Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, October 09, 1851, Image 3

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mpcncd only on the back. Wo nre called upon in the Maine Farmer to vouch for Solon’s statement ii. the August numbers of the American Agriculture, as to our making Strawberries fruit six months in the year. Yes; sir, Mr. Farmer So^ro.s statement is correct. We have picked Strawberries ten months in the yea.-, and can always pick them six. We presume Solons Robinson, one of the Editors of the American Agrtculurist. Mr. Robin on visi- to4o ur Strawberry ground last March, and then saw the ground literally covered with fruit^with scarcely an appearance of leaf.— He examined the ground well and his stato- m en t is perfectly correct. The Farmer says, “there must be some peculiarity' of climate or of cultu re,” to ensure such constant crops There is; the climnle is hot, and wo temper with water. The vine and fruit ere indige nous, and we simply follow nature. We havo found no diminution in fruit,'but a great decrease of vines, cultivated m this manner. We havo heard Northern cultiva tors boast of having Strawberries five weeks in the season. Five weeks, indoed 1 Why, with your cool and humid climnlo, you may iuit as well have them five months. Wo have no experience in Northern culture, and can only judge from the nature of the vino and the climate. Strawberries should be cultivated for there fruit, not foi mummolh vinos, Southern cultivators may now trans plant. Vines well planted this and the next month, will yield abundantly next spring.— Should the season prove dry during the plant ing, givo them copious waterings. Straw berries, like all other good things of this earth, enn only be got by the sweat of the brow. Christiana Outrage.— The Philadelphia North American of Tuesdny says: On Monday next Judge Kune will charge the Grand Jury of the United States upon the law of treason; at the suggestion of Dis trict Attorney John W. Ashmead. It islho intention of the District Attorney then to send bills of Indictment to the grand ju'-y against all tho persons charged with partici pating in the late unfortunate outrage nt Christiana. If true bills should be found, they will be certified to tho United Stales Circut Court by the United District Court, mid will be tried at the term which commen ces on the 6 th day of October. The Philadelpha Ledger of yesterday bus the following paragraph : Important Disclosures Anti' ipnted.—-A S colored man was examined yesterday Commissioner Ingraham,, who is tin derstood to have made some jmpoitant dis closures in reference to the origin of and actors in ti e late disturbances at Christian which rosiilled in the death of Mi Gorsucl., and the wounding of others The examina tion was private. The witness w ill bo de laincd until the trials of tho persons charged with the outragin’referred to! take place. Ji-DOK of the Suvbeme CounT.—We are gratified to be enabled to announce that the l’rssident has appointed Bonjnmin Rand Cur tis, Esq., of the Suffolk bar, to fill llio va cancy in the supreme Court ot the United States, that lias been created by the decenso of Mr. Jiiatico, Woodbury. This appoint ment will give very general satisfaction. Mr. Curtis is a young man, hut little more than forty years of age,and the dcsira to appoint a young man, who might ltsvo the reasona ble prospect of a long judicial term, has indu ced the President to pass over the claims of many distinguished gentlemen, from among whom we would otherwise l-.nvo been pleas ed with the opportunity of Selecting tho oc ;cupant of so eminent a position, t The professional attainments nnd tho high personal qualifications of Mr. Curtis are too well known to the bar, not only of Now England but of the nation, to muke it neces- 1 sary more than to allude to them. Tiie ear ly and decided stand taken by Mr. Curti “ jn support of the constitution nnd the lnws, on a recent important occasion, nnd tue na tional and conservative disposition that be lias manifested wherever he has been pre vailed upon to mingle in public affairs, have also constituted a claim for this distinguished honor that could not bo overlooked by tho Administration.—Boston Transcript. Sinoulae Geological Fact.—At Mo dena, in Italy, within ti circle of four miles around tho city, wherever the earth is dug and the workmen arrive at the dislunce of €3 feet they come to a bed of chalk, which they bore with ati auger, five feet deep.