Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, May 29, 1855, Image 3

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The Thespian Club! WTTjTj rive an exhibition *£1® WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT. Perfor mance to commence with Shakespeare’s world renowned tragedy of Othello! B. S. WELLER, TNEALER in Copper, Brass, Tin, Sheet Iron, U Storbs, Grates, Hollow Ware and New seed and Agrienltnral Depot. No. 35, Upper Market Street, Nashrille, Tenn, may 1 ly. Popula by th r if tic during tht Performance dtifintrlVwjW.*^ To oonelnde with the laughable burlesque tragedy of BOMBASTES FURIOSO. ^TICKETS 60 ecata.-e* May 267*55 IMPORTANT NOTICE. SELLING OFF IT COST F@08 ©ASIKin F 1 order to reduoe onr Stock preparatory to the tail trade, wa will offer oar entire stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS Including a splendid nnortnent of LADIES’ DBESS GOODS, & (frets’ Rtrtij 3Qdtt CliUtiig, AT GOST FOR GASH! This is one of tho most deeireble stocks of fitoedrln the Cherokee Country being entirely new and fresh. Wo will begkd to fbrolah our enstomsnon the usual credit at radaoed west. may SO J H McCLUNG A CO. nr HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! JASPER COCTTY ACADEMY LOTTERY 1 iomurr or rax state or ommu X ager aftbe Jasper Coanty Academy Lottery, intends conducting the same on the Havana plan of single nambers, and has located his Office in the city of Macon, Georgia. He now offers the following:— GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY 23 1855 When prises will be distributed as follows, AMOUNTING TO $50*000* CLASS B. Capitals—1 prise of 1 do 1 do 1 do It do 1 do 1 do 1 do S do $13,606 3,000 1,500 1,100 400 5.000 2,000 1.300 1,000 468 Prizes, amounting to $50,000 Agents wanted la every town and city of the Union. On application the Terns will be for. 'wdML Remember army prise drawn at each draw iagaaderthesaperiateadeneeof Col. Geo M. Logan and Jas. A. Nisbet, Ksqs., gentlemen wbo arc sworn to a faithful performance of their da^r. Prises paid when dne without dis count. XSy-AU orders, relyon it, strictly con- fideatisL Bills on aU solvent banks taken at P *WhsleTickets8$, Halves4; Quarters $2. JAS F WINTER, Manager, may 39 Macon, Ga. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY 6 RA 59 SCHEIE FOR JUNE Class P. iss Hussa or man, n am car WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ssQg-Aad REMEMBER every Prise is drawn at each Drawing, and paid whew dne WITHOUT DISCOUNT! I Prixeof $15,600 4 1 do 5,0*0 '1 do 4,000 1 do 8,000 1 do 2.000 1 do 1,500 1 do 1,100 5 do 1,000 16 do 500 16 do 200 It do 120 25 do 100 78 do 50 338 do 25 4 Aproximafioa Prizes of 50 4 do do 40 a 4 do do 35 4 do do 30 4 do do 20 4 do do 15 4 do do 10 >M Prizes omountingto $60,000 WOOL CARDING MACHINE FOR SALE. A NY person wishing to go into this ve JA. itablo branch ofbnsinoss, is now ol A rare chance of baying a first-rate set of Wool Cards, LOW* The machinery bat been hsed bat one season under the best of care. Was ball! by Rogers A Co., Patterson, N. J., of his most improved and beat finished style, attached to which is a Patent Barred Dirt Extractor. For forther particulars apply to tho subscri- bor at Rook Mills, Warren Co., Ga. may 15 3t BJ WILSON. NE W GOODS!; AT R J. JOHNSON S THE UNDERSIGNED 18 NOW AGAIN EN- gaged in the MERCANTILE BUSINESS, and has jost returned from Ntw York with one of the best selected stocks of A LL perions having claims against the Es- A tote of Lemuel Mei errill, are requested to pre sent them properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. ap 17 JOSEPH S. MERRILL ExV. Com For- MORRIS fit STRATTON, ■fTTHOLESALK Grocers, Produce and v V mission Merchants, and Dealer in elgn and Domestic Liquors. Corner of Market and Clark Sts., Nashville Tenn. may 8 $5000 OO. T HE Subscriber is desirous to boy unimproved Lands in all tho lower counties of Georgia. Send on your Nos., Dist. an Counties where the Land lies, and I will have them examined and give a fair price. AU communications mast be poet paid, and addressed to W. R MOSLEY, Nov. 14, ’54 ly Griffin, Ga H S FRENCH- -JC FRENCH. H. 8. FRENCH fit 80N, and Deal Tenn. Having Agents in St Louis, Louisville, Cin oinnsti and New Orleans, we are st a)! times prepared to transact any business entrusted to ns nt those places. HSF48. may 8 ’5 ly LINENS! LIKENS! ILINENS!!! YTTHITE Irish Linen of the bestquaity. W WHITE IRISH LINEN for gent’s pants and coats. Also CHECKED AND STRIPED Linensfor -tit’s cants and coats. WHITE AND C0LKRED LINEN DRIL- llngs for goat’s pants. BROWN LINENS, a large stock and of ev ery quality. RJ JOHNSON Also, if you want a fine Fashionable 1IAT, I have them of the best that is made on the la. tost style, and very cheap R J J READYMADE COATS, PANTS, A VESTS oat received of tho latest style to suit summer. mayl5 tf RJ JOHNSON HOUSE FOR SALE. r PHE undersigned offers for sale, s goed Dwel- X lingHousein the city of Rome. For ps tknlara apply to James M Sumter. Esq.. isy 8 J G MeKINZIE FARM FOit£ALE. r IE subscribers offer, for sale their form, CONTAINING BIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES, and lying in Cass county on Thomas’ creek about three quarters of s mile from Eves’ water station on the Rome branch Rail Road. The place is Very Healthy with line Society in the neighborhood. On it are a new Gin House and Screw, and all necessary out buildings.