Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, November 06, 1855, Image 4

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N81TITED SALE B T Witu of on order from the Court of Or* dinary, the first mondty in August 1855, will be told before the Court Home door in Sum merville, Chattooga Connty Georgia on the flnt Tuesday in Nor. neat, part or lot of land No. 139, in 14th District and 4th Section, contain ing one hundred and one acfoe,il01) eold for the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of Moeea Tonne on a credit until the 25 December next, atnall notes with approved security, thie 8th An* gnat 1855. JOHN B. KNOWLES, angld Administrator. G eorgia, pioyd county: To all whom it may concern, will please taka notloe that whereas Jane Simmons admin- irtratrix on the estate of Mansfield Simmons deceased applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Estate. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditor! of said disanwi to be and appearat my office within the time prescribed by law to show canto if any they have why said letters of dismission should not be granted unto said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature at office this the 22d October. (ocU) J. LAM BERTH, Ord’y G eorgia, Poik County: Whereas, Isaac N Jones has applied to me for dismission from the Guardianship of Ma ry E Hutching*, minor. All persons inter ested will take notice to file their ejections (if any they have.) to the snid dismission by or before the first Monday of December next, otherwise letters dismfesory will be fronted to the applicant on that day in terms of thi law in such <s so at tde and provided. Given wader my hand end-official signature this the Gth day of October. Stephen A Borders, oct26 40d Ordinary B OR GI A? Polk Connty: v Woodson Hubbard having applied to ms for letters of administration on the estate ofC D Attietoo, deceased. Therefore, the kin* dred and creditor* of said deceased are here - notified to make their object'oos known me on (w before the first Monday of De- mber next, otherwise letters of administra tion will be granted to cho said applicant on that day or to some other suitable and prop* «r person, in terms of the Uw. Given coder my hand and official signature, this the 9tb of Oct. [odfiSOd] S A BORDERS, Ord’y. pBORGIA, Polk County: U Whereas, Robert T. Spoght and Thomas G. Waldrop, Executors of the will and tes tament of John Ayres deceased, has applied to me for letters dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish the parties Interested, to file their objections n my office on or before the first Monday of February next, otherwise letters disrais- aory will be granted the applicants on that day. Gives under my band at office this the fid day of July 1855. 8TEPHKN A BORDERS, jnllO Ordinary. G EORGIA, Chattooga County: Whereas, Sank W Moore, Administratrix of John Moore, deceased, applies to me for letters oT dismission there from. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular, the Kindred and Cred itorsof said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by Law, to show cause. If any they have, why said Letters should not b* granted onto said ap- plleant. ..Given under my band and official signature at office. F A KIRBY, jlyl7’65 ordinary. SCOTT'S PATENT LITTLE GIANT ! above jiautfy ceMralnl corn and cob mill $ itself to all persons who have hor { cattle, bogs, or poultry, to feed; be- ' so hominy, and good eorn- t mill needs no "puffing;” all ! to make them Sell ‘like hot calces’ is for the public to investigate and beeome ac quainted with their performance, ml Wh hare been appointed permanent Agents for tins section of the country, and have the dif- ftrmrtsjaec of mills, »ow on hand, and will be We have never recommended any machine that did not giro perfect satisfaction, and our confidence in this is as well ‘fixed’ as in any one we have ever examined. CUNNINGHAM A LINTON, Ag’ta for Rome and Co. around. ISAAC McKIM COOKE, General agent for Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. No2 will grind lObu. eorn aad cob meal in 1 hour,'east 557; No 3 will grind 15 Ira corn meat in 1 hoars, cost $67,50; No 4 grind 20 bn eons and cob meal in 1 hours, cost $78 Ur if '556m -4 £30^ i usESsiiuaBSftin TTTHITE Irish Linen of the best qoafly. V V WHITE IRISH LINEN for gent's pants "id coats. Also CHECKED AND STRIPED Linens for AND COLERED LINEN DRIL- fS LINENS, a large stock and of ev< cry quality. RJ JOHNSON Also, if yon want a. fine Fashionable HAT, I have them of the best that is made on the la- test style, aad very eheap R J J READYMADE COATS, PANTS, A VESTS Hist received of the latest style to salt summer. aajl5 tf H J JOHNSON. 1 all whom it may concern will please lake notice that whereas Emma R. Davis applies to roe for fetters of Adminis tration of John Davis late of said connty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tiro time 'prescribed by law, to show cause, tf any exist, why said letters of administration should not be granted unto said applicant. Given tinder my hand and offl 4a! signature at office, this 6th Octo ber. A. D. 1856. JESSE LAEBERTH, Oct. 9. *55- Ordinary LIVER COMPLAINT. JIUHDICB, DISPSFSIA. Disease of the Kidneys, and ail diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness, or blood to th« head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food, Full ness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking,or fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and difficult Breathing. Fluttering at tho Heart, Choaking or Suffocating, Sensations, when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs before tile Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspi ration. Yellowness of the Skin and Byes Pain, in the Side, Back, Brett. Limbs, me.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh Constant Imagining* of Evil, and groat De pression of Spirits, can be effectually Cured by DR. H00FLAND’8 Celebrated GER. MAN BITTERS, Prepared by DR. C.M. JACKSON, GERMAN MEDICINE STORE No 20 Arc* Ston* dear Mow sixth, Phifa Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equally, by any other preparation in the United Stoles as the cures attest, in many oases after akiifhl physicians had fkii- led. These Bitter* are worthy the attention of Invalids. Possessing groat virtues in the rec tification of the liver and lesser glands, oxer- ofcstng the most searching power in weakness had affections of the dtge-tive organs, they ate withal safo.certain and pleasant. READ THE TESTIMONY FROM GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. Lindt 4* Davis, Eatouton, Quo., July 14, 1853, says .