Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, July 24, 1851, Image 5

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Sriufai lions of Ibe country, have coaseTI - opora There is little doubt that flfts necos- Ithis has existed for a great many >, and that nothing *H^j^|^th{it grbss would ultimately, bofor ng, dosomething for the suflbring interests American labor, has kept our factories urnnees going. The hopo being disnp- lintcd, we may now look fo: ...pension of business among our manufac turers. At Chicopco, Mas., nearly four hun dred operatives have beon discharged from the different cotton mills in that town. The high price of the raw material, and enor- jnous infl|y^ of foreign tooOs i [Wins therlffiflSpt ods into the country, cause of this Indiana—According to the quintennia •numeratitftRtT the State of Indiana, the number of white males jjn that State over the age of 21 years, except in five counties, b 17ff,~066. The counties excepted had in 1845.10,639 polls, and will make the whole number about 188,000, sliowiug tho aggre gate population of the State to bo not far from 960,000. In 1845 there were 155,490 F polls ; the ratio ■ of incrcrse is therefore over twenty per cent. &y dohffrtSMLSSJslhc" Louisville Jour- hether the furious abolitionists of fht? tifijlh^ furiouB ultras of the South nrc most violent nyniitBt the comproniiso utensurcs adopted by Congress. Both factions have hcctl selling their hearts upon the break ing up of tile Union, ami both arc of course solely cd that any thing nt nil in the shnpo of a compromise hnsbeen effected. Tho Northern abolitionists swear that the compromise so colled yields every thing to the Jjj jjpulh, and the Southern ultras swear that It ylelds'ev- rrM cry thing to life ffbrth, tgtd the swearings of both are about equal Appointment by the President. Rodeut G. CamibeMi to bo " Secretary to sign, in the name and for tho President, all patents for lands sold or granted under the authority of Ilia U. States,” in placo of Edmund M. Evans, resigned. Mb. Olav Is to be~compllmemod by tho people of Lexington, Kentucky, and Its vicinity, without dis tinction ofparty, by a great Union barbecue, which is to take placo on the 17th instant, to day. Droves of Catti,k.—Tho Martinsburg, V«., Gazette, of tho 1st int^S, says .that the streets of that'place, feu weeks, have been throngedT^TOvos of eat mg from the westoru counties of Vi> i the Maryland and Pennsylvania __ ey are represented as being stock-f nttle, in good*cotidition •^ r/ .\tMENT in An'kAvaAs.—A gentleman ' ..tea from Little Rock; Ark., ll\at the peo ple of the State are generally favdfitblnwfci the late adjustment of onr -national difficul ties, and that they do not participate in the sentiment or feelings of their Representatives In the recent Congress. Important TitEAjviHon. Wm. B Robin son, on the part of thexfnited States govern ment, concluded a treaty on the 9th ult., with the Chippewa Indians, inhabiting the northern shores ol Lakes Superior and Huron, by which the Indians have ceded | nil the lands Irom (he eastern extremity of ke Huron to Pidgeon Uivor, on Lake rperior, nnd inland to the height of land, _Blhcr with the islands ol the lakes and HttBrt. The price paid was 810,000 in m i, and nn nnnuity forever of84,400.