Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, September 11, 1851, Image 4

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mUj NOTICE. A LT. persons indebted to the estate of William A Jink*, late of Floyd county, deceased, will please caU and make Immediate payment, nnd those hating claims against said estate will plenao present them In terms of the law THOMAS 8. PRICE, ) , WILLIAM G. MILES, \ Adm " 1 fl'X KEGS Nails,assorted. Forsale low, whole X * v sale and retail, by F. M. ALLEN. Jan.a, 1850, BALES Factory Yam, for sale low by Jan 2. F. M. ALLEN. PTMIE subscriber would inform bis friends and tho A public generally, that he is now engaged in the manufacture of Tin*Ware of every kind. Also every description of slicet-ron. His shop is on Broad street nearly opposite Wlmpeo’s Carriage fac tory, whero he hopes by prompt attention to orders to receive a liberal share oftho public patronage. Jone an. 18.11. 1QHN O. MERCK. 16 •t K BALES Bleached and Brown Homcspuas from 3-4 to 6-4 wide, forsale low by Jan 2. F. M. ALLEN. 20 CASES Men's Boots and Shoes for snle low 'by Jan 8. F.M. ALLEN. GRASS CLOTH. 4 AA PIECES Grass doth—just received by 1UU -July St. DENNIS Sc HUNT. | A CASES Ladies’Walking shoes and kid slip JAr persfrora BO cents a pair up^ Foranle^ W HITE WINE and pure Cider Vinegar, lot sale by F. M. ALLEN. Jan. 3. (TIOOD assortment or Castings, for sale by, IJf July 3. F.M. ALLEN. FREE AND EASY. /*1ALL at tho Free Sc Easy House, 4 doors below the \_J Choice Hold, where you will And a general as sortment of Confectionaries, Fruits, Sce., of the very bealthstovsr has been, and ssnooUasevet can be offer ed In Rome. Sold low for cash. GEO. SHAW- Fsb. 20,1661. OK. BUSHELS of nrst rate Corn Meal just re- AV edved and for sate by G. SHAW. Feb 20 A SUf EftiOR article of Family Flour, for sale by A Fob 20 0.811 AW. JGOO') article of ahelled Com on hand and for EAVAHHAB AND AUGUSTA THE STEAMBOAT CO. OF GEORGIA Run tho following Bummers, ns above, via i DAV1DL.ADAMS, (iron)..TH08.8.METCALF, CHATHAM, (iron) TENNESSEE, Which,wllhtow-boats nnd lighters, afford une- quail'd fnail.ties lor transportation of freight to the Interior of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee nnd Alabama, ill connection with tho Rnii Bonds, Tho olognnt stenin-pncket D. L. Adams will con. neot with the stenmsnips Florida nnd Alabama— lauding ftcight by them in S dsys from Now York to Augusln, Freight, (now taken at reduced rates,) will be forwarded frit of commission. OO In order to prevent detention or mitcarriagt, bills ol Inillng should be aridrcssfil to. SAM’L. M.POND, President, Savannah. Merchandise from the interior to JOHNB. GUIEU, Agent Augnsta, Juno 30, ISSt. CHE CTORAL sate by Fsb 20 [G. SHAW. 10 BOXES superior New York Cheese lorsaleby Feb SO G. SHAW, FIRST We lot of Bacon juet received end for ■ ede by Fsb 20 O. SHAW. 1606 LBS of euperior Lord juet received at Feb 20 SHAW’S. 1H half bbls. No. 1 Mackerel for sale liy XlFfUiSO G. SHAW. S PERM end Star Candice for sale by Feb 20 ’ G. SHAW. JOS. W. WEBSTER, ) —( GEO. F. PALMES WEBSTER& PALMES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Successors fo A. Welles Sf Co. AT TIIE OI.I) STAND, No, 199 Bay Street, Suvanuali, Gu. THEY HAVE OS HAND AND FOB SALE. A Aftillir, Domestic Gin, Brandy nn l Rum, 76 bbls Monongnhrln Whiskey, CO Hull Pipes, Quarter nmlEighls best Fr’eh Brandy 50 bbls Port, Meilnri and Malaga Wine. 8 Pipes Holland Gin, 4 Hliils, St. Croix and Jamaica Rum, 2 Hbds. Scotch nnd Irish Whiskey, 150 Boxes Spanish nnd Amerlcnn Scgars, ISO Hints, lair and chuico Louisiana Sngur, 60 do. St, Croix and Portu Rico do, ISO Bbls. Crushed, Powdered and clarified sugar, 30 Boxea Loafsugar, 500 Kegs, Halves nnd quarter Gun Powder, 600 Bogs Buck and Diop shot, 4000 Lbs. Bar Lead, With a complete nsanrtmentof articles usuallykp In a Wholesale Grocery. They will have a heavy stock of Gunny Bugging and Hemp Bale Ropo for tho full demand, all of wldoli will be told on oasona bio terms. Savannah, June 25,1851, A . First rats article or Tobacco and Clgara always kept at SHAW’S Feb 20 gCOTCII Herrings,Sardines, dse-.niay atajhimes 1 be found at the Fsb 20 FREE& EASY HOU8E. • jTYYSTEKS, Lobsters, 6hrimpe, Pig's Feet, Eggs, V/ tea., served np in a superior manner tithe on FREE * EASY HOUSE. 200 LBS. GOSHEN BUTTER, for sale ut March 6,1851. G. SHAW’S. NEW ARRIVAL. HE nnderalgned bega leave to inform the citiieno of Romo, Ita vicinity and the public S literally,that lie hat just received nnd opened a new took of WATCHESand JEWELRY ot tho very la- teat paterns and finest style. Hla friends and acquain. taneca are cordially Invited to give him a call and ex. amine his assortment. All kinds of repairing done to order, and goods and work warranted. His establishment will he found few doors above the Hilburn House, Depot Square. J. O. McKINZIE. Dee. 19,1850, TOWN PROPERTY FOE SALE. FTMIB House snd lot recently occupied by the sub. X sertber, next to the Female Academy, and neat Hie new Methodist Church. The lot is well ftnprov- ori.snd contains I j acres of lend, suitable for flower and kitchen gardens. Thu location la pleasant and desirable. Enquireoflhe subscriber in Chattooga, or o Was. Jonxsox, Esq., Rome, may 99, 1831.