Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, September 25, 1851, Image 4

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1 HOTCCB. v LLp:no,ar xt&biul to the estate J\. Jiate.letf of Floyfi county, deceased, will please can »ad make immediate payment,nnd thone haying claim* ogalort said eama w»U please present them In ternij of the law. THOMAS S. 1’RICB, > AJ . WILLIAM O. MILES, \ Aum -a Pi" KEGS Nails,ossntUtL I'orsttleldw.whWe 1 8 O sale ntvl tctnil»l»y VTM. ALLEN, Jan .‘J, 1850. | /-* HALES Factory Yarn, lor sale low by J.U Jan a. F. M. ALLEN. tinning Business. ITMIE subscriber would inform bis frlciijfa anil the J- public generally, that lie is now engaged in the manufacture of Wiu-Wnva o< every kind. Also every description of aheeprott. Ills shop is on Bioad street neatly opposite AVimpeo'a Gattlnge fac tory, where lie hopes by pionipt attention to oldens; to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. ■lime an, 1651. 1U1IN U. MKIit'K. SAVAWWJL1E AND AUGUSTA. tiu; BALES Bleached nnd Brown lloutespuns from 3-4 to 6-4 wide, for sale low by Jnn 3. F. M. ALLEN. 15 *JQ CASKS Men' by Jon 1!. i Boots ami Shoes for «nle low F. M. ALLEN. 100 GRASS CLOTH. PIECES Grass cloth—Inst received by July 31. DENNIS ,V HUNT. 1 ft CASKS Ladies* Walking shoes and kid slip. J.T_f per# from 50 cents a pair tip. For sale by Jan u, {F. M. ALLEN W HITE WINE and pure Cider Vinegar, lor sale by F. M. ALLEN. Jan. 2. ODD assortment of Castings, for sale by, July 3. F. M. ALLEN. FREE AND EASY. C ALL at tho Free te. Ensy House, 4 door* below the Choice Hotel, where yon will find a general as sortment of Confectionaries, Fruits, tec, or the very beat that ever has been, and nagood na ever can be offer ed In Home. Bold low lor cash. C. EO. SH A W* Fell. 20, ISfil.* OX li08|IEDS qf first rate Corn Meal just re- reived ond for sale by O. SIIAW. Feb 20 A SUPERIOR article of Family Fluur, for sale by Feb.flU O. SHAW. 000*4 article of shelled Corn on band ami Air rA. sale by Feb til) O. SHAW. -4 /A BOXES superior New York Cheese forsnleby JLU Fcbao G. SHAW, A FIRST rule lot of Bncoit just received and for sale by Ui SHAW. Feb ai) „ y) s asks a LBS. of superior Lard just received at MRPll Feb fit) BHAW- STEAMBOAT CO. OF GEORGIA lion the t.'lvvriag Saraooer*.a» aWw, via HAVlDU.\I>AXIS,lin»)..TlL>A&.Mjrra\MJF. V»v lb# l'»» at i COUGHS, OOXiXTS, ! HOAHSBNSSS, BKONOIIXTX3, WHOOX-XHO-eOUGH. OikOOPj ASTHMA «4 OOSSCM^nOK. ; A*.«a tV vntwwwss Alsr<rvtavia.^ft^v«.lto»w>a,! 1 i» tVrr tpanjaa'i via re r.e . aav, vbe >midTT#.s#. vbhift—rbt- Freight. (no;v taken at re.loee.1 rate?.) will be forwaided f,cc c/ranwitsiaA. irv In order to prevent eVifsfi.’s or Mtreirm'sg#, bills oi Hiltng should be address.*;! Ic, SAM'L. M .POND, PstsiJt-t, &raaN«I. Merchandise from the interior to JOHN II. GUIEU, -(gear J«,-«il«, June 33, 1 S31. s HALF bbls. No. 1 Mackerel for sale by Feb 20 G. SHAW. PERM anil Star Candles for Bale by A First rate article of Tobacco and Cigars ulwuys SL kept at . SHAW’S Feb 20 S COTCH Herrings, Sardine#, &c.,mity at nil times l be found at llio Feb 20 FREE & EASY HOUSE. o YSTEUS, Lobsters, Shritnpu, Pig’s Feet, Egg-* &o„ served up in n superior manner nt the Feb 20 FREE te EASY HOUSE. 200 LBS. GOSHEN BUTTER, Ihrsale at March G, 1851. G. SHAW’S. lira' loi.-i. .\o*vs tras«|..i«?s?,s AMv.M-r. , . .*,>„... , . . .\ . CHATHAM, (irast) .....TEXXKSSSKK. | ***"*** **** «##»»»*»*«**» ,M<MMttt*%t**k*n* ..... . . _ . . . k |j m» ♦x'KfcwiaV-s *».*«*> vatilhr *1 puM i..-t M» to trawtaxtto.*** -‘tw^a »» 1 •* aWO-Wd,****» «*.-vd«t;-..»eCCWueny *»d» 1 interior ej Ovxv-i*. Bsvaili OxxvJumu j A xirt* iml * U R.x*is | tV» HkurI * ^>4, OaI mvt — ^jTr- A *^-«< landing ftx'ighi by ih^u» in 5 d*yi f«v* NVw Yevl j tM) ««W*wd oxb? K«OMtvm$ Y^mui'r* to duffliU. . ^ -- of piltMAtt ds«ra»« whkli law buWtto svorpl from cor mh!*t th<.>warh!» ami ihonMiml* <*xvry ytar. In deed, there is now abundanynMmi to believe a reme dy has at length becu t'ouoi can le relied on to cure the most dangerous afle&jlr.s of the lungs. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the enres effected by its use, but tve would present the following opinions of eminent men.ntid refer furth er enquiry to the circular which the agent below nam ed, will always bo pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputable prool ot these facts. From the the President of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK. “James C. Ayer—Sir, I havo used your Cherry Pectoral in my own case of deop seated Bronchitis, am satisfied from its chemical constitution, that it is an admirable compound for the relief ot larynginlnnd bronchial difficulties, if iny opinion as to its superior character can hoof any service,you arc nt liberty to use Jt-as you think proper. En. IlrrcncocK, L. L. D. From the widely celebrated Professor SILLIMAN, M,l)., L. L. D., Professor of C-cmistry,Mineralogy, &c,Ynle College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Societies of America and Eu rope. “I deem the Cherry Poctomlnnndmirnblccomposi- Uon from some of the best articles in the materia tued- ca.nnd a very effective remedy for the class of dis eases it is intended to euro/* New Haven Ct. Nov. I, I81D. Major Paulson, President of the S. C, Senate,states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful suc cess, to cure nn inllnmmntion of the lungs. From one of the fir6t Physicians in Maine. Saco, April 26,1840. