Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, May 22, 1851, Image 3

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cayed, and thera were four ridges of iron rust ill on each, which were the only remnants of what were once iron hoops. The casks Were covered with barnacles.” •The Boston Advertiser says the above pro bably came from the brig Hollander, of Bos ton, from Rpterdam, which was capsized, and sunk in Massachusetts Bay about ten years since. The breaking up of the vessel, which was hastened by the gale, probably disengaged the casks from' the hold, and, be ing lighter than water, they roso to the sur face. CHATTANOOGA PRODUCE. 10,000 lbs, Tennessee Bacon, 10 Barrels Lord, 500 Bushels Corn. • 60 Bbls. Flour, 60 Pieces ■ otton Osnabnrje, 100 Pieces Prints, Shoes, Hardware, Boots, Caps, Hats, Pomp bottom boots made to order! May 03,1851. JOHN H. ROBERTS. 1 Colonization.—The Agent of the Ameri can Colonization Bociety is making arrange ments for dispatching a large party of- end- S ants.for Liboria by the packet to sail from Oltimore next month. It- is supposed that one hundred and fifty, persohs from the Val ley of Virginia will embark together, and *ftoT 1 TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. rpHE House and let recently occupied by the sub. X aoriber, next to the Female Academy, and near the new Methodist Church. The lot Is well improv ed, and contains 14 acres of land, suitable lor flower and kitchen gardens. The location Is pleasant and 'desirable. Enquir eofthe subscriber in Chattooga,or of IVs, Joim.OM,Esq., Rome, may 33, 1831.—tf W. GWVNN. und a new town on tho Const. Make Yotm Own Candles.—Take twelve ounces of alum for every ten pounds of tallow,'dissolve it in water before the tal low is put in, and then melt the t-nllow in the alum water, with frequent stirring, and it Will clarify and harden the tallow so as to make a most beautiful article, for cither fl’ummer'or winter use, almost us good os sperm. If the’ wick be dipped in spirits of turpentine, the candle will redact a muclt more brilliant light.—American Farmer. ElCgancd'itl Dress is cheap and simple, at it' ■ What It costs a man for tobacco who uses .» is sufficient, if ndded to the present cost of his clothing to dress him with elegance. A few more shillings a yard for cloth, the work of a tasteful tailor, a' decent regard to tiie prevailing inode, and a certain likeness and simplicity, is nil I Elegance is never gaudy, never outre, never out of fashion, nor in the extreme of fashion. It allows of n few orna meats, and no studied display. The difference of a single dollar in an article a dress, may . make the whole distinction between elegance -and vulgarity. A single tawdry ornninent may spoil the effect of the best tnilor’s Workmanship. The slightest eccentricity of •cut betrays tho inborn rowdy. To Sleep—to Die.—Never was there a more practical and terrible npplicatinn of Hamlet’s memorable doubting quoitmning, life -or-dealh soliloquy tban in the cn-e of the .. three negroes, in Toxns, two of whom—a man and his wife—v ere Inch- found by n re turn party ,of the Mexican Boundary'Com- " mission in a slate ofstarvnlion, having, kill ed and nearly devoured their comrade.— The Livacn paper says thev had fived fi rmany weeks on roots and such things ns (hey could pick up but finally becoming so nearly fam ished will) hunger that one of the men pro posed ilint they should cast lota which of the three should be killed nod oaten liy the others: but Henry would not sgree that his wife should cast lots, for if it should fall uj . on her to be killed he could not eat n moutl fill of her. So the two men agreed that the first who got to sleep should he killed hy the other. Homy Who lind his wife to help him proved the most wakeful, rind the other fell n victim to the demand of hunger. !'l The New Savannah Steamers.—We leotn from the Savannah Republican, tlmt the ,steamer Gordon, built in New-York to run between that port and Chnilesion will leave Naw-York on Saturday next for Savannah. We may also expect the Calhoun, hor mate, tin a short time. Rhode Island.—The Legislature has ad- ■ Journed after a session of tour and half days. Among the acts passed was one restoring • ’ Thomas VV. Dorr to his civil rights and privileges. ROME PRICES CURRENT, CORK JBCTJBD WEEKLY •by FRANCIS M. ALLEN, Bacon, Hams Sides, ‘ Shoulders, Hog Round, V. •* ’Baooino, Dundee, yd..*. Ky Gunnoy Butter, Goshen lb.... Country Beep, Forequarter,. .... . . Hind do ', Box, Spermaceti,.... .... Adamantine, GoryKR t Java, Sack, Cuba, Laguira, Rio Cotton, .... Corn, Corn Meal, Cordage, Bale Rope, Manilla, Cotton, Flour, Mackerl, No 1 per hbl ...... No. 2 “ " No. 3 11 “ • Hides, Green,. lb.... Dry,........... M • .... Iron, Swede, .H :::: ItH , , i Band, ... W ; Hoop *■ ' ' Lkah - *' Molasses bbl pr gat. "'.I Syrup, Nails, Kog lb.... Rice, lb.... . 