Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, June 26, 1855, Image 4

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:rns LLwl ABVtBTiSfctfifcri 18. UttAL AbVkRiiStM^HiS or- /Y EORGIA, Floyd County: VT vino* of on order (torn the court of dinary of said county,the l«t Monday id Fab ’U will be told before die Cotut House door to Rome on tbe lat Tuesday in July next* betwseu the omul boon of sate, T negro flare belonging to tb* Estate or Elisabeth w iltfem* late of wikro rea county deceased, to wit: Polly * girl about 20 years old. Sold for the benefit of heirsand creditors of said estate. Terms made known on day of sale. HENRY BAKER, may 1 1855 Executor. mo for of Wm A GREEABLY to an onlerwf the Ordinary of Floy) County passed on the 2d day hf April 1855. will tie sold before the' Conrt Honse door in the City of Rome on the first Tuesday in Jane next, bid ween the legal hour*of sale the following negroes, to wit: Jasper, a man about — years or age; Nancy, a woman about — years of age j Anna a girl about — jest* of age.} Ilaiy, a jlrl — year* of age; Carter, n boy — years of age; Char lotte. a woman — years of age; and her child about - years of age. All sold the property of Lattice Ware, deceased, for tbo benefit of the heirs sod creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sals. WILIAM WARE l - ALEX’R. MARB,} AdlDr ** April 17.1865. Ids. TWO months after date, application will be I made to the Ordinary of Floyd county for tears te sell all the real Estate bo longing to ths Estate of Peter Boyle deceased. JAS M MONTGOMERY, ap 17 , Adm'r. Administrator's Sale. be eityof Rome, on the first Tassday in June next between tb* legal bean of sals, Lot of Land No 'll In Urn Sd district and fomrth (4) section of originally Cherokee, now Floyd county, con taining 40 am* more or less, sold forth* ben ofit of the heirs and creditors of Mary Timmons deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. R 8 SIMMONS, alJfi’5 Adm'r. T WO month afterdate application will to rnado to the Ordinary of FktydDoaulJ for kare to sell a Negro boy by the name of Honco, belonging tn the Estate of Richard J, Henderson, a lunatic. mary c. Henderson April 8.1855. Guardian. nE9kfiu t run county * U Whereas, Lai Sin Barnett, Administra tor on the estate of Richard Gossett. Sen., deceased, applies to me for letters of Dis- misfon. These are therefore to eite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to* show cause if any they have, why 'said Letters ot Dismission should not be granted unto said applicant oa the first Monday in September Given under my hand and official signa ture at office this 22d March. 1855. JESSE LAMBERTW. March 27 OrdhMy- n BORGIA, Floyd County.: IT The debtors and creditor* of Mrs.- Mary Llojd, lata of said county deceased, are hereby noiiuedto present their debts, accounts and demand.*, in terms of foe law ; and those in debted will make payment without del March 27. r ro1 mac 1 months after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Chattooga county for leave to sell all the ml estate belonging to the estate of Jeha Proed, 1 Senior, deceased. 110—2m. Executor. CHATTOOGA LA FOR RAT.'E, AGREEABLE TO AN ORDER OF THE Court of Ordinary of Chattooga county, there will be sold before the Court Houk* door in Sum merrille, Chattooga county, on the first Tuesday 1nWI|it. next, the following ■ property to wit.: I.of Land Number fifty-three and Number . Twenty, In the Thirteenth District and Fourth Section of Chattooga county, together with the appurtenances. Soldju the property of Wil liam McConnell, late of Chattooga county de ceased. Said tot offend containing 230 acres, lie on the mala Valley road in Broomtown Valley, sertr mfles north-east of Summerville, and con- nitoU one of the most desirable situations, resi dence* and fanes In foe Cherokee eonntry. Tne two Lots of Land lie broadside and are - well improved. * There being' one of the best MAdnllisg booses in the country^ liitfe'and - well constructed kitchens, negro booses, bants, thresher, cotton gin and screw. There are one hundred and thirty or forty acres cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. There are on the premises two splendid wells, and also two springs of sever foiling water. Any person wishing further information, can call upon the under signed at Ringgold, Ga., or R E Gilkeyson on the premisb*. sSUTerms one third Cash, the other two thirds upon one and two year’s credit. j t McConnell, j PlwIlta , L H SHERLY. fffWwfc and M A MeCONNELL, Extrir. March 20 '55. tds. f (j^WhereM’, Daid I> Duke applies to letters of administration on the Estate f Thornton, late of said Connty deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all had singular, tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to•*>»«"*•« If «“F toey have, why said letters of adminfetratlou should not be granted unto saldappReant. Glv. «n under my hand and official signature at of See this 30th May 1845. ‘ __ JESSB LAMBBRTH, 3® * Ordinary. QTATR OF GK0BS1A, Floyd County. O To all whom it may concern wffi please taka notice that where** ’ .B.Reece Amlntotiator on the Estate of Wtllbtm R. Johnson, de- ceased, applies for letiors of dismission from the same. rr hese are therefore to cite end admonish eU and singular, the kindred end creditors of said decease l to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by lew to ahow cause, if any they have, why said Letter* should not be granted toesid applicant. Giv en under my hand end official signature at office, this SOtll November. 1864. JBS8B LAMBBRTH, Dec. 6 ’64. Ordinary. Ann late i M, Flojd County : The debtors end creditors of WiUie Simmons (minor of Wm. 8. Simmons of said county deceased) are hereby notified to present their debts, accounts and demands in terms of tb* law; and those indebted will make payment without delay. A- RICHARDSON, 1 kAmr - S. H. RICHARDSON, J A March IT. BUSINESS DIRifil 0*V A M. LADB.—Dealer in Groceries, Staple •Dty Goods, Family Provisions and Confeo- tionariea. octSl A P. NBBLD—Merchant Tailor, road-st., •Rome, Ua., will fin au omen w«u prompt- Work warranted to suit customers octSl A W. HARSHAW.—House and Sign Paint- •er. His services can bo secured on moder ate terms. All work executed in good style. oetSI B ERRY a HARKINS.