Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, July 10, 1851, Image 5

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lot. The -Boardiof Managers oro requested to ajj point time and place, and give notice to the public ol our next meeting. 2d. Tha'Lotrespotiding Secretary la requested to publlah snob parts of tho proceedings of this meeting as he ntoy deem desirable, in (he Gazettes of Rome with'an invitation to our fellow-citizens to join us and eproll their names ns members of our association. A. DEAN, 51. D.Ch’n. O. W^Baitet, M. D. Secretary. S THE CHOPS. vje gather l[roin our exolinnges this week, all tho .information w4[cjin in relation to the crops, that ouf 'reads,s may.form Bourn idea of the prospect in differ ent parts of thetountry. In some decllons (he sea sons have been ijvornble and the crops are.more pro mising than thjjjftiave been for many years ; tyhllo in other seuhji^'the weather has been very dry, and ibc ot so flattering. Tho Wheat prop, how ever, which Has been harvested, exceeds,both .In quan tity and quality, Hint of any former yenr. Our ac counts of the growing cotton indicate a very folryield, though there are many casualties to wbich .it is yet subject, pml any estimate aa to the, crop might he inn. terialiy changed. The oat crop in somo places has been an-cmire failure, and is generally abort. In portions of Cllerdkeo EUe'orgfo .we have been bloesed .with occasional showers, and vegetation is in a growing condition j but the rains hive not been ge neral, and some places even In our Immediate vicini ty are yet suffering ftom drought Thu following items front various papers through- outtiie country, will be found interesting i * Tho draught continued with us up'to Saturduyfost, when we hadd'good rain, Which revived very much thefcolingsof tlic people ns well as ail kinds of .vege tation. All early corn', particularly on old' land; is considerably injured, bnt lliat which is-a little late, with good seasons from now out, will make a fair yield.. The oatcrop is vety short, and cotton Ib oon slderahly stunned in its growth.—Origin Union. After a long drought, we were on Sunday afternoon, and Monday morning last, visited by refreshing rains, which has revived the fluids of com and cotton, as well as tho hearts of the planters and the pet erellyi From what we oon learn, thn aenson pretty general. It coma too late, we ore sorr- to soy, to be of much beneflt to tne Oat crop, which .will gen- . eratiy fall far Short of the expectations of the fanner, and in many neighborhoods the crop will be 'utmost an'entire failure, ‘ ' ■ On Tuesday night-and Wednesday morning, the wind blew briskly from the E. and N. E,- rendering it quite cool, so that fires, overcoats, clnitks, and winter clothiilg were vory conifortnblo and acceptable—all looking and feeling the. middle ol' Novem liar than tho 18th of'June.—[Newnau Banner, Afteraopeil of drv and burning -weather, which iestefl tome six weeks, wo wore yesterday iindnight before last blessed with two or three cooling end re viving showers.. The corn .crop in. this legion has been very seriously injured, and will becxtreincly.liort without good seasons from this time forward. There ' is o-prespect of rain at thla time, and if the season ‘ ould be prospects of a fine crop wero never mpre flal- 'ally. inundnt- rqceded.'plant- .---.7.:-— . — pecta are good, TltC Village was nearly all iijundated. but trim's tile river l,.i- receded, the plunters lrayo planted their fields in full, and the prospects of n line crop'wero never bettei. The 'crevasse which occurred on th’e plnn- tution of Mr. 'Charles Hogan, injured only a few persons in 1 the neighborhood;^ Mrs. Gon- druii, and Mr. Bouis wilt make a good crop cane, corn, and cotton, i'he'tilnnihtlon belonging to tho estate of Col. Morgan had only u few acres affected by. the crovnsse of Mr. Hognn, and since the water hits receded the prospect of their-mak- ing a fine crop of cane, cotton, and corn, is irorp fliilteiiiig than usual—Doinfe Coupee Ulh,- ., ' Tennesske — A trjp to Jasper last week euiihled us ip judge of the prospect of crops in that quarter. The rich butloln lands- of tho Tennessee and Soqunlchie vnllics presents iin appearance of much ‘promise. There is scilycely a ypod. of clea^ inntl .„thnt is hqt new' under cultivation. While somo sections hiwo sutlered■ Itv tumo extent- fot want -of min, iijmii the whole- tho (nrmer will bo plon- lifully rewarded by the products of the .soil, Wfient probably never was bettor. Oiils in sonie hicalilles are very fine. Corn is '’laid ” in fine' condition ; and if the season is at favorable, henceforward,.(ho yield will be unparailed. Fruit along the valley is also much more abundant than we had expected. Trees bending under,tile weight' of growing (general. there may yet lie n tolerable crop i fallen has by no iiumns injured greatly—colt though it would be butter of a good season.” The Memphis Enquirer says the cotton crop in that region is unusually promising—one! cutting to destroy the present prospects, I shot . S adc. 1 The rain that has orouglily wet tiie earth, but witli the- prospect of more wo are cheered with new hopes.