Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, November 13, 1855, Image 3

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TTTM. W. SHARPE, Professor of Vocal asp V V Instrumental Music, also teacher of Brass Bands, Roue, (la. [novlSly 'IT7TLLIAM H. WHITE—Dealer In, and VV manufacturer of Saddles, Bridles, Har ness, Leather, Calf-Skint, and all kinds of Car riage Trimmings. novlSly - French Doeskins alive Cloth eelers Cloth, Tweeds soya ten Ipes Goods Circassian S B!k Silk* Alapacae Delaines Cashmeres Bombasine Marine* £ aR Wool do g D e Be r ge » Ombre shaded J Satin Stripe f Velretine AwtrTTe Woolens _ KlJSE "T er i 1 If Cloth» a TeJeetR-bonsS Satin Ribbons Linia g Silks Sot C » n p e -mmux Swiss qsnjjj Moire Antique Brea Trimming he 1 aoeTd- BuCns, But “ Linen to 2 a Cot ns.” ten 0 Fleas, % ^s I Muslins M ted Howm HEdg- Ruse, > ing, O 11 kc^c. Silks AND A M. KERR.—Carriage Manufacturer. • Repairing done with neatness. Orders UovlSly P. NEELD—Merchant Tailor. Broad-sb, RejjS, Gx, will <11 aR orders with prompt- Work warranted to suit customers [novlS and Commission Merchants, Etowah House, Rowe, Ga* will gire their personal attontion to the interests of «u who eonftda business to their management. Thread and Otnaburgsby the bale They are prepared to extend the <{ Gao 8 Black, H W Com } nov61y #TLARK A COO LEV, Grocers and Commission Merchants, dealers In Paints, Oils and Pro* dnee: Also agents and dealers in Virginia Man a&etmred Tobacco and Havana Scgart, Romo, Ge.'i Wa Class, Miltox ACoolbt f novfily /1HOICE HOTEL, Broad Street, Rome, Ga.—- KJVfm M Roberta, Proprietor. [novlSly C P. CULVER, resident Dentist, Rome, Georgia, (nov61y) D R. KING, informs the public that he may ^ be found at his residence at all times; at nearly opposite the two the Buena _ corner, House. D ANIEL K MITCHEL, Attorney at Law, will attend courts In Floyd wad adjoining (novlSly D R. GREGORY, tenders hit professional eer- ekes to the eitiseas of Room and vicinity; office four doors above Norton's store at the plsoa lately oooupied by Champea Kerr [a«vU TbANISL S. PRENTUP.—Agent of the Bank •A/ of the State of South Carolina. Offioeop- *ho Post Offieq, up stairs, Broad street, On- [nov!31y PTOWAH HOUSE, Near the Depot, ■“ sheet, Rente, Goo ; J. M. Roach, I Broad Propric [novlSly E TOWAH STABLES.—Rome, Ge. Near R S Depot. Horses and Vehicles bought and . Conveyances of all kinds for Hire, novdly WM KETCHAM. IjpORT A HARGROVE, wholesale and retail J? dealers la Groceries ;. always well supplied with fresh articles, sold on the best terms. Lo cation at the corner from O^stenanla bridge, eld ‘'Exchange.** novlSly TRIED A BRO.—Dealers in Fancy and Sta- ; ■ pie Dry Goods, Hate, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, o*l, Broad street, Rome, Ga. [nolSly H ENBV A. SMITH.—Bookseller and Sta- tioner, Rome, Ga., keeps a general assort ment of School, Theological mid Miscellaneous Publications. Also, a great variety of Station ery and fancy articles. [novlSly W OOD A BROTHER, Merchants, aro sup* plied with the latest style* or Fancy, Plain and Staple Dry Goods, Ac., during the tt-aaous; store opposite Ramey’s stable and nex| door to Wm. White. novlSJy W M. JOHNSON, Dealer in Carriages, Rock- aways, Buggies, Ac. Repository next building west of Kamsy’s Livery Stable, [t A. W. HARSHAWy IGN mad Ornamental Painter, Tenders hi# services to the pnblio in his line of business, b flatters himselt’ that ho will givo full satisfaction to all who will otnphjy him.— House and Sign Painting will receive prompt attention' All orders uetlt through the Post Office will be promptly attended to. [notlfl jgiisljntllr flftnertiginmitg. CHURCH ANDERSON, W HOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE Dosl- ER, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI QL'OItS, Iron Castings, Hides and Sole Leath or, Corner of Front and Brond Street, Nashville Tonn. may 8 ly WOODS A CO. MANUFACTURERS OF LARD OIL AND FAMILY LARD. No 25 Market Street,Nashville, Tennssee may 1 ly 55 tm t FALL IMPORTATION! 18U 1 J H M’CLUNG & CO, Broad Street, Roms, Ga., Have just received from the Northern markots THEIjjl FALL AJID WINTER STOCK c 0 it par s mo Ladles elegant Brets Goods, Handsome wrappings, hosiery, gloves A embroideries. READY MADE CLOTHING FOB MEN AND BOYS. HOUSE-FURNISHING AND PLANTER’S GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPRION. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW CORNICE. ALTOGETHER COM PRISING THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT THATWB HAVE EVER OFFERED. HAV ING TAKEN EVERY POSSIBLE CARE IN THE SELECTION OF OUR GOODS, WE WOULD INVITE ATTENTION 0 F A L L PROMPT PAYING OR CASH CUSTOMERS. THE USUAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT MADE ON ALL CASH BILLS OF $5 A OVER J H McCLUNG, } —^ -{ G R WARD. Rome, Ga Sept.25th MOREEN WVdwts FLOSS es £h**rls sc *< Jaew A Swiss o £« S Xu. H < 1 1 a *. ©- . v y * A Cam- O Yarns, brie* s o Silk* o * i es, H Ltnneii s; Front*, t* Hdk’Es, H Skirts, © G’gfaams, PS 'O Fr. Prints*, ' TENBY A. GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, ■ Rome, Ga. Office over She store of Berry [nov!31y TTARDIN a SMYRE, Merchants, offer on « S °T I Urma Kne » Faney, Staple, Phfir and Heavy Dry Goods; Ac. Storejostuoder South ereer office^ uoviaiy TONES A WILSON, Dealers in General Mer V efaandixe. Broad st., opposite Ch« it* Hotel: Rome, 6a. *{ B J Josbs, J 8 Wiigns } novSljr J P- HOLT A SON. Manufacturers of Bro- * SJ 0 *! Boots and Shoes, and dealers in Lea- tXiofy Broad Strootp Romp, 6a. dov131j J L. LOGAN A CO, Dealers in Groceries • Gram and Provisions of all kinds, Rroad street, Rome, Goa. novlSly J P PERKINS, Scenic, Banner and Ornamen tal Fainter, Borne, Ga. [novISly J A EVANS, Fashionable Boot Maker. Shop on Broad St. Terms Cash. nev6tf. Ladles’ Calfand Kid Boots Blade Gaiters Jenny Linds R a c h e I*s Broadways, Lola Montes, Faney Ties, SGpheel Boots, P a r odies, Highlanders. Rubber's S Uppers. Ankle Ties. Ladies ExtraTox’3'Garters. CORK SOLE BOOTS, Brogans,- Bnssets, Slippers, San dells, Banting P amps. J M. QUINN A 00.—Dealers in Groceries, •Grain, Provisions of all kinds, and Staple Dry Goods, 2 doors below the Pert Office, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. [novlSly A CARD. A S THE limit of oar copartnership expires the first of January, we intend at that time to close ont entirety. We are now offering a choice lot of FRESH GOODS in oar line at ve ry reduced rates. Cash buyers will save from twentyfive to fifty per cent by giving us a call soon. This is no common advertisement, we mean just what we say. CHAMPE A KERR. N. B.—Those who have not settled their old bills; had better do so at onee, or they will b , Kvrored with a call from Sam. [oc9] C. A Ko BY AtTHORlTilSF THE STATE OF CEOGIA. E OBT. GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY.— BEUTXFUL SCHEME FOR OCTOBER 1 Class 8 to be drawn Oct. 24th, in the City of Atlanta; when prises amounting to $30,000 will be distributed to fortunJti'OjStockholders in accordance with the following Al.^hless Scheme: *10,0001 17 Priioo.' Mina S»n UOim US Km S.UO V m S.0M 3.000 b.-tt «,1M) 1 PriwW nyo V' 7.000 FRIZES AXOOJmXG TO One Thonsand Prises! Only 10,000 Numbers Tickets $5, Halves 2,50, Quarters $1,25. On ^ Prise to every ten Tickets! .Tickats in this Scheme can be found at Choice Hotel.. SAM’L SWaN, Ag*t a Manager, Atlanta, Ga B. S. WELLER, D EALER in Cupper, Brass. Tin, Sheet Iron. States, Grates, Hollow Ware und Newscod and Agricultural Depot. No. 35, Upper Market Street, Nashville, Toon, may 1 ly. II S FRENCH , J C FRENCH. H, S. FRENCH fit SON, G ROCERS,'Ubfhmission Merchant*, and Deal er* in Bacon, Bale Rope and Bagging. Corner of Market and Clark Streets, Nashville Tenn. Having Agents In St»Louis, Louisville, Cin eiuonti and New Orleans, we aro at all times prepared to transact any business entrusted to us at those places. II S F A 8, may 8 *5 ly MORRIS fit STRATTON, TYTHOLKSALE Grocers, Produce and Com mission Merchants, and Dealer in For eign and Domestic Liquors. Corner of Market and Clark Sts., Nashville Tenn. may 8 ly ARMST HONG <fc CO C.iaiSSIOIKUIlIITI, , AKI> MAXrVACTCttINO AGKNTS FOR THE SALE OF Paints, Oils, Turpentine. French A AMERICAN WINDOW GLAS8, WINDOW SASH, PAINT BRUSHES, HY DRA ULIC CEMENT. VARNISHES,. PART HILLS, HARBLEIZED1R0IV BATTLES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Chain Pumps, Field Seed, Piaster Paris, Copperas, Land Plaster, Guano, Ae. No-69 Market St- 5 doors from Broad. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE ’ may 8 '5, 6m FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING!! F INE French black, blue and olive clotb, Frock Coats, made in tba most fashionable manner, new styles of plain and Faney Cassi- meres, walking and business Coats, French Doeskin and fancy Cnssimere pants, English Cassitnere domestic dito. AN ENDLESS AS SORTMENT OF VESTS, consisting of plain Cloth, Satin, figured Silk, Silk Velvet, Plush, Ae. A large stock of elegapt oyer Coats, Cloaks and Talmas. Also a well assorted stock of boy’s clothing. Boots and Shoos, Hats, Caps, Shirts,' Collars, Tranks and Valieses at STERN A CO A large and well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Watches and Jewelry, ladies’ Shoes andLGaiters, just received and will be sold on reasonable terms by (nov62m) S. A CO Calf Boots, Pegged* Sewed Bnakins. Patent 1* Leather Slipper*, a La Toi a O S S3 toSeLo m * ' A Large A*good rar- and. few* perfect o v » a lot of BooS Shoe* ta.1 s* can i. be found ° is is; —P House in Wjos up 0*0 try >* q Towns !rrH* which — YJtof have* COMES Perf- ornery Bon’y Soaps, mmmmm Bgp§gpl§i! ■ S . Saa’fr Hair Shtvig Banov Lilly. Col- Blac- •Bnt- si da Oil*, Soap* White, ogne, tseles, king, SE-; bair pins Peneile. Tobacco, Tean.ic 5 A Superior % article of . -an Tea, and g Tobacco, * Some of the >9 ' ■ Spies*. 1 ** . " J- -*• •. -> W i. '•? Tort Wine ‘Nutmeg oroaoco” W a r a a > ted ont of o Pare g Leaf: - Cigar*,' 2 aHofsuperi < or qcality.g Ana in fact every thing usually kept in Upper Georgia Stores, and would like to call the atten tion of <fte invalid Community “ard those who desire to "become so,” to a very superior article of Doable Diamond Schiedam Schnapps which .has been prtmonuced very superior to Wolfe’s and . inferior to none. Also a little Premium Charn- vPaigne equal to ti-e best, not a headache in a Hogshead ofit Come and see and by so doing oblige yoamelves and your friends, BENJ. F. JONES, ®, ds, Nov.6 2m JAS. M# W^XLSON. EUGESE LrHARDY, CIVIL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL E-NQINEtR, SURVEYOR AND ARCHITECT, P06I OmCE, ROME, GEORGIA, T J- COHEN.