Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, October 02, 1851, Image 4

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WOTICR A Lti pt-tsona ndabtul to the estate t'f Willinmj XX Jinks, late of Floyd county,, *111 plsss, call Slid make immodlnte payment, nnd those liasm claims an iln.u anid estate Will plc.iac preaentdhem i n terra* of the law. THOMAS S. TRICE. ) Ad . WILLIAM G MILES, <' vumre KEGS Noils,assacu-d. Forsnle low,whole sale Jan.9.1850 175 sale and retail, by V. M. ALLEN. BALES Factory Yarn, for sale low by Jon 8. F.M. ALLEN 10 •g K. BALF.S Bleached and R own Hutm-spuns I O from 3*4 to 6-4 wide, fur tale low by Jon 2. F. M. ALLAN. HA CASES Men*« Boot* ami Show for *nlr low jfiU by F. M. ALLEN. 1 Jan 2. TINNING BUSINESS T IIE subscriber would Inform l.*l> friends nml the public generally, that he is now engined In the manufacture of 1 lu-Wuri* id cv«ry kind. Iso every description of ?heet-ron. 11L shop is on Broad street nearly opposi e WbupVa thu tinge he* lory, where he hopes by piompt attention to orders to receives liberal share ofth* public patrons®*. Juno 20,1 51. 10UN G. MERCK. AVANNAIi AND AUGUSTA 100 GBASS CLOTH. PIECES Grass cloth—just r e lr. ll by July St. UUNNIS & IIIJ VI'. ■J CASES Ladles' Walking ahora ami hid slip 1U perafiom 50 cents a pair up. For s <!,• hy Jana. F.M. ALLEN U HITE WINE and pots Cider Vinegar, lot aalahy F. M. ALLEN. Jan. 9. G OOD assortment of Callings, for mile bv, July 3. % F, M. ALLEN. b I*ifiiiMBOAT CO. OF GEliRMA Run the following Steamer**, ns above, via : DAVIDL. ADAMS, (iron). .TllUS.S. METCALF, CHATHAM, (iron) TEN SKPSEE. Which, withtnw-bo its and lighters, afford «ne- tf ud I led f «c*l ties ror transportation of freight to the interim of Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee nnd Al ilmmn, in connection with the Hail Ilo uL, The elegant stemn-pneket D. L. Adams will con- neet tin? steamships Florida and Alabama— landing freight by them in 5 days from New . York to Autftimt. Freight, (now nk-*n at reduced rates,) will be forwarded free of lommirsion. \t$- In ord-r to prevent detention or miscarriage, bills ol l id »« should- bo «ddress/d Its. SAM’L. M .1* >ND, Pteside >t, Savannah, Mercliundl*'* from the interior to JOHN B. GUIEU, Agent Augnsta, June 2ft, 1-51. FREE AND EASY. /”1ALL nttha Free & Easy House,4 doo*s below th t hoic.* lletel, whera you will tin I a general »v wortment of Confectionaries, Fruits, fee, of the v» rj besithntfver has been, nnd ntgoodusev resn be offer ed In Home. Sold low for cash. cl El). 811 AW* Feb. 20, Ml. 25 reived and for salt* by G. SHAW. BUSHELS of Aral rate Corn Meal juat re- ce Feb 20 A SUPERIOR article of Family Flour, for-ale by i* Fob 90 O. SHAW A GOO 1 * article of ahclled Corn on hnn.l nnd fir sale by G. 8HAV‘ Feb 20 10 BOXES auperlor New York Che* r f. rsslcb Feb 90 G SHAW, FIRST rate I tof Bacon juat ree-dved snd fur 3. „| C by O. SHAW. Fe b 90 -t Afkf, LBS of auperior Lard just receive I at 1UUU Feb 20 SlIAWS. 1 A HALF bbla. No. 1 Mackerel fora.tle bv lUFeb20 G. SHAW. S PERM and Star CondleB for sole by Feb 20 G. SHAW. A First rote orticlc of Tobacco and Cigu s nlwnys kptot SHAW’S Feb 20 S' JUS. W. WEBST iil, j-J GEO. F P vLMES W EBSTEU& PALMBS, WHOLESALE G R 0 0 EttUS . Sucres* is lo A. Wales § Co. AT THR 01,1* STAND, No, 105 liny slid t, Mtvtiaiitiili,On. THEY HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE. A 4 |f kBOL. Domestic G.n, Brandy an 1 Rum, III 7ft hlila .Honoiiguh lu Wh-skey, Hall P p*s, Quiti ter nnd Eights he»t Fr’cli Brhlidy 5'» bids J'o.-f, Me.lnri nnd Malaga Wine. • I’.pes Holland (»i.i, 4 IlncK St. Croix nnil Jamaica Ruin, 2 Hlul*. Hootch and Irish Whiskey, ift" IJ"Xes Spanish and American ecgnrs, lQ'l 11 hits I d. nml choice Louisiana Sugar, CO do. St. C»oix and Porto <ico do, 150 Bills,, rushed, Powdered ami clarified sngnr, 3(1 H ix s L*nf sugar, f»H0 K gs. Halves and quarter Gun Powder,. • 0:) li'B II .ok and D.op shot, •10 0 Bar Len t, With n coiupl t* i Bsnrim-nt of articles usually kp iii n Wholesale 'Iroeery. They will have a heavy* «loek <4 Gunny Mnuif tig utnl lit tup link* Rope i thu lull dmaud, nil of which will be sold in la.oiin Savannah, June 2ft, iBAL O 'OTCH H 'Trines, Sardine,, &e.. inny U nil limes he found ot lha FREE 4s EASY HOUSE. Felt 20 YSTERS. L'lbster 1 *,Shr'mpe. Pit’s Feel. Egg' Sic. served up in n superior iiflQner nt the F.b 2*1 FREE t EASY HOUSE. I.BS. GOSHEN BUTTER, for sale ,t 200 M troll B, 1851. O S"A'>” -TOWN PROPERLY FOR Till IB House nnd I t reu-ntly by the sub A no rib.-r, next to tbe F.m le Acn.l my, nnd lies, the new M tlmdlst Church. The lot is well iniorov- ed.nnd c.mttitns ' 4 acre- of land, aultaltle lor llowet nnd lt.kchen an,(lens Th - location ib pleoront ami desirable EnquireolTbu subscriber l. Chotto.iga.or o Wkt. Jouxsov,Esq., Rome. - — moy 22, 1831.