Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, May 22, 1855, Image 4

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r^EORGIA* Floyd County: VT BY virtna of u order ften the ooort of or* dinary of said county,the let Monday in Feb '45 will be eold before the Court House door in Borne on the let Tuesday in July next, between tbe venal boon of sale, 1 negro (dare belonging to tit Estate of Elisabeth Williams late or War* ran county deceased, to wit.* Folly a girl about M yean old. Sold for the benefit of heiraand creditors of eaid estate. Terms made known on day of sale. HENRY BAKER, marl 1855 Exeentor. . . A GREEABLY to an ordernf the Ordinary of Floyd County passed on the 2d day of April 1856, will be sold before ihe Court House door tn the City of Rome, on the first Tuesday tn Jane next, between the legal boors or sale the following negroes, to wit: Jasper, aman about — years of age; Nancy, a woman about — years of age; Anna a girl e >ut — ) ears of age; Mary, a girl — year* age; Carter,a boy — years of age; Char- la, a woman — years of ago; and her child about - years of age. All sold aa the property of Lettiee Ware, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs sod creditors of said Terms made known on day of WILIAM WARE \ . ALEX’R. WARE,$ Mmn% April 17i 1855. tds. TWO months after data, application will ho X aado to tho Ordinary of Floyd county for leave to sell all the real Estate belonging to the Estate of Peter Boyle deceased. JAS M MONTGOMERY, ap IT Adm'r. italabtrator's Sale. Agreeable to aa order of the ordinary of Floyd county passed oo the 3d day of April 1855, will ho sold before tho tho Coart House door in the city of Rome, on the first Tuesday in June next between the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No T15 in tho 3d district and fourth (4) section of originally Cherokee, now Floyd county, con- tutalng 49 acres more or leas, sold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of Mary Timmons deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. R S SIMMONS, ai 10*5 Adm’r. fTtWO month after date application will be L made to the Ordinary of Floyd County fbr leave to sell a Negro hoy by the name of .Horace, belonging to the Estate of Richard J, Henderson, a lunatic. MARY C. HENDERSON, April 3.1855. Guardian. PEMuai,run form: vJ» Whereas, Laikin Barnett. Administra tor on the estate of Richard Gossett, Sen., deceased, applies to me fur letters of Dis* mision. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to show cease if any they have, why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted unto siid applicant on the first Monday in September next. Given under my band and official signa ture at office this 22d March. 1855. JESSE LAMBERTH, March 27. Ordinary. n BORGIA, Floyd County s vJT The debtor* and creditors of Mrs. Mary Uoyd, late of said county deceased, are hereby •etified to present their debts, account* and j n terms of the law ; aad those in debted will make payment without delay. A. RICHARDSON, March 37. Executor. TWO months after data application will be X made to the Ordinary of Chattooga county fbr leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of John Frucel, Senior, deceased. JOHN PURCEL, Jr. April 15—3m- Exeentor. CHATTOOGA LANDS FOR SALE. AGREEABLE TO AN ORDER OF THE Coart of Ordinary of Chattooga county, there will be sold before the Court House door in Sum mwviUa, Chattooga county, on the first Tuesday in! Sept, next, the following property to wit: Loti of Land Number fifty-three and Number Twenty, in the Thirteenth District and Fourth Section of Chattooga county, together with tho appurtenances. Sold as the property of Wil liam McConnell, late of Chattooga county de- Said lot of land containing 250 acres, lie on Valley road In Broom town Valley, *s north-east of Summerville, and eon- > one of tho most desirable situations, resi- i and farms In tho Cherokee country. The two Lots of Land Ee broadside and are waB improved. There being one of tho beat brick dwelling houses in the country, Luge and well constructed kitchens, negro bouses, haras, thresher, cotton gin and screw. There arc one bandied and thirty or forty acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. There are on tbe premises two splendid wells, and also two springs of never failing water. Any person wishing farther information, can call upon the under signed at Ringgold, Ga-, or R E Gilkeyson on the premises. h^pTerms one third Cash, the other twg thirds upon one and two year's credit. and X A McCONXELL, Extrix. March 35 '55, ids. COURT OF ORDINARY, February Term, 1855* TT appearing to the Court by the petition of X Jasper Loyd, sheweth that Thomas Loyd of Floyd county deceased, did, in his lifetime, ex ecute to said Jasper Loyd his bond for titles to half of Lot of Load (North half) number one hundred aad eighty-two, (182) in the 22d Dis trict and 3d Section, of originally Cherokee, now Floyd county, containing eighty acres more or lees, conditioned to be void by his ma king a deed in fee simple to said half Lot ; and It farther appearing that said deceased died without executing a deed or making any fro- visions therefor by will or otherwise; and it farther appearing that said Jasper Loid has fully paid the purchase price, and baring peti tioned this Court to direct George W. and Thos. N. Loyd, Executor* of said deceased, to execute titles in conformity with said bond. Itis therefore ordered that notice be given at three or more public places in said county and application, that all persons concerned may file their objections (if any they hare) in tbe Ordinary's offiee why said George ff. and Thomas N. Loyd, Executors asafores aid, should net execute titles in conformity’ with said Bond. A true extract from minutes of Court, Feb- r 5th, 1855. JESSES LAMBERTH, Ordinary. rtEORCfl, Floyd County. VT WILLIAM B. TERHUNE, Administrstior oath* Estate of William C. Me Ninch, deceased, applies tome fbr letters of dismission there- Thitsc arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all peraons concerned, to appear at mr of fice witbfo the time prescribed by law, to show cause why eaid letters of dismission should not be granted. JES8E LAMBERTH, Dee 19, '64; Ordinary. film OF GEORGIA, Floyd County, k- 7 To all whom it may concern will please take notice, that wheaeas Thomas 8. Price and Benjamin Garnett, administrators on the Estate of Mfcajsh Mayo. deceased' ap ply tome fbr let ten ef dismission from the same, These are, therefore, to cite and admon fsb all and singular, the Kindred and Cred itors of «aM deceased, to be and appear at my office wftbfo the time prescribed by Law. to show cause, if any they have, why mid Letters should not be granted unto Mid ap- plicant. ..Given under my band and official signature at offlce...l2 January, 1855. JESSE LAMBERTH. Jan. 16 ’55 ordinary. ADjnSISTRATOR'S SALE. B Y AUTHORITY of an order granted by tbe Court of Ordinary of Richmond County, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in May next, at the Court House in the city of Rome, Floyd County, Lot ofland No. 196 in 4th district, 4th section, originally Cherokee, now in Floyd Co, containing 160 access more or less, belonging to the estate of John Low, late of Richmond coun- Termsmsde known on the day LAMBETH HOPKINS, Feb if. tds. Administrator. QTiTR OF GEOBCIA, Floyd Connty. 