Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, November 20, 1855, Image 3

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INQU *en« of Rome and vicinity prepare i to execute Jobs in mental Painting”. He xrot lar attention to and In* of his specimen* of TRA Ba■Ultra, Scenery and He now expects to devote r to this bnsine.w ami has flarblla; n veil at Plain Palntiaf* section ofownlry, Thiee derirlwt his “line” are respectfully solicited ‘line.” a call. RomeNovSOtf M ABIE’S MENAGE 111 oTOYE’S CIRCUS IJi* R I art aad aitarc. The following distinguished members of Equestrian profession are comprised la troape of Den Stone: WWNichols, E W Pe " Demot, J Retnot, 0 Dodge, S Stone, D D Mv$?r Carpintar, Maator Un, Cb Den Stone. WRi aMt at Rene Monday t{0B0»i.iy oniyi. 0)*n at at Sami ADMISSION 50 et, Children and S TBS GRAND PROCESSION rhree Troop* will enter, town in thefoUowingoider,! reets to tho place of MUSIC CHARR ated on their hi. Chief*. Braves and I Tribe ia their native I _ ted oa their Hunting Course*, nrixt uni nirtnn»*<ic«> COStUtneS- < Battle, the chare, etc. ete. CARAVAN OP¥l Drawn In their The Scene in the nog will tr of Horsemanship. Vault enlivened with the original and ^c* mots, repartees, and hn ■Clown BEST STONE. “ nnoniiDRiy wreui oa* aut most accomplished and elegant riders ax Mt'4 in bis profterion, aad will appear •eoorre of entertainments ia mit of the trials of Aiil and dexterity with thereat of tho troupe. ISIIING CONTROL OVER THE "W'lUmm of dbekty*.” Pewowt am—g the attractive novelties this Compare are the perfonnaneot the BUSINESS DIRECTORY A W. CALDWEL, Manufacturer of Tin Waiw, JX. Copper and Sheet Iron. Guttering, nnd Repairing dene to ardor at the plaoo lately occu- piedby Wm B Jones. 20,000 lbs Rage wan. teT novOly A M. KERR.—Carriage Mannfoetarer. Ai Repairing done with neatness. Orders from abroad promptly filiod. novlSly A P. NEKI.D —Merchant Tailor. Broad-at., ix.*Rome, Ox, will til all order* with prompt ness. Work warranted to suit customers [novlS "D LACK A COBB, Warebbnw nnd Commlseion AJ Merchants, Etowah Honan, Rome, Ga., will give their personal attention to the interests of an who confide business to their management, t Thread and Oanahnrgt by the bale at Factory prices. They are prepared to extend the usual r facilities.^ Gao S Black, H W Coftft J- novCly ftTLARK A COOLBY, Grooera aad Commission f v Merchants, dealers in Paints, Oils nnd Pro- dnoo: Abo agents and dealers la Virginia Man nfaetnred Tobaeco aad Havana Begat*, Rome, t Oft.-{ WftCiAMt, Milton A CooLtr} novOly rtHOICE HOTEL, Brand Street, Rom*, Ga.— v Wm M Roberta, Proprietor. [novlSly fl P. CULVER, resident Dentist, w Rom** Georgia, (nov«Iy) TVR. KING, informs the pnhUo that he may XJ he fonnd athie residence at all times; at the two storr hniidlng, oonier, nearly opposite tho Buena vista House. ThARIEL R M1TCHEL, Attorney at Law, U Witt attend oootte in Floyd and adjoining counties. [novlSly ThR. GREGORY, tenders hb profonional ser- XJ vioes to the citizens of Rome and vicinity; oSo* four doors above Norton’s store at the plaoe lately oocnpied by Champ* a Kerr [novlS TbANIEL S. PRINTUP.'—Agent of the Bank 1/ of the State of South Carolina. Office op posite Hi* Post Office, up stairs, Brand street, Rome. Ga. [novlSly TtTOWAH HOUSE, Near the Depot, Broad street, Roase, Geo; J. AL Roach, Proprie tor. [novlSly \ TRTOWAH STABLMC—Rome, Ga. Near R Hd R Depot. Hones and Vehicles bought and r sold. Conveyances of all kinds for Hire. novOly WM KETCH AM. T70RT A HARGROVE, wholesale aad retail a dealers in Graeeriea; always well supplied with fresh articles, sold on the beat terms. Lo cation at tbo corner from O-atanaula bridge, rid “Exchange.” novlSly XjtRIKD A BRO.—Dealers in Faaey and Sta- -L pie Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, ete^ Brand street, Rome, Ga. [nolSly TTKNRY A. 8MIBH DonHeHer and Sta- 1 JUL tioner, Rome, fia, keeps a general assort- meat of School, Theological and Mteeelbmoom Publications. Also, a great variety of 8t^tion- , ery and fancy articles. [novYsiy JIKNRY A.GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, u Rome, Ga. Offioe over the store or Berry A Haskins. [novlSly TTARDIN A SMYRB, Merchants, offer on -»-A goed terras Fine, Fancy, Staple, Plain and Heavy Dry Goods, Ac. Store jnst under Sonth- emer office. novlSly TONES A WILSON, Dealers in General Mer «ft chaodize. Broad st, opposite Ch-ice Hotel; Rom*. Ga-{ B F Jones, J M Wilson } novOly T P. HOLT A SON, Manufacturers of Bro- W • gaas, Boots and Shoes, and dealers in Lea ther, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. novlSly T L. LOGAN A CO, Dealers in Groceries, «la Grain and Provisions of all kinds. Bread street. Rome. Geo. norlXljr T P PERKINS. Scenic. Banner and Ornamrn- u tal Painter. Rome, Ga. [aavlSly T A EVANS, Fashionable Boot Maker. Shop J oa Broad 8c Terms Cash. nov6tf. TTTM.W. SHARPE. Professor of Vocal anp W Instrumental Music, also teaeher of Bran i, Romo, Ga, [novlSty fTTILLIAM H. WHITE—Dealer in, and W manufacturer or Saddles, Bridles, Har nett, Leather, Caff-Skias, and all kind* of Car- Trimmings. novlSly W OOD A BROTHER, Merchants, are sup- plied with the latest styles of Fanoy, Plain and 8tapto Dty Goods, «o„ during the seasons; store opposite R&t&ij*• stable tfid Dost door to Wm. Whits. novlSly W If. JOHNSON, Dealer In Carriages, Roek- 1. W.HARSHiW, Ornamental Painter, Tenders his lie in bit line of basinets, he will giro full saiisnceinn toun »»» wJR tni|il#y liitn.