Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, October 17, 1851, Image 4

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*fl KEGS Nails, assorted. For sole low, whole 1 I tP sale and retail, by fc\ M. ALLEN. ri$£8*:L <\ BALKS BWory-Yn.-o; for sale low by ID Jon 8. F. ,M. ALLEN. BALES Wenched nml Brown Homespuns from 3*4 lo G-4 \vfor sfilr low by Jun8. F.M. ALLEN. OASES Men’s Boots ana Shot s for snip low by Joil 5. F.M. ALLEN. TINNING BUSINESS. rpllE subscriber would inform his friends nnd tho -L public generally, that he is now ehgaged in the manufacture of 1in*\VariMtJ every klml. •'Iso every description of Qhect-rcn. Ills qbop is on llroad street nearly opposi e Wiinpcc's Curiingc fac tory, where he.hopes by piompt attention to orders to receive a liberal shu re. of the public patronage. June 2.1,1-51*. . tOjlN G. MERCK. ' ; GEASS CLOTH. 109 WEelW cross clotli—jii.t-r. ■Lily 91. L-.’illij'- LIEN MS A- HUNT. in CASES Ladies' Walking shoes nnd. kid slip pcrsfiom 50 cents a pair up. > For sale l»y_ F. M. ALLEN d^^HITE VVINE and pure Cider Vinegar, lot sale by iv. Jau. 2. F. -M< ALLEN. ■1 OOD assorlineiii of Costings, for snlc by. V. M. ALLEN. •July 3. FREE AND EASY. C ALL at the Fred «fe Easy House, 4 doois below the Choice Hotel, where you will fiml n general as sortment of Confectionaries, Fruits, Arc., of the very ‘besithat ever has been, nnd tis good ns ever can be offer ed in Rome. Sold loiv for cash. flEO. SHAW* " ; Feb. 20,1851. i AVANNAK AND AUGUSTA. TllE STEAMBOAT CO. OF G KG 1101A Run the following Steamers, ns above, viz HAVIDL. ADAMS, (iron). .TllOS.S. METCALF, CHATHAM, (iron) TENNESSEE. Which, with tow-boats nnd lighters, ulford «nr t/nailed fusil tics for transportation of freight to tho interior oj* flcorgin, 8outh Carolina, Tennessee nnd Abdulina, In connection with the Hail Hoads, iQX BUSHELS of first rati* Corn Meal just r - reived and for sale by Feu 20 SUPERIOR article of Family Flour, for sale by Fob .21) The elegant steam-packet U. L. Adams will con nect with the steamships Florida and Alabama— landing lYylghf by tlietti in 5 days from New York to. Augusta. Freiglit, (now taken at reduced rates,) will be forwarded free of commission* (Kf- In order to provont detention or miscarriage, hills ol lading should bn addressed to SAM’L. M .PONU, Pttiident, Savannah. Merchandise from the Interior to JOHN A. MOORE, Agent Augusta, June 20, 1851. JOS. W. WEBSTER, }■ —*{ GEO. F. PALMES TOSTER& PALMES, WHOLESALE GROCERS Successors lo A. Welles iy Co. AT THE OLD STAND, No, 105 Huy Struct, Mivuiniuli, Ott. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT, O AOA UBS. Bacon and 600 lbs. Lard, far 4,UUU sale for Cash, F.M. ALLEN, GA BBL3. Superfine ami Extra family flour, for 4U sale by, F.M, ALLEN. JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER ipHE great remedy for Rheuiu&tixm, Gout, Pain lit JL the Side,Hip,Back,Limbs and JolfitsjScroluln, A GOO 1 ' article of shelled Con: on hand -nnd for rule by G. SHAW. Feb .80 1 A BOXES suy prior New York Clicc-e forsnlehy XIF Feb 20 G. SHAW, A FIRST rate lot of BucOn just received nml for ■ sale by FVt,20 G. SHAW. •g jDAA LBS. of superior Lari) just receivedtu 1UUU Feb 20 SHAW'S, *i HALF bbls. No. 1 Mackerel for sale by ,JLU.Feb20 G. SHAW. S PERM and Star Candles for sale by Feb 20 G. SHAW. A First rate article of Tobacco and Cigars nlways kept nt SHAW’S Feb 20 THEY HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE. A AABIiL, Domestic Gin, Brutulyitnl Runt, xl/U 75 bbls Mouongnhela Whiskey,', 00 Halt Pipes, Qunrter nndEighta host Fr’cn Brnndy 50 hbls Port, Mednri nnd Malaga Wine. 8 Pipes Holland Gin, 4 Minis, St. Croix nnd Jamaica Rum, 2 Hhds. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, 150 Hexes Spanish and American Sugars, 120 Hints, luir nnd choice Louisiana Sugar, GO do. St. Croix nnd Porto Rico do, 150 Bids. Crashed,’Powdered and clarified sugar, 30 Boxes Louftugnr, 500 Kegs, Halves and quarter Gun Powder, 800 lings Buck and Diop shot, 40n0 Lbs. Bar Lead, Withn complete assortment of articles usually kp in a Wholesale Grocery. They will have a heavy* stock of Gunny Bagging ni\d Hemp' Bale Ropo for the toll demand, all of which will be sold on easona ble terms.' •Sapamia/i, June 25,1851* CjCOTCH Herrings, Snrdincs, tec., may nt nil times D be found at tho FREE & EASY HOUSE. O YSTERS, Lobsters*,*Sh'rimpe, Pig’s Feet, Egg«, ifec., served up in a superior manner at the Feb 20 FREE te EASY HOUSE. t.US. GOSHEN BUTTER, for an|p at March 6,1851. G. SHAW’S. 200 HOUSE PAINTING. AARON W. HARSHAW. ’tlAVI^G parmctneptly loented in the City of Rome, XX L prepared to execute work hi the above line, in a style <hnt cannot fail to please the most .fastidious. ,He has in his possession testimonials from many differ ent persons who lmve tried his skill, that will Bnti.