Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, June 05, 1855, Image 3

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Mate. - aamei ROME PRICES CURR$Nfr.. Corrected Weekly by J. !• LOGAY. Apples^- Molasses— ,' lYftSft *- - ■ $8 SttNaffcs—-per B>. . % *. .250^300’Xail Rod— . (Oil—Linseed Bacos— . ’Hams fir lb .ft- Hog round, Oo-llj 40c—45c «Mis Ho-7c $135 Ilc-I2c „ ‘Gotahy, . . 1£ 6aL8 Rope— 12J-1c 1*, Ieesitax— Iloe Sfoxk— 75e-00o . JO-lSc, •Casdles— : Tallow, , - Adamantine, Spam, . < Cop»««—Rio, 14 * Java,.... ftj-l ’Copperas— . ■Cons—pr bo. WNS' 'Cottojt Ya*»— .W ■Boos —pr df a. IWI|», ^Feathers—lb. fUOfr-H ft. 'Glass—8x10, $2 JCsdwjo—pr lb,«U-16i laox—Sweed, 6Jc-7c< .OaxABORoa— Train,. . . iPomc—per lb. i Potatoes— Sweat, . . . Irish country ** northern, 300 iWDER—Gun 35c-40c Blasting, . . 25-3 5c ►Rice—per lb. 8|c-7c •Salt—pr sack 260-75 per bn. tt ’Soot—pr lb. . ll-12Jc “ >LB LEATEER— Country, lb. 25e-2St Northern, . *—28i 'fcu.aB—.... 12-14* Mackerel—bl$17-$lf! V ADDER -lb.. Meal—per In. 135-15 Blistered, lb. 10e-15e German, . . 15e-lSc Spring, \ -. . -10c Cast, .... 33e-2oc OOAR— Crashed, . . 12} N. Orleans, 7o*10e Strop— O. pr gal. 50c-60c Tallow—lb. 10-12 Tea—perils ll-l5 SKAT— per barbel, $lit Wool--lb, 25c—. 0 SPECIAL BOTICES. DR CVLYER Raying procnred the Per rices of Dr. VAN QIESKN, an axperienced and practical mecban deal Dentist, is new prepared to accommodate all who may fevor him with a call; and being a permanent resident of Nome, may be relied \qpen as a practitioner in whom all may confide who bare oecnaioa to reqnire his professional Parts or fell sets of teeth pat op on gold plate io a neat and rfarobfe style, so ns to reader fen mAI«»iiwiy«t ksfe. Office at the **CaoiCE Hotel.” Among diseases, dyspepsia and liver com- 'plaint tank aa most difficult to core. We are pleased to hare it in oar power to point a rem edy waich has prosed effectual io many cases, 'and which, we can safely recommend asa cer tain mad in&ltibie core; it baa been the means 'Ofresetting thooaada from an untimely grare. We mean the HooSand’s German Bitters, pre* 'pared by Dr. C M Jackson, at the German Med icine Store, 126 Arch Street, Philadelphia.— ROME, QA., Feb. 1855. The Stock Holders in the Geo. A Ala. R. R 'Company will take notice that at a meeting of •the Beard of Directors, this day held the follow tag Resolution was passed: Tfctit 10 consideration of the prepare in the WttOey market, the calling in of an assessment ttpofc the subscribed stock, and the employment ■hfan Engineer to surrey the Road, be for tbe hreseat postponed. C. H. SMITH, Feb* Set?? Ga A Ala R R. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS is* Uutfrii bf boors i 'tom Mtewiagaew works bare jast been receiv- cdaltte InokStorkofH. A.Smith: X<emb( of the Conatese of Biessingtoo,; - WualfecVs Rant, by Washington Irving; Grace Lee, by Julia Kavanagh: . Life and Beautiesof Fanny Fern; Smnbope Burleigh, by Helen Dbn-, •Sure !>»jl by Liota J Cartis; Tettpedt and’Shnbhine"; A Ahead, by A S Roe) 1 Fhdge Doings, by Ike Marvel; Si<tf«r4 drdowduM Sketches, by Brooke: VaR hare beard of them, by Q; Oat fedi at Idle wild, by Willis; Faml RogOr's Poetical works complete, [new edj loatWlerV Poetical works complete. [new ed] Luaptighter. News bey. and IAte of Banrta. -ardther weppty; WeHAr’aOatHnes «f UnirAsal flistortr’; Sn>ith> History «f flWce; [new edj R-e J DramArie. Works; [new ea] '5 -I- of Heauity. a 'Gift Hook 'b»aotifutly Bins engrarings : Tbe Diadem, aGift B *V '• wrtiraUT i!l’‘il , '- , 'W. engrtirings; S ■*«- -air G>ll*-rv. a Gif: B*«t heaotifuflr jilo-*- ;t;«t tnyitin*?; Book of the B**nd<>ir. be-»a:ifti!ly d!i;**r*te'l steel engravings. The above Wist, the public are moat'respectfnK ir s-'liei ed to call and examine. jn 5 ’55 HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! JA9PER COU.TTY ACADEMY LOTTERY 1 IT AUTHORITY OF TER STATE OF OEOEOtA. T^HB subscriber baring been appointed Man- X ager of the Jasper County Acad e thy Lottery. Intends conducting tbe samoon tho‘Havana plan of single nupibdrs, and baa located hit Office in the city of Maco i, Georgia. He now offers the fallowing:— GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY 23 1865. When prises will be distributed as follows, AMOYYY1YG TO $50,000. 0 LAB 8 B. Capitals—1 prise of 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 6 do do do do do ao do do NEW GOODSK AT R. J. JOHNSON'S THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW AGAIN EN- gaged in the MERCANTILE BUSINESS, and has just returned from New York with one of the best selected stocks of $50,000 408 Prises, amounting to Agents wanted in erefy town hnd'city of the Unipn. On application tbe Tefiha till be for warded. Remember eVcry :prhq drawn at each draw ing under the superintendence of Col. Geo M Logan and Jas. A. Nisbct. Bsq*., gentlemen who are swmrn to a faithful performance of their ditty. Prises paid when due without di count. jptiP’AU orders, rely on it, strictly con fidentiaL Bills on all solvent banks taken at pur* Whole Tickets 8$ , Halves 4; Quarters $2. JAS F WINTER, Manager, may 20 Macon, Ga. Ckatt«g|s Shn Iff Sales. YI7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jane W next: Lot No. 127 in 13th Dis. and 4th See. property of B. Kindrick. CHURCH ANDERSON, W HOLESALE GROCER. PRODUCE Deal- ER. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI Ql'ORS. Iron Castings. Hides and Sole Loath er, Corner of Frontand Broad StrceL Naehville, Tenn. may 8 ly WOODS A CO MANUFACTURERS OF LARD OIL AND FAMILY LARD. No 25 Market Street, Nashville, Tenn esseey may 1 ’If 1 THE DAEURREAY GALL1RY W ILL be open for a few weeks on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, where good likenesses will be warranted. The new sty!, called itnWiiMfs, are as life like as art can make them. Picturesset in lockets, breast-pin.- and Tings. There Is no present (Which Costs so little' more acceptable than a good DagheMvntype; and there are hundreds who now regret that they had not secured a likeness of some belov ed one, who has gone to "that bourne from whence no traveler To torn?.” "Seise the shadow then, ere the substance A is.” for "in in the midst of life we are in deatb.” It matters little whether our friends may be homely or handsome; it is sufficient that they are dear to ns. Every family should possess at least one copy of each of its members. For terms apply at the rooms, or at T S Wood A €•> N B DagueiTeotypes can n6Vr be sent safely by mail to any part oftbe United States for 25c. may15tf B S BARCLAY PERFUME RY1!! DR. J W HICKS A CO.. THANKFUL FOR the patronage they bare hereto fore received from the cltisens of Roth? and its vicinity, wonld very respectfully invite them to call and examine their Stock of ^rrtafrq k /annj 3rtirks WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE LARGEST A best selected stock that baa ever been brought to this market. Their assortment CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF PERFUMERY, POMADES OF ALL kinds A Flavour COOKING EXTRACTS. -ODOITHE, CA HOU8. PRSSTOY S t ITS.- TOOTH AND HAIR BRUSHES. POWDER, 8NUPF-B0XES &C., &C..&0. Please call and examine their as- ortmenL may 15 t* r re months after date application will h.' m " ’ - - • - made t» the Ordinary «>f Floyd County f-r leave lowA til the real estate belim»its« to th estate of Sosain Self, late «l the said county «| Floyd deceased. n.ARRISOX i’AMP. may l5 . Adin’r. kept in the country, ahU as ho has hbdSufficient experience, ho hopes to satisfy the wants of bis customers. He will endeavor to maintain his position in future as. a merchant, and pftVe his undivided attention to thatavocatlbh. He bffers to his frionds and tho public g’oher. ally, iQflttccmdnts that will compensate 'flioto for giving bim a eall before they Utkko their { mrchases elsewhere. Ho will chargo nothing or showing Good*.. He keeps a general stock from tho ‘finest Fabric down to tho common Staple goods. The selection of his stock was made with great care and with a view to tho hions of New York which were not those who lead <n fashions until the 2nd of April, after whieh^iia eutlre stock was purchased. At his Store can be found variety of tiMoo 8.000 1,500 1.100 400 ‘5.04)1 2,000 1.200 1,000 Spring.Fa^hiui established by Ladies' Dress Goods, Trimmings, Bonnots, Sleeves and Col LARS, RIBBONS, BOTH FINE AND COM MON, and SHOES of the very ke*t Qinfity. He also has a large Stock of Goods of every variety fbr MEN’S WEAR, LINEN, COTrON & WOOL. FINE MOLESKIN AND SUMMER FINE AND COMMON By authorifjj of tie State of iilnbamii. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOTTERY CRASH SCHEME FOR JCIE Class & ttmaor icn, arm on err WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Win be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! ^OhAnd REMEMBER every Prise » drawn at each Drawing,hod paid wbeedwe WITHOUT DISCOUNT! 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 5 IS IS 12 20 de do do do. do do RLooOare do 400 are do 150 art do 120 are de lfOahft $12,000 2.000 J.500 1,200 1.100 *5,boo 4.000 1,500 1,440 2,000 $50,000 408 Prises in ^H"0HLY 10.000 NUM1 . Ticket* $5 Yalmti 50-Quarters $1 25 8A3rL SWAN, Agent A Manager, r. Ap 15. *55 nSORGrX Floyd County i \A ffbwwi, D«nd D Duke applies to lettm «f Maioittntwtt «n the Estate and i roe for .. l_ of Wm , late of said County cite and admonish all I and creditors of said —r at my office within tho time preMfrfWd by law to f how cause if any they have, why said letters of administration ahoold wot be granted nnto said applicant. Giv en ander my hand hud official signature at of- fiee this 30tfa May 1855. JfetiSE LAMBERTH, jn A Ordinary. A LL persora having demands against toe Es tate of Hatblas G Simpkins of the county of Floyd, deceased; kfe Notified to render them in duly authenticated within the time prescri bed by law. And those indebted to raid estate are requested to make Hhttediate payment. GRB&IBL JONES, Adm’r, jo 5 with the will annexed. SUMMER RE SORT! LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. Hotel on Lookout Mountain (only five wm Chattanooga,) tS NOW OPEN for the season, for tho reeeption of company.— Arrangements tor amusements of Varohs kink* have been made andthe undersigned will Spare no exendons for the comfort of hi* guests. | (May 29 G W ASHBURN. IMPORTANT NOTICE. ii?