Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, September 09, 1852, Image 4

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Horth Carolina; and to tlio appointment for 'tbe name purpose of the '• Knoxville Whig” in toaoneMce. The ‘ Wilmington Commercial” was appoin ted as a paper to publlfdi the laws upon what tba* esteemed good Whig authority ; anil if M r . Manrum had seen tit to consult tho ■armhors of Congress (Vom ids own Statu, in cluding eminent Whigs, he would have learn ed that there is not a more respeetahlo journ al in North Carolina than " tho Wilmington Commercial;” that tho editor, Mr. Loring “ is a highly reapoctnblc man. of irreproach able character;” and that paper has the Inrgest circulation of any Whig paper published in Wilmington, the mast populous and far tho most commercial city or town in North Caro lina. I refer Mr. .Mangum on this subject to his speeches in Congress. As to the appointment of the “Knoxvillo Whig” as oho of the pajM'i-j, to publish the lows of Tennessee it Ik sufficient to say that that appointment was mnrio by mu upon tho express recommendation of n majority of tiio Whig members or Congress fromtlmt State. So far as I remember, 1 never rend a single number of either of these newspapere. I hop© I may he pardoned under tlie cir cumstances fir this obtrusion tm tlie ptthllo *n unusual with mo, tn defend my ollleiul con duct against mure random vltti|ieratlnn. DaNir.i, WimsTEit, . Business run Youno Men, 11V P. T. Ba*num, Esu.—1. Seluct the kind nflmsl- Bess thst stilts your natural i n-! i i ml ion s and temperament. 2. Let year pledged Kurd n-rr tenured. 8. .Whatever'’you do do with nil your might. 4 8obriety: .Use no description of intoxicating liquors. 5. Let hopo pvedo- nivste, but be not too visionary. 0. do not scatter your powers. 7. Engage propur em ployers. 8. Advertise your business. Do not hide your light under a bushel, 9. Avoid extravagances, and always llvo considerably within your income, If yon can do so without absolute starvation. 10. Do notdepend upon other*. ' v -' . ’ - '■ ' * v . “ Ctlffso, is that the second ' hell V’ !* No, masso; din's do second ringin' ol) do fuss hell. We liavn't got no second hull in ills uro hotel." Chattanooga Market. Ciiattanoooa . 8ept. 0. Wuuther continue* cloudy and rainy. There is a good boating lido In the river, both above and below t and business appears active fur tills season of .the year. The Me- Hinny brought down last week a rail cargo of Salt, Bacon, &c„ Bacon—May bo quoted firm at 11 a ill' Corn—Nono In market. Cur fee—Supply good nt U a 111. . Lumber—Moots with ready sale ut 25 els. per quarter. All ’mechanical labor in good demand.— Chat. A fv. HOME PIUOEB CURRENT. Com per bushel . 80 a 40 Corn Meul per bushel,, 40 « 60 Elmir. 21 Wheat 80 a 05 Os is 80a 40 Pork *, Bacon 121 a 14 Beef, ........... ...,8a 0 Lard ,..i....... 10 « 16 llulter. country .‘,15 a 20 BANK NOTE TABLE,. Corrected /or the Savannah Republican Prices Bamsui:. Current, Charleston Banka par. Commercial Bank of Wilmington (N,0.) , Other .Nortli-Carollna Banks .. .6 in*. ct. disc. Jill Banks and Bran ones nt Augusta.. par. ^Bauk ofthe Hinte of Georgia par. ■jlarine mill Fire Insurance Bank par. Winters' Dank o/'tlio Slii'o of Georgia liar, yfantan itiiia Bjmtr..Ur. Ilk ol Kivamiali'..'., par. drill Bank of Oi'iiruia., ...-. par, orgla Itail-Hoad Bank............ |wr. Velma!*.' Maul: ul Miienn par. ilk of MillciigcvlUu rtvl,tilingtip* k of Brnnsii iek par. of.Sl .Mays......,..-, FALL OP 1852. I A Vi.S’O coniploleil nur arrangement* for 1 tlie season, wo are now pi opart'll to oiler he public the largest and liestassoriuent of OOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTIIINQ are determined In sustain Our reputation ‘lint; gnodsat fair pilees. Weinvilu one and llio nubile in call and examine " and Wjulei Stock, wtlqh.liii qualllv, 84 qjnumty far exceeds any previous nd lY.nii which a enmplete mini cup clod at tlie very lowest prices. Onr .Are selected with great utio—being cut, ! latest Kuriiimi and uiiinufyctiuvil in I a manner es to give entire saUtfkbtluji. I"* $50,01)0 STOCK ready-tnado CLOTHlNQ'rmbrncInir all ^yariuus stylus, qualities, etc., in part ns . OOATOi -la w ' ■ Cloth. Frock mnl Dress, Plall and, dud Fancy Business Coat* in great varl- T wpeds cut into Peltiir’s Half Sacks eto. PANTALOONS i from Fine Ulaek Doeskin, nml tlie vnrl- Fwlt styles of Harris' Clouded and Mottled Isluieies Iliad; anil Fnriey Satinets. “ VESTS i iek and Figured Satin Oen'.lemonS White 1 and Figured Maisiillles. ■ WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. |fe invito the attcntlnu' of Country Mor- “T* to our Stock *ri'!ilck Is varied and com- and mniinfhclurod expressly for tholr 1 >Ve also have a guinl assortment of * Clothing Gentlemen’s Furnishing Blaelt and Fancy Silk Cravats Stts-ks. ami Figured Silk mid Satin Neek Ties r Alberts, of Plain, Watered nml Rib* *£'.’• SHIRTS. :' ‘ ‘. a Fancy, warranted to (it. Gloves, mienl*. Suspenders, Collars, Hank- “-eks etc. • ' * I a continuance of tlie patronage ys been <o generously exlmnl- PIERSON, I1EIDT & CO. 1882, HI, Floyd rounly. »hom il may concern w ill pleft© take liat, whereas. Robert A. Httglieri up. nie for letters of udmlnlstrntinii on ate of Bradloy Thomas, lale of said pi ec eased. r • are. therefore, to cite and admonish dnguiar. thekindred mnl creditors of, teased lo he mid appear at my office I -tlie time prescribed by law. tn show , if any tliuy have, why said letters ’. not be granted unto said applicant, undertny hand and oflieiul signature at -, lOtli day of Se(itemlier 1852. _ JESSE LAMBERTH, 1852. Ordinary. EM, Polk County. ras, tlie estate of Darling J, Chil- of said county, deceased Is unrep- ;-These are therefore tocltcutiri inl and singular Hie kindred and cred- i deceased to lie and appear nt my © tils! Monday In November next, otters of ntliiiinistratioii on said r cause, if any they have, tvliy duil'dstration should not he grant- f. G Love, Clerk of the Superior ’oil: County. .Given unilermy hand ,'riar Town. A. HORDERS, Ordinary. -16 1852. A GREEABLE til an oMorofihe Ordinary* of Flovd county, passed on the Ctli day of September, 1852 nil! ho *• Id-before tho Court House door in tlie city of Rome, on tho first Tuesday in dnnuary next, between tlie usual hours of sale, tlie following property, to wit; Tlie Nortli haifof lot of land. No. 278. 