Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, June 26, 1855, Image 3

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' L H mil fSKIOIf Oft THE DRKA3U BV A G BO HO I AX. Tfci* i* tbe title of * Romance now in process of completion, which will be issued in two num- hen on the 1st and 15th of July, 185$. The 9G61I69 (vf# |m4 Quuniy 10 tbe Vnit<?'l bn* «Uad and Spain. The work will be printed on pore white paper with new type and will equal fa quantity of matter an ordinary sued Duode cimo volume of 300 pages. It will he promptly issued and forwarded to all who will send their orders accompained with the cash. TERMS. SINGLE CORY, [ TVo y«mfer*,] $W TO CLUBS OF 3 OR MORE, [aer Copy,] 50. Remittance Must be made w» bitU ar eaaay*, MltTHl. juiO August a. Go. By authority of tie State of Alabama. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY lottery CK1KB SCHEME FOR JULY Class B, tonsHuwB tin os Jtrtr. a tub cut wi WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed accordhig to the fbllowing MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! jggTAnd REMEMBER every Prise is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when due WITHOUT DISCOUNT! 5,000 2,000 8.000 2,500 2,000 1,560 2.900 3,000 1 Prise of X do 1 do 2 do $1,060 are f 6 do 569 mo 19 do t- 269 ore 15 do 'iffi * 196 on 78 do 50 are 129 do 25 are 351 Prises in all amounting to $30,000 gar ONLY 10,000 NUMBERS!-*^ mtiiU Haitrs $2 tO-$WtwMI 2 SAM L SWAN, Agent A Manager, Montgomery, Ala. fat the Post Office at Rome, Oa^oatitel&hd*y ofJane, 1335. If not taken oat by the I7th day of July, they will he sent to the Dead Letter Post Office. ATWOOD. A C Asher, JThos Anderson A Allen Arther, Mrs S K BARRIX. William Dealt. Mrs Mary - r,WI f, John , Williamson Bog.Thoa ~ - n*r _ . John Caind. Carter. Lewis OanWAIrifiM C» man. LC : Car, Tbe CahctepP Calbrith, Mrs M R mhTi, t , SkkcrsM. Dr J D D .rr. W R STANS. TS Swine, J J MIBHKRJJ Flair, Willi ,m Fuller, BS Tord, BS JitrLsWW Farris. Jane CGRRIN.JN HAMXIT. A Sarprr AG Hunter. W C Hutcherson, Oorid Harper. Harry Hiddic. w a C •CCk'.VOED, Miss Sa- ■" rah A'" > JWVMmb Mary Jfaete-.n. Mir, LS Jos**, Wahoa 0 -Jwe, MG JhrrafltW . Jaw. CoL B R •KING A CO. AD Ctejc. Mias 8 LUMPKIN, EG Lower,. O Tmwftkih. P Art*. Xurapkic, J N Xt-ve, Mb L J Lawton, Peter Long, Miss MaryM Letner, Dr C B Lang. T W McHINZIE, Charles McCahtlic, Att> at law Maya, Miss Susan MeCay,F M Martin, Miss Mary H.Mia, Martin Miller, C A Muure. John L McGaha. James Maims. Lacy XeKinxie, FI NEWTON, W N«*rriL Hugh PARMER, FM Priee.CC Perry. George L Fearer A Co, S B Prior. Dr REROVES, THOS Reynolds, Col T D Rosenbaum. M 2 Roberts, John F Roberts. C W Roberts, G C Riggs, LewisS Ruggers. Mrs Mary Riley, Spencer Ratelefl; B 3 TAURS, JC Truth, Robert SMITH. Z L Smith, Mr» M A Simms, Bennet • Smith. Thos V Smith. MM Saelling*. Henry 2 Sullivan, Painter B BwW Simmons. Miss A W Smith. L L Htewert. Mr* Harret Smith. Samuel L THOMAS. MARTHA UUGARHART, G W WARD. RA Weatherford, J G S Wsaguve, Reubin Wiley, Shmriott Watkins, A M Wilkereon, James M Wcilbrook. R S, Whit, l>r Ua WV». J IRW ARRIVAL OF BOORS I The following new works have just been receiv ed attlte Ink Store of H. A. Smith: Memories of the Countess of Blessington,; WooUbri's Roost, by Washington Irving; Grace Lee, by Jalln Karensgh; Life and Beauties of Fanny Fern; Stranhope Burleigh, by Helen Dhn, Now-a-Days, by Laura J Curtis; Tempest and Sunshine: A Long Look Ahead, by AS Roe; Fudge Doings, by Ike Marvel; Eastford or Household Sketches, by Brooke; You bare hoard of them, by Q; Out Doors at Idtcwihl. by Willis; Sami Roger’s Poetical works complete, foe w ed Longfellow’s Poetical worksoomplete. [newed. Lamplighter, Newt boy, and Lite of Barnum. arother supply; Weber’s Outlines of Universal History; Smith’s History of Greece; [now ed) Ben Jonson’s Dramatic works; [now odl Gems of Beauty, a Gift Booh beauufelly Ulus tinted stool engravings; The Diadem, a Gift Bookbeautifelly illustrated, stool engravings; Souvenir Galtsry, a Gift Book beautifully lllus- tratod, steal engravings; Book of tho Boudoir, beautifelly illustrated steel engravings. Tbs shove works, the publio are most retpectfe! ly solicited to sail and examine. , Ju 5 *55 A LL persons havii A tate of Mai ng demands against tbe Bs- G Simpkins of the county tate of Mathias of Floyd, deceased, are notified to render them In duly authenticated within the time presort bed by law. And those indebted to said estate us requested to make immediate payment. GABRIEL JONES, AdmV, ju 3 with the will annexed. I NEW GOODS;! AT R. J. JOHN .'ON’S THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW AGAIN KN- K ed in tho MERCANTILE BUSINESS, and just returned from New York with one of the best selected stocks of mmr ®mm kept la tho country, and as ho has had sufficient experience, he hopes to satisfy tho wants of his customers. He will endeavor to maintain his position in feturo as a merchant, and give his undivided attention to that avocation. Us offers to his friends and the pnblie gener. ally, inducements that will eompeasate them for giving him a oail before they make their C rchases elsewhere. He will ehargo nothin ‘ showing Goods. Us keeps a general rtoc from the finest Fabrics down to tbe common Staple goods. Tho selection of hie stock was made with great care end with a view to tho Spring Fashions of New York which were trot established by those who lead to fashions until the 2nd of April, after which his entire stock was purchased. At his Store sen be found a variety of Ladies 1 Dress Goods, Trimmings Bonnets, Sleeves and Col LAR8, RIBB0N8, BOTH FINE AND COM MON, and SHOES of the eery be»t Quality. Ho also has a large Stoek of Goods of ovary variety fbr MEN’S WEAR, LINEN, C0Tf0N A WOOL. FINE MOLESKIN AND 8UMMER SUMMER RE 80RT! LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. fPHB Hotel on Lookout Mountain (only five 1 miles from Chattanooga,) IS NOW OPEN for the season, for tho reception of company.