Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, August 21, 1851, Image 3

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■m intensely anxious that South Catollha should lake the’ | initiative, and secedo as early os possible. What May bo the result of the coming elections horo, is uncer tain; but, in" oither fortune” Carolina ought to act.— If the Union party keep the ascendency, Georgia can not recover under two years. Should iho Southern •flights party succeed, then you liavo at once the co-o- peration so much dcBired. Is it not too much, losing sight of the great foundation of tho doctrine of seces sion, vis i State Sovereignty, to insist bo strongly upon tho absolute necessity of-co-operatlon 1 Col. J. M. Calhouni in bis acceptance of a Union nomination forSenator from the 31st Dislricf, of this State, says: " Could South Carolina obtain the co operation of Georgia site would secede," lee. The press at the North are extremely anxious for the elec tion of Mr. Cobb, In hope, no doubt, or Its resulting in tho effect of the keeping South Carolina from acting now; and if not now, when! perhaps never! Tho Union Party hero are in dread of tho election of Ex-Gov. MoDonald. If we elect him, ns I hove tonid above, South Carolina has co-operation at once ; tfwc fail, will she wait two yenre, not knowing what the result tlien! Hut I have digressed—my mam object was to en treat ynu to ttnitw—join your associations—do not quarrel—do not accuse—if possible, do not differ.— " The .argument is exhausted.” If South Carolina Oven falters now, she becomes a by-word and a mock- , 'cry and the cause is lost. If site preserves her moral dignity, nnd redeems Iter pledge, " to resume the pow ers delegated for speolnl purposes,” the tyranny of a reckless majority Is' checked, and liberty is safe, at . least in her hands. Let me add, that, should Georgia, through her au thorities, foil to second South Carolina, there are thou sands in the State ready, nt the least intimation of co- creion; to bring to her soil arms of flesh, and blood, ‘ nnd nerve, and steel, to uphold her righteous cause of truth and justice. Alas ! the Constitution is dead,' FLOYD HOUSE, lldlBiona liilclligoiKo. A meeting of unusual interest nnd efficacy is now going oh in this ciiy at the Methodist Church under the direction of the Rev. A. T. MANN, the worthy presiding Elder of this District, assisted by other ministering brethren. Somp fifty or sixty, wo learn, have embraced religion, and attached themselves to the Church, whilst a general interest upon the subject of religion seems to pervade the entire community, and ,ve may reasonably hope that many more will become the happy subjects of this gracious revival season. We are also gratified to learn that nt a protructcd meeting recently held nt the Silver Creek 'Church, some six milos from this place, a- fcout Seventy converts were added to the Methodist communion. We hear of good meetings among the various denominations of Christians in different pnrts of tho coun try. These manifestations of religious im provement and progress, are highly gratifying to the feelings of the pious and tho good. Skies Bright. We learn from n reliable source, that our good cause is gaining ground in every coun ty in this district. That Chattooga, Walker, Dade, Gordon, Pnulding nnd Cuss, will give handsome majorities to the Union ticket.— Even Murray is gradually fulling into line, ... and may finaiy go for Cobb nnd Chastain.— The speeches of Dn. Miller nnd Col. Cimb tain, at Suinme'-ville, LaFayelte nnd Ring- gold, are spoken of in the highest terms, nnd it is said, made a fine impression. We say - then to our friends in the East—“ All is fair • in tho West.” \’Ve put Cobb and Chnslain’s majorities in the 5th district up to at len*t ' four thousand. We also hear very cheering accounts from every part of the Slnte. ** .A Mistake.-—-A Rome correspondent of the Feder al Union* states thatjJudge \V. (wo stipposo he alludes • to^Judge Wright) will not support Mr. Cobb, if In i denies tjifl right of secession. Now wo have very r7 good authority for saying that Judge Wright will sup r . port both Mr. Cobb and Col. Chhstain. The same ^‘'Writerclnims Judge II. (Hooper) as a fire-entor. Now wo happen to know that this gentlemhn is nlso fully identified with tho Constitutional Union Party nnd will go with us heart aud hand in the approach ing eleotion. We would say to the Federal Union that fire-eaters in this region are becoming very scarce and beautifully less, ns the first of October approaches «,- - although its correspondent seems to. question the nc- ^ ouraoyof our statement. NEXT WEDNESDAY- • Let it not be forgotteri that the Hon. HOWELL COBB will address the people of Floyd county in this - city on Wednesday next. We know it will be a busy * season with our farmers; but in a crisis like the pres- ent, when the country is in jeopardy, the people should *1)0 willing