- 1h American. Inal Union ItleciliiB ul Natchez We find in the Natchez Courier of tho » ftt’l and highly gratifying account ^TrodfcSlings of this large and j patriotic nblago of the people of Missianppi, in I stronghold and in the very presence of I ring-leaders of nullification and disunion t noble State. We desire, ("says the Jrleans Crescent,) n. bet 1 or evidence t safety and perpetuity of our glorious an is exhibited in this movement of de. In every section of tho country, ! body of the people are too well in- I patriotic to be misled by selfish i and demagogues. itebez Courier says of the meeting: Tmerely was the largo room in the ite yesterday filled witli the citizens MitJargenumbera lyeregatlier- ytTTo express as welFlllQffe&ro- Mjustnient t^-mtres which tigress, as their attachment to tho It is generally conceded to have ► largest and most enthusiastic polit- lg ever assemcled in Natchez; and lers it the more peculiar, was tho jtermingling of Whigs and* Demo- Democratic chairman president, (voices of Whigs united, with thoso opponents in sustaining the St of the meeting, in condemning $ of the men whose efforts aro a, and in expressing grat- t have so nobly in Con- nd odvocoledmcasures of vafin sen so, Adams county. There i about such tin expres- iTentiment ns was manifest occasion.” tllerit nnd patriotic spcech- BT which wo regret our limits |it us (o publish. The fo!- A great shower of fulling stars was ob« nt Rome on tho evening of the and 11th of august, by Signors Angelo Secchi, of and Observatory ol tho Collogio Romano Tho account ■■ publish ed by Signor Scoohi is very full and curi ous with respect to this phenomenon nnd its annual recurrence in August nnd Nov. Thoso falling stars appear to bo noticed in nn old manuscript preserved at Oxford; tltoy aro there called “The Tears of St. Lawrence.” the 10th of August being the nnniversnrv of tlml holy personage,"-Sun. DCpThe Madison Visitor snvs the re quisite amount of immcy hns been raised mo PlanMlond from for tho projection of Madison, to Monticcllo. DC7=*The Hon^DANtEE D. Barnard United States Minister to tho Court ol Berlin, proposes to embark from Now York fro Europe in tho Havre packot of instant. upon us the alternative of abolishing slavery at h wo nro not prepared to rush madly Into a position ‘wliftkcttl!^ai>]y4:«3UlUn.tlisnstCfRiidilisUpnor., . . Resolved, 3. That should Cofigrcs*/^ any timo j txhibit its purpose to war upon our property, or vithhold our just constitutional rights, wo stand ready to vindicate thoso rights, in tho Union as long as porsible, mul out of the Union when we arc left to other alternative. Wo repel tho idea that wo’ are submission Isis, or that wo have any sympa thies with tU* onomles of Southern flights. Resolved, 4. Believing, as we do, that either se cession qr any other extreme mensuro, at present, can only result in mischief to tho South, and to tho omi80 of Itepubllonn institutions, wo will support no candidate for n seat in said Convention, who does not publicly nnd unequivocally.pledge himself to oppose any tt'nd every measure whioli- mny load, either directly or indirectly, to a dilution .of the Union; and wo request the friondii of tho l/nio», In other counties, to exact tho sarno pledge from'of- ory candidate boforo yielding him their support. Resolved, 5. That the people of 6hattoogi coutj- ty will forget nil pnrty distinctions nnd dlflbrenoi nnd In Imitation of their fathers of tho RovolttKoi will tolly'’under tho Flag of our glorious Union, uni if need be, pledge ‘tholr lives nnd shored honors,’foil its protection nnd prcservntlon; that wo call mio^hc Union men ol Georgia, nml of tho South, miunlto with us In tlio approaching struggle, nor couse tholr efforts until our glorious old CommonweuUh, nnd the Government of our choioo,. ore rescuoilwom impending dangers. After tho passugo of tho above resolutions, by tho meeting, nn able, eloquent aud patriotic nil* dross was delivered by the lion. John H. Lumpkin, The speaker portrayed In grnplilo terms, tho strength of the ilnion, and tho evils that would re* suit from a dissolution of tho same A motion was mndo that tho abovo proceedings he published in tho Home Courier and Cassvlllo Standard, On motion, tho meeting adjourned, # JOHN R. MOOtfE/ > 1, WESLEY SHROPSHIRE, f m n * Robert Cameron, ) a . . H. \V. WooTTEN J Sccrotarsls. ( ROME PRICES ClnvRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY S1WR1E & YEBDliRY. ARTICLES. $ CTS. ■ $ CTS. Bacon', Hums a .. I2J Sides, . ., a .. 