Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 04, 1855, Image 3

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!fV n EORGIA, Floyd county :-To all whom il \J ds&v concern, will pleas© take notice, that whereas, Robert N C Ware applies to me for letters of admin.slratioo on the estate of Adaiinc fif.J. Wwe, deceased. These are thereibrc, to cite and admonish al! and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo and appear at tny office within the time r>re?cffl*dJav law to show canse if any they have, owl let ters should not be granted unto saWa^pli- cant. Given under mv ham! at office. Dec4] J.LAMBERTH, Ordinary ?. Ransom Foster ap L for letters of Admiaistration on the Es tato of William G Fitts, deceased. These are, therefore to cite and admonish aR and singular the kindred vnd creditors of said deceased to bo and appear at my office Within the time prescribed by law- to show if any they hare, why said letters be granted. Qiren under ray deed] P. A. Kirby. Otxl y STRAYED A FIXE large red Cow. several weeks ago. Can remember no particular marks about her. She was from imported stock , was bought of Dr. Anderson near Adairsville, and may bavestmrtcd back and stopped on the way. Any one who will deliver her to me in Rome, or put her up where I can get her, and inform me of it, I will give him Five Dollars. NovSTtf JAS. £. VEAL. should not A GRKKABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Chattooga county, wiU be eold on the let Tuesday in February next, tho following property ton it: Tenar, a girl IS years old $ Gracy, a girl 10 years old and John, a boy 10years old. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs of Alexander Manning, deceased. Wm. E. .MANNING, Administrator, Bec.4 with the will annexed EOR GI A, Chattooga County: Whereas, "■Thomas Gaines, Administrator of P. II. Gaines, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission therefrom. These a re, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why sa:d 1 men* should not be granted unto said applicant.— Given under my hand and official signatnre at office. [dec#] F A Kiaar, Old* WOOD k BRO., W ORLD most respeotfolly inform their friends and eeatemm that they have moved about tea foot late their new store room between their old stead and Wm H White, and that although behind every body else in getting in their New Goode this foil, they are now in store with all the advantages that purchasing date in the season secure* to them. We hare now in stare— KKU.-KY.', common, and best Ga HE8B0 SHOKS, home-made ; AY AX D SHOES, for Men, Boys and Children; Calf, Kip and Kid BOOTS for Ladies ; GOAT BOOTS for Ladies and Misses, Cloth GAITERS; Calf sewed BOOTS for Men; « peged “ “ - “ “ " Boys; WOOL HATS, home-made ; •Spec Cotton; Leather; Axes, SamT Coffins ; - King's; Woes, Planter's Nos 1,Sand 3; Trace Chains ; Paper—Cap, Letter, and Note; ■Silk Iloeey white; . « ■*’.• black; Cash mire Hose, Mack ; “ “ white; “ “ assorted col's; 'Cotton « white Ae; Half Hose of various kinds; Gloves, of « : « Calicoes, a large lot new and pretty; Ginghams, assorted; Furniture, prints ; Damasks: . Limey* : Checks and Stripes ; Dress Silks in Great variety; Elk Marclline* Silks; ^Florence ** Ribbons ? If = • “ Velvet; Blade Silk Velvet; White Satia; Dress Trimmings; Embroideries; ** Haadk'ik; coves*f ... Chemisette; Plain and FIs Mirinoe* ; Cottnh Flannels ; "Wrtol - • RtxAHpmi BteVd A Brown . -lech Muslins, Swiss and Nainsook ; Thread Cambric ; Black Crape; Lieeez; - (hnlitia, awrtei coFs; Casrimeres; Black Doe Skin; Fancy “ *» North Carolina Ae Tweed*; ■ Juans; - Drillings, Bleach’d A Brown C ol!p ; Holland. “ “ Wool Net Shirts ; Silk " u Trunks; n Tin Ware; * Crockery and Grass Ware; Locks; FLOYD SHERIFF SALES FOR DEC, rpHK Interest of Asa H Mann lo lot number X 133, 32nd District and 3rd Section j also four Negroes, property of Robert A. McCay ifeo Lot number 167.22d District and third of Fielding Archer; also Lots SasTmTSSi and parts of 763 and 763, 3d District and fourth Section, property