0 To all whom It may concern will please take notice, that where** '. B.Rcco Aministrator on the Estate ©♦ William R. Johnson, do- censed, applies for letter# of dismission from the same. These ore therefore to cite and admonish *11 and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to ahow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted tosaid applicant. Liv en under my hand and official signature at office, this 30th November, 1854. JESSE LAMBERTH, Dec. 6.’64. Ordinary. Georgia, Mo^d Gmnty:— 1 I hereby give public notice that Land War rant No. 53,080 issued on the 26th September 1853, to Lewis Shiflcte, and assigned by him in Blank to me, was forwarded from Elberton Georgia, to my address on or about tho 1st of November 1854. Said warrant has never come to hand, and is either lost, stolon or destroyed, and I shall proceed to apply for a duplicate thereof, on or after the 10 dey of april next. D. H. McCURRY, Feb 37 6L Assignee. a BORGIA, Floyd County : The debtors and creditors of Willie Ann Simmons (minor of Wm. S. Simmons late of said county deceased) are hereby notified to present their debts, accounts and demands in terms of the law; and those indebted will make payment without delay. A- RICHARDSON. ) . E. H. RICHARDSON, J Aamn ' March 37. BUSINESS DIRECTORY A M. 'LACB.—-Dealer in Groceries, Staple • Dry Goods, Family Provisions and Confeo- tionarios. oetSl A P. NEKLD—Merchant Tailor, road-st., •Rome, Ua., will fill au oraers Rnu |»rompt- Deex Work warranted to suit customers oct31 A W. If AKSHAW.—House and Sign Paint- •er. His services can be secured on moder ate terms. All work executed in good stylo. oetSl TROUT HOUSE. TUB undersigned begs to announeo to tho citisens of Atlanta and the travel ling public, that he will open the Trout House on Monday next, for tho accommodation of boarders and transient persons, with Airnituro entirely new, Rooms well ventilated, largo and airy Halts, and by constant attention to the wants of his guests, the subscriber hopes to make bis Houso among the most desirable to be found in the State. AARON GAGE, Atlanta. Nov. 28, 1854-ly Proprietor YVINSHIPS IRON WORKS T HE subscriber Is now prepared to rccolve and exocute orders for ail kinds of CMtlag aad Machine Works, and all persons favoring him with orders may rely upon having their work oxecuiod In tho best manner amt at short notice. Orders for 8IISH, BLINDS AND DOORS, promptly attended to at his Car establish ment* CSTCash paid for Old Copper Brass and Cast Iron. JOHNH. WINSHIPS. Atlanta. July 6.1S54.—ly- Morgan Kirkpatrick & Co, HAVING opened anew Wnre^ room on Peach Tree StreotT* would Call the attention of the public to their stock of FURNITURE, embra cing Cabinet Ware, in all Us varieties. Chairs of every kind; Lounges, Mottrosses of Springs, Hair, Moss, Cotton and Shucks. CARPETS, RUGS Ac., Window Shades, Window Curtains, Damask, Cornices, Bands, Cord and Tassels, Loops, Ac. Ae. Window Papering, House do., Fire-board do- They still continue their shop, SOUTH OFGE )RGIA RAIL ROAD SQUARE and are prepared to do nil kinds of work connec ted with their business, such as making and re-* pairing Furniture, Making Mattresses, Upholste ring. Ac. They keep also on hand, Metnlio DERRY k HARKINS.—Dealers in Staple D and Faaey Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., corner of Broad and Ooscanaol* streets, Rome, Ga. • oct31 pUNNINGHAM k LINTON.—Wholesaleand vJ Retail Grocers, (near the Railroad Depot) Rome, Ga. oct31-2m TYR- J. R. SMITH.—Physician and Surgeon, IJ Rome, Ga. Office in H. A, Smith’s Book Store. oct31—4m ThANIEL S. PRINTUP.—Agent of the Bank U of the State of South Carolina. "Office op posite the Poet Office, up stairs, Broad street, Rome, Ga. oct31 L' M ERCK S.—Manufacturer of and Dealer in xJ-Tin, and Japan, Ware of all kinds. AH work warranted. Orders from a distance wiU be promptly met oct31 V i SULLIVAN.—Dealer in staple and Fan A *cy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., Broad Street, Rome, Ga., next door above Force, Rice, k Co. oct31 h’Rftil k BRO.—Dealers in Fancy and 8ta- X pie Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, etc.. Broad-street. Rome, Ga. [oct31 1? A. KIRBY.—Attorney at Law, Summer- I .rille, Ga., will practice in Chattooga, Flojd, Walton. Dade and Whitfield. oct31-5m TTENRY A. SMITH.—Bookseller and Sta- XX doner, Rome, Ga., keeps a general assort ment of School, Theological and Miscellaneous Publications. Also, a great variety of Station ery and fancy articles. oct31 TTENRY A. GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, XX Rome, Ga. Office over the store of Berry k Harkins. oct3i T H. McCLUNG k CO.—Dealers in Staple v -and Fancy Dry Goods, Carpetings, Papet Hangings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc., Broad street, Rome, Ga. oct31 TOHN C. DxJOURNETT—Carpenter, Soli- w cits the patronage of the Public. Work en trusted to him will meet with prompt execu tion. norl4. 1OHN H. ROBERTS.—Dealer in Dry Goods, O Hardware, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Crockery, Drugs, Groceries, and Provisions. oct3! TAW. McCLURE.—Dealers in Dry Goods, (J •Hardware, Saddles, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Groceries, Ac. oct31 T W. HICKS A CO.—Dealers in Medicines, tf •Drags, Paints, Oils, and Glassware, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Ga., 3 doors below Sloan, Hawlrins A Co. oct 31 f” T* McCONNELL.—Attorney at Law, Ring- O .gold, Ga. oct31-5 T M. QUINN k CO.—Dealers in Groceries, tf •Grain, Provisions of all kinds, and Staple Dry Goods, 2 doors below tbe Post Office, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. oct31 T J. COHEN.