—[Columbus Enquirer, 17th Inat. A letter from Albany, ip this State, Jatcdtfunu 18 states that Southwestern Ouorgin has been vf-lted with copious and relVeshiiig showers. Lato-com crops liavo been very much revived a: d benofiited, and cot ton crops are reprus Med no promising, bearing und blooming well.—[Sevaiinuh Republican Alabama,—Our Butler (Ala.) county cotemporary ! gives n'pleasant picture of vegetation within his re- . glon. "This,he says, is the most remarkable s.nvou wjth which this country hss been favored for tnuny . years. Notwithstanding the extreme and continued , cold, to a period ao unusually inle, the vegelotl .n of . both field and woods, is more flourishing, luxuriant mid prolific than wo remember ever to have seen it. , Tho fruit trees, both wild and domestic, of ev ry do- acriptlon, are loaded and. breuking dovvn with the rich and abundant yield pendent from their branches. ’ Even iho little vines, briars and shrubs of tlte won,Is that do not bear onoa in every ten years are hung with delicious berries. We are told by the fanners that they huve never before seeu such a prospect for mast . as the forest exhibits now—every species of tree being . full each withiis respective fruit. The corn mid cot- * tou, though severely stunted by cold rains at first have it length taken o start, and arc now growing cl- - egantly. The. prospect is much better than it has • been, and with occasional showers, tho crop will pi we much heavier thnn.was at first anticipated.’!—[Ala bama Planter. . •*> TheWeiumpka State Guard', of June 10th, shy?: “A friend writing to us from Talladega, under ifiitc of thb Sih lnst., says the crops arc suffering canaille ably from the exceeding dry weather. There hi been no-raln in some parts of Talladega cuiipty for nearly seven weeks, The corn crop bus already beer injured greatly—-cotton, however, is doing very well £ though , nothing oe- ; the quantity thiosenson will doublothot of lost. Front every qurir ter, almost, \ve hove very Bettering accounts ol' tin growing crops. In N.rth Alnbamn the stands of cot. ton were never finer—the plant is liunly nitd.tlirifty ' and bids folrfor a Urge crop [Huntsville Advocate. * ■ Mississippi.—The Brandon Republican of the 11th - instant, says: "Wo understand that n violent hail storm occurred about ten 'miles south-west of this place on Saturday lest, whioli d|d serious damage. to corn and cotton. This was also accompanied by tor rents of rnln. Tho extent of the hail we have not . been able to learn. We had a slight rain nt this •place on the same evening. • The (Aberdeen) Monroe Domocrat—n Tnnibfgbei craft—passes by the crops thus 1 quickly : "We are ' glad to le/trn Jhot-thocropshereaboms—wheat, corn .cotton,' fruits, etc—are unusually promising,” , sj ffoOTn OarpUSA—After seven dr eight- weeks of parching, hot. drv weather, we wen 1 visited on Wednesday evening last with quite n refreshing-bow er. Considerable damage,has been dune to the craps by the Jong draught, and especially the oats, which is looked upon os an entire fafiuue. From nil that we con learn—and wedravo been somewhat diligent in making enquiries—the wheat crop is u Inrge one, end will even exceed tho expectations of planters — [ [Abbevjjjf, Banner, June 7. ‘ Since opr laBt issuo (says (he Winyah Observer of Wednesday Inst,) wo have scarcely had one hour of clear sunshine, or bright blue sky, hut ithns been one ^continued easterly rain. Even now the heavens are [ overcast with souddlngclouds, which seem gntherlnf 1 Jor another general rain. The crops hnyo revlvec [under the general showers of the last Ivet-k, nnd the | psle and sickly hue Is changed for the rich green.— ^[Charleston Courier, Juno 27. The Season -and the Crops,—-For the t few days wo hare had continued rains egUlar wet season, The corn crops, we j told, begin to look well, and the cotton (as an‘upward tendency -’ We have not ns ft heard of any cotton blooms in thedistricl ye found oursleves treated to a mess oi roast, ears bn yesterday, and felt at the sight most iiderfully impelled towards a “green corn nee-’’ We found, however, a more ngree- ' wvay of paying our respects to the first T of the season.— Chester Standout ILomstANAv—the wenther has been excos warm for the Inst month. The enrlh ily dry, and nearly-everything sufl' |e dry weather. We Uavelmd-uecusion wera, but not sufficient to. lie of much 1 The prospect of the fine ctup of ■otton, nnd corn, .throughout the " ill he unusual, provided wo have m a few days. events, .the prospect of n fair crop Coupee is more' certain than lor previous. fdoche Grosse T.nti nnd False river, the lag lo bo of wood, und to bo cofjiplcted by lire first, day of Jutiuirry, 1859. For purticulars upply to tho guderaignod, WILLIAM W; PECK, l E. Hi RICHARDSON, W. E. WEST, N J. J. MORRISON, W. F. JANES. Collar Town Paulding Co., Ga. Juno 10 ( ' 1HB1. TEMPERANCE NOTICE, M., HEWLETT will Lecture on the subject of Tomperonoe, on Tuesday next, the 1st of July nt the Court House, at 8 o'clock, P. RI. Tho friends of the,cause and tho public generally, are reape tlfully inviled'to attend. June 90,1851. pap i ^ ?