Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, May 20, 1852, Image 1

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'’tiiE'CouhW \ lars.por atmnnr’irflMil'In tid'vnntM f.TWDbt lars and Fifty Gents if paid wlfhlnsix moqths, ^»^i^iDpy»rsi»j|5M»qshdtflfttb«OTnMt - ♦ 7sW eraM 1 '-j-kft-.W -<Jt Vi it, a a 01 e*p*>m*t*i*Qii*»i was a fa* Wa aCafwittM&'stfy 'tilt F> tua MtiitiWioi top |>\ ilia* .tjitftvsjfc'i VI.. ,<isfs»<vw-> ifti* fcrjoviri -awl m mni* ini) umivektin', V* Iqi .tob-SY *.’ty,'u«Oe,..f*,u wbiv« wmsmm TOefttftBlK aams,^fifiEgB^; «pl*l «*ti *?jf CTS^^ fd»'*** ■fi\ * <pk SpViiijr>5 S»8 UOl ‘ , WHOLESALE AND IlKTAJh.DEADER IN ¥A*rfO'S •& PATTON, • ATTORNEYS AT LAW,, -t<1 ni N*,p>Vr SonferOSpHti** 1 .W™' 1 afcJUltt-BraoUflA Jn Blithe counties of thoOhel okoo Circuit ■ Sc|)U 5,1850. D AeNdHTL.'8-. .PRINT UB,w4; Agent for tlie Southern Mataal Insurance «>< i •■• • Company at-Romc, (la. ■. vnl q!: -Insures ngninst ISbsTby-FIre.’’' Alio Llvdapf ^ uin^iLaVulf 1 asii'WiiBo.’' •*.-• 1 '•* IMW »L A M I L K H O U S L, vi >i«M- fftt-’iiifc iS f'lf'f •If* Mjl t -BATfllNtf ilOOMS'ATTAOHED. - -oiMn&nn Oct. 0 lHfjl, - ' '■ • ■' 1 '.-■ pjvtt’iu^ * ■/ ■ ?£** 1 x-»-....-. a•- rSteu'vf# » r.,.c ■• -*ri '• -■ * 'd )•'-! vc»a®W\^t :''*dd*^Phr-Yo «tl» ».-• ni .<4sa“dQ J .ICwMt O "J1 ox.n*;il j. itU .^ria*iai-Vf ,»«?*) fl i tstir^ **•»' *irf • j. lV *J .s ,71 .tnfl , U»tM#8 ‘ ! fjrM si? ‘-aflUvnn ou(l «| { •9km trd JiJ.f fxffwtt ^ a f t r i). In icutlaud, inhabited 6U4 S67 1 ; nnlutmbiuxl, t84,867; ibfllldingc 2.760; “Initlib;lB|and8-pf the British Swus, 70,160 inhabited, 806tttn- .inhabited, and 220> biiildiiigr cGtUnd’ tWala; •fot t(jo jvliolo ofQrcnt Britain, 0,-104.0071 in- 4»WlwluM8W i t#nlnh»ldj»d;8Q,«ai;4)ttild-: ingi altogether. 8,008,079.holisolAn; Bnglatid ia divided-jnto^flfty-two counties, twelvo of width belong tfi Vales. - The coun- ' " ’'iWSmJlJnin-t Alta iwJav The Old Farm Oata. bv bioiiabd-cok. • ?■ iI.Vo.YO !:and oapass it by,. ;, . •JBth h*!gh In my breast audio tear4n my . Cy°» A Ve 4Ti.J‘-t-V1 ’i*- -* vjj Asbncltward I-gaie on the-days that aro twelve of width belong Ui Wales ' --past, ‘ ‘ ' ^ •* .. llosor^Orthninborlah'dtyorteW dhlrnyllfo wis'yohngahd my spirit elite In the time that I dwelt l by tliueldfann gate .x« .dt-SMaf Odl>v-Tr.«te./ ; «a<t«fuatfl? oiV 1 *' How oft havol tnountcd that oldgato astrldo, With n ropo and a stick, : for n* frolicsome ride £•* * tr. *Vh • w ;--n -.■ »t\a n jija*’.* And) when It ■ would: open .with I slow- gSntlO i. . Ibrec, r , rfit..- I - ,-jm.ial *v .,m, • ; "flool whoa!” would ory to my mimic horsol Who ao mprry^T^s Itajrlcesly sgto ,0n t^o iirpad,to^.ost Tail blithe, old fla m :r-,-|«»!Sl.O dtVf,; . v ;u . Atii-by titm's wo #o'n1d-rfSt oh' a ‘'rcai llve . horse” 1 *** Wo called bis harao l Haven," so black wa* Ids' ; ;»->glosa |< - -,■! ukn'V h**r r ■ ■ ; •*? iltd. And our plnmp.lltiloptiny,'4<rfrolicnnd wild tWhen ho earMed o!man, -whsnevorho mild IfhO-know my swbiit alstor.' tho purt little •Rate, ”4? Was te ride on hts back ftom tho old &rpi • gate. Uh1 i/.aK »in\vSts> „• : Dm ll.qUiSE, ,;B,i BABRStt. BlltPt^fi^tthmii, Stt , ii> A !: t.*rV fi 8it -t j - ^wadt-1 net trmdl ■ FACTOR A N- 1)V cp l'S S.LO^N | vs 4 Ohaftoston^.^P^.^ouHi' Cardllnii:' r.'-Apr|| 1, 1862. ” ' ■ ' ■ ■ ■ . - SCRE ( VEN & HARRIS, , '• '^ATTOiInEYS AT-L AW 1 , tNo; 09 Bay'Sired,', . wit ri.ISutsMl CM. aditlN sfalomivset, l .. o; ut u*anis.. 'mZOtr m 11 JWW A- ‘HAVER* srioisA | - ; DftU G G I 8 T ,■ 101 Uwad Street, : - Socinnan. Go, ^.;tl.y.44.q8Sl-sN r.rJ ■••••,•'•*■• r.lf.a V n»Wtani‘P-ii— andOommiaiJon Buatneaa. '.«,ta !»-.» OIUM.GV k-*0»i‘ «» ’ -' '_ (bUM-ni* -M Milcon$ Go. # is' tCODFREV, OliSLEY k CO., ‘hevla'nd,‘ljdncasfer hid'SVeslnfdre\oTid aro Vtry firokertVand hit'much bftlio'shrfacocan Be'etiltIVatcd. The rcmalhlng' portion .Is said- • to-be rieh-nrid-lovel. Tt is estimated ^hat About' J i(inu-lotiliis of the’ chtli-o Burfhco of ‘Eflgliibd ii’auscoptfbld^ of liljago. ’Jlr.' Mc- Colldcir 'sayS, that jbout twelvo millions of aoros arft. opitivpted in England, rat, follows:. Wheat, 8,890,000 acres, llnrluy nnd, Ryo, 900,- 000, Oats, nnd Beans, 3,000.000. C|ovyr, X ,?.90,- QOO, ffufidps niidiPotaiocs, 1,800,000, Oops and Gai-dan products. 