1 ’Salts,Liverpool per Snck .... do do bushel. •• Table, per box. N. Orleans,.. Portorieo. ... Delta Snntuurus,... Refined,.i Lout Crushed, .... Cln rilled Tallow, Wool, Row, Rolls, 9 CTS. 8 OTS .. 124 184 . $15 SO .$13 .$10 .. 01 ..3 10 .. I 00 ... Sugar, N. Otic ATLANTA IRON FOUNDERY. I AM now prepared to order Mill Gearing of every description, and all other Castings that are made in.similar establishments, including Gin Gear, Plates and Halls, tec., tec. AUo, BARK MILLS, with the lutest inipiovcments. nil of which will be warranted to be of the best material ai.d workmanship. I will also furnish all kinds of Mill Rock at the lowest rates fcr Cash. A. LEYDKN March 8,1851 ]y PATENT CAST IKON WATER Will ELS. W HICH will be warranted to cut two thousand feet «f plank per day under any head ol water (Yam four feet up, Manufactured by march#, 1 5l. A. LEYDEN. NEW-YORK STORE. Muslins, Bonnets, Cravats, Prints, R.bbons, Shins, Bl’oh’d Domestics Fail.*, Collars, See Island do. Fringes, Union Hats, Heavy Aug’ta do. Bl’k Silk ace.*, Moleskin do. Borages, : Twist Gloves Drab beaver do Lawns, Kid ,.o Palm Leof do. Tissues, .Hosiery, ChiS’n’aatr w do Poplin.*, Parasols, White linen drill Ginghams. Fieuch Collars, Corded do Chambmys Lace Cap.*s, Stripped do French Cnhco, . w ss Trimmings Farmers' do Furniture Prims oinhs, inen Duck, Swis* Muslin, Gr>if8 Skirts, Corduroy, Jaconet, Corded do Cottonudes, Check Swiss, Linen Uii'k'fs, Nnnkoens, Cambric*, Silk do .Striped do Corded do inen t blc diaper India do Tnrlton, Towel*, Napkins, F'ower.«*, Napkins, Slices, Tabs, Emboss'd table covers, tec. tec. tec AT DENNIS 6i HUNT’S Rome, may 1 , S’ I. NEW COTTON GINS at none, a t. T^OT WITHSTANDING our Simp tins bvn drs- i-v t:uyeil uvloc wiihln ill- ln-t two yeois. once liy A Fresh Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS. Just received at Burns 9 & Murray’s rtONSISTING of Summer (Bilks, Beroz*, DeLanes, Silica, Poplins, Jenny Lind Silks. \J Muslins. Prints, Cambrics and Ginghams, from 12$ to 25 cents, Calico from 6 to 1?} cents, fast colors, bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, very low price and good quality- Gran- elt (without a false face; Shirtings, at 16 yards (or a dollar. Charleston and other brown Shirtings, with a fine stock of Hoisery, and other articles usually kept in our line, which we respectfully invite the pubtie to call and examine. We will tako pleasure In showing, and charge nothing for looking. BURNS & MURRAY. April 24,1861. Cflll, BUU i and I Leather, > Dried Fruity Bcef andJ FUh. Pure Port Wvm* and Pak Otard Brand tf. Porter and Lemon Syrup. X small lot of Shoc&on,cofl*u\8 a - ment. A few young, men* can bo accommodated) with Boarding. March 0,1851'. Veranda House* Depot Square, State of Georgia, Floyd comity. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1861. I T appearing to the Court, by tbt petition of John T. Meador and Joaeph C, Benaon, that Thomid McGuire, by bia agent Terence McGuire of sens county, deceased, did In hla lifetime execute to said John T, Meudor and Joseph C. Benaon, bia bond, conditioned to execute titles in fee ainiple to uld John T, Afcador and Joseph C. Benson, for Int of land No. 196. and two-tbirds of lot No, 197, more or lew, it being uli east of u lino of partition run between said McGuire and Boggesa, all being and lying in tbe lOili district of Carroll county. Stum of Georgia ; and it further appearing that said Thomas McGuire depart ed this Hie Without exec at iugthlrs to. said lot andpart of lot of land, or in nay way providing iherufbr j mid it appearing tint aaid John T. Aleador mid Joseph C. Benson, has paid the full amount of the purchase price of ssid land, and said John T. Meador and Jo seph C. Benson hiving petitioned this Court to direct Terrence McGuire, sdm'r and S.B.G.McGuire, ndm'rx upon the estate of the aaid Thomas McGuire, de ceased, to execute to them titles to said lot and part ol lot of land, in conformity with said Bond—v . It is therefore ordered, by tbe Court, that notice be given at three or more public places in siid county, and ill the Rome courier, of such application, thut all penults Concerned may U.c oljeotions in the i limit's office, Of any they have) why said Terence McGuire, ndin'r and 8. B. G. McGuire, adm’rx, as aforesaid, ehouid not execute titlea to said lot and part of lot ol laud in coniurmily with auid bond. A true extract from the ndnuica of Court, given un tier my band, this Sth day