©b ©A@cn7 [ Xorder to reduce our Stock preparatory to tbe fall trade, we will offer oor entire atock of sma goods Including a splendid assortnent of 14SM&’ DRESS GOODS, & (gluts* iUai)!j IflsiiE (ftotjiiag, AT COST FOR GASH!! This is one of the most desirable stocks of Goods in tbe Cherokee Country being eotirely new and fresh. We will be glad to furnish our customer* on tbe usual credit at reduced prices, may 29 J H McCLUNG A CO. A‘ GREEABLY to an orde «>f t 1 ”* C*mrt <>f Or dinary of Chattooga coun’y, w-1) be old !• - lore tbe Coult li(m? ■ »l»«- tw>r «»t Suoiin>*r- rille un tire firrt Tuesday in July next, ail the teal'-fstatc of M Mi I ll -ton. minor heir .4" John Middleton deceased, the same being about 12 acres of land lying on Chntt<>oga Rivera fraction of Lot 87 In tbe Orb Dis rict *anA 4<‘h Section. WM J HENRY rony'lo Guardian. B. S. WELLER, D EALER in Copper. Brass, Tin, ^heA Iron, Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ward and Newseed and Agricultural Depot. No. 35. Upper Market Street. Nashville. Tenn, may 1 ly. WOJl CArtiJIN j MACHINE FOR SALE. \ NY person wishing to go into this very prof- aX itable branch ofbusincss, is now offered A rare chance of baying a first-rate set of Wool Cards, LOW* fte machinery has been used but ottft vetfecto under the best of care. Was built by Rogers A Co., Patterson, N. J., of bis most improved and bekt finished style, attached to which is a Patent Barred Dirt EitrsleUIr For further particulars apply to ’the subscri ber at Bock Mills, Warren Co.-, G/v. may 15 3t B J WILSON. MORRIS k STRATTON, W HOLESALE Grocers, Produce and Com mission Merchants; and Dealer in For eign and Domestic Liqnors. Corner of Market and Clark St*-.-, Nashville Tenn. may 8 ly HOUSE FOR SALE. T HE undersigned offers for sale, a goc<J Dwel ling House in tbe city of Rome. For par ting House in tbe city or Rome. For par ticulars apply to James M Sumter, Esq., may 8 J G MoKINZIE LISESS ! LISt SS!! LISESH!!! W HITE Irish Lineal of the best quaily. WHITE IRISH LINEN for gent’s pants and coats. Also CHECKED AND STRIPED Linens for gent's pants and eoats. WHITE AND COLERED LINEN DRlfc lings for gent’s pants BROWN LINENS, i large stock and of ev ery quality. R J JOHNSON Also, if y<Jy bknt a fine Fashionable HAT, I have them of tbe best that ia made on tbe .la. tost style, and very cheap R J J READYMADE COATS, PANTS, A VESTS nst received of tbe latest style to suit gammer, may 15 tf RJ JOHNSON. tflRA FOR SALE. T HE subscribers offer for sale tbeir form, CONTAINING EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES, and lying in Cass eounty on ThomM’-cfeek about three quarters of a mile from Eves' Water station on the Rome branch Rail Road. Tbe place Is Very Healthy with iftne Society in the neighborhood. On it are a new Gin House and Screw, and all nebetoary out buildings.— Tbe residence is near to on.e of [hb largest, pu rest and most beautiful springs in ibe Cherokee country. Terms made easy to a good purchaser. THOS M BERRIEN; may 8 4m JA8 M PEPPER. BOOTS AM) SHOES. GOOD 8T0CK OF l> • * ilfl ARM ST RO NO <fe CO OOI1II8IOI MERCHANTS, XXD MAXOFXCTUBtXO AOKXTS FOB TO B SALE OF Faints, OHs, Turpedune, French A AMERICAN WINDOW GLAS8, WINDOW SASH, PAINT BRUSHES, HY DRAULIC CEMENttVARNISHES, PANT MILLS, hARBLENfeniROI MftTLES AGRICULTURAL IMPiEMBNTB, . Chain Pomps, Field Seed, Plaster Paris, Copperas, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac; Ho-69 Market 8t- 6 door* from Broad, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE ' may 8*5, 6m RITV 1U0I--u Ah>o the largest assortment of Crorkci'fh Chinaj Qians Wm BOTAYIC HEDICNE. A LL tho varions Medicines prepared by Dr. D 8 Jones;, formerly of this place, kept con stantly on band and for sale by Rome, ap 10 6m WM B JONES. Ever before brought to The up country. TERMS WILL BK AS LIBERAL AS THE TIMES WTLL ADMIT BROG ERIES In all cases will be sold for cash down. ’The undersigned receives in barter for any Goods fiekrly everything in the way of provis ions or Raw Hides dry nr green and Sheepskins with the wool on if Well preserved. ap 24 J JOHNSON. NEW STOCK OF SPRNG GOOD? JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED AT THE Stor of M. W. Johnson! He would respectfully call tbe attention .of his former Customers and the public generally, to bis fresh arrival, jhM ttpe'Qe’d. of SPRING and S nmm er Goods ufthe Newest and Most Fashionable Styles, and embracing a full and VERY COMPLETE ASSORT EXT of aft die articles usually found in the stores of Rome. Among these to which be would invite -your moat particular attention, arc a quantity of FANCY GOODS, as well a9 the usnal Staple Arti cles, for Ladies’and Gentlemen’s wear, READY MADECLOTHING HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. HARWARE CROCK- ERY, F A MILY GROCERIES, MEDICINES, GLASSWARE, Ac., Ac., being a large variety and Assortment of the kinds of goods com monly to be found in the Stores of this place, to be sold at r&tes to suit tbe tipin. CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK, and if Goods and Prices do not. suit, you are charged nothing for looking at them. Yon will find my Store nearly opposite R. 8. Norton’s. M. W Rome, Ga., ap. 24 tf. .JOHNSON. ffi ON THE FIRST TUESDAY OF JUNE «> next, will he sold at the Court House, that well known Boarding Honfce called Veran dah kept by S G Wells-. SAld bntldiVig covers the lot in the most desirable part of the city, six upper mums, * kite containi-ng three ttore rooms. rooms below, dining room ahd kitchen, ihl«*s and consign houses, and a first rate nev er 'ailing well of water. Terms liberal. mnv 1 tds %S G WELLS. BACON! BACON ! 