100,000, Fallow, J 050,- 000. Tils same writer, estimates the annual crops -to bo worth <£72600.000. Ild alio cal culates ' IT,009 000 itCrCs ofpastnro- land ns producing- Xu!) 000,000.; England - has ma ny valunblepublio dorks.; The flrstrailrjj'ad. that wnsoyer.bullt,.wnalprilt In England. - It wgs the Stockton & Darlington Ruilroad,and was completed September 10th, 1820. Thero are many Industrious and thriving cities in all purts of. Britain... LumUm ls the Cnpitul of lljp-Kingdom,:and-is ,tbO iargest City in tho E’nrp)ro^ situated on the .banka of the ;Tlmmes t in iho counties of Middlesex and iijtof.thu City,ut - Loudon. The he rrn, pud tho wyltoy Is apprised tliat Its romov- 1 1 has boon proposed. Tho qld - Royal Ex- liango was burflt down several years ego, atpl now Eschangc has hren lmilt on (lie spot, ^o Baul; of England is situated near tiro Eg-' liungo. Tho. hulljlings ,wcro eopiplotcd.ln 1 j88, und.epycr. an gpte^alraUtjBliht acres. The histllutipp vvng.p,'quoted by. Wl|iiimi- jp. torson. a Scotchman,'and received itsclmrte.-- of Incorporation on tlm 80th of July, .1094, .with a capjtal of xl,209,000, ‘ which inm was lent nt interest tp .the government of Wijljam apd Mary, attlfotlnvb In astatoofembarpiss- inent. "At its very onset, therefore," says Or, Oliamhvrs, tlio Bank of England was an. ongluo ofgoverj)mehf p and in a lesser, or grea ter degree',, it has enjoyed', t)l(s, fcharnclpr tjirovigh all the stagcs ofUs subsequent histo ry. According (pits,ohartcr, Its.manngomoiit Is committed tea Governor,:Liuutenant-Oov- .ornpr, and,t\venty.foav Blrcctore, elected by stocklvolders who have held X800 of stock six tho election. - \A Divector is loqulred to. hold X2,000, a Deputy-Gover nor, X8,000, n Governor, x-1,000 of capital stock. At Oral tho charter of tho Bank; was for only eleven -years, hbt in co'nscqucnco of tlie great services fC.tho IiisUuhlon; lo lhe government, its charter lias, at various times,' been renewed^ Tlie oiiglnul slock ofxl.200,- 000 pas' been augmented at various tjines, tili in 1810, it leached. X14,503.000, upon which the stock holders drew dividends,. The pi uflts pf tlio bank arise fi um imflloin bullion, .'Zstir; And. ifwol wero happy ms happy could bo, Little Ti'owle^ I'm suro. was ns happy ns - "'i Wo wept when lie died, and .wo laid-.him,in H t stature-; - l*o# fwfl wdrasol «mO { Atthe toot of the tree by tlie old torm gato. Long- botoro' wo-grew up hiy kind tothcr died,_ ■ r»* And soon nly dear .mother Wts < laid by' bis sidoj Ttien Tommy; and next my sweet-little- sis ter; '• ,*i 4A i Old how tvii did Weep as we bent o’er’nnd < kissed tier! ^ - ' • ' 1 1 nd.WilUb wjijlijive it Jio qaw.llttla.Kc(«, > ass homeward to God tUroiigli.tliu old farm gate). ]*y . - . riovojtll lo.vadlland etlllpasait-byt. - With a sigh lulrnybi'east and a tear ln <tny o.vD* - ; •• il;v-'3 Aii backward I gar.o on tho days that aro past; ft And-wonder if I may yet rest ntent l*st With father, and mothjr/,and".sweet little LiiltWifftai Iini'liiiiiilinbu - T iteW fit ■ In the cliurcliynrd, baykof the old farm gate Surrey, qnd within a,dav’sdomsiey of thii.-dlvuoiinii,ur.nC-mi!«--iou—--uwiaiimgcSi r. #.B.k tt,.WEKU, OrtersandDoaloroin Hardware,Najls&p. W ,10* BliTTER AYR tllEESBEMFOBIlB..... 11YBEABOIUN, UQQDALLr8AVAsNN.AU. ‘.Miis. jKjvKObBSAiiB-OBAitSn 'N* R.iUtr and.’ Cheese, Dlrjoct. from Goshen, . ;--W- _ K 2.17 a. I.nlv I . n.vuvt’tl Ifnnpiinlf 4 .ii.Bqu'i^ayoimqh. J.J, ^B^IIattcorkpq; i^M ^ . BEIIS k FOSTER, ,, Faotors and Commleslon Morohanta, , , . . ■RfJlSklteRKHWra. 1 ^' ■« Nnv.ntriasi. • • ,-iy* .■t";"--* - LYOT k REED,; ' ' ~ Hi A - •WfflfflK’DfiSffs in nv w. wottem. jjjsi C,ojumcrc|*l anditnanufacturing. inter- c’stj of.Qrcat Bcitaip aio. ve-ry extensive, and friim tlie vkjil of lier woiitnien,. and froni the supoiior character of.lier machinery..aiidby economizing'iif time,, she pnduy'es a better •quality, and larger.amounts of manufactur ed fakHcs'thah any natloh no better situated, with i-esitect tetke prtidiiction of Ihe falv nia- teflal.’’ 1 The manufacture' of cotton WHIP mikt 'extensive nnrl'glVe emplOTHielit fo nne-tAurth of Hie' indnsh'InVpdpnlallmt ol llld cnipiro.— Tho muni,nr of people at Work-in Its various departments' (fncdhing..bleneliers,. spjnnors. and wcavijpi,’d «|hl)hj|,an^pt\ivn ‘MB iq.iliis tyrnnch oitliu.Etripilo “'.'E.F.WOOilktlO. WIIOLCSAl.E AN l » BETA' 1 ''llBAnEltS IN <W i a BOOTS AND SHOES.' 1 •A’,.*. 91 anU \M,.Gibtmm WeMinff,;-near tie M irket.Signof the Large BMt,l)avaimfih. <ja. .. jNuv.41,1851.. ... -dy. , .,xR a* sM - Savannah, &a\ Nb b. Mi, VA.CAi.SWEU; , | TJ.nomniTS' I SAM.h.bunAT, l<t ‘ " CARSWELL, ROBERTS k CO. : ■MbSofaanil Oonoral Commission Merohanta. Cl Bay 'stfiels; ' Savanrlati] da. d««V.nF:1851.' «*» ---w; ,. PETER 0. TUOillS, J^rtaWlWoiigs^iWf^«|i.fPk®« AmBery ■Orders Mtn'JoO, Bay SI. Doors. , „ .1 ^ : Savannah, Ga. tho country prompUy.^it- “ Tebms: Cash. . • SZZ' „ YO.YliE k ODES. ■ Faotors and Oommiasion Merchants, _ r- 11 JVo'93’, B ’y Shtet\ Savannah.' K«d Wilt attend promptly to whatever business STeinay bc eonlided to them. - ‘ - ■•■'-' • ‘ k-7i 1851, . v ^ ' YOPOE. . | W. ODEN. MX La > CHARLES. 