— Arrangements for amusements of varous kinks have Men made and the undersigned will spare no exertions for the comfort of hit guests. May 29 G WASHBURN. IMPORTANT NOTICE. SELLING OFF IT POST ©AS&on r lorder to reduce our Stock preparatory to the fall trade, we will offer our entire stoek of SPRING & SIPWER GO DS Including a splendid assortnent of LAD®’ DBESS GOODS, & finis’ Atoll, JBoilt flowing, AT COST FOR GASH!! This is one of tho most desirable stocks of Goods in the Cherokee Country being entirely new and fresh. We will be glad to furnish our customers to the usual credit at reduced prices, may29 JH McCLUNG A CO. War*, Mrs Harret E J Thr-ii-. wish lag above list, will ySaa’ic -ay they arc advertired. jei’ff THOS. J PERRY, P.M. Floyd She iff Sales for Jejfy. Twone-vo girls—12 and 10 years old - the ’ of Henry Baker—one Horse. Buggy the properly of Shepherd W. -Lot «f Land No. 237,4tb Dis., and 4th Sec. - the pmoerty of Wra. B. Jones. Also Lots Of Land Nos. 233 and 239. 2iib Dis. 3d Sec. She property John Cox. Also one* Negro Wo snan aged 4fi, property of Wm. H. Vernon— Also on the Thursday following at Milton H. Haney’s Mills, the machinery of a certain shop. Chattooga Sheriff Sales for July A lease on Lot of Land No 219, 25tb Dis and 3d See. for 2 rears; property of Wm. J. McMurphey. FLOYD SPRINGS! 'T’WELVE mi!*? r.or*b <>f Rome, and twelve I mile* west of Calhoun. The nadersigned woo id inform the pnblie that tbe Hotel is now opened f'-^u^receptiqti of visitors. Every effort will be made by himself and lady to render visitor* comfortable, and he feels assured that he will Hfeable to please all who may patronise him. His charge will be moderate, and ail who are seeking health, qui et repose and good living shotdd visit this place. Conveyances can always be procured at Rome and Calhoun to the Spring*. pST Chronicle & Sentinel, Milledgeville Be- carder, Savannah Courier, please publish one month and forward ape. to this ofiee. jal9 5w ROBERTH. MOORE. *r- LEATHER MACHINE BELTING! ’riveted, Stretched and Cemented ; Belting. Oak and hemlock all widths from 1 to 24 inches of our aufeetere and of warranted quality, suit* able for Cotton Factories, Machine shops, Gins, Thrashers, pumps, ye., he. A large assortment olwavs on hand and for sale in quantities to suit at the SADLERY WARHOUSE of SHERMAN JESSUP A CO, 241 Broad St. Augusta, 0a. and HARRAL, NICHOLS AOM&ttr Moot ing and Hotel Sts, Cbar^fly?. C. Jul94m Rj Authority of the cfRs of Georgia- FORT GAINES ACADEMY GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY CLASS 2* TO BE DRAWN JULY 3, IN THE CITY OF ATLANTA, WHEN PRIZES AMOUNTING TO Will be distributed according to the follow ing Magnificent Scheme! And remember every Prise is drawn at eaeh Drawing, and paid when due without deduction! Prise of do do do do T-S • ,f * [dp, SSjiM- do $1,000 are do 400 are do 150 are do 120 are do 100 are $12,509 5,000 3,000 2,000 1,500 1,200 1,100 5,000 4,000 1,50(1 1,440 2,000 508 Pri tes in all amounting to $50,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Ylefccti 910, Halves 95, fynarterc $2 50 Bills On all solvent Bank* at par. All cotn- munieations stricktiy confidential. SAM’L SWAN, Agent A Manager, ap 24 : Atianfa. Ga. B rTASIC HEDiCWU. A LL the various Medicines prepared by Dr. D S Jones, formerly of this place, kept con- etoatiy op hand and for sale by Rome, ap 19 6m WM B JONES. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! JASPER COBYTY ACADEMY LOTTERY ! BT AOTBOBXTT OF TUB STATS OF GEORGIA. 'pHE subscriber having been appointed Man- X agerofthe Jasper County Academy Lottery, intends conducting the same on the Havana plsn of single numbers, and has located his Office in the city of Maco <, Georgia. He now offers the following:— GRAND SCHEME FOR JULY 23 1855. When prises will be distributed as follows, AHOC9TBG TO 950,000. 0 L A S S B. Capitals—1 prise of $12,000 1 do 3.000 do 1,500 do 1,100 do 400 do 5.000 do 2,000 do 1.200 do 1,000 1 1 10 1 1 1 5 408 Prises, amounting to $50,000 Agents wanted irr every town and city <»f tho Union. On application tbe Terms will be for warded. Remember every prise drawn at eaeh draw, ing under the superintendence of CoL Geo M. Logan and Jas. A. Nisbet. Esq*., gentlem n who are sworn to a faithful performance pf their duty. Pris«*s paid when doe without dis- CounL JSffAll order*, rely on it. strictly con- fidential. Bills on all solvent hanks token at par. Whole Tickets ?S . H •Uv.-.-- . : Quarters S2. JAS P WINTER. Mnnnsrer. may 29 Macon. Ga. . gitsljoillf aktrlistmtuts; FINE AND COMMON BOOTS AND SHOES. A GOOD STOCK OF M"Y HADE iLOTIHXG. Also tho largest assortment of Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Ever before brought to tho up country. TERMS WILL BE AS LIBERAL AS THE TIMES WILL ADMIT GROG ERIES In all eases will be sold for cash down. The undersigned receives in barter for any Goods nearly everything in the way of provis ions or Raw Hides dry or green and Sheepskins with the wool on if well preserved, ap 24 ly R J JOHNSON. J T. McCONNELL.