/r dtianooga Advertiser. FloriPa.—Nearly all of this week we htwe had regulur fall weather—cold, cloudy, damp, drizzly, nnd every way disagreeable. We do not remember such a spell at this sea son for ninny years. There has been a goad deal of rain also, but we hear of soino sections where none has yet fallen. It is to bo hop ed that the corn crops-, which wero in a bad and precarious state, will be'improved by such weather, and that even yet our coun try will make n full supply. The cotton, we hear, is rntlior spoiled. In somo places, though a little backward,'it is doing welt ; while in otlieis the prospect is -gloomy.— There are some large plantations with hun dreds of acres not yet up—the grasshopper Juicing cut down tliu earlier plaining, so ns To render, entire replunting. necessary. On the whole,'our planters are much discourag ed by'the present showing of their fidlds.— Tolluhasfee (l\la.) Jour. Quid.—From the. Cincinnati Enquirer of the lath inst., wc.lnke the follow ing flatter ing account uf the bright .prospects that duwiiAipmi the farmers of the Buckeye Stale, for an abundant harvest: “From nil we can learn there Injs hot been a year in tho history of Ohio, which will com pare will) lito present for the abundance of yield of all kiuds of evops with the exception of some fruits. Wheat, corn, hoy, oals and potatoes never looked more.promising. We liltd a parngrnphjike the loliowing in most of our Ohio exchanges. The Anglaize Re publican of the 4th mst.. says “Never, to our • recollection, was there ever greater promise of this season of the year lor abundant crops of every description. Should the wheat crop turn out ns well ns appearances now indicate there will be sur plus twice ns great ia this vicinity u» there ever was before “ JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. ujU h LBS, Bacon tintl 500 lbs, LurJ. for Ami ,vHf If sale .tor Cash, F. M, ALLEN m B13LS. SubeVfir.o nnd lOxtro family flour, for nnlcby, . F» M; ALU5N. Jidy 3. F. M. ALLEN. WANTED- A Nf quantity of VVUeat, Corn, Flour, Meal, Btv con, Lurd, liny, Fodder, (JatH, ltye, Burly,, Feas, Ueauf, Butter, Chickens &c. &c. ' jAf pi/to FRANCIS M. ALLEN** Will take in exchange all Clean Cotton fc Linncn hog.'any color .. July 3, lb(U GEORGIA—Floyd County. D AN 11.1. SPRAGGlNS ol the SOdth district. G. M„ Tolls before mo, os an astray taken up on ills premises, one buy Filly, uliout three years old, ap. praised by Uimrlcs E, Russ and E. L. VV utters, Free Holders, to bo worth thirty dollars. This lOih day or May 1851. JOS. WATTE11S, J. P. \ true axtraot from the Kstrivy Book. July 3. 1851. . JESSE LAMUERTH, Cl'k. . TO CONTRACTORS. ClEALED Proposals will be received by the Build O ing-Committee,'until the J.rth of August, for the building of a Alcthudist E Cliureh near G. \V. Han son's. Contractors to funvBh all matcnnls. Speeifi- o <iii,ns end plansare in the ha,, is of A. H. Foster ut die Floyd Mills on Dykes Creek. G. W. HANSON, . A. H. FOSTER, j Committee. ■. C. K. AVER,, FL0Y0 SHERIFF’S SALES FOR AUGUST W ILL lie sold on the Href Tuesday Iff August nc-t before the Court-house door in the City of Homo, Floyd, t'oanty,within tho osuul hoitri of cole tire foilojvipjr property, to wit • AdqipiSis L. Fation s Intrest in lot No, 22 ill tho Goose Division of tho city of Romo—levied upon os the property ol Adolphus L. l’.itton tosntlsiy 11 ft. fa. from Floyd Superior Court in f.ivor of lluvliaiid, Risley & eo. und ‘other fi. fits in my hnmls v. Adolphus L. Patton. Properly pointed oat by Pliilnti® Atty. T1IOS. S. PRICE. Shff. At the same time and place. All of William Ezzalls right titlo and intareat in nnd to lot of Lund No' U3 in tho 22 Diet, end 3 See- of originally Cherokou, now Floyd County us tho property of Win, Esw.ell to snthiy a fl. fa. from Floyd Superior Court, in favor o( Thomae C. Hiioket vs. Win. Ezzell. Property |tointed by Plaintiffs n tty. now lives—levied upon us tho property of Rio herd Wlllinms to. satisfy a fl. fs. from FToyd Superior Court in favor of Joseph Watters, hearer, vs. /fich aid williams.. Property pointed out by plolnflff' atl’y. THOS. G. " July 3,- lSpJ. WATTERS. D. Sh’tf. A Fresh Stock of “‘H"' Just received at Burns’ Murray’s pON’SISTlNG (If.. c ummor Silks, Beroze, DeLanes, Silks, Poplins, Jenny LitttI Silks. VJ Muslins. Prints, Cambrics and Ginghams, from I2J to 25 (tents, Cnlico irom fl to I2J -i-^. -l-j oli..! j oi.