——Wholesale and Retail Mer- U .rhaat in Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard- war* Wanted.—Produce of all descriptions. Also Agent fbr’the Paper mills. Rags wanted. novl31j T T. XcCONNBLL.—Attorney at Law, Ring- O .gold, Ga. [novl21y 7* W. HICKS A CO.—Dealers ip Medicines, V .Drags, Paints, OH*, and Glassware, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Oa., 3 doors below Sloan Hawkins A Co. * , [nov!31y "lfflLES W. JOHNSON, Dealer In Fancy and iXL Staple Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, *c, Broad st, Rome, Ga. [novl31y *1/1* MARKS.—Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready- iU.Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, A Boots. He solicits the attention of the pnblie to his wdR-seleeted assortment novl31y VT DUDLEY, Manufacturer of Carriages, Bug 4-”f gies and Waggons ; he also attends to BlaefcamUhing in its various branches. Shop near the Buena Vbta Hotel. t« OTl31 y T) A. OMBERG, Manufacturer and dealer in X • Boots and Shoes; genteel work done to order. Broad st Rome, Ga. [novl31y T30ME STEAM ENGINE WORKS, Steam XV Engines and all kinds of Machinery Mann - factored. Also Castings In Brass or Iron of any size made to order. nov6iy JAS. NOBLE A SONS T> OBERT BATTEY, Druggist and Pharma- XV centist, Choice Hotel, Rome Ga. Pbysici. ans* proscriptions compounded with care.[noffly D _ T. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer xv*in English and American Hardfrare, Broad street, Rome, Ga. [nov!3ly D J. JOHNSON, dealer in Groceries, of XV. which he keeps a fresh and various supply. Store next to Wood A Brother’s. [novl3ly D 8. NORTON, Dealer in Staple and Faney xw* Dry Goode, Ladles’ Dress Goods, Trim mings, Embroideries, Linnens, Bonnets, Hate, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery, Ac Borne, Geo. [novl31y "D 9. HARVEY, Attorney and Councellorat XV Law, Rome, Ga. febl31y QANDERS A MANNING, keeps on hand a VJ well selected stock of Prints, Sheeting, Shir tings, and other dry goods, and a few groceries, sold low and on good terms. Stead nearly, op posite postofllce. > [novlSly OTEBN A CO., Merchants, dealers in Fancy O and Staple Dry Goods and^Ready Made Clothing. Store one door above Cfmberg’s [nol3 QLOAN, HAWKINS A CO^-Hare always on hj band a fall assortment of Groceries at their old stand. Also, a splendid stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at their New Store, one door •hove—nil at low price* Calls from our friends ace respeectfully solicited. novlSly STANFORD A ? ITNER, Dealers in Dry kJ Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Shoes Ac., Ac, novlSly QULLIVAN A BARRETT, Dealers in Staple O and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., Broad StreetRome, Ga., next door above Force, Rice, 1 A Co. [novl31y QMITH A UNDERWOOD, Attorney* at Law, w will practice in the Courts of Floyd and tbe 1 neighboring counties. CHARLES H. SMITH. | i. W. H. UNDERWOOD. Jan 16/54. Q G. GUERIN EAU—Guttering and Piping 1 O done to order. dec. 5 ly. T^HOMAS J. PERRY, Agent for Charier Oak X Life Insnrance Company, Hartford, Conn., j Rome, Ga. [novl31y | TTNDBRWOOD A STARR, Physician# and ! * U Surgeons. Office nearly opposite th t - Post j Office. ' n«vl31y 1 HAVAKA FLAM LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY [By authority of tfae State of Georgia.) MACON, GA. BEUTLFUL SCHEME. $12,000 FOR $5! $30,000 WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT CON cert Hail, Macon, Ga., December 15, 1855, ac cording to the following tnaguifieent and unpre cedented Scheme, under the sworn saperinten- dence of Col George M Logan and James A KU. bit, Ksq. CLASS U. CAPITAL $12,00 0 1 Prize of 1 1 5 19 75 130 18 251 do do do do do do $500 are 100 are 50 are 35 are Approximation prizes, $12,000 .3,000 2,000 1,000 2,500 3,750 3,250 600 Prizes amounting to $30,000 Only 10,000 Numbers. Tickets $5; Halves $2,50; Quarters $1,25. In this Scheme if you draw anything even the lowest prize it will be five times the cost of the Ticket, Prizes paya ble in full without Dednetioo, and every Prize, is drawn at each drawing, and some person mast get them. Orders strictly confidential.