—Attorney at L&ti, Ring- ii' —I m • fir |ji •gold, Ga, oct31-5 LIKENS 1 LIKENS!! LIKENS 1!! W HITE Irish Linen of tbe bestqnaily. WHITE IRISH LINEN for gent’s pants and coats. Also CHECKED AND STRIPED Linensfor gent’s pants and coats. WHITE AND COLERED LINEN DRIL- iings for gent’s pants. BROWN LINENS, a large stock and of ev ery quality. R J JOHNSON Also, if you want a fine Fashionable HAT, I have them of the best that is made on the la test style, and very cheap R J J READYMADE COATS, PANTS, A VESTS ust received of the latest style to suit summer, maylh \A RJ JOHNSON. HEMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HSUKBOLD’S HIGHLY COSCESTRaTED COMPOUND FLUID EKTrfACT BliCHU, For diseases of the Bladder and Kidnt-ys Secret Diseases. Strictures Weaknesses, and all diseases of »he Sexual Organs whether In male‘or female, fr»m whatever cans*- they may have originated, and tuaiter of hot* long standing. If you have contracted t: et.Tribledi-.-ase which when once seated in the »v«*-tu. will surely go down from one gencratio., to an other, ondermining tbecon«ti«nii<»n and ping tbe very vital flnids of life do not trust yourself in the hands o« th<- Qiiackn, who aratt npevery day in a city tike this, and fill the papers with glaring fal-«-ho<*U t-xi well calcniated to deceive the young and those not vqQiiintoi with their trick-* — Yon cannot be tow ouefnl in the selection of a remedy in these cases Tbe fluid extract Bnehns ha* been pro nounced by eminent physician* the g eatest r medy ever known It i» a m dici i i*er- fectly pleasant in its tast*-. an I very <>.co -t in’its actioTi. and yet so thorongb that it <n- nibilates evary particle of the rank an < pois- inoos virtu of this dreadfqf disease; and, unlike other remedies, does not dry up the disease in tbe blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self- abuse, a most tend de disease, which bas ■ -brought thousands of tbe human race to untimely graves, thus blasting tbe brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud tbe glorious ambition of many anobb-ynutb, can be cured by tbis Infallible Remedy.— And as a medicine which mast benefit every body, from tbe simply delicate to the con fined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found acting both as a Cote and preven tive. belmbold’s highly concentrated CempoBBd Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla* Fob Purifying tbe Blood, removing all dis eases arfsiog from excess of Mercury, expo sure and imprudence io life, cbrooic consti tutional disease, arising from au impure state of tbe Blood, and tbe only reliable and effectual known remedy for tbe carp of 8crofula. Salt Rheom., Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs Pains and Swellings of tbe Bones. Tetter Pimples on tbe Face, and sca ly Brnplions of tbe Skin. Tbis article is now prescribed by some of tbe most distinguished physicians in the country, and has proved more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsaparil la yet offered to tbe pnblie. Several casni of secondary Syphilis. Mercurial and Scrof ulous diseases have enti.ely recovered in the Incurable wards of ourr public Institutions which had for many years resisted every mode of treatm nt that could be devised.—- These cases furnish striking example* of the saintary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after tbe glands were destroyed, and the bonus al ready affected . Notice.—Letters from responsible phyai. cians and Professors of several Medical Col leges, and certifiicates of cures from patients will be found accompanying both Prepara tions. Prices. Fluid Extract of Bnchu. $1 per bottle, or 6 bottle* fo* $5. Flnld Ex'ract of Sarsaparilla. $1 per hot tie. or 0 hot ties for 35, equal in strength to one gallon of 8yrup of SarMipatiila. Prepared nod sold b» H T, Hklmbold. Chemist. 263 ChestniP Street, near the Gi rard House Philadelphia. To be had of Druggists and Dealers, eve rywhere. All le* tors directed to the Proprietor or Ageht receive immediate attention. jane 12 t ly HEW STOCK OF SPRING :’:OODS JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED AT THE St or of M. W. Johnson! He would respectfully call the attention of his former Customers and the pnblie generally, to his fresh arrival, just opened, of SPRING and Summer Goods of the Newest and Most Fashionable Styles, and embracing a full and YERY COMPLETE ASSORT ENT of ail the articles usually found in the stores of Rome. Among those to which he wonld inrite your most particular attention, are a quantity o f FANCYG00DS, as well n* the usual Staple Arti cles, for Ladies’and Gentlemen’s wear, REAOY MADE CLOTHING HATS. BOOTS, SHOiiS, HARWARE CROCK- ERY. F A MILY GROCERIES, MEDICINES. GLASSWARE, Ac., being a large variety and assortment of the kinds of go«ds com monly to be found in tbe Stores of this claee, to be sold at rates to suit tbe times. CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK, and if Goods and Price* do not snit, you are charged nothing for looking at them. Yon will find mv Store nearly opposite R. S. Norton’s. Rome/Ga., an. 24 tf. M. W..TOHNSON. ?SR PUMEai!!! DR. J W HICKS A CO.. THANKFUL FOR the patronage they have hereto fore received from the citizens of Rome and its vicinity, would very respeetfnlly invite them to call and examine their stock of ^?rfa?n| k /anrij Mrlrs WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE LARGEST & best selected stock that bas ever been brought to tbis market. Their assortment CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF PERFUMERY, POMADES OF ALL kinds, A Flavour. COOKING EXTRACTS. -00 OS FINE, CA -’HOUS , PRESTON SALTS,- TOOTH AND HAIR BRUSHES, POWDER, SNUFF-BOXES &C., &C..