—tf W. OWYNN. HOUSE PAINTING. AAEON W. HAS8HAW, TIAVING permanently located In the Cltyof Rome, XX Is prepared to exeento work in the above line, in k stylo that cannot fail to please the most fastidious. He has in his possession testimonials from many differ ent persons who have tried his skill, that will satisfy everyone who wish to refer to thorn. ThoseinRome and the snrroondtng country who have houses to paint ean have it done on as good terms, and with as much neatness and dispatoh by me as it ean be done by any body else, North or Sowb, Having quit carriage and sign painting, my whole attention will be given to tho above branch of the btulnejs. Graining dona in firs rate style, and made to represent any kind of wood or marble desired. As I have deno a great deal of work in this part of the country, specimens of which may to seen, I deem it unnecessary to say any thing more as to my ability io do good work, but only ask a trial May 29,1851. F OUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior eouri of Floyd county, when sitting for ordinary porpoaea,for leave to sell the TtftWttate of WilUtm C, Butler,lato of taid county, ■dressed. BBNJ. H.LAMFKIN, Adm’r. July 10,1851. NOTICE- A LL persons indebted to the Estate of William C: Butler, lato of Floyd county, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said deceased will render them In agreeably to law. July 10, BENJ. H. LAMKIN, Adm' WHITLOCK A C0SKERY. Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Augusta, Georgia. T HE subsorlhara httvp entered into Copartner ship for tho transaction of n General Warehouse phi! Commission Busines*, and tender their services -?n the late patrons of Fleming, Whitlock As Co,, andCosKERYg JaNjta As Co., nnd the public Keneral* ly. They are prepared to afford the usual facili ties to their customers. Orders for family Supplier, Bagging, Arc. filled at the lowest market prices, All business intrusted to them will have their personal attention. J. W ; WHITLOCK, Late ol the Firm of Flemiro, Whitlock & Co. JOHN COSKERY, Lato of the Firm of Coskery, Janes tc Co, Aug, 7,1631. GEORGE JONES, Importer of and Dealer in CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, macon, Georgia. I AM confident that I can make it to the interest or Merchants to buy their supplies of Crockry in Mueon. If they will give a oltance. Assorted orates of all sizes always on hand.— Call and see for yourselves, Macon, July 24,1851: 6m Far Ike Care sf OOUOHS, 00X.B8, HOARSimSBS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOBXWO-OOUOH, OBOUT, AITIHA and OOMSUHEVTIOW Among the numerous discoveries Soience has mad In this generation to facilitate tho business of life—in crease its enjoyment, and even prolong the term of hu man exlstenoo, nono can be nnmed of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the healing Art. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond it doubt, tbit no medicine or combination ol medicine., yet known, can eo surely control and cute tho numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands and thousands every year. In deed, there isnow abundant reason to believe n reme dy hae at length been Ibund which can be relied on to cure tho most dangerous affections of tho lungs. Oar spsco here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures effected by Its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer furth er enquiry to the circular which the agent below nam ed, will ntwnya be pleased to fumielt free, wherein are full parlloulnra, nnd indisputable prool of these facta. From the the President of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK. -James C. Ayer—Sir, I have tiled your Cherry Pectoral lit my own ense of deep-seated Bronchitis, am satisfied from ita chemical constitution, that it. Is an admirable compound for the relief ot larynglaland bronchial difficulties. If my opinion as to its superior character ean be of any service, yon are at liberty to use it as you think proper. Ed. Hrrcncocx, L. L. D. From the widely celebrated Professor SILL1MAN, M,D.,L. L. D., Professor of Cemistry, Mineralogy, Ac, Yale College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Societies of America and Eu rope. "I deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable compoei tlon from some oftlie best articles In the mnterla metl- cn, and n very cffeellve remedy for tho close of dis eases it is Intended te cure.” New Haven Ct. Nov. 1, ISnO. MejorPaltison, President of the S. O, Senate,states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful suc cess, to oure on inflammation of the lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Maine. Sico, April 96,1840, Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, 1 am now con. stonily using your Cherry Pectoral In my practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for pulmonary com plaints. From observation of many severe caeca, I convinced it will cure coughs, colds, nnd diseases of the lunge, that have put to defiance all other remedies. 1 invariably recommend lie ttso in cases of consump tion,nnd consider it much the best remedy known for that disease, Respectfully youre, I. S. Cushman, M. D. Prepared and eoldby James C. Avan, Practical Chemist, Law'll, Mast, LIVER COMPLAINT. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC OR NEYVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF 1 THE KIDNEY and ail diataies aris ing from a disor dered Liver or Sto» mtch, auch as Constipa tion, Inward Piloa, Fullness, or blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nsaasa, Heartburn, Dies gust for food, Fullnesa or Weight in (the Stomach, Sour Ernolations, sink ing or Fluttering at tho Til of the Stomach, Swimming of tho Hoad, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Flut tering at tho Heart, Cho. BANKS & EDDLEMAN, DIALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, PFGS SHOE-MAKER'S TOOLS, &c. Atlanta, Ga., a AVE on hand n large stock of Leather, Lusts, Pegs, Finding!, Tools, &c., and will fill orders "t Augusta prices, wlththe freight added. Shoe-Mu- serein Cherokee Georgia and Alabama would do well totry them, as they mlght-go farlhernnd fare worse.’’ They also have a large slack of well nssorto - Hoots and Shoes, made expressly for them, which t ivy will warrant. Theyaresuporlor.and no mistake, and will be eold cheap. Atao, heavy doubled sole Negro Shoes, manfitotur- ed by themselves In Atlanta. These are far superior to any Negro Shooe before offered in tide part of the ceantry, end will be sold on accommodating terms. They are prepared also, to make to order finesingle and doubled solo Boots, or any other kind, in a style nneurpassed in this country, Nov. 28, 1850. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. GEORGE BONE T) ESPECTFULLY Informs tho Citizen- of Floyd XL and the adjoining Counties, and the public gener ally, that he lias permanently located in the City of Rome, with the intention of carrying on tho CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS In oil ita various branches. From hla long expcrienco in one of the most exteneive Carriage manufactories in the State of North Carolina, be flatters himself thst he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may feel disposed to test Ilia mechanism. " Equaled by iew owl Excelled by trains," ia his motto, end in order to carry this fully in to effeot, he employs none but firat rate workmen in every department of his business, from tho taming of a common wagon-spoke, to a full trimmed Pleasure Carriage. In connection with Ide establishment he has an extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate business and fill ordera In work manlike style. He cordially invites the public, nnd es pecially those who are disposed to encourage " home manufactures” to give him a call and examine his Car riages, Baggies and Wagons, before purchasing else where, as he is determined to sell for cosh or to punc tual customers, on ns good terms ns can be obtained South of” Mason end Dickson’s Line.” Repn iring done to order, and in the shortest possi ble lime. His establishment may be found in the immediate vicinity ofthe Rail llond Depo nnd next door to the Hilbum House. Broad Street, Rome,Ga. January 1st, 1851. Sold in Rome by Battev Brother, in Marietta, by Wm. Root, In Augusta by Haviland, Hisley, Sc Co., and by all Druggists throughout the St--te. march 20, 1851. ly DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR- A SAFE and certain cure for consumption of the Lungs, spitting of blond, coughs, colds, Aatlitnti pain in tho side, bronchitis, hooping cough, and al pulmonary nffectlont. Extracts from Certificates Which ean be seen in full by culling on the ent n getting a pamphlet.! Mr. Adam Harris, Asristant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New York, aayar Dr. Rogers’Liverwort and Tar cured a case of dm most diatressing Asthma of twenty-six yean standing. [signed] Adam Harris. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, says—I had the consumption, attended with the most distres sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood from Hie lungs, and all my friends and physician* gavo me up to die, yet n tew bottles of Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar restored me to perfect health I GAnRiEt. WniTansAD, Sworn to nnd subscribed this 27th day of Novem ber, 1840. H. E. SrsNcEn, Mayor of Cinclunatti- Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doom west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says—I had the pulmonary consumption, attended wilh n most distressing cough, which reduced mo to a more skeleton, nnd although under the care of nn able physician [Prof. Harrison] 1 continued to grow worse, nnd gave up all hopes of recovery I At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Koge.-e' Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed my lungs nnd restored mo to perfect health, by the use oi a few bottles. [signed] Ann Child. ftj- Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says— Although It may seem unprofessional,Ifeel constrain ed to stste that 1 used Dr. Rogers' Liverwort und Tor in the case of Charles Wade, who woe quite low with pulmonary consumption, with the happiest effect, after the nsnal remedies had failed. [signed] Wx. RtcnARUs, M. D The following is written from Elisabethtown, Ky.: Your Dr. Roger’s Liverwort and Tar gives grent ant- isfaction in this place. Dr. Hownrd prescribes it, nnd pronounces itjone of tho best medicines in use. E. II. Haycuaet, Druggist. Rev. Henry Wisemon, o( Patriot,‘Gallia county, O., wrltce -Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tor hae been the means ofimatching my life from a premature grave! (signed] HENRY r WISEMAN- MATTRESS-MIKING. T HE undersigned having located in Rome, is pre pared to do Mattress work on terms to salt per sons wishing to pitic.hnso. His Shop is on Brond Streot, three doors below the Courier printing office. Persons wishing to purchase will please call nnd examine my work before purchasing elsewhere. A few loads ofdry corn siinchs wanting, for which the cash will be paid. July 31,1851. JAMES B. CARROLL. JOHN 8. ANDERSON- ATTORNEY AT LAW WILL give bis prompt attention to the sale ol " Lands, and the establishment of disputed Land Claims ill eastern T. xas. He will also do a Gener al collecting bunineas. All on the most moderate terms. Address Marshall Harrison County Texur. Reterinces.