of Ma ry Henderson; aUJ Iadw 338, 239, and 240, 24 th Distriot and fourth Section, property of John Oox; also Lot number 235, 24ti and third SeeUon, property of A Leach; also one Negro Boy property John F. Patton; also Lot S6 and part of Lot number 4, Etowah division of Rome, property of J W M Berrien ; also Temperance llall Lot In Rome, property of William B Jones; also Lot number 252,33d District and third Section, property of Thomas Godard. n«vS7 1RPROYED GUYANA FLAY LOTTERY, (By authority of the State of Georgia) FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY!! 1 PRIZE TO EVERY 16 TICKETS ! FOR DECEMBER—CLASS TEN WILL BE Drawn December 34, in the City of Atlanta, when prises amounting to $30,000 wiU bo distributed according to the following INIMITABLE SCHEME: CAPITAL PRIZR TEN THOUSAND DOL’S SCHEME: 1 Prize of $10000 $ do 2,000 are 4,000 3 do 500 are 1,500 11 do S50 are . $.750. 10 de 110 are woo 17 do 75 are W75 43 do 50 are 2,150 SSv do 50 are 2,075. 200 do 10 are 2,000 630 do 5 are 3,150 1,000 ^ prises amountinn to $30,000 ONLYREN THOUSAND NUMBERS! Tickets $5; Halves $2,50; Quarters $1,25 SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Atlanta, Ga. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! (By authority ef the State of Qeorguu) MACON, G A. BEUTIFUL SCHEME. $30,060 WILL I^fejRIBUTED AT CON- eert Hall, Macon/Ga-T 15, 1855, ac- oordiug to the following magnificent and unpre cedented Scheme, underthe sworn superinten dence of Col George M Logan and James A Nis- bit, Esq. CLASS H. CAPITAL $12,009 Deo 15th, 1855. 1 Prise of 1 1 5 19 75 130 18- 251 do do do do do do $500 are 100 are 50 are 35 are Approximation prizes, Prises amounting to Tickets $12,00.0 3,000 2,000 1,000 2,500 3,750 3,250 600 $5; $30,000 Halves Only 10,000 Numbers. $2,50; Quarters $1,25. In this Scheme if you draw anything even the lowest prize It will be five times the cost of the Ticket,. Prizes paya ble in fall without Deduction, and every Prize is drawn at each drawing, and some person must get teem. Orders strictly confidential. Drawings sent to orders. Registered lettersat my risk. Rills on all solvent banks at par. Address JAMES F WINTER, Macon Ga 1m And many other artiefcs too tedious to men tion. All of which we will be pleased to show and sell on reasonable terms. Nor. 27, WOOD A BRO. TX perruance to an order of the Honorable the X Ordinary of Floyd county will be shift at*the Court House In the city of Rome, on the 1st • Theater iarJaasary 1856, the following notes and fi fas, sold »3 the property .of the Estate of WiiHam I Price,deceased to wit: -J W Dorwiu's Note "$165 00 Naims «■ 2000 W M Brizile “ 171 -10 Cr. for $60 lSthNov-1856 A Stephen* ; , ' Note A Stephens Note Slf Venable Note SW Venable . Noto RJ Johnson J. Note Thomas Petit . Note JIM Turman Note A Alexander - ; Note -John Flcyd ■ ' Note Littebuy Unfit ' Note A- Copeland - Note AtW Copdand Note Wm Smith Note A Siae ■ ( &»*m*»'#**** -. . - - ■A Stephens ... Note -A Stephens ^ - v * Note Cr. to July 1852 for $100 MG Jones o ~ . , Note -J P Dorerron - . Note Note' Cr: , „ . .. Note • J L Hnaon Note J D Dickerson Noto Noto Note Note _ Note rj McCoy Note 45 A0 19 30 14 55 70 00 SO 00 25 00 75 00 4 75 20 00 9 09 61 00 15 50 117 00 2 00 20 00 174 66 26 00 5 00 22 00 8 00 2 00 12 70 5 00 *27 3$ 7 00 35 00 100 00 time arid piece will be hired, the ging to said Estate. DR MITCHELL, ‘ CHAS. PRICE. Adm’ra SOUTH ERN E i MT A It Y 4C1DE7IY LOTI CRY ANOTHER GLORIOUS OPORTUNITY! The improved Scberac presented in Class W Laving been received with such a decidedly favcrabla demonstration, tho manager takes pleasure in presenting another heautifuiiy bril liant Scheme, offering a far more profitable investment than any stock or securities now’in the market CLASS X To be Drawn Dec. 19th at the City of Mont* j, when prizes amounting to 30,000 DOLLARS! according to the following UNPARALLELLED SCHEDULE! Jt&T Remember, One Thousand Prizes!! Capital Prize, $10,000! iTrlz,-* 1 fiO.