—.:— i_.:. —:— —^ quality. Grnn- td oilier brown --'-’ft-' Hi' jr, oiiu umoi, m.ieios uoumijr ,ivwp. ... OUT lillO, wllicll we respectfully invite the public to call nnd examine. Wd will take pleasure in showing, nnd chnrgo nothing for looking. BURNS & MURRAY. April 24, 1851., GLOVES; T. ADIESand Gems'white colored Kid, silk' and J-J Lisle-thrend, Ladies Colored and Block JVqlidlr Picnic,and children's Lisle-thread mule otton Glqvos. -DENNIS & HUNT- LADIES CAMBRIC HDKFS. T .ADIES, Genta niid olilldren’a Combtio Hdklk. i-I from 71 cents up to (f2 00 ooeh. Also. Blook silk lncci, from one Inch lo ulullt .luolics wide—S splendid und foshionuhle srllelc for trimming Montil- ; DENNIS d: HUNT. T 1 FiRSTljOST. A FEW Bareges, Poplina, Lutltcs and TUauea, FA. will be sold nt cost 10.01Vs^u 1U^sm FANS- O F every dercripUou, comprising some of tho very luteatstyles nt tho NEW Y 1 — fttRK STORE. LINENS. A LARGE variety of plain, corded, and striped Whim I.incn I rills. Also.'a superior article of Brown Linen Drills,very heavy for pantaloon use, at DReNIS it HUNT- ■ THT’rece^Vfi^pS ^MUtfa’ for Spring J Jacltoiel an'l Swiss .'r.ulins ond March 0. F. M. ALLEN'S. WHITE SATIN A vD WHITE KID S LIPPERS, silk Gaiters nadjmlf Goitere, Enamel ed Buskins Olid Excelsiors—KidTlpaond slippers, with a irenerol assortment of Misses.hud Children's ihocs! . ' DENNIS & HUNT. June 2fi, 1851. TINNING BUSINESS. 11 VIE subscriber would inform .his.frlo.nds and the. J. public generally, tlist he is now engaged in the. manufacture of Tlti'Wnrtt ovary kind. Also every descrlpticn of shcct-ron. Ills shop Is on Brood street nearly oppoel'c Wlmpeo’s Carriage fac tory, where lie hopes by |,romut' iiUeittlon to orders, ceive o liberal shore of ill-' public patronage, ino 28,1051. TOHN G. MERCK. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLY to lit! oraar of .tho Honornhlo the .Inlcrlor Court ol* Telfiiir couiity, when sitting as n Court of Ofdlhnryj Will be ?oUl buforo Ihu Court House dhor in the Town ol Roino, Floytl county, on thc firpi Tuesdtty In September next, vvlthiti ill*, usual ho as of f-olo, iliu following Lot^ of Land to wjt: Lot l^o, ICO, 24tl»; District, nnd till pectlon. Also; on the same day will be holdjnfo/o the Court Houuo ilhor in thucounty of Cherokee. Lots of Land Nos, 8 91, iti tho'Slat-district and 2d section,*272, In th« 3d dis trict and 2d scettop, JIO, In tho. 7th district and.3d section: lWl» in the 26th.district.mid 3d Section, and t)Ua.iu3, in tho iCtli district nnd 1st section.. All sold as the property ol Henry H. Rriokull, deceased.— Terms cash. JAMES BOYD, Adm'r. Jupo 26,1851. , JOSi \V. WERSTER, IlEO. F.‘PALMES WEBSTER& PALMES, WHOLE-SALE GROCERS, • Successors to A. 1 Welles 8f Co. ‘ AT TliE OLD 'STAND, .. No, 1D5 Buy Street/ Suvuiniali, On. THEY HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE. A Domostlc Gin, Brandy uni Rum, Trvrt./ 75 bbls Monongnhela Whiskey, G;» Mall Pipes, Quartur nndEights best Fr*ch Brandy 50 bids Port, Medari and Malaga Wine. 8 Pipes Holland Gin j <■ illids. St. Croix and Jainnicn Rum, . 2 llluls. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, 150.Boxes Spanish and American *»egars, 12(J lHula,'b LauUiano Sugur, 60 do. St.'QioiJt and Porto ,'iico do,,. 150 Bbls. -Crushed, Powdered and clarified sugar, 30 Boxes. LonT sugar, 500 Kugs r llalyes anjl quarter,Gun Powder, 800 Bags Buck and Diop shot, 4000 Lbs. Bar Lyotl, . , . . Witb.a complete, nsso.rtmont of articles usually kept in a Wholesale grocery. They will have a heavy stock of Gunny Bagging and Hemp Bale Rppo for tltQ mil demand, trll of which vvilL be sold-on reasona ble terms. Savannah, June 23, 1S51» NEW ARRIVAL. HR undersigned begs leave to-inform the -citizens of Rome, its vicinity and the public generally,that he has just received nnd opened a ne\v Stook of WATCHES a ltd JR-WELRY ot the very la test pa terns and fittest style fc His friends and acquain tances are cordially invited to give him a call and ex amine hfo'assftrttneiu. All kinds bfiepniring done to order, and goods and work warrented. His esfablishment willbe found n few doors above the lfilbum House, Deirot Square. J. G. McKINZIE. Dec. 19,1850. . - HOUSE MINTING. AARON W- HARSHAW, a style that cannot fail to please tho inoBt fastidious He lias in his possession testimonials from many diti'er. ent persons who have tried hla skill, that will »«t'*ry every one who wish to .vaisrto them. Those in Rome mul die surrounding country who huve houses to point cun Itavo it dono on ns good terms, nnd with as much ncnuicss and dispatch by me aa it can bu done by any body else, North or South, Having quit carriage and sign painting, my whole attention will bo given to tho above branch of the buaineja. iGraining done in first ratu Btylc, and made to tepresoiu any kind of wood or marble'dealrcd; a! I have dono a great deal of work in this;part of the country, specimens of which may he Been, l deem it unnecessary to any any thing more. Its to my ability ,0 do good work, bat only nak n trial May 29,1851. CORN 'S K ABUSHELS Corn for sole, at JLOU March 0. F. M. ALLEN'S. ~ aj “ ■ ' ' LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. At Number 4 Choice .House. ■tTFilURE you Will find atty quantity of Pant, for W - sale by OSGOOD, A LSOBROOK & CO. march 20, T HIS well known pleasant stand