- etnnily using your Ch-rry P ctornl in my practice, and prefer it to nnyoilu r medicin • for pulinon.ity com- pi lints. Front observation of m’«ny sever.? enses, I convinced it will cure coughs, cold-, and dix-nses of the lungs, that have put to d fi itic.* nil other remedies. I invariably recommend its use in cases of consump tion, and coii8tdorit much the best remedy known (or that disease, Respectfully yours, 1 *s. Cushman, M. D. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical C/iemist, Lowell, Mast, Guurdiuu^ Suit*. A GREEABLY to on ontor of the honorable the Tn « V ferior Coitft of Floyd county when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be Sold on the first Tuesday in Juno nekt, bef ire the Court House door In the Citv of Rome, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale the following city lot, to wit t No. 22, in tho Coosa Division of said city of R une. Sold for the benefit of Snrnh A. and Wesley 8. Trou*, n.iner orphans o Tilmnn Trout late of snid ocUnty, tcsensed. Terms made known on day of sale. March 13, 1851. SaM’L STEWART, Guar. TO PLANTERS. rpHR mdersl tned can be found on Court Afreet, in X tho rear of th* liilhtirn House, where he is pre. pnred toexeeute nil kind-* of BLACKSMITH WORK iu the very be t style ntid *t reduced prices. 2.) per gent deduTed from tlta usual c.ha gQS.for cash rccelv- til for work Turning Piou s Of a superior quality m>uu:hc(ured ey the undersign- ed. Horse S lift ring Executed hy a skilful workman, nml in law, all kinds of work will be finished in a wo ktnar-like manner, ami nt the shortest notice. Call and examine for your selves. N, DUDLEY- Rom«, March 13,1*7.71, NEW SPRING GOODS. J ,T 8T received, fine Printed Muslin*, for Spring, Jsekonet and Sw ss Mm litis and IsefHngs. nt F. MV ALLEN’S. JESSE LAMBERTH& CO. Broad Street, Rome, Georgia, B EXPECT FULLY announce to the public that th y are nowoi enlnr and will keep constantly on hand, n I irje and well selected stock of Kent1y*lii»(|c Clofliing, of every description. Al-n Hats and Caps; Boot* nn«t 8U Umbrellas. Trunks and f ’nrp?t Bags. To ff the* with n well selccte I sto^k ofLadi •» and M’twes Strew and Satin Honnots. Ladles ana Mis cs Satin and f.nslln* (»nlter*- and Bu kins, T es. Slippers and Walking Shoes; Also PnrnsMs, Gloves, mbs. Fans, mbs, Arc., March 11. 1851. 150 CORN- BUSHELS Corn for sale, at March 0, F. M. ALLEN’S. A LOT of superior Pianos for sale at O'GOOD, vfL'-’OBROORW CO. FRESH ARRIVAL OF PTJRE HEDIDINES Well selected to suit Physicians., L INSEED OIL—A good supply, and a very fine ar ticle. PURE WHITE LEAD—A large supply, and otU-red low for cash. LAMP OIL—A very superior nrltclo for winter or Humiuer use. PUTTY—Tut up in bladders, and of tho best quak SPIRIT GASS—A pure article, and warranted to give the most brilliant light—also Drugs, Paints, Dye Stuff*, Glass, Perfumes, $-c., tn.iking a lull and com pleto stock of every mt cle in the Druggist line. March C. 1851. J. D. DICKER* ON, Agent. 