—Dealers in Staple and Faney Dry Goods, Hats, Cape, Boots, Shoes, etc., corner of Broad and Ooscananla streets, Rome, Ga. octSl PUNNING HAM 4 LINTON.—Wholesale and V Retail Grocers, (near tbe Railroad Depot) Rome, Ga. oct31-2m D R. J. R. SMITH.—Physician and Rome, Ga. Office in H. A. Smith’s Store. oet31-4m TbANEEL AJ of the £ it of the Bank State of South Carolina. Office op to the Post Offioe, op stun, Broad street, e, Ga. oetSI K MERCKS.—Manufacturer of and Dealerin Tin, and Japan, Ware of all kinds. All work warranted. Orders from a distance will be promptly met. octSl F I SULLIVAN.—Dealer in staple and Fan •cy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., Broad Street, Rome, Ga., next door above Force, Rice, 4 Co. octSl 1?RIED 4 BRO.—Dealers in Fancy and Sta- J- pie Dry Goods, Hate. Cape, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, cto, Broad-street, Rome, Ga. [octSl F A. KIRBY.—Attorney at Law, Summer- •ville, Ga., wffi practice in Chattooga, Floyd, Walton. Dade and Whitfield. oct31-5m TTENRY A. SMITH.—Bookseller and Sta ll tioner, Rome, Ga., keeps a general assort ment of School, Theological and Miscellaneous Publications. Also, a great variety of Station ery and fancy articles. oct31 TTENRY A. GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, AX Rome, Ga. Office over the store of Berry 4 Harkins. octSl COLBY OF, Febraary Term, 1855. I T appearing to tbe Conrt by the petition of Jasper Loyd, sbewetb that Thomas Loyd of Floyd county deceased, did, in bis lifetime, ex ecute to said Jasper Loyd his bond for titles to half of Lot of Land (North half) number one bandied end eighty-two, (182) in too 22d Dis trict and 3d Section, of originally Cherokee, now Floyd county, containing eighty acres more or less, conditioned to be void by his ma king a deed in fee simple to said half Lot; and it farther appearing tost said deceased died without executing a, deed or making any pro- IvMiarthtoefof by will or otherwise ; and it farther appearing that said Jasper Lord has fully paid toeparebase price,and haring p« tioned this Conrt to direct George W and Thos. IT, Loyd; Excemira of said deceaJod, to execute titles in conformity with said bond. Il ls therefore ordered that notice be given at tone or more public places in said county and in toe Rome Courier at least three month* of each application, that all persons concerned may file their objection* (if any they have) in toe Ordinary’s office why said George IT. and Thomas N. Loyd, Executors asaforesaid, should not execute tides in conformity with said Bond. A true extract from minutes of Conrt, Feb ruary 5th, 1855. JB6SEE LAMBBRTH, Ordinary. EOROf.l, FfofW CMBtf. WILLIAM B. TBBHDNB, AdminUtratfor Estate of William C. Me Nincb, deceased, to a* for letters of dismission toere- , therefore, to eite and admonish concerned to appear at mt of /lee within the time prescribed by law. to show cause why said letters of dismission should not be granted JESSE LAM BERTH, \ ’Mi Ordinary. -TATE OF GEORGIA, Floyd County. K? To all whom it may concern will olease take notice that tvbeacas Thomas 8. Price and Benjamin Garnett, administrators on the Estate of Micsjab Mayo, deceased* ap ply to me for letter* cf dismssaion from tho These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish ail and singular, the Kindred and Cred- “ ' * id. to be and appear at i time prescribed by Law. if any they have, why arid not be granted onto said ap plicant. .Given undei my hand and official signature at office...12 January, 1855. JESSE LA MBERTH, Jan. 16 ’55 ordinary. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY!! PROFITABLE ASO ilO.YORABLE RXPLOYHEItf! THE SUBSCRIBER IS DESIROUS OF having an agent in each county and town of the Union. A capital of from 5 to $1U only will be required, and anything like an efficient, ener getic man can make from three to five dollars per day; indeed some of the Agent* now em ployed are realizing twice that sum. Every in- J<rmatiea Will be given by addressing [post paid] WM A KINSLER, Jtxl3 Mg k Jadelphia, Pa., Post Office. J H. McCLUNG 4 CO.—Dealers in Staple •and Faney Dry Goods, Carpetings, Paper Hangings, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, ete., Broad street, Rome, Ga. octSl J OHN C. DeJOUBNETT—Carpenter, Soli cits toe patronage of the Public. Work en trusted to him will mriet with prompt execu tion. nov!4. J OHN H. ROBERTS.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardware, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Crockery, Progs, Groceries, and Provisions. oct31 J 4 W. McCLURE.—Dealers in Dry Goods, •Hardware, Saddles, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Groceries, Ac. ■ oct31 J W. HICKS 4 CO.—Dealers in Medieines, •Drags, Paints, Oils, and Glassware, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Ga., 3. doom below Sloan, Hawkins 4 Co. • ..... octSl J T. MeCONNELL.—Attorney at Law, Ring- •gold, Ga. oct31-5 J H. QUINN 4 CO.—Dealers in Groceries, •Grain, Provisions of all kinds, and:Staple Dry Goods, 2 doors below the Post Office, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. oct31 J J. COHEN.—Wholesale and Retail Mer chant in Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard. Wasted.—Produce of all descriptions. Also, Agent forth* Peper mills. Rags wanted. Oct 31. 1854. M cCOY 4 KERR*—Carriage Manufacturers. Repairing done with neatness. Orders from abroad promptly filled. ' oct31 M MARKS.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, 4 Boots. He solicits the attention of the public to bis well-selected assortment oct3I P M. 8HEIBLEY-—Principal of the Rome •Classical and Mathematical Male Academy. Room at the Choice Hotel. Sloet R D HARVEY. Attorney 4 Counsellor at Law, Rome Ga. Feb 13 ly. R l. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer •in English and American Hardware, Broad street, Rome, Oa. oct81 TTOBEET O’BARR—House carpenter. All JLv work entrusted to biscare wffi meet with rumpt and faithful attention. dec. 19, ly. S O. GUERINEAU—Guttering and Piping a ‘ * 1 done to order. dee. 5 ly. QMITH 4 UNDERWOOD, Attorneys at Law, O will practice in toe Coarts of Floyd and tbe neighboring counties. CBABUS n. SMITH. | /. W. B. UNDERWOOD. Jan 18/54. QLOAN, HAWKINS 4 CO.