— They then withdraw from the pit before the ^•ugor is removed, and upon its extraction tho water bursts up with great violence, and quickly fills the well 'Ims made, the supply f water being affected-neither by rains nor droughth. At tbodepth of 14 feet are found .heruiukbfnn ancient city, houses, paved i areets.nnd Mosaic work. Below this," again js a layer of earth, and with leaves uud wal- uts sill upon them. At 28 feet soft chalk ) found, and bolaw his, vegetables and trees as before. Grapes—Native and Foreign— Wo have received a box of grapes from our respected friend, S. Rose, Erq., of Macon, Georgia, among which were blue Burgundy, Deverenx [_oni3 a native veriely, which we shall cull Rose’s Seedling. Tho grapes all came in ood order, and all were delicious ; hut the nativo grape altogether surpassed the foreign richness and delicacy. The unlive or |tose,s Seedling as we now shall call i*, is a ood sized, very dark grape ; bunches set ; upon the vino, and very compact.— l’o have never seen its superior. IVo rc- omrnend friend Rose to propugu-o from it xtensively, nnd should it prove arfong lived [slant, it .will take the place of the Catawba i the Isabella, and our Mobile lilends need bt go to Europe for fine varieties.-JjSottl/i. rictn, ' fellow, named Jack Hole, living jjovington. Ky , has udoptod a way of Qame which throws Fonotype e makes a big u J,” i through the paper for The following is a list of the officers of Floyd Division No. 67, of the Sons of Tern- ernnee, for the present quarter: A. M. Ladb, W. P. J. H. Torbett, W. A. R. D. Harvey, U. S. W. P. Riquin, A. R. S. J. G. Daily, F. S. J. G. Gureneau, T. J. T. Riely, C. G. W. McKinzy. A. S. J. B. Jenkins, I. S. - L. N. Echols, O. S. (jt@» There has been 4 Whigs and 2 Dem- orcats elected to Congress from Maryland. Personal Notings.—Gen. Foote hnsbeoti presented by the ladies of the town of Ray mond, Hinds county, Mississippi, for his de votion to the Compromise measures, and his persevering opposition to the secession fury, so culled in Mississippi, with a beautiful em broidered banner, wotked by their own hands, hearing this inscription : “ Gen. H. S. Foote nnd the Compromise.” “ Presented by the ladies of Raymond.” The Presentation Address was delivered by one of the thirty young ladies in process ion, each bearing a small banner, represent ing the several States of the Uniou, Mammoth Wheat.— Wo saw some speci- MARHIED. On Thursday Evening last, 24 last, by tho Rov. Jo»so Lnmberih, Newton P. Johnson, to Miss Cab- oi.ine Jane Davis, all of this county. STEAM MILL. T HE HOMEWOOD STEAM MILL, threo mllca from Rome, on the Calhoun Hoad is in opera tion, nnd the subscriber will receive com on toll, and otton at the usunl rates of toll. °nd B a Kiah' JOHN HUME. Rope furniened if requested. Atlanta Machine Works (Late Atlanta Iron Foundery,) T HIS now COMPANX is now prepared to do work on short notice, of heavy and light Coal-' ings from the latoBt improved patterns of Iron, Brass or Composition, all of wltjelitwlll be warranted.— Tumble, Boring nnd Drilling done to order. Also, ocretv outline of 10 feet or under, of any sized thread required. Heavy and light forging of wrought Iron or Steel done In superior stylo. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Is called to their patterns for Mill Gearing, for Mer chant and Cu-tom Flouring nnd Saw Mills, Gin Glaring of nil the usunl sizes, nnd Bark Mills al ways kopt on hand. Wo arc nlao prepared to build stationary Engines upon the latest improvements nil of which will be sold low for cobIi. Copper nnd Brass taken in exchange for work at cobH prices. A. LEYDEN. JAMES L. DUNNING, john Mcdonougii. WILLIAM RUSHTON, P. S. All of the above company nre practical Me chanics, nnd give their undivided attention to the business. oct. 9,1891. Mi HOUSE, , ZOOATBD HEAR THE CAPITOL TITILL bo open lor the accomfnoda#>n of Mem- T T bers of the Legislature, na boarders, during the ensuing Session. N. C. BARNETT. Milledgeville, Oct, 9,1851; 2t SOUTHERN HOUSE. T HE Proprietor vf the above Establishment.respect- Iklly announces, that he has recently made ex tensive additions and improvements, for tho accommo dation of his patrons, nnd feels assured that the SOUTHERN HOUSE, No. 200 King street^wili bo found second to none for convenience, location, com fort, air, and the best pure water this side of the Moun tain Spring. - , Having found it necessary to onlarge his House, |o meet tho wants of his numerous (Yiends, he flatters himself that ho is now prepared to accommodate fam ilies; Gentlemen and Ladies visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure, as well as those residing in it perma nently. * The tins rooms which havo been added, will be found largo, airy, and comfortable. Tho Dining room has also been enlarged, and tho accommodation now afforded is in every respect desirable. WARM, COLD and SHOWER BATHS, are con nected with the House, for Ladles nnd Gentlemen. The services of experienced and attentive Servants, so important to a good Boarding House, have been