Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, September 04, 1851, Image 3

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■S’ contthied In the seeds and leaves, are mea surably dost upon the ground. The best time for mowing is early in the morning or late in the evening, when tho dew is on. The grass then cuts easier, and the scythe better retains its edge; and besides, the middle of the day should be devoted to turning, stirring, raking and cocking; or hous ing or slacking what is sufficiently dry.— With good weather and propor attention, crnbb-grass will bo ready for the born the second day after cutting. Let it be cut in the morning, and turned out of tho swathe when the dew is fairly dried off; let it be rak ed up into win-rows in tho afternoon—-about fourswathos to tho win-row,and rolled up into cockR to protect it from the, dews or rains. The next day as soon ns' the dew is off, let it be spread out again, to the sun and air; perhaps turned once more; then raked up and housed or stacked. By sprinkling a lit tle salt—say one bushel to every thousand weight; on hay when stored, will bollor pre serve it from heat and mildew, and render it quite as palatable and wholesomefor stock Pfeavines, corn cut up at the roots, BWeet po- tatoe vines, &c., may be cured and housed in the same way to groat advantage, hut re quire a longer time to dry. We Would then say to our farmers, have your tnowing blades rakos and hayforks ready, and whon your grass is 'in proper condition—“ make hay whilst the surt shines;’* and “Betty and Brin die” will repay your toil with grateful looks and not quite so soon." kick the bucket ” Tho advertisement of Mr. Norton will at tract the attention of our friends in this and the adjoining counties. His slock of goods is large and select. ^ HO I'OrVhE PIC NIC! Don’t forget the Agricultural Pic Nic, on Thursday next, at Mr. Smith’s Spring, lie there with your wives and sweet-hearts, and fail not to leave your politics nt home. THE CANVASS IN GEORGIA- The canvass which is now progressing in Georgia is a very animated onc,|and its result is loolted to with the greatest solicitude by boih ll e friends and the enemies of tho un ion. The (Yiends of the south and of the union can not doubt that Georgia will prove true to herself. They feel that if she should falter, in this important crisis, those who arc dissatisfied with the union, will ho greatly encouraged in tho warfare they ore now wag ing upon it. The union men can not, there fore, fail to see the importance of doing ll e ; r whole duty. They must elect their candid ate for Governor, and return a majority cf union men to the Legislature. The election of Gov. McDonald is earnes tly desired by the disunionisls,. not only of Georgia hut of the whole south. This is o fact that party does not attempt to conceal and it should stimulate the union men to put forth their energies to rebuke the wild spirit of insubordination that seeks to destroy the noblest fabric renred to liberty in all the world. The people of Tennessee feel more than an ordinary interest in the result of tho present canvass in Goorgia. If McDonald should be elected, have no hope that the slate road will be managed any belter than it has been under tlie.admmistration of Gov. Towns. This is a matter of great importance to the people of Tennessee, and it is right that the people of Georgia should be made fully aware of the fact, for they are equally interested with Us If the toad continues to be managed us wretch edly as it has heretofore boen, the people of Tennessee will be forced to seek some other l outlet to market for their produce. We have heaid of a number of citizens of Hast Tennessee who lost considerably last winter because they could not gel their produce cpnveyed over the Geo-gin road market, and we ask the people of Georgia if they are wil ling that this state of things should continuer We have been assured by the papers of Georgia that the had management.. uf their road was strongly censored by the peoplo, and thai it should he remedied as soon as they could get to tlie ballotbox. We linve, therefore, looked forwaid lo lltc October clcc- tlon in that state with no ordinary interest, and in the full expectation that the dynasty at present in power will ho utterly unnihiln- /ed. A letter now before us informs us that nearly the whole force deployed on the state road favor the election of McDonald. This of itself constitutes one of the strongest ar guments against the election of that man.— The employees are told that by such a course only can they retain their places. There are, we are informed, n .few employed on-the road who do not swallow the dose thus ’offered them. They iinpiv that the road .dongs to tlio.slato, and not a party—that it iis to advance the interest of i he state and not [of a faction, and they have the moral courage Ltoyupport the man who they believe will | most faithfully carry out those intentions.