Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, August 28, 1851, Image 4

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NOTICE, A VL pMttna indebted to the eatate of Williftm ix Jinks, lit* of Floyd county, deceased, will please call and m»ko Immcdinto poymcnt.ond thooe hiving ctaimi against >nld oatate will pleaaa present them in term! of the lnw» THOMAS 8. PRICE, > A j m . ra WILLIAM O. MILES, j Adm ” 175 Nails, assorted. Foraale low,£hole i aale and rctnil, by Jan. 3, 1850. F. M. ALLEN. 10 BALES Factory Yarn, for eolc low by J nn 3. F. M. ALLEN. ■J K BALES Bleached and Brown Homespuns from 3*4 to 6-4 wide, for aale low by Jan 3. F. M. ALLEN. i Boots and 3lioca for ante low F.M. ALLEN. 2Q CASES Men' Jan a/ 100 GRASS CLOTH. PIECES Grass cloth—just received by July 31. DENNIS & HUNT. TINNING BUSINESS. T HE subscriber would Inform Ills friends and tho public generally, that he is now engnged in the manufacture of Tlii-Wnro of every kind. Also every description of sheet-ron. His shop is on Broad street nearly opposite Wltnpoo’a Carriage fac tory, where he hopes by prompt nttcntlon to ordera to receive a liberal abate of tho publio patronage. Juno 3d, lb'51, IOHN G. MERCK. 10 Jan 3. CASES Ladieo’ Wttlking ahoea and kid Blip- pars from 80 cents a pair njb Forjnib-by^ ||F. M. ALLKI W HITE WINE and pure Cider Vinegar, lot mil, by F. M. ALLEN. Jan. 3. /~1 OOD asaortincnl of Cajtinya, for sale by, Ijr July 3. F, M. ALLEN. SAVANNAS AND AUOUSTA- THE STEAMBOAT CO. OF GEGRGIA Run tho following Stcnmors. na above, via ■ DAVIDL.ADAMS, (irorl)..THOS.S. METCALF, CHATHAM, (iron) TENNES8BE. Which, with tow-boats ntul lighters, nlTortl uise- r/ttailed fncil tics lor Irnnsportntion of rroight lo the interior of Georgin, South Carolina, Tcnnessco and Alabnmn, In connection with tho Rail Ronds, Tho elegant steam-packet D. L. Adams will con nect with tins steamships Florida nntl Alabama— lauding freight by tllctll In 5 days from New York to Auguste. Freight, (now taken lit reduced rules,) will ho forwarded free n/ winmirsion. (O- In order to prevent duration nr miscarriage, bills ol foiling should lie ndtlressftl lo SAM’L. M .POND, President, Savannah. Mercltaudiso frnnt the Interior to JOHN B. GUIEU, Agent Augnsta, June 3(1, lsftl. FREE AND EASY. C ALL It the Free da Easy House, 4 doors below the Choice Hotel, where yon will find a general as sortment of Confectionaries, Frails, toe., of the very besithatuver lias been, and aa good naevet can be offer- edtnRome. Sold low for cash. GEO. 811 AW- Feb. 20,1851. AC BUSHELS of first rate Corn Meal juat re- JZSy reived and fur Bole by G. 811 AW. Fab 30 , SUPERIOR article of Family Floor, lor sale by A GOOD article of ehelledCort: on hand and for aale by Feb 30 |G. SHAW. ■f A BOXES superior New York Cheese for sale by JLU Feb 30 G.SUAW, FIRST rate lot of Bacon juat received and for -V nle by Feb 30 G. SHAW. TOGO LBS. of anperior Lard just received at Feb 30 SHAW’S. 10 HALF bbla. No. I Mackerel for aale by Feb 20 O. SHAW. CJI’ERM £3 Feb 20 and Star Candlaa fur sale by G. SHAW. JOS. W. WEBSTER, ) —•{ GEO. F. PALMES WEBSTER& PALMES, WHOLESALE GR0CEHS, Successors to A. Welles 8$ Co. AT TUB OLD STAND, Ho, 105 Buy Siren, Savannah, Go. THEY HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE. A Doinostio Gin, Brnndy tin 1 Rum, 76 bbla Monongitholu Whiskey, 60 Hnll Pipes, Quarter nmlKMita he#t Fr’ch Brandy 50 bbl«- Port, Meilnri ami Malaga Wine. 8 Pipco Holland Gin, 4 Hilda. St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, 3 Hilda. Scotch and Irish''Whiskey, 150 Boxes .Spanish and American Regard, 130 Hhdd. fair and choice Louisiana Sngur* 60 do. 8t. Croix and Porto Rico do, 150 Bbls. Crushed, Powdered and clarified sugar, 30 Boxes Loaf sugar, 500 Kegs, Halves and quarter Gun Powder, h00 Bags Buck anil Diop siiot, 4000 Lbs. Bar Lead, With a complete assortment of articles usuHUykp in a Wholesale Grocery. They will have a heavy- stock of Gunny Bogging and Ilemp Bale Ropo for tho foil demand, all of which will be sold on casona ble terms. Savannah, June 35,1851. l± First nle article of Tobacco anti Clgore alwoyo kept at SHAW’S CSCOTCH Ilertinge, Sardines, Ac., may at all time. O be found at tho FREE it EASY HOUSE. Feb 20 O YSTERS, Lobetera, Shrlmpe, PIg’a Feet, Eggs Ace., aervod up In a anperior manner at the Feb 30 FREE it EASY HOUSE. 200 LBS. GOSHEN BUTTER, for aale tit March 6,1851. G. SHAW’S. SUM of Georgi* Floyd county. Court qf Ordinary, May Term, 1851. .TTjppearing lo the Court, by the petition of John A T. Meador and Joseph C, Beneon, that Tliomaa McGuire, by' ble agent Terence McGuire of aaid county, deeelaod, did in Ida lifetime execute to aalil John T, Meador and Joaeph O. Bouaon, Ida bond, conditioned .to execute tide* in feeaimple to aaid John T, Meador and Joao|dt C. Benson, far lot of land No. 196. and two-thirds of lot No 197 ( more or lean, il being all east of n line of partition rtm between aaid McGuire and Boggeaa, all being and lying in the 10th district of dtrall county, Statu of Georgia ; and it further appearing that aaid Thomas McGuiredepirtl rtl this mb without executing tide! to said lot and part of lot of land, or in any way provitliug tharofor j nnd it appearing that aaid John T. Meador nnd Joaeph C. Benson, has paid tho fall amount nf the purchase prlco of *aid land, and aaid John T. Meador and Jo seph C. Benson having potltlonod this Coart to direct Terrence McGuire,adm’r and S.B.G.MeGuire,adin’rx upon the estate of the aaid Thomas McGuire, de ceased, to execute to them titlas to sold lot andftnr of lot of land, in conformity with aaid Bond— It la therefore ordered, by the Coutt, that