Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, November 14, 1851, Image 3

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say j fi'oceea to express any decision on the merif of the question involved, and embtoco the same in'a page, regular report. ' This circumstance designates this paper as an ex traordinary proceeding imperatively demanded by the exigencies of the case. For yotfcfcourse in embrac ing such a report in your minutCMvarious and safe precedents may be referred to in'tj(e action ofsevetal associations in our OV^n' State. 'Instances of which we have in the publication by the Central of a com pilation offsets in her history! In the adoption by the Georgia and Ebeneier of tepotta touching their cor respondence with the Central j and others to which we might.refer. A distinguishing feature, of all which papers, is, that while they speak freely of the decis ions of churches in matters of discipline,it is no with a view to affpet these decisions, (they being al ready passed,) but to express their approval or rejec tion of them in defense of tho right. From the information furnished to the committee 'by the delegates from Cave Spring, authenticated by their records and by visiting brethren preBonjt in their conferences, it 'appears' that our sisjar’ flturch at Cave Spring has been subjected for'severt&years to severe andafflloting trials ; originating am^tend, ing'schisms and dlVftions—producing heart-burnings and evil sutmlsings, and resulting in tho feoetlion and even treachery of Borne of her members, thii state of things continuing from year to year, it was impossible to avoid' their legitimate fruits. Strife and contention for a time obstructed the odmlnistfbtlon of tileolpjlno, and it seemed hard to distinguish between those who were the friends of Christ, and those £who wore not; When in the providence oi God, the church felt' l.Eirself prepared to attempt a reformation,'as a tural consequence she met with obstinato resistance from refractory members. This will aocount for the many reports and misrepresentations which have been so industriously circulated among our churches by A. Fitzgerald, one of the members excluded from said church; and alsafpr tho corresponding efforts made by others to ruin her peace and destroy her standing and chandler in the community and in this Assooia- tfon. The fact that these difficulties have been so protracted, has had a tendency to strengthen the Im pression sought to be made that our sister church wai given as a whole to be contentious, and Would not . and could nof live in peace. Strangers not being aware of the fact that while a portion of that church were meekly,yet firmly, contending for correct discipline and proper aotion, their efforts were borne down and paralyzed by their mistaken and erring brethren. We congratulate the Association upon the favora. ble opportunity afforded by the information above al luded to, for your body to express their disapproba lion of the course pursued by that portion of this church who (whatever may have been their motives,) so unreasonably harrassed her and distracted her coun cils, on the questions touching tho restriction in the church deed, and the act of incorporation, We hum bly trust that the patient lobors and forbearance of tho orderly partof the church will yet meet their reward. Your committee have deemed this much necessary to the faithful discharge of a duty devolved ou your body, to sustain in righteousness any of the churches in your Union. While we would not discriminate be tween any of these churches; ns such we must be per mitted to remind our brethren that in point of loention and responsibility as to other than spiritual interests, there may be a difference. We believe that by corn* mon consent our brelhreti consider the loention of Cave Spring important, and her .responsibility great, She stands immediately connected in her influence with the Hearti School; an institution founded by the benificence of our brethren and deaf to their hearts.- A school which by cons'ifutionsl provision is always presided ovor by those of our own ftiith, and cnlculat • ed to throw, continually underthe influence of thin chqrch a large number of interesting youth, many <ff. them your own children. Under the circumstances you cannot be indifferent to the spiritual condition and moral standing of the church; you’will not neglect this opportunity to extend your helping hand to settle" and establish her in, peace, and in the affections and confidence of the brethren. We deem it pur duty through this report as a proper channel, to direct the attention of all the’members of tho several churches, to your action in committee of the whole. An important feature in the business of that committee, is, that while it saved the constitution of the Association from violation, it did not prevent . but on the contrary, procured a full