to make soma sacrifices to further on a good cause. .We onn guarantee thnt Mr. Cobb will not only glfe thorn an eloquent repnst, but a truthful exposition of the great issue now before the country. Come one, come all, then ! even to the few fire- / eaters, who yet hold on to their sinking cause, we [ would say, come! THOMAS WILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. B. HARTWELL, Superintendent* T ndlos’ Department under the charge of .Mrs. James, formerly of Columbus, and favorably known to the travelling public. An Omnibus will always bo in readiness fbr the conveyance of passengers to nnd from tho Hotel. OQh The Alligator Line of Stages to Flodirahus its Macon Office at this Hotel. CHAS. P. LEVY, STEARl ENGINE BUILDER, Machinist and Founder. I S prepared to ftirnish all kinds of Steam Engines and Mill Castings, having an extensive assortment of patterns of the newest and most approved kinds. Cast Iron Water Wheels, of several patterns, of a character thnt will suit all situations. The Ocmulgeo Foundry. On Cotton Avenue, near the Macon tf* Western Depot, Has pocuiiav advantages in fitting up Steam Saw Mills, the Proprietor having had grout experience in thnt burincs*. Many of his Mills aronow in use in this State. There is a constant supply of Gin Gearing, Cotton Press Pulleys, &c , kept on hand. Also, ull kinds of finished Machinery Macon, August 21, IS *>1, Read axo Digest,—Tito very able letter of Prof. . . iLeiber of- ..South Carolina, will doubtless attract the at- r tention of our readers, nnd coming as it does from • olib deeply read in the science ot Government, and largoly convcrsnnt with tho instiiutions of this nnd | ^ -other lands, will have great weight with she public, - T~i' r Mr; Codr's Letfkr.—A1 trough Mr. Cobb was not under the least obligation to reply to the Macon Com mittee who had denounced nnd repudiated him in ad vance, yet our readers will pordeive that he has done so, and most satisfactorily and unanswerably vindi cated hirasejf and the principles of. the Union Tarty of Georgia'. J A GODFREY, OUSLEY & CO., Savannah, Georgia. MMBS E. GODFREY. | N. ODSLBY, | It. F. OUSLEY. MARRIED, „ dri Thursday Evening tho Mth msmm. by tho ’• Rov, Jesse Lnmborth, Mr. James Leuiou to Miss , Lofty Smith, all of this City. ' • — 1 ii— — WARE HOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, N. OUSLEY & SON, Alacon, Georgia. ROBERT FINDLAY, IRON FOUNDER, And Manufacturer of Stonill Ellgiues ttlMl Boitar*. Also, of Gearing and Shading far Mill-, or every descliptlon. B \RK nnd SUGAR MILLS, ol the most approved patterns, Also, Irons for Bul loch’s celebrated Cotton Press, Gin Gear, Plates aud Balls, kept constantly on hand, tho whole of which aro Warranted to bo of the beet material and Work manship, and i\ill be sold on accomdating teims. KT Workshops opposite Presbyterian Church, cor ner of Fourth and Walnut Streets. Macon, August 21,18 •!. ADMINISTRATORS SALE A GREEABLY to an order of tho honorable the Inferior Court of Floyd County, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold before Court House door in the City of Rome, on the first Tues day in November next, within tho usual hours of sale, the following Negroes, to wits Fanny a wo man, forty-eight years old; Israel u man, thirty-five years old; Epponger a boy, thirteen years old; Min erva a gitl, eleven years old; Cundis a girl, seven years old} Muriuh a girl, tlirco years old ; together with Lotsol Land Nas. 30-1 nnd 274, in the 4*h dis trict and 4th section* nlso, Lot No. 14, iu ‘.ho 22d district and 3d section; and Lot No. 103, in the 5th district and 4th section; all the foregoing Lots oi Land lying in Floyd county. On the kaino day will be sold buforo ihe CouJt House door in Cassville, Cass county, Lot of Land No. 513, in tho 4th district and 3d section. All tho ubovo property belonging to tho Estato of William Junks, late ol said county deceased, and sold tor tho benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased. THOMAS S. PRICE, ) A . . WM, G. MILE , j Admrs. Aug. 21, 1S51. DISSOLUTION. T HE Firm of Osgood, Alsobrook & Co. wits dis solved this day by mutual consent. All debts duchy or to tho Firm, will be settled by J. W. M. Berrien, who lias the notes aud aceountsof the Firm for collection. Immediate liquidation is requested of all indebted to the firm. JAS. E. OSGOO. JACOB E. ALSOBROOK, Aug. 4, 1851. JAS. W. M. BERRIEN, JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. LBS. Bacon and GOO lbs. Lard, for salo for Cash, F. M. ALLEN, 2,000 BBLS. Superfine and Extra family flour, for 45U sale by, F. M. ALLEN. GLOVES- L ADIES and Gents white colored ICid, silk and Lisle-thread, Ladies Colored and Black '‘ohoir Pic-nic,and children’s Lisle-thread nndcotton Gloves. DENNIS &, HUNT. NEW YORK IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. FREEMAN, HODGES & CO. 58 JLtborty Struct* Between Broadway and Nassau Street. NEAR TUB roST-OPFICE, NEW