Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, September 25, 1851, Image 3

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, “ A good deal has been said about what .JRheii 1 7 ' ■ | I ' HI iheir constituents had sent them here to do. They were, (said Mr U.) the leaders of tho South, the appointed leaders^if the Souths The neoplo ara fo d<v,wh«fwn GOMMAN" Here we neve a sample of that dictatorial spirit which prevailed in that body over which Charles J. McDonald presided. Our tenders will recollect also the spirit manifes ted by th'hm on their return home. Witness tho^tfacon, Kingston and Ronffi meetings, where the harshest epithets were applied ti the Q«!herd*Govornmont and all who dan to revere it. In defiance of the popular lee] ing, with this same dictatorial spirit, McDonald went the second time to Nas! ville, and attempted in a certain contingency which he knew would happen, to force upon the South a Southern Congress and Southern Republio, over Which, no doubt, he hoped to rule. The freemen of Goofgia, however,\ have taught him one lesson already, and will' give him another on the 1st Monday in next month. They wil) let him and Governor Hammond know that they are not yet slaves to do their bidding. For the Courier. Is tills a Free Country. Mr. Editor:—I am a plain farmer, but 1 hope I am nevertheless a freeman. 1 have to work hard for my living, and make my bread by the sweat of my brow. 1 was warned to appeir in town lost Saturday to muster. When we were dismissed we were notified that Mr. Colquitt would speak in - the afternoon. This set me thinking, and 1 found others were thinking too. How, thinks I to myself, does it happen that we are cnll- ed out, when we are all busy gathering our little crop of cotton and hay, that the drought and'worm has left us, and nro com pelled to come to Rome through the heat and dust to muster! I then recollected that ‘■our General was a fire-eater, as they say and that Colquitt was a fire-eater, with Rlielt and McDonald at Nashville, and that they were anxious to make everybody like them selves ; and if the people would’nt come to town and hear withnui, they would get up a sham muster and make them come and hear any how. This sorter raised me that I should fee compelled to hare the same politics of my general, and I and some of my neighbors, are determined more than ever, that we will now go for Cobb, Chastain, Waters and Price. The next attempt, 1 fear, if the se- cessioners get into office, will be to march us poor working people up to tho polls, and with their swords swinging over our heads, mako us vote for who they please. As to this man they call Colquitt, I have hearn of him before, with his black coffin on the flog with the nigger on it, and swords and such like at Kingstin last year, and 1 hare no use for him or his talk. I should like to know ....... whether this js"» free country, or whether > wo are to be dragged out from our business to gratify military men and political dema gogues. For the Romo Courier. mysterious Mn/EniTon.—There are some of us puz zled to know how it happened that Mr. Col- quilt, Dr. Bruce and fire-eaters from Cass, Gordon, Paulding and Chattooga Counties, all happened to come to Rome simultane ously, and all happened to find n regimental muster? Can you clear up this mystery? 1 have no objection, I know, to the fire-eat ers meeting when and where they please, but I do object to being ordered out under military leaders to meet with them. 1 should like to know whether tho Cherokee hoys are slaves to be dragged about by fire-onting Generals like cattle, and made to witness the monkey tricks and swallow the low ri baldry of Walter T. Colquitt ? I hope you will give us light on this subject ? VULCAN. Remarks.—In reply to our worthy but somewhat wrathy correspondent, we will say, that we know nothing about the subject matter of his enquiries. When we started from our quite rural home on Saturday .morning we did not know of the muster or ■ of the arrival of Mr. Colquitt at Rome —- - Gur man Friday was more wise upoa this subject than ourselves, for ho had by some means got the idea in his wool, that there .was to be some kind of show in town. On arriving there we found a show sure enough; and a good many quite ashy, as well as dus ty, that they hod been commanded insteady of being invited to attend it. And wo regret that many went homo indignant, nt what they called an imposition, and failed to onjoy the rich entertainment gotten up at the ware house by the fire-eaters, for their especial benefit. Wo regret it, because we know, * that they would then have gone home more decided unionists than over.—Ed. Court. For the Courier. Rail Road Meeting. At a meeting of tho citizens of Cedar Bluff and tri- elnlty. held at the village on Thursday UthSopt. 