—Judoe Lumpkin. J. W. II- Underwood. Col. Daniel S. Pbintut. July 10,18SI GUARDIAN’S SALE ' order of tho honorable the Inferior court of Solicited, attouga county, when sitting for ordinary pur- will be sold on the first Tuesday)In December L Summerville, one Negro boy, Bill, 22 years property of E. Jones, Lunatic, Sold for the fitlie creditors of said Lunatic. 8,1851. M . MONTGOMERY, } Gu>rs DIRECT IMPORTATION. Chareston, South Carolina,} August, 1851. j T HE subscriber will have in 8tore by, the first of September next, nn extensive assortment of FOREIGN GOOD*, Imported direct to this Port. Comprising Plain, Figured, Block, Foney Col ored, Figured, Watered, Glace and Chenc Dress Silks. Bonnet and Lining Silks. Black und Colored Merinos, Cashmere and De'Laines. Ginghams, latest Slytis. A very full Stock of a ew Style Bonnet llibbons. Gloves, of every description. AlargeStock of Shawls Hosiery, Silk, Worsted and Coilon. Silk,Thread, and Cotton Laces and Edgings. Embroideries. Cloths and Caaaimeres, Tailors Trimmings. He will hove in addition a full supply of American Mnnufncturcd Goods. The attention of Dealers generally,] ia respectfully Mr. Merriweather, of Denmark, Tenn., writes— Dr. Rogers'Liverwort nnd haa.-o metuwith great success! A young man of this place, suppe sed by every one to be in the last stage of Consumption! was entirely cured by its use! [signed] ( David MERRiWEATitEn, Druggist. Mr. H. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenht, O., stales— A gentleman of my acquaintance, who wits appa rently In the last stage of the Consumption, was re- stored to perfect health by the nee of Dr. Rogers’ Liv erwort and Tar. The care was a moat extraordinary one. Dr! Wilson, (nn old school Physiolan of high stand ing,) of Patriot, O., writes—Ihavo been the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve years, and daring that time ahe has suffered wilh diseased lungs, which finally settled into pulmonary consumption ! She was entirely cured by the use of Dr Rogers’ Li verwort and Tar. H. R. WILSON, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, That whereVer Dr. Rogers’ SyrupofLivcrwort and Tar has been introduced, it Is superceding every oth er Congh Medicine before the public This 1swholly wi ng to its truly wonderful medicinal virtues. Be warned in Season I And neglect not that cough which Is daily weaken ing your constitution,irritatingyourthront nnd lungs, and inviting on that dread disease, Consumption, when eo soothing and healing a ramedy can bo ob tained us Dr. Rogers* Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. The genuine article is signed Andrew Rosies, on on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Prico, $l per bottle, or six bottles for 03. Sold wholesale and retail by SCoVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres at., bet. Conti and St. Louis, N. Ot leans, Sole agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for Agencies must be address ed. 03- Sid by BATTEY Sc BRO., Rome.Gc. , Sora eradeBro., Kingston,Ga. John A. Erwin, Cassville, J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; J. W. Robbins, Cave Spring ; J. L. Elliot Sc Co., Cedar Bluff, Ale,. king or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture. Dimness of vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever end Dull Pain in the Held, Daficisney of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in tho Side, Back,Chest, Limbs,deo., Sudden Flushings of Heat, Burning In the Flesh Constant imaginings of Evil,and Great Depression of Spirits, Can bo Permanently cured by UR. HOOPLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, raarAiRD by DR. G. M, JACKSON, AT THR GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ho, 190, Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their powor over the above diseases is not excel led, if equslled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the caret most, in many cases tftar skillful physioisna had failed, Theso Bitters sro worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and leaser glands, exercis ing the most searching powers in weakness and of 1 fsottons of the digestive organs, they are, withal, safe, certain and plaaaant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Chas. Robinson, Esq , Easton, Md„ in a latter to Dr. Jaekton, Jan. 9, 1850, said— •* My wife and myself hava reeoivad more bene- fit tram your medicine than any other we have ev er taken for the O'Dyspepeia end Liver disease.’’ ” Tun Truth Lroion,” published it Woodstock, Vs., Jan. 10,1850, said— A GREAT MEDICINE." •• We hate uniformly refrained from recommend. Ing to the public ar.y of tho various Patent Modi' oinea of the day, unless thoroughly convinced ol tliteir velue. Among those wo consider worthy ot notice ia the Gbsman Bitters, invented by Da. IIoorLAND, end prepared by Dr. Jaekeon in Phila delphia. One Inetsneo in particular, in which the superior virtues ol this medicine have been 1 tested, hae fallen under our observation. During tho tail summer, a eon of Mr. Abraham Crabill, of this coun ty, wee very seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint and alter trying in tam various remedies, he pur chased a bottle of the Bittere, and altar using it, was ao much relieved oi hie diatreesing malady, that he procured anoiher bottle, and it restored him en tirely In hssltb." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Junoa M. M. Noah, a gentleman with great sol cniific and literary attainments, said in his " New Yotk Weekly Monetise-,” January 6,1650, ” Da. Hoosland'b G-.ahan Birraas.