— k Every,man that voted against the union iandidates for the state convention last fall, vho now holds office on the road, should bo trade to give place to a good union man one [whoso qualifications will fit him for the post She niay be called upon to fill. If this spirit ''ervndes the poople of Georgia, they will ave matters righted on the state road. The sense of the peoplo of Georgia with regard to the union and the hotter manage ment of the state roadlms to be expressed in' ictober. These are two vitally important uestinns; and they should he acted upon in 3 most enlarged spirit. If the union party umphe. all will be muiiT; butii the ene- |es of the union triumph, the consequences not, be foretold.—Knox Reg. Important Admissions f« understand-that in the discussion at ittkon Saturday last, Mr. Cobbsucceed- extorting from Judge McDonald those ,riant admission : i That-he is opposed to the Compromise, m That ho does not regard it as an nd- int of the slavery question. 'hat he is opposed to the Georgia Plat- , and the action - of tho Convention of That lie acquiesces in the action of that ,ution, ONLY because it is the will of ity! ;h;s, it appears that Judge McDon ies the position taken by the ; that lie is in favor of a wors to provi-' for the INDEPEDENCE of the Southern States. -In plain English, hoisn rfijitmontsf. and when closely questioned cannot deny til No wonder he has been unwilling to mdet Mr. Cobb in fair discusion before the people. No wonder his friends found so much difficul ty in getting him to enter into The discus sion on Saturday Inst. He is a cunning, crnfly politician and well know that if over Mr. Cobb could meet him face, he would unmask him and exhibit ids disunionism in all its dis gusting deformity. He lias done so, and Judge McDonald now stands before the poo- >le ns thorough a disuuionist ns Mr. Hlielt limself.— Union Banner. MARRIED,* On the 2nd inst, by the Rev J. Knowles, Mr. M. T. Hawkins, to Miss Ann Pau line, daughter of Mr. Rowland Bryan, all of Floyd county. DICK). Tn Cup. County on tho IStli Inst. Win. C. 1’rks* ton son of J. S. mid Caroline Lassitkii, ngoU'Sevt-n ars nine months and llireo days. A ilowot Hint lmd sonrooly boon nipped by tho frost ol'doath. yet green In llie niotnoiy, when tho trim messenger appears again, anil With Ills hoary dost swoops from us anjthor equally ns lovely. Farewell dear babes, you lmvo down from a world of sorrow to the embrne ei Him who said, suf fer little children lo uonio unto mo. You 'cannot return lo us, but wo can go lo you. ROME PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY FRAiNC IS M; ALLEN, ARTim.KS. " $ OT*. Bacon, Hams.. 13 fl 8icle«, - 13 n Shoulder*, •. • • ft Hog Hound, , •• ..ft Bagging, Dundee, yd.. Ky--.. Oumioy Birrran, Goshen lb.. Country Bkef, Fore quarter, .. Himl do Candles, Bon,......- .Spermaceti, Adamantine, Coffer. Java, Book, Cuba, .. Lngnlrn II lo Cotton, CailN, ,, Cans Meal, .. Couiiaok, Bnto Hope, Manilla ,. Cotton......... .... .. Ida Flour, per bbl S3 50 a .Mackerl, No 1 por bbl No. 2 31 a 17 a 35 a 15 Si a 3 a , 30 a a 37ia .. 13 a .. 14 a . 4 a ..10U a ..110 a .. Ill a 18 a 144 ■ 7 110 10 II 20 Nc. 3 ' HIDES, Green,.. lb.. .. 25 $7 50 .... 315 50 ..1.313 ....310 ■ Dry .. 8ft. . 10 Iron, Swode,> ... .. (1 ft . . Oi English*... ... Hud, ............. ... .. 5 a . . 54 .. Oja . 87 Baud, .. 7|n . 10 Hoop, ... .. U ft ! 84 Lead .. 7 n Moi.assks bbl pr gal. \\ r . I. ... .. 37Jft . 40 .. 50 a . 75 Nails, Ketf, lb... .. 5ft. . 0 it ICR, lb... .. 5ft. . Oi Salts, Liverpool pur .Sack ... . 2 00 a .2 10 do do busliL‘1. . .. do a . 1 00 Table, por box......... .. 15 ft . 20 Sugar, N. Orjurins, lb... . .. 8« . 10 Portorlco, . .. 0ft . 10 Delta, . .. 9 ft . 10 . .. II) a . 12 Jlcfincd, . .. 11 a . 12 Loaf, ........ i. ♦ ty. . .. 12 a . 15 . 14 Clarified, . .. 11 a . 12 Tai.i.ow, • S fl . 10 Wool, Haw, .. 23 ft . 25 Roll?, .. 33 ft . 30 FALL HATS. J UST received from Beebe (Broadway, New York) n supply of Fall/IInU*, which for beauty of style and Superiority of Material and workmanship surpass any hats ever offered in this market. Sept 4,1851 DENNIS & HUNT. Dissolution of Copur Cue rut) ip. T HE firm of Burn? & Murray is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the concern will make payment to either of the under* signed. WO BURNS August 28, 18r>I A J MURRAY R. | >’ORTON, At the Brick Corner formerly occupied by Alexander <5y Norton. I S now receiving his Vail and Winter Stock of Goods, which were recently bought in New York nt very low prices and will ho ofTered nt a small advance on cost—consisting of a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hardware Boots, Shoes, Groceries, $c. Among whichiare plain Figured and Brocade Alpa cas, from 20 cents to $1 2.1; English Merenos, rash* meres, Jockonet?, Swiss Muslins, Edgings, inseriings, Thread Laees, Ginghams, Vrtnts, &o. Flannels of idl Kinds. Tweeds, Sntthiets and Kent. Junes Broad Cloth?, Cassimeres and Vestings, A large lot of Negro Kerseys, Plains nnd Linseys, Mncinnw, Wh'tney nnd Ditfml Blnnkets. Tlis Stock of 7/hrtlwnre i? ns good ns the bett In Town; where can bo found Saws of all kind?,'from a 10 inch back to a cross-cut 9 feet long. Also