2,llh district 3d section of originally Cherokee now Floyd county, .ODnlrtRilug 80 neres. more yr less, together with all tin; ji>i|iriiyi*iuciits iheremi—one negro inly by the miinoiifNow- ©ttn; about 2D yean of ago—otic woman, Siivy 22. Amu* P -.;i 1 aboitt 6 Mary nliout 4 Har rison a boy about 2 Mandn a girl nhimt onu war old all sold ns tin* property of William E Ani'lehy Into of Floyd,county. deSensed *, sold for the benefit nl'tho liehs and creditors of said deceased. Teriu- made known on day bfsalo, this lfitli Sentemher. 1852. c: It. WILLIAMSON AdttVri M. E. APPLEBY Adm'r'x. UiHBERlLCaBERU r pHK hubsedhur 1® • now prcpaivH to saw A iiny kind of buildbi" liimbriiai hfa tHill. Ilf ■5u!i«:iif* ordure in ljU liuu ofvbii : ineK3, and jnnmiM v io jiive-sutMwction in qunliiy Kf tlw luiiibn ai\d Hits “awin'; «f the *ttuio. Hh.wUI dflivo, inbibi-i m ihu Haiiroad Di pnt al Unmt oil a- avo:ab)o loi*iij!>Wa.ny mill In the neiglw l'u hood. > .STEPIILW-M. WIUON/ ito k Hill Si-pt IfMflfiri . '• Ut A leL (Hn^uiis iiHlfbuni to iiii* c-MuiuiM >lai- slial! Parku. lato tu- Ployd coiint.v. d^c'd. aru re<||u»!}tcnr^ij<ib)p furwar^ and make im- niediatu payment; and U»6hi» having cliai m» iifcaiunt wid ejitatu will j*lc*aau present limin in terms of ihi‘ .law-. ? WILLIS BOBO, Adtu’r. 8opfcmW 10 -1062' I m\WO utotiiliN rffit-P ditto npplkalinn will - 'JL liv> nmdc to the Ordinary of Floyd'.ooqn- ty for U'uvu tci Hell all tlie fad'd and wgroan bulutiftlng to tlib eamt« rtf .MarshaI! Parku, latu d'said county of Floyd doOeaseil. WILLIS BOBO Adtu’r, Sopunnhur 10 18f»2. \T O^ICS. -Two nnnithh ftfttM tlnitf applica Xl Him will bo Hindu to tho Ordilirtrv of Okattouga county fnr.Junvo to sulp tlie land belonging tbtliu until to of Edwin Joiios. lutm- tiu, ntid to null or biro tlitViiugroun buloiiglng to wild entutp. Summorvillp. Georgia, S»‘p- tumbor 10. 1062. - - An Ordihanop.. /'ARDEREP, by tile City Council of Romo, V* that, Tax of one-fnln tli pur cent, shall be Impused oil amount of sales made at nttc- thnt of tueichoudlse owned by regular Mer chants or said city. And a Tax ur<inu.peruunt' shall be imposed on account or sates made ut auction of mufchitiidlso sent from other places, and sold here nt auction. A Tax of muirihitnh of otto per cetit. ahall bo Imisiseil tin account ol sales made at huc- tion ofall Ilea) Eslpte. Negroes and Slinreaof Capital Stock of Banking or other Jutut Stuck Companies, or Negroes bniuglit here ami hlr- uda: auction, sliull lie suldect to u Tux of one-hnlfol onu percent, on the amount of hire.' Provided: Thut no Tux sliull bo luld on sales mndu. or negroes hired by virtue of any legal procuss, or by. Executors, Adinlnlstrators. or On'mllans. No |a*i*on shall be allowed to expose to sale at public outcry; miy species of proiieHydr nicrchitndlse, or hire Negroes ,nr public ouiery except it lu*a n-gulnr liui-us- nd Auctioneer . under a pprtally of mt exoecd- dng fifty Dollars, unless it he by virtue of le-' gal proci * * or by mi Administrator, Executor or Gna'dhin. . All Goods. Wares and Merchsndtse. which ■nay licivnftcr he brought to said city, mid IHiildled out nliout tlie streets of said city, slit.ll lie subject to bo taxed ten percent, on tlio nmouiit of sales. And nil Goods. Wares and Merchandise sent lo any agent to bo sold In said city shall lie subject tuune-hulf ol one per cent, on tlie umcnuil sold, and should such ngunt or person periling neglect or refuse to. pay spell Tax tliey shall hu liable to a fiuu. not oxeueding fifty Dollnni.' In paying,Tax llntliir,any of the.provisionsofthlsOrdinance., the amount of salea shall he given In under the oath of tho purson milking such sales. Should liny licensed auethmeer in said city, refuse or negleot to report tho muount of Ills sales once In-three months and pay such Taxes ns is required by this Ordinance, he shall be subject to a fine obiKit exceeding fifty Dollure furtsieh ntlWrtx*. ' - ■ ■***-;-'— A true cxtruct fi orn the minules of Council C. H. SMITH September 0 1852. tf Dept. Ct'k. Be tVJur lit lime I and before it I, tee late g *t n hiilthi of - Dr. ('. Williams' Dutmnnic Uulsiim if IVd.t Cherry and l\ r M*t&aplhu., ©nil vou will speedily be’ telieved. For Pnoufliyllln, Coughs. Colds, Snnr Throat, .NIrIu Sweats, I'aili in the lip-psi Back ami Side,, Spilling HUnnli Asihniutic is ndiaittedto l>e'-the.'-|ie'-di'-si.nnd must .vio- or'ittj* and elfective remedy extant ,* mnl iis elleels, in all Asthinniiccomplairits, are equal ly decisive npd rcinnikahle Losjfitudp ol the m ud. tlnhbloessanil'wait>ting of the Fl.'-u and nirriifquiA.thm ip .In *‘etivity and mehin eledly Ibrekodingy are also eorrecled. hji ibis Pulmonic Balsamt n-wnudetl'ul mnniirr levivis ilie ypitlia, hardens the fie-h and museles.ihriiees the nerves', and Increases iqe rtrigfii Thus, tho-e who use it aceard- ingtoth-* tllrectinni>,rnp}dly tttiprove in health; and mny thke ,t fur no mher purpose than the d ss potion of uii-liinchoty, ->r tlie increase of (Killily strength -M fine, a sitiaje' bottle of Dr,. lFllli,tins' Pulmonic Balsam 4f Wild Cherry unit llos^t Xoi.d.o, ,„ „u ,i„„ reqitl edto see.u.e the confide,ice of -paiieuts, mid oiinse them lo ibrego all other rrinee'lee In it* f vor,. ■' Eor full descr.piiims-or it* merna, virtue, 5 c., see Pamphlet* to he had'of the Agent-.— Also see advrriiaeinetit in nuvilv-r column For sale in Itoinu hv ItouaKT Bi rrcv, also Messrs* Owns A- Fahum,. e.ugiist HI, l-.YJ. * |, n „ ^GEORGIA,, Floyd Count,.