—Wholesale and Retail Mer- tf *rhant in Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard- Wanted.—Produce of all descriptions. Also, Agent for the Paper mills. Rags wanted. Oet 31, 1854. TUTcCOY k KERR.—Carriage Manufacturers, ill Repairing done with neatness. Orders from abroad promptly filled. oct31 'If' MARKS.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready- JXL.Made Clothing, Hats, C * ps, Shoes, k Boots. He solicits the attention of the pnblic to his well-selected assortment. oct31 P M. SHKIBLEY.—Principal of tbe Rome X .Classical and Mathematical Male Academy. Room at the Choice HoteL 31oct p D HARVEY. Attorney A Counsellor at Xv Law, Rome Ga. Feb 13 ly. P T. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer English and American Hardware, Broad street, Rome, Ga. oct31 pOBERT O’BARR—House carpenter. AH XV work entrusted to his care will meet with rompt and faithful attention. dec. 19, ly. O G. GUERINEAU—Guttering and Piping O done to order. dec. 5 ly. CMITH A UNDERWOOD, Attorneys at Law, O wiH practice in the Courts of Floyd and the neighboring counties. CHARLES H. SMITH. ] S. W. H. UNDERWOOD.” Jan 16/54.* CLOAN, HAWKINS A CO.—Have always on O band a fuU assortment of Groceries at their old stand. Also, a splendid stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at their New Store, one door above—all at low prices. Calls from our friends are respeectfully solicited. oct 31 OTANFORD A PITNER.—Dealers in Dry W Goods and Groceries. son a n. Stanford. | oct31 | a. a. power. C G. WELLS.—Verandhh House.—Broad ^•Street, Rome, Ga. Sleeping Rooms, large and clean, and the beet of water. Good accom modations for horses on the premises. oct31 TTNDERWOOD A MITCHELL,—Attorneys v at Law, Rome, Ga., will attend the Courts of Floyd and adjoining Counties. oct 31 TIT M. A W. PEEPLES.—Dealers in Fancy »Y • Dry Goods, Groceries and Country Pro duce. Wm. M. Peeples.] [W. Peeples. Calhoun, Ga. Feb. 6, ly. TIT B. J ONES, successor to Kirven A Jones. Y * •—Dealers in Books, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. oetSl TYTRIGHT A SHROPSHIRE.—Attorneys at Yv Law, Rome, Ga. A. B. WRtOBT, j r. C. SHROPSHIRE. Cossville, Ga. j Rome, Ga. oetBl 2m. TY7TLLIAM G. GREEN—Commission and * v Produce Merchant near the depot,Madison, Georgia. Refer to s. u. t r. n. hollinosworth, Madison, Ga. R. p. ZIMMERMAN, Atlanta, Ga. Dee. 5, 1854. VY7TLLIAM RAMEY.—Livery Stable, oppo- v V site tbe Courier Office, Broad-street, Home Ga. Horses and Carriages always ready to ac commodate customers. oct3l C. DENSON.—Dealer in Staple and Fan- v T ,oy Dry Goods, corner of Broad-street and Maiden Lane, Rome, Ga. octal A LL persons baring claims against tbe Es- Ja. tate of Samuel Merrill, are requested to pre sent them properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. ap 17 JOSEPH S. MERRILL Ex'*. Burial Cases and make upon short notice, Ma hogany, Walnut and other wood Coffins. CHAIR* FACTORY.—Thty have enlarged their manufacturing shops at Decatur, and can supply Morgan’s original Cottage Choirs, Hind^ ley’s Patent Bedstead, together with all articles of Cabinet Ware, of their own manufacture, in jmy quantity desired. They are. now manufacturing and finishing namelled Cottage Sotts, far superior to any to be had from the North. jan 9 '55, ly FULTON HOUSE, Atlanta, Georgia. THE undersigned take this method of prietors of the Fulton Hons* which is now be ing fitted up with new Furniture, on which, with other appendages, they feel prepared to make their guests comfortable. They pledge their efforts to give satisfaction to their guests. Trav elling custom is respectfully solicited. Francis 51. Allen, Book Keeper. JOHN N. REEVES, A. E. REEVES, of Augusta, Ga. of Rome, Ga. Atlanta, Feb. 20, '55. ly JACOB'S CORDIAL. Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, FOR ALL BOWEL DISEASES. Cholera Morbus, Bilious Cholic, Cholera Infantum, • ALSO, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OP FEMALES; MOST ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. THEViRTUEOFiACOB’SCORDIALARETOOWELLKliowilTOBEQijiBElEilCOHIUHS 1st. 2d. 8d. 4th, 6/A. 0/A. 7th. II cures thr itsorsl casts of Diarrhoea. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. II cures California or Mexican Diarrhaa. It relieves the severest Colic. It cures Cholera Morbus. It cures Cholera Infantum. It cures Painful Menstruation. 8th. It relieves Pain in Back and Loins. OfA. It counteracts Nervousness and Despon dency. 10/A. // Restores Irregularities. 11/A. It dispels Gloomy and Histerical feelings. 12/A. It's a Tranquilizer and Admirable Tonic A few abort Extract! from Letters, Testimonials, lie, "I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient and in my judgment, a valuable remedy.” Hon. Hiram Warner. Judge of Supreme C’onrt, Ga. “It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own personal ex perience, and the experience of ray neighbors and friends aronnd mu, is a sufficient guaran tee .’or me to believe it to be all that it purporst to be ; via: a sovereign remedy.” Hon. Wm. II. Underwood, formorly Jndge of 8nperior Coart, Cherokee Circuit "I take great pleasure in recommending tills invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bow- el diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried by me.” A. A. Oacldino, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge ofQeorgia. ‘•Thisefficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fust a Bonaparte poshed bis columns into Russia, and gaining commendation wherever used.” [ Georgia Jeffersonian, May 19/A, 1858. “ I bare used ‘Jacob’s Cordial’ in my fhmily. and tills, with nil I hear aboat it, as a rem cdy by those who have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every pre|»arafion of tho kind, and 1 would recommend its use in tho disease for which it is compounded. Milse G. Dobbins. Cashier of tho Bank ofthe State of Georgia, Griffin. “ If there is any credibility In human testimony, ‘Jacobs Cordial' mast stand pre-emi nent above all other preparations for tbe care of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of test! ninny in its favor coming-in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a enrative agent, of most if not a 11 other‘patent’ preparations.” .