—Here Is preparation which tho leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, end the reason ia obvious. Ills made alter a prescription furnished by one of the most celebra'ed pbyeiqians ol moderntimee, tho lots Dr. Chrietopher Wilhelm Hoofland, Pru r oaaur to the University of Jena, Pri vate Physician to tho King of Piutaia, and one oi the greatest medical writers Germany has aver pro duced. He was emphatically tho enemy of hun- suo,and therefore a medicine of which he waa the inventor and endoreor may ba confidently relied on. Ho epeeially recommended it in Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility. Virtigo, Acidity of tho Stom ach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviotionofits excellence, and seveYal olthc editors now vpeak of its effects from their individual experience. Under theso ctrcumstanoes, we foal waranted, not only in calling the attention of our readsrs to the present proprietoi's (Dr. C. M, Jack- son's) preparation, but in reoomiqendmg the article to all afflicted," MORE EVIDENCE. The"Fuir.«DELriiiA8ATuaDAV Gaxette," the beet family newspspar published in the United States, the editor says of DR. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. •• It ia seldom that we recommend what are term ed Patent Medicines laths confidence and patron- ago of our readers; and, therefore, when wo recom mend l)r. lioofland'e German Bittere, we wish it to be distinctly understood the, we are not speaking of tiro nostrums of the day, that are noised about for n brief period nnd then forgotten after they hsve done their guilty race ot mischief, but of a medi cine long established, universally prised, end which haa met Ihe hearty approval ofthe Faculty itself. Evidence upon evidence haa been reoaived (lik the feregoing) from all auctions of lha Union, in three years r nnd the strongest testimony in its favor is, thntthereia moroof it used in tho prnotiee ol the regular Physicians of Philadelphia than nil other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be esta blished. and fully proving that a scientific prepara tion will meet with their quiet approval when pro •ented even In this form. This medteine will cure Liter Complaint and Dis- pepsia no ooe con doubt, aftor using it as directed It sets specifically upon tho stomach end liver—it it preferable to calomel in all billions diseoees—the effect ie immediate. They ean ba administered to vemals or invent with aa/ely and reliable benefit, la any time, JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER fTiHE great remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Pain in X the Side. Hip, Back, Limbs and Joints -, Scrofula, King's Evil, White Swellings,'Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, and all fixed pains whatever. These Plasters poaaess the advantage or being put up in air-tight boxea; hence they retain their full vir tues in all climates. Thiscelehrated Pain Extraetor has been eo exten sively used by Physicians and the people in general, both in this country and Europe.that it ia almost need less to say any thing about it. Yet there may be some who stand in need of its healing powers who have not yot tried it. For their aakrs we will simply slate what it haa done in thousands of cases, nnd what it will do for them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read tht following testimony from a Physician Gentlxnsn—Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me of palm of which 1 have anffered for twelve yenrs past. During this period I labored under an affliction of my loins and side, and trl-d many remedies that tny own medical experience suggested, but without obtaining relief. At length I uied your Plaatcr; and am now by its good effect! entirety cured. I wilt re commend the Jew David’s or Hebrew Plaster to al who are suffering from contraetion of the muscles, or permanent paina in the .aide or back. The people of Georgia have but to become acquaint, ed with ita virtues when thoy will reaort to ita use. Yours, truly. M. W. WALKER, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe, county, Ga. To Messrs Scovll & Mead, New Orleans, La. August 14,1851. JAMES B. BETTS, 135 Meeting tit. HAltKIGT JONES, H0ISBBY. - ' and M ijujesk’ Hose DLNNISL T uc , DISSOLUTION. HE Firm of Osgood, Alsobrook & Co. was din. solved this day by mutual consent. All debt rftteby or to tho Firm, will be settled by J. W. M. Berrien, who has the notea and account. 1 * of the Firm fo- collection. Immediate liquidation is requeued of ala indebted to the firm. MS. E. OSGOOD, |y. In I 'Aug, 4, JACOB E. ALSOBROOK, Vug. 4,1951 , JAS. W. M. BERRIEN, •turret wtiTtune uflinSlirib .i,m.. 0 . ffCAflL-cxisiod from llic greaiett copied- PROVISION STOKE S. G, wells. B ACON, Lard, Corn, Flour, Wheat, Sugor, Coffee, Salt, and Molasses, Domestic Yarns,Cloth, Shoes and Leather, Dried Fruit, Beef and Fish. Pure Port Wine, and Pale Qtard Brandy, Porter and Lemon Syrup. A small lot of Shoes on consign ment, * j Boardtit'- n,en oan ^ oooommodatcd with JESSE LAMBERT! fc CO. Broad Street, Rome, Georgia. TJ ESPECTFULLY announce to tho public that XV tiny are nowopening and will keep constantly on hand, a large and well selected stock of Rea dy-mude Clob luff, . of every description. Also Hats and Caps, Boots , and Shoes, Umbrellas, Trunks and Carpet Baga, To gether with a well selected stock of Ladles and Misses Straw and 8atln Bonnets, Ladles and Misrea Satin and Loating Gaiters and Buiklht, Ties, Slippers and Walking 8hoea; Also Parasols, Gloves, mils, Fans, mbs, 5ce., March 13,1651. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. N. J. 0MBEB.G, MERCHANT TAILOR. H AS now on hand a well selected atook of Cloths Cusslmeres and Vestings, of-erery shade anti ootor, together with every other artlclo usually kout In nn establishment of tills kind. Thi hnvo been selected by lilmaelf in Now York, with f ront core nnd particular roforenoo to the prevail- ng Fashions. Ho la also prepared to mnnufke-' lure eloililitg Inn manner and style not to bo inr- oassad lit our largest nnd tnost fashionable cities- Ootober 10 1850, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicino his attained that high character which le necessary for all medicines to attain te in duce counterfoiiors to put forth a spurious nriiclo at tbs risk of the lireaofthoae who are Innocently do- celvod. LOOKWELL TO THE MARK8 OFTHE GENUINE. They have the written signature of C.M JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in tho bottle, lETwithout whioh, they are spurious..m For salo wholesale snd retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. No-190, ARCH Street, ono door below Sixth, (Ists of 278, Race street.) Philadelphia, and by ro. spectablo dealers generally throughout tho country. Also for sale by DR. J. D. DICKERSON, Dsugoist, Rome, Ga. August 1,1850. 43 ly. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STOKE- T HE ubscriberwould respectfully announce the citizens of Rome and vicinity, that he haa lust received and is now opening n large nnd splendid as- gortment of Bool* and Sboca, consisting ot aentlemrn’s water-proof nnd diess boots, ladies boots and shoes, and every variety of bools nnd shoes for children. Also, a fine assortment of strong course shoes nnd boots for common wear. As ho selected his stock in Clmrlcalon with great core, he can confidently recommend it to his friends and patrons, and will repair any rips without charge. He also has on Imnd an extensive supply of Hem ock Baltimore upper and sole leather, fino cnlf •kin, and a general nssortmentofrna(crisis,in hie line which, together with his boots and ahees wiil bo sold os cheap us can bo bought in'his market. He will continue to manufacture bools and shoes ns heretofore to order, on reasonable terms. Thankful for past fa vors, he cordially Invites his friends and ncqnaintnn- ces nnd the public generally to give him n call. P, A. OMBERG Jnn. 19.1S51- DHAYING AND BOATING- T HE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Rome and its violnity, that they have entered Into Copartnership for the purpose of boating nnd d ray ing They hold themselves In readiness to hove Pro. dace, Merchandize, Sic., conveyed to any part of the City or Country, and to furnish fronftheir wood- yard on tho Oosfanaula River, any quantity of good oak and hickory wood. They have excellent teams, and will he thankful for the patronage of their friends and tho nublic JOHN H. WISPQM. Jan aft, MB), JEW DAVID’S OR HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovim. Sc Mead—I Itavs been troubled with tbe chronic rheumatism for the last twelve years. On die 1st of July, 1849,1 was so bad thst I could not turn tnysclfln bed, and the pain so severe thst I had not slept n wink fi r six dnys. At this time my at tending phyalcian prescribed tho '-Heb ew Plaster,” and It acted like acharm j the pain left me, and IiteM more than half the night, and in three days I was able to ride out. I consider the "Hebrew Plaster,” the best remedy for nil sorts of palm, now In use. O. W. McMINN. Hendersonville, N. C„ Aug. 16,1850. fleieore of Counucf'its and bast Imitations. ST The genuine will in future have the signature of E. Tat nos on the eteel plate engraved label on the top Of eaoh box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article ia in exlttence. The genuine is sold by us, and by our agents ap pointed throughout the South—and no]>edlar it allow■ ed to i'll it. Dealers and purchasers generally are cautioned against buying of any-bat our regular agents, otherwise they will be imposed upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL & MEAD. 113 Chartres atteet, N. Orleans, Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all ordeta must in variably be addressed. Sold by Battry. Rome Gn.; Sommers Sc. Brother Kingston ; John A, Erwin, Cnisvllle ; .1, W. Robbins Cava Spring; J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; J. L Elliot, Cedar Bluff, Ala. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, Mir fiattitay ©aoffgflau T HIS Institution will be opened for the admission of Cadets, on Monday Ihe 7lh of July, 1S61. Tbe Institution is owned by Stockholders, end is under the control of n Board of Trusters. The Faculty elected, consists of Maj. A V. Brum by, Gen. James W, Armstrong, Maj. D. H. Hill and Thomas Stewardson, M. D. The Superintendent, Maj. Brumby, is n graduate of West Point. He comes to hi with highest recom mendations ftomthe Academic St-ffof* that Institu tion; and, also, from tho Faculty ot the University of Alabnma, where he taught-Mathematics nnd Civil Engineering several years. Gen. Atmatrung nnd Maj. Hill are nUo graduates of West Point j and nre experienced teachers. The latter is at this lime Profre- •or ot Mathematics in Wushingten College, Virginia. The coarse of instruction, regulations and discip line of the U. S. Military Academy, so far ns they are applicable to a State Institution, have been adopted, and will be pu lished in pamphlet form. The Institution is organised upon tho usual plan of lour CoHegla.e Claeses. By reference to the follow ing synopsis of studies, Parents and Guardians can, at once, see the requirements for joining either clew. FOURTH CLASS. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geom- try, English Grammar, Geography, Composition and Declamation. Frencli THIRD CLASS. Trigonomery, Mensuration, Surveying, Descriptive Geometry and its applications, Analytical Geomolry, French, Drawing, Composition, Rhetoric, History. SECOND CLASS. Differential nnd Integral Caiuulus, Natural nnd Ex perimental Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Draw ing, Evidences of Christianity, Moral snd Mental Philosophy. FIRST CLASS. Natural History, .Mineralogy, Geology, and Physl ology, Political Economy, Law of Nations, Civil and Military Engineering, and Civil Architecture, Infant ry Tactics, Science and Practice of Artillery. No Cadet will be Admitted who is less than four- teen or more than twenty-five yean of age ; or who ie afflicted with any disease or infitmity which would render him unfit for military duty. The Cadets will be occupied a>-out one hoar end a half each (lay in military exercises; blit al such times os not to interfere with their regular studies. UNIFORM FURNITURE, So. Tito Uniform consists of a light gray cloth conteo. trimmed with guilt convex bnttonsnnd black cord —white vest, and white Russinndrilling pantaloons, without trimmings, for summer. For winter, gray cloth vest and pantaloons, trimmed to suit tire coat —black stock, white gloves and white belts—Mon roe slices and n Forago cap. No other dress will be worn ; nor will Cadet* be allowed to keep other cloth ing in their rooms. ^ncli Cadet from a distnbco must provide him self with a mnttrnss and bedding for a single bed, mnttrnss-cover nnd bed-strap—ono trunk, one clothes bag and six towels. Each Cadet will unite witli bis room-mates in purchasing for their common use, one pine table, otto looking glass, one wash pan, one pnil nnd one broom. In view nl tho lollmvlng regulation, pnronis nnd guardians sending their sons and vnrds to this In stitution, nre ndvised to deposit with tho. Suporin- teodnnt. or with somo friend in Marietta, n sum of monoy sufficient to purchase the above articles, nnd to cover all necessary expenses for ono Session ; or the Superintendantshould be authorised, in writing, to allow the Cadet to make an account lor a specified sum. The regulation referred to is ns follows, viz i “Every Cadet shall keep n small blank book, In which shall he oharged every article ha mny pur chase. This book shall be turned over to tho Su perintendent fo-his inspection at tho end or every month. Any Cadctwhoshallcnntrncta debt with out permission of the Superintendent, or be famish ed with any article wherever, by any storekeeper or other person, without such permission, or whoso pa rent or guardian shall pay any debt contracted by him during his connection with the Institute, and in violation of this regulation, shell be dismissed. TERMS. Tuition, Board, Woshing, Fuel, Lights, Field Mu sic. and all other contingent expenses, [per Session of five mouihs,] Slot) Tuition alone, (for resident Cadet-,) per session, 25 Field Music and other contingent expenses, 9 Any Codot entering the Institute after the com mencement of n session will be charged in propor tion to the shove rates. These charges must be paid in advance, for all expenses except the fee for tuition. Every cadet leaving the Institu e he lore the expiration of the period for which he* has made an advance, shall receive the unexpended balance. The Editor of any newspaper in Georgia, Sooth Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi or Tennessee, by inserting this advertisement in his paper, snd sen •• ing a copy regularly to the Georgia Military Institute,” shall be entitled to tuition for one Cadet, or his draft at the rate of twenty-five dollars per session, payable in tuition, snd in favor of any Cadet, will be accepted. By order of the Board of Trustees. Moy 10,1851.—ly DAVID IHWIN. President Board Trustees. ATLANTA IRON FOUNDERY. I AM now prepared to order Mill Gearing of every* description, nnd all other Castings thnt nre mirfo- in similar establishments, including Gin Gear, Plate* and 1 Balts, See., See. AUo. BARK MILLS, wilh tbo- latest improvement!, nil of which will be warrimietl to be of the best material and workmanship.. I wiU, also furnish alt kinds oi Mill Rock at tho lowest raten fir Cash. A.LEYDEN March 8,1651 ly PATENT CAST IKON WATER WfltElS. W HICH will he warranted to cut two thousand Ifcot t f plank per day, under any head of water ftotri four feet up, Manufliotured ky mnrhoB, 1851. A. LEYDEN-. NEW GOODS UNDER TUB MASONIC HALL. R. J. JOHNSON I S now receiving a very large andilie belt allotted stock of Goods ever received by him, consisting of nearly everything usually kept by merchants Domes tic and ample goods, somo very low price for laboring hand*. Gentlemen's Une dress Goods; well assorted. French and English Cloths, CassiraSres, Vest ngs and Summer Cloths, all direct from the Imporleti. La dies fine dress goods, ulmost every description, and la te, t and moot fashionable for Spring and Summer t col ored plaid embroidered, plain and Swlsa muslin nnd Lawns; Fancysillt tissues, Barioges, and a handsome assortment of Ginghams of every description, all di rect and of the latest Importations. Ribbons, and *i large mock of worked collate, caps, mantillas,visetted, and many other nrtlqleatoo tedious to mention. La dies