1881, Rev. Newton Rondlo was oolletl to tho Chair and William K. Bryete Invited toact us Seorotery. lion. Thoe.' B. Cooper! being requeued! explained the ob ject oi the meeting. The elialrmun, on motion made, appointed Hon. M. J. Turnlcy. Col. JesjLuwrence, Col. J»L. Senior, Thomas B. Cooper, El®, und Wlljjgm K. Brjere, a committee to prepare and report reeolutlons expres sive of the objects of this meeting. The coramitto having retiredfor n abort time made [ho following report i _ Tho ropld progreee, with wnioh the Alabama 'enne^eytiver Rail Road is being constructed, gives atifying assurances that the road will be built. Alj nr consider it a fixed (act that the road will come to Gadsden—that tho mountain region of Alabama will aoon be in dose communication, with the Gulf oities, by direct steam communication, thus connection bo- tween the distant sections of our Stato being effected, much will have been done (or our people—something will yet be wanting to perfect the enterprise; and that la tho extension of the road Rom Gadsden to L hatlanooga or to Ringgold. To mako this road what it should be, is to connect it with the railway Inproughfares of Georgia, and those of Tennessee and Virginia now in rapid progreaa of completion, thus connection can bo made at either point indicated, the route to cither Is altogether practicable. The inter mediate country is a continuous valley oi greot fertil ity of eoll, densely populated with nn enterprising aud industrious people, possessing tho ability and tho will to contribute largely in the construction of tho connecting link. Tills msetkig is but the initiative in the efforts that will bo mnde to osrry out tho enterprise; its present object la to call Attention to the subject, and to invite the assembling of a Rnil Road Convention nt title place, at soma early day; not for tho purpose of urg ing tho importance of each a connection, for that is extensively known and admiticd, but to mako mani fest its practicability and the ability and willingness of oar fellow-citleons of the country through which it pastes, to contribute liberally in aid of Its construct tion, to ask of other sections having an Immediate in terest In Its construction, their aegiitanooi and to or ganise a compijny with a view of asking for charters from the approaching Legislatures of Georgia and Alabama. Then-fora, be it Resolved, Tlmt in the opinion of this meeting, Rail Road from Gadsden, Ala., to Chattanooga, Trnil. or to Ringgold, Ga., will be a road of great public utility, being n connecting link, uniting the city of Mobile with (he volley country of East Tennessee and Virginio,nnd of the Alabama and Georgia thor oughfares by uninterrupted communication by steam power. No argument is wanted to enforce its Impor tance, no effort requisite to illucidnte Its advantages to the whole country, and especially to Alabama, or that it enn aud will be built. Resolved, That in our opinion its completion will contribute more to the advancement of tho various industrial pursuits, agricultural,mineral and commer cial, ol the very interesting country tltro' whloh it will pass, than will result from any similar improvement in the Southwest. It will nlford the most direct, rap id and sale communication between the eeatern cities and the Gol'f of Mexico, of any route in the United States, and in our opinion afford a safe investment for capital. Resolved, That with a view to concert of action between those sections interested in the construction of this work, n Rnil Road Convention, to be compos ed of dciegales.lrom the various sections of country feeling an interest therein, is hereby invited to con vene at this place On the first Mouday in November next, for the purpose ol taking such preliminary steps ns will secure its completion, and for organizing a company to obtain charters and solicit subscriptions. Resolved, That a copy of thasaprocoedings, signed by tho Chairmen and Secretary be furnished a news paper in Jacksonville and Selma, Ala., Rome, Go., Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tenn., with n request that they publish the same, and that ail papers in Al abama and adjoining Slotca fiiendiy to the enterprise be requested to copy. Preamble und Resolutions adopted. , N. RANUELL, Ck’n. Wm. K Buyers, Sec’y. / • For the Courier. Cedar Vawuy, Paulding Co., Gn.) September 10,1851. j Ur, Editor :—Four of tho hands which 1 oversee picked 1043 lbs, cotton, as follows: Wash 445; Isaac 431 ; Lewis 405; John 373. The night boforo this cotton was picked, being clou dy without rain, thcro was no dew and it was per fectly dry all day. It was picked in day time, nor was Itpicked "bolls and all," os many will want to . bcliove. Doubt not, Bro. Planters, tho correctness of the above, until you come and see me on Judge T.'H. Sparks' plantation, where this cotton was picked, and where it ceu bo picked again, and see for yo wolves. On tho same day 34 hands picked 5,441 lbs. col. ton, three of which being engaged in huuling cotton [ infim Gin, and bringing water for tho rest of the {lands, pioked onjy 30Q lbs. . jf Cherokee enn best this. I would be glad site t would do so, and let ns know dpough the columns of r pappf, ai)d I wilj “try again." 