-To all whom s-» il limy concern; Whereas l’.'ll. Lvlo. Administrator on the Estate of Joiitujjau S. Lawton deceased • applies to me for letters of©n from the sahle. These are therefore to cito anil admonish all mnl singular thu klndmd and creditors of said deceused und np|H*ar at my* otllce wlthlli the lime prescribed by law, to shnW cause. Ifuny exists why said letters should granted io sald.ap|ilicant" Given nn- def tny hand and official signature at office, this thc l lthday.of Juno 1862. JESSE LAMBERTH. . ’ - - ■ ■ 'Oixlinary. S tate of Georgia) Floyd County t To all whom it may c-.nceru: Take notice tput IVItereos James I*. I’atman. Administrator of the estate of John IV., Putman late.of said county deceased, applies to'mu Ibr Letters of Dismission from the same. x These are thetelore to cito anil admonish all and singular the kliidred.and creditors of said deceased to be and appear'nt my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause,' If nny exists, why sAM letters.'of dial, mission should not be grunted said applicant. Given under my hand and seal this *25t|i fSnii.J day nl Juiie. A. D. 1852. JESSE LAMBERTH Ordinary. Georgia, pioyd t-ounty, T O all ■ whom it may concern —Whereas, John W. Hooper administrator on the Estate of Miles Jennings, deceased, applies ( mo for letters of dismission from the same. Tli'*se are therefore to cite and ndmnniah all and singular tho kindred and. creditors of said deeeasml to ho and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law to show cause (if any they have.) why said letters of dismission should not be granted said appli cant; Given under, tny hand and official sig nature at office, this 81*t day (if May 1852. JESSE LAMBERTH. . Julie 3 1852. . 'Ordinary lOmHIUGS inauuiuctory m. /^EOUCM, Floyd CouptyV-To all whom ! VJ It may concern; Whereas StorUng Muys idmlnistrnbiroh the Eslutepf Ellis llradje ' tale oftt del county deceased; ajiylles I© me f letters o/'dUsuiisslonJVoin-lhc same. Those aio therefore tdcHoitndddmoiiWiitU arid singulat* the kindred and credifof>i ©f said* deceased lo ho mid appear at my office, wkk- Ln tho time presorili. dliy Law. toshii«;eqnse,- ilTi’iv tlievhave. why-said letters of dismission should not he granted. Given tmd*.*r ray hat (land official sigualurc at office. This 3d dav of may 1852. , ..-.^Vgssgi.o^ ■: <p> TK-Ai' er^SALE. THAl'T Ul;' VALUAELE I.A\I> for f HAHE l ltilci signed ulfbrs Ills Traetol JL Lan© I'm Sal*, lying Suu'.lr-West orStnn- incrville, Chutlongn Onunly,Georgia euniain- |0g Three H und led Acres—Two Hundred Acres Qlenred mid In gotHU'Utiflltlon. with Col- erahlu goods inipiovetneiiis and a lino apple und.peach nrcliBid, ..Theahnye land lies on the OlmUonga elver', ahupt one-Uihdrif.’wh'oh Is boUom land-ol the hesi qnulily. Any per son desiroustonurchas© will plfcaso call (in the uriderslgiieir at Rome, m* th8 Rev -A. Y. Liiehvcdgo twgr S»ramm ville for particulars Atig. 2 1852: 4t., ‘ V W. CLARE, A Large and Splendid Lot of Bnota nod ntid Shoos—Saddles and Bridles, Collars atnl llninc-. " Fursale by an™ 12 1852 D. O. LOVE, Boxes Virginia Tobacco on eonstgU- UtJ ment, lo be sold ut the Mamil'aitur er’s prices. Apply tn the aUbsurtodl* next door to Sloan dtllawlflns, Broad StrCit Romo, Georgia. -;>*] W, CLAUK: , -August 2,-1S52. It. - ■ ’* W Aiil'i IffHU Ci commission mmm, T he Suhsti Ihcr wuuld lesjieclflilly Infumi Ills old cnxtuniers ami' tlm puhlic gener ally, that lie is I reputed Jo il© n llcasntl FVoire House and Cyuimlssiah Huslnc/S at his old Slnnil on On-ianiuilu Slteet, lli^has n laigo and commodlons wme-house In a central mnl convenient* part of Rout© and will, reeulvo. store sell or fin ward cotton and other |>fo- duce upon HUerol tetm*. . .mnm*. HE HAS NOW ON HAND and -cgjgtjo will eonsimilly keep a liuge us* soi tnn iii ot Caiiisgos. Bmiaiclies. llnggles &c. &©.. of iiowOst styles and Hue.;: Ihiish Which will bo sold low Jlir'csshbr oppi'ovhd oredit. Call and for you, WM. JOHNSON. Aug., 20 1862. tf. . Tobacco! Tobacco! r BMIE Sitlisurllier husuii I'nndgnment and il for sale a large lot of sitpei ior tohueco. Tobacconists are iequusted to cull and see. Wm. JOHNSON. August 2fi i602. If NEW GOODS. NEW STOCK OF BOOTH AND SHOES, Ac, J UriT rocelvucl,dlruut iVoin tho Munuftictiu- urs.\- Man’ll fluu ami common Boots & Sljhos, Boy*’ and clilldruii'N ahouft. ulaHtiu ovur-jdiou?. Ludius' Kimniulid mnl Kid. BiMcinH, NinguraH BnamultMl and Kid Kxculslor Boot*, Cloth GuituiH Kkl and Silk llnud IMusj Patent Tip Fl-ont Lnco Bouts. * Patent Pux Gaitura Bnaulways and plastic, Over-slious; Kid Calf Und Knanndud. lagged, lieulod; Jenny Litul Fioht.LncuBooisi and Buskins; Mlswi ond CliHdnsn’jiGaHuva - ‘ and Common Shoes. Also, a Large Mock or Dry €oode» dlruet Trom tho Nuw-Yurk nuu ket emlmudng nearly every description of gAKwln liehniglng to tho trade from thu eourKest th tho Hnesl nr- th’W. ultiler dir ladles or gentlemen—togctli er \yiUi u line stock of Huts, C ps, Huady-uiade Clothing, und pinv «tyh s. JUUNSQN & WOOD. Sept, 0.1052. - FLOlit J FLOL'RI . ^Tf7'E have on hand' and will continue to »* keep a flno, fresh lot of Flour for Funj. Ily iiso. For nalu for cash i»y JOHNSON■&, WOOD. Augm*t 12 185*J. : FOR SALE OR DENT. gffil THE NEW IIIUCK STORE nd|olnlng jjJli the Shop Ilf W. II.. White. E*q. Pile tuiiiis enquire iit tjlis 6lliCU.. Thu locatiofi lacontr 1 and the stand good. AiiRiist 12 1862. ' • IIOi!K*WOOD STT.VJI .HILLS, V DD1TI0NS having been madu' to thn llomu-Wood Mills, tlio subscriher will grind corn uvury day. . 