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, I am now con- staiuly using your Cherry Pectoral in iny proctico, anil prefer it to any other medicine for puimonnry com plaints. From observation of many severe cnseB, I convinced it will cure coughs, colds, nnd diseases of the lungs, that have put to defiance all other remedies. I invariably recommend its use in cases of consump tion.and consider it much the best remedy known For that disease, Respectfully yonra, I. S. Cushman, M. D. Prepared anil sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Ciicntist, Lowell, Mass, Sold in Rome by IUttey Brother, in Mnrietln, by Wm. Root, in Augusta by Havilanii, Risj.ey, &. Co. nnd by nil Druggists throughout the SU'te. march 20,1851. i y JOS. W. WEBSTER, ) —j GEO. F. PALMES WEBSTEU& PALMES, WHOLESALE G It 0 C E R S, Successors to A. Welles Co. AT THE OLD STAND, No, 105 Bay Su*<mm, Vtmu:nnli,€)n. THEY 1IAVK ON HAND AND FOIt SALE. A VJomostfc Gin, Brnndynnl Rum, l/iy 75 bbls Monongaliclu Whiskey, fill I fall Pipes, Quarter nnd Eights best Fr’ch Brntuly 50 bbls Pori, Mednri and Malaga Wine, h Pipes Holland Gin, 4 I Hid*. St. Croix nnd Jainaicn Rum, 2 Hlid«. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, . 150 Boxes Spanish and American Scgnrs, 120 If hits, (air nnd choice Louisiana Sugar, fiO do. St, Croix and Porto Rico do, 150 Bbls. Crushed, Powdered and clarified sugar, 30 Boxes Loafrugar, 500 Kegs, Halves and quarter Guo Powder, SO'I Bag* Buck and Diop shot, 4000 Lbs. Bar Lend, With n complete assortment of articles ueuitUykp in a Wholesale Grocery. They will haven heavy- rtock of Gunny Bagging and Hemp Bale Rope for the fall demand, nil of which will be sold on ca.sona ble terms. Savannah, June 25, ISM. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. f I HIE House and l t recently occupied by the sub. JL scrihor, n*.<xt to the Female Academy, and neat tho new Methodist Church. The lot is well improv ed, nnd contains l.} acres of land, suitable for /lower nnd kitchen gardens. Tins location is plen.-ant ami desirable. F.nquir uofihu subicribcr in Chattooga, or o Wm. JouN^ox.Ksq-. Rome. may 22,1851.—it* W. GWYNN. NEW ARRIVAL. HE undersigned begs leave to inform the jjf -L citizens of Rome, its vicinity and the public generally, that lie has just received nnd opened a new Stock of WATCHES and J EWELRY oi the very lu- test patents nnd finest style. His friends and acquain tances are cordially invited to give him a call and ex amine his assortment. All kinds of tepairing done to order, and goods and work warrrnted. His establishment will be found a fow doors above the Iliibum House, Depot Square. J. G. McKINZIE. Dee. 19,1850. HOUSE PAINTING. AARON IV. HARSHAW» H AVING permanently located in the City of Rome, i* prepared to execute work in the above lino, in n style that cannot fail to please the mo9t fastidious. He has in his possession testimonials from mnny differ ent persons who h;ivo tried his skill, that will satisfy every one who wish to refer to them. Those in Rome nnd the. surrounding country who have houses to paint can have it done on ns good terms, and with ns mud) neatness anddispntch by me us it can be done by any body else, North or South, Having quit carriage nnd sign painting, my whole attention will bo given to the above branch of' the business. Graining done in (irs rate style, nnd made to represent any kind of wood or mat hie desired. A s I have dttie a great deal of work in lids part of the country, specimens of which may be seen, 1 deem it unnecessary to say any thing more a* to tuy ability o do good work, but only ask a trial May 29,1851. tho Honorable the Inferior court of Floyd county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho renlestnte of William C. Butler, Into of said county, d enwd. HFiNJ. U.LAMPKlN, Adin' JoW10,1851. NOTICE* A LL persons indebted to the Estate of William C; Butler, into of Floyd comity, deceased, are quested to make immediate payment, and all persons having don amis against said deceased will render them in agreeably to law. July 10, BENJ. II. LAMKIN, Adm’r. GUARDIAN’S SALE. B Y order of tit* honorable the Inferior couit of Chattooga county, when silting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold on the firat Tuesday in December next, in Summerville, one Negro hoy, Bill, 22 year old, the property of FI. Jones, Lunatic, Sold for tli benefit of the creditors of said Lunatic, aug. 28, 1851. M. MONTGOMERY I1A <RIBT JONES, HOISERY. L ADIES’, Gent*’ nnd Mines’ Ho,e in "*'■"'*■ 'July 21. Guars. RANKS & EDDLEMAN, OKAtiKItH IN BOOTS, SHORS, L&ATIIRB.PPGS, SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, &c. Atlanta, Ga. y a AVE on hand a large stock of Leather, Lasts, Pegs, Findings, Tools, &c., und will fill ordert • t Augusta prices, with the freight added. Shoe-Ma kers in Cherokee Georginnnd Alohomn would do well (Otry them, as they inight“go farthernnd fare worse.' They also have a large stock of well assort ? k doots and Shoe*, mode exnrcssly for them, which t ».