fs ugaln open for the acoominodtftion of Boarders and Transient visiters. J. J. REEVES. Pro. Rome, Ga., May 29.1851. (iltlillT mHOTI0)i! New and Splendid Summer Styles—Better and Cheaper than ever. M. STERN & CO, W OULD reapectfully inform their Mend? nnd the public that they hi 20hy A CASES Men's Uuots.nd SIioi-i F.t 1 ft CASES Ladles'Wnlking shoes and kid .lip- J.x_f pcrafiom 50 ccm.n pair up. For sale bv J»0,2. cent, n pair'up. For sale by lF. M. ALLEN. Jiilt 2. F. Ml ALLEN, Y7"ESTS fot 1 married und single, with a few to mar s' ryfn.for salo by march 20 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK !e CO. ! — i, i-« may de- irloa—oiler la- nourish Iris TIFE propose to dress any geittlemnn who u » » sirc it.iu fmo style, and ot a'lotv prioa— king oho of the outward inun, wo will hou mind with gnad Books of nil kinds. We will furnish stationary nml fitnpy siaiionury, nn’d all that kind, o thing, very cheap’, no t'uay fie proven by enquiring ot march A .LOT of superior Pianos' nt OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK & QO. TMIOSE who wish the best upland Cotton Seed in X the. world had better, apply soon nt OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK & CO. March 29. |8'4l. /-lOATS.tri match, and a “little mire ao,” pit VV bar’ll und cross bar'd. Come and sen. Mmnreh 20 OSGOOD, ALSOBROOK CO! ITENNESSEE AGENCY, 20;b00 lbs. BACON 2.000.' " LARD.J 1,000 BUSHELS CORN. J UST receiving und for Bale ot the Tennessee Agon cy, fine door bolow Johnson, Pop6 & Co; Romo, May 8,1851.■' - J. J. REEVES, A^t DANIEL S. PRINTUP Agnt for tho Soathern Mutual Insurance Company At Home, Ga. INSURES oguinstlosabyFlRE; also, LIVES of ersons und Servants, CHECKS an Charleston and New York, for sola ; . DANIEL S. PRINTUP, 4. tntfor-tho Bonk of tho Stnte oi'Sn. Cn Oor. 10. U50. W HITE WINE Slid pure Cider Vinegar, lot anleby - F. M. ALLEN. Jan. 2. FREE AND EASY; YtALL at the Free & Enay lidiise.d doors helowilta ky choice ifotol, ivhero you;will find a general na- sortment of Confectionaries, Fruits, tec., of tiro very beeithatoVer Intsbeeninhd ns good usever van he offer- edIn Rome. Sold loW for cosh. GEO. SHAW- Feb. 20,1851. _j -u ' ■ OK BUSHELS of first rate Corn Meal just're- fl«l celved nnd for sale by ; G; SHAW. publlo that they have, juat returned from Net* York and Philadelphia, and opened o splendid assort ment of Goode, adapted to the season j consisting, in part, of superior spring and summer silks, aa also n very large assortment of lawns, ginghams, prints, oil calicoes,teo, TO THE LADIES. Their at ck of fancy articles, nnd Jewelry will be found to be equal to any in the State of Georgia.— Their assortmcntD compojedofgold and silver watch- ee, rings, ear-tings, pencils, gold nnd allvcr beods, A FEW pieces 8-4 Bleached Linen dlnpct puise ringsand tassels. Ladies companion, fancy rib- /X ble qlotlio—vory nice—for snie low by bom,trimmings, work-boxes, onnunor mnnilllasj Ger- r o ” ‘ ’ man; English and French perfumes and soaps, fancy opllurs, underalcuvcs i note, papers, fancy envelopes, worsteds, perforated pnpers, cnfpe.t'hcytriiiikai brushes, Aocordedns, from SOots up to $35,parasols, kid, silk and cotton gloyes,bonnets, ladies’caps,laoes, edgings, insetting*, shoes, gutters, and ft (treat mitny other goods impossible to b» enumerated in art adver tisement. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS Of our own mnnufasiura tit tyliolesolo prices Aligentlemcu who may be in won,t of good nnd.cheop clothing, would find it to their grout odvniuugo to cull in ns before putqhnslng elsewhere, as they imvo an emtre new, splendid and largo Block of. reody-tnade clothing of all eires. slyles and qualities, as nlso extra sfzet for childfen, cushion relic, drub d’ute, queen’s cloth C silver rtnd steel mixed tweed, linen, tec,, fee— s of doeskin, plain nnd fancy oussiraere, drill, tec. Veits of siik, satin, Valencia, oaSnmsreite,linen, Mar seilles; tec. Also an assortment yuutli’spnd servant’s cloth. Customers ean depend upon finding them made fn splendid style, Intest.fuehiou and superior work manship. However low the price, we will also cull the alien tionof the public to pur aajottmem.of Gentlemen’s FURNISHING. GOQQS. Consisting of slrlrts, standing cnllnrs, cravats, Jenny Lind lir.s, fancy ailkajjsnfmlers. porinuintcous. Mon ey parses, pocket bf^W".0D9 superiorlegara of onr manafanturo, memorandum books, writing maierials, tec. tec. ( always on hand an extenjlvo and fashion- 'able assortment of hats, caps, boats, shoes, traveling truuka witli secret aprlngs, packing trunks, valises, carpet brigs, wnlklngcaues. &c. Prices ridt surpaaseri for cheopncss. We aro grotofttl for pob! encouragement by our for* nter customer*, tmd solicit n continuanceof the tame, and. all who rcoommrnd their friends to trade at this establishment, may depend upon being dealt with fair* ly and honestly, and oi receiving for their money its (ullequivolent i nnd we pledge ourselves to me all hen orablc means to give satisfaction and deserve tho con fidence of our patrons. Call at our r aiablithniont and eee for yourselves.' M. STERN te'CO.