—tf VV.GVVVNN. HOUSE PAINTING. AARON W. HARSHAW. H AVING p'rmonently located ntliel itynfRmne. ii prepare,! to execut t work in tbe nbove I tie. in a sty e hat cannot fail to |de ise the most fa tHIoas. He lino in Ills pnaesalon testlmonl ,1s from innny iliti'er- snt persons who btve tried his .kill, thnt will snti-fy everyone vlto wish to refer to th mi. Tho»e hi Rum amt the ■*U i, roiintlhi{ country w in have Ii mses to paint can have it done on ns g od tenn*, nnd with ns much neatness nnd dispatch by me ns it enn l»e done by any •body else, North nr Saiith, Having quit i-nr i»»xe md sign painting, mv whole nttontion will ho uiven to me above branch of the husineA?. Grnin na done in tir ratrt style, und made to represent any kind of woo l or marble desired. - * I have dam* n great deni of work in tlra part of the country, specimens i f which may he seen, 1 de *tn it unnecessary to say nny thing n»nre tts to my nbility o do good work, but only usk u trial May 20,1851. NEW ARRIVAL undersigned begs leave to inform the Jtflflf J-citizens’if Rom *, its vicinity nnd tlie tiuhlii gen rnlly.thfit lie Imnju-1 iccetved iiuilnpeu d i* new Stock of WAtCIlUSnudalBWELUY o, ih very ..i* t st pate.nsitnd fine-t style, llisfri ndsiuul nuquatn unices are cordially invited 10 give him o call utnl . x •inline It » nssjyciinient All kinds rif'rt»j»ni ing done to order, nnd goods mil work warranted. His establishment w II he lound n li*w doors nbove the illlbu.n House, De|-ot‘Squ te. - J. MelClNZIlS Dec. ID, 1850. >UH months nft r dnte nppMcnti nw II be mndr to tUhi Honorable the Inferior court of Floyd coumv, when s.ttlng for ordinary imrposes, for leave to Fen the reakstnte of William O. Butte-,lnt • of *uid county dcens*d. BF.NJ. ll.LAMPKlN, Adm’r. July 10,1851. NOTICE* A LL persons indebted to the ELtntc of Willintn B.itler, late of Floyd con ny, d ’censed, nre re* q iestv’d to make immediate pnymen*, nnd all persons having do and** against suid deceased will render them in ogrcenbly to low. July 10, BKNJ. H. LAMKIN, Adin'r. GUARDIAN’S SALK. B Y order ot’the honoruhle the Inferior cou t of Clmttooga county, when s.tting for ordinary pur* poses, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, in .-mmmerville, one Negro boy, Bill, 2i ye irs old, the property of 1C. Jones, Luna*ic. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said Lunatic aug.28, 1851. M. MONTGOMERY, 11A RIET JONES, H0I3ERT. L ADIES*, Gents* and Min riety, at low prices. July 24. Guars Ho e in great vr DENNIS 5: HUNT. BANKS A EDDLEM N DBlLKRSIV boots, siiiiJs, i,ii rniiiwf i;s SHOE-MAKKR’S TOOLS, &c. Atlanta, Gn a AVEonhnnd n tsrge stock of Leather, Lusts Pegs Findings, Tools, dtc , und will fill o.derr t Augusta price-, with the freight added, Shue-M i vs in Cheroke • Geo g a nnd Aliihnmn woit'd do well •otry them, ns th y might "go fi.theruml worse They also have a Inrge stock of well ns o.r oote and Shoes, made exoressly for them, which i . *y will wnrrnnt. They are superior,and no mistake, and will he sold cheiip Also, heavy doubled sole Negro Shoe-, inomhetur ed hy.themselves in Atlanta. Tlicse nr • fsr super! i to any Negro Sho-a b fore offered in this p vt of the country, and will he sold on accommodating terms. They are prepared also, to make to order finesingl and doubled >olc Boots, or nny other kind, in n style unsurpassed in this country. Nov. 28. Wdl SOMETHING NEW UNLERTHE^UN. GKO G10 BONK R FSPECTFULLY informs -lie C.tize.isof Floy. nnd tin* iiljniuing Connie*, nd t* e p bl.c cn r- ally, that lie has p-imiineutly located In the t’.ty of Rmiie, with ilie mt<hliuii ot on the CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS tit allots viiriom nmn lies From his long ex eri* nee in one of die most extensive Carriage mniiufnctorie- in th State of North Carolina, lie Hatters Imnself thnthe will be nble to <ii» e entire s itisfuction to n I who mn» fo I d spos d to test his inech misin. " Equaled hy few nu t Excelled hy N'ine,” is his motto, nnd in order to carry this fully in to effect, he employs none hot first rate worauifn in every * epurtm. nt of his business, from the t-.ruing of « common wagon .poke, to n full trim ucd Pleasure Cnrri ige. In connection with his -stnb islnnent he Ins an extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate bu in ss and fill orde h in work- mrnh'kestyle. He cordially invites the pub ic, md s- pecially those who art disposed to encourage " home •iinuufactures M to give liini n cull nnd examine hi-Car riages, Buggies nu » Wagons, before purchasing else- wnere, ns h * is determined to sell for cash or in punc tual customers, on as good.terms ms can be obtained Sooth of “ Mason mi l Dickson’s L ne." Repairing done to order, and in the sho te«=t pos i- ble time. His establishment tuny he found in the immediate virin ty ofihe Rnil Road Depo nnd next do ir to th • Hilhurn ll^UHt*. Broad Street, Rome, Go. January 1st, 1851. For the Cure *f GOUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, ORObP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. Amo tg ne n inter vis discoveries Science has mad in this generation to facilitate the husiuess ol’tife—in- crenseits enjoyment, nnd even prolong the term ofliu man existence, none can be mimed of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the hauling Art A vast trial of its virtues throughout ihi.-* broad eouniry. has proven beyond a doubt, tlml no medicine or combination of medicines yet known, can po surely control and cure th * nuinerou* varieties of pulmonary disease which have hith.Tto swept from our midst thousands nnd thousands every year. In deed, there is now abundant randan tob I eve a reme dy hnsnt length b »en found which enn l e relied on to h most dangerous nfifeetions of the lungs. Otis* space lu-re will not peim t us to publish nuy proport'ou of the cures effected I y iisu-e, hut we would pres**n the following opinions of eminent men. nnd refer f.irth. or enqu ry to the ci-culnr which the ngctit below nnm- I, will always be plens al to furnish free, wherein nre full particular*, and Indisputable prnol of these farts From the the Pr •sid nt of Amh -rst Co’lege, the cele brated P.ofe sor HITCHCOCK. Jatn^s C. Ayer—Sir, 1 nave u-ed your Cherrv Pectoral in my o»vn en-e of de-p sealed