&G. Please call and examine their aa- ortment. maylo tf CHURCH ANDSR80N, W HOLESALE GROCER. PRODUCE Deal- ER. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI. Ql ORS. Iron Castings, Hides and Solo Leath er, Cornerof Front and Brood Street, Nashvillo, Tentu may 8 ly Cbaltonga Land for Sale rphe Plantation on which the undersigned now 1 lives, situated in Broom Town Valley, and lying on tbe main road leading through said valley, seven miles west of Summerville in a healthy section of country The above farm, contains seven.hundred acres and five hundred and fifty tillable, over three hundred cleared, two hundred of which is good bottom, land in a bigh state of cultivation, good dwelling house and out booses all in good condition. Also, twelve or fifteen likely - negroes, horses and mules, and stock of every description.— Possession given next fall. Any 'perbon desiring to purchase, would do well to dome and look as a bargain can be bad. 1 ' ap 17 3m LOWRY WILLIAMS. CO08A BOTTOM LAND FOR SALE. TTHE undersigned will now sell bis lauds ly- X ing ten miles West of Rome on the Coosa River. Tbe Bottom Lands cannot be excelled in Cherokee. Tbe op-lands are not No 1, bat good third qualify, the most of wbioh contains in all 020 acres. There are 125 acres of bottom land in Cultivation, all fresh, and well fenced in. On tbe upland where I live, is a fine Free stone spring of water. Gin House, Screw, and a mill in the Gin House with two mules. I grind 40 or 50 bushels of corn per day. There Is no healthier place in Georgia. The society in the neighborhood is good—an acad emy! mile from my bouse. Any person desi rous of purchasing a body of land well adapted to the growing of cotton or grain, would do well to come early and look for himself. I have made 1600 lbs of cotton per acre and $160 per mere in corn and potatoes. i 0 Ptf MCCLENDON, ap 24 3m Coosa, Floyd Co. * HOUSE FOR SALE. rPHE undersigned offers for sale, agotd Dwel- X ling House in the city of Rome. For par ticulars apply to James M Sumter, Esq., may 8 JO McKINZIE CHARTER OAK Eift OttBBttBtt (CsotpaiiD. HARTFORD, CONN. C HARTER PERPETUAL. $200,000 Capi. tal, with a largo surplus. Securely invest ed. under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Publio Accounts, of the State of Connetient Officer! and Director!. ALFRED GILL, President. JOHN L. BUNCE, Vice President JAMES C. WALKLEY, Secretary. Director!. Alfred Gill, William R. Cone, John L. Bunco, Nelson Hollister, James G. Bolles, Samuel Colt John A. Butler, Daniel Phillips, Noab Wheaton, C. N. Humphrey. Board of Finance, George Beach, Esq., President Phoenix Bank D. F. Robinson, Esq., Presid’t -Hartford Bank Hon. Isaao Touey. fete Attorney General U. .8, 8. B. BERRESFORD, M, D., Consulting Physician. jgg-Appications received by <•,»: ^ THOMAS J. PERRY, Agent Deo* b, 1854. ly Rome Ga. WOODS St CO. MANUFACTURERS OF LARD OIL AND FAMILY LARD. No 25 Market Street, NaahvUle, Tonn esseey may 1 ’55 1 B. 8. WELLER, D EALER in Copper. Brass, Tin, Shoot Iron, Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware and New seed and Agricultural Depot No. 35, Upper Market Street Nashville, Tenn, may 1 ly. MORRIS fit STRATTON, W HOLESALE Grocers, Produce and Com mission Merchants, and Doaler in For eign and Domestic Liquors. Corner of Market and Clark 8ts., Nashville Tonn. may 8 ly -J C FRENCH. H S FRENCH H. 8. FRENCH & SON, G ROCERS, Commission Merchants, and Deal ers in Baoon, Bale Rope a* d Bagging.— Cornerof Market and Clark Streets. Nashville, Tenn. Having Agents in St Louts, Louisville, Cin cinnati and New Orleans, we are at all times prepared to transact any business entrusted to us at those places. H 8 F A S. may 8 ’5 ly Q OCERIES! GROCERIES !! QA Bags pritho Rio Coffoe. Wv 20 Bbls Stuarts refined sugar. 50 bli NO Syrup 20 bis Gunning rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands and qnall- tios for sale by W S COTHRAN A CO. Feb 20 1855, tf. KEWTDN FACTORY _ i and Yarns always on hand and for sale by Feb 20 W 8 COTHRAN k CO. Agent W S COTHRAN & CO, Agents for Etowah Iron Works. Have always on had a large supply of iron eastings Ac., of every slse and description. Orders filled props!- fy- They will also pnrehaso wheat at tbe highest cash prices Feb. 20. tf. SALT! SALT!! 1 000 ? Mll, ^ * Br 8® rise, In fine order 1 l/UV/Ju«t received, and for rale by Feb 20 W. 8. COTHRAN A CO. ARMSTRONG & CO, COUniSSION HERCDANT8* AND MAKirrACTtmiNO AGENTS FOR TBK SALE OF Faint*, Oils, Turpentine. French fit AMERICAN WINDOW GLA8S, WINDOW SASH. PAINT BRUSHES. HY DRAULIC CEMENT, VARNISHES, PAINT HILLS, BIARBLEIZEDIRON HANTLi.S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Chain Pumps, Field Seed, Plaster Paris, Copperas. Land Plaster, Guano. Ac. KTo- 69 Market 8t- 5 doors from Bnn 4 , NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE may 8 ’5, 6m BONNETS! A SPLENDID assortment of ^Bonnet*, direct from New York, some trimmed and a large supply of Trimmings to snit the taste for those not trimmed, have just been opened at the store of WOOD A BROTHER, may 1 8m WOOL HATS, A ND HOME MADE SHOES, we have just bought 300 home made wool Hats, and