Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, July 24, 1851, Image 6

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CtuinVvrr, r%mb Ague.'Inter- milWmt & Remittent revers & all the viip 314s forms of -■i- RilioustOiseases ^ SPiri-; 1)1! A' &TH0R0UG1I1Y bph.-n CURED T.,00'0^ ■' 0^poP\India % LIVER. COMPLAINT. JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC OR NEYVOCS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, and oil diseases orie- ing from a disor dered Livor or Stn- -moeli nich ns Consiiiin* lion, Iiiwarc I’ilos, Fullnoaa, or blood to the Hood, Acidity of ’ tile Slomnch, Nnuarn, llonrlhtirn, gust for Fulinor ■ or IJr'I lie liciI.rlnR influence of this mod icine upon conaiitutiona impaired end injured by 1 renidetica in bilioua ilimnlcs, ia one ol ila mot voluubic qualiilca. Thera nre many eonaiiluilona which bee,mo gradually undorniincd by Miasutt. eniispa, without even a dey'a nolo .|ygjfinome The sallow complexion, lots oii.peiir, .oguoT weorincsB and depreaainn of aplrlta,—at 1 vie I 0 this remedy il only faithfully urod a- e.Jjjflj ti’J* the direoiiona of the paoiphle. which ja each bottle. ,f r A email Trentir. t ,ho "eauioSj traatmanl rnd cure ol Fever and Ji b 'lo,and other illl.ei tea of bil. lout climates, 11 may uo had gratis of the under, •ignad. Also nuuicroua eertiflentea from e-on of the liisliest responsibility, ie.-i".lot■ to 1'^ reat 'Turney of this inodicineean he • r ir .,”olion a j. dSdicrejc^n, 1 A.ent for Romu tie. 1 Me eh 9, 1841) 3l-«m "How lew who llilnk uriglitntnnng Ibo •' inking few 1.' iw ninny iiuvor tlniik, but only thin* •hey ' “ the Stolivc ■#qp ir T . elutions,'aii.k- itlg or g.j,raring at the Pit ol f the Stbinarlt, Swimming of the Hoad, Hurried and 1 CO-Tiik sentimet.t iuiplietl in tho noovu oxelnin- nlioiila on uo subject more fully exempllfled tlmn iSTtf ' "" an tint iif Ilcnlili. Hut tetfeivc it 11 single tliouglit, mid fewer still ri’llectiiptni It with tltii obsorvntio.i mid good seimrwhich imnwra of littnflr.tratixknnqntu. receive. As observation tunole r« the diet tint itr. Orgoml’s Intlln Choliigogue is.inut r> "Ing reme dy In Kevor ttnd‘'Ague, gootl Tense would surely illilll “*«,(•' prompt, tiuif liiiinedlnie use.; To be IMTOt , .1. 1). DICKKRSO.VS -«nv 3, Agent for tho Proprietor fcJ-l.lVER COMI’LAlN*fS of I llioua eliinntes nrino Ircm tho sum's outlaw* which product) Kevor niitl Ague, nnd are cured with the an-no certainty by Dr Udgond's JniUlf .Cbobigogtio. K. en after the Liver luir become tp s olt enlarged und tender upon pressare, it is in a ” weeks restored t- ‘ imtitrnl siste, soreness and pain in the side" relh " I with Jfttcli general unproveineiu us donpteZ .• health. The above highly valnalde propi. f »»v\y found at tho Drug .Store of J. 1) • .SJX, Mny3, Agent for *’.iu l*roj..i • , .omu, Gu MEMPHIS XflSOTUm T MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, f HE f«%lffilr eonrao of Le. eirea In this Institute will cnmiueuco on tho Kira, f Nov *mher, nnd cnntlmio until the hist of Februnry. Thu Anatom-, lonl Depnrlinent will ho opened itntl rently u^opl stiuh nls by the First of October. The Me I pitrlimmt will ho ilinlor tho direction ol iliL^^lo Ing PROFESSORS. J. Conquest Gross. M. D.. Professor of liio [| atitutes ol Medieino, uml Metticnl Jiirlrp.uili.iieo, W. livnn PowKl.t., M. D., Prolessor orCerebrtil Physiology, Medlenl Geology, itntl Mineralogy, 11.8 Nkwton, M, l)., ProlliMor of Surgery. , / II, J. Ilui.oK, M. D., Prolusaor of Theory tintl Prnetieo of Medicine. J. A. Wii-soN, M. D., ProTusaor of Obatotrica olid Discuses ol Women itntl Children. J., M. D,, Pfofussor of Mnterla Meillon, nnd Thornpemlc*. V.. Frkkman, M. U., Professor of Aimtotity. J. Mii.ton Sandkiis, M. D , Professor ol Clinmls- tiy nnJ Phnrinney, . «l,INI(tVF, LECTCIIES. If Mmitoixn—l’nov. II J Sukobry—l'nop, R. 8. Nrwton. ANATOMIOAI, Dr.MONSTnATOR—Z. Foreman, M. D. TI10 Ibos for n Hill course of Icotnroa ninoti. t to $105. Miilrlciilntor’s $5; Demonstrator's Fee, $10. Graduation, $30. , Those desiring flirthor Infnrmntlou will plon«o mhlress (post puitl) to tho Dunn, nnd students nrrl- ring In thoolty will plenso call on him nt 1I10 Hotel R.S. NKv'TON, M. D., Deun ortho Fnoulty DEPARTMENT. Hon. Kino, Professor of Theory nnd Prnoti- •• nw. .lion. F. j. 'UAnRY, Esq., Professor of Commor- dlnl s’urisprtidcnou. Turks—$50 per Session. All unmmnnlontions portnlnlug to this depart ment must bo luhlresscd to E. W. MS KING, Memphis, Tonn, July, 1S50. Tho Faeultiea, lor intellectual abililios moral worth and profeaaional acquirements, will compore favorably whh Ilia most diaiinguieliod in our coun try. The ;: medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other country—ell of them ere ublo tec- .tutors and the beet of teachers. Those who Will pontemplnle our geographical po sition, and the extern of our population, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of our sltualian.for sn en terprise at the kind. As to lipalth, inciiin ng«ll sea sons of the year, wu deny that Atsv omen city has more. A common error exists lit dm minds of mnnv students rclntivo to the plnoo ol* study ing medicine; those Who hitenil practising among the tliu diseases oftlm IPestnnd South, stimdd eertulnly 