- Ono door below Sullivan, Cnbot te Co., nt the stand formerly occuplod by A. A. Anderson. Romo, April 3,1851. Cuttrdiun’K Sulo. A GUEEABLY to on order of tho honorable tho In ferior Court of Floyd.oomity when sitting ns a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the firat Tuesday in July next, before tho Court IIouso door in the City or Rome, Floyd connly, within the usual hours of sale the following oity lot, to wit r No. 29. an. the Coosa DivUionof -aid oily of Rome. Sold for the benefit of Sarah A. and Wesley S. Trent, miner orphans o Tilmnn Trout, lute of soid county, deaeused. r Terms made known on day of sale.. March-13,1851. PAM'L STEWART, Guar ^...- 1—t;— Tt./Affk SACKS Fresh Hour, from tlr Pcnficld J.UU Mills, just received nnd for sole by May 1,1851V T. J. VERDERY. *tD- ' TOWN PEOPEATY POE SALE, rpHB Houaa nntl let rcpontly occupied by the sub-, X soriber, next to the Female Acndumy, nmj near the new Methodist Church. 7*he lot la well Improv ed, nnd contulnB 1 i ncres of land, su'hnblc Itof flower nndlcitchcn gardens. Tho location is pleldsanl and dcSIrdblc Enquir e6f the subscHbhr in Chattooga, nr of AVm. Johnson,Esq., Rome. mn^23,1851.—tf VV. PWYNN. New Musio. J UST reaeiyed.and for sale,a fine supply of Muse or the Piano Forte, consisting of the latest Bongs.1 Mfohcs, Waltzes,Arc. .The subscriber being tho mUhoriscd Agent of mi extnsive Music Store*, will reoeivc ordersnt .aH'times : for any particular kind of music- Also, Plano Fortes, Guitats, or any kind-of muticftl instruments. Orders handed in wi|[ be thankfully received, nnd filled with (he earliest dispatch, ^J. D* DZCICI2K80N, Ag’t. October 31, 1850.* y ' Georgia, Floyd County. ATTHEREAS, Benjamin II. Lumpkin .applies: to me sT ' for Letters of Adimulsfration on ihc Estate ol Wni. C. Butler, late of said county, deceased— , Thee ore, therefore, to chc nnd admonish nil and singular tho kindred nnd crcdilorsof said deceased tb be nnd nppehr'ntmy offlccwlthln the tihie prescriu- cd by hiw,_to sliow cause (if any exist) why said Let- tors sbonld not be grunted. : Given under my hontl, nt oflice, this 6tli day ot May, 1S51. JESSE LAMBEIITH, d. c, o. NOTICE'. A LL persons indchied to the Esloto of William xjL Clininpior., fate of. Floyd county, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, nnd nil B UILDERS'of Store and Dwelling houses nro in vited to oxnmine samples of M Inerol Knob Locks -white and dark, nt • - F. M. ALLEN’S Feb SO 1851 JUST RECEIVED. DY the'Sjibscrihcr, in irdditlon to his former Stock, U o choice lot pf Groceries j consisting, in part, ot New Orlegus,Fqrto Rico, Cruahco,RefinedGrnnujoi- od Sugars’; SupeflorUioCoffee,Spernj,Starand.Ta|. .Irish Potatoes,. for seed ; 38 'amily Flour; also a choice lot Brandy, Old Pott, Pure IIol- ' Liquors. Trace Chains. , Shoes un on. pa good te-ms as they can he bought in the ciiy. Mnrch;G, 1851. - ■ THOS, J. VERDERY WJI LL' lie "n nelf fn r (he reception of Visitors by * V.,311 h of Juno.. Visitors will ut all tinves find 0 ready coiivcytinco from Rdme, either in hacks, bug gies or coaches. Thisisanew watering place, situat ed 12 miles north of Rome, and 13 tnilea southwest of Cuihbun. Tile road from Rome ie one of the best in the State, The Springs nreplcnsandy located with fine scenery,o purootmoapbeie.anil the water equal to any in the country, contamingsulpher, Iror.and mag nesia.Every necessary attention Will be bestowed upon .visitors to render themcomfortnble. Proprietors. PECK* HARDIN, )p McCullough te mays, ( 1 June 5, lfi 1. 3m AlreRichnrd WilVfai'u's interestln town.lot in tiro persons'lmvlhg demntids agnihst stiid ducensed,.will. Oosia'nanlti ofthe city cfHoUte. tvhureon ho render'them in agreeable trf law. J'une 12,18,11'. - 51. L. COLBERT, Ei ; r. GREAT BARGAINS IN LAND AND- CHATTANOOGA PRODUCE. *10,000 lbs. Tennes8ce Booon, 19 Barrols-Lord. «.w .. • . • . - 1 50l)Bu8helaCom. - ■ * . 50 BbUh-Flbor,: l O’- PieoeHt otton Oanaburgs; • 100-Pieces Prints, 6hoes, Hardware, Boots. . Cnpa, Hots; - 1 . r:: Pump bottom boots made to order. May 22, 1851.: JOHN H. ROBERTS taUiAiVIDOAT CO. OF GEGKG1A Ran the followingBteantefs. us above, viz : DAVIDL. ADAMS, (iron). .TllOS.S, METCALF, CHAT'jIAM, (iron) .TENNESSEE, ’ Whicdiiwlthtow-boati and lighlors, afford wtc- qnatud f.iuil ties (or transportutiou of freiglit to thj interior iff Gfibrjiu.-SohtltCnrblinn, Tennessee and Aluhaina,' in oolinoctidn with tire Hull llonds, Thu elegant steunirpncket D. L. Adasis will con nect with the; steamships Florida and Alabama— landing Height bytliem in 5 doys from New - York to Augusta. • Freight, (now takert ut reduced rates,) will be forwarded file of commiistoh. (Hj- lit order to" prevent. detention or mucarriage* bills ot lading flddressld th' SAM’L: 51 .POND, Pictident, Savannah. Mcrchandlsq from : |he intnribr to ’ *VHE Subscriber having coijehidedi to moyo.bpck ,X ,10 tlic. good .