secured* The Proprietor solicits a continuance of the patron- nge so liberally extended to him, and he pledges him self to spare no exertions, or expense to render the Southern House oue of the best Establishments of the kind in the City. F. DAY, Proprietor, 2G0 King street, above the Bend. ROME PRICES CURRENT. LANIER HOUSE, BY LANIER St SON, BATHING ROOMS ATTACHED. Macon- Ga, October 3,1801. NOTICE. Offiok Romk Rail Road Co, ) F Roine, Sept. 20, 1851. > ROM nnd after tl’ls day no receipt will bo given for Cotton until alter its shipment. W. U. TERHUNE, Sup’t Trans. BANK NOTES GOLD AND SILVER W ILL bs taken In exchange ioralt debts due die late firm of Osgood, Alsobrook k Co. The state of Mr. Osgood's health demands a speedy set- •lement, of wliioli all Interested will please lake no- tloo. J. W. M. BERRIEN. CORRECyiD WEEKLY DY FRANCIS M/A AIlftm.KS. J 1 Bacon, Hums .13 Sides, Shouldturs,, ... •• a Hog Round, . , .V. * .» a Bagging, Dundee,,.yd., a ; Ky .... .. 2,1 a Gunucy 17 a Burraft, Goshen,..,..♦ ., 25 a 11 Country..15- Beicp, Fcu'^irtor,....... .... .. 2j a ... . Hin“ao''Vi.,... :.i.. .. 3 a Candles, Box,...... .. 20.a Spermaceti,,,., ...... a Adamantine, 37 ia Coffee, Java, Sock, 10 a Cuba, ,, a Laguira, 13 n Rio, 14 a i Cotton, 6 a Corn, a • Corn Mbai., 110 a • Coudaou, Bale Rope, 10 a Manilla, ..18 a . Cotton, a i Flour, per bbl........« $3 50 a Mackbrl, No 1 per hbl ...... No. 2 ** « Nc.3" “ HiURSjGrcon, lb.... .. 5 a Dry, 8 a Iron, Swede,.6 a English^ .......... .... .. 5 a llod,.. Oja Band', * .. 7 Jn Hoop, 0 a I.KAb, ,. 7 ft MoLAS4fcVbbl gul. W. I. ,.i; .. 37Jr Syrup, 60 a Nails, Kog, lb 5 a Riob, lb 5 n Salts, Liverpool per Sack .... 2 00 a do do bushel. ,, .. 00 a Tabic, per box 15 a Sugar! N. Orleans lb.... ,. 8 a Portorieo, 0 a Delta, 0 a Santaorus, 10 a lle/lned,.. .... *. 11 a Loaf, 12 a Crushed, .. 12ja Clarified .. 11 a Tallow, ., 9 n Wool. Raw,... 23 a Rolls, 33 a Proooss to Perfect Service. Georgia, Floyd Coitufy, To the Sheriff of said county— Oreeting, Tho Central Bank of Georgia 1 vs. > Assumpsit, tec. The Western Bank of Georgia. ) ITIHE defendant is hereby required personally or by 1 attorney to be and appear at tho next Superior Court, to bo held in nnd for said county, on the third Mondny in Jutuaiy next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’* demand in an action of assumpsit, tec, ns in default of such appearance said Court will pro ceed n? to justice shall appertain ; Witness, the Hon orable John H. Lumpkin, Judge of said Court. This 9th day of October, 1851. A. B. It OSS, CTk. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD* S TOLEN from my residence 7 miles east of Romo, on the 2 2d Sppi , a large brown Horse, 7 yenrs old, about 16 bunds high, a small star in liiBface, long tail,one hind foot white to the fet-Jock,oml has sever al lumps on his buck caused by the saddle, carries his tail a little to one side especially when tired, works well in double hartley, walks and trots well, but gal lops clumsy. was in fine order nnd shod all found when taken. The uhnvo liorb' is supposed to have been taken by a man nan ■-•d Hampton. Ho is about 55 or CO yeais oid. fair complexion, rather red, somewhat bald, hnir thin and gray, 5 feet 5 or 0 inches high, would weigh 125 or 135 pounds, and converses well, he had on a cloth coat about half worn, tom on the skirt, too large,' Jiealso wore a black bnt. I will pay the above reward for tho horse and thief, witli evidence to convict the thief, or 810 for the home or information bo that 1 get him. Any information thankfully received. JOHN SKINNER, Jr. Address, Rome, Ga.,—Qct.2,1851. Floyd Sheriffs Sales for November. W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesdny November next, before tho Court Houso door in tho City of Home, Floyd eounty, wiihtn tho usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. 213 in tho 22d district and 3d section—Levied upon os the property of Thoa Lyon to sntisfy a fi fu from Lincoln Superior Court in favor of John Cartlodge, Guardian vs Thoinns Lyon, John L. Trammel and Peter Lamar. Property pointed out by John L. Trammell, Also nil David Williamson’s interest in and to lots of land No. 87 nnd 83, in the 15th district and 4th section—Levied upon ns the property of David A. Williamson to satisfy a ft la from Hoyd Superior Court, in favor of James H, Morrow, bearer, vs. Da* vjd A. Williamson nnd other fi fns in my hand. Pro perty pointed out by Plaintiffs at’y. Also, the House nnd Lot whereon William A. Moore now* resides in tho Oostnnnula Division of the cirfof Home—Levied upon ns the property of Wtn A Moore, to satisfy a fi fn from Floyd Superior Court, in favor of William E Mills, for the use of Jonas King, vs William A Moore. Property pointed out bv plaintiff’s