— The residence is near to one of the largest, pu rest and most beautiful springs in the Cherokee country. Terms nude easy to a good purchaser. THOS M BERRIEN, may 8 4m JAS M PEPPER. ARMSTRONG & C,0 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AXD aismCTFRIXe AGENTS for the sale of Paints, Oils, Turpentine. French & AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, WINDOW SASH, PAINT BRUSHES, HY DRAULIC CEMENT. VARNISHES, PAINT HILLS, MARBLEIZEDIRON MANTLES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Chain Pomps, Field Seed, Plaster Paris, Copperas, Land Plaster. Guano, Ac. Ho-69 Market St- 5 doors from Broad, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE sy 8 ’5,6m TALMAS! TALMAS!!. F the latest fashion, and the goods and trim mings to make them; Rich Fancy and white Crape Shawls in great variety at may 18m WOOD. A BRO’S. ~^ONLY 10,000 NUMBERS !-te Tickets $; —Halves $2 50-Quarters $1 25 SA3FL SWAN, Agent A Manager, Montgomery, Ap 15, *55 Chattegga Sheriff Sales. • be sold an the first Tuesday in June next: Lot No. 127 in 13th Dia. and 4th 8ec. property of B. Kindriek. W5£ CHURCH ANDERSON, TTTHOLBSALE GROCER, PRODUCE Deal- VV ER, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI. QUORS. Iron Castings, Hides and Sole Leatb- r, Corner of Front and Broad Street, Nashrille, may Sly WOODS ft CO MANUFACTURERS OF LARD OIL AND FAMILY LARD. No 25 Market Street, NashriAe, Tenn esseey mayl *65 1 THE DACCRREAI GALLERY TY7TLL be open for a few weeks on Tuesdays, VY Thursdays and Saturdays, where good likenesses will be warranted. The new style called stereoscope*, are aa life-like aa art can ) them. Pictures set In lockets, breast-pins There la no present (which coats so little) more acceptable than a good Daguerreotype; and there are hundreds who now regret that they had not secured n likeness of some belov ed one, who ha* gone to “that bourne from whence no traveler returns/* "Seize the shadow then, ere thesubsten eeflis/* for "in in the midst of life we are in death." It matter* little whether oar friends maybe homely orfrandaome; It is sufficient that they are dear to ns; Every family should possess at least one copy of eaebof its members. For terms apply at the rooms, or at T 8 Wood A Co NB Daguerreotypes can now bo sent safely by mail to any part of the United States for 25e. 0ay!5tf B S BARCLAY PERFUMERY!!! MB. JW HICKS A CO., THANKFUL FOB the patronage they have hereto- ffeveeeceived from the eitixens of Rome and its -vicinity, would very respectfully fertile them to cell and examine their stock of fnfumtii k faw\ 2rtirbs WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE LARGEST A best selected stock tbst has ever pAwen brought to this market. Their assortment CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF PERFUMERY, POMADES OF ALL kinds, A Flavour, COOKING EXTRACTS, -OPOATH E, CAfHOI S, PRESTON 8ALT8 r TOOTH AND HAIR BRUSHES, POWDER, SNUFF-BOXES fitC., AC., AC. Please call and examine their as- ortment. may!5 tf r fi n 0 months after date application will be made t> the Ordinary of Floyd County for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Susan Self, late of the said county of Floyd deceased, HARRISON CAMP, may 15 Adm'r. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Or dinary of Chattooga county, will be sold be fore the Court house in tho town of Summer ville on the first Tuesday in July next, all the real estate of Hugh M Middleton, minor heir of John Middleton deceased,jtbe same being about 12 acres of land lying on Chattooga River a fraction of Lot 87 in the 8th District Cand 4th Section. WM J HENRY, may IS Guardian, HOSIERY AND GLOOVES F almost every quality, color, style,* shape and size, worn by Ladies, Gontlemen, Miss es, Youths and Children, in great variety at the Fancy Store of may 1 8m WOOD A BRO. kept in theoonntry, and as he has had sufficient experience, he hopes to satisfy tho wants of his oustomon. Ho will endeavor to maintain his position in Aituro as a merchant, and givo his undivided attention to that avocation. He offers to his friends and the public gener. ally, inducements that will compensate them for riving him a call before they make their purchases elsewhere. He will ehargo nothing for showing Goods. He keeps a general stock from the finest Fabrics down to the common Staple goods. The selection of his stock was made with great care and with a view to the Spring Fashions of New York which were not established by those who load in fashions until the 2nd ofAprti, after which his cutiro stock was purchased. At his Store can bo found a variety of Ladies 1 Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bonnets, Sleeves and Col* LARS, RIBBONS. BOTH FINE AND COM MON, and SHOES of the very tost Quality. He also has a large Stock of Goods of every variety for MEN’S WEAR, LINEN, COTfON & WOOL. FINE MOLESKIN AND SUMMER FINE AND COMMON BOOTS AND SHOES. A GOOD STOCK OF READY mm CLOTHING. Also the largest assortment of Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Ever before brought to the up count Chattooga Land for Sale T he Plantation on whieh the undersigned now lives, situated In Broom Town Valley, and lying on the main road leading through said I valley, seven miles west of Summerville in a j healthy seotion of country The above farm, contains seven hundred aeres and five hundred and fifty tillable, over three hundred cleared, two hundred of whieh is good bottom land in a high state of cultivation, good dwelling house and out honses all in good condition. Also, twolve or fifteen likely negroes, horses and mules, and stoek of every description.