* A. Fleming, Cashier Marino and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin, For sale by Dr. Hicks A Co. and J. E. Pinson, Rome ; S. M Davidson Cave Spring. R. D. Winoakd Vann’s Valley, Stephen Ball Armntchee, T. McGuire JtfcGnire’s 8toro, Wm. McCollough Floyd Springs, Carpenter A Burke CassvilIe,.E Porter Adaira- ille, Alluooo &Edwards Summerville, Thornton’s Dahlonega,M. Turner Stilesbcrongh, And by the principal Merchants ahd Druggists throughout Ihe Slate. Diarrhoea and Dysentery. X T HE unrivaled success attending Dr. Hicks’ prescription for the above dis eases during their prevalence in this city, and and ricinity, during tbe last summer, and the numerous calls for it now, have induced the Proprietors, Dr. J. W. HICKS A CO., to put it up in neat Bottles, with fail directions accompanying each Bottle. They do not of fer it to the public as a secret nostrum, butas a prescription founded in a scientific mannei and upon purely physiological principles, and of medicines long known for their pecu liar efficacy in relieving the above diseases. It may be had, wholesale and retail, at their Drag Store, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Ga Also of Mr. Wm. Beil, Messrs. Hughes A Spann, Cherokee, Ala. and nearly all the stores in the country. Muy 25,1854. EAR AND EYE. Deafness* Total or Partial} Entirely Re moved. D R. ALSOPHERT begs to call the attention of those suffering under a partial or total loss of the sense of hearing to the following facts : He treats diseases of the middle and internal ear with medicated donebes. such as is practiced in tbe Infirmaries of Berlin, Leipsic, Brussels, Hamburg and St. Peters bnrgb, and lately by the most distinguished London Anrists. with the most wonderful success; indeed it is the only method that has bet n universally successful. Tbe best proof of the efficacy of this treat ment will be a reference to nearly nine hun- hnodred names, residents of the United infonningthe publicltbat they are the Pro-, ^States, Canada, New Brnnswick and Nova JACKSONVILLE REPUBLICAN. Published weekly by J. F. GRANT. This paper is now io its 19th vol., the oldest in East Alabama, and amongst the oldset in tbe State. It is published evory Tuesday morning, at $2,00 per annum in advance, or 3,00 at tbe end of the year. Having an cxtensivecircula- tion in all the counties of Alabama, which trade to Rome, it is, without doubt, the best adverti sing medium, to the Merchants and business men of that city, outside ofthe State of Georgia; and the use of its columns is now offered to them at the following reduced rates : One square three mouths, $5,00 “ “ six “ 8,00 u " twelvo rt 10,00 Two sqn’s three " 8,00 “ “ six * 12,00 « " twelve “ 15,00 Larger ones in the same proportion. Every effort will be made by handsome dis play, conspicuous position, and calling attention editorially, to make advertisements as advanta geous aa possible. jan. 18, ’55 DALTON MA1TTJFACTTTEING COMPANY. T HE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW PREPAR ed to fill orders in the best style of Work manship from the best of Material with the la test improved patterns, on short NOTICE IN IRON, BRASS OR COMPOSITION ALL CASTINGS WILL BE EXPE DITIOUSLY EXECUTED. SUCH AS MILLL GEARING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PATENT WATER WHEELS, BARK HILLS. PATENT SAW RILL DOGS, GINGEARING! And all sorts of Gearing for both SAW AND FLOURING MILLS. WE ARE ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE PATTERNS OF AST DESCRII TIO!i OB PLAY A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STOVES PLOWS AND Agrlcnlt’I Implem’s generally, are kept eons t antly on hand at reduced prices. AU persons wishing to build or re- Mills, are invited to examine our patterns and and prices. Having a practical Mil 1 Wright connected with the company, wo are prepared to give plans and the Estimated cost of all kind of Mills and Machinery. ROB’T BATTEY, Dalton ap 17 ly President WESTERS A ATLANTIC HOTEL DALTON, GA. BY MBS- MABTHA W- FIELD, THIS new and elegant Hotel, fronting Hamilton Street and the •epot of the Western A Atlantic ^Railroad, is now open for the reception of travellers and visitors. No pains wiU be spared to make it equal to any House on the road, and to render comfortable, such os may call. The rooms are large, and well ventilated. Persons visiting the Copper Mines, and the mountains in JIurray and Gilmer, find no difficulty in procuring hor- sos and vehicles to convey thorn to eithor of those points. March 27th. ly. EUGENE LeHARDY, CIVIL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEER, SURVEYOR AND ARCHITECT, POST OFFICE, ROME, GEORGIA, Dr<>T JAB C WORD RESIDENT PHYSIC IAS 8 3EK.ffin»]AK3E3 mS-AA.9 thankful for past favors, still continue tho prac tice of Medicine, and respectfully solicit a con tinuance of patronage* april 10‘ 1 y. FOR SALE. T nE undersigned being desirous to close his business and move West, offers bis well known Buildings in Cavo Spring Ga., for sale. Tbe llouso is large and convenient, with a large Store Room attached to it, and situated on tho corner of the main Street The House is so con structed that it can be used for a Hotel, a pri vate residence or store rooms, with but little al teration. Tho lot is neatly enclosed and a good well of water, with a well-house on tbe pro mises. It is unnecessary to say anything in regard to the health or morality of the Village or this section of country as it is well known to be among the most healthy portion of Georgia, with Springs of pure water. There are fine productive lands convenient to tho Rail Road and on tbe surveyed and contemplated rout of the Georgia and Alabama R R from Rome to Jacksonville. Flourishing Schools both Male and Fomale, also tho Stato Asylum, for tho education of the deaf and dumb, and undor way of erection, is a College cniied tho Wesleyan Institute, with Churchos of sumo va rious denominations which are in a prosperous condition. For further particulars address the proprietor at Cave Spring, Ga., or consult him on the premises. SAM’L W. ROBBINS. Cave Spring. Jan. 30 tf. Scotia, wbo have been restored to acute hear ing and not a single solitary case, to our knowledge, did we fail to effect either a par tial or total restoration of tbe hearing, when our advice and instructions were faithfully and punctually adhered to. Aiany who .could not hear the report of a pistol at arm’s length , can now hear a watch beat at the distance of four fee*. In case of mucus ac cumulation in tho Eustachian Tube and Tympanum, inflammation ofthe mucus mem brane; nervous affeclious, diseases of the membran