1 r * Tlioru has been added Calvin Kmmon’s Patent Flexiblo Beater's Thrashing Ma chines which will bo ready for tlio coming wheat crop. > . .. f gy^Toll for thrashing ns cUstonini'V. May. 20,1862. JOHN IIUMB. CIfY UOT^aitmi., r B’ilK tiinie sigued iwis lilted up in miilubli* Style, a large mid coliiuiodioiia ln»U*f, lit the uoru 'r of Floyd and Dooutur streets, AX- inuta tin., for the purpose of auednnnodaiing truns*ent uml legnlnr boarders, Till*- house is kept upijri siricily tempi!,aneo prinuipIeH, npd nil !who w’t-h quiet nccoimundtitions, nre rr- Bpepilully invited to give ih-* C»lty Hotel n trin) nol. sill, 1*50. L. K. a-.,UTLI''Jt W 1 , filicrllT Bales for Ortober* ILL be sold mi tliu lllsi Tuesday In Oc tober next. before j lie Court door iu tin? LUtv ofltmno; within the legal houiAof sale the tfolloning propei ty to wit: •Olio liillhinl lablo; levied on us thu proper ty, of Warren' Clayton. t«> satisfy a fl iii.fVdm Floyd Bit|*urlor Court in lavor of Ulaek and Cobli vr. Warren .Clayton and. otliorp in tuy Imuds:. property pointed out by Defendant. , Til08. B. PJtUCB.'D.Sh’Cr. * Si'ptumbur 2 1^62. , . Cliatloogn bhcilirs.iIcH for Hrptrhibcr W ILL bo sold belioe tlio Cmrt llrnis* 4 «loor ill .the town of >ui|uneiViMe, oil tho first 'Pue#«d*iy ill" Outober next, bo- twuAjn tho-usual hour# of ynlo, tlio tollow* iilg property, to wlu . ■• -liorucLomrNo oi)9 nmJ, g'y.ty. tferru (idl,) in tho J4ib District and -1th Section ; levied op »s the jtrirfreny'or’Jern-' iniuh .Murptiy-io MUir.ry a !l fa from TMint- tnoga sStlportor t*onri In* fivor ol T. T., Mopkins v'«.‘ Joieiiiinh Murphy und John A. ^.traiigo Indorser. Property p’olnu'd out by. pinintifTe murney. ■ - • iUro, Five uuies of Lund snppoRiuj jo he it part ol Lot No, 71* iiuihe 2lt)i -District and 3i'it hc;qti Jd, it being tlie/plaeo whofeon ‘Cfe and MiohiUd ll.iker jiyoii j levied on to si\tis- ly two ft lh*s riodi » Jii*tico ‘courf of tho OflA DwrictTr*. M,, in favor of Jam *s T. Wotijim vsj Lli Biker a ini. Michael Bn kcr, Levied and returned by a CoiWt.iblu'. . • Also, diioiiugrr woimui by tlio name pf Dapbuoy, hip(M>st*d to .po forty’ years old j levied tm a*» tho property of Bi nj liilin King to Satisfy .|w6>ii* lil*< from I ho Justice court oFilio 025 Dij*trict. G. Al. in favor of Bran- nor and -MuyUrs, y»: Beiijamin King and K, H' Garrot Benjoihiii King. Proper* ty pointed otit by Piuiiuiff v.evies made a ad returned by Countable J. T. ‘AlcCONNELL, Sh’tT, Sept, 9. , Floyd Sheriff Sulci for t’etober. . ILL bo boMon (Mo tii-st Tuesday in ..-'e * . Ocpiber next bul’vrc tlie Court House door in tliu city or Rome, within tho legal hyursoi ruIa*, tlio follvving'iwojimy to wit: Allot’ Benjamin F. Mathews’ right, title, and interest, in and fo lot in tlib < *b'oita uivis- ion of tint city of lluino., wperuon .tlie said Mathews npw. rusidf b J.ijidhgthe Railroad on ^theeust ; levied on a*^ lliu'property of Benja min F,-M.itlntws to Mifisfya li fa from Floyd 8ijjHM*ioi; Coill t ill favor of Aridrow J . Hobbs vs James T. Sii.uTfo & Co., and William Jobnaon* HPcmhy) property poliUed but by WHIUuii. JobiiRou r. . . Also, om loin on-lot No. 223 in tho 23d di>ti ict'0d tipclion. them being jib&ut 25 or 30 acreii of cll'urod land on «}ikl lease; Toviod on ns tlio property of K.-Bi Jkl“'ris«»n, to wuis^a tl fa from a Court<»C Flovd bounty in favor of Michael ‘TClniicy vs. K.-11 Morrison ; jiropotty pointed ,but by tlio Plaintiff levy wadu and ivUimed fo nu : l»y a Cmislablo. AVATTiliftiS Bb lf; September 2 1K»2 * Floyd PoBtpotied SfecrKr' sale. W ILL bo sojd ui thu tlr.dt'Tuesday in No .veuebor. hoforo tlie CoU| t-lmusediWir In tho city of Rome,.within tho legal hours of salo. tlib following property,, to wit: ,Thd bast .liiilf of Lot No. 152, in the ,22nd dKti lot andsHd suptioii ; Jevled upon .as- the. proppihv ofeRUfliard Gosiyfr- 'to HiniiJyii,I.I. Til, from Flovd;’Sapprbw‘ faybb of s'olo- inbn iSittlling-s/yii. BIh.'I's Gossett & Rloliaid Gossoif./iiirtkeik. jmd N. Varfewmirb and .Dipi- nl\ Hill? security.' T. 8. PIUCR, 1) 8. SbptemWO XFftl « • TffE.OAKLAWD ^DigI?CT LL hu re-upciv d on T ju)'. )hsi’ Monday ( lurpi'niBr'ganfl BluekNmUU’.H Tools Cross y+J Cut. AUU. H&ud, .Tuuant, Koy*hplo and Bulcher's Haws; Fricllon llollers, Colliosl Axes; nil kinds of Looks, ftnd Sc rows. For raid, by. D., u. LOYE. Aitcunr Iff 1J?52: lAtti Rio tolfbc, Clarified bud Brown 8u- JT gars, New Crop Molasses. For salo by nug. 12 1852. D. G. LOVE. *T>Tln(s,. Ulcrtohod,, Brown ©nd Hickory A Slilrllngs, Osniburgsaud.yut it.For sale by D. G. LOVE. A ligii.t, ,12. 1852.. ■17'luc Gun-l’owdui'. Ilhot, uud u Ibw Double JJ Shot-Gutis. For rule by ■ ong.12,1852 D. O. LOV.E. FIArntc, Log, Tonguii.nnd Unitor .Chains,. 1 Wrought Hinges, Ames’. Shovels mid Similes, nil Sizes if Nqlls Ox-liulls Colton Ropo.) For sale' by' D. U. tOYJB. August 12 1852. \ II Kinds of Tohacco; Slar Candles,-Pule JX Soap Pearl. Starch,* Sup. Criib; Seda. mSB^E ’ P- , s LOVE. AiuuA12.1862. Admlulslrator’s Sale, r; «*orgln,l'nattooga Ceunty.—Wlllbo sold v A ogieottbly lu nn ©frier oftlm Court oTOr- 'tllnary brnbre the Criflrt Hiriloe door tlie first Tuurdttv lu November next, between the legnl hoitra of kale,* lot of land No. (185) ono hun dred tiuil tlilrty-Hvo, in tho' 4th dhtrlot nnd ttli sectlrhi.riS lliCTWpBrty or Wm. Strange, deceased, the Willow’s dower included. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs. DAVID ,W. BTRANGE, Adm’r. Sopt.'!)’ M>»2. A GREEABLE loan onluroftlieCrdiuitry of Floyd oonuty. passed on thu Ctli day of EepietnlKir, 1852, will bu sold before the Court House door In Cedar Town, Polk county, bn thu first Tuesday Jtt Novuinher next, lietween the ttiMtal hours ofstilo, the following proper ly, to wit *. Six forty aero lets, Nos. 1, 2, and 73 lu tlio 2d district and *lth section, Nos. 1291 trad 1296 In Ihefitl district 4th section. Slid No. 1, In the 17(h district 4th section* all of tirlghi- ally Cherokee,*thVn Floyd, hut now Polk coun ty. . Those lots df land form a.boati(lfril'Ket- llemenkpfgiiod'fiwnilttg land, 'with ahmit fit) neres cWkietl, with tlm uecessaty buildings tlmienn; nil sold its llio property of Joshua A Watts, latu of Fldyri coiinly,; deceased, for the liunelifnl’ llm helr-s and credltiirs of said .doceSKOq, Turns marie known on.the iltiy of ■*•*'• SeptomborO 1862. - Aamlulsirutor^ SUlc. \ G UK HA U L13 fo «n oulor of tbo Orjinfiry S\. of Fl6yd -cofinijvliassed on the Vfb^Uy of J line Inst, will bo nuM before, tlio Court hotiRO (looriustild county.on thu lii^lA’iicsdny iu Oetoher W#xt, lietwuen the *tn*nal bonra ol mile one lull)deed'uml fourwreH nioi e or lcss', it beiDjr the east port hiujnf'lot of In ml No. l.*)7, In tlie 2 id. di^rlct 8(1 fceetluil of oi lgiimlly (Jlicfukee now Pliiyd CoWUlV; fcdld ds tlie laud of John Ward hue of said cvnul>% deceasiHl for Hie • benefit of the lui.f< nnd credilprs i»f wild deceased. Terms mijde hiimvn bn day ufe sale. ll.J. JOHSSON, Adffi’r. August 12. 