‘‘old North Stnte,ojfora for sule npHrS’UfitW nnd New Brick Hoteli iWai ihe Rail theduh Rogers* troot oflnml, comprising 25b *hcteg, X : “ * ‘ notes, .nore or let®, 50.acres of which is situated within tiie corporate limits of Romp, ,50 acres in a fine state of cultivation and 200 acres heavy timbered bottom, itsconvonience to Koine niukes it very valuable.— Any p^on wishing to buy such a sized plantation, \yould loosd uotiiingin examinihg liu^ Also, horses, inulcsi wagons and every thing else necessary to n Ibrm, / ’ . . * " ", ' ‘ ‘ ' Also, near thb upper end of Jjfoa’d street, a-House and Lot, comprising one acre. The lot la weH im proved nnd would suit a*8muU family; j: Also; iti the mokf business pn>t of tho City, a Hew Brick Store Room, n\ prosent occupied by Ell 4; W. C. Denson, ; . - - Any person wishing to purchase nil- ora part of tho above' named property, can. do .so on as long time ns he may desire, provided he give notes druw Ing interest frpm'dnte, and with approved security. M. T. HAWKINS, Jr. Juno 19,185 V HOLLAND HOUSE, ATLAWrA; GEORGIA. Road DiqtOt, Is how opened. If will be kept in such style that visitors will nut forget to etop I’nesrngere on Die cars' wilt have male than ample tlme to partake of thb good meals always in readi ness nt the arriv(lt of ench'tmim Persona visiting the Ciiy,-arid stoppirtg at the Holland House, quit get in formation nnd assistance in'business; nnd pass off •heir leisure hours in amusements oonneeted tVlth the House ,~Ti eiBwvOfiioc, Bank’ A'gencyjBrekera and olher important offices will be in .he Holland House. Reference—A ny.ono who lias.or may step one time. , A. R. KELL AM, Proprietor. ■pbl'R months after dote application will be made r to tho honorubie the Inferior Court of Floyd to. I 4 ... Zmbjrm ■»,. - VP county,when sitting ns acoiirt of ordinary,.for leave tb sett alt the laud and^ncgrocs belonging to the es tate of Willinin Jinks, laic of said county, deceased. TO TAX PAYERS. r N’ pursuance with tho .'-3d section of the Cit, Or dinances, I will attend at the Mayor's office f.6«n tho first to the 10th of June neat, fur the p rpose ot* collecting City Taxes, for the year 1961. All per*»iii linbla for taxes ate respectfully requested to call »»*d puy in the same. 6. STEWART, Col. J “ May 29; 1851.. NOTICE I S hereby given that all notes nnd account-* hereto fore made with J. D. DICKERSON heve hern *«« signed to tlu> subscriber. Feisoiut owing ihu same are requested to come forward «V an early date und nmt.o payment to either myself or J« D. Dk.Ler-on, wb- is myjjuulhurfced nguit to collect and rv tipt for th ame. TI10*. D. SHELToN. Jan 7, 1851 NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate •»ff IVilfJsiVrv* Jinks, lute of Floyd county, deceased, * ill please call and make jinmcdinte payment, nnd those having clajtna against,said estate will please present *»♦*•«* »n ' 'TjiOXlASS. PRICE, )...... WILLIAM O. 5IILE8, j A “ ,n r " K KEGS Nalls.asrertetl. M. 0 tJ sale and retail, by Jan. 2,1850. •w.wlfih i.LEN. fl 11 BALES F.uriury Yarn, for sale ID\v hv J.VJ Jan 2, F. M, ALLE J BALES Illeacheil nthl Brown Ifoiiinpunt TJ from 3-4 to C-4 wide, for sale loiv fiy yi-Jart 2. F. 51. ALLEN. iOlU^Fan^F.ear.forrMefiy -V rule by •Feb 20'. (O.-SHAW. 1 A BOXES auperidr NewYorkCliecre fotaalehy Xir Feb 20 ■ G. SIIAW, A'—FlRST raro lot of-Bucott just received and for ii. unit by O. SHAW. Fell 90 ■’ •fl AAfk LBS.Ofsuperjor Lard just received at J.UUU Feb20 SHAW'S. q| it HALF bbla.'No, l'Mackerel for sale l.y lU Feb 20 O. SHAW. gPERM^atxl Slnr Cal . SIIAW. First rate article of Tobaboo and Cia.ra always kept at Feb 20 For table Horso Power for Wheat Thraohers * c /HAN be ut up in the field in one day. L For sale by FRANCIS M. ALLEN. April 24, 1851. FRESH ARRIVAL OF PURE MEDIDINES Well selected to suit Physicians.. L INSEED OIL—A good supply, and a very fine ar title. PURE WHITE LEAD—A large supply, nnd ofihred low (or enalt. LAMP OIL—A vory superior ortteio for . winter oraummer use. PUTTY—P“* up in bladders, and of tlic best quel By- SPIRIT GASS—A pure article, ami warranted to ;ive the most brilliant light—also Drags, P.atHta. Dvef huffs, Glass, Perfumes, .( c,, making n lull und coin plrte stock of every article in the Drnggist line. March 6, 1851. J. D. DICKERSON, Agent. 2 doom above the Exchange Hotel, Rome. Gn. GRANITE STORE. JOHNSON,-POPE & CO. F EELING thankful for the liberal' patronage that has heren)fore.bL.en io; generously extended to- wp.