* "Your German Bitters are ta king the lead of all other medicines for chron ic diseases. Ac., and are selling rapidly.— Please send us another box immediately, or wo shall be out before it arrives." D. E. H. Strokccicr, Macon, Ga., Jan. 1st, 1862,said: "1 am happy to say that your German Bitten are gaining a great reputa tion. I think it wUI, in fttiuro, sell very rap idly.*’ W. Maxcy $* Co., Montecello, Geo., Oct. 6th, 1862. said: “Yonr Bitten, (bongh en tirely unknown before in this country, have sold npidly, and given satisfaction. ’ Dickson «f- Green, Alexandria Ala., Sept. 80 1862, skid: “Wc have taken pains to in* traduce your Gorman Bitten, aud wc find it to be a vejy valuable medicine.” C. Robinson, Beliofonte, Ala., Jan, 801851 said: "Yonr Medicine must eventually have a huge sate; all those who used it in the fall liked it very much. The people have been much deceived here by trifling patent nos trums that affects the safe of your valuable Bitten, and will until it becomes known,” Chancy Flower, Tuskoego, Ala., Jan. 1st. 1861, said: "The Bitten are selling well, and I think they will continue so, as they give good satisfaction to those who have used them’ Dr. Henry P. Leonard, Fayeite C. B. Ala. Jan. 15,1853, said: "Your Bitten have done wooden in this section. A youth, a son of G M Hobbert, Esq., of this county, had been for several months under the care of onr best practitioners without relief, and the case re ported dontful, and the vonng man, although scarcely able to get about, commenced with tho bitten. He found so much relief from the first bottle that he continued to take, un til a complete cure was affected. He is now perfectly well and stout.” They are entirely vegetable free from ail injurious ingredients, always strengthen ing and never prostrating the svatem. For sale wholesale by Druggists in all the principal cities, and at retail by apothecaries and storekeepers in every town in the United States, and by HICKS HARGROVE, Sept. 19,1854. Rome Ga. DAT I8»B PAINKILLER. j)I virtue of an order of tho Honorable, the XI Court of Ordinary of the Comity of Floyd, will be sold si the Coart Haase in Rome, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legiri boors of sale, the whole of the real estate of Mathias G Simpkins, deceased, consisting of three adjoining lots, and known and distinguish- ed as lots No 229,341 and 384 in the 22d Dis- tsfet aad 3d Section of Floyd eonnty, containing by estimationstoat 480 aerea, be the same more or leas. About 200 acres cleared and in culti vation, situated on the bead of Spring Creek, with the old Alabama road running near the House, with an excellent Gin House, Carriage House, Meet House, Ac, frith tbefonscs In good repair, and a clever orebard of Peach and Apple Treea, a large and never foiling Spring at a convenient distance from the dwellings afford ing an abundant supply of water for Stock and all purposes.' GABRIEL JONES, Ad'mr, (oc23tds) with tiro will annexed WHEREAS, A G QUIN applies for fetters "v of Guardianship to the persons and prop- _ F Quin, William D Quin and \ B. Quin. These are, therefore, to cite and admon p^l Ljm CP to be and appear at my time prescribed by law, to *bow cause if any they have, why said let ters of should not be granted. Given under voy hand at office. F A KIRBY, Bept25 Ordinary. TX7HEKEA8, William R Manning adminls- - " * trator with the will annexed, of Alexan der .Manning deceased, applies for leave to sell then-negroes belonging to said estate—Tener, a «4jlrii Grace a gril, and John a boy. . These are, therefore to cite and admonish l singular the kindred and creditors of c ased to be and appear at my office within fop trine prescribed by Ian- to show caus< if any they have, wbj said letters whouM not be granted. Given under my hat;'.' ’office? FA KIRBY. Sept25 Ordinary. Inibr la tion to the Public AWFUL CASE UF GANGER CURED. Editors Macon Telegraph, Pike Co., Ga. Gentlemen: In obedience to my conscience and forthe benefit of suffering humanity, per mit me throngh the columns of your exlen rive paper, to perform what I beliove to be my duty to suffering fellow-mortals. Cancers and Cancerous affections of a malignant character are considered by all the Medical Faculties, both in England, France and A merica. as incurable: and thousands are dai ly lingering on through a painful and dread fri) existence to no awful death from this most direful of all complaints to which the human race are sutgected, witbont either thought or hope of recovery, in hundreds of the best surgeons the world ever produced, has been exhausted in vain. My mother has been for sixteen years afflicted with one of the most distressing cancers, situated in the most delicate part oftbe human system, and of all others the most obstinate to cure. She has been relieved by DrR Moseley, of Grif fin. Knowing the importance of even a small space in yonr paper. I will give a brief state ment of the case, that those who are afflicted may read and judge for themselves of its ma ligoant character, and the extraordinary skill required to eradicate it. The disease origi n&ted upon the upper lip, near the corner oj the mouth, and continued to spread until tho whole of the upper lip, the gums, nose and portions of the face were very ranch affected She bad been nnderthe charge of many emi nent physicians before visiting Dr Mosely and also the celebrated Dr, Marshal, of Ma con, and Dr. Shepard, of Charleston, both of those noted enrers having failed to give any relief. She was considered by all who saw her, to be ontof the reach of medical aid; her lip was all destroyed and gone, and con stitution apparently rained from the effects af Arsenic, sod other poisonous escharotics, that were applied while she was under the treatment of other physicians. Her face and eyes bad become very much