1862 • Adniinltdralors Sale. A CtRKRAItKK (o an nrilef of the Honorable xX: ho couit cf-urdinniy ol Harris county, will bt< sold oniulie first Tuesihiy in -November' nexl.hdoK 1 »likcourt hmtaf dttor within tli'* hufiis ofeale, iu the city of Home, Jn Floyd county, Lot No, I37l, ln the Sd Ois* trief-nnd 4th tkciion (iri^inully Cherokee now Flovd county ; Sold for tlie.bondit of tlie lieiisufa W. Street. X^rirtS cn^hi August 91,1832 l».J. I’ll IMPS, 4 ‘ Adui'r. , d'e bunii non, Aug. 3th l,8'.2, Ow. Adminisnatoi 'u halt*.. A GIU'EA B LK to an order of the Ordinary ^ of Flo.vd county, passed on tho 2d day of Anun^t. 1802, will bc auld beluio tlm Court lirnKb door in tl» of Home on' tlie th>t 'I'uvMtity'fei <3v.Hot*s-i- vn.nv.’<(«Tirom dm trstivrl luutiH of bale, lot of luml No.2Gl.2Uh district Sd svClion oforlj;iiiul)y Clieiokce, now Flovd Voufity, cunluiiiiii'j.on< hiimlrcd and sixty kCix'n nunc or lev,--hold fi»r llu* benefit ofthu liuh» ami oreditoiM pf Thomas McGuire, lute «»f.saidcounty, d'p.ascd. Tcnlibmudo known mi tlm diiy (if Male. TfillKBNCB McGUIRE. Adnl x r. 8. ii. G'.’McGlHUB Amin'r\c Augnst 5.1852. fjX)lilt monthsaiier date -npidiuiiriona will •T bu !n:t({o to.tlie Ordiuary of Floyd conn* if, for li*uVo to .self Snmh Ann. Gi*o;g«, W, James M Hiik'.siiuo. .Marilia William II.- il. luul Nancy Camion, minor childn*u of James Oauudh. inicrex in*and lo lot. of Land So. U2 in ti»e 2 LJi district and 11n d Klifiiou ol or- 'iKiiially Cherokeu now Floyd Counly, this 27th day of Alay, 1862. - JxVAIKS CANNON, J unc’ fid. 1862. ‘ GuaVdiao. . SOTffK. T herebynatily nnd forewarn all persons or J- pcr.Mm why tever indebted to the huHlrm of (jihlH y Hardin, either by note or «cct»Uuf t and nil Aticrneys hijvinK ploima of said, irirn In ilmir Itinnls- lor oqlhclior. oot to. pny the sniuf to iiny 'mod Arformy.- TUOMAS VV. HARDIN. . A'urustQfi, RJTiJ,. . . 2m . OlltbV—A ifpyif’jons imtebled lo the firms 1A of Colbrnnn & pougtes’ and- Coleman, Donghix »fc flis*tory. diiljur by.npto or account will find them, in my hands for colleotiDu.r- Prompt payment will j>;iYe cost, mnv 20 1852 J.W. 1)0IIGLAS. Att’y. Vj bV4iK.''-"AU' )>ovsmiM \nsi'lbU'd vo Aim tv i-l into of Beiijandu Bol»o late of,Floyd ennuiv. deceased, will please come forward and make immediate i«n ment.nnd tliovn iiav- in» (dftim't iitjaihd said eMaitywill ph*u‘>e pro- hcid tjiem to n4 duly amlieniicated in terms of llm law. LKWLS IIOP.O; ( Qualified WILLIS B0B0; ( Executors. July. 8.J 652. v; 1YOTICK. - A ll persons indebted to tlio Estate of ***,,William Smith. Iat«(»f Floyd rouuty do- ceaspd must make immediate paVtmmf and till having; clniin*» against Ihe said Estate, will present them duly aUested in tenns of tlio law. ROBER.T BATTEY. Admr. ' .Tnly 22 1852. ‘VfOTICE.—Tim Firm ol' Advn. Uoodson &■ i-1 Co. was mutually dissolved bn Hip lOtli of Juno, Tlio accountsnml notes of tlm con* cum are in tho,hands of Wm. A. Clmicb for seUtemoftt. who, wULLL B. Print up, Is tho.on ly antljoH^ed-iicrMon to sottlCi L. A. ALLEN. JOHN GOODSON.- DANIEL 8. PR1NTEP. July 8 1852. tf. LAND FOR SALE. W1U ho sold, (>u Thursday, the’23d , q.- ' day (d Septc’inbor. all of that portion .of mud IvingBou’li of Cedar Creek licfdniing' to the (Mutu’of John Townsend Lite of Flovd county, docca.sfd. Sold by ardor of 1 ho lega tees. * It. V. 11, TOWNSEND. Town Property for bale, rnilB auli.-ui liter being ill j)0)tt*s.iari(ir*t\vo X imp;©rod lull In, Rome Ibt'T.ituily ieai- duucos'.nnil also ioteresied in ono other, lie pwiUMses to'tn ll tthero bo i,ow resides, or ei-, liter ©I'Hie othcK rtbr cash, or oa lime for good paper. Or he will uxclmugo the mmoTdr Negroes,' feiuules* or working’ linnris. at lair pries. ■ - R.J.JUHSSON; L : i'tum\iur2 1852, If* - C ^EORLIA, Floyd County. i J All whom it may got)Corn will please take | notice, Hint, whereas, William T. Price up* plies to tup for letters ol’mlministration on tho estaio of .lames B. Wake Hula; lulu of Raid eonnty, deccasod. These arc therefevo to die and admonish all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased; to ho und appear ut my olllco witldn the time picreilbed by. law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of administration should not be gintuud unto said applicant. Given under my hand and oflieiul signature at otllce. This tlio 8th day of September.' 1852. JLSSK LAMBERTH. Ordinary. LEOJUdA, Floyd ion my, ^ \0 all whom il may concern) whereas, .bl. Daniel it. Milcltoll, administrator oil the estate of Robert &• A. E Llgon. deecuscd, ap plies to ino for Ie.tors ofdUmiMdon from the same. - Tfieko. arc tlierel’oro to cito and ad monish all and singular, the kindred and cred itors bf sidd deceased,*to bo and Appear at tdy oillce whit in the time proscribed by law, to HhflW eathe, ifany they Imyo, why -aid letters of dismission should not be granted tala ap plicant'. Given undhr my hand and olDcial signature at otllce. JESSE LAMBERTH, Jnl)*'22l852 Ordinary: GEORGIA, t'lvyd Couiily, 1 7 -1 Jonrilhan Black well of I lie 85l)ih District G* 51.. lolls hefure mo ns illUlb Iiuai iiaui ** hare (I|a*i|jd Hi till* City, ofiodoorshov© xdiidor' & JT-iimidrs E»l- vhtb .liosi’jTAr, • EWglcSMuf " tlto treiitriicnt '< leii—whether,;.)! c!iMn,*i.*s.iil’enrajiia\B»W?f, „, , - . Rniue Jim- 9. 185,3. "**..'