notice ha given at three or more public place* in aaid county, and in the Rome Courier, of auch application, that ail persons concerned may file objections in tbc Clerk’s Office, (if any they have) why aaid Terence McGuire, adm’r and S. B. G. McGuire, adm’rx, aa aforcaaid, should not execute lilies to said lot and part of lot of land in conformity with said bond. A tree extract from the minutea of Court, given un der my hand, thla Sth day of May, 18.81. JESSE LAMBEHTH.e.e.o. NEW ARRIVAL. HE underalgnatl begs leave to inform the _ citizens of Romo, lla vicinity nnd the public generally,that lie litia Just received nnd opened a new Stock of WATCHES nnd JEWELRY ol tho very la test paterae and finest elyle, His friends and a captain toners are cordially incited to give him a call and ex- online Ilia assortment.' All klnd.ofiepsiring done to order, and goods nnd work warranted. His establishment will be found a few doors above the Ililburn House, Depot Square. J. G. AfcKINZlE. Dec. 19.1850. Far the Care af COUGHS, OOX.BS, HOASHVXaS. BKOMCHITXB, WBOOFXNQ-OOVOB, CROUP, ABTBKA and OOHIUMPTIOW. Among the numerous diseoverlea Science has mad in this generation to faeilitnte the business of life—in crease lta enjoyment,and even prolong the term ofhu man exlateneo, none can be named of more real value to mankind,than thla contribution of Chemistry to the honllng Art. A vast trial of Its virtues throughout this brand country, hasproven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination ol medicine*, yet known, can so surely central and cute tho numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept front our midst thousands and thouaaiuls every year. In deed, there ianow abundant reason to believe a reme dy has at length boon (band which can be relied on to cure tho moat dangerona affections of the lungs. Our space here will not permit ns to publish any proportion of the curca effected by its use, but wo would preset!' the fallowing opinions of eminent men, nnd refer forth or enquiry to the circular which lha agent below mum cd, will always be pleased to furnish free, whrreiu are full particulars, and indlsputnbfo prool of these facts. From the the President of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK. "James C. Ayer—Sir, I have used yaur Cherry Pectoral in my own ease of deep-seated Bronchitis, am satisfied from its chemical constitution, that It is an admirable compound for the relief ot laryngloland bronchial di fficultlea. If my opinion as to its superior character can hoof any aervico,you aro at liberty to use it aa you think proper. Ed. Hitchcock, L. L. D. Front tho widely celebrated Profeaaor SILLIMAN, M, D., L. L. 1)., Professor of Cemislry,Mineralogy, die, Yo|e College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Societies of America and Eu rope. "I deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composi tion from some ofthe beat articles in the materia med- cu, and a very effective remedy for tho olata of dis eases it la Intended to euro.” New Haven Ct. Nov. 1,18«9. Major Pattison, President of the S. C, Senato,states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful suc cess, to euro an inflammation of tho lungs. From one of the first Physician* In Maino. Saco, April 36,1849. Dr. J. C. Ayes, Lowell. Dear Sir, I am now con stantly using your Cherry Pectoral In my practice, and prefer it to any other medicino for pulmonary com- pininta. From observation of many severe cosea, I convinced it will cure coughs, oolds, nnd diseases of the lunga, that have put to dttfinneo all other remedies, I invariably recommend ill use in caaea of constimp- lion,nnd consider it much the beat remedy known for that disease, Respectfully yaun, I. a. Cushman, M. D. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayes, Practical Chemist, ImccU, Slau, LIVER COMPIjAINT. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC OR NEYVOU8 DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEY and all diaeaaoa aris ing from a disor dered Livsr or Sto mach, such aa Constipa tion, Inward Filsa, Fullness, or blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nauaaa, Heartburn, Dis gust for food, Fullness or Weight In pile Stomach, Sour Eructations, link ing or Fluttering at the Til of the Stomach, Swimming of the Hood, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Flut tering al the Heart, Cho. king dr - Suffocating Ssuaations when in a lying potlnre, Dimness of vision, Dote or Woba before tho Sight. Fever and Dull Pain in the Hoad, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Psln in the Side, Back,Cheat, Limbs,Asa., Sudden Flushings of Heat, Burning in tho Flesh Consttnt imaginings of Evil,and Great Depression of Spirits, Cost bo Permanently Cured by i>R. HOOFLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, rasrABBD sv DR. C. M, JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No, 190, Arch Street, Pliiludelphla. Their pawor over the above diseases is not oxoal- led, if a quailed, by ony other preparation in the United States, aa the e.traa atteat, in many eases afisr skillful physicians had foiled, Tlteso Bitters ore worthy tho attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver ar.d lesser glands, eaerols- ingtlio most saarehing powers in weakness and aP factions of the digestive organs, they are, withal, •afe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. BANKS A EDDLEHAN, DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, PFGS, SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, Sic. Atlanta, Ga., a AVE on hand n large stock of Leather, Lnsta, Pegs, Findings, Tools, ha., nnd will fill orders at Augusta prices, with the freight added. Shoe-Ma- Acrain Cherokee Georgiaand Alabama would do well lotry them, as they might "go fnrlhornnd fore worse.” They also have a large stock of well assort'!