— House and 8lxo Painting will roodve prompt *— All orders sent through thn Post Hu (Utters 18U1 FALL IMPORTATION! 1SU! JHM’CLUNG&CO, Broad 8treet, Rome, Ga., Haro just rooeirsd from tha Northern markets THEIR FALL AND WHITER STOCK —-c o x r at a in «— wrappings,l#elery,gIaTesR«»broiderlei. READY MADE CLOTHING FOB m ASS BOTS. HOUSE-FURNISHING AND PLANTER’S GOODS OF EVERT DESCRIPRION. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW CORNICE. ALTOGETHER COM PRISING THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. HAV ING TAKEN EVERT POSSIBLE CARE IN PROMPT PAYING OR CASH CUSTOMERS. MADE ON ALL CASH BILLS 01 J H MeCLUNG, } { G 15 A OVER WARD. 8epL»th J X. QUINN A CO.—Dealers in Groceries, •Grain. oC *11 kind*, and Staple Wry Goods. 2 do rs below the Post Office, Brand Street. Rome. Ga. [novlSly J J. COHEN.—Wholesale and Retail Mer chant in Dry Goods. Groceries and Hard ware Wasted.—Produce of ail description*. Also A sent forthe Paper mills Rags wanted. nov!31y J T. .McCONNELL.-—Attorney at Law, Ring- •gold. Ga. [nnvl21y A CARD. A S THE limit of our copartnership expires the first of January, we intend at that time to close out entirely. Wo are now offering a choice lot of FRESH GOODS in oor line at ve ry reduced rates. Cash buyers will save from twsntyfive to fifty per cent by giving os a call This is no common advertisement, we mean just what we say. CHAMPS A KERR. N. B.—Those who have not settled their old bills, bad better do so at once, or they will bo favored with a call from Sam. [ocf] C. AK iuTHERI MILITARY ACADEMY LATTER] ANOTHER GL0RI0U80P0RTUNITY! The improved Scheme presented ia Class W having been received with snob a decidedly fhvoFabla demonstration, the manager takes pleasure in presenting another beautifully bril- Meet -Scheme, offering a far more profitable investment than any stock or securities now in the market CLASS X To he Drawn Dec. 10th at the City of Mont* gomeiy, when prizes amounting to 30,000 DOLLARS! WiB be distributed socording to the following UNPARALLELLED SCHEDULE! gSP* Remember. One ThoosandPrixet!! Capital Prize. $10,000! tr*,* : * INmS Only Ten Thousand Numbers! ■ $5; Halves and Quarters in pi All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager. Wild Traeis of the rarest! Costumed and decorated in their native habili ments. illustrating scenes of avsge life. THE BUFFALO HUNT, in which the whole party will apoear in animated scene of action. And J W. HICKS A CO.—Dealeis in Mcdieines, •Drags, Paints, Oils, and Glassware, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Ga^ 3 doors below Sloan Hawkins A Co. [novl31y again, in an amoving pastoral scene, called the CORN GATHERING; interspersed with Gro tesque Dancing; Sincing. Whooping. Ac—bo sides the following: The Bird Dsnee! Thanks giving Danes f War Song of the Senecas, Ac. j Also the following Tabiaux by the Indian*;—; Ref cutoff Captain Smith ! Seal- i y! The War ’ farther particulars, see Pictorials, (large I 1), Descriptive Bills. Lithographs, ete ; [m.v20tf j M ILES W. JOHNSON, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, ac. Broad st. t Rome, Ga. [novlSly M MARKS.—Dealer in Dty Goods? Ready- ilfade Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, A Boots. He srileite the attention of the public to his well-selected assortment. novlSly £1 BORGIA, Polk County, Court of Ordinary vT November Term. 1855: It appearing to the Ccnrt fiom th«* ;>•-«»'io-> of A N V«-nf«*ry that Asa Pri->r late of Texas d>xYm*rrf did whilst in life on (he 24th day of July 1852 tqake and execute tu said nnfilms bond obligation to make to the said Verdery, titles in fw to certain bonds described in said k follows, to wit: the Cedar Town the Wilcher tract, one forty acre lot of pine land nc r MraN Mabry*’ and two small fractions w-st of Cedar creek being pa.tof nutnb-rs 806 aud 850 In the 2-1 district of 4th section containing in all 1000 acres more or tew. And it further apsiearing that said Asa Prior died without executing said let ter or empowering hi* executor to make them to said Verdery in conformity to said bond, ' ~ - * hows that he has folly i of ibe abo^c described land . jwit: the Major part of Lots sramt’er 924, 941. 