Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, July 10, 1851, Image 3

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i what give rlie to the Floyd county meet ing over which Judge Lumpki < presided, and but for this, we venture to say no meeting would have been held at Rome, and no Con vention in Cassville. - The Canvass in lUitiitippl- Tht contestItt Mississippi Is every day becoming mere end more ekoiting. Of course, it it not hard to piedict the reault. though the (Wendt of the Union must continue action and bo vigilant if they would hope for d Waterloo victory. They 'fight upon the "Georgia Platform," and cannot' fail of eucceea. Editorial- CorreepOdence of the Courier. Mamktt* Ga. July 8,1841. Aftef a vary hot, amoky, dusty, but rapid ride, in company with Messrs. Baantstc and Fanning of the Floyd delegation, i arrived nt this place .on yesterday afternoon, and found it quite thronged with visiters and del* egales from every portion of the State. The trains to-day will doubtless bring large acces- eloni , Already the hotels and many of the private houses are full to overflowing, and a perfect jam is anticipated The Convention meets this morning at 11 o’clock, in the “Cherokee Hall,” which has beeu fitted up for the occasion. The weatl)ep rt js exceedingly hot end dry. The thermometer on.jjsterday was up to 94, In many places along the road corn is literal ly dying up.- Accounts from below are also very .discouraging. Farmers’-in Cherokee, should not sell their wheat prematurely There is qtiite a sprinkling of politicians here of all patties. : The Union men look buoyant and.cheerftil, the fire-eaters a lit tle fierce and crusty. Our friends think Conn will 1 achieve en easy victory over McDonald even in this county, 1 hope they will not be deceived. That he will carry the State, there is no doubt, but it must be recollected that this county was very equal ly divided at the last fall election. Our op ponents are endeavoring to create the im pression that Mr. Chastain will not be cor dially sustained by the Union men of this District, They will be deceived; Theyfor- get that we go for a great and good cauae and that to save the Republic, we are willing to sacrifice personal preferences and preju dices. Let our . friends beware upon this subject, and not credit every idle rumor to the prejudice of the character and prospects of Col. Chastain. 1 write in great haste, amid the din of the multitude. Youre, K. FOR THE COURIpR. Mr. Editor: I was forcihly reminded while rending ah article in the Southerner of last week, entitled “The Nashville Convention,” of. Dick Miggins’ defence to the suit brought against him for breaking the pot. Dick al leged by way of defence, 1st—That the pot au broke when be borrowed it. 2d, That iii.was »Qund when he carried it home. 8d, That he never borrowed the pot at ail. The Writer of the article alluded to, says, 1st, That the Nashville Convention ought to have adopted the line proposed by the Legisla- tures of the South, and the primary ns.-em ■ bliea of the people. 2d, That the Nashville Pqnveation adopted the Missouri Compro mise line. 3d,-That the same Legislature determined that 36, 30 was too little to be demaadell by the Nashville Convention, and (•fused to sanction a bill proposing that line at a compromise. What a firm Wiggins and the writer would k make- Miggins for law, and for po- I lilies. Compared with them Quirk, Gam- ■ mon and Snap would be nowhere. “SIMON.” Union HettSrLgin Chattooga. Summexvilu, Gt., July 1,1851. „\ The members of tbo Constitutional Union parly of , the Summerville diatriel, G. M., met this evening, no- . cording to previous request, in the Court House, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Senatorial .. Convention to bo hold at Floyd Sptlnga on the 31st ■ inat. On motion, Dr. M. Montgomery woe called to the " Chair and Geo. W. Clemmons, Jr., and Daniel Hicks . requested to act as Secretaries. Mpyed and adapted that a committee of five be ap pointed by the Chair to choose the delegtuea to rep- resent ua In the Senatoiial Convention. Tho Chair • appointed Messrs. F. A. Kirby, Esq.. James T. Grim- - att, Janes R. Johnson, Robert Allen and Wm. New- ’ ton.Eaq.; who appointed ae their choice F. A Khby, ! Esq,, Col. Sam’l Freeman, Daniel Htclu and Benj. ■runner as delegates. ' • JIS The following resolutions were then offered by Dr. Montgomery! and adopted,F.