and complete fqvestigation of all the facts involved in the trial and exclusion, of A. Fitzgerald No material fact was withheld by either party. They must also be convin c cd from the report of that committee, that the action •f the church in this case was necessary and proper, and her decision in hisexelusion accordingto righteous ness. We do therefore, most sincerely hope, that the . coiAlencc of our brethren in your body, will be such us ™remove from their minds the least shade of pro judice which may have'been thrown upon them, by the persons and effortsbefore alluded to, and effectual ly guard them against all future attempts of design ingmen. In conclusion, permjt us to inform the- brethren through this medium, that by the blessing of God our sister church at Cave Spring is now in pence end - harmony, No disaffection remains among her mem iters—all appear to be, and we trust arc, one in Christ ThnnkPjbe to His name. We would also remark, that .witjt reference to our sister church at Cedar - Creelt,.,- we feel a lively interest. While wo regret that.she should over have taken suchan-interestin the case referred to, we feel no disposition to censure, but would rather love and pray for her. We' would . believe that she felt herself called upon to labour for the pence of Zion; and os such, her efforts should be respected. In what is previously said of efforts . ..made, to destroy peace, &c„ we would not be under- stood as alluding to her, but towell known Individuals We stoto this much as due to our brethren, humbly ttusting, that graco and love may reign in all our .,, hent;ts,lo the full establishment of peace and harmony, • not only between the two churches which have been this for a little time brought into conflict, but through out-nil our bounds. ‘Till God in his good pleasure, establish our Jerusalem and make her a praise in the earth; ’till her righteousness go forth as brightness, and her salvation asa lamp that bumeth. Cuts. H. Stillwell, Pastor at Cave Spring, Joan Hemdricks, “ « Cedar Creek, Zxo H. Gordon, . Wit. A. Mercer, A. B. Boss, Committee. and theio taken by him. -But to the pas* “My dear friends and bredren,” said the preacher, ‘do soul ob. do brauk man is as dear in do sight ob de -Lord’ as do soul oh do while man. Now. you all seo Judgo Harpor asettin dnh, lennin on his gold-headed cane—you all known de Juge, niggers, and a wory find man lie - is, too. Well, now, I is a goin’ to moke a little contparismont. Sup- tosin' de Judge some morttin’ puts his tusket on his arm, and so goes to market to buy a peace oh Meat. He soon fines a nice, fat pieco’ob truiflDn, and buys it,and dads it into his'basket.and trots off wid it. Do you ’spose deJud^e would stop to quir wedder dat mutton was ob a white sheep or ob a brack sfifeep! No, nuffin ob de kind—if de mutton was nice and fat it would be all de same'to de Judge—he would not stop to ax wedder de sheep had white wool, or brack wool. Well, just so it of^ny frens, wid our liel enly master! He does not stop to nx wet der n soul ’longed to a white man, or a brat man, or no oder men—-wcddlrliis head was kivered wid straight bar or kivered wid wool—de only question he will ax will be‘'is dig a pood soul,’.'-and if so, do Master twill ,Enter into de joy oh de Lord, and set dowp on de sam^ bench wid de white uiran —you ore all now on a perfect quality. Eccentric Preacher—Funny Illus tration.—-The discourse, lrom which the anitexed passage is taken actually was \'preached in the town of Zansville, \ Ohio, some years ago. The name of the •. Reverend Divine, who was a colored gen tleman, and we believe a sincere and hum ble Christian, We have forgotten, hut the Judge Harper, to whom lie refers; we re member well. He was, ..we believe, a thattime,’Presiding Judge of the 12th Ju dicial Circuit of the Court of Common I leas—has since represented tho district m Congress, and is, if vve arenot mistaken, ■the present representative. The Judge i|va i s .present at the dejivery of the sermon JUglit in by the preacher, by way -ation of a certain position, then By Mr. Pickett^^^Hcmpt ministers of the Gospel from workm^m the roads. By Mr. Clark ot Stewart: To prohibit the sale of deadly weapons, and to prescribe the mode of carrying the same, and to punish for the violation of the same, and to repeal the act of 1837, in relation .thereto. A resolution passed the Sebate ou the 10th which will no doubt pass the'House, reques ting the Governor to issue his Proclamation, appointing Thursday the 27th Inst., to-be observed in’thia State, as a day of Thanksgiv ing. Springfield, Nov. 5. The election in Illinois for Senator and Representatives, and also to determine the uestion of the adoption or rejection of the eneral Banking Law, took place yesterday. T e have as yet only scattering returns ; but ey indicate the adoption of the Banking W by a large majority. From Beards- vn, we