996 and a fraction of 887 aJH« tbe second district of the fourth seetion etmisining about one hundred acres more or less. afw> tbit part of the original tract aseet ofCedar creek Dounded by lands of T H Bparks and William Peek, containing 100 Acres more or less, have been folly paid for according to the provisions of the contract.— It Is therefore ordered by the Court that un less cause to the contrary be shown to tbe "in three months by those interes- : C Prior, tbe Executor of said ?rior deceased, will be directed to make titles to raid Verdery to the last described tracts wf Land in conformity to mid boad, aad it Is ordered that this rale be published in tbe Rouse Courier once a month foi 3 months. k traeextiuct from the minutes of Court this N« member 14. 8. A. BORDERS. SI7 50 [«ov20j Ord *y So Ex OffCCO n BORO I A, Polk County, Court of Ordinary, vT November Term, Upon the petition of T. W. Craven, praying that Wm H C Prior Executor of Asa Prior, -deceawd l»e directed to make titles to lot of land number 181 in t he third district of the 4th faction, containing twentyfour and a half acres more or l"ms ih Conformity t* he bond said Asa Pn. as-d made l T. W. Craven dated SepieraC;, V* 94th 5 50.— It isordered by the Court that tuse to the contrary be shown within the me prescribed by law, the said Executor* l * -directed to make bills to said Craven in cc formitv with said bond. And that thia rnK be published once a month lor three months in the Rome Courier. A *rttc Extract from tbe minutes of Court, November 13th. 1856 R10oov20] 8 A BnsDr.Be Otd'v a ex off c c o N DUDLEY, Manufacturer of Carriages, Bog • givs and .Waggons : he also attends to Blaeksnitthtng In its various branches. Shop tbe Baenn Vista Hotel. [novl31y P A. OMBERG. Manufacturer and dealer iu • Boots snd Shoes; genteel work done to order. Broad »L Rome. Ga. (novlSly AGKVT8! AGEIT8I! &S0NS accustomed to procure subscribers »r Books, Magazines, Ac., or get up ciub* ewspaper*. are requested to send us naan s and address, and we will forward free of charge a specimen number of s satiou for which they will find ready aod are will allow them a commission percent, for Ihrir a*-rvice*- J. BRADFORD Sc, BRO.. Ji T o 8 f Court land «t. N. Y T>uME STEAM ENGINE WORKS, Steam XV Engines and all kinds of Machinery “Mann factored. Also Costings In Brass or Iron of any rise nude to order, novfily JAS. NOBLE A SONS T30BERT BATTBY, Druggist and Pharma- XV cenlist, Choice Hefei, Rome Ga. Pbysiei. an s’ prescriptions compounded with care.[no6iy T> T. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer XV,tn English snd American Hardware, Broad street, Rome, Ga. [novlS ty T> J. JOHNSON, dealer to Groceries, of XV* which be keeps a fresh and various supply. Store next to Wood A Brother’s. [novl31y X> S. NORTON, Dealer in Staple and Fancy XV* Dry Goods, Ladies* Dress Goods, Trim mings. Embroideries, Linnens, Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes; Clothing, Crockery, Ac.— Borne,Geo. [novl31y D D. HARVEY, Attorney and Counsellor at XV Ltft Borne, Ga. febl31y QANDERS A MANNING, keeps on band a O well selected stoek of Prints, Sheeting, Shir tings, and other dry goods, and n few groceries, ■sold low nnd oft good terms. Stand nearly op. posite postoffice. [novl81y QTERN A CO., Merchants, dealers In Fancy O and Staple Dry Goods and Ready Made Clothing. Store one door above Omberg's [nolS QLOAN, HAWKINS A CO.—Have always on O hand a foil aseortmentof Groceries at their old stead. Also, a splendid stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at their New Store, one door above—oil at low prices. Calls from onr friends are respeectfolly solicited. novlSly QTANFOBD A TITNER, Dealers ia Dry 0 Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Shoes Ac^ Ac. novlSly QULLIVAN A BARRETT, Dealers in Staple 0 and Fancy Dry Goods, Groce lies, etc., Broad StreetRome, Ga., next door above Force, Riee, A Co. [novlSly QMITH A UNDERWOOD, Attorneys at Law, 0 will practice in the Courts of Floyd and tho neighboring counties. CHARLES H. SMITH. 1 J. W. B. UNDERWOOD. Jan 16/54. Q G. GCERINEAU—Guttering and Piping 0 done to order. dee. 6 ly. rpHOMAS J. PERRY, Agent for Charter Oak X Life Iniartmce Company, Hartford, Conn., Rome, Ga. [novlSly ttNDERWOOD A STARR, Physicians and U Surgeon?. 'Uffice nearly opposite the Poit Office. novl31y TYTM E. ALEXANDER A CO, Wholesale and *t Retail Grooers. Opposite Rail Road Dept, Rome, Ga- jorfily RAYM1 PLAY LOTTERY, JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! tBy authority of tho Stale of Georgia.) MACON, G A. BBUTIFUL SCHEME. $12,000 FOR $5! $30,000 WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT CON- cert Hall, Macon, Ga, December 15. 