'educnte themselves nt 11 sehonl whose Family tiro pritcii- cully ncqiiulntcd with those tlisuuses. • T lint 1I10 public may bo satisfied of this school, wo fool hour duty to state, that the Trustees nnd Faculty form a unit In uctinn, which augurs well for its-future success; and dial tho peculiar inter nal organisation which connects them, cannot be in. torrupted, April I, 1851), E, W. M. Kltfc, President of ihe Jl/umphid Instilu CABINET IVARE-HOUSS. CALHOUN &, STARR H AVE Oil hand nnd for sale, Sofas, Mahogony and Marble-top Centre Ta bles, together with all tho va rious articles of Euniture u- sually found in an establish ment of the kind. Their tna- ■' tenuis nre good, and put to gether by workmen who understand their business. Ware Room nt Peck & Hardin.’s •oldstand, four doors above the Exchange Hotel, (omc, Ga., .April 25. 331f. cult Brcadiing, Flui- lerlng at Ilia Heart, Cho king or Suflhcsilpg Euusntions when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, <* Dots oj*"Webs beforo tho Sight, Favor and Dull Pain in tko Head, Uoflciencv ol Porapiration, Yellownesa of the Skin and Eyba, Poln in tho Side, Back, Cheat, L'mbSt&c., Sudden FlushingB of Heat, Burning in dm Flesh Cunsmnt imaginings of Evil,unu Great Depreasiun of Spirits, C1111 bo 1'ornianonily Curait by HR. H COPLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BIITERS, f. rnmnED by » 11 C. ill, .JACKSON, AT T1IR GJ.HMAN MEDICING STORE, No, 120, Aroli Street, Fliiltulelitliin. ^«wor over the above dieeneee ia not excel* v jpr#i. it •qunUod, by any oilier preparation in tho Ur''«*d States, ue (lie o.ires ntre»t v in many cases nliut jkillful physiciune hnd failed. Tliceo Billers aro worthy liio atieniion of inva lid Posseting orcot virtuos in the roolidoation til .lienees of tho Liver and lessor glands, oxercis* intf die most eoarchiiu .owors in weaknoes nnd nf feotions of, (lie diposi m orguns, they aro, withal, safe, certain and ploatiani. it HAD AND BE CONVINCED. .CtiAb. RfJiiiNSoN, Esq , Easton, Md,, in a letter to Dr Jackson, Jon. 9, 1850^ said— •* My wifo and mysoll liavo received moro bene fit Irom your medieino than nay other we hnve ev er taken for the (LTDispepsia nnd Liver disease.” ” Tit* Tbntii Legion,” published at Woodstock, •'*„Jun.lO, 1850, said— ••A GREAT MEDICINE.” ” We have iiniiornily refrained Irom rocommend- ing to the public nr.y of die various I’a'ont Medi cines of the,day, unless thoroughly convinced ol the:r value. Among those wo consider, worthy nt nolioo is tho Gkoman Bitters, invented by Dr. Hoofland, and prepnred by Dr. Jackson in Phila- delphiR. One instance in i nrlicular, in which the suporioLVirtuos 61 thin medicine hnve been tested, b**i fallen under ntir observation. Durim* the lust summer, a eon ol Mr. Abraham ('rnbill^ ol this coun ty, tvu8 very se riously ofiiictcd with Liver Complaint and aftor trying in vam vnrioue remodies, he pur^ chased a bottle of the Hitters, nnd after using tt, was so much relieved ol hie distressing mulndy, that he procured another bottle, and it rosured him en tirely to hoalth.” READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS, Judge f.i. M. Noah, a pcntloman with groat sci ontific and literary attainments, said in Hie 11 Now fork Weekly Messenger,” January fi,J650, ' Dr. Uoofland’s German Bitters.—Hero is a preparation which tho leading presses in (lie Union appear to he unanimous in recommending, nnd the reason is obvious. It is made aitor a prescription furnishod by one nf the most celebrated pliysicians ol modern times, tho late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, Professor to theSUmyorsity of Jena, Pri vate Physioian to tho King of Prussia, and one of ^ho greatest medical wrilefs Germany has ever pro< duced. He was emphatically tho onemy of hum bug,and therefore a rnedioine of which he was the inventor and endorser may bo eonfidentiy relied on. He specially recofnmendod it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility Virtigo, Acidity of the Stom ach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the livor and the intestines. JNinc Philadelphia papers express their cnnvictionof its excellence, and several of the cdiionMtow 'peak of its effects from their individual experience. Una,er theso circumstances, we feel waranted, not onlyjn calling the Mtontion of our retfdera to the present proprietors (Dr. C. M. Jack son’s) preparation, to ail ofllictod.” \ MORE ^VID^NCE. The "Pitii.tDEi.niiA 8aturdaxjGa7.ette,” tho best family newspaper published in the United States^ tho editor says of / DR. IIOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, •• Il is 6eldoin that we r^oon* tend what are term ed Patent Mcdicinos tu the confidence and pntro ago of our readers; and, therefore, when wo recom mend Dr. flnofland's Gt*r pnn BlfteraV we wish it to bp distinctly understood mat we oro(not speaking ortho nostrums of tho day, thnt aro noised about for a brief poriod nnd then forgotten aftoi done their guilty race ot mischief, hiu of cine long established,, universally prizod, and whu has merthe hearty approval of.the.Facultv itself. Evidence upon evidonce has been recti.od (like the foregoing) from all sections of tho Union,, in threo years** and ilia strongest testimony in its ta/or that there is more of it used in the practice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia than all oilier nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be esta blished, and fully proving that a scientific prepara tion will moot with their quiet approval when pre sented even in this form. This medieino will euro Livor Complaint nnd Dls- pepsin no one can doubt, alter using it as directed It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver—it is preferable to calomel in oil bill ious diseases—the efTect is iminediato. They can bv administered to female nr infant with safety and reliable benefit, at any ttmo. • RESTORED! 