YORK. W E nra receiving, by daily arrivals from Europe our Fall anil. Winter assortment of rich fash' unable fancy silk nnd Millenary goods. Wo respectfully invite all Cash purchasers thor oughly to examine our Stock and Prices, nnd, as interest governs, we feel confident our goods and prices will induce them to select from our establish ment. Particular nttention is dovoted to Millenory Goods, and many of tho articles aro manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot be surpassed Iti beauty, stylo and cheapness. Beautiful Paris Ribbons, lor hat,‘cap, neck nnd bolt. Satin anil Tnfieta Ribbons, of all widths and colors. Silks, satins, velvets, and uncut velvets, for hats. Feathers, Americ n and French artificial flowers. Puffings nnd enp trimmings. Dicss trimmings, largo assortment. Embiolderios, capes, collars, underslocves and caffs Pino embroidered rovloro und hemstitch cambric handkerchiefs. Crapes, lisscs, tarltons, illusion nnd cap laces. Yalencienos, Brussels, thread, silk, mid lisle thread laces. Kid, silk, sowing silk, lisle thread, merino glo 1 and mitts. Figured and plain Swiss, book, bishop lawn and Jaconet muslins. English, French, American and Italian Straw Goods. July, 31,1851. AGRICULTURAL FAIR- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Cherokee County, Alabama. T HE undersigned, having determined to remove West during the next fall, offers his Inrtn at a re duced value. There is in the tract of Land, Two hu- drcil and thirty-six acres ; ono hundred nnd fifteen of which is first bottom, and not surpassed by any lands on Coosa River for fertility or loenhty ; sixty acres of the bottom in a fine state for cultivation ; the residue, one hundred and twenty-one acres, is good, well tim bered upland. There is on tlie place, threo good springs, d comfortable dwelling house, with other out houses. No place of the same size, combines more advantages, either for cultivation or a stock farm ; sit uated in a beautiful volley, (Turkey Town) nnd sur rounded with good society and flourishing schools. The outlet is fine, the country healthy, and steamboat nav igation at the door. With tho farm, I will sell my present crop of corn and cotton, wjth nil my stock and fanning utensils.— A bargain can be hail. Address me nt Turkey Town, Ala. July 17,1851. JOHN F. EDWARDS. DIRECT UIPORTATiOil WASHINGTON HALL, ItlACOX, CEO.. TO 2 BIS P UBLI C. Y OU qfcnnot be better pleused'than nt this old es tablished House. The rooms are comfortable I'nni! clean, and the. proprietor is willing to do any %thing in his power to please his customers. \Macon, Aug. 21,185ly E. S. ROGERS.. WE, tho Board of Managers of tho •• Agricultural and Mechanical association ofFloyd County," weie instructed at its Inst meeting to appbint a time nnd piaco for the noxt meeting. So me members of tho Board having wnitaI on Mr. Wm. U. Smith, helms kindly given to tho Association, a lenso ot Five Acres of Land surrounding tho John Smith** Spring. Wo wonURthorefore, in accordance with instructions nppolnt Thursday, 11th jay o Arpt. as tho day, and would cordially invju all who loci nn interest in Agricultural improvement to meet at tho grounds of tho Association, upou tne Railroad, lialfa mile above Romo ; bringing with thorn thoir families. Tho presence of tho Ladies particu larly requested; and ns there is to be speaking, wo would suggest tlmt families bring their baskets and have a PIC NIC upon the occasion. Our President Colonel Popo, Colonel Wooih, Mr. Townsend and others, will address tho moettng upon tho subjects connected with agriculture. Tho business before tho Association will bo to appoint delegates to the “Southern Central Agricultural Association” to be held in Macon in October noxt; and to appoint tiino for Quarterly and Annual meetings. Wo hope to be encouraged by a fall attendance. YV. T. PRICE, J. \V. P. WARE, J WATTERS, D. S. PRINTUP, C. L’HARDY, HOUSTON AYCOCK, i v uuuni’Dv A. N. VERDERY. oinc, August 7th 1851. HILBURN HOUSE. FACTORY YARNS. iu4 Striped Osnaburghs. for sdJe by.tho [ Fac-ory prices. Merchants are.Jnvh SENS Chareston, South Carolina,) August, 1851. ] rpHE subscriber will have in Store by, the first of X September next, aa extensive assortment of FOREIGN GOOD*, Imported direct to this Port. Comprising Plain, Figured, Black, Fancy Col ored, Figured, Watered, Glace and Chenc Dress Silks. Bonnet nnd Lining Silks. Black and Colored Merinos, CnshmorsnndDc’Laines. Ginghams, latest Styl t s. A very full Stock of n ew Style Bonnet Bibbotis. Gloves, of every description. Alargo Stock of Shawls Hosiery, Silk, Wotsted and Cotton. Silk, Thread,"and Cotton Laces and Edgings. Embroideries, Cloths and Cassimeres, Tailors Trimmings. Ho will have in addition a full supply of American Mnnufuctured Goods. The nttention of Dealers generally, is respectfully. Solicited. JAMES B. BETTS, August 14,1851.. 