11. SMITH, l , . ■ A T.T O R N E Y A T-.Ii.A W , j. r .Romo, Georgia., s , P ' ( Col. NX. iluTcHiNs. Lrtwrcnccville. r t0 ) Hon. Hines Hol.T'Coluiiitai'Ga, eB.Y6'1861.- *• ROBERT FID XL A Y, tHP*®* 13 "mancVAt'.TuaEa op Seam Engines, Boilers, Mnelilncry, kc, AND IIEACBIUN jit LL STONES of every description. Steam nw Mills, Circular and.Straight, put up in iiperibf stylb. : . Mnctmi--August.21.1861. .-■■■-• . yVasiibcrx, WILDER k CO. , toraand ComirilBsiori Merohantfl, ‘ Ciits'oTtlic Brig Lino of Xew York rf " ‘ ’ " - • ' SaihAi'rih/da; . HnSRe liberal ndTOneesbn'pridnco 'cbn- “ gale. , 0flicc 114 Bay Street,.opatof d In,tuo shnps ) are,now estimated pt ,760 000. Tlie amount of enpltdl ii|vested i of .tins inamifact«ving.,ipteveKt tripjrq is veekoned at about. £40 000.- 000. and the total value of iho goods annually produced, Is lid between,x3fi0ppT 000 and X40,000 000. Tho raw material is generally shipped frgmijSgypt, Aniorlcn; nnd tho East Indies. The Chief seats of Manulac- turo of cottongoods-are-Maitcliester, Glasgow, and Palsiy. Tlio IninieOsc amount of looms iind spiiulles at work in those oltlcs.'fbrhi the chief astOnishniont of visitors. - “According.'to p»por published o-tow years ago by the .Board of Trade,"-says'Dr. 01iaml)uf'»“ thtro were -in-the EmpIre at' largd, l25-2 'Cotton Factories at wtirk, and-42 empty. Bihcb tlio period Of' wJiloli estimato, more, havo, been erected. It has boon calculated that there am at least 10 000 OOtTorsplndlcs and lOQ.OOO power loums lu tlio Uiilled, Kingdom. Tlio principal part of wool inanufacturqd in iho United Kingdom, !'s_ imported from Germany and tlie Australian Colonies, anil was the flint kind of', manufacture carried on in Epglaud. Tlio value, of woolqii.godds manufactured in pnej-ear, is estimated to bo about G,0Q0 000 of pounds Steriiu'g. .Tills kind pr manufac ture js principally karriecj on in tlio Ngrtli and West ef England, and in. Galashlqfs'ln Scotland.- Tiio v manufaoturo of silk goods lias boon carriod on for a long period. , Tlio French flrst introduced it into tho enuptry In tlie fltleenth century. About xlO.000,000 worth of - siik' Is;,inamif4etui'od In one year, mod give employment to 800,000 work pooplo. .It la manufactured extensively In Manchester, PnlsleyrGlasgow, and: in Spltalflolds Ip Lon- '^Lentlior is manufactured extensively also. In 1830,,tiere were jiiiported into tlie'coun- (i-y O OOO.dpO ofki'l and Inuib sliris.' Tliq vs- tiqidto of the' tuuhuikctured artfinds in one year, eupii as . glpvcs, saddlery, boots nnd shoos. Js’ Xl.5 000,000. Enrtiicmvare Cl:inn Soutlioin of Britain, . il'reclseiy on •tlio. spot, nil pro Loudon noyv stands, tlio Ro mans built n city eighteen linndred yenrs ago and has, ever sinoe I hat period boon tlio. sent of a busy and InSnstrltras population.— The wall which anciently enclosed tho City, has been removed, tii allow bffnfther 'expan sion, id o tlio adjacont fields! Reeonlngby a o.ntimibus lino of lionses,' thu wliolo] nie- tt-opOlis is said to extended in length'neai-ly eight -miles,- aqd in breadth' six or seven, and Q’compacted fo eovdr an atoa oYnboiit tliiity-'flvo squarc mlles. Owing to (lip scarcity .of stone' In England, many of tlio cities aro hnilt of brick. Loudon is said tn'li'6 d iriclt iiiili /own, "To a stran ger it appears to consist of an liitoi mlnablo se ries of strootsi of ihodoratb widlli, composed of dingy rbd-'brick holisos, vvliieh are cora- mnnly fo.llr'stoflos'in helglit nnd-.scldom feis thaii' three. ' Tlio'greater portirin of tlio dwellings are small. They nre'mere slips'of buildings, containing In most instances; only ■tlvo small rooms oh tlio floor onb behind the Other, and an wooden stair with balustrades froni bottom (if tho limiso. It Is only in tho hiorefdslilonobto districts of the town that ■the houses havo sunk' areas' with railings; tfl rail'the busy partrthey' stavirl -close upon the pavements so that-trado may bo cbniliict- ed with llie utinosJ.facHity and convenience. Every, sticct possesses a smouth flagged pnve- inent'at tho side flit"foot iws-eugei-s, wliilo the central pav* 8 ofthb tlioroiiglifures ar.u.<auso. wayeii w|th square, hard stones, or paved in some oilier way, equally siii.ted to enduro Qio prodigious, tear and wear: created .Jby the horsps and vcliicles |»issing qlpog them.’