Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, June 05, 1851, Image 4

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SOMETHING NE W UNDER THE SUN. GEORGE BONE T> ESPtlCTFULLY informs ihe Citizens of Floyd ' Xv and the adjoining Counties, and the publlo gener ally, that he has permanently located In the City of Rome, with the Intention of carrying on tho CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches. From his long experience In one of the most extensive Carriage manufactories in the State of North Carolina, he flatters himself Ufa the will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may feci disposed to test his mechanism. “ Equaled by few and Excelled by nose." is his motto, and in order to carry this fully in to effect, he employs none but first rate workmen in every department of his business, from the turning of n common wagon-spoke, to a full trimmed Pleasure Carriage. In connection with his establishment he has an extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate business and fill orders in work* where, ns Be is determined to sell for cash or to punc tual customers, on as good terms ns can he obtained South of** Mason and Dickson’s Line." Repairing done to order, and in the shortest possi ble time. His establishment may bo found in the immediate vicinity of the Rail Road Depot and next door to the Hilburn House. Broad Street, Rome, 0a. January 1st, 1851. CTORAL WILLIAM A. AND JOHN M. SANFORD- H AVING taken the HOTEL recently occupied b E. R. GARRETT, in Summerville, Gs. would respectfully inform the travelling public that they ore prepared to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. Their House is large and commodious, and well sailed for the comfort and convenience of families travelling the up country in the pursuit of health or plensuro; aud their table furnished with the very best the country affords. Their stables will be supplied wiih on nbunduuce of provender and attend• cd by faithful and efficient Ostlors. Their friends and acquaintances are cordially invited to call ond give them atrial, as no pains will be spared on their port to render all comfortable, Summerville, Ga. Jan. 9, 1850. DAILY LINE OF FOUR HORSE POST COACHES. ROME TO GUTTER'S LANDING. THE Proprietor takes picas a urc in announcing to tho pub — lie, tnatho has re-established slris line ol Four Horse Post Coaches, between the above points, connecting n Gunter’s Landing with the Decat rMail Boats, and at Rome with the Rome Railroad. A line of Four Horso Coaches from Montgomery, connects with tho above route at Blue Pond ; leaving Bluo Pond on tho arrival ot the Conch ftom Gunter’s Landing, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 12 P. M.— Pair—Montgomery to Huntsville $20 5 to Nashville $25 A tri-weekly lino of Four Horse Conches is now in operation from Rotno to Jacksonville, which will be extended to Elytonns soon ns the connecting lino to Tuscaloosa is stocked with Coaches ; leaving Rome, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, on tho arrival of thoCurs,nml leaving Elyton Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, at 8 A. Feb 0,1851. J. R. POWELL. AT HOME AGAIN. R H. HUDGINS cun be found nt Ids Sliop on , Broad Street, in the lower part of the City, prc. pared to do any kind of work In the Carpenter’s line, and at his usual low prices. Window Nasll, Blinds', die., will be kept constantly on hand. Per sons wishing work done in his line would do well to call and see him belore making a trade elscwhete. Jan* 9,1851. (im VOSKEItY JA^ES & CO. AVarclious Commission Merchants AUGUSTA, GA. T H E undersigned thank (ill for tho liberal patronage of the past season, again ten ders their services to their friends and the public, in the sale el Cotton and othor Pro duce, at their Eire Proof Warehouse on Campbell street, wheie their personal atten tion will he given to all business entrusted to them, and liberal Cush advances made on Produce when required. Orders for Bagging, Hope and family supplios, executed at the lowest market price. JOHN CdSKpHY, A. G. JANES, THOS. VV. COS EE It Y Augusta, Sept. 19, 1850. 50tf A . KATS, Fashionable French Boot Maker. I S prepared to execute work in his lino, in a. neat JL and substantial manner, nutl will be thankful for a liberal share of the patronage ol Rome and vicinity He may be found at the room formerly occupied by tho Courier Oflicc, on Broad street. Rome, Jan. 23, 1851: PROSPECTUS OF THE CUBAN LIBERATOR. A NEAT Book of 300 Octavo pnges, descriptive of the Island of Culm, present and prospective, •and every thing on nbout it: Price $1,payable, in nil instances, when subscribing, M^nnblc the Author have the work in the finest style of tho arts. Besides the rending matter, additional pages will No. 1 Steel engravings, illustrate many curious and instructive, as well as exciting scenes ; and prominent among them will bernota few Americans transported, grated, shot, and in dungeons and highways in chains, without committing any oflence whatever. Seconda rily, like illustrations will exhibit the author before he u Sjmdith Inquisition,” supposed by many to be ex ploded, and Ainericun Ladies and Gentlemen in 1 In- vanna piling bags of gold before the nnthoriticu for hisrelense. Confident of e patronage ns liberal ns the subject important, Editors who copy thi?, and Post Masters who "frank” remittances, are my agents, retaining 2 per cent commission fur the same ; ntul ns nil truth i excluded by the Government Censor from the Cuban press, and oil people there afraid to talk, for a Jiko reason,’leas 1C actually known of Culm in the United States than even the remotest co ncr of the earth. It is time- this should cense: respecting the garden spot of this earth, when once under American rule, and the latter is as necessary as the former, ntul both as certain ns the record of Genesis, containing the commands of Almighty God. EDWARD STIFF Author of the “Texan Emigrant," and late Editor the "Cherokee Sentinel,” at Cedar Bluff, /lln. P. S.