— Possession given next fall. Any person aesirioi to purchase, would do well to come and loot as a bargain can be had. ap 17 3m LOWRY WILLIAMS. - Ry Authority of the State of Georgia* FORT GAINES ACADEMY rar TT JK2 JEM'S Tho subscriber having aooepted from the Commissioner the Agency and Management of tho FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, has established tho prinoiplo Office at Atlanta, Georgia, and intends conducting the Lottery on the same plan as that of the Southern Military Acadomy Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND SCHEME FOR MAY CLASS 1. TO BE DRAWN MAY 24TH, IN THE CITY OF ATLANTA, WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO ®B*6 O, O O Will be distributed according to the follow ing Magnificent Scheme! And remember every Prise is drawn at oaoh Drawing, andpaid when due without deduction! 1 Price of GROCERIES I GROCERIES 1! Qf| Bags prime Rio Coffeo. tiv 20 Bbls Stuarts refined sugar. 50 bis NO Syrup 20 bis Gunning rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands and quali ties for sale by W S COTHRAN k CO. Fob 20 1855, tf. NEWTON FACTORY and Yarns always on hand and for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN k CO. Agent - W S COTHRAN & CO, Agents for Etowah Iron Works. Ilave always on had a largo supply of iron castings Ac., of every sise and description. Orders filled proper- They will also purchase whoat at the highest cash prices Fel>. 20. tf. 50 PER CENT SAVED. F OR SALE, AT HALF PRICE, a Scholar ship in the Chorukco Female Institute.— to 20, 1854. R. T. MoCAY. 8 A L T! SALT!! , . 1 Onn 8ncka Sft,t ,ar K® * iie - In fine order 1 vUu just received, and for sale by Feb 20 W. S. COTHRAN A CO. OATS AND POTATOES. 1 Q Bbls prime Irish Potatoes for Planting. 1 & 350 bushel seed Oats Just received and for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. ! ! ragbt to tne up country. TERMS WILL BE AS LIBERAL AS T HE do do do do do do • is non I Q A Boxes Fresh Lime [Howards] Jnst ro- SW’OCO | ceived and for Bale W S COTHRAN A CO. TIMES WILL ADMIT GROCERIES In all eases will be sold for cash down. The undersigned receives in barter for any Goods nearly everything in the way of provis ions or Raw'Hides dry or green and Sheepskins with the wool on if well preserved, ap 24 ly R J JOHNSON. NEW STOCK OF SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED AT THE Store of M. W. Johnson! He would respectfully call the attention of his former Customers and the public generally, to his fresh arrival, just opened, of SPRING and Summer Goods of the Newest and Most Fashionable Styles, and embracing a fall and YERY COMPLETE ASSORT ENT of all thefcrticles usually found in the stores of Rome. Among those to whieh he would inrite your most particular attention, are . a quantity of FANCY GOODS* os well as the usual Staple Arti cle's, for Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s wear, READY MADE CLOTHING HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARWARE CROCK- E RY, FAMILY GROCERIES, MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, Ac., Ac., being alarge variety and assortment of the kinds of goods com monly to be fonnd in the Stores of this place, to be sold at rates to suit the times. CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK, and if Goods and Prices do not suit, yon are charged nothing for looking at them. You will find my Store nearly opposite R. S. Norton’s. Rome, Ga., ap. 24 tL M. W. JOHNSON. 5 Prises of 10 do 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,100 5,000 5,000 Feb 20 5 01 Prises in all amounting to $60,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $10* Halves $5, Quarters $2 50 Bills on all solvent Bonks at par.^ All com munications stricktiy confidential. SAM’L SWAN, Agent A Manager, ap 24 * Atlanta, Go. COOSA BOTTOM LAND FOR SALE. rPHE undersigned will now sell his lands ly- .X ing tec miles West of Rome on the Coosa River. The Bottom Lands cannot be excelled in Cherokee. The np-lands ore not No 1, bat good third quality, the most of which coutains in all 620 acres. There are 125 acres of bottom land in Cultivation, all fresh, and well fenced in. On the upland where I live, is a fine Free stone spring of water. Gin House, Screw, and a mill in the Gin House with two males. I grind 40 or 50 bushels of corn per day. There is no healthier place in Georgia. The society in the neighborhood is good—on acad emy } mile from my bouse. Any person desi rous of purchasing a body of land well adapted to the growing of cotton or grain, would do well to come early and look for himself. I have made 1600 lbs of cotton per acre and $150 per acre in corn and potatoes. 0 P H MeCLENDON, ap 24 3m Coosa, Floyd Co. DENTISTRY!! DR C. P. CULVER, SURGEON DENTIST. Having permanently located in Rome, tenders bis Professional services to the pub-' He. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited—OFFICE—at the CHOICE HOTEL, ap 24 6m Til, COPPER & »HEET IRON MANUFACTORY. T HE undersigned having purchased the in terest of Mr. W. S. Wadsworth in the above concern will continue the business on his own account at the old stand (sign of the Big Coffee Pot) where may be found a-large lot of COOKING, PORTER, OFFICE A BOX STOVES, a large assortment of READY MADE TIN WARE which lie offers at wholesale end retail. ROOFING GUTTERING & JOB WORK i.ONE in the most approved manner and warranted. Gun and Lock Smithing done with neatness and despatch. E. W. BUSSELL. Rome, Nov. 14,1854. ly Wholesale Bar Famishing Establishment, MAGNOLIA BUILDING, ALABAMA STREET, J. VALENTINE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUPS, PICKLES, CIGARS, Tobacco, Ac., keep constantly on hand the following articlest BRANDY, Cognao, Otard, llennessy, ' Rochelle, Pcacb, RUM, St Croix, Jamaica, New England* WINES, Port, Cherry. Blackberry, Apple. GIN, Holland, American. WHISKY, Bourbon (old) Monoogaheln, Irish, Scotch, Deans, Dexters, Pikes, Gibson's (bottled) Ae., Ac. Ao., Ac.. Labels, Ae. We intend keeping on hand q)i articles needed by Bar-ke ourselves to sell fine Liquors and Cigars, lower than they can be TOBACCO Smoking a. chewing. GLASS WARE, Decanters, Flasks i p*t, to 2 p’tt, Tumblers. SYRUPS, Lemon, p’t or gal, Raspberry, Strawberry. Sundries, Sardines, Pickles, Cnmpagne Cider, Brokers Bitters Porter Ale Strangleton " CIGARS, Ess. Peppermint* Spanish, Curacoe, American, Mauscbins, German— - Anisette, a very large assortment Absyntbe, — Cordials Corks. Madeira, Sherry, Malaga, Muscat, Claret, Campagne. J. VALENTINE* MAT 22,. W. H. EIDSOY* and will obligato ;ht in any market South, ED. SHARP. Qf 1855, ly. TO SOLDIERS OF THE DIFFER* ENT A R S YOU ARE ENTITLED TO 160 ACRES of Bounty Land for services rendered in any of the wars. If yon have receivediforty acres, you are entitled to 120 acres more. If yon have re eeived 80 acres, you are entitled to 80 acres more. I am prepared to receive applications, and procure your warrants. Ifldonot succeed in obtaining them, you will not be liable to any charge for services rendered. DAN’L S. PRINTUP Attorney, March 13 '5, tf. Rome, Ga. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY OF JUNE next, will be sold at the Court House, that well known Boarding House called Veran dah kept by S G Wells. Said building covers the lot in the most desirable part of the city, containing three store rooms, six upper rooms, two rooms below, dining room and kitchen,— stables and consign houses, and a first rate nev er failing well of water. Terms liberal, may 1 tda S G WELLS. FOR SALE. •'pHE HOUSE and LOT whereon I Hve.— | X Possession given when wanted. C. H. SMITH, Feb. 20, *55 tf. LAND WARRANTS. B Y a late act of Congress all the surviving Of ficers aqd Soldiers who were engaged in Military duty of any kind whatever, either in the eervice of the United States, or any State or Territory, for the space of 14 days are entitled each to 160 aores of land; also the Orphans and Widows of deceased soldiers. Those who have already received warrants for a less number of acres are entitled to so much more as will make together lOOacres. All persons having claims as above described, can have their business promptly attended to by calling on the undersigned He has in his pos. session ail the necessary forms and blanks. JESSE LAMBERTH. Ordinary's Office, one door above Drs. Word Rome, Ga. March 12th, tf. BACON! BACON! *|0 QQQ lbs. Prime Tennessee BACON for April 17. (tf) W. E. ALEXANDER k CO. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS ARDTRIMHIICg* P RINTS, Ginghams, Brilliantes, Bombasines and Bareges, Jaconett, Swiss. Mull, Nan- sook, Plaid, Checked, Corded and Dotted Mus lins ; Florence, Hareeline, Grenadine and plain black Silks; colored Silks, fancy colored and black Brocade Stilts; watered Silks; plain white Silks and Satins; Silk Tissues; trimmings, la ces, nettings and dress trimmings in great va riety, just receivnd and for sale at the fancy store of WOOD k BRO. EHBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS* &C, QLEEVES, Cuffs, Chemisette, Capes and Col- O lars, and a great variety of Jaeonet ana Swiss Bands and Trimmings at may 1 8m WOOD k BRO’S. RIBBONS! RIBBONS!! RIBBONS!!! W HAT a quantity of Ribbons, and bow pret ty and cheap they are at may 1 8m WOOD k BRO’S. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! R. S. NORTON IS NOW RECEIVING HIS USUAL SUP- ply of Spring and Summer Goods* consisting of a good assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS of every variety and style nsually kept in this market. A fine lot ofB0NNET8, HISSES’ AID CHILDRENS’ HATS* AC. Also a great variety for Men’s Wear, READY MADE CLOTHING 1! HATS* CAPS, BOOTS AID SHOES* which will be sold at SMALL PROFITS TO SUIT THE TIMES. Contemplating some new arrangements in Ins haziness this fall, a portion of his stoek will be sold at VERY LOW FIGURES. Rome, Ga. April 3 tf. T. S. WOOD & CO. SOME, GA Dealers in watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Cutlery, Plated, and Brittannia Ware, China, Musical Instruments, Walking- Canes, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ae., Ac. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED, may 1 *5 ly WATER RUNNING UP HILL!! G ATCHEL’S PATENT PREMIUM IMPROVED Double and Single Self-acting HYDRAULIC RAMS. PATENTED APRIL 101847. T70R supplying dwellings or farm bouses villa- J! ges, rail road stations Ae.. with pure run ning water any beigbth or distance required, with from one pint to 20 GALLONS OR HORE PER HIIUTE* from a spring or stream, where a foil of two or more feet can be obtained. The quantity thrown in proportion to the fall and elevation. The undersigned bavingpnrcbased the right for the eounties of Floyd, Gordon and Cass, is prepared to furnish and put in operation the a- bove named Rams of various sizes, adapted to different sized springs, wbicb ore warranted to give entire satisfaction. Address JL GIBSON, ap 10, tf. - Cartorsville, Ga SHOE §!! SHOES!!! L ADIES’. Gent’s and Children’s—The great est display of shoes that we have seen late ly is made by Wood A Brother of this city.— They have bad them made in Philadelphia for their own trade, and the quantity, quality, and style of their shoes for Ladies,' Gentlemen’s, Children's and Servant’s wear, show that they know what the people want In the article of •hoes. WOOD A BRO' may 1 8m WOOD A BROTHER, A RE jnst opening a splendid assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING and HATS, allof which are direct from New York, and of the last tqotoj. may l 8m SYIIfW BONNETS! A SPLENDID assortment of Bonnets, direct from New York, some trimmed and alarge supply of Trimmings to suit the taste for those not trimmed, have just been opened at the store of WOOD A BROTHER, may 1 8m CHAMPE &. KERR. M1RCBANT TAILORS BROAD STREET ROME GA. The Public will please bear in mind that the above named Firm keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS etc. A choice lot of READY MADE CLOTHING both of their own, aud of Northern menufacture, can be found at the shop of CHAMPE A KERR- HO FOR THE SPRING FASHIONS!!! C ASSIMERES ef the latest styles jnst re ceived and will be sold at low prices by CHAMPE A KERR. WOOL HATS* A ND HOME MADE SHOES, we have just bought 300 home made wool Hats, and a supply of borne made shoes, for sale by may 1 All of which are WOOD A BRO. 8m E VERY Article of Gentleman's Wearing Apparel, of variagated styles and of the best quality. Call and see them. CHAMPE A KERR. OSIABURG8 AND HOSESPUN8 ! ! P LAIN, Striped and plaid Osnaburgs ; and every discription of Bleached and Brown Homespuns and Drillings from 6} cte per yard to 3 yards wide, and for sale at may 1 WOOD A BRO. r fO months after date application will be made to tbe Ordinary of Chattooga county for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Moses Kellctte deceased. JOHN B KNOWLES, may 8 '55 Adm’r. NEURALGIC E LIQUID!! T his extraordinary medicine for the cure of Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Flux Diarrhoea, Cramp Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Croup, Nervous Headache, Chills and Fevers, Bruises and Sprains, Old Sores, Pains in any part of the body, is now for sale at Wm M A W Peeples, Calhonn ; C P Wellborn, Dalton; J Norcross, Atlanta ; R Baber, Marietta. Wo would say to all as a proof of the power and efficacy of this Liquid to do tohat tee eay, we have retailed $700 worth in fourteon months in Chattanooga amidst all other medicines where the medical faculty stands high. We can get 95 out of 100 who have nsed this to certify its virtue and pow er. See Brownlow’s Whig and descriptive pam phlets for details and testimony. Each Bottle has fall directions. Price 50 cte, 1 00 and $2 00 dollars per bottle Cash only. J J JAMES, Proprietor. I hereby certify that I was afflicted with Rheu matism for two years, and frequently would a- wake in the night and shed tears, the pain was so severe, without relief from any medicine till I used James’ Neuralgic Liquid and in two ap plications it mode a perfect cure. JM YOUNG, Clinton, Ga. Physician. Certificate.—JUDGE MASSINGALE. I have nsed James’ Neuralgic Liquid with en tire success in two cues of Rheumatism in my family, one chronic, the other inflammatory. I have used it for Neuralgia in my own case with much benefit. I believe it is the most reliable and perfect "panacea” for pains I have ever bad in my family. H W MASSINGALE. Certificate.—Rev J. Atkins, Bible agent for Holston Conference.—A few weeks since, when some distance.from home, I was attacked with Flux. I took one dose of James’ Neuralgic Li quid ; tbe symptoms begat to give way, and in a few boars I wu relieved. Knoxville, 1855 J ATKfNS Rev W H H Duggan of Holston Conference. —I certify that James’ Neuralgic Liquid cured tbe chills and fevers on a young man after all other remedies bad failed. It also eared a ease of scarlet fever—its effect wu immediate. Meigs Co, Tenn W H H DUGGAN. Hon J M Anderson, formerly member of Con gress from 6tb District, Tenn. I wu painfully afflicted with Neuralgia in the face attended with sore throat, and by using only a part of a bottle of James’ Neuralgic Li* quid made a perfect cure, indeed it acted Hke a charm. J M ANDERSOM, may 1 ly Marion Co., Tenn. Agent*: S G WELLS, Rome, Ga., J W MASSENGALE, Kingtton, Ga J. H. McCLUNG & CO. Are now receiving direct from the Northern cities their LARGE IMPORTATION OF SPRING & SUMMER m & $ & embracing every variety or Ladies’ Dress Goods, in Fancy Colors, Mourning and half Mourning. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, of every material. Together with a superior lot of IVId-dS ClnthlTlff ^ 'THE undersigned will fill all orders fromeus- UU J aiauuu * x tomers with promptness ard despatch, of soperior make and qnality, made expressly Work entrusted to them will meet with faith- for our own sales. I fa] and speedy execution. iflillenery s StrawGoods 1 ”* ch CHAMPE 4 KERR Consisting of LADIES ELEGANT TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED BONNETS, MISSES STRAW AND CRAPE HATS. 11MT1L115S11SIJ3’© MAT of every variety. JJ^-BOOTS AND SHOES-SS^ of genuine Philadelphia manufacture. Alarge Stock of Housefurnishing Goods for Planter’s use, Together with many other goods, too numer ous todescribe. Altogether comprising the most perfect assortment of Goods which we have ever offered to the trade, and will be fonnd to be un rivalled in Styles or Prices by any house in the State. Our facilities enable us to offer unusual inducements to our Customers, and Dealers gen erally, whose patronage is respectfully solicited —it being our pleasure at all times to show goods. J. H. McCLUNG k CO. 1 INSTAN T '/£ ElyJEF =5? gko. a. WARD }> i J. U. JtcOLUNO. April 1". HINA Glass and Granite table Ware, a largo assortment for sale by allO J H McCLUNG k CO 3000 - e °°- ^ P a P er > Window Shades, E very pursuu stiuuld constantly keep on hand for cases of sudden emergency, a bottle of Sloan’s Instant relief. It is the great Internal and External remedy for the immediate cure of Colio, Heart burn, Sore Throat, Toothache Weakness of tbe back or Kidnoys, Diarrhoea Dysentary, Cholera Morbus, all summer com plaints, Sick Headache, Aguo cake, llheuma tism, Soreness in tho Bone, Pain in the Limbs, Cramps and Spasms, Colds, Spinal complaints Swelled Joints, Sprains, Bruises, etc., and for Cholera it is a superior Remedy FOB HoRSKS ANDCATTtE, Sloan’s Instant Relief is truly a Great Remedy. Haifa 25 cent bottio of Sloan’s Instant Relief cures a horso of colio in a few minutes. For bruises, strains, sprains and many other inju ries on horses, cattle and other animals, Sloan’s Instant Relief seldom fails to afford immediate reliof, and speodily effect a cure. Many persons have been astonished to witness the rapid cure effected by the use of this won derful modicine For sale in Rome by ROBERT BATTEY* Feb 6 6m al 10 Fire Screens, Ac, Ao. on hand. J H McCLUNG A CO "^^TNDOW and Bed Gilt Cornices and fix tures, al 10 For sale by J H McCLUNG A CO /'iURTAIN Goods, Cords and Tassels for same v For sale by allO JH McCLUNG A CO OSNABURGS. 2 Bales just received and for sale by March 6 J H McCLUNG A CO. Unrmtled Attraction! —J 8 5 5- B ERRY A HARKINS are now receiving their New Goods for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, consisting in part of-<— Rich flg’d Plaid and Plain dress SILKS; Florence and Marcelane SILKS ; Rich printed and Plain BARAGES ; ORGANDIES, JACONETS, LAWNS ; Prints GINGHAMS, colr’d and white CAM BRICS ; Swiss, Nansook and Jaconet MUSLINS ; CHARTER OAK _ __ lift 3nsntanrt I HARTFORD, CONN. RIBBONS, LACES, GLOVES, HOSIERY ; CHARTER PERPETUAL. $200,000 Capi- BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Ac.; v tal, with a largo surplus. Securely invest- A largo assortment of Gent's and Youth's F Fur- ed, under the sanction and approval of the I nishing Goods, Comptroller of Pablio Accounts, of the State of READY MADE CLOTHING. Hats, Caps, Boots Connecticut OJfieere and Directore. ALFRED GILL, President JOHN t. BUNCE, Vice President JAMES C. WALKLEY. Secrotary. Director*. Alfred GUI, William R. Cone, John L. Bunco, Nelson Hollister, Jamos G. Bolles, Samuel Coit John A. Butler, Noah Wheaton, it Daniel Phillips, C. N. Humphrey. and Shoes. Our stock will bo found complete in every de partment! This beingour first purchase for the Spring and Summer Trade, wo are prepared to exhibit every article new and of tbe latest styles nt grently reduced prices. The attention of buyers is rospoctfully solici ted* BERRY A HARKINS. March 27. Hoard of Finance. George Beach, Esq., President Phoenix Bank. D. F. Robinson, Esq., Prcsid’t Hartford Bank. Hon. Isaao Tonoy, late Attorney General U. S. S. B. BERRESFORD, M. D.« Consulting Physician. Applications reeelved by THOMAS J. PERRY, Agent Dee. 5, 1854. ly Romo, Ga. A. W. HARSHAW. T SIOXAND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER ENDERS his servlcesto tho Public In hi* line of busines*. He flatters himself that he will give full satisfaction to all who employ him. HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING will receive prompt attention. AU orders sent through the Post Office will be promptly attended to. Oct- 81,1854, STARTLING BUT TRUE! WHIT EVERY WJ1I1N SHOULD KNOW. R EADER, are you a husband or a father ? a wife or a mother ? nave you tbe sincere wellfare of those you love at heart! Prove you* sincerity, and lose no lirr.e in learning what causes interfere with their health and happiness nnt It-sathan your own. It will avoid to you and yours, as it has to thous ands, many a day of, air, and alixieiy fol lowed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation and exhaust- ing tliose mean* for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise would provide for declining vears, the infirmities of age and tbe proper educa tion of your children. How often it happens, that the wife lin gers from year to year in tb > t pitiable con dition as