-iy •very onev 4rho wish lorefer to them. Those in Rome mud the surrounding country who have houses to painf can have it done on as good terms, nml with ns much toeaiiess and dispatch liy me ns it onn he done by any body else, North or Smith, Having quit carriage and .sign painting, my whole attention will bo given to tho NEW ARRIVAL. IIE undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of Rome, Its vicinity and the public generally,tlint lie hnsjust received and opened a new Stock of WATCHES ami JEWELRY ol tho very la- test pa terns and finest style. His friends and acquain tances nre cordially invited to give him a call and ex amine his assortment. / All kinds of tepalring done to order, and goods and work warrented. His establishment will be found a few doors above the Hilburn House, Depot Square. J. G. McKINZIE. Dec. 19 J 850. i 1«8H yumwiin, my wiiuic mu-miuil Will OQ given 10 111! *, . above branch of the business. Graining done in firs .lifestyle, and made to represent any kind of wood o inarble desired. A s I have dune n great deal of worl i great deal in this part of the country, specimens of which may be seen, I deem it unnecessary to say any thing more as to my ability 10 do good work, but only ask a trial May 29,1851 "Pp* 'UR months after dote application will be made to X the Honorable the Inferior court of Floyd county, when sitting for ordinnry purposes, for leuvo to teii the renlestnte of William C. Butler, Into of said county decapod, BF.NJ. II.LAMPKlN, Adm’r. July 10,1851. : GUARDIAN’S SALE. B Y order of lha honorable the Inferior couit of Chattooga county, when sitting for ordinnry pur poses, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Drccmbe atc«t, in Summerville, one Negrp buy. Bill, 22 y *•■ uuc luyiu uu/i i.iii, <•• ycitrn old, tht»properly of E. Jones, Lunaiic, Sold for .the benefit of the creditors of said Lunatic. «ug. as, 1801. m. Montgomery, ) „ HARRIET JONEN, j G H0ISERY. I AT)IE8\ Gents 1 nnd Aliases- Hose in grant vi XJ riely, nt low prices. DENNIS ite HUNT. July 21. I,US. Hemlock Bole Leather for sale. Ap tin. 2. ply to F. M- ALLEN JUST RECEIVED, B Y the Subscriber, in addition to ltis former slock o choice lot of Groceries; consisting, in pari," o New Orleans, I’orto Rico, Crashed, Refined Granulat ed Sagars ; Superior Rio Coffee, Sperm, 3uir and Tul low Candles; 18 bbls. Irish Potatoes, for seed; 30 Sacks No. 1 Peulield Family Floor ; also a choice lot of Liquors, Old Cognac Brandy, Old l’ort,Pure Hoi land Gin, Scotoli Whiskey and domestic Liquors. Hardware, Blacksmith Tools, Hoes, Trace Chains, Shovels, Spades, Garden Rake., Boots, Shoes an Hat*. Alioi which lie offer, for sale on ns good tt'm. H) ; t y can be bought in the city. ."..'Mari' 1831. T1IOS. J. VERDERY c m Per the Cere if COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries Solence has mad in this generation to facilitate the busiiioss ofllfe—in crease its enjoyment, and even prolong the term ofhu man existence, none can be mimed of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the hauling A(t. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or coinbjnntionof medicine*, yet known, can so surely ccntrolnnd cute tho numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands nnd thousands every year. In deed, there Is now abundant reason to believe a reme dy has at length boon found which can be relied on to cure tho most dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures effccied by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer forth or enquiry to the circular which the agent below jinm ed, will always bo pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, nnd indisputable prool ol these factsi From the the President of Amherst College, the cele brated Professor HITCHCOCK, James C. Ayer—Sir, I havo used your Cherry Pectoral In my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, am satisfied from Its chemical constitution, that it is admirnblu compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial di Ificulties. If my opinion ns to its superior character can bo of any service, yoh are at liberty to u;e it as you think proper.. Ed. Hitchcock, L. L. D. From the widely celebroted Professor SILLlMAN M,D., L. L. D., Professor of Cemistry,Mineralogy &c, Yale College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med’ Phil, and Scientific Societies of America and Eu rope “1 deem the Cherry Pectoral on admirable composi tion from some of the best articles in the tnnterin med- , nnd a very effective remedy for tho class of dis eases it is Intended ta cure,” New Haven Ct. Nov. 1,18**9. Mnjor Pattison, President of the S. C, Senate,states has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonddrful suc cess, to cure an infinmmathm of the lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Maine. Saco, April 26,1849, GLOVES- AD1ES and Gants white colored Kid, silk and I Lisie-threiid',L|tdiesColored and Block Mohair Pic-nlc,ond children’s Llslo-threhd ond'cotton Giottos. DENNIS & HUNT. FACTORY YARNS. W HITE and Striped Oenaburghs. for sate by tile Bole nt Factory prices. Merchants nre invi ted lo examine the goods Attg, 21. F. M. ALLEN, Agent. WARE HOUSE ft COMMISSION BUSINESS, N. OUSLEY & SON, Alacon, Qcorgio. godfreyTousleyT CO,, Savannah, Georgia. Janas a. oonmay, | it. oosutY, | n. r. ousbiv. FLOYD HOUSE, ROBERT FINDLAY, Mi.Nt't'ACTUItER OF Steam Engines, Boilers, HAOTHMMYj '<&®. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir, I am now con stantly using your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for pulmonary com plaints. From obsurvntion of many severe cases, convinced it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the liings, that have put to defiance all other remedies, I invariably recommend its use in cases of consump tion,nnd consider it much thb best remedy known for that disease, Respectfully your*, 1. S. Cushman, M. D. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mast, Sold in Rome by Battry Brother, in Marietta, by Wm. Root, In Augusta by HavilAnd, Rislby, & Co. and by all Druggists throughout the St'*te. march 20, 1851. ly AND DEALER IN MILL STONES of very description. STEAM SAWMILLS, Circular and straight, put up in superior stylo. Macon, August 21,18^1. ' GEORGE JONES, Importer of ami Dealer in CR00KEHY AND GLASS WARE, MA V ON, GE on a l A. that I can make it to tho interest I AM’ehnfident of Merchants to buy their supplies of Crockry in Mndon. if they will give a chance, Assorted crate? of all'sizes ulways on hand.— Call and see for yoursulvi Macon, July 21, 1851. DIRECT IMPORTATION. Chureston, South Caiolma y \ August; 1851. I T HU subscriber will liuve in Store by, the first of September next, an extensive assortment of FOR IjIBU WOODS imported direct to this Port. Comprising Plain, Figured, Black,Fancy Col* ored, Figured, Watered, Glace mid Chcnc Dress Silks. Bonnet nnd Lining Silks* Black and Colored Merinos, Cashmere and Do’Lames. Ginghams, latest Styhs. A very full Stock of new Style Bonnet Uibbons. Gloves, of every description. Ahtrgo Stock of Shawls Hosiery, Siik, Woisted nnd Cotton. Silk, Thread, and Coitou Laces and Edgings. Embroideries. Cloilis and CnssimeiVs, Tailors Trimmings. He will have in addition a full supply of American Manufactured Goods. The attention of Dealers generally, is respectfully Solicited. JAMES B BETTS, August 14, 1831. 135 Meeting St GRISWOLD’S COTTON GIN. r T , HE'increaiPd demand tor these Gins rendered it ncc es»nry for the proprit lor greatly lo extend hi* works, which he is doing wild eniirc new buildinga, and nope- rior *u*w Machinery, on the Contrul Uailroad, at (iris- . wolflvil e, Jones county, Georgia, tii miles cast from the oily of Moron. These ore not Premium Gins. Noi having gul up a fsiicy one expressly lor I lintpurpose, lij« unmpleUins.nrt of III© same q talily, end ol no Itrlter appearance, limn those sent lo his customers ;—and without saying lie makes the be#l performing Gin in u«e, deems ii equiva lent to s«y, that Ills are in better demand than any oilier now in use—not having failed within the Iasi five years to sell double uh many a* any oilier Fuctory in the Slate, and will guarantee those lie is now manufacturing foi the enduing crop, are the best made Giua in Georgia ii ibeprice and. worth as much lo ilie purchaser, a tin best he an g«t in any Siuio at any price. He would also cniiiion Planlers nutto purchase Gins with Water Box**s from any other Factory I linn bin, n.< "lie has paid a high price (or. nnd owns the exchmivi- tight to Georgia for,all the Water Boxes ever patented, aiid ly the Oil saving Boxes for the entire cotton roaion; nnd hereby notifies all who tnnko, sell, or use Wuicr Boxes dr Oil-savers oilier than his Factory, they will b - held accountable for damages ih conformity with the Bue tent laws of the country. - .'Orders for Gins by Mail, or through Agents, promptly executed, nnd delivered at the pnscluiHerH dour, when not convenient to u Railroad Depot or landing* ’ Feb. 27, 1851* SAMUEL GRISWOLD. GRISWOLDVILLR, Feb. 1851. 10in. CIIAS. P. LEVY, §TEAJ1 EiYGINJE BUILDER Machinist and Founder. I S prepared to furnish all kinds of Steam Enginet and Mill Catlings, having an extensive assortment of patterns of the newest and most approved kinds, Catt Iron Water If'heclt, of severul patterns, of character that will suit all situations. Tlic Ocnmlgcc Foundry. On Cotton A venue, near the Macon fr IPettern Depot, Has peculiar advantages in fitting up Steam Saw Mills, the Proprietor having had great experienco in that business. Many of his Mills nre now in use in this Slate. There is n constant supply of Gin Gearing, Cotton Press Pulleyr, See , kept on hand. Also, all kinds finished Machinery Macon, August 21, Is51 B UILDERS of Store and Dwelling houses arc vited toexnmine samples of Mineral Knob Locks F.M. ALLEN’S —white nnd dark, ut Feb 29 1851 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. N. J. OMBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR, DR. ROGERS' LIVERWORT AND TAR. A SAFE and cortaih cure for consumption of the Lungs, spitting of blood, coughs, colds, Asthinu pain in tho side, bronchitis, hooping cough, and ol, pulmonary affections. Extracts from Certificates Which can be seen iu full by calling on theent getting a pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris, Asristant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New York, suys; Dr. Rogers’Liverwort nnd Tar cured a cast* of tho most distressing Asthma of twenty-six years standing. [signed] Adam Harris. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, soys- lmd tho consumption, attended with the most distres sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood frem ihe lungs* and all my IViends nnd physicians rave tne up to die, yet a lew bottles of Dr. Rogers' [liverwort nnd Tar restored me to perfect health 1 Gabriel W hits head, Sworn to and subscribed this 27th day of Novein ber, 1840. 