- (loots and Shoes, mode expressly for them, which tray will warrant. They are superior,and no mistake, and will be sold cheap. Also, hoavy doubled sole Negro Shoes, manftotnr ed by tliamsolvas in Atlanta. These are for superior to any Negro Shoea before offered in this pnrt of the esuntry, and will be eold on aooommodating terms. They are prepared alio, to make to order fine single and doubled solo Bools, or any otlior kind, In a stylo unsurpassed in this country. Nov. 38, 1880. AT B0XE AGAIN- R R. IIUDGINS enn be found at Ilia Shop on , Broad Street, in the lower part of the City, pre pared lo do any kind of work In the Carpenter’s line and at his usual low priaea. Window Mush, Blinds. he., will be kept constantly on hand- Per sons wishing work done in his line would do well lo call and eeo him before making n trade elsewhere. Jan. 9,1851. Cm TOWN PROPERTY FOB SALE. T HE House and lot rocontly occupied by the stilt acriber, next to the Female Academy, and neat the new Methodist Church- The lot is well Improv ed, and contains IJ acres of land, suitable for flower and kitchen garden. The location is pleasant end desirable. Enqnireofllte subscriber in Chattooga, or o W». JoatfaoN.Eaq., Rome, may S3,1851.—tf \V. OWYN.N, GEORGIA—Floyd County. D ANIEL SPRAGGINS of the 859th district, G. M„ Tolls before me, no nn cetray taken up on hia premises, one bay Filly, about three years old, ap. praisedby Charles E. Russ and Z. L. \\ niters, Free Holders, to bo worth thirty dollars. This 10th day of May 1831. JOS. WATTERS, J. 1>. A true extract from die Estruy Book. July3,1851. JESSE LAMUBRTII, Cl'k. Sold In Romo by Battry Brother, in Marietta, by Wm. Root,in Augusta by Havieahs, Risusy, & Co., and by all Druggists throughout tho St" I*, march 30,1851. ly SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. GEORGE BONE R espectfully informs tho citizens of Floyd and tits adjoining Counties, and the public gener ally, that lie hoe permanently located in Ilia City of Rome, with tho intention of carrying on the CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS In all Its vurious branches. From his long experience In one of the mast extensive Carriage manufactories in the State of North Carolina, lie flatters himself that lie will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may feel disposed to test his mechanism. " Equaled by rxw and Excelled by homs,” it hia motto, and in order to carry this fully in to effeot, he employs none but firat rate workmen in every department of bis business, from the turning of n common wagon-spoke, to a full (rimmed Pleasure Carriage. In connection with ills establishment he hos an extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate business and fill orders in work- muthkc style, lie cordially invites the public, nnd es- _ pecinlly those who arc disposed to encourage " home the meansofenntehing nty life from a premature manufactures” to give him a cull nnd examine hia Car- [signed] HENRY 1 WISEM, riages, Buggies and Wagons, before purchasing else where, os he is determined to sell for cash or to punc tual customers, on ns good terms ns can he obtained South nf" Mason and Dickson’s Line,” Repairing done to order, and in the shortest possi ble lime. Hia establishment limy be found in the immediate vicinity ofthe Rail Road Depo and next door to the Ililburn Houso. Broad Street, Rome, Ga. January 1st, 1851. DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR. A SAFE and certain euro for consumption of the Lungs, spitting of blood, coughs, colds, Asthinu pain In tho side, bronchitis, hooping cough, and nl, pulmonary affections. Extracts from Certificates Which con be seen in full by calling on the ent a getting a pamphlet.) Mr. Adam Harris, Asristant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital,New York,soya; Dr. Rogers’Liverwort and Tar cured o coso of tho most distressing Asthma of twenty-six years standing. [signed] Adam Harris. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, soys—I had thn consumption, attended with the moat diatres- sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood from llte lungs, and all my friends and physicians gavo mo up to die, yet a taw bottles of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar restored me to perfect health I Gabriel WnmnEAn, Sworn to and ntbsorlbed this 87th day of Novem ber, 1846. II. E. SrexcER, Mayor of Cinoinnatti* Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) snys—I had the pulmonary consttmplion, attended with n most distressing cough, which reduced mo to a more skeleton, and although under the care of an able physician [Prof. Harrison] 1 continued to grow worse, and gavo up alt hopes or recovery! At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Regers' Liverwort nnd Tor, which entirely healed my lunga and restored mo to perfect health, by the use of a few bottles. [signed] Ann Child. KJ- Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says— Although it may seem unprofessional,Ifrel constrain ed to state that 1 used Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tnr in the case of Charles Wade, who was quite low with pulmonary consumption, with the happiest effect, after the ttanal remedies had foiled. [signed] Wm. Ricrards.M. D The following is written from Elisabethtown, Ky.t Your Dr. Roger’s Liverwort and Tar gives great sat isfaction in ibis place. Dr. Howtird prescribes it, and Vronounces iijone of the best medicines in use. E. H. Hatceaft, Druggist. Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Patriot,‘Gallia county, O., writes -Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar haabren HOUSE PAINTING. AARON W. HARSHAW, TIAVING permanently located in the City of Rome, •IX is prepared ftrexecutu work in the above line, in a style that cannot foil to plense the most fastidious. Ife has in hia possession testimonials from many differ ent persons who hnve tried his skill, that will satisfy every one who with to refer to them. Those in Rome and llte surrounding country who have houses to paint enn have it doueem-RS good terms, and witlt as much neatness and dispatch by me aa it can he done hy any body else,north or South. Having quit carriage and sign pslmiuK.tny whole attention will bo given to tho above branch of the business. Graining djpne in lira rate style, nnd made to represent any kind of wood or marble desired. As I have done a groat deal of work inlhis part of the country, specimens of which may be aeen. I derm it unnecessary to eay any thing more as to my ability o do good work, but only nsk u trial May 39,1851. DAILY LINE OF FOUR HORSE POST COACHES* ROME TO GUNTER'S LANDING. TIIK Proprietor takes Ions ure in announcing to tho pub* Ho, that ho lias reestablished his line ol Four Horse Poat Coaches, between the above points, oonnecting a Gunter’s Lauding with the Di»cnt ,r Mail Boats, nnd nt Home with the Rome Unilrond. A dine of Four Horso Coaches from Montgomery, connects with the above route at Blue fond.; leaving Blue Pond on the arrival ot the Coach from Gunter’s Landing, on Mondays, Wednesday* and Friday?, nt IS P. M.— Fair—Montgomery to Htmtsvdllo $20 ; to Nashville $25 A-tri-weekly line of Four llorso Coaches is now in operation from Rome to Jacksonville, which will bo extended to feUytoDuft soon at the connecting line to TusealooHa fcatocked with Coaches ; lenving Rome, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays*, on the arrival of the Cars, end leaving Rlyton Wednesdays, Fridays anti Sunday*, at 8 A. M. Fob 0, &851 J. R. POWELL. New Mnsio. J UST received, and for role,a fine supply oMfusu or the Piano Forte, consisting ot the latest Songa.i Mfckca, Waltzes,Nc. The Subscriber being the, authorised agent of an cifnsiva Music Store, will receive orders nl all times for any particular kind of music. Also, 1‘iotto Fortes, Guitals,- Qr any kind of mu'icul instruments. Ordera handed in will be thankfully received, and filled with the earliest dispatch. J. IJ. DICKERSON, Ag’t. October 51, 1850. DUR-months after date application will be made to i.Honorable tho Inferior court of Floyd county, ilting for ordinary purpoere, for leave to sell the ’•William C. Bo tier, 1» to of snid county, BENJ. II. LAMK1N, Atljn’r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. O N the twenty-fifth day of July next, will bo sold, at the residence uf the lute WjlUntn Champion, deceased, a potlton of the personul property of said deceased, consisting ol all the household and kitchen .fumiturc.fuund, aa-belonging to the Estate of said de ceased, forming tools, whest garner, a small lot of lumber, four bushels com, some brick, one blind mare, one saddle and bridle, wheel-barrow, a few cattle, aix head.ordinal, six acres wheat, the rent of eight acres corn, nnd three and a half cotton, three acres oats, and live acres new ground corn. Terms o( sale—note with approved security at 12 months credit. M. L. COLBERT, Ex’r. June 12,1851. Mr. Merriwonther, of Denmark, Tenn., writes— Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and haa oo metewith grant success' A young man of this place, suppcaod by every ono to be in the Inst stage of Consumption! was entirely cured by its use! [signedJ [David Merriweatuer, Druggist. Mr. H. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia, O., states— A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was appa. rently in the last atago of tb« Consumption, wan re stored fn perfect health by the use of Dr. Rogers’ Liv erwort and Tar. The euro was a juoauxtraordinnry one. Dr! Wilson, fan old jo bool Physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, O., writes—I have been the family phyaioian of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve yeora, and during thnt time ahe has aiifferod Willi diseased lungs, which finally setllcd into pulmonary consumption ! She was entirely cured by the use.of Dr Rogers’ Li verwort aud Tor. H. ’R. WIL80N, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, That wherever Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of'Li verwnrt and Tar haa been introduced, it ia superceding every oili er Cough Medicine before the public This t ewltolly wi ng to ita truly wonderful medicinal virtues. Be warned in Season! And neglect not that oottgh which la daily weaken ing your constitution, irritating yourthroat and lungs, and inviting an that dread disease, Consumption, when BO soothing and healing a remedy can ha ob tained as Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. Beware af Counterfeits and Base Imitations. The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price, 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85, Sold wholesale and retoil'by JiCOVIL h MEAD, 113 Chartres st., bet. Conti and St.'Louis, N.'Oilcans, Sole agents for the Southern States, to whom ail orders and applusitions for Agencies must be oddress- ‘ 'ocs- Sid by BATTEY As BRO., Rome, St. ,Som era & Bro., Kingston, Gtt. John Erwin, Cassvillc, J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; J. W. Robbins, Cava Spring ; J. L. Elliot h Cn.