tympani, called “the drum,” or when the disease can be traced to the effects of foversor colds, the use of quinine or mercurial medicines, gatherings in the ears in childhood, Ac., this treatment stands pre eminent. When the auditory canal is dry and scaly, with little or no secretions, when the deafness is accompanied with noise in tbe ear like falling water, chirping of insects, ringing of bells, rustling of leaves, continual pulsations, a discharge of matter or when in stooping, a sensation is felt as if a rush of blood to the head bad taken place ; when the hearing is less acute iu dull, cloudy weather, or when a cold has been taken, this method of treating the disease is infallible. In deaf and dumb cases, my experience warrants me in saying that if the hearing was good at any time, much can be accom plished. In tbe deaf and dumb schools at Lcipstc out of a class of fourteen, I succeed- in restoring four to acute hearing. Dr. A. begs explicitly to state that in those cases lie undertakes, he guarantees a suc cessful result—complete restoration of tbe sense of sueh a marked improvement as will be perfectly satisfactory, if his remedies are faithfully applied and directions adhered to. Applicants will please state their age, dura tion of tho disease, if matter issues from tbe external passage, if there are noises in tbe ears, state of general health, and what they suppose to have been the cause of tbe deaf ness. When tbe hearing is restored, it is ex pected that those in easy circumstances will contribute liberally. • All diseases of the Eye successfully treat ed by the application of MEDICATED VA PORS, &c., an infallible no-painless treat ment for diseases of the Eye. aente or chron ic. Cataract. Specks, Inflammation. Flim and Weakness of Vision, Granularion of the Lids Ulceration of the Lachrysmal Grands, &c., &c. To the astonishing and gratifying ef fects of this treatment, the child, theyonth, those of mature age, as well as those far ad vanced in lif.’.all bear testimony to its won “Prove all things, holdfast ttuU which is good? Dr. I. W. HICKS A Co’s Essence of Jamaica Ginger is still on the increase in public estimation and towers far above anything of a similar nature ever invented. The feeble and debil itated are rejoicing under its magic influence and manifold virtues, and it is hailed with delight by the distressed. For sale, wholesale or retail, at their Drug Store, No. 39, Broad St., Rome, Ga. May 25,1854. BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS!! A GREAT VARIETY of new BOOKS, com prising all of the moet recent publications together with a great many standard works, from the best English and American Authors, have just been received at the “ New Book Store " of HENRY A. SMITH. Also a great many fine Illustrated Gtft Books for the season, splendidly bound in Morocco Extra, richly gilt. The Publio are respectfully solicited to give me a call. Oct 10, 1854. FRACTICE OF SURGERY. Dr. JURIAH HARRISS I S PREPARED to accommodate with Lodging and Horsing} such Patients as may bo directed to him for Surgical Opera tions or Treatment. Masters may be assured that their servants will have every necessary attention. Augusta, Ga., May 18,1854. FORWARDING BUSINESS. THIE undersigned has this day entered into the JL receiving and forwarding business in New Orleans, having had six years experience ms shipping clerk for Wright, Williams A Co., he hopes to merit the patronage of the public. JNO. L. VIVEN. Refer to: Wright, Davenport A Co., Converse k Co., Peters, Millard k Co., New Orleans; Colonel B. M. Johnson, Shreveport; Col. John F. Jett, Memphis ; T. Whaley, Vicksburg. Goods to my address will be forwnrdcd with the greatest despatch. Since July lost I have forwarded some 3000 packages without deten tion ora single loss of any package. Being agent for Red River, Ouachita, Black River, Tensas, Bayou, Macon and Missisippi river packets, I have at all time the means of ship ping direct from Vessels, also being very near the different routes of steam communication, I avoid the delays and extra expenses incurred R. R. R. In the year of our Lord, 1847, in our ca pacities of nalytical chemists, we discovered that by uniting certain vegetable agents, which had nnver before been used in medf cine, we obtained properties possessing such a marvellous quick power over pain, that tbe moment it was applied to the parte af fected with pain, all uneasiness ceased. Tbe most tortnring pains were relieved in an in stant, and the most violent spasms and irri tations were soothed, and tbe system restor ed io perfect ease in a few minutes. In 1849, we introduced this remedy to the world under tbo name of RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. It has been used by hundreds of thousands throughout tbe United States, giving instant ease to all troubled with Pain orBicknera. Ooe application externally, or a few drops taken internally, will instantly free tbe snf- efrer from the most violently and terrible K ins, and restore tbe weak, feeble, and proe- ited frame to strength and vigor. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA. Disease ofthe Kidneys, and all diseases- arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach, sacha•Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness, or blood to the head, Acidity ofthe Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, Full ness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking,or flattering at thePit ofthe Stomach, Swimming of tbe Head, Harried and difficult Breathing, Flattering at thfi Heart, Choaking or Suffocating, Sensations, when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dnll Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi ration, Yellowness ofthe Skin and Eyes Pain, in tbe Side, Bock, Brest, Limbs, &c.. Sad den Flashes of Heat, Burning in the Fleshy Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great De pression of Spirits, can be effectually Cnred by DR. BOOFLAND’S Celebrated GER. MAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR. C. M. JACKSON, GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No person has ever used RADWAY’8 No. 20 Arch St., one door below sixth, Phila. READY RELIEF .without deriving some! Their power over tbe above diseAser is not " u “~ by commission -houses receiving forwarding derfully renovating, heating and soothing ef- j f / eighte ib thu city ° b " ;ct8 * New Orleans, Nov. 14—6m Medicines, Apparatus, &c., sent to any rt at my expense and risk, pa Address Dr. ALSOPHERT. Broadway office. No. 422& near Canal-St., New York. Consultation fee, Five Dollars. Dr. A's Work’on diseases of the Eye, the Natureand Treatment of Diseases and Treat ment ofthe Deafand Dumb—illustrated with steel plates—price $10 Post-roaster CT Southerner, copy Nov 14. 