-A. Kirby, Esq, ring .the Chair ;, s . r fleeolved, ls^lj^iatwe heartily approve of the nom- t Utaiicp of the JJoji. Howell Cobb as the candidate of the Constitutional Union pnrly (hr the office of Gov V-. ernor; having confidence in him, uot only as a Union man, good and true, bat also In hia oapaoity and hon Resolved, 2d. That we will use all honorable means to oeoare.hia election. After their adoption tho meriting was addressed by Dr.Montgomer;-, and files are. Kirby and Roreer On motion, the proceedings of this meeting was ordered to he published in the Rome Courier and rville Standard. The meeting then adjourned, tine die. MADISON MONTGOMERY, Ch’n. ssJ-jar-*-1-"-** . The committee appointed to present suita- le resolutions on the occasion of the death V Brother WILLIAM C. POPE, made the Blowing report: In the dispensation of Providence, our be- 1 Brother Willi m C. Pope, has been poved from our midst—his earthly exis- t has terminated--his immortal one com- He left the one agd entered upon f her with bright hopes of immortal glo- Ve have not his presence with us; we t his familiar vuice---lt is hushed in |M of death. But we have his ex- jcachings of his. life, and the re- ' i virtues. Let us learn wis- I while honor his me mory and mingle our tears over his bier, let us also remember that the message to us is, “ Be ye also ready.” As a tokeu of the respect and esteem in which our brother was held, Resolved, That in the death of Brother Pope, who departed this life on the Evening of the 3d instant, this Lodge and the Ma sonic fraternity generally, have been depriv ed of a bright example in Masonry, and the Church of a just and upright member. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the family and relatives of our deceased worthy brother, and assure them that while among us, he endeared himself to all by his kindness, benevolence and Chris tian deportment. Resolved, That the members of this Lodge will wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days, and that the jewels and furniture of the Lodge be clothed in mourning. Resolved, That this report be published in the papers of this city, also tho Masonic Journal at Marietta, and that a copy be trans mitted to the parents of our deceased brother. W. T. TRAMMELL,) J. R. ALEXANDER, > Com'tee. JESSE LAMBERTH.) Coosa Lodge, 1Vo. 66, Rome, Oa. \*'tbe Mason 'c Journal at Marietta will pleaso copy. Daddy ! hns any State in this Union the right to secede f Certainly, son, Gov McDonald, our can didate for Governor, in his tetter of acceptance sa.vs, "The right of a State, in virtue of its independence and sovereignty, to secede from the Union, whenever the people thereof, in their sovereign capacity, determine such step to he necessary to effect their safety and hap piness, flows necessarily from the nature of our Governmental organization.” Well, daddy, you know we paid all the expenses of the Mexican war, forgave a debt of three millions that Mexico owed us, and paid Mexico besides, fifteen millions, amounting in all to something over one hun dred millions of dollars, for California. Now ■oppose the Stale of California should in virtue of her independence and sovereignty, secede from the Union and by that act de prive ua of all the benefits we expected to realize from the purchase, how would we manage la get back the money we paid for it? Oh, go oiTTom, you are always trying to bother somebody !—Gtiffin Union' MCDONALD AND RHETT- Well, reader, the coalition between McDonald nnd Rhett, the Secessionist of Georgia and the Secessionist of South Corolinin stands revealed at last. The "cloven font" has been thrust out—the secret hns bean divulged. Read tho fol lowing cxtrnct from the speech of Mr Rhett. as reported by the Charleston Cou rier. Tho speech, was delivered on Suli- van’s island opposite Charleston, on the 28th June, the anniversary of tho battle ol Fort Moultrie r “Mr' Rhett then alludsd to the circum stances which hod brought him to this meeting, as he knew bad things had been, nnd would be, said of him elsewhere ; that he had gotten up this meeting, &c. But the fait wus that the Committee had invited him, and he was there. He would go wherever South Carolina called. He feared not Federal bnyonots, but Southern treache ry. He would obey any summons from the State; and should he have to come to what Clay said he was fit for, the gallows, he would adorn it, in this cause, as well as any other man. The prospects, however, are cheering. GEORGIA, Alabama and MU sisSfppi are coming. QUITMAN ar.d MC DONALD are blowing a bugle in the West, which will be heard in the extremities oj Yan- keetloin He did not dread the RESULT; the CA USE was good, and nothing would tempt the North to oppose it but internal di visions.” What better evidence can any man re quire of the coalition