'A NIC INFIRM Airy. rpilE IncrnifsIiiK popularity of the ■ -IK'iifd Botan- JL ic Practice ol' Medicine, antNifo contiiflicd ap* plication of patients for medical Treatment, as well ns piescriptions and medicine to distant patients, lias induced tl.o Prop-oltor to 'rat's more extensive arrangements ic* the Letter and more comfortable uccommadntmn of the afflicted, lynore every varie ty oVIiscuso will be treated u vi die ino.-t scieti- tifl^.liysiqlb^ienl principle; no reformed Prai% ti4^a becWiiink to bo too weill town und Joe !•!» fy.apjiTPfitttcd throughout on- -ouirtry, to req .ire' eiilogiunror pnnegyrio in t 1 ^.ilnco. It iiovds flo, llieiud of-uieeta- u ; n»* .J a-, to .substantiate 01 enhance n.*vnl y claims for Itself a fail Investigation aln^^V bo duly o,ileot|ied—aim certainly it onmiotbd denied tlmt. If the most yil olem opposition oould linvo hud Its intended cllecn tlio systetn 'vonld long ago have been annihilated.' Tim argument in its favor lieuopmlnm. when oontomplato tills fnot, and ati-t-•tA. die rlglll examination it is every where U.A i to pass thro! Liko trno friendship ii bus thoroughly to bA tested 1 , “lias over to undergo nnd withstand tlio shock of adversity before it is justly entitled to tlioemimo.” Tho Prnetieo hnvlni outlived tlio prejudices which in many InstanecsRv too justly attached to it from being in the Imnd.Vi' ignorant pretenders,- where it was too often dul Infltalnflmey in tills eqpntry, il lias been, mid now is nffording cxtrnordlnry re lict to sutfering thousands, while cures, ill some oases nlinost bordering on tho mlrueulous, nro bo- ,„ t i 1 ~.,|™,,|„. lncnl ing effected by its potent inlluonao. The unpnrul- to^he^lvittlsunuit. luted success it Ims met in tlio Imnds of Dr. Jonos, (whoso eourso of troutment In rnnny respects Is purely original,Mins gnlned for him celubrity, fnr Pr*vn*n Mprlirnl Cnmnaninn surpassing ids loudest expectations, nnd thousands -da CGI Gill LoOlIipRIllOIl, nro rojoioing under ihe honoflolnl etfocts of iW’rae- 'W ' av DR. A. M. MAl”>!f'EAU. tiee wliosp tundpnoy fs to, wltjjout nny of those | p „ „ ,\, . . r of „ , , „ tt . . . of e „ Twentieth Edilit tmo.pp. 250. Price, $1,00 This wnsn e stknoku Esn:ciAi.i.vvon niB .. MAE El A ©IE: WHY SO UNHAPPY.;!^ the causes and the remedy* Many and m my n wife endures yenrs of bodily suffering and of mental ni.guish, prostrntcmtd help less, embittering her life, tlmt ol 1m- lmsbund, and liav.nrdlng the lutiirc welfare of her children, arising from '.'uses, which if known, would liavo spared the- Ifciing, the anguish of Ihe wife, and to the l.ust'.ami . uibnrmssmcntstind pecuniary difficulties having their origin In the mind boing Weighed dow .i ntttl harrnssed in consequonco or tiro sickness of the companion grills bosom. lloV.- important tlmt thcca.,scs snonldhc known to cvidyiwjfo, to every husband, tlmt the dreadful nnd burrowing consequences tu tho houltli nnd hap piness of roth may bo uvoidod I 1 ife is too short und huidtli too precious to ndinitany portion of tho' ono to be spent without tiro lull enjoyment of tire other. Tlio timely possession "ofn little work enti tled ns folloiWins been tlio mottns of saving the licul'i-hi.d Itn-hfu or thousands, its ovor ' J TWO HJJNDRED THOUSAND. .Copies have befit sold'kluco tiro first edition wn j The anther 1ms been ndvcrtlso It by lie urgent nnd pressing reqnostonl.oso who hnvo icon indebted to Its publicntion for nil they hold lent (tlmt nil may liavo an opportunity of obtaining It,) and who have favored him with thousands of tetters of encomium, some of which nro annexed Fjjla ' HRs married womans (lirtiigreenblu, consequences whicll tco often .follow the eradication of om ditrasc by the substitution- * another. . . Ftoit\ tH6 mtiny tfilflhianlols’whlcli Dr. Jonos tirtV received ol His impurulluled success, ho 1ms tliouglit proper lo It" tlio following boforo**n reflecting cotn- tmmity. The stntemenu hero made nro not from persons who live out of tho reach of enquiry, but tiiey Como from respectable citizens of our own country, who can bo seen nnd consulted personally, In rofuronco to their true conditions, Dyapopitlti* Da. Jones—My Dear Sir; This is to cortify thnt l whs, for 8dmp 15 or 20 yenrs, griovously ntllictod with dyspopsin or indigostio i. My case was ono of n very distressing nature; for Su.ernl years I Was compelled to throw up every tiling thut I out,-, which kept mo in quite n f olo nnd debilitate., condition. But I tun now proud to have it to sny, Hint through the blessings of Dr. Jones’ Remedies, I loci that-, 1,nm restored to n perfect state of