Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, October 09, 1851, Image 4

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KEGS Nalls,assorted. Forssle low, whole X • eolo and retail, by F. M. AI.L13N. • snlc and retail, by Jnn.a, 1850. 1 A BALKS Factory Yarn, for sale low by lU JanS. F. M.ALLE •J K BALKS Birnched and Brown Homespuns A-J from 3-4 to 0-4 wide, fursnle low by Jan 2. F^M-cALLKN- b)A CASKS Men's Boots nn, 1 Shoes fof sale- low AjU liy F. M. A1TL6N. .Tiiji 2. GRASS CLOTH. -g 00 FIKCIW 0, ' a '* c * h ’ July 21. rtti—ju-t received by DENNIS £ HUNT. T d b CASKS Lndioa* Walhin(r shoes and kid slip JL'Lf perefrom 50 cents n pair up. For Pale hv Jan2. F. M.ALLKN W IIITK WINE ond pure fi ler Vmepir, In sale by F. Jl. ALLEN. Jan. 2. G OOD assortment of Castings, for sole he, July 3. F. M. ALLEN. FREE AND EASY. C ALL at thu Free & Easy House, 4 ilpo 8 below the Choice Hotel, where you will find a yeuernl as sortment of Confectionaries, Fruits, V.e., of the vrr> beatthotever has been, and ns pond nsev. r can be oiler- edinRome. Sold low for cosh. GEO. 811 AW* Feb. 20, ISM. TINNING BUSINESS- T HE subscribor would inform bis friends nnd tho public generally, that he is now engaged in the manufacture of Tin-War* ot every Kind. Also every description of aheet-ron. liis shop ia on Broad street nearly opposite Wimpoo’a Carriage fac tory, where he hopes hy prompt attention to order* to receive ft liberal share oftho public patronage. .luno 2d, 11551. TO UN G. MERCK. i'AVANNAH AND AUGUSTA STEAMBOAT CO. op gegrgia Bun tho ioljowlng Steamers, as above, viz : T AVIDIi. ADAMS, (iron). .TIIOS.S. METCALF, CHATHAM, (iron) TENNESSEE, Which, with low-boats nnd lighters, afford mtc- 7.7ailed ftcil ti«*s for transportation of freight to tho interior of Georgia, South Carolina, Tonncssoo nnd ADbnnm, in connection with tho Hail Hoads, Tho cl 'gnat stcum-nnclcet D. L. Adams will con nect with the Mennislilps Florida nnd Alabama— landing freight by them ia 5 days from Now York 10 Augusta. Freight, (now taken at reduced rates,) will bo forwarded free of com minion, flO Jn order to prevent dahition or miscarriage, bills ol lading should bo addrcssM to SAM’L: M.POND, President, Savannah Mercliatullse from the interior to JOHN A. MOORE, Agent Augusta, Jane2(1, ISM. JUST RECEIVED OH CONSIGNMENT. £) OAA LBS. Bacon and GOO lbs. Lard, for J8)UUU solo for Cosh, F. M. ALLEN, tifk BBLS. Superfine and Extra 1 family flour, for £i\3 satoby, ... F. M. ALLEN. 25 BUSHELS of first rale Corn Meal just re- reived ond for sale by Feb 20 A SUPERIOR article of Family Flour, for .ale hv Fob 20 U. SHAW. A GO O'1 article of shelled Con: on hand and for rule hy G. SHAW. Feb 20 1 A BOXES superior NowYorkChccfofortutlcby IA* Feb 20 O. SHAW, A FIRST rate lot of Ilucon just received nnd for anlc by O. SHAW. Feb 20 U AAA LBS. of superior Lnrd just received at JLUUU Felt 20 SHAW’S. "I A HALF bbls. No. 1 Mackerel for Bnle by JL'Lf Feb 20 0. SIIAW. S PERM ami Star Candles for sale by Feb 20 G. SIIAW. A First rate article of Tobacco nnd Cisma always kept ot HIJAW’S Feb 20 CJCOTCH Herrings, Sardines, &c.,mny nt nil times lO be found at tho FREE Jc" EASY HOUSE. Feb 20 /"YY8TERS, Lobsters, Shrimpc, Pi s 's Feet, Kgg«, v/ &c., served up In n superior manlier at the Feb 20 FREE .V EASY HOUSE. LBS. GOSHEN BUTTER, for snle nt MttVeh 0,1851. O. SHAW’S. 200 HOUSE PAINTING. AARON W. HARSHAW, H AVING permanently located In the City of Rome, is prepared to execute work in the above line, in a style that cannot fnil to please tho most fastidious, lie lias in his possession testimonials from many differ ent persona who have tried his skill, that will B&thfy every one who wish to rofer to th^tn. Those in Rome and the surrounding country who have houses to paint cun have it done on as good terms, and with ns much neatness anddispntuh by me ns it can bo done by any body else, North or South, Having quit carriage nnd sign painting, my whole nltention will bo given to the above branch of the business. Graining done in lira rate style, and made to represen t any kind of wood or marble desired, 4 s I have dcuo a groat deal of work in this part of the country, specimens of which may, be seen, I deem it unnecessary to say any thing more ns to my nbility 10 do good work, but only ask u trial May 29.1851. * F OUR months after date application will he made to tho Honorable tho Inferior court of Floyd county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell thu realfstnte of William C. Butler, late of said county, deensed. BENJ. H.LAMPIUN, Adm’r. July 10,1051. GUARDIAN’S SALE. B Y order of the honorable tho Inferior court of Chattoogn county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold on the first Tuesday iu December next, In Summerville, one Negro hoy, Bill, 22 years old, Improperly of E. Jones, Lunatic, Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said Lunatic, ang. 23, 1851. M. MONTGOMERY,) HARRIET JONES, 5 H0ISERY. L ADIES’, Gents* nnd Misses* Hose in great va riety, at low prices. DENNIS HUNT. Jnir-’i. 500 LBS. Hemlock sole Leather for sale. Ap NEW ARRIVAL. sfTMIE undersigned begs leave to inform the jf JL citizens of Rome, its vicinity nnd the public generally, that lie has just received nnd opened n now Stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY oj tho very la test patents