between Gov. McDon ald and the South Carolina leaders, Ilian that here presented ? Rhett, the acknowl edged champion ot Disunion, informs the revolutionist of his own State that Geurgia is coming, of course, to them; tbat“McDON ALD and QUITMAN aie blowing the bu gle” (of Secession; “in the West”—that he aid not dread the RESULT’’—and that “the CAUSE was good.” He thus gives the right hand of fellowship to McDonald, and endorses him to the Carolinians. What more can the people of Georgia ask ? Will they never open their ey es to the league which ex- islB between Rhett, McDonald, and Quit- man, and other advocates of a Southern Con federacy ? The evide'ico that McDonald partici cipatea in this wild scheme tor the establish ment of a Southern Confederacy, is cumula tive. We find him at one time presiding over a meeting in Mac.on where the cry of ‘ disunion” was raised, and where Rhett recommended “temporary secession” to the people of Georgia. We next find hint at Nashville, advocating the assembling of a “Southern Congress” and the disunion of parties North ana -South. Subsequently he appears in a public address and warmly presses the tecommendations of that revolu tionary conclave upon the people of Georgia. And lastly, we find his colaborer at Macon coming to his nid. Rhett pats him on the shoulders, and tells him that he is in u “good cause,” and that he does “not dread the result.” Disguise and mistify it ns his friends may, the fact stands ot as cigar as the Andes against the heavens, that McDonald is in lull fellowship with the Carolina leaders, He and Rhett and Quitman are the leagued and leading spirits in the movement for Southern Confederacy. The proofs are complete Evidence equally conclusive would ensure conviction ip nay court of justic. Let the people of Georgia then be care ful how they cost their suffrages. If they are really determined to preserve the Union on the platform ot their groat Convention, how can ‘.hey rote for McDonald on whom rest so many suspicious, in preference to Mr. Cobb, whose devotion to the Union and the South connot be doubled, whatever else may be snid nf him ? It is for them to decide. JOHN 8- ANDERSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW ■rariLt (five his prompt attention to the site of ” Lands, and the establishment of disputed Land Claims fit eastern T zas. Ha will also do a Goner, at collecting basinets. All on the most moderate terms. Address Marshall Harrison County Texas. Rsmucxs—Jurat Ltmrim. J. W. H. Umdirwood. Col. Dutm. S. Flutter. July 10,16SI VRS- GIBSON’S 80H00L- T HF. exerots-B of the above Institution will com- mence on Mnndoy 31st Inst. In addition to the branch's heretofore tfttnrht, will be added that of Fskncb and Music. The aervlcea of MieaM. M. Donous, have been secured for the latter depart mem. Roma, Oa, July 10,1 AM, F OUR tfinntha afier date anpl'oittinn will be made to the honorable the Interior court of Ftovd ronn- ty, when ettilmr as a court of ordinary, for leave to a-it oil tho r-il estate helonzine to the eatsto of Wil liam r hamplon, late of Flovd county, d-o-aaed. July 10, 1831. M. L. COLBERT, Ex'r, A Fresh Stock of NEW SPRING GOODS. Just received at Burns 9 & Murray’s pONSISTING of c umnier Silks, Beroze, DeLanes, Silks, Poplins, Jenny Lind Silks. I? Muslins. Prints, Cambrics and Ginghams, from 12$ to 25 cents, Calico lrom 6 to 12} cents, fast colors, bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, very low price nnd good quality. Gran- eit (without a false face) Shirtings, at 16 yards for a dollar, Charleston and other brown Shirtings, with a fine stock of Hoisery, and other articles usually kept in our line, which we respectfully invite the public to call and examine. We will take pleasure in showing, nnd charge nothing for looking. BURNS St MURRAY. April 24,1861. SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA. STATE OF GEORGIA. Floyd County. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1851, Freeant th'tr Honors Wiiliah Jolt-sow, F. I Sul livan ond Wi-.LtAM T. Pat -e. Jottfcea of sold Court. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. TTTHFRRqu Jesv, Lamhetth, Administrator on V V the E-tote of John Reynolds, late of Mid conn- tv, deceased. applies for Letters of Dismission Horn ihe Administration of Mid estate— Therefore, the kindred and creditors of sold dacess- cd, are hereby oiled snd admonished to file their oh- jectlnns (if any they have) tn mv ofRoe, tn term* of the Law, otherwise Letter* Dl-ml-aory wilt b» granted the appti.