10 Baggino, Dundee,., yd In n .. ,at a .. .. Lunacy .. ,, Bu-rrcit, Goshen a .% .. Country... 10 « .4m. 1 Bcep ( Voroquatter, o; u .. —, Hind do ^ a u .. 34, Uox [7-. 18-4 .. 30 • Spcrmuceti,^ Adnmnntt'w, I Coffee. Jnvn, Suck,.. .'.A »... .. IS n Cuba • a . Lngutra, a . Klo u . o-rroN, .j...... a . Coun, .......m. SO a . OottN MEAi.,..4|k SO a . CoVDAQE, Bnlo Rope .. a . Mnnlltn, 18, a . Cotton, 10 a . Fi.oun, — .. 3Ja . Fish,Maukorol,No 3 pur tibl.^. IS .. a ■ Hides,Groon lb..r. ,. 0 a . Dry : 8a. Iron, Swodu, 04a . English .. Sa . Hod 04a . Hand 74a . Hoop, 111. Lkao t>4a ■ Mol.ASSEsbbl .. 34 a . West India 40 a . ' Syrup...... SO a . Nahs Ola. Hide lb 04a . Sadts, Liverpool par Sack .... 9 40 a . iIq do bailiul. .. .. Mi . TiadO? nor “box. 20 a . Sdqar, N. Orionns, lb 0 a Vorlorloo 0 u Delta, 0 a Santaerus 10 a Kenned, 11 a Loal, a Crnstied, 44 a Clnrllled, 11 a TaiXow, 8 n Wool, Haw, 23 a Holts, 33 a 114 1I0HAS IIASDSHAN. } ■{ CHARLES t ItAMILTOI HAMILTON fc IIAK DEM AN, Factors & Commission Merchants, SAVANNA^ GEORGIA Out. 3, lSOpi I 12tu CHARLES F. HAMILTON. ^ ^ THOMAS IIARDKMaN. II.UIDEaIIAN Ac HAMILTON, Warehouse & Commission Merchant^ MACON, GEORGIA. 1850. _ 1 la m . A. K. I'Jrt'loN, A TTORNE IV-A T ifi.I W, Home, Geaigia. WILL Prnotlco in alt the Comities of t!:o Cliero Imo Circuit. .18 Sept. 5, |S50, W.P. WILKINS. ATTORNEY AT L^W, Rome, Georgia. 9 *, Refer to Hon. li f. pouter, charleston, s. o , nr . ^ AT CAVK SPRING, GU. Hon w. u. underwood, home, o.\. t . ,. . ?JIr* william Vizard, dboatuii, oa. July IS, 1840. V 4l , v tl-Aitmi-mt, - LA IV. ISDIiltWOOU * Vl-ANI ATTORNEYS Rome, Georgia. WILL practice in tho Clierokoo Circuit, nnd Su premo Court of said State, and m the adjulning counties ol Alubninn. Hot. 40,1850, Immiobation.—TTtb number of immigrants that arrived in Now York city, from vari ous foreign putts, during Sentembeiklnst, wns 21,054. Tula! immigration for 1850, up to October, inst., 105,590. Union meeting. Pursuant to previous notice u large number of the Citizens of Floyd County convened this dny ut tho Court House. On motion of W. T. PtticE, Esq., Bennett Law. nENctsand Carter Starks, Esqrs., were called to the Choir, nnd Daniel S. Pkintup nnd W. T. Trammell, requested to act os Secretorics. Dr. H. V. M. Miller explained the object of tho meeting, and submitted the following Resolutions, which were adopted. Resolved, That while we do not approve entirely of all the peace measures which havo recently passed Congress, and while we sanction the vote of our Sen ntora and Representatives in opposition to the ndmis sion of California, still, we sec in the action of Con gress nothing which can bo regarded as a dangerous, deliberate and palpable violation of the Constitution, requiring a resort to exWcffie^Esures. Resolved, That wo yield to none in our devotion to Southern Rights, and arc as ready to defend those rights as any men living, whun there is n just and sufficient cause for extreme measures; yet, believing that dis. union at present, will not only fail to strengthen our rights in the Territories, but would be a virtual surren der of those rights, we ore not prepared to rush haste ly into'o position which cau result only in disaster and dishonor. Resolved, That should Congress at any timo exhib it Ha purpose to war upon our property, or withhold our just Constitutional Rights, we stand ready to via dicate those rights in tho Union as long as passible, and outof tho Union when we ate left no other alter native. Resolved, Thatbelleving, os we do, that the project of disunion would be total to our rights in tho Terri lories, and nn abandonment of our Constitutional guar anties in slave property, we will support no man for the CanvuAlBn'Who.will notqiledgc cry measure leading to a dissolution