Carpenters* Bench, Moulding, Bead, Match nnd Flooring Planes, Iron, Framing and Trying Squares; Bevels, Spirit Levels, Chisels of all ktnds nnd sizes, hammers, hatch ets nnd Axes; Knob Locks (Old Latches, all sizes, Butts and Bolts: also, Fine Double Barrelled Guns, Rifles, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates, Log, Fifth, Lock, Tongue and Breast Chains, and many things in the Hardware line not heretofore kept here. All of which wer< bought to be told. Call and amine the goods and prices. Romo, Sept 4,1 SSI. f Floyd Sheriff’? Soles for October. W ILL bo sold on tho first ^Tuesday in October next, beforo tho Court .House door in tho City of Rome, Floyd county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property)fo Wit: V ' ' Lot of Land No. 200 in the 9*2d district and 3d section; levied on ns tho property ol John Furgerson to satisiy n fl. fa. issued fiom Randolph Superior Court In favor ot Daniel M. Flemlngvs. John Fur* gersoju* The undivided third part of Lot of Lund No. 334, 23rd district, 3d section—levied cn as the property of Bcnj. F. Adams to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justice's court of Upson county, in Ibvor of Amos W Ham mond vs said Adnms—Levy made and returned tome by a constable. Aug .23, THOS. S. PRICE, Sh'IT. At the same lime and place, trill be sold, Thomas Duke’s inferest in nnd to Lot of Land No. 217, In tho 21 ih district and 3d section; levied on as tho property Thoinns Duke to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from n justices Court of Floyd county, two in favor of Wallis Warren nnd one In fnvjr of Pnrlmm Lindsey vs Thoinns "Duke. Levy made and returned to me by n constable. Lots Nos. 02 and 09, lying in tho Etowah Divis ion of tho City of Rome; levied on as tho property of Thomas C Hackett to satisfy utnxfl. fa, issued from the-city council of Romp vs sa id JInckett. Le vy made nnd returned to me by the collector. Filly acres of Lund, lying on tlm North side of Oostannulla river; lying within the incorporate lim its of the city of Rome; levied on as thu property of D. li. Mitchell & Co, tosntlsjy a tax fi fa from the city council of .Rome vs I) It. Mitchell &Co. Levy made und returned to me by the collector. Lots Nos. .4 and Ul, iu tho Ktohuh Division in the city of Romo, levied on ns tho property of Jacob Herndon to satisfy a tax fi Jn» from tho city council oi Romo vs Jacob Herndon. Levy made and return ed to me by the collector. Lot No not known, in tho Coosa Division of the City of Romo; wlioreon A. J. Huy* uow live?; levied on as tho property of A., ,T. Hays to safisfy a fi fa from the oily council of Rome vs A. J. Hays Levy made and returned fo mo by the collector, Lot No 5$, lying in the Etowah Division of tho ho city of Rome; levied on ns the property ol Win. 3. Bradbury to satisfy u tax fi fit from the city coun cil ol Rome vs said Bradbury, Lov. made utul re turned to me by the collector. A IIou?c nqd Lot lying In the Coosa Division of the city of Rome, occupied by John J. Cohen, Me- Klnzle nnd others; lovied on ns the property of John W. Bradbury to satisfy ft tax fl fa from the city coun cil of Rome vs said Bradbury. Levy mndepnd turned to me by tho colecter. The Lot whereon Mrs. Win. C. Butler notv lives, lying iti the Etowah Division of tho city of Rome ; levied on ns the property of the estnto of Win. C. Butler, docenscd, to satisfy a tax ft. fft. from the rilty council of Rome vs said estate. Levy made Jnd turned to me by the colcctor. VI nnd 07 In the Oostannulla Division of tho city of Rome; levied on as the property of A. B. Leach to sntisty a tax fi. fa, from the city council of Rome vs snjd Lunch. Levy made nnd retained to lap by tho c lector. Part of Lot No. not known, adjoining the Choice Hotel on the West, in the Etowah Division of the city n| Rome; levied on ns the property of Joseph N. Lump kin to satisfy n tax fi, fa. from the city councilor Rome vs said Lumpkin* Levy made nnd returnd eto e by the collector. One fourth of on acre of land, lying in the Coosa division of thejClry-of Rome, No. not known, where on A. J. Hays now resides—levied upon ns the prop erty of A. J. Hays to satisiy a fi. fa. from the 019th district, Floyd county, in favor of H. M. Caldwell v* A. J. Hays. Levy made and returned by a constable. Also half an acre with the improvement thereon, in the Oostatioula dividon ol the city of Romjwheieon Richord Williams now lives—levied on ns the property of Richard Williams to satisfy n fl. fa- from a justice’s court of Floyd couuty,in‘favt»r of Alexander Hodges, bearer, v» Richard Williams—levy made ond returned by a constable. Also, Town lots Nos. 4 nnd 21 in the Etowah di- vison of the city of Rome*—levied upon ns the proper ty of Jheob Herndon to satisfy a fi. fa. from n justice’s court of Floyd county, in favor of Joseph N' Lump kin v? Jacob Herndon. Property pointed out by the plaintiff— Levy made and returned by a constable. Also, one eighth of fmctional lot in the Coosa di vision of the city of Rome, whereon one Davis now lives—levied upon as the property of