utt’y. THO6 S PRICE, Sh’ff. At the same tune and place, Ono Negro boy by the name of Riley, 17 or 18 years old—Levied upon ns the property of Luke J Morgan to sntisfy a fi fa from Floyd Inferior Court in fi.vor of William Hobbs vs Luke J Morgan. Property point ed out by the plaintiff. Also, Peter Hudson's interest in and to lot of land No. 6, in the 24th district and 3d section, being a lease on said lot of land—Levied upon us the property of Peter Hudson to sot’sfy n fi la from a Justice’s Court of Floyd county, in favor of William King vs Peter Hudson. Levy made ar.d returned to me by a con stable, Also eight bales of cotton—Levied upon by virtue of an attachment returnable to Floyd Superior Court, William Solomon vs Zauitonah White, Said cotton sold by order of the Court. Oct. 2, 1851. THOS. G. WATTERS, D. Sh’ff. FloyJ Iljrfjfj.i-s Silas for December- W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court house door in Home, be tween the legal hours of sole, the following property to wit *. Lot of Land No. 147 and one half acre of lot No. 148 m the 15th (list , nnd 4th section of originally Cherokeo now Floyd county—Levied upon as the pro perty of John Kin;patrick to satisfy n fi. fa. from Floyd Superior Court in favor of Jolm J. Walker vs John Kirkpatrick. Property specified in said fi fu. TllOS.S. PRICE, sfti’/f. At the same time and place. Lots of Land Nos. 2-14, 224 and tho undivided 4-7th9of lot No. 245 in the 2olh district nnd 3d sec tjon—Levied upon us the property of Wilson B. Me- Alroy to satisfy n mortgngi* fi fa from Floyd Superior C art, in favor ot Miller Chamberlain vs Wilson McAiroy. Property pointed out in said fi fa. ^ Cctobcj-9,1851. J, O. WATTERS,D.,8h’fr. JESSE LAMBERTH& CO. Gentlemen's Furnishing Store. W E would respectfully invito the attention of our customers and the public generally to our stock of Goods for Fall and Winter wear, which wi have just received nr.d are opening. Gents bl’k and colored flock, dress and snek Coats, Black and colored Tweed & satinett and trock coats Cloth and Blanket clonkB and Over-coats, Colored Cass, Doeskin, Tweed and Satinett pants. Black and colored silk, satin, plush, cashmere and merino Vests, i.B. Shirts,colored shirts, merino ami cotton under shirts, merino nnd cotton J hose j Pocket lid’ks, cra vats, soarfs, gloves, suspenders, collars, drawers &c. Men's youth’s ar.d Boy’s hats and cans, in great va riety Men’s fine calf dress Boots Mon’s fine wa ter-proof Boots And a large and complete assort ment of Men's and Boy’s Boots and Shoes of evtuy quality and p’ice. We have also for the Ladies, velvet, silk, satin and straw Bonnets } Sotin, Lasting nnd morocco Gaiters, half Gaiters and Buskins; Ties Slippers and walk ing Boots nnd Shoes; a full ntsortment of Misses nnd childrens shoes of all N. B. We would particularly invito the attention of Planters to our stock of Negro .Shoes, which is very full. NEW AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING HAT3, GAPS, BOOTS & SHOES For Men, Boys and Children. TI7TTH a complete assortment of Ladies and Miss- Vr es Hats, shoes nnd gloves, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Stationary and Fancy Stationary, BOOKS in great variety. CARPETING, very cheap. Pinno Fortes and Music, with a great vnriety of other artl cles,al! of which will be sold at fair prices. Books ordered in the shorten possible time. Rome, Sept. 25,1851, J. W. M. BERRIEN. TO RENT. T HE commodious brick Store, immediately under the Choice Hotel, ndjoining Battey’s Drug store An excellent stand. Apply to T. J. VERDF.RY, Sept. 18, 1851. or Col. D. S. PRINTUP. f NOTICE. M rs. I.OVE, i»:M.iai3R & DRESS' JVIAK.JB11* from Charleston, begs leave to In form the Ladies of Rome and its vicinity, that she has opened a store on Broad street, opposite the Post office, where a general assortment of Millenery and Dry Goods will be kept; also, Bonnets, Caps, Cipes, visettes, and Dresses made to order. Mrs* L. trusts that by strict attention io business, and low charges, s will merit a share of publio patronage. Ladies and particularly solited to give her o call. . B. The latest Fashions will be found at the above' establishment. “CAVE SPRING HOTEL” FOR SALE. fTMlERE belongs to the premises, besides the house* JL a good kitchen, brick smoke house nnd dniryf good stables, crib, tec. The garden nnd ynrd ore sub» stuntiully enclosed. The house is in the centre o the village. Any one wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine. The “'Cave Spring Hotel” will still be open for tho travelling public until a purchaser is met with. A plenty of corn nnd fodder for horses, Flour for biscuit made at “Shield te Posey’s Mills’^—hard to beat, Call nnd see. WILLIAM K* POSEY. Scpr, II, 1G51. Ct Floyd Sheriff’s Sale* for October. TlflLLbo solid on tho first Tuesday in October VT next, before tho Court .House door in the City of Homo, Floyd comity, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to.wit .