Bronchitis, am snti fled from its chemical constitution, that nn admirable compound for the relief of Inrynginlnml iironcld \1 di flieulties. If my op nion as to its superior character enn h • of nny service,you nrc nt libe ty to use it ns you think proper. F.n. Hitchcock, L. L. D. From the widely celebrated Professor S1LLIMAN M,D., L. L. 1)., Professor of Ceinistry, M.neralogy &c,Ynle College, Memhprof the Lit. Hist. Med Phil nnd Scientific Societies of .Atne.iun nud Eu rope. "1 deem the Cherry Pectoral an ndmir.iblecornpns tl n frotn some of the best articles in them iteria ined c i.nnd n very efleetivc remedy for thu class of ills- ses it is intemlrd to euro ** * New Haven Ct Nov. 1, 1^49. Major Pnttison, President of the S^fi»Senata ( states he hn-* u-*-d the Cherry Pechtral with wonile.ful sue cess, to cure nn inilninmntiou of die lung*. From one of the first Pliysiciaiis in Maine. Saco, April 20, l«49. Dr J.*C Ayer, T.nwrll. Denr Sir, I nm now con -ran !y using your Cli rry P -ctornl in my practice, nn pre'eritio any oth« r medieiti • for ptilmaniry com pi hits From ohs rvatiou of many sever • cases, ronvinced it will cure coughs cold , and di -asen « the lungs, that have put t»d fi »nc** nil »ther em«'Me I invnrinhly reronun ml its u»e in oases of emisiimp tioq.and oons.derit much the best rein-aly known for th it diftonse. Respectfully vours, I s. CnsttMA.v, M. D. P.epnred nni sold hy Jam f.m r Ayer, Prartira (!'<)'wi /, f.oo'r'1, Man*, Sold inR one bv Battry Brother in Martettn, V Wm. Ron* ,in August • hy IIaviland,, & Co. nnd hy all D u ig sts throughout the 8t te. man h 20, 1851. ly T „„ „ , DISSOLUTI N HE Firm of Osgood, Alsoh-ook fe Co. ws dis solved tills day by mii'unl consent, A lid-It due 6y or tn th • Firm, w-ll he settled hy J. \\\ M Berrien, who hns t'u-not snodnecountsof the F rinfo. colleetion Immed’.at' liq >id «tion is re (uestHit of nls indebted io the firm. JAS. E. OSGoO . JACOB E. AL*OBR«OK, Aug. 4, 1851. JAS W. M. BE tRIEN, FRESH ARRIVAL OF PURE MEITUiNES Well selected to unit Vhifsiciuvs . L INSEED OIL—A good supply, and a very fine ar tide. PURE WHITE L?AD—A large supply, and offered low fo cush. LAMP OIL—A very superior article for winter or summer use. PUTTY—"P *n bladJcrs, and of the best quel Ity. SPIRIT GASS-A pure article, mu! warranted to S lve the most brilliant light— dso Drugs. I'.duts, Dy • tufls, Glass, Perfumes, 4*c., m king n ull nnd co.nj plete stock of every nrt cle in the D uggist line. March ft, 1851. J. D. DICKER.* ON, Ag.-nt. 2 do<ns above the Exchange Hotel, Home.(«». DISSOLUTION^ T HE Firm of Wm. E. Alexander fe Co. h 'vhig been thisd iy d ssolved by mutual consent, th ’bu^inea^ will he continued at the old st nd, by R. B. NORTON, whcic nn a-sortment willnlwny/be kept hu heretofore. The unsettled bueine-sbf the firm will receive th Bttelitiorfof both, WM* R. ALEXANDER. Jan. 30. 1851. R. 8. NORTON. LBS Hemlock sole Leather for sale. Ap ply to F.M* ALLEN 500 B just REOFIVED, Y the j^qbscribf r, in addition to his former etnrk,. a choice lot of Groceries : const ting. Su part. . t New Orleans. Porto’Rico, Ormhen, Refined fJra>*n’nt- •d Sugars ; Superior RioCftfpe.<perui. w tur and *Vd- ; Candles* 12 bbls. frish Pot itoes, for s^ed ; .30 :ks No I Penfteld Fn.mily pour; -nls? a choice lm ra. Old ^ogriwc vhnr'y, Ohl Port. P.ire rlol- , .‘■Votch M’hfski-y nnd do oest o TAquo . are. B acksniiHi Tools, FJne*» f Trn'oe < ha ns. * pades. Garden R'wke*. Boo is, > hoes **P hich he bfll* a or sal • on ns good bough! to the city THOS. J. VERDERY NOTICE. ^pi!E Copartnership exiting heretofore b^twe-n ■ Battey .V Br » having been dissolved hy nvitua cons*Mii the hns'-ieMw II b* continued /tthe o!d«tan ' hy RORT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of the firm will receive the ntt -ntion of n« ho-h- G At. BATTEY. Af. D. Rome, March 1, ROBT. BATTEY. PRIVATE HOSPITAL. D ’^. MlLt.Rl? fe Wr-Rt) open* d in thu C ly. a PRIVATE H«i«PITAL for t'.** treat •ne-,t o'* *tnr*»iriil -n I Clirnn e d : <* H-e.—M-t.etl-erof n-grov«oi wb;t“ pe*«on«. 7n such nn e“tabli>.|imenf the expcn«»h of p fi n» a.emu. h l-ss than under o d-nury* treatment, and the chances of cure ronte- rhPy iiierea*© I, July 21, 1^51. ly FIRST COtiT A FEW Fb»>-'res. Ponliru, hn*trm and Ti flin will be sold nt cost to e|ns • not n small I t. DENNIS V HUNT. LADTF8 CAMBRIC HrKFP. T A DIP’S Ge.itH nnd child en’s Cainhri, A f o-u 74 ee.iiH up in jh'2O0 - mcIi AU » Ik 1 e.-s, from one inch t** eittht inch- s splendid und fushionubL* ar iele for t^'min n- las. D .NNIS wfe HUNT. iMko*. Bln.k til- DR ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR. A SAFK *»tnl cot’ in • nre for u..tisiimpt on of th< Lull .*s, spilling ot blood .coughs, colds, Asihm p dn in 'lies de.bronchitis, hoop ng cough, and nl pulmonary tfiec 1 .is Extracts from Certificates Whli h can be *een in full l y cullii.g on thernt reit ng n | amph!ei. Mr A lam Har is A-rlstant Su.geon U S. Nn IIo-« it .1, New Yn,k, s ys .* Dr Rogers* Liverwr and Tar cured aens* of the most di iressing A.^thn of twenty- ix ye ra standing. [s gned] Adam Harris Gnbri-I Wh tehend, Plsq., of Cine nnmi, -ays— h id th • con-umptioii, attended wiih the most distre: s ng 1 ougli, nnd d sehnrged several quarts of blood frtm the lu-gs, nnd nil my friends and phy-* ci gnve me up to die, yet u lew butt e- of Dr. Rog Liverwo.l mid Tnr restored tne to perfect hr 1 Ith I CiAi'RIEI, Wll'T'lHEAD, Sworn tonnd 8’ib‘crihed tills 27'h day of Novell h-r. lH4ft. H. F. SriiNct-R, Mayor of C ncinii.itti M,a. Child (res deaon Sixth stre t, two doors w of .