11* E. Spencer, Mayor of Cmcinnattl* Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says—1 had the puln oi ary consumption, attended with a most distressing cough, Which reduced ine to a mere skeleton, und although under the care of an able physician [Prof. HarrisonJ 1 continued, to grow worse, nnd gave up all hopes of recovery! At this crisis I wus persuaded to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Thr, which entirely healed my lungs nnd restored me to perfect health, by the use ol o few bottles. [signed] Ann CiBld. -Shards, qf Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says Aldiough it may seem unprofessional,! feel constrain cd to state that I used Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar iu the case of Charles Wade, who was quite low with pulmonary consumption, with the happiest effect, after the tisnnl remedies had failed. [signed] Wm. Richards, M. D The following is written from Elizabethtown, Ky, Your Dr. Roger’s Liverwort and Tar gives grent sat isfaction in this place. Dr. Howard prescribes it, and Vronouuces it^one of the best medicines in use. E. H. Hayoraft, Druggist Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Patriot,‘Gallia county, O., writes -Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar has been the means ofenatohing my life Horn n premature gravef [signed] HENRY WISEMAN* Mr. Merriweather, of Denmark, Tenn., writes— Dr. Rogers* Liverwort and has eo metewith great success A young man of this place, suppesed by every otto to be in the Inst stage of Consumption ! was entirely cured by its nso! [signed] David Merriweather, Druggist, dr. H. E. Drake, Druggist, of Xenia, O., states— A gentleman of my acquaintance, who wus appa rently in the last stage of the Consumption, was re stored to perfect health by the use of Dr Rogers’ Liv erwort and Tar. The cure was a most extraordinary WHO WANTS TO RIDE? FINE new Buggy for sole. Wimpey’s make. Warranted, apply to F, M ALLEN August, 7lh 1851, King's Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, and all fixed pains whatever* , These Plasters possess the advantage of being put up in ait* tight boles; hence they retain their fall vir tues in all climates. . ( Thisctle ‘rated Pain Extractor has been so exten sively used by Physicians and the people in general, both'iri this cotintrV and Europe,thatit isalmostneed- less to say any thing about it. Yet there may be some who stund in need of its healing powers who have not yet tried it. For their sokes we will simply state what it has done in thousands of oases, and what it will do for them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Proprietor. A. B. HARTWFiLL, Superintendent. T ndies' Department under ihe charge of Mrs. James, formerly of Co)umbus, and favorably known to the travelling public. An Omnibus will always bo in readiness Ibr the conveyance of passengers to and from the Hotel. 09- The Alligator Line of Stages to Flouirabns Us Macon Office at this Hotel. WASHINGTON HALL MACON, G120. TO 1.HE PUBLIC. Read Ihe following leilimony from a Physician Gentlemen—Your Hebrew Fluster has cured m oJ pulns of which 1 have eufiered for twelve yean past. During this period 1 labored under on affliction of my loins oml elde, nnd tn d many remedlea that my own medical experience suggested, but .without obtaining relief. At. length I used your Plaster, nnd am now by its good effect* entirely cured, I will re- commend the : J«w Dnvld'a or Hebrew Pln'ater to a) who arc Buffering from lontrnctloh of the muscles, or nohmnnani nntm in'thii ■l/tn rtV huclr! permanent pnlns in the aide or back, Tho people of Georgia have'bnt to become acquaint' ed with its virtuea when they Will resort to Its use. Yonra, truly. M. W. WALKER, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe, cohnty, Go. To Mesan Scovll & Meud, New Orleans, La. . lAXIFAtTOR rpHE subscriber grate-- J. ful for the, many and' repeated favors bestowed. Updthhim -Mpr lo thebe- many years,” by the cltl- JEW DAVID-S OR HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovill is Mead—I have been troubled with the chronic rheumatism for the last twelve years. On the 1st of July,1849,1 was so bad that I could not turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe thatl had not slept a wink f, r six days. At this time my at tending physician prescribed tho f-Heb.ew Plaster," and It acted like n charm ; the pain led me, and latent ■note than half the night, and in three days Iwas able to rideout. I consider Ihe "Hebrew Plaster,” the beat remedy for all sorts of pains, now in use.. G. W. McllINN. - Hendersonville, N. C., Aug. 10,1850, omo nnd vicini ty, would still solloita con tinuance of their patron- age, and it visit front all persons having business In He mad be found nt the sumo OLD ES TABLISHMENT oh Brand atroot, fi Door* Weat of R- J. Johnson’s Corner. Within tho last twelve months he has greatly enlarged his shop, and mado many nnd important improvements lunlmdst every branch ofliis business. H{* rpntorial* nre good nnd abundant t his workmen faithful and competent, and lie flatters himself that bld'Carrlnttbs, Buggies, and other vehioles, will favorably compare in beau ty, style, flnish nnd durability, with any similar establishment North or South. Connected with his Carriage Esthhllshmcnt, lio has an extensive Blacksmith shop nt tho'hoddo! which is ap experienced workman who is always «< home, and holds himself In readiness' fd hummer and havo hammered, lion and steel to order.