* Lot of Land Noi 200, in the 22d district and 3d section; lovlcd onfts tho property ol John Fnrgerson to satisiy nfl. fn. ltmted from Rnhdolph Superior Court in Ihvor of Daniol M. Fleming vs. John Fur- gerson. . ifie undivided third part of Lot of Land No. 354, 23rd dlstWct, 3d section— levied on ns the property of Benj. F. Adams to satisfy a fi fa issued from o justices’ court of Upson county, in ftivor of Amos W Ham mond vs said Adams—Levy made and returned to me by n constable. Aug. 28. THOS. S. PRICE, Sh’ffi. At the same time and place, will be sold, Thomas Duke’s interest fn nnd to Lot of Land No. 277, in the 24th district and 3d section; levied on tie tho property Thomas Duke to satisfy three fi, fas. Issued flom a justices Court of Floyd county, two Jn favor of Wallis Warren and one In favjr of Fnrhnm Lindsey vs Thomas Duke. Levy made and returned to mo by a constable. Lots Nos. 02and 09, iytng in the’ Etowah Divis ion of the City of Romo; levied on as the property of Thomas C Haokott to satisfy a tnx ft. fa, issued from the city council of Rome vs said Duckett. Le vy made and returned to me by tho collcotor. Fifty ncres of Land, lying on the North side of Oostanaulln river; lying within the incorporate lim its of the city of Rome; levied on u« the property of D. R. Mitchell te Co, to satisfy a tnx tl fit from tho city counoil of Romo vs D. R. Mitchell teCo. Levy made and returned to mo by the collector. Lota Nos. 4 and 111, in tho Etohah Division in the ronorty of Jacob -the accommodation visiters. Roine,Ga.,Mny 29, IB KOBEltT FINDLAY, . MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines, Boilers, Ante AND DEALER IN TONES of very description. STEAM ta j SAWMILLS, Circular and straight, put up in superior stylo. Mftcpn, August 21,18 >1. | GEORGE JONES, . | Importer of and Dealer in OROpKERY AND GLASS WARE, MACON, GEORGIA. I AM confident that I can make it to tho interest of Merchants to buy their supplies of Crookry fn Mnobn. if they will give a chance. Assorted crates of all nixes always on hand.—• Call anil see for yourselves. MucOn, July 2-1, 1851. 6m WHITLOCK & C0SKERY, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Aiigtmtn, Gvoreia. T HE subscribers huve entered into Copartner ship for the transaction of a General Warehouso and Commission Business, nnd tender their services to the into patrons of Fi.kmino, Whitlock te Co„ andCosKHRY, Janes te Co., and tho publio general ly. They nro prepared to alford the usual facili ties to their customers. Orders for family riupplie*, Bngglng, &o. filled at.the lowest market nr ices, All business intrusted to them will have their personal attention. J. W; WHITLOCK, Late ol tho Firm of Flkm!:;g, Whulock te Co» JOHN COSKERY, Lute of the Finn of Coskury, Janes te Co, Aug, 7,1851. DIRECT IMPORTATION. Charcstrm, South Carolina ) ) August, 1851, ] T HE subscriber will have in Store by, the first of .September next, an extensive assortment of FpjitBIG'V GOOD*, Imported direct to this Port. Comprising Plain, Figured, Black, Fancy Col. ©red; Figged, Watered, Glace and Chenc Dress Silks.. Boniiet nnd Lining Silks. Black and Colored Merinos, Caahmers and De’Lalnes. Ginglm'ms, InteBt Stylts. Ay^ry fullStock of new Style Bpnjnsti ft ihbpns. , ^ . Glovps, of every description. Alurgc Stock of Shawls HosieVy, Silk, Worsted und Cotton. Silll, Thread, and Cotton Laces and Edgings. Embroideries. Cloths,and Casslmercs, Tailors Trimmings. 1)6 will have in addition a full supply of American Manufactured Goods. The attention of Dealers generally, is respectfully Solicited. JAMES B. BETTS, August 14,1851. 135 Meeting St. STATE OF GEORGIA, Floyd County- Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1851. Present their Honors William Joussos, F. I. Sul livan and William T. Prije, Justices of said Court. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. W HEREAS .Tease Lnrubeilii, Administrator on the Estate of John Reynolds, late of snid coun ty, deceased, npplies for Letters of Dismission from the Administration of snid estate— Therefore, the kindred nnd creditors of said deceas ed, are hereby cited and admonished to file their ob jections (if any they have) in tny office, in terms of the Law, otherwise Letters Dismbsory will be granted tho applicant at the January Term. Minutes of the court of Ordinary for said county. By order of the Court. July 7th, 1951. JG.SSE LAMBERTH, c. c. o. WHITE SATIN AND WHITE KID OL1PPERS, silk Gaiters and half Gaiters, Enuniel- KJ cd Buskins and i Excelsiors—Kid Ties and slippers, with n genera! assortment of Misses nud Children’s hoes. DENNIS te HUNT. June 26, 185J. JOHN S-ANDERSON. ATTORNEY at law W ILL give his prompt attention to the side ot Lands, nnd the establishment of disputed Lnnd Claims in eastern T xas He will also do a Gener al collecting business All on the most moderate terms. Address Marshall Harrison County Texas. References.