! Tlie ground stories of many of i ho bouses, in the central and other -principal Streets pro used ns slions or w-pn^lionses. .When retail t.ralUe i. the ol\jccl, the.wliuio front Is gener ally formed Ipto .dopr and iviudqiy,. exhibit thq gqods to tlio best ad vantage tp tlio ,passpngci;s. . Thu exhibition of goisls in the London simp windows, is onb of (lie greatest wonders of the place. ~ Everything vvJiic-Q tho fancy mm imagine, or the Appetite deslni, ap pear (hereto be cobgregatc'd. "In wlihtCybr way’the eye is turned.” remarks a cblbbl-tUed writer, ‘.'ihiaoxtraordinary amount orincrcnn- tilo wealth is strikingly observable; ,eyvn in whafmppoar mbseure. alloys.or copifs; the sbundancc.of goods is/omid to.ho on a gtpa- . Mwcitna t® jt^';'. Tho following maxims to marry by, ad- drcssed to a single gentleman, nrn copied, fl-om n Very old nmUbor of Blackwood, prlnt- odibblongvago tliat/bltl -.(Kit -North*. AnVist hrfrt berfri somellrinjfoft boauvhktho tiibo -ho-wtott ttiiirf b’V / i “Nbw’ln making-ranrringo, as. in mnklng lore—and'indeed in making most -othor things—the beglnnlngls the difllbuity; But the French provoib nboitt beginning—'O’ost io premier pns qul etwle'—goes moip lltornlly to the 'nrrnngcntoiitbf mnrringo jlas our -Eng lish well lllnstrntos thn'cohdltloh of lnvo— ‘Thq first step oyer, the rest easy-’ Because, the marrying nfTalr, it Is jm'rltculai-ly the "flrst step’ that 'costs’—as to your cost you wlllilnd ; if Iho stop happens to go tho wrong way. And most mon.' when they ; go about tho btislnoss of. wedlock, owing to siiuo strange dclnslom ’bcgln tlio nfliilrat tho wrong ond.—They toko a (Uncy to tlio wldfo arms— (sometimes oniy to this khl gloves)—or to tbo neat ancles of it peculiar iciiool girl; And, cohdudo from tlio premises, that she Is jiist. the vory woman of tlio world to scold d house- fill ofservants.-mid tobringtf n dpEcji ciiti- dreii! This Is a convenient dbdnctton, hut not always n sdfo one. “White arms and neat ancles, bring odd, tiatiirklly, at tbo very important' con sideration ofbonnty. For doh’t qiitipbscr'lib- causc I caiilibn yon ngninst dll dny-dtsnblll- ties, tlidt X want to' tlx you with n Worthy breafura wlibiu lt will mdko you oxtrerholy 111 evury time yon look' nt. For tho'stytd of riraUuTsdy n'hdri'dsoiUo’flguio^lf yoiT ^iJHT gct;botll ddvarttngos—is better than a mero- (hrouglibut the' Slate amt country lcainwhal other fanners aro doing, and'it they hnveJnipvovumenls, learn whnt tlmy nre, and ndqpt tiieqr.,; This is tlio greatest need of tho fanner,: r li ■ | d - .-.-J.T,Ja ;-'oOd}Wtatedth • if will tie gratifying; no dobbt, to the friend* licinnilng. two buttons ojftho waist’ rants; jjrhdVs to bo done 1 * How provoking t is to SCO those married people looking so sdf-sallsfled and consequential, nt tlio liend of tlicir families, ns if tjicy bad dono tlio State a grent service; Why. ns to cliUdrcn,, tliV’y,aro ns plenly ns flics in August, and about ns troublesome; every alloy, nndjeourt, anil gnrro.t are snnvming with, 'em; tliby’ro no rarity, and nny poor miserable iyretchsan got Awlfiv-ropdugh of them, 'too,. , ,.. . , suclins t|icy are. It’s enough fo scare a man )trbpo "d chntigc; and that Imincdi.ilidy llicrc- to deatii to tbinU howmiiClr it'costs to keep after propo-als will 1.-: received for tlio grad- .. : i .-„. ^hohr- Inc. We.mtt'dmfIn•'fewAmnili*bow. rtm onO Young folks havo to'begin now ,yhoiyi. Ing. ' Wo ttettlistin a f:\viiionths now, tho tliolr fathers nnd molliora loft off.' ‘SUks anil 'oldli(lls- ; n?oiina CnssVtllS' wlll rc-bclib thb • • ’ . ■ < ' t.* • ■ « J-.-i'V'.AAlci t.l.i. satins,-ribbons' apd velvets, ftiaWera^and soiiiidbftlibstMntwlt|stIo>dstlioerglnotakc: flowW^cuir-iilus, bracelets,' gliji-dracks'and b Vlotv ofotirVliiagb.' (bi ; de-rols; np(l thoi'o’s no^jielp for it in tiiy 'niUe 'Standard. •' .easd, for if I married n woman'I loved, and ’ *' tiiodoai-littlo tiling should ask nid for my scalp, 1 should giyo it to her, 1 know I should. Then there's.tho tapestry,. carpets, mirrors, nn(l sofas, mid ottomans, ami damask our- taips and pkitnros r and (you must l<jok. at ,| 1|[llwalaul T .. tbo subject in nil 1U bearings), llttlo, jackets, ^ wtt iyQoat,.Uo,fqnnd to.his astonishment nllowunco for managing tlio public debt In 1832, tlio net profits of tlio board was Xl 189 027, after pdying.tbo Internal onibo capital stobk invested. Tlio annual dividend fy pretty face. Good byes are a'jiblnt hover which tjiebmilt deciaves, varies ftom flijp to to bo bVcrlookod," .Flno tooth—lalij Well prb- ; - - —w. a 11 ten per Cent: “In 1797, whoa the bank found Itself uiiablo (o meet a run made upon It for gold for its notes, tlio government suiniuaviiy protected it jioin bankruptcy, by issuing an, order tliat Bank of England notos ooniidered n legal, tqndef; conse quently. lira holders of notes at too timo wore, by forco of Jaw, rotosed thejr value In casli; This extraovdinary state pfaDUirs, frith yail- ons modifleations, lasted ll|l 4821, wlien cash payments w