Jeremiah White to satisfy a fi. fh, from n justice’s court of Floyd coun ty, in favor of G. G. McCoy—levy made and lcturn- ed by n constable. Lot No not known, in the Coosa Division of the city of Rome, occupied by Davit nnd formerly by Jer emiah White; levied on as the property of Jeremiah White to satisfy a tax fi fn from the city council of Rome vs said White. Levy made and roturued to me by the collector, * Lots Nos 3 and 6, in the Ooeianaulia Division of the city of Rorhe; levied on as the property of A E Reaves to satisfy a tax fi fa the city council oMlome vs said Reaves, Levy made and returned to me by-the collector. AGBICULTUBAL FAIR WE, tho Board qf Managers of tho “ Agricultural nnd Meuhanionl association ol'Floyd County,” woie instructed nt its last meotlng to appoint n.ttme and pliico fortlio next mooting. Some members of the Board having wnlto I on Mr. Wm. It. Smith, Uelins kindly given to tiro Association, a lease ‘ol Fivo Aores of hand surrounding tho ’• Joint Smith” Spring. We would, therefore, in nccordniec with instructions appoint Tlilir.-dny, 11 lit day n •'tilt, ns too day, mid Would eordlully itiviu nil-Who (eel an Interest in Agricultural improvement to meet ot tlio grounds oftiio Association, upon tne ltailrnnd, lmirn tnilo nbovo Rome j bringing with them their fitmilles. Tito presence of the hndios particu larly requested) nnd ns there Is to be speaking, wo would snggest that families bring their bttsk-ts tint) have a PIC NIC upon tile oconsion. Our President Colonel Porto, Colonel Woods, Mr. Towusoud and others, will sddress the meotlng upon tho 'subjects connected with agtlnnlturo. Tho business before the Assooitttinn will hate nppoint delegates to the “Southern Central Agricultural Association” to ho held in Macon lit October next) and to nppoint thno lor Quarterly nnd A'nimul meetings, Wo hope. t6 bo encouraged by n fuliutti-iiditnoi-. W. T. 1’HICE, J. IV. P. WARE, J. WATTERS, D. S. PRINTUP, C. L’lIARDY, HOUSTON AYCOCK, A. N. VEHDEUY. onto, August 7t!i 1851. JOHNS. ANDERSON- ATTORNEY AT I-AW TT7TLL give his prompt attention to the sole ol “V hands, nnd the establishment of disputed Land Claims in envtrrnT xn>. He will also do a Gi ncr- nl collecting business. All on the must inode.iile terms. Address Marshall Harrison County Texas. UEPEnEItCEC.—JUIIOE hUMPKlN. J. W. H. C.NDEntVOOD. Com Da.nied S. Pbiktup. July 10,1851 MRS- GIBSON’S SCHOOL- fTHIB excrolses of the above Institution JL it,olive on Monday 21st inst. lit addition to the branch's hcrctoiore taught,, will lie added that ol French itrtd Music, The services of Miss 31. M. Doiolas, have beep, secured for the latter dcpnit- tnent. Rome, Gn. July 10,1851, - WHO WANTS TO RIDE ? A FIN 13 new Buggy for stile. Warranted', apply to August, 7lh 1851, Wlmpcy's make. F. 31 ALLEN. Ml LMD FOR SALE. T HE Subscribers living in Rome, odor for sale one of tho most valuable tract, of Lund on tlia.Ooosn lllver of tlrrue hundred and twonty acres, original survey. 275 acres River Bottom, nnd nbout 90 neros In cttltivation—n line spring of wntercon venient ton hntidsomu bulldliigslght, the buildings are common cabins. Tills place is situnted about fifteen miles below Romo, most nf It on die Xorth side of tho Rivet— a long established Ferry there, anti landings good. Any person wishing to mtrclinse more titan this, wo nro authorised tn s ty 'lint there Is otlior lands adjoining which enti bo hint on good terms. Mr, Stout on tho premises will show thu lnnd to nny poison, and either of tho sitrscribers will mitko Known tho price. JOHN R. 1HLY, Rome, July 31. F>3I. W. 3. COTHRAN. STATE OF GEORGIA, Floyd County- Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1851. Present their Honors Wii.t.tAM Jouvsov, F. I Sue- t,ivan and Wilmam T. Pat e, Justices of said Court. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 'TITHERBAS Jesse Lnmbcrtli, Administrator On W die Estate of John Reynolds, late of said eoim- , deceased, applies for Letters 1 of Dismission Rom le Administration of said estate— Therefore, the kindred and creditors rtf said deceas ed, ore hereby cilrd nnd ndmomahetl tn file their ob jections (if nny they have) in my office, In terms of the Law, otherwise rattlers Dlsmlssary will lit- granted tiio applicant nt the January Term 31lnutes uf the court nf Ordinary lor said county. By order of the Court. July 7th, 1951. JESSE LAMDERTH.c. c. o. NOTICE- A LL persona indebted tn tho Eatate of Willinm Champion, late ol Floyd coonty, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, ond nl petsons having demands against said, wll render them in agreeable tnlnw. 31. L. COLBERT, Ex’r. June IS, 1851. Floyd lUoi'IKUKO Sale. TTriLLbe Bold, on the Hr t Tuesday in October ■ V next, before tho Couit-ltausa door in the City of Rome, between the legal lioiiraof sale, the follow ing property, to wit: Henry T. Allen'S interest in 1G aerea of atanding corn nnd 3 acres of stnndlng cotton, 19 heed of stock tinge ond 5 head of cattle—all levied upon on the pro perty of Henry T. Allen, to satisfy a mortgage ft. fa from Floyd Inferior Court in favor of James D. An- thony vs. Henry T. Allen. Property pointed out in said mortgage. July31, 1851. TH03. G. WATTERS, D. Sh’fT. GEORGE JONES, Importer of and Dealer in CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, macon, Georgia. I AM confident that I can ninku It to tlm interest of Morclmnts to buy their supplies oi' Crockry In Mueon. If they will give i\ chance Assorted crates of nil sizes til ways on hand.