health, nnd thnt, u j, with but ono month’s supply of med icine, w.iich bus proved to be the cheapest nnd best medicine I ever purchased. For tho truth of tho abovo statement, any one can bo.satisfied by tippll* antion to mo near Dirt Town P..O., Floyd county, Ga. TIIOS. MIDDLE TON, J. P. Spinal Dittoaao and Suprenod Menstrua tion Dr. JoNua--<0enr s Srr’i Believing irfildpty I .owe to tlitypumio.'uiul in true justiu to yourself, I liavo tliouglit proper, for tlio information of those who mu/be afflicted, to give a candid statement of my negro girl June’s diseased state, brought on from an obstructed menses or monthly courses. She was nttnoked in November, 184S, with n severe pain ill tho back of tlio head, extending down the whole course of the spino, producing complete pnralyzn- tion of the left side, and rendering it perfectly help-’ less, nnd in n short time she lost the use ol i. \ whole system. She could not turn herself in c. out of bed, wns reduced to n perfect skeleton, und to nil nppenrnnces past tlio reach of remedies. But I now, through tho judicious nnd skillful applica tion of Dr. Jones* Remedies, consider her restored *to a perfect state of lieullh, (or which lie will ever liavo iny lusting gratitude. Should any ono desire n confirmation uf the above statement, they can address mo near Summerville, Chattooga co., Ga. March 7, 1850- WILLIAM STANTON. •U Dlioaso of Stomach, Spino and Iftcnd. For tlio benefit of suffering humanity, I have thought proper to lay my case before the public. Having been severely afflicted for several years with a disease of tho stomach, spine and head—to entunerntn all tho long train of symptoms with which I was troubled, would occupy more space than would bo interesting. Suffice it to say, that frequently after eating, I would betaken with vio lent and distressing sensations in the head nnd back of my iipck, extending half way down the spine, At such times I was compelled to take my bed. These spells usually continued for several hours, and were frequently so severe ns to reader life a burden. To obtain relief I had recourse ■ Till , rieij, 6r v tlio«t< contemplating marriage, ns It dis closes important secrets which should be knawn to thorn particularly. Hero, overv female—tho wife, tlio mother*—tlio one.budding into womanhood ol ihe ono in the de cline of years, in whom nature contain plates an important change-can discover the causes, symp toms, und the most efficient remedies and most cer tain mode of euro in **vory complaint to which lior sex is subject. Tho revolution? *^*:ai*wd in its pages hnvo pro ved a blessing to tiiuUSjin. as the innumerable let ters received by tho author (which lie is permitted i'y the writers to publish will attest. * SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES- Extract of a letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, Ohio. ** Dayton, May 1. 1847. Du. A. M. Mauriceau—My Dear Sir:—"Tho Married Woman’s Private Medicnl Campanion,” for which I enclosed ono dollar to yiur address, came safely to hand. I would not have troubled you'with theso few lino.; ta-: thnt 1 am impelled by a sense of gratitude, lor myself and wifo, to givo utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. " My wifo lias been porceptlbly sinking for some three years or more, in consequence of her groat anguish and suffering some months before and dur ing confinement; every successive ono more and moro debilitated and prostrated her, putting her liio in imminent dnngor, nnd which was on the Inst occasion, despaired of. I supposed thnt this state ol thiqgs wns inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two months) I hoard your book highly spoken of as con taining some matters reaching my case, On its rc- ceipt and perusal, I cannot express to you tho .relief it afforded my distressed mind and tlio joy its pn- S es imparted to my wife, on learning tlmt the great iBcovery of M. M, Desomeaux provided a retr*,dy. It opened a prospect to mo which I little conceived was possible. No pecuniary consilium*., .i can ever repay tlio obligations I am under to you for linving been tlio means of imparting to us the mat ters contained in " Tlio Married Woman’s Private Medical Companion.” But for this, oro anothei year would have passed over my head, in nil hu man probability my wife would have been in her gruve, and iny children left motherless. Extract from a Letter, MtatnEftlh- " Lancaster, Pa., Oct, 24, 1847. MyDear .Sir:—I know you will have tho kind ness w bear with mo in encroaching upon your time, while I acknowledge in bbhjdf of myself nnd wifo, tho obligations wc feel ourselves under to you in having made known certain matters, contained in your most invaluable ’Married Women's-Pri- ito Medicnl Companion.