not even for one day to-fee^the Lappy and eXliileratiug influence incident to the enjoyment of health, arising from ignor ance of tbe simplest and plainest roles of health as connected with the marriage state, the violation of which'entails disease, suf- feringand misery. “And must this continue 1 Must this be ? Is there no remedy 1 No relief 1 No hope V J The remedy :s by knowing tbe causes and avoiding them, and knowing the reme dies and benefltting by them. These are pointed ont in THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU," ROFESSOR or DISEASES OF WOJtEX. One Hundredth Edition (500,000) 18bio. pp. 250 [OX FIXE PAPER, EXTRA BIXDIXG, $1,00] A standard work of established reputation found classed in the catalogues of the great trade sales in New York. Philadelphia, and other cities,and sold by the principal book sellers in the United States. It was first published in 1847,since which tine FITE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were up wards of One Hundred Thousand Sent by Hail. attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a reliable popular Medical BOOK FOR ETERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatment of corrplaints pecu liar to females, in respect .o which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both in per son and by, letter. Here every woman can discover,by com paring her own symptoms with those de scribed. the nature, character, causes ol,,and the ptoper remedies fot, her cornpnints. The wife about becoming a mother has of ten need of instruction and advice ofthe ut most importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness fbrbid- consuliinga medical gentleman, will find suen instruction and advice, and also ex plain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm; as all the peculiaritiesincident to her situation are de scribed. How many are Suffering from obstructions or irregularities peculiar to the female sys tem, which undermine the health, the ef fects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking advice! May suffer from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or from floor albas (weakness, debility, 4*c.) Many ,.re inconstant agony for many months preceding confinement.— Many have dificuh if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain discoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief: It is of course impracticable to convey ful ly the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried or those contemplating RMrriage. In consequence of the univirsal populari ty of the work, r.s evidenced by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, as well ot. booksellers as on the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions,and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and descriptions it has been found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to bay no hook unless the words *‘Dr. A. M. Macriceau. 129 Liberty Street. N. Y.” on and tho entry in the Clerk’s Office o the hack of) the title page; and buy onl of respectable and honorable dealets, o send by mail ] and address to Dr. A. M Mauriccau. ” Upon receipt of One Dollar, “ THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MED ICAL COMPANION” s sent (mailed free) ‘o any part of t.he United States, the Canadas and British Provincns. All letters must he post-paid and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224, New Yoric City. Publishing Office, N* - , -29 Liberty Street, NewYork. AGENTS IN GEORGIA. L E Welch, Albany ; E J White,Milledgovtlle; Doynl «!t Fears, MoDonough; C, Youngblood, Ogiothorpe ; Wm Kay, Atlanta; Tbos T Chris tian, Dalton ; Jones A Blakely and Richards, LaGrango ; W A Scandrett, Griffin; J B Cub- bodge, Savannah. March 6,1855 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, C URTAIN goods in variety,^ Counterpanes, Sheetings and Housefurnishing Goods gen erally. A fine assortment at Dec 19. J. H. McCLUNG k CO. GREAT REMEDY! Celebrated Family Ointment. H Mild, Safe, Thorough and the greatest External Rant- - - fr vtMb - dy ever rued. It b composed ef Vegetable Extract* and pe**e**e* power ttneyuaOed in tbe anna!* of Medicine for the acre of Inflammatory Disease*. J It is universally acknowledged to be an infallible remedy, fa every caw where ft has been faithfully applied on the B»faP«n»glMen*IWe Perspiration, and uinvaluabtefa all diseasea ofthe flesh. Obstinate Ulcers, Old Sores, Chfllblams. Sore Throat, Burns, Cuts, Cutaneous Eruptions, Sore Nipples, Sore Breast. Diseases of tbe Eve, Ague to *he Face, Rheumatic Pains, Contracted Cords! Pain in the Side, Back and other pans of the system. Scald Head, Bndses. Fresh Wounds, Piles, and every kind of sore containing the least particle ot Inflammation, are permanently cured by this great remedy. HEALING VIRTUES. It is a /orf, authenticated here, as well as all over tbe State, and indeed the whole western states, ffijj Sloan’s Medicines have attained a wide spread celebrity, and re putation, to whieh they are justly entitled by their “Asa virtues,” and powers. Wie are not among tliose who prone to endorse every patent humbug that mna, a and fa this instance have delayed our endorsement , we have been able to make assurance doubly sure, not only by testing them personally ourselves, but from the testi mony of a numerous portion of the commun'ty Jiving around us.