30,000 lbs. Prime Tennessee BACON for April 17. (tf) W. E. ALEXANDER A CO. ail Dills BOKIETS! A SPLENDID assortment of Bonnets, direct from New York, some trimmed and a large supply of Trimmings to suit the taste for those hot trimmed, bare just been opened at the store 6f WOOD A BROTHER, titajr 1 Sm WOOL HATS, ND HOME MADE SHOES, we have jnst bought 300 home made wool Hats, and a supply of home mode shoes. All of which are for sale by WOOD ABRO. may 1 8m A 1 OSYABUffiGS AYD HOMESPUYS !! P LAIN, Striped and plaid Osnaburgs ; and every Ascription of Bleached and Brown Homespuns and Drillings from 6} cts per yard to 3 yard* %idfr, and for sale at tony 1 WOOD A BRO. 'WO months after date application will be .®pi _ made to the Ordinary of Chattooga county for leave to sejl all thereat estate belonging tt> tho estate of Moses Kellette deceased, JOHN B KNOWLES, may 8 ’55 Adm’r. TALMAS! TALMAS! \ O F the latest fashion, and the gdodfc 'ail'd trim mings to make them; Rich Fancy and white Crape Shawls in great variety at may 1 8m WOOD A BRO’S. HOSIERY AYD € LOO YES. O F almost every quality, color, style, fehape and sixe> worn by Ladles, Gotitletfien; Miss es, Yonths and Children, in great variety at the Fancy Store of may 1 8m WOOD A BRO. L4DIES* DRESS GOODS A It D Tit I MM Ilf CS, P RI V TS, Ginghams, Brilliantes, Bombasine* and Bareges. Jngonetb Swifefe-. Mull, Nan- kook, iMaid, Checked, Corded and Doited Mus lins; Florence, Marceline, Grenadine and plain b)ack Silks; colored Silks, fancy colored and black Brocade SDks ; wa ered Silks; plain white Silks ahd Satins ; Silk Tissues; trimmings, la ces, nettings and dress trimmings 4n great va riety, just receivnd and for sale at the fancy store of WOOD A BRO. EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, &C, OLEEVE8, Cuffs, Cheihisetts; Capes and Col O lart, and a great va- iety of Jaconet anc Swiss Bands and Trimmings at may 1 8m WOOD A BRO’S. RIBBONS 1 RIBBOYS!! RIBBOYS !!! W HAT a quantity of Ribbons, and how pret ty and cheap they are at may.l §jn , WOOD A BRO’S. SHOES!! SHOES!!! L ADIES’ Gent’s and Children’s—The great* set display of shoes that we have seen late ly is made by Wood A Brother of this city.— They have had them made in Philadelphia for their own trade, and the r|nantity, quality, and df their shdes for style df thi ChlldFeh’8 Gentlemen’s, know wbat tbe pedjile Want in tbe article of shoes. WOOD A BRO* mhy 1 8m WOOD & BROTHER; A RE just openings splendid assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING end HATS, all«f which aro direct from New York, and of be last agony. tsay 1 8m It S FRENCH- -JC IjFtiiNClL H. S. FRENCH & SO Q.R0CERS, Commission Merchant!, and Deal ers in Bacon, Bale .Rope and Bagging. Corner of Market and Clark Streets, Nashville, Tenn. Having Agents in St. Louis, Louisville, Cin cinnati and New Orleans, we are at all times prepared to transact any business entrusted to .us at those places; H S F A S. - may 8 ’5 ly A LL persons having tate of Xethuel Mo sent them, tiruperly tu time prescribed by law. ap 17 JOSEPH S. MERRILL Ex’r. i.ato rsquestcd'to pro enticated within the Chattooga Land for Sale T he Plantation on which the undersigned now lives, situated in Broom Town Valley, and lying on tho main road leading through said valley, seven miles west of Summerville in « healthy sdctidh 'bf country Tho above farm oontalna !eret« hundred acres and five hundred and fifty, tillablo, oYor three hundred cleared two hundred of which is good bo'tom land in s hiffb state of cultivation, good dwelling bouse ana out houses all in good condition. Also, twelve or fifteen likely negroes, horses and mules, and stock of every description.— Possession given next fall. Any person desiring to purchase, would do well to come and look as a bargain can be had. ap 17 3m LOWRY WILLIAMS Ry Authority of the Stato of Georgia- FORT GJIIYE8 ACADEMY the soionor th? Agcricy n’nd Management «T RT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY, abllkhdfi the principle Office at Atlanta. The subscriber having accepted from Commissioner tho FO has octal Georgia, and intends cortSueting fh! Lottery on the came plan as that of the Southern Military AckdemJ Lottery, of Alabama. GRAND S&H&ME FOft MAY CLASS 1. TO BE DRAWN MA'y^ N THE CITY OF ATLANTA, N PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 490*6 O, O O 0*0^ Will be distributed according to the follow ing Magnificent Scheme! And remember every Prise is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when 1 Prize (S' $15,000 I *6 5.000 t do 4.000 1 do 3.000 1 do 2.000 1 do 1.500 1 do i.100 5 Prises of 5,000 10 do 5.000 5 0 1 Prises In all amounting to $60,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Ticket* $10, Halves 85. Quarters $2 50 Bills on all solvent Banks at par. All com munieations st rick fly confidential. SAM'L SWAN, Agent A Mnhnger. *p 24 Atlanta. <io COOSA BOTTOM LAN D fDr sale. IIE undersigned will now sell his lauds ly ing ten miles West of Rome on the Coosa River. The Bottom Lands cannot be excelled in Cherokee. The up-lands are not No 1, but good thfrd qualTtfctbe most of which contains in al] 6-0 ncres. There are 125 acres of bottom land In Cultivation, all fresh, anc) Well fenced On the upland wnere I live, is a fine Free stone spring of water. Gin House, Screw, and a mill in the Gin House with two mules, grind -ft) ot 50 bfikhefo of corn perday. Ttier? 