133 Meeting St. T HIS new nnd commodious establishment U now offered for sale, anil if not sold before tho first of September, it will then bo to rout or lonso for one year or more. Tho location of this building being convenient to tho Rail Road Depots, gi vos it advantages over any other house In tho city. The Store under the Hotel,nearest to the depot, will bo routed also if tho property Is trot sold—pos session glvon first day of Ootober next. Apply to oither GEO. S. BLACK:} r, o* W.S COTHRAN,S Owners. July 31, 1851. J. U. POWELL, > WHO WANTS TO 11IJDE} A FINE new Buggy for sulc. Wlmpey’„ moke. CA. Warranted, nj.ply to F, M ALI.EN. August, 7tlt 1831, HOISERY. L ATllES*, Gents' nnd Misses' IIosi riety, at low prices. July at. WHITLOCK & COSKERY. Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Augusta, Georgia. T HE subscribers have entered into Copartner ship for tho transaction of n General Warehouse und Commission Business, and tender their service* to tho late patrons of Fleming, Whitlock & Co,, anclCosKEUY, Janes & Co., anil tho public general ly. They are prepared to afford tho usual facili ties to their customers. Orders for family {Supplies, Bagging, &c. filled at the lowest market prices, All business intrusted to them will have their personal attention, • J. W; WHITLOCK, Lntool tho'Firm of Flemiko, Wuiilook & Co. JOHN COSKERY, Late of tho Firm of Coskkry, Janes & Co, Aug, 7,1831. COOSA LAND FOR SM T HE Subscribers living in Romo, offer for sale ono of tho most valuable tracts of Land on the A Coosa River of three hundred and twenty acres, original survey. 275 uorps River Bottom, ami about 90 acres in cultivation—a fine spring of water con venient to a handsome building sight, the buildings are common cnbins. This place is situated about fifteen miles below Rome, most of it on the North side of tho Rivei-— a long established Ferry there, anil landings good. Any person wishing to purchase more than this, wo are authorised to say *nat there is other lands adjoining which cau be had oil good iortna. Mr, Stout on tho premises will show thu land to nny person, nnd either of tho snrscribcrs will make known tho price, JOHN R 1HLY, Romo, July 31,1851. W. S. COTHRAN, Floyd Sheriff’s Sales for September- W ILLbcsoldonthofirstTuesdny in Sept, niut bofore the Court-houso door in the Cily of Rome, Floyd, County, within tho usual hdursof sale the following property, to wit • Lot of land No. J0S2, in the 3d dist. nnd 4th sec tion— levied',upon’.as the property of John Warmaek,to satisfy a ft. fa. from Habersham Superioi Court, in fa vor of Huckett fe Jarrett vs. John Warmnck. Prop erty pointed out by plaintiff's ntt’y.- Lot of Land No. 117, in the 4th district and -1 tli section; levied on as the property of Isaac IVrkie to satisfy four fi. fits, from a Justices court of Hall county. 392 district, G. M. in favor of Jesse Lott" Isaac Pc-ikie. Also, a speckled Mare about six years old,one yoke of oxen about4 years old, 1 pnlo red cow and calf about 12 years old, I two horse wagon, and one three horse wagon, 1 bay horse about 10 or i2 years old, 1 pale red yoke of oxen—all levied upon as the prop erty of Anderson Alien, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Floyd Superior Court, in favor of James Hemphill vs. An derson Allen. Fi. fa. cautrolleil to John Moore. July 31,1831. T1IOS. S. PRICE, Sh’ff. * All l*erii6iis T NDEBTEDi to WM. E* ALEX AN DR & Cq. ci ther bv note or account, are requested to call .and mum tfayl,8&!L At the same time and place. 80 acres of lot of land No. 201, in 22d dist and 3d section—levied upon as the property of Wm. II. Barnett & Wiley Henderson, to sntisiy a fi. fa from tho Inferior Court of Floyd county, in favor of Samuel Wood- rough vs. William 11. Barnett and Wiley Henderson. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s att’y. Thomas A. Carr’s interest in anil to Lot of Land No, 191, in the 25th district and 3d section ; levied on as the property ol Thomas A Carr to satisfy five fi. fas. Rom a Justices Court of Floyd county, four in favor of William II. Isltnm anil ono In favor of Darling P. Blalock vs. Thomas A. Carr. Property poiuteil out by defendant. Levy made und return ed to me by a Constable. July 31,18M. TIIOS. G. WATTERS, D. Sh’ff. Floyd Mortgage Sale. W ILL be sold, on tho find Tuesday In Octobe next, before the Court-house door in the City of Rome, between the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to ug*: Henry T. Allenfl intcre?t in 1G acres of standing corn and 3 acres of standing cotton, 12 head of stock liogs and 5 head of cattle—all levied upon as the pro perty of Henry T. Allen, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. from Floyd Inferior Court in favor of James D. An thony vf. Henry T. Allen. Property pointed out in said mortgage. July 31, 1851. THOS. G. WATTERS, D. Sh’ff. GEORGE JONES, Importer of and Dealer in CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, MACON, GEORGIA. I AM confident that 1 can make it to tho interest of Merchants to bay their supplies of Crockry in Macon, if they will give n clianco. •Assorted crates of all sizes, always on hand.