1854 6m Excelsior Hand Loom!! T HIS important labor saving machine for do mestic manufactory, is dostined to supersede and drive out of use ail other hand looms that have their trenddlosoperatedby the action ofthe feet, and the shuttle thrown by the hand. The construction is SIMPLE, CHEAP, AND DURABLE! From its groat simplicity, it is not subject to get out of order, and the entire machine com plete, can be made by any ordinary carpenter. The advantages it possesses over the old fash ioned loom, consist in all its parte being SELF CHANGING, requiring no skill to weave. It is neat and convenient, and on it one can weave THREE TIMES AS MUCH CLOTH as on tho old fashioned loom, and WITH LESS LABOR! The cost is no more than tbe old, and is equally adapted to all kinds of domestio weaving. John H. Wisdom offers to sell the Patent Right of tho above loom for the counties of Floyd h and Polk by Countios or Districts, ho also has a supply of the Looms which he will sell at pri ces to suit the times Jan 30 '55 tf. N. J. OMBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR, W OULD respectfully call the attention of his friends and customers tohisnew stock of Goods, which he has just received from New York, consisting in part of blue, black, brown, :c, (jiaies—price | green, olive adolet and cadet mixed cloths, Money letters must 6e registered by the * lam ' black Cassimeres and doekins, and an extensive variety of Fancy Cassimeres of every quality, shade and color; also, a fall assortment of black afid fancy silk and velvet Vestings; also, Frajrfi Castors, Bearers, Petershams and Cassinflw^Overcoatings of French, English, German and American manufacture. His stock of FURNISHING GOODS Is full and complete, consisting of silk, woolen and linen Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Stocks, Cravats, Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, silk, worsted, and cotton, half hose, hats, caps, Ac., all of which are of the latest and most approved styles. He would call particular attention to his stock of RADY MADE CLOTHING, The great part of which is manufactured at his own establishment, and by some of tho best Houses in New-York, the superior workmanship of which he will warrant; and also a well se lected stock of Childrens* and Yonfhs* Clothing} Fitting children from five to ten, and boys from ten to eighteen years old. All kinds of garments made os heretofore— with neatness and dispatch. Rom e Georgia, Sept 26,1854. ly DASIEL 8. PitIHTIJP, ATTORNEY AT LAW Rome; Ga* January 30, 1855. Trout House for Sale. Rare Chance for Capitalists. THE Proprietor of this splendid Hotel having fully made up his^^ mind to retire from active business, will, upon the first Monday in April noxt at publio outcry in this city, offer it for sale unless he receives a satisfactory private bid. Those wishing to f iurchaso are referred to the travelling public for ts opinion of the convenienoy, and appointment of this fine building. For the lost quarter tho arrivals have been over 4000 {showing an in come of at least eight thousand dollars per quar ter. Tbe modol of this House was [a labored improvement npon tho very finest Houses in the Union, and I am confident for commodiousness, location, and general adaptednoss it is the bo;> llouso in tho South. Terms will bo mode easy so ha to suit pnrch* asers. Address, J. F. TROUT. Atlanta, Ga. March 6th. a UHANCE TO MAKE MONEY!! PROFITABLE AMD IK).TOR ABLE EMPLOYMENT!! THE SUBSCRIBER IS DESIROUS OF having an agent in onch county and town ofthe Union. A capital of from 5 to $19 only will be required, and anything like an efficient, ener getic man can make from throe to five dollars per day; indood sotno of tbe Agents now em ployed are realizing twice that sum. Every in paid] ' WM AKINSLER7 “ Box 1228) Philadelphia, Pa., Post Officef. THE GEORGIA CITIZEN. T HE sixth volume of this Journal, “Devoted to Literature, Politics, Domestio Economy, General News, and State and National Ameri canism’' commenced on the 7th of April.— Terms $2 50, invariably in advance. Ten cop ies to Clubs for $20. The Citisen is a large class Family Newspaper—independent in tone and character—published weekly in Macon, Ga. by LFW ANDREWS, Editor and Proprietor. P. S. Editors in the South, with whom we ex change will please insert tbe above one time and the favor will be rooiprccated to like extent, or the bill will be paid in cash, on presentation, as may be preferred. may 1 NOTICE. O N tbo 21st day of Nove^r, loos, I held a ofoto mode by Pleasant R. Lyle and payable to Nelson Norris or bearer, and due on the 1st dny of Ootober previous, for eighty-five dollars, which was lost about the 21st or 22d November, '65. I will at tho next Superior Court apply for leave to substitute a copy therefor. WILLIAM K. POSEY, April 3,1855-8t Floyd County, Ga. CHOLERA, DIARRHGBA, BILIOUS CHOLIC. PNEUMONIA, special benefit io less than fifteen minutes after its use Let those who are now suffering any se- vere pains give it a trial, for in fifteen min utes they will enjoy case and comfort. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF was tbe first and is tbe only Remedy ever discovered that will stop the most torturing pains in a few seconds, and free tbe system from Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Nervous, and Miasmatic Disorders in a few honrs. It will cure and protect tbe system against sodden attacks of DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORBUS FEVER AND AGUE, INFL7ENZA. Bear in mind, it is a Powerful Disinfect ant. antacid, diffusive stimulant, nervine anti- spasmodic. and counter irritant. The B. R REMEDIES are medical dis coveries of the present century. They are prejiared on an entire new and original theo ry, to stop pain instantly; and protect the human system against richness or any sad den attocks. The doses required to be taken are small. A few drops of READY RELIEF exercises a powerful influence over diseased action. IT HA ? CURED Rheumatism in fonr hours, Neuralgia in one hour, Cronp in ten minutes, Diarrhoea in fif teen minutes, Toothache in one second, Spasms in five minutes, Sick Headache in fif teen minutes, Chill Fever in