*y will warrant. They arc superior,and no mistake, and will be sold cheap Also, heavy doubled sole Negro Shoe*, manfnetur- cd by themselves in Atlantn. These arc far superior to any Negro Shoes before offered in this part of the esuatry, and will be sold on accommodating terms. They are prepared also, to make to order fine single and doubled solo Boots, or any other kind, in a style unsurpassed in this country. Nov. 28, ISM). SOMETHING NEW UNDERTHE SUN. GEORGE BONE TY ESPECTFULLY informs the Citizens of Floyd i-Vand the adjoining Counties and tl.cp ihlic Gener ally, that lie lias poimnncntly located in the City of Rome, with the intention of currying on the CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS in all its various brunches. From his long experience in one of the most extensive Carriage manufactories in the State of North Carolina, he flatters himself that lie will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may feel disposed to test hte mechanism. “ Equaled by few and Excelled by none,*’ is his motto, and in order to carry this fully In to eflect, he omployH nonebut first rate workmen in every department of his business, from the turning of a common wagon spoke, to a full trimmed Pleasure Carriage. In connection_with his cstabdshment he has nn extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate business and fill orders in work manlike style. He cordially invites the public, nnd es pecially those who arc disposed to encourage “ home manufactures” to give him a cull nnd examine his Car riages, Buggies nn l Wagons, before purchasing else where, ns he is determined to sell for cash or to punc tual customers, on as good terms ub can be obtained South of “ Mason'and Dickson’s Line.” Repairing done to order, nnd in the shortest possi ble time. IIis establishment may be found in the immediate vicinity oft lie Rail Road Depo and next door to tlit? Hilbum House. Broad Streot, Rome, Ga. January 1st, 1851. dis FRESH ARRIVAL OF PURE HEDIDIHES - Well Scheldt to suit l’hysicians., L INSEED OIL—A good Siippljvimla vory fine or tide.' * PURS WHITE LEAD—a large supply, nnd offered low for cash. LAMP OIL—A vurySuperior article for winter or summer use. PUTTY-l hit up in bladders, and of ilie best ipial iiy. SPIRIT GASS —A pure article, and warranted to give the most brilliant light—also Drugs, Paints, Dye- Stuffs, Giuss, Perfumes, #*c., making a lull nnd cemg plete stock of every article in the Druggist line. March fi, 1851. J. 1). DICKER.-ON, Agent. 2 doois above the Bxehnnge Hotel, Rome,Git. DISSOLUTION. T HE Finn of Osgood, Alsnbrook te Co. solved this day by mutual concent. All debt due l>:■/ or to the Firm, will be settled by J. W. M Berrien, who lias tin? notes and accounts of the Firm fo- collcctimi. Immediate liquidation is requested of als indebted to the firm. JAB. E. OSGOOD, JACOB E. ALSOBROOK, Aug. 4, 1831. JAS. W. M. BERRIEN, NOTICE. T HE Co partnership existing heretofore between Battey & Ban. having been dissolved by mullin' consent, the business will be continued At tire oldstnnd by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of the firm will receive the uttention of us both* G. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome, March 1,1851. RODT. BATTEY. DISSOLUTION. fpHE Firm of Wm. E. Alexander Jc Co. havin' L been this dny dissolved by matunl consent, tin .l-u.iili'fl* will he continued nt the old Htnnd, by H. S. NORTON, whore un ovsorCineat will always he kept mu heretofore. The unsettled business of the firm will receive tli fith'htiouof both', WM* R. yJLKXANDER. Jan. 30, 1851. R. 8. NORTON. LBS. Hemlock sol# Leather for sole. Ap ply to F. M* ALLEN Jan. 2 JUST RECEIVED. jU'5ub-criher, in addition to his former stock, a choice lot of Groceries; consisting, in part, ot w Orleans. Porto Rico, Crushed, Refined Grnnulat- Bugnrs ; Sutterior Rio Cofli c, Sperm, Star and Tni- ' Candles; 12 bbls. Irish Potatoes, for seed; 30 ’■•* No. 1 Pen Meld'Family Flour; alson choice lot tors, Old Cognac Brandy, OJd Port, Pure Hoi- rotch Whiskey and domestic Liquor**. , Blacksmith Tools, Hoe*, Trace Chains, , Garden Rake*, Boots, Shoes un l 'era for sale on ns good PRIVATE HOSPITAL. D US. MILLER. <fc WORD have opened in this City, a PRIVATE HOSPITAL for the treat ment of Surgical nnd Chronic diseases—whether of negroes oi white person*. In such nn establishment the expenses of patients *i,e niuclt less than under ordinary treatment, and the chances of cure mate rially iucrum-cd. July 24,1351. Iy, . FIRST COST. A FEW Ilarcges, Poplins, Lurtres nnd Ti.-sues, will be sold ut cost to .dost out a small lot. DENNIS fc HUNT. LADIES CAMBRIC HDKFsT L ADIES, Gents nnd children’s Cambric Udkfs. from 7A cents up to ^*2 00 each. Also, Black silk lorei, from one inch to eight inches wide—t splendid and fashionable* article for trimming Mantil la*. DENNIS & HUNT. DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR. A SAFE and certain cure for consumption of the Lungs, spitting or blood, coughs, colds, Asthmu puin in thu side, bronchitis, hooping cough, ami al, pulmonary affections. Extract* from Cirtificattf Which enn he seen in full by culling on the getting a pamphlet.! Mr. Adam Harris. Asristant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New York,says; Dr. Rogers* Liverwort nnd Tar cured acaso of the most distressing Asthma of twenty-six years standing. [signed] AdamIIarri Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, says—I had the consumption, attended with the most distres sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood frem Ilie lungs, nnd all my friends and physician! gnvo me up to die, yet a tew bottles of Dr. Rogers Liverwort and Tar restored me to perfect health I GAtir.iF.r# W mm head, Sworn to nnd subscribed this 27th day of Novem ber. 184*1. II. E. SruNCKR, Mayor of Cincinnati!* Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says—I had the pulmonary consumption, attended with a most dtstressing cough, which reduced mo to a mere skeleton, and although under the care of an able physician [Prof. Harrison] 1 continued to grow worse, and gave up nil hopes of recovery ! At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed iny lungs nnd restored me to perfect health, by the use of a few bottles. [signed] Ann Child. OCJ* Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says— Although it may seem unprofessional, I feel constrain ed to state that I used Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar in the case of Charles Wade, who was quite low with pulmonary consumption, with the happiest effect; after the usunl remedies had failed. [.iigned] Wm. Richards, M* D The following is written from Elizabethtown, Ky„ Your Dr. Roger’s Liverwort nnd Tar gives great sat isfaction in this place. Dr. Howard prescribes it, and Vronouuccs itjone of the best medicines in use. E. II. IIaycraft, Druggist. Rev. llenry Wiseman, of Patriot, -Gallia county, O., writes -Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort nnd Tar has been the means ofsnatehing my life from n premature grave! [signed] HENRY WISEMAN Mr. Merriwoather, of Denmnrk, Tenn., writes— Dr. Rogers'Liverwort and has jo metewith greit success A young man of this place, supp< sed by every one to he in the last stage of Consumption ! was entirely cured by its use! [signed] *■David Merriwkatiier, Druggist. Mr. II. H. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia, O., states— A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was appa rently in the last stage of the. Consumption, was re stored to perfect health by the use of Dr. Rogers’ Liv erwort and Tar. The cure was a most extraordinary one. Drl Wilson, inn old school Physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, O., writes—1 havo been the famijy physician of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve years, anti during that time she has suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into puimonnry consumption ! She was cuiirely cured by the use of Dr Rogers’ Li- erwort and Tnr. II. R. WILSON, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, Tlmt wherever Dr. Roger*’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tnr bus been introduced, it is superceding every oth- r Cough Medicine before the public This 11 wholly wing to its truly wonderful medicinul virtues. Be warned in Season ! A*ud ncglcot not that cough which is daily weaken* ing your constitution, irritating your throat and lung*, nnd inviting on that dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can he ob tained ns Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort nnd Tar. Beware of Counterfeits end Base Imitations. The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on jpi the engraved winpper n round each bottle 1 Price, $ l per bottle, or-ix bottles for ft5. Sold wholesale and retail by .‘-COVIL *V MEAD, 113 Chartres st., bet. Conti and St, Louis, N. Oilenm Sole agents for the Southern-States, to whom ,all orders and applications for Agencies must he nddr ed. 03* Sid by BATTEY & PRO., Rome, Gi. , S. ers&Bro., Kingston, Gn. John V. Erwin, Cassvilie, J. J. Hopkins, fcJiinmierviilo ; J. W. Robbins, Cave •Spring ; J. L. Elliot & Co.. Cedar Bluff, Ala. JLRVE JAUNDICE, ))VSI*KPSU CHKONIC OR N15YVOU8 DEBILITY, DI8EAHI5 OF THE KIDN’.iY qml nil (llsul.ou nrl.- Inti from »ill,or? JcKii l.ivrt nr Sto- m»oh, incli n> Coi\,U|>»« U»n, Inw»n\ VHm, V«Un>'*». oi M6.J ihn II#»J, Acidity «f Suiwneh, lU'«itf<u>n, Di#« s.'*t i'a# KttUn#,, or Wolght in ( Hon, Ki«o»*<i«n», ilnh- ir-f or ftntming »t «h* FU of tV» Sr\'w*rK,&w jn?««\n» of tin. »n«l Difli? Y»i« KM.ihiog, Ffnr- loriog it tli* Hr »H, Cko. king or S»ffor»t'm, S«*Mtion* xth»n in k lyintIMUurr, Dimner.of ri.lon, Dot, or W’eba befor, tho Sight, Fovtr ,nd Dull Pain in tha Ilo.d, Deficiency of Farspiraiion, Yeliovkesof thoSkin and Eye.,Tain in tho Side, Back, Cheei, Limbs,&c., Sudden Flushings of Heat, Burning in tho Flesh Constant imaginings or Evil, nnd Great Depression of Spirits, Cnu bo Poriunuonll, Cured l>y JL»K. HOOFLAND’S CEUiBUATliD GERMAN BITTERS, PREl'AHEU UY BE, €. HI, JACKSON, AT TIIE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No, 120, Arc’ll Straw, Philadelphia. Their power ovor tho above diseases is not jjxcel led, il oqualiod, by any other preparation in the United States^ as the carco attest, in many cases after skillful physicians had failed, Tlioso Bitters aro worthy tho attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtuo3 in the rectification of diseases of tho Livor and lossor glands, exorcis ing the most searching powors In weakness and of factions of Uie digestive organs, they ore, withal safo, certain and ploasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Ciiab. UoniNsoN, Esq . Easton, Md., in a lottor to Dr. Jackson, Jan. 9, 1850, said— •» My wifo and mysolf havo received more bono fit from your mcdicino than any other wo liaye ov or taken for tho (TFDyspopsia and Liver diseaso." •• The Tenth Legion,’’publisltod at Woodstock Vn , Jan. 10,1850, said— ••A GREAT MEDICINE.*' “ Wo have uniformly refrained from rocommend* ing to tho public ar.y of tho various Palont Medi cines of the day, unless thoroughly convinced ot their valuo. Among thoso wo considor worthy ot notica is tho German Bitters, invontod by Dr, IIookland, and prepared by Dr. Jackson in Philo* dolphin. Ono instanco in particular, in which the suporior virtues ol this modicine have been tested, has fullon under our observation. During tho last summor, a son of Mr. Abraham Crabill, of this coun ty, was very seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint ond after trying in vain various rc-modios, he pur chased a bottle of tho Ilittors, and after using it was so much relieved of his distressing malady., that ho procured anothor bottle, and it rostored hirn en tirely t« hotthh." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS Judge M. M. Noah, a gentleman with groat sci ontific and literary attainments, said in his “ New York Weekly Messcngo*-/’January (1,1850. »' Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters.—Hero is preparation which tho leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous m rocommending, and the reason is obvious. It is tnado alter a prescription furnished by ono of tho moat colebra'ed physicians of modern times, tho lato Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Iloofland, Professor to the Univorsity of Jona ( Pri vate Physician to tho King of Prussia, ami ono of the greatost medical writors Germany has ever pro duced. He was emphatically tho enomy of hum dug,and therefore a mcdicino of which ho was the inventor and endorsor may bo confidently relied on He specially rocommended it in Livor Complaint, Dyspopaia, Dohilityi Virtigo, Acidity of the Stom. ach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of tho stomach, the liver and tho intestines. Nino Philadelphia papors express their conviction of its excellence, andsovoral of the oditors now speuk of its offoets from tlioir individual experience. Under theso circumstances, we feel warantod, not only in calling tho attontion of our roadors to tho present proprietor's (Dr. C. M. Jack son’s) preparation, hut in reoonim to all afflicted.’* JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER (TMIE grentremedy for IllicumollBm, Gout, Pain in. J- 'Ira BrarejHlpfflSokjLImbS«ni Joint. .Scroluln, King'. Evil, White SwclUnge, Herd Tumor#, Still Jolntn. nud all fitted gains whatever. Theso Plnstcra possess the udvnntngo of being put up hi air-tight boxes, bench they retain their full vir tues In nil climates. This celebrated Pain Extractor lino been no exten sively used by Physicians tmd tho people in general, both In this coutmy aud Europe,that it is tdmust need less to sny any thing nlraut it. Vet there lnuy he some who stand in tired of Its healing powors who have not yet tried it. For tlrair eakes \ve will simply stale what it has done ill thousands of eases, and what it will dn for them wlran tried. ? ^JU'PlgaFRCVM GEORGIA. (tr M(9itN]f}&tiinonv front a Physician j ()t!#Tt.rv*N—Your Hebrew Plaslcr has ettrod inh of pains of which 1 have sutrered for twelve yonra past. During this period I Uliorcd under nn afillotioir rooommendmg the article Broad Street, Home, Georgia; ■ < *I3 HaEECTFJULLY- announce to tho public that of every description. Also Hals and Cans, Boot? nnd Shoes, Umbrellns, Thinks nnd Carpet Bags. To- gothet with a woll selected sleek of Lndies and Straw nnd Sntln Bonnets, Ladles and ]Miseca pittih nnd LnBtlng Gnltors nnd Buskins, Ties, Slippers nnd Walking Shoes, Also Pnrnsots,Gloves, mils, Fans, mbs.iVo., Marcit 13, lW;. FAI.I. AND H’INTEH tiOODE. Nt J. 0MBEB&, post, imnng inisnerioti i labored under nnalfliotlofT]^* of my loins nm\ side, ami tri« d mnny romedlea thW M h R C H A N T T A l L O R », my own medical experience suggested, but \vithoui%t.V. obtaining relief. At length I used your Plaster, nnd 4 now on hand n well selected stock of G|oths ntn now by its good effects entirely cured. I will re- , c t l8S >M]oro8 and Vostlngs, of every .shade nnil ’ "* * color* together with evory othor nrticio. usutilly kejn in tin establishment .of’.tliU Hind. Theae-gpodp havo been selected’by himself in New York, ‘ with commend tho Jew David’s or Hebrew Piaster to al. who arc Buffering from contraction of tho muscles, or permanent pains in the side or back. The people of Georgia have but to bccomu acquaint ed with Its virtues when they will resort to its use. Yours, truly, M.‘\V. WALKER, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe, county, Ga. To Messrs Scovil & Mead, New Orleans, La. A ;reat care und particular ioforonco to tho pruvafl- ng Fashions.. IJo also .prepared < to tnanufec- *turo clothing inn matinrir’mid style not to bo sttr- oassc>l in our larged and inost fashlonttblcLoUics. . October 10 ISflf. . JEW DAVID’S OR HEBREW PLASTER IN, NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovilt. & Mead—I have been troubled with the chronic rheumatism for the last twelve vears. On tho 1st of July, 1810,1 was so bad that I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe that I bad not slept a wink f r six days. At this time my at tending physician prescribed tho **Hcb ewvPlnstcr,’ and it noted like a charm ; tho pain led mo, nnd I slept more tliun half the night, and in three days I was able to ride out. I consider the “Hebrew Plaster,” the best remedy for nil sorts of pains, now in uso. G. W. McMINN. Hendersonville, N. C., Aug. 16,1850. Beware of Cbuntccfeita and base Imitations. Qj* Tho genuine will in future have the signature of E. Taylor on the ateel plate engraved label on tho top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this art clc is in existence. The gcmiiho is sold by us, nnd by our agents np •pointed throughout the South—and no pedlur is allow ed to sell it. Dealers and pu-ichaseis geneially are cautioned against buying of any but our regular agents, otherwise they will be Imposed upon with worthless nrticio. SCOVIL & MEAD. 113 Chartres street, N. Orleans,^ole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must in vnrinbly be addressed. Soli by Battey. Rome Ga. j Summers & Broth.