—Judge Lumpkin. J. W. II. Underwood. Got.. Daniel S. Printup. July 10, 185 f T HE undersigned having located in Romo, is pre pared to do Mattress, work on terms to suit per sons wishing to puudmso. His Shop is on Broad Street, three doors below the Courier printing office. Persons wishing to purchase will please call, and examine my work before purcuusing elsewhere. A few loads of dry corn shucits wanting, for which the cash will bo paid. R. S. NORTON, At the Brick Comer formerly occupied by Alexander fy Norton. I S now receiving bis l* nil nnd Winter Stock of Goods, which were recently bought in New York nt very low prices nnd will bo offered at n smnll advance on cost-—consisting of a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hardware Boots, Shoes, Groceries, 5fc. Among which are plain Figured and Brocade Alpa cas, from 20 cents to $>l 25 ; English Merenos, Ca6hi meres, Jackonets, Swiss Muslins, Edgings, Insertings, Thread Laces, Ginghams,Prints, tec. Fla.nuels of nil Kinds. Tweeds, Snttineta nnd Kent. Junes Brood Cloths, Cnsbimerc3 and Vestings, A largo lot of Negro Kerseys, Plains and Linseys, Mncinaw, Wh tney nnd Duffill Blankets. Mis Stock of J/ordwnre is ns good ns the best in Town; whero can bo found Snwsof nil kinds, from n 10 inch back to a cross-cut 9 feet long. Also Carpenters’ Bench, Moulding, Bead, Match nnd Flooring Planes, Iron, Framing and Trying Squares; Bevels, Spirit Levels, Chisels of all ktnds and sizes, hammers, hatch ets ami Axes ; Knob Locks nnd Latches, nl) sizes, Butts and Bolts: also, Fine Double Barrelled Guns, Rifles, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates, Log, Fifth, Lock, Tongue and Breast Chains, nnd many things in the Hardware line not heretofore kept here. All of which wer bought to be sold. Coll and ^ex amine the goods and prices. Rome, Neat 4,1851. CHAS. P. LEVY, STEAM ENGINE BITII.DER. Machinist and Founder. I S prepared to furnish all kinds qf Steam Engines , and Mill Castings, having an extensive u-sortment of patterns of the newest and most approved kinds. Cast Iron Water Wheels, of several patterns, of a character that will suit oil situation?, Tilo Ocmulgcu Foundry. On Cotton Avenue, near the Macon fr Western Depot, Has peculiar advantages in fitting up Steam Saw Millsi the Proprietor having had great experience in that business, Mirny of his Mills trenow in use in this State. There is a constant supply of Gin Gearing, Cotton Press Pulleyr, tec., kept on hand, Also, nil kinds of finished Machinery Mncon, August 21, 1851 JgUILDERS of Store and Dwelling houBes are in ■ ■ ■ju)n>' Flour, fron Ivl/ Mil’s, just received und for s May 1,1851. . T.J.l — Postponed Administrator^ A G REE ABLY to an ord-r of the -TA. Inferior Court of Te) fair county, v Court of Ordinary, will be sold befi House door in the Town of Rome, F lie fir*i Tuesdny in December next, tours of snb, Lot of Laud No. 160, i» the 2- nnd 3d section, Al<o t on the same day will be sold before tliu C. house door in Clu*rokr*e comity, Lot of uud I in the dist. nnd 2d s ction. Also, on the sumo dny will be ro’d, before i!u Court lioiire floor in Forsyth county, Lot of Land No. 272 in the 3d dist.aml 2d section. Also, at the same time W.ll V sold before the Court house doorin Gordon county, Lot of Land No 210, in ilie 7th dial, nnd 3d section. Also, on the some dny» wifi be sold b *f"re the Court home door in Walker county, Lot of Land No. l2i in the 26ih d>st and 3d section. Also, on the same day, Will be cold before th-j Cour ousu door of t umpkin county, Lot bf Land No. 153 |i the ICthdist. and l si section. All sold ns the property of Henry II Brick 41, dec’d. July 31. JAMES BOYD, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATORS SALE GREEABLY to an order of tho honorable the Inferior Court of Floyd County, when sitting I is n Court of Ordinnr/, will be sold before the Court louse door in tho City of Home, on the first Tues lay in November next, within the usual hours o lale, the following Negroes, to wjtt Fnnny n wo- |nnn, forty-eight years old; Israel a man, thirty-five oars old; Kppunger a boy, thirteen years old; Mon- rvuugiil, eleven years old; CundU a girl, sevn ears old; Marinh a girl, three yenrs old ; togctlior vltli Lotsol Lnnd Nos 304 nnd 274. in the 4thdisd riot and4th section; also, Lot No. 14, In *.ho Q2d listrictnml 3d section; and Lot No. 168, in the 5th llatrlct nnd 4th section; all tho foregoittg Lots oh ‘ and lying in