— Drawings sent to orders. Registered letters at my risk. Bills on all solvent banks at par. Address JAMES F WINTER, Macon Ga. SOW IS YOUR CHAFCE! ONE THOUSAND PRIZES ON HAND ! (By authority of the State of Georgia) FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! UNPARALELED SCHEME FOR NOV. CLASS 9. To b« drawn November 23d 1855, it. the City of Atlanta, when prizes amounting to $ 3 0, 0 0 0 Willbe distributed according to the following inimitable Stheme. If you draw tbo lowest prize you get the cost of your ticket, without de duction, and remember every prize is drawn at each drawing. Look at it! One prize to ©ve ry Ten Tickets!! CAPITAL PRIZE $10,000!! Let, therefore, every man having a dno regard to the replenishing of his purse attend to it, and forward bis order immediately for tickts. Let those now bay, who never bought before And those who always bonght, now buy the more. But to the Scheme. Look at it—scan it well —count your chances, and ask yourself if you can withstand the inducement now offered. Read ! Read!! 1 Prjze of 2 do 2,000 are 3 do 500 are 11 do 250 are 10 do 110 are 17 do. 75 are 43 . do 50 are 83 do 50 are 200 do 10 are 630 do 5 are 1,900 prizes amonntinn to $10000 4,000 1,560 2,750 1,100 1,275 2.150 2,075 2,000 3.150 $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS l Tickets $5; Halves $2,60; Quarters $1,25 'SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, (oe30) Atlanta, Ga. Dissolution. All s this day debts due —vy V.. .J nuvviUBVIUUillB HOW 111 me paper aod subscriptions from tbo 3d of August last will be payable to M. Dwineil. Claims against the office from first of January last will Uo be presented to M. Dwineil for settlement. S. B. COBURN. June 1,1855. M. DWINELL. YEW STORE!—JOSES A WILSOff. beg r a genero! e, Clothin, ild Your ob 1 business in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, be glad te rocoive yonr . The goods and prices will be found o favorably with any in the city. >'t servt's, BENJ F JONES, JAS M WILSON S. J. OHBERG, MERCHANT TAILOR, H AS just received from New York a larger Stock of GOODS, than he has ever offered in this market before, consisting of every vari ety of Goods for gentlemen’s wear. Cloth of erery vaiiery and color. Every descrip tion of Cassimers. an over stock of Vestings, Velvets Silks, Siting, &c . &c . of all colors and prices. .FURNISHING GOODS'of eve ry description and variety, consisting in part ofWool.-n Under Shirts. Drawers. Collars, Gravats Stocks, Ties. Snspendt-rs. all sorts of Gloves, Half Hose, Hats,' Caps. &c. &c.— \ complete stock of READY HADE CLOTHING, which is manufactured at his own establish ment, and by some of the best houses in New York. The superior workmanship of which |’ be will warrant also Clothing' for children ai.'d Youths, The cutting and making of ga; i.nents of all kinds done with neatness and nisp».t'* I h as heretofore _ octOlv. NEW BOOKS J UST recci ” ed at th « H°°k Store of Henry A Smith:—Travels in India, China and Japan by Bayard Tayior f The Lands of the S&raeen, do; Tbo Two Gdat'iiao#,by tbo author of the Heir of Reddlyffe f Th «. Castle Builders, doy Mary Lyndon or Revoi. - don of a life; Captain Canot,or Twenty years of an African Slave; Stray Leaves from the Book , of Nature, by De vere ; The Great Red Dragon, ® r the Master Key to Popery; Rambles in Ice.'^d, also in Brazil, by A It M Payne: Nathalie [ a novel] by Chae Reade; The Hidden Path, by the au thor of Alone; The Deserted Wife by Sirs South worth ; Fif y Years Exile, by Meliville; ming’s works by whole series uniform edition^ Rome, Georgia, November 6tb> 1855 E. M. EDDLEMAN & BRO. Atlanta, Georgia. Keep constantly on hand and for tale on the lowest cash prices, a large assortment 'of BOOTS, SHOE8, LEATHER, LA8TS, PEGS, CALF LINING and BINDING SKINS SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, Ac. Ac. Jan *fi 1866, ly 8HOB8I! 8 H O E 811! L ADIES’ Gent’s and Children’s—The great est display of shoe* that we have seen late ly is made by Wood A Brother of this city.— They have had thorn made in Philadelphia for their own trade, and the quantity, quality, and style of their shoes for Ladies,' Gentlemen's, Children's and Servant's wear, show that they know what the people want in the article of shoe*. WOOD A BRO I 8m R1BB098! RIBBONS 11 RIBBONS It! W HAT a quantity of Ribbons, and howpret ty and eheap they are at may 1 8m WpOD A BRO’fl. CHEROKEE FEHALE t\STITLTE T HE public is invited to attend the atofiual examination of the pnpils of the Insti on the 5th. A 6fh Inst: The fourth terra of this Institution will open the first Monday in Sep tember next. Tuition reduced to suit the times. Scholarships, for the year with the. privilege of the whole range of studies without extra charge for French, Drawing, Latin or Greek, as here tofore $50. There will be hereafter four De partments with the following studies and Rates of Tuition. PimtAnv Departs: b.vt.—First rudiment*, rea ding, spelling, defining, primary arithmetic, rimary geography and primary history, for the pring term 24 weeks, $15; Fait term, 16 weeks $10. Seconpart Department.—Primary branch es revised, geography, English grammar^ Arith metic and history of the United Statea to addi tion, for the Spring term of 24 weeks, $18) Fall term 16 weeks, $12. ■' ■ • uis-V) Tertiary Department.—Secondary branch es revised with natural philosophy, chemistry, general history, algebra, botany, Watts on the mind, rhetoric with the principles of syntax ap plied in aoourso of reading of the best English classical writers, for the Springtermof 24 weeks $21; Fall term 16 weeks $14. Senior Department.