1855, ac cording to tbe following magnificent and unpre cedented Scheme, under tbe sworn superinten dence of Col George X Logan and James A Nis- bit. Esq. C L A S 8 H. CAPITAL $12,000 $12,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 2,500 3,750 3,250 600 1 Prise of 1 do 1 do 5 do $500 arc 19 do 100 are 75 do 50 are 130 do 35 are 18 Approximation prizes, 251 Prizes amounting to $30,000 Only 10,000 Numbers. Tickets $5; Halves $2.50; Quarters $1,25. In this Scheme if you draw anything even tbe lowest prise it will be five times tbe cost of the Ticket, Prises paya ble in full without Deduction, and every Prise Is drawn at each drawing, and some* person must get them Orders strictly confidential.— Drawings sent to orders. Registered letters at my risk. Bills on all solvent banks at par. Address JAMES F WINTER. Macon Ga. ROW IS YOUR CHI ACE! ONE THOUSAND PRIZES ON HAND! (By authority of tbe State of Georgia) FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY ! UNPARALELED SCHEME FOR NOV. CLASS 9. To be drawn November 23d 1856. is. the City of Atlanta, when prizes amounting to $ 3 0, 0 0 0 Will be distributed according to the following inimitable Scheme. If yott draw tbe lowest prize yon get tbe cost of your ticket, without de duction, and remember every prise is drawn at each drawing. Look at It! One prise to eve ry Ten Tickets!! CAPITAL PRIZE $10,000!! Let, therefore, every man having a due regard to the replenishing of bis purse attend to it, and forward his order immediately for tiekts. Let those now buy, who never bought before And those who always bought, now buy tbe more. Botto tha Scheme. Look at it—scab it well —eonnt your ebanees, and ask yourself if - on can withstand tbo inducement now offered.— Read! Read!! 1 Prise of $10000 2 do 2,000 are 4,000 3 do 600 are 1,600 11 do 250 are 2.750 10 do 110 are 1,100 17 do 76 are 1,276 43 do 60 are 2,150 83 -do 60 are 2,075 200 do 10 are 2.000 630 do 6 are 8,150 1,000 prises atnnnntinn to $30,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $5; Halves $2,60; Quarters $1,26 SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, (oc30) Atlanta, Oa. Dissolution. T He copartnership heretofore existing under tbe name of Cobarn A Dwinell is this day diasolved by mutual consent. All debts dne the Firm, tbe yearly advertisements now in tbo paper and subscriptions from tbe Ad of August last will be payable to M. Dwinell. Claims against tbe office from first of January last will also bo presented to M. Dwinell for settlement* 8. B. COBURN. Jane 1* 1866. M. DWINELL. REW STORE!—JORES K WILSOR. G ENEAL MERCHANDIZE, Broad St., op- posite Choice Hotel. We beg leave to apprise the pnblioof tbe co-partnership we have formed nnder tbe style as above, for tbe trans action of a general business in Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing. Boots snd Shoes, Hats, Caps, Re., and would be glad to receive your patronage. Tbe goods and prices will be found to compare favorably with any in tbe dty. Year ob't servt’s, BSNJ F JONES, RomeOetOtf JAS M WILSON JONES & WILSON. Broad St opposite Choice Hotel, H AVy. JU8T RECEIVED AND OPENING AN ENTIRELY NEW and Heavy Stock of FALL ARD WINTER GOODS, which they offer tho public at low rates, and only ask an opportunity to doa good part by all wb their patronage: > show that they will bo may favor them with Sadie Blan kets Gray R White Wool Plains Blue Gray R Brown Blue BLANKETS. KERSEYS Re. Heavy sevt Blankets Maekinaw Blankets Wbi tney Blank ets Railway Wrappers Crib Blankets Georgia Plains Heavy Fla nool* WelcbFIannols Dnmentio Flannels Ex Hvy Twill do Tweeds assorted Green Flannels Green opera do —Clothe— Cas- Vest- Gray BlkSat- In o t • Poy Cas- I m ores Bik Blues Various Cloak M I x Lind Cot Str yarns inri Mix R Black Cassimere F ro a eh Do esklns olive Cloth ool or ■ Cloth, Tweeds • eys ton ipoe Circassian I i Fine Dree* Goode 9 Super Stripe » R Pld silks f Plain Silks B Bik Silks g 2. Alapaeas t * DeLstnos T I Cashmeres - ~ Bombasine p ~ Feb R Eng _ M ar i nos J§ ? all Wool do S 7 DeBorge 5 r Ombre shaded ,3 Span Silks Batin Stripe 0 opera Printed and Velvetine Austr’H’n Wool one Dimity. Peraian T wll Is Cloths g VelvetR’bons S Bonnet do g* Satin Ribbons Lin i n g 8 i 1 ks« Crape 8 w i ss Flannels cloak Lac es 2o| ■amux Moire Antique Dress Trimming Fringes, Rseb- Black • b e I m col’d “ But’ns, Bat * Linen to gj * Cot ns. M ton o Floss, ~ Berege, ,m Swiss ^nl Muslins M ted Flowers W Edg- Base, > lag, Oil ac^kc. Silks AND Silks Belts Scarf* Cloaks Sbswls Gloves H o s e r y , Tarns, Collars Top vies, Print*. s < Q X O H H Skirts, O Slopes cj MOREEN M Velvets to Jac’net < a Swiss Mas- lias, C a m- b r i es Linens Silk a Linnen Hdk’fs, G’ghams, CS Fri Prints** FLOSS 2S O H H © © a o 3S w Ladies* Calf and Kid Boots Black Gaiters Jenny Linds k a c h e l’s Broad ways, Lola Montes, Fancy Ties, Kipheel Boots, P a radio*. Highlanders. t Rubber'a S Uppers. A nkle Ties. Ladies Extra Fuz’d Gaiters CORK SOLE BOOTS, Brogans, Russets, SI i p p ers, San dells. D a nci n g Pumps. Lace Boots, Calf Boots, Pegged R Sewed B ask ins; Patent Leather Slippers, a La Toilet.