-mith.Cine nnnti,) s>ys—I b -d the pulmonnry eon muption, ntt tided with n uio-*t dt-trcasingu-i which ruim-ed m** to n mere skeleton, und slth under th** rare of nn nble physie’nn [Prof. Harrison] l continued to grow wor e. and gnv • up ull hopes recovery ! At this crlsi I w»is pe smided to try D Rogers’ Liveiwolt ulid Tnr, which entbely healed my lungs nnd restored ion to pe-feet henltli. by the use ol n few bottles. (s gned] Ann Cl! ld Hr>- William Rieha ( -ds, of Cincinnati, says Abh >uah t in tya cm miprores-ional, Ifeel consirnin ed to-tste th >t l us d Ur. Rogers’ Liverwort Tn- ill the fuse of Clm«|e- Wade, who waaquit"low with pulmonnry oonsmnpt'on, wiih the happiest eff-ct alter the u-ual r unedies h id fi led. [ ig imI] Wm. Richards, M. D The following la written from Eliz ihcihtown, Kv. Your Dr U igerL Liverwo.t and Tnr uive< great sat isfaction in thi- place. Dr Howard prescr hen it, nnd u.onoiinceB it one of th • be-t medicines i.i u«e E. II. Hayci'aft, D.uggi-t. Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Patr-ot, G-illi 1 county O., writes -Dr Rogers* Liverwort nnd Tnr has been the means' ofannteh tiginylif from a pr *mnmr *gravi [ igtied] ’ HENRY WISEMAN Mr. Merriw-uither, of Denniiirk, Tenn., writes— Dr. Rogers’Liverwort nnd has *> me *wi h success A ycjtig man of tliL place, stipji sed by every one to be in the last stage of Consumption wa.« entirely cured by Ls us •! [signedJ Daviu Merhiw' ATuer. Drugvr Mr II. E Dr «ke, Druggist, of Xenia, ().. state.-— A gentlem »n of my nc.ju'int.iuce, who was np rentlv n ill la-i sing • of the t onsumpiion. was 1 stored to pe feet health hy the use of Dr Kngera* L erwort ond Tar. The cure was a most exiraordin.i Dr. W Ison, (an old school Ptiysic nn of high -tali’ ing.) of Patriot, ()., \vr-t-s—I h ive be-n the family physician of Mrs. Wis’*mnn lor twelve years, am dur ng th >t tint • s a- ha- su tiered with d sess-d lungs which finally settled into pulmonnry coiisiimptio She was eniirely cured hy the u p of Dr Rogers’ Li veiwort and Tnr H R WILSON, M. D. IT I* A POSITIVE FA* T. That wherevet I)r. Rog, r * Sy rap of Liverwort nnd Tnr has been introduced, it is up reeding ev 1 er Congh Medicine bef »rc the • uhl c This 1 f wholly wing to i:s t,uly wonderful medicinal virtues. Be warned in Season ! And n-*L*l *ct not thnt cough which is daily we- ken ing your nuns* inn inn, Li i Hit ng vour throat and lung anil inviting or. that dread diseme, Cousuinj lion, when so soothing and h. nJing n remedy can la* ol»- t ,ined us Dr. Rog'-rs* e*y.up of Liv rwoit nnd Tnr. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations Th" genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers on on the engrived w npper around each bottle Pric-s $ I per ho'tle, or fix hottl<*s for ,$ft Sold wholesale sn'.’ retail by .* ! (TVILfe MEAD, 113 Chartres st., bet. «’ontinnd bt. Lou s.N.O lean*. Sof« agents for the Southe n States, to whom n | onLus ami nppliuatioiis for Agencies- muf-t be address ed. °ri- “Id bv BATTEY fe PRO . Rome.G- ,Fom- • rs fe Bro.. Kingston. G >. John \ Erwin. CassYille, J. .1. Ho k 11s. ti'i'in r* ille ; J. W. Bol.IRns, Cave .9pnng ; J. L. Elliot fe Co., Cedor BlufT, Ala. LIVER I.-« MPLA1NT. J AU.N dice, dyspepsia chronic or NliYVOUS DEBILITY. DIsRASE OF THE KIDNEY and ait di8esae8 aria* ing Irom a disor dered Liver or Sto mach, such an Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fulhioss, or blood to the lleud. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dies gust fur loud, Fullness or Weight in k the Stomach, Sour' Eructations, sink ing or Fluttering ut the Fit ot the Stomach, Swimming ol the Head, liurrieii and Diffi cult Bren liing. Flut tering st tho llourt, Cho. king or Suifncating Seusntions when in a lying pus'ure, Dimness <d vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in tke Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowm ssol theSkin nnd Eves. Pain in the Side, Bark, Chest. L ; mhs,fec., Sudden Fl'ishings ot Hem. Bum ng m the Flesh Constant imaginings id Evil,nnd Great Depression ut Spit its. Cun bo Permanently Cured by n it. 11 00 F1. \ M>»S CELEBRATED GERMAN HITTERS, Fit F. PA It ED BY D It C. HI, J \ CHtOM, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. Ho, I*20, \ cell *t»*e«‘t, l*liilit<Ict|>lii;i Their pewer over the above diseases is hot excel led. if i.qiinlled, oy any oilier preparation United Males, as ilia circa attost, ill many enset- alter skillliil physicians hud failed, Theie Bitters are worthy tne attention of mvn ds, Posse«hing great virtue- in the rectifit I dis 'asesof the Liver n..d lesser glands, ox ng the most searching powers in weakness n lections ot the digestive organs, the) ure, wiihal ale, certain nnd pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. Ciiah. Esq , Easton, Md., in n letter Jackson, Jnn. 9 185(1, amd— •» My wif* and uivaeli have received more hem* fit Itoni yoin medicine than anvo'lier we have ev taken lor the OM)* npepsU and Liver disease. "TinTenth Lboi »N.”publi«hoi' at Woodstock Va ,J.m. 10, lb5H, said— •• A GREAT MEDICINE.” •• Wo have iiniloiinly refrained .rotn recommend ng to the public ai.y ol the various Paiem Mei’ ines of ihe ri«y, unless thoroughly convinced her value. Among 1 hose we consider wotihv lOiice is 1 lie GtKkiAN Ritters, invented hy Dr IIoopi.and. und prepared hy Dr Jniksou in I’IiiIh I* Iplim. O. e ms'unro in nriiumor. in which superior virtues ol mis medicine have been tested ins fallen under our observation. During the Ins -iiititner, n son ol M r. /ifcinh arn (’rnhill^ o> this coun v, w as very seriously affi.