nnd finest style. His friends and acquain tances are cordially invHteil to give hint a call uttd ex amine his assortment. All kinds of tepniring (lone to order, and goods and work wnrrented. Ills establishment will ho (ouml a few doors abovo the Hilburn House, Depot 8quure. J. G. McKINZIB. Dec. 19,1850. BANKS & EDDLEMAN, DEALKR8 IN BOOTS,SHOES, LATHER,PEGS, SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, Arc. Atlanta, Ga., H AVE on hnnd a Inrge stock of Leather, Lusts, - Pegs, Findings, Tools, &c., and will fill orders t Augusta prices, with the freight added. Shoe-Mu* «crBin Cherokcn Georgia nnd Alabama would do well -ctry them, as they mighf'go farther nnd fh reworse.” They also haven Inrge stock of well nssorre . (foots grid Shoes, mode exoresely for them, which tuy will warrant. They are superior,and no mistake, nnd will be sold cheap. •‘ Also, heavy doubled sole Negro Shoes, mnnfnctur- cd hy themselves in Atlanta. These are far superior to any Negro Shoes before offered iu this part of the country, nnd will be sold on accommodating terms. They are prepnred also, to make to order fine single nnd doubled ?olo Boots, or any other kind, 111 a style unsurpassed in this country. Nov. 28, 1S50.* For the Giire of GOUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, <>ROUP, ASTHMA and OOMS VIVII'SUOIX. PgAmong Ihe numerous discoveries Science has mad in tills generation to facilitate the huslnoss of life—in crease its enjoyment,nnd even prolong the term ofhu man existence, none can be named of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the hunting Art. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond ti doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines, yet known, can so surely control and euro tho numerous varieties of pulmonury disease which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands nnd thousands every year. In deed, there isnow abundant reason to believe a reme dy has at length been found which enn be relied on to cure the most dnngerous affections of tho lungs. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures effected by its use, but wo would present the following opinions of eminent inou, nnd refer furth er enquiry to the circular wldcb the ngunt below nnm cd, will always be pleased to furnish free, wherein nn full particulars, nnd indisputable prool of these facts. From the the President of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK. "James C. Ayer—Sir, I have used your Cherry Pectoral in my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, am satisfied from its chemical constitution, that it is nn admirable compound for the relief ot laryngial nnd bronchial difficulties. If iny opinion os to its superior character can hoof any service,you arc at liberty to use it as you think proper. Ed. Hitchcock, L. L. D. From tho widely celebrated Professor SILLIMAN, M,D., L. L. I)., Professor of Ccmistry,Mineralogy itc, Yolo College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med Phil, and Scientific Societies of America and Eu rope. ^ "I deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable compos! tion from some of the best articles in themnterin mod- cu,and a very effective remedy for tho clues of dis eases it is intended ta euro.” New Haven Ct. Nov. 1,18*49. Major Pattison, President of tire S. C, Senate,states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful sue 38, to cure nn inflammation of the lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Maine. Saco, April 2G, 1S40. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, I am now con stantly using your Cherry Pectoral in my prnetico, nnd prefer it to tiny other medicine for pulmonnry com plaints. From observation of many severe cases, I convinced it will cure coughs, colds, ond diseases of the lnngB.thnt have put to dofinneo nil other remedies. I invariably recommend its use In cnees of consump tion, and consider it much the best remedy known for that dJscose, Respectfully vours, I. H. Cushman, M, D. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass, Sold in Rome by Battf.y Brother, in Marietta, hy Wm. Root, in Augusta by Havjland, Risi.ey, & Co., and by all Druggists throughout the St-te, inarch 20,1851. ly GLOVES* L ADIES and Gents white colored Kid, silk and . Lislc-lbrcnd, Ladies Colored and Black V ohair Pic*nic,nnd children’s Lisle-thrend nnd’cotton Glovos. DENNIS & HUNT. WHO WANTS TO RIDE? FINE new Bug__ Warranted, apply to August, 7th 1851, A FINE new Buggy for snle. Wimpey’s moke, Warranted, apply to F, M ALLEN. FACTORY YARNS, W HITE nnd Striped Osnttburghs. fbr sale by tho Bale nt Factory prices. '** ' ‘ ted to rxnm'.no tho goods Aug. 21. Merchants are invi- F. M. ALLEN, A trout. WARE HOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, N. OUSLEY & SON, Macon, Georgia. GODFllEYToUSLEY'fc CO., Savannah, Georgia. JAMES E. OODFEEV, | N. OESEBV, | B. F. OUSLEY, FLOYD HOUSE, MAOOM, ©A. TIIDMAS WILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. B. HARTWELL, Superintendent. T miles' Deportment under the charge of Mrs. James, formerly of Columbus, nnd fnvornbly known to the travelling public. An Omnibus will always bo in reodlncr.9 for tho conveyance of passengera to and from the Hotel. 