— Call and sec for yourselves. Macon, July 24, 1851. , Cm REAL ES I’ATE FOR SALE. Cherokee County, Alabama. T IIS undersigned, having determined to remove West during the next (tall, offers hls Inrtn nt a re duccd value. There is in the tract of Laud, Two hit tired and thirty-six acres ; one hundred nnd fifteen of which is first bottom, nnd not BtirpaBsed by any londa on Coosa River for fertility or loculily; sixty ncres of the bottom In a line state lor cultivation ; the residue, one hundred nnd twenty-ono acres, is good, well Um bered upland. There is on the place, throe good springs, a comfortable dwelling house, with other out houses. No place of the same sixe, combines more advantages, either for cultivation ora stock litrm ;sit- anted inn beautiful valley, (Turkey Town) nnd sue rounded with good society ond flourishing schools. The outlet is fine, the country healthy, nnd atenmbont nav igation at the door. With tlm ihrm, I will sell my present crop of corn and ootton, with all iny Block and fitrtning utensils. A bargain onn be had. Addrens mo nt Turkey Town, Ala. July 17,1851. . JOHN F. EDWARDS. STEAM! STEAMM STEAM!!! Furniture* Chairs, Pnnnol 1-Doors, Win* tloiv-Sasli, Hlinds« otc. T HFj undersigned beg lunvc to Inform the public, thnt ihey lmve on bond nnd are constantly manu facturing, every variety of Cabinet Furniture of the lntos: style and beet ^quality, together with Pnnnel Doois, Door nnd Window Frames, Window Sash, Blinds, &c. &c* . Having been at very considerable expense in pro curing and fitting up new and improved machinery for doing the above kinds of work', they confidently appeal to a generous public to sustain them in the en terprise, pledging themselves to furnish.any article in their line, for le$$ money than it can be made fot by band,or laid down Tor from nny market. SUMTER, TORBETT & Co. Aug- 25,1851. Ocj-Shop opposite the Presbyterian Church, Broad Street, Rome, On. Lot No. 37, In the Etownh Division in the city of Rome; levied on a? the property of John L Hnsen to satisfy a tax fi Ik from the city council of Rome vs said Ilusen. Levy made and returned 40 me by the collec tor. V- Samuel Pollard’s interest in nnd to Fifty ncres of Lnnd, mere or less, it being tho south east comer of LotNo.2i)9, in the 23th district and 3d section; levied on as the property of Samuel Pollard, to satisfy three fi fns. issued from n Justices coart of Floyd county, in favor of George VV. Browillow and one in fi ver of Wilson B. MoAlroy vs said Pollard, and Ro bert Pollard, security on stay. Levy made and re turned to me by n constable, Postponed Sale. William EzzeU’s right, tltlo and ime-cst in nnd to Lot of land No 293, in the 2-id district and 3d section: levied on as the property of William Ezzell to satisfy two 11 fas issued from Floyd Superior court, one in fnVor «if Thomas C. Hackett, and the other in iavorof the Officers of court vs said Ezzell. Property pointed out by plnfmffflj nttorrii y. Mg. 28. TIJOS. G. WATTEItS, D Sh’fT. FACTORY YARNS’, W HITE nnd Striped Osimburghs. for side by tho Bide at Fndory prioos. Merchants nre invi ted to examine the goods Aug. 21. F. M. ALLEN, Agent. WARE HOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, N. OUSLEY & SON, Macon, Oeorgio. godfreyTousleyT CO., Savannah, Georgia. JiJlh-S E. OODFREV, | N. OUSf.KV, | R. F. OUSI.EY. WASHINGTON HALL, IIIACOX, GEO. TO HIE PUBLIC. Y OU cannot be better itlensotl than nt this old es tablished House. The rooms nre comfortitbio and cleon, and tho proprietor is willing to do any thing in his power to please his customers. Macon, Aug. 91,1851. E. S. ROGERS. ROBERT FINDLAY, BROW FOUNDER, And Manufacturer of Steam Engines and Boiler-. Also, of Gearing ond Shafting for Mills, of every description. BARIC and SUGAR MILLS, ol thd most npproved patterns, Also, Irons for Bul loch's celebrated Cotton Press, Gin Genr, PlnteB nnd Balls, kept constantly on hand, tho whole of which nro Warranted - to ho of the best material and Work manship, and will be sold on oecomdatlng terms. 