-ds them, would solicit it contlminnoo, nnd invite the attention'of tfielf ftiellds nnd'the publib generally that they are now receiving and opening u large and well seleclod slock of ( .oods.nnd would add ifi,.t for beauty and tae(c their aiylee cautiot he aurpasie j. Our stock consists of the lutesLsryles Ladies' dress goods, viz. Silks, Muslins, Ginghams, Barrages, Tis sues, Crape de Paris, Brocade Poplin, Prims,'tee., Herewith n well selected stook ef Copes, Gollars, Cud's, Lpdies* Shous, tec. Our sfock of Geiits’ dross goodsommot foil to sttiabuyers. Oor ossorntienl of Hardware, Cutlery, Bnddiery,Crockery, Shoes, Boots, Buagy and Carriage Trimmings cannot be equalled by any In Rome at this time. We do not- hung out our sign and say that we willecll lower than our neigh bors, but only ask our friendsand the public general ly, to be certain to give tis a call before buying, and we prqinise to give tbctnsatisfoclion both iupriees und quality. We only add, you can ull moke money by giving us u call bqfure making your purchases. April 10,1851. PR0VISI.0 S. G. WELLS. , Coffee, B ACON, Lard, Corn. Flour', Wheat, Sugar, ( , Salt, anilMolasses,Domestic Yarns,Cloth, Shoes Dried Fruit. Iieofflnd Fish. . art Wine, and Vale Olatd Brandy, I , -. Porter A oinalHoFof Siioes on consign. Pure Port and Lemon Syrup, ment.,. * mj , A few young men ean be accommodated with Benrdi'ug. Marcli 0,1851. Verahoa House, Depot Square. DISSOLUTION. FT5HE Firm of W». B. Aixiaudip. te Co. having ■L been this day dissolved by mutual consent, the business will he continued nt thoohl: grand, by R. S. NORTON, where on assortment will nlwuys be. kept ns heretofore. The unsettled husinessef the firm will receive th attention of both, VVM- E. ALEXANDER. Jan. 30. 185b. U. S. NORTON. SHAW'S t her* CtCOTCH Herrings, Sardines) tec., mny nt oil times & ( )e foutid nt tho FREE te EASY HOUSE, Feb 20 / ■ . O YSTERS, Lobsters, Shrimpe; Pig’s Fret, Eggt, tec., served up In u superior mnimer ut the Feb 20 FREE te EASY HOUSE. OAA LBS. GOSHEN BUTTER, for soV ut 4UU Mutch C, 1851. O. SHAW'S. JESSE LAMBEKTH&eO. ■Uroad Street, Rome, Georgia. JJESPECTFULLY amtomice to the ( dial' they.ore now opening and will keep co;n,tamlyr on hand, a large and w.elUelected stock of Ktiiuly-JIntlo ■Clollilntl, of every description. Also Hats and Caps, Boots ond Shoes, Umbrellas, Tranks and Carper lines. To gether with a wellselcctcd stockorLndi'ssnd Misses Straw End Satin lloinicl»; Ladies ana Satin and Lasting Gaiters and Buskins. Ties, Slippers and' Walking Shotti; Also Parasols, Gloves, ntim. Fans,- mbs, tec..- March 13.1851. State of. Georgia. Floyd county. • Court of Ordinary, Mny Term, 1851'. F ' appearing to die Court, by the petition of John' T. Meador und Joseph C, Benson, that Thomas McGuire, by his agent Terence McGuire BsiJ county, deceased, did in ills liWtltne execute to said John T, Meador ond Joseph C. Benson, his bond, oon'ditioned to execute titles in fee simple to sod John' T A/eador and Joseph C. BensSftjfor lot of land No. 198, ami two-thirds of lot No, IDT, mere or. levs; It hi-tnir all east of it Hue. of partition tun between said McGuire and Boggcss, ill.being add lying in the 10,1. district of Cntroli county, Stnte of Georgia ; and it of lot of fond, or in tiny way providing therefor; and it appearing thot anicl John T. Meador and Joseph O. Benson, has paid tho full atatount of the purehase price of said lamb und said John r.Steodor and Jo seph C. Benson having petitioned tins .ourt to direct Terrence McGuire,adm'rnnd S B.G.Mcl.uire.ndm rx upon the.estnto of the said. Tl.en.os ; 5 cLuire , censed,lo execute to them tuios to said lot and par of lot of lend, in conformity with sold Bond-. It is iheieforcordcred.hj-the Cour . that bo given nt three or more imhlic plaeeo In u ud coiirny, Md In the Rome Cpurier.or -fork'! person? concerned mny flic oLj^tions in the Olerks Office, (if any they l.ave) why said '1 erence kleOuirc, adm’r and 8. B. G. McGuire, ndtn’rx. aa aforessid. should not execute titles to said lot and part of lot ot land In conformity with said*bona; * _ ' A true extuict from the minutes of Court, given un-. dermyh«na;tto'8Afeyrf.M^^ 1> ^ c ^ 500 LBS. Heniloek sole Leather for sale. Jan. 2. ply to F. M-ALL notioe. T HE Co.partnership,existing heretofore between Battey & Ban. having been dissolved by mutual consent, the business will bt continued it the old stand hy.ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of the firm will receive the nttcmion.of us both- . ;iiJ Ci. M.,BATTEY T IIE sub-eriher grate- fui for thu ninny and ropeated favors bestowed upon him “ Mr lo these many yonrs, hy theeui- zensoi Rome and .vicini ty, would Still solicit a con' tinimnee of their P B ' r “'j: age, and a visit from all :personst.avingbUjdtU!»ht hts line. He may ho found nt tiie same OLD T/t SB IS II ME iyr on Broad street, •' Doors Wes U'.. J. Jolmsqii’s Corner. >V ithin tho l = . H | 0 branch ofliis 1 abundant. ty, stylo, finish and durahillty, with anj lias an cxleiisiw B ackainith shop at the head of •wliiuii is an experienced workman who fi alwnys nt fiomc, and holds himself in rendiness to lisinm and have hutnmered.Tibii and steel to n r,ler - . Tho oiiizons of Georgin hnd Alahanin wfo m tend pnrnlmsing carrlnyes or buggies, are eoto 7 invited to call and examine his work. t will ho rogulnted lo suit tiie tlores, nnrt errea hand Will nt nil times command th-> votv-twiM gains. WILLIAM WiMI’i Rome, May 20,1551 ■ N. B.—fllttpairing done at ilia short, •punctually and effectual!}’. ATI Pen