-nnt *t lh- January Term Minute* of tho conn of Ordinary for raid county. By order of the Court. July 7th. 1931. JESSE LAMBERTH, c. o. o. STEAMBOAT CO. OF GEGRG1A Run tho following Steamers, as above, via ■ DAV1DL. ADAMS, (Iron). .THOB.S. METCALF, CHATHAM, (iron) TENNESSEE, Which, with tow-boats and lighters, afford tint- availed f.roll ties for transportation of (Volgin to tho interior or Georgia, Bbuth Carolina, Tonm-ssoo and Alabnmn, in connection with tho Rail Roads, Thu elegant stenm-pneket D. L, Adams wUMbn- tot with tho stenmships Florida nnd Alabama— Innding (height by them in 3 days (Vom New York Augusta. Freight, (now tnknn at reduoed rates,) will be forwarded fret of commitoion. 09- In order to prevent detention or mitcarriage, bills Ol lading should beaddressfd to SAM’L. M .POND, Pietidtnf, Savannah, Merchandise from the Interior to JOHNS. GUIEU, Agent Augntta, June36, 1S5I. T HIS well known pleasant stand if ugntn open for the accommodation of Boarder* and Trans cm Visiters. J. J. REEVES] Fro. Rome, Ga., May 99,1851. Portable Horn Power for Wheat Thrasher* &o C AN be set up In the field in one day. For oale by FRANCIB M. ALLEN. NOTICE- A LL persons Indebted to the E-tote of William C-. Butler, late of Flovd county, docenvd, are re- q -ested to make Immediate povmem, and all persona having de anda against said deceased will render th-m in aurecalitv tn law. July 10, BENJ. H. LAMKIN, Adnt’r. F UR mnntha after date application will be made to tho Honorable the Interior court of Flovd eonmv, when eltling for ordinary nnrpooea, for leave to eell Ihe reiUelate of William C. Batter, bit- of -old county, deceased. BENJ. II. LAMKIN, Adnt’r. July 10,1851. MARRIED. On Thursday Evening last,by the Rev. Jesse Lam- berth, Mr. A.mxnw J. Lawiko to Miss Maktba A. BgASLxr, all of this city. PLOY!) SHERIFF’S BALES FOR AUGUST \)ir ILL he sold on the Ural Tursdny It: Augu-t ne*t » » before the Court-house door In the City nf Rome. Floyd, County, within tho usual hours of ante the following property, to wit • Adolphus L. P itlon’s intre-t lot No, 33 In the Coosa Division nf tho pity of Rome—Invled upon ns Iheprorortv ol Adolphus L. Pulton to-nllsfvn fi.fa. front Floyd Superior Court in favor of Hnvilnml, Rislev de OO, and other A. fits In my hnnda vs. Adolphus Li Patton. Property rotated oat by Plaintiffs Atty. THOS, R. PRICE. SUff. At the same lime ami place. All ofWIIIInmExMlIs right tills nnd Interest In and In lot of Lund No 03 in the 93 Tll-t. nnd 3 Pen- of originally Cherokee, now Floyd County n« th“ iropertyof Win, Eazell to satisfy n fl.lh. from Floyd Japerlor Court, In favor of Thnmn* C. Hscketvr. Wm. Exxelli Prnpnrty pointed hy Plaintiffs > tty. Also R iehnrd William’s Interest In town lot In tho Oostannnln Division ofthoelty of Romo, whereon ho nowlives—levied upon ns tho property of Rtobnrd Wllllnms io sntlsfy » fi. ft. from Floyd Su-wrlor Court In ftvor of Joseph Wattors, hearer, vs. Aleh in d Williams. Property pointed out by plaintiff* tt’y. THOS. G. WATTERS, V. Sh’ff. July 3,1831. ■■ TO CONTRACTORS QEALBD Proposals will be received by the Build- inu Committee, until the Ifithof August, for Ihe building of a Metbodiet E Church near G. W. Han- aon’s. Contractors to fnm'sh all material*. Specifi cation* and nlanaare in the hnu Is of A. H. Foster nt the Floyd Mills on Dyke* Crock. G. W. HANSON, ) A. H. FOSTER, > Committee. C. K. AYER; S JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. LBS Baeon and 600 Ihe Lard, for •aie for Cash, F. M. ALLEN, 2,000 ()A BBLS. Superfine and Rxtr* family flour, for aU set ■ “ •*•- ale by. F. M. ALLEN. G OOD assortment of Caslluge, for eale bv. July 3. F. M. ALLEN. WANTED- A N If quantity of Wheal, Corn, Flour, Meal, Ba con, Lard, Hoy, Fodder, Oats, Rye, Burly, Hens, Beans, Butler, Chickens Egge, he. ito. Ap ply to FRANCIS M. ALLEN. Will take in oxobnnge all Clean Colton & Linnen Rags any color July 3. 1831 GLOVES L ADIES and Gents white oolored Kid, ellk-nnd Lisle-thread, Ladies Colored and Black • ohair Pic-nic,and children’s UelO-thread nnd cotton Glovos, DENNIS &. HUNT. LADIES CAMBRIC HDXF8- L ADIES Gente nnd children's Cambric HdKft. from 7f cents up to #200 each. -Also, Black silk la cm, from one inch to eight inohes wide—a splendid and fashtonublo article for trimming Muntil- Ins, DENNIS de HUNT. FANS. O F every description, compris-ng some of tho very latest styles nt tho NEW YllRK STORE. LINENS. A LARGE variety of plain, corded, and st.lped Wh|to Linen rills. Also, a superior article of Brown Linen Drills, very heavy for pantaloon use, at —*'*" Jr HUNT. WHITE SATIN A D WHITE HID CJL1PPERS, silk Gaiters and halfGalien, Enamel- ij c d Buskins and Excelsiors—KidTIesandallpperjJ with