Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, November 20, 1855, Image 4

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mm ■■■■■■mbmmmb n KORGIA,Floyd County: U Co ill whom U u»*y concern, will please take notice that whereas Jane Simmons admin* irtratrix on the estate of Mansfield Simmons deceased applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Estate. *> - “ : •:• ** . * M. These ace therefore, to cite and admonish al) tad singular, the kindred and creditors of said to he and appeared my ofteewifeifa the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they hare why said letters of dismission should hot ha granted unto said applicant. Given under my band and official signature at office this the 22d October. <oc23) J. LAM BERTH, Oid*y p EORGIA, Polk County: U Whereas, Isaac N Jones has applied to me for disthbedon front t he Guar»Uan>bip of Ma ry E Hutching*, minor. At! persona inter* wiled w ill tike notice to file their objections (If any they ham.) to the said dismission by or before thcGrst Mhuday of Dccemherttest, f letters dismissory will he granted ton that day in terms of the often made atm provided. Given and official signal ore this .the tor. SrcFBKN A Bowneea, Ordinary mt Rnttfn* * T HE abovfty»#«/y celebrated com amt cob mill commends Itaeif totdl persons who have hor to*, mules, cattle, host, or poultry, to feed; be sides making prime hominy, and good corn- brcad-iueal. This milt needs no ’'puffing;” ail that is needed to make themeell'Uke hot cakes’ is far the public to investigate mid become ao- tauicnt of John Ayres deceased, has applied to inn for letters dRmtssory. s arc therefore to cite and adi ‘ Jofiletheif ottf i on or Itofore the first try next, otherwise letters II he granted the applicants on that in^ert^hami it_office this JollO A Ordinary. 'Hr. Moore, Administratrix to m« for 1 T nuaiutod with their performance, *c. uni ana u~* We have been appointed permanent Agents my office within to show cause. If Letters should plicant..Given W- gfeS. therefore, to cite and ad mon- the Kindred and Cred- ‘,16 he and appear at me prescribed by Law, tbhy have, Why laid ‘ onto said ap- uy hand and official P A KIRBY, < ordinary. Benjamin Moyers applies to one i of administration on the estate These'are therefore, to ci te and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and credit or* of said deceased to be and appear at my office withiin the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, onto said ap* pffiiH. ditto under my hand and official signature at office. This 2d Novembor 1865. Sfrt 8 V P., A-KIRLT* Ordinary.; READYMADE COATS, PANTS, A VESTS ust received of the latest style to suit summer, maylfitf RJ JOHNSON. Adrainistrat or’s Sale. "jDYvirtne of ah order from the Court of Or* X> dinar? of Floyd, Will he sold before foe Court House in the city of Romo on the first - Tuesday in January next, the land in said county belonging to the estate of John *G Eason, deceased, containing one hundred and twenty Acres, Lots No 588, 587 and 665 fence,dwoBing bOuac, orchard and spring of water. Sold for the benefit heirs arid creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the dsv of stile, novG T J DAVIS, adtn’r, debonis. i tin, ffm S Qnin, andL r tor letters of Gtardian- A C Quin and Hngh P^Quin!* These are, tbcreforejtoccitcaad admonish all aadsin- gular the kindred and creditors of saia de- ‘ to be andappear at my office within iow cause if ay said. letters should not unto said applicants. Given un- 1 and official signature at office. J.LAMBEBTH, Ordinary. Honorable, foe County of Floyd, Rome, on the the ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. : order from foe Honorable Court of Or r of Floyd county will be sold before the city of Rome <n the ay of January next, theland belong' the estate of Martha Eason, deceased, ' g of twentyfive acres more or less, it e westpart of Lot six huodredtbirty (637) third district, 4th section, : the land belonging to the estate of ' Eason., Terms made known on day nov6 THOS J. DAVIS, Ad’mr. Administrator's Sale, A GREEABLE to au order of the Ordinary of Floyd county, will be sold on the First Tuesday in January next, this following ••roperty to wit: two negro boys Egbert tWMtytwo years otd and Fayette twenty years. Sold for the benefit ot the heirs oi AN Beard. (oc80) Joku Mababik, Ad mV SCOTT’S PATENT LITTLE GIANT for this section. of the country, and havo th# dif- ftrent sites of mills, now on band, and will be interested »have never reeommen that did not give perfect saUftfoMicn, confidence in this is as well’fixed’ as in anyone we have ever examined. CUNNINGHAM A LINTON, * Ag’ts for Rome and Co. Around. ISAAC McKIM COOKE, General agent for Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. No twill grind 10 bn. corn add cob meal in 1 hour, east $5T; No 3 will grind 16 bu corn meal In 1 hours, cost $67,50; No 4 grind 20 bu corn and cob meal in 1 hours, cost $78 By If * *55 6m LINENS! LINENSI!LINENS!!! Irish Lition of the beat quaily. WHITE IRISH LINEN for gent’s pants and ooats. ■ Also CHECKED AND STRIPED Linens for gent's paste and coats. WHITE AND COLERKD LINEN DRIL- orixiox or the press. j? » i \\TE take pleasure in referring theroader to YV the testimonials of our prominent drug* gists and well known citizens to tbe virtue of Davis’aiPalo Killer. We have used the ar ticle, and found It valuable, Thesaleqftliis article in the U.- Stales Isbcjondall prece dent. as the books of tite office’ will show.— nnsti Commercial, v —j - ^avis’s VkgIoablr Pain Kilcer —We 'Mflrst heard of this medicine during a recent visit to the New England States, and being etrtick with the novelty of the tltlcr, were Itf- duced to make some inquiry about it; and we were suipvttod to learn, that it was kept constantly in the houses of most of the in habitants of tbo cities and Tillages where we stopped, to be nsed Of sodden attacks'of pain, burns, sea Ids, <&c. And we .beard it spoken ot in terms of high commendation by both druggists and phpsicians. This mbeli we can with propriety sav as a journalist, in Ihvor ofth* article —Philadelphia Eagle., r : i Pursy Davis's Vkoktabuk Pain Killer. Voluntarily, wuscK-utiohsly, and with mnch pleasure, we recommend to our readers the above named medicine. We speak for onr own observation and experience, when we say,: that it remove* pain-, as ifi by magic, from aH parts of tbe body, and is one of tbe best medicines in usb for cheeking diarrhea, and removing the premonitory symptoms of cholera.. It is applied both internally and externally, with.the best effects, and - none. who have once used the Pain Killer would willingly be. without it constantly in their houses.