03- Tito Alligator Line of Stogcs to Flodira lino Its Mncon Office at this Hotel. WASHINGTON HALL, UIACON, GEO. TO HIE PUBLIC. Y OU cannot be better plenscd than nt this old es tablished House. Tho rooms nre comfortable nnd clean, and the proprietor is willing to do any thing in his power to please his customers. Mucon, Aug. 21,1851. E. S. ROGERS. BUGGIES. F OUR superior Buggies, well made and well trim med, nnd a splendid set of Harness with each for snlc at a bargain. DENNIS & HUNT, nug. 28,1801. STEAM l STEAM M STEAM ! t I Furniture^ Chairs, Punnoll-Doors, Win «low»Saslt* lllinds. etc. mi IE undersigned beg leave to inform the public JL tlmt they have on hnnd and arc constantly mnnu fncturing, every variety of Cabinet Furniture of tho latest style nnd best quality, together with Pnnnel Doors, Door mid Window Frames, Window Sush, Blinds, cVc. See, Having been ut very considerable expense in pro curing nnd fitting up now and improved machinery for doing the above kinds of work, they confidently nppeul to a generous public to sustain them in the en terprise, pledging themselves to furnish.any article in their line, for less money than it can be made foi by hand,or laid down for from any market. SUMTER, TORBETT & Co. Aug. 8S, J 851. 03-Shop opposite the Presbyterian Church, BroadStrect, Rome, Go. Jim. 2. ply to JU8T RECEIVED, B Y the Subscriber, in addition to his former stock n choice lot of Groceries ; consisting, in part, ol New Orleans, Porto Rico, Crushed, Refined Granulat ed Sugars; Superior Rio Coffee, Sperm, Star nnd Tal low Candles; 12 bbls. Irish Potatoes, for seed; 30 Socks No. 1 Penfield Fumlly Flour ; alson choice lot of Liquors, Old Cognac Brandy, Old Port, Pure Hol land Gin, Scotch Whiskey nnd domestic Liquor Hardware, Blacksmith Tonis, Hoe?, Trace Chains, Shovels, Spades, Garden Rake-*, Boots, Shoes an Huts. ^ 11 ot which he offers for sale nn ns gnoi terms ill i \ y can be bought in the ciiy. Marc 1831. THOS. J. VERDERY GRISWOLD’S COTTON GIN. TUTE increased demand lor these Gina rendered it n< < A casnry for the proprii lor grently i„ extend h * work which lie is doing will* entire new buildings, nnd snpi- rior pt’w Machinery, on tho Central Ruilroad t ot C.rin wolflvd e, Jones county, Georgia, 81 miles eust from l tic city of Macon, These are not Premium Gins. Not having got up fmtry one expressly lor that purpose, his •amplet.ius.ui of I he same q inlity, end of no better appearance, than those sent to hi* customers and without saying he unites tho best performing Gin in use, deems it equiva lent to say, that Insure iu better demand than nny other nowin use—not having foiled within tho last five years to sell double as many a>- any other Factory in the State, nnd will guarantee those lie is now manufacturing fbr the ensuing crop, nre the best made Gins in Georgia nt the price, ond worth as much to the purchaser, a-the best he can g«t in any Stnto at any price. lie would also caution Planter:, not to purchase Gins with Water Boxes from nny oilier Factory than his, SOMETHING NEW UNDERTHE SUN. GEORGE BONE R ESPECTFULLY informs tho Citizens of Floyd ond the adjoining Countie?, nnd the public aonur- nlly, that ho has permanently located in the City of Rom*', with the intention of carrying on thu CAR RIAGE MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches. From his long experience in one of the most extensive Onrrioge manufactories in the State of North Carolina, he flatters himself thathe will he able to give entire satisfaction to nil who may feel disposed to test his mechanism. “ Equaled by few ami Excelled by nonf.,” is bis motto, nnd in order to enrry this fully in to effect, he employs none but first rare workmen in every department of his business, from the turning of n common wngon-rpoke, to n full trimmed Pleasure Carriage. In connection with his establishment he has an extensive BLACKSMITH SHOP, which ena bles him to facilitate business and fill orders in work- innMke style. He cordially invites the public, and es pecially those who ore disposed to encourage " home manufactures’* to give him a call nnd examine his Car riages, Buggies nnd Wagons, before purchasing else where, ns ho is determined to sell foi cash or to punc tual customers, on as good terms as can be obtained South of “ Mason nnd Dickson’s Line.” Repairing done to order, and in the shortest pos?i- bletime. His establishment may be found in the immediate vicinity ofthe Rail Road Dcpo and next door to tho llilbnrn House. Broad Street, Rome,Ga. January 1st, 1851. DISSOLUTION. f „ T HE Firm of Osgood, Alsobrook & Co. was dis solved this day by mutual consent. All debt due by or to tho Firm, will be settled by J. \\\ M Berrien, who has the not- sand nccountaof the Firm fo- collection. Immediate liquidation is requested of nls indebted to the firm. JAS. E. OSGOOD, JACOB E. ALSOBROOK, Aug. 4, 1851. JAS. W. M. BEKRIEN, be line ,<n;d a high pric i iglit to Georgia fur nil the NY and to the Oil saving Boxes i cud hereby notifies all who Boxes or Oil-savers oilier Hi; In-Id Hccuuutnble fur damage* law* of the country. Orders for Gin* by Mil , > ^yfUfqL’dj and delivered ut ihe pusr mil convenient to ff !tatlromH>rp«i Y. r Iniwiiog- ’ Feb. 27, 1331* SAMUEL GRISWOLD. GntswoLOViM-K, Kcb. 1851. 