13 nd healthier place in Georgia. The society in the neighborhood is gdod—an acad emy J mile from my bouse. Auy person desi rous of purchasing a body of land well adnpted to the grafting of cotton or groin, would do well to come early and look for himself. I have made 1600 lbs of cotton por aero and $150 per acre in corn and potatoes. oph McClendon, ap 24 3m Coosa, Floyd Co. DEYTISTRY!! DR C. P. C UL VE R. S U R GE ON DENTIST. Having permanently located in Rome, tender? his Professional services to tbe pub lic, A .liberal shftre of p&tronage is respectfully solicited—OFFICE-at the CHOICE HOTEL. «P 24 fim FOR SALE. 4'dfe ilOUSE.and LOT whereon I live.— A Possession given fttnm wanted. „ , . fc. H. SMITn, Feb. 20, ’55 tf. IH. McCLUNG & CO. Northern Are now receiving direct fro'tfi the cities their LA'RGE IMPORTATION OF SPRING & SUMMER % embracing every variety of Ladies’Dress Goods, in Fancy Colors, Mourning and half Mourning. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, of every material. Together with a superior lot of Ready Made Clothing! of superior make and quality, made expressly for our own sales. iuilienery: StrawGoods Consisting of LADIES ELEGANT TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED BONNETS, MISSES STRAW AND CRAPE HATS, of every variety. ^•BOOTS AND SHOES-8B^ of genuine Philadelphia manufacture. A large Stock of Honsefarnishing Goods for Planter’s use. Together with many other goods, too numer ous to describe. Altogether comprising the most perfect assortment of Goods which we have ever offered to the trade, and will be found to be un rivalled in Styles or Prices by any bouse in the State. Our facilities enable us to offer unusual inducements to our Customers, and Dealers gen orally, whose patronage is respectfully solicited —it being onr pleasuro at all timos to show goods. J. H. McCLUNG A CO. OEO. a WAED > April i •i J- H. XcCLCXG. 0HINA Glass and Granite table Ware, a large 1 assortment for sale by allO JH McCLUNG A CO pieces Wall Paper, Window Shades, File Screens, Ac. Ac. on hand. al 10 J n McCLUNG A CO INDdW and Bed Gilt Cornices and fix tures, al 10 ' ijr £or sale by J H McCLIJNG * CO C URTAIN Goods, Cords and Tassels for same For sale by allO ,T H McCLUNG A CO OSNABURGS. 2 Bales just recoived and for sale by March 0 ... J H McCLUNG A CO. * SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS B. S. YftllTOH IS NOW RECEIVING HIS USUAL Sup ply of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of a good assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS oi’every variety and style usually kept in this market. A fine lot of BONNETS. SilSSES’ AYD CHILDREYS’ HATS, AC. Also a groat varietv for Meta's ifronr, . READY MADE CLOTHING i! HATS; CAPS; H0OTS AYD SHOES, fthich wit) be sold at small Profits to suit tiie fiaiEs. . Contemplating some new arinfigehients 111, his business this foil. *» jiortiqn of hfo stpek frill bo s 9 W dt VERY LdW FiGURfes. Rome, Gn; April 3 lE, - >1. $5000 OO. T HB Subseribnr is desirous to buy unimproved Lands in all tho tower oounties of Georgia. Send on your.Nos., Disb an Conntios whore the Landlies, and I will have them examined and givo a fair price. All communications must he post paid; and nddressod to W. R MOSLEY, Nov. 14, '64 ly Griffin, Ga 6 0CERIES! GROCERIES !! QA Bags prime Rio Coffee. 0\J 20 Bbls Stuarts rofined sugar. 60 bis N 0 Syrup 20 bis Gunning rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands and quali ties for sale by W S COTHRAN A CO. Feb 20 1865, tf. Yewtoy factory O snaburgs and Yarns always on hand and for sale‘by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. Agent W S COTHRAN & CO, Agents for Etowah Iraq Works. Hare always on had’h targe ’supply of irhn cdstlifegg fto., of every size and description. Orders Ullod proper ly. They wYll also purchase wheat at the highest cash prices . . ..... Feb. 20.4f. 50 PER < ENT SAVED. F OR RALfr AT HALF.PRIpE, a Scholar ship io ‘the Cherokee Fepiale Institute.— Apply to Feb 20, 1864. R. T. McCAY. 8 AIT! SALT!! 1DDA Sacks Salt toga size, , ftne order 1UUU ju*t received, and for sale by Feb 20 * W. S. CdTHRAN A CfD. OATS AN9 POTATOES. 1 G) Bbls prime Irish Potatoes for Planting, i Cl 350 bushel seqd.Oats, , Just received and for sale Viy Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CD ! ! 1A Boxes Fresh Lime [Howards] Just re- ceived and for sale by F»*h 20 W S COTHRAN A CD. T Y, COPPER & allEET IROY MANUFACTORY. T HE undersigned having ^Wchnscd the in- tercsVflf Mr. 'V. S. Wndsxvarth in the anoVe concern will continue the business on his own Account at tho old stand (sign of the Big Coffee Pot) where mnv he found a large lot of COOKING, PORTER. OPFICE ti BOX STOVES, a large assortment of READY' MADE TIN WARE which he offers at wholesale end retail. ROOFIYG GIJTTERIYG& JOB WORK OYY in the most approved manner and warranted. Gun and Lock Smithing done with neatness and despatch. E. W. RUSSELL. Rome, Nov. 14.1S54. lv TO SOLDIERS OF THE DTFFER- E N T WARS. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO .160 ACRES of Bounty Land for services rendered ita any of the wars. Ifyou haVe received forty acres, you are entitled to 120 (fores more. . If yon have re ceivcd 80 acres, ytfn are entitled to 80 acres more. I am prepared to receive applications, and procure your warrants. Ifldonot succeed in obtaining them, you will not be liable to any chargo for services rendered. DAN’L S. PRINTUP Attorney, March 13 '5, tf. Rome, Ga. LAYD WARRANTS. B Y a late act of Congress all the surviving Of ficers and Soldiers who were engaged in Military duty of any kind whatever, either in the service of the United States, or any State or Territory, for the space of 14 days are entitled each to 160 acres of land; also the- Orphans and Widows of deceased soldiers. Those who have already received warrants for a less number of acres are entitled tC^so much ttaore os will make together 100 acrek. Ail persons having claims nk aboYe described, can have tbeir business promptly attended to by calling on the undersigned He has in his pos. session ail the necessary foYms and blanks. JESSB LAMBERTH. Ordinary’s Office, one door abdve Drs. Word. Rome, Ga. March l2th, tf. Wholesale Bar Furnishing Establishment; MAGNOLIA BUILDING, ALABAMA STREET, J-. VALENTINE & C0. 5 ‘WHOLESALE WEALYRS IN LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUPS, PICKLES,’‘CTGAR9, Tobacco, Ac., < ke#'£(fts(hntly on hand tbe following artidies'-. BRANDY, Cognac, Otard, Hennessy, Rochelle, * Peach, Cherry, Blackberry, *06. k Hqllanct, , Amcridirir. WHISKY,, -Bourbon (Old) . . Mondngahcla, Irish, Scotch, . Deans, u Dexters, Pikes, . Gibson’s (bottled^ Ac., Ac. RUM, .* . St Croix, Jamaica, New England. WINES, Port, TOBACCD Smoking a. chewing. GLASS WARE, Decontere, , Flasks i ! p’t, to2 pis, Madeira, Sherry, Malaga, Afuscat, ‘Claret, Uampagne. Catnu Porter A CIGARS, Spanish, .Americas, ’German— se Cider, ntton, p’t or M Ra^pber»y. 'Strhwborfy. 'Sundries, 'Sa'rdinee, PickleV, - Broken Bitters Stranglefo'h " { Ess. Peppermint, . 'Corncorf, , Mouse hinrf, Anisette, a very large assortment., Absyntbrf, . ■ Cordials Corks. \e., 'Ac. Labels, Ac. We intend kee'ffttg 6'h h'knd 'all ih’ticles needed by Bar keepers, and will ol i to sell fine Liquors and C'fgkrs, loVreY wad they can be bought lit any ourselves «. yaleyYyye, HOT 22, #. e. HDSOP, S TAMIL U\<J L VT TRUE l WHAT EYERY W *HAY SHOULD KIOW. J^E ADER, are you a husband or a father ? a wife or a mother ? Have you tbe since're we 11 fare oftho-e yon love nt Prove ydur -inc.-rity', mil lose fro fir.,i-in l<-nruing whu't cause- interfere with tht.-ir: hml'iii »qd ft-iupi'nes- nut 7e-e th-iYt VouroWu It wiH nvo'id to you and ynhrk, ns it hits to tliou«- add-, in ny a day »i air and mxie-y fol low. d.hy -leepfess ni^ht-. inc.-ipneit;iting the uund ftir’ir-ordinary . voenribn ind <-xliaukt« in^ those means for in dieni utteudiince. iH'-dieines a nd ;idvc tisi-d no-truin3 which ■tbcrwise would > for declining years, the infirmiiie.s ol age and the proper educa lion ol your children- How often it happens, that the wife liri- gers iioin year-to ye-ir in rh t pitiable con dition iis noi even for one d:iy to feel the l.tippy ind i-xhileratiog inflnen< e incident to tin- enjoyment of h-alth, arising tram ignor ance ot the sitnplerfl and phifti et rules o health ascouhrfcted wiilt tin- 'ffi iWtage state the violation oT which entails disease, snf- ft-ringand misery. *. nd must this continue l Must this be 1 Is there roo reYnerly 1 No relTefi N’oLope V > Tli'e VemtAly is l»y tynowin.' fii’e causes ail'd avoiding them-, and knowing ffee reme dies fin'd benefigtfAg l*y them. Thfese are |>ointed ont io THE MARRIED VdliiN’S GREAT REMEDY! SSS3aeE>^S3r»S3 Celebrated It Mild, Safe, Thorough and Ur df, ever need. * - - - wer meed, tlu eomjmed of Vegetable EitrdcU.eud rn faithfully Insensible P< ^ j” " ■ CffdSor*, dtlintiaunif. So'rcThrttfuBurns, Efoptipnj.Bofe Nfopfes, Owe Onsist, D Askew tbe Face, Rheumatic Pains, Pain in the Side, Back and other Head, Brutes, Fresh Wi ■ore containing trip foist particle of. permanently cored by this great remedy. HEALING VIRTUES. It Is a fiA, authenticated here; as well as and indeed the whole western have attained a wide spn . to which they arc justly enti and powers.. We ate.not i „.. prone to endorse every patent humbug that qnd to tfafr instance nave delayed our endi PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION we have Keen able'to make assurance doubly sure^'rnOnij, BY Dft. A. M. MAURICEAtJv ** test '"K them personally ourstivre, but from t*te te*u- *- atony of a numerous portion of tbe community livine CHAMPE 8l KERR, Lfll 6ADAD SfREEf ROME GA. The Public will please bear in mind that the above named Firm keep constantly ou hand a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS etc. A choice lot of READY MADE CLOTHING both of their own, aud of Northern mendfa'cture, can be found at tho Shop of CHAMPE A KEBR- HO FOR THE SPRING FASHIONS!!! /~VS.SSIMEHES ef the latest styles just re- L ccived and will be Mid at low prices by CHAMPE A KERR. j^VERV Article of GenHepmu’s Wearing Apparel, of VAH5 best quality. Call an ted styles and of the A KERR. see CHA rjpHE dhderi-ightd will fill all orders from cus tomers frith promptness a- d despatch. Work entrusted to them will tiieet