Floyd county. On the t.nmo day will bo sold before tho Court llluusc door in Cussvlllc, Core county, Lot of Land iNo. 543, in the4th district and 3d section. Alt the [above property belonging to the Kstuto of Willihm Jenks, late ot said county deceased, and sold lor tho benefit of tho heirs anil creditors or snid deceased. THOMAS S. PRICE, f WM, G. MILES Aug. 21, 1S51. Adim’s; Hotel on the West,In the Etowah Division of the city of Romo; levied on ns the property of Joseph N. Lump kin to satisfy a tax fi, fa. from the cit councilof Rome vs said Lumpkin* Levy made nnd retumd Bio me by the colleotor. One fourth of an acre of land, lying in tho Coosa division of the City of Rome, No. not known, where on A. J. Hayfi now resides—levied upon ns the prop erty of A. J. Hays tosntlsiy nfl. fn, from the 9l9th district, Floyd county, jn favor of H. M. Caldwell vs A. J. Hays. Levy made and returned by a constable. Also half nn acre with the improvement thereon, in theOostanauladivhion ol the city of Romo whereon Rlchnrd Williamsnow lives—levied on ns the property of Richard Williams to satisfy a fi. fa from a justice’s court of Floyd comity, in favor of Alexander Hodges, bearer, vs Richard Williams—levy made and returned by a constable. Also, Town lots Nos. 4 nnd the Etowah di- vlson of the city of Rome—levied upon us the proper ty of Jacob Herndon to satisfy a fi. fn. from a justice’* court of Floyd county, in favor of Joseph N Lump kin vs Jacob Herndon. Property pointed out by the plaintiff— Levy made nnd returned by a constable. Also, one eighth of fractional lot in tiie Coosa di vision of tho oily of Romo, whereon ono Davis now lives—levied upon ns the property of Jeremiah White to satisfy a fi. fit. from a justice's court of Floyd coun ty, in favor ol G. G. McCoy—levy mndo and lotunv cd by n constable. Lot No not known, in the Coosa Division of the city of Rome, occupied by Davis and formerly by Jer emiah White; leried on ns the property of Jeromihb White to satisfy a tnx fi fa from tiie city council of Rome vs said White. Levy made und returned to me by the collector, Lots Nos 5 and G, in the Oostanaulln Division of the city of Rome; levied on os the property of A E Reaves to satisfy a tax fi fa from the city council of Rome vs said Reaves, Levy made und returned to me by tho collector. Lot No. 37, in the Etowah Division in tho city of Romo; levied on as the property of John L Huseii to satisfy a tax fi IH from tho ci ty council of Rome vs said Husen. Levy made and returned to me by the collec tor. Samuel Pollard's interest in nnd to Fifty acres of Land, mere or less, it being tho south east corner of Lot No.290, in tiie 25th district and 3d section; levied on as tho property of Samuel Pollard, to satisfy three fi fas. issued from a Justices court of Floyd county, two in favor of George W. Browniowand onoinfu- vor of Wilson B. MoAlroy vs snffi Pollard, and Ro bert Pollard, security on stay. Levy inude and re- turned to me by a constable. Postponed Sale. William F.zzell’s right, titlo and inte.est in nnd to Lot of land No 293, in the 22d disttict and 3d section; levied on ns the property of William Ezzeli to satisfy two fi fns issued from Floyd Superior court, one in favor of Thomas C. Ilackett.nnd the oilier in Invor of the Officers of court vs said Ez/.ell. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Aug. 28. THOS. G. WATTERS, D Sh’ff. Floyd Morlgugo Sale. W ILL be sold, on tiie fir*t Tuesday In October next, before the Court-house door in the City of Rome, between the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: Henry T. Allen’s interest in 16 ncres of standing corn and 3 acres of standing cotton, 12 head of stock nogs nnd 5 head of cattle—all levied upon ns the pro perty of Henry T. Allen, to rntisf/a mortgage fi. fn. from Floyd Inferior Court in favor of .Tnnu*p D. An thony vs. Henry T. Allen. Property pointed out in said mortgage. July 31, 1*51. THOS. G. WATTERS, D. gh’ff. FALL. AND WINTER GOODS. m J. 0MBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR, H AS now on hnnd n well selected stock of Cloths Cussimercs and Vestings, of every shade and color, together with every other article usually kept in nn establishment of this kind. These goods havo been selected by himself m New York, will* great care and particular reference to tho prevail ing Fasliions. Ho is also prepnred to manufac ture clodiiug in a manner nnd style not lobe sur- onssed in our largest and most lusliionable cities. October 10 1850. DISSOLUTION. MIE Firm of Osgood, Alsobrook te Co. was dis- - solved tills day by mutunl consent. All di fit due by or to tho Firm, will bb settled by J. W. Mf Berrien, who has the notea nnd nceountsof the Firm fo- colleelion. Immediate liquidation is requested of «ls indebted