—Cincinnati Evening Nonperiel. . We presume no Medical Preparation ever Black-smith Shop. THE Subscriber, most kindly |tan>3 his thanks to the Citizens of Rome and vicini ty for fob very _ generous patronage extended to him during tbe pest year, and would inform them that be is prepared to carry on Blach'smithihg in the jjrassant maebinest can make and repair Machinery of anted two Black tween the Tees. t*5 : il : J SWAS’8 BifiK'HOTE LIST AND DETECTEB, IDBLISHED semi-monthly, at Montgomery, Ala., at$2,fi0 perannum, in advanoe. The work is printed on fine white paper and ask type, and in appearaboe will he second to noae in the United States. A Abiwftern Bank-Note our common interests, and not permit Northern men and Northern Directors to fluctuate^ our money matters as they may Wish, while we aro quietly following their dictation. The woik will cur, noticed. Every exertion will make it a correct and reliable garde to the Ban ker and Merchant. HoteLPreprietors, Brokers, widely circuiafsd; arts informed fof&w limited nnmberof of advertisements will be inserted.— Special rates for advertising by the year or for shorter porieds, may be known by applying to; iy-of my Agents, or at the office in Atlanta, Ga. Special numbers will hr sent, pn application by letter,/nee of charge. All commonieationi in tended for foe ‘‘Bank-Note List and Detector,” most beteddreftsed to u Swan*» Bank-Note Liet” Atlanta, Ga. SAMUEL 8W Jaws Bobbbtsor, General Agont. se2 the schedule ot the arrivals of foe MAILS to and from aHT; - r! S ’! EAS, James M. Wootten applies to for letters of Administration upon tbe Henry W- Wooten late of CanoU Co 3 are therefore, to cite and admonish all and tiognL-r the kindred and creditors of said deceased- to be and appear at my of fiee wifbin foe timw prescribed by law to show cause if any-they have Why said letters t be granted nnto«aid applicant.- r my hand and official signature m$*nee. {oovlfil F A KIBBY Ordy* HA, Floyd Uouaty ; To all whom it rrn will please take notice, that isno Camp. Administrator on foe Estate of William G. Coney, deceased, and also administrator debonimton on foe Estate of John E. Coney deceased, applies tome for itt’ers of dismissimi from tbe Es tates ot said deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish ail And singular tb<* kindred and creditors of saw deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to '’any they have, why said let* be'gfjpted. Given under my , official signature at office Nov^th. (norl3J J. LAM BERTH, Ord’y —*4- /tEORGIA, Floyd County To all whom it VI may eouoers, will please take notice, that Adam Milta applies to me for letters of Guardianship for foe persons and property ef Ekima Alaresret. Robert, and Noah-Bolf - orphans ol Robert Self, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends of said orphans to be and appear at my of fice within (he time prescribed by law to show cause if any they have why said letters should not be granted unto said applicants. Given under my hand and official signature at office this the 6th of November, -856. fnovlSJ J.LAMBEBTH, Ordinary rpHE following is 1 and departures this office - & *■ • . The Easton and Western Mail closes duly (Sundays excepted) at 9, a. m. Arrives daily (Sundays excepted) by p. m. Mode of conveyance, R. R. Care. Jacksonville, Ala., Mail by Cave Spring closes daily al 1 p. m.; arrives daily by 8$ a. m. Mode of conveyance. Coach. LaFayette Mail, by Armutehe*, Dirt Town, Mount Hickory, Summerville. and. Tryon Factory, closes Tuesdays and Fridays sit $ 5 . 0* 'IQ* ' Arrives Wednesdays and Saturdays by 7p m Mode of eenveyanee, Haek. ' Cedar Town -Mail by Lake Creek and Vaun's Yalley eldies Mondays, I Wednesdays and Fridays at 1 p. m., and arrives same day by 12 m. Centre, Ala., Mall by Thomas’ Mills, Cedar Creek, Ga., Howel’s Cross Roads,' Oceola, Ala., closes Fridays at 5, a. m.; arrives Sat- nrdays by 7 p. m. Bine Pond, Ala., Mail, by Cedar Bluff, Gayles- ville, Ala., Missionary Station and. Co sa, Ga.. closes Wednesdays, Fridays and Sun- days at 5, a m.; Arrives Tuesdays,.Thursdays and Saturdays by 6 p. m. Hermitage and McGuire’s Store Mail closes Thursdays at 1 p, m.; arrives same days by 11, a. m. Floyd Springs and all Chattooga county Mail arrives and leaves by the LaFayette Mail, and Western and Southern Mails included. THOS. J. PERRY, P. M. P. 0., Rome, Ga., 2d Aug., 1856. GRATIS I JUST PUPLISHED: A NEW Discovery in Medicine!—A few words oq tbe rational treatment, without Medicine of Nerrons Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness, ofrho Limbs and Back, Indisposition and ^Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Dis trust, Dizziness, Head Ache, Pains in the Side, Affection of the Eyes,'Pimples on the Face, and other Infirmities in man. From ike French of Dr B pe Daney.—“The important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be removed without medicine, it in this small tract, dearly demonstrated; and foe entirely new and highly soccessfni treat ment, as adopted by the author, fully explain ed, by means of of which every one is enable to cure him telf perfectly, and at the Icaet pouible cott, avoiding thereby ail the advertised nos trums of foe day.” - Sent to any address, gratis, and post free by remitting (poet paid) two pos tage stamps to Dr. B.