of May, 1851 JESSE LAMB HEW SPRING GOODS. J UST renewed, fine Printed Muslins, for Spring, Jackonet and BwiasCMuslln* and bettings, at March 6. F. M. ALLEN'S. JESSE LAMBERTH& CO. Broad Street, Borne, Georgia. R espectfully announce to tho public that they are now opening and will keep constantly on hand, a lurge and well (elected atock of FRQVXSI0KST.0BE. 8. G. WELLS. B ACON, LarS, Com. Pour, Whe.’t, Smrar. Coffeo, Salt, and MoiaseeB, Domestic Y an. 1 '. Cloth, Shoe* Rcadjr-nfndo Clotlilug, of every description. Alan Hats and Caps, Boots ’• ib. ■ - and Shoes, Uinbrellaa, Trunks and l.'nrpet Bags. To- adiea ' " gether with a well (elected atock of Lndies and Miseea Sn Jtraw and Satin' Bonnets, Ladies ana Mis os Satin and i-asiing Gaiters and Baskina, Ties, Slippers and -WalkingShoes: Also Parasols, Gloves, mils, Fans, mbs. Ate., March 13, 1851. BERTH, s.e.o. oyed twice wiihln the lost two yeo,s. once liy water and once by lire, we are again manufacturing our superior Cutton Idas, and have prepared our-elves lo fil uny amount of orders w,th which we may be favored. We lire noi making Premium Gins,nr Wa ter Bux I llns, nor da we claim nil the experience that Inis been acquired in the nil of Gin making, but we wil , without b lasting, say dint we are willing to plnrc our Gins side by side with any marie in the^Uni- ted Suites nt the snme price, mid compare quol ly and quant ty of lint ginned per due day with them, A. D KING At CO. SALE OF HOTEL FURNITU E- W ILL be sold at p bile outcry on Tuesday the 3d il.iy of Juno next, at he Exchnnge Hotel in'his City Abe entire Furniture belonging lo snid Hotel, confining of beds mid furniture, ninlirnases, bedsteads, tables, chairs, oaipets, dining ronm and kitchen furni ture and in'll" at er articles loo tedious to mention. The larger portion of s-idfu ninre is comp rnlively new, having beon purchased within tho lost year.— Terms I borrl. A. E. KEEVES. Hume, .Uny 8, 1851. All Pertous I NDEBTED to WM. E. ALEXANDRA: Co. ei- ther bv note or account, ore requested tu call and pay up. May 1,1951 TENNESSEE AGENCY. 20.000 lbs. BACON 2,000 '• LARD. 1,000 BUSHELS CORN. J UST receiving nml for aale at tho Tennessee Agen cy, one door below Johnson, Popete Co. Rome, May 8,18.11. J. J. REEVES, Ag*t Portable Horse Power for Wheat Thrashers &c. G AN be set np in the field in one day. For sale by FRANCIS M. ALLEN. April 24, 1851. DANIEL S. PRINTUP Agnt for the Southern Mutual Insurance Company at Home, 6a. INSURES ngninst loss by FIRE; also, LIVES of er8on8 and Servants. SSECKS on Charleston and New York, for sala DANIEL S. PRINTUP, * r *nt for the Bonk of the State of So. Ca Oct, 10. 1350. Georgia, Floyd County* W HEREAS, Benjamin II. Lampkin applies to me for Letter* of Administration on the Estate ol Wm. C. Butler, lnte of suid county, dcceosed— TIichc are, therefore, to cite and adnioitLh a’l and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said decers’d to be nnd nppeur at my office within the time pies‘rib- ed by l.iw, toshoweuiise (if any exist) why siid Let ters fhoiild not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this Gth day ol May, 1851. JESSE LAMBEUTHpO. c. o. NOTICE. D AN. 4'WAY from the subscriber about four weeks ago, my Negro WO\I *N Anna. She i* nbont forty years old, low in Mature, nnd In s n ge uine Af* iloan countennn. e. I will give Ten Dollar* for tho sofa delivery '»f s-tid negro to me. at home, or Five Hollars and jail expenses 1 suppose she is in the vi- cinity of Rome, or j*one ic Ch itinogi where T to mer- ly resided. RICHARD LEIGH. >.*tyJ5, 851 S VCK ’I F'-osh Flour, from t!i P#nfield JLvJvF Mil's, just received nndforsnle by May 1, 1851. T. J. VERDERY. MARRIED, . In Moproe, Waltpn connty, Gn., on the ISth Inst., by the Rev. Charles J)avi?, Thomas J. Perjiy, of this place* to Miss Mary A. Pattillo, of the former place. IOLLAND HOUSE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA- MIIS Lnr. e and New Brick Unti l, nrni the Rml Hoad Depot, is now opened. It will I* kept in uch style that visitors will not forget to atop ag in. Paaacugers On the cars will have moie thnn maple , time to piutalte of ths good meals always in r'ndr- * niaa at the arrival of each tram. Per.ono visit ng the U'*/.' ni, ‘ l stopping in the Holland House, oiin get in- tinn nisi assfotance In business; mid pass oiT le’sure hours in amuseuients oounceted with the T a Post,Office. Bank Agency, Rr beta and ant offices will be in he Holland House, day one who lias or muy step one time. ',R. KELLAM. Proprietor. BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES- ODD FELLOWS. Home Locos No. 40, I. O. O. F. Meet every Wednesday evening ut their Lodge Room on Brond-st. JAS. D. 