to the firm. JAS. E. OSGOOi*, JACOB E, ALSOBROOK, • Aug.4, 1851. JAS. W. M. TlEKRIEN, CARRIAGE MAM* T HE subscriber grate ful for tho many and repeated favors bestowed upon liiin “ ior lo titesu many years,” by tho citi zens ol Rome und vicini ty, would stiUKolloitaCon tinuancoof thoir patron age, and a visit from all ~- , — r persons having business in his line. Ho may bo found at the same OLD ES- TARLISHMENT on Btond street, 5 Doors West of R* J. Johnson’s Corner. Within tho last twelve months lie ims groutly enlarged his shop, and made many and important improvements in almost every branch of his business. His materials nro good and abundant; his workmen faithful and competent, atul lie flnJtera himself tlmt his Carriages, Buggies, and other vehicles, will favornbly compare In benu- ty, *tvlo, finish and durability, with tiny similar e3tnbJifcbmontNorth or South. Connected with his Carriage Establishment, lie lias an extensive Blacksmith shop at tho head oi which is nn experienced workman who is always at home, and holds himself In readiness id hammier and havo hammered, Iron ina steel to order. The citizens of Georgia und Alabama who in tend purchasing curringes or buggies, are cordially invited to cnll nnd examine his work. Ills prices will ho reguluted to suit the times, nnd cash in hand will ut all times Command the very best bar. gains. . WILLIAM NVIMPF.E. Romo, May 29, 1851. N. B.—Repairing done nt tho shortest notice; punctually and effoctiudly. NORTHERN WORK Wifi be kept constantly cm hand, which lie will sell on accommodating terms. W- W LADIES CAMBRIC HDKFS- T ADTES, Gents and children’s Cambric lldkfs. -*~J from 7>j cents up to $2 00 each. Aho, Black silk luces, from one inch to ciulit inches wide—a splendid nnd fushionubic nrliele for trimming Mantil las. DENNIS te HUNT. F OUR months nfier date application will lie n ad* to tin* honorable the Inferior court of Floyd coin ty, when silling ns a court of ordmnry, fur lenv * it s 41 all tho Mil cstnte belonging to the cstuf* of Wil liam Champion; late of Floyd eounty, dcccnscri. July 10, 1851. M. L. COLBERT, E it PB0VISI0N STORE- S. G. WELLS. B ACON, Lard, Corn. Flour, Whenl, Siisar, Toffee, Salt, nml Molasses, Domestic YarnB, Cloth, Shoes and Leather, Dried Fruit, Beef and Fish Pun Port mnt, and Pah Otard Brandy, Porttr end Lemon Syrup. A smnll lot of Shoeson consign ment. A. few ■ young men can be nccommodfited wit'i BonrdlpS. WASHIZTG.T0N HALL, Atlanta, Georgia ^piliS HOTEL hnabceu newly fitted up nnd finely ’ i- furnished for the accommodation of the Travel ing Public, generally. Cc*» No pains will be spared ■ to render all com finable who JAay give ua u./?nil. Icy Servants nlwuys in attendance nt tfio Care to convey bnggngt* nnd conduct Pussengcrs. JA MES LOYD, Proprietor. GEO. R. FRA EE II, Superintendent. N. new und splendid BARBERSHOP recent ly Hunched, under the snmc roof. Dec. 5, IS50. A . KATSj Fashionable French Boot Maker. £ S prepnred to execute work in ln« fine, In n nea and substantial manner, nnd will be thankful forn liberal shnreof the pntronago ot Rome and vicinity He may be found nt the roOtn formerly occupied ty the Courier Office, on Broad street. Rome, Jan.23, 1851 Portable Hoi go Power for WbeatTm’d&liers te * C AN be set tip in the field in one day. For sale by FRANCIS M. ALLEN. April 24, 1801. NOTICE. T HE Co partnership existing heretofore betweer Battey te Duo. having been dirsolved by mutun' corseut, the business will be continued U the old stand by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of the firm will receive the attention of us both* G. M. BATTEY, M. D. Rome, March l, 1851. ROBT.BATTEY. PRIVATE HOSPITAL. D US. MILLER te WORD Have opened in tl.: City, a PRIVATE HOSPITAL for the tren:- liicnt of Surgical nrid Chronic disease?—whether oi nog roe ?oi white persons. In such an establishment the expenses of patient* are much less ihnn under o-dinary treatment, and the elumces of cure irtnte- ‘ dly increased. July 24, 1851. ly BANKS & EDDLEMdH. DBiytKS In boots, shoes, wiamsa S11OE-MAKICR’S TOOLS, tec. Atlanta, Ga., fi AVF, on hand si large rtnok of Leather. I. it-rs, O Pegs, Findings,' Tools.,‘ J tec., mid iwifi till orders • l Augusta price-', with the freight ndded. Shoe-M.i- «<TS»h Cherokee Georg nniTd Alabama v mild dr> « «-!’ ‘fotry them, ns tli.’y uiighfgo fri< (her ntiil worse.” They also have n large stuck* of Well nn-ori ' ^ mvl Shoes, made expressly lor them, which i i.*y ivnrriml. They a re superior, and no m.stake, and be sold cheep. Abo, jv’t.vy doubted sole Negro Shoev, ed by themselves in Atlanta. ’I hive or*, far i to nuy Negro Shoes h fore offered hi this pur century, uid*will lie sold on accommodating t They are prepared also, to make to nud doubled sole Boots, or any oiler