ero resumed, bietqtwhlto the notes of lira bank, from not being represent- tlvea, of specie wero considerably depreciated in nominal valuo.; So great uas llit deprecia tion at dne tlpic, tliat (our pound notes would have becngivoninoichange fortbreo guineas. I promised, in the commencement , of this conuuuniemion, to say something eonceniiag tlie pecnliai ilies of London, Bristol and Bur- luingliam-all important- cities, and filled with enterprising, active, auil industrious pop- ulniion; but us tho eoinniunication has beau extondod greatly beyond its original design, I bring it to u eloso, with the piomlse to say sonrallili.g abuut Bristol and Bormiligliam in a future number of lli-B paper. Dii‘1 Ttrtr.i, (la. Oertificato for' the Cure of Brokon Down ’,’ ’!’ . Mopeights, Read tub Docusibnt.-—Wohnvoofion t:-(cd ■In our (bublo w ay.snys tbo Boston Transoript, to inuke tlio iieoplb of tlils city' uhderatnnd tho benefits tq lib deri ved by giving publicity to tlielr-buslness, through llio,mudlnm of lira Press.' It will curb broken down, wenk. sick ly bh-iiless men—^nvo more lives than, were ever sa*cd,by alUle medicines over sojd— taking Alio certificates of-idbotora, -and dreg- gists tor true; bitti-end the'doeumdUt. tlEAn TjiE Testimony.—In iho.year 1S10 stm trtl’biisliiess ill tbo city orBostojvwph cash ,cniiUaV pf86 000, and a gooil fair credit. Hiircd me a good store at a moderate rent, Applied myself !ndnstri raQ,vt6;iny business. I|11812 -I took mi acepuut of stock, nnd found tlial,Iwn$ ®3,000woi-soofl^thaAvvIran I-bo In riry stbeklngs‘, blaok eyes,'curly liair, i all and straight ns a cedar of "Lebanon! j ter scale llian.|ii any prpvincif 1 town.'’ There of my business, and I was , blit little known, f^ibaWlroimilyj^.oaO tewi»4MtfW»$ ~ ' ^ and.eaehqtreQtliasndhrtbicl.iiaura;-. The publip.tboiidiogs about Lopdon arc numerdus^nnd very:bxp.en8lve.y TheXobnoco LpndQii-isLorlargost eover'cd' building In lira-world, •. It q^cttohnf no. less than' five acres qf ground,- nud lias accomtnodatipn tov-24,0001hogshearls: pf.tobacep. -Tlra sight of.thls.pxtram'dieary i)Varohphso, andiofthe yvine vanlts. is ;palculated to convey lira iupst -magnifleient ooneeplipus pfBrltish.comiuereo. Tbo vaults are arched with brick anil extend in one direction inac'oiitiauous lino about a mile In length, with divorglng linos also of great lohgtii', tho wliblu'hcfiig'iiku tlio.^trects of ii 'tiiwn under grom(d.“ ATdpg thb slitos aro' arrahged pipes of wluo tonn'mnonht apparent ly rvlthont- limit. 1 Thero is accommodation for 66 OOOpfpcs.’ - Tiieso cellars being daik, all wiioentqr and go through them entry ltglits. ItlmngbtI-would another yeflri My citdlllirs - add’ friends rcPbrnnietlided lliat I . an Pligihc comiiaiiy, bolh which,! did, and|n 1813, I again topk'ae- count of my affairs nnd found Hint If I could Bell my stock out nt tlio. niarkcd; prices, should’ lack just ,$1000 of 'having money enougli to pay my debts. I liadn nolo against -oiie of tho brothers in the church tot which, some said was : good; this would t» ducc my indebtedness, that amount,^—but * nover paid it. .To make a long story short, I failod—burst np—wont to smash—nnfl all niy friends and creditors pronounced mb tt mined man, and to make it sure, they turned me. out of the elHiretf in 1816,1 contrived to get a little money, with wlilchT bought a tow goods, "got soiira bills and. cards printed, and sent them to every cue X could think of— lira con. Admissioh.jHny bit had.fij 1 procuring on prdoT sequence was, they began to como in mid from ajwlno merchant, [o taste and examine any piiies'lio' may have- in bond,-. A-cooper accompanies tliU visifyr: to pierco tl^o'basks. Besides,tliis large vault MMoj|principally con tains port, tliuro aro other vaults «for Freueli wines, &e. Tlra various doek* are llratpro- perty of joint ennipanids, who re’cqivd, vents and.dues of various kinds for their use. Tlie CustoinTlousOi in London, was built in 1814, on tlra spot where tlra old one was destroyed by lire. nnil isiliK) fedt-long 00 feet wido, and 60 feet hightho .numberraf pbrsohi employ-' .erlin it, amouula tonliont 2000. - :, -TlraTower.of Loddun stonili on!an obscure and low. nltuatiup,_ and was formed imllffdi- ateiy,nflcr (iiL^Norihan coiiquest, by tyiHimn, tbu.eouquoror. It. is separated from |he nar row and confined streets of lira city, by lin'dpPn spacedf ground 'called Totver Hill. It issltu- uted on tljo N<ii tb liifuk df tbe .Tirapjes; and is an assemblago of towers mid. edlflcea.*- 1 - Qne’en ■ Eliaabqlh-had Mary, Qllr'cn of Scots, beheaded ’in' t^ls Tower." riiQho Tower (ire kept large stoi(:s.,of flre-ariua, equip 160 000 men—a largo collection of chn- pon boiijg t'rojthies in war.Che horse,army he- ing'ihlo'st ihtcresthlg'qoll.tction ofsuits of 1 fqan.n'n'flglires,' ’arjll (Ha ermvii and q' s)|iiU iWoynUy'. 