—Revision of the Ter tiary branches, with geology, moral, intelleetn-. al and political philosophy, logic, geometry, with the Latin and Greek languages, for the Spring term of 24 weeks $24; Fall term 16 weeks $16. Music, French «nd Drawing, each extra, at he charge of the Professor. S. FOUCHE'. Wholesale Bar Furnishing Establishment MAGNOLIA BUILDING, ALABAMA-STREET, ca-m.* J. VALENTINE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUPS, PICKLES, UIGARSy Tobacco, Ac., keep constantly on hand the following articles: BRANDY* Cognac, Otard, Hcnnessy, Rochelle-, Peach, Cherry, Blackberry, Apple. GIN, Holland, American. WHISKY, Boarbon (old) Monoagabeln, iri«h> Scotch, Deane, . Dexters, Pik6i, Gibson’s (bottled) - Ao„ Ae. Ac., Ac, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Malaga, Muscat, Claret, CaropngWfr. RUM, TOBACCO St Croix, Smoking * chewing. Jamaica, GLASS WARE, New Engkwrtk Decanters, WINES, Flasks £ p’t, to -2 p’te. Tumblers. SYRUPS, Lemon, p’t or gal, Raspberry, Strawberry. Sundries, Sordine*, Pinkies, Catnpagne Cider, Brokers Bitter# Porter Ale Strangleton “ CIGARS, Es*. Peppermint^ Spanish, Curacoe, v American, Manscbitw, German— Anisette, * very large assortment. Absynthe, Cordials Cork*. —, Labels, Ac. We infond keeping on hand all articles needed by Bar-keeper*, and will obligate ourselves to roll fine Liquors and Cigars, lower than they can be bought in any market Souths J. VALENTINE, W. H. EIBHO.V, ED. SHARP. * at23 > 1855,ly Morgan Kirkpatrick &. Co. HAVING opened anew Ware room oh Peach Tree Street, wonld Call the attention of the 'pnblie to their stock of FURNITURE, embra cing Cabinet Ware, in all Us varieties. Chairs of every kind; Lounges, Mettressos of Springs, Hair, Moss, Cottob and Shooks. CARPETS, RUGS Ac., Window Shades, Window Curtains, Damask, Cornices, Band*, Cord and Tassels, Loop*, Ac. ftc.‘ Window Papering, House do., Fire-board do. They still 'continue their shop, SOUTH OF GEORGIA RAIL ROAD SQUARE and are prepared to do 411 kinds of Work connec ted with their business, such as making and re pairing Furniture, Making Mattresses, Upholste- rinar. A<*. They keep also on hand, Metalic Dr» T J & R C WORD RESIDENT PHYSICIANS □HHBCBED «5S-23K.'9l thankful for past furore, still contiSne the pratf; tice of Medicine, and reSpectfnlly. wdbeit a con tinuance of patronage* - april 10 ly. BEECH AN T* 8 GOLDEN BELL Perfumery and soaps ns t n n BE ST MADE BACON! BACON! BO 000 ^al’ b” me ^ enneS800 BACON for April, 17. tf E ALEXANDER A CO B. 8. NORTON, S now receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of Goods which will be offered at a smaller ads vnnee than usual. Yon can satisfy yourself by calling and examining Goods and prices. Rome, September, 25, 1255 R S NORTON HISSES* BOYS* AND CHILDRENS* S HOES, Hose, half Hose and Gloves of all si zes. r*ep25] ’ It S NORTON LADIES DRESS GOODS. "ENGLISHand Franch Merino, Thibet Cloths, -1-1 Delaines, Chally’s Poplins, Ac. Also an as sortment of small patterns for children. Rome, September 25tb, 1855. R S NORTON WELCH FLANNELS, ^■ELCH, Shaker and German Flannels at [sep25] RS NOTON’S WOOL YARNS, S CARLET, Orange, Blue, Mixed, and White, a t [sep25] R S NORTON’S BONNETS, S ATIN, English Straw, Florence, and Neapol itan—Ladies’ and Missses’. R-S NORTON ET1 BROIDERIES. C AMBRIC and Muslin Inserting? and Bdgt iugs. Bands, Collars, Sleeves, Chiinizetts and Handkecohiefs. Also Thread Laces. sept.25 R S NORTON Burial Cases and make upon short notice, Ma hogany, Walnut and other wood Coffins. CHAIR FACTORY.—They have enlarged their mannfaetnring shops at. Decatur, and can supply Morgan’s original Cottage Chairs, Hind- ley's Patent Bedstead, together with all articles of Cabinet Ware, of their own manufacture, in .any quantity desired. They are* now manufacturing and finishing namelled Cottage Setts, far superior to any to be had from the North. jan 9 -'55, Jy FULTON HOUSE, Atlanta, Georgia. THE undersigned - take this method of IRIl, in forming the publiclthat they are the Pro prietors of tfae Fnlton House which is now be ing fitted up with new Furniture, on which, with other appendages, they feel prepared to make their guests comfortable. They pledge their efforts to give satisfaction to their guests. Trav elling custom is respectfully solicited. Francis M. Allen, Book Keeper. JOHN N. REEVES, A. E. REEVES, of Augusta, Ga. of Rome, Ga. Atlanta, Feb. 20, ’55. ]y CHAMPE & KERR. BROAD STREET ROME GA. The Pnblie will please bear in mind that the above named Firm keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS etc. ORIGINAL NOVEL BY N. P. WILLIS. T HE Home Jocrsal for 1856! New and Brilliant Series!!