of the Union. On motion of John R. Alexander," E^EJdWARD WARE, Esq., nnd Col. JOSEPH WATERS, were unanimously nominated as the Union candidates to re. presentthis county in the convention to assemble nt Millcdgeville on tholOlh of December next. On motion of Dr. H. V. M. Miller, a committee of three, consisting of Dr. H. V. M. Miller, Hon. John H. Lumpkin nnd W. T. Price, Esq., were appointed by the Chair to notify the candidates of their nomina tion, and furnish them with a copy of the Resolutions and request their acceptance. .John R. Alexander, Esq. and the Hon. John H. Lumpkin, were called on, who addressed the meeting at some length on the issues now pending before the people. Resolved, That the proceedings^ this meeting be published in the City papers. On motion, the meeting adjourned. BENNETT LAWRENCE, CARTER SPARICS, Chairmen. Daniel S. Printuf, W. T. Trammell, Secretaries. BY YjjSWDAYf MAIL. Telegraphed for tlio Charleston Courier. Baltimore, Oct, 13 ' Tlio Cotton market wns steady on the 12th, with 1300 hales sold. The sales of the week renchad 16000 bales. Tho sales oIHicb in the snino time were limited tn 500 tierces at 3-6-8. The Floor and Grain markets were unchanged Mess Fork 10,87; Lard in bbls has been sold nt 7-1*2; Macon is improving in valuo. Exchange on England 10-1-2. Political.— Tho elections in Pennslyvu- nia have resulted in favot of the Demo crats, who have elected 15 members of Cungrcss, nnd the Whigs 9. Belli bran ches ol tho Legislature are Democratic. Baltimore, Oct. 13. The U. S. Mail was robbed last night between Philadelphia and Grey’s Ferry. The bags contained the mail made up at Now-York for Richmond, Wheeling, St. Louis, nml other Western points. Up wards of a bushel of lettdrs hnvo been found, opened, Irom which it was nsocr tained that one hundred thousand dollars wore abstracted. Ohio.—The elections for Members of Congress in this State have resulted in the choice of nino Whigs and nine Democrats. Giddings, tlio Frcnsoilcr, Townsend, Abolitionist, and Johnson, Independent, have been returned. The Markets—Tho advices by tho Eu- ropa have come to hand. Tho Cotton market was quiet to-day, the transactions having been limited to 150(Lbulcs, ut ra ther easier prices. The week's sales To Officers and Soldiers of tho War with Mex ico, the'War'of 1812 with Great Britain, or any of the Indian Wars, Begular, Volunteer or Drafted, or their legal Representatives, Widows and heirs. B Y recent net of Congress you nro allowed boun ty lands nnd money in proportion to tlio time ol service, rendored in nny of tho above named Wars. Tho undersigned having nil tlio forms ne cessary, yon can obtain warrunts for entering your lands, and procure tho bounty money whenov er allowed, by application to October 17, 1830 -V DiWUJ^^PRINTUP, Attorney nt LUa. FOR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL residence udjacont to thoTowiftl of Home, recently occupied by John S. 3 Wright, Esq. There is on the promises, consisting of twelve and a half acres of lund, a oonffortablu Dwelling House, Kitchen, &o. The situ is high, healthy und romantic. Persons desirous or pur* chasing property in or near Home, would do well toex'unme it. Terms mod*m»to. Apply to Oet. 17,1S50. JOHN U. ALEXANDER, JEWELRY. T HE subscribers beg ieavo to inform the citizens of Koino, its vicinity aud the public genernllv, that they have just received nnd opened a splendid assortment of Jewelry of tho very latest stylo und Mtturus, consisting in pnrt.