2 doots above the Exchange Hotel, Rotne,Ga. PROVISION 8T0RE- S. G. WELLS. B ACON, Lard, Corn, Flour, Wheat, Sugar, ToiTee, Sait, and Molasses, Dctncslic Yarns, Cloth, Shoes and Leather, Dried Fruit, Beef and Fisk, Pure Port TFiiif, and Pule Otard Brandy, Porter and Lemon Syrup. A smalt lot of Sho** on con-iga- ment. A few young men con be accommodated with Boarding. March 0,1851. Veranda House, Depot Square. DISSOLUTION! niUE Firm of Sulu«mn, Cabot & Co. is th « day -L dissolved hy tuutu il consent. Tin* njw firm «> ullivnn, Cabot \s Co. nrc nuthortred to »**itlc all th btiaiintsof ihciate firm. F. 1 «m.ttVAN, F. M. f ’AnoT, Rome, Jon. I, 18.71. II. I). Duncan. THE subscribers having pureha ed the interest o» II, D. Duncan in the I tie firm of Sullivan, Cabot \* Co , will continue the bu imVss 0.1 their own account, under the name and at vie of Sullivan, (abut V Co * F. I SULUVAX, F, Al, CABOT, Rome, Ga , J an. 1,1871. DISSOLUTION. r PHE F rm of Wm. E. 5c Co. luvine L been »h a d «y <1 s?olv« d hy mu tun) consoia; th bu-ines-i wl I be coipimud at the old si »nd, by K. S. NOuToN, where an 0 surtmeiit wdlalways be kept us h *ietof ..e. The unruled busine sof the firm will ri reive th attention of both, WM* K ALEXANDER. Jan. JO, 18.71. It. 8. NOIl'l ON. NEW GOODS II.7DBII THU nuiniu IffiLL. H J. JOHNSON I S now rortivInR n vary lorg.< and the l.r«t nwortfil ■trwkor Qooil, vc I by hi in, con-1-1.112 of r llO'Ewhn wi.h the lie t uplnml Cotton SeoJ in tlie woridh.t) li--tter winti at OSGOOD, ALSOBItOOK & CO. Moral. 90,1881. .. MEDICAL NOTICE. DHS. MBtTON & WINN, £JAVING associated fiiemselvcs together in the * prnrtice ofPhyslein Elfijav,would respectfiilly In-, n the citizens of Gilmer and the adjoining counties nearly everything nsunlly kopt by mcrehnut*. Domes' tic and ataplc goods, some very low price for laboring hnuds Gentleni. n’s fine drea* Joods, well aujrted. French and English ('loth*, CuMlineres, Vest ngs and Summer Cloths, nil direct from the Importers. Ln- (lit s fine dress goods, almost every d.scrtption, and !a- te-t nml most fnshionnblcforSpringand Sumiiv-r; col ored plnid embroidered, plain and Swiss muslin tmd Lawns \ Fancy silk tissue*, Bnri iges, mid u handsome ns-ortm *nt of Ginghams of every description, all di rect and of the intest importations, llibl.ons, and a large stock of worked collnis. caps, mantillas, visettes. nod many other orti d a too tedinua to mention. La dies best twisted silk Gloves and niits, colored fancy kidulotve, Linen and lawn hindkerchielfa, hniaery,Arc. BONNETS—n fine stock colored satin, lace, gimp, satin straw, Uungarl m pearl and Spanish hairbnnntt*. Miss s pe.irl ami satin straw ond gimp lloun. t#. Bon net silk*, Howe s nod bnlngs; Ladicr kid slippers and walking times ; also a large stock of Root* and -hoes fo* g.Mitlein n, fin • and common. Ready-made Clothing, aummer Hats, fine moleskin, fur and ilk hats. Crockery, China und glass wore, hardwiire, cudcry, saddles, bridles, martingales ; also, a fine lot rf Bug nr*, coflee and molasses will be sold ver) chei'p for cash only. He respectfully invites hi.* former customers and friends to give him a call; he is pl'oparad an.Lwill« VA the llCft.vf bll WO I III N. B, A liberal reduction will be made for cash for nil bills over $'i. Rome, march 27,1851. Sold in Rome by Battry Brother, in Marietta, hy Wm. Roor, in Augusta by Hav^nd,, &. Co., and by nil Druggists throughout the £t te. marrh 20, 1851. ly (JilliAT ATTlUtTiOA New and Splendid Summer Styles—Reiter and Cheaper than ever. M. STERN & CO. W OULD respectfully their friends und the public that they have just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and opened a splendid assort ment of Goods, ad iptcd to the sen^oii ; consisting, in part, of superior spring and summer silks, as also n veiy large asaoiiment of lawns, ginghuma, prints, of. calicoe.