—The day is not remote when i shall attend the Circuit Courts of DeKulh, Cherokee, tfco.,. ./llalmina, and my friends will plense have a goodly list of names for two purposes ready. JOHN W. BURNETT, Rome, Ga., is the author iecd Agent. Mnrch 0,1851. tf WASHINGTON HALL, Atlanta, Georgia. T HIS HOTEL hasbecu newly fitted up and finely furnished for the accommodation of the Travel ing Public, generally. Qcf* No pains will be spared to mnder nil comfortable who in ay give us a call. JCjP Servants always in attendance nt tho Curs o convey baggage and conduct Passengers. JAMES LOYD, Proprietor. £?EO. 11. FRAZER, Super intend ant. N -V now and splendid BARBER SHOP ttyoatttt chedi tinder the same roof. D.5, I860. ly GEORGIA—Floyd County- THEREAS,Joseph Durham npplics to me fo Letters of Administration on the estate of Jane n, late of said county, deceased— e are, therefore to cite and admonish all and r the kindred and creditors of said deceased r at my office within the time prcscrib- , if any they have, why said nted. ; Mnrch 20tb, 1851. mm. For tho Cure of OOVGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, GROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries Science has mad in this generation to facilitate the business of life—in crease its enjoyment, and even prolong the torm ofhu tnnn existence, none can be named of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the healing Art. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that medicine or combination of medicine-, yet known. surely control and euro tho numerous varieties pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from midst thousands and thousands every year. In deed, there is now abundant reason to believe a rerne- hasat length boon found which can be relied on to cure tho most dangerous affections of tho lungs. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportion the cures effected by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer furtlr enquiry to the circular which the ngctit below nam* , will always bo pleased to furnish free, wherein arc full particulars, and indisputable prod of these facts. •*rom the the Prc.-idcnt of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK. Jntncs O. Ayer—Sir, I have u$cd your Cherry Pectoral in my own case of deop Bentcd Bronchitis, am sati-fied from its chemical constitution, that it is an admirable compound for the relief nt larynginlnnd bronchial di tllculties. If my opinion as to its superior character can be of any service, you oro nt liberty to s you think proper. En. Hitchcock, L. L. D. From the widely celebrated Professor SILLIMAN, M,D., L. L. D., Professor of Ccmistry,Mineralogy, &c, Ynlo College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Societies of America and Eu rope. "1 deem tho Cherry Pectoral an admirable composi tion from sotno of the best articles in the materia tiled- , and a very effective remedy for thu class of dis eases it is intended ta cure," New Haven Ct. Nov. 1,18*49. Major Pattison, President of the S. C, Senate,states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful suc cess, to cure an inflammation of tho lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Maine. Saco, April 2G, 1840. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, I am now con stantly using your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for pulmonary com plaints. From observation of.many severe cases, I convinced it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that have put to defiance all other remedies. I invariably recommend its uso in cases of consump tion, and consider it much the best remedy known for that disease, Respectfully yours, I S. Cushman, M. D. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass, Sold in Rome by Battky Brother,'in Marietta, by Wm. Root, in Augusta by Haviland, Risj.ey, & Co., and by all Druggists throughout the SfrtO. march 20, 1851. ly DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR. A SAFE and certain cure for consumption of the Lungs, spitting of blood,coughs, colds, Asthmu pain in thesidc,bronchitis, hooping cough, anti al, ulmumuy affections. Extracts from Certificates Which can he feen in full by culling on the agent a getting u pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris,‘Asristant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New York, says .• Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar cured a case of the most distressing Asthma of twenty-six years standing. [signed] Adam Harris. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, says—I had the consumption, nttcmlcd with tho most distres sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood frem ihe lungs, and all my friends and physicians ;avu tuo up to die, yet a lew bottles of Dr. Rogers’ Averwoit und Tar restored me to perfect hcnlth 1 Gaiiribi. Wiiithhead, Sworn to ond subscribed this 97th day of Novem ber, 1840. II. E. SruNCEn, Mayor of’Cincimmttl* Mis. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says—I had the pulmonary consumption, attended with a most distressing cough, which reduced me to n mere skeleton, and although under the care of on able physician [Prof. Harrison] 1 continued to grow worse, and gave up all hopes of recovery ! At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed my lungs and restored mo to ported health, by the iiBe ol n few bottles. [signed] Ann Child. Otf- Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says— Although it may seem unprofessional, 1 feel constrain ed to state that l used Ur. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tnr in the case of Charles Wod^ who was quite low with pulmonary consumption, witn the happiest effect, alter the usual remedies hud failed. [signed] Wm. Richards, M* D The following is written from Elizabethtown, Ky.i Your Dr. Unger’s Liverwort and Tnr gives great sat isfaction in thh place. Dr. Howard prescribes it, and Vronoiiuce8 it one of the best medicines in use. E. H. Haychaft, Druggist. Rev. Henry Wiseinnn, of Patriot, Gallia county, O., writes -l)r. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar has been the means oifenntching my life from a pTemnture-grnve! [signed] HENRY WISEMAN- Mr. Merriweather, of Denmark, Tenn., writes- Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and has uo metowiih great success* A young man of thin place, suppesed by every one to be in the last stage of Consumption was entirely euied by its use! [signed] David Merrjwkatiier, Druggist. Mr. II. E. Drnkc, Druggist, of Xenia, O., states— A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was appa rently in the lost stage of the. Consumption, was re stored to perfect health by the use of Dr Rogers’ Liv- rwort and Tar. The cure was a most extraordinary one. DrJ Wilson, (.an old school Physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, O., writes—I have been the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman lor twelve years, and during that (into she has suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into pulmonary consumption ! She was eniirely cured by the use of Dr Rogers’ Li verwort ond Tar. II. R. WILSON, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, That wherever Dr. Rogeir’ Syrup of Li verwort and Tar has been introduced, it is superceding every otli- « r Congli Medicine before the public This is wholly wing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtues. Be warned in Season! And neglect not that cough which is daily weaken ing your constitution, irritating vourthront and lungs, and inviting on that drend disease, Consumption, when so soothing and healing a ramedy can bo ob tained us Dr. Rogers* Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Tho genuine.article is signed Andrew Rogers, on on the engraved winpper around each bottle. Price, $ I per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold wholesale and retail by 3COVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres st., bet. Conti and St. Louis, N. Oi leans, Sole agents for the Southern States, to whom*all orders and applications for Agencies must be address ed. Go Sid by BATTEY& BRO.,Rome,Gl .Som ers He Bro., Kingston, Ga- John \. Erwin, Cnssvillc, J. J. Ilopkins, Summerville; J. W. Robbins, Cnvo Spring ; J. L. Elliot & Co., Cedar Bluff, Ala. LIVER COMPLAINT. JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC OR NEYVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEY and ail diaeaaea aria- ing from a disor dered Liver or Sto mach, aucli as Constipa tion, Inward Piloa, Fullness, or blood to the Heed, Aoidity of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dim. gust for food, Fullness or Woight in tho Stomach, Sour Eruolationa, sink ing or Fluttering at the I'll of the Stomach, Swimming of tho Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Flut tering ot tho Heart, Cho king or Suflocating Souaalions when in n lying posturo, Dimness of vision, Dota or Weba boforo the Sight, Favor ond Dull Tain in the Hoad, DoRcloncy of Porspiration, Yetlownosa of tho Skin and Eyes J Pain in tho Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushings of Heat, Burning in tho Floah Constant imaginings of Evil, and Great Doproasion of Spirits, Cun bcIPorninnonlly Cured by 1>R. IIOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED DY DU. C. Ml, JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STOKE, No, 190, Arclk Streo, Philadelphia. Thoir power over tho above disoasos is not excel** led, if squallod, by any other preparation in tho United States, as the cares attest, in many oases after skillful physicians had failed, Theso Bitters are worthy tho attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues iq. the rectification of diseases of tho Livor and lessor glands, exorcis ing tho most searching powers in weakness and af* factious of the digestive organs, thoy are, withal, safo, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Ciiab. Rodinson, Esq , Easton, Md., in a lotter to Dr. Jackson, Jnn. 9, 1850j said— “ My wife and myself have rocoivod moro bono- fit from your medicino than any othor we have cv* or token for the ILFDyBpopsio and Liver disenso.” “ The Tenth Legion,"published at Woodstock, Va., Jan. 10,1850, said— “A GREAT MEDICINE.” *• Wo havo uniformly refrainod from recommend ing to tho public any of tho various Patent Medi cines of thu day, unless thoroughly convinced ot thoir valuo. Among thoso wo considor worthy ot notico is the German Bitters, invented by Dr. Hoopland, and preporod by Dr. Jackson in Phila delphia. Ono instanco in particular, in which the superior virtues ol this medicino have been tested, has fallen under our observation. During the last summer, a son of Mr. Abraham I’rabill, of this coun ty, was very seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint and after trying in vain various remodios, he pur chased a bottlo of tho Bitters, and after using it, wnn so much relieved of his distressing malady,, that ho procured another hottlo, and it roatored him en tirely to health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judge M. M. Noah, a gontloman with groat sci entific and literary attainments, said in his “ Now York Wookly Mosscngo^" January C, 1850. " Dr, Uoofland’s German Bitters.