^ol Splendid Paten -.eaver full Jewelled California Gold Watches, full Jewelled Silver Leavers, No. 1 j Gold Pens aru, Pencils j Ear nnd Finger Rings, and Breast Plnsj fine Gold Fob nnd Safety Chains, together with ev ery other article usually kept in a Jeweller's ostub lishmeut. The foregoing articles were all purchas ed iu the cities of New York and Philadelphia, by an experienced Jeweller, they therefore, feel no hes itation in recommending them to bo of tho very best material and workmanship j allot which they will keep constantly on linnd, und sell as cheap ns tho same article cun be bought in nny other market. Persons on a visit to our City, who nio desirous of making purchases in the nbovu lino, will do well to give us n cull. ROSS A: McKINZiE. Broad Street, Rome, Gn., October 17,1S50. reached 13000 bales. Fresh Rice iVy Wmskcv i» held at 20*l*2c> orlh A Havana correspondent of the Charles ton Courier writes, '* Quite an excitement prevails in tho city of.Havann, caused by ho rumored intelligence of ^another inva* Repots nre“hv circu* ix thousand Union Platform At a meeting of tho oltlzons of Chattooga coun- ty, on Saturday the 12th Inst., On motion of Dr. Montgomery, Dr. John K. Mooro and Wesley Shropshire, Esq., wore called to the Chair, and Robert Cainbron and H. W. Wool- ten appointed Secretaries. n motion, a committee of fivo wore appointed Chair, consisting of the following gentlemenn Montgomery, H, Pi Wootten, Charles Piicc* ichols and Nelson ( A)lmnn, to draft a serici T resolutions, cxpresslvooi the views and fecllugi of tho mating. Tho committee appointed retired ■'"^iPiutcs, and then reported the following , taken from aeries adopted by tho citi- of Bibb county, which passed without a dis ting voice: esolved, 1. That while we do not approve en tirely of all the Pence measurco which havo resent- ly passed Congress, and while wo sanction^tho votes •f our Senators and Representatives in* opposition to the ndmlssioivof Calffornto r ,**tiU‘\v .SL‘0 ln lie action of Congress, notlTuig which can bo regarded iolatlon of tlJJConstitution—nothing which requiro a rQsdrt to extreme measures—or SjMifth cannot honorably aequirsi is to bo as tri siott of tho Island, lulion, that tlioro aro somt! moil congregated at some taint in tho United States, and were ready to embark »e t ea for Cuba on tho 27th ult: So thait-they are in daily expectation ol a landing. The siege of the island has been raised ad /tc militia disbanded, Officers of NEW-YORK STORE. Just Eeceivnd, I Af^A PIECES Prints of Into patorns nnd W styles—many of which are of the fin est English mul French inunufucturo. 200 pieces Worsted goods, of now and desirable styles—figur ed nnd plain—consisting of cashmeres, pnranmtta cloths, Coburg cloths, mnrenos, nlpnccus, DcLaincs. 20 pieces rich figured nnd black silks; also a wide black silk for mantillas, with nn assortment of silk luces und fringe. 2 cases bonnets, trimmed and mndo in the very latest New York style—dieso are a very rich articlo and well worthy the notice of the ludios, 00 superfine all wove long shuwls. Also collars, wristlots, glovqs^]n<Ht*#BblHt»rhnlsMa Roitio, Oet mauQ-'' DENNIS & IiUlVT. — .-BEW-Y0KX STORE. J UST RECEIVED, 2 onscs Mipurior moleskin luiLs from tlio miinufuclory of "Gonln,” Now Vork. These uro tlio finest moleskin lints that cun possi bly bo made nml wurrantcil superior to nny tiling tin- kind ever ofibred in Rome, We ulso offer linn- kin, Durycr k Co*s tints nt reduced prices—not wnr- rnnted. 10 pieces ti roncli black and olive cloths, from $4 DO up. ID pieces hlnok doeskin, fancy und French blnok corded cnssiineros, nt great bar gains—also, shirts, gloves, suspenders, handker chiefs, &o., Sec., to which wo Invito the uttentlon of the gentlemen of Rome. N. U. A few dozen mnreno nnd silk shirts. October 17, 1850 DENNIS So HUNT. ROME POST OFFICE. and will continun tf^RTtfitpy the well, known Store Itoom, No. 2^3, l*'ick range, u Ibw doors be- h,w the Exchange Hotel* They have on hand it lurga Stuck ol Dry Goods, Groceries and lliirdwaie^* gether with every urticle usually kept in Me Houses in Georgia, which,xvitli the additions they are constantly making toJbelr Stock, enables them to oiler asgrenl induceniPPs' to