^De Laney, No 17 Lispen- ard Street, New York City. ect. 2 6m I A, P o.l k Conn t-y: linary October Term, 1855. Up- of Thornn8 J. Peck praying H. C. Prior, Executor of the testament of A«a Prior, deceas ed, be directed to make titles to lots of land No. 1-328 sod 1329 in the 21»t district of the third section, cow Polk County, contain ing each forty acres more or less, pursuant to the bond said Asa Prior deceased made to William Prek dated the fourteenth day of Febniui y. 1840 and transferred to Thomas JiPeok the ninth day of October, 1866 now on in the office of this Court. that nnless cause tothocon- ’ by those interested, within bed by law. the said Bxeca- to make titles to said the bond and that onth for three FULTON HOUSE, Atlanta, Georgia ■ THE undersigned take this method of .informingtoe publicist they are the Pro —i of foe Fulton House which is now be >d up with new Farnitnre, on which, with -* i - make Ser appendages, foey feel . „ , y ■■ foelr guests comfortable. They pledge their Ub Trav- "" efforts to give satisfaction to tbeif guestsr cited. It Is ordered, fesSr' ‘ iinnt<;s of Conrt, „ - . oiling custom is respectfully »oUc*„„ - Fraxcis M. Allex, Book Keeper. JOBU X. BEEVES, A. E. BEEVES, of Angnsta, Ga. " of Rome, Ga. Atlanta, Feb. 20,'65; ,.ly * PERFUMERY!!! DB. JW HICKS & 00., THANKFUL FOR . the patronage they have hereto fore received from the citizens of Rome and its vicinity, wonld very respectfully invito them to call and examine their stock of WHICH IS DECIDEDLY THE LARGEST'A best selected stock that has ever been brought to this market. Their assortment CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OP RFUMERY, POMADES OF ALL kinds, A Flavour. COOKING EXTRACTS; 'ODOMTME, CAtJUOCS, PRRSiroy SAI/T8,- TOOTH AND HAIR IrUSHES, POWDER, SNUFF-BOXES &C., &0..&C Please caUand examine their «*- ortment. mayl5 tf ly tested’ than Perry Davis’* Vegetable Pain Killer. Thousands of persons, were foev called upontodo so, would cheerfully testify that they-have used it for various Ills, with the most satisfactory success. It is w ithin our knowledge, that an immense amount of i been relieved by it. Its propri etors, Messrs. Perry Davis & Son. save no pains or expense in order to satisfy the pub lic. Being strictly honorable men. tbey ob serve tbe utmost uniformity in the manufac ture of their celebrated Pain * Kilter; . The materials of which it is composed are care fully selected—Bone but the best quality be- ing used. By these means the high-reputa tion which- the Pain Killer has long since ac- qnired if at alHimes triumphantly snstaio- n view of these facts, we are by no means surprised to learn that Messrs. Da^js & Sou’s tales are constantly and rapidly in creasing. While we congratulate our friends generally that so valuable a preparation as the Pain Killer is placed within their reach, we most be permitted to rejoice at the well merited success os Its liberal and enterprising proprietors.—Providence Gen; Advertiser Davis’s Pain Killer,—This article needs no comments from 5 us, but the real worth of so valuabln a compound compels us to give publicfty to It, in our Transcript. Mr, Perry Davis,Jhe manufacturer and inventor, is a gentleman for whom we entertain the high est. respect, and any article he should oner to tbo .public we should have tbe utmost con fidence in. The Pain Killer we keep constant ly on hand, and hava done so for a number of years, and have administered It for ails of all descriptions, both external and internal,; and. have ever-found it to be tbe- best reme dy extent. We well recollect its first intro duction for Public patronage*, it. was then sold in a few shops in this city: look at it now! the world are its patrons. A few days since we published a certificate from Bnrmah, and we Uave often seen them from the teost remote habitable regions of the Globe. Read er, if you have not a supply on hand, (we ,‘trust yoa have, as. it is almost indispensa ble,^ procurfe it at once, and never be with- ont it again—it will gave many a physi cian’s biTl.—Providence Dailt Transcript. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEIT PUT CP IN THE OLD s^rLE OP bottles Sold by J. W. HICKS & CO., Rome, Ga; J D CaiTienter. Cassvilie; J A & 8 Irwin. Cartersyille; Smith & Ezzard, ’' AHama ; Barret. Cartcr & Co. and Clark, Weils & Du bose, Angnsta ; John B. Moore &Co., J.H Carter & Co . Jos. M. Garner & Co., S. D Brantly &Co., Savannah, and by druggists and medicine dealers generally f JulvlOty WATER BUIflHSG UP HILL!! GATCHEL’S PATENT PREMIUM IMPROVED Doable and Single Self-acting HYDRAULIC RAMS. PATENTED APRIL 101847. T70R supplying dwellings or farm houses villa- J. ges, rail road stations Ac., with pare run ning water any heighth or distance required, with from one pint to 20 GALLONS OR MORE PER MINUTE, from & spring or stream, where a fall of two or more feet can be obtained. The quantity thrown in proportion to the fall and elevation. The undersigned having purchased the righ t for the counties of Floyd, Gordon and Cass, is prepared to furnish atfd put in operation the a hove named Rams of various sizes, adapted-to differenthized springs, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Address JL GIBSON, ap 10,tf Cartersville, Ga D A L T 0 N MANUFACTURING COMPANY. rFHB UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW PREPAR JL ed to fill orders in the best style of Work manship from tbe best of Material with the la test improved patterns, on short NOTICE IN IRON, BRASS OR COMPOSITION ALL CASTINGS WILL BE EXPE DITIOUSLY EXECUTED. SUCH AS MILLL GEARING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PATEST ‘ WATER WHEELS, BARK MILLS. PATENT SAW HILL DOGS, GIN G A RING! r And all sorts of Gearing for bpth SAW AND FLOURING MILLS. WE ARE ALSO PREPARED T O MAKE PATTERNS OF ANY DESCRIf TION OR PLAN A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STOVES PLOWS AND Agricnlt’I ImpIcm’B generally, are kept constantly on hand at reduced prices. All persons wishing to build or re- Mills, are invited to examine our patterns and and prices. Having a practical Mill Wright connected with the, company, we are prepared to giro plans and the Estimated cost of all kind of MiUs ami Machinery. . . ' ROB’T BATTEY, , Dalton ap 17 1y President, FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING!! F INE French biaok, blue and olive cloth, Frock Coats, made in the most fashionable manner, new style* of plain and Fancy Cassi- niere*/ walking and business Coats, French Doeskin and fancy Cassimere pants, English Cmudrn^rc rlemestie dif<>. -AN ENDLESS AS SORTMENT OF VESTS, consisting of plain Cloth, Satin, figiire<H5Hj< r Silk Velvet, Plush, Ac. A Iargestocic of elegant over Coats, Cloaks S d Talmas, Also a. well assorted atoek of boy’s tilting. Boots and Shoos, Huts, Caps, Shirts, Collars, TrUnk« ahiPViiliesos at STERN A CO A ltrge and weB ssfe^teTsIbek of Sgtople nnd Fancy Dry Uoials, Watches mid Jewelry, Indies’ Shoes av>d Guitcm, just rapeived nnd will be sold on reasonable terras by (nov02m) 6. A CO |PB Cholera, Dysentery, Diarr/icea, FOR ALL BOWEL DISEASES. Cholera Morbus, Bilious Cholic, 7 Cholera Infantum, ALSO, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OF FEMALES; MOST ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. THE'^virtue'OF JACOrS^'fORMU'ARE TOOWELL^ 8th. It rciitres Pain in Back and Loins. 