- The cltlzona of Georgia and Alabama Wild In tend purchasing carriages or buggies, nro cordially Invited to call and examine his work. His drtdS* will bo regulated to suit Iho tlfnes, nnd onsll- Itf hand will at all times commnnd tho very besf bath gains. WILLIAM WlMPEEv Rome,May 20,1861.- N. 1!.—Repairing done at tho shortest notice) punctually and effectually. NORTHERN WORK Will be kept constantly on hand', wliloli liuwlll sell Y OU cannot bo better plensed than nt this old es tablished House. The rooms nre comfortablo and clean, and the proprietor la willing to do any tiling in his power to please Ills customers. Macon, Aug. 9l, 1851. E. S. ROGERS. BUGGIES. F OUR superior Bugsies, well mndo nnd well trim med, and a splendid set of Harnera with cnch, for sale ntn bargain. DENNIS & HUNT, nug. 28, 1851. STEAM! STEAM!! STEAM!! ! Furniture, Chairs, I'annell-Doors, Win, dow«Su*b, llllnds. etc. rpiiE undersigned beg leave to inform the public A that they have on hand and are constantly manu facturing, every variety of Cabinet Furniture of tho latest stylo and host quality, together with Pannel Doors, Door and Window Frames, Window Sash, Blinds, dec. &o. Having been nt vory considerable oxpense in pro curing and fitting up new nnd improved machinery for doing the above kinds of work, they confidently apprul tu n generous public to sustain them in the en terprise,-pledging themselves to fiirnish.nny article in thelrliuo.forfrss money than it can be made foi by haud,or laid down for from nny market. SUMTER, TOllBETT & Co. Aug. 25,1351. Go-Shop opposite the Presbyterian Church, BroaUStrect, Rome, Gar Bnrare of CounUcfcile and bate Imitations ID* ‘i'lie genuine will In future have tho slguatura' of E. Taylosoii the steel plate engraved label on the top of each box. Purchasers nro advised that a mean counterfeit of this article Is in existence. ‘ The genuine is Sold by ub, and by pur agents ap- ■J de genuine is sold by ub, anti Dy our agents ap pointed throughout the South'—und no jiedlur it allow ed to tell it. Dealers and purchasers generally nre cautioned against buying of nny but our regular agents, otherwise they will be imposed upon with a worthless article. , SCOV1L Jr MEAD. 113 Chartres street, N. Orleans, Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must in variably be addressed. Sold by Bilttey. Home Ga. j Sommers Jc Brother Kingston t John A, Erwin, Caesville,- J. W, Robbins Cave Spring-; J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; J. L , Cedar ‘ J Housodoor in tho City pf Rome, on tho first Tuct| day in November next, within, tho usual hours, o lie,tho following Negroes, to wltr Funny a wo- ion, forty-eight years old) Israel n man, thlrty-flvn yours old; Epponger a boy, thirteen years old; Men- ervu a gltl, eleven years old; Ctmdis it gill, sevn years old) Marjah a girt, .three years old t -together with Lotsol Land Nos .304 and 374, in the dthdinl trict nnd 4th section; also,'Lot No. 14, In tho 23d distrlotsnd 3d seotlon; and Lot No. 168, In theOtU district and 4th section; all the foregoing Lots oh* Land lying In Floyd county. ' - On the same day will be. sold boforo tho Court Hbuse door ill Cassville, Cass county, Lot of Land No. 543, In the 4th distriot nnd 3d section. All tlla nbove property belonging to the Estate of William Jenks, lato ol said Cohnty dlceasM, nml sold lor tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said tlecessod. THOMAS S. PRICE, . WM, O. MILES. jAdtlu’s. Aug. 91, 1351. -.- - .. Elliot, r Bluff, Ala. GOR GIA MILITARY INSTITUT It ECU IVED—A ft w boxes of Geor- TU8T •J gia Tobacco, which will be sold low by the box. Also a lot of fine cut Tobacco in pnpers for smok ing. equal to Hnvannn, at July 17. F. M. ALLEN’S WASHBURN, WILDER & CO. Gonnaum2f3 0at$i!ii Mioirolliismt And Factors. Jos. WasiinuBN, I 114 Bay Street. Jno. It. Wiumit, SA VANN A Fiias. G. Dana, | liefer to Major Jno. S, 1’owi.and, Cuss county. July 94, 1851. FALL HATS. J UST received fl-nm Beebe (Broadway, New York) o supply of Full Hats, which for beauty of etyle and superiority of Material nnd workmanship surpass any lists over offered in this market. Sept 4, 1851 DENNIS & HUNT. T HIS Institution will be opened for the admission of Codots, on Monday the 7th of July, 1351. The Institution is owned by Stockholders, Olid la under the control of n Board of Trustees. The Faculty elected, consists of Msj. A V. Brum by, Gen. James W, Armstrong, MsjcD. H. Hill and Thomas Stewsrdson, M. D. The Superintendent, Muj. Brumby, is n graduate of West Point. He comes to us with liighset rccom mendations front the Academic St .ffof that Institu tion ; and, nlso, from tho Faculty ol the University of Alabama, where he taught Mathematics und Civil Engineering several veers. Gen. Armstrong and Msj. Hill ore alto graduates of West Point; and are experienced teachers. The latter Is ut this time Profes sor ol Mathematics in Washington College, Virginia. Tho course of instruction, regulations and discip line of the U. S. Military Academy, so for ns they are applicable to n State Ii etitution, have been adopted, and will be pu- lished in pnmphlet form. ’ The Institution Is organised upon tho usual plan of four Collegln.o Classes. By reference to the follow ing synopsis of studies, Parents and Guardians can, at once, see the requirements for joining either class. FOURTH CLASS. Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, English Grammar, Geography, Composition nnd Declamation. French. THIRD CLASS. Trigonomery, Mensuration, Surveying, Deacriptlve Geometry und its applications, Analytical Geomotry, French, Drawing, Composition, Rhetoric, History. SECOND CLASS. Differential nnd Integral CaluuluB, Natural nnd Ex perimental Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry, Draw ing, Evidences of Christianity, Moral and Mentn Philosophy. FIRST CLASS. Dissolution of Voptirlucrsliip. T HE firm of Bums Js Murray is tills day dissolved by inoiual consent. All persons indebted to the concern will moke payment to either of the under signed. W O BURNS August 98,1831 A J MURRAY NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. T HE tibscriberwould respectfully announce the citizens of Rome and vicinity, thut he has lust received and i? now opening a largo nml aplendid aa- gortment of Bools and Shoes, consisting ol sentlemen’s water-proof nnd dress hoots, ladies boots und shoes, nnd every variety of boots and shoes for children. Also, n fine assortment of strong course shoes nnd boots for common Wear. As ho selected his stock in Clinrleslon with great care, he can confidently recommend it to his friends and pstronB, and will repair any rips without charge. He sIbo baa on hand an extensive supply of Hem- ock Baltimore upper and sole leather, fino coll skin, and a general assortmemoi'mnteriala, in Ills line which, together with his boots and shoes wiil be sold as cheap os can be bought in'his market. He will continue to manufacture boots and shoes ns heretofore to order, on reasonable terms. Thankful for post fa vors, he cordially invites his friends and ncqnsratan- ces nnd the public generally to give him n call. P. A. OMBERG Jan. 19,1551- md V:LARi J B snd extensive stock of/Ladies' ami _'X Gent*' drees goods, newest spring styles ; ulso n very large stock of staple dry goods boots, shoes, lints t.Bdblothtug,^sddl.iry, carriage trimmings springs ■nd nxleafor/bug'lerf.ind two-horse wagons, shelf nml heavy hardwaro, ol cvory-ityle nnd price, smiths' tools, ieet, boop and bar Iron and steel, hoes, chains. Arc. ,Jso a very-large nnd general stock of Groceries, At* ■ntn steam Mills flour nlways on hund; together y other article wanted either for city or >e,all of wliiuh will be sold as cheap as the «call and see. V1831. SULLIVAN GABOT& CO. *11 selected stock of Cloth? ings of ever)* shade nnd color, together with every other nrticlo usually kepi in an establishment of this kind. Those goods have been selected by biuiself m New York, with greut core und particular reference to tho prevail ing Fashions. lie is nlso prepared to innuufuc- Lure clothing in a manner nnd style not to be stir- oussed tu our largest and most fiultionnble cities. October 10 185f. VANS- »«4)g some of-the very •*'* YUllK STORE. JOHN S. ANDEES0N* ATTORNEY AT LAW W ILL give h'ts prompt attention to the sale of Lands, anJ the csiabli.-limentof disputed Land Claims iu eastern T xas. He will also do u Gener al collecting business. All on the most moderate terms. Address Marshall Harrison County Texas. References.—.Tudue Luni*ki.v. J. W. If. Underwood. Coe. Daniel S, Piutrrur. Jufy 10,1851 Drl Wilson, ganoid school Physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, O., writes—I have been tho family physioian of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve years, nnd during that time she has suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into pulmonary consumption ! She was entirely cured by the use of Dr Rogers’ Li verwort and Tar. H. R. WILSON, M. D. IT IS A POSITIVE FACT, Thnt wherever Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort nnd Tar has been introduced, it is superceding every oth er Congh Medicine before the public This t swholly wing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtues. De warned in Season ! And iteulebt not tlint cough which is daily weaken ing your constitution, irritating your throat and Jungs, and inviting on that dread disense, Consumption, when so soothing* and healing n rabtedy can bo ob tained as Dr. Rogers* Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on on the engraved wiapper around each bottle. Price, $ I per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold wholesale and retail by 3COVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres Conti nnd St. Loulb,N.Oileans, Sole agents for the Southern .Stntes, to whom all orders and applications for Agencies roust be address ed. Cc*- Sid by BATTEY & BRO., Rome. Gl , Som ers A' Bro., Kingston, Ga. John Erwin, Cnsevill ^ J. J. Hopkins, Summerville ; 'J.'Vf, Bobbins, Cao .Spring ; J. L. Elliot.