</*>•, 17 1-riM,, of 75 are 1-CT5 2 Pfi»« ef turn in * *rn a do M«e 2.t» 3 ” V*)tn \MU\ S3 Cfj S'. «r, un It .« SMtn a Van tfiOO w ** tlOarc da 1m. ».) M V-oj prizes Asonraso to %v>,v/s Only Ten Thousand Numbers ! Tickets $5; Halves and Quarters in proppor- tion. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN ; A gem &ai Manager. ■ ** ■- • WOODLAND FEMALE COLLEGE, CEDAR TOWN, GA. The Trustees here made the following arrange ments for the next year: J. M. WOOD President. J. D. COLLINS, Professor of Natural Scien ces and Languages. JAS. A. ARNOLD. Prof, elect of Mathemat ics, Moral and Mental Science. — Teacher of Marie [to be sapplie.] JOE_. H. TERRELL Stewart. Sessions and Vacations.—Spring Session, from the 2d Monday in January to lst’Wed- nesday In Jnly; Fall Session, from 1st Mon day in August to last Wednesday in Novem ber. The intervening time will be vacation. Expenses.—Washing and board, (candies not excepted,) 38.00 per month; Tuition in the College Course 340.00 (for annum ; Tuition in Music. $40,90 per annum; Char ges for Books, dec., so as to cover cost.— Settlement will be required at the close of each session. Schollarships are offered at the following rates; The payment of 370,00 will secure to a pupil the privileges of the Literary Department for two years. $100, three yean. 3120, four years. 3400 will secure a perpetual scholarship. By this ar- TBpgement.a pupil can be boarded and ed ucated for 3110 a year, a less amount than 'is paid for board and washing at most insti tutions, and nearly a hundred doUgrs less ‘than Is paid for the same facilities at other places-- These inducements are offered by an outlsy of money from other sources than the income of the school—a gratuity to the public. Facilities.—The Faculty is composed of able and experienced teachers. They have good Chemical and Philosopoicai Apparatus at their command. The boarding house is to be managed by a good Stewart and lady, who will guard the health and morals of young ladies. Pupils will be required to attend Sunday school and Preaching every Sabbath. Suitable provisions will be made for mosic and for primary scholars. Regulations*—Rules for the government of the school are such as we deem necessary for papiis and the Institution, enforced <n kind ness bat with firmness. Persons wishing to enter papils or purchase scholarships, will please address the President. By order of the resident Board of Trostees. J. M. WOOD, President. —TEDSTKKS- BUSINESS DIRECTORY A W. CALDWEL, Manufacturer of Tin Ware, ii.' Copper and Sheet Iron. Guttering, and Repairing done to order iit the plooa lately oecu- pied by Wa ll Jones.' 26,006 lbs Rags wan* 'tod. novOly M. KERR.—^Cnrrfago Manufacturer. novl3ly A. from abroad promptly filled. A P. NEELD —Merchant Tailor. Broad-sU, •Rome, Un., will fill all order* with prompt* uca% Work warrapted to suit customers [nor 13 B LACK A COBB, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Etowah House, Rome, Ga., will givo their personal attention to the interests of all who confide business to their management. Thread and Osnaburgs by the bale at Factory rices. They are prepared to extend tho usual eiUties. •{ Gao S Black, H W Conn^ novOly 'IXFOOD A BROTHER, Merchants, arc sup- VV plied with the latest styles of Fancy, Plain And ** " * 1 * * “ ‘ storo opposite Wm. White. ■AILWH be seasons; next door to novlSly W M. JOHNSON. D&nler in Carriages, Rock aways, Buggies, Ac. Repository next building west of Iwuuey'n Livery Stable. [novlS UriJAM JI. \VU ITE—Don lor in, and . Diannfuctaror of Saddles, Bridles, Har ness, Leather, Calf-Skins, and all kinds of Car riage' Trimmings. novldly W M 12. ALEXANDER A CO, Wholesale and mr—“ • — Retail Grocer*. Depot, Rome, Ga. Opposlto Rail Road nov6iy M. W. fif All 1*E, Professor of \Vocal unp Instrumental Music, also teacher of Brass Bands, Rome, Ga. Rome, Ga. norSOIy C LARK A COOLEY, Grocers and Commission Merchants, dealers in Paints, Oils and Pro duce : Also agents aod dealers In Virginia Man ufactored Tobacco and Havana Segars, Rome, Ga. ■{ Wm Clark, Mlltox A Coolny } novOly F1HOICE HOTEL, Broad Streot, Rome, Ga.