'iiilSON N G. W G. DE.N'tON. Sec. MASONS. nt Rome R' YAi.AactiCnxr 'EH No. 26, Meet 1st Tues day in each month, at Maeooic Hall. JAMES D. GIBSON, H. P. THOS. J. PERKY, See’y. Consx ' ocoE No 66. Meet the first ond dtird I- ri- doys in each mouth, t Ma-onic Hall. J. T.SAWRIE.W, M. JESSE Lo.MBEitTH, S. Honter LodobNo, Meet the second and fourth Fridays of eaeli month, at Maaonlo Hall. GEORGE B. DOl'CiSASS, W. M. J.tMESM. SUMTER, S. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Fi.ovn Dtvtstox No. 57, Meet every Monday eve ning at the Cotm Honse, J. H, TORBETT W. P. A. M. LAUB, R. S, Section Csbets No IT, Meet every Thursday ev»- " 7 at tiie Court House. A, M. LAUB, Patron. Floyd Sheriff* Stlei fir Jam- W ILL l» sold on the fir.-t Taesdny in Jnna neat between the uaual hours of sale, before the Court home door, in the City of Rome, the following property, to wit: One Iron Grey Horae, about 5 years old—levied up on n, tiie property of James M. Carney to aatialy a fi. fi. from Floyd Inferior Court in favor of Warren Clayton va. James M, Carney. Piopcrty pointed out by plaintiff 's au'y. Alsu, a lease for 2 years from the 35th December, IS-iU,oif lot o: land No. 77 in tbs 33d dial, and 3d s-eiion, leased by Larkin Barnett; the aaid lea.e is cleared out and contains In acres of good fre,h land, with comfortable cabbins—levied upon a. t'ae proper ty in Purkerson Stewart w satisfy six fi. fas. frohi a Justice's t ourt of Floyd cuunty,in favor of A. J. W is- dutn, bearer,vs. I'urkrraoti Stewart, tnuker, und it. J. Jnhusjn, endorser, an J one ill favor of ,t J. John on vs. PnkursOii Stewart, Sloan V Hawkins vs. Paikcr- son Stewait, Maker, nnd Robert etewart, endorser, Robert Stewart for the use of A. B. Coulter v«. Parker- son Stewart, Miles W. Johnson ft Co. vs. Purkerson Stewart William A, White vs. Parkerson Stewart, all levied and returned to mo by o constable. Post-Boned Sale—-di thuami tint and place, Alsu, Lul of Lund No. 244, in the 22d district nnd 3d section; levied on us tho property of George Lumpkin, to tmtisly a A. fa, issued from Floyd Supei lor Court in liivur of Juntos Morris, nnd trnusterred to lllrani P. Lumpkin, vs. Georgo Lump kin. THOS. S. PRICE, Sh’ff. At the tame time and place. John M, Sanford's ntereat in and to Town lot .No. 47 in the Etowah Division of the City of Rome—le vied upon aa the proirty of John 61. Sanford to sat isfy a fi. fa. from Floyd Superior Court; in fovor] of- James B. Wsltefild vs. John M. Sanford. Properly pointed out hy plaintiff’s att'y. Also, Eher Uovest's interest in town lots Nps, 13 and 8U, in Etwnh Division, in the City of .Rome, and ona act of Tinner's Tools—levied upon as the proper ty of Eber Gossett, principal; and lot of land No. 153 in tho 33d dial, and 3d section—levied upon as tbo property of Richard Gossett, security, to satisfy a fi. Ik. from Floyd Superior court in favor of Jooeph Witters va Eber Gossett, maker, and Richard Goasett and Na than Yarbrough, securities Property pointed out by Nathan Yarbrough, Also, James F. Long's right of lease on lots or tracts of land,| No*. 65 and 96, in the 33d dist. and 3d section, including the premises and improvements whereon tho defendant now resides—levied upon to aatialy three fi. fas. from a Justice's court of Floyd, one in favor of Russel! Reneau, one in favor of Peck At Hardin, and one In fhvor of Miles W. Johnson va. James F. Long. Levy made and returned to mo by a Levy made constable. THOS. G. WATTERS, D. Sh'ff, May 3,1851. Floyd mortgage Bale for Ana*, ’ITTII.L be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, VV bi-forc the Court House door in the City of Romo. Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit t Ont set of Bench Plains, one common Brace nnd set of Ultts, one hand saw, one dozen chisels, one dozen gouges, one tentnt saw, one iron squnre, one linnd nx, one claw hammer, one pair of comparers, and one rule ; all levied oo as the property of John U. Crawford, to satisfy a Moit- gage fi- Ik. issued from the Inferior Court of Floyd county, in favor of William D. Davis. John D. Craw, ford. April 3. THOMAS S. PRICE., Sh’ff. GRANITE STORE. JOHNSON, POPE ft Ga F EELING thankful for tilt; Uheml patronage that has heretofore so generously extend 'd to wards them, would solicit n continuance, nnd invite the nttention of their friends and the public generally thnt they are now receiving and opening n large nnd well seloctod Ptock of Goods, and would add iku.i for beauty and taste their styles cannot be surpassed. Our stock oontLta ol* the Inteairylea Ladies’ dr* as goods, viz. Silk*, Muslins,Ginghams,Barrages,Tis sue*, Crnpo de Pari.