10m. the exclusive r Boxes ever puleuird, the entire eoltun region; ake. sell, or 1180 Wfiler bis F» eiurv,thry will h conformiiy with ilu* Put rlbrmigli Agents, prompt!) lien JUST RECEIVED T HE subtcribor grate ful for the many and repeated favors bestowed upon him “ lor lo these ninny years,’’ by the citi zens ol Rome and vicini ty, would still solicit u con tinunnee of their patron- nge, and u visit from nil persjus having business in lii? lino. IIo may bo found-at the sumo OLD TABLISIlMEXTon Broad street, fi Door? West of R* J. Johnson’s Corner. Within tho last two months he lms grently enlarged bis shop, and nn many nnd important improvements inalinOst t*v branch of hi? bu-dness. II is materials arc good n abundant : hi* workmen faithful and compete nud In* linn, r? himself that hi? Carriages, Bugg and other vehicles, will favorably compare iu be ty, style, finish *nnd durability, with any siiui establishment North or .Youth. Connected with bis Carriage Estnb.i-dunout. lie has nn exten-ive lfiac-liMuith .-hop at the bead ol XpM-.OM .Old? Id •s’ and ; also a I'Sf'llll ts A LARGE nnd extensive stock of I Gents’ dress goods, newest spring st;. h very Inrge stock of staple dry goods- boots,?: mid clothing, sttddl uy, carriage trimming*, sp mg? 1 mhl axles for buggies and two-horsc wntrons. -lu-lfmul j Iiwtvy htrrdv/are, of -very style nnd price,smiths* tools, ; (.Jiret, hoop nnd hur Iron and steel, hoes, cIj-uhb, \ r Also n very Inrge and general stock of Groceries, At lanta steam Mills flour always ’on hnnd; together iVitli every other article wanted either tor city or | ntry use,nil of which will he sold ds cheap ns the enil nnd see. SULLIVAN CABOT& CO. j •d, It. ut homo. nnd lmvc Innntnc The citizens of invited to call and exam will la- regulated to sui luiud will at all time? co vork i iVllG in roadine?? to \v and steel to order and Alab or buggiei who in- eordially Ko , 1 Sol. ue his work. tho times, and cnVh ii uninml the very .best bur WILLIAM \VIMPEL’. DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR A SAFE nnd certnin cure for consumption of the Lungs, spitting of blood,cough?, colds, Asthtnu pain in tho side, bronchitis, hooping cough, and td pulmonary affections. Extracts from Certificates Which can be seen in full by calling on theent u getting a pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris, Asristant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New York, says: Dr. Rogers’Liverwort and Tar cured a case of tho most distressing Asthma of twenty-six years standing. [signed] Adam Harris. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, ?nys—I had the consumption, attended with the most distres sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood fretn the lungs, nnd nil my friends and physicians gave me up to die, yet a few bottles of Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort nnd Tar restored me to perfect health I Gabriel WiiiTaiiEAD, Sworn to and subscribed this 27th day of Novenv ber, 1844. II. E. Spencer, Mayor of Cincinnatti* Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says—I had the puln oi nry consumption, attended with a most distressing cough, which reduced mo to a more skeleton, nnd although under the care of nn able physician [Prof. Harrison] 1 continued to grow worse, nnd gave up nil hopes of recovery ! At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort nnd Tar, which entirely healed my lungs nnd restored me to porfect health, by the use oi n few bottle?. [signed] Ann Child. f{r>- Dr. Will lam Richards, of Cincinnati, says Although it may seem unprofessional, I feel constrain ed to state that I used Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort nnd Tar in the ease of Charles Wade, who was quite low with pulmonary consumption, with the happiest effect, alter the usual remedies had foiled. [signed] Wm. Richards, M. D The following is written from Elizabethtown, Ky. Your Dr. Roger’s Liverwort ami Tnr gives great sat isfaction in this place. Dr. Howard prescribes if, and Vronouiiccs it^on'e of the best medicines in use. E. II. Haycuaft, Druggist. Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Patriot,-Gallia county O. writes -Dr. Rogers* JJvcrwort and Tnr has been the mennsofsnatchiiig my life from a premature grave! [signed] HENRY WISEMAN Mr. Merriweather, of Denmark, Tenn., writes— Dr- Rogers’ Liverwort nnd has oo meiowith great success* A young man of this place, supposed by every one to be in the last stage of Consumption ! was entirely cured by its rise! [signed] David Mbhkiweatuer, Druggist. Mr. II. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia, O., states— A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was appa rently in the Inst stage of the Consumption, was re stored to perfect health by the use of Dr Rogers’ Liv erwort nnd Tar. The euro was a most extraordinary one. Df. Wilson, van old school Physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, 0-, writes—I have been the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve years, ond during that time she ha? suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into pulmonary consumption ! She was oniirely cured by the use of Dr Rogers’ Li verwort and Tnr. H. R. WILSON, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, That wherever Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar has been introduced, it is superceding every oth er Cough Medicine before the public This i f wholly wing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtues. Be