purchasers ns can bo found iu this jrnny oilier place in the Interior of Georgia, Wo invite all to give \\s u call nnd judge for themselves. Jan. 1ft, 1830. tl -agency of Pn monary Bnlsiuu. Derupiivb Syrup, it ora I Expectorant, Heart CorruJtorJ Pulmonary Liniment, Iltutvir Corrector, Pure aud .Medicinal Coil Liver Oil, Antl-Pyupcptie Mixture, Cough and Cathartic Pills, Nervine, Female Pills, Vmj^ugo, TIIOH* C, HINDMAN) JUN, A TTORNE Y AT LAW, Ripley, Mississippi, Wilt attend tlio Courts In tlio Seventh Judiuinl Circuit of tlio Suite ol Mississippi, All proiT%m. ut business confided to bis tiiiiniigt-iiiciii sl.till ro- colvo strict uttentlon. Alny tl, 1850, N . J. OMBERG, DRAPER AND TAILOR, Broad Streect Rome, Ga, October 10,1SD0. G. W. IIKAI.I., DRAPER AND TAILOR, Broad Street Rome, Ga, October 10, 1830. W. • TKR11UNK >4 J. P. rZHKINS. THUHl’Kiq .V l>BUKINS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, Georgia. BUSINESS entrusted to their onro In niiy of the Counties of the Cherokee Circuit, or in tho Supreme Court, will meet with prompt attention. They prac tice ulso, in theCountiee of Cherokee and Benton lu tlio State of Alabama, October 10, 1850. «► Female Specific, Are , Are. ^ plainly nml with mipreceden^d tn lliiTtreatmeht of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Aslhnui, Heart Diseases, Dusprpsia, Scrofula, Skin Discuses, Rheumatism,Female Com plaints, Files, Syc., Syc. DR. FlTCIl’8 UNEQUALLED PATENT SIL- Vtilt PLATED ABDOMINAL'.SUPPORTERS.'-V tut FITCH’S UIPHOVED PLATED .STEEL SPUING SHOULDER BEACH. DU, FiTflHVS ffLVKll INHALING. TUBE. Dr. Fllcli’s Celcbmled Six l.ccltm*. OX Tllli FUKVKXTIUX AXD CLTIF. OF Consumption, Aslluha, Diseases oj the Heart, 8yc., and on Ihemethr.el of prcscruinij Health and Beauty to an old oyc. fflils Book sho'ul<l>be Iu every family. To the ronsiiinptJie it points out tne only reasouahti iioptf fur rcltitt: To mothers, ibe dlrimiions It glivs lor ■tie cure mnt education of Children ore nivalmblu. 78,002 oolites of Hits Book huve passed through the iiOdJho sale cndtlmics unabated. -A^fc'ur sale by S. S FtTCil St CO., ■ VD 71)7 Bioadway, N. y„ and by w J. D. DICKEItSPN, Home, Cn. W- Du. Fitoii’s Oiiiuk to txvAtftn, or Dlreoii.nis persons using Ur. Fitch’s Heiiu-dies, to be had, gratis, of all Ills Agents. *o Builders of Col ton Mills FACTORIES, &c. press, t j. I>. DKJKUIISON) DRUGGIST—ROME, GEORGIA. \ WHOLES ALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE- STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Arc. October 10, 1850. Broad Slrtvt, — A. D. KING <fc CO. COTTO y GIN MANUFACTURE US llomc t Georgia^ May 0. 1850. ' x ----- 5 „ — l^t l desorlptions, nml jmrtictthirly COTTON .MILLStobv drivou by Steamer Wutor power, would coutraci to execute work of this description * lh tlio vorybest manner, und will ftjffilsU satisfue- tory testimonials, lie prefers to live In it Southern climate, mid will ho glad to receive propositions iu the above line. Address “HANCOCK.” caroofV. B. PALMER, Newspaper Agent, No. t#, Conger Struct, Ho»iuu r Mass, where further iiifbhnution can be hud. Borfton, July 11,1650.' . 43 3m COSKERY JA..M3S Ac CO. wm. t*VKKs, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Broad Sire T HE subscriber tnk lits friends, and t i Rornt, Georgia % i this method of informin JlbUor genomlly. that ho prepared to execute all wo>kcntrusted to U|s cans lie feels ooufident of Ids ability iopUmso all who limy..favour him with n cull. Hn pledge* hiiiifelf tbut no gnrinenr shall leave his ^Jmp until the cus tomer be pleased with the fit. (The Undersigned is permanently located in UoiuoJhnd hopes to mer it a liberal 6hure of the public phtronnge/there be ing no risk Incurred on tho partW tho patron, as no garment shall leave my shopjfintll satisfaction ho given. WlLLdAM PUllKS. ImTovision Store. S. G. WELLS KEEPS CONSTANTLY FOR