*, Brocade Poplin* Prints) tec., Herewith a well selected stock of Capes, Collars, Cuftn, Ladies' Shot*.*, tec. Our stock of Gents' dress guod* cannot fail to suit buyer#. Our assortment of Ha.dware. Cutlery, Saddlery, Crockery, Shoos, Boots, Bujgy and Carriage Trimmings cannot be equoilod by any in Home at th a tune We do not hangout our sign ami #ny that we will sell lower than our neigh bora, but only ask our triends and the public general* ly, to bo certain to give u« a call before buying, and we promise to give them satisfaction both In prices and quality. We only add, you can all make money by giving us n oall before making your purchases. April (0,1*51. GRISWOLD 8 COTTON GIN. f FIIR increased demand tor iheae Gina rendered it hee esartry fur the propri* tor greatly tu extend hh works, which he ta doing wit-, entire new buildings, and supe rior new Machinery, on the CeutraL, at Gri** wuldvil e, Jones county, Georgia, 81 miles east from the city of Macon. These are not Premium Gin*. Nut having gut up a fancy one expressly lor tlmtpurpoae, his sample Gins, are uf the isina q inliiy, rnd of no belter appearance, than those rent tu Uis customerssod without lie make* the beat performing Gin hr use, deems it equiva lent tu say, that bin are iu better demand tban any other now in use—-nut having failed within the last five years * " aisle. iu sell double a* many a» any ulher Factory in the and will guarantee those he is now manufaclurtig Art the ensuing crop, are the best made Gi »in Georgia at tbe price, and worth as much to ike purchaser, a (be hi at he can get man* Statu at any price. He would also camion Punier* not o purchase Gins with W aler Boies trom any ulher Factory than hk>, aa he has **.d a high price tufa and owns the exclusive right lo (*eorgia tor all the W atex right lo (Georgia tor all the Vk atex Boxes ever patented, and to the Oil aaving Boxes lor the mure Collon reutohj ond hereby notifiea all who 0Mke.aeM.urma Water boxeeor Oil- saver* other than hie F> clary, they will be Ad accountable for damages to confer flaky with Ihe Pa- fit laws of the country.' . Orders for Gtos by Mail, or throt%H Agenui, prbmrtly :rented, and d.»htev«J af ibe puoOuuers door, when BU ‘* on ’: n e * 1 . 1 — iHp* ** ■.. Feb. 27,1851* M AML El, UflpWqU*. v Gaia-**■■*«*..- fga. mZjt . TT-.. r r fo—1 150 COHN- BUSHELS Coau for stir, at Match 6, F. M. ALLEN’S. A LOT of aupcriorPianoafovsal, at OSGOOD, AL^OBROOK & CO. iTUIO.SE who wish the brut upland Cotton Scad in A the world hac better apply soon at r apply t OSGOOD, A LSOBROOK A CO: Marcli 30,1851. GmuTfstimii! New and Splendid Sumpter Styles—Better and Cheaper than ever. M. STERN & CO. W OULD respectfully inform their IWends nnd Ihe public that they have juat returned from New York knd~Philadelphia, and opened a splendid aisort- tnetit of Goods, adopted to the aeaion ; consisting, lit part, of superior spring and summer silks, as also n very large assortment of lawns, gingham*, prints, oil calicoes, tfol TO THE LADIES. Their stick of fancy artlotea and Jewelry will be of Oeorgia.— found to be equal to any in the Stale of Oeorgia. Their assortment is composed of gold nnd silver watch es, rings, ear-rings, pencils, gold ond silver beads, S utae rings and uaseli, Ladies companion, fancy rib- cits, trimmings, work-boxes, summer mantillas; Ger man, English and French perfomei and soaps, Ihncy collar*, underscores; note papers, fancy envelopes, worsteds, perforated papers, enrpet bags, fancy trunks, brushes, Accordeons, from 50 eta up to $35, parasols, kid, silk and cotton cloves,bonnet*, ladies' caps,laces, edgings, inserting*, shoes, gaiters, and a great many other goods impossible to be enutnsrtiicd in an adver- tiaement. CLOTHING AND FTONISHBIG GOODS Of our own manufacture at wholcsalo prices Allgentlemen who may bo in want of good and cbenp J find it to their great advantage to oall gr clothing, would find it to their great advantage in ns before purchasing elsowhere, as they have an entire new, splendid and large atock of ready,made clothing of ail aixee. styles and qualities, as also extra sizes for children, cashniaictte,drab d'ute,queen's cloth gold, silver and steel mixed tweed, linen, Jtc., kc.— Punts of doeskin, plain and fancy caxsimere, drill, dtc. Vesta of ciik, aatin, Valencia, casbmerette, linen, Mar seilles, dtc. Also an assortment youth's und servant's cloth. Customers can depend upon finding them made in splendid style, latest fashion and superior work- monship. However low the price, we will nl»o ctll the attetv lion of (he public to our asAortmenuof Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS. Consisting of shirts, standing collars, cravats, Jenny Lind tics, fancy silk suspenders, portmunleous, Mon ey purses, pocket books. 