swolen, vision nearly eooe, and a general Dropsy oftbe en tire system, with distressing palpitation of tbe heart In this condition Dr. Moseley took her under bfs treatment at Griffin, on the 1st of August, 1851. The Doctor took out all the cancer, together with her front teeth, and a portion of the superior inaxilary bone; al so some of the bones in tbe roof of the month; and all without tbe use of the knife, There has been no appearance of tbe disease since, nod I believe that it has been entirely eradi cated from her system. I have made fre quent and minute examinations, and discov er no apppearance of any cancer remaining. When she reached Dr. Moseley's infirmary at Griffin, she was completely prostrated from the nse of poisons, such as Arsenic and Corrosive Sublimate; she was scarcely able to walk without much pain, and dis tress from loss of sight. . When she was un der Dr. Moseley's treatment, he bad many cases cases of a severe character, on which he effected perfect cores iu a short time, some of which had baffled tbe best surgical skill, and been pronounced incurab’e; notwith standing which. Dr. Moseley cured them ail without difficulty. I merely state that from the location of the disease and the diseased state of the bones, it was absolutely beyon- relief by the use of the knife. I would ad vim alt who are subjects of cancers, ulcers and rumors of all kinds, not to despair rt bo ng cured, but visit Dr. Moseley, no matter bow many others may have failed to relieve yon If 1 did not honestly and candidly be lieve that you would be serving the cause of snfferring humanity, by publishing to the world the knowledge of Dr. Mofeley s un surpassed skill in the treatment of cancers, I would not solicits place in your valuable pa per for this communication. I hope, gentle men, that you will place this case before the public, that they may read and decide for themselves. Most Resp’ct’y., Your ob’t te’v't ■i . DR. J.T.FORD. P. 8. I will state for the benefit oftbe af flicted, that Dr. Moseley is a regular gradn uate, and has been engaged in an extensive practice for the past ten year*. Those who desire to try his skill in the treatment of Can cer*, Syphilis andotherebrouie diseases may do so with tbe greatest hope of a core be fog perfected in a short time. I have wit nessed many wonderful cures made by Dr. Moseley during tbe past three years; his mode of treatment is very mild, not preven ting the patient from daily exercise, and at tended with no danger whatever. m . Dr. T. J. F, Ew All persons that are desirous of avail ing themself ea of Dr. Mosely’s services, wil- flnd hint at his office, on Eighth Street.Grif, flnGa- All ''-omonicationa must be post paid " W.R. MOSELEY, A Griffiin Ga. •Ptxioir or tub muss. YTTE take pleasure in referring the reader to VY the testimonials of our prominent drug- S isls aud well known citirona to tho virtue of •avis’s Pain Killer. We have used the ar ticle, and found it valuable. The sale of this article in the U. States Is beyond all prece dent. as the books of tbe office will show.— Cincinnati Commercial. Davis’s Vegetable Pain Killer.—We first heard of this medicine during a recent visit to the New England States, and being etruck with the novelty of the titler, were in duced to make some inquiry about it; and we were surprised to learn that it was kept constantly in the houses of most of the in habitants of the cities and villages where we stopped, to be used of sudden attacks of pain, burns, scalds, foe. and we heard it spoken of ia terms of high commendation by both drnggists and phpsicians. This much we can with propriety say as a journalist, in favor of the article.—Philadelphia Eagle. Prrry Davis's Vegetable Pain Killer. Voluntarily, conscientiously, and with mnch pleasure, we recommend to our readers the above named medicine. We speak for our own observation and experience, when we say, that it removes pain, as if by magic, from all parts oftbe body, and is one of the best medicines in use for* checking diarrhea, and removing tho premonitory symptoms of cholera. It is applied both internally and externally, with the best effects, and none who haveouco used the Pain Killer would willingly be without it constantly in their house*.—Cincinnati Evening Nouperiel. We presume no Medical Preparation ever offered to the public has been more thorough ly tested than Perry Davis’s Vegetable Pain Killer. Thousands of persons, were they called upon to do so, would cheerfaliy testify that they have used it for various ills, with the most satisfactory success. It is within our knowledge, that an immense amonnt of suffering has been relieved by it. Its propri etors, Messrs. Perry Davis & Son. save no pains or expense in order to satisfy the pub lic. Being strictly honorable meu, they ob serve the utmost uniformity in the manufac ture of their celebrated Pain Killer. The materials of which it is composed are care fully selected—none but the best quality be ing used. By these means the high reputa tion which .the Pain Killer has long since ac- quired is at all times triumphantly sustain ed. In view of these facts, we are by no means surprised to learn that Messrs. Davis & Son’s tales are constantly and rapidly in creasing. While we congratulate our friends generally that so valuable a preparation as tbe Pain Killer is placed within their reach, we mast be permitted to rejoice at tbe well merited success os its liberal and enterprising proprietors.—Providence Gen. Advertiser. Davis’s Pain Killeb.—This article needs no comments from us, but tbe real worth of so vaiuabln a compound compels us (ogive publicity to it, in our Transcript. Mr. Perry Davis, the manufacturer and inventor, is a gentleman for whom we entertain tbe high est respect, and any article ho should offer to the public we should have the utmost con fidence in. The Pain Killer we keep constant ly on hand, and have done so for a number of years, and have administered it for ails of all descriptions, both external and internal, arid have ever found it to be tbe best reme dy extent. We well recollect its first intro duction for Public patronage; it was then sold in a few shops in this city: look at it now! the world are its patrons. A few days since we published a certificate from Bnnnah and we have often seen them from the most remote habitable regions of the Globe. Read er, if you have not a supply on hand. ' trust you have, as it is almost indispensa ble,) procure it at once, and never be with out it again—it will savo many a physi dan’s bill.