frith faith ful aud speedy execution.. . ma ch 13-ly CHAMPE A KERR. 1 iSYiOASS’S, J N S T A N T ^REIsIEF^ f E very persuu eimuiu vuiisiumiy Keep on hand for cases of shdden emergency, a bottle of Sloan’s Instant relief. It is the great Internal and External remedy for the immediate cure of Colic, Heart burn, §ore Throat, Toothache Weakness of the baqk or Kidneys, Dinrrhock Dysentery. Cholera Morbus, all submer cob- plain ts, Sick Headache, Ague cake, Rheuma ^nih in the Li tisra, Soreness in the Bone, Paul in the Liihbs, Cramps and Spasms, Colds, Spinal complaints Swelled Joints, Sprains, Bruises, etc., and for Cholera it is a superior Remedy FORHoRSKSAND* ATTrfi, .. Sloan’s Instant Relief is truly a Great Remedy. Haifa 25 cent bottle of Sloan’s Instant Relief cures ahorse of colic in a few minutes. For bruises, strains, sprains and many other inju ries on horses, cattle and other animals, Sloan’s Instant Relief seldom foils to afford immediate rcliof, and speedily effect a cure. Many persons have been astonished to witness the rapid cure effected by the use of this won derful medicine Forsalein Romo by ROBERT BATTEY Feb 6 6m ROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WO .v One Jfufi&ftath te/ilftoii 18»^o. jpp. 250 [OX FIXE PAPER, EXTRA B1XDIXG, "SI,00] A standard work of -t •Llistie<a«e|iiit;ifio'n found classed in the catalogues of the great trade sales mNew York. Philadelphia, and other cities,and sold by the principal book sellers in the United States. Jt was first published in 1847,since which tine FIFE HUYDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were up wards of One Hundred Thousand Sent by Hall* attesting the high estimation iq which it is held as a reliable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having AeVofed his etclusive at tention to the treatment of cor~plainti» pecu liar to femates, in reipect id which he is yearly c'onsnlfed by thotisati'dh, both In per son and by tetlei. Ilere bVerJr woihah tan discover,by com paring hfer dihn symptoms with those de scribed the nature, character. cansesof,snd the ptoper remedies foi, her cornpnints. The ftife about becoming a mother has of ten need of instruction and advice ofthe ut most importance to her futnre health, ir» respect to which her sensitiveness forbid- consulting a medical gentleman, will find suen instruction and advice, and also ex- 1 plain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm, as all tin- peculiaritiesihc-ident to her sitnation are de scribed. HoVir mdhy arengfrom obstfiict.ohs ot irregularities peculiar fo thr female «ys atony or a numerous ponton of the commuu’iy living around ua.—f Illinois Globe. Apri 113,18.10. . * SLOAN’S Horse & Cattle Medicine. No Medlelae in-use has. Aeeomplizbed jn Mictro. ■trdjaiarf Carte, and £ mtfj accomplished so Universal, .or that pabbueut and 1 ^ and Liniments for foecore of Ere (tinds. Sprains, Bruises, Cracked caifi rat Evil. Callous, Spavins, fast. Strain?. Lameness. Sand Cracks, Scratches or Grease, Mature and Horse Distemper^ . ,. The Condition Foteder wull remove all hiflammauop znd fever, purify the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water and strengthen every part of the body; and has proved a sovereign remedy for tbe following dteart Founder, Distemper, Hide Bound, Lorn I ward Strains, Yellow Water, Inflq Fatigue from bard« called stiff comp' Unrivaled Attraction -1855- B ERRY A HARKINS are nqw receiving their.New Goods for the SPRtNG AND SUMMER TRADE, consisting iti part of— Rich fig’d Plai^ and Plain (Uvs* SILKS; LAWNS; Prints GINGHAMS, colr’d and white CAM BRICS ! , Swiss. Nansook ana Jaconet MUSLINS t DAMASKS, TOWELING. Ac. LINENS, of every description; , . RIBBONS. LACES. GLOVES, HOSIERY ; BONNETS, ARTIFICIALFLOWERS Ac.; A laree assortment df Gent’s and Youth’s Fur nishing Goods, READY MAlJE CLOTHING: Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes: . . , Our slock will be found complete in every de partment. This beingojur first purchase for the Spring and Summer Trade, we are prepared to exhibit every article new and of the latest styles at greatly rejfhrcd prices. . . The attention of buyers is respectfully solici- L. .. BERRY A HARKINS. March 27. RIO H A AD A. JONES , , DZALkn trf FOREIGY AYD DOMESTIC MARBLE, NEAR THE DEPOT, Maditon. Go. MONUMENTS. TOMBS AND HEADSTONES .4!urny* on hand. Orders from a distance executed with neatness aoddospntch (ly) Feb 6,1855 gti ... teni* which undermine the lfealth. the ef fects of which the) ai-'e ignorant, ahd Ibr which tbeir delicacy forbids seek ing advice 1 May suffer froni prolapsus uteri (railing of the womb), or from fluar albus (weakness debility, ^-c.) Many t. re inconstant agony for many months preceding confinement.— Many have dificult if not dangeroas delive ries, and slow and uncertain discoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey ful ly tne v'dHous subjects treated of t> as they ara of a nature strictly intended Tor the mar ried or those contemplating hi itriitge. In consequence o*'.ne univiirsiil pb|»urari- ty of the work, :.s evidenc« d by Us extraor dinary sale, impositiobfi h&ve been attempted, a-* well bi. booksellers as on thk public, By iniitatibris of title jinge; spurious editions,and sdrreptitiouk infringements of copyright, and other devices and descriptions it Has been fdurid necessary, therefore, to dApioN £he Public to Bay no book unless the words *Dr. .A. Al. Mauijiceac. 