• led with E ver Complain • nd ultcr trying in va n various remedies, he pu based a buttle of the Milters, nnd otter using •mi- so piuelt relieved ol his distressing uudodi, tl le procured unother botlle, and it restored him e irclv to health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACE’S. Juo'ia M. .M. Noah, n ueiuleu.on wuh great set ••unfit- uod literary iitianiments, stud in Ilia ** N York WeekL Mess,lige»,”Jnimurv 1-, lH.50, * Dr. IIoopi.andV German Bitters.—Here i ri-p-iation which thu leading presses in tbe Uni< .ppe.11 lobe uiwin<nious m ie. miiioendiru*, and e.isuii is obvious. It is made niter a prescript!! iirnudied l») one ol the most celehra'ed phy-icii • » modern times, lira late Dr Christopher Willie ioofiiind. Processor m the University of Jena. 1 Hie I'livsieiail to I lie King ot Piussin. tin • one hegnntesi meclt. nl wliters G.-rmnny lias everp bleed He was emphatically the enemy nl hum utio nnd theiel'ore 11 medit'iiie of wlm Ii he wns t •iventor and eiidorect may he c. nfidi-n'ly relied on. !le spectnlly reeumno-ndi-d it in Liver (’omplamt Dvspeps.a, i)('hiluy Virngo, Acidity ol the 8to tub. (JofisiipHtion, hnil nil eoniphiinls arising fn .1 disordered condition of the stomach, the live r n 1 lie iniesiines Nine Philadelphia papers ?xpr* lit*ir conviction of ns ex»-e|h ncc and several *•! 1 tfinrors now peak of its i-ti'ei ts from their individuu ^xiieriencp Under these circtiimosncei warmted, iml only in calling the ttoution of oil readers to the present proprietor's Dr. CJ. VI. Ji son’s) preparation, but in reconimeiid'ng the artiel nil affitctod." MORE EVIDENCE. T»>e "Philadelphia ^aturoay Gazette,"lit. bea' funiily newspaper published in the U .ited States the editor s«vs «-f DR HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, *• Ii is seldom thnt w e recottiniend what are ter nd Parent Medicines to the confidence nnd pain age of our renders; und, ihoralorp. when we recoin men I Dr ILmflnnd’s G. rman Bitters, w e wish it he distinctly understood that we ore n.-t speuking oftlic nostrums ot iho oh)*, thnt nro noised nb. for a briel period nnd the • forgotten alter they ho done their guilty race ol mischief, hit* of n me one long established, universally prized, and which luih mot the lieorty approval ol the Faculty itself Evidence upon evidence has been received (lik •ho feregoing) from oil sections n| the U: • hree years' nnd li«- strongest testimony in i is, thntthere is more ot it used in ihe practice ol tin regular Physicians of Phil.uiolpliu 1 Imn all nostrums combined, a fact that can raei'y be estn (dished, and fully (.roving tlint a tcirmifie prep 1 urn will rncei with their quiet approval wm-11 1 -enied even in this lorni. This inedimne will cure Liver Complaint nnd Dis- • epsin no nne enn doubt, niter using_it ns dlreet, It -icts specifically upon the stomoch ami liver—11 "referable to cnloniel in all billions diff effect is immediate. They can b* admin fkmalk-*r infant with an/ety and rt-liublo brnefit, any time. AD”’8 SAIF. >r m ill" Court of OriBo- , will ho -old b-*fr»r»* the .•nnrt-liou-ed >or in Rom-, b- tween the u.*inl !i**«irs o'* nl". on tlm fif.-t Tu—d iX in October next, one for tv nor" fot of hind, lylnj in tli«* thrd <1.-frier of tlie fj'inh -ect ion, numhor lOft'.l Soldo- tie* pra- p »i,’.V of Joimtlun S Lawson, dccM, for the benefit fo t!it* lieirs- gf said deceased. July,34,1851. P. R. LYLE, Admr. JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER HP HE great remedy lor Rheumatism, Gout, Pain iu X the Side, Hip, Bock, Limbs nnd Joints ;8crotuln. King's Evil, White Swellings, Hmd Tumors, Stiff Joints, and nil fixed pains whatever. These PluHers p .ssi-ss the advantage of being put up in mr tight boxen; hence they retain their full vir* iuca in nil climntea. Thiscele rated Pain Extractor tins been so exten sive^ used by Physicians nnd the people iu general, both in this country und Europe,thnt it is utmost ueed- le s to sny any thing about it. Yet there may b some who stand in need of its healing powers who have not y t tried it. For their ankes we will simpiy late whnt it has done in thousands of cases, umi hat it will do for them when tiled. A VOCE IROM GEORGIA. Read the faltnu ing testimony f ont a PI ysician Gentlem in— Your Hebrew Plaster hns cured me of puins of which 1 have suifcied for twelve yours past. During this period i labored under an nffiiction of my loins nnd side, and tu d tunny remedies thnt my ow medical cxpeiie*icc suggested, but without obtain mg relief. At length I used your Plaster, nnd ant now by its good effects entirely 1 will re commend the Jew David’s or Hebrew Plaster to al who are suffering frotn out. action of the muscles, or rtnaneiit pains in the s de or hack. The people ot Georgia have but tu bee■dim* ncqunint* cd with its virtues when th y wi I icsott to its i.bc. Yours, t.uiv, M. W. WALKER, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe, ounty, Ga. To Messrs 8covil & Mend, New Orleans, Ln. JEW DAVID’8 OR HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Mes*rs. >covill fe Mi:ad—I have been tioulded ith t e chronic rheunintis for the Iasi twelve years. Un .he 1st of July,18iu,l wns so baa that I cut Id not tmn mytcll in b^-d, ami the p mi so severe that 1 hnii not slept n winkf r iixdays. At this time my nt .ending physician presc.ibed the "Heb ew Fluster,’ and it timed like uchuim ; tlu* pain leu me,und isu p le than half the n.ght, und in three days lwns able ide out 1 consider the "Hebrew Plaster,” the Les> leniedy lor ell sorts if pains, now iu u.