'Fwr(ar seeing tliq-Arindry, At tradft a little. I continued to push the cards and hilia, muTnlsti td ndvdrtlse In tlio newspa pers. ailn customers came in from all parts tlio country. 1 sooti had to enlarge my stoic, nnd I now do a bigger business limn any man bn the street. I keep up my ddvorlls- ing, and my business keeps increasing. I lmvc got 815 000 invested in good stocks —I own tlio* hbuso I lire in, and it is worth $7600—niy goods arc ail paid tor, ns I buy for cash, and sell for Saab—and I liavo i«iid off ail my oHFdebts ofl818. This I attribute to your inValnnldo renicdy to an mihcnldiy business, brietting tlio public know u lint yon aro doing, Sdirivhdt you want to do tUrougli the press.' lr this certillcato will " bo (ho mcmis of saving olio iioor man iiluated as was seven years ngo, my object is accomplish - ed. i C. SiMnp. Jr. (£g“ ‘Molin'," Inquired a domlnlo of a hopo- fiil pbpil, "wiiatisa nailov'1" “A maii who makes nails,” snid John, ' "Very good. AVIint'isU tailor 1" ■; : "Oira'wlib mhkb’S tails:’ 1 ’ -“0. you stupid-tolloiv," said the dominie, bit ing ilia lips, "a fnnn wlib makes tails 1 “Yes, master,-returned John, “if tliot« ’(HiTitot pbt lolls fo 'thd coats ho made, thoy ’Wbfild'bc in-JacketsI”-' ; ' ! ’ “ ■'■"" bord’ Etsklhu Vpcakiiig of animals; licsitaL irartloncd llmbs^don’t cast tlicsd 1 away tor the sake Of it single touch'of tlio' smalt poSj a mouth sombthing too'wide; or dimples rather deeper oh one sldo than ilra other. "It may at sotoo'iiuib, be a mnltor of con tldovatidn, Whether you almll mhrry a m’ahl-br a widow. ' As-to tho tasto, Imysolf w!il ; give no opinion—t like both; und (here nrb-ad- yanlagos pecullar tooltlier. Ifyoiimnriy a •wMotv, I thiifk it should bo ^no whbm yp'u- tmvo known In ihu lifttltao'of hor husbanff 1 , bcenuso, then art aeta W posit—form somo notion of wlratyodr owti \ylll ho. Ifiiorhus- bnndls dead btKbhe you kpbW- hori yoti blid better bo . dff 'nt oneo (r .bdcauld sho' kiioiva (llicjadelj What you will like', tboUgh. slio novor mcana tb; and, dopObd' uirah- It, If you lined only ofin inch of pcn&anl, trust yoursOlf-to look at her throo tlnioa; are ijckled toacortninly. ‘ ,; “ W “Marryln^gfrls'is a tiled matter alivayaj tor they are ns cautious as ct-Uivs plundering a cornilold. You may‘stalk’ for a work, .and nover-got nbaf tlroiri unpcrcdlveJ. 'Yotniear tlio cntorwaljng as you go up stijrif, ihlo, lira dratvlng-robm, louder than thunder { but it stops—as if-by magic I lira moment a (mar- rigcable) man pats his car to lira kcy-1iolo.— I don’t myself, I protoss upon prlrfelplu, tosco any objection to marrying a widow. If *lio upbraids you nt any'timu wUh tlio virtues of hoi- former linsband, you only reply that you wlsii-lra had lie,r with htpu with allynur'soul. If a Woman, lioivever, lias had. more than three.husbands', she. poisons them; avoid 7*rt|'J. A4. ^ '' “In wido‘v-wivlng, .!t may bo a quesiion wholliof you bhoilld’nra'vry (Ira q-idbiv of an honest man or a rascal. Against (Ho danger thaltho last' may hiivo learned ill tricks, they set tlie advantage—sho will bo more sensible (from tlra Contrast) to tlio kindness of a gntitlcnian and n niau of honor, I tbluk you should marry tlra honest man’s widow; becauso, wills women, habit is always strong- ortlian reason. "But lira greater polnt^pddiaps, to bo nim‘ cd at in marrying, is to know, before luar- rlago, wliat itis you Imro to 3oai wltii. You nre sure toknow this, tost enough, afterwards. Bo sure, Iheretoro, tjiat yon ceminonco' .tho necessary j-.crqjjsliidns betorc you Haro irtndo tip your mind, nnd not as people generally do after-. Romcmbor that tlifcro -is nd usd in watciiingn woman that you love'; because slw can’t do anything—do what sho will'— that will bo disdgroeajilo to you. And.Still less in cxaminliig n ivdman that loves you; becauso, for tlio limo, slra will bo qiiito sure not to do anything Ihnt'ought'to bo dlsagree- nblo to you. I havo known a liundrcd perfect tigresses as playful as Klltofts—qulto more obliging than need bo—under such circum stances. It is nol a had way—niald or wld- dw—when you find yon aro fancying a wo man, tonmko herhdllovo that yon liavo an nvorsion to her. If sho lias any concealed good qualities, they are prdify sure to como out on such nn occasion. ' “Don’t marry nny woman under twenty— she is not comb to her wickedness before Hint time. Nor any woman who has a rod noso at nny age; because pooplo mako observa tions ns you go along tlio street. A ’cast of tbo c.vo’—ns tlio Indy casts