a general assortment of Misses xud Children’s shoos. DENNIS dr HUNT. June 26,1851 FIRST COST- \ FEW Bareges, Poplins, Lustre* and Tirauet, will he sold nt cost to ulaa, out a small lot. DENNI8 Jr HUNT. TINNING BUSINESS- T HE subscriber wnujd inform hi* friends nod the public generally, that he is now engaged in the manufacture of Tiii-Warn of every kind. Also every description of shcet-ron. His shop is on Brood street nearly opposi e Wfmpee’s Carriage fac tory, where he hopes by prompt attention to ordera. to receive a liberal share Of the public patronage. Juno 23.1-51. IQHN G. MERCK. CQKN- 150 B " SHELS Co7 “ March 6. F. M. ALLEN’S. FALL A3U WlfilLH UWOUtS. N. J. OMBEEGr, MERCHANT TAILOR, H AS now on hand n well selected stock of Cloths Cassimeres nml Veetlnes, of every ehudo anil oolor, together with every otlior nrtlelo usually kept In an establishment of this kind. Theso goods have beon seleotod hy himself in NeW York, witli (rent enro and particular reference to the prevail ing Fashions. Ho is also prepared to manufito- lure clothing Inn manner nnd style not to ho sup cussed in our largest and most fashionable otlles. October 10 185f. . GEORGIA—Floyd County. ThANIF.L SPRAGGINS of the 839th district, G. U M„ Tolls before me, ai an eetray taken up on hia premlsss, one bay Filly, nbout three year* old, ap> praised by Charles E. Rust and Z. L. W niters, Free Holdere, io bo worth thitty dollars, This 10th day of May 1831. JOS. WATTERS, J. p. - true extract from the Es tray Book. July 3,1881. JESSE LAMBERTH, Cl’k. HOUSE PAINTING. AARON W. HABSHAW, [TAVING permanently located In the Uityof Rome, AX is prepend to execute work in Ihe shove line, ill a style hat cannot fail to plense the most fostidioai. He has In his possession testimonials from many differ, ent persona who have tried hie skill, thnt will satisfy every one who wish to referlo them. Tho,r in Nome end the surrounding country who have houses to paint can have it done on ae good terms, and with os much neaUtee* and dispatch by me as it oan he done by any body else, North or South, Having qnit carriage nnd sign painting, my whole altention will be given to iho above branch of the business. Graining done in fin rate style, nnd made to represent any kind of wood or marble deeired. As I have done a great deal of work in this part of the country, specimens of which may he seen, I deem It unnecessary to any any thing more as to my ability -o do good work, bat only nsk a trial' May 29,1851. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. At Number 4 Choice House. W HERE yon will find any quantity of Panta far sale by OSQOOD, ALSOBROOK 3c CO. march 80, r.v in, for aalu l>j march 90 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK 3t CO. W E propose to drera any gentleman who muy de- ■ire it,in fine (tyle, nml at a low price—after ta king eire of the outward man, we will nourish his mind with good Books of nil kinds. We will furnish stationary and fancy atatlonnry, and all that kind o thing, very cheap, ns may be proven by enqulrir march 90 OSOOOD, ALSOBROOK Jc Cl A LOT of superior Pianos for aale at OSGOOD, ^LfOBROOK Jc CO. I'pHOSE who wish the best upland Colton Seed ill A the world had better apply soon at OSGOOD. ALSOBROOK A CO: March 20,1831. pin /~10ATS to mamh, and a "little more so,’ bar’d and cross bar’d. Coma and see. Mmarch 20 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK CO NEW ARRIVAL. HE undersigned bogs leave to inform the __ citizens of Rome, ito vicinity and the public generally,that he haajasl received nnd opened a new Slock of WATCHES aid JEWELRY ol the very la test patent! and finest style. Hit friends and acquain tance* are cordially Invilcd to give him a call and ex amine his aworiment. All kindsofiepairing done toorder.and goodeond work warranted. His establishment will be found few dooys nb.Qve tho Hllburp Hyise, Dejiot S^unre. Deo..19,18)50. NOTICE I S hereby given that all notes snd eeeownia bento. fore made with J. D. DICKERSON be** been an signed to the subscriber. Persons owing the lime an requested to come ftrward at an early dll* and maao payment to either injrelfor J. D. Dickerson, «h- Is myjauthoFtsed ngent to collect nnd receipt for lb “i"* THOS. D. SHELTON. Jan 7,1831 A Lt, perrons indebted to the estate of William **■ Jink*, late of Floyd county, deeeated, wfli please call and mako immediate payment, nnd those having claims against said estate will pleaat present them in terms of the law. THOMAS S. PRICE, > , WILLIAM O. MILES, jAdmH V IU KEGS Nails, aisortcd. For sale lew,whole X f tj sale and retail, by Jan 2,1830. F. M. ALLEN. April 34, IBM. FRESH ARRIVAL OF PURE MEDIDINES Well selected to suit Physicians., JMNSEED OIL—A good supply, and a very fine nr FURE WHITE LEAD-A Urge roppiy. and offered low foronsh. LAMP OIL—A very superior artielo for winter or eummer use. FUTTV—Put up in bladden, and of tht best qual ity. SPIRIT GASS—A pure article, and warranted to live the moat brilliant light—nlro Drugs, Pulnta, Dye- Stuffs, Glass, Perfumes, J-c., making a lull and eom piste etock of every article in the Druggist line. March 6,1831. J. D, DICKERSON, Agent. 