&Co., Cedar Bluff, Ala. DRAYING AND BOATING- T HE undersigned re*pectfklly Informs the citizens oi Rome nnd its vicinity, thut they have entered into Copartnership for the purpose ofboating nnddray- ing They hold themselves in readiness to have Pro duce, Merchandize, tec., conveyed to any part of the City or Country, and to furnish from their wood- yard on the Oostanaula River, any qunntity of good oak and hickory wood. They have excellent teams, hnd will be thankful for tho pntronage of their friends and tho public. JOHN H. WISDOM. Jan 30, 1851. NEW GOODS Natural History, ilfmeralogy, Geology, ond Physi ology, Political Economy, Law of Notions, Civil and Military Engineering,and Civil Avch;tecture, Infant ry Tactics, Science and Practice of Artillery. No Cadet will be Admitted who is lens than four teen or more thnn twenty-five yeors of age ; or who is afflicted with any disease or infirmity which would render him unfit for military duty. The Cadets will be occupied a K out one hoar and half' each day in military exercises; .but at such times as not to interfere, with their regular studies. UNIFORM FURNITURE, tec. The Uniform consists of a light gmy cloth couteo trimmed with guilt convex buttons nnd bluck oord —white vest, und white Russiandrilliog pantaloons, without trimmings, for summer. For winter, gray cloth vest and pantaloons, trimmed to suit the cout —black stock, white gloves and white belts—-Mon roe shoos and a Forage cnp. No other dress will be worn s nor will Cadets be allowed to keep other doth ingfn their rooms. Each Cadet lrotn a distance must provide him solf with a mnttrass and bedding for v single bed. mattrass*cover nnd bed-strap—ono trunk, one clothes hag and six towels. Each Cadet will unite with his room-mates in purchasing for their dorrtjnon use, one pino table, one looking glass, one wash pan, ono pail and one broom. In view of the following regulation, parents and guardians sending tholr sons and vards to this In stitution, are advised. to deposit with tho Superin teadunt. or with some friend in Muriettn, a sum o, money sufficient to purchase the'above articles, and to cover all necessary expenses for one Session j.’or the Super in tendant should he authorised, In writing, to allow the Cadet to make an ncoount for a specified sum. The regulation referred to is ns follows, viz “Every Cadet shall keep a small blnnk hook, ii which shall ho charged every : article he may pur chase. Tliisbook shall be turned ovor to the Su perintendent fo-his inspection at the end of every month. Any Cadet who shall contract a debt with out permission of the. Superintendent, of be furnish- ed with nny article whatever, by nny storekeeper oi other person, without such permission, or whose pa rent or guardian shall pay any debt contracted hitn during his connection with the Institute, and violation of this legulation, shall be dismissed.) TERMS. MATTRESSHiKlWfc T HE undersigned having located In Rome, is pre pared to do Mattress work on terms to suit, per sons wishing to pmclmse. His Shop is on Broad Street, three doors below tho Courier printing office. Persons wishing to purchase will please cull and examine my work before purchasing elsewhere. A fe\y loads ofdry corn shucks wanting, for which the cash will be paid. JulY31,J8*l. . JAMES B. CARROLL. U.KDEK THE MASONIC HALL, H. J. JOHNSON I S now receiving a very largo nnd the best assorted stock of Goods ever received by him, copsLling of nearly everything usually kept by merchants. Domes tic and staple goods, some very low price for laboring hands Gentlemen’s line dress 3oods, well assorted. French and English Cloths, Cnssimcrcs, Vest ngsand Summer Cloths, all direct from the Importers. La dies fine dress goods, almost every description, and. la test and most fashionable for Spring ond Summer; col ored plaid embroidered, plain ond Swiss muslin nnd Lawns; Fancy silk tissues,Barioges, and a handsome assortment of Ginghams of every description, all di rect nnd of the latest importations. Ribbons, and a large stock of worked collars, caps, mantillas, v.'iettes, and muny other articles too tedious to mention. La dies best twisted silk Gloves and mils, colored fancy kid gloves, Linen and lawn handkerchief, hoisery.tec BONNETS—a fine stock colored satin, lace, gimp aatin ■straw, Hungarian, pearl nnd Spanish huirbonnets. Misses pearl and satin straw and gimp Bonnets, Bon- misses peart anu satin straw anu gimp uonnets. Bon net silks, flowers and linings; Ladies kid slippers aud walking shoes ; also a large stock of Boots and shoes for gentlemen,^fine and common. Ready-made Clothing, summer Hats,fine moleskin, fur and silk hats. Crockery, China and glass ware/ hardware, cutlery, saddles, bridles, martingales j also, a fine lot of sugars, coffee nnd molaases will* be sold very cheap for cash only. He respectfully invites his former customers and friends to give him n call; ho is prepared gnd will give.the best of bargains .t.’.P* - -SlT re Auction wiRhe made for cash -for all bills ov$r $3* , Rome, march 27,1851. - - Tuition, Botird, \Ynshing, Fuel, Lights, Field Mu sic, nnd all other contingent expenses, [per Session o five monili8,] . 8100 •Tuition alone, (for resident Cadet-,) per session, 25 Field Music and other contingent expenses, . 2 Any 'Cadet entering tho Institute after the com* mencemcnt of a session will he charged in propor tion to the nbove rates. These charges must be paid in advance, for all expenses except the feq for tuition. Every cadet lonving the Institu e before the expiration of the period for which he has made an advance shall receive the unexpended bnlance. The Editor of any newspaper In Georgin, South Carolina, Florida, A[abamn, Mississippi or Tennessee, by inserting this advertisement in hispaper, and senn- ing a copy regularly to the Georgia Military Institute,” shall be entitled to tuition for one Cadet, or his draft at the rate of twenty-five dollars per session, payable in tuition, and in favor of any Cadet, will bo accepted. ByorderoftheBoardofTrustees- May 15,1851.