-c. G. W. .VtcMINN Hendersonville, N. C., Aug. lft, lbftO. Beware of Couniccfeits and base Imitations IHT J he genuine will iu future have liu* s.guotui of t*,. Tayi.01, on the steel plate engraved label on th p 01 each box Purchasers uro advised that a mean counterfeit 1 this a.t cle .s iu existence. I he genuine is sold by us, nnd by our ngents n| point, d tlirougiiout the bouth—and no jwdlar is nl ow ed to sett it. Dealers uud puicnaic a u utioui it iigtiiiist buying 01 any but our rt-gul gci is, oihi-rw ise they w.ll be iiuj used upon wuh worthless a,tlcio fctUWLA Mr.rtU. 13 t iia.trcs street, N. Oileans, .* ol Gene. 111 Agcu lor the &oulhern muics, to whom all orde.s m vur.ubiy be nihlri-ssed. Sul by Butu-y. Home Ga. ; £oininers vfe Broth iu e btuu ; John A, bi wi. ,Cmsville ; J. W Uol.lui. uve fcyiii.g; J J. lioj kii.s, .“utnine.xii.e ; J Elliot, oedur Biuii.Alu BEWARE OF * OUNTERFElTS. Thi» medicine 11ns nitnined that higli cliarncte which is necessary lor nil medicines !•• nttnia I*. *ace cminterleiii rs to tun inrtli a -piirimie nritcl he risk of the Siv« s uf tln'Be w ho nr*- innocently reived. LOOK WELL TO THE M A IKS OF THE (JENI’INE. They have the wtitien •ignaiure ol'G.M,J A('I{S< iN uniiii ih« wrapper, and ihe a nine blown imho but jy without winch, they are spurioiis.^jj For sale w In lesnl* and rcmil. M li e GERMAN MEI>I« INE STOKE No. 12ft. ARCH Street, one Hc.or below Su (late of 278. Rnen etrept.) l’hi'ndelph'n, end hy spcctoHe dealers geueralK ilironghoiit the cornu Also for selc by DlLJ. D. DD’KF.USON DRI'ooist. Rome. G Aueast I. 1850. 43 I PROVISION STORE. S G WELT.S. B A^o\\ Dnrd Cor-,. Flour, Whe Sugar. Coffee. Salt, and Molasses, D -mesiic Yarns,Cloth, Shoes nnd Lenther, Dried Fruit, Beef and Fish. Purr Pori lFine, nnd P 7«* Ot 'r-* Brandn. Porter »’'d Ivmon Syrup. A small lot of Sho son consign* meat A few young men can be accommodated with Board it. 3. March 6,1851, Varand House, Depot S^iiur . NEW BQ0T AND SHOE S^ORE. T I1F ub.-cril erwould resp*ctful|y announce ci' zen? ofRome nnd viciuiry, that he has ree-ivrd nnd i now-opening a la g • and splendid gortment of stsa«l Mioev, consisting sentlemeii'-water-proof und diess hoots hid t*» •mil sho s, and every variety of l.o .ts nnd eh. eh Idren Also, n fine n.-sortinciit of strong eoursi ho- s and hoots f.r common wear. As .hv-selected h sstock in * litirleN «*» XViIII « <•»* hp c-.n confidently recommend it to hi- *fr ends po'nin8. nnd will remi** nny rips without charge. He also has on hand nn ext nsive supply of H oek B'liimor.* upper nud sole leather, fine skin, nrul n geiu-ni -'ssortmetit oftn te ims.iuliis which, together w th hi l.o »t-"iid shoes w ii he ns eh upas can ho lion hr in'hi* liinrket. He eontinue to innnnfneture boo's and slioes us h -ret ifor- tn order, on rensonnhle le ms. Thankful for pnst vois.he cordi d'y invites hi.- f.-ipiids .md acquaint ces and the public generally to gi\e h in n cal P. A. t/MBERt Jun. 19,1951. DRAYINO AND BOATHG. T HF. undersigned respeefully -nfo irs the citizens of Rome nd it- vicinity, th-*t they have entered into Co nrtuprship for the pnrpo.-e t>f hunting nndd ny- 1 i ig Public, m Broad Street, Rome, Georpin. Tl ESPEOTFULLY announce to the public t A*- they nre now opening omf will keep const.utlyX on hand, n Inrge end well selected stock of . !t<list|->mI'd(' < itilil. b. of every description. Also Hots and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Umbrcllns, Trunks and I’orpcl Hnps. To- gethei with n well selected stock of Lndi> s and M ieses Straw nnd Satin Bonnots, Lmlics and Mistes Sslin nnd l.sstine tioiters and BnskinB, Ties, Slippers nnd Walking Shoes; Also Parasols, Gloves, mils, Fans, mbs.iVc., Match 13, 1851. FALL Ai\l> WINTEU GOODS. N. J. OMBERGr, MERCHANT TAILOR. ’AS now on bond n well selected stock of Cloths . Ciissimeres nnd Vestings, of every shade ami color, together with every otiier article usually kept in nn establishment of this kind. These goods have been selected by himself m New York, with great earn and particular reference to tho prevail* ing Fashions.., He is also prepared to mnnufnc- • are clothing In a manner and style not to bo stir- oassed In our largest and most fashionable cities. October 10 ISfif. ATLANTA IRON F0UNDERY. AM now prepared tn tinier Mill Gearing of every description."ml nil olhet Costing* thnt nre ntstlo siniilnr esttthl'shtnenls, leclittl ng Gin Gesr, Ptntea nnd nnll.i A-o., &o Al^o, BAItK wjlh tho men linptnventents. nil of which will he warranted n lie of the host n tl workm-n ship. 1 will Isn furnish nil kinds ol Mill Rock nt the lowest r-les r Cnsh. A. LEYDEN Match 8,1851 ly GEORGIA MILITARY iNS'ilTU’l 1 A&iraaitifca, ©.sjirgiai T HIS I btitutiun will be opened tor the ndmisbio of Cadet.- , on .Momlny the 7th of July, J' 51. e Institution is owned by Stockholifcts, und under the cumiol «.f u Hoard of I iusi es. '1 he Faculty elect d, eomists of ftlnj. A V Btun v, Gen. .Inm s NV, Armstrong, Aioj. D 11. Ii.11 ,.n i hoiiuis StewnrdKiti, \t. D. 'i he Supe lutendunt, Mnj. B uinl y, is n gradun ol We-t i oint. He cum s to us with iiighe i i con leudutiotiB l.oiii the AcniU St ffoi that instil loll; uod, ul o, fro the Faculty oi the Uni vers f Alab.-mn, where he tnu^iit .Mnthemniics niul Ci\ . t ginteriiig several ven.s. ' en. A metr. ng nn •Mnj. Hill.ate olto grtiduntesof West ; and ut xperienced teui heis 'Ihe latter ism thist me Profe. borot Aluthem-ties in Washington t ollege, Virginia '1 lie course of iust. action, regulations und di9o j, ine of the U. S. MiliUiiy Acad my. .