9 doota above the Exchange Hotel, Rome, Go. PROVISION! STORE. S. a. WELLS. B ACON, Lard, Corn, Flour, Wheat, Sogor, Coffee, Salt, and Molaaaaa.Demutio Yarns, Cloth, Shoes and Leather, Dried Fruit, Beef anti Fish. Puri Port IPmr, and Pah Otard Brands, Porter and Lemon Syrnp. A small lot of Sltootan consign ment. A few young men oan be accommodated with Boarding. March 0,1851. Vxititnx House, Depot Squire. Ptflfh LB9. Hemlock sole Leather for kale. Ap «JUU ply to F. M- ALLEN Jan. 9 NOTICE. fTMIE Co partnership existing heretofore between X Battey A Ban hevlng been dlwoWed by mutual consent, the husmesswillbe continued SI the oldstand by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of the firm will receivo the nttonlion of us both- 0. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome, March 1,1851. ROBT. BATTEY. 1 it BALES Factory Yam, for role low by Xv.7 Jnn 8, F. M. ALLE 15 *e d Vr" ”<»' n «*P a n* irom^rfre-4 wide, for Mile low by AfcJang’ V. M- a.urn*- pASES Men’* Boots and 91iOe« for !>«fe low F. Mu ALLEN. CASESLodiefl*Wnlkiug thoeaand kid slip. L ” pciw fiom 60 cent* n pt ir up. For Role by iF.M. ALLKN. A FEW pieces 8-4 Bleached Linen dispel for ta ble cloths—vory nice—for sale low hy J«n 8. f. M. ALLEN, AMJ HITE WINE and pure Cider Vlneger, lor VV sale by F. 51. ALLEN. Jan. 9. FREE AND EASY. /-1ALL at the Free St. Easy House, 4 doors below the Choice Hotel, where you will find t general it- •ortment of Confecllonariel, Fruits, Jrc., or the very beitthatever hes been, and as good asever can be offer- edln Rome. Sold low for cash. GEO. SHAW- Feb. 80, Ihfil. OPL BU8HEL8 of flrat rate Corn Meal juet re- AAeJ ceived nnd for isle by O. SHAW, Feb 20 5 SUPERIOR article of Family Floor, for Ml* by Fob 21) G. SHAW, 1 A GOOD article of shelled Cora on hand snd for jrtw i«- siiAw, V A BOXES superior New York Cheeie for snlshy XXF Feb 80 O. SHAW. DISSOLUTION, fTtHE Firm of Wx. E. AlixandIr & Co. bnvta *- been this day dissolved by mutual consent, th . bn«lnMswlllbecomlnnedottlioold R. 8" ' A FIRST rate lot of Bncon jnet received and for NORTON, whore an nssortmont will always ba kept xi. eale by G. SHAW, ua heretofore. ”' *“ — The unsettled business of the firm will receive th attention of both, WM- E. ALEXANDER. Jan. 30, (851. R. S. NORTON. Feb 80 1 AAA LUS. or superior Lard just received at' 1UUU Feb 80 SHAW’S. V II HALF liMi. No. 1 Mackerel for eale by IU Feb 30 G. SHAW. CJPERM and Star Candles for sale by VJ Feb 30 C A Flrat rate article of Tobacco and Cigars always XX kept at SHAW’S CJGOTCH Herrlngs, Sardines, Ac., mav nt all times O he found at tho FREE Jr EASY HOUSE. CHATTANOOGA PRODUCE. 10,000 lba. Tennearoe Baeon, 19 Barrels Lard, 501) Bushels Corn. 50 Bhla. Flour, 50 Pieces. otton Oinabur.a, 100 Pieces Prints, Shoe*, Hor -ware, Boole. Cepe, Hats, Pump bottom boon made to order. Mav 28,1851. JOHN H. ROBERTS. Feb 30 /YYSTEBS, Lobsters, Shrimps, Pig’e Feel, Egg-t, VX Ac, served up tn n superior manner el ihe Feb 80 FREE A EASY HOUSE. 200 LBS. GOSHEN BUTTER, for sale nt March 6,1851. Administrator'* gal*’ A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable ihJ Interior Court of Telfair coputy, wliensiltlngaa a Court of Ordinary, will be raid before the Court Houae door in the Town ol Rome, Floyd county, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the usual hours of rale, thefuJlowtag Lots of Land to wit: Lot No, 160.84'h Diatriel,nnil 3d section. Alio, on Ihe same day will be sold before Ihe Court House door in thp eoupty of Cherokee, Lois of Land Nos, 891, in tho gist district and 2d section, 378, in the 3d dis- Met and 3d section, >10, in the 7th district end 3d scotion; 121, in the 26ih district and 3d eection, and bo, 15g, m the lftli district nml lat eection. All sold as the property of Henry H. Brlcki-I). deceased.