*, i:c. TO THE LADIES. that ihiy nr.i |>r.'pnrt‘(l to I'npfiH. in the prncilee of l»liyxlc->l»'r«« 1 .ry ft UiltWlMr,)' Tiny Imvc on Imnj II Inr.o nml f| nraortrnent of Dritir-, n-tnimenta. A-n. &o. Dr, Mellon gr idontnd in I'd- Inhnrx In the yenr was otten.lont pl.yeioi.n in the Chelwy lin-pitn], London, for t years, lias ,ince h -cn surgeon in the United States Navy, ami is nnw a member of th" Med col Society of Lexington Ky. Dr. Winn Is n graduate of Augusta Ga. snd has prsc- li e l in G o g 1 , and Albania with onrivalcd success and has just returned from visit ngthp Charity Hospi tal of N ov Orl 'ans nml the Atnericori ho-pltnl of tile West Initios wh.Tt. ho hoa had nil ppportuglll s of be coming familiar w'th most mnligani disoases, that in- lesl our country No pnina will be S| nrorl on tlielr l-nrl tn necorumotlnle oil who may cull. Oltjecls o' ehnrlty w II tm-et with prompt attention; also invil- iri,. will find a iimlihy ontl pleasant location nt their Office, which mny he found on the North Enid corner of th- public sjunre in Ell(jny. March 13,lsai, O' FLOYD SHERIFFS SALES FOR MAY. W tLLjjP soltl on tho tirst Tuesday ii. Mayue.i Before tl.p Court-hoove door in the City ol Homo, Floyd, County,within the iiauul hour, of sale the following property, to w Benjnm’n, a negro boy ten years old, and Amaiulu, a girl nine years old; levied on as puriy of John Butcher to satisfy t>vo li in from Floyd Superior Court, one in luvor of Robert Mitchell vs. John I lute h'*r, the other In favor of Ka- belt Mitchell v*. John Butcher and Wilburn Brud- slmw. Also, Lois of Land Nos. 1(77 and 194, in th» 15.ih district und lth section, now Flo d count nl«o ihi* umlivuh'd fourth part ufLol-of Lund .N 1.70, in said diMrmr and section; ul.-o. No, 432. i th« ldtli district und 4th a ction ofsiid county; all levied on the property ol’Rnbert Ware.d -cch.m d, by virtue of n li. IU. .issued from Floyd Su.pci o Court in favor of John and Samuel Hones, vs Alvnn Dean nml o.thore, Adin’rs. on thu E-tate ol Robert W u,re v dec eased. April 3. 1 H( MAS K 1 IiKVM.’lf At ilio m;ime lime and place, John Miller’* in'eru^t in nncj to l.ot of Land No. 315 in tho 25th district and ’Ll section ; levied mi iu the property of said .Miller, to' satisfy a fi. In. issued lrom a Justices court of tho OlOili district, G* M.,.in.fitvor of E. II. Couch, vs. John Miller, and controlled by Wiley Grizzle,. Property pointed out by said.Grizzle. Levy mUtlu und re unit'd to mo by a Constable THOMAS C». WATTEHS, D, Sh’lf. April 3, 1S51. AI ihu sstiiut liuui it it <i place. Lot of Land No 319, in the 4th district and -lilt reetion, Floyd county; levied on us thu pro perty ot William VN Hite, to s nisfy u fi. la. issued from the Superior Court of Stewart county, iu f.ivor of Frederick UcaU niid EnurnusT. Bead, the firm of F. iV. E. Beall V* snid White, and transferred to R. Rouse, und controlled hy J nines C f J'euiborton. Their st ck of fifttcy artic les nml Jewelry will be found to be equator any in the Stale of (leorgia.— The r assortnt nti compocdol’gold and silver watch es, r.ngs, ear-rings, pencils, gold and silver bends, pu sc ilngsaiid tns.-els, I.adies comp inion, fancy rib-' boils,trimmings, work-boxes, summer m.ituillas; Ger man, English and French permutes and soaps, fancy collars, undersleeves; notep'pers, fancy envelopes, wor-t.ils, perforated papers,earpet bags,fancy trunks, blushes, Aecordeons, from 5t) ois up to $35, pare sols, kid, .