- ' ly. WRAPPING PAPER .an Lstiay taken up upon his premises iu said District, ono black Move .Mule, about three years old (tnniked with gear) nppruiseit by Houston Aycock and Charles E Russ, free holders ofsfifd district to bo worth fifty dot- Inrs. Given under tny hsnd and otfioial sig nature at office. JOSEPH V.'ATTERS, J.P. 850 District a. M. A true extract from the Erirey Book JE8SI. LA.11 BERTH, ti. cl'x, t. o. . August 19, 1852, /vtoullA, bade County. vJ Whereas, Margaret Davls.sml Joseph Miller, make application for Letters of Ad- minis!ration on the E.tnte of William Davis, lato ui sa'ii euumy deceased, Tlii sc are therefore to cite, arid admonish all and ©lugnlnr tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear nt tny office within the time prescribed by low to show cause,(il nily exist,) whv letters of ©dminis ttation should not be yrnntrd tins said nppli cant*. Givi rt under tny band nt office, 6th ofJuly, 1853. CASPER M. T*TU,M, .MigusfdH 1852- D /ill! Qrdinnpr n. c. J’EOItGlA, Untie cuunty, Wheiens, John II. Perkins; jr. Executor to the last will nnd’tesiriinent. of Ishnin Per kins, late of said county deceased, makes «p- plibulloii for letters of DIsmisGon Rom said estate. ■. These nto therefore to olid ond admonish all rind 8ih(rular the kindred % nredltora ofsalj. ricoeoied tribe and appear n't my office within the time prescribed bylaw inahow cause, (II nny exist.) why letters ofdismitsionshould not lio grunted to said applicant; Given under my bond at office, 0th of July, 1859. CASPER M. TATUM, ■ ' ■ Vea'ly Ordinary js. o.‘ . Augrist 90,18*59. / iROIKGI.i, Dade County. VJ VYhet'ufl- James G» Uolmus mnkVB op-' plication to'ttie for letters of Administration op tlie Estate of John Wylie, late of said county ili'ueuf'fd. • * ' * Tln seare therefore to oitq and admonish nil a ml singular the 'kindred ond creditors of snid clccens. d to file ihol^ 1 olyeciions (if any they have,); in tlie office of thu Oidinnry of said county within Hie time prescribed by law, why said letters should nntbe grirntyd, -OiVf en under niy baiidut olllco in Trentom August 13,1865. C.M. TATUM, ‘ Dcp'ly Ordinary, d o. August 60,1853. . Dodo County* I- Whereas, Duvid Tittle and Peter Tittle, makes appl.catioq, tome ior letters of admin* isirntion on tlie estate ot WillinmTittle, lute of said county deces»ed, These nre therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of sain ae?B*ise(f fo bound umienr nt my office wilhin tliu time prcscrilioU by luw to sfipw u0M8o(irMny exist,) why said letters should notbe grunted: Given ‘uudor my hand and Seal, August 13, 1853. . ZACUAUIAII ONEAL, Ordinary, o. cr, [L» S.]' August 36.i8')3, y / .J EbULIA, iliallooga Counlyi—Whereus, VJ "'Win. J* Henry opplieS to me for letters Of Guardionsldp for tlie persons at)d properly ofllugh nml W, F* Middleton, minors* These.ore therefore to ci|e and ndmotiisli nil nml the kindred and friend? ol snlcT minors 10 be n d appear nt’my -ofllce within the time prescribed by low io sbnw cquse. (if any they bnve',) why said letters should not be gr«intCAl, Given under rry hand at office. F. A. KillBY, Ordinary, Augii/t 19, 1852. V GEORGIA, Chattooga County* W HEREAS, W. AI. Shropshire applies to mu fdr loiters of mlministrallon on tbo qMrtio of James lloonoy, deceased. These uro tbuielb e to cite and admonish all and hlngulnc tlie kiudied and creditors of said .»• ; ••• my-or* nco Wii'miTho i igmpicketib»d oy law, tosliow edqse. iftnty t hoy lm i o. n h.v >did leilei should not lie gijimd said ttoplicaut. Givuu under my baud uud^fflcmF.sigimi n»c- dj Office. . F. A. KiRBV, Ordinary, AuctiiNt 1218f>‘2. . y tiiattooga County. Who teas,, 8a rpb Mooro applies to me for' letiuis of udpdmMiaiioii on the estate of John Mooro. deemed. yJ’lioe a.o>lK"efotV to’ciie nnd admonish nil siogaTnrMiu^kiitdied a fid c-eddmi of* >;\>d deoea>eilr tfiba and ap pear nt my'olfk a vi.blti tine Hute pi'eseeibed by law. to sliow eausu. if any-they have. why. said lu>(eis should not Oe.g aincd. Giron nu- der uiy baud uiid official. * gnat meal office*. F. A. K i RB V, Ordinary. , Avaunt 12,1£o2 ' • rsfiltUGIA, Gliullooga County. VA Whereas,’Tfifanbeth G; Burk applies to pie fen* loilcis of nduiinisiia.ion on the estate or J. J* l)in k. deceased. These a> e (liei uforo loci.e a ml admonish all und singular tlio kindled ami crydUof* of>ai(l deeciisud lobe uud ajmvnr nt my office wivldn the .time p»c- -•icribed by law, io .sliow cause, ifany they have, uby **aid le«tors. blioiild'iiot begiAided. Given nuder u»y baud and official signatuVo at office. K, A. Kl llUV, Ordnuuy. Angimt 12. 1852. - * . EOKGIA, Folk County,-Whereas, Wiley V G. penson and Robert D. Havvcy apjdy to me for letters of administration on the cs- tufe of Cbatles W. Denson. laieqfi>nidcounlvJ deeea>cil. w These me .tie efoic tociieand ad- nioffish all and singular tho kindred nnd'ered* Itoiv of^aid defeavd'ro bo and appear fit my office .within the time presciihed by law. to idiow cause, if nny they have, why “aid lotleis should not be gi anted* Given itilder niy liaud and (dUeialHigiinutrunt oflii h. 8THIM1EN A. BORDERS, Qrdruarj. August 12, 1B52. HAND, WILLIAMS AND WILCOX. WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 1, Hayno Street, Charleston, S. 0. rrilE SUBSCRIBERS biivlng otnbUslied JL thomsolvus in this city, for tlio .transac tion of a general Grocery Business, respect fully solicit the patronage of tliclr friends and the public. Careful attention shall be given to tilling orders. -**■ * r DANTEL HAND. GEO.W WILLIAMS, DANL. II. WILCOX. August 5,1852,- tf DR. STARR R espectfully tenders mr Rm vicon to the Alllicted, in tho various branches of tlm profession. Residence near tfio old Ross House. lv Augnat 10,'J8fi2. j. n. pofidbAAa m. u. }* < jso, m. QRccoaV, M. D. DR3. DOUGLASS 8i GREGORY, Office near tho Court IIouso, ROME. GEORGIA. D U. DOUGLASS will devote ids attention partleularly to '.Operative SurgcnJ and the trcatmeut of Surgical Diseases. He will be ready at all tlpies to attend calls at a dis tance. Any. communication nddvcsscd to him will.receive prompt attention. • Tlie^indigtnl poor prescribed for and opera ted Npongratw. • August 10,1862. N 1-; G.Il O C LOT 11S * AT MXNVKAOTcnKS* nil-Jrs. * , - 8.