— Term* cash. JAMES BOYD, Adnt’r. Juno 26, 1861. A. RATS, Rubionable breach Boat Maker. I S prepared to exeoutr work in his lino, in n neat and substantial manner, and will be thankful fora liberal share of the patronage olKome and vicinity He may be found ai tUe ropm formerly occupjed by. the Courier Office, on Broad swept. Rome, Jan. 33, t851 New Music J UST received, and for sale,a fine supply of Muse or the Piano Forte, consisting ol the latest Songs,i Mfolics, Waltzes,Ac. The subscriber being the authorised ngent of nn extnsive Music Store, will receivo ordinal all times for any particular kind of music. Abu, Piano Fortes, Guitals, or any kind of inuricnl instruments. Orders handed in will be thankfully received, end filled with the earliest dispatch. J. D. DICKERSON, Ag'l. October 31, 1850. Noi«» r A LL peraona indebted to ihe Eatote of William Champion, late of Floyd county, deceased, arc hereby requested to make immediate pnyment, and all persons having demands against said deceased, will render them in agreeable to law. M. L. COLBERT, Ex’r. June 18,1831. JOS. W. WEBSTER, ) —■{ GEO. F. PALME? WEBSTERfip PALMES, WHOLESALE grocers, Successors to A. Welles Sf Co. AT THU OLD STAND, No, 105 Bay Street, Savannah, Oa. THEY HAVE 0(1 HAND AND FOR SALE. A /h/hBBLi Domestic Gin, Brandy nn l Rum, 4:UU 75 bbls Monongnhelu Whiskey, fin Hall Pipos, Quarter andEights best Fr'ch Brandy 50 bbls Port, Medari and Malaga Wine. 8 Pipes Holland Gin, 4 Hluls. St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, 8 Hilda. Scotch nnd Irish Whiskey, 15(1 Boxes Spanish nnd American Sugars, ISO Hhtls. luir and choice Louisiana Sugar, 60 do. Si. Croix nnd Porto Rico do. 150 Bbls. Crushed, Powdered and olarified sugar, 30 Boxea Loaf sugar, 500 Keg*. Halves, nnd quarter pun Powder, 800 Bags Buck and Diop shot, 4ft 10 Bar Lead, With a complete assortment of article* usually kept in a Wholesale Grocery. They will hove a heavy stock of Gunpy Bagging and Herap Bale Ropo for tho fall demand, all of whloh.will beaold oairtaiona- blotei-ma. 'Jttt " Savannah, Ju HOLLAND HOUSE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. fpills Lar.e nnd Now Brick Hotel, neat the Rati X Road Depot, is now opened. It will bo kept In such style that visitors will not ftrget to stop eg in. Pnesengera on the can will have mole than ample time to pnitake of the good meals always in readi ness at ihe arrival of enob train. Perrons viiitinglbe City, and stepping nt the Holland House, cun get In. formation nnd assistance In business, nnd pass off •Heir leisure honra In nmusementa connected wllh Ihe Hnnse T e Post Office, Bank Agenoy, Brokers and other important offices Will be in he Holland Honse, Reference—A ny one who ha* or roiiy step one time. A. R. KELLAM, Proprietor, JU8T RECEIVED^ B Y the Subscriber, In addition to hia former etook, a choice lot of Groceries 1 consisting, in pari, ot New Orleans, Portn Rico, Crushed,Refined Granulat ed Sugars; Superior Rio Coffee, Sperm, Star and Tel- law Candlea 1 13 bbla. Irish Potntoes, for seed j 30 Seeks No. 1 Penfield Family Flour; nlaoa choice lot of Liquors, Old Cognac Brandy, Old Port, Pure Hoi- land Gin, Scotch Whlakry nnd domestic Liquors. Hardware, Blacksmith Tools, Hoes, Trace Chains. Shovels, Spades, Garden Rake., Boots, Shoes an Hata. All ol which he offers Ibr sale nn a* good te-ms os they can he bought in the city. March 6,1831. TH03 J, VERDERV FLOYDS PRINGS. W ILL ba opened for the reception of Visitors by 8u li of June. Vieitore Will nt all'limes find 11 ready conveyance from Rome, either in bucks, bug gies or coaches. Tblaisa new wntering place,eituot* ed 12 miles north of Rome, and 13 miles southwest of Calhoun, The road front Rome ie one of tho beat in the State. The Springe are pleasantly located with fino scenery, a puro atmosphere, and the water equal to any in the country, containing sulphur, irnr.spd mag* neaia.Every necessaryatremionwill ha bestowed upon visitors to render tliemromfortnble. PEGK & HARDIN, I MoCULLOUGH Jc MAYS, {^ropnetora. June 5,18 1. 3m JESSE LAMBERTH & CO. Broad Street, Rome, Georgia, TJ ESPECTFULLY announce to the public that XV they are now opening and will keep con tantiy on hand, a large and well eelected stock of ncady-ffliiNu Clothing, of every description. Also Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe*, Umbrellas, Tranks and Carpet flog*. To- S .