-o ta■ n- die) a. ippl.cable to n State 1 st tution; hnve been adopt,-d uod will be |.u lislied in pamphlet form. Toe Imt.tution .s orgamt-ed upon the usual plan ol h*urt olleg.u c Class, s. By refcrenc to the io low ugsyn pa s of s, PnraiitB and Guardlntis can nt once, oee th.- requirement- for joining editor class, FOURTH CLAS Arithmet c.Algeb a.Geoi" t.y, English Gramma Geography, Compos tiou and Decluiunt.on. Ficm-h TliltxD CLASS. Tiigonomcry, Mensural .on, Surveying, Descript cameiry and its n^pl ciitions, Annlyti, ul Gemmdiy French, Drawing, Composition, Rhetoric, History. SECOND CdASS Dilferentisl and Integral Cah-ulus, Natural and Ex periiiieutul Philosophy, A-trononiy, Chemistry, Draw ing, Evidences of Christianity, Moral und Aleutu Ph.losophy. FIRST CLASS. Natural History, J/inernlogy, Geology, nnd Phy si ology, Polit cal Lcom,my,Law of Nation.-,Civil nnu Military Eng neuiii.g, .nd Civil Arch tecture, Infant ry Tactics, Science nud Practice of Art.lfeiy. Mo Cadet will be Ad litted who is less than foil tern or mare th in twenty-five years of n_e ; or wh is nffiictcd with nny or infirmity which would render him unfit for military duty. The Cadets will be occupied u out one hour nnd half eui*li day in military cxcicisesj but (tl such times as not to inter fee with their regular studies UNIFORM FURNITURE, tee. The Uniform consists of ti light gray cloth coate rimmed with guilt convex button?ami black cor —wlnte v«*t*», and white |tii?siundrilling piuita’ooi vithout trimming?, for summer. For winter, gri loth vest nnd pantaloon-, trimmed to Hliit the cn -black -lock, white glove? and white belt.-—Mon oe shoe? and a Forage enp No other drers will worn ; nor will Cadets be allowed to keep other cloth ng in their rooms. Each Cadet from a distance must provide hi elf with a mattriiss and bedding for a single b aiittrnss-covcr nnd bed-strap—one trunk, c lothes Ime and six towels. Each Cadet will unite with Ids room-mates iu purchasing for the common use, one pine table, otic looking gini wash pan, one pail and one broom. In view ot tho following regulation, parent? am! lardians sending their sons and cards to thirl -titutinn, are advised to deposit with the Superi to ubmt.or with some Irieml in Marietta, a .sum money sufficient to purclii'se the above nrtii l*--. ai to cover all neecssnry • xpcns**s for one Session : ihe Snperintemlant should be authori-cd, iu writing tn allow the*, mh-t to make nn-account or a iperji. turn. The regulation referred to is ns folio vs, vi •’Every Cadet shall keep a small blank book, which slmll be charged every article he may pu eliuse. This book shall be turned over lo.the.“ fo-his in-pectinu ut the end of ev inonth. Any ('ndet vvlio shall contract a debt wi out fiernti sion ofihe Superinti-ndant, o** he fu.tti ed with any article whnt -ver, hy nny totekeepe other person, without such permission, « r whoa n nt **r ginrdian sh iB pay nny debt contract d hi a dui ing his connection with the Ins'itute. and vioinliouof thiiieguln inn. slmll be dism ssei. TERMS. Tuition, Board, Washing, Fa**l, L ghts. F eld M sic. mid nil other contingent expenses [per Session five monihs.j Tail on alone, (for resident Cndc-t .) j ers- ss on, ti Field Music und other contingent expens- Any Cadet-entering the In-iitule nfier the com nieucetnenl of a ses io.i will be charged ill proper t on t the nbove rates. These ha g>s murt he jaid in udvincf.fur all expenses e, the fee for tuition Eve y cadet leaving the liisiita c lie-ore the expiration oi the peiiod for which In* lifts made an advance, slmll receive the unexpende I balance. The Ed tor of nny newspaper in Geo’gh, Souih Gnrolinn, Florida. Alnbnmn, *ii si sippior TeineVsee, bv ins-rtingihisadvcitisen entinli spape .nud sen • ing ii copy -eg.ilnrly to the Georgia Mil tmy I slitute.’ slinli lie eniiiled to iu tlon lor one C.-d.-t, o; h s draft nt the rate of twen y-five dod irs j e. session, payable in tu tinti,nnd ill favor of nny C ndet, will be accepted. By order of the B »ard of Trustee- May 15,1851 —ly DAVID I WIN. PATENT riST \m WATER WH EL^. Htt' HJCH will be wnrrqn’pd toent two tboarind ® ^ feet f plank per dry under any l ead of water tVnm four feet up, Manufactured by m irhe 8. 1 5l. A. LEYDEN. NEW GOODS U*I>13it Till! WAHOftHC IIALL. H J. JOHNSON rs now receiving a very nnd the beat assorted I stock of Goods ever r ce ved by him, coml-t ng of ea ly veryihingusunlly kei t by men hauls. b’Mnes- ic and staple goods, sonic ve.y low price for litborlng ini «’s G-ntlem n's hue theas Jouds, well asaoitecf. French nnd English ( hdh-.•€»-salmi res, Vest ngsontl *unm er CIo hs. nil dliect font the In porters. Lu ll s fii e dress goods almost every d sertpiit n, nnd fa- t nnd most fnahUinpblt-foi>p.iiig ntul 8. mm r *, col ed p'nnl embrnideri d', plain nnd .“wiss ti.oslin nud : wns; Fancy silk tissue. .BariageS, nnd r h'-ndrcme i crtuii-nt of Ginghi'tna of ever) du»riptl n, oll di- i- n • * of the in est importPtions llibl otts, md r i"pea:ocl. of wotkediolln s. t-i-ps, in titillna.v se'tca, i d m tty other uiti *1 a too tedious m> merit i it. Lti- ie best twistid ?ilk Gloves nnd min, clued It ney d lore.-, Linen nnd I wn haiidke.’thle s. Iu irei) ,A c. OMNE’18—n fine s oc k colored satin, luce, pimp atilt straw. Hungarian.pem I und spuiiish.hnit la l ttets. I ss s peaiI and satin straw nml pin p l oi n. t . Boll ••I ?iiks. Ilowe s nnd I ninps ; Lndie l.1d si p| efs ml walk ng lines ; also u huge stm k oi Bools and hui s fi* • g.Mitlepi- n, t ne nnd c< tpmott. Reiidy.mnde Clothing, sun n ei ligts fine nu jeskin, a mid ilk hats. Crockery, Ciilita umi glass ware, lety, stiddles, bridles mnrtit gt-le? ; olro, ti e lnt« f sugar .coffee and imdnrscr w II be redd .