\(MVI>EV 8 SHEAR, Av.ruf.ta Clccigia, H AVE just msivv . ii vt|*» laic© supply ul’NEGRO CLO'1'118 iiim i'K wldc|i uvu styles from IhS iiumuiiicmy ul'F.. & H. Filus id'North Csioliim. el'Mipuiiof alyle, and made»rgum!dumesllo AYool, mi imielu greatly supurloi* I' ai* to lliose mad© of tlio eoarsu imported,«iiols. — .u A'nut fuptilyAir William fieldey’s and Geoigo Schley’s Negro KERSEYS ul' tliclr vsiious styles, mill 'Jotlini (JriN'A 11UHUS urtlio Au, gusto: Madlsoq,ltlclitnoud, ala! High Shoal* manufactories. SHIRTINGS and SIi'ek'I'INCS of tho Alt- gastu 5(dniija5trirtng Ciaiqialiy, Tliey wlit also receive inu Ion du es a l ull supply ol Plain and Twilled Negro KEItSK Yd, the find of a superior nitiole, Mom the Angqgta Mnmifiic- tniiie; L'ompany.and nil or which they will sell nt the i»;unilaeturei>s' prices. Planters and Country Mcrelmnts are re- spoctfully invited to'cnll and examine tlio as- Mii ltilent. If August. 5 1852. WH1TLOCK & COSKERY, WAKEnOVSE AND CO3191188IO» MEBO HANTS, Atiguslq On. /SoNTINtE to transact httslnoss at tho VV same Elro-Proof- Wnrehouso, C a m l>- bull Street, where they renow the affiji of their sort Ices lo their friends and tho puhlic. Liberal cash advances made on priidueo lu Store. J. W. WHITLOCK, August lD 1862. JOHN COSKERY. ROBERT H. TATUM, ATTORNEY AT, LAW, TRENTON, G A. to hls etirb In iiny of Bcsincsi tlii) uuuritle s ©©trusted .. . . ., i*s of tlm Churoko© Clrtujt, and tlio. County of Gilmer lu tho Blttu Rlfigo* Clecult, will moot with prompt attention. August 20,1852, I*. ItUIMtlNs; I. It. IIUUSON, S. J. COUSX. HOPKINS, HUDSON & CO, l'aclar, uud Commission * Mcrchtuiis, Fraset's Wharf, Charlatan, S. C. St*** jf. Ttfi?Undersigned aro- tliutik- fit! !hr tho llhorul pntronagu given them the past season, hud ugal© olfer tliclr services to tliclr frlenris and (ho public ns , tienernl Commission Merthatitk. Parilcttlnr atlemfuir will begivuh fojho sale of cotton uud .nil other conntey (iroilucc—tho purchasing of bagging mid rupo, plaulation supplies, Ac, 1 Liberal cash advances and luclllilas will bo lhruUliodoustoniers. • HOPKINS, 1IUD80N & CO. . Sopt. 2.1852, ly+ JOBS 8. AVDERSO.V, * i ATTORNEY AT LAW. •WILL glvo hlsprouipt attention to the sole " ol Lnmln, und the establishment of dl». dared Land Claims lu oqvtern Ttius.; 11a will also do a General* collecting hasinea j All on the most moderate terms. Address Marshall ilarrlkun County Texas, Rcrcncxccc.—Judok LuNritix. ' J. W. II. U.xDKmvooo. -*• , Con. Daniel s. PmxTcr, Jtiiy 10,1851 w. U. INDEItmiOD A J.ty.lf. underwood Tvnil Prndlce Law Inin 11 the Counties © »” the Cherokee Circuit, (except Dade.) They will both personally attend* at the Courts. J.. \V,H, UNDERWOOD wi|l up tend the Courts of Jackson'und Habersham counties of the Western Circuit. Both will attend tho sessions of tha Supreme Court at Cnsivllle anil Gaitiesvllle. All business .**n- trusted to them will he promptly ond faith fully nttended lo. OFFICE next door to Hooper As Mitchell, • tDwi.D«*Vn)ltt fiuubc) 1 ' Homo,-Clil., nr'Avhmh place one or Uothwlll always be found,except absent on professional business. , Jan .28 18.11 WESLEYANFEHALE COLLEVE, MACON, GEORGIA. fRqho Flflccntb Annual Tcrm.or this In al. slRullun will open otf the 1st Monday In October, with tho following faculty; Re*. EDWARD II. MYERS, A. M., President Jindl Prof, of English Literature. Ruv. 0. .L. SMITH, A. M„ . Prof. Mor. and Jut. Philosophyi Bov, john.'m: EonnelE, a. m., Prof: of idatunt Science. Rov. C. W. 8M1TH. A. M., Prof, tf Malhcmalics - Mr. Pi b; GOTTENBEROER, Prof, of Music. . Miss P. R. GUTTENBERGER, Assistant in Music: Mbs 8. L. TILDON, Jus/ruclrctsin Ornamnital Id ranches and French., Steward's Department. . ’**■ . Titos© wishing Information us to Charges, Ootirso of gjudy. &o. &c„ may obtuin it by applying to thu President, Mucnn, Oil. .Aug. 2: 1852. O; L. SMITH. 801ITH t.lROUYA RAIL IIOJD. Hamburg, Oct, 29, 1851. milE FREIGHT ON COTTON, from the X Hamburg Depot to Charlrston, will he, until further notice, 73 cents per bale. This Company will also receive Cutton nttlie Geer- git. Rail Hoad Depot, In Augusta, pay the toll nn’d drayoge, 18} cts., porors (ho Augnsin Bridge, mid deliver il in Charleston at 93} cents per bale. W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. No*. 14. nofi—tf. Gkokoia.Uai!. ilo/.u Bank Aukncv, } Home, Georgia. j Cunningham A Union, ‘Agents. P ERSONS wishing to have 'money sent here from Augusta, (for rules of Couon or other produce, or otherwise,) can, at any time, procure a check from tits Rail Rond Bunk on this Agency. February aG, lh52. ( I EOllljlA, Floyd founty.-To nil whom s-J it may. concern: Whereas Whde S. .Cothran applies lo rite for letters of Adminis tration on the Estmepf John 8. Burnett, late of a,lid rounly decei|sed. Tlu*se*|j|ft therefore to ©lie turd edtnntilsh nil uud siugultrrthe kindred ond eredi'ois of said deceased to he and appear at my office wiiliht the (line prercribetl by Inw, to show cau o,.if any exist, why sitjd letters should not brgtniited td snld'nppllqdnt. Given Under my band nnd official..igmiiure nt office,this Milt day of August, 1852. ' ■ .1 ESSE .LAMBERTH, Ordinary.', . Aogust 19, lxf'2. ; ■ •'.•■■* '. ' ' , >' DISSOLI'TIOY. . ^TFrOWErlwuereUy givou tlmt “the co-part- i t ner«1»lp heretofore* existin«r butwuen the sub^Tibera itpdor the nasue aii'l linn ot' Don- tiis &• Hunt, was 4i»iulveiL<>rf tlie 22-Id ay ot J (ily. \Ri2. by i^altethooobeQt. . Tlie immu of tin* lirni will bo UsuJ by eiilicr of (lie part- nern iniclodn™ tlie (or j»y Thniel S. lYmtup, who bus the Notes nn»l Aocuunis for colluetion.) J. H. DENNIS, Cunningham and Lluton> AtUic linilRwd Depot, Home, Georgia. D EAL in all tlie varieties of Groceries iu eluding a util assortment pf coinriiou und flnlp liquors, wines Arc., lixMivy hardware, iucli,as.Sibitiiv* Bellows, unvils, li a minors, pxes,‘spades, shovels iVo. Gun and ’blasting powder, jfiior, leud, &e. Yanis,o?nalmrgi, ^liirtinfi’}. slieutinyri &c. (by the bale.) Rice, halt, tobrtocq, npd cheese. Flows, straw* cfitturu, eorn shelleia and lnnclnht's }incl"ihi- plements g-nerully; also, clover nnd grass reeds »fcc. Floiir bnoop. Ifird, a lid‘provisions generally. Fairbanks rmtunt plqtform and counter stale?, tec..—nlmojit nvery tiling u- niong tlie useful, whether ibr farm,.garden, kitchen or dwelling, '• f*’.* ^ To ail of whicl) we respectfully invite the intention of.dealers, farmer*i und ull who ;mny wlsh^'.to buy such articles, • - Febfnnry 26 t l8 , *)2. ■ . “To Cut Lumber Fast,” TTSE a a Laiioe Cihui i.auSaw.