—On the fifth of January next, the first number of the New Series for 18 6, of this well known Family Newspaper will bo issued: with new typo and new attrac tions ; the principal one is of the kind which has been proved, by both American and Euro pean periodicals, to be the moat acceptable and popular, viz: « novel in serial numbers. The title is “Paul Fane ; or parts of a life else un told, a Novel” by N P IVillis. In addition to this new feature, a series of original sketches, songs and ballads by G P Morris, :wnd an origi nal novelette, in verse, founded upon the fact, called '• The Story of « Star,” by J M Field are among the inducements for new subscribers to commence with the first number of the year. Besides the contributions and labor of the Editors, the Home Journal will contain the For eign and domestic Correspondents of a large list of contributors—the spice of the European Mag azines,, the selections of the most interesting publications of the day, the brief novels, the piquaut stories, tho sparkling wit and mousing anecdote, tbo sews and gossip of tho Parision papers, the personal sketches of public charac ters, tho stirring scenes of the world we live in, the chronicle of the news for Jadies, the fashions, the facts and outlines of news, the pick of En glish information, the wit, homor and pathos of the times, the essay on life, literature, society and morals, and the nsual variety of careful choosings from the wilderness of Euglish peri odical literature, criticisfh, poetry, etc. We need not remind our readers tifat wo kavo also one or two unsurpassed correspondents in the faxhiona ble society of New York., who will give us early nows of every new feature of style and elegance among the leaders of tbo gay world. Terms— For one copy, $2; for three copies, $5, or one copy for three years, $5, always in advance. Subscribe without delay. Address Morris A Willis, Editors and Proprietors, 107 Fulton street, New York. novCtf CHEAP CARPETS, T APESTRY, Brussel, Ingrain and Hemp Carpets, 6.4 # und 12-4, Drugget, Floor Oil Cldths, Ac, for sale by J H McCLUNG A CO HATS OF THE LATEST STYLE, 'UST received and'for sale at (nov6tf) JII McCLUNG A CO’S NEW GOODS!! ai. ir. Johnson - W OULD call the attention of bis friends and customers generally, to his large and well selected stock, of Now Goods. He has just returned from New Ybrk qith a large supply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting of all tbe kinds that are usually bonght or are suited to this market. A large assortment of CASSIMERES, DELANES and WORSTED PATTERNS, varying in price from .25 cents to tbe highest. Also ' SILK DRESS GOODS OFT1. t £ LATEST STri.ES AX» PATTERNS, I and a va riety of Ladies’ Winter Goods of every ■] description.- Also a large assortment of Goods ] suited to Mi/'ses’ and Childrens’ wear. ALSO A SUPPLY OF LADIAS’ CLOAKS OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND SWAWLS of various descriptions. Also Silk and Worsted Hosery of various sizes and qualities ft t low prices Also Silk and Worsted .Hosery of various sizes and qualities at low prices. For gentlemen’s wear a large supply of Winter Goods in Bolts, and READY MADE CLOTHING, a full supply that can be bought at tbe lowest prices going. Also a good assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES of all sizes, styles and quantities. Also a large supply of NEGRO GOODS FOR WINTER, con sisting of Blankets, Lindseys, Kerseys, Bed Blankets, Ac., Ac. Those who will call and see for themselves can buy Goods so as to be sad isfied with Styles and prices. oct!64m OATS AND POTATOES. I O Bbls prime Irish Potatoes for Planting. 1 At 350 bushel seed Oats Just received and for solo by Feb 20 WS COTHRAN A CO. oc9 567 BROiDWAY, CORNER of prince street, w. y. ASK FOR THEM WHEN SHOPPING. 3 m GRATIS I JU&T PCPJLME0 i A NEW Discovery in Medicine!—A few words on the rational treatment, srithont Medicine of Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of rho Limbs andBapk, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Tinndity, Self-Dis- trnst, Dizziness, Head Ache, Partis in the Side; Affection of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, and other lnfirmities in man. From the French of Dr J) l)e Danef-—“The important fact that these alarming complaint* may easily be removed without medicine, is. in this small tract: clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly snccessfnl treat ment, a* adopted by the author,.fully explain- ed, by means of of which e very one is enable to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, avoiding thereby all the advertised nos trums of the day " Sent taany address, gratis; and post free by remitting (post paid) two pos^ tag© stamps to Dr. B. Do Laney, No 17 Lispeni ard Street, New York City. ect 2 6m ! I Q A Boxes Fresh Lime [Hewardsl Wu eer Just re ceived and for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. TiS, tore A & .beet moil MANUFACTORY. T HE undersigned having purchased the in terest t»f Mr. W. S. Wadsworth in the above concern Will Continue the business on his own account at the old stand (sign of the Big Coffee Pot) where may be found a large lot of COOKING, PORTER, OFFICE A BOX STOVES, a large assortment of READY MADE t TIN WARE which he offers at wholesale end retail. ROOFING GUTTERING & JOB WORK DONE in the most approved manner and warranted. Gun and Lock Smithing. done with neatness and despatch. Rome, Nov. 14,1834. E. W. RUSSELL. ly LAW PARTNSRHIP. A CHILLES D. SHACKELFORD and JONA- I THAN D. PHILLIPS will practice joint ly, under tho stylo of Shackelford A Philips. Office at Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga. Jan 2,1855 ly Drs. Smith & Wooten H AVING associated themselves in the prac tice of Medicine and Surgery, offer their