* j che p fur cnsh oi ly He rcapi rtiully invites his • • met customers and friends to give him n coll; .he ia repQMMl end the Lest.of hnrgnii.s N. B. A liberal reduction will be made for c.»sh fot II bills over $ b Rome. niHrc-h 27> 1851. - GRISWOLD S COTTON GIN. I’IIF. increnacd deinniid tor these Gina rendered it nec essary fur the pmpri turgrenny loexieiitl inv Works, .v |.ic-h he is doing wifi entire new huildings, nml mipe- ur pvw ftlm-him-ry, on the Crntrnl Rhilr mil, at (irti- vulQvil e. Jones county. Georgia, 81 miles cunt from In niy of Macon, rie-Ho nrp not Prctitfirm Gin>». Not having gut up n limy otieeipreitl) lor tlint purpo«e,In? samplei.ins,nr* »'the Maine q iniity, t nd nt m hett. r nppeniBiu-i-, than ho>«e rent to lit? euwiotuer* nnd withoni nny ng lie 11-ikthe b'-Ht p-rfijrinini} Gin in Use, deems it tqiuvit- ni to say. tits'. In? nre i> belter d« mntid ilmtinn) oilier •ow in o?e—not hrmngfnih-d within the imi liveyrws o Hflhloithte mm ntnuy a- any other Factory in the Mute, md will guarantee those hem now mnniifsettir tip for die ensuing crop, nre Ihe best made 1»I s in Georgia at he piice nud worth m* much to the piirclmm-r, u tho • m he ran get in nnv Slate at any price. lie would also caution I'lnntm nut o parcliokr Gin with VN al» r Boxes Irom any ether Fnctoiy itian bin, o* -o- had ,m.d a high price tor. and own* the exclUnlV* iglit to Georgia lor nbtlie Mater Boxes ever patented* • ml fo the Oil raving Bose? tor the entireeolton re. ion, md hereby notifies all who make, sell or me Wale;- boxes or Oil-savers other than Ids Fielory.they wtllhe to Idaccoimtohle fordnmages in conformity with the I’up t.*tn law? ofth" country. Orders for Gin? by Mail, or through Agents, promiit.l> ex>ciited,and d.diveiHl ot the ptiselineeis door, when ., •oi convenient to u Railroad Depot or landing* Fell. 27, 1851* SAMUEL GRibVWlLD, ' (Jrimvoi uvili.v, Fi h. 1851. 10m. JUST RECEIVED A LAR ,; Ennd extensive stock of Ladies' nnd G nta’ dress goods, newest spring styles ; alro a vciy inrge stock of staple dry goods boot?, shoes, hats nnd clothing, sfiddUuy, enrringe- trimmings epiing* nml axles for buggies and two-horse wagons, - hi If and heavy hardware, ol i-vi-rysiylc nnd piicr.rmiths'toclt, . h -ct, hoop nnd bar iron nnd steel, hoes, chains, A;c. Also n very inn e nnd general stock of til or er ea. At* I,mm atenm Mills Hour nlwnys on hand; together with every other article wanted either for city or country n»f,nll of will* h will he sold ns clienp n^the c-henpcM cell nnd see. April3, 1851 SULLIVAN CABOT* CO. President Board Ttu te y h Id them? Ives in renclin ss to hive P.o- dltee. Merelmnd ze. fee., c<v*ve«-ed to nny » n t of the City nr C ountry, nml to furni«h trnm their wood- yard on 'he Oo-tnnnul-i Riv r. *>ny qa ntity «-f good oak f 'd hicko y wood. They hnve excellent teams, end W ? U he thankful for the patr-nag-oftli-i • fr ends tnd th • public. JOHN H. WISDOM. J Jan 30j 1851, WASHINGTON UALI, Atlanta, Georgia. T ^tUS HOTEL hns been newly fitted up nnd finely f irnLhed tor the occonnundntlon o* th • Travel No pn ns wi.l be p - red mler a Ii couiforiAbte who in ■'* give ii •CF* vii-ts iilwayN iu ntt-nd mcc at tho Cars to convey b iggngo and conduct Pdsienee ?. JAMES L<>YD. Proprietor. .GKO, R FRAZER; Saperin tend a ht. N - \ new nnd splendid BA K BEllSliOP recent ly ntt 'ch-d.- unilur the same roof. Pec. 5, id&O, A . K ATS, Fashionable French Boot Maker. I S prepared to execute work in Ids line, in n net nml 8iihstant nl tnnnner, and will be thankful for a 'ih rnl slinreof th 1 * patronage ot Rome nud vicinity. He mny be found nt the room formerly occupied by th»* Courier Office, on Broad street. Rome. Jnn. 23.1651 Porta tic Hots* Towa for Wheat Thmhers&« C '1.\N he spI up in the fi"ld in one day. J For safe bv FRANCIS M. ALLEN, Ap it 24, 1851. (lllfflHMi T HE sub cribcr grate ful tor tho many and repeated fuvoia bestowed upon " (or Io thuso many year?.'’ by the eiti- /.ons ol Rome nml vicini ty. would -till solicit a cqn t nunnee of their natron* ng-.*, ntul a visit from nil persons having business in fi'uml nt he same OLD l Brand street, 5.Doors West ol s ( o-ner. Within tho liift twclvo greatly enlarged his simp, and mado mmty and iinportnnriiuproveinciits in almost every I r neh nfli’*s bus n * c s. Ills materials are good and •bumlant • h's workmen fnidiful and competent, Mid la* Had- r- hims'df that In? Carriages, Buggies, tkI oilier vehicles, will fuvornhly compare in beau ty. stvlo. finish and durability, with nny similar ivnil LHini.-i't North Ol 5outb. Connected wuh hi? C arriage E?tnb i*hmcnt, ho • has nn cxfti ivi* Blueknmth • hop at the lu-nd ol wldch i* an experienced workirifMi wlio *s nlwnys at tome, nnd holds Ii in-' lf in rmd ue.«s to hammer'' nml have h »tmi»**red, Lon and .-tc.-l to order. Tin* cMizct'B of Georgia and Alabama who tend purchasing currin, e? or buugha, arc cordlajl) invited to call and examine his woik. Ills price! will regulated to suit the tunes, nnd emit -a Iiiiml Will at .nl Lines command the very best bur* WILLIAM WIMI'EE. Route, M/iv29. 1*»1. N. B.—Repairing done at the shortest notice, puuetimlly und effect ti 1 y. • '* NORTHERN WORK Will l)p kept eoiiFtiu t'y rn I and, which hex on aeeotnniodnthiff term?. W FAN?* O F every dercrlptiou, comp^i^f lttteBtwylcBattho wr h"? I"m* U" nmy Ii TABIJSHAIENTt K- J. J* hits.