it upon you—may pass muster under somo circuiuslances—and I have oven known those who thought it de sirable ; but absolute squinting is a monopo ly ofvision which ought nol tp bo tolerated." —Blackwood, nnd rroelis, nnd ivoodon horses, nnfl,dojis and pop-gnns, pnd-glngerbrcad ; don’t bollevo .1, by Jnpllcl l But, than, hero I ,alt, -tor wont of something ti do ;. it’s eStillug awful cold, drdarjr’weatlior, long evenings; cnn’tgp fo conoerts torowori'and whoa I'-do, 'ray room looks tt- wuoli, gloomier when 1 'I como back j it would bo coiy to havo a nlco llttlo wltoto chat andlangh With. FVoi tried to think ef something olsq, but I can’t. If I look-in tho'flro I am-sure, to soo a pair of brlghttdyOa, oven' tho shadows'on tho wall take dairy shapes, I!n> on IhB brink pf ■ ruin —I tool It; -I shall rend my doora lntho raar- riago list before long—/ know Ishall. ') ' Doparluio of Emigrants tor Liberia. Tlip’sbll'Ralph Refs sailed from Ibis port y'r .-wo / nEoiveii 'ur Imaoination —A year since, Elijah Bnrncs, ufl’cirasyjvania, killed a rnttlo- , snake in his fleld, without any lijury-to ldm- solf amUmmodiatoly. after put oiiliis son's .waistcoat, both being of . one color, lie re turned ,t« his house -and attempting to button that it wasmuoh too small. His imagination was noiv-brouglit-to.a lilgli pitch, and ho in stantly concoivod tlio-idon tliat lie lintl been . . r , ja , i jj 10 . gna kb, and was kpectabl suddcntly ill nnd took tp-lils bod. Tho fiimily in grdstalnrm nnd edntoslou, summoned tlirco physictniis; nnd'tlio tisiml remedies wore pro scribed midudmlnlstoml. Tho patient liow- bvcrgrtw trovsu every minnto', nntll ntlcngtli his son cKiap, homo with Ids Iklhor’s waist coat dangling about him. Tho mystery was sooti unlbldbd, andtliopntlont, being rcliovcd fl-om Ids'imaginary spprdlrarision, dismissed hispliyslciansand was rostered to lioidtb. o Eijf.' Epiu'SilVjudsori.n clergyman, set- ucu Infionvlcli (Comi.) Hi 1774,, was nn ex ceedingly quaint and original preacher. Re marking |n oi^c oflds sermons, upon tlio cx- ouscs toidpty tfio guests •-* ■’*- Ihoir fllunds nnd qtlipcs being .in dti to witness liielr departure and bill Gram fare* iivcli, and tho pceaslbu'also being'.Improves by appropriate'rcilgiqiis Bendccs. Tlra' end grants tvho Ic'avo huro aro nliraty-flyb in ni;tn- bei-,t'voqljr-fuur of whpip nre.fluin Maryland; tivbnly-two flora Missopil. tivcnly-tlireo from New Jersey, ami tjio yemaindertopni l’hllijdcl. phiaamlolirarlpcailUoa. Tlieship wiU Iquoli nt Norfolk, whore shp.wlll hejqjnod b'yanqllrar Jargo bqdy of emigrants, making the biitiro liuinhor which will go .opt.'In her; woii_oi) to two hundred. Ofthoso jvho will jblti the' ox- podlijon at Norlolk, o'layge pioiiortiori are manumitted slaves from' different parts of — •• - <■ - - - ‘ , -«he bcfxtnstt, wliilo tno ono who imrntu» nbaolutcly declared . that ho could not come. .“ltqncp learn," sajdtiio preacher, “that one woinan can pull harder than Jive yoke ofoxen.” OXMent fob Gbaftino. Tho grafting soa- iot boingat liand.'it may Ira ofndvantogo to IlifUnt. Re|inbllo., They ,arp wpll ,pr.6vlilefl wlili all necessary "orileles in tlio Way of out ilt niid lake With tliCtii S quantity of agrlrfnl- tnral implomonlh and tools, wlileh wlll ho'of nso to them in thotf now home.' T Ho vessel Is •well arranged fdr-lhblV contort', nnd thetf sSfo mid speedy arrival out mb y bo reasonably anticl|ialod.‘ ‘ - •> Tho-Rt. Rov. BislIoji'Eayho,' ihlsslonnry bishop of tlio Epl8C0|tni Cliltreh In afi lca, re turns iii ttra Vcssol 'lo'tho field of his labors, with tlio mcnns - ofaddlngto his iiscftdness.— Ho is necompnnietl'by several other mission aries. Boverarbolorcd mch aisogot out in two of beeswax, and flireo'.of rosin: . mix lira iVlipib-tnrn Itinto cold water, and work tt ns sbocninkor’s ivnx. These make a compound tiint «ill not molt in hot summer’s sun, nor crack 1n .tlio.sovoreSt coldry^a^i* more 'Clipper;. . -T.Uerojirojtwo places,in lira United Slates ; whore winp from grapes raised in these locali ties is successfully made. Ono is at Reading in Pennsylvania, and tira other at. Cincinnati. In the neighborhood of-tho. latter city, Mr. Lpngtvortb Ipis ontorod extensively Into tho huslnessf andrtylnps ofoxcoHcnt flavovaro pro- d«cod, wldeb;-aroi)ow finding their way to -Eastora.markcts, :• te'vn* y! CtrANc e of HAniT.