- Kingston; John A. Erwin, Catsville j J. W. Robbins Cave Spring; J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; Eliiot, Cedar Bluff, Ala. GEORGIA' MILITARY INSTITUTE. MORE EVIDENCE. Tho "Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,” tho lost family newspaper publishodin tho United Slates^ tho editor says of DR. IIOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. •• It is seldom that wo recommend what are form ed Palont Medicines to tho confidenco nnd patron ago of our roaders; and, thorofore, when wc recom mend Dr. Iloofland's German Blttors, we wish it it bo distinctly understood that wo aro not speaking of the nostrums of tho day, that aro noisod about for a briof period and thou forgotten after they havo done their guilty race ot mischiof, but of a medi cine long established, universally prizod.and which hn» mot the hearty approval of tho Faculty itself. Evidence upon evidence has bean received (like tho foregoing) from all sections of tho Union, in throe years'" and the strongest testimony in its favor is, thatthoro is more of it used in the practice of the regular Physicians of Philodolphii than all othor nostrums combined, a fact that can easily bo esta blished, and fully proving that a tcientific prepara tion will meet with their quiet approval when pre sented ovon in this form* This medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dis- pepsio no ono can doubt, aftor using it ns directed It nets specifically upon the stomach ond liver—ills profcrablo to calomel in all billious diseases—the offect is immediato. Thoy can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit, to any time, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. - This modiclnc has attainod that high character which is necessary for oil medicines to attain to in duce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article nt risk of tho lives oftkose who aro innocontly do- ccivod. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have tho writton signature ofC.M.JACKSON upon the wrnppor, and the name blcwn in the bottlo, (D'wiihout which, they aro spurious._r|) For sale wholesale nnd retail, at tho GERMAN MEDICINE STORE; No. 120, ARCII Stroot, ono door bolow Sixth, (lato of 278, Race street,) l’hiiadolphia, ond by ro. 8pcciahlc dealers generally throughout the country. Also for eslc by DR. J. D. DICKERSON, Druggist, Romo, Gn. August 1, 1850. 43 ly. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GUEEBLY to nn order of the Court of Ordin ary of Floyd.county, will he sold before the rourt-lionsed-jor in Romo, between thu usual hours of bale, on tho first TuesduX in October next, one forty acre lot of Jand, lying in tho tlflrtl district of the fourth section, number 1009. Sold as tho pro perty of-Jonathan S. Lawson, deo’d, for the benefit fo the heirs of 6aUldeceased. July 24/X8DI- P. R. LYLE, Adinr. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE- T IIE ub*criberwould respectfully announce the citizens ofRoine nnd vicinity, that he has lust received and i* now opening a large and splendid ns- gortment of Boob niul SliflON, consisting ot sentleincn’s water-proof and dress boots. Indies boots nnd shoes, and every variety of boots nnd shoes for children. Also, n fine assortment of strong course shoes nnd hoots for common wear. As he selected Ids stock in €h:ty!t!Mo» vJUt £vcn& c:iru, lie enn confidently recommend it to his friends and patrons, nnd will repair any rips without charge. lie nh-o has on hand nn extensive supply of Ilcm- oclc Baltimore upper nnd sole leather, fine calf skin, and a general assortmentofinnterinlp,in hioline wliicli, together with Ids boots nnd shoes wiil he sold as clump ns can bo’ bought in fliis market. lie will continue to manufacture bools nnd shoes ns heretofore to.order, on vonsonablo torms. Thankful for past fa vors, lie cordially invites his friends and acquaintan ces and the public generally to give him n call. P. A. UMBBRG Jan. 19, ISM- T HIS Institution will be opened for the admission of Cadets, on Monday the 7th of July, 1S51. The Institution is owned by Stockholders, and is under the control of n Board of Trusters. The Faculty elected, consists of Moj. A V. Brum by, Gen. James W, Armstrong, Moj. D. II. Hill nnd Thomas Stewnrdson, M. D. The Superintendent, Mnj. Brumby, is a graduate of West Point. He comes to us with highest recom mendations from the Academic St-jffof that Institu tion ; nnd, also, from tho Faculty of the University of Alabama, where he taught Mathematics and Civii Engineering several years. Gen. Armstrong and Maj. Hill are nlto graduates of West Point; and are experienced teachers. The latter is at this time Profes sor of Mathematics in Washington College, Virginin. The course of instruction, regulations and discip line of the U. S. Military Academy, so far ns they are applicable to n E-tate Institution, have beon adopted, and will bo pu lislied in pamphlet form. The Institution is organised upon tho usual plan of four Collegin.e Classes. By reference to the follow ing synopsis of studies, Parcni$nnd Guardians cm at once, see tho requirements for Joining cither class, FOURTH CLASS. Arithmetic, Algebra, Gcoim try, English Grammar, Geography, Composition ond Declamation. French. THIRD CLA SS. Tiigonomery, Mensuration, Surveying, Descriptive Geometry nnd its applications, Analytical Geomotry French, Drawing, Composition, Rhetoric, History. SECOND CLASS. Differential nnd Integral Calculus, Natural and Ex perimental Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Draw ing, Evidences of Christianity, Moral and Mcntn Philosophy. FIRST CLASS. Natural