-titer with a well eelected stock ofLudit-o and .Mines trow and Satin Bonnets, Ladies ana Mines Satin and Laiilng Gaiters and Buskins, Ties, Slippers and Walking 8hoea; Also Parasols, Gloves, mils, Fans, mbs, Jcc., March 13, 1831, Guardtau’* Mule. A GREE.ABLY tn an order of the honorable the In fV ferior Court of Floyd county when aitling as a Court of Ordinary,will be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, before the Court House door in the City of Rome, Floyd county, within tho usual hours of sale the following city lot, to wit t No. 32, in the Cooea Division of said city of Rome. Sold for tho henefit of Sarah A. and Wsaley S. Trout, miner orphans o Tilman Trout, late of said county, deceased. Terms made known on day of ao’.o. March 13,1831. SAM’L STEWART, Guar JQQ SACKS Fresh Flour, from th Penfield May 1,1851. Mil’s, just received nnd for sale by ' ' >RDE T.J. VERDERY. B UILDERS of Store ond Dwelling houses vited to exomine samples of Mineral Knob Locks —white and dark, at F, fli. ALLEN’S Feb 8il 1831 ^ ITENKESSflEAQENCY, 20.000 lb*. BACON 2.000 " 1.000 BUSHELS COKN. JUST receiving nnd for eale at tho Tennessee A gen •* oy, one door below Johnson, Pope A: Co. Rome, May 8,1831. J. J, REEVES, Ag’l DANIEL S. MMTOT Agqt for the Southern Mutual Iniurance Company at Bone, .6a, INSURES againstlasebyFIRE; also, LIVES of arsons and Servants. CHECKS on Charleston and New York, for said DANIEL S. PRINTUP. • f'DJ for the Bank of tkc State of Bn. Ca Oot. 10. 1350. NEW SPUING GOODS. J UST received, fine Printed Muslins, for Spring Jtokonat and Swiss'Mnsllns sad Isertings,at March 6. F. M. ALLEN’S- 8t*t« of Georgia, Floyd county. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1351. r ’ appearing to the Court, by the potiiion of John T. Meador nnd Joseph C, Benson, that Thomas McGuire, by hia agent Terence McGnfre of said county,deceased, did In hit liferfnte execute to rofd John T, Men dor and Joseph C, Benson, his kontl, conditioned to execute titles in fee simple to nid John T, A/eador and Joseph C. Benson, for lot of land No. 196. snd two-thirds of lot No I'll, mors or lew, it being nil cast of n tine of partition run betwren said McGuire and Boggew, all being and lying in the lflih diattict of Catroll county, State of Georgia; end it farther appearing that caul Thomas McGuire dvr,tn- rd tills lire without executing titles to said lot and natt of lot of land,or in nny way providlug therefor; nnd it appearing that said John T. Mendor nnd Jt-aeph C. Benson, hns paid the fall amount of the puichuro price of nid land,nnd said Jphn 'p. Meador nnd Jo seph C. Bunion haring petitioned ipis Court to rlin-et Tpr'Cncr McGuire,adm'r nnd S B.G.McGulrc, «dni’rx upon tho estate of tho said Thomas McGuire, de ceased, to execute :o them titles to said lot snd-psx of lot of land, in conformity with euid Bond— It is therefore ordered, b) Hie Court, that uotfae be given nr three or more public places in laid county, nml in the Rome ronrier.of such application, that all perron* concerned may file oljections in Ihe clerk’s Office, (if any they have) why said Terence McGuire, ndm’f and 8- B. G. McGuire, adnt’rx, a* aforesaid, should not exeente titles to raid lot and part of lot of land In conformity with snid bond. A true extract from tho minutes of Court, giren un der my bend, this 5th day of May,J83t JESSE L'AMBEK : H, c. o. o. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY T HE subscriber grate- fnl for the many anil repealed favor* bestowed upon him “ lor id theso many years,” hy ilia citi zens ol Rome nnd vicini ty, would stilisollottacou linunnce of their pntron- ago, and a visit from nit persons having business in his line. Ho may be found itt the sumo OLD ES- TABLISBMEK T on^ Broad street, 5 Doors West of R- J. Johnson’s Corner, Within tho last twelve months he has greatlyenlarged Itis shop, nnd mode many and Iftporinm Improvements in nhoost every his business. His mnterlnla nrc good and nhnndsnt; his workmen faithful and competent, and he flatten himself that his Carriages, Buggies, nnd othey vehicles, will favorably compare In beau- ty, stylo, finish nnd durability, with nny similar establishment North or Aplub. Connected with his Carriage Ecmb.ishnront, he hns an extensivo Blacksmith shop at the head nf which is nn experienced workmnn who Is gjtvny* at home, and bolds bifnsejf in readiness tn hummer nnd hnvo hammered, lion nnd steel to order. Tin, citizens of Georgia ond Alabama who in- tend purnhaslng enrrlaics orbuggit-a.aroeorrfially Invited to call and examine iris work. His prices will ho regulated Io suit the limes, nnd cash in lined will at all time* command tho very best bur- gains. WILLIAM VIIMPEE. Romo, May 39,1831. N. B.—Repairing dons at tho shortest notice, punctually nml effeotmilly. All IVrson. TNDEBTKD 10 wm. K. AJ.EXAN1 R Jr To. ,i. s- therbv note or aoconnt, arc rrqWfed la cf>M pay up. May TOWN FH0PERTY F0S SALlT rpHE House and let recently oc^ipitd by J- acriber, next to the Fein»Ie A etd the nmy. Methodist Church. Th? I edgfnd contirinf id ncre^ of iapd. i and kitchen Hardens. The location deihffbie Enqnir eof the fubctl^bc Wm.