3T Workshops opposite Presbyterian Church, cor ner of Fourth and Walnut Streets. FLOYD HOUSE, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. B. HARTWELL, Superintendent. T ndiea’ Department under the charge of Mrs. Jnmes, formerly of Columbus, nnd favorably known to the travelling public. .An Omnibus will always bo in readiness for the conveyance of passengers to and from the Hotel, CO The Alligator Line of Stages to Flodirahas its Macon Office at this Hotel. DIRECT IMPORTATION. Cbarest on, South Catolina, August, 1851, T HE subscriber Will have In Store by, the first of September next, nn extensive assortment of FORUM*? GOOD*, Imported direct to this Port. Comprising Plain, Figured, Black, Fancy Col ored, Figured, Watered, Glace nnd Cltcne Dress Silks. Bonnet nnd Lining Silks. Black nnd Colored Merinos, CushincrsaudDo'Lalnes. Ginghams, latest Styl t s. A Very full Stock of new Style Bonnet llibbona. GloVcs, nf every description. Ainrgo Slock of Shawls Hosierv, Silk, Wotsted and Cotton. Silk, Tnrcnd, and Colton Laces and Edgings. Embroideries. Cloths nnd Cnssimeres, Tailors Trimmings. llo will hove in nddition a full supply of Amcricnn Manufactured Goods. The attention of Dealers generally,' is respectfully Solicited, JAMES B.BETTS, August 14,1851. 13ii Mining St. DISSOLUTION. T HE Firm of Osgood, Aisobrook & Co. was dis solved this dny by mutual consent. All dehtb i/ue by or to tho Firm, will be settled by J. W. 31 Berrien, who lias the nob-sand accoantsof tho Firm fo collection. Immediate liquidation is requested of ols indebted to flic firm. JAS. E. OSGOOD, JACOB E. ALSOBROOK, Attg. 4, 1851. JAS. W. 31- DEKRIEN, JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, Qf tfliAA LBS. Bacon nml C00 lbs. Lnrd, for sale for Cosh, F.3I. ALLEN, f>ifk BBLS. Superfine ami Extra family flour, for a\j sale by, F. 31. ALLEN. ; 6t0VES : ■ L ADIES and Gents white colored Kid, sill: and Llsle-lhrend, Ladies Colored nnd Black '’nhnir Pie-nic,ond children’s Lisle-thread nnd'cotton Olivos. DENNIS & HUNT. CHAS. P. LEVY, STEAM JBW.GIW JE BUILDER, Machinist and Founder. I S prepnred to Ihrnish all kinds of Steam Enginci nnd Mill Carlings, having nn extensive assortment ofpnUernsof the newest and most approved kinds. Oart Iran Water Wtiech, of several patterns, of a character that will suit a II situations. The Ocmulgcc Foundry. On Cotton Ai'tnue, neor (he Macon fy Wetlen Depot, Has peculiar advantages in fitting up Steam Sato Miffs, the Proprietor having had great experience in thnt business. Mnny of ltts 31i!l.i are trow in use In this state. £ ’ There is n constant supply of Gin Gearing, Cotton Press Pnlleyr, 5sc., kept ott-hond. Also,all kinds of finished Slochincry. Macon, August 31,4S51 BUGGIES- F OUR superior Buggies, well made and well trim med, and a splendid aet of Harnew with enoh, for sale at*,' ADMINISTRATORS SALE A GREEABLY to an orde.- of Iho honorublo the Inferior Court of FJovd Comity, whon sitting ns n Court of Ordinary, will be sold before the Court House door in the City of Rome, on the first Tues day in November next, within tin; usunl hours o sale, tho following Negroes, to wit: .Fanny a wo man, forty-eight years old; Israel a mnn, thirty-five yonrs old; Rppenger ft'boy, thirteen years old; Min-' ervan giiL cloven year? old; Candis a girl, seven years old; Moriah a girl, threo years old {'together with Lots ol Land 1 Nos 304 nnd 274, in the 4th dis trict nnd 4th scctiouyjilsoy Lot No. If, iu # .Ue 22d district And 3*? section; and Lot No. 1GS, In the 5th district nnd 4th section; nil the’foregoing Lots Lnnd lying in Floyd county. On th* same day will bo sold beforo tho Court House door iu Cassvjlle, Cats.county, Lot of Land No. 543) lntho4tIr district nnd 3d section. All tho above property belonging to tho Estate of William Jenks, late oi said county deceased 1 , and sold lor the boneflt of the heirs nndcreditOT? of said deceased THOMAS S. PtUCE, > a... •, WM. .Cf. MILE*,. .-'jAdmrs. A«g. 2t, lS51. T III& well known pleasant stand is it gain .. r the accommodation of Hoarders and Tranf enf visiters. J. J. REEVE*, Pri* Rome, Ga., May 29,1851. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FURS XXDIDINX* Well scltcted lo suit Physicians., J^INSEED OIL—A goofl supply, and a very fine ar PURE WHITE LEAD-A large supply, and ofli-red low lor cash. LAMP OIL—A very superior article for wintfrr or summer use. PUTTY—Put up in bladders, nod of the best qntV SPIRIT GASS—A pure article, and warranted tf give the must brilliant light—also Drugs, Huiuta, Ujv-- Stuffs, Glass, Perfumes, 4*c., making a lull and com* plete stock of every article in the Druggist line. March fi, 1851. J. D. DICKEUtfON. Agent. 2 doom above the Exchange Hotel, Home**' DISSOLUTION .. pHB.FirAof Wm. E. Ai.itxander & C<v Having* L been this dny dissolved by mutiinl eonsent, the bit-dries? will he continued at the old stnml, by R. 8. NORTON, wheie an atsortnu-til'will atony? lie kept : s heretofore. The unsettled buslno s of. t! e firm will receive tlfr attention of both, WM- E. ^LKXaNDIUI. Jam 30,1851. U. S. NORTON.. pLd |f 4 LliS Hemlock sole Leather for sale. Ap- ply to F. M- ALLEN. Jon. 2 A NOTICE. V T HE. Co partnership existing! heretofore between Battf.v &. Bab. having Ueeti dissolved by'miitaal consent, tlu- business will be confinned St tile old stand by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of. tile- firm will receive the nttunlloit of ns both- G. M. BATTEY,Ml Db Rome, March fj-lbSH ROBT.BATTEY. fllATTREMAKIXG. T HE undersigned having located in lloin ’, Is pre pared Mattress work on terms to suit por? sons wishing to puiehaao. 