—Wcltnye LJ a large snpbrlor niad© Circular Saw, with mandril and all ©bhinluto,'far sale at manufacturers prices mid expenses, by CUNNINGHAM & LlNTuN Fcbrttnry 28, 1S52, *.. . Qri'Bl MILL.—Tjic HotucwtHid Steam Mil! VJ three mil strum Rome, nn the Calhoun Rond is i. operation, uml. the subscriber wil receive earn on lull, and -otlim* nt the'usrinl rateenf toll. JOHN HU.ME. Hope nnd fin aging (nniishcri ir requMed DIARRHOEA REMEDY. S OYRI PS OF OLlfKBEIIRIPS, nn i llii iciit |.t«jQ| k ’ and very palatable remedy tor children 1 : jj : U ”' in slimmer' cotaphfiats. tmt. mi WHITE SILK Timers. . SNOWDEN &. SHEAR August!! (IfOIL'Ilt. TTAVE rceeiveil, from New Yolk, an tlseart. 4*1* merit ofl’lalh und Crimped Wliltu Silk White trad Rlauk Lnco'Embroidered Muutll- lna, Ladles’ Embroidered Muslin Olrimtisettea, M nsl Iti and Lnco Undoraloovcx, ■ Valcnclcnmn Lauo and Mutllti Collars; Also, a supply of Ladies’Summer Dress GoodsMtt a grunt va riety of sly Ids, of now nnd ulogant designs, und to all,or which they veapuctfully luvlts thonttenUon ofth© Ladies'. .1 lino 10.1652. INDIA MATTING. SXOWDE.Y A SHEAR Augusta GoorgiA, ty, nnil W wliioli tliuy »*>»*i»«*«*tfalli'..Jinyite th( nltentlnri ofjhe piiblla. ' June 10. 1852. DUTCH EOLTING- CLOTHS. ' * SX0WDTN ft SHEAR • Augusta •Oedfjrid. H AVE received fttnn New York,-Dufcti Bolting CLOTHS,'of tho best quality, Nos. 0,1, 2. 3,4,6, 8, 7,8, 9, nml 10, and to which the attention of the public;’Is reSpoct- fully. luvltcdi JiulolO. 1852. HAKOAIAS IN LADIES' I1UESS GOODS. Snowden.K shear, Augusta, 0a„ TYTILLJ O'©))) thls day, Bull their .present TV Stock ©(Coloretl:Printed Muslins; Col- orfid Vrlntwl Uuregus'; Tissue*; Crap© do Paris, and tlrenacllnus, at cost. The assortment embraces some of tho latest styles, and most elegant articles of the season. Jilly 29,-1862. COFFEEJl COFFEE! fHtHE steeugth ,ot four pounds ofthe best JL yuatili/ of Co/fee. solti for fifteen cents. Hummel's Extradt uf CofTeo Is acknowledged by all fob© the best salbst nml cheapest drink now before the people, (','bald .faco" uot cx- 'cepted.) for ©Id nml young. A lrlnl only Ss necessary to attest Its superi ority'. Call at tbo Drug Store of ’ August 12.1853,' ROBERT BATTEY, f piLlPH of every shade nml ‘Kingstreakcd J- and Spudded," Will bo opened for inspec tion by the subscrlbir, during tho month of Sipumber nert. ltOBT. BATTEY. July; 23. li)62. ' - , ‘I’YAnLllH.—Fifty varlulles, of all shades .14 ready for delivery at BA’i'TEY’S Drug- and Seed Store, ori tho 1G/A oj November next. July 22.485*2, * - t) YAC1ATUS,—A large ami elegant .assort- sJL.meqt ul vin ielles of this exqulslto Dutch Dull), will bu opened (lining tha month of September next for tho Inspection uml approv al ofthuLudlcs at BATTEY’S DRUO STORE, July 22,1862., tends ro-opetilng tho Maie Acudemy for tits* reception of l'tiplls, on Monday 20th instant. It Is resnoclfully but earnestly requested, that Pupils bo.prcscrit at the first of tho Session, iu older to their, proper classification. Rates will ho inrido known to applicants. . July 8.1853. - J. 0. MoDANIEL. FttEKII & CLASSICAL SCHOOL. rpuE umlersigitcri proposes to receive lilt* JL. his family and instruct with his own children, a limited number of pupl(s. The course.ofins'ructian will comprise ths French, Latin nml Greok languages. Mathe matics, Sut veying, Natural History ««. Jro. The ternis for board and tuition are seventy- five dollars per session-of six months payshl* in advance, BUG. 0^080 IN. Rcferenrei.—General Ldlsnur, King*- ion;Dr. .Mnxcn.Uomo. * Rome, Ga., June 34,1859 tf VALUABLE LAND FURSALE. THE SUBSCRIBERS olfer for sal# torn lands its nny on Coosa River, nml thirty acres first quality tip lauds with thirty acres' cleared lauds, all flesh, the lands lying one and a hall miles fi om Gadsden tho terminus ofthe Selina and Tenncsseo River Railroad, well watered, and healthy location ns uny in the Stale. Wu will also sell tho Hotel la (liidstlen with all the lots belonging to it, with thu lands ur separately, as may suit the pttfcliascr. The nliovo property will bo of-' lured for Bale until the first of Sopterabor* next, unless disposed of sooner; Auy person wishing to purchase such property. cun soo the lands and ascertain tho terms by calling mi W. D. Young, A. D Hughes or.-.W, A. Vincent, as one or all of thorn may'at any timo he found hi tho lilttco.. Y0UNC & HUGHES. Gadsden, Chorokco Co., Ain. JunolO, 1862. WARE HOlhE A COHHIS810Y 91ERCHANT8* Rome, Georgia. rth IIE undersigned ro.pcctfuUy Inform ~ their friends nnd thepubllo generally,that they have rntored into a partnership fur die*, purpose of doing a general Ware-Roam nml Commission burinots, under the firm and style of M. A. STOVALL Je CO. , They will have completed by the first of Sep. lumber next, a IsreC and commodious Ware. House, immediately In Ihe centre of the bo-o. ness part of Rome, whero they will be prepn r~ cd To.reeeive, store and .sell any species of mePa.ntlise, option, corn, wlteqt, bucotr, Aee*- Tltey will also make liberal advances an cot ton or other produce in store, or will ship 'be same, when desired, to Charleston, Savannala or Augusta, charging only the legal rate of interest on thu amount advanced. From Its- long experience of olid of the firm In tlm com-/ mission business, they tin Iter themselves they present advantages lo planters sending pro duce lu mis point, not surpassed by nny hoyse In Rome. Their charges wi(l correspond wlUi those of otlter houses'It this city. " M. A. STOYALL.^ D.S.PR1NTUP. 1 August 5,1852, ’ f t Farm Implement—Sued, Ac. V~\NE purlnblu large, a most useful c U bnndy inaclllm), ono doxen best t eltellors, on© dozen straw-aimers usual t a lurgo-ltand.or lrorso mill, a,*ftilt asso plpws, cli'tivntors, Arc., tine suporlq plrtnjer, long und short handle shovol* tea., n d, yellow* and white ulovurseejl seed, tet,, tori sale bnu» ' •'.*. GhWNlNoqAM he 1 February.20, lb52. rojif. sirin nu W E hnvc.on hand and l l*'rge auaBtlryqtg ■ RLE I.UMBF.If, »I- *1 CASH nnd CASH < p/nred to da