—Have always on O hand a fall assortment of Groceries at their old stand. Also, a splendid stock of Staple and Faney Dry Goods, at their New Store, one door above—all at low prices. Calls from onr friends are respeect&Uy solicited. octSl ORD 4 PITNER.—Dealers in Dry and Groceries. /OH* B. STAXVORD. | OCt31 | A. O. PITNER. S G. WELLS.—Vbrandhh House.—Broad •Street, Rome, Ga. Sleeping Rooms, and clean, and toe best of water. Good modations for horses on the premises. TTNDEBWOOD 4 MITCHELL.—Attorneys U at Law, Rome, Ga., will attend the Courts of Floyd and adjoining Counties. oot 31 M. 4 W. PEEPLE8.—Dealers In Pa .. 4|ey Dry Good*, Groceries and Country Pro duce. Wm. M.] [W. Peeples. Calhoun, Go. Feb. 6, ly. W B. JONES, successor to Kirven 4 Jones. •—Dealers in Books, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. octSl •\Y7RIGHT 4 SHROPSHIRE.—Attorneys at W Law, Rome, Ga. J p. b . A. II. WRIGHT, Cassville, Ga. octal SHROPSHIRE. Rome, Ga. 2m. LAMBERTH HOPKINS. _ WAREHOUSE 4 C0.1IH1S810X HEROHAiiT* AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Nov. 7, ’*4. ly f* - - - - - -T - - - - ; - 1 I** : ~ TROUT HOUSE. THE undersigned begs to announes to the cititens of Atlanta and tho travel- ho will open the Trout House on Monday next, ^ the I aebommodation of boarders and transient persons, with fufititnro entirely new, Rooms well ventilated, largS end airy Hall*, and by constant attention to toe wants of hie guests, the snbeoriber hopes to make his Hops* among the most derirable to bo found In the State. AARON GAGE, Atlanta, Nov. 28,1854-ly Proprietor. WINSHIP8 IRON WORKS riYHB anbscriber is now prepared to receive JL and execute ordera for all kinds of Casting and Machine Works, and ail persona favoring him with orders may rely upon having tfceir work executed in tho heat manner and at abort notice.’ . _ Orders for SHSH. BLINDS ANDDOGRS. promptly attended tout his Car establish "'SlwCash paid for Old Copper Bra** and Cast Iron* JOHNH. WINSHIPS Atlanta Jnly 6 1864.—ly. - Morgan Kirkpatrick & Co. HAVING opened anew Ware room on Peach Tree Street, would Call the attention of the nubile to their stock of FURNITURE, embra cing Cabinet Ware, in allits varieties. Chairs of RUGS Ac., Window Shades, Window Curtains, Damask, Cornices, Bands, Cord and Tassels, Loop*, 4c. 4c. Window Papering, House do., Fire-board do. They still continue their shop, SOUTH OFGE BGIA RAIL ROAD SQUARE and are prepared to do all kinds of work connec ted with their business, such as making and re pairing Furniture, Making Mattresses, Upholste ring, 4e. They keep also on band, Metnlio Burial Cases and make upon short notice, Ma hogany, Walnut and other wood Coffins. CHAIR FACTORY. They have enlarged their manufheturing shops at Decatur, and can supply Morgan’s original Cottage Chairs^ Hind- ley’s Patent Bedstead, together with all articles of Cabinet Ware, of their own manufacture, in .any quantity desired. They aro. now manufacturing and finishing namelled Cottage Setts, far superior to any to be had from the North. jan 9 ’55, ly FULTON HOUftE, Atlanta, Georgia THE undersigned take this method of informing the pubtio.that they are the Pro prietors of the Fulton House which is now be ing fitted up with new Furniture, on which, with other appendages, they feel prepared to make their guests comfortable. They pledge their efforts togive satisfaction to their guests. Trav elling custom is respectfully solicited. Francis M. Allen, Book Keeper: JOHN N. REEVES, A. E. REEVES, of Augusta, Ga. of Rome, Ga. Atlanta, Feb. 20, ’55. ly JACKSONVILLE REPUBLICAN. Published weekly by J. F. GRANT. This paper is now in its 19th vol., the oldest in East Alabama, and amongst the oldset in the 8tate. It is published every Tuesday morning, at $2,00 per annum in advance, or 3,00 at tbe end of the year. Having an extensivecircula- tion in all toe counties of Alabama, which trade to Rome, it Is, without doubt, the best adverti sing medium, to the Merchants and business men of that city, outside of the State of Georgia; and toe use of its columns is now offered to them at the following reduced rates : One square three months, « « 8 i z « “ “ twolvo ** Two squ’a three " “ “ six « “ “ twelve “ Larger ones in the same proportion Every effort wffi be made by handsome dis play, eonspiouons position, and calling attention editorially, to make advertisements as advant* geona as possible. jan. 18, '55 $5,00 8,00 10,00 8,00 r 12,00 .15,00 DALTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. r LE UNDERSIGNED ARENOWJPREPAR ed to fill orders ir. the boss style of Work manship from the best of Material with the la test improved patterns, on short NOTICE IN IRON, BRASS OR CO»Pt»8IT10* ALLCA8TING8 WILL BHEXPE- DITIOUSLY EXECUTED. SUCH AS ffilLLL GEARING OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. PATENT WATER. WHEELS, BARM MILLS. PATENT SAW HILL DOGS, GIN GE A RING! And ail sorts of Gearing for both SAW AND FLOURING MILLS. WE ARB ALSO PREPARED T O MAKE PITTERSS OF AMY DESCRIITIOK ORPLAK A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STOVES PLOWS AND Agrleult’I Implem’s genera ly, are kept cons t an tty on hand at reduced prices. All persons wishing to build or ro- Mills, are invited to examine onr patterns and and prices. Having a practical Mil 1 Wright connected with the company, we are prepared to give plans and the Estimated cost of all kind of Mill* and Machinery. ROBT BATTEY, . Dalton ap 17 ly C President WESTERN & ATLANTIC HOTEL DALTON, GA. BY MBS : aRTHA w. FIELD. B THIS new and elegant Hotel, wj fronting Hamilton Street and the Bil ; of the Western 4 Atlantic Railroad; is now open for the reception of trayrilora and visitors. No pains wffi be spired , to make it equal to any House on the road, and to render comfortable, such as may call. The room* are large, and well ventilated. Persons visiting the Copper Mines, and’ the mountains in'Murray and Gilmer, find no difficulty in procuring hor ses and vehicles to convey them to either of those points. 