—Providence Daily Transcript. beware of counterfeit ptrr op in the OLD STYLE of BOTTLES Sold by J. W. HICKS & CO., Rome, Ga. J D Carpenter, Cassville; J A & 8 Irwin Cartersville; Smith & Ezzard, Atlanta Barret, Carter & Co, and Clark, Wells & Dn bose, Angusta; John B. Moore &Co., J.H Carter & Co , Jos. M. Garner fo Co., S. D Brantly fo Co., Savannah, and by druggists and medicine dealers generally, f JulylOly JACOB'S CORDIAL. Cholera^ Dysmtenj, Diarrhoea, FOR ALL BOWEL DISEASES. Cholera Morbus t Bilious Cholic, Cholera Jt\faittuin, ALSO ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OF FEMALES; MOST ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. TireTurnof”jicorsT'cor'dml'aretooViTel^^ 1 8th. It relieves Pain in Back and Loins. 8th. It counteracts Ncrottumess and Despon dency. , 10/A:. It Restores Irregularities. 1st- It cures th. worst cases of Diarrhaa. 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. Zd. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhaa. 4th. It rtlieves the severest Colie. 6tA. It cures Cholera Morbus. (Uk. It cures Cholera Infantum. 1th. It cutes Painful Menstruation. \Uh. It dispels Gloomy awl Histerical feelings 12/A. It'su Tranquilixer and Admirable Tonic ' • - ;• k tew short Extracts from Letters, Testimonials, Re, I have used Jacob’s Cordial in ray family, and have fotfnd ft a most efHcienf and in my raent. a valuable remedy." Hon. Hiram Warner. Judge of Supreme t onrt. Ga. _t gives mo pieasnrein being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own personal ex perience. aud the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a sufficient guaran tee for mo to believe it to bo an that it purporst to be ; via: a sovereign remedy." Hon. Wm. H. Underwood, formerly Judge of Superior Court. Clicrokee Circuit. "I take great pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bow el diseases”for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing else ever, tried'by: me.” A. A. Gacldino, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge ofGeoigia. ‘Thisefficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast a Bonaparte pushed bis columns into Russia, and gaining commoadation wherever used.” {Georgia Jeffersonian, May 19/A, 1853. “ I havo used ‘Jacob’s Cordial’ in my family, and this, wh h all I hear about it. as a rem edy by those who have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at tbe head of every preparation of the kind, and! would recommend its use in the disease for which it is compounded. . Milbe G. Dobbins. Cashier of the Bunk of the State of Georgia. Griffin, •* If there is any credibility in human testimony, ‘Jacobs Cordial’ must stand pre-emi nent above all other preparations for tbe core of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testi mony in its favor coming in from all quarters, ft must be very far in advance, as a enrative agent, of most if not all other ‘patent’ preparations.” A . Fleming, Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank, Griffin, EyFor sale by Dr. Hicks fo Co. and J. E Pinson, Rome ; S. M Davidson .Cave Spring. R, D. Winqakd Vann’s Valley. Stephen Bali. Armntchee, T. McGuire .,lcGuire*s Store, Wm. McCollouoh Floyd Springs,Carpenter & Burke Cassville, E Porter Adairs- A ille, Allgood &Edwards Summerville, Thornton’s Dahlonega.M. Turner Stilesbcrough, r»d by the principal Merchants ahd Druggists throughout the State. G E 0 RGIA, Polk County: Court of Ordinary Oetober Term, 1855. Up on the petition of Thomas J. Peek praying that William H. C. Prior, Executor of" the last will and testament of Asa Prior, deceas ed, be directed to make titles to lots of land No. 1328 and 1329 in tbe 21st district of the third section, now Polk County, contain ing each forty acres more or less, pursuant to the bond said Asa Prior deceased made to William Peek dated the fourteenth day of February. 1840 and transferred to Thomas JtPeek the ninth day of October. 1855 now on file in the office of this Coart. It is ordered, that unless cause to the con trary be shown by those interested, within the time prescribed by law. tbe said Execu tor will be directed to make titles to said Peck in conformity with the bond, and that this rale bo published once a month for three months in the Rome Conrier. A true extract from the minutes of Court, this the 10th day of Oct. S A Borders, octl63m Ex. Off. C. C, 0 PERFUMERY!!! DR. J W HICKS & CO., THANKFUL FOR tho patronage they have hereto fore received from the citizens of Rome and its vicinity, would very respectfully invite them to call and examine their stock of k 4tmn| Mrlrs WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE LARGEST A best selected stock that has ever been brought to this market. Tbeir assortment CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF PERFUMERY, POMADES OF ALL kinds, A Flavour, COOKING EXTRACTS, -ODOSTME, CACH0C8, PRESTO,\ SALTS, TOOTH AND HA4R BRUSHES, POWDER, SNUFF-BOXES &0., &C..&C. Please call and examine their as- ortment. may 15 tf WATER RTSXIXG UP HILL!! G A T C II E L'S PATENT PREMIUM IMPROVED Double and Single Self-acting HYDRAULIC RAMS. PATENTED APRIL 101847. F OR supplying dwellings orfann bouses villa ges, rail road stations Ac., with pure run ning water any hoigbth or distance required, with from one pint to SOGALLONS OR BORE PER HWCTE, from a spring or stream, where a foil of two or more feet can be obtained. Tbe quantity thrown in proportion to the foil and elevation. The undersigned having purchased the right for the counties of Floyd, Gordon and Cass, is prepared to furnish and put in operation tbe a- >ove named Rams of various sizes, adapted to different sized springs, which are warranted to giro entire satisfaction. Address JL GIBSON, ap 10,tf Cartersville, Ga LAID WARRANTS WASTED. The highest cash price will bo paid for Boun ty Lands Warrants by i 4 . Jacksons, Miller a Verdery, *«g 1438 Augusta, Ga. STARTLING BUT TRUE! WHAT (nu WO HU SHOULD MOW. R EADER, ore