a supply of borne made shoes. All of which are for sale by WOODABRO. may 1 8m OSNABCRCS AND H Off ESP! IS !! P LAIN. Striped and plaid Osnaburg* ; and every diseriptinn uf Bleached and Brown Homespun* and Drillings fr-un 61 ctaper yard to 3 yards wide, and for sale nt may 1 WOOD A BRO. TALHAS! TiLffASM O F the latest fashion, and tbe goods and trim ming? to make them: Rich Fancy and white Crape Shawls in great variety at may 18m WOO! A BRO’S. HOSIERY AND GLOOVES O F almost every quality, color, style, shape and size, worn by Ladies, Guntlemen, Miss es. Youth* and Children, in great variety at the Fancy Store of roav I 8m WOOD A BRO. T.IDIES* DRE a S GOODS ANDTKIH9IKG8. P RINTS. Ginghams, Brilliaute*. Bombazine* and Barege*. Jaconett. Swi**. Mull. Nun sook. Plaid. Checked. Corded and Dotted M-ra ting ; Florence. Mareeline, Grenadine and plain black Silks; colored Silks, fancy colored and black Brocade SUks; wa ered Silks; plain whitt Silks and Satins ; Silk Tissues; trimming*, la ces, nettings and dress trimmings in great va riety. just reeeirnd and for sale at tbe fancy store of WOOD A BRO. E9BR0IDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, &C, S LEEVES, Caffs, Chemisette, Capes and Col lars, and a great vn- iety of Jaconet and Swiss Bands and Trimmings at may 1 8m WOOD A BRO'S. it'EBONS! RIBBON;!! ItIBBTS XIX W . AT a quantity .>f Ribbon*, no t how pc- * -r nr-.d -dj.-p tb-r -re -it way 1 Sui W OOD A IIRO'H. OATS AND POTATOES. 10 Bbls prime Irish Potatoes for Planting. 1 u 350 bushel seed Oats Jnst received and for sale by Feh 20 W 8 COTHRAN A jCO. ! I QA Boxes Fresh Lime [HewardsJ Jnst re* Ww reived and for sale by Feb 20 W 8 COTHRAN A CO. T N, ft allEKT IRON MANUFACTORY. T HE undersigned having purchased the in terest of Mr. W. S. Wadsworth in tbc above concern will continue the huaines? «n hi* own account at the old stand (sign of the 15i.- Pot) wher- mnv be found a large jot ••!' COOKING. PORTER. OKFrCF A BOX STOVES. a large assortment of READY MADE TIN WARE which he offer* at wholesale end retail. ROOFING GUTTERING It JOB WORK OH in the most approved manner and warranted. Gun and Lock Smithing done with neatness and despatch. E. W. RUSSELL. Rome. Nov. 11.1854. lv L .i t G W AUtl ‘ i TS. B V :i late act of Congress all tlicsurvivingOf- •i-t-i* and Soldiers who were engaged in Military duty of any kind whatever, either in the service of tbe United Srates, or any State or Territory, for the space of 14 days are entitled each to 160 acres of land; also tbe Orphansand Widows of deceased soldiers. Those who have already received warranto for a less number of acres are entitled to so much more as will make together 160acres. All persons having claims as above described, can have tbeir business promptly attended to by calling on the undersigned He bn* in bispos. session nil tbe neecsaary forms and blanks. JESSE LAMBERTH. Grdinary’s Office, one door above Dr*. Word. Rome, (J;i. March 12th. tf. CHAMPE & KERR. BROAD STREET POME GA. The Public will please bear in mind that the above named Firm keep constantly on band a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS etc. A choice lot <>f READY MADE CLOTHING both of their own, and of Northern menufacture, can be found at the shop of CHAMPE A KERR- HO FOB THE SPRING FASHIONS!!! IASSIMEKES ef tlie latest styles just re- ' evived aud will tu> sold at low prices by CHAMPE A KERR. E VERY Article of Gentleman's Wearing Apparel, of rarisgated styles and of the best qualify. Call and see them. CHAMPE A KERR. S H O E Sll SHOES!!! L ADIES' Gent's and Children’s—The great est display of shoes that we have seen late ly i* made by Wood A Brother of this city.- They have bad them made in Philadelphia for their own trade, and the quantity, qualify, and style of their shoes for Ladies,’ Gentlemen’s, Children’s and Servant’s wear, show that they know wbat tbe people want in the article* of shoes. WOOD A BRO* may 1 . 8m WOOD & BROTHER A RE just opening a splendid assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING and HATS, all of which are direct from New York, and of he last agony. may 1 8m DENTISTRY!! DR C. P. CULVER, SURGEON DENTIST. Having permanently located in Rome, tenders bis Professional services to the pnb- ’ lie. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited—OFFICE—at tbe CHOICE HOTEL, ap 24 6m FOR SALE. T llE HOUSE and LOT whereon I live.— Possession given when wanted. Feb. 20, '55 C. H. SMITH, tf. EMPIRE VHHpi J. H. McC OS & CO. Are now receiving direct from the Northern cities their LAB.GE IMPORTATION OF SPEING & SUMMEE embracing every variety or Ladies’Dress Goods in Fancy Colors, Mourning and half Mourning. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, of every material. Together with a superior lot of Ready Made Clothing! of superior make and qualify, made expressly for oar own sales. J. H. MoCLUNG A CO. H^WO months after date application will be X made to tbe Ordinary of Chattooga county for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of Moses Kelletto deceased. JOHN B KNOWLES, may 8 '55 Adm'r. T HE undersigned will fill ail orders from cus tomers with promptness a d despatch. Work entrusted to them will meet with faith ful and speedy execotion. ms cb 13-i * irwwq. t'. SXsOA-YS’S. I N s T A N T ^nrLiEr ^ E . ‘ j.. ■ nand tor cases uf sadden emergency, a bottle of Sloan’s Instant relief It is the great Internal and External remedy for the immediate cure of Colie, Heart barn, Sore Throat, Toothache Weakness of the back or Kidneys, Diarrhoea Dysentery. Cholera Morbus, all Bummer com plaints, Sick Headache, Ague cake, Rbeuma tisra. Soreness in the Bone, Pain in the Limbs, Cramps and Spasms, Colds, Spinal complaints Swelled Joints, Sprains, Braises, etc., and for Cholera it i* a superior Remedy for Horses and * -ATTtE, - Sloan’s Instant Relief is truly a Great Remedy. Half a 25 cent bottle of Sloan’s Instant Relief cures ahorse of colic in a few minutes. For braises, strains, sprains and many other inju ries on horses, cattle and other animals, Sloan’s Instant Relief seldom fails to afford immediate relief, and speedily effect a cure. Many persons have been astonished to witness the rapid cure effected by the use of this won- derfol medicine For sale in Rome by ROBERT BATTEY. Feb 6 6m Unrivaled Attraction! —1S 5 5- B ERRY A HARKINS are now receiving their New Goods for the SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, consisting in part of— Rich fig’d Plaid and Plain dress SILKS ; Florence and Msreelane SILKS : Rich printed and Plain BARAGES ; ORGANDIES. JACONETS. LAWNS; Prints GINGHAMS, cok'd and white CAM BRICS : Swiss. Nxnsook and Jaconet MUSLINS ; DAMASKS, TOWELING, Ao. LINENS, of every description ; RIBBONS, LACES. GLOVES. HOSIERY; BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Ac.; A Urge assortment of Gent's and Youth’s Fnr- nishing Goods, READY MADE CLOTHING. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Onr stock will be found complete in every de partment. This being onr first purchase for tbe Spring and 8ummer Trade, we are prepared to exbibit every artiele new and of the latest- styles at greatly reduced prices. Tbe attention of buyers is respectfully solici ted. BERRY A HARKINS. March 27. Wholesale Bar Furnishing Establishment, MAGNOLIA BUILDING, ALABAMA STREET, .M 1 X VALENTINE & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS lH LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUPS, PICKLES, CIGAfeS, Tobacco, Ac., keep ctihstamly ob hand the following articles: BRANDY, Cognac, Otard, Hennessy, Rochelle, Peach, Cherry, Blackberry, Applo. GIN, Holland, American. WHISKY, Bonrbon (old) Alonoogabeui, Irish, Scotoh, Deans, Dexters* Pikes, Gibson’s (bottled) ItU*I, St Croix, Jamaica, New England. WINES, Port, TOBACCO Smoking k chewing. GLASS WARE, Decanters, Flasks i p’t, to 2 p’to, Tumblers. Madeira, SYRUPS, Sherry, Lemon, p’t or gal, , Malaga, Raspberry, Muscat, Strawberry. Claret, " Sundries, Cainpagne. - Sardines, Pickles, Campagne Cider, Brokers Bitters Pdrtcr. Alb Strangleton “ CIGARS; . Ess. Peppermint, Spanish; Curhfcdei American; . Mauscbihs, German— Anisette; a very large aSstfrtmeht AbSyntbe, Cordials Corks. Ac., Ac. Lahejs, Ae: Ac., Ac. ourselves to sell fine Liquors and Cigare/ lower than they can be J. PALESTINE, W. D. EIDSON, MAT 22, We ihtend keeping on band all articles needed by Bar-keeper*, and trill obligate bought in any market South; ED. SHARP. 1855,1j; T WO months after date application will be mode t> the Ordinary of Floyd County for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the estate of 8usan Self, Ute of tbe said county of Floyd deceased. HARRI80N CAMP, may 15 Adm'r. A. W. HARSHAW. SIO.V < HU ORNAMENTAL PAINTER T ENDERS hi* xurvlcwto tho Poblle in Mb line of buxines*. He flatter* hitn«elf that he will gjv». full sHtinfaction to all wl»n employ him HOUSE mdMTGN PAINTING will receive prompt Attention. •All orders sent through the Post Office will he promntly attended to, Oct* 81,1864, RICHARD A. JONES SXAX.ZK nt FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HUBBLE, NEAR THE DEPOT, Madiean, Ga. MONUMENTS. TOMBS AND HEADSTONES Always on band. gSr Orders from a distance executed with neatness anddespateh "tBj (ly) Feb 6,1855 FARH FOR SALE. T HE subscribers offer for sale, their farm, CONTAINING EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES, and lying in Cass eonnfy on Th -inns’ creek about three quarters of a mile from Eves’ water station on the Rome branob Rail Road. Tbe place is Very Healthy with Fine Society in the neighborhood. On it area new Gin Honse and Screw, and all necessary oat buildings.— Tbe residence is near to one of the largest, pu rest and most beautiful springs in tbe Cherokee country. Terms made easy to a good purchaser. THOS M BERRIEN, may 8 4m JAS M PEPPER. i GREKABLY to an order of the Court of Or dinary of Chattooga county, will benold be fore tbe Court honse in the town of Sumnier- ville on tbe first Tuesday in July next, all the real estate of Hii rh M Middleton. mi-* r heir of John Middleton deceased.the same bring about 12 acres offend lying on Chnttooge Rivera frOotlonof Lot 87 in the 6th District and 4tb Section. WM J HENRY, may 15, •' Guardian iSTAHTLlA'G tiUTTRUE! iruir Gres, inui should mow. R EADER, are yon a husband or a father ? a wile <>r a mother ? Have yon tbe sincere wrllfii -iiMlio'e you love at heart 1 Prove yin.i sincerity,and loa* no lirae in learning wh it interfere with their health and ha'p nes ,mt fr-Stlian your own. It will •> rpiti tc? yi#u and yours, as it bas to litou*- •<nl-. mem a day m ait? and anxiety fol- ii.w d by *le. pie«» night-, incapacitating the in nd fo: it* ordinary .ivoc.ition and exhauat- in. those mean* for m dical attendance, ■n dicine* and ndve>t.gcri nostrums which tb-rwise w .iild provide for declining v.-ars, the infirmities of age and the proper edaca t.on ol yon. children- How often it happen*, that the wife !in- ger.