1! ’ ’ March 27th. ; r ty. J EUGENE LdBARDf; CIVIL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL E N G I NELR. SURVEYOR AND ARCHITECT, POST OFFICE, ROME, GEORGIA. JAC OB S CORDIAL. J V all ( Ch % \ BOWEL DI8EA8ES. \a Cutler a } Ihjmntc Oiairhasa Cholera Morbus, Bilious Cholic, Cholera Infantum, t HE GREAT DISCOVERY. G»!L[L[E(M©[R!] I FOB CURLING THE HAIR! F OR many years it has been toe object of deepest study with chemists and others, to prodace a fluid that, applied to the hair, would Dr«T J&R C WORD RESIDENT PHYSICIANS - JHkdEJRiraCIMEp tbankful for past favors/still’continue tbe prao- tic<Lo( Jtofoeinp, end respectfullya cotL timtlmmWpatronage* ‘ J [ ‘ ajnl iff ' 1 y. j $5000 OO. T HE Subscriber is desirous to bay unimproved Lands ip all toe lowenconoties of Georgia.- Send on yonr Nos., Diet, an Countios,where the Land lies, and I wffi have them examined and give a fair price. All communications mast be post paid, and addresfofi to W. R MOSLEY, Nov. 14,'64 ly Griffin, Ga —v y ■>,■; ■■ —L— W ILLIAM G. GHEEN-Cf.mraif.sion and Produce Merchant near the depot,Madison, Georgia. Refer to j. u. t r. d. ho llixos wortb, Madison, Ga. R. p. zivmebman, Atlanta, Ga. Dec. 5, 1854. V . W ILLUM RAMEY.—Livery Stable, oppo site the Courier Office, Broad-street, Rome Ga, Horses and Carriages always ready to ac commodate customers. oct31 W C. DENSON.—Dealer iu Staple and Fan- •cy Dry Goods, corner of Broad-street and Maiden Lane, Homo, Ga. octal j W ATE It RUNNING UP HILL!! GATCHEL’S PATENT PREMIUM IMPROVED : Double and Single Self-acting . HYDRAULIC RAMS. PATENTED APRIL 101847 TTtOR supplying dwellings orfarin houses villa- JU ges, rati road stations 4c.. With pure run. ning water any .beightb or distance required, with from one pin t to 20 GALLONS OR MORE PER MINUTE, from ft spring or-troum, when-a fill of two or more foot can be obtained. The quantity thrown in proportion to the fall mid elevation. * Tbo undersigned havitigpnroliaiwd »h« for the counties of Floyd, Gordon %< d ( prepared to furnish and put'in bpcrntifm bovo named Haras of various #fee», adapted t» different sized spring*, which are warrant* d >•» 1 give entire rotirfaetion. Addre*s i - rr; .7 :i t : . J L GIBSON, o ap 10, tf. Cartersviile, Ga j ALSO, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OF FEMALES; MOST ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. TUEVuItUEOfJ^ WELLk\OHXTVREQUliREENC<rMIUMS, Ut It cures tk wont cant of Diarrhasa. StA. It retina Pain in Back and Loins. 2fi. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. 9/A. // counteracts Nervousness and Despon- 84. llcura California or Mexican Diarrhoea. dency. 4tk. It felines the severest Colic. 10Uc. It Restores Irregularities. 5<A. It cum Cholera Morbus. | 11/A It dispels Gloomy and Historical feelings 6/A. It cures Cholera Infantum. j \2tk. It's a Tranquilizer and Admirable Tonic It euros Painful Menstruation. j J * - ; A few short Extract* fram LeUers, Testimonialize, “I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient and In my ent. a valuable remedy.” Hon. Hirah Warner. Judge of Supreme t onrt. Gs. t gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial—my own personal ex perience. and tho experience of my neighbors sod friends around me, la A sufficient guaran tee for me to bolieve it to be all that it pnrporat to be; viz: a sovereign remedy.” Hon. Wm. H. Underwood, formerly Judge of Superior Court. Cherokee Circuit. “I take great pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bow el diseases, for which I believe it tn be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing elan ever tried by me.” A. A. Gacldino, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge ofGeorgia. •Thisefficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast a Bonaparte pushed bia column* into Russia, and gaining cnmmoodatioo wherever used.” [Georgia Jeffersonian. MaylQth, 1853. I have used ‘Jacob’s Cordial’ in my family and this. wi r h all I hear about it. as a rem edy by tli oso who have tried it. induces me to bi*Have that it stands at tbe head of every preparation of tho bind, and 1 woald recommend its use In tbe disease for which it is compounded, G. Dobbins, Cashier of the Bank of the 8tate ofGeorgia Griffin* If there is any credibility in hnman testimony. ’Jacobs Cordial’ mum stand pre-emi nent above all other preparations for the core of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testi mony in its favor coming in from all quarters it must be very far in advance, as a curative agent, of most if not all other patent’ preparations.” A. Fleming Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bunk Griffin. £3^* For sale by Dr. Hicks & Co. and J. E Pinson Rome ; 8. M Davidson Cave Spring R# D. Wingahd Vann’s Valley Stephen Ball ArmiJtehee. T McGoibr .,JrGnireV Store. Wm. McCullough Floyd Springs,Carpenter & Borke Cassville. E Porter Adaira- ilie. Alluood AEdwards Summerville, Thornton’s Dahlonega.M. Turner Stilesbr rough A i, by the principal Merehants nhd Druggists throughout the State. 8 0 0, OOO ,N GIFTS FOR THE PEOPLE Ml! CAPITAL CITY ART-UNION, Columbus, Ohio. B URNELL A CO’s Second Great Gift Distrib ution. The Proprietors take pleasure in announcing to the Citiseoaof the Union, that in consequence of the great satisfaction manifested by the tick— .. . , et holders of their first Distribution, and the | caa8e l‘ to 7 av ® » nd curl e 1 ual ,n b ® ant J 40 ^ many thousand solicitations from all parts of > natur al curL _-T>r,T r mrnw the country,in relation to whether they intend I _ . T “f* KBOLLERION getting up another Distribution of Gifts for the ' as l“® on ty “rticle ever offered to the world that people, they havo, after an immense outlay, been ) W1, J effect tbl8 “ 08t desiraole object. But three enabled, to offer to theirthousands of patrons the > ® r four applications are necessary to curl it as following valuable, magnificent, and unprece- \ “ nch « ““J de8lred - and . fora ®y le P8* b of dented BRILLIANT 8CHEME, to be distribu- i From many testomonfols of those ted as soon as the 300,000 Beautiful Engravings , wbo bave U8ed f 4 * 4be 1,04 . 81 ' of the Capital of Ohio aro distributed among 4a4 ? 