-ilk and cotton gloves,bonnets, ladies’ cops,laces, edgings, insertings, hltocs. guitcis, and a great tunny other goods impossible to be er.umeiated in nn adver tisement. o s a © o \^e> . 3 2.2 ST a =* S a 3 « 2 n- o f O §- 5, S @.-3 =1 •a g o ~ H x.5* ^ £33 •- O'* ~ c 2 « Aptil 3. D. D. DUKE, Floyd xllonts.iiio Milts loa* June. W ILL bu sold on the first Tuesday in. next, before the Court House door in the City of Romo. Floyd county, within the usual hours of .sale, the following property, to wit : Ont Net of Bench Plains, one common Brace undsyt of Uitt8,Aono hand siW, one dozen chisels, one tloicn one tenant saw, one iron squnro, one hand «x* one- claw hamme r , one pair of cornputa a, und one rule ; aU levied on as tliuprapoity of.Juhn.JJ. Crawford*, to satisly m Mlo it- In. j8«upd,l>om thu Inferior Court of Floyd \9fek CLOTHING AND FURJCISHIKG GOODS Of our own tiiuuufiic.ure at wholcsolo pi ic s Allgentlemeu wh »may be in wmit of g«*.»,| .iinl cheap clothing, would find it io their advantage to c m in us before pu chas ng eisrwliere, n- they Itav.* an entire new, splendid al'd fit ge at..ek of re nly in uh Inthmg of all sizes style- n. d qiutli ies, as also extra for children, c .shmn. et e, d..»b d’ te, queen’s eloil, gold, silve. nml s e. 1 mix d tweed linen, xc . Are. -- i’ p ain and fancy c i.-Mirere,drill: &C Ves.a of ►jtk, pm n, Valencia, rn.-li.ucrette, duett,.M r- sailles, .V:c Also an assortim-nt youfii’s i‘nd servint’.v cloth Customers can tiepeud up m m-d ng them In.idL’ in spleud.d style, Inte.-t lutliioti and * uperior wo.k- iiinnsliip. However low the price, we will also call the atten tion of' the public to o ir us oitiiteui.of Goatletnen’s PUUMSlllNG GOODS. 03 3 S’-’i o S _2l O I 2^5-= pz s V 11 g C sr | o S CS ^ 1 Ifftxl S>| 8S.« ic^ 2 = c ■* ■« & ■ isd =. t=j ■ LOST O N the :8»h of Jnnunry Inst, a f’nlf kin POCK IB L ' Consistimi of shirts, standing collars, cravats, Jenny Lind ti s, inney shk suspenders, portm .cteous, JVt< ry purses, poekeuhooks, fi ,0(10 sop rior sugars of our manufacture, memorandum books, wr ting in tieijais, >.Vc . tfcc ; always on hand an . x c c ive and fish on able assortment of lints, op*, boots, shoes, traveling trunks with secret springs, packing Minks, vnl se-, carpet bags, walking canes, &c. Prices not suiquisscd for clt -apneas. * We ur-gr Horn! for nst encouregeiitent hy our f .r- ntercusiom rs and solic t n coni i.uance oi the s m e and all who recommend their fr.ends t > trade nt thu e.-tabl shment, may depend upon being deoil with fair ly and honestly, ami oi receiving lor their money in full equivalent; and w*- pleilgeoursi Ives io use all hon orable means to give s.utsfac.ion and deserve the con- fidenc ; of our patrons. Cull at our - smbli Inn nt and •ee for yourselves. M. .- TERN As Cl’; Broad Street, Opposite the PostOlficr. Rome, 3, 1851. mule I OOK with Tweiity-fiva-Doll »f» ill'll vernl notes ntid |i»vpers. - Two not * nn Wm. Bally, •nchf roue hundred ami twenty-swen dollnis an fifty c no*, both given in Ft-lir nry, 1843, one due D ,-eml.e. 27. 1-49, and the other* December 27; 187(1 : >nc on s th Wo id for three hmt Ir d and eighty-eve dollars and fift** cents, g ven in .VareH, I87l», nml due the 25ih of. December thereafter; two on N’iehol f Pyle, one fir fifteen dollars, even'in the tnll of 18*f0. and due December 25th tlvreait r. ond one tor twenty dollars, due December/1 s50, both given nt the sum- time ; nml ono on i.einuel Parker, lor* i hty-nim-dol lnis, g ven in the winter of 1845, and due December thereafter; and one execution on Win. Si is for ten J, |j irs, obtained in the city of Romo.mlavor • fj • rites ICI’itt. and two receipts from James Gardener. Editt t of the Weekly Const tun nalist, and some other p • p.