SALE FAMlt. Y GROCERIES',RACONHAMS, IKOO/. ROLILSAND FEATHERS. A few young men cun ho nceoinmodnted with Bomdlng. Y* VEItANDA HOUSE, April 23, 1830^* Rome, Depot Square, houses ol the volunteers and have token all their arms. This has caused a serious difficulty between tho citizen Spaniards who took up nrnris and entisted lor tho government and the Captain General. It is suid lie began to fear them; therefore lie hns taken nwny their arms. Tho above constitutes all tlio news of the city ntid is the general topic of discussion. Business is prostrated by the expected invasion, and the oxcitcd and disturbed position of tlio inhabitants, render trade nnd commercial operations dull and lan guid. Here let mo add it little skepti cal views of the matter. There ore some speculators in town and this excitement is kept up for the purpose of depreciating the value of Sugars. &c. in the njgykct, so that they may mako cheap purchases. 1 have no doubt but this is the real key to all tlio invasion fears, ’ for Ido not think there is such a thing in existence. The soldier arms, and the nav, best possibto, ers in Ulnil ArruiiKeniculi. T HE Narthrrn, Southern and Eattern Mniis close at 91 o’clock, A. M«, daily, cxcopt Sun days. Airives at li P. M., dally, except Sunduys, [Mode of conveyance, Rail Road Cars. \Vastern Malls (via) Coosa and MissionOty Sta tion, Go., to Blue Pond* Ala., closes at 1 P. M„ daily, except Sundays. Arrives at S A. M., daily, oxcopt Tuesdays. [Mode of conveyance, four- horse conch. Jacksonville mall, (via) Cave Springinnd State Lino, closes at 5 A. M., every Monday- Arrives at 0 P. M,, every Wednesday. [Mode ofconvo;*tinco, horse mail Cave Spring mall (via) Vann’s Valley, Ga. closes every Tnesduy nnd Friday nt 104 A. M. Arrives same days at 11 A. M. [Mode .of conveyance, horse mail. Ln Fayette mail (via) Dirt Town, Hardin’s Mills, Arran tehee nnd Summerville, nrrlvcs every Monday and Thursday at 0,P. M., nnd closes same dny jiit Ui P. M. California, Hermitage and Johnson’s mails close at 10 A. M, t ovory F*idny, and arrives same dny at Hi A. M. [Mode of conveyance, horse mails. April 18, 1850. THOMAS J. PERRY, P. M. All Ordinance. B E it ordained by tlio City Council of Rome, that no person or persons shall sell at Auction any goods, wares, merchandise, or any other pro perly whatsoever, (sales mndo by lawful officers under execution, or under the nutnorlty of execu tors, administrators or guardians, or resident citi- izons ol their own property excepted,) within the corporate limits of Nome, without u license from the City Councils Each vvnduo master tlmll. pr ^vious to making nny sales at unction, take out icenso from tho\7i{v Council, the price of which " ’•'Tty duiltT4.-»*fr 'eforc said license is ’ brer shall b> le, und a bond tlio Mayor and city ^ ^ dice, CimCE’S HOTEL, lOAW, OFOROIA. Ills. MARY CHOICE -.’Iv of Dabtoncga, tins taken clnirgo of t.._ NEW HOTEL, nml miutn oxtunsivo pri'imratinns for tbo comfort anJ convcnlonoo or llioso who nmy favor bur with a onll. From her long oxporloiieo, slio ooulirlontly liopc. to givo entire siuM'uctlon transient Visitors uml Forinum-nt Boarilcrs. Eoptcmbor 5, 1850. -18 12m 1‘ersons will bo carried to and from tho Dopot to tho Hotel, freo of charge, FALL AND WI4VTGIS GOODS. N. J. OMBERCr, MERCHANT TAILOR, H AS row on hand a well selected stock of Cloths, Cftsdmercs nnd Vestings, of every shade und color, together with every other article usually kept in an establishment Of this kind. These goods have been selected by himself m New York, with grent care and particular reference to the prevail ing Fashions. lie is also prepared to manufac ture clothing In a manner und stylo not to be st passed in our largest and most fashionable.cities, October 10, 1S5C. ti iitchousc k Commission Merchants, AUGUSTA, GA. T HE undersigned thankful for the liberal pntronngc