learn .hat out of 6S7 votes polled, 227 were in lavor of the law. The Whii ticket generally has succeeded in the county? More Gold—The steamer Promethius, which arrived at Now York on the 6th inst., brought 400 passengers, and over six hund red thousand dollars in gold. GEORGIA £ iEQISLATURE. " ' IN §&NATI2. ’*8 Tuesday, Nov. 4. DILLS iifeponTED. By Mr. Calhoun : To create and lay ofT two new Judicial Circuits,yjne to be called Circuit, to be composed of the coun ties of Carrol, Campbell) Cobb, Cherokee Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union and Gilmer, ant add the same to the 4th Supreme Court Judi cial District ; mid the other to be called Circuit, to be coinpusod of the counties of Bibb, Houston, Twiggs Dooly, Macon Crawford, nnd to add the same to the thirc Supreme Court Judicial District. By Mr. Bethune : To authorize the Board of Physicians of this State to hold their an nuel meetings in Milledgeville. By Mr. Harman : To alter and amend the 4th section of the 11th division of the Pennl code. Wednesday, Nov. 5. hills reported. By Mr. Harman : To empower juries u on the trial of divorces, & upon tho trial of c vorce cases to authorize the party defendant to merry again during the lifeol the libillant, when the verdicts are for total or ubsolute divorce. Friday, Nov. 7 The follow ing stonding Committees were announced by the President, viz : ■-On the Slate of the Republic, Messrs Hardeman, Mosely Farris, Lawson and Mc- ^une. On the Judiciary, -Messrs. Foster, Simmons Calhoun, Moorp, Harman, Reed, J. L. Bird and McCune. On Finance, Messrs.' Bethune, Connelly Burks; Day and Tomlinson. On Internal Improvement, Messrs. Ander son, Farris, Tumlm, Stroud and Flaurnoy On Fublic Education and Free. Schools. Messrs. Slaughter, Wolthout, Crocker Spalding and Wellborn. On Ranks, Messrs. Mosely, A nderson Harman, Little nnd Waters. On the Penitentiary, Messrs. Moore, P. M, BirlT, Cone, Wilcox end Butler. On the Luntitic Asylum, Messrs. Slaughter. Crocker. Walthour, Bethune aud Stroud. On the Military, Messrs. Cone, Knight, P, M. Bird; Coffee and Beavers On Printing, Messrs. Flournoy, Ross Wolf, Bryan and Wright. On Previlcgc.s and Flections, Messrs. Day Griggs, Hicks, McRne and Harris. 'n Petitions, Messrs. Connelly, Coffee, Dickinson and Ross. On Enrolment, Messrs. Simmons, Flewel len, Lawson, Harman nnd Knight. On motion of Mr. Moore, the President of the Senate appointed Messrs. Farris, Harde man, Anderson, Slaughter and Walthour, i Standing Committee,upon the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. The different subjects of tho Governor message was then also, on motion of Mr. Moore, referred to the appropriate commit tees. On motion of Mr. Wnlthour, the bill to create and lay off two new Judiaial Circuits was referred to the Committee on the Jud : ciary, The bill to authorise the Board of Physi cians to hold their annual meetings in Mil ledgeville, was taken up and untended, an thorizing them ,l to hold their meetings in Milledgeville or any other place they may appoint, and then passed. HORSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, Nov 3, 1851 This day was taken up in qualifying the membors nnd organizing the House. Tuesday, Nov. 4. Bills introduced and read the first time, viz By Mr. McDouguld : To prohibit the im portnlion or introduction hereafter of slaves into this State, &c. By Mr. Hill : To create and lay off tw new judicial circuits; one to be composed of the counties Carroll, Campbell, Cobb, Chero kee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union nnd Gilmer ’ to add the same to the 4th Sup. Court and to aaa me same tome 4th Sup. C circuit. The other to bo composed of counties ofBibb, Houston, Twiggs, Dooly, and Crawford, nnd to add the same to the third supreme court judicial district. Thursday, Nov. 6 TKe Speaker announced the following com mittee on Privileges aud Elections, viz . Messrs. WofTord of Cass, Irtvin of Wilkes Chastain of Union, Cobb of Dooly, Harris o Clark, Trippe of Monroe, Henley of Lincoln Gilbert ot Wilkinson, Mobley of Harris, Ca meron of Chattooga, and Full of Henry Friday, Nov. 7. Bills introduced and read first time. By Mr. Cameron : To separate the offices of Tax-Colleetor and Receiver, in the county of Chattooga. Bv Mr. Powell For the purpose of alter- ingtheroad laws of this State, & c. By Mr. Price : To appropriate money fo. the purpose of the improvement of naviga tion of the Coosa River, between Rome and the boundary line of the State, &c. . By Mr! Fuller r To amend the act for the relief of honest debtors. COMMERCIAL. Rome, Nov. 14, 1851. Cotton—VVe quote the present week from 4 to 6} cents. Flour 2,50 to $3,50 per hundred pounds, Corn meal 90 cents per-bushel retail. Corn, 75 to 80 conts per bushel, Bacon, 15 to 16 conts per pound, Lard, 16 cents “ “ Butter, 25 to 30 “ “ Chickens, 15 centb a piece. Savannah, Nov. 