—•Hero is a preparation which tho louding presses in the Union appoar to bo unanimous in recommending, nnd tho reason is obvious. It is mado alter a proscription furnished by one of tho most colebra'cd physicians ol modern times, tho lato Dr. Christopher Wilholm Hooflnnd, Professor to the Untvorsity of Jena, Prl- vnte Physician to tho King of Prussia, and ono of tho grentosi medical writors Germany has ever pro duced. Ho was emphatically tho cnomy of hum- nun, nnd therefore a medicino of which ho was the inventor ond endorser may be confidently reliod on. Ho specially recommended It in Liver Complaint, Uyspopaiu, Debility .Virtigo, Acidity of tho Stom ach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of tho stomach, the liver aud tho intestines. Nino Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, and several ofthe editors now ponk of its effects from their individual oxporionca. Under these circumstances, we feel warantod. not only in calling the nttention of our readers to tho presont proprietor’s (Dr. C. M. Jack- son’s) preparation, but in recommondtng the article to all affllctod." MORE EVIDENCE. Tho “Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best family newspaper published in tho United Stales,, tho editor soys of / DR. IIOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. •» It is seldom that we recommend what are torm ed Patont Medicines to (ho confidenco and patron ago of our readers; and, thoreloro, when wc recom mend Dr. Uoofland’s Gormun Blttors, we wish it to bo distinctly understood that wo aro not speaking of tho nostrums of tho day, that are noised about for n brief period und then forgotten aftor thoy havo dono their guilty race ot mischief, but of a modi* cine long established^ universally prized, and which has mot the hearty approval ofthe Faculty itsoif. Evidence upon evidonco has been received (liko tho ferogoing) from all sections of tho Union, in throo years' - and the strongest testimony in its favor is, thattliore is moro of it used in tho practice ofthe regular Physicians of Philadelphia than all othor nostrum* combinod, a fact that can easily bo esta blished, and fully proving that a scientific prepara tion will meet with thoir quiot approval when pre sented even in this form. Jjf|i This modicino will cure Liv#J *^yj>lnint and Dis- pepsiu no one can doubt, aftor using it ns directed It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver—it is prefernbio to calomel in all billious diseases—tho effect is immediate. Thoy can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable bouofit, ta any time, GEORGIA, Floyd County. W HEREAS O. E. Payne, Executor of the Inst Will and testament of Samuel Payne, sr. de- decenscd, applied to me for letters of Dismission from the further administration of suid estate. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all nnd singular the kindred und creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my oftice within the time prescribed by law to shew cause,if any exist, why said letter should not bo granted. Given under iny hand at Of fice 2G:h December, 1850. JESSE LAMBERTH, c. c fio.r Dec. 2G, 1850. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicino has attained that high charoctor which is necessary for all medicines to attain to in duce countorfoitorB to put forth a spurious orticlo at tho risk of the lives of thoso who oro innocently de ceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF TIIE GENUINE. Thoy have tho writton signature oi’C.MJACKSON u,pnn tho wrappor, ond tho name blown in the bottlo, (CTwithout which, they arc spurious.XD For sale wholosalo nnd retail, at tho GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No. 120, ARCH Street, ono door below Sixth, (lato of 278, Race street,) Philadelphia, nnd by ro. spcctablo dealers generally throughout tho country. AIbo for sslo by DR. J. D. DICKERSON, Druggist, Rome, Ga. August 1, 1850. 43 ly. HEALTH RESTORED! BOTANIC INFIUMARY. T HE increasing popularity of tho reformed Botan ic Practice of Medicino, and tho continued ap plication of patients lor medical treatment, ns well as prescriptions and medicino to distant patients, has induced the Proproltor to mnko^noro extensive arrangements for tho better and moro comfortnblo accommodation of tbo afflicted, where every vnric- ty of disoaso will bo treated upon the most scien tific physiological principles. The reformed Prac tice is becom ing to bo too well known und too high ly appreciated throughout our country, to require oitlogium or panegyric in this place. It needs not tho aid of declamation to foster, to substantiate or enlmnco its valuo j i only claims for itself a fair investigation nnd trial to bo duly esteemed—nnd cortuinly it cannot be denied that. If tho most vi olent opposition could lmvo had its intended efl'ect, the system would long ago have been annihilated. Tho argument in its luvor ncucmulates, whon wo contemplate this fact, nnd still survey tho rigid examination it is every whore forced to pass thro’ Liko truo friendship, it has thoroughly to ho tested “has ever to undergo and withstand tho shook of adversity heforo it is justly entitled to tho name.