warned in Season ! And neglect not that cough which is daily weaken ing your constitution, irritating your throat nnd lungs, nnd inviting on that dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing nnd honling n ramedy can be ob tained os Dr. Rogers* Syrup of Liverwort and Tor. Beware, of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. The genuine article is signed Andrew Rooers, oii on the engraved, winpper nround encli bottle. ^Hce, $ l per bottle, or bix bottles for $5, Sold wholesale ai)<t retail by M’OVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres st., bet..Conti and St. Louis, Oilemis, Sole agents for the Southern State?, to " whom nil orders and applications for Agencies must he address, ed. 0rj- Sid by BATTEY fo BRO., Rome, <Sr. » Som_ crs»fc Bro., Kingston, Ga. John Erwfn, Cnssvili J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; J. W. Robbins, Ca u Spring ; J. L. Elliot &, Co., Cedar Bluff, Ain. {.ia Tobacco, which will be sold low by the box Also n lot of fine cut Tobacco in papers for smok ing, equal to Ilnvanna, at July 17. F. M. ALLEN’S WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. JtaimmitaQiinm Messes Ha omits And Factor». Jos. Washburn, I 114 Bay Stroot. Jno. R. Wilder, SA VANN AH. Fras. G. Dana, | Refer to Major Jno. S, Rowland, Cuss county. July 24, 1851. FALL HATS. J UST received from Beebo (Brondwny,New York) n supply of Full Hals, which for beauty of style and superiority of Material nnd workmanship surpass nny hats ever offered in this market. Sept 4, 1851 DENNIS & HUNT. Dissolution of t/opurfiioreliip. T HE firm of Burns & Murray is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the concern will make payment to oither of the under signed. W O BURNS August 28,1851 A J MURRAY NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. T HE ubscribcr would respectfully announce the citizens of Rome and vicinity, that lie has lust received nnd i? now opening a largo and splendid ns gortment of Hoots nml Shoes, consisting o. sentlemen’s water-proof and dress boots, Indies boots and shoes, nnd every vnriety of boots nnd shoes for children. Also, n fine assortment of strong course shoes nnd boots for common wonr. As ho selected his stock in rhurlcsioi* with grcitl e:ire, he cun confidently recommend it to his friends ami patrons, nnd will repcir nny rips without charge. lie ulso has on hand nn extensive supply of Hem oak Baltimore upper ond sole leather, fino cnlf skin, nnd a general assortment of materials, in his line which, together with his boots nnd shoes wiil be sold as cheap ns can bo bought in »his market. He will continue to manufacture boots and shoes ns heretofore to order, on ronsonable terms. Thankful for past fa- vors, ho cordially invitos his friends and ncqnaintan- ccs and the public generally to give him n call. P, A. OMBERG Jan. 19,1S51* DRAYING AND BOATING- T HE undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Rome and its vicinity, that they have entered into Co -artnership for the purpose of boating and dray ing They bold themselves in readiness to have Pro duce, Merchandize, &c„ conveyed to nny part of the City or Country, nnd to furnish from their wood yard on tho Oostanaula River, nny quantity of good oak nnd hickory wood. They have excellent teams, nnd will be thankful for the patronage of their friends nnd the public. JOHN II. WISDOM Jan 30, 1851. NEW GOODS JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER rpHE great remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Painiti J- the Side, Hip, Back, Limbs and Joints; Scrofula, King’s Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, and all fixed pains whatever. These Plasters possess the advantage of being put up in air tight boxes j hence they retain their full vir tues in all climates. This celebrated Pain Extractor haa been so exten sively used by Physicians and the people in genoral, both in this country nnd Europe, that it is almost need less to say any thing about it. Yet there may be some who stand in need of its healing powers who have not yet tried it. For their sokes we will simply state what it has done in thousands of cases, nnd what it will do for them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physician Gentlemen—Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me of pains of which I have suffered for twelve years past. During this period 1 labored under an affliction of my loins and side, and tri'd many remedies that my own medical experience suggested, but without obtaining relief. At length I used your Plaster, and nm now by its good effects entirely cured. I will re commend tho Jow David’s or Hebrew Plaster to nl. who are suffering from contraction of the muscles, or permanent pains in the sldo or back. The people of Georgia have but to bocomo acquaint ed with its virtues when they will resort to its use. Yours, truly, M. W. WALKER, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe, county, Go. To Messrs Scovil & Mead, Now Orleans, La. JEW DAVID’S OR HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovill & Misad—I have been troubled with tne chronic rheumatism fertile last twelve years. On the 1st of July, 1840,1 was so bad that I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe that I had not slept a wink f r six days. At this time my at tending