^ Cedar Blnft Ala. Ciias. Robinson, Esq. Easton, Md., in a letter to D*. Jackson, Jan. 9, 1850, said— " My wife and mysslf have received more bene fit Irotn your medieino than any other we hnve ev er taken for the lETDyspepela and Liver disease.'' "TunTenthLeoion,"published al Woodstock, Va.,Jan. 10,1850, said— "A GREAT MEDICINE." " We have uniformly rofrainod from reeommend. ing to tho publio ar.y of (he various Patont Modi einea of tho day, unless thoroughly convinced ol their value. Among those wo consider worthy ol nolica ia lha Desman Bitters, invented by Dr. llaorLAND, and prepared by Dr. Jaokaon in Phila delphia. One inatanoo in particular, in which lha superior virtues ol this modioine hove boon tested, hos fallen under our observation. During tho tail summer, o aon of Mr. Abraham Crnbill, of this coun ty, woo very seriously aflitetod with Liver Complaint nnd after trying in vain various remedies, Ira pur- chased a bonis of the llittora, and after using it, was so muoh raliaved of his diatreaaing malady, that he procured number hotllo, and il restored him en tirely to health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judos M. M. Noah, a gentleman with greet sci entifie end literary attainments, said In hia New York Weakly Messenger,” January 6,1850. , *' Dr. lloorLAND’a German Bitteob.—Hero is a preparation which the leading presses in the Union appear lobe unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made altar a prescription furnished by ono of Ihe most celebra'ed physicians o( modern times, tho Isle Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hnofland, Professor lo the University of Jena, Pri vate Physician lo the King of Prussia, and one of thegrcaiest medical writars Germany has evarpro' dueed. lie waa emphatically the enemy of HUM' guo, and therefore a medioino of which he was the inventor and endorser may be confidently reliod on. He specially reeoinmendod It in Livor Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility.Virtigo, Acidity of the Stom ach, Constipation, and all oomplainta arising rtrom a disordered condition of the atomach, the liver and lha inlealinea. Nine Philadelphia papers express thair conviction of ita excellence, and several ol ihe editors now eponk of ila effects from their individual experience. Under thoso circumstances, we fool waranted, not only in calling iho attontion of our readera to tho prasont proprietor's (Dr. C, 51. Jack- •on'a) preparation, but in roaommondtng iho article to all alBielod.” MORE EVIDENCE, The " Saturday Uaeette,” lha best family newspaper published in the United States, the editor soys of DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. " It ia seldom that we reoommend what are term •d Patent Medicines lo the confidence and patron' age of our readera: and, thereioro, whan weracom- mend Dr. Hooflnnd’e German Ditlera,wa wish il lo be distinctly understood that wo aro not apoaking ofthe nostrums of Iho day, that are noised about for n briof period nnd thon forgotten aftar they have dona their guilty race ol mischief, but of a modi, etna long established, universally prised, and which has mat lha hearty approval ortho Faculty itself. Evidence upon evidence haa been received (like ihe foregoing) from all sacliona of the Union, in throe yeara r and tho strongest testimony in ita favor ia, tlietthereis more of il used in tbs prnolica ol the regular Physicians of Philadolphit than all oilier nostrums combined, n foot lhat can easily be esta blished, nnd fully proving lhat a scientific prepare (ion wilt meat witlt their quiet approval when pre sented even in this form. This modioine will cure Liver Complaint and Pis- popsia no ono eon doubt, alter using it as directed It ncta specifically upon iho etomteh and liver—it ia preferable to caluntel in all billioua diseases—the effect is immodialo. They can bs administered to female or infant with solely and reliable benefit, ta any time. JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER Joints, and nil fixed pains whatever. Theao Plasters possess Ihe advantage of being put up in Rlr-tigbt boxes; hence they retain their full vir tues In all climates. This celebrated Pain Extractor has been so exten- sivoly used by Physicians and the people in general, both in this country and Europe, that it is almost need less to aay ony thing about it. Yet there may bo somo who stand in need of ita healing powers who have not yet tried it. For their sakes we will simply state what it haa dona in thousands of casea, nnd what it will do for them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the fallowing trrtimony from a Physician Gentlemin—Your Hebrew Plaster haa cured mo of pains of which 1 have Buffered for twclvo years poat. During this period I labored under an affliction of my loins and side, ami tri d many remedies lhat my own medical cxperienco suggested, but without obtaining relief. At length I used your Plaster, and nm now by ita good efleola entirely cured. I will re- commend the Jew Dnvid’a or Hebrew Plaster to nl whoareeuffcrlng from contraction of llte muscles, or permanent pains in the sido or back, The people of Georgia have but to become acquaint- ad with Its virtues when they will resort lo its use. Yohra, truly, M. W. WALKER, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe, county, Gn. To Mcsars Scovil & Mead, New Orleans, Lo. JEW DAVID’S OR HEBREW PLA8TER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Memos. Scoviu its Miiad—I have been troubled with tho ehronlu rheumatism for tho Inst twelve years. On tho let of July,184U, 1 was so bad that I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain an severe that I’had not elept a winkf r six tlnys. Al tills lime my at tending physician prescribed tho "Hob ew Plaster," and it noted like ncharm; tho pain left me, nnd latent mere than half ihe night, and in throe days I was able to ride out. I consider the “Hebrew Plaster,” tho best remedy for all sorts of pains, now in use. a. w. Mcminn. Hendersonville, N. C., Aug. 16,1850. Bcieare of Counueftili and bale Imitations. 