— Call and see for yourselves. Macon, July 21, 1831. 6m WASHBURN, WILDER & CO (OfBmmiiasiiism Ms Folk sum (is, Anri Factors. Jos. Wasiibur.y, Jno. R. Wilder, Fras. G. Dana, | Refer to Major Jno. S, Rowland, Cass county. July 24, 1851. 114 Bay Street. SAVANNAH, Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold on Saturday, tho 23d day of August' next, at .the residence of Wm, C. Butler, lute of Floyd county, deceased, in tire City of Rome, all the perLhable property belonging to; the estoto of snid Win: C. Btitlor, dec’d, consisting of household and kitchen furnitu re, and a complete sett of I louse Join' ere tools. Terms of snlo—credit until 1st dny of Jam unry next, on nil sums over live (failure,the purchasers giving note with npproved security. July 17,1831. BENJ. H. LAMK1N, Adm'r. A Fresh Stock of NEW SPEING GOODS. Just received at Hums’ & Murray’s nONSlSTLNG of c 'ummer Silks, Boroze, DeUnes, Silke, Poplins, Jenny Lind Silks. Muslins. Prints, Cambrics and 'Ginghams, from 12}- to 25 cents, Calico irom 5 to 12j cents, fast colors, bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, very low price and good duality* Gran- o,*.('yith° u t. ® false facej Shirtings,Jit IG yards tor a dollar, Charleston and other lirown Sntrlincs, with a fine stock of Hoisor>, and other articles usually kept in our line, which WO'respectfully invite tho public to cull ulid examine. We will take pleasure in showing, >15URNS & MURRAY. nnd charge nothing for looking, April 24,1851. JOHN S- ANDERSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW W ILL give Ids prompt nttemion to tho snlo ol Lnnds.andtlie establishment of disputed Lnnd Claim, in eu.tcrn T. xn*. lie will also do a Gener al collecting busiuc.i. All on tho most moderate term.. Address Marshall Harrison County Texas. Refxrenck—Judob LuHjffig} J. W. It. llxtlERWoOD. Cun. Daniel 8. Fhinyui’. July 10,1831 UBS GIBSON'S SCHOOL T un exercises of the ubovo Institution will cont inence on Monday 21st inst. In ndditlon to tho branches licretoiore taught, will be ndded that ol Fhencii ntnl Music. The services of Miss M. M. Doi ans, have been secured for'the latter depart ment. Rome, Go. July 10,1851, STATE 0E oyd County- Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1851. Present their Honors William Jouxson, F. I St'L livan nnd William T. Pei e, Justlccs of snid Court. TO ALL TO trilOM IT MAY CONCERN. W HEREAS Jesse Litubcrtli, Administrator on the Estate of.lulm Reynolds, into of snid coun ty, deceased, applies lor Letters of Dismission from the Administration of sold ratine— Therefore, til? I*i aired nnd creditors of snid deceas ed, ore heroby cited nnd ndiiiunislied to file their oh- liie Low, otherwise Letters Dismissiiry will be granted tho applieont nt iho Jninuiry Term Minutes of the court of Ordinary for said coutny. By order of the Court. July 7th, 1951. JESSE LAMBERTH, c. o. o. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to iho F,stnto of William Clinmpior., late ol Floyd county, decenscd, ore hereby requested to mnko Immediate payment, nnd ol persons imviiig demands against said decenscd, wil render them iu sgreunblc to law. M. L. COLBERT. Ex’r. June 12,1831. MffiRESmRlM. rpilK undersigned having located*in Rome, Is pro- JL pared to do Mattress work on terms to suit per sons wishing to puiehaso. His Shop is on Broad Street, threo doors below tho Courier printing ofliao. Persons wishing to purchase will please call and examine my work before uUroaaslng eUewhore. A lew loads of dry corn shucks wanting, for which the cash will bo paid. July 31, 1831. JAMES B. CARROLL. FIRST COST. 4 FEW Bareges* Poplins, Lustres nnd Tissue A will be sold at cost to dose out a small lot. DENNIS iz HUNT. A c A DM IN1STB.AT0 Il’S SALE. Sold us the pro of the heirs of said deceased. July 24,1851. P. R. LYLE. Adinr. J UST [RECEIVED—A few boxes of Geor gia Tobacco, which will be soM low by the box Also o lot of fine cut Tobacco in papers for smok ing, equal to Ilavanna, nt July 17. F. aM. ALLEN'S GEORGIA; Floyd County: W HEREAS James P. Totts npj lles to me for let-* tcr9 of administration on the Estate of Thom _ King, late dfsaid county, deceased. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo and opp mrat my office within the time prescribed by law to shew cause, if nny exist, why said loiter should not bo granted^ Given under my hand nt Of fice 83‘.U July, 1851. JESSE LAMBERTH, c.c.o. NOTICE. F T. PENTECOST is my authorised Agent for • the arrangement of any business which 1 may have left unsettled, or in which I may bo intcre.