^ A Large As good vaf- a n d iety | perfect or© ■ lot of Boo” Shoes ts.H a s e a n p, be (bond i n a n y —p House in ttjos up c’ntry ^0 q owns 5ll!* wbioh — v moj have «*>*•*«••* s I co Perf- hon’y Sas’fr Hair Sh’vlg Razor Lilly Col. Spec- Blao- Bot- Brns hair Pei MBS nmeiy Soaps, as do. Ollfi, Soap* straps White, ognn, tades, king, - tons, faes, pins lolls. Tobacco, Teas,to tp A Superior jf article of f Tea, and T o baoeo, Some of the 8 p 1 e ete %' Port Wine "Nutmeg ® oronoeo” g Vint P ted ont of O Pure o Leaf. r/ - Cigara, £ allofsnporl ? or qaaHty.g EUGENE LeHAKDY, CIVIL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEER, SURVEYOR AND ARCHITECT, POST OFFICE, ROMS, GEORGIA, And in fact every thing usually kept in Upper Georgia Stores, and would like to call tbo atten tion of tbe Invalid Community "aid those who desire to become so," to a very superior artiole of Double Diamond 8ohiedam Sotnapps, wbiob has been prononuced very superior to Wolfe's aod inferior to none. Also a little Premium Cham paigns equal to t ebest, not a brsdaebo In a Hogshead of it. Come and see and by «o doing oblige yourselves and your firtendi, BENJ. F. JONES, Rome, Qa, Nov.82m JAS. M. WILSON. T. SV WOOD & 00. SOKE, OA Dealers in watches, Clocks, Jewelry, . Silver Ware, Cutlery, Plated And Brittannla Ware, China, ' Musical Instruments, Walking- Canes, Fanoy Articles, Ro„ Re., Re. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. »ayl jgnsjiaille ibirtiaruiiutB. - CHURCH ANDERSON. ; TYTHOLESALEGROCBR, PRODUCE Deal- I YY ER, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND I DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI QUORS, Iron Castings, Hides and Sole Leath er, Corner of Front and Broad Street, Nashville Tonn. may 8 ly WOODS k CO. MANUFACTURERS OF LARD OIL AND FAMILY LARD. No 26 Market Street, Nashville, Tent may 1 ly 66 B. 8. WELLER, TYEALER ia Ooppor. Brass, Tin, She*! bon, U Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware aad New seed and Agricultural Depot. No. 86, Upper Market Street, Nashville, Tenn, may 1 ly. H S FRENCH- ■JC FRENCH. H. 8. FRENCH fit 80N, Tenn. Having Agents In St Louie, Louisville, CIn- eiuoati and New Orleans, we are at all times prepared to transaot any business entrusted to ns at those places. H8FRS. may 8 '6 ly MORRIS k, STRATTON, TYTHOLESALE Grocers, Produce and Com- v v mission Merchants, and Dealer in For eign and Domestio Liquors. Corner of Market and Clark 8te., Nashville Tenn. may 8 ly ARMSTRONG <& CO, COHHIS8I01 SERCHART8, ADD KAHt!FACTOH>NO AGENTS FOR THE SALE or Paints, OihfTarpentlne. French A AMERICAN WINDOW GLA88, WINDOW 8ASH, PAINT BRUSHES. HY DRAULIC CEMENT. VARNISHES, P1IRT HILLS, HiRBLEIZEDIROR RUSTLES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Chain Pampi, Field Seed, Plaster Park, Copperas, Land Plaster, Guano, &c. 69 Market St- 5 doors trom Broad, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE may 8 ’6, 6m Wholesale Bai Funiialiiog EstaWishsiciit MAGNOLIA BUILDING, ALABAMA STREET, J, VALENTINE & C0„ BRANDY, Cognac, Otard, Hennessy, Rochelle, Peach, Cherry, Blackberry, Holland, American, WHISKY, Bourbon (old) Monongabcu, Scotch, Deans, Dexters, Pikes, Gibson’s (bottled) Ac., Ac. Ao., Ac and. WHOLESALE DEALER8 IN LIQUORS, WINES, 8YRUP8, PICKLES, CIGARS, Tobaeco, Ao., keep constantly on band tbe following articles; TOBACCO Smoking k chewing. GLASSWARE, Decanters, Flasks 4 p't, to 2 p’tf, Tumblers. SYRUPS, Lemon, p't or gal, • • Raspberry, * Strawberry. Sundries, - Sardines; Pickles, Brokers Bitters Strnngleton a E*s. Peppermint, Cumcoe, MansnMiffi RUM, St Croix, Jamaica, New Englaz WINES, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Malaga, Muscat, Claret, Campngco. C&mpagse Cider, Porter Ale CIGARS, Spanish, American, AniBette* G very large assortment Absynthe, , . - Cordials Corks. „ v ., Ac. Labels, Ac. We intend keeping on band all articles neaded by Bar-keepers, and will obligate ourselves to sell fine Liquors aod Cigars, lower than they can be bongbt In any market South. J. YUEKTIYE, W. H. EIDSOR, ED. SHARP. HAT 22, 1855, ly F M. EDOLEMAN & BRO. Itlintii Georgia. Keep 'Constantly on hand and for sale on tbe lowest easb prices, a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES. LEATHER, LASTS. PEGS. CALF LINING and BINDING SKINS SHOE-MAKBR'S TOOLS, Ac. Ac. Jan *g 1856, ly (flOl 851 SfGHIlif T ADT55’ Gent's and (AildreH’s—The great JLl est display of shoe? that we have seen late ly Is made by .Wood A Brother nf this city.