11,1851. Cotton—The sales yesterday amounted to 476 bales, at fully an J cent decline. We quote from 6£ to 8} cents. Ciiareston, Nov. 11, 1851 Cotton—With n somewhat unsettled market yesterday and irregular prices, in fa vor of bidders, there was otherwise no quo table change. The sales, amounting to about 920 bales, at from 7£ tn 8 cents. Augusta, Nov. 11, 1851 Cotton—Thero is u good demand to-day and prices are full. Fair 7$ cents. MARRIED, On Thursday Evening, the Bth inst., by the Rev. Jesse Lambcrtli, Mr. Jshes ,T- Williams, to Miss Martha A. R. Phelps, all of this county. On Sunday Evening, the 9th inst., by ths Rev. Jesse Lamberth, Mr. Thomas Dawkins, to Mrs, Lyda Abernathy, all of this county. On Tuesday Evening, tho 11th inst., by the Rev Jesse Lnmberlh.Mr. Abner Adkins, to Miss Cerre- E. Mann, all of this county. ' ' i g-g. ; CHAS. H, i'ARPFIELD, 171 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. Dealer In Agrltultural Implements of every kind; Mills, ISUl Machinery, Hardware, BURR MILL STONES, COTTONIGINS.& C Nov. 14,1851. - ' 0m* l’ETEIt «. T110UAS, Dealer In Wlndev-S'ashes, Blinds and Panel Doors# w No. 166, Bay St . Savannah, Qa. eT T$iiM0 ; Cash., . **?! J ^ cn( * e( * t0 * ov. 14,1861.. . ly. D. MORRIS, No.,7 Barnard, Street Sawnnah Ga, Bell Danger and Mnnufadturcr of all kinds of Fire-Proof Safest Iron Railing^ Locks of every description, tic., Ac. /^kFFEllS his Bervices .o the citizens of Savannah. V-/ nnd State of Georgia. He is. prepared Jo 611 o - tiers ibr anything m the above line, at the shortest no* lice, and on the most reasonable terms. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. RAMBtmo.ocT. S9, 1851. JIAHE FREIGHT ON COTTON, from tho Ham- -L burg Depot to Charleston, will be, until further otlqe, 75 cents per bale. This Company will also eceive Cotton nt the Georgia Rail Rond Depot, in 'Augusta, pay the toll and drayage, 18, cts., across tho Augusta Bridge, and deliver it In Charleston at l93}.cents per bale, Nov. 14. W.. J. MAGRATH, Agent. nofl—tf. GEORGIA—Floyd County, YTTHEREAS, Daniel S' Kintup nppilco to me for IT Lctttirs of Administration on the estate of Tho' mas C, Hackott, late of said county, deceased i These ate therefore to cite and admonish ell and singular, the kindred end creditors of said deceased, to be and nppeer nt tny office within tho time prescri bed by law, to show cause (if any exist,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official Signature, at office. This ths 11th day of November, 1851. JESSE LAMBERTH, o. c. FOR SALE OR RENT- T HE Subscriber has e good brick store-house, four doors below R. J. Jolmsou’s comer, Broad Street, and also, a good dwelling with seven rooms; n Negro House, Smoke House, Stable, Corn-crib and Cnrriago House, and good garden. He also bus a very nice residence lor a smell fsmily. Tho dwelling house lies but two rooms, plastered Inside nnd painted well, with two good brick flro-placee, with n Convenient Kitchen, $-o.—together with three or four unimprov ed lots, all of which ho will sell low and on goud time. Those who wish to purchase will call on the' subscriber. W. B. JONES. Rome, Ga., Nov. 14th, 1651 bt. VERANDA HOUSE, BF s; 0. WELLS, TS now open ns a privato Boarding House, i'horc -A nrc good stocks ol goodsltopt in tho lower story qnrl basement. Travellers eon find tho Vorandn-FInuso near tho Depot without crossing tho street.' Romo, Ootober 31,1851, , TRUNKS, rpRUNKS, Valloof And Trdveiling bags, nt tnnnu- i Inoturors’prices, by DENNIS 5! HUNT. * BLANKETS. A Variety ot those very tleslrqblo articles, of all qualities, some oxtrn sizes, twlllod nnd card ed on both sldos, at tire NEW YORK STORE. RZ3ASK MASS OLOTBIKO. C 1LOTH and Blanket overcome, Tweed Sucks J and Frocks, nnd s flno nssortinont ol plain nnd funcy Vosts and Pants, Shirts, Drawers, U’dkfs, looks, suspenders, &o., by DENNIS & HUNT. SHEETINGS. 5 Bnies Augusta nnd Sen Island Domestics, with a very largo stock orbleached goods, ot'twonfy ttvo por cent loss than hiBt seasons’ Drives. Also bloodied linen and cotton sheeting 2t yds wido equally as olioap. DENNIS * IfUNT. SHAWLS. B AY Stato and Empire State Long Shnwls, nt low ratos, nt tho NEW YORK STORE. JUST RECEIVED 1 FIllKINS prime Goshen Butter, and 35 box- J.U es English Dairy Cheese, and for sale low by oot 31. WM. K. ALEYANDR 6c Co. BLACK SILKS. SUPERIOR Block Silks, vary wido for Muntlllns, ij wllhblaok silk, luces 3, *1, 0.7 end 8 Indies wide* at the , NEW. YORK STORE. BOOTS AND SHOES. G ENTS’ Fine sewed calf boots,, thick lined oalf water-proof and kip and cow hide do., with brogans ana all styles Ladies’, Misses’ and Chil drens* shoes and Gaiters. DENNIS-te HUNT. EIOTJEL* T HIS well known plerfsont stand is again opes for the acconimodatlflfcr of Boarders and Trana ant visiters. J, J. REEVE#, Fro. Rome,Gn.,MHy 29,1851. % Postponed Administrator * Sale A GREEABLY to an order of tho Honorabla tho Inferior Court of Telfair county/wjieii sitting as Court of Oldinary, will be sold baffit* 'tto Court House door in the Town ol Romo, Floyd county, on he first Tuesday in December next, within the usual tours of sale, Lut of Land No. 16o, in die 34th .list, and 3d section, Also, on the saaie day will be sold before the Coart house door in Cherokee county, Lot of • ami No. 80| in the 2ist (list, and 3d auction. Also, on the same day will ha sold, before ilia Court house doer in Forsyth county, Lot of Land No. 272 in tho 3d dist.und 2d suction. Also, at the same time, will be sold before the Court ho'use door in Gordon county, Lot of Land No. 910, in the 7th dist. nnd 3d secthiu. 