-ted. July 17,1851. S.T. COMBS. COHTJTTA SPRINGS. AARON BURRIS, T IIS proprietor of tho above named Watering Place, would respectfully inform the public, that ample preparations have been made for the reception of vis itors during tho summer. The buildings arc exten sive und convenient, and the table will be furnished with the best tho country affords. Many circumstances combine to moke this tho most pleasant nnd interesting places, ns a SUMMER RETREAT, In the Southern Slates. These Springs are situated irmnediutclvnt tho foot of tho Colmtia Mountains, some 20 miles from Dalton, surrounded by scenery the most sublime and beautiful. Here aro to bo found Medicinal Waters of various characters. In addi tion to the fine mountain air and sublime mountain scenery, inducements to visitors not afforded at any other WATERING PLACE in Georgia,the lovers of tho chnsccnn here find abundance of sport in hunting Deer, Bear nnd other game through the mountains, in the immediate vicinity. As a supersedeas to much that might be said rein tive to the virtues of these waters and the natural beauties surrounding these Springs, the proprietor con fidently asserts, that the place will satisfactorily re. commend itself to all who may visit, as it has to ull who have visited it. Tho utmost energies of the pro prietor exercised,totnakatho accommodations compare with natural advantages of the place ; nnd asfured th »t visitors will not bo wanting. Hacks will always he in readiness at I vey pas-tengers to the Springs'wlthout delay, .* from Dalton to Cohutta Springs, July 17, 1851, - $2 00 lm LADIES CAMBRIC HDKFS. EXOTAMiM HOfEICo* FT71IIS well known pleasant stind Is ngaln upi-n for -*■ tlm accommodation of Boarder- nnd Trans out visiters. J. J. REEVES, Pro. Rome,On., May 29, 1351. FRESH ARRIVAL OF PURE MEDIDINES Well selected to suit l'hysicians.. T INSEED OIL—A good supply, and a very fine nr ■U tldo, PURE WHITE LEAD-A largo supply, and ollured low lor onsli. LAMP OIL—A very superior nrltclo fur winter or summer use. ^ PTJTTY—P«t »P hi bladders, and of the best qunl SPIRIT GASS—A purenrliele, nnd warranted to give the most brilliant light—also Drugs, P.tiutB, Dye- Stuffs, Glass, Perfumes, $•<)., making n lull nnd-com plete stock of every nrtiole in the Druggist line. March 0; 1851. J. D. DICKBtlsON, Ag.-nt. 2 doors above the Bxchnnge Ilutel. Uotnc.On. DISSOLUTION. fpiIE Firm of Wm. E. Au;x*NtiEB le Co. having been this day dissolved by mutual consent, tlie business will be continued nt the old stand, by R. S. NORTON, where an assortment will always be kept us lierctofure- The unsettled business of the firm will receive lb attention of both, WM- E ALEXANDER. Jan. 30, 1831. R. H. NORTON. LBS. Hemlock sole Lenlher for sale. Ap- 'AW idy to F. M- ALLEN Jan. 2. NOTICE. fTMIE Copartnership cxirllng heretofore between J- JIattey A. Ban. having been dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be cominued At the oldstnnd by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of tlu- firm wilt receive tho uttentlon of us built* G. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome, March 1,1851. ROBT.BATTEY. PRIVATE HOSPITAL. TYltS. MILLER rfe WORD linvo opened In this AJ Cliy, n I’RIVATE HOSPITAL lor thu treat- merit of Surgical nnd Chronic disonscs—wbutkerof negroes oi white persons. In such nn eiialill.jfQjiem the exponses or pntlent-are mneh less than prnlor ordinary treutment, and the chances of ouro MHto- tiully lucreiuo-l. July 21, 1S5I. ly JUST RECEIVED, 13 Y the Subscriber, in addition to his former stock, a choice lot of Groceries; consisting,in part, ot New Orleans, Porto Rico, Crushed, Refined Granulat ed Sugars; Superior Rio Coffee, Sperm, Star and Tal low Candles; 12 bbls. Irish Potatoes, for seed ; 30 Sacks No. 1 Penfteld Family Flour; nlso a choice lot of Liquors, Old Cognac Brnudy, Old Port, Pure Hol land Gin,"Scotch Whiskey and domestic Liquors. Hardware, Blacksmith Tools, Hoe.-*, Trace Chains, Shovels, Spades, Garden Rake*, ,Boots,' Shoes jin Hats.. All of which lie offers Ibr salo on as good tovins ns they can be bought in ihe ciiy, March 6,1851. THOS J. VBRDERY FLOYD SPRINGS. TXTILL be opened for the reception of Visitors by » ▼ 20 h of Juno. Visitors w.ll nt all limes find u ready conveyunco from Rome, oither In hacks, bug gies or conches. This is a new wntering place,situat ed 12 miles north of Rome, nnd 13 miles southwest of Calhoun. The road from-Rome is one of the best n the State. The Springs are pleasantly located with fine scenery, a pure atmosphere, and the water equal to nny in the country, contalningsulpher, iron and mag nesia.Every necessary attention will be bestowed upon visitois to render thomcomfortuble. PECK &. HARDIN, ) MeCULLOUGH to MAYS, i iro r rictora - June 5,18 1. 3m Guurdiuit’* Sale. A GREBABLY to on ordor of the honorable the In /v ferior Court of Floyd county when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on. the first Tuesday in July next, before thu Couth House door in the City of Rome, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale the following city lot, to wit x No. 23, in the Coosa Division of said city of Rome. Sold for the benefit of Sarah A. and Wesley S. Trout, miner orphans o Tilmnn Trout, late of snid county, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. March 13,1851. SAM’L STEWART-, Guar ■J AA SACKS Freeh Flour, from ill P.nfiehl J.VfV7 Mills, just received nnd for snle by May 1,1831. T.J. VERDERY. TDUILDERS of Storo and Dwelling houses are in- -■3. vited to exnmiue samples of Mineral Knob Lock.