1129 Libe' ty Street N. Y.” on nnd the entry in the Clerk’s Office t the back of) the title page: and buy onl of respectable and honorsnle dealers, o send by mail J and addre.-s tti Qh A. M Mattricead. ■ , Upon refeeliit^bf One Dollar, ** THE MARRIED WoMAN-g PRIVATE MED IC *L COMPANION” sent (mailed free) *o any. part of United Ststtes; the Canadas and British Prov locks .All letters must be post paid htid addressed to Dr A. M. MAUttiCEAU, box 1224. New York City- Pul>' hing Office, N* - -2U Libeity Street; NVwYork. able bones io this country... It is also a remedy for Couchs and Cdlds. which 1 fatal diseases. ' ... „ ... . .... These remedies never injiote, and atueys Cure, if tbe di rections are followed. ■_' ■ . For torther particulars and, a mu/Ktode at GutyEmRm bmarkitflt Cures, ■ga.FcottphJcU GrUM Denot. 40 LoA* St., Odragi, % „ JL,GlSirT:8 in GfebRQiA. ... . L E Welcli, Albany ? k J White, M ill edge vtile; »yn Oglethoi;no tinri. Dalto Doyal A Fears, McDonough; C.youngblood, iYm Kay, Atlanta; Ttios TChris- ■on • Jones Jk Blakely .itnd Richards, La Gran go ; W A Scdndrctt, Griffin; J B Cub •, Sarahnnn. March 6, 1855 hedge CARPETS, ttlfc IK lATTIYGS ^"jURTAlN good^i'n variety, Counterpanes, _ Sheetings aiid Houscfurhishing Goods gen erally. A fine assortment nt Dec Iff: J. H. McCLUNG A CO. W IDO r TS, aiid CAPS BOOTS and SHOES? OR Ladies and Gentlemen’s wear, cf real Philadelphia manufacture, for sale by .. Dec 10. J. H. McCLUNG A CO. . FINE GOLD Jfc\i C1LI1 iy CaIIu CJiGnS! P ORTE MONAIES, Ladies Morocfeo A. VelVot WORK CASES, a.handsome variety, at deel9 variety, J. H. McCLUNG A CO’S. Are You Insured? fire And Life insurance agency. 'Pi M. «»EIBLEY Rome, Gtorgid'. FIRE. j.Y 8 L li A i( C E C O M P A Y V . Of the Valle# tf Virginia, at Winchester, Ko. ...... Capital 8300.000. »• • ... pi3NN mutual lu<’k insurance com PANY OF. P.HITjADELPHIA, ORIGINAL CAPITAL *300.000: .. Aeenninlateti Cajiitaf 8334 307. The Mtes of p'fetniuin.itl'e as low as a just re gard to mutual safety will allow. No effort will bo spared on tho part of tho Agent, at all timos. to protect the interests '01 those who,, may patronize his Agency, and any information on the snbiect will he ohoerfully giv en upon application, in person,'or by letter. Jair< 16tM ’63 • 1 jf EVERY BODY READ THIS V A SPLEYDID FAMILY MEDICLYE. G E HMA N EL iXlkt bfi . Compound Fluid Extract of fpST"EXTIBELT VEGETABLE ! !"t53^ FOR.THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA; Disordered Stomachy Liver ’Complaints', Sick Headache', Indigestion, Impaired Appetite, Costivenesn, Cholera Morbus, , , . Colic, . General Debility, Fullness aliont the 'Stomach after meals, and Female Monthly Derangement's. It is lindotibiedly the best, median* for dtj^pepsfo H. urlii. ti<- iitoi kindled diseases ever plAr’e i fo foikli.e |/iii)iic. A tfij^r eseeli.'h« remedy ota ln..>t: v; eat hautllv • ... , 5^*REAb A FEW EXTRACTS CERTIFICATES LETTERS &C . “I regard tli<- German Elixir as tSe.yrijr best Anti Dyspeptic and stomachic medicine I have ever nw d.” . ,, . v Hon. WILIE JY MA^QN. rFontierlyj Chancellor of the Ceiural Di- visl'p,. of the State of Ala hatha. 1 concur fully in the reeomrtich hitioii gtV- en.hy the Hon W W Masoti and tithers ” Hon SAM F RICE jBdge Sliptoiue tjoBrl of Ala. . _ , ‘Yrttir tfiedfclfie nas In mv npinioH. jha claims to the confid nee ot the oil hi In as r valuable rehiedy incases pf'ipdjg a)ion.” .Rev.Wii. F. ^AMFORD. [ForjHerivJ Presi'deiit of Oak Bowery Fe male College. I -a» snfieripg from chronic indigestion, or Dyspepsia I tried the German Elixir aiin round 1! 1 no v -ry thii>e I need*-d.?,, Rev MARKvS ANDREWS., Agent for theTuskegee Melhodfot Female College. • I am prejtared to speak ad vised lv , wffeH I say that in n.y opinion it is an invdltikbia Family Medicine answering fully Ihe pur- posi s for which it is prescribed Rev DSHOUGLAB President of)tie Glenhville Female Col li comm«*nded for Sick Headache by Col: N J Seoti Atibrirn Ala. \ R< commended asa splended Family Med icine by Col F W Dillard Auhnrn Ala. .. Recommended for Dyspepsia ahd ti digeS- f.Hh by Prof C C Rictiards, S. M., Wri^hte- bom'Gii. Nnmen>ns : other t stiriiori{(ils Hiigfit he prodnred bat it is thought 1 lie ahove are sufficient to givi? co nHderit ; fc. !n this trtilr yalmible mediew’- . qlahlifuct- red and soM i*y WM R JONES & Co. Anbnn. All . For.saU; bv Robt. Battev. Rome Ga. ' Feb i‘h27 1855 ly B I a c k -s m i I h Shop: for the very frenerotis patronage extefadtd to hita during thh past yjjHr, arid .V.fiuid inibrih them thhl n6 is ^ rerifired to ,carry. on Blacb*.smithHi^ Hi tfc< itmttS hraiibhes nfoo toe building aoH repa r- | and Cahiagcs, ijull being a* ng.ot & inachingstcan make and repair Machinery of ill kinds. Wantedtwo Black Bo^s between the Iige of 15 and IS as apprentices, jan 0 *55, ly K. S. SIMONS. Drs; Smith & Wooten H AVING atebciated themselves in the prac- tiofe.Uf Medicine and Snrgery, offer their K ' ryichs |o the public. Dr. Smith is prepared tf ea* any diseases of the Eye and Ear. Office n Broad St., one door below H. A.. Smith’s »lt Stors. , c' . j'ata 23 -’38; [I y. sMui, Ah - - — -• •