9th. Ilctmnteracls Neroousneit and ’Despon dency.' 1st 2d. 3d. 4th, 6Ut. 6th. 1th. It cures lAw icarst cases of Diarrkma. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhaa. It relieves the severest C$ic. - It cures Cholera Morbui. It curerCholera ftfantum It cures Painful lort Extracts from Letter*, Testimonials, Ac, 10/If. It Restores Irregularities, lllh. lldispelt Gloomy at 12th. It’s a Tranquilizer 'celings ’ Tonic ial in my family, and havo found it a most efficient and in my Hon. Hiram Warner. Judge of Supreme ( 6nrt, Ga. Ial—my own personal; ex- a a sufficient guaran- krCion remedv.” f ior Conn. ClierokeeCfituit. Jacob’s Ur lends around A few ah “I have used Jacob’s Goi ’ ment, a valunblb retne . t gives me pleasure in being able to recommend porienco, and the 'experience of ray neighbors and fri tee for me to bolMc it to be all that it purporat to Ite; yin: J Hon. Wm. H. Unobpwood. formerly Judge ofSn “I take, great plcasurejn recommending tills invaluable medicine to ail afflicted: with bow el diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried by me.” A. A. Gacldino, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. “Thisefficient remedy je travelling into celebrity as fast a Bonaparte poshed bis columns into Russia, aud gaining commendation wherever used.” '/ [Georgia Jeffersonian, May 19tA, 1858. “ I have used’Jacob’s Cordial’ in my family, and tbia, with aU I hearabout it, as a rem edy by those who have tried it, induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every preparation of the kind, and 1 would recommend its use io the dMrn*e for which it is compounded. G. Dobbins, Cashier ofthe Bank of foe State of Georgia, Griffin* “ Iffoere is any credibility in hnitrnn testimony, ’Jacobs Cordial’ must stand pre-emi nent above all other preparations for the enreof Bowel Diseases.-. , From foe mass *f testi mony In its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a curative agenLof most if not all other-patent’ preparations.” A . Fleming. Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bank. Griffin, rar For salo by Dr. Hicks & Co. and J. E Pinson, Rome; S. M Davidsqn Cave Spring. R. D- VVingakd Vann’s Valley. Stephen Bam. Armutchee, T. McGciee .dcGuire’s Store, WM. McCollouch Floyd Springs, Carpenter Sc Bdrkb Cassvilie, B Porter Adairs- Aille, Au.uoop &Eowards Summerville. Thornton’s Dablonega, M. Torner Stilesbr rough, hd by the principal Merchants ahd Druggists throughout the State v *. STARTLING RUT TRUE! WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. R EADER, are you a husband or a father ? a wife or a mother ? Have yon the sincere wellfare of those you love at heart l Prove your sincerity, and lose no lime in learning what causes interfere with their health and HEMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. • ,’. 1 : • t : H | ? j DELMnOLDS HIGHLY COSCESTBaTED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHUj For diseases of the Bladder: and- Kidneys Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weaknesses, and all diseases of foe Sexual Organs,, whether in male or female, from whatever cause they happiness not less than your oWn. It will may liavej)rlginated. and no matter of how a void to you and vours, as it has to thous- lodg standing. onds, many a, aic and anxiety fol lowed by sleepless nights, incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation and exhaust- ing those means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nostrums, which otherwise would provide for decliuingyears, the infirmities ofage^nd ,th<e proper educa tion of your children. - How often it happens: that- the wife lin gers from year to year in th -t pitiable con dition as not even for one day to feel the Lappy nnd exhilerating influence incident to tlie enjoyment of health, arising from ignor ance of the simplest and plainest rales of health as connected with th* marriage state, the violntion'of which entails disease, suf fering and misery. “And musf this continue 1 Must this be 1 Is there no remedy! No relief! No hope!” The by knowing the causes and avoiding them, and knowing the reme dies and benefitting by them.' These are pointed ont In THE MARRIED WDM AN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, R OFBSSOR OP DISEASES OP WOMEN. One Hundredth .Edition(000,000) T^mo. pp. 250 [ON FEti PAPER, EXTRA BINDINB, $1,00] A standard work of establishefl reputation fonnd classed in the catalogues of the great trade sales in New York. Philadelphia, and ptber cities, and sold by foe principal book sellers in tiie United,States. It’was first published in 1841,since which tine FITE HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have 1 been sold,'of which" there were up wards of i One Hundred Thousand Sent by Mall. attesting the high estimation in which it is held a*a reliable popular Medical BOOK FOR EYERY FEMALE foe aufoor having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatment of complaints pecu liar to females, in respect to which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both in per son and by iriter. Here every woman can discover, by com paring her own symptoms with those de scribed. the nature, character, causes of,and the ptoper remedies foi, her compuints. The wife about becoming a mother has of ten