- —white and dark, at F. M. ALLEN’S Fob 2d 1851 (TENNESSEE AGENCY. 20.000 lbs. BACON 2.000 •• LAIID.I 1.000 BUSHELS CORN. TUST receiving nnd for sale at tho Tennessee Agon 3 oy, one door below Johnson, Pope, & Co. Romo, May 8,1851. J. J. REEVES, Ag’t DANIEL S. PRINTUP Agnt for the Southern Mutail Insurance Company at Rome, Ga. INSURES against loss by FIRE; also, LIVES of ersons nnd Servants. ’t CHECKS on Charleston nnd New York, fur sala DANIEL S. PRINTUP, * c ?nt for the Bank of the State of So. Cn. Oct. 10. 1350, GEORGIA-Floyd county— TT7*HEREAS, Jeremiah B. Reeves applies to me ▼ V for Loiters of Administration on the estate of James M. Reeves, Into of said county,deceased— These nre therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo and appear at my office, within the time prescrib ed by law, to show cause (if uny exist) why said Let ters should not bo grunted. Given under my hnnd, at office. August 13,1851. J. LAMBERTH,c.c.o; i-J from 7J cents up to $2 00 each. Also, Black silk Ir.ces, from one inch to eight inches wide—t splendid and fashionable article for.trimming Muutii- nwwvrc i. uitv'P las. DENNIS & HUNT. LINENS. A LARGE variety of plain, corded, nnd striped White Linen I rills. Also, a superior article of Brown Linen Drills, very heavy for pnntaloou use, at 20 cents. DEENIS & HUNT. WHITE SATIN A ^D WHITE KID S LIFPERSi silk Gaiters and half Gaiters, Enamel ed Buskinsand Excelsiors—Kid Ties and slippers, with a general assortment of Mioses aud Children’s shoes. DENNIS & HUNT. June 20,1851. FANS- (^F every description, comprising some of tho very Georgia, Floyd county— W HEREAS, Cadesman Popo applies to mo for Letters of Administration on the Estato of W; C. Pope, Into of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescrib ed by law, to show cause (if any exist) why said Let ters should not MSf Administrator’s Sale- A GREEABLY loan order of the Honorable tho Inferior Court of Telfair county, when sitting as Court of Ordinary, will be sold before the Cour House door in the Town ol Rome, Floyd county, on the first Tuesday in October noxt, within thj usual hours of sale, Lot of Laud No. ICO, iu the 24th dist. und 3d section, Al-o, on the some day will be sold before tlm Court house door in Cherokee co mty, Lot of i and No. b9l in the 2ist dist. und 2d section. Also, on the sumo day will be a.»ld, before the Court house door iu Foray tli county, Lot of i.nnd No, 272 in tho 3d disUnfid 2d section. Also, at the same time, will he sold before the Court house door in Gordon county, Lot of Land No 210, in the 7th dist. and 3d section. Also, on tue some day, will be sold before’the Court houso door in Walker county, Lot of Land No. i2» in the 26th dist. and 3d section. Also, on the same day, will be sold before the Court house door of Lumpkin county, Lot of Land No. 153 n the 15’h dist. nnd 1st section. July 3L U’ JAMES BOYD, Adm'r. F OUR months after date application will be made to tlie‘honorable the Inferior court of Floyd eoun ty, when sitting as a court of ordinary', for leave to when e sell nil the real estate- belonging to the estate of Wil liam Champion, laic of Floyd county ’ '‘'—-**** i4 ' T«S ~~ Notice. A Jifj |U'rstfn§ indcntfril to tlie crate of Willlnm Jinks, Into of Floyil county, JcccnwiI, will plrnse call mill mnko Immcilintc imymem.niu! those linviny claims nqnlfist said estate trill plcnne pre-vnl them in tctnra of tho Intv. Thomas s. PRicr:, AVXLL1AM O. MtLliS, ‘ Adm rs 175 KI3G3 Nnils.iutoi-tcil. FffVsnlc low, whole snlo nnd retnil, by Jim 2, 1830. V. M. ALLEN. 1 A HALES Factory Yarn, for snlo low fty IU Jan 2. F. M. ALLEN. •| K BALES Jjlcnclicit nnd ri.nwn ttoinesjitfks I. from 3-1 to G-l wide, for snh , for sole low hy l'\ M. ALLEN. )A CASES Mon's Boot-nnd Slim s for snle low ■ v by F. M.ALLEN, Jnn 2. GRASS CLOTH. •g AA PIECES Gnus cloth—just Woolvod by JLUU July 21. DENNIS * HUNT. 1 fl CASES J.mlira' Walking shoes nnd klit nlYp’- JL" Iii'rafiom 50 cents n pair up. Fnrn.ilc by ' - '■ |F. M. ALLEN! ^ylUTE WINE and pure Cider V'ljegnr, tot snle by Jim. 2. F. M. ALLEN/ G OOD assortment of Castings, for sale by, July 3. F. M. ALLEN. FREE AND EASY. benttbntfvor boabccll,nnd naBOotlnncV'-r onnbe uffi t- ed iu'tome. Sold low for cash,, GEO.SHAW-' Fob: 20,1881. I)K BUSHELS of first rate Gom Monl just re- £tO i oclved and for snlo by Feb 20 A SUPERIOR mliclcof Family Flour, for enle by Fob 20 G. SHAW. A GOOD article of shelled Corn on linml nnd for snlo by Feb 20 •g /rtf BOXES superior New York Clieere for snle by IU Feb 20 G. SHAW, A FIRST rare I-1 of Bncon just received nnd for i snle by Feb 20 G. SHAW. -g i tAA LBS. of superior Lard jmt received nt I.UUG Feb an SHAW'S. H HALF bbls. rio. 1 Mackerel for mile by I U Feb 20 G. SHAW. Qt’ERM nnd StnrCnndlon for snle by VJ Feb 20 G. SHAW. A First rate nrtiole of Tobacco und Citrus nlwnys kept nt SHAW’S S COTCH Herrings, Snrdinb', Ac.. tuny nt nil limes be found nt the FREE lc EASY HOUSE. O YSTERS, Lobsters, Shrlmpe, Pip’s Fet'f, Keg", &o„ served tip In n superior ninnnei'nt thb' . Feb 21) ' FREE .V EASY HOUSE. 