- s. I do not recollect ■ II. Th • Note - were given to invself. • xeept the twoon N. PyUan-l the one gi\cn to tohn C Lolnmait. mvI two executions on Reahen Phil ips. ohtn ned in Floyd county, the nntonnts 1 do not recollect, both in favor of Wesley Shropshire ; all the above papers were lost In Rome, and I w.ll Live ten dollars for the delivery of them to me, or Hardin .V Lumpkin WM. G, MILE6’ March 27,1851. NOTICE. Tl ANA WAY from, tho subscriber on Wednesday, •s-V tho llth Ult.,. n "chestnut Sorral MAR-, so »J nil. ionmLnml I think a smalCwhim spot in the for-, huiul with .-omo inarks of gear. Any pvrsjn taking tipsqbl nnintid and giving mq Ituorm it.o t ofthi smie. W; l he liberally rewarded. Writ ***u’s Post Offiee, Fioyd county, Gy. JOHN J Jan. 2,18*l JOHNSON, P.M. eigne u requested t« —-.Me turvumi 'll Him »riy un-re auu ui-T- e piymemto either myself or J. D. Dloke.-'J?, who ts iny^nuth ) ugent to collect 1 on l receipt fo- the M, V e * „ THO^.D.-MIELTwN. Jan 7,1831 ROHE MALE ACADEMY- T HE Exercises of this In.ititut. on \v llbe return*:! on Monday the 2->th inst., toeo ilimt * daring :i « asion of liv • inon'IiSv 'J'he seruces i f .Mr, JO.IN GOSMAN, n graduate «1’ P.lnceton low been se cured ns Assistant, nn.l the TencliVr^' pledge the.u. selv s that Ito rffiirtton th'irpurt shod be* wanting U render the School worthy ofu liberal pat.onftge* B - sides th • studies comprised lo n thorough * lasuciil and Eugli h cours", particid ir ntiemion will r ‘bcp:iii to Book-k-’eplng, nml to the preparation of yo ing men for business. Those who desire to study ^French cart •lo so under a French Instructor. Tuition -n* hereto, fore s J.JS'l’EVUN^,Pr'mctual Rome, Ga.,Jan 2,1871. 1 L)I , U nioiit!w«/ler date .t/iplio iti jn wHl bh made t»tb) hjnirtiblo the In/ rmr i omt or Piny,I rely.when s iting usn conrt of ordht try, for lenv to ell all tl.e land and negroes belonging t.j the iu- tale of Willinui J nks, littc of said county, deeeasjfi. THOMAS Si PRICE, I A WILLIAM O. MiLBS, Jan. 23, 1831. - [ Adiu’ra NOTICE. A LI. persons indented to the estRte oP-Wllliain Jinks, late of Floyd e mitty,deceased, will call nml make imm di w; j nymentvaiid those having claims ngiin-t said lstate* Will plcoso'ptc.eiit tbym Li tcm»4 of the l.i w. THOMAS 8. HUGE,- ( AJn , r< WILLIAM G MILES.' 1 KKHS fi 6 .3 mk allJ retail, by Jon 3, \r*5D. Fnr.n!. Imv.wh .l* V. M. ALLEN. 10 BALES Faitory Ybtn, for obi? low by' Jan 3. F. M. ALLEN. -9 K BALES B’.focbcil nn.l Brown Hoincijinn, .l ej from 3-4 io 0-4 widi-, for mic low by Jon 2. mic iow ny F. Ml ALLEN. 20 CASKS Men'. B.iot^onti Shoto |or *nir iow by F. Mr ALLEN. 8 ft EASES I.mUo' WoWing »hor. nm) Vbl >Mp. lil nor. 50 cenun imir up. For * il* hy Jr.n !. V F. M. Alii.KN. A FEW pirco. 8-4 Blooulwd L'ncn ilinpbi for !»