40 , warran4 tbe KROLLERION to gi* their Patrons. Tbo price of tho Engraving is satisfaction, and prove as recommended ir all but one dollar, and as a parlor ornament it can- j ca ?f, 8, . .. ...... not be surpassed. Th ® rec ‘P® for making, with fui. directions Read attentively the following list of beauti-1 f or U8e * willb ® 8 «“ 4 oa the receipt of one dol- fulandcostly Gifts, which will be satisfactorily lar » P?! 1 P" d - Th ® mgredienu will not cost distributed by a committee of ten, selecting one from each State where the largest number of subscribers an obtained: 1 PARM in the State of Indiana $10,000 1 do in Ohio 8,000 1 do do 6,000 1 Four story Brick Dwelling and lot in Cnlnmbns, Ohio 6,500 1 do do do do do 6,500 1 Beantiful residence in the town of Mount Vernon 5,500 1 Two story Brick Building in Chilli- cotbe 3,500 1 Brick Cottage and Lot in Colum bus 3,000 1 do do do do 3,000 1 Frame do do do 2,500 1 Handsome County Residence in Se- go, Perry County, Ohio. 1,500 4 Splendid building lots in Columbus, at $2,000 8,000 10 do do $1,500 15,000 4 do do Cleveland 6,000 1 Grand Action Piano (Chichering’s) 1,200 1 Gold Watch set with diamonds 1,000 5 Gold Watches, at $500 each 2,500 10 Rosewood Pianos, at $500 5,000 4,000 3,000 7,500 10,000 7,500 4,000 6,000 7,500 1000 Ladies’ Gold Breast Pins, at $4 4,000 . 200 do Brocha Shawls, at $25 5,000 500 do Silk Dress Patterns, at $20 10,000 5000GoId Pencils, at $3 15,000 10000 Gold Pens, with Silver Cases, at $2 20,000 20000 Gold Rings, at $1,50 each 30,000 12084 do at 1,00 each 12,084 Every pnrehoser of the splendid large Lith ographic Engraving, will receive a Certificate of .membership entitling them to a chance in the above list of valuable and costly Gifts for the people. - The Engravings can be sent by mail (withoo»-b'ing damaged,) to any part of the COB*>*T. FIRST COME FIRST SERVED Persons wishing to act as Agents for ns will please send a recommendation signed by the Postmaster or some other influential and well known person in the place where they reside. To those persons who have been acting as Agents for ns in onr former Distribution, this is not required. All orders with the mosey enclosed, free of postage, wffi meet with prompt attention. CHOLERA DIARRHGSA. B1LI0,US CHOLIC. PNEUMONIA over 12 cents. Direct to April 17,1855. H. A. FREFMONT, Warren, Trumbull Co., 0. 3m. 10 do do at 400 10 do do at 300 50 Gold Watches, at $150 100 do at TOO 100 do at 75 100 do at 40 300 Silver do at 20 500 do do at 15 JAMES' NEURALGIC LIQUID!! T his extraordinary medicine for the care of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Flax Diarrhoea, Cramp Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Croup, Nervous Headache, Chilis and Fevers, Braises and Sprains, Old Sores, Pains in any part of the body, is now for stile at Wm MAW Peeples, Calhonn; CP Wellborn, Dalton; J Norcross, Atlanta; R Baber, Marietta. We would say to all as a proof of the power and efficacy of this Liquid to do what we eay, we have retailed $700 worth in fourteen months in Cbattanoogaamidst all other medicines where tbe medical faculty stands high. We can get 95 out of 100 who have used this to certify its virtue and pow er. See Brownlow’s Whig and descriptive pam phlets for details and testimony. Each Bottle has full directions. Price 50 cts, 1 00 and $2 00 dollars per bottle Cash only. J J JAMES, Proprietor. I hereby certify that I was afflicted with Rhen matism for two years, and frequently would a» wake in toe night and abed tears, the pain was so severe, without relief from any medioine till I used James’ Neuralgic Liquid and in two ap plications it made a perfect care. JM YOUNG, Clinton, Ga. Physician. Certificate.—JUDGE MASSING ALE. I have used James’ Nenralgie Liquid with en tire success in two cases of Rheumatism in mj family, one chronic, the other inflammatory. * have used it for Neuralgia in my own case with much benefit. I believe it is tbo most reliable and perfect "panacea" for pains I have evor had in my family. H W MASSINGALE. Certificate.—Rev J. Atkins, Bible agent for Holston Conference.—A few weeks since, when some distance from home, I was attacked with Flax. I took one dose of James’ Nenralgie Li qoid; toe symptoms begac to give way, and in a few hours I was relieved. Knoxville, 1855 J ATKINS Rev W H H Duggan of Holston Conference. —I certify that James* Neuralgic Liqbid cored the chilis and fevers on a young man after all other remedies had failed. It also eared a ease of scarlet fever—its effect was immediate. Meigs Co, Tenn W H H DUGGAN. • Hon J M Anderson, formerly member of Con- I gross from 5th District, Tenn. I was painfully afflicted with Neuralgia in a. a. R. L In the year of oar Lord, 1847, in our ca- pad titsof nalytical chemists, we discovered that by uniting certain vegetable agents, which bad nnver before beeD used in mc^* cine, we obtained properties possessing each a marvellous quick power over pain, that tbe moment it was applied to the parts af fected with pain, all uneasiness ceased- Tbe moai torturing pains were relieved in an in stant, find tbe most violent spasms and irri tations were soothed, and the system restor ed lo perfect ease in a few minutes. In 1849, we introduced this remedy to the world under tbe name of RADWAY’8 HEADY RELIEF. It has been nsed by hundreds of thousands throughout tbe United States, giving instant ease to all tronbled with Pain or Sickness. One application externally, or a few drops taken internally, will instantly free the suf- efrer from tbe most violently and terrible pains, and restore tbe weak, feeble, and pros Rated frame to strength and vigor. No person has ever used BADWAY’S READY RELIEF without deriving some special benefit in less than fifteen minutes after its use Let those who are now snfiering any se vere pains give it a trial, for in fifteen min utes they will enjoy ease and comfort. BADWAY’S READY RELIEF was the first and is the onH Remedy ever discovered that will stop the most torturing pains in a few seconds and free tbe system from Rheumatic Neuralgic, Nervons and Miasmatic Disorders in a few hoars. It will care and protect the system against sadden attacks of DYSENTERY CHOLERA MORBUS FEVER AND AGUE. INFLUENZA. Bear in mind, it is a Powerful Disinfect ant antacid diffusive Ktimnlabt. nervine anti- 8pa«modic and counter irritant The R R REMEDIES are medical dis coveries >>f the present century. They are prepared on an entire n« w and original theo ry i<>-stop pain in»taiitly; and protect the hunian system against rick ness or any sud den attacks. The don*-« reqnir* d to be taken re Hinall A tew drops • f READY RELIEF exercises a powerful influence over diseased action. IT HA CURED Rhenmatfem in four hours Neuralgia in one boar