1 Also; on the some day, will be coldhcfnra the Coart houso door .in Walker county, Lot of Land No. l9i in the 26th dist. und 3d section. Also, on the same day,:wiUbe sold before theCaur house door of 1 umpkin county, Lot of Land No. IM n the 15th dist. and 1st section. All sold ks tho property of Henry H Brickvll, dco'd. July 31. JAMES BOYD, Adiu’r. Bonnets, L ATEST stylo straw Bonnots, Ribbons, Tubs, Flowers and FoAtliors. DENNIS HUNT. DISSOLUTION. T HE Firm of Osgood, Alsobrook & Co. wns dis solved this dsy by mutual, consent. All debtf due ly or to the Firm, will be settled by J. W. M , who lies the notesandaccountsot tho Firm fo- on. fmmtdtate liquidation is requested of a|s Berrien collection. Indebted to tho firm. Aug. 4,1651. ROME PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY DY FRANCIS M. ALLEN. FALL HATS. J UST received from Beebo (Broadway; New York) a supply of Full Hats, which Jbr beauty of style and superiority of Material and workmauship surpass any hats over offered in this market. \ ■Sept 4,1851 DENNIS & HUNT. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Committeo Room of Coosa Lodgo, No. 00 of Free and accepted Masons, Nov. 6th, A. L., 6861, A. D., 1861. But a short period ago wo were called te pay the last tribute of respect to tho earthly remains of two of our brethren, little thinking we would so soon havo another fallen in our midst; yet Buch is tho mournful fact—to-day wo cousigned to the “ silent grave” tho body of our brother, Capt. JoiinR.Ihly, who departed this life yesterday in tho midst of hla years. lie was beloved in all tho relations of life, and to human apprehension fliultless in all; therefore ' Resolved, That his bereaved family claim our deepest sympathy, and that we tender to them our kind oflices, should thoy bo required. Resolved, That wo will wear the usual mourning badge for the spaco of thirty days, and that tho fur niture of tho Lodgo bo clothed in mourning for tho samo spaco of time. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions bo pub lished in each 'of the City papers; also, in tho Ma sonic Journal, (Marietta,) and tho Savannah Repub lican. JAMES D. GIBSON,) N. YARBROUGH, > Committee, G. W. DOUGLASS, ) ARTIfJt.BS. $ OTS. 9 Bacon, Hams ,, 13 a .. Sides, .. 13 d .. ' Shoulders, .. ,, a .. Hog Round, . .. . . a . . Bagging, Dundee,.......yd.... Ky .... Gunney Bi/ttrr, Goshen, lb..., Country ^.... Beep, Fore quarter,.... Hind do Candi.ks, Box, f ..,,, .,,, Spermaceti, Adamantine Coffee, Java, Sack, Cuba, .......... .... Lnguira, Rio, v..v Cotton, .... Corn MM , Corn Meal,. Cordage, Bale Rohe,, Manillu, .... Cotton, I’lour, per bbl.,....... "aokerl, No 1 per l»bl No. 2 “ t* Nc. 3 ** “ Hides, Green,. * 5 Dry,.. .. 8 JitoN, Swede,..,,. 6 5 Mr. Editor : You will pleaso announce my wyno in your paper as a Union Candidate for Sheriff* of* Floyd county. JOS. G. BARKER. JOHN A. MAYER, 154 Broad Street i Savannah, Ga. Nov. 14,1861. ly N. B. KNAPP, W’HOI.ESAUE AND RETAIL DEADER IN SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, &.C. Market Sqarc Savannah, Ga. , Nov. 14,1861. Om English, .... Rod, .... Band, .... Hoop, Lead. Molasses bbl pr gul. W. I. ..... Syrup.......... .... Nails, Keg,• - Rige, lb.... Salts, Liverpool per Sack .... do do bushel. •• Table, per box..,. Sugar, N. Orleans,.,,.. .lb.Y.. Fortorioo, .... Delta...... Snntacrus, .,,, Refined,, .... Loaf, Crushed, , .... Clarified, .... J... .... Tallow, . .VS. r».. tfr i;.. Wool, Raw,............ Rolls W. A. CARSWELL, | T. J. ROBERTS, | SAM. B. 8URAT. CARSWELL; ROBERTO A CO. FACTORS & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dravton and Bay Streets ....Savannah, t?a. Nov. 14,1851. . ' ’ ly. ■ p. it. lEUN.ofSftvatinaii, | j. w. poster, of Hancock co. DEUX & FOSTER, FACTORS AND COMMISSION IKEiSt.dHzmjHr'Sr’Sy Savannah, Ga, Reference-^, Knowles. Nov. 14:1861. ly LYON A REED, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Heady-Made Clothing, Hats, Taps, and Gentlemens’ Furnishing Gooda Nos. 166 Congress and 76 St Julian Sts. Savannah, Nov. 14,1861. ly E. F. WOOD A CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ©©©if© & m@m Nos.