you a husband or & father ? a wife or a mother ? Have you the sincere wellfare of those you love at heart 1 ? Prove your sincerity, and lose no lime in learning what causes interfere with their health and happiness unt less than your own. It will avoid to you and yours, as' it has to thous ands, muny a day of.ain and anxiety fol lowed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind forits ordinary avocation and exhaust ing those mean* for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise would provide for declining years, the infirmities of age and the proper educa tion of your children. How often it happens, that the wife lin gers from year to year in th it pitiable con dition as not even for one day to feel the Lappyand exhilarating influence incident to the enjoyment of health, arising from ignor ance oftbe simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the marriage state the violation of which entails disease, suf fering and misery. “And must this continue 1 Must this be 1 Is there no remedy 1 No relief 1 No hope V‘ The remedy is by knowing tbe causes and avoiding thorn, and knowing the'sreme- dies and benefitting by them. These are pointed ont in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, n OFESSOn OF diseases of woven. One Hundredth Edition (500,000) 18mo. pp. 250 [on fine paper, extra binding, $1,00] A standard work of established reputation fonnd classed in the catalogues of the great trade sales in New York. Philadelphia, anil other cities.and sold by the principal book sellers in the United States. It was first published in 1847, since which tine FIFE HUMORED THOUSAND COPIES have been sold, of which there were up wards of One Hundred Thousand Sent by Hall. attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a reliable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted bis exclusive at tention to the treatment of complaints pecu liar to females, in respect to which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both in per son and by letter. Hefe every woman can discover, by com paring her own symptoms with those de scribed. the nature, character, causes of, and the proper remedies fol, her coin (mints. The wife about becoming a mother has of ten need ofinstruction ana’ advice ofthe ut most importance to her future liea/th, in respect to which her sensitiveness forbid- consalting a medical gentleman, will find suen instruction and advice, and also ex plain many symptoms wbich otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm, as all the pecniiaritiesincident to her situation are de scribed. How many are suffering from obstructions or irregularities peculiar to the female sys tem; which undermine the health, the ef fects of which they arq ignorant, and for HEMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELVBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COHPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU> For diseases of the Bladder and Kidueys Secret Diseases, Strictures. Weaknesses, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether in male or female, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of bow long standing. If you have contracted the terrible disease which, when once seated in the system, will surely go down from one generation to an other, undermining the constitution and sap ping tbe very vital fluids of life, do not tract yourself in the bands of tbe Qnacks, who start up every day in a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods, too well calculated to deceive the young, and those not acquainted with their tricks.— You cannot be too careful in tbe selection of a remedy in these cases. The fluid extract Buchns has been pro nounced by eminent physicians the greatest r* medy ever known. It is a medicine per fectly pleasaut in its taste, and very innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it an nihilates evary particle of the rank and pois- inous virus of this dreadfuf disease; and, unlike other remedies, does not dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on bv self abuse, a most terriole disease, which has brought thousands of the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting tbe brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bnd tbe glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured by this Infallible Remedy.— And as a medicine which must benefit every body, from the simply delicate to the con fined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found acting both as a Cute and preven tive. In tbe year of onr Lord, 1847, in odr Oa- paci ties Qf ualjtical chemists, we discovered that by uniting* certain vegetable agents, which bad pnyer before been used in mc^ i cine, we obtained properties possessing such a marvellous quick power over pain, that the moment it was applied to the parts af fected with pain, all uneasiness-ceased. The mov torturing pains were relieved in an in stant, and the most vioteut spasms and irri tations were soothed, and the system restor ed io perfect ease in a few urinates. In 1849, we introduced this remedy to the world under the t«me of - -yt* razu'd ^RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. throughout the Usited States, giving instant ease to aM troubled with Paid or Sickness. One application externally, or. a few .drops taken internally, will instantly free the snf- A Jf. KERB.—Carriage Manufacturer*. ■ • Repairing done with neatness. . . Orders from abroad promptly filled. oct31 A M. LATJB.—Dealer in Groceries, Staple AjL*Dry Goods, Family Provisions and Confec tionaries. oct31 A P. NEELD.—Merchant Tailor, road-st., -Rome, Ga., will fin' alt oraers t> ness. Tisrijim r~ - nu prompt- Work warranted to suit customers oct31 A. W. HARSHAW.—House and Sign Paint- •er. His services can be secured on modern ate terms. All work executed in good style. oct3J B ERRY A HARKINS.—^--Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps^ Boots-, efrer from tho didst violently and terrible j 8 ^ oe ®' ® to *’ ' c< ^ ner of Broad and Ooscanaula pains, and restore the weak. feeble, and pros j atreete > Kome * ?