* It has been worth its For tho Removal am) Permanecv Cure or all NERVOUS DISEASES, ints which are earned r unhealthy condition NEnVOl'S 8YSTISF.A Thla beautiful and convenient epphSatlni^nthe myite* rious powers of GALVANISM end MAGNETISM, has been pronounced by distinguished physician*, *•*“* *“ Europe and the United States, to be the most valv efnel discovery of the Age. . ._1 Or. CHRISTIE'S QALVANiJV&EET and m .onetic fluid, Is used with tho most porfoct and certain success in all cases of GKNBRAh OBDILITY, Strengthening the woakened body, giving tone to the various organs, and invigorating tho entiro system. Also in FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DY8PJSP BIA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE and CHP°NIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY. LUMBAGO. DEAF- NE8b', NERVOUS TREMORS. PALPITATION OF 1 THE Itr*.ART, AVi '{.XY, NEURALGIA. TAINS in the SIDE and CHEK LIVER COMPLAINT, BF1NAL COMPLAINT, nuid . URVATURE of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEA8ES of the KIDNEYS. DEFI CIENCY OF NERVOUS and PHY8ICAL ENERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints o**~ from one simple cause—namely, A Derangement of the Nervous System* In NE: OUC COMPLAINTS,.Druj recommending the article weight in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, you will see that I can not do so too warm ly, when 1 inform you of tho extent to which I liavo, through it, been benefitted. 1 will state my iitua- _ tion when I obtained your book through tlio mor* the best medical aid tlio country nnorded. Having -ost curiosity. I look upon it ns ono of tlio most tried tlio most skillful physicians in Homu, I applied foVtunute events of my life J hnd been married to sevoral of the most eminent professional men of the United States. I wrote to Prof. Dudley, of Kentucky ; had tho celebrated J5r. Mott, of New York, written to, and his prescription tried; ap plied also to the much extolled 7Jr. Durham ; nnd then successively to Dr. Dugas, of Augusta, Dr. Banks, of Gainesville, Dr. Fort, of Milledgovillc, Dr. Catridge, of Glinttooga county, and tlio reput ed Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Macon. All having failed to give relief, I finally, upon Dr- Jones, loca ting in Rome, ventured on giving him a call. For tlio encouragement of others, I nm lmppy to/certifv Ihiit Dr. Jones 1ms given mo more relief tljan nil the rostcomblncd. I etui now say that my; health Ib better tlinn it lias been for several years past. I plantation afthirs, and ride Home, orany wh - - personal attention BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high character which is necessary for all medicines to attain to in duce counterfeiters to put lorih a spurious article at the risk of the lives of those who arc innocently de ceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have the >yrttien signature of C.M.JACKSON upon the wrapper^ and the name blown in ihe bottle, (□"without winch, they ore spurious.XD For sale wholesale and retail, at the j GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. lV 'No. 120, ARCH Street, one door below Sixth, (late of 278, Rsce street,) Philadelphia, nnd byre, spectable dealers generally throughout the country. Also for sale by DR. J. D. DICKERSON, Druggist, Rome, Go. August 1, 1850.43 ly. Profoaaor Barry’s Tricoplicraii* or McdU eulod Compound* TNFAL1BLR for renewing, invigorating X and beautifying the hair, removing scurf, Dandtuff, and nil nflections of the Scalp, and curing eruptions on the skin, diseases of the glands, muscles and integuments, and reliey- in^istings, cuts, bruises, spains, &c &c — With this preparation, tc there is no such wot d as fail,” It has obtained the highest •celebrity among the first classes in the Uni ted States nnd stands unrivalled in all that it professes to be, both fo*- cheapness and effi cacy* it defies all competition. The scien tific treatise on the hair and skin (embracing valuable directions for the culture and pre servation of natures choicest ornament) in which each bottle is enclosed, is alone worth the money. It is upon tho skin, the muscu lar fibre, and the glands that the Tricorjier- L “ itsspecific action, and in all affections of these organs, it is a sovereign itC-ss rcqnh-os my fOEL MANN. Cures effected witUout seeing ihJpatlon Those persons living at a ‘distance, anil cannot conveniently plncu themselves tinder my immediate charge, may liavo their case sttented by sending ino an accurate statement of symptoms, ago, osqm;Mi tten, habits of life, itec. Medicines will bo scion tiflcnlly com non unded, nnd ncntly put m>, vith am ple written directions for use, by tlio due observ ance of which distant patterns may euro them selves of the most complicated and obstinate disease, though it would be much bettor for the pntient to ap- S -sonally.if possible; because ho will thou enjoy advantages of Dr. Jones’ personal acquhin- With the peculiarities of the ense. Since the reduction of postage, tue expense of sending medi cines by mail is but trifling, My cliatgo, in ull onses hot requiring my personal attendance, is FIVE DOLLARS FOR MEDICINES TO LAST A MONTH. This fee must invariably bo enclosed in tlio letter asking atlvioe, ill order to insure attention, directed, post-paid, to Dr. D. S. Jo.nks, Rome, Ga. Persons owning afflicted slavos, can huvo them treated nt my Infirmary, or medicines sent them ns .above stated. D. S. JONES, M. D TO MEDIC aTsTUDENTS. The undersign'' is now propnreil to receive a few Medicnl S'udeuts, to rend at his office, who will-bo thoroughly instructed in tho BOTANIC THEORY OF'DISEASES, the only t-uly scientific and efficient Medical Practice ever made lounon to the world. Also, a