07 Tho genuine will in future have tho signature of E. Taylob on Ihe stool plate engraved label on tho tep of each box. Purchaaora aro advised that a mean counterfeit of this article ia in existence. The genuine is sold by us, and by our agents ap pointed throughout the South—and no pedlar it allow ed to sell it. Dealers end puichnsets generally arc cautionod against buying of any but our regulur agents, otherwise they will be imposed upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL & MEAD. 113 ChartreB street, N. Orleans, Solo General Agents for the Southern Statee, to whom oil ordera must In- variably be addressed. Sold by Bailey, Rome Gn.; Sommers As Brother Kingston ; John A, Erwin,Catsville ; J. W. Robbins Cnve Spring; J. J. Hopkins, Snmmeivillc ; J. Elliot, Cedar Bluff, Ala. JESSE LAMBEBTH i Broad Street, Rome, Georgia. , _ TJ E9PECTFULLY announce to the public i)$m\ At. they ore now opening and will, keep constantly',] on hand, n lurge and well selected stock of Rcndy-DIndo Clotting, of every description. Alao Hats and Caps, Booti. j nnd Shoea, Umbrellas, Tranks and Carpet Begs. To-, gather with n well selected stock of Ladies nnd Misses. Straw and 8atln Bonnots, JLadics and Miasca Satin nnd Lasting Gaiters oml Buskins, Ties, Slippers and Walking Shoes; Also Parasols, Gloves, mils, Fons, mbs.Acc., March 13,1851. FALI. AND WINTER GOODS. N. J. OMBERa, MERCHANT TAILOR, H AS how on ha nd a well solacted atook of Cloths Cttsslmoros and Vestings, of overy sltndo amt color, together with every otiior nrliote usually kept In nn establishment of this kind. These goods Imvo been selected by himself in Now York, wills (rent oaro nnd particular reference to tho prevatl- ng Fashions. Ho Is also prepared to mnmtlho- lure clothing inn manner nnd stylo not lobe «ttr- oassed in our largost nnd most fashionable Chios’. October 10 lSfif. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE ATLANTA IRON F0UNDERY. I AM now prepared to order Mill Geariog of every description, nnd nil other Costings that arc made In similar establishments, including Gin Gsar, Platen Olid Bolls, dec.', he. Also: BARK MILLS, with Iho latest Improvements, nit of which will be warranted i to be of the best material and workmnnship. I wilt i nlso furnish nil kinds oi MiU Rock nt the lowest rutea 1 for Cash. a. LEYDEN March 8,1851 ly PATENT CAST IRON WATER WHEELS. W HICH will be warranted to out two thousand! foot tf plonk per day, under ony bond ofl water tom four foot up, Muiufooiured by mnrho 8,1851. A. LEYDEN. NOTICE* A LL persons indebted to the EstntOiaf William C-. Butler, lato of Floyd county, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said deceased will render them In agreeably lo law. July 10. BENJ. H. LAMKIN, Adm’r, history - l . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medioino haa attained that high character which ia necessary for all medieinea to attain Is in dues counterfeiters lo put forth a spurious arlicia at ihe risk of tho lives of those who are innocently da- eeived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have lha written signature ofC.M JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in tho bottle, ID*without which, they are •purioua.XS For sola wholesale and retail, at tho GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No- 130, ARCH Street, ono door below Sixth, (Iota of 378, Race street,) Philadelphia, and by re. •poctable dealers generally throughout the country. Also for o.le by DR. J. D. DICKERSON, Dkuooibt, Rome, Ga. August 1, 1850. 43 ly. PROVISION STORE S. <3, WELLS. B ACON, Lord, Corn, Flour, Wheat, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, and Molasses, Domestic Yams,Cloth, Shoes and Leather, - g Dried Fruit, Beef and Fish. Pure Port (Fine, and Pale Otjfrd Brandy, Porter and Lemon Syrup. A email lot of Shoeoon consign ment. A few young men can bo accommodated witlt Boarding. ■ *“ "* Depot .Sqqar, NEW BOOT AND SHOE ST0BE. T HE ttbscriber would respectfully announce the citizens ofRome and vicinity, thnt he haa lust received and is now opening n largo nnd splendid aa- gortment of Boots anti Slioos, consisting ol sentlemett’s water-proof nnd dtess bools, Indies boots and shoes, nnd every vnriety of bools and shoes for children. Also, a fine osaortment of strong course shoes nnd bools for common wear. As he selected bis stock in Charleston tv itil great care, he can confidently recommend il to his friends and patronB, and will repair any rips without charge. Ho also lias on hand nn extensive supply of Hem- eck Bnltimoro upper and solo leather, lino call skin, and a general nssnrtmemormaierials,iu hia line which, together with his boots nnd shoes wiil be sold as cheap as can bo bought in 'his market. He will continue to manufacture bools and shoes as heretofore to order, on reasonable forms. Thankful for past fa vors, he cordially invites his friends and ncqnaintnn' ces and the publio generally to give him u. call. P. A. OMBERG Jnn. 19.1851- T HIS InatituUon will bo opened for ihe admission of Cadets, on Monday the 7th of July, 1851. Tito Institution ia owned by Stockholders, snd is under the control of n Board of Trusters. The Faculty elected, consists of Mnj. A V. Brum