'lit? Hhup is on Hrond Street, threo doors below tho Courier, printing oilier/ Persons wishing to purchase will please call and examine my work before nuronnsing elsewhere. A ibvv loads of dry corn shucKs wanting, for.which the cash will bo paid* July 31,1851. JAMES n. CARROLL. FIRST COST. ? V FEW Bareges, Poplins, Lufctrra ami Tissues, iTjL will be sold ut cost to doss out a small lot. DENNIS te HUNT. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEBLY loan order ol tho Court of Ordin nry of Floyd county, will bo raid befitra the courtdiotised-jor In Romo, between tho luiml liourr of Bale, on tlics flrat TueadoJ in October next, one forty ncro lot of land, lying In the third tllatrlct- of lire fourth section, ntunbor 1000. Sold n» the pro- poity of Jonathan S. Lawson, deo’d, fortlio benefit ol tho heirs of anlddecuuActl. July 21,1951. P. R. LYLE. Ailinr. 1U8T DECEI VED—A few boxes of Geor gia Tobnccd, which will be Bold low by the box, AIbo a lot of fine out Tobacco'In pnpers for Bitiolt- ing, equal to Hnvnnna, nt July 17. F. M. ALt.ElN'3 GEORGIA, Floyd County. TT7"HBREA8 James P. Potts np| lies to mcfor lct- VV ters ofiadinfnUtraiion on the Estate ofThom- n. King, late of <aid county, deceoled. These arc therefore to cite and ndmonisb oil and singular the kindred and creditors of Slid deceased to bo mid apponrat my office within the time prescribed by law to shew cause, if sny exist, why snld letter should notbogranted. Given' under Iny jttind hi Of fice 95th July, 1851. JESSE LAMBERTILc-c.o, NOTICE. F T. PENTECOST Is my authorised Agent for ■ the arrangement of any business which I may have left unsettled, or In which I may lie interested, July 17,1851. 8.T.CO.MBS. NEW YORK IJIPOilTEKS AID JOBBERS. FREEMAN. HODGES & CO. 68 Liberty Street. Between Broadway and Nassau Street. tub rosT-orriCE.ttBw yrntx. W E nre receiving, by dnily arrivals from Europe our Fall and WUttar assortment of rials Ihsli- onnblu fancy silk nml Mlllenery goods. Wo respi-ctlblly invite nil GasUnurohniors tiio: oiiglilv to examine our Stock nnd Prices, and, as interest gourrur, wo il-el oonfldent our goods nnd prices wili Indnoo them toscleot Irom ourestablisli- inent. Particular attention is devoted to Mlllenery Goods, nnd mnny of tl|o nrtlcles are iniuihfitotiired expressly to our ordor, nnd cannot bu surpassed ill beauty, stylo nnd olienpness. Ueautffnl Pnris Ribbons, for lint,cap, nook and boll. Sittin and Tnfletn Ribbons, of ail widths and colors. Silks, satins, velvets, and uncut velvets, lor lints. Foatliors, Amorlo n npd French arliiloinl flowers. Puffings nnd onp trimmings. Dress trimmings, largeassortment. Embioiderios, onpes,collars, umlerslecves nnd cuffs Fine embroidered rovlere nnd humrtiteli cambric handkerchiefs. Crapes, llssos, inrltons, Illusion nndenp laces. Vnlunclenes, Brussels, thread, silk, nml lisle thread laces. ' Kid, silk, sowing silk, llslo threat!,' merino glovos and mills: Figured and plain Swiss, book, bishop lawn und Jnconot muslins. English, Prenuli, American und Italian Straw Goods. ' July, 31,1851. PRIVATE HOSPITAL.. D US. MILLER te WORD linvC opened' in thir Gily, ii PRIVATE HOSPITAL tor the treat- niont of Surgical nndClironlc dlsetises—wlretkerof. negroes or white persons. In snob nn csulillslimentr tile expenses of patients are much less than under ordiunry tronthiem, and the ulinnocs of cure mute-' rinlly Juurcm-Qrl. I Jqly 21, lb5U Ik- JUST RECEIVED! ID Y tho Siihrcrlher, lit addition to tils former stuck', ■L) a choice lot of Groceries; conshting.iii part, oti New Orleans, Porto Rico,Crushed,Refined Granulat ed Sugnrsi Superior Rln Coffee, Sperm,.°tar nnd Tal low Cnmlles | 12 bills. Irish Potatoes, for seed; 30' Sacha No. 1 Peufleld Family Flour-, nlson choieo lot qf Liquors, Qld Cognac Brandy, Old Port, Pure Hol land Gin,-Scotch Whiakey nnd domestic Liquors.. Ilnrdwnre, BlacksmithiTooir, Iloes, Tiaec Chains, Shovels, Ppndeai Oorden Rnke«, Boots, Shoes an- Hats. All Ol which' lie-offers Tor sale on us good tc-ins na they con be bonght in the ciiy. March «, 1851. TII08. J. VERDERY FLOYD SPRINGS. XXTILL be opened for t|ic reception of Visiibw lip VV 3(| h of June. Visitor* wlll ntdll'times fiudim ready conveynnesfrom Rome, either 1 in lincks,. bug gies orconchea. Tliiaisn new.wiiteringplacf.situst-, ed 12 miles north of Rome, nnd'ltl' miles-snailiwess of Calhoun- The road ffom ltome iatme of the Imsti ti the State. The Springs are pleasantly- located wiilt- finu BCOiter)-, 0 pure ntmosnliere, and tlie water equal tn any in the'country, contniningsnlpher, Iron and mag nesia.Every necvsfnry attention will he bestowed upon visitors to render tliemcomfortuhle. J PECK & HARDIN,. McCullough .t mays, June 5,18 I. (ifHurdiuiiV Mule. A GREEABLY tn an order of the honorable the In. ferior Floyd county when sitting us a< Court of Ordinary,will'be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, before tlie Court House door in the City, of Rome,Floyd couhly, .within tlie usual hours of sale the (bilowiug city. lot,.to wit i No..22, in the Cuoaa Division of of Rome. Sold fur the benefit of Sarah A. mull Wealt-y- Si Trout, miner orpliana o 'Pitman Trout; tnw af mi hi county, dosenaed.. Tcttua made known on.dny.nfi sale. 3fnrrh 13,1861.. 