fifteen minutes. Chilblains in five minntes, Sore Throat in fonr minntes, Influenza in one hour. SPINAL COMPLAINTS, stiff Joints, Cats Braises, Wounds Frost Bites Cholera Mor bus, Dysentery, Tic Doloreanx, and ail oth er complaints where there are severe pains, Radway’s Ready Relief will instantly stop tbe pain, and quickly cure the diseases. R. R. DISCOVERY—No. 2. RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT Possesses the most quick and potent power over all Chronic, Scroftiins, Syphilitic, and Skin Diseases. In six boors after the first dose is taken, the patient will feel its health- renovating efficacy. FOR ALL HUMORS. The most foul and corrupt humors will, in a few days, yield to the cleansing, parity Ing, and renovating influence of the R. R. RE SOLVENT. Tbe most loathsome Sores, Ulcers. Nodes, Swellings, and the most frightful diseases. Have been cured in a few days by RAD- WA rS RENOVATING RESOLVENT. It is pleasant to take, and the patient teels no disagreeable sensation of sickness at stomach. CHRONIC DISEASES That have been lingering in tbe system, cor rupting tbe blood, softening the bones, pros trating tbe muscles, for ten, twenty, or forty years, have been radically cured by BAD- WAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT. GREAT LUNG MEDICINE FOR ALL LUNG COMPLAINTS. Persons affected with weak or ulcerated Lungs, Tutercoles, Bronchitis, Hacking Dry congh, difficult breathing er spitting Blood. Radway s Renovating Resolvent will, io a short time remove all obstructions from the lungs and throat; and impart strength and soundness to tbe Weak and diseased lungs. There is no medicine. in present me that has made so many rapid cures of Lung Complaints as Radway’s Renovating Resol vent. One day will alter tb? diseased con dition of tbe lungs, and cbeck-the ravages of decay. The public may rely upon an effectual cure of the following diseases by using tbe Reno vating Resolvent: Chronic Rheumatism, Scrofula, Glandular Swellings, Salt Rhenm, Skin Diseases, Can cerous Affections, Syphilitic Complaints. Female Complaints, Bleeding of tbe Lungs, Tic Doloroux, White Swellings, Tumors, Ul cers, Hacking dry Congh, Bronchitis, Hip Diseases, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Water Brash. . FEEBLE MEN AND WOMEN, Whose nuptial beds for years have been couches of disappointment*and regret, will find Radway’s Renovating Resolvent a true renovatrr and invigor.;tor of the diseased and disabled parts. AH unsoundness is re moved in a few days and every organ in the system restored to health, strength and vigor. NERVOUS PEOPLE. Should take Radway’s Renovating Resol vent It will make tbe most nervous, weak, gloomy, and dejected victims of nervousness feel healthy, vigorous, and happy. Price of R. R. Resolvent, $1 per bottle. R. R. R.—DISCOVERY, No. 3. RADWAY’S REGULATORS. THE THIRD GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT OF RADWAY A CO. One Regulator is sufficient to regulate the Bowels. Liver, and Pancrecs, to a healthy discharge of their functions. Two will insure a pleasant discharge from tbe bowels at a regular period of time every day. Fonr to six will purge thoroughly all cor rupt and acrimonious humors from the ali mentary canal. RADWAY’S REGULATORS. Radway’s Regulators are most carefully prepared from extracts and gums of trees, plants, roots, and herbs. There are no pills in use that will act npon the Liver, Pancreas, Bowels tbe Salivary Glands and nerves, so pleasantly and so effectually as the R. R. Regulators No pills can be taken for any length of time with tbo same safety to ther able to walk without much pain, and dis- LAW PARTNERSHIP. A chilles d. shackelford and Jona than D/ PHILLIPS will practice joint- .orwaueuwiu oo ^"S U>°«* ly, under the style of Shackelford k Philips. Offiee at Calhoun, Gordon eountyj Ga. 1 Jan 2,1855 constitution : for instead of debilitating the system by powerful and drastic pdrging. they act pleasantly upon the bowels and impart strength to every nerve and tissue of the body. REGULATORS VS. PILLS. We are continually asked, what is the dif ference between Radway’s Regulators and ordinary pills 1 , We answer that pills, as they are ordinari ly prepared and sold by different manufac turers, are generally of two kinds—those which operate on the bowels merely called purgative pills, and these which excite the secretion ofthe liver and are called mercu rial or liver pills, Radway’s Regulators re semble pills merely in shape, but differ in every other characteristic. They set not only on the bowels, bnt on the liver, skin, pancreas, and kidneys regu lating each organ to a healthy action. They are not drastic, and never give pain as most putgative pills do; they stimulate tbe liver without endangering the patient with saliva, tion, as mercurial pills do : containing no minerals in thoir composition, they are harm less when used for a lengtn of time. They are tasteless, enveloped in an elegant coating of gum. 1 to 3 regulators, 8 to 6 purge- good at all times. AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. Radway’s Regulators are the most innocent, safe, mind, and pleasant Pills in nse. They are a quick and certain care for Costiveness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Kidney Com plaint, Jaundice, Head Aches, Nervousness, Melancholy Diseases of the Bladder. FEMALE DIFFICULTIES. Lencorrocea, Fleur. Aibus, Whites and Irregularities of all kinds. BILI1US DISEASES. Bile on thd stomach, Bilious Colic, En largement of the spleen, and all Chronic Af fections of the Liver and Kedneys. R. R. R. REMEDIES are sold by Drug gets evory where. RAD WAY & CO. 162, Fulton street, (dp stairs. »* Oct. 10,1894. KICKS A 00. Agents. excelled, if equally, by any other preparation in the United States as tbe cares attest, in many cases after skilful physicians bad fail- led. These Bitters are worthy tbe attention of Invalids. Possessinggreatvirtuesin the rec tification of the liver and lesser glands, exer cising the most searching power in weakness and affections of the digestive organs, they are withal safe, certain and pleasant. READ THE TESTIMONY FROM GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. Linch fy Davis, Eatonton, Geo., July 14, 1853, says .* “Your German Bitters are ta king the lead of all other medicines for chron ic diseases. Ac., and are telling rapidly.