< from year to year in tb t pitiable coo- ditioi, asnoi «*ven for one day to feel fh.- Lnppy .nd •■xhilerating influence incident to the enjoyment of health, arising from ignor ance of the simplest and plainest rules of health a* connected with the marriage state, the violation of which entails disease, suf fering and misery. “ ’ nd must this continue ? Must this be 1 Isthere no remedy 7 No relief 1 No hope 1” The remedy is bv k•’.owing the canse* and avoiding them, and knowing the reme dies and benefitting l>y them. These are pointed ont in THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, ROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOXEX. One Hundredth Edition (500,000) 18mo. pp. 250 [ox FIXE PAPER, EXTRA BIXDIXG, $1,00] A standard work of established reputation foaml classed in the catalogues of the great trade *alesinNew York Philadelphia,' and other cities.and *old by the principal book seller* in the United States. It was first piil,L-hed in 1847,since which tine FITE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold of which there were up wards of One Hundred Thousand Sent by Hall. attesting the high estimation in which it is held a* a reliable popular Medical BOOR FOR BYERY FEHALE tbe author having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatment of ce'” plaints pecu liar to females, in respe< io which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both in per son and bv letter lieu* every woman Can discover,by com (taring bet own symptoms with those de- scrib- d th** nature, character, causes ol,and the ptoper remedies foi, her comp;,into. The about becoming a mother ha* of ten need of instruction and advice ofthe al most importance to her futnre health,, in respect to which her sensitiveness fbrbitl- consal-ing a* medical gentleman, will find suen. instruction and advice, and also .-x • plain many symptom* which otherw-.- would occasion anxiety or alarm, as ail ifc«- peculiarities incident to her sitnotfonnre de scribed. How many, aresufferingfrom obstruct.ons or irregularities peeniiar to thr female *y*- tem, which undermine the health, the ef fects of which they are ignorant, and fbr which their delicacy forbidsseekingadvice 1 May suffer from prolapsus uteri (felling of the womb),or from ftnor nidus (weakness debility, ^-c.) Many inconstant agony for many months preceding confinement.— Many have difiettit if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain discoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded dnnng such time, will each find in its pages the meins of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of coarse impracticable to convey ful ly the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended lor the mar ried or those contemplating m irriage. In conscqncV' of Inc univirsa! populari ty of the work, us evidenced by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, as well ot. booksellers as on the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions,and surreptitious infringement* of copyright, and other devices and descriptions it has been fouud necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to bay no book unless the words “Dr. A M. Mauriceatt. 129 Liberty Street. N. Y.” on and the entry in the Clerk’s Office o the back of) the title page; and buy o nl of respectable and h itfomfile dealer*, o send by mail and address to Dr. A. M Manrictau. Upon receipt of One Dollar, ** THE MARKIED WOMAN S PRIVATE MED- lU’L COMPANION” ,n >ent (mailed free) *o any part o f .r.c United States, the «'xnadH* and Britisn Provinces All letters mu*t he postpaid and addresst-d to Dr A. M, M aURICEAU. box I22f4 New York City. Pnld^hmg Office, N* - .29 Liberty Street, NewYork. AGENTS IN GEORGIA. L E Welch. Albany : E J White, Milledgevtllc; Doyal A Fears, McDnnongb; C Youngblood, Oglethorpe : Wm Kay, Atlanta; Thos T Chris tian, Dalton : Jones & Blnkely and Richards, LaGrange ; W A Scandrett, Griffin ; J B Cab- hedge, Savannah. March 6,1855 GREAT REMEET! 6B3bOD<«^£F*6ef Celebrated Family Ointment, It Mild, Safe, Thorough end thr grealett External Reiner dy ever need. A if compoted tf Vegetable Extract* and pommel potter wuqueUed in the anxalt of Medicine far the cure cf inJUaematory Dimem. It is unhrenolly acknowledged to be an infallible remedv. in every ease where it bas been faithfully applied on tlie human system, fat promoting Insensible Perspiration, and u Invaluable in all diseases of the flesh. Obstinate Ulcere,' Old Sores, Cbfllblanu. Sore Throat, Burns, Cuts, Cutaneous Eruptions, Bore Nipples, Sore Breast, Diseases of the Eye; Ague in tbe Face, Rheumatic Pains, Contracted COrds; Pain in tbe Side, Back and other parts of the system, Scald Head, Braises, Fresh Wounds, Piles, and every kind of sore containing the least particle of Ihflaiiimadon, ate permanently cured by this great remedy. HEALING VIRTUES. It is a fad, authenticated here, as well as all over tfiS State, and indeed tbe whole western states, that Sloan’s Medicines have attained a wide spread celebrity, and re putation, to which they are justly entitled by tbeir “healing striae*,” and powers. We are not among those who ate prone to endorse every patent humbug that comes along,- and in tMs instance have delayed our endorsement ttaifi we have been able to make assurance doubly sure, not only by testing them personally ourselves, but from tke testi mony of a numerous portion of tbe eommuo'iy living around us.