* The Practlco having outlived tho prejudices? wkoh in many instances aro too justly attnehod .to it from being in tho hands of ignorant pretenders, whore it wits too oflen found in its infancy in this country* it has been, and now is nffording'extraordinnry re lief to suffering thousands, while cures, in some ensos almost bordering on the miraculous, nro be ing effected by its potent influence. The unparal leled success It lms mot iri the hands of Dr. Jones, (whoso course of treatment in many respeets is purely original,) has gained for him celebrity, far surpassing bis fondest expectations, and thousands nro rejoicing under tho beucficinl effects of a Prac tice whoso tendency is to heal without any of those disagreeable consequences which too often follow the eradication of one disease by the substitution of anothc). From tho many testimonials which Dr.lms Jones rocoivod of his unparalleled success, lie lms thought proper to lay the following before a reflecting com munity. The statements here mndo aro not from persons who live out of tho reach of enquiry, hut they como.from respectable citizens of our own country, wliocun ho soon nnd consulted personally, in referenoe to thoir truo conditions, Dyspepsia. Dr. Jones—MyJ9ear8irt This is to certify tlmt 1 was, for some 15 or 20 years, grievously afflicted with dyspepsia or indigestion. My case was ono of a very distressing nature; for several years I was compelled to throw up every thing that 1 oat, which kept me in qulto a feeble nnd debilitated condition. But I atn now proud to have it to say, tlmt through tho blessings of Dr. Jones' Remedies, I feci tlmt lam restored to a perfect stnto of health, nnd that, too, with hut ono month's supply of med icine, which lms proved to he the cheapest and best medicino I ever purchased. For tho truth of tho nbovo stutoinont, any ono can ho satisfied by appli cation to me neur JJirt Town P. O., Floyd county, TIIOS. MIDDLETON, J. P. Spinal Disoaso and Suprcsscd Monslruu* lion. Da. Joxrs—Dear Sir i Believing it n duty I owe to tho public, and iu true justice to yourself, I lmvo thought proper, for the information of those who may ho aiilioted, togivo a candid statement of my negro girl Juno’s diseased stnto, brought on from obstructed menses or monthly courses. She v attacked in November, 18-18, with n sovoro pain in the hack of tho head, extending down tho whole course of the spine, producing complete paruly/.n- tion of tho loft side, and rendering it perfectly help, loss, and iu a short time she lost the uso ol tho whole system. She could not turn hor&clf in or out of bed, was reduced to a perfect skeleton, and to all nppearancos past tho roach of remedies. But I now, through tho judicious ond skillful applica tion of Dr. Jones’ Remedies, consider her restored to n perfect stnto of health, for whioh ho will ever have my lasting gratitude. Should any ono desire a confirmation of tho above stutemsnt, they can uddross uio near Summerville, Chattooga co., Ga. March 7, 1850* WILLIAM STANTON. Disease of Stomach tSpino and Head. For tho benefit ofsufforing Immunity, I Imv thought proper to Iny my enso boforo tho public* Having been severely alllicted for sovornl yonrs with a disease of tho stomneh, spine and head—to enumerate all tho long train of symptoms with which I was troubled, would occupy more space than would he interesting. Suffice it to say, that frequently after eating, I would be taken with vio lent nnd distressing sensations in the lieud and hack of my neck, extending half way down the spine. At such times I was compelled to take my bed. These spells usually continued for several hours, nnd wore frequently so sovoro ns to render life a burden. To obtain tellof I had recourse ri tho best mcdicnl aid tho country afforded. Having tried the most skillful physicians in Romo, I npflied ot several of tho most eminent professional men of the United Statos. J wrote to Prof. Dudley, of Kentucky ; had tho celebrated Dr. Mott, of Now York, written to, nnd his prescription tried; ap plied also to tho much extolled Dr. Durham ; nnd then successively to Dr. Dugas, of Augusta, Dr. Banks, of Gainesville, Dr. Fort, of Miilcdgevillc, Dr. C'atridge, of Ghnttoogn county, nmWthe reput ed Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon. *11 having failed to give relief, I finally, upon Dr. Jones, loca ting In Romo, ventured on giving him a call. For the encouragement of others, I am lmppy to certify that Dr. Jones has given mo more relief than nil tho rest combined. I can now say tlmt my health is better than it has been for several years pnst. I atn able to attend to my plantation nflhirs, nnd ride to Rome, or any whore else my business requires my personal attention (signed) JOEL MANN. Cures effected without scdThff the Patlcn Those persons living at a distance, and cannot conveniently plnce themselves under my immediate charge, may lmvo their case strented by sending mo an accurate statoniont of symptoms, ago, osettpa- tion, habits of life, &c. Medicines will be scien tifically componunded,and neatly put up, with utu- ple written directions for use, by tho duo observ ance of which distant patients tnny enro them selves ofthe most complicated and obstinate disease, though it would be much better for tho patient to ap ply personally,ifpossiblo; because ho will then enjoy all the advantages of Dr. Jones’ personal acquain tance with the peculiarities of the case. Since the reduction of postage, tuo expense of sending medi cines by mail is but trifling, My chntgo, in all ensos not requiring my personal attendance, is FIVE DOLLARS FOR MEDICINES TO LAST A MONTH. This fee must invariably be enclosed in tho letter asking advice, in ordorto insnro nttention, directed, jiost-paid, to Dr. D. S. Jones, Home, Cli,illTover, Dumb Ague,'inter mittent & Remittent 'Fevers &' -atl tlie various forms of -jBilious Diseases ~ SPEEDILY & THOROUGHLY AGENCY Of Dr» Fitch’s Celebrated Me«J (Cnriio ficKioviitg influence of tills med icine upon constitutions impaired and injured by a rosidenco in bilious climatos, is one ol Its most valuable qualities. Thero aro many constitutions which becomo gradually undermined by miabmal causes, without