*•. oct31r, special benefit in less than fifteen minutes after it* use Let i hose who are; now suffering any., se vere pains give it a trial, for in fifteen min utes they will enjoy ease and comfort. . , RADWAY’S READY RELIEF was tho first and is tbe only Remedy ever disco rated that will stop thie most torturing pains in a few seconds and free the system from Rheumatic. Neuralgic, Nervous > and Miasmatic Disorders in a few hours. It will euro end protect tbe system against sudden attacks of DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORBUS FEVER AND AGUE. INFL7ENZA. Powerful Disinfect- CHOLERA. DIARRHCEA, BILIOUS CHOLIC. PNEUMONIA. Bear in mind, it in ant antacid, diffusive stimulant, nervine anti- spasmodic, and counter irritant. The R. R. REMEDIES are ‘medical dis coveries of the present century. They are, prepared on an entire new and original theo- D R. J. R. Physician and Surgeon, Rome, Ga. Office in U. A. Smith's Book Store. oct31-4m D ANIEL S. PRINTUP^—Agent of the Bank of tbe State of South Carolina. Office op- K dto the -Post Office, up stairs; Broad street, me. Ga. vh&I T? MERCKSv*—Manufacturer of and Dealerii -LfoTin, and Japan, * Ware of all kinds. All Work warranted. Orders from a distance will be promptly met. oct3i F t SULLIVAN.—Dealer in staple and Fait »cy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., Broad Street) Rome, Ga-, next door above Forco, Rice, A- C4i oet31 F RIED A ERG.—Dealers in Fancy and Star pie * Dry Goods, Hats, Caps,; Boots, Sho“«* Clothing, etc., Broad-Street, Rome, Ga.. “ A. KIRBY ^ •vilfe, Ga., ■Attorney at Law, Summer 1 - ry . to stop pain instantly ; and protect the WsSl^jSu^SfVhSSt HELM BOLDS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Compound Flnid Extract Sarsaparilla, For Purifying the Blood, removing all dis eases arising from excess of Mercury, expo sure and imprudence in life, chronic consti tutional disease, arising from an impure state ofthe Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for tbe enre of Scrofula. Salt Rheum., Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs. Pains and Swellings ofthe Bones. Tetter. Pimples on the Face, and sca ly Ernptions of the Skin. This article is now prescribed by some of tbe most distinguished physicians in the country, and has proved more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsaparil la yet offered to tbe public. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrof ulous diseases have entirely recovered in the incurable wards of our public Institutions which had for many years resisted every mode of treatm nl that could be devised.— These cases furnish striking examples oftbe salutary effects of *bh» medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the gtends were destroyed, and the bones al ready affected. Notice —Letters from responsible physi cians and Professors of sev eral Medical Col leges, and certifiicates of cures from patients will be found accompanying both Prepara tions, Prices, Fluid Extract of Bnchn, $1 per human system against richness nr any sud den attacks. The doses required to be taken' are small. A few drops « f READY RELIEF exercises a powerful influence over diseased action. IT HA CURED Rheumatism in four hours. Neuralgia in one hoar. Croup in ten minutes, Diarrhoea id fif teen minutes, Toothache in one second,' Spasms in five minutes. Sick Headache in fif teen minutes. Chill Fever in fifteen minutes. Chilblains in five minutes, Sore Throat in four minutes, fnflnenza in one hour. SPINAL COMPLAINTS stiff Joints. Cuts Biaises. Wounds Frost Bites Cholera Mor bus. Dysentery. Tic Doloreanx, and all oth er complaints where there are severe pafrra. T . w . . r~r—~—r* Radway’s Ready Relief will instantly stop tbe pain, and qnickly cure the diseases. andSc^k^vG^^ ^ R. R. DISCOVERY—No 2 j and Ca P 3 » Crockery, Groceries, Ac. oct31 RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT Possesses the most quick and potent power over all Chronic. Scrofblos, Syphilitic, and Skin Diseases. In six hours after the first dose is taken, the patient wiU feel its health- renovating efficacy. FOR ALL HUMORS. The roost foni and corrupt humors will, in T W. HICKS A CO.—Dealeu in Medicines, a few days, yield to the cleansing, purify lug d ‘Drugs, Paints, Gils, and Glassware, No. 39, and renovating influence of the R. R. RE- Broad-street^ Rome, Ga., 3 doors below Sloan ^ INRY A. SMITH.—Bookseller and Sta tioner, Rome, Ga., keeps a general assort ment of School, Theological and Miscellaneous Publications. Also, a great variety of Station ery and fancy articles. oet31 TTENRY A. GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, -LL Rome, Ga. Office over the store of Berry A Harkins, octSl - - ■■ ■ ■ — ■ ~ "■* : - - - J H. MoCLUNG A CO.—-Dealers in Staple •and Fancy Dry Goods, Carpetings, Papet Hangings, Boots, Shoes, Hats; Caps; etc., Broad street Rome. Ga. oct31 J J. COHEN.—Wholesale mid Retail Mer chant in Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard ware. - - ; WANSgUArr-PiOdnce of all descriptions, ihoy Agent for'the Paper mills Rags wanted. Oct 31, 1854. Hawkins A Co. oct 31 tion. nov!4» J M. QUINN A CO.—Deale: •Grain, Provisions of all 4, ^ ,, and Staple Dry Goods, 2 doors below the Post Office, Broad Street, Rome, Ga.' oct31 M MARKS.—Deafer jin Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, A Boots. SOLVENT. The most loathsome Sores. Ulcers. Nodes, 1 Xftmr „ TWTnTroxrbnw r. 1 ^ Swellings, and the most frightful diseases. 1 Have been cured in a few davs by RAD- 1 Y ork en * WA YS RENOVATING RESOLVENT. It ^ asted to him will meet with prompt execu te pleasant to lake, and the patient ,eels no disagreeable sensation ofsickness at stomach. CHRONIC DISEASES That have been lingering in the syatem. cor rupting the blood, softening the bones, pros- trating the muscles, for ten. twenty, or forty years, have been radically enred bv RAD- WAY’8 RENOVATING RESOLVENT. GREAT LUNG MEDICINE FOR ALL LUNG COMPLAINTS. Persons affected with weak or ulcerated. Lungs, Tutercules. Bronchitis Hacking Dry cough, difficult breathing or spitting Blood. Radivay s Renovating ResolveDt will, in a short time remove all obstructions from the lungs and throat; and impart strength and soundness to the weak and diseased lungs. There is no medicine in present use that has made so many rapid cares of Lang Complaints as Radway’s Renovating Resol vent. One day will alter thv- diseased con dition ofthe lnngs. and check the ravages of decay. The public may rely upon an effectual cure of the following diseases by using the Reno, vating Resolvent : Chronic Rheamstism. Scrofula Glandular Swellings Salt Rheum, Skin Diseases. Can cerous Affections. Syphilitic Complaints T. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer •Hi English and American Hardware, Broad etreet,.Rome, Ga. oct3I, R. D. HARVEY, Attorney and Conncellor at Law, Rome, Ga. ; febl31y R OBERT O’BARR—House carpenter. All work entrusted to bis care will - meet with rompt and faithful attention. dec. 19, ly. S MITH A UNDERWOOD, Attorneys at Law> will practice in the Courts of Floyd and the i neighboring counties. j CHARLES H. SMITH, j J. W. H. USDERWOOD. Jan 16,'54. Female Complaints, Bleeding ot the Longs QLOAN, HAWKINS A„CO.-rrH*ro always on Tic Doloronx. White Swellings. Tumors Ul- U hand a fall assortment of* Groceries at their which their delicacyforbid8seekingadvice11 b ttle or6 bott i es f or $5. Fluid Extract May suffer from prolapsus uteri (falling of I of SarsapariHa. $1 per bottle; or B .bottles for ther womb), or from fluor clous (weakness.' - - - debility, ^-c.) Many*.re inconstant agony for many months preceding confinement.— Many have dificult if not dangerous delive ries, aud slow and uncertain discoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such $5, equal in strength to one gallon of Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by H. T. Hklmbold. Chemist. 263 Chestnut Street, near the Gi rard House Philadelphia. To be bad of Druggists and Dealers, eve- time, will each find in its pages the means r ywhere. of prevention, amelioration and relief. All letters directed to the Proprietor or It is of course impracticable to convey ful* Agent receive immediate attention. ly the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried or those contemplating marriage. In consequence ofthe univirsai populari ty of the work, as evidenced by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, as well ot. booksellers as on the jun» 12 ly JAMES’ NEURALGIC LIQUID!! T his extraordinary medicine for the cure of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Flux . .7* . , — —.— Diarrhoea, Cramp Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Group, public, by imitations of title page, spunous Nenron8 Headache, Chills and Fevers, Bruises editions, and surreptitious infringements of and Sprains, Old Sores, Fains in any part ofthe copyright, and other devices and descriptipus body, is now for sale at Wm MAW Peeples, it has been found necessary, therefore, to. ~ “ CAUTION THE PUBLIC to bay no book unless the words *‘Dr. A. M. Maubicbau. 129 Liberty Street, N. Y.” on and the entry in the Clerk's Office o the back of) the title page ; and buy onl; of respectable and honorable dealers, o- send by mail. and address to Dr. A. Mr "STuTon receipt of One Dollar, “THE M MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MED- *“haro..h° n IC\L COMPANION” a sent (mailed free)*, o any part of me United States, the; Canadas and British Provinces. All letters must be post-paid and addressed to Dr. A. ,. „ “• MAtmiOE A C. box 1524, Now York a. oigh "S City. Publishing Office, N r -29 Liberty 80 severe, without relief from any medicine till Street, NewYork 1 ~ - - - - - Calhoun; CP Wellborn, Dalton; J Norcross, Atlanta ; R Baber, Marietta. We would say to all as a proof of the power and efficacy of this Liquid to do tohatweeay, we have retailed $700 worth in fourteen months in Chattanooga amidst all other medicines where the medical faculty stands high. We can get 95 out of 100 who have used this to certify its virtue and pow er. See Brownlow’s Whig and descriptive pam- Each Bottle cts, 1 00 and $2 00 dollars per. bottle. Cash only. J J JAMES, Proprietor. Ihereby certify that I was afflicted with Rheu cers. Hacking dry Cough Bronchitis Hip Diseases. Consumption Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Water Brash, FEEBLE MEN AND WOMEN Wl ose nuptial beds fo- years have been couches of disappointment and regret, will find Radway’s Renovating Resolvent a true renovat' r and invigor, tor of the diseased and disabled parts. All unsonndness is re moved in a (ew days and every organ in the system restored to health -trengthaud vigor. NERVOUS PEOPLE. Should take Radway’s Renovatiug Resol ventl It will make the most nervous weak, gloomy, aud dejected victims of nervousness feel healthy, vigorous, and happy. Price of R. R. Resolvent, SI per bottle. R. R. R —DISCOVERY, No. 3. RADWAY’S REGULATORS. THE THIRD GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF RADWAY A CO. One Regulator is sufficient to regulate the Bowels. Liver, and Pancrecs. to a healthy discharge of their functions. Two will insure a pleasant discharge from the bowels at a regular period of time every, day. Four to six will purge thoroughly all cor rupt aad acrimonious humors from the ali mentary canal. RADWAY’S REGULATORS. old stand. Also, a splendid-stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at their New Store, one door above—all at low prices. Calls from our friends are respeectfully solicited. -- oet 31 Qj G. GUERINEAU—Guttering and Piping done to order. dec. 5 ly. gTANFORD A PITNER.—Dealers in Diy Goods and Groceries. JOHN B. STAMFORD. | Octol A. G. PITSEK s G. WELLS.—VbhamdhS House.—Broad •Street, Rome, Ga.' Sleeping Rooms, large and clean, and the best of water. Good accom modations for horses on' the' premises. oct31 U NDERWOOD A MITCHELL.—Attorneys .at Law, Rome, Ga.. will attend the Courts of Floyd and adjoining Counties. oet 31 '^y'lLLIAM H. WHITE—Dealer tej^and manufacturer of ’Saddles, ness, Leather/Calf-Skins, and all riage Trimmings. oct31 W ILI Produce Merchant near the depot,Madison, Georgia. Refer to j. h. A t. d. hollimgsworth, Madison, Ga. r. p. zniUERUAM, Atlanta,-Ga. Dec. 5.1854,- TTTTLLIAM RAMEY—Livery Stable, oppo- V V site the Conrier Office, Broad-street, Rome I used James' Neuralgic Liquid and in two ap- t -c t,A ° E w T 5 1 -N C B- G l A. j plications it made a perfeot core. LE Welch, Albany ; EJ White, Milledgevtlle; j J M YOUNG, Doyal A Fears, McDonough; C Youngblood, j Clinton, Ga. Physician. Oglethorpe ; Wm Kay, Atlanta; ThosT Chris- \ Certi/icatc.