1. Piok your cotton dry ond clear of trash Jtfpufs^ &c. g. D. HARMON. PurMfr; Johji_ A. Q uiti m n - Pilot j Midshipmen > W. H. Stiles, Jos. R, J Passed Jackson, H. L. Benning, D. J. Bailey, J. D. Siell, F. F. Jones, Robert McMillian nn J D W Lewis. For Freight or Passage, apply to the Com modore or at the offices wf the Constitution- ■list, Federal Union and Columbus Sentinel. Attention, BachauCbs!—'ffe follotvin, singular advertisement appears in an Englii ng ish anted, by a young lady, aged 19, of pleas ing countonnnco, jpjod.figmp. agreeable tnn'n- Ifleral-inftsfmation, and various accom- ints, who has studied everything,' from creation to a crotchet, a situation in the fam- ly of a gentlemen. She will take the hes if the table, manage his household, scold hi servants,nurse his babies J»hen they arrive,) check his tradesman’s bilTTaccompany him to the theatre or in walking or riding, cut the leaves of his new books, sew on buttons, warm his slippers, and generally make his miserable life happy, fpply, in the first plMB, by letter to Lousisa Caroline,’ Linden Grove, and afterwards to papa, upon the promises. N. B. The wedding finger is size AUTIOI.aS. Bacon, Hams Sides, ........ Shoulders,. •.. Hog Round, ,., Baqoino, Dundee, k? Gummy ..... Buttir, Goshen *. Country Bsar, Fore qunrter Hind do Carolus, Box,. ■ ^ Spermacoti,.. ■r Adamantine,. . Covrsa, Java, Saak... "Culm, Lngulrn,. Rio Cotton, . 4 (small.) No Irish need apply. MARRIED. In this County on Wednesday evening the 3d instant, by D. J. Parks, Esq.'Mr. David Hutchinson, to Miss Serrild E. Potts, all of this county. . NOTICE. Orrics Rome Rail Road Co, ) • Home, Sept. 30, 1831. ) F ROM nndnftor this day no receipt will lio given for Cotton until niter its shipment. W. B. TERHUNE, Sup’t Trans. For the Courier, WITH DISPATCH, For (lie Head Wutur* ot Suit River. The fast sailing, Clipper-built Steamer, “ Southern Rights Party,” will leave Georgia Wharf for tire above destination on Monday Evening oi the sixth of October next, at 6 o’clock precisely. She has recent ly, been completely overhauled, and such changes have been made in tho rigging as to adapt her to Salt River navigation. A new engine, operating upon Democratic principles, has lately been put on board of her, as her old “ Fire-Eating” Engine was found upon trial not to work very well, and it is now confidently believed that with Iter new machin ery, she will easily outstrip nny thing afloat. The alterations in her construction have been made under the special supervision ot Capt. U. B. Rlielt. Her State-rooms will bo found particularly commodious nnd convenient, each apartment Doing so arranged by a feli citous contrivance, that the occupant can detach it ontircly from the vessel and sail on by—himself, provided, he can rig himself out with paddlo wheels and ati engine. This is effected by what Capt. Rhett calls the se cession principle; a novel and astonishing discovery in modern science, capable, as he affirms, of an unlimited application in the arts of life. The services of an able and distin guished Pilot have been secured, one who lias an intimate acquaintance with the break ers and sand-bars of this romantic river, hav ing recently taken a voyage up this river ns far as the waters are navigable, and as far as any other adventurer has over dared to as cend. Tho bill of fare comprises the rarest deilicaciss of the season. Hot roiis of seces- sion-moonsine, prepared with South Carolina yeast^fresh steaks of disunion-fog; old nulli fication braudy ; genuine gun-powder tea ; snapping turtle soup, he. he. &c. The officers of the “ Southern Rights Pur- ty ” are as fotlows, viz t Commodore C. J. McDonald commander; Walter T, 0*lquilt, 1st. Male; •Seergo Washington, Napoleen Bonaparte '!«%nsg 2d Mato; Jonathan Davis, Chaplain; W. L. Mitchell, Chief Engineer ; Charles Dougherty, Surgpon; J. 1)1. Smythe, BANK NOTES GOLD AND SILVER W ILL b-. taken in exchange lor nil debts duo 'lie Into firm of Osgood, Alsobrook Ss Co. The state of Mr. Osgood’s health demands a speedy set tlement, of which all Interested will please n>ko no- tlco. J. W. M. BERRIEN. ROME PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY * ‘ BY FRANCIS M. ALLEN. 8 CTS. s .. 13 a .. .. 13 a .. 3l a 17 a 35 A 15 at a , 3 a , 30 a 371a 10 a at 35 .85 40 IS Go«|.. iORSMi CorMMeal, Ookdaqk, Bale (Rope, Manilla, Cotton, Floiir, per bbl... Mackerl, No 1 No. 3 Nc. 3 times, Green,.... Dry Iron, Swede,.... English, .. .. 13 a — II n » 5 a ..100 a ..110 a .. 10 a .. 18 n .. 10 a $5 50 n #10 14 no 130 n 30 35 87 30 15 60 JESSE LAMBERTH & CO. Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. W E would respectfully invito the attention oi our customers and the public generally to our stock of Goods for Foil nnd Wintor wear, wliioli we have just received nr.d are opening. Gems bl'k and colored IVook, dress and sack Coats, Black and colored Tweed As sntinett ond trook coats Cloth and Blanket oloaks and Over-coats, Colored Cass, Dooskln, Tweed nnd Sntinett pants. Black and colored silk, satin, plusb, cushtuoro and merino Vests, L. B. Shirts, colored shirts, merino nnd cotton tinder shirts, merino nnd cotton i hose; Pocket lid'ks, ora- vttts, sonrfo, gloves, suspenders, collars, dratvors die. Mon's youth's nr.d Boy's lints nnd cans. In grant va riety Men's fine calf dress Boots Men’s fine wa ter-proof Boots And a large and completa assort ment of Men’s ond Boy’s Boots anti Shoos of cveiy quality nnd p-ioo. We havo also for the Ladles, velvet, silk, satin and straw Bcnnuts) Satin, Lnstlng nnd inorocoo Gaiters, half Gaitors und Baskins ; Tios Slippers nnd walk ing Boots and Shoes ; a full assortment of Misses nnd childrens shoes of all kinds. N. B. We would particularly Invito tho attention of Planters to ourstook of Negro Shoes, which is very flill. Band lloop? Lhad Molasses bbl pr aid. W. I. .... Syrup Nails, Keg tb. Rtoc, lb.... Salts,Livorpoolper Suck .... do do bushel. •• Table, por box Siioar, N. Orleans, lb.... Porlorloo, Doha Santaorus - Rofincd Loaf, ’.. Crushed, Clarified,... v ... .... Tallow, '.... .... Wont., Raw Roll ..5 a .. 8 a . .. On. .. 5 n . .. 01a . .. .71a , .. 0a. .. • 7 a , .. 371a , .. 60 a , ..5a, .. 5 a 9 00 a .. 00 a . .. 15 a , *.. 8 a .. 0 a .. U a .. 10 a .. 11 a .. 12 a .. 121a .. 11 a .. 8 a .. 33 a .. 33 a Floyd Sheriffs Sales for October. ¥ ILL bo sold on tho first Tuesday in October noxt, before tho Court .House door in tho Olty of Romo, Floyd county, within tho tisunl hours of sale, tho following proparty, to wit .- Lot of Land No. 300, In die 92a district nnd 3d section; ievltd on as tho property ol John Fnrgerson to satisfy a II. fa. issued from Randolph Superior Court in favor ol Daniel M. Flemlngvs. John Fur gerson. . 01 .3 10 . 100 . 20 . 10 . 10 . 10 13 19 NEW AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING HATS. OAFS. BOOTS A SHOES. ' For Men, Boys and Children. W ITH a complete assortment of Ladies nnd Miss es Hats, shoes and gloves, Tranks, Carpet .Bags, Stationary and Fancy Stationary, BOOKS In great variety CARPETING, eery cheap. Piano Fortes and Music, with a great variety of other arti- cIes,allor which will bo sold at fair prices. Books ordered in the shortest possible time. WORKING ON TUB SHOAL T he coosa river steam boat com- PAN Y have employed some hands nnd gone to work on the Horseleg Shoal, one and a halfmiles below here, hoping to linprovo the navigation of the Coosa River. Any esalstanco by labor or contribution ofmo- ney.willbo thinkfully received to alilso desirable nn object in which alt are Interested' V W. S. COTHRAN, Pres. o. A. s.B. co. Sept.24. 1851. TO RENT. fJHIE oommodious brick Store,^immediately under ■ the Choice Hotel, adjoining Bnttey’o Drug utort i excellent *tsnd. Apply to T. J. VERDF.RY, Sept. 18,1851. or Col. D. S. PRINTUP. FOUND. O N or about the first of August, six weaving slays, which the owner can get by calling nt this offlc and paying for this advertisement. Sept. 18. NOTICE. M rs. LOVE, MILLENER & DRESS- MAKER, Rom Charleston, bega leave to in from the Ladles of Rome and its vicinity, tlmt she has opened s store on Bread street, opposite the Post Office, where a general assortment of Millenery and Dry Goods wilt be kept; nlso, Bonnets, Cops, Capes, Visettes, and Dresses made to order. Mrs* L. trusts that by strict attention to basinrss, and low charge, she will merit a shnre of public patronage. Ladies sre psrtieularly Boliled to give her s call. N. B. The latost Fashions will be found at the above establishment. "CAVE SPRING HOTEL" FOR SALE. fTtHER E belongs to the premises, besides the house. -L a good kitchen, brick smoko bouse ond dairyf good stables, crib, Ace. The garden and yard are sab, stantially enclosed. The house is in the centre o the village. Any one wishing to purchase will do well to call and exumine. The "Cave Spring Hotel" will still be open lor tho travelling public until a purchaser is met with, A plenty of corn nnd fodder for horses, Flour for biscuit made nt “Shield Ss Posey's Mills”—hard to bent. Call nnd sco. WILLIAM K' POSEY., 1851. Ct STATE OF GEORGIA. Floyd County- Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1851. Present their Honors William Joiixsox, F. I. Sul livan nnd William T. Pbi:e, Jusiiccs.ofsuid Court. TO ALL TO trirom IT MAY CONCERN. W HEREAS Jesse Lnmberlh, Administrator on the Estate of John Reynolds, lato of said coun ty, deceased, applies for Leiters of Dismission from the Administration of said estate— Therefore, the kindred nnd creditors