—ly DAVID IRWIN. President Board Trustees. ADMINISTRATORS SALE WASHINGTON HALL, ' Atlanta, Georgia. T HIS HOTEL linsbeefi newiy fitted upjind finely furnished for tbs acaommodation of tho Travel- ins Public, generally. Qty No pnine will ’be epnrrd lo render nil comfortable who inay (five us h call.: . ICT* Servants nlways In attcnilnnco. at tho Car* toconvey bngguyo nnd conduct Pnssepgera. . V JAMES LOYD. Proprietor: GEO.-R. FftAKEIt, Superinlendant. ... N. -A ffewnntl splendid BAl! BEBSHOP recent ly nitunlu-d, under the same roof.- • • Duo- 3, I860. -’ . ■ " / .' A. HATS, r Fashionable French Boot Maker. S prepared to execute work in bis lino, in n nen and substantial manner, and will be thankful for a liberal share of tho pntronuge ot Rome and vicinity He may be found at tile room formerly occupied, by the Courier Office, on Broad street. Rome, Jon. 93,1851 Portable Horie Power for Wheat Thraihen ft 9 C AN be set up in the field in one day. For sole by FRANCIS M. ALLEN. April 24, 1831. NOTICE. T HE Co-partnership existing heretofore between* Battey A. Beo. having been disaolved by mu tost' consent, the business will be continued It the oldattriid-' by ROBT. BATTEY. All unsettled business of tHo- firm will receive the nttontion of us both- : t - G. M. BATTEY, M..D- Rome, Mdroh RQBT. BATTEY..^..,^ ’ -1W4 • PBIVATE HOSPITAL. D ltS, MILLER & WORD have opened in this ' City, a PRIVATE HOSPITAL for tjmtrequ inent of Surgical and Chronic diseases—wh negroes oi white persous. In such an estahlislmiept the expenses of patients are much less than undbr ordinnry troutment, and the chances of cure mate rially Increased. July 24i 1851. ly 7T BANKS * EDDLEMAN, DSAtxni is BOOTS, SHOES, LATHER,PEGS, SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, too. : Atlanta, Ga\ : [1 AVE on hand a large stock of Leather, Lnsts, Cl Pegs,Findings, Tools. tec,, und will fill ordeis n t Augusta prices, with the freight added. Shoe-Ma« nersin Cherokee Georgia and Alabama would do well to try them, as they might “go farther nnd fare worse.” They also have a large stock of well aBsortCu Joota and Shoes, made expressly for them, which t i?y will warrant. They arp superior,and no mistake, and will be 6old cheap. - ; Also, heavy dppbledsole Negro'Shoe?,in«nfiic<«ir- ed by themselves in AtlAnta. These are far superior to any Negro Shoes before offered in this part of. the esuntry, and will ]>e sold on accommodating terms; They are prepared also,to make to order fine single and doubled sole Boots, or any'other kind, in ft ‘style' unsurpassedIn this country,' - Nov. 28, 1850. Gentlemen's Furnishing TX7E wpuid respeptfnUy invite [lie attention oi our vV customers and the public generally to oilr stock of Goods for Fall and Winter wear, which wo have just received ar-d qre opening, . Gents bl’k and polorcd IVook, dress and sack Coats, Black and colored Tweed te satinott and (rode.coats Cloth and Blanket cloaks and Over-coats, Colored Cass, Doe$kln, Tweed and Sat^nctt pants, Black and colored silk., satin, plush, cashmoro nut! merino Vests, . L.B. Shirts; colored shirts, merino and cotton antler? shirts, merino nnd cotton i hose; Pockefhd'ks, era-, vats, scarfs, gloves, suspenders, collars, drawers ^o*. Men’s yottth’s a'r.d Boy’s hats arid caps, in great Va riety Men’s fine calf dress Boots Mon's fine wn- ter-prnof Boots And a targe and complete assort ment of Men’s nnd Boy’s Boots and Shoes of'every quality and p‘ice. ; We have ulso for the Ladies, velvet,ailk, satin and straw Bonnets j Satin, Lasting nnd morocco Gniidrs, half Gaiters and Buskins; Ties Slippers und walk-., ing Boots and Shoes; a full assortment ol’Misses and childrens shoes of all kinds. N. B. \Ve would particularly Invito tho attention of Planters to opr stock of Negro Shoes, widish id vory full. PROVISION STOREv ' S. G. WELLS. B ACON, Lord, Corn, Flour, Wheat, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, ond MoloBSes, Domestic Yams,Cloth, Shoes nnd Leather, Dried Fruit, Beef and Fish. Parc Port Went, and Pale Otard Brandy, Porter, and Lemon Syrup. A sirinll-lot of Shoes on consign* ment. . - A fetv young men o«» he accommodated with Boardiu3. March 6,1851, Vaeand Hoose ( Depot S^ur-. i, m.-.ii i tniirAiMtiiia-iItttJ- 1 -*--'- WHITLOCK ft C0SKERY. . Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Augusta, Georgia. rpiiE subscribers have entered iftto t/Qpjrrtncr*' JL sh.p for the transaction of a General Warohotue and Commission'Business, ond tender their services to the late patrons of Fnsumd, WpiTLocic Qo, s andCoSKERY, Janes »te Co., and the publip genvrnl-. ly. They are prepared to afford the i\snal ftfdlU- ties to their customers* ' • •■*'\ •'■* H Orders for fumlly Supplies, Bagging, ffllcd .at the lowest market pribos, All busineuMhtrusted to them will,have theif personal.attcnuon, - ' J. W| WHITLQCK, Late ol tho Firm of Fi.kMiKO/Wii'rij.dck'te ( ■ • JOHN.COSKERYV* ! “ Late qf the Firm qf Coskrry J a AMliV-P 5 ! • 3