—TIllinois Globe, Apr! 1 13,1850. * SLOAN’S Horse & Cattle Medicine. No Medicine fa use has accomplished so many Extra- trdinary Ceres, and given so Universal Satisfaction in every variety and stage of disease, or that has so extensive and rapid a sate a* Sloan's Ointment and Condition Powder. The Ointment is swifUy superceding all other Ointments and Liniments for tbe cure of Fresh Wounds, Galls of all kinds. Sprains, Braises. Cracked Heels. Ringbone, Wind- galls, Poll Evil, Callous, Spavins, Sweeney, Fistula, Sit- fast, Strains, Lameness, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet* Scratches or Grease, Mange and Horse Distemper. The Condition Powder wall remove all inflammation and fever, purify the blood, loosen the akin, cleanse the watef and strengthen every part of tbe body; and has proved a sovereign remedy for the following diseases: Founder, Distemper, Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, In ward Strains, Yellow Water, Inflammation of the Eyes, Fatigue from bard exercise; also Rheumatism, (commonly called stiff complaint;) which proves so fetal to many valu able horses in this country. It fa also a safe and certain remedy for Coughs and Colds, which generate ao many fatal diseases. These remedies never injure, and abeays Cere, if tbe di ructions are followed. Forfurther particulars and a multitude of Certificates a remarkable Cures, get Pamphlets of agent*. W. B. SL0AH* Grand Depot. 40 Dak* SL, Chicago, 1L HATS, and CAPS BOOTS and SHOES* F OR Ladies and Gentlemen’s wear, of real Philadelphia manufacture, for sale by Deo 19. J. H. McCLUNG * CO. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, CARD CASES. )ORTE MONAIES, Ladies Moroooo k Velvet WORK CASES, a handsome variety, at doolO J. H. McCLUNG k CO’S. Are You Insured? FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY* F. 9. 8HEIBLEY Rome; Georgia. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ofthe Valley of Virginia, at Wineheeter, Va. Cnpital 93O0.OOO. PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ORIGINAL CAPITAL $300,000. Accumulated Capital $334,307. The rates of premium are as low as a just re gard to mutual safety will allow. No effort will be spared on the part of tho Agent, at all times, to protect the intereste ‘oi tliose who, may patronize his Agency, and any information on tbe subject will be cheerfully giv en upon application, in person,*or by letter. Jan. 16th '55 2 y; ^gy-EVERY BODY READ THIS !*f£^ A SPLENDID FA3ILY MEDICINE. GERMAN ELIXIR, 0 it Compound Fluid Extract of LoWenfcahn* _^®*K5TIRELT VEGETABLE !!"&$. FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, Disordered Stomach, Liver Complaint*, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Impaired sAppetite, Costiveness; Cholera Morbus, Colic; General Debility, Fullness about the Stomach after meals, and Female Monthly Derangements-. It is undoubtedly the best medicine for diyspepsia, Headache and kindred diseases ever placed before the public. A most excellent remedy for those who eat too heartily. SPREAD A FEW EXTRACT3 FROM CERTIFICATES, LETTERS &C. “I regard the German Elixir as the very best Anti-Dyspeptic and stomachic medicine I have ever used,” , . Hon. WILIE W. MASON. [Formerly] Chancellor of tbe Central Di vision of tbe State of Alabama. I concur folly in the recommendation giv en by the Hon. W W Mason, and others.” Hon SAM F RICE, Judge Supreme Court of Ala. “Your medicine has in my opinion, jus claims to the confidence of the public as ( valuable remedy in cases of indigestion.” Rev. Ww. F. SAMFORD, [Formerly] President of Oak Bowery Fe male College. “I was suffering from chronic Indigestion, or Dyspepsia. I tried the German Elixir and found it the very thing! needed.” Rev. MARK S ANDREWS. Agent for theTuskegee Methodist Female College. ‘T am prepared to speak advisedly when I say, that in my opinion it is an invaluable Family Medicine, answering fully the pur poses for which it is prescribod. Rev DS DOUGLAS. President ofthe Glcnnville Female Col j lege. Rr commended ftrf Sick Headache by Cot* N J Scott, Auburn Ala. Recommended as a splended Family Med' icine by Col F W Dillard, Auburn Ala. Recommended for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion by Prof C C Richards, A. M., Wrighta- boro, Ga. Numcrotis other t stimonials might bd produced, but it is tbongbt the above are sufficient to give confidence in this truly valuable medicine. Manufactured and sola by WM R JUNES & Co.. Auburn Aid, For sale by Robt. Battey, Rome Ga. Feb 2?, 1855, ly. Black-smith Shop iTHE Subscriber most kindly re9 turns his thanks to the Citizens ( of Rome and vicinity for the very _ generous patronage extended to him during the past year, and would inform them that he is prepared to carry on Blach'smithifag in the various branches also the building and repay ing pfWaggons abd Carriages, and being n machines! can make and repair' Machinery of all kinds. Wanted two Black Boys between the ago of 15 and iSas apprentices, j Jan 9 '55, ly K. S, SIMONS. _.®r*. Smith & Wooten bi Ay ING associated themselves in the prac- JU. tice of Medicine and Surgery, offer-their services to the pablio; Dr. Smith Is prepared to treat any disenses of tho Eye nifd Ear. Office pn BroidSt., one door below H. A. Smith’s BookStoro. jen 23 ’65, [1 y.