6 »,000 superior sugars of our manufacture, memorandum books, writing materials, tec , teo ; alwnys on hand an extensive and fashion able assortment of hats, cup#, boot*, shoes, trnveling trunks with secret springs, packing trunks, valises, carpot bags, walking canes, tec. Prices not surpassed for cheapness. We are grateful for past encouragement by our for mer customers, and solicit n continuance ot the some, and ail whu recommend their friends to trade at this establishment, may depend upon being dealt with fair ly and honestly, and of receiving for their money its fall equivalent; and we pledge oqrw Ives to use ail hon orable means to give satisfaction and deserve the con fidence of our patrons. Call nt our«stabILhment and see for yourselves. M. STERN te CO. Broad Street,Opposite the Poet Office. Rome, April 3,1851. F OUR months after date application will be mnde to the Honorable the Inferior court of Floyd county, when sitiingas a court ol ordinary, lorleav to sell a negro boy by the name ol Rnusom, beloeg inu to the estate of A. 8. W. Johnson, Jan. 16. IbSL A’ B. KEEoE, Guard. HE*aav»Em ? ». > «» lfiS j f . 1 ait. r i tie , okrtiieRoe tu Ofdera reotivetl from the Comman- _ tier in Chief of the Slow of Georgia, an Ele tiov will b# held on Tuesday the Sd day of June next, at Ihe several plncea of holding El.-clfon* for members j the General Assembly in tiie county of Floyd, for a Bri gadier General of the 2.1 Brigade, 12th Division, G. M , to tlH lire vacancy of Gen. Joint F. Bevee*, removed Dy order ol Col. SAMUEL STEWART. 1 R. J. JOHNSON, Adjutant. April 17,1851, fi- Al.1. AM) WHITER WOODS. DISSOLUTION) T HE Firm of Sullivan, Caeot 5t Co. la this day dissolved by mutual catuctit. Tbo Row firm Sullivan, Cabot Ic Co. are uutliorlsad to settle all die business of tbs late firm. F. 1 Sullivan, F. M. Oahot, Rome, Jan. I, 1851. H. D. Duncan. THE subscribers having purchased tho interest of H, D. Duncan in the lata fittn of Sulliruti, Cabot .Y Co., will continue tiie bueinesa on their own account, Under the name und style of Sullivan, Cabot ic Co. F. /. SULLIVAN, F. M. CABOT. Rome.Ga, Jan. Ii,i85l. DISSOLUTION. T IIE Firm of Wat. E. Alexander At Co. having been.tUlidayd.a9olrrd.hy mutual consent, the USsMSm w|)l he continued ot ^lio old aland, hy it. S. NORTON, wheie ana.-Eorttueiit willalwuy. be kept us heietufjte. The unwttled huslncxof tiie firm will receive tit attention of both, WM- E. -dl.KXANDEil. Jan. 30,1851. R. S, NORTON. NEW GOODS m J. OMBERG, MERCHANT TAlbOR. H AS now on hand a well selected atook ol Cloths Cntsinforet nntl Vesting*, of every shad* anti color, together with every oilier article usually kept in an establishment of tbit, kind. Tlieso goods haver beets selected by itimaetf id Now York, with great coni atnl purticufar roferenee to tbs prevaM- higFashions. Ho is also,.prepared to mnnnfac- ture rloibio* ina liJDER TIIB3 .UASU.YIC HALE K. J. JOHNSON I S now teceiylng a very large nnd the best assorted stuck of Goon.' ever received by him, C0ll.,i.‘ting of nearly everything usUiiHy kept hy merchants. Domes tic and staplo goods, some very low price fur lohurlnr Itarida. Gemlenu ii'* line (ire’s. Uuds, well nsa.trted Ftench and English Cloths, Cussltncrea, Vest ngsand- Stuniner Cloths, oil direct from the Importers. La dles fine dress goods, almost every iii-acrtp;lon, nnd In- fort ond moat foshtonable fur and S.unnP'r; col ored plaid, embroidered,, plain nnd Swisa muslin nnd La.wns; Fancy silk tissues, Bariugea, nnd n handsome assortment of Ginghams of every deicription, all di rect and of the latest importations. Ribbons, and a large stock of worked nollata. caps, mantillas, viaellea, and mimy other uttljlca too tedious to mention. La dles best twisted silk. Gloves and mbs.colored fancy kid glares, Linen and lawn handkerehioib^hoisery, Joe. BONNETS—n fine stock colored satin,' lace, gimp, satin straw, Hungarian, pearl nnd Spanish hair bonnets. Miss-repenrl ami satin straw ami gimp b’outrts. Bon net silks, llowers amt linings; l.ndtas Idd slippers and walking "hues ; also a large stock of Bunts and shoes fo- gentleman, finu ond common. Ready-made Clothing, summer Hats,fine moleskin, fur and silk hat*. Crockery, China and glass wore, hardware, endery, saddle*, bridles, mnrliugnlrs ; also, a Rue lot of sugar*, coflec and molasses will be sold vei) chcup fur cash only. He reapi-ctihlly invites his ftmaftcunomcrs and friend* toclve him a call; he ia prepared and will give tiie heat nf bargains N. B. A liberal reduction wlllbe made for oaah for nil bills over $3. Romo, tnnrah 37,1854. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. At Number 4 Choice Houses luantity of Pant* for W HERE you will find nny quantity of Pont* lot sale by OSGOOD, ALSOBRUOK ic CO. march 30, T TESTS for mnrrlod and aingle. with a few lo mar• V ryln, " V ru In, for salu by march 30 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK ic CO. C OATS fo match, and a , moi:e *’•" P 1 " 1 bar'd and oroa* bar’d. Conte nnd see. march SO OAGOOD, ALSOSROOK CO. Y¥TE propose to dres* any gentleman who may do- * v sire it, in fine style, a ml at * law price—after ta king care of the outward man, wo will nourish Ids mind with goad Books of nil kinds. Wo will furnish stationary and fanay stationary, nnd all that kind o thing, very cheap, aa may be prawn by enquiring at march 20 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO. BACON- •i O AAA LBS, Bacon, ot 1AUUU March fi. F. M. ALLEN'S. HAIL ARRANGEMENT- POST-OFFICE, ROME, GA,) Feseuaey l, 1851. \ The Northern, Eastern and Sontbcrn mails arrive dally, except Sundays, nt 14 P. M. Close* name days at 34 A. M. Made of conveyance, Roll Road Cara. Western mail arrives daily, except Monday*, at R A, M. Close* dnlly, except tSundnya, at 2P.M. Mode of conveyance, Four Horae Post Conches. Southwestern mail arrives Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10 A. M. Closes Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 2 P. M. Mode of conveyance, Four Horae Post Coaches. LaFayette moil, vie Fummervlll*. Dirt Town, Ml Hickory nnd Hardin's Mills, arrives Mondays and Thursdays at 7 P. M. Closes snot* dhyo at 9 P. M. Cave Spring and Van's Valiev mails arrive Tues days and Fridays nt IT A. M. Closes same days at 3 P.M. Hermitage mail arrives on Thursdays nt It A. M, Closes same days at 13 A. M. California nml Johnson's mails arrive on Fridays at 11 A. itf. Closes same doys ot 12 A. M. TI10.V. J. PERRY, P. M. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ond extensive stock of Lndies' nnd Gents' dress goods, newest spring styles ; al very large stock of staple diy goods boots, shoes, hots and clothing, saddhry, carriage trioiniing*, springs and axles for bugiie# and two-horat* wagons, .-ht*lfnnd heavy hardware, of every style and p. ie *, am. tits' tools, ritcet, hoop ond bur iron and steel, hoes, cln ins. tec. Also a very large ond general stock of Groceries, At Junta steam Mills flour nlway.H on hand; together with every other article wanted either for city country use,nil of which will be sold as cheap os the olren nest call and see. April 3,1851. SULLIVAN .CADQTte GOl PURE FAMILY MEDICINES; \ LWAYS on hand, und'put up ir. ihe nio'tcnr** fx (»,' nranuer, under our immedinfc utteution. Dec. 5. 13ATTEY 1KO. Guardian'* Sato. 4 GREEABLY to on order of the honorable the In * ferior Court of Floyd county whon sitting os a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on tbe first 1 Tuesday in Jane next, before the Court House door in tbe City of Rome, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale the following city lot, to wit ( No. 22, in the Coosa Division of said city of Rome. Sold for the benefit of Sarah A. ond Wesley S. Trout, miner orphans o Tilman Trout late of said ccunty, deceased. Terms mode known on day of sale. March 13,1851. SAM’L STEWART, Gunr. GARBKN SEEDS—CROP OF 1850 W E invite attention to our line nBzortmcnt ofGar- geetl, »i<-. Just racelveil o few bn. Onion o.-tts and button*—eomt! Victoria Rhubarb (or Pit) Plant! Rosts—MUlnt seed, Field Pons. (English) Early Corns 30 bbls. Northern Poutubs, etc. Merchant, ipptieii upon the bi-st terms. J.m. SB R ANAWAY from th* lubrerBrer wj the 1 lift'd 'uU.t at cHostnut 9qn«l' 1 oil ronml,anil I thlnlPa sriikll whit*.pot Inf head with tome mark* of gkaK-'. Anr P* r *-*_ . up aaid animal anil giving me intofrnnlreo <*■» Mine, will be liberally rewarded-: Writ. •» Jo** con's Peat Office, Floyd county, On-- Jan: 2,1851 NOTICE I S hereby given that all notes and iccotlht-, berate* fore madt with J. D. DICKERSON hsv* beta . *- signoditotliosutoeribor. Penunsowingtha<*tuaa..