of tho past souson, again ten ders their services to their friends and. the- public, in tho snlo ol Cotton und other Pro- 'ucc, at their Fire Proof Warehouse on !atn|,linll street, whom their personal atten tion will bo given to nil husinoG entrusted to them, and liberal Cash udv^h^.inndc on Produce when required. OrdcrPfor Bagging, Rope nnd fnmily supplies, executed ol the lowest market pried. JOHN COSKERY, A. G. JANES, THOS. W. COSKERY. Augusta, Sept. 19, 1850. . .. - OOtf To Sioiillicrii und IVciU-ru MERCHANTS. Hardivarc, Cutlery, Guns; 1’istols, &c. ¥ E nro now receiving an entire new stock ov roueion and Domestic haudwauk; tho disas trous fire of the 20th May having loft us without nny Goods on hand. Our Stock will comprise every variety of Hard ware adapted to the Southern and Western Trade, and uu u.^ortmont ofltivLKS and Guns unsurpassed. Our Foreign Goods have all been imported direct, nnd the Domestic purchased upon the most advitn- • tugoous terms for»Cnsh{ mid front our long experi ence, wo feel confident that wo can do us well at least for our customers its any other House, nnd in vito nil Morclmms visiting Uiarleston to call and examine our Stock ut No. 7, lluyuc St reel, next to 1*. M. Cohen As 1*6., Druggists. COURTNEY dr TENNEXT, No. 7, Uayne Streec, Chutlestoti, S. C, Sepf. 5,1650. ft 48 Cm. CLOVER SEED. Qh BUSHELS Red Clover Soctl ji|«i received, direcl w'J fr«nn New York; warrented freali, and for «a e by «/to subscriber, for Cush • nty. J, D. DICKEUSOV, Agent. Aug. 29, 1800. 27 2t M RS. E. JONES,l atoofWetumpka, Alabama, tenders hor sorvloes to tho Ladies of Koine nnd its vicinity, H8 a practical Midwife. Mrs. J. has lmd long experience in this-branch, and nan produce ample testimonials as to her skill, teo, She may be found nt till times at the residence of her Son W, Jones, near the Methodist Church. Aug. 15, 1830. 44 2m 1000 LIVES SAVED Hy Iiiiv/iin good Homes, TXTE aro prepared to executi any kind of wt IT in tho Carpenting Business, both in city and country, with' dispatch at short notice, and low prices. Fannell doors. JPindow sash nnd Blir.ds, kept on hand mid for snlo cheap for cash. Also, on consignments, Lumber of ull kinds, from Cedar Bluff and other places for sale. Shop on Broad St. Romo Ga HUDGINS & LUMPKIN. April 4, 6m, NEW STORE, AND AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and CinOCJERlUS. rpHE undersigned will open, in the City of Rome, X on or about the first of November next, ail en tire now stock of staple and fancy dry gootf^ and groceries, next door to W. E, Alexander & i ‘ tho, house formerly occupied by liuttcy &; ns a drug store. With nn exper ! “""“™®* ears in the business, eon * ExccitloFt Snlo. W ILD bo sold before the Court House door hr Canton, Cherokee county, within ilm papal hour* of saloon the first Tuesday iu December next, ono Lot of Land, containing forty uc»es, known ns Lot No. 02, of the l7tb district and 3d section, of Clierokoo county, sold by ortjer of tho honorable tic* Inferior Court of Warren eoilnty when sitting us a Court of Ordinary, for the benefit of the Legatees of tho Estate of Thomas Reveisi lute of Warren coun ty, deceased. Terms cash. JOHN F. REVE1S, Exr. Sept. 5, 1550. 4Stds. ci IK it I'd IIIII’K Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the * Inferior Court ofSoriven county, when sitting ns a Court of Ordinary, will bo sold before the Court House door in tho City of Romo, on the firtt Tnesduy in November next, within the usual hours of sale, nil the interest, (bolpg two Mills) of Tceo- philus uml Andrew Williams, minors, in and to Let No 93, in tho 4th district und 1th section, of originally Ch irokee, now Floyd county. Sold lot lie benefit of said Minors. ALSO. At the same time ami placo will be sold t muining portion of said Lot of land. B E RRIA N WILL1 AMS, C. n a, d, Aug. 15,1850. 44 tds -