History, Mineralogy, Geology, and Pliysl ology, Politicul Economy, Law of Nations, Civil ond Military Engineering,nnd Civil Architecture, Infunt- ry Tactics, 8cicncc nnd Practice of Artillery. No Cadet will be Admitted who is less than four teen or more than twenty-five years of age ; or who is afflicted with any disease or infirmity which would render him unfit for militnry duty. The Cadets will be occupied a^out one hour nnd half each dny in military exercises; but at such limes as not to interfere with their regular studies UNIFORM FURNITURE, fco. The Uniform consists of a light gray cloth coateo. trimmed with guilt convex buttons nnd black cord —white vest,and wliitoRussinndrilling pantaloons, without trimmings, for summer. For wintor, gray cloth vest and pantaloon*, trimmed to suit tho coat —black stock, white gloves and white belts—Mon- roo shoes niul a Forage cap. No other di ets will be worn i nor will Cadets be allowed to keep other cloth ing in their rooms. Each Cadet from a distance must provido him solf with a mattrass and bedding for a single bed inattrnss-covcr and bed-strap—one trunk, om clothes bag and six towels. Each Cadot will unite with liis room-mates in purchasing for their common use, ono pine table, ono looking glass, ono wash pan, ono pail and one broom. In view of the following regulation, parents and guardians sending thoir sons and vards to this In stitution, am advised to deposit with tho < Snporln tendant. or with some friend in Marietta, a sum of money sufficient to purchase tho above articles, and to cover all necessary expenses for ono Session ; or the Suporintendantshould bo authorised, in writing, to allow the Cadet to make an account lor a specified sum. The regulation referred to is us follows, viz t "Every Cadot shall keep a small blank book, in which slinll bo charged every article he may pur chase. Tills book shall bo turned over to the Su perintendent fo-his inspection at the end of every mouth. Any Cadet who .‘•hall contract a debt with out permission of the Superintendant, or be furnish ed with any article whatever, by any storekeeper or other person, wit lion t such permission, or whoso pa rent or guardian shall pay any debt contracted by liim dm ing his connection with the Institute, nnd in violation of tins legulntion; shall be dismissed, TERMS. Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Field Mu sic, nnd all oilier contingent expenses, [per Session of ■five moniliB,] 8100 Tuition alone, (for resident Cadet-,) perSeralon, 25 Field Music and other contingent expenses, 2 Any Cnile’t entering die institute after the com mencement of a session will bo charged in propor tion to the above rates. These charges must be paid in advance, for all expenses except Ilie fee for tuition. Every cadet leaving the Instittfe butorc the expiration of the period for which lie. has made an advance, ehntl receive the unexpended balance. Tim Editor of any newspaper in Georgia’, South . Carolina, Florida, Alabama, MLsitFippi or Tennessee, by inserting this advertisement in Iiie paper, and sen. I - ing a copy regularly to thoGeorgia Militniy Institute,” shall he entitled to tuition for one Cntlet, or ids draft at the Tate of twenty-five dollars per session, payable in tuition, nnd in favor of any Cadet, will be accepted. By order of the Board of Trustees. May 15,1851.—ly DAVID IRWIN. President Board Trustees. latest improvements, all of which will be warranted tc^be of the best material and workmanship. I will also furnish nil kinds of Mill Rock at tho lowest rates for Cash. A. LEYDEN March 8,1851 ly. PATENT CAST IRON WATER WHEELS. W HICH will be warranted to out two thousand feet tf plonk per dtty,uiidor any bend of water ftom four feet up, Munofttotured by ■ ninrhoS, 1851. A. LEYDEN; NEW GOODS UNDER THE MASONIC HAIX. R.J. JOHNSON I S now receiving a very large an<l the beat assorted stock of Goods ever roceivcdby him, cohsjstiiig.of nearly everything usually kept by merchants. Domes tic nnd 6taplc goods, some very low price (or laboring hands. Gentlemen’s fine drees 3oods, well Resorted. French and English Cloths, Caesimeres, Vest tigs and Summer Cloths, all direct from the Importers. La* dies fine dress goods, nlmost every description, and la tent and most fashionable for Spring and Summer j col ored plaid embroidered, plain and Swiss muslin and Lawns; Fancy silk tissues,Boringes, and a handsome assortment of Ginghame of every description, all Hi red and of the latest importations. Ribbons, and a large stock of worked collars, caps, manU|!as f v!setiee, and mnny other articles too tedious to mention* La dies best twisted silk Gloves and mits, colored fancy kid gloves, Linen nnd lawn handkerchief*, holscryi'&c. BONNETS—a fine stock colored satin, lace, gimp, satin straw, Hungarian, pearl and Spanish hair bonnet*. M isees penrl nnd satin straw amVgimp Bonnets. Bon net silks, lloweis and linings Ladles kid slippers nnd walking shoes; also a large stock of Boots and hoes for gentlemen, fine and common. Ready-made Clothing, summer lints,fine moleskin, fur and silk hats. Crockery, China and glass ware, hardware, cutlery, saddles, bridles, martingales j also, a fine lot of sugars, coffee and molasses Will .be sold very cheap for cash only. lie respcctfidly invites his former cuutuincnj and friends to give him • call; he is prepared and will give the best of bargains N. B. A liberal reduction will be made for cash for all hills over $3. Rome, march 27,1851. GRISWOLD'S COTTON GIN. 