by, Gen. James W, Armstrong, Moj. D. H. Hill nml ThomasStewnrdson, M. D. The Snperinlcndant, Mnj. Brumby, is n graduate of West Point.. He comes to us with higher! recent mendnlions frnm the Academic St fi'af that Institu lion ; nnd, nlso, from tho Faculty ol the University of Alnbuma, where he taught Mathematics nntl Clvli Engineering several years. Gen. Armstrong and Maj. Hill are also graduates of West Point; mid are experienced teachers. The latter la at litis Unto Profes sor nl Maiheinatica in Washington College, Virginia, The course of instruction, regulations nnd disclp- line af the U. S. Military Academy, so far na they arc applicable too State Itatitation, have been adopted ant! will bo pu Halted in pamphlel form. Tito Institution ia organised upon tho usual plan of lour Collegla.e Classes. By reference to the follow ing synopsis of studies, Parents nml Gunrtlinns can, at once, see tho requirements for joining either class, FOURTH CLASS. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geom. try, English Grammar, Geography, Composition and Declamation, French. THIRD CLASS. Trigonomery, Mensuration, Surveying, Descriptive Geometry and its applications, Analytical Gcomotry French, Drawing, Composition, Rhetoric, History. SECOND CLASS. Differential and Integral Caluulus.Nnlnraltmd Ex perimental Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Draw ing, Evidences of Christianity, Moral and Mentnl Philosophy. FIRST CLASS. Natural History, d/lnornlogy. Geology, and Fhysi "logy, Political Economy, Law of Nations, Civil and Military Engineering,nnd Civil Architecture, Infant ry Tactics, Science and rrucllco of Artillery. No Cadet will be Admitted who is leas than four teen or more than twenty-fivo yenra of age ; or who is afflicted with any disease or infirmity which would render him unfit for military duty. The Cadets will be occupied a’-out one hour and a half eucli day in military exorcises) but at inch times as not to interfere icilh their regular studies. UNIFORM “FURNITURE, fco. Tito Uniform consists of n light gray cloth contoo. trimmed with guilt convex buttons nml black cord —wliite vest, nntl white Rnssiamlrilling pantaloons, without trimmings, for summer. For wlntor, gray cloth vest and pantaloons, trimmed to suit the com —black stock, white gloves nml white bolls—Mou- roo sltocs and n Forage cap. Xo other drers will be worn i nor will Cadets be allowed to keep other cloth ing in their rooms. Encli Cadet from a distance must provide him- soil’ witlt ft nrattrass and bedding fur a single bed, mnltrnss-cover and bed-strap—ono trunk, one clothes hag nnd six towels. F.aoit Cmlet will unite witlt Ids room-mates In purchasing for their common use, one pine ruble, one looking glass, one wnsli pan,-one pull nnd one broom. In view nl tilt) following regulation: parents nnd guardians sending tlielr sons nml vnrds in this In stitution, arc advired lo deposit with die jSuperln- toodnnt. or witlt somo frientl in Marietta, a sum nf money stillicientto purchase the above articles, nnd to cover till nocossnry expenses for ono Session j nr tlioStiperlmondnmsItoiild bo authorised, in writing, to allow llte Cntlet lo make an ucununt lor a specified sum. Tito regulation referred to is ns follows, vizi ‘‘Every Cadet shall keep a small blnnk book, in which shall bo charged every arliale ho tony pur chase. This book slmll bo turned over t& (lie Su perintendent fo-his Inspection a t tlio end of every month- Any Cndrt who slinll contract a dobt with out permission ofthe Superintendent, or lie furnish ed with ony article whatever, by any storekeeper or other person, without such permission, or whoso pa rent or gunrdian slinll pay any debt contracted by him daring his connection with the Institute, and in violation of thia regulation, shall be dismissed, TERMS. Tuition, Bonrd, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Field Mu sic, sntl all other contingent expenses, [per Session of five monilts,] 5100 Tuition alone, (for resident Cadet*,) per aeision, 25 Field Mueic nnd other contingent expensrs, 3 Any Cadet entering tho Institute after the com mencement of a session will be charged in propor tion lo the above rates. These chargee nicest be paid in advance, for all expenses except the fee for tuition. Every cadet leaving the Inslitu'e bcioro llte expiration of Ihe period for which lie has made on advance, ahnll receive the unexpended balance. Tho Editor of any newspaper in Georgin, Sonllt Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Miesireippi or Tennrssec, by inserting this advertisement in his paper, end aerat ing a copy regtilorly lo the Georgia Military Institute,” shall be entitled to tuition for one Cadet, or his draft at the rate of twenty-five dollars per session, payable in tuition, and in favor of any Cadet, wilj boncetpted By order of the Board of Trustees. May 15,1851—ly DAVIpiRWIN. President Board Trustees. NEW GOODS UJDER THE MASONIC IIILL. Hi J. JOHNSON I S now receiving a very largo and the best assorted stock of Goods ever received by him, couriering of ncerly everyihlng usunlly kept by merchants. Domes tic and staple goods, somo very low price for laboring hands Gentlemen’s line dress Goods, well assorted. French and English Cloths, Cnsslineres, Vest ngs snd Summer Cloths, all direct from the Importers. La dles fine dress goods, nlmosl every description, nnd la tent and ntoat fashionable for Spring and Summer j col ored plaid embroidered, plain and Swisa muslin nnd I-swns:. Fancy silk tissues, Bsriagea, and n handsome assortment of Ginghams of every description, all di rect and of the hunt importations. Ribbons, and n large atook of worked collate, cops, mantillas, visettea, mid many other iirtielcs too tedionn to monflon, La dles best twisted silk Gloves and mils, colored fancy UJufoyet. Linen ami lawn handkerohieft, holsery, &c. BONNE IS—a fine slock colored aalln, lace, gimp, satin straw, Hungarian,pearl and spnniehliairbnnnets. M uw.