of said deceas ed, are hereby cited and admonished to file their ob jections (if nny they have) in my office, in terms of the Law, otherwise Letters Ditunissory will be granted tho applicant at tho January Term Minutes of the conrtnf Ordinary lor said county. By order of the Court. July 7th, 1901. JESSE LAMBERTH, c. c. o. N0TIC. A LL persons indebted to tho Estate of William Champion, lato ol Floyd county, deceased, arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, ond ol persons having demands against said deceased, wil render (hem in agreeable to law. if. L- COLBERT, Ez'r. June 12,1851. gia Tobacco, which will be sold low by the box. Also a lot of flits out Tobappo in papers fo; smpk ing, equal tq Haypnne, *4 July 17. F.M. ALLEN'S WHITE SATIN AND WHITE KID CLIPPERS, silk Gaiters and half Gaiters, Enamcl- kJ ed Buskins and Excelsiors—Kid Ties and slippers, with a general nsso[tmpnt Pf Misses audr Children's shoes. DBfflNIS-A'HlJNT, June 36,185{. ROBERT FINDLAY, MANUFACTURER OP Stea’m Engines, Boilers, AMD DEALER l.v HULL STONES, Of every description. STEAM SAWMILLS, Circular and alraight, pat up in tuperior stylo. Macon, August 31,1871. GEORGE JONES, Importer of and Dealer in CROCKERY AND G%ASS WARE, MACON, GEORGIA. I AM aanfident that I enn mako it to tho interest of Merchants to buy their supplies of Crookry ill Macon, if they will glvon clmnco. Assorted orates of all sizes nlwnys on hand.— Call nnd soo for yourselves. Maonn, July 34, 1831. Gin WHITLOCK & C0SKERY, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Angusla, Georgia. T HE subscribers linvo entered Into Copartner ship for the transaction of n General Warehouse aud Commission Buslneis, and loniler tholr services to the Into patrons uf Flemiso, Whitlock !e Co„ nndCosKEBY, James & Co., nnd tho publio general ly. They are prepared to afford tho usual faoili- tles to their customers. . «.. . Orders for family Supplies, MRUbg, \Vc. filled at the lowest market prices, All business intrusted to them will hnve their personal altontton* J. W, WHITLOCK, Lato ol tho Firm of Flumikq, Whitlock & Co. . JOHN COSKERY, Late of the Firm of Coskkrv, James Ss Co, Ang, 7,1831. JOHNS- ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW TTTILL give his prompt nttention to the sale ol it Lands, and the establishment of disputed Land ■I, Claims in eastern T. xas. Ho will also do a Gener al collecting busbies*. All on the most moderate terms. Address Marshall Harrison County Texar. References.—Judos Lumpkin. J. W. II. Underwood. Col. Daniel S. I'niNTur. July 10,1851 MATTREHAM. rtflHE iindwaignpd hnvlnglocalcd in Homy, ispro- JL pared to do Mattress work on terms to suit per sons wishing to puichaso. His 8hop is on Broad Street, three doors below tho Courier printing oflioo. Persons wishing to purohaso will plonse call and examine my work before purchasing elsewhere. A few loads of dry corn shucks wanting, for whioh the cash will bo paid. July 31,1851. JAMES B. CARROLL. DIRECT IMPORTATION. T b i Chares!on f South Carolina, ) August, 1851. J HE subscriber will have in Store by, the first of September next, an extensive assortment of FOUE1GV GOODS, Imported direct to this Port. Comprising Plain, Figured, Black, Fancy Col ored, Figured, Wate/ed, Glace nnd Chenc JJress Silks. Bonnet nnd Lining Silks. Block and Colorca Merinos, CashincrsandDo'Lafnes. Ginghams, latest Styles. A very full Stock of new Style Bonnet Uibbons. Gloves, of every description, Alnrge Stock of Shawls Hosiery, Silk, Worsted nnd Cotton. Silk .Thread, and Cotton Laces and Edgings. Embroideries. Cloths and Cnssimercs, Tailors Trimmings. lie will have in addition a full supply of American Manufactured Goods. The attention of Dealers generally, is respectfully Solicited. JAMES B. BETTS, August 14,1851. 135 Meeting St• It. S. NORTON, At the Brick Comer formerly occupied by Alexander Sf Norton. I S now receiving his Failand Winter Slunk of Goods, which were recently bought in New York at very low pi ices and will bo offered at a stnnll ndvan.-c on cost—consisting of a general nsaortinentof- Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hardwires, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Syc. Among which arc plain Figured nnd Brocade Alpa cas, from 20 cents to #1 23 ; English Merenos, r-sh- meres, Jackonets. Swiss Muslins, Edgings, lnvvriings, Thread Luces, Ginghams,Prints, &c. Flannels of nil Kinds. Tweeds, Saltinets arid Kent. Junes Broad Cloths, Cassimercs nnd Vestings, A largo lot of Negro Kerseys, Plain., nnd Linseyu, ' iffill™ The undivided third part of Lot of Land No. 334, 23rd district, 3d section—levied on ns lire property'of Benj. F. Adams to satisfy a fi fa issued from a justices’ court of Upson county, in ftvor of Amos W Horn- mond vs sold Adams—Levy made and returned tome hy a constable. Aug. 28. THOS. 8. PRICE, Sli’ff. At the same time and place, will he sold, Thomas