need of instruction and advice ofthe ut most importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness forbid- consoliing a medical gentlemap, will find suen instrnction and advice, and also ex plain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm, as all the pecuiiaritiesincideut to her situation are de scribed. How many are suffering from obstructions or irregularities peeniiar to the female sys tem, which undermine the health, the ef fects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbidsseekingadvice ! May suffer from prolapsus uteri (Fallin If you have contracted tf»e terrible disease which, when once seated in the sy §tem. wiH surely.go dodn from one eeoeratioa-to an other, undermining thejconstiiution and sap ping the very.vital fluids of not trust yourself in the hands ot the Quacks, who start op every day ifi a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods, too well calculated to deceive the young, and those not acquainted with their tricks.— You cannot be too’carefar in the selection i of a remedy in these'cases. Tbe fluid extract B rich ns has been pro nounced by eminent physicians the greatest r< incdy ever known. It is a medicine per- ^cforpiefsant^-jtSftasfit.andyerjiincTceiit in'its action, and yet so thorough that itan- nihilates evary particle of foe rank and pois- inous virus of this dreadful disease; and. unlike other remedies, does not dry up-the disease in tbe blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self- abase, a most terri.ile disease, which has brought thon&nds of tbe hnmaii race to nntitaely graves," thns blasting the brilliant hopes of parent*,; And blighting infoe bud the glorious ambition of many a noble ypnt b, can be cured hy this Infallible Remedy.— And as a mgdicine which" mast benefit every body, from fop’sigiply delicate to~foe coir- fined and despairing Invalid,'no equal is to be found acting both as a Cute and preven tive. ■ ' HELM BOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For Purifying the;Blood, removing all dis eases arisiogfrom excess of Mercury, expo sure and imprudence in Ufe, chronic consti tutional disease, arising from an impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for tbe core of Scrofula, Salt Rheum., Ulcerations ofthe Throat and Legs Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter. Pimples on the Face, and sca ly Eruptions of the Skin* This article is now prescribed by some of the most distinguished physicians in the country, and has proved more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsaparil la yet offered to the public. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrbf- nlons diseases have entirely recovered in the incurable wards of onr public Institutions which had for many years resisted every mode of treat m nt that could be devised.— These cases furnish striking examples ofthe salutary effects of.fois medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed, and the bones al ready affected. Notice.—Letters from responsible physi cians and Professors of several Medical Col leges, and certifiicates of cures from patients will be fonnd accompanying both Prepara tions, Prices, Fluid Extract of Bnchn, SI per ' 0 fj bottle, or 6 bottles for S5. Fluid Extract $6. equal in strength to one gallon of Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by H. T, Hklmboi-d. Chemist. 26S Chestnut Street, near the Gi rard Honse Philadelphia. To be had of Druggists and Dealers, eve rywhere. All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate attention. jane 12 ly the womb), or from fluor alius (weakness- ‘ debility, ^-c.) Many».re inconstant agony ~ * for many months preceding confinement.— Many have dificult if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain discoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find in its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey ful ly the various subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried or those contemplating ni-trriage. In consequence of the uhivirsal populari ty of the work, as evidenced by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, as well oi. booksellers as on the public, by imitatioDs of title-page, spurious editions,and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other devices and descriptions it has been found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to bay no hook unless the words *’Dr. A M. MaUriceau. 120 Liberty Street. N. Y.” on and the entry in the Clerk’s Office o the back of) the’tith- page ; and buy onl of respectable and honorable denler«, o send by mail and address to Dr. A. M Mauriceftu. Upon receipt of One Dollar, “ THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MED IC * L COMPANION” a sent (mailed free) *o any pari & ..,ic United -States, the Canadas and British Provinces All leiters must be po>t paid’and addressed to Dr A. M. MAURICEAU, box 1224 New York City. Publishing Office, N*- .29 Liberty Street, NewYork. AGENTS IN GEORGIA. L E Welch, Albany : E J White, Milledgevtlle; Doynl A Fears, McDonough; C Youngblood, Oglethorpo ; Wm Kay, Atlanta; Thos T Chris tian, Dalton ; Jones A Blnkely and Richards, LaGrange : W A Scandrett, Griffin; J B Cub- bedge, Savannah. March 6, 1855 Eigoeisior Hand Loom!! T HIS important labor saving machine for do mestic manufactory; it destined to supersede and drive out of-use all other hand looms that have their treaddles operated by the action of the feet, and the shuttle thrown by the band. The construction is ~ . SIMPLE, CHEAP, AND DURABLE! From its great simplicity, it ts not snbjeot to get out of ardor, and the entire machine com plete, can be mode by any ordinary carpenter. The advantages it possesses over the old fash ioned loom, consist in all its parts being SELF CHANGING, requiring no skill to weave. It is neat and convenient, and on it one can weave THREE TIMES AS MUCH CLOTH as or the old fashioned loom, and WITH LES£kLABOR‘! The cost is no more than tbe old, and is. equally adapted to all kinds of domestic weaving. Jiihh H. 