sorvices to tho public. Dr. Smith is prepared to treat any diseases of tho Eye and Ear. Office on Broad St,.one door below H. A. Smith’s Book Store. fan 23 ’55, [ly STRAY COW AND CALF. A STRAY Cow and Calf have been about the premises of a gentleman in this, vicinity for somo six or eight weeks past. The owner can havo them by proving property and paying “ J Enquire *t- this of-; [oetl6tf] for this advertisement floe, GROCERIES 1 GROCERIES 1! QA Bags prime Rio Coffee. ©U 20 Bbls Stuarts refined sugar: 50 bis N O Syrup 20 bis Gunning rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands and quali ties for sale by W S COTHRAN A CO. Feb 20 1855, tf. NEWTON -FACTORY Asnaburgs and Yarns always on hand and J for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. ’ Agen t. W S COTHRAN & CO, Agents for Etowah Iron Works. Have always on .had a large, supply of iron castings Ac., of every size and description. Orders filled proper ly- They will also purchase wheat at the highest cash prices Feb. 20. tf. SALT! SALT!! 1 AAA Sacks Salt large’size, in fine order 1 \J\J\J j ns t received, and for sale bv Fe*b 20 just reoeived, and for sale by W. S. COTHRAN A CO. C JOHNSON. FpnWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANT, Central Wharf, Charleston, S. C. »ug21 *55 i y NEW ARRIYAL OF TOYS AND FANCY N OTIONS —I ain now receiving the hand somest selection of Toy* and Fancy Notions ever offered in tbe Rome Market, comprising in part China Figures, Dolls, Watch stands Per futnery Bottles, Vases, Paper Weights, Ink Stands and SuffBoxos. Also a great variety of Rubber Toys, Britannia and China Tea setts, German Toys of every conceivable character, Papie Macho, Ebony and Mahogany Work Box os, Reticules, (furnished) a largo variety, also 'entiemen’s Rosewood and Mahogany Portable leaks, etc, etc. The publio patronage is most respectfully solicited (nov5tfj* H A SMITH WILCOX, HAND AND ANSLEY, (un luu mifioz M ns) OLE8ALE GROCER Aogasta, Ga. s; 'g attention to tho above card we would ; Mr. Hand will remain in Now York, e will give his exclusive attention to goods; this will enable us to offer PERFUMERY!!! DR. J W HICKS A CO., THANKFUL FOR tbe patronage ttioy have hereto fore received from tho citizens of Rome and its vicinity, would very respectfully invite them to call and examine tboir stock of ^Muiurni k /anrq Mrbs which is Decidedly the largest a best Mclceted stock I hat bus ever boon brought to this market. Their assortment CONSISTS OF ALl^KINDSOF ARE YOU INSURED? FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. P. M. Shbibley, Rome, Go.. ^S5~FARMERS AND MECHANICS’ FIRE, MARINE, AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $ 3 0 0, 0 0 0. Amount securely invested in Bonds and Penn. sylvania stocks, $200,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL Edward R Helmbold, ) ( Hon T B Florence, Secretary. J ( President. DANA K WASHBURN, SueocMors to WuMrant Wilder A Co. Factors and Commission merchants, SAVANNAH,6A. Jos Washburn, Fras. G. Dana, John R Wilder, HK Washburn, ■ Special PatneMi General Partners Will eontinue the above business at 114, Bay st, East of tho Exchange* Orders for Bagging, Hope and other supplies filled-promptly at lowest Cash prices. Savannah, August 1 uly316m HOUSE FOR SALE. T HE undersigned offers for sale', a goed Dwell ling House in the city of^ Rome. For par- iculars apply to Jamos M'Sumter, Esq., may 8 JGMoKINZIE RICHARD A. JONES DEALER in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MARBLE, NEAR THE DEPOT, Madison, Ga, MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES Alwitjrs on hand. FOSTER & CALDWELL, - -. , , , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ..... - ® cheerfully given VXTILP practice in the Ciroaits and Chancery upon application in porson or by letter. [ocl63m | VV Courts of Marshall, Jaekson, DeKalb, Cher okeo and Boflton counties. All business en trusted to their oaro, will bo promptly attended to. John Foster, Jacksonville. Ala., J F M Caldwell, Cedar Bluff, Ala. jly IT, Ty * 5 Co tii r an, Penteeost & co.* Factors, Commission merchants, AN D F 0 R W ARD IN G A G E T S-. DEALERS nr Grain, Flour and other Muds of Coun try Produce. Agents for Etowah Iron Works and M0I$ and Agents for Coosa River * Steamboat Company* W S Cothran, ) OFFICE, L Rome. Ga. FT Pentecost, >■ near rail ( J M Elliott. J road depot- (.. Octobers ly — ■■■ i ■■ . — - ' ^ $100 REWARD I T> AN AWAY from the Shfasbribefin Randolph At County, Alabama bti ihe;second of April last, a NEGRO MAN named Anderson, about thirty two years old, fire feet, eight or ten inch es high, a bright mulatto color,some black freck les in his face tblehable straight, baa kinks, some round bis face, sometimes bas 'whiskers, little Roman nose, gfey eyed, broad front teeth, lit tle round sholderod, round bodied, trim made; walks glib, has a flat foot, plays the fiddle, Yery bold when approached though easy excited, will be sure to run when he thinks there is no dan ger of being hampered,, few can out-rnn him and hard to keep when caught. He was bought in Washington, Tennessee, and broke away; he was passing as a free man, claimed his mother