9A3VL STEWART, GUnr JQQ SACKS Fresh Flour, /rom til PeitfieMt IT, irom ui rniiirni Nliils, just received nnd for Bale by May 1,1851. T.J. VERDERY.. T1UILDERS of Siorc nml Dwelling-houses are in' JD vitf d lo exnuilnc snmplog uf Mineral Knob LocHa- —white nnd dark, ah ■ 1'. M. ALLEN'S Feb 2d 1851 ^Sennesseb AOBNCY. 20.000 llts. BACON- 2,000 •• HARP- 1.000 BBSWiBLS G<i)tlN- J UST n-eclvlng nnd ffir sale nt'thn Tennessee A'gt m cy, aim door below Johnson. Pope Ac Co.. Rhine, 3Iay 8,1851'. J'. J'. REEVES, A'g'h - DAWTF.T. g. PRINTUP Agnt' for the: BoatUcrn MattutV In»nnmo® CompacY At Rom«, Ga. INSURES against lbsa-liy FIRE) also,.LIVES of ersons and'Servants. CHECKS onClisrlesthfl ohdiNew' York, fur. sals DAVNIEI. S-. PR1IS1!»P;. •r-ntior the Bonk of llioSiltle ollSn: Civ Oef. 10. 133u. LADIES CAMBRIC HDKF8- L ADIES, Gents and children's Cambric Ildkfs. from 7J cents up. to S2 00 each. Also, Black silk laces, Irom one inch tp eight Inches wide—a splendid nnd fashionable article for triunhing MnntiR iL. DENNIS &, HUNT, LINENS- A LAROF. variety ofplnin, eorded, nnd sniped White I-Incn I rills. Also.o superior .article of Brown Linen Drills, very Heavy for nnntnihhn use, at 20 cents. . . DEENISte HUNT. WHITE SATIN AND WHITE KID QLIPPERS, silk Gaiters and half Gaiters, Enamel- O eil Buskins and Kxeelfliors—Kid Tiesond slippers, with a ifcneral assortment of Misses awl Children'* fchok-s. DENNIS & HUNT. June 2G, 185J*. Georgia. Floyd county— TTETHEREAS, Cndeatnun Pope applies to me for VV Letters of Administration on the Estate of \V. C, Pope, late of said county, decensed— Tliesc are therefore to cite nnd udmoniah ail and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased to be nnd appear ut my office within the time prescrib ed by law, to show cause (ifanyexis‘) why Bald Let ters should riot be 'grunted; ' Given under my hand, nt office, this 15th dhy oi Juty 1851. JE0SE LAMBBllTH, o. c;o. GUARDIAN’S SALE. B Y order of the honorahie tho Inferior roint-of Chattooga county, when sitting for ordinary pur- poscB, will be sold on- tin ffrsl Tuesdny in December next, In Summerville, »ne Negro hoy. Bill, 22 jeiirs old, the property of E. Jones, Lanai*,. Bold .for the benefit of the creditors ‘ WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. 0®niaiiHiBSBr.©,nii M®.ir©lh mils, And Fuel nrs.' Jos. WARirwttx, Ji )14-Rny^troer. Jno. R. Wilder,. ll .SAVANNAH,' Fhajk CL DsVNa, |i ItofoT re MajTir Jnov S. Kowla'ndvGuss county. July 21^ 1851. FANS. O F every description, comprising some of thu very latest styles ot tho ®8sFeW Y YORK STORE. GEORGIA..-Floyd' comity— TTriiEllEAS, Jeremiah B. Rctvfcs-afiplles to'mo VV rorLfttersof Adi.iinlstWillort-on the estate of James M. Reeves* lath of said county .deceased— These'nre tlicrefore lo: cite and ndtnonish alii und singular the kindted nnd creditors of raid deceased to bo nnd appear ut'tny office, within tho time preterit,- , ed by Ian , to show cause (if any. exist)/wily said Let ters should not be granted. Given under my lland, at office: August 13,1851. I. LAMBERTS, c. c. o. ; 1 Administrator's Slide A GliEEADLYlo UN order off thu Honorable dm -fl. Interior Court' of Telfaifoouuly, when sitting n» Court of Ordinary, will l e told is-fiire (ho Cour House door in tlie Town ol Koine, Fluyd county, on the first Tuesdny in October next, wilhitmlie usual ours of sale, Lot of Land Not lfihyki the 24th dist. nnd 3d section, Also, on thesamc day will be sold before tin-Court house door in Cherokee county, Lot of . nnd No. 891 in the 2ist diet, and 2U section. Also, on the same dny will lie sold, before the Court house door Iu Forsyth counly.Lot of Land No. 272 in iho 3d distl'nnd 2d section. Also, nt the same time, will lie sold before tlie Court house door in Gordon county, Lot nf Land No. 210, in the 7tli dist. and 3d section. Also, oil tne some day, will be sold before tlie Courv home door iu Walker county, Lot of Land No. Ilia, ill the 6lh dist. nnd 3d section. ' • - Wc: Also, on the same dsy, will be sold before- tX<- Fans homo door of umpkin comity, Lot of. Load No. 153 n tlie lfiih dist. and 1st section. All suld as tbu property of Henry. II Briclfvll ,.dco-dl July 31. JAMES'BOYD,'.r. F OUR months afton dale apglioatinn will he inmlo to the honorable the Inferior. court'of.Floyd'couit. ty, when Bitting us a court of ordinary,.for- jenve in. soil oil tho real estate belonging to (He'estnto of, Wil liam Champion, lute of Floyd county, deaessedt July 10, 1851. 31. L. COLBERT, E t* WHITLOCK * C0SKERT, Warehouse:& Commission McrcliMts, Auguma, Ovovgla^. T^UE FttbEcribcrs bnvo entetefi . i»Uv Copartner- J- ship ibr the trftn?a?tioii of n General W«renmi-e and Commission Ilmrincfis their service* to the Into patrons of Klkmiko, Whiti.opk & Co,* ' nmlCosKunv, Ja^es^Ac €o, and the public general- . ‘ ly. Thoy are prepared to aiVord tho usaur f 1 ™ 4 ®* tic? to their customer?. Orders for lamily Supplies Bngginpr, JtCv at the lowest murkut price?,- AU business i .to them will have theii H0ISERY. . Gents’ nnd 3t jags'Uoj<