'Wisdom offora to' selK the Patent WiU soll atprl- Jan 80 '55 tf. Rome } Ga. January 1855.30, JAMES’ NEURALGIC LIQUID!! T his extraordinary medicine for the cure of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Flux Diarrhoea, Cramp Cbolie, Gfaolera Morbus, Croup, Nervous Headache, Chills and Fevers, Bruises and Sprains, Old Sores, Pains in any part of the body, is now for sale at Wm M A ’ W Peeples, Calhoun ; C P Wellborn, Dalton; J Norcrosa, Atlanta ; R Baber, Marietta. We would say to all as a proof of the power and efficacy of this Liquid to do what we sny, we have retailed $700 worth in fourteen months in Chattanooga amidst all other medicines where the medical faculty stands high. We can get 95 out of 100 who have used this to certify its virtue and pow er. See Brownlow’s Whig and descriptive pam phlets for details and testimony. Each Bottle has full directions. Price 50 cts, 1 00 and $2 00 dollars per bottle Cash only. JJ JAMES, Proprietor. I hereby certify that I was afflicted with Rhea mntism for two years, and frequently would a- wake in the night and shed tears, the pain was so severe, without relief from Any medicine till I used James’ Neuralgic Liquid and in two ap plications it made a perfect cure. JM YOUNG, Clinton, Ga. Physician. Certificate.—JUDGE MASSINGALE. I have used James’Neuralgic Liquid with en tire success in two cases of Rheumatism in my family, one chronio, the other inflammatory. I have used it for Neuralgia in my own case with much benefit I beliove it is the most reliable and perfect “panacea" for pains I have ever had in my family. H W MASSINGALE. Certificate.—Rev J. Atkins, Bible agent for Holston Conference.—A few weeks since, when some distanco from home, I was attacked with Flux. I took one dose of Jnmcs’ Neuralgic Li quid ; the symptoms begat to give way, gnd in it few hours I wns relieved. Ivnoxvillo, 1855 J ATKINS * Rev W H II Doggiuv of Holston Conference. —I certify that James’ Neuralgic Liquid cured the chills and fevers on .a young man after all ofoff remedies had (ailed. It also cured a case of scarlet fever—its.effoet. was imn»ediate. Meigs Co,.Tour W I( II DUGGAN. ''Mimwr* 1 ”" 1 ' Editore Macon Telegraph, Pike Co., Ga.^ Gentlemen i In,obedience to my conscience and to’ the benefit of suffering humanity, per mit me through the columns ol yoar exten sive paper, to perform what I beliove to. be my doty to suffering fellow-mortals. Cancers aod Cancerous aifectiona of a marlign: charbctcr are considered by all tbo Medi Faculties, both In England,? France and mcrica. as incurable: and thousands ared iy lingering on tbrottgh a painful and di et ful existence to an aw/bl death from ibis most direful ofttil complaints to wbicb tbe hnman race aro subjected, without either thought In hundredf ' tbe heat qnrgcotis tbo world ever prodoe exhausted In Vain. 3Iy mother has et-n for sixteen years afflicted, with one of the most distressing cancers, situated in the W/frMWW’- fljjltfltBgrpBa mmbferiJoateJo cure. She lias been relieved by Dr B Moseley, of Grif- . Knowing the importance ofeven a small in your paper, I will give a brief siate- of foe caso^foat those who are afflicted may read and judge for themselves its ma lignant clta racier, anil tbe extraordinary skill required!* eradicate it. The disease origl- twied upon the upper Hp. near the corner oj the month, and continued to spread nntil tbo ( the uppef lip, the gams, nose and ofthe fade were very much affected, been under tbe charge ofmanyemi- nent physicians before visiting Dr Mosely, and also the celebrated Dr. Marshal/of Ma con, and Dr. Shepard, of CbarTestph. both'of tfibse noted carers having failed to give any relief. She was considered’by all who saw her. to.he out of foe reach of medical aid; her lip waa all destroyed-afid gone,.andrCM- afituji.oq apparently ruined from the effects af Arsenic, and other poisonous eschardtics, that were applied while aher was under fbe treatment of other, physicians. - Her face atid eyes bad become very much awolen. vision nearly, gone, and a generaf Dropsy oftbe en- tiresystem, with distressing palpitation of the heart In this condition Dr. Moseley took her under hl» treatment at Griffin, on theiM Of.Augnst, 1851. The Doctor took out all the cancfer, together with her front teeth, and a portion df the superior maxilary bohe; ai so some of the bones in the roof pi ihempufol apd all without the use of the knife. There has been no appearance of the disease since, vnd I believe that it baa been entirely eradi cated ftbm her system. 1 have made frd- quent and minute examinations, and discov er no apppeanuice of any cancer remaining. When she reached Dr. Moseley’s infirmary at Griffin, she was completely prostrated from the use of poisons, snch as Arsenic and Corrosive Sublimate; she was scarcely able to wa!k'‘w<thont much , pain, and dis tress from loss of sight When she was un der Dr.. Moseley’s treatment, he had many casea cases of a severe,character, on which be effect^.perfect cores in a short time, some of which had baffled the be-t surgical skill, and been pronounced inenrab’e; notwith standing which. Dr. Moseley cored them‘all without difficulty. I merely state that from the lpcationrof the disease and the .’diseased siate of the bones, it was absolmely beyon relief by the use ofthe,knife. I would ad v!*et all who are subjects of cancers, ulcers and rumors of all kinds, not to dfespairotbe* ng cured, but visit Dr. Moseley, no matter how many others may have failed to relieve you If I did not honestly and candidly be lieve that you would be serving the cause of snfferring humanity, by publishing to the world the knowledge of Dr. * Moreley s. un- snrpassedskrh hr thetreatmeTifofcancefs|l would not solici t a place in your valuable pa per for tbiscommanieation I hope. 