— They have had them made in Pbiladelpuht for their own trade, and the quantity, quality, and style of their shoes for Ladies,' Gentlemen’s, Children's and Servant’s wear, show that t$oy know what tbe people want in tho article of shoes. WOOD A BRO* may 1 8 IRS! RIBBGRS!I RIBBONS!!! W HAT a quantity of Ribbons, and how pret ty and cheap they are at may 1 8m WOOD A BRO'S. CHEROKKE FEMALE INSTITUTE. T HE public is invited to attend the annual examination of the pnpils of the Institute on the &th A 6th Inst: The fourth term of this Institution will open the first Monday in Sep tember next. Tuition reduced to omt tie timet. Scholarships, for tbe year with the privilege of the whole range of studies without extra charge for French, Drawing, Latin or Greek, as here tofore $60. There will be hereafter four De partments with the following studies and Rates of Tuition. Pkiwakt Department.—First rudiments, rea ding, spelling, defining, primary arithmetic, primary geography and primary history, for the Spring term 24 weeks, $15; Fail term, 16 weeks $10- Second Aar Department.—Primary branch es revised, geography, English grammar, Aritb raetic and history of the United States in add! tion, for the Spring term of 24 weeks, $18; Fall term 16 weeks, $12. Tertiary Department.—Secondary branch es revised with natural philosophy, chemistry! general history, algebra, botany, Watts on the mind, rhetprie with tbe principles of syntax ap plied in a course of reading of tbe bear English classical writers, for the Spring term of 24 weeks $21; Fail term 16 weeks $14. Senior Department.—Revision of tbe Ter tiary branches, with geology, moral, intelloctn al and political philosophy, logic, geometry with tbo Latin and Greek languages, for tbe Spring term of 24 weeks $24; Fall term 16 weeks $16. Mosie, French »nd Drawing, each extra, at be charge of the Professor. S. FOUCHE'. orffan Kirkpatrick & Co, HAVING opened a new Ware room on Peach Tree Street, would Call the attention of tbe pobtie to their stock of FURNITURE, embra- etagCabinet Ware, in allits varieties. Cbairsof every kind; Lounges. MeUraaaes 9f Spring. Hair. Moss, Cotton Shucks. CARPETS, RUGS Ac., Window Shades, Window Curtains, Damask, Cornices, Bands, Cord aad Teasels, Loop*, Ac. Ao. Window Papering, Heaao do., Fire-board do. They stRl continue their shop, SOUTH OFOE 'RGIA RAIL ROAD SQUARE •nd are prepared to do all kinds of work connec ted with their business, such as making and re pairing Furniture, Making Mattresses, Upholste ring *<■. Th»v keep also on hand, Metalic fLiaSSsis ^sagg Burial Ca*e» nuu make upon short notice, Ma hogany, Walnut and other wood Coffins. CHAR FACTORY.—They have enlarged their manufacturing shops at Decatur, s#d can supply Morgaa’s original .CoAtage -Chairs, Hind- ley’s Patent BedMood, together with all articles of Cabinet Ware, of their own manufacture, 4a .any quantity desired. They are* now manufacturing and finishing nameUed Cottage Setts, far superior to any to be bod from tbo North. jan 9 '65, ly CHAM PE & KERR. MERCHANT TAILORS BROAD STREET ROME GA. The Pnblic will please bear in mind that the above named Firm keep constantly on band a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS ete. OATS AND POTATOES. ] Q Bbls prime Irish Potatoes for Planting. 1 u 350 bushel seed Oats Just received and for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. ■ ! ! Q A Boxes Fresh lame [Howards] Just re- 0“ ceived and Tor sale by Feb 20 W 8 COTHRAN A CO. BAC0H! BACON! SO 000 ^ ^ r * m0 Tennessee BACON for April. 17. tf* 1 * W E ALEXANDER A CO R.S.RORTOR, I S now receiving his Fall and Winter Stoek of Goods which will be offered at a smaller ad* vance than usual.- You can satisfy yonreelf by calling and ext-mining Goods sue prices. Rome, September, 25,1266 R S NORTON HISSES’ BOYS* ARD CHILDRENS’ S HOES, Bow, half Hose and Gloves of all si ze [sep26] R 8 NORTON LADIES DRESS GOODS. E NGLISH and Francb Merino, Thibet Cloths, Delaines, Chplly’s Popline, ac. Also ftn As sortment of small pattefti* for children. Rome, September 25tb, 1855. R S NORTON W* WELCH FLANNELS, LCH, Shaker and German Flannels at [sep25] RS NOTON’S S WOOL YARNS, CARLET, Orange, Bine, Mixed, and White, a t [sep25] R 8 NORTON’S BONNETS, JATIN, English Straw, Florence, ahd Neapol- ) itan—Ladies’and Missses’. R 8 NORTON EEBR01DERIES. C AMBRIC and Muslin Ihsertings and Edg* ings, Bands, Collars, Sleeves, Cbimisetts and Handkerchiefs. Also Thread Laces. aept.25 R S NORTON 0 .0CERIES! GROCERIES!! QA Bags prime Bio Coffee. 0\J 20 Bbls Stuarts refined 1 50 bis N O Syrup 20 bis Gunning rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobaeco, various brands and qua! ties for sale by W 8 COTHRAN A CO. Feb 20 1855, tf. DBS. T. J. A R. C. WORD.