oloso investigrtion of the conflicting the ories of Allopathic Schools of. Medicines,"will be given, no pertaining to a course of lectures u; any of tlio " : BOTANICO MEDICAL COLLEGES ;* in the United States. -His Library Is woll^ulectcd animnmjshed witlialltho latest,Botaiite niblica- tionsi’ with n largo collection of Durham anil lnUlaii rcccipes. Also, several of the most approved Alloy patliio and Hydropathic works, and a new system of detecting Torberculqr or Scofulous fljsense^and all 6thor forms of disoaso with a certainty hereto fore unknown. Dally demonstrations in Clinical Practice in Ills Infirmary,-as well ns a kitowledgc nf tho Pharmaceutical prepations of remedies in hiu Laboratory mid Medical Store. f It will bo*scan from tlio above* combined -ml van tages, that the medicnl enquirer will liuvc hero met with facilities rarely enjoyed in ti private Physj.i Jean’s oliico. Tlio fee in nil casus heini foVtunutc _ ■<■■1 some ton years, nnd wns tho father of seven child ren: I was long struggling unceasingly, to tlio ond that I might cam a moderate competency, but tho results of my utmost exertions nt tlio end leit mo about where 1 was at the beginning of encli year ; and that only, with the most stinted economy, suf ficient with barely the necessaries of life. Fiually, this constant effort was beginning to have its etTdbt upon my health; I felt less cnpnblo to o dure its continuance, while I felt the necessity ol persever ance. 0 This constant unceasing strugglo on my part was imperative in consequonco of the prostrated condition of iny wife (with occasional intermission) for six yiiars. much of the time confined to her bed and oficourse incapable of taking tlio charge and mnnngument of honsehold<vftalrc.__ Her ^clh.dition juttke from causes of which 1 was ignorant.' Oli- whnt would I l-avo given had I tho sixycar6 to live over agate • Wimt would my wifo liavo given to have boeVi V 4»piired tho long days and still longer night; 1 prostrate on a bed of sickness!—all of which wonii’i have been avoided, had I then seen a copy of " Tlio Mniricd Woman’s Private Medical Com panion.” . / ^ '• r From Physician. DANGER'S DELIVERIES. OllSTRUCTtfffffS) IRREGULARITIES, &C. How many fife suffering from obstruction or irre gularities peculiar to the female system, which deriniue their health,jtlie effects of which they are ignorant, anil for which their delicacy forbids seek ing meilicnLadv'ico ! How many sutler from polap- r s uteri (fulling of the womb) or from floor albus weakness,debility,&c.&6.)l How many nro in stnnt agony for many iffc^tlis preceding opii merit! How many have d/tficult if not dntapefous deliveries, nnd whoso lives are jeoparded miring such tiqie, will find in its payes the means of pro vontion, amelioration and relief! To those just married, TO THOSE JUST MARRIED—” HAD I KNOWN.” “ riijr./.pELpiiiA,\NoV. 29, 1847, ” Da. A. M. MAVRipEAU:V-Hnd I Known of the important matters treated of in " the Mnrrted Wo man’s Private Medical Companion” some years ago how much misery I might liavo escaped! 1 have suffered yenrs fiom causes which you point out in •your book, without knowing what to do. I obtain ed a copy, find found my enso treated of. I trust every female will avail herself of the information contaiued in its pages.” , Letters daily received of this character, unncc°s- sary to present. To those yet ur.mnrried, but contemplating mar riage,.or perlmps hesitating as to the propriety, of incurring tho responsibilities attendant upon it, the importance of being possessed of . the revelations .contained in those pages, so intimately involving their future Jinppinesa, connot be appreciated. ful Physi- $50.- but such ns can come well rccom- None need npp.^ mO|iilcd, nnd such ns will likely be an ornament tt theipsclvcs anil tho profession. Letters or. this subject, to merit attention, must be post-paid, and addressed t< uafure tempinting niarriago; neither is it it is every one’s duty to become post edge whereby the sufferings to v mother, or a sister, may be subjec (Jt>*Copie>» sent by Mail lira Purchasin'.-CO Otj-On the receipt of One Dollar, ried Woman’s Private Medical Com pi ' ** iled Fref.) to any part of the United 9 must be post paid (except those coi ittnnce,) und addressed to DR. A. M. U, Box 1*424, New York City. Publii *'o. 120 Liberty street, New York. _ «« ««« ^’-pies have been sent by Mail . nty u strengthen the wAo'' system, equalise the circulation lloed, promote the ev - .tone, and nevtrdo the lightest to fom.ui beeitli, irongth, castlcity and w ..__ The great peef Jiaritj ana excellence of 3 Dr, Ohlfiitl^’s * -ranio Ouraiives, consist*, in the that ft *l the’ #est and pure disease by outward application,’ in plac«. i he usual mode of drug ging and physicking the putiem^ till exhausted Nature •Inks hopelessly under the inf They etrengthen of the blood, promo..... ... — . .. ... m ...... Injury under any circumstoncts. Since their introduction In the United 8tate>, on’ -'hrse years since, mors than 60,00 0 F ->rBO Including all age*,- oUtsei; and. were a !