Duko's Interest fu nnd to Lot of Land No. 277, in the 24th district nnd 3d section) levied on nr the property Thomas Duke to satisfy three fi. fits, issued from n justices Court of Floyd county, two in fnvor of Wallis Wnrron and ono in favor of Pnrhnin Lindsey vs Tiiomos Duke. Levy mode and returned to mo by a constable. Lots Nos. 03 and 09, lying in tho Etowah Divis ion of the City oi Romo; levied on as tho property of Thomas O llackeit to satisfy n tax fi. fit,. Issued "onrovs said Ilnckett. Lo- Inc by tho collector, lying on the North sldo of [ within t'.ie incorporatelitu* evleil on it* tho property of ;o satisfy n tax fi m from tho Mitchell (s Co. Levy o by the collector, tho Etohnli Division In tho ns tlio property of Jacob fl fa. from 1 Rom thocltycoui vy mado and Fifty acres Oostanaullnri tis of the olty D. R. Mltchi city counoll, mnde and rcl Lots Nos. 4 am olty of Rome, levied Herndon to sntl(fy n ronerty I tho ally council Mncinnw, Wh'tncyand Duffiil Blankets. Ilfs Stock of Hardware isnsgoodasthehrs/inTown; where can bo found Saws of oil kinds, from a 10 inch back to n cross-cut 0 feet long. Also Carpenters’ Bench, Moulding, Road, Match and Flooring l’lones, Iro|l, Framing aud Trying Squares: Bevels, Spirit Leypls. Chisels pf all kinds nnd sizes, hammers, hatch ets nnd Axes; Knob Locks aqd Latches, nil sizes, Butts and Bolts: olsq, Fine Double Barrelled Guns, Rides. Bo!lows, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates, Log, Fifth, Lock, Tongue and Breast Chains, nnd many things in die Hardware lino not herctoforo kept here. All of which wer boughtfo bf sold, Call and exr amino the goods and prices, Jtomc, Sept 4,1651, B ushi ol Romo vs Jneob Herndon. Lovy made and return ed toineby tho^ollceter. Lot No not known,.ill tlip Coosa Division of tho City of ltomO) wlioreon A. J. Iluys now llvos; levied on ns tho property of A. J. llnys to satisfy n fi fa from the oily council of Romo vs A. J. Hnys. Lovy mnde aud returned to mo by tlio collector. Lot No 53, lying in ilia Etowali Division of tho ho city of Pome; levied on ns lire proporty ol Wm. S. Bradbury to sntlrfy n tax fl fit from tlio city coun cil of Romo vs said Bradbury, Lev. mndo and re turned to me by tlio collcctcr. A House nnd Lot lying In tlio Consn Division of tlio city of Rome, occupied by John J. Cohen, Me- Kinzie nnd others; levied on ns tlio properly of John W. Hrndbnry to satisfy a tax fi fit from tire oily couu cd of Romo vs said Bradbury. Lovy madcuud re turned tome by the colcctor. Tlio Lot whoreoti Mrs. Wm. C. Butler now lives, lying in thoEtownh Division of tho city of Home ; levied on ns the proporty of tho estate of Wm. C. Butler, deceased, to snlisiy n tax fi. In. from tlio oily oouncll ol Romo vs said esinto. Levy litndo and re- turned to me by tlio coleetor. No. 51 nnd 07 in tlio Oostannulla Division of the oily of Rome; levied oil ns tlio properly of A. B, Loach lo satisfy a tax fi. fn. Irotn tho,city oounnil of Romo vs said Lcncli. ^Levy made'and rd mo by the colector. Part of Lot No. not known, adjoining the Choieo Hotel on the West, in the Etowah Division of tho city ol Romo; levied on ns the properly of Joseph N. Lump kin to satisfy n tax fl, fa. from the eit coancilnf Romo vs said Lumpkin- Levy made and retamd eta mo by the collector. One fourth of nn nnre of land, lying in tho Coosa division of tho City of Rome, No. not known, where on A. J. Ilays now resides—levied upon ns tho prop erty of A. J. Hays to satisfy n fl. fa. from the 9l9ll district, Floyd county, in fnvor of H. M. Cnldwell vi A. J. Hays. Levy made nnd returned by n constable. Also half nn acre with tho improvement thereon, in the Oostnnnula division ol tho city of Uoinowliercon Richard Williams now lives—levied on as the properly of Richard Williams tosatlsfy a fl. fa from a justieo'n court of Floyd favor of Alexander Hodges, bearer, vs Itichunl Williams—levy made and returned by a constable. Also, Town lots Noe. 4 nnd 21 fn the Etowali di- vison of the oily of Romo—levied upon ns tho proper ty of Jarnb Herndon to satisfy a fi. fa. from a justice's court of Floyd county, in favor of Joseph N Lump kin vs Jneob Herndon. Property pointed out by the plaintiff—Levy made and returned by a constable, Also, one eighth of fractional lot in the Coosa di vision of tlio oily of Rome, whereon one Davie now lives—levied anon an the property of-Jerrmiah White to satisfy n fi. fa. from a justice's eourl of Floyd coun ty, in fiivcr of G. G. McCoy—levy mndo and ramm ed by n constable. Lot No not known, fti’lhe Coosa Division of the city of Rome, occupied by Davis and formerly by Jer emiah White; levied on ns tho property of Jeremiah White lo satisfy a tax fi fn from the city council of Rome vasnid White. Levy made nnd roturned tome by the collector, Lots Nos 5 ond 0, In the Oosinnsulla Division of the city of Rome; levied on ss the property of A E Itenves to satisfy a tax fi fa from the city council of Koine vs said Reaves. Levy made and returned to me by tho collector. T HI.S well known pleasant stand is again open for the aceemmudatjon of Hoarders ami Trsns'ent visiters. J. J. REEVES, Pro. Rome, Ga., May 29, 1851. LINENS- A T, ARG1’ variety ofpiain, corded, nnd sniped White Linen I rills. Also,a superior article of Brown Linen Drills, verv licavv for pantaloon us,-, at DEBNIS Sc HUNT. 20 cents. 