* reipufttad: to crane forward nt an early dare nnd make payment to. either inj’relf Or J. D Dickerson, mhm ia my.nulhrjrincdingviitl.J collect nnd receipt for tha same- THOS. D. SHl’LTON. Jan 7.185A ROME KALE ACADEMY- rPHE Exercise, of this InaUwtioo wlllbe re*aras4 -Aon Monday the 8dth insu,. to cqutlnno darings . INI GOSMAN, a graduate of Princeton hav* hern as- ' mu cured as Aaaistant, nnd the T'aaclutts pledge ikctn. aclvc* I list no effurts on their pail tdt.ll- be wamhip t. render tin- School worthy of a lilj«m| psttonage- Be sides ihe-studiescoiupriwd in a thoroughClsa-ical anj Englith course, parliculnr nUeutfou will- b* paid t. Bnok-ki-rpiug, and tu the preparation of young mra for buaiiiesa. Those wliuiltsire to study french can do so under a French Instructor. Tuition as hereto fore. S. J. STEVENS,Principal l.otnr, Ga., Jan. 3,1851. F Ot'R month*after date application.wfil bemad* to tho honorable the Inl'erioi Court of Floyd coitnty.u'lirnalitlngitsncoDnof ordinary,for leave lo sell oil the litntl and negro*, belonging to th. se tutu of )Villiam Jink*, late af said county, dsetsasd. THOMAS 8. PRICE. > . WILLUMQ.. MILES, { Aim, ‘ Jan. 33,1851. NOTICE. A LL peraons Indented In tiie estate of William Jinks, late of Floyd county, deceased, trill please cull and rank* immediate payment, nnd tlwoe having clahnaagninst sttlilestate wtllplenae present thq$ In teuu* of the luw. THOMAS 8. PRICE, ) . WILLIAMG. MILES, j*" 1 " 1 npL KEGS Nails, amortod. For sale l.w.Whal JL S*J sale ond Khtil, hy F. M. ALLEN. Jnn.3,1850. 1 A BALES Fitctory Yarn, foraat* law byB IU Jan 8,a?£ F. M. ALLEN, p. BALES Illeached nnd Brown Ilomeapnn* .10 from 3-4 to 8-4 wido, for sate low by jt.Jnna. K, M. ALLEN. dig's LiASliS Men’* Boots and Shot a for sala law JsXJ by F.M. ALLEN. Jan 3. B f k UASE8 Ladii-a’ Wulking shoe* and kid ally- X17 per* from 50 cent, n pair up. For aale by Jan2- .F.M. ALLEN. A FEW piece* 8-4 Bleached Linen diapet for t*. bis cloiha—very nice—for aale low by Jnn 2, F. M. ALLEN. g-TS/ HITE WINE and pure Cider Vinegar, let V V sal* by F. U. ALLEN. Jan. 3. XAA LnS. Hemlock aol* Leathar for mle. Ap- OUU p“ la F. M- ALLEN i'REE AND EASY. /"I ALL ot tho Free Sl Easy House,4 door* below th. : cboico Hotel, where you will find n general nt- aartmeut of Cqnfectlonariea, Frulta, Jtc„ of the vary bcauhatover lias been, and a*good soever cinbe ofler- ed in Rome. Sold low for cash. GEO. SHAW- Feb. 30, Ibfil. OX BUSHELS of first rate Com Meal just re- Jd*3 calved and for sale by O. 8IIAW. Fob 20 SUPERIOR article of l-'omlly Flour, for eel# by Feb 3!) G. SHAW. A GOOD article of shelled Com on hand and for •hid by IG. SHAW. Feh 20 10 BOXKS xuMrior Ntw York Cheese for rale b/ Feb 90 Q. 8HAW, A FIR8T rate lot of Bncon juat received and fcc sale by O. SHAW. Frb 20 1000 L F.b3°« f ,U ^° r U,d j «Y8 dM 10 rftso S PERM and Star Candles for aale by Feb 20 O. SIIAW. A Firat rata article of Tobacco and Cigala aiwaya kept at SHAW'S ki-pt at Feb 20 S { COTCH Herrings, Sardines, &c., may nt alt limit 1 nt the FREE ic EASY HOUSE. be found Feh 20 O YSTERS, Lobsters, Shrimpc, Eig’n Fret, Eggs, Ac., served up in a superior innnnr* at the Feb 20 FREE it EASY HOUSE. 200 LBS. GOSHEN BUTTEIR.for aale ut March 0,1851. G.. SHAW'S. B UILDERS of Store and Dwelling houses are ia- vited-to-axamine samples of Mineral Knob Lock* —white nnd dark, at- F. M. ALLEN'S Feb St) 1851 D RURGICAIi-NOTICE. R. PAUL.F..EVE.aoeontad.lho Profvuorahip ot Surgery in the Medieol-Dopanment-of the Uni- !y of Louisville, Kv., only lor tiie aeesiun of I,ee- ttow closing, with the trope of, benetttting tho vereity lure* n _ - — health of his- family ; but no improvement having been produced by the change, he hos returned to Aa- guxta, end is prepared to-resumo the Practice of Sue- grryi Ilia lnfirihoty for Nrgroes iaoprtr fornntieiu. Augustu Fob. 12,1851. [Miirelt 6, 3m NOTICE. T HE Co-partnership existing heretofore between Batte* A Uno- having been dbvolved by mittasl consent, lire bnaincst will b« continued *t th* oldftand liy ROliT. BATTEY. AlHnnaottlod boain«s*of the firm wilt reoeive tho utCcntionof ua both- G. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome,.March 1,1151. ROBT.BATTEY. GEORGIA—Floyd Connty- TT7HEREAS, Joseph Darham applira to ter fo v V Letters of Administration on the estate of Jana ■ Du-ham, lata of aaid coanty, ilttceancd— to cite These are, therefore to cite nnd adhtoniah ail and sin tulnr the kindred and creditors of said ilroeaird t..lie ond appear at my office within-,tho-tim* prescrib ed by low, to ahow con-o, if any they have, why aaid Letters afroulil not he grunL-d. Given ttodorlny hand, at offiee; March *0 A, 1*3*. "TH,e..a • JESSE L.MBERT 1 >P\ BOXES Sn*h Glnra Ug. and IvV dr snlc njt vbry low palcco. sot:.-IS J. D. DICKERSON BATTEY Ic BRO..Drtygists TUB ATTENTION 0E PHYSICIANS I S invited to aurfrtth supply of Drug* and Metfl ciaea, English and American Chcrafonlr, Sttrgl cal Instrnmonw, Medical. Bttgo-, Homeopathic Ci— etc , Tbo price and qunltty- ennnot foil lo pie*"- FRESH ARRIVAL CP FUSEHRSX Welt eeleeled l&suit Physicians., JVIKSBJED OIL—A gsodaapply, anil a vary | PURE WHITE LEAD—A large t oll'jicii low to. ci.oh. LAMP OIL—A very superior arlu of Bummer use. PUTTY—PM «P in bladdsn "^SPIRIT GAS8-A pun give tiie roost brilliant lig' Stuffe. Glace, Pei ic Casco, pi* 1 ' -leave all M