—RESIDENT PHYSICIAN*, "DOME, Georgia, thankful for past favors. Aw still Continue tbe practice of Medicine and respectfully solicit a continuance of pat ronage. aplOly HKftCHART'S GOLDEN BELL PERFUMERY AND SOAPS A ft ft r ft ft ft ft ft x ft A ft a J667 BROADWAY, CO&XZB Oft PRINCE STREET, 5. T. ASK FOR THEM WHEN SHOPPING. oc9 3m (.oth ran, Pentecost & co. Factors, Commission Hercbaiti, AND FORWARDING AGETS, DEALERS I It Grain, Flour and other kinds of Conns try Produce. Agents for Etowah Iron Works and Mills and Agents for Coosa River Steamboat Corn can tv W S Cothran, ) OFFICE, ( Rome, Ga. FT Pentecost, > hear rail < J.M Elliott. J road depot ( OctoberO ly BBWTOI FACTORY Asnabnrgsand Yarns always on band and v for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A CO. Agent. WOOD R BROTHER, A RE just opening a splendid assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING and HATS, all of which are direct from New York, and of the last agony. may 1 8m. B. J. G1BERG, HERCHANT TAILOR, TTAS just received from New York a larger XX Stock of GOODS, than be has ever offered in this market before, consisting of every varie- ety of Goods for gentlemen’s wear. Cloth of eraty vaster? aad color. Every descrip tion of CassiiDera. ao over stock of Vestings, Velvets Silks. Satins. Sec.. Sec. of all colors and prices. FURNISHING GOODS of eve ry description and variety, consisting in part of Woolen Under Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Stock*. Ties. Suspenders, all aorta of Gloves, Half Hose, Hats, Caps, Sc,c. Sec.— A complete stock of READY HADE CLOTHING, which Is manufactured at his own establish ment, and by some of the best houses in New York. The superior workmanship of which he will warrant also Clothing for children ami Youths, The catting and roakiDg of gai merits of all kinds done with neatness and 1 dispatch as heretofore octO/v. W S COTHRAN &.CO, Agents for Etowah Iron Works. Have always on had a large supply of iron castings Ac., of every site and description. Orders filled proper ly. They will also purchase wheat at tbe highest cash prices Feb. 20. t£ SALT! SALT!! 1 nnn ^ c> ***** large size, in fine order 1UUU just received, and for sale by Feb 20 W. S. COTHRAN A CO. DANA R WASHBURN, Swmw u VntWn WlUar * C«. Factors and Commissiftn Herefeafets, SAVANNAH, GA. Jos Washburn, Fras. G. Dana, John R Wilder, H K Wasbbnro, Special Patnef*. General Partners Will eoatintie tbe above business at 114, Bay st, East of the Exchange* Orders Tor Bagging, Rope and other supplies ‘ ‘ st Cas* ' filled promptly at lowest Cash prices. Savannah, August I uly3l6m HOUSE FOR SALE. T HE undersigned offers for sale, agotd Dwel ling House in the city of Rome. For par- iculars apply to James M Sumter, Esq., may 8 J G McElNElE , RICHARD A. JONES DEALER Ml FOREIGN ARD DOHESTIC BABBLE, NEAR THE DEPOT, Staditon, Go. MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND HEADSTONES Alterity.* on hand ORIGINAL HOTEL BYN.P. WILLIS. T’HE Home Journal tor 1856! New and A Brilliant Series!!—On tbe fifth of January next, the first number of tbe New Series for 18 6, of this Well known Family Newspaper will be issued, with new type and new attrac tions ; the principal one is of tbe kind which has been proved, by both American and Euro pean periodicals, to be tbe most acceptable and popular, vis: a novel in eerial Humbert. Tbe title is “Paul Fane ; or-parts of a life else un told, ■ Novel” by N P Willis. In addition to this new feature, a series of original sketcbes r songs and ballads by G*P Morris, and an origi nal novelette, in verse, founded upon the fact, called “The Story of a Star,” by J M Field are among the inducements for new subscribers to commence with the first nnmber of the year. Besides the contributions and labor of the* Editors, the Home Journal will contain tbe For eign and domestic Correspondents ofa large list . of contributors—the spice of the European Mag' azinos„ tile selections of. tbe most interesting publications Of tbe day, tbe brief novels, the piquant stories, tbe sparkling wit and amusing anecdote, tbe lews and gossip of tbe Pariskm papers, the personal sketches of pnblic charac ten, the stirring scenes of the world we live in, ‘ tbe chronicle of the news for ladies, the fashions, tbe (acts and outlines of news, the pick of En glish information, the wit, humor and pathos of the times, the essay on life, literature, society snd morals, and the usual variety of careful chocsings from the wilderness of English peri odical literature, criticism, poetry, etc. We need not remind our readers that we kare also one or two unsurpassed correspondents In the fathiona Me society of Rem York, who will give us early news ef every new feature of style and elegance among the leaders of the gay world. Terms—- For one copy, $2; for three copies, $5, or one copy for three years, $5, always in advance. Subscribe without delay. Address Morris A Willis, Editors and Proprietors, 107 Fultoa street, New York. nov6tf NEW GOODS!! H.W. JOHNSON W OULD call the attention of hie friends and customers generally, to his large and well selected stock of New Goode. He has just retained from New York with a large supply of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting of all the kinds that are nsnally bongbt or are suited to chia market, A large assortment of CASSIMERE8, DBLANKS and WORSTED PATTERNS, varying in