even a day’s aetual confinement. Tho sallow complexion, loss o r appetite, languor, woariness and depression of spirits,—all yiold to this romody if only faithfully used according to the directions of the pamphlot which aocompanios each bottle. A small lYcatisc on the “causos,, treatment nnd oure of Fever and Ague,ond othor disoasos of bil: ious climates," may he Imd gratis of the under, signed. Also numerous certificates from men of ti.c highest responsibility, testifying to tho groat efficacy of this modicino can ho seen on aplication 3 J. D. DICKERSON, Agent for Rome Ga. March 2, 1849 31—(im 'How few who think nrightnmong tho thinking few How many never think, but only think they do.” CCS-Tun sontimer.t* implied in-tho shove exclam ation is on no subject moro fully exemplified tbnn on that of Hcnlth. But few give it n single thought, and fewer still reilect upon it with the observation and good sonso which mutters ofininorcousequcnce receive. As observation teachers the Ihct that Dr. Osgood’s India Cholagogue is a never failing reme dy in Fovorand Ague, good senso would surely indicate its prompt nnd immediate use. To be found at J. D. DICKERSON’S May 3, Agent for tho Proprietor 03-LIVER COMPLAINTS of bilious climatos arise from tho snme onuses which products Fever nnd Ague, nnd are cured with tho same certainty by Dr Osgood’s India Cholngogue. Even after the Livor lias becomo much enlarged and tender upon pressure, it is in a fow weeks restored to its natural size, soreness and pain in the side relieved with such general improvement ns denotes returning hcnlth. The above highly vnlunblo preparation may ound at the Drug Store of J. D. DICKERSON, May 3, Agent for tho Proprietor, Rome, Ga OTb Heart Corrector, Pulmonary Liniment, Humor Corrector, Pure nnd Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough nnd Cathartio Pills Nervine, Fcmalo Pills, . Yermlfuge, 'Female Specific, tec., &c. Used by him constantly and with unprecedented success in the treatment of v , Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Hear. Diseases, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism,Female Com plaints, Piles, Sfc.,,Sfc. m. FITCH’S UNEQUALLED PATENT SlL VER PLATED ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. DR. FITOH’3' IMPROVED PLATED STEEL SPRING SHOULDER BRAOE. DR, FITCH’S SILVER INHALING TUBE. Dr. nteli’s Celebrated Six liccturct ON TIIK PREVENTION AND CURE OF Consumption, Asthma, Diseases oj the Heart, S/c., and on the method of preserving Health and Beauty to an old oge. This Book should be tn every femlly,. .TSjftLl Consumptive It polnts out tho only riaionnblt nojti for rullot, .To molliors, the directions It gives lor' thoenro nnd eilucntlon of Children nto invnUahio 78,000 copies of this Book lmvo pnssed through the pres., nnd tho snlu nodtinues unabated. For sale by S. S. FITCH * CO.. 707 Broadway, N. Y., and by J. D. DICKERSON, Rome, On. DO- Dr. Fitcii’s Guide to Invalids, or Direction, persons using Dr. Fitoh’s Remedies, to bo had at of nil his.Agonts. 3. 3. COHEN'S CHEAP CASH STORE. T HE subscriber informs his friends nnd Ihe pablia generally, tlmt ho Iiqb removed Ids Store from tho Corner of Broad and Etowah Streets, to the first Store below, in tlmt part of the City called l’itlsburg on the samo side oflhu Street where he offers the snme bar- ;ilia's ns ever. He has lately been joined in business ly J. Jurnslnwsky, who is well acquainted with the Southern trade, and has been the whole summer nt tho Northern cities fertho purpose of selecting a choice Slock of Guods suitable for this market, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries of nlldescriptions, Cnrriagcand other Hardware, Cutlery, nnd a large Variety of car* pentcr’s Tools, and other tools, Arc., all of which will be sold on the mast accommodating terms by J. J. COHEN .V Co. OG-Wc ntnko no promises to tho public lo sell nt, or under cost, hut invite one andnll ta iryus, urn confident of giving satisfaction to every one. Dec. 4o, 1850. 9 FirofoRNor Harry’s Trlcoplieraus or Medi cated Compound. NFALI131.K for renewing, invigorating , nnd beautifying the hair, removing scurK Dandtuir, nnd all aflections ofthe Scalp, and curing eruptions on the iskin, diseases of the ’lands, muscles nnd integuments, and reliev- ng stings, cuts, bruises, spains, &c. &c — With this preparation, there is no such word ns fail.” It has obtained the highest celebrity among the first classes in the Uni ted Slates and stands unrivalled in - all that it professes to be, both for cheapness and effi cacy, it defies nit competition. The scien tific treatise on the hair anil skin- (embracing valuable directions for. the culture and pre servation of natures choicest ornament) in which cnch bottle is enclosed, is alone worth the money. It is upon tho skin, the muscu lar fibre, nud the glands that the Tricophcr- ous has its specific action, and in all affections and injuries of these organs, it is a sovereign remedy. Sold in large bottles, .price 25 cents, at the principal office 137, Broadway, N. York, and the principal moirhnnts ana Druggists throughout the United tntes and Canada, J D. DI( (CERSON, Agent, Ap il 25. Rome, Ga NEW ARRIVAL. x&NfTMIE undersigned begs leave to inform the -L citizens of Rome, its vicinity nnd the public generally .that he has just received nnd opened a new Stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY ot the very In test paterns and finest style. His friends nml ncqunin tanees nre cordially incited to give him n call und ex amine hts assortment. All kinds of repairing done to order, and goods nnd work warrented. His establishment will be found n few doors above the Hilburn House, Depot Squnre. J. G. McKINZIE. Dec. 19,1850. New Music. J UST received, nnd for sale,a fine supply of Muse or the Piano Forte, consisting of the latest SongsJ Mfslics, Waltzes,Arc. The subscriber being the authorised ngent of cxtnsive Music Store, will receive orders nt nil times for any particular kind of music. Also, Piano Fortes, Guitnts, or any kind of musical instruments. Orders handed in will be thankfully received, nnd filled with the earliest dispatch. J. D. DICKERSON, Ag’t. October 3_1, 1850. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. T HE subscriber would respectfully announce the citizens ofRomc nnd vicinity, that he has lust received nnd is now opening n large nnd splendid as- gortment of Boots nn<l Shoes, consisting ot sentlemeti’s water-proof nnd diess boots, Indies boots nml shoes, und every variety of boots and shoes for children. Also, a fine assortment of strong course shoes und boots for common wear. As ho selected hisstockin Clutrlesloti willi euro, lie can confidently recommend it to his friends and patrons, and will repair any rips without chnrge. He also has on hand an extensive supply of Hem* ock Baltimore upper ond sole lent her, fine call skin, und n general assortmentol'mnterinls,in his line which, together with his boots und shoes wiii bo sold as cheap ns can be bought in »his market. He will continue to manufacture boots and shoes us heretofore to order, on reasonable torms. Thankful for pnst fa vors, ho cordially invites his friends and acquaintan ces und the public generally to give him n call. P. A. OMBERG Jan. 19, IS51* DRAYING AND BOATING* T HE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Rome und its vicinity, tint t they have entered into Copartnership for tho purpose of boating and (Lay ing They hold themselves in readiness to have Pro duce, Merchandize, &c., conveyed to any part of the City or Country, and to furnish from their wood- yard on the Oostanaula River, any quantity of good oak and hickory wood. They have excellent teams, and will be thankful for the patronage of their friends nnd tho public. JOHN H. WISDOM. L. N. ECHOLS. Ga. Persons owning afflicted slaves, can lmvo thorn treated at my Infirmary, or medicines sent litem as above stated. D. S. JONES, M. D To the Friends of Medical Reform. T HE oft and repented calls to visit patients nt a dis* tance in the country, has induced tho subscriber to unite with him in the practice of medicine, Dr. H. B. RANSOM, late of Monroe, Walton county, Georgia, whose qualifications are of the first order, hav ing practiced for several years with flattering success in Middle Georgia, where his reputation as a prac titioner, is best known nnd appreciated. I will also take this method of return ng my most grateful acknowledgements to my patrons for past favors, ond still solicit n continuance of the same. In connection with the above named gentleman, I will be prepared nt nil times to attend to calls in reasona ble distance, and when necessary, the services of both will bo tendered in consultation without additional charge. D. S. JONES. Rome, Ga:, October 2*1, 1850 tf Giiiurdiim’s Sale. A GREEABLY tn an order of the honorable the Jn Isl ferior Court of Floyd county when sitting Court of Ordinary,will he sold on die first Tuesday in June next, before tiie Court Ilouee door in the City of Rome, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale the following city lot, to wit: No. 22, iu the Coosa Division of said city of Rome. Sold for the benefit of Sarah A. and Wesley S. Trout, miner orphans o Tilman Trout, late of said county, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. March 13,1851. SAM’L STEWART, Guar LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. At Number 4 Choice House. W HERE you will find nny quantity of Pants for sale by OSGOOD, ALSOBROOIC & CO.* VTESTS for married and single, with a fow to tit a V ry in, for snlu by mnrch 20 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO. bar’d nnd cross bar’d. Come nnd e march «20 O&GOOD, ALSOBROOK TITE propose to dress nny gentleman who may de* VV *sire it,in fine style, nnd at a low price—nfter ta king care of the outward man, wo will nourish his mind with gpod Books of all kinds. We will furnish stationary and fancy stationary, nnd nil that kind o thing, very cheap, ns may be provon by enquiringut mnrch 20 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO. FRESH ARRIVAL OF PURE MEDIDINES Well selected to suit JPhysicians.. L INSEED OIL—A good supply, and a very fine ar tide. PURE WHITE LEAD—A Inigo supply, nml offered low for cash. LAMP OIL—A very superior article for winter or summer use. PUTTY—Put up in bladders, and of the best qunl ity. SPIRIT GASS—A pure article, nnd warranted to give the most brilliant light—also Drugs, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Glass, Perfumes, $*c., making n full and com plete stock of every article in the Diuggist line. March C, 1851. J. D. DICKERSON, Agent. 2 doors ubove the Exchange Hotel, Home, Ga. BANES & EDDLEMAN, DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, PEGS SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, &c. Atlanta, Ga., a AVEonhnnd a large stock of Leather, Lasts, Pegs, Findings, Tools, &c., und will fill orders n t Augusta prices, with the freight added. Shoe-Ma- Acrsin Cherokee Georginnnd Alabama would do well fotry them, ns they might“go fartliernnd fare worse." They also have a large stock of well ns«ortc . Joots and Shoes, mode expressly for them, which t’tey will wnrrnnt. They nre superior,and no mistake, and will be sold cheap. Also, heavy doubled sole Negro Shoes, mnnfnctur- etl by themselves in Atlanta. These are far superior to any Negro Shoes before offered in this part of the country, ond will be sold on accommodating terms. They nre prepared also, to make to order fine single aud doubled solo Boots, or any other kind, in a style insurpassed in this country. NOTICE. T IIE Co*partnership existing heretofore between Battey & Bro. having been dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be continued At tiie old stand by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of the firm will rcceivo the attention of us both* G. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome, March 1,1851. ROBT. BATTEY. FALL A1YI> WINTER GOODS. I. J. OMBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR, H AS now on baud a well selected stock of Cloths Cnssitneres and Vestings, of every shade ami color, togothor with every other urticlo usually kepi in an establishment of this kind. These goods have been selected by himself iu New Fork, with great care and particular reference to the prevail ing Fashions. He U also prepared to • manufac ture clothing in a manner and stylo not to be sur- oassed in our largest nnd most fashionublo cities. Octobot 10 1850. NEW GOODS UNDE!It TUB MASONIC HALL. R. J. JOHNSON I S now receiving n very largo nnd the best assorted stock of Goods ever received by him, consisting of nearly everything usually kopt by merchants. Domes tic nnd stnplc goods, somo very low price for laboring hands. Gentlemen's line dress 3oods, well assorted. French nnd Kngliah Clotlts, Cnssintcres, Vest ngaand Summer Cloths, all direct from tho Importers. La dies fine dress goods, almost every.description,^aml la test and most fushionable for Spring and Summer | col ored plnlil embroidered, plain and Swiss muslin and Lawns; Fancy silk tissues, Bariogcs, and a handsome assortment of Ginghams of every description, all ill- net and of the Intest importations. Ribbons, and a large stock of worked collars, caps, mantillas, visettes, and mnny other nrtiules too tedious to mention. La dies best twisted silk Gloves nnd mils, colored funcy kid gloves. Linen nnd lawn hnndkcrchlelh,hoiaery,4£C, BONNETS—n fine stock colored satin, lace, gimp, Batin straw, Hiingnrinn,pearl nnd Bpnnlsh linirbonnets. Misses ponrl nml satin straw and gimp Bonnets. Bon net silks, llowcrs nnd linings j Ladles kid slipper; and walking -hoes ; also a large Block of Boot; shoes for gentlemen, fino and common. Ready-made Clothing, summer Hats,fine moleskin, fur nnd silk lints. Crockery, China and glass ware, hardware, cutlery, saddles, bridles, martingales ; also, a Hue lot of sugars, coffee and molasses will be sold very cheap for cash only. He respectflilly invites Iris former customers nnd frienfig to give him a call, ho" prepared nnd will give tho best of bargains N. B, A libernl reduction will be mnile for oash (i nil bills over $0. Rome, inarch 27,1851. GRISWOLD S COTTON GIN. — n'HE increased demand lor these Gins rendered it net esaory for the proprietor greatly to oxtend hi* works, which ho ia doing with on tiro now buildings; and supe rior new Machinery, on tho Central Railroad, at Gris« woldvihe, Jones county, Georgia, 81 miles oast from ! the city of Alocon, These nre not Premium Gin*. Not having got up L fancy ono expressly for that purpose,Ttis sample Gins, are of tho samo q-ialfiy, end of no better appearance, than those sent to his customers and Without saying he makes the best performing Gin in use, deems U equiva lent to say, that his are in better demand than any other now in use—not having failed within the last five years to sell double as many as any other Factory in the State, ond will guarantee thoso ho ii now manufacturing fbr tho ensuing oropi are the best made Gina in Georgia at the prico. aud worth as much to tho purchaser, a* tho best ho con get in nny State at nny pr|ce. Ho would also caution Plantore not to purohasoGins with Water Boxes from anv other Factory than his, as ho has paid a high price for, and owns the exclusive right to Georgia for oil the Watqf Jtoxes over patented, and to ihe Oil saving Boxes fo ^entire cotton rogion; nnd hereby notifies all who fcflLte, sell, or uso V Boxes or Oil-savors othor than his Factory, they wi held accountable for damages in confonhily with thi tent laws of ihe country. f Orders for GinB by Mail, or through Agents, promp executed, and delivered at. the puschosera door, not convenient to a Railroad Depot or landihg* . * Fob. 27,1851* SAMUEL GRISWOU Gris woldvillk, Feb. 1851. lOn JUST RECEIVED A LARGE nnd extensive stock of Ladles'* nnd Gents’ dress goodsi newest spring styles; also n very large stock of staple dry goods, boots, shoes, hots nnd clothing, saddlory, carriage trimming*, springs ond axlos for buggies and two-horse wagonB, shelfancl heavy hardware, of every style and prico,smiths’tools, sheet, hoop and bar iron ond steel, hoes, chains, dee Also n very large and general stock of C Inntft steam Mills flour always on hand; togeth with every other article wanted either for city L country use,oil of which will be sold as oheap .as th cheapest call ond see. April 3, 1851. SULLIVAN ,CABOT& C6. Georgia Floyd County. W HEREAS, Joseph Watters, administrator i the estate of Granberry Vick, i deceased, a lies to nto for Letters of Dismission from the f administration of tho sunie— These arc, the re I ore. to cite nnd admonish a singular tho kindrend ond creditors of said dei to be and appear at. n:y oflicc withinrthe timer, bed by la\v, to show cause (if nny exists) vrn Letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under mynnd, nt office, 1<Ith Januti “Mimry 14, hl85l. JESSE BOXES Sash Glass hat. l or sale at very low prices. H D .18 J. D. DICKERS BACON. TOOtt i nan lbs - B3 «>n; m •=■ March 6. Fl> M: B UILDERS of Store and Dtvellihd hi vited to examine samples of Mineru v-whitu and dark, at Feb2l) 1851