—nilinois Globe, Apr! 113,1850. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, flURTAIN goods in variety, Counterpanes, v Sheetings and Honsefurnishing Goods gen erally. A fine assortment at Deo 19. J. H. McCLUNG & CO. SLOAN’S Horse & Cattle Medicine. No Medicine in use has accomplished so aunty Extra ordinary Caret, and given so Universal Satisfaction, in every variety and stage of disease, or that has so extensive end rapid a tali as Sloan's Ointment and Condition Ponder. The Ointment is swiftly superceding all other Ointments and Liniments for the cure of Fresh wounds. Galls or art kinds. Sprains, Bruises, Cracked Heels. Ringbone; VVrmJ- calls, Poll Evil. Callous, Spavins, Sweeney, Fistula, Bit- test. Strains, Lameness, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet; Scratches or Grease, Mange and Horse Distemper,. The Condition Ponder will! remove ail inflamm; fever, purify the blood, loosen tbe slrin, cleanse t and strengthen every part of tbe body; and baa proved* sovereign remedy for the following diseases: _ ... ,. Founder, Distemper. Hide Bonnd, Loss of Appetite; In ward Strains, Yellow Water, Inflammation or the Eye*,' Fatigue from bard exercise ; also Rheumatism, (commonly called stiff complaint,) which proves to fetal to many valu able horses in this country. It is also a safe and eertais remedy for Coughs and Colds, which generate so many’ fktsti diseases. These remedies never injure, and always Cure, if the dl reetions are followed. . For further paroentars and a multitude of GcWfeetuti remarkable Cent, get PempUdt of agente. W. B. SLOAN, Grand Dead. 40 hokt SL, Chicago, it JS3~EVERY BODY READ THIS A SPLENDID FA JULY MEDICINE. GERMAN ELIXIR^ O R Compound Fluid Extract of Lowenzalm,* ^S-EXTIRELT VEGETABLE ! !*^^ FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, Disordered Stomach, Liner Complaint!,' Sick Headache, Indigestion, Impaired Appetite, Coeticeneeei Cholera Morbus, Colic, General Debility, Fullness about the Stomach after meals, and Female Monthly Derangements.* It is undoubtedly the best medicine fof dtyspepsia. Headfiehe. ami kindred diseases' ever placed before the pnhlic. A most excellent remedy for those wfrd’ eat D*» heartily. •SPREAD A FEW EXTRACT3 FROM CERTIFICATES LETTERS &C. *T regard the German Elixir as the very best Anti Dyspeptic and stomachic niedichre I have ever used,” Hon. WILIER. AiSON. . [Farmerly] Chancellor of tbe Central D'i- vislou of the St ‘ HATS, and CAPS BOOTS and SHOES* F OR Ladies and. Gentlemen's wear, of real Philadelphia manufacture, for sale by Deo 19. J. H. McCLUNG A CO. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, CARD CASES. PORTE M0NAIE6, Ladies Morocco A Velvet JT WORK CASES, a handsome variety, id! deelO J. H. McCLUNG A CO'S. Are You Insured? FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. ' P. H. ««EIBLEY Home, Georgia. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Of the Valley of Virginia, nt Winchester, Va. Capital 8800.000. PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ORIGINAL CAPITAL $300,000. Accumulated Capita! $334 307. The fates of premium are as low as it jtist re gard to muUial safety will allow. No cfffttrt will bo spared On the part of the Agont, nt nil times, to protect the interests *oi those who, mny patronize his Agency, and any information on the subject trill be cheorfully giv en upon application, in porsoii, or by letter. ” iy; 9m of the Slate of Alabama. I concur folly in the recommendation giv- ,en by the Hon. W W Mason, and others/’ fy>n SAM F RICE. Judge Supreme ConrI of Ala. “Yonr medicine has tn my opinion, jnsf claim* to the confidence of the public as s valuable retnedy in cases of indigestion.” Rev. Wm. F. SAMF0RD. , [Formeffy}. President of Oak Bowery Fe- fnalc Collee*-. I --as Rufffringfrom efironift indigestion; or Dyspepsia. I tried the German Elixir andfonnd it iRev -rv thine I needtri.” R v M A RK S ANDREWS. . Agent fdr theTuskegee MelhodistFemale College. I am prejiared to Speak advisedlv wheri T.say. that in oiy opinion it is an.invaluable' Family M.riirinf .answering fully. the pur poses for which if is prescrlhod Rev D S DOUGLAS' President of the Glennville Female Col lege. _ commended for Sick Headache by Col; N J ScBrt. Aohnrn Ala. R* commended ns a splended Family Med icine by Col F W Dilferd Anhnrn Ala. Recommended for Dyspepsia: and Indiges tion hv Prof C C Rre 1 ards\ A M., Wrighfc'- horo. Gu. Nnmerotts other t stitrtoAials tpfght be [irodnced. but it is thought thfe' f't’bove are sufficient to givo contidt-fie<- in this trnlr valuable medicine. Mafidfuctrtred and sold by WM R JONES & C<>. Auburn Ala, For |uilo by Rubt. Battev. Rome Qst; Feb 27. 1855' ly EI a c k»s m i t Ii Shop. bTIIE Subscriber most kindly r. 0 turns bis thanks, to tho Citiscn^ | of Roiie and vicinity.for tbo very generous patronage extended to him during the past year, and would inform them that he is repared to carry on Blach'sinithibg in the arious branches also the building and repa r- ing of A7aggons and Carriages, and being a macliinest can make and .repair Machinery of all kinds. AYnntedtwo Black Boys between the age of 15and 18m apprentice?. ^ jan 9 '55, ly K. S. SIMONS. . .. . - Drs. Smith & TTAVING associated themselres in thr6 prac- XI tieo of Medicine and Siirgery,. offer their services to tbo pnblie. Dr. Smith is prtpsred to treat any diseases efthe Eye and Ear. Office op Broad Sf. t ctno door below H. A. Smith’s Book Store; jan 28 '55, fl y.