• blr flolln—very nice—for •olipow by; In low by P. M. ALLEN. W HITE WINE ond pm» (birr. Vinrgnr, for mle by F. M. ALLEN. J.k 3 Hemlo«k «o’e Lt .thcr for ml?. Ap □UD p D to F. M- ALLEN FREE AND EASY. C ALL Ot Ihn Free & Ensy House, 4 .looro bnlnw tba Chain. Hotel, where you will fintl n- general h- - oortmont of Confectionnrieo, Fiultn, Jcc ,ol' tlm v-' best that over ltn» bcen.nnil os mod usev.r tmte offer* Feb. SO, ISfil. c Free Br dge No'io • LL p - on. wb hitve anbraribet] to the ‘ uildins nf n Fr e Bridge nern • thr Etownh Hlvnr, will please roll and pnv thn amount n|' tit ir nibirriplions either lo Wm Jot'xsox, A. T. JUnoi.v or D 8. I'xi.vt* mnri-h 30. BUSHELS of Oral rate Com MMl'Jti-t « ceived ond for min' by G. SHAW. Feb 20 SUPCIUOiLarticle of. rnmily I-Tbi Kcb 2tl A GOOD nrlide of obelled Coin < »n .ole by Fell 30 hand ond for 4 g; SlIAW. LOOK Bi FuuH VnU Li',AP. At Number 4 Choice House. W HERE you will fin ) -;ny q.rnnllt/ of Panto tor rale hy O.-CiOOD, At.HODR. OK .t CO. JO UUXEs nopefior Ttew VoriiCheeM tbrmleby Feb 2Q' G; SHAW, FIRST role I t of Uucon jurt reci lvetUmUor tX sole by Feb 00 march 20, 1000 superior i ¥7*E8T8 fortnnrtlfd and single, with a few to mar- V r» in for salo by marrh 2) O.sGOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO. 10 bbCiTSu, l^Muck.rct tor irdjitm recfivedot SHAW’S. Ffb20 G. SHAW. HI AW. C OATS to mat h. and n •• ittte m re so/ bar’d ami cross bar’d. Cou e and »•***. matrliQO i / GOOD. / IfCl IHCK p’ai (O. 2PERM ond Stor Condlerfor tniUty 1 3 Feb SO n . Ti Firat r.ue nr.tcie o, 'l'obo.-rti onTi-'te*'-. W«”>« ‘A nt fcii.wv rr rjrc it In fin •.tyle.unil nt a lowprlro—nflertn- kina o re of the norwnrd mnn, wo will nuurlsh hie mind with good Bonks of nil kind. W’e will furnish «rnt nnnry ond funoy omilon tiy, nn.l nil thot kind of thing, very rheo'i, ns tnny be proven hy en-ptlrlng ot rnsrelt 23 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK it CO. S COTCH H rringr, 8a-dine.*. fee .wy ■ 5 nil tt_' ts h.- found st tho FREE *. 1.A - Y llOUbE. Feb 30 O YSTERS, Lobster*. Sltr.mpc, Pi*’» Feet, iipg', Sic., served up in n snperlbr ffl .oner nl ; '° Fob »i FREE te EASY IKlUrsb. BACON- i LB** Bscon, at 200 LBS. GOSHEN BUTTER, fo, sale > t Mtrch0,)85i. O.SHAWS. 12,000 Mnrch 6. F. M. ALLEN'S. NOTICE. E SCAPED from me in Rome, on the Zfith dny of February Inst, n negro WOMAN mimed Juicy Ann. Bite gnvc me Iter nn me ns Mary Ann when hr nglu tn Jail Site wns token sick while in Jnil, ntid for her benefit I tonk Iter to my house. The a dd wo. mnn i shout filly years old, ond anys she belongs tn George 1Y>t inu of Augn-tn. ^ny information will he thenkibly r-d -ived tit Rome, Go, .In ch (i 1*51. D. D. DJK Jail ir ofFlnyd eo. B UILDERS of Store ontl Dwelling hou es i vitrd to examine tnmples of Mineral Knob Lock* —white ond dark, at li. M. ALLEN'S Feb 2d 1811 SURGICAL NOTICE. D n. PAUL F. EVE accepted the Ptof flforsblp ut Surgery in the Medical Deportment of i. o Uni* versity of l.oitlsville, Ky., nnly for the session ot Lec tures i > v ciorlRg, with the hope of lieneiiuing tho henlth nl'his family ; but' no improvement lieving been produced by the chunge, be boo returned to Au- giuin, and is prrparhi'tdTt'rtme the Prtciictof Sur- HAIL ARRANGEMENT POST-OFFICE. ROM Fo GA, j FEBgtranv 1,1811 { His Iufiimaiy for'Negrbtls is Open for pitlente. Augusta Feb. 13, Hill * [M irchfi, 3m Tho Northern. EaMrm and Southern mails,' arrive dnily, except Stmdnys. ot fj P. M plosesMme day- .t 34 A .11. Mode of conveyance,(Roil Itoed Coro IVestern mail arrives doily, except Mondays, nt t,j|. Closes dolly, except ^un lays, nt 8 P.M. Mod f cotiveynnee. Four liaise Post C'o icltes. Southwestern moil arrives Mondays. Thurs hys on ' Saturdays at 111 A. M. Closes Mondays, IVedncs days and Fridays nt 