physician prescribed the "Hebrew Plaster,” and it acted like a charm; the pain lefl me, and Isle] more than half the night, and in three days I was ab! to ride out. I oonsider the "Hebrew Plaster,” the best remedy for nil sorts of pains, now in uso. G. W. McMINN. Hendersonville, N. C., Aug. 1G, 1850. Beware of Countccfeits and base Imitations. ID 3 Tho genuine will in future have the signature of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved label on the top of each box. Purchasers are advised that a menu counterfeit of this article is in oxistence. The genuine is sold by us, ond by our agents ap pointed throughout the South—nnd no pedlar is allow ed to sell it. Dealers nnd puJchnsere geneinlly are cautioned against buying of nny but our regular agents, otherwise they will be imposed upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL & MEAD. 113 Chartres street, N. Orleans, Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom nil orders must in variably be addressed. ^ Sol I by Battey. Rome Ga.; Sommers & Brother Kingston ; John A, Erwin, Cassvllle ; J. W. Robbins Cave Spring; J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; J. Elliot, Cedar Bluff, Ala. dour* at the shortest notice .illy ciul (.‘fleetnutty. 'NORTHERN WORK • kept constantly on hand, widt h lie will so] Miiniodnting terms. W. W. PROVISION STORE. S. G. WfiLLS. B ACON, Lnrd, Cmn. Flour, Wheat, Sugar, Coffee, .Snlt, nnd Moln68cs,Demestic Yarns,Cloth, Shoes J and Leather, Dried Fruit, Beef and Fish. | Pure Port lPine, and Pale Otard Brandy, Porter ■ nml Lemon Syrup. A email lot of Shoes on consign*. | ment., be accommoi UHDER THE IttASOKBC IIALL R. J. JOHNSON I S now receiving a very large nnd the best assorted stock of Goods ever received by him, consisting of nearlyeverythingusunlly kept by merchants. Domes tic nnd stnplc goods, some very low price for 'laboring hands Gentlemen’s tine fires? Goods, well assorted. French nnd English Cloth?, Caesimeres, Vest ngsnnd Summer Cloths, nil direct from the Importer?. La dies fine dress goods, almost every description, nml la test nnd most fashionable for Spring and Summer; col ored plnid embroidered, plain nnd Swiss muslin and Lawns; Fancy silk tissue?,Bnriages, and it handsome assortment of Ginghams of every description, all di rect and of the latest importations. Ribbons, nnd a Inrge stock of worked collnis. enps, mantillas, visettes, and many other article? too tedious to mention, Ln- dies best twisted silk Gloves and mils, colored fancy kid glove?. Linen nnd lawn handkerchiefs, hoiscry,iVe* BONNETS—n fine stock colored satin, lace, gimp satin straw, Hungarian, pearl and Spanish hnirbonnets. Misses pearl and satin straw nnd gimp Bonnet?. Bon net silks, flowers and linings; Ladies kid slippers nnd walking shoes ; nlso a large stock of Boots nnd shoes for gentlemen, fine nml common. Ready-made Clothing, summer lints,fine moleskin, fur and ?ilk hats. Crockery, China nnd glass ware, hardware, cutlery, raddles, bridles, mnrtingnlcs ; also, a fine lot of sugar?, coffee and molasses will be sold very cheap for cash only. He respectfully invites his former customers nnd friends to give him a call; lie is prepared and will give the best of bargains N- B. A liberal reduction will be made for o.ntdi for ■“Tsoyer ^ GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Miraattl!:®, ©tiB®!rgjiai ■ T HIS Inptltution will be opened for the admission of Cadets, on Monday the 7th of July, 1851. The Institution is owned by Stockholders, and is under the control of a Board of Trustees. The Faculty elected, consists of Maj, A V. Brum by, Gen. James W, Armstrong, Mnj. l3. II. Hill and Thomas Stewardson, M. D. The Superintendent, Mnj. Brumby, is a graduate of West Point. He comes to us with highest recom mendatiotis from the Academic St.fFof that Institu tion ; and, nlso, from tho Faculty ot the Universir of Alabama, where he taught Mathematics nnd Civ! Engineering several years. Gen. Armstrong and Maj. Hill are aUo graduates of West Point; and nre experienced teachers. The latter is at this time Profes sor of Mathematics in Washington College, Virginia The course of instruction, regulations and discip line of the U. S. Military Academy, so far as they are applicable to n State Ii stitution, have been adopted, and will bo pu’ fished in pamphlet form. The Institution is organised upon tho usual plnn of four Collcgia.e Classes. By reference to the follow ing synopsis of studies, Parents and Guardians can, at once, see the requirements for joining either class. FOURTH CLASS. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, English Grammar Geography, Composition and Declamation. French. THIRD CLASS. Trigouomcry, Mensuration, Surveying, Descriptive Geometry and its applications, Analytical Geometry, French, Drawing, Composition, Rhetoric, History. SECOND CLASS. Differential and Integral C-aleuluB,Natural und Ex lerimentnl Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Draw ng, Evidences of Christianity, Moral ond Mental Philosophy. FIRST CLASS. Naturnl History, A/inernlogy, Geology, nnd Physi ology, Political Economy, Law of Nations, Civil nnd Military Engineering,and Civil Architecture, Infant ry Tootles, Science and Practice of Artillery. No Cadet wifi bo Admitted who is less than fou teen or more than twenty-fivo years of age ; or who is afflicted with nny disease or infirmity which would vender him unfit for military duty. The Cadets will be occupied a»*out one hoar and Imlf each dny in military exorcises; but at such times as not to interfere with their regular studies. UNIFORM FURNITURE, fce. Tho Uniform consists of n light grny cloth coatee, trimmed with guilt convex buttons nnd bluck cord —wliito vest, nnd white Russian drilling pantaloons, without trimmings, for summer. For winter, gray cloth vest and pantaloons, trimmed to Bult tho coat —black stock, wliito gloves nml white belts—Mon roe shoes and a Forage cap. No other dress will be worn ; nor will Cadets be ullowed to keep other cloth ing in their rooms. Each Cadet from a distance must provldo him seif with a inattrnss nnd bedding for a single bed, nmttrnss-covcr nnd bed-strap—one trunk, one clothes bag nnd Bix towels. Each Cadet will unite with his room-mates in purchasing for their common uso, ono pino table, one looking glass, one wash pan, one pail nnd one broom. In view of tho following regulation, parents and guardians sending their sons and yards to this In stitution, uro advised to deposit with tho Super! tondunt, or with some friend in Marietta, a sum money sufficient to purchase tho above articles, and to cover all necessary expense? for ono Session ; oi the Superintendent should be authorised, in writing, to allow the Cadet to make an account lor « specified sum. The regulation referred to is ns follows, viz “Every Cadet shall keep u small blank book, ii which shall be charged every article be may pur chase. This book snail bo turned over to tho Sit- perintendant fo-his inspection a t tho end of every month- Any Cadet who shnll contract a debt with out permission of the Superlntendant, or be furnish ed witli nny‘article whatever, by any storekeepe other person, without such permission, or whose pa- rent or gnnrdian shall pny any debt contracted him during his connection with the Institute, and violation of this icgulation, shall be dismissed. TERMS. Tuition, Board, Washing, Fuel, Lights, Field Mu sic, and nil other contingent expenses, [per Session of five tnonihs,] 5100 Tuition alone, (for resident Cadet-,) por session, 2, Field Music and other contingent expenses, 2 Any Cadet entering tho Institute after the com mencement of a session will be charged in propor tion t< the above rates. These charges must be paid in advance, for all expenses except the fee for tuition. Every endet leaving the Institu e before the expiration of the period for which he 1ms made nn advance shall receive the unexpended balance. The Editor of nny newspaper in Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi or Tennessee by inserting thin advertisement in his paper, nnd sen- ing a copy regularly totheGeorgin Military Institute, shall be entitled to tuition for one Cadet, or his draft nt the rate of twenty-five dollars per session, payable in tuition, ond in favor of any Cadet, will be accepted By order of the Board of Trustees- May 15,1851—ly DAVID IRWIN, President Board Trustee: LIVER C OMPLAINT. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC OR Keyvous DEBILITY, DISEASE OF the KIDNEY 'diaoties orla- lng from a dioor- dorodLivororSlw- ninoli, audiosConallpa. lion, Inward PIIob, Fullness, or blood to tbo Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nauaea, Heartburn, Din. suit Ibr food, Fullness or Weight ill (the Stomach, Sour Emulations, sink ing or Fluttering at the l'lt of tho Stomach, Swimming of tho Hoad, Hurried and Diffi. cult Breathing, Flui- eia- * 0r ^ n 8 »* tho Hoort, Cho. king or Suflbcstlng Sensations whon In a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots Or Webs before the Sight, Foverand Dull Fain in tho Head, - Dolicloncy of Poropirntlon, Yeliownosa oftho Skin and Eye»j Pain in ths Side, Back, Cheat, Limbs, Aso., Sudden Flnehings of Heat, Burning in tho Flosh Constant imagining! of Evil,and Great Depression of Spirits, Can bo I-orrnnuontly Cured hr DRs HOOF LANE’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, imuran bd nr DR. C. M, JACKSON, , AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No, ISO, Arch Struct, IMiiiadulpliin. Their powor over the abovo dieoeeoeie not enool- •led, ii equalled, by any other preparation in tho United States, at. the cores attest, in meny cases aftor skillful physicians had failed, Theao Bittera are worthy tho attention of inva lids j Poeeoaslng greet virtues In Ihe rectification of diseases of tho Liver end lesser glands, exercis ing the moot searching powors in weakness and «p foctione of the dlgeetivo organs, they oro, withal, safe, certain and plaaaant. READ AND RE CONVINCED Cttan. lioniNsoN, Esq- Eaaton, Md„ in a latter to Dr. Jackion, Jen. 0, 1B50, said— - My wife and myaalfhave received moro bene fit Irom your modicino than any other wo have ov- or token for the KTDyspep.ia and Liver dieeeee." " The Tenth LKarpN,"published at Woodalock. Va i Jan. 10,1850, said— . w i_ " A GREAT MEDICINE.” ti ' Wo J havo , wniformly rofroinod from recommond- irtg to tho public or.y of tho various Patont Medi cines of tho day, unless thoroughly convinced of thoir value. Among those wo consider worthy of notico is tho German Bitters, invented by Dr, IIoofland, and prepored by Dr. Jackson in Phfia* dolphin. Ono instanco in particular, In which tho superior virtues ol this medicine have been teiterf, boa follon under our observation. During the lost summer, o son of Mr. Abraham GrabllL of this coun ty, was very seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint and after trying in vain various remedies, he pur chased a bottle of tho Bittera, end after using it, was so much relieved o( his distressing mated) that ho procurod onothor hottlo, and it restored him en- tirely to hoalth.” READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS. Judge M. M. Noah, a gentlomun with great ref- entific and horary attainments, said in his »* New York Weekly Messenger” January fi, 1850, “ Dr. 1!6opi.and's German Bitters.