—A gentleman rbeently from Aft lea, whllo rat ono of-the civilized coldnlesen tlio boast; -met a young colored woman whom lio lind known 1 ivOlil Virginia, who had ohtnliicd iicr'frccdom tor good con duct, and had emigrated to Liberia. '■ “lVheio are you travelling to, Mary 1" said thogenllemnn. tho vessel tor lira pnrposo orcsninliilng Hilo “Inin going down to’tlio villa go on'tho Crilioism. AnedHqr in Illinois .speaks of ono ,of liis contributopi in tho following complimentary tends. ' . ... - “An iiStcrestingfcmato correspondent sends us nvery uninteresting piepo orpoetry, and tlm'ldl.ylispsa reqiiust for .its publication,— Tlio moon is called bright—the stnpi are flat tered with Hie original appellation of "meek eyed”—lira" trees cbihuiu.iiir a full share of the eulogy, nnd tlio Falling Spring is pro nounced silver plaio'd, or something to that pffect, Besides tliis tlio poem is equally .in stinctive bit ofhey important subjects. If Mary vvill send us an dflldaylt tliaj sho, has washed her, dishes^ ipended ,hor iioso, and fivopt tlra, Jionso tljo wcok after, sho was “blasted.wltii poetic .fl^o, , ’ wo will give in, and start lo tlfolltiunry world,(Vomits Ictliargy. For tho present i\-o say, darn yonrjitookiugs, and dare jonr i’OoQUoo/’ ,. uc condition of tho cc-tintry, and of reporting to thoseKvho soot tltcih, ami who contbmpiiito cmigvallngtliUlrar. The barque Liberia Pack et, whioh is underslood will sail from licro early In tho toll,- it is espeeted will also’ take out a ndineroas body of emigrants.—i/tt/t. Amer:, of Monday. "• Somo few weeks sgono, I. strolled into a friend's counting room. Ho being absent, I commenced a chat with his clerk when a good-looking "cullud pusson" entered, doffed his castor, nnd— r- , “Mas 1 Bob, can you lent rao a quarter till' this art’noon, and I pay himsartnin 1" . Mas’Bob applied ills doxtor to his vest pocket, but it mndo “no sign." . I turner!. “Well Buck, you look tolerably bonost, but ns I don’t know you, if you give mo security, I’ll lend you.tlra qnnrtor.” His eye briglitoncd as lie asked— "Mas’ Bob will go my s’curity 1” “Yos," replied Bob.. I. forked over. Some timo afterwards, wending tlra samo way, as I was about to en ter the office, the identical Buck stood before "Buck, where’s my quarter! You didn’t pay me as you promised.” ... "No, still I bntt gif yous’cuiit'y I" “Well, but I want you to pay mo—I lent yon lira quarter." ; , . "Bat’s tmo/tab, but itam dooustbmdown hero to'zaust de s’curity fUst." . : ,7 ] "I left.”—S/iirU of the Tima. Tlie N.' Y. Express of Thursday contains a .brief sketch, furnished by a correspondent, of the life, character nnd’publlc services of, the Hon. Thomas Brown, tho present Governor ,of Florida, who lias been spoken of in "con nexion svit/i'tho offle.o of.Vico. President, tar dlfferonipnj'isoftira Uniled States. ■ Distressing Aooident . . Wo learn witli regret that a Mr. Bowles’ was accidentally shot a, tow days sinbo ncSr Cartersvllla; by.E. D. Poceett; Esq,, and that Iie diedtoom -tho wound on Friday last.- -Bowles was lying' in tho-[w6ods'aslcep;.nfar • lira residence of'Mr.'P. who was Out siiooting at a vQld totkoy, when part bf a load aimed -.nt tho turkey entered tlio' tunalo man. An scaslrare: I’m tired or seeing nigger, nigger! I want to sco somo wliilo folk's l” . - “But are you doing well hero 1” ’“Oh;; vory well. I havo four slaves who mako palm leaf hats." "61avos,-Msry. Yon.enisuelp.atcd, to hsvo slaves In yon r own land I” : “Oh, yes," said slra; with grent simplicity, "must do nB they do In Old Virginia.” Couldn’t help laughing lira other day at an anecdote of a mail aeeustbmbd to mako long players; who lrad ovor persuaded a guest greStl'yagainst Tils' inclination, to stay to breakTast. Ho prayed and praj'ed, till liis impatient guest began to think of. edging away quiily, and walking o(T; but' in' At tempting it lie waked up tho ojd man’s son,' wliu w’as nslcop iii j;ii chair. ‘How aoon will-yonr. father bo through !’ whispered the guest. ■Has ho got to tho Jews yet 1’ asked tho boyin reply. . ■; ' • i' ‘No,’ said tlra other. ‘Walpthen ho ain't lialfthrongh," nnswoveil tho boy, nnd composed himself again to-his nap, wlioreupon tho’gtieitBolted st onoo. IJcsh so Tomatoes.—Thoso who lovo good tomatoes 'will tako pains to cultivate ; tliem- so as to insure them ns near ns mtiy- - bo in tlicir ftill perfcotlon. Tlicra is no other fl nit that delights more; in Uir and sunshine than the'tomato. - They should'havo there-: fore abundance of room, and tlio vines besus- tniued honi tolling to-tlio earth. I havo (blind stnnt brush fli mly sot aronnd the plan to answer tlio pur;iOso better than nny method. The branches havo room to c tlieniselvos ns tlrey llko, wliilo the iho' brush' keep' tlieirt in their' posh tills method tlra fruit is niovo full: io tiic'gcninl Inflnenco of tho air and whereby it Attains a more dolic ,; “ largo Ateo, and comes quick to Rfral (tow. Yorlxrt J< % fftiSU , : rTEMs,-Hop6spring Wi• .. All who tylsl _ • than they earn.