-a pearl and satin sirow and gimp Bonnets. Both, net silks, flowers and linings : I.ndics kid slippers Olid walking rimes j also a large Mock of Boou antil -lines for gentlemen, flue nnd common. Ready-made Clothing, summer Hals,fine moleskin,, lur nnd tilk hnin. Crockery* China nnd glaaft war<c» hardware, cutlery, saddles, bridles, martingales; also J nfinc ot of sugars, coffee and molasses will, ha sold' very cheap for cash only. He respectfully invites lift foriuar customers mid friends to give him, a, cal| j Im prepared nnd will give the I,eat nf bargniga A liberal reduoiion will be ninila fur,caah foi all bills over S3. Rome, march 37.1851. GBISWOLD’S COTTON ror. 'THE increased demand tor these Gigs rendered it necij essary for the proprit tor to extend hi* works,' which 1m is doing wild enlire new. buildings, and inn rlor new iMsehllii-ry, on iho Central' Railroad, at Gtl woldytl.e, Jones ouumy, Georgia, 81 miles east f lha city of Moeon, Those are not Premium Gins. Net having got fancy one expressly lor lliql pnrpose.kl. sample Gins, a of llte same quality, end of, no belter appearance, lit lliose seal to hie customers j-aud without, soyiei makes the best performing Gin in use, deems il eq«l lent lo say, lhat his are In bones demand than nave now in use—nol having foiled within lbs last five to sell double as many, as ony alhes Factory, in lha t and will guaranloe those he la now mnnufocturini ihe ensuing crop, are llm brat lands Gins In Geari the prlco. ami worth ns mush to the purchaser- t bi si ho enn get in any Stale as any price. lie would also camion Planters notto purchase ( with Wairr Boxes from any other Factory than if Im linn (Slid n high prien tor. and owns the 1 right lo Georgin for all Ihe Water Boxes aver L_. and to llm Oil saving Boses for Ihe entire rollon 1 nnd hereby notifies til who mnke, sell, or use ’ Boxes or Oil-savers other than Ids Frnory.ihsy t held accountable fur damages in conformity with |j lent tows of 1 be country. Ortlors for Gilts by Mall, or through Agents, L, executed, and delivered si Ike puscliaseie door, convenient to a Railroad Depot or landln I I’ MUEL GRISW Fell. 87,1851-, Feb. 1851. Him. DRAYINQ AND BOATINGE T HE underaigned respectfully informs the citizens ol Rome und ita vicinity, tha t they linva entered into Co;,artncraliin for the purpose af boating nnd dray- ing They hold themselves in readiness to have Pro duce, Merchandize, dec., conveyed to any part of the City or Country, end to furnish from their wood- yard an the Oostaneulu River, any quantity of good oak and hickory wood. They have excellent teams, and will bc-lhankful for thopatronngeoftheir friends and tho public. JOHN H. WISDOM 1. Jan* 30,1851. j WASHING,TON HALL, Atlanta, Georgia. T HIS HOTEL lias beau newly fitted up and finely furnished for tho accommodation of Ihe Travel ing Public, generalljr. 03- No pains will be spared lo render nil comfortable vyho in.iy give us n call. 1 ICP Servants always in atfrtidnnoo nt iho Cars to convey baggage nnd conduct Pnsseii B .-a, JAMES LOYD, ProprtMo, GEO. R. FRAZER, Superintendant. N.- -A new and splendid BARBERSHOP If cent ly niiuched, under the same roof. Deo. 5, IS50, JUST RECEIVED and axles for buggies und two-horee wagons, rheifa heavy hardware, ol every style and price,smiths’ roe -licet, hoop and bor iron and steel, hoes, chains. Ice. Also n very large and general stock of Groceries, Af. Inntn steam Mills flour olways nn hand; togethr- witli every oilier article wanted either for city I country use.nlt of which will be sold as cheap aa tho elicit pest cull and sec. . April 3,1831. SULLIVAN CABOT& CO. A. RATS, ■ Fashionable French Boot Hater, u I S prepared to execute work in his line. In n ’ and substantial manner, and will be thankful I liberal share of tho patronage ot Rome ssd vfoi , He may be found at the room formerly occuarndT the Courier Office, on Brand street. ,I— Rome, Jan.23,1851 Portable Hone Power for Wheat 1 /'IAN be net up in the field in oha day. w For sale by FRA-Ncie m. j April24, 1851. .• -ri CARRIAGE limr T HE subscriber _ fill for the intmy repented favors besta upon him “ tor lo' I many yonrs,” by the d sens oi Rome nnd rid ty, would stilisoliclta! timtnnce of their Vint] ago, nnd n visit iron* persons having basin his lino. He may im found nt the same OLD TAJBI.ISIlMBNTon Brood street, 5 Doors Yl R. J. Johnson’s Cnrnor. Wltlilu llto last ui months lie bus groatlyeidnrged Isis shop, and it mntiy nnd important Improvements innlmost j branch oi'Jils business. His nmtorinls nro gog| nbitndtuu; his workmen foitbfiil and con nml lie Halters himself thnt Ilia Carriages, ] nml other vehicles, will favorably compare ft ty, stylo, finish nnd durability, with any J establishment North or South. ■ Connected with his Corriugo Estnb line nn exlensivo Blacksmith (hop nt which Is nn experienced workman wh at home, and holds himself In readiness and hnve hammered, lion and steel to ord Tho citizens of Georgin und Alnbaqijf tend purchasing carrinyes or buggies, nn invited to cull nnd exnmina his work, k will ho regulated to suit tito times, nml hand will ut nil limes command- iho ver gains. WILLIAM Vj Rome. May 2D, 1851. N. B.—Repairing done at tlio-sv nunotually and effcottinlly. • NORTHERN \Y<?f Will ho kept constantly on.bqud^ Jatftig-termsjk* bit acvoinmodn " dunai