1 AA SACKS Fresli Flour, from tit jLvfvJ Mills, just received und fort-ale ' May 1,1831. T. J. VEI B UILDERS of Storo ond Dwelling houses a viled to examine samples of Mineral Knob —white and dark, nl V. M. ALT Feb 3d 1831 GEORGIA.- Floyd county— w HEUEAS, Jeremifili B. Reeves applies lo me tho i for Jitters of Adi iiiuatrati.-n mi tlio Cctate of James M. Reeves, late of sniil rounty,dccensi*cl— These arc therefore to cite mid Kiiiutmfef) nil nnd sitiK'tlut the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased to bo nnd appear nt my office, within the time prescrib ed by law; to show cause (if any exist) why said Let ters should not bo granted. Given under myli ind, nt office. August 13,1851. J. LAMBERTH, c. c. o. Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLY loan order of tlio Honorable dm Tm. Inferior Court of Tclfuircmiiiiy, when silling aa Court of Ordinary, will be sold before Iho Cour House door In the Town ol Romo, Floyd county, on he first Tuesday in Ocioiier next, within the usual tours oi anlo, Lot of Land No. 160, in the 24th dist. nnd 3d section, Also, on the same day will he sold before the Court lio-ve door In Cherokee county, Lot of I nnd No. ,->9l ill the 31st dist. nnd 3d section. Also, on tlio snmn dny will be sold, before dm Court house door in Forsytli county, Lot of l.trnd No. 373 in the 3d dlsl.nnd 3d section. Also, at the same lime, will bo sold before the Court house door in Gordon county, Lot of Land No. 210, in tho 7lh dist. nnd 3d scell-in. Also, on the some day, will bo sold before die Court house door in Walker county, Lot of Land No. 134 in iho 96th dist. ami 3d section. Also, on die some dny, will be told before tho Conr houio door of I nmpkin county, Lot of Lnnd No. 153 n the lClii dist. nnd 1st section. All sold as the property of Henry H Brickvll, dec’d. July 31. JAMES BOYD.Adm'r. F OUR months oiler date application will he Hindu to the honorable the Inferior court of Floyd coun ty, when sitting ns a court of ordinary, for leave to sell nil thi^r-al estate belonging to the estnte of Wil liam Champion, late of Floyd county, deceased. July 10,1831. M. L. COLBERT, E rl Lot No. 37, In the Etowah Division In the city of Rotno; levied on as the proporty of John L Iliisen to satisfy a lax fi fit from tho city council of Rome vasald Ilusen. Levy made and returned to me by the collcc- Samuel Pollard's interest in nnd to Flfiy acres of Land, mcro or less, It belqg tho south eost corner of LotNo.3il9, in the 95lh district ond 3d section; levied on as tho properly of 8nmtic! Pollard, lo satisfy ihreo fi fas. Issued from n Justices court of Floyd county, two In fnvor of George W. Brownlownnd ono in fn vor of Wilson B. McAlroy v» said Pollard, and Ro bert Pollard, security on stay. Levymude and re turned to me by a constable. Postponed Sale. Willinm Ezzell's right, title and interest in nnd to Lot of land No 393, in the 93d district and 3d secllou; levied on ns the property of Willinm Ezzcll to satisfy two fi fas issued from Floyd Superior court, one in favor of Thomas C. Iiackctt, and the othor in favor of the Officers of court vs said Exzell. Property pointed out by plnintiflb nttornry. Aug. 28. THOS. G. WATTERS, D Sh’ff. Floyd Mortgage Sale. W ILL be sold, on tlio first Tuesday in October next, before tho Court-house door In the City of Romo, between the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: If enry T. Alien’s interest in 1G acres of standing corn and 3 acres of standing colton, 13 head of stotk hogs anil 5 head of cattle—all levied upon as the pro perly of Henry T. Allen, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. from Floyd inferior Court in favor of James D. An thony va. Henry T. Allen. Property pointed out in said mortgage. July 31,1851. THOS. G. WATTERS, D. Sh’ff. CHAS. P. LEVY, STEAM ENGINE BUILDER. Machinist and Founder. I S prepared to famish all kinds of Steam Engines and Milt Coifingi, having an extensive nrsortmrnt of patterns of tlm newest and most approved kinds. Catt Iron lVoter Wheels, of several patterns, of a character tliut wil! suit all situation* 1 . The Ocniulffce Foundry. On Cotton Avenue, near the Macon J* Western Dejiof, Has peculiar advantages in fitting up Steam Saw Mills, the Proprietor having hail great experience in tlmt business. Many of his Mills tre now in use in this State. There i* a constant supply of Gin Gearing, Cotton Press Pulleys, Arc , kept on hand. Also, all kinds of finished Machinery. Macoli, August 21,1851 WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. - CTaniaimnosii®® Msuolfoanuto, And Factors. 