• go numuor of ladles,; to Nervous Complaints, have bel-^r: ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when all hope of relief had been given up, and ovary thing else been triuu in vaiu! To Illustrate the use or the GALVANID BELT, sup pose the «uo of a person afflicted with that bane of civilixa- tion, DY8PF-P8IA, or any other Chronic or Nervous Disor der. In ordinary cues, stimulant* are taken, whiob, by their action on the nerves and muscles of the stomaoh, afford temporary relief; but which leave the patient in a lower state, ana with injured faculties, after the action thus exci- led. Now compare this with the effect resulting ppUcaUon of the GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even in the worse symptoms .at attack, and simply tie the Belt around the body, ushif tu« - Magnetic Fluid as directed. In a abort period the^inicn- siblo perspiration will act on tha positive eiement of the Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic circulation which will pus on to the negative, and thenoe back again to tha positive, thus keeping up a continuous Galvanic circulation throughout the system. Thus the most severe casts of DY8PT£P8IA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS 18 OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADI CATE THE DI8EA8E OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the moat Undoubted Character, From all parts of the Country could be given, sufficient to All every column in this paper 1 80UTH CAROLINA TESTIMONY. DBSADFVZ. RHEUMATISM NERVOU8 PROSTRATION, From Mr. WM. B. WILBY, of the Charleston Hotel, CiuxLcsTOs, & C., April It, 1849. To Da. OMaisTix, ML fIT ' . , , Respected C'r—s?' m A..p Tor the luOkrlng and the deep»»t towards j m. induces mo to send you an account of n,v late lamenMCie condition, and the great relief which I have experienced from your Galvanic arti cles. For the put four years I have bean afflicted with the most dreadful and oxcrutiatlng attacks of Rheumatism. My whole body hu been affected, arms, limbs, head, che< back, and Indeed ovory part of my system. I have ex perienced more agpny than 1 supposed any human bung could endure. At one time the joint of my right leg wu ■wollen to about threo times its natural sizo and the rest of the limb wu shrivelled up. Shis was the cue when !v commenced using your GALVANIC BELT for tho body and the GALVANIC BRACELETS fortholfmbs. I had Physicians In Chi Hie Great Remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, the Side, Hip, Back, Liwbs. arul Joints, i Kings Evil, White Swellings, Hard Stilf Joints, and all Fixed Pains whatvvei WHERE THIS PIASTER IS APPU, PAIN CANNOT EXIST. A gentlonion in tho South of Europe nnd ne, in 1830. heard so much an id in the letter pteet tnlavor of JEW OAVJDvyPLA8J£R, and * tho (as v • PonBidijJP.^tfffjiys cutH*. d.od termed. .! •» ho w^PduciiiC try it r person, fo u Luni: flectionR slJjMjf which had been me .cn^rohjeoi of Ti but which had resisted the geninL-.u clime. «aS| til lie .ccordingly npplied a pla.ler on ill. tie aide of hi. che.i wht %, ‘ho pain wee aeated, enotl between lira shnului.... and one over the re|ien« the liver. In tlio inenni r. s he drank Ireelyof* horb tea of laxative q>. ".'tee. Ho eoan lound I health improvinc, end in a low week, hie cotif' him) ihe eallowncee ol mi m.',n disappear, pain was remov <d, aud hit I ncntly reinetetti.. l r f5IIESE PLASTERS po.ecae.the edvanta, being pm up in oir-tight box'et—liente they tain their full virtues in all clintetee' Wc have recoirodlho fallowing tcs"ntoui.l Irom C. U, lore, an eminent lawyer in euceeuful procll Wilcox county, Alabama He ie a gentlf high standing and c •e u Alli> Nov.f^ih, 1848. { do Mxau—Gentt.mcm—He, ‘ ng bean requeued to etato what has been the, q suit of m.' experience ill the uee of yotf»- -E I’lastor,’ I choorfully comply by eaying iher* lound it to be ae heretofore recommends valuable medicine ’ In difliirent coeef^O- I have ■(,'lied the Flatter J/- Chronic 8oral, nd Peine, and it har never filled to .ford with good .Beet Jy 1 Ton . ... in.tont relief. I have.l- 'UBcd it with guod.B.el upon my own py.iu-Mn the cur. ol ulcrt. with which "I ha\-'been aeverely afflicted. . fir--' "Rcrpectfully, oto. c. c. sellerb.- jeon vorv bonofloi.l in caiee of Weak new. such as Pain ond Wenknoe. in tho etomoel.. Weak Limb., Lamcnoea, Affectinn of the Spin., F.nt.l* Wenkncet, &o. No ftimala, »ub|ret to «■ woakno.bin tho back or sides, should be without il. Married ladies indelicate situations, find great rs« lief from conetnntly wcAh«’ thla platter. Tho application of .tie f leeter belwein the shoul ders has her funnd a certain remedy for Colds, Ci'Uglie, Phthisic and Lung Affections, in thsir primary etsge. It destroys inflammation by pst- -•'iroiion. bcwitre of Con J~rfeit* und Bate lmitalimit. CAUTION.