'gentie- nieP, that you will place this case before the public, that they may read and decide for themselves. Most Resp’ct’y.. Your ob’t se’v’t DR.J.T.F0RD • P. S. I will state for the benefit of the «f J dieted, tb a i Dr. Moseley is a regular erado uate, and lias been engaged in an extensive practice for the past ten vearS. -Those who desire to try his *kitl in the treatment of Can cers. Syphilis andothercbronic disease? may do so with the greatest hope of a cure be ing pexfecied in a short time. have wit nessed many wonderful cures made by Dr. Moseley during the past three years; his mode of treatment is very mild, not preven ting tbe patient f om daily exeriise, and at tended with no danger whatever. Dr. T J. F. All persons that are desirous of avail ing themselves nf Dr. Mosely’s services, Wil fred him at his office, on Eighth Street.Grif. finGa* All *omunications must be post paid. and addressed to W. R. MOSELEY. M. D; Grtffiin Ga. PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE O N the Physilogical View of Marriage by M B La Croix, M D, Albany, N' Y. 250 pages aud 130 fine Plain and Colored Lithographs and Plates. Price culy 25 cents. Sent Free of Postage to all parts of the United States- Dr. M. B. La Croix’s Physiological View of Marriage.—A new and re vised edition of 250 pages and 180 plates. Price 25 cents a copy. A popular and comprehensive treatise on the dnties and casnali- ties of single and married life—happy and fruitful al liances, mode of securing them, infelicitous and infertile ones, their obvi* ation and removal, nervous and debility, its causes aud cure by a process at simple, safe and effectual, that failure is impossible, rules Tor daily management, an essay on Sper matorrhoea, with practical observations on a safer and more snccessful mode of treatment^ precautionary bints on the evil results from empirical practice; to which is added commen taries on the diseases of females, from infancy to old age, each case graphically illustrated by beautiful plates. It points out the remedies for those self inflicted miseries and disappointed .hopes so unfortunately prevalent in tbo young. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSO 0\5> YEAR. v f, fri ll RRANGEMENTS for tbo Second Annual JL Collection of this new and popular Institu tion for the diffusion of Literature and Art, have been made onthe most extensive scale. Among the works already engaged, is the far famed‘ GENOA CRUCIFIX” which origi nally cost ten thousand dollars. In forming the new collection, the diffusion of works of American Art, and tbe encouragement of American genius, have not been overlooked. Commissions havo been issued to many of the most distinguished Atoerlcah Artists, who will contribute some of their finest pro ductions. Among them are three marble Busts, executed by tbe greatest living sculp tor—Hiram Powers: George Washington, the father of his Country; Benjamin Frank lin. the Philosopher; Daniel Webster, the Statesman. A special agent has visited Eu rope and made careful and judicious selec tions of foreign works of Art, both in Bronxe and Marble; Statuary and Choice Paintings* Tbe whole forming a large and valuable col lection of Paintings and Statuary, to be dis tributed free among tbe members of this- Association for the second year. Teems of Membership.—-The payment of three dollars constitntes any one a member of this association, and entitles him to eith one of the following Magazines : Harper’s, Putnam’s Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s, Gres ham's, Gody’s Lady’s Book, and Household Words. Persons taking five memberships- are entitled to any five of the Magazines for one year, and to six ticketsin the distribu tion. The' net proceeds derived from tbff sale o f memberships, are devoted to the pur chase of works of Art for the ensuing yearv The advantages seenred by becoming » member of this association, are—1st. all per sons receive the full value of their subscript tion at the start, in the shape ofrierllng Mag azine Literature. 2d. each member is con tributing towards purchasing choice Works of art, which are to be distributed amc aging the Artists of tbe conutry.' disbursm thousands of dollars through its agency. Persons in remitting foods tor membership will plecse give their postofflee address in full, stating the month they wish the Maga zine to commence, and have tbe letter regis tered at the Post Office to prevent loss;, on tbe receipt of which, a certificate ol mem bership, together with the Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of tbe country. Those, who purchase Magazines at book stores, will observe that by joining this Asso ciation. they receive the Magazine and free ticket in tbe annual distribution, all at tbe same price they now pay for the Magazine alone.— Beautifully illustrated Catalogues giving full description sent free on application g^"For Membership, address C. L DERBY. Actuary. C. A. A. At either of foe principal offices—Knicker bocker Magazine office 348, Broadway. N. Y or Western Office, 166 Water street. Sandus ky. Ohio. novl33m J&T EVERY BODY READ THIS A SPLENDID FAMILY SEDICHE. GERMAN ELIXIR, os . Compound Fluid Extract of Lourenzaha, fiS^BWrptELT VEGETABLE !f“7^ RTHE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, - Liver Complaints, Indigestion, ; Costiceneee, General Debility, Fullness about the Stomach after meals, and Female Monthly Derangements, t is undoubtedly the best medicine for diyspepsia. Headache and kindred diseases ever placed before foe public. A most excellent remedy for those who eat too heartily. ‘ SPREAD A-FEW EXTRACTS FROM CERTIFICATES. LETTERS &C. I regard the German Elixir as the verY best Anti Dyspeptic nnd stomachic medicioer I have ever used.” Hon. WTLIE W. MASON. [Formerly] Chancellor of the Central Di vision of the 8taie of Alabama. I concur fully In the recommendation giv en hy the Hon. W W Mason, and othere.” Hon SAM F RICE, Judge Supreme Court of Ala. •Yonr medicine has in my.opinion, jus claims to the confidence of the' public as t valuable remedy in cases of indigestion.” Rev. War. F. SAMFORD, [Formerly] President of Oak Bowery Fe male College. T /as suffering froto chronic indigestion, orUyspepsia. I tried the German Elixir andfouud it the very thing I needed.” Rev. MARK S ANDREWS. Agent for the Tnskegee MelbodistFemale College. ■; ”1 am prepared to speak advisedly when I say. that in my opinion it is an invaluabla Family Medicine, answering fully the pur poses for which It is prescriboa. Rev DS DOUGLAS. Presideut of the GlennviUe Female Col lege. Rr commended for Sick Headache by Col. N J Scott. Auburn Ala. Recommended asasplended