'T’lIF# increased demand tor these Gins rendered It nti». pfisnry for the proprh tor greatly to extend his Works, which lie in doing witti entire new buildings, ond supe rior /iew Machinery, on the Central Railroad, at Gri»- wolflvil c, Jones county, Georgia, 8ft miles east ftuin 'ie city of Mncon, These are not 1'rcmium Gint. Not having got Up a fancy one expressly tor that purpose, his »ampl*Uin»,«r* of the sump q-mlity, end of no better appoarancc, than thoso font to his customers and without saying he make* the best performing Gin in uso, deems It equiva lent to «ny, that his aro in better demand than any other nowin use—not having failed within tho Inst five years to sell double nn many an any other Factory in the State, nnd will guarantee thoxo he is now manufacturing for tho ensuing crop, ere tho host made Gins in Georgia nl the price, nnd worth on much to tho purchaser, or Slip best he can got in any Slate nt any prico. He would nivo caution l'luntors notto parohaao Gino»jff* with Water Roxcs from any other Factory tha/t bit, as ho lmn (mid a high price for. apd owns tho cxcluaivo right to Georgin for nil the Water Boxes aver patented, ami to the Oil saving Boxes for the ontiracotioh region; and hereby notifies all who mnko, sell/or uie .Wdto r Boxes or Oil-savers othor than his FncloTy, they will b lipid accountable for damages in conformity With the Pae tont laws of the country. Orders for Gins by Mail, or through Agents, promptly ox rc tiled, and (L'livorcd nttho puirhnsers door, when nut convenient to a Railroad Depot or landing' Feb. 27,1851* 8AMUEL GRISWOLD; GniswoLDVlLLE, Feb. 1851. lUm. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ond extensive .lock of Lndl.a’ nnil Gents’ dress gooda, newest soring stylcB | also a very large slock ofstnple dry goods, boots, shore, tints nnd clothing, snddlory, enrringo trimmings, springs nnd nxlea for buggies nnc| two-horse wagons, shelf nnd henvy hardware, of every style nnd price, smiths- tools, sheet, hoop nnd bar iron and steel, hoes, chains, Arc. Also n very large nnd general stock of Groceries, At- Inntn Btemn Mills flour always on hand; together with every other article wanted either for city or country use,nil of which will be sold SB cheap on the chenpostcnll nnd see. Aprils, 1851. SULLIVAN CABOT& CO. A . O T S>.. Fashionable French Boot . Maker. I S prepared to execute work In his lino,* In it nea nnd substantial manner, and will be thankful for n liberal shnre of tho patronage ot Rome and vicinity He may be found nt the room formerly occupied by the Courier Office, on Broad street. Rome, .Tail. 23,1851 his ID PROVISION STORE. S. G. WELLS. B ACON, Lard, Corn, Flour, Wheat, Sugar, Coficc. Salt, and Molasses,Demestic Yarns,Cloth, Shoes and Leather, Dried Fruit, Beef and Fish. Pure Port Wine, und Pale Qtnrd Brandy, Porter and Lemon Syrup. A small lot of Shoes on consign ment. A few young men can be accommodated with Boarding. March G f J85U VAaAjtfjttpQtE. Depot Squar ,]r v, . >«*rfwin the l&deral Constituuw^. / - j oC BRAYING AND BOATING. rpHE undersigned respectfully informs, the citizens _L of Rome und its vicinity, thqt they have entered into Copartnership for tho purpose of boating amidrny- ing They hold themselves in readiness to have Pro duce, Merchandize, tec., conveyed to any part of the City or Country, and to furnish from their wood- yard on t|io OoFtnnaula River, nnv quantity of good oak Ond hickory wood. They have excellent teams, and will be thankful for the patronage of their friends and the public. JOHN ftl. WISDOM. Jan 30,185ft. ' fcOV- WA1SHI1TG1T0N HALL, Atlanta, Georgia• T HIS HOTEL hnsbeeiiftei#ly fitted up nnd finely furnished for the accommodation of tho Travel ing Public, generally, (fcp* No pains^'ill he spared to render ali comfortable who inay give 11^ call. ICJ 2 * Servants always in nttqpdfWco ntlho Cars to convey baggage and conduct Passengers? JAMES^LOW, Proprietor. GKO. R. FRA55ER, Saperintsndant. N. -A new and splendid BARBERSHOP recent ly ntluchcd, under the same roof* Dec. 5, IS5,0. ^ . ..ivofflo upolfttio entrap upd party Portable Horse Power for Wheat Thrashers C AN be set up in the field in one day« For sale by FRANCIS M. ALLfSN.^ April 24, 1851* T HE subscriber graf fiti for the many nnil repeated favors bcstowc’4 upon him •* for lo thos^ many yeqjrs,” by the citi zens of Romo nnd vicini ty, would still solicit a eon timinnee of their patron age, nnd a visit from all persons having business In IIIB ....... He may bo found nt the same OLD ES• TAJJI'ISIIMENTon Broad street, 5 Doors West of K- J. Johnson’s Corner. Within the last twelve months he has grentlyenlargcd his shop, nnd mndq many und important improvements innlmost every brunch of bis business. Iiis materials aro good and abundant; his workmen faithful and competent and lie Hatters himself tlmt bis Cnrringos, Buggids, nnd other vehicles, will favorably benu T ty, style, finish nnd durability, with any similar establishment North or #South. , . - Connected with his Carriago Establishment, ftia lies nn extensive Blacksmith shop at the hend'dl wliicl! is an experienced workman who is always at home, and holds himself in readiness to hammer nnd have hammered, Iron nnd steel to order. The citizens of Georgia and Alabama who in tend purchasing enrrinyes orbUggiWrWboTdlafly invited to call nnd examinejils work.: HJ.ffijRrjces will bo nmtated to ouit i|.o tiirras, gfflgnMb Jm > wii. nt nil times commnn^tlra j N?Tb-RopnirinB'fiona nt tbo shortest notjeosi punctually and effectually. t .. , * northern , a Will bekopt constantly on hnmJj jybicbJra v on uckoimnodatinc terms.