Croup in >en niinnte», Diarrhoea in fif teen minutes Toothache, in one second, Spasms in five minmes Sick Headache in 8f- te. n iiiiuute.N t'liill Fever in fifteen minnles. C-'iilhlaiiis in five minutes Sore Throat in four minutes influenza in one hour. SPIN ALCOM PLAINTS Miff Joints Cat* Bini-e- Wound* Fnwt Bites Chplt-ia Mor bus D>>entery Tic Doiorcaux, and all oth ervoniptaititi* when- there are severe pains Ra iuay s R> ad> Relict will instantly stop the pai’.i and qon kly enre the diseases. R R DISCOVERY—No 2 RADWaT S RENOVATING RESOLVENT Porfgegu* k i he mo.Ni quick and (toiem power over all Chi on ir Scrofulus Syphilitic and Skin Di-case* In six hoar* after the firat dose i* taken the , aii< nt will feel it* health- re nova ting- efficacy FOR ALL HUMORS The ntoM tun and corrnpi humors will in a few days, yield lo the cleansing purifying and renovating influence of the R R. RE SOLVENT. Tin tuoxt loathsome Sur< * Ulcer* Nodes. Swelling* and tn< most frightful disease* Hav been cured .in a few, dev* by RaD WA V8 RENOVATING RESOLVENT. It is pleasant to take and the patient .eefe no disagreeable wn>atton of sicknvs* at atomark. CHRONIC DISEASES Thai have been lingering in the system cor rupting (be blood .sofieningti e bone* pros trating the muscle* for ten. twenty or forty- year* have been radically cured by RAD WAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT GREAT ALL *• fac * 5 th 8 ? r ? thr °*ST db ? ? si T n , g remitting money tone will pUaec have it,eat* : a a * ot41 ! NtraralgicLi. > will please ' the Postmaster 1 and the qnid made a perfect care, indeed it acted like a charm. J M ANDERSOM, may 1 ly Marion Co., Tenn. Agents: S G WELLS, _ Rome, Ga.; Kingtton, Ga N. J. OMBERG Excelsior Hand Loom!! ’ I HUS important labor .saving machine for do- i mestic manufactory, it destined to supersede drive out ofixisejril other hand looms that e their treaddlesoperated bythe action of the fand the ttbrittle'-tofown by thefhhnd. The construction is SIMPLE, CHEAP, AND DURABLE 1 From its great simplicity, it is not subject to get out of order, and the entire machine com transmitting money ed in the presence of amount entered on the way bill. We prepay all our letters, circulars, 4e., to onr agents and correspondents, and expect them to do the same with us, _ Agtnts wanted in every town, whom we will J W MASSENGALE, furnish with posters, circulars, schedules, in structions, 4c., on application at onr office, or by mail post paid.' For further particulars “see • - ■ « ( . descriptive bills, 4c., or enquire at office, No 2, IfTtDf'II ATkinf £ T A IT-AD WalcutfrBlock, Town Street, Columbus, Ohio. 1VI n 1L\ / 11 A X 1 AlJjUJtVj 9 , BURNELL A C0., xrroULD respectfolly call the attention of 24 8ca Proprietors. \\ W8 0Q J 8tomers tohi8 new 8took of Goods; which he has just received from New York, consisting in part of bine, black, brown, green,’ olive adolet and oadet mixed cloths, plain black Casaimeres and doekins, .andan extensive variety of Fancy Cassimeres of every quality, shade and oolor; also, a foil assortment of black and fancy silk and velvet Vestings; also, Freneh Castors, Bearers, Petershams and Casaimere Overcoatings of French,- English, German and American manufacture. His stock of * FURNISHING GOODS pHANGiNR^requiring oo skffi^to wesre. v ft TITREE TTMEsTs MUCH CLO°Ton tho i Cravat8 > Ties » Suspenders, Gloves, silk, worsted, TIMES AS MUCH CLOTH tt'on ue ftn d cotton, half hose, hats, caps, 4c., all of old fashioned loom, and ITH LESS LABOR.. wk ich aro of the latest and most approved styles. He would call particular attention te his stookof The cost is no more' than the old, and is equally adapted to all kinds of domestic weaving. 5 Jobn-Jf - Wisdom offers to foil the- Patent Rightofthe above loom forth e counties of Floyd and Polk by Counties or Districts, he also has a,supply of the Looms which he will sell at pri ces to suit the times Jan 30 ’55 tf. Trout _ - ouse for nee for Capital! e, RADY III CLOTHING, THE Proprietor of this splondid Hotel having fully made up bL^^ d retire frptn active business, witl, upon Monday in April next at public outcry in- tbfe-etty,* offerrit-for sale nnies* - he~ receives ivliirtigfoctory’' private bid. Those wishing, to purehawe atr«> refefrert^ to tbe travelling public for its opinion of the eonvi-niency. snd'appointinent or this tine building. F«r -the Inst quarter the arrivals Hav«< bcon'over .4000 showing an ini come Of at bust eight, thousand dollars per quar ter. The model of this Hoiise was a lal Improvement upon tho very ftne-t Honsesli Union, and I’uiri «nnfident for eomptodionsn looation, and general adapted ness it is the bet* lipuap-fo the Sooth. ' ! ' Term* will be made easy so as to snit purob asers. Address; >1 J. F. TROUT. . AtbiUtn. O’* Msreh Oth. SEHS^IP. -AW A CNTCLBSiD. SHACKELFORD nnd JONA v Ai f HAN n' PJWLLIPSm'JU praties joinr ii- ri'vlit ; ly,,qmJ-r ih>' sty!-? of Shoe ,,itf,?rti A'Philips. Catm Is t ’t C.-ti tcun, Gordon eotmty, Ga. on tl,»- it I •«».' *▼ ■ DljVIKL 8. P ’lyiif,., . AT ;r 0 R H BY AT LA W ,‘ Rome, Ga. • January 30, 1866. of whiob he wffi warrant; and also a wellw looted stock of Childrens’ and Tenths* Clothing, Fitting children from five to ton, and boys from ten to eighteen years old. All kinds "of garments made as heretofore— with neatness and dispatch. ' Rom e Georgia, Sept. 26,1854. * Ty ' . . TBE GEORGIA CITUEg* i< > » \ T HE sixth volume of this .Journal. “Devoted to Literature, Politics, Domestic Economy, General News, aod State and National Ameri- ennism'' commenced on the 7th of April.— Terras $2 50, invariably in advance. Ten cop ies to Clubs for $20. Tho Oitisen is a large olass Family Newspaper—independent in tone and character—published weekly in Macon, Ga. by LF.W ANDREWS, Editor and Proprietor. P. 8. Editors in the South, with whom we ex- | change will please insert the above, one time and the favor will bu rooiproeatedto like extent, , or the bil| will be paid In easb, on presentation, as ranv be preferred. may 1 PRACTICE *»F SURGERY. “flit. JUR.IA1, Mj .Y'S' EP \ R E D to anenminmiato with l i iflng .ltd (I'lrslngf-Itfli Patents iih m>M - i.'t.