-94-and 162, Gibbons Building, near the Market. Sign of the Large Boot Savannah, Ga. Nov. 14,1861. ly N. B. K H. WEED, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARD WARE, NAILS, &C. Broughton Street... .Savannah,- Ga. Nov. 14,1851: ly R. ARCHER A CO. Hegla Iron Works, Richmond, Y«i MANUFACTURERS op AGS®- HP©! T@@[L© ( OF BEST CHARCOAL IRON AND CAST STEEL. ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF RAIL ROAD AND MERCHANT IRON. Fff' Bold at Merchant’s Prices and Warranted. Nov. 14,1851. 3m BUTTER AND CHEESE EHFORIOfl, BY SEABORN QOODALL, SAVANNAH WHOLESALE DEALER-IN Direct from. Goshen, New Xork. -Nov. 14,1861. ~ ly* 21 a 17 n 25 a 15 21 a .'174a 10 a a 13 n 14 a 4 fl .. 16 a 85 50 a . 0»a . 74a . 9 a .. Ta . 374a ,. 50 a « 5 a .. 5 a 9 00 a . 00 a . 15 a ..8a . 9 a .. 9 a ,. 10 a 11 a .. 12 a .. 124a .. 11 a .. S a .. 23 a .. 20 .. 25 $7 50 915 50 .$13 .$10 !! io .. 01 54 . 84 . 40 . 75 . 0 . 04 .2 10 . 1 00 . 20 . 10 . 10 . 10 . 12 . 12 . 15 . 14 W E are authorised to an WILLIAMSON ns a Tax Receiver of Fioyd county, announce JAMES H Union cendidute for 'ioyd county, NOTICE. T HE subscriber will.collect all pensions payable ut the Agency in Savannah, nnd remit the samo as may be directed, for one dollar each appli cation not exceeding $300, and send a blank lortn if required. WM. MOREL. Savannah,.Nov. 7,1851. (^•Reference, J, Knowles, Rome, Ga. WHOLB* ALB A 3ID RETAIL pIETtSON& IIEIDT, ffo. 10 Whitaker street, ■*- Savannah, l.avo continimlly on bond a large and well selected stock of JJeady-m’ado clothiiig, ami Genis* Furnishing Goods, to which they invite the attention of Merchants pud the public, in gen eral. nov. 7, 1 y YORTGB A; ODBW, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . No 94, Bay Street, Savannah. Will attend promptly to whatever business may bo confided to them. (nov 7, 1851,) ly Wm. 1*. Yonoe, | W. Oden. 4 ty»]i NOTICE. HE undersigned respectfully begs leave to in form his friends, and the travelling comtmUii' that tho FavIMioim Hums®, ■ link undergone a thorough renovation and exten slop, and is now in complete order, for tho accom modation of steady or transient boarders; the rooms ordbeautifully fitted up, and every possible atten tion will bo paid to the comfort and convenience of thceo who favor tho house with their patronage.— TlAluble is regularly furnished with the best that tboSouthern and Northern market can afford Nov. 7, lb51. WM. F. CLARK; 0m Proprietor of the Pavillion. —T WHO WANTS TO HIDE? A FIRST rate second hand Buggy for sale, ap ply to F, M ALLEN. . Nov. 7th 1851, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE- A GREEABLY loan order oi the honorable tlio xjL Inferior Court of Floyd county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will bo sold at the court houso dooi in said county, on the first Tuosday in January next, the following property,.to wit: lotu Nos. 87 and 04 in tho Etow&h Idvision of tho city of Rome, with the improvements thereon, being the residence of the late Wm. C. Butler, deceased, also a negro boy named Henry”, ubout 12 or 14 years old. Sold us the property of Wm. C; Butler, latejof- said county, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms mado known on. the doy^of sato.^ . B. Jl. LAMKIN,. Adm’r*: .... JAB. E. OSGOOD, w JACOB E. ALSOBROOK, JAS. W. M. BERRIEN, R. S. NORTON, At the Brick Corner formerly occupied by Alexander | Norton. I S now receiving his V nil and Winter Slock of Goode. which were Recently bought in New York .1 very low pticea and will bo offered at a small advance ox cost—consisting of a genoral assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goodt, Hardware Boots,' Shoes, Groceries, Syc. Among which are plain Figured and lirocadt Alps- cus,from 20 cents tu $1 25; English Mcreiioa, Cash meres, Jackonets, Swiss Muslins, Edgings, inserting*, Thread Locce, Ginghams, Prints, dec. Flannels of all Kinds, Tweeds, Sutlinels and Kent. Jnnos Broad Cloths, Cassimercs nnd Vcstinga, A large lot of Negro Kaneyi, Plains and Lineey*,' Maolnaw, Wh'tney and Duffill Blankets. His Stock of Hardware isos good as the bell in Town; where can ba found Saws of all kinds, from a 10 inch back to n croso-out 9 feet long. Also Carpenters’ eta and Axes; Knob Lock's and Latches, all size*, Butts and Bolts; also, Fine Double Barrelled Guns, Rifles, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Screw Plates, Log, Fifth, Lock, Tonguo and,Broast Chains, nnd many things In the Hardware line not heretofore kept here. All of which wer bought to be sold. Call and ex amine the goods and prices, Romo, d'eotd, 1651. STEAM YNTT.1T. fpilEHOMEWOOD STEAM MILL, throo mile- -L from Rome,on the Calhoun Road is in opera tion, pnd the. subscriber wlll'reoeive corn ou tell,, and ' ihait' eotloh at the usual rataa of toll. Rape and Baglng furntoned if requested joh; THOMAS J. VERDERY. Next door below Sloan tj* Hawkins, *N VITES the attention of tha citizens of Rome and L the surrounding