—Haro is a preparation which tho leading prosses in the Union appear to bo unanimous in recommending, and the reason ia obvious. It is made alter a prescription turnished by one of tho most colobra*eu pliyotcians of modern times, the late Dr. Chriatopher Wilhelm Iloofland, Professor to tho University of Jerio, Pri vate Physician to tho King of Prussia, and one of tho greatest medical writers Gormnny has ever pro duced. Ho wna emphatically tho enemy of hum- duo, and therefore a medicino of which he was the inventor ond endorser may be confidently relied on. [Io specially recommended it In Livor Complaint. Dyspepsia, Debility , Virtlgo. Acidity of the Stom ach, Constipation^ nt*l all complaints arising fYont* a disordered condition ofthe stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellence, andaovoral oftho oditors now t peuk of its effects from their individual experience. Under theee circumstances, we feci warantod. not only in calling tho nttoqtion of oar renders to the present proprietor’s (Dr. C. M. Jack- son’s) preparation, but In rccomm * ‘ to all afflicted.” recommondmg the article MORE EVIDENCE. The “Philadelphia Saturday Gaertte,” the _ family newspaper published in the United Stit the editor says of DR. IIOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTER: •* It is seldom that we recommend what nre tVrm. od Patent Medicinos to tho confidence and- pail ago of our readers; and. therefore, when wc rod mend Dr. Iloofland’s Gorman Bitters, w» wish it be distinctly understood that wo arc not epe&klt ortho nostrums of tho day, that aro noisod nbpi for n brief poriod nnd then forgotten after, thoy ha% Jono their guilty race ol mischief; but ofnntedl oine long established^ universally prized, and which haw met tho henrty approval of the Fuculty tteelf Evidence upon ovidenee ha* been received (lik, tho foregoing) from all sections of the Union, in three yonrs r and the strongest 'ostimony in its.favor 1 is, that thore is more of it used in the practice of ihe regular Physicians of Pliiladolphifc then oil*other nostrums combined, n fact that can tastly !>«• esta blished, and fully proving that a scien'ific pri prra- tion will moot with their quiot approval when pre sented even in this form. This medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dig- pepsia no one can doubt, aftor using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomcoh and llvei*-—A is preferable to calomel in all billious disease*—the* effect is immodisto. They can ba administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit; ta any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high charnctc^ which ia necessary for all medicines to attain to fijj duco counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article i tho risk of the fives of chase who are innocently <* ceived. LOOK WELL TO THE MARKS OFTHE GENUINE. They have tho written signature of C.M JACKS _ upon tho wrapper, ond the namo blown in the bottl Epwithout which, thoy oro 8puriou0..£g For sale wholesnh and retail, at tho GERMAN MEDICINE STORE.. No. 120, ARCH Street, ono drmr below Sixtl (late of 278, Race street.) Philadelphia, and by fT spcctablodenlcrs generally throughout the countrl Also for fls’e by DR. J. D. DICKERSON,! Druggist, Romo, Gm August 1, 1850. 43 ly. NOTICE. T HE Co-partnership existing heretofore betwel Battey & Bro. having been dissolved by mutul consent, the business wifi be continued At the oldstaifl by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of i firm wifi receive the attention of us both* . -I G. M. BATTEY, M. dJ Rome, March 1, lb51.4lOBT. BATTEY. PRIVATE HOSPITAL. D US. MILLER <fc WORD lmve opened City, a PRIVATE HOSPITAL for the ii ment oT Surgical nnd Chronic diseases—wbctj negroes ot white persons. In such an cslnbiwf the. expense: of patients ’ire much less than I ordinary treatment, and the chunces of euro j rially increased. July 24, 1851. W'ASHING.TON HALL, Atlanta, Georgia. T HIS HOTEL has been newly fitted up nnd finely furnished for the accommodation of tho Travel iug Public, generally. Cd- No pains will be spared to roiulcr nli comfortable who inay give us a call. .Servants always iu attendance nt the Car? to convey baggage and conduct Passengers. JAMES LOYD, Proprietor« GEO. R. FRAZER, Supcrintcndant.- N. -A new und splendid BARBERSHOP recent ly attached, ngdertf A . KATS, Fashionable French Boot Maker. A i S prepnred to execute work in bis fine, nnd substantial manner, and will be tlignlw liberal share of the patronage ot Rome ahdJ lie may be found at the room formerly, ocj the Courier Office, on Broud street. Rome, Jan. 23,1851 Portable HorsePower fcj AN be set up in thej