-d tn hitt! tor Surgical Opera lions O tnent. . ^ may be a'-mvrt that -vants rill bay. every ip*cfSMirt attention. Augusta,Ga., May 18,1854. ’il LUNG MEDICINE FOR LUNG COMPLAINTS. Person* affected with weak or nicerated Lung*. Tntercuh** Bronchitis Hacking Dry cough, difficult breathing or spitting Blond. Radway s Renovating Resolvent will, in a short time remove all obstruct ions from tin- lungs and throaty and impart st ength and soundness to weak and diseased longs. no medicine in present o>e that has made mj many rapid cares of Lung Gompliiinis as Radway’s Renovating Resol vent. Omi’day will alter th“ diseased con dition of the lungs, and check the ravages of decay.' .The pnblie may rely upon an effect nal care of the following diseases by using tbe Ren<t- vating Resolvent : Chronic Rht-nmatiMp Scrofula Glandular Swellings Salt Rheum. Skin Diseases. Can cerous Affections. Syphilitic Complaint*. Female Complaint*, Bleeding of the Lang*. Tic Doloroax. White Swellings, Tumors Ul cers. Hacking dry Cough Bronchitis Hip Diseases. Consumption. Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Water Brash. FEEBLE MEN AND WOMEN W’ose nuptial beds fb» years have been conches of disappointment and regret, will find Radway’s Renovating Resolvent a true renoval- r and in vigor, tor of the diseased and disabled parts. All nnsoundness is re moved in a few day* and every organ in tbe system restored to health, strength and vigor. NERVOUS PEOPLE. Shonld take Radway’s Renovating Resol vent. It will make the most nervons weak, gloomy, and dejected victims of nervousness feel healthy, vigorous, and happy. Price of R R. Resolvent, $1 per bottle. a. a. a.-discovery, no. 3. RADWAY’S REGULATORS THE THIRD GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT OF RADWAY * CO. One Regulator is sufficient to»regulate the Bowels. Liver, and Panciees. to a healthy discharge of their functions. Two will insure a pleasant discharge from the bowels at a regular period of time every day... Foqr to six will purge thoroughly all cor rupt aid acrimonious .humor* from the ali mentary canal. • RADWAY’S REGULATORS. Rad way’* Regal.* tor* are most carefnlly -preiiared; from extracts and gums of: trees, plant*;.roots, and herb* There, are no pills -io.use that will act upon ife- Liver Pancreas Bowel* the Salivary Gland* and nerve* so : pt,ea*anti>' and so effectually a* the B. R. Ri-gnlators No (-.ills can be taken for any length of time wiih_the. same safety to the constitution^: tor instead of debilitating the syM*t!«:hy powerful and drastjepnrging. they act pleasantly upon the bowel* and impart siFQtigtIt t«* every, nerve and tissue of the liody REGULATORS VS PILLS. W<; atycoolinuidiy asked, what is the dif lerence bet weed Radway’s Regulators and ordinary pills? We aiisw<H|r that pill* as they are ordinari ly prepared anti ><>ld by. different; manufac turers, are, generally of’’two kind*—those which operate on the bowels .merely ailed purgative pills and vh<-se which excite the secretion ofthe liver arid are called mercu rial or liyer pill* R <dway’* Regulators re, seroble pill* merely in shape but differ in every .'ther characteristic. They act not only on the bowel*, bnt on the liver skin jwnereas. and kidney* regn- lating irarh M r 8* n . '.oa h althy action. They are not drastic an i never give pain a* most pqigative pii|s do; they stimnlate the liver w.thuu entiangeritig the patient wi h saliva, tion as me eurial pill* do: containmg no' mineral* tn th tir composition they are harm less when used for.a lengtn of time! They are tasteless enveloped in an elegant posting ofgmn. I40 3 regulators, 8 to 6 purge- good at nil lime*. 'AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. Radway’s Regulators are the most innocent, safe, mind arid pleasant Pills iro nse. They are n quick and certain care for Costiveness. Indigestion Liver Complaint. Kidney Com plaint Jaundice Head Ache* Nerv- usness. ,Yle|npc|iolv Disease* ofthe Bladder. FEMA LE DIFFIC VL TIES. LeunWrooeu. Fl> ur Albus. White* Irregularities,«»f all kind*- ■ BlLnUS DISEASES Bile on the stomach Bilious C«*!fc Vargeiricnt of the snleen and all Chronic' Af fection* <»f fhti Liver anti Kedney*. R R R. REMEDIES are sold bv Drag- g , (3t8-? wr v whpre . RAD WAY & CO. C;- i162, Fulton street^(up stairs.i Oct. 10,1854. RICKS & CO. Agents. LIVER 0MPLAINT, JAUNDIGB, DYSPEPSIA. Disease ofthe Kidney*, and all diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach, such aaConstipation. Inward Pile*, Fullness, or blood to the head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn, Disgust for food. Full ness or weight in tbe Stomach. Sour Eruc tations, Sinking, or fluttering at the Pit ofthe Stomach. Swimming of the Head. Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choaking or Suffocating, Sensations, when in a lying posture, Dimness of. Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dali Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi ration. Yellowness ofthe Skin and Eyes Pain, in tbe Side, Back. Brest, Limbs &c.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in tbe Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Erii. and great De pression of Spirits, can be effectuahy Cured by DR. HOOPLAND’S Celebrated GER. MAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR. C.M. JACKSON, GERMAN MEDICINE STORE No 20 Arch St., one door below sixth. Phila Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, ifeqnaiiy, by any other preparation in the United States as tbe cores attest, in many cases after skilfnl physicians had fall- led. . These Bitters are worthy the attention of Invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec tification of tbe liver and lesser glands, exer cising the most searching power in weakness and affections of tbe dige tive organs, tbey are withal safe certain and pleasant. READ THE TESTIMONY FROM GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. Linch 6* Davis Eatonton, Geo.. Jnly 14. 1853. says: “Yonr German Bitters are ta* king the iPad of all other medicines for chron ic diseases &c., and are selling rapidly.— Please send as another box immediately or we shall be out before it arrives.” D. E. H. Slrohecker. Macon. Ga., Jan- 1st 1852. said: -‘lam happy to say that yonr German Bitters are gaining a great reputa tion. I think it will, iu future, sell very rap idly." fV. Maxey 4r Co; Montecello, Geo.. Ocf. 6th. 1852. said: ' Yonr Bitters, though en tirely unknown before in this country hav*.