to he a white woman. His mother is,a black woman. His name *is CASA, and lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I will give tho abOvb reward for his confinement so that I get him: The same boy was advertised in. the Athens Post. ooI6Im] THOS BLAKE. T - ■ HE following is the schedule of tfae arrivals and departures of the MAILS, to and froth this office. The Eastern and Western Mail closes daily* (Sundays excepted) at 9, a. m. Arrives daily (Sundays excepted) by ljp. nr. Mode of conveyance, R. R. Cars. Jacksonville, Ala., Mail by Cave Spring'SioSeb daily at J p, m.; arrives daily by 8J a. to. Mode of conveyance. Coach. LaFayette Mail, by Armntbhee, Dfrt Towtr, Motint Hickory, Summerville and Tryon Factory, closes Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a. m.- Arrives Wednesdays and Saturdays by7 p ih Mode of conveyance, Hack. Cedar Town Mail by Lake Creek and Vann’S Valley closes Mondays, Wednesdays afiA Fridays at 1 p. m., and arrives same'day by 12 m. Centre, Ala., Mail by Thomas’- Mills. Cedar Creek, Ga., Howel’s Cross Roads, Oceoliq Ala., closes Fridays at 5, a. m.a arrives SaV urdays by 7 p. m. T Blue Pond, Ala., Mail, by Cedar Bluff: GaylCs- ville, Ala., Missionaiy Station and Coosa", Ga., closes Wednesdays, Fridays arid Su’n r days at 5, a m.; Arrives Tuesdays; Thursday! and Saturdays by 6 p. ni. Hermitage' and McGuire's Store Mail closes Thursdays at 1 p. m.; arrives same days bv 11, a. m. Floyd Springs and all Chattooga couniv Mai* arrives and leaves by tbe LaFayette Mail, and Western and Southern Mails inetnded. THOS. J. PERRY, P. M. P. G., Rome, Ga., 2d Aug., 1855. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of tho Valley of Virginia, at Winchester; Va; CAPITAL $3 0 0,0 00 C. S. Frank, Seo’y ) ■{ J. S. Carson, Pres’t. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Phlfa. ORINGINAL CAPITAL $ 300,000 ACCAMULATED CAPITAL $334,307 J. W. IIornor, Seo’y. y ( D. L. Miller, Pres’t. The rates of premiums are as low as n just regard to mutual safety will allow. No effort will bo spared on the part of the agent, at all times, to protect the interests of those who may patronize his Agency, and any infor mation ou tho subject will be cheerfully eiven SWAN’S BANK-NOTE LIST AND DETECTED; PUBLISHED semi-monthly; at Montgomery: X Aln.j at ?2,00 per annum, in advance- The work is printed on fine white paper, and new typo, and In nppearante will be second to brine in the United Slate*. A Southern Banlc-Nb'te List is essential in every Bank, Coilriting HoriSH arid Pnblio Office. Let us unite in - adVfineihri bur common interests, arid not permit Northern men and Northern Directors to fluctuate our money matters as they may wish, while we are quietly following their dictativn. The work will be carefully revised-on the day of publication; and all important financial changes, ns they oc cur, noticed. Every exertion will be made to make it a correct and reliable guide to the Ban ker and Mercnant. Hotel Proprietors, Brokers; Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, and othC ers desirous of having theijr names .audhrisiness widely circulated, are .informed that a limited number of of advertisements will be inserted.— Special rates for advertising by the year or foi* shorter periods, may be known by applying to any of my Agonts, or at theoffiee in Atlanta, Gai Special numbers will lo sent, on application by letter, free of charge. ,A11 communications int tended for tho “Bank-Note List and Detecter,’’ must be addressed to “Swan’s Bank-Note List,” Atlanta, Ga. - . SAMUEL SWAN.. ~ James Robertson, GcnoralAgont. so253m W M E. ALEXANDER * CO, Retail Gro ~ Depot, Rome, Ga. Retail Grocers. Opposite Rail Road \ ^"Ucular^attention given to consignmerit of | novfily * Produce, and orders for pods* aug211y .TOOTH AND HAIR BRU ilES, POWDER, SNUFF-BOXES &C., &C..&C. Please call mid examine trieir as- ortmeut. -*** - ■ ■ FOR SALE OR RENT. T HE Store Room ami Building at present oc cupied hy Wood A Brother on Broad street, Rome. Ga. For particulars inquire of «><-2 3m C U SMITH T. S. WOOD & CO. ROME, GA Dealers in watciikh, Cloaks. Jewelry, Silver Ware, Cutlery, Plated and Britt Minin Ware, Chinn, Musical Instruments, Walking- Ca »es. Fancy Articles, Ac.. Ac., Ac. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. inayl5 tf I may 1 ^ i lr • . FOR SA&E OR RENT. T HE undersigned has several very desirable and pleasant Houses and _ Lots situated in Romp which he will sell on advantageous terms or if not sold, will rent. These Lots are in a plonxnnt part Town and convenient to the Cher kee Female Institute. He also offers for Sale two siUull Plantations; one four miles from own, the o{ber 13, (novCtf) JIlB Ri>i3 kwu $5000 00. . T HE Subscriber isdesirous to buy unimproved Lands in all tho lower counties of Georgia; Send on your Nos., Dish an Counties wherelbe Lgnd lies, and I will have them examined rind give a fair price. All communications must be post paid, and addressed to W. R MOSLEY;. Nov. 14, *54 ly Griffin, Gi iiiffSP —^ WOOD & BROTHER assOfftnent of READY MADE CJiQTUING and HATS, nlUfwhiyhuredi^ Som New York, and of Wo dost agony. may! 8 m, mm