best twisted silk Gloves and mill, colored fobey kid gtores, Linen and lawn handkerchiefs, holsery,fcc.. BONNETS—a line mock colored satin, lace, gimp, satin straw, Hungarian,pearl and Spanish hairbnnnets. Misses pen rl and satin straw end nintp Bonnets, Bon net silks, flowers snd linings; Ladles kid slippers, and walking shoes; olso a large Hook of Boots and 1 shoes for gentlemon, flno and oommon. Ready-made Clothing, summer Hats,fine moleskin, fur and silk hats. Crockery, China and glass nest,. hardware, cutlery, saddle*, bridles, martingales; also, a fino lot of sugar,, coffee and molaaaea wiU he said very cheep for caili only. He respectfltlly Invites his former customers and friends to give him a call; he in. prepared and will give the best of bargains N. B. A liberal reduction will tie made for cask for nil bills over $3. Rome, match 97,1851, GRISWOLD S COTTON GIN. THE Increased demand lor these GlnS rendered It nre. '•nary for the proprh lor greatly to emend hi, works, which he Is doing will, entire new buildings, and supe rior new Machinery, on the Central Reilruad, el Gris- wotdvll e, Jones county, Georgia, 81 miles eesl Rum Ihe oily of Macon, These are not Premium Glnv. Not having gut up a fancy oneespreetljr tor that purpose, hit sample Gins, era of ihe tame q ialhy, end of no belter appearance, then those sent to his customers;—and without saying he makes the best performing Gin in use, deems it equiva lent to eay, that his ore in belter demand than any other now in use—not having failed within the last five years to sell double as many as any other Faetory i» Ihe Stair, and will guarantee those he ie now manufacturing lbs the ensuing crop, are the beat made Gins In Georgia at the price. Slid worth at much to the purchaser, a, the best he can get many Slaw at say p«i**. Ile would alwi caution Planters not to purchase Cuts wilh Water Ruses from any other Factory than his, a# he haa paid n high price fur, and owns the eselutiva right tu Georgia lor all the Water Buxte ever patented and to Ihe Oil saving Boses Tor the entire rollon Vejlea* and hereby notifies all who make, tall, or use Wats* Boxes or Oil- savers other than Ida Factory,they will he held accountable fur damage! in conformity with lha Fa* lent laws nf the country. Orders fur Gins by Mail, or through Agents, promptly ciecuted.and delivered at lbs pnichsicrs duor, whan not convenient to a Bailruad Depot or lending- Fch. 27,1851- SAMUEL GRISWOLD.. - Griswoldville, Feb. 1851. 10m. JUST RECEIVED , LARGE and extensive stock o( Ladies’ and 00011* dress goods, newest taring styles; alto n 'staple dry goods boots, thee*, hat* setter ftffis reierreti to on iv WASHINGTON HALL, Atlanta, Georgia. T HIS HOTEL has been newly fitted np and finely fhrnished for the accommodation of the Travel ing Public, generally, ftp- No paina will be spared to render oil comfortable who ln.ty give us n call. ICf Servants always in attendance nt tho Cars to convey baggage and condnet Passengers. JAMES LOYD, Proprietor. GEO. R. FRAZER, Superintendanl. S.. -A new and splendid BARBERSHOP recent' ly attached, under the same roof Pec. 5, IStQ, ^onlJTppwer*- nnaprerti^nt t v and clothing, saddlery, carriago trimmings, spring* ami axles for boggles and two-hone wagons, shelfaad heavy hardware, ot every style and price, smiths’ tool*, sheet, hoop nnd bar iron nnd steel, hoes, chains, See. Also a very large and general stock of Groceries, At- lantu steam Mills flour always on hand; tegether with every oilier article wanted either for city w country use,all of which will be sold as cheap *• the cheapest call and see. April 3,1851. SULLIVAN CABOT& CO, A. RATS, Fashionable French Boot llakir. £ S prepared to execute work in his lino, in a nt* ami substantial manner, and will be thankful for ■ librrnl share of tho patronage ol Rome snd vicinity He may be found at lire room formerly occupied by the Courier Office, on Brood street. Rome, Jan. 23,1851 Portable Horse Power for Wheat ThraihtraJe* C AN be set up in the field in one day. For sale ky FRANCIS M. ALLEN, April 24, 1851. CARRIAGE MAMPALTORY T HE subscriber grate ful for tbo mnnyaqd repented fnvore bestowed upon him “ for lo theso many years,” by tiiecUl- zone of Romo and vioinJ,-. ty, would stillsollo|tacor» tinnanco or their patron- nge,' and a visit from alg poisons having business in his line He mny bo fo um i at tire samo OLD E8- TABI.ISUMENTon B r0 ad atroot, 5 Doors West of R- J. Johnson’s Corner. Within tho lost twelv* months Tie hns g*entlyo n )ttrgedhis shop, and made many nnd Important l m „rovomonts in almost every branch of tils business, in* materials nre good nnd abundnnt; his workmen faithful and competent, and lio llaitcrs hjmseiflhat his Carriages, Buggies, nnd other vehicles, w j|i favorably compare in beott ty, style, finish nn,| durability, with any situ lit establishment Nortg or Aoutli. Connected with |,|s Cnrringo Establishment, Ims nn extenslvu Binokstnith shop at the head ol. which Is nn experienced workman who Is always at home, and hold, himself in readiness to linmrr" and have hnmme rc d, lion and steel to order. - ^ The citizenB pf Georgia and Alabama. Y?h° ln * tend purchasing cnrrlnyaa BrhWKgie»',^»*ifi®f“.* B,1 F Invited to enll nnd exnmlno hi* work. JH* PI'P”* will bn regulated to suit the times. Knfl cash i«t hand will at nil times command' tbii Very beo». b»i4 gains, WILLIAM. W1MPEE Borne, May 20,1851. *,tiled ndl -mA) N. B.—Repairing done nt tire shortest r punctually and eflfeotually. * f " "**■’ NORTHERN WORK Kill bo leapt constantly onj el*ss I