- sold rapidly ‘and given satisfaction, ’ Dickson tf- Green Alexandria Ala.,Sept. 30 1852 said: -Wt have taken pains to in troduce your German Bitters, and we tind it to be a vejy valuable medicine.” C. Robinson, Bellufonte. Ala. Jari.30 1851 said: -Yonr Medicine must eventual!} have a large sale; all those whoused it in the tail liked it very much. The |>eopIe have been much deceived here by trifling potent no trams that affect* the sale Of 3'nUr>!. Bitters and will anti! it become* known ' Chancy Flower Tu-titeege. Al* . Jan ]»> 1851 said-. -The Bitter? are selling well n I think they will continue so, as they giv good satisfaction to those wh» have u*. d t h- m Dr Henry P. Leonard. Fayette C H. via Jan. 15 1353 said: Your Bitter- h*v. done wonders in tbi* section. A youth a s< ; n G M Hub ert, Esq. of this county Ifed t„ .-t for several months under the c are of . iii in - practitioners without relief anti th- • re !»orted rioatful. anti the yonng man air- <>iigi- scarcely abl- to get about. commeni-eM with the bitter*. He found so much relief from the first bottle that he continued to t:»k» m>- til a complete rare was aff cted. He i* n perf. city well md *ton».” Th- y ar>- entirely vegetable f;- - from all iniurioii!- ingredient*, always st- neriicf ing and never prostrating the svst. m F«»r sale .-wholesale by Druggi.-o* in ;,I1 >i . p'ineipai -ith* and at reta I by apottn-ou i - and storokeeper* in every town in tb Uniter State* and by HICKi' f HARGROVE Sc‘pf 19 1851. Rome Ga Information tothe Pnblie AWFUL CASE oF UANCfcK CUREU. Editors Macon Telegraph, Pike Co., Ga. Gentlemen: In obedience to my conscience and for tbe benefit of suffering humanity, per mit me through the columns oi your exten sive (taper, to perform what I behave to be my duty to suffering fellow-mortals. Cancers and Cancerous affections of a malignant character are considered by all tbe Medical Faculties, both in England. France and A- tnerica. as incurable: and thousands are dai ly lingering on through a painful and dread ful existence to an awful death from this most direful of all complaints to which the human race are subjected, without either thought or hope of recovery, in hundreds of the best surgeons the world ever produced, has been exhausted in vain. My mother has been for Sixteen years afflicted with one of the most distressing cancers, sitnated in the most delicate part ofthe bnman system, and of all others the most obstinate to care. She has been relieved by DrR Moselxy, of Grif fin. Knowing tbe importance ofeven a small space in yonr paper. I will give a brief state ment of tbe case, that those who are afflicted may read and judge for themselves of its ma lignant character, and the extrao dinary skill required to eradicate it. The disease origi nated upon the upper lip. near the corner oj tbe month, and continued to spread until tbe whole of $ e upper lip. the gums, nose and portions ofthe face were very much affecbnl. She had been wider the charge of many emi nent physicians before visiting Dr Mosely, and also the celebrated Dr. Marshal, of Ma con, and Dr. Shepard, of Charleston, both of those noted carers having failed to give any relief. She was considered by all who saw her, to be out of the reach of medical aid; her lip was all destroyed and gone, and con stitution apparantly mined from the effects af Arsenic, and other poisonous escharotics, that were applied while she was under tbe treatment of other physicians. Her face and eyes had become very much swolen, vision nearly gone.,aitf a general Dropsy ofthe en tire system. m distressing palpitation of the heart In this condition Dr. Moseley took her un'der his treatment at Griffin, on the 1st of August, 1851^ The Doctor took out all the cancer, together with her front teeth, and a portion of the superior maxilary bone; ai so some ofthe bones in the roof of the mouth; and all without the use of the knife, There has been no appearance of the disease since, ■nd I believe that it has been entirely eradi cated from her system. 1 have made fre quent and minute examinations, and discov er no apppearance of any cancer remaining. When she reached Dr. Moseley’s mfinnary at Griffin, she was completely prostrated lioin the use of poisons, such as Arsenic and Corrosive Sublimate; she was scarcely able lo walk without much pain, and dis tress from loss of sight When toe was un der Dr Moseley’s.treatment, he had many cases cases of a seYere character, on which he effected perfect cares in a short time, some of which had baffled the best surgical skill, and been pronounced incurab’e; notwith standing whiclrDr- Moseley cured them all without difHrariafo^ merely state that from the location oraPPmease and the diseased state of the bones, it was absoluteiy beyon- Telief by the use ofthe knife. I would ad viset all who are subjects ^.of cancers, ulcers and rumors of a 11 kinds, not to despair of be- ng cured, but visit Dr. Moseley, no matter bow nrray others may have failed to relieve yon If I did not honestly and candidly, be lieve that you would be serving the cause of snfferring humanity, by publishing to the world the knowledge of Dr. Mo.‘eley : s un surpassed skill in the treatment of cancers, I would not solicit a place in your valuable pa per for this communication- I hope, gentle men. that you will place this case before the public, that they may read and decide for Ives. Most ResR’ct’y., Your ob’t se’v’t n.t DR. J.T.FORD. P. 8. I will state for the benefit of the af flicted, that Dr Moseley is a regular gratia unte, and has been engaged in an extensive practice for the past ten years. Those who vain and Bn- desire to try bis skitl in the treatment of Can cer* Syphilis and oiberchronic diseases may do so with the greatest hope of a cure. be-> ing perfected in a short time. have wit nessed many wonderful cures made by Dr. Moseley during .the past three years-, hia mode of treatment is very mild, not preven* ting the patient from daily exercise, and at* tended with no danger whatever. Dr T.J.P. ' tTAll persnns that are desirous of avail ing themsefees of Dr. Mosely’s services, will find him at hi* office oh Eighth Street Grif* finGa- All •omunlcations must be post paid , anti addressed to W. R. MOSELEY, M .d’ Griffiin Ga. >~