— Please send us another box immediately, or we shall be out before it arrives.” D. E. H. Slrohecker, Macon, Ga., Jan. 1st, 1852, said: “t am happy to say that yonr German Bitters are gaining a great reputa tion. I think it will, io fntnre, sell very rap idly.” W. Maxey tf Co., Montecello, Geo.. Oct. 6th, 1852. said; ‘Yonr Bitters, tbongb en tirely unknown before in this country, have sold rapidly and given satisfaction.” Dickson 4- Green, Alexandria Ala., Sept. 30 1862, said: *‘We have taken pains to in troduce yonr German Bitters, and we find it to be a vejy valuable medicine.” C. Robinson, Bellnfonto, Ala., Jan.301851. said: “Yonr Medicine most eventually have a large sale; all those who used it in the fall liked it very ranch. The people have been ranch deceived here by trifling patent nos trums that affects the sale of yonr vainable Bittern, and will until it becomes known,” Chancy Flower, Toskeege, Ala., Jan. 1st. 1851, said: “Tbe Bitten are selling well, and I think they will continue so, as they give good satisfaction to those who have used them' Dr. Henry P. Leonard, Fayeite C. H. Ala. Jan. 15,1353, said: “Your Bitters have done wonders in this section. A youth, a son of G M Hubbert, Esq., of this county, bad been for several months onder tbe care of onr best practitioners withont relief, and tbe ease re ported dontfni, and tbe yonng man, although scarcely able to get about, commenced with the bitters. He fonnd so ranch relief from the first bottle that be continued to take, un til a complete care was affected. He is sow perfectly well and stout.” They are entirely vegetable, free from* all injurious ingredients, always strengthen ing and never prostrating tbe svstem. % For sale wholesale by Drnggists in all the principal cities, and at retail by apothecaries and storekeepers in every town in tbe United States, and by HICKS tf HARGROYE, Sept 19,1854. Rome Ga. I nforma tion to the Public AWFUL CASE VF CANCER CURED. Editors Macon Telegraph, Pike Co., Ga. Gentlemen: In obedience to my conscience and for the benefit of suffering humanity, per mit me through the columns of yonr exten sive paper, to perform what I beliove to be my duty to snffering follow-mortals. Cancers and Cancerons -affections of a malignant character are considered by all tbe Medical Faculties, both In England, France and A- merica. aa incurable: and thousands are dai ly lingering on tbrongb a painful and dread ful existence to an awfiil death from this most direful of all complaints to which tho human race are subjected, without either thought or hope of recovery,in hundreds of the best surgeons the world ever produced, has been exhausted in vain. My mother has been for sixteen years afflicted with ooe of tbe most distressing cancers, situated in the most delicate part ofthe human system, and of all others the most obstinate to cure. She has been relieved by Dr R Moselky, of Grif fin. Knowing the importance of even a smaU space-in your paper. I will give a brief state ment of tiie case, that those wbo are afflicted may read and judge for themselves of its ma lignant character, and the extraordinary skill required to eradicate it. The disease origi nated upon the upprr lip, near the Corner oj tbe mouth, and continued to spread until the whole of the upper lip, the gums, nose and portions ofthe face were very mneb affcctrcL. She bad been under the charge of many emi nent physicians before visiting Dr Mosely, and also the celebrated Dr. Marsha], of Ma con, and Dr. Shepard, of Charleston, both of those noted carers having foiled to give any relief. She was considered by all who saw her, to be ont of the reach of medical aid; her lip was all destroyed and gone, and con stitution apparently rained from the effects af Arsenic, and other poisonous eseharotics, that were applied while she was under tbe treatment of other physicians. Her foce and eyes had become very much swolen, virion nearly eone, and a general Dropsy of the en tire system, with distressing palpitation of the heart In this condition Dr. Moseley took her nnder bis treatment at Griffin, on tbe 1st of August, 1851. The Doctor tookoutail the cancer, together with her front teeth, and a portion of tbe superior maxilary bone; al so some ofthe bones io the roofof tbe mouth; and all without the use of the knife, There has been no appearance of the disease since, and I believe that it has been entirely eradi cated from her system. I have made fre quent and minute examinations, and discov er no apppearance of any cancer remaining. When sh« reached Dr. Moseley's infirmary at Griffin, she was completely prostrated from the use of poisons, such as "Arsenic, and Corrosive Sublimate; she was scarcely:, tress from loss of sight When she was us der Dr. Moseley's treatment, he had many cases cases of a severe character, on which he effected perfect cures in a short time, some of which had baffled the best surgical skill, •and been pronounced incurab’e; notwith standing which. Dr. Moseley erued them all without difficulty. I merely statp. that from the location of the disease and the diseased state oi the bones, it was absolutely beyon- relief by the use ofthe knife. I would ad viset all who are subjects of cancers, ulcers and rumors of all kinds, not to despair el bo ng cured, but visit Dr. Moseley, no matter how many others may have failed to relieve you If I did not honestly and candidly be- iievo that you would be serving the cause of sufferring humanity, by publishing to tbe world the knowledge of Dr. Moseley’s un surpassed skill in the treatment of cancers, I would not solici t a place in yonr valuable pa per for this communication. I hope, gentle men, that you will place this ease before tho public, that they may read and decide for themselves. Most Resp’ct’y., Your ob’t seVt DR. J.T.FORIX P. 8. I will state for tbe benefit ofthe af* dieted,that Dr. Moseley is a regular gradu- uate, andhas been engaged in an extensive practice for the past ten years. Those who desire to tty his skitl in the treatment of Can cers, Syphilis andotherchronic diseases may do so with tbe greatest hope of a cure be ing perfected iu a short time, I have wit nessed many wonderful cures made by Dr. Moseley during tbe past throe years; Ms mode of treatment is very mild, not preven ting the patient from daily exercise, and at tended with no danger whatever. Dr. T. J. F. IC5F* All persons that are desirous of avail ing themselves of Dr. Mosely’s services, will fiud him at his office, on Eighth Street.Grif- finGa* AU comunications must be post paid, and addressed to W.R. MOSELEY, M. D Griffiln Ga. - -H U