3 P. M. Mude of conveyance, Four Horae Post Coaches. Ln Fayette mail, via rwmmervtlle, Dirt d own, Ml Hi, korv and Hardin’s Mills, arrives Mondays nml Thuradnvs nt 7 P. M Closes «ame days at!) P. M. Cave Spring ond Van's Valley mails arrive. Tues and Fridays nt 11 A. M, Closes same days at 3 NOTICE. rpilE Co partnersh p exi ling heretofore betwe n L BxTxrrv A Illfiii having been dissolved by mutual ■miaem. the hnwinerawilltm continued tithe o'dstand y Rl »B P. BAT'i'BY. All unsettled business of tho nrm will receive the nltention.of us both- G. M. BAT FEY, M, D. Rome, Mnrclt 1', 1V11'. KOBT.BATTEY. P. M. Hermitage mail arrives on Thursdays at 11.4. M. Closes same days at |2 A. .11. Cnlifirnio end Johnson's mads arrive on Fridays nt 11 A M. Cloeisame diyaat 12 A- ft •l'UO.V. J. PERRY. P. -If. in the noiiornbio tlte ini', nor oottrt of Floyd county, wliqn sitting as n court Jt oulittary, torlvav to s»*ll u negro boy Ly the name- ol Ransom, beloeg iiu* to tin* uktate ot' A. S. VV. Johnson, J.iih 10, 1*351. A* B. RKB.'K, Guard. GAKD^N SEEDS—CROP OF 1850 yyrE iavi»« attention nssortment oi Gar HEAD QUARTERS. 80ih Redg- G- M J Rome, April I2jt» 1851. S F I ohrfiience tp Orders received from the C otmnan- derin Chief of the fct.ite of; Georgia, an Kle tio- will te held on Tuesday the 3d day. of June tr xt, at tfie several places of holding Elections-for members > the General Aaseinhli in.the county ofFlpyd, lor a Bre* gaiUvrGeuerttl of.the24 Brigade, Ulh Division,G/M to Jiji the * Sei*d,etn. Just reotjve'd n ft-w hih’Gnlpn 8*tt* and buttons—sonv Victoria Rlniharh (or Pit*. Plant> Roots—xMlllt't seed, Field Pens, (English)Early Corns 30 bbls. Nortbom. sued Potatoes, etc. Merchanr, Mipnlied upon tbe b. st. H*rms. Ami. 2,J BA.TTEY & BRO , Drumrista TH2 JUST RECEIVED Row-*, Mnrch 6,1*851. 1 JUST REGEIVEr. B Y the Sub.crlber.-ln ad’liti in to his former stock, a , hop e lot of Groceries; consi.-ting. in part, ct New Orleans, Pnrto Uien, Cmshru, Refined Granulat ed Sugars; Superior RinCoffee.Sperm,Ftar and I'al- ow Candle-: 13 bhls. Irish Pntnofi:, for seed; 30 Socks No. Fran field Family Flour; nlso a eh ice lot oi Liqunrs, Old Cognac Brandy, Old I’nrt. Pure Hol land cin, Scntrh Whiskey, ond Doir.eeFc Liqunrs. Hordwnre, Blacksmith Tools, Hoes, Trace Chains, Shovels Spades, Garden Its Res,Boots,S.uies ond How. All of which 111-offer* for sale on ns good terms as lltry cart- bo bought lit tho city. THOS. J. V3RDERY. y LAR :Ennil extensive stock of Lad.e.’^nn.l Gent*’ dress goods, tie we-1 spring styles ; also n veiy large stock of ample dry goods horns, shoes, bnto and clothing, saddlery, carriage tri .miing., op.ings an I nxleafor bngrles nml »wi-h"rse wngons, hjjlfnnd heavy hnrdwore. of everysigle and p iC '.sm liia lo-da. h et, hoop and bar iron and ateel. hoes, ( Inins, tec. A'so n very lo - e and general slock of Groceries, At- In Ita Stenm Mills Hour always nn hnnd ; together with every other nrttcie wnnted either for city or cnttniry i>»-.nil nf which bo sold os cheap os the olienpestcll nnd see. April 3,1951. SULLIVAN .CABOTte CO. GEORGIA—Hold County- YTTIlEREAS, Jose; h rurhrm rpplies VV L"ttefs of Administration n the iotat, D i ham, Isle of said county, Perenard— These nre,.therefore to cite nnd n.ltnr tiniulnr the kinihed nml oratlitors o t.. he and appear at my office within ed by Inw, to show ennse, if any th. Letters ah ul l not be grant -.h Given under my hmnl PURE FAMILY MEDIC