country to a Fresh Stock of Goods consisting in part, of the following articles, viz: Su- sr—Crushed, Powdered, Refined; Porlorlco, New Ifloofls Ic Cuba Molasses; Georgia & New Orleans' Syrup, Coffee Salt, Sigars, Liquors, iron, Nalls, Bog ging, Rope, Twine, Hardware and various othorarti- csls which 1 am prepared to sail and will sell, on as good terms as they can be bought in Rome, Call and examine for yourselves, . Rome,Oct. 23d 1851. Fiord Sheriff’s Sales for December- W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, beiore the court house door in the city of Rome, between the legal honn of sale, the following property, to wit: Sixty-five barrels of corn, more or less, five stacks fodder, five cows and calves,2 head of stock cattle, one black filly 3 yean old, nine head of pork bogs, six head ol stock hogs—all levied upon as the property of Jao Berry to satisfy a fi fa from Floyd Superior court, in favor of the Slate of Georgia vs, James Berry. Also lot ofland No. 240 in the 3th district and 4th section—levied upon as the property of John Cox to satisfy a fi fa Rom Floyd Superior court, in favor of James M Gordon vs John Cox and John W, Cox.— Property pointed outby defendant. Also, lot No. 169 in the 4th distriot nnd 4th section —levied upon ao tho property of John Vaughn, to sat isfy a fi fo from Floyd Superior court, in favor of Sulli van, Cabot & Co.vs John Vaughn. Oct. 31,1851. THOS. S, PRICE, Sh’ff. At the same time and place, Lot of land.No. 80,in the 23d district and 3d sec tion—levied upon as the properly of Thoo C. Hackett to satisfy 2 fi fas from Floyd Inferior court and 1 from Floyd .Superior court, one in favor of John E. Park vs Thos C. Hackett, one in favor of Lewis Tumlin and John T. Rowland vaTheo C. Hackett and A, 3’. Har din and Thos S. Price, securities, and one in favo'r of John W. Mayo va John G Bush, nnd TIiob C, Huck- ell,security. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s atl’y. Also, house nnd lot No. 47, in the Etowih division of the city of Rome—levied upon ns the property of William A. Sanford to satisfy 2 ft fas front Floyd Supe rior court in favor of {Jennetl Lawrence vo William A. Sanford and John M. Sanford, makers, and George S. Colymnn nnd Edwin F.B. Lumpkin, endorsers, and one in favor of Dennis & Hunt vs John M. Sanford and William A. Sanford. Property pointed out by Dennis& Hunt. . Also, house and lot in tha Coosa division of the city of Rome, occupied by John J. Cohen—levied upon oo the property of John W. Bradbury to satisfy a fi fa from Floyd Inferior court in favor of Shared Mathis vs John W. Bradbury. Property pointed out by plain* tiff's u'.t'y. Alsu, Town lots Nos. 4 nnd 91 in the Etowah divi sion of the city of Romo—levied upon as the property of Jacob Herndon, to satisfy a fi fa from Fioyd Superi or court'iri favor of William J. Cantrell va Jacob Iiern- don: Property pointed out by plaintiff’s ally, Also, lots.of land Noe, 288 and 2S9 in tho 22d dis trict and 3d section—levied upon as the property of Al len Dykes, to satisfy a ft. fa. frorq Floyd Superior court in favor of W illiam R. Smith A Co. vs raid Dykes Levy mode by Joseph T. Price former Sbeiri ff Also, 20 bed steads, 20 mattrasses, l saloon lamp, 3 fire screens, 4 couches, 2 cemphine lumps, 3 passage lanterns, 12 brass candlesticks, 6 castors, 1 cooking stove and fixtures, ISpans find basins; 5 doz. ten and table eppons—all levied unon to satisfy 3 fi fae front Floyd Superior court,one in iavor of Scranton & Stark vo Lemuel J.Hilbnm, and onein favor of William D, Da vit vs Lemuel J. Hiiburn, und one in favor Charles A. Wheeler for the use oi Edward Wright vs Lemuel J. Hiiburn and Absolem E. Reeves. Property pointed out by D. S. Priutup, plaintiff's att’y. Atso, one negro girl by the name of 16 yeoro old—levied upon as tha property of Sherod Mathis to satisfy 2 fi las one from Floyd Superior court in favor of Alfred B Coulter vs Sherod Mathis, the other from Floyd Inferior court and in fuvor of A. A. Anderson & Co, vs Sherod Mathis. Property out by defendant. B5 barrels corn, more or less, 1 ox .wagon, 9 pork hogs, 5 stacks of fodder, 1 pen of shucks, 15 acres standing cotton, 6 stock hogs, 1 blsck filly 3 years old, 5 cows and calves, 2 head of dry rattle, 1 dress ing Bureau, 1 clock, I work stand, ard twenty-five head of sheep; together with other property too tedious to mention; levied on by virtue if an attachment in favor of Sloan & Hawkins vs Jnn es Berry. Sold by order of the Hon. John H. Lumpkin, Judge of the Superior conri of said county of Floyd Oct. 31,1851. THOS G. WATTERS, D. Sh ff. STATE OF i „ -Floyd County. Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1851. Present their Honars'Wiu.Mu Johoto.n, F. I.,Sun J.IVAN and Wir.Lizst T.. Prick, Jostices^of said Court. TO ALL TO WHOM ITMA Y CONCERN, YTTHEREAS Jesse Lamberth, Administrator on TT the Estate of John Reynolds, late of said coun ty, deceased,'applies for Letters of Dismission from the Administration of said, estate— Therefore, the kindred nnd arcdlfors of said deceas ed, are heroby cilrd and admonished to file their ob- -jectiops (if any they have) in my office, in terms of the Law, otherwiae.Letten DismlsaOry will ba granted tho applicant at the January Term, Minutea of tha court nt Ordinary for said county. By order of the Court. July 7th, 1951. - JESSE LAMBERTH, o. o. o. TO BENT. Sept. 18,1851 or Col. D. B. l’RINTUF. EXECUTOR'S SALE- A GNEEABLY loan order of tho honorable the Ul Inferior iCourt of Floyd comity, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first tnes- duy in Januniy.iiext, before tho Coitll House door in tho City of Rome, within the usual hours ofsalo a tract or parcel of Land, containing one Hundred and nighty nores of Lund, known ns tho place whore on William Champion, deceased, formerly lived, lying on Big Cednroreek. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. - M. L. COLBERT, Ex’i. Oct. 31, 1331, . FACTORY YARNS. W HITE and Striped Osnaburghs. for sale by the Bale at Factory prioes. McrohaiaM are invi ted to examlno the goodB Aug. 21- F. Ml ALLEN, Ageut. NOTICE. T HE Copartnership existing herotolbre between Ell & W. C. Denson having boon dissolved by mutual consent, tho business will bo continued at the old Stand, by W. C. Denson, who will soltlo tha business 01 tho Firm. ELI DENSON. Rome, Oct. 23,1651. W. C. DENSON. W . C . DEN SON, I S now receiving a full supply of Dry Goods and Groceries, to whloh ho would invite the atten tion of his customers and the public generally, us is detetmlncd toseflns low as any houso intbeolty. F OUR months after dale application will be made tot' " — - — „ the honorable the Inforlor court of Floyd ooun ty, when sitting ns a court of ordinary, for leave to oell nll the reel estete belonging to the estate of Wil* Horn Champion, latoof Floyd county,deceased, July 10, 1851. M. L. COLBER1 WO. HAMM.. A RE now receiving a large and extensive stock XX. of heavy goods nt the Now Briok Btoro oppo site the Kail Road Depot, consisting in pnrt, or su gars Coffees, Teas, Liquors, all kinds Rope, Bas ing, Soil. Don, Molasses,, candies, Nails, Soap, Jtaroh.'oandles, Negro Blankets nnd shoes, Mice, Tobacco, Segnrs, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, conking and Parlor Stoves, and a thousand other articles whloh thoy Invite Merchants and Planters to call and seo as they can purchase Goods nt Augusta prices with freight added. Rome, Go., Ootohei 17,1851. NEW FIRM. JOHNSON & WOOD, At the Masonic Hall Building, A RE now receiving direct from tiro New York market, a large stock of New Goods of almost every description. Cloths, easslmers; satinets. Tweed cloths, jeans, R.nd nearly every, description of domestic and stanle Goods ] kerseys, blankets, wool, fur and moleskin Hilts } ft largo assortment of Men’s and Boy’s cap's; heavy und fine boots and slioes; Ladies* fine kid guitor nnd all kinds $f heavy shoes; Ladies’ fine dross goods for winter nnd fail; figured aud striped ndplins j Bloomer plaid, print ed d’laines, watorea brocade, thin nnd figured ala- pacas, black alapaeas and ennton cloths, and inn* ny other styles not here mentioned. Blaok mantil la silk, fino black and figured dress silks; nil colors; mantillas, visettes and shawls* \ *lr Also, a heavy stock of Groceries—stighr,. coffee, molnsses, cheese, iron,salt, Bnggingana'rope win dow glass,linseed, sperm, lamp and train oil. which we offer at the lowest pripos foe cash, we reepecl- fully solicit your attention to our stock and ask you to give us a call. . - October 17, 1851 \ Process to Ferfeot Seivtaa Georgia, Floyd Comity, To the Sheriff of said county—Greeting, The Central Bank of Georgia ) vs. ) Assumpsit.’*,. Tha Western Bank of Georgia. ) l ] 1HE defendant is hereby required personally orby JL attorney to be and appear at the next Superior Court, to be hold Inand for said county, on the third Monday in Jan miy next, then jmd there -to' answer the plaintiffs demand in an notion of assumpsit, *o, as in default of such appearance said Court will, pro ceed as to justice shall appertaitif WiTNEiw, the Hax- unMa John H. Lumpkin, Judge of said Court. This 9th day of October, 1851. A. B. 11088, Cl'k. GUARDIAN’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the .eXlnferior court of Chattooga county, wlien sitting ns. a court of ordinary, will lie sold before the Court House door in tho town of Summerville, Jit said county, on tho first Tuesday in January next, with in the legal hours ol sale, the land whereon K Slory formerly-resided; it being u part of Lots 1 99,100, 117 and 118, all in theOthdistiiei.sf section, containing .90. acres, more or lessir No 164, in the 6th distriot and 4rl tliroo-fiftlis of Lot No. ,64,,in t L - a 4th section. Sol'J M tbe juoj* Lunatic, foz I -JS22 8 '