price from 26 cento to the highest. Also .SILK DRESS GOODS OFTHB LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, and a variety of Ladies’ Winter Goods of every description. Also a targe assortment of Goods suited to Missee’ and Childrens’ wear. ALSO A 8UPPLY OF LADIAS* CLOAKS OF TUB LATEST 8TYLE8, AND 8WAWLS of various descriptions. Also Silk and Worsted Hosery of various sizes and qualities at low prices Also 8iik and Worsted Hosery of various sizes and qualities at low prices. For gentlemen’s wear a largo supply of Winter Goods in Bolts, and RliADY MADKCLOTHING, a foil supply that esn be bought at the lowest prices going. Also a good assortment of BOOTS ARD SHOES of all sites, styles and quantities. Also a large i4lpply mi REtiftO GOODS FOR WINTER sisting of Blankets, Lindseys, Kerseys, Bed Blankets, Ac., Ac. Those who will call and see for themselves can boy Goods so as to be sad tailed with 8tyles and prices.oeil64m CHEAP CARPETS, T APESTRY, Brussel, I* grain and Hemp Carpets, 6-4 and 12-4, Drugget, Flour Oil Cloths, Ac. for site by J H MeCLUNG A GO HATS OF THE LATEST STYLE) J U8T received and for sale fit * (novOtQ JH MoCLUNG A ($ ; 0 FOSTER k CALDWELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW,' TYTILP practice in the Circuits nnd Chancery VV Courts of Marshall, Jack son, DeKalb, Cher okee nnd Benton counties. Alt business en trusted to their cate. Will be promptly attended to. John Fostrr, Jacksonville. Ala., J F M Caldwell, Cedar Bluff, Ala. jiy 1L , iy’5 For sale or Rent. T HE undersigned has several verv desirable and pheasant Houses and Lots situated in Rome Whicb he will sell on advantageous terms, or if not sold, will rent. These Lots are in a pleasant part of Town and convenient to the Cherokee Female Institute. He also offers for sale two small Plantations; one four miles from own, the other 12. (nov6tf) JOB ROGERS LAW PARTSSRHIP. A chilles d. shackelfqrd and Jona than d. PHILLIPS will practice joint ly, under tbe style of Shackelford A Philips. Office at Calhoun, Gordou county, Ga. Jan 2.1855 ly H Dr*. Smith & Wooten A VINO associated themselves in the prac tice of Medicino and Surgery, offer their services to the public. Dr. Smith it prepared to treat any diseases of the Eye and Bar. Office on Broad SL, one door below H. A. Smith’s Book Store. fan 28 *66, [ly STRAY COW ARD CALF. A STRAY Cow and Calf have been about the premises of a gentleman in this vicinity for some six or eight weeks past. The owner can have them by proving property and paying for thia advertisement. Enquire at this of- flee. [ciCtifitf] WILCOX, HARD AND ARSLEYj (unum aiLcox A co) WHOLESALE GROCERS; Augusta, Ga. In catiii'ff attention to the above eafd We Would add that Mr. Hand Will remain in New . York, where he will gire his exclusive altentidn . to purohitslng goods; this Will enable ud tp offer greater advantages than were posset*^ our ,, Purtichlnir fitt'e&tioh given to consignment of Pifoadte, and orders for goods* aug211y ARE YOU INSURED?* FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. P. M. Sheiblet, Rome, Ga. /STFARMERS AND MECHANICS’ FIRE, MARINE, AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIAi CAPITAL $ 3 0 0, 0 « d. Amount securely invested in Bonds and Fends sylvania stocks, i CHARTER PE -»w* tr A ia Edward R Helkbold, \ (Hon T B FlorxnoXj Secretary, J \ President. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of the Valley of Virginia, at Winchester, Vaj CAPITAL $30 0,080 C. S. Frank, Seo’jr }■ ■{ J. S. Carson, Pres’L Penn Mutual Life Insurance Ce. of Phliat ORINQINAL CAPITAL $300,000 ACCAMULATED CAPITAL $334,307 J. W. Hornor, 6ec*y. }■ •{ D. L. Miller, Pres'L The rates of premiums ate as low as a jbSt regard to mutual safety Will alioW: No effort will be spared on the partof the Hgeiri, rotect the interesU til the at all times, to ose WHjffiffilP. ffiWffipffiS who may patronize bis Agency, and.iiiiy infor mation on the subject will be cheerfully given npon application In perstin or by letter; [ool63m FOR SALE OR RERT. T HE Store Room and Builditig at present oe- cbpied by Wood <Ss Brother on Broad street^ Rome. Ga. For particulars inquire of oc2 3m C H SMITH C. JOHNSON. rdluVARDISCJ S> fctiMSIISSIOK merchant, Central Wbfirf, Charleston, S. C. ang2l '55 ly NEW ARRIVAL OF TOYS AND FANCY ■VTOTIONS —I nm now receiving tbv hand- 1 v someBt selection of Toys and Fancy Notions over offered in the Rome Market, comprising in pnrt China Figures, Dolls, Watoh stands Per furriery Battles, Vases, Paper Weights, Ink Strvijri.% and SufFBoxes. Also a great variety of Rubber Toys, Britannia and China Tea setts, German Toys of every conceivable character. Pa pie Maeho, Ebony and Mnhogeny Work Box os. Reticule*, (furnished) a lnrge variety, also, gentlemen’s Rosewood and Mahogany Portable Desks, etc, etc. The public patronage ia most respectfully solicited. (nov5tfj HA SMITH