Family Med-* icine by Col F W Dillard. Anburn Ala. Recommended for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion by Prof C C Richards, A. M., Wright boro, Ga. Numerous other testimonials might be produced, but it is thought tbe above are sufficient to .give confidence in this truly valuable medicine. Manufactured and sold by WM R JONES & Co., Aubnni Ala, For sale by Robt. Battey, Rome Ga. Feb 27, 1855, ly. Office ofthe ] Baltimore, July 1st, 1S55. j All tickets or Certificates of Packages of Tick ets, in the Lotterea authorised by the State of Maryland bear the lithographic signature of F, X. Brenan, General Agent for the Contractor and any other’s frauds. Owing to nuraeronsapplications from all parts contemplating marriage. Ttspernsal ispartlcr f the country, the managers will give their ularly recommended to persons entertaining attention to the filling of ordors for tickets or secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness and privileges to which every human being is entitled to. Price 25 cents per copy, or five copies for $1, mailed free of postage to any part ofthe United States, by addressing Dr. La Croix, (post paid,) Albany, New York enclosing twentyfive cents. N. B.—Those who prefer may consult Dr. La Croix, upon any of the diseases upon which his { book treats, either personally or by mail. His j medicine often cures in the short space of certificates, in the Maryland Lotteries. Persons at a distance may confidently rely upon having their orders for tickets promptly filled, and the strictest confidence observed. These Lotteries are drawn daily in public in the City of Baltimore, under, the syperinten- dence of the State Lottery Commissioner.— Heavy Bonds are given to the State as security for’th payment of all Prizes. The prices of the Whole Tickets are from $1 to $20. Half and qnatcr tickets in proportion. in the ; short apace qf six There are never less than 23,000 prizes in any days, and completely aiid entirely eradicate nil Lottery, which prizes vary in amount from 1$ traces Of those disorders which eopniva 'and cu- ; to $100,000, according to the price of the tiek- bebs have solong been thought an antidote, to ; ets * For instance— * • P iLi. L t»t_ £» it - TT5J (Vo Mi*, of ttaVat. tad! the ruin , of the health of the patient. His ‘•French Secret” is the great continental reme dy for that Class of disoiders which, unfortune ately, physicians treat with mercury, to the irretreivable destruction ofthe patient’s const). tuion, and which nil tbe sarsapparilla in the world cannot cure. Dr. La Croix’s medicines When the price of tieket, U *1 the hi g h«t prlx U about *5,000 « •« « $2 “ “ “ 10,000* •i tf « 5 “ “ “ 20,000 . « “ “ 10 u u " 40,000 “ “ « 20 ’’ “ « 70,000 With numerous Prizes of $10,000, $5,000, $500, $io<Lne.. Persons can remit us any amoifnt r are free from all mineral poisons, and put up in , from $1 upwards, that they wish to invest oa a neat and compact form, which ean be.sent by i receipt of which we forward its value in Tickets express or mail, and may"be taken, in a public ' in the Lottery designated by the purchaser, or, or private house,'or while traveling, without if! none be designated, then seme lottery will exposure to the most intimate friend- or room be drawn after the buyer has got the tickot i» mate, or hindrance from business or study, and ! his possession. An official Scheme of the Lot- no important change in the diet is neeessary. j tery will be sent with all tickets ordered, care- Medicines sent to any part ofthe Union, acrcor I fullysealed in an ordinary envelope, and on the ding to directions, safely-packed and carefully j day the Lottery is drawn the official drawing secured from all observation. Office removed from No. 56 Beaver street, to 31 Maiden Lane, near Broadway, Albany, New York. sep6 ly WESTERN & ATLANTIC HOTEL DALTON, GA. BY MRS ARTHA W FIELD. THIS new. and elegant Hotel, 111, fronting 'Hamilton Street and the ■till Depot of the Western A Atlantic Railroad, is! now open for tfos reception of tray-jllors and visitors. No pains will Be spared to make, it ; equal to any House on the road, and to render tbe fkoe attended withaore throat,an only apartofh bottle idf Jamas!. Neuralgic LI quid made a perfeot cure, indeed it acted like a f eharm. P 3 J ^|I JkLANPMSOM, I S G ■At-'* V^m$o3$?'g a ., JW MASSENGAL Ymgtton, will bo sent, togethor with a written Explana tion of the result ofthe purchase. The drawn numbers are also publish id in the daily papers . ofthe City of Baltimore, and in the Daily Na tional Intelligencer, Washington, D. C. A circular containing all the Schemes will be sent to any one by addressing the undorsigned. Address orders for tickets to F. X. BRENAN, No 4 Calvert Street, aug71y ' Baltimore, Maryland. ~ NEW BOOKS ' J UST received at the Book Store of Henry A Sinithr—Travels in India, China and Japan comfortable, suob as may call. The rooms are by Bayard Taylor; Tho Lands of the Saracen, large, and well ventilated. Persons vlsltlfig do; The Two Guardians, by tho author ofthe the^Copper Mine-*, nnd the nv f ;Wt)\his in Murray Heir of Redolyffe ; Tho Castle Builders, do; Ion or Revelation of a life; Captain wenty years of an African Slave; es from the Book ofNature, by De ly. I vere'-; The Greot Red Dragon, or the Master — i- JLLLL Key ; t« Pnpory; - Rambles in Iceland, also in RlHBfflfeteiliikDYj’ -V'zJZx I Brazil, by ARM Payne ; Nathalie [a novel} CIVIL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL : ^ hy Cha* Reado; The Hidden Path, by the au- c Lsa' 1 thor of Alone;. The Deserted Wifebv Mrs South E wortbij Fifty Years Exile, bytMellville; Cum Meigs Co,.Tenn W Jf U.JJUGOAN. the popper .Mines, nnrr the nvwnt^msin Murray Heir ot Kectoiytt Hon J.M Aiidorsoii, formerly member of Con- i Sn( ! (tilther, finj£tio'd'lfficuity-ru-procuring • hiftr- Mary Lyndon or grea? from 5th District,.Tepti.' ' , ; and vehicle to-, eonvey them to either of | Canot, or Twenty L.WU8 pain folly afflicted tvith Nvurttlgla in | ISSre’rfftlnts. Stray Leaves fro r "irirnm-rrm;. ■■ -1 * ‘ U-.i.-'Tl’t t: Jf ;I ^ ming’s woilts by whole series uniform, edition, l Rome, Georgia, November fltb, 1855 .