1 Id Bay Stroct. SAVANNAH. Jos. Washburn, R. WiMittn, Fras. G. Dana, | Refer to Major Jno. S. Rowland, Cass county. Tilly 21, 1851. FALL HATS. TU3T received from Beebe (Broadway, New York) J n supply of Foil Hals, which for beauty of atyle and superiority of Material and workmanship ailVpoas any hats over offered In this market. Sept 4, 1851 DENNIS 5c HUNT. Dissolution of Copartnership. T HE firm of Burns & Murray Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All pereons indebted to ihe concern will mako pavmont to either of the under signed. ' WO BURNS August 28,1851 A J MURRAY ADMINISTRATORS SALE A OH EE ABLY to nti order of tlio honorable tlio xA Inferior Court of Floyd County, when sitting nsn Court of Ordinary, will be sold belbro tiiq Court House door In tlio Olty of Rome, nn tire first Tues day in Novonibor next, within tlio iisnnl hours o side, tlio following Negroes, to wlti Funny n wo man, forty-oiglit years old; Israel n man, thirty-fivo years old) Kpponger n boy, thlrteon yeors old; Min erva n gill, elovou years old; Cundls a girl, seven years old; Mnrlnli n girl, tliroo years old; together with Lotsol Lnnd Nos 304 nnd 374. in the 4th dis trict nnd4lh section; also, Lot-No. 14, In -.lie 22d district ond 3d section j nad Lot No. 188, in tho 5th district nnd 4lh section; all tlio foregoing- Lots of Lnnd lying in Floyd ooumy. On tlio Munc day wilt bo sold boforo tlio Court House door III Cnssvlllo, Cass county, Lot of Land No. 543, in tho4ihdlstriotnnd 3d section. All tho above nroporly belonging to tlio Estuia of William Jenks, Into ol said county deceased, nnd sold lor tho benefit of tlio helm nnd creditors of mid deceased. THOMAS.8. PRICE,) . . . WM. O. MILES, \ Al,mr *• A-ig, 91, 1551. T Georgia, Hoyd county— TK7TIEREAS, Cndraman Pope applies to me for V ’ Lettera of Administration on tho Estate of W. C. Pope, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to die nnd admonish nil and singular ilia kindred nnd creditorsoi said deceased to be and appear nt my office within tile time prose rib-- ed by tnw. toshdw cause (ifanyexist) why said Let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 15th day of July 1951. JES8E LAMBERTH, c.c.o. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, and 600 lbs. Lard, for O nflA LBS Bacon n,„. ™ ..... . ZS,UUU sale for Cash, F. M. ALLEN, QA 1IBLS. Suporfino nnd Extra family flour, for jSU sale by, F.M. ALLEN. GLOVES- L ADIES and Gents white colored Kid, silk and Llslc-thrrnd, Ladles Colored and Black Mohair Fic-nie,and children's Lialu-lhrend nnd cotton Gloves. DENNIS & HUNT. WHO WANTS TO RIDE? A FINE new Buggy for sale Warranted, np August, 7th 1851, Wlmpcy’s make. Warranted, apply to F. 5f ALLEN. - FACTORY YARNS, W HITE nnd SLiped Oamiburghs, for snj) Bale nt Fno'ory prices. Merchant* d ted to oxntnitio tho goods Aug. 21* F. M. ALLEN, Airciit. tlio WAKE HOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, N. OUSLEY & SON, Macon, Georgia.. GODFREY, OUSLEY & CO., Savannah, Georgia. JAKES E. OOPTREV, | ft. OtJSlEV, | k. r. FLOYD HOUSE, THOMAS WILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. B. HARTWELL, Superintendent. 1 ntli.-s' Department under ihcchargeofMrs.Jmnes, formerly of Columbus, ond favorably known to the travelling public. An Omnibus will always be in readlne.-s for the couveynnee of passengers to and from tlio Hotel. 09- The Alligator Line of Singes to Flodirn has its Mscoti Office at this Hotel. WASHINGTON HALL, MACON, GEO. TO 1IIE PUBLIC. ■you cannot bu better pleased (han nt fills old toblislied House: Tho rooms nre comfortable and clean, ond the proprietor is wilting to do any thing in his power to please his customers. Mat lacon, Aug. 21,1851. E. S. ROGERS. BUGGIES. F OUR superior Buggies, well made and well trim med, ond a splendid set of Hnint-ro with encli, for sale at a bargain. DENNIS 5s HUNT, aug. .28, 185). 4~hF every yj in ;rtcst styles FANS. ■ description, comprising some of file very lyles at tlio- NEW YORK STORE. STEAM! STEAM!.' STEAM Ml Furniture, Choirs, l>nnncll-noors, Win d.iv-ilatth, Ullllds. ole. T HE undersigned.beg leave to inform the public, that they inive on hand and ore constantly mnnn- fttcturiiig, every variety of Cabinet Furniture of tho latest stj’lc and licet quality, toother with I’annel Doots, Door and Window Frames, Window 8aeh, Blinds, &c. &c. Having been ot very considerable expense in pn outing nnd fitting up »cw and improved mad for doing the above kinds nf work, thry con6 appeal to n generous publio to sustain them i lerprisc, pledging themselves lo fitruii' their line, for fees money tltnn it can hand,or laid down for from nny market, SUMTER. Aug 25,1851. Cqr-Shop oppo-ite the Prr Sired, Rome, C Tiuoriimiion we resort! I