—Tno subscribers are tho onlyGe** J oral Atlanta in the Saulhcm Sintra for the etl* efl tine truly valuable Plaster; and in order to pr*»sr* B purcltaeera being imposed upon, by s count**! article, •■•Id in this city end elsewhere, Inr tb‘ uinb, they invite particular attention to tha fi ing Mantis oftiib GKNUIKBt lit. The genuine i«put up tn tmoolh, tnfint ( ed bottomed boxei, not tholdered in. 2d. "The genuine hta the eneravtu inut oj J. vid on Ihe direction., around the hoi, with i ponying record of Ihe Court ti. K. Taylor, ter. s' BT8COVIL ft. MEAD. Charters Street,, •alo General Agent, {or the .Southern St* whom oil orders mint he dddrca.ed. Sold alsn. Wholesale and lietajlt'-V RATTEY A b..Vf t *•> Kerne W. hTsuiiimero, Kingoton, O...J. D. t It. & Co.. Cnstvitt. (•*« a. OT. Robbi Sprinv, ffe . L. W^ Duye. Ville Riel. many of the best l oyilDiuw III uiiunmun Him piibwu*i*| end I tried every remedy I lieerd of or saw in the news papers, but all with so little benefit tbst I had long since began tn despair. I bad been to the-Warm Springs and the Sulphur Springs; I read and studied about my afflic- tion, but with no avail. What then waa mv Joy and gmti tude when the truth first dawned upon me lhat 1 had at last discovered a rem 'dr! I should here state |hat the constant •nd repeated attacks of pain rendered me as feeble ai • child and quite helpless. It utterly incapacitated me from business, ard prostrated and deranged n.y whole Nervous System.- .low, on the first application of tho Galvanic articles, t did not exporionco much cassation of the palm but I began to ftel differently; my - -ongth seemed lobe regained \ my head to get clear am elasticity and buoy- ancy to be returning. This it was that so agreeably sur prised and encouraged me. But in less then a week the pains had also decreased, and they appoared tn diminish daily. A continuation of damp wcathwr canxkgp an* •Mp*ol«<l «. r*lu.M . iU* Ulicuinntlaiii ttUd rtorvOTTbeiucK- sion: but nr-l still continued to improve, simply using tho J»'7 i.'^?, ’-**nd Magnotlo Fluid. This is now over one y ear iiilWi . nt this n.:7 «ntof writing I believe I am as healthy and as happy a me., us thero is in Charleston. All my pains aro gone; my strength has returned 1 my ap- pearauce has so altered that my friends, who formerly thought I was dying, hardly know me. In a word T ara X living miracle or the wonders of Galvanism, as applied by your beautiful inventions. 1 could say more if necessanr >, but will only add that you are at liberty to make this public for tho benoflt of thoio who may be similarly afflicted, very rcpectfal.y end r. s.—I may add that there ere hundred, of perurai it South Carolina and In Georgia who havo known mo (hr yean, and who know tho above foots to be strictly correct. Among them I mny montlon— Dr°F. M. Kobimok, Ilayno atroet, Chorlcitou. Dr. F.* Counn, Charloiton. Hon. Join r. Kino, Aogu.tu, On. llMiiBBmBiafeiii Wm. M. Mooer, Esq., Charleiton Hotel. DR. OHRI8TIE*8 GALV^-MIC NECKLACE It used for all coiTpiaints-affecting the Throat or Head, auoh as Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Throat, Nervous and Sick Headache, Dizziness of;the Head, Neuralgia in the Face, Buzzing or Roaring In the Earn, Deafness, whleh is generally Nervous, and that distressed complaint, called Tlo Doloreux. DR. CHRI8TIE r 8 GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast service in cases of Convulsion* or Fitf. Spasmodic Complaints, nnd general Nervous AffecUoni of the Head and upper extremlfies. Also in Palsy and Paraly- sis, and all diseases caused by a deficiency of power or Nervous Energy in the llmba or other organs of the body. (»- Many hundred Certificates from all parte of the country of tho most extraordinary character con he gives, if required. to-No troublo or inconvenience.attends Xho u«e of DR: CHRISTIE'S G A I. VANIC A R TICLEB Md they may be worn by the most feeble and delicate with perfect ease and safety.' In many cases the senmtioii attending their use is highly pleasant and agresabls. can be sent to any part of the country. Fricea: The Qalvanlo Balt, \ Three 2;’ Oalvauio Neoldac*, TwoJDoll Oulwanlc BracalaU, OwDoUe RbCMtfaiVWd, O^l IE5 PARTICULJTO CAUTION. An- Btwan of Counterfeit, and iVarlhlen Jiaitali.1 * D. O. MORE HEAD, M.D. OENERAL AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATJcl 13* Broadway, Kew Teak. XIO-FOR SALE in. Rome, GA.,by tho noth o 2.x gents,BATTEY & BROTSEr At Mitridit:., C.a. by V/M RdO! Anil by nutliorised^tgcnts in lira principn! ' of lira State. Jnn. 3, )S50. Clinton anil eliowhere, OO V OHB, HOAnSSNSSB, WHOOI ASTHMA ui aosrt The Uniterm .uccc.s which h';. ntu •I,!, pveffl| .alutary cfTiti—W ■ - jf OSliun. of tho Lunga, have I eelrorily eqiieileilbjjfftgfcnimedleia iho nfilii-tcd with entiro chnilfien tlio full belief that it’ will aubdue and remofdl eat oltacke of disease upon tlio throat sod {I results, ns they become pubiioly knownj attract the attention o medical men and j every where. What ia thoir opinion of CHj TOUAL qjny bo a?en In the following’:—' VALENTINE MOTT. M. Prof. Surgery Med, College, New Fei •* It gives mo uleoaure to certify thavahr of Ayer’a CHEIIRY PECTORAL, #ht peculiarly uiiuptcd to cure dteeatdi of unBS ‘ the irr. rev. bishop nr writes in n letter to hi. friend,:*iho wu I der an affection of the Ltmni—-Tlpt PECTORAL nnd If enr medlein- c*uJg will, tlie bleMlng of God IhWwUiAi^jfl ClflEr JUSTICE 1 of Louialana write* “Tbi cured of .everal coven ■ RY PECTOR/J^jjl^^ Thr Canadian J&i .tales, “ That inclement climate, he. to Ayer.'KERRY PE, •trongly reeo mend this Teuton and public generally Let the relieve - -- 1 - Dr. J C. Ayer—Dnr Sir 1—i, from a pninfu! nnd d.rgerou. dieeas gratitude priimpte me tu .end yen th not only in ju.llee to you, but for I in J iko afflielion.. received by tin:; nlna .11 large and