-JUDGE MASSING ALE. tian, Dalton ; Jones A Blakely and Richards, LaGrange ; W A Scandrett, Griffin ; J B Cub- bedge, Savannah. March 6,1855 Excelsior Hand Loom!! I have used James’ Neuralgic Liquid with en tire success in two cases of Rheumatism in my family, one chronic, the other inflammatory. I 1 havo used it for Neuralgia in my own case with T HIS important labor saving machine for do- j much benofit I believe it is the most reliable mestic manufactory, it destined to supersede J««j perfect “panacea” for pains I have ever and drive out of use all other hand looms that have their trcaddles operated by the action of the foet, and tha shuttle thrown by the hand. The construction is SIMPLE, CHEAP, AND DURABLE! From its great simplicity, it is not subject to get out of order, and the ontire maobine oom- dote, can be made by any ordinary carpenter. 1 The advantages it possesses over the old fash ioned loom, consist in all its parts being SELF CHANGING, requiring no skill to weave. It is neat and convenient, and on itono can weave THREE TIME8 AS MUCH CLOTH as on the old fashioned loom, and WITH LESS LABOR ! Tbe cost is no more than the old, and is equally adapted to all kinds of domestio weaving. John H. Wisdom offers to sell the Patent Right of the above loom for the counties of Floyd and Polk by Counties or Districts, he also has bad in my family, H W MASSINGALE. Certificate.—Rev J. Atkins, Bible agent for Holston Conference.—A few weeks since, when somo distance from home, I was attacked with Flux. I took ono dose of Jamos’ Nouralgio Li quid ; the symptoms began to give way, and in a few hours I was relieved. Knoxville, 1855 J ATKINS Rov W H H Duggan of Holston Conference. —I certify that James’ Neuralgic Liquid cured the ohilfe and fevers on a young man after all other remedies had failed. It also cured a case of scarlet fever—its effoot was immediate. Meigs Co, Tonn W H H DUGGAN. Hon J M Anderson, formerly member of Con gress from 5th District, Tenn. I was painfully afflicted with Neuralgia in the face attended with sore throat, and by usin — mo moo nueiiuen wuu soro inroni, anu oy usinc a supply of tho Looms which he will sell at pri- only a part of a bottle of James’ Neuralgic Lb oes to suit tho times r.._ oa >» .# - - - Jan 30 ’55 tf. DANIEL 8. PitINTUP, ATTORNEY AT LA Romfo Ga. January 30, 1855. P quid made a porfect euro, indeod it acted liko a charm. J M ANDERSOM, may 1 ly Majrlon Co., Tonn. ■■I-... Agent IT S G WELLS, J W MASSENGAL Romei’&a., • Yingtton, Ga prepared from extracts and gams of trees, plants, roots, and herbs There are no pills in use that will act upon the Liver. Pancreas. Bowels tbe Salivary Glands and nerves so pleasantly and so effectually as the R. R. Regulators No pills can be taken for any length of time with tbe same safety to the constitution: forinsteadof debilitating the system by powerful and drastic purging, they act pleasantly upon the bowels and impart strength to every nerve and tissue of the body. REGULATORS VS. PILLS. We are continually naked, what is the dif ference between. Radway’s Regulators anti ordinary pills! | We answer that pills, as they are ordinari ly prepared ami sold by different manufac turers, are generally of two kinds—those which operate on tiiC boweJ* merely ailed purgative pills and these which excite the secretion ofthe liver and are calk'd «7>c r cu- rial or liver pills. Rid way’s RegurJ ,o rs re- semble pills merely in shape, but- differ in every other characteristic. They act not Only on the bowels, bnt on the liver, skin, pancreas, and kidneys regn- latinff each Organ to a hroltby action. They are not drastic, ap j never ^ive pain a‘s most put gative pills do; they stimulate-the liver without endangering the.patient widi saliva, tion, as mercurial pills do : containing no minerals in thiir composition, theyarelsarm- loss when used for a lengtn of time. They are tasteless, enveloped in an elegant coating of gum. 1 to 8 regulators, 8 to 6 purgo— good at nil times. AS A FAMILY PHYSIC. Radway’s Regulators are the most innocent, safe, mind, and pleasant Pills in use. They are a quick and certain cure for Costiyeness, Indigestion. Livet*. Complaint, Kidney Coma plaint, Jatihdico. Hesvd AcheK’'Nervousness.- Melancholy Disease.* of the Bladder. FEMALE DIFFICULTIES. * • Leucorrncea, Fleur AIBns. Whites and 1 Irregularities of all k inds. BILnUS DISEASES. Bile'on the atotnuch. Billons Colic. En largement of the soleen. and all Chronic Af fections of the Liver and Kedm’iys. R. R,. R. REMEDIES are so.l^ by Dcng- RADWAYvikMrri - , , ' Falt on street, (nP sfofrs.} Oct. 10,1854. RIQKS fo C9,,&^eafo« commodate customers. oct31 W C. DENSON.—Dealer iaStaple and Fan- •cy Dry Goods, corner of Broad-street and* Maiden Lane, Rome, Ga. oct31 W M. A W. PEEPLES.—Dealers in Fanoy' • Dry Goods, Groceries and Country Pro-- dace. Wm. M. Peeples.] . . [W. Peeples. Calhoun, Ga. Feb. 6, ly. W B. JONES, successor to Kirven & Jones.- •—Dealers in Books, Stationary, Clothing,- Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, Groceries* and Provisions. - ’ oct31 -Attorneys at* •^“RIGHT & SHROPSHIRE.- Law, Rome, Ga. A. R. WRIGHT, Cassville, Ga. oct31 . 1 F. C. SHROPSHIRE.' v«d Roffie/ Ga> * t 2ui. LAMBERTH HOPKINS WAREHOUSE & C0HXKS10S RERCH.4NT, U AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. NoV. 7, '54. ly A. VV. HARSHAW, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER T ENDERS his sersjeesto the Publie in hisjine of business. He flattershimself that he will give full satisfaction to all who employ him.' HOUSE and SIGN PAINTING.' will receive prompt attention. AU orders sent through the Post Office will be promptly attended to. Oct.54 Sy- WILCOX, HAND AXD ASSLEY, (uuiun wilcox fc *») w H-0 L E S A LE GROCER h Augusta, Ga.' In calling attention to the above card we would add that Mr. Hand will remain in New York, where ho will give his exclusive attention to- purchasing goods; this will enable us to offer greater advantages than were possessed by our late firm. . Particular attention given to consignment q v Produce, and orders for goods, C. JOHASON. FORWARDING 4 COMMISSION HEttCHANT,’ | Ce.utral Wharf, Charleston;- S. C. 'aug£L ‘ ’55 ly