200 R US -. G - 0S - I - IRN BUTTER, for bIIb rf March 6,1851. G. 8HAW’S. State of Georgia, Floyd county. Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1851. I T appearing to the Court, by Ihe petllioh of J'dlirt' T. MOodor nnd Joseph C, Benson, tltiit Thonius McGuire, by bis ngont Terence McGuire of snid county,deceased, did In bis Utcilmo execute to snidi John T, Me . .endor.nnd Joseph 0. Benmm, hie bond, eunditlnncd to execute titles in fee simple tosilil John T, A/endnr nnd Joseph C. Beiisnn, for lot of hint! No. 190, hml two-third* of lot No 197, more or less, it being nil enstof u lino of pnrllilou.iup between snid McGuire mid Boggess, oil being nnd lying iu the 10th district of Cnrroll county, .Viuto of Georgia t nnd it fmtlirr appearing tl at snnl Tbouuis McGuiroduparit- ed this lllb without exonuilng titles to snid lot and part of lot of bind, or in nny way providing therefor; und it appearing that said John T. Mendor und Joseph C. Benson, hns paid tho full amount of tho purchase prlco of snid lnnd, and snid John T. Meador and' Jo seph U. Benson having potilinnud thin Court to direct Terence McGuire,ndiu’r mid S.B.G.McGuire.udm’ix upon tlm estato of the said Thomas McGnlre, de ceased, to execute to them titles to snid lot and par ol lot of land, in confnrmlly with snid Bond— It is therefore ordered, by the Court, that notice bo' given nf three or more public places in slid' county, and In the Romo rourier,.of euob application, tlmfa/l person- concerned may file objections In the r.lcrk’s Office, (if any they htivc) why Bald Terence McGuire, adm'r and 3. B. G. McGnlre, odm'rx, ns aforesaid. should riot execute titles' to sold lot and pnrt of let of land in conformity with said bond. A true extract from the minutes iff Court, given- un der my bond, Ibis 5rb day of May, 1831’. JESSE LaMUEIIMI,c.c. o. R AT HOME AGAIN- R. HUDGINS cun be found nt bis Shop on Broad Street, in die lower port of tho City, pre pare! to do any kind of work In the Corpcniei *u lino and at his usunl low prices. Window Until, niiiltln, Ate., will boki'ptcqnsmrilly.on hnnd. Per sona wishing work done in Ilia line Would do well 10 call nnd see him before rimking a trade eliewlieie. Jnn. 9, IS5i. tim TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. T HE House ond let recently occupied by the sub scriber, next to the Female Academy, mid neat the new Methodist Church. The lot is well improv ed, nnd contains IJ acre- of land, siiilnble for (lower and kitchen gnrdeua. Thu locntiun is plca.outmnd desirable. Enquircofthe subscriber i„ Chattooga,or o Wn. Joiix-ox, Esq., Rome, may 22, 1831.—tf W. GWYNN. GEORGIA—Floyd County. D ANIEL HPRAGGINS or the 8 .9th dullrief, G. M., Tolls before mo, ns an (stray taken up on his premises, one bny Filly, nbnut three yentsoltf.ap- praisi d by Charles E. Russ and Z.'L. I\ litters, Free Holders, to lie worth thirty iloHnr.-. This : 10th day of May 1831. JOS; WATTERS, J. P. •t true extract from tho Esirny Book. July 3, 1851. JESSp LAM BERTH,.Cl'Ir. AARON W- HARSHAW, H AVING permanently located in the Gityof R -me, i, prepared to executo work In tlie above line, ill a sty'c -hat cannot fail to pleuBe'tbe most fu!-thHous. He lias in bis po-session lesiimonl ils frontinany ilidbr- ent persons who have tried his sUH, that will satisfy every one who wish to reter to them. Thote. in Rom -• and the surrounding country who have bouses to pniut cun have it done on ns good terms, imd wilhiis riiucli nentness und dispal'eh by mo as if can'be'dohe by any body else, North or South, Having quit eariiagoond' sign painting,.my whole riltontion will,bo giveu to die above branch of the business. Graii|h)g done in lire rate style, and made to represent any kind of wood or marble desired. Ssl have done a great deal of work iu this part of the country, specimens if which may -to seen, 1 deem it unnecesfiiy to s iy nny thingmore tis to my ability o do good work, but only nsk n trial- May 29,1851-. lifew. filuBio. / J UST receivsd, and-for fole.a five ffippiy oWfpc or the Piano Forte, consisting ei the lutvst Songs.! Mlohcs, Waltzes,&.c. . The subscriber being the authori-cd ngehr oi* » extnsive Music Storey will receive orders at all tin*-* : for any paiticiflur kind of tnusie. Also, ptoutijfoftjg Guitnis, or any kind of mu font inRtr«tn:en!« Orr“““ handed in will he thankfully received, and filled f the earliest dispafefi. J‘. D. DlCKrih^ON,^ October 31, l^.'iO.