— v' Wra M Roberts, Proprietor. [novlSly C P; CULVER, resident Dentist, Rome, Georgia, (novOly) D R. KING, informs the public that ho may be found at his residence at all times ; at the two story building, corner, nearly opposite the Buena Vista House. ANIEL R MITCHEL, Attorney at Law, wifi attend courts in Floyd and adjoining counties. [novlSly D R. GREGORY, tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Romo and vicinity; office four doors above Norton’s store at the place lately oocopiodby Cbampea Kerr [uovl3 D ANIEL S. PRINTER, Attorney at Law and Agent of the Bank State, of Qouth Car olina, Rome. ... novlSly JgjTOWAH^HOUSE, Near the Depots Broad ipo street, Rome, Geo; J. M. Roach, Proprie- toh [novl31y E TOWAH STABLES.—Rome, Ga. Near R R Depot. Horses and Vehicles bought and sold. Conveyance® of all kinds for Hire. novOly • WMKETCHAM. F ORT A HARGROVE, wholesale and retail dealers in Groceries; always well supplied with fresh articles, sold on-the host terms. Lo cation at.the corner from O-stenaula bridge, old “Exchange.” novl31y F RIED A BRO.—Dealers in Fancy, and Sta ple Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, eto., Broad street, Rome, Go. [n©131y H ENRY A; SMITH.—Bookseller and Sta tioner, Rome, Ga., keeps a general assort ment of School, Theological and Miscellaneous Publications. Also, a great variety of Station ery and fancy articles. [novl31y H ENRY A. GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Office over the store of Berry A Harkins. [novlSly H ARDIN A SMYRE, Merchants, offer on good terms Fine, Fancy, Staple, Plain and Heavy Dry Goods, Ac. Store just under South erner office. novl3ly J ONES A WILSON, Dealers in General Mer chandize, Broad st., opposite Choice Hotel; Rome, Ga {BP Jones, J M Wilson \ nov6Iy J P. HOLT A SON, Mamnfaoturers of Bro* • gans, Boots and Shoes, and dealers in Loa- tber, Broad Street^ Rome, Ga. novl31y Oral street, Rome, Geo. J P PERKINS. Scenic; Banner and Ornamen tal Painter, Rome, Ga. [novlSly J A E\ T ANS L Fashionable Boot Jluker.i Shop on Broad St. Terms Cash. J M. QUINN A CO.—Dealers in Groceries, • Grain, Provisions of all kinds, and Staplo Dry Goods, 2 doors below the Post Office, Broad Street, Rome, Ga. [novl31y J j. COHEN.—Wholesale and Retail Mer- •rhant in Dry Goods, Grpcsries and Hard ware. WAyTEi).—Produce of. all descriptions. Also Agent for'the Paper mills. Rags wanted; . novlSly MflsIiaiUE ijlhfrtisEiuriits. CHURCH ANDERSON, OLESALEGROCER. PRODUCE Deal BR, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI QUORS, Iron Costings, Hides and Solo Leath er, Corneto^bVoQthudBrood Streot, Nashvillo Tenn. maySly woods & fd: MANUFACTURERS OF LAKD.OIL AND FAMILY LARD,'. "*. ^ t No 25 Market Street, Nashville, TcnnHM.. may 1 ly ,55 B. S. WELLER, D EALER in Coppor, Brass, Tin, Shoot Iron, Stoves, Grates, ILdlow Ware nod New seed and Agricultural Depot. No. 35, Upper Market Street, Nashville, Tenp, may 1 ly. H S FRENCIl- -J C FRENCH. H. S. FRENCH & SON, Tenn. Havirtg Agents In St Louis, Louisville, Cin cinnati and New Orleans, wo are at all times prepared to transact any business entrusted to us at those places. H S F A S. may 8 '5 ly MORRIS & STRATTON, W HOLESALE Groeers, Produce and Com mission Merchants, and Dealer in For eign and Domestic Liquors. Corner of Market and Clark Sts., Nashville Tenn. ’ may 8 ly 1855! FALL IHPORTATIOS! 1855! J H M’CLUNGr & CO, Broad Street, Rome, Ga., Have just receired from the Northern markets THEIR FALL AYD WESTER STOCK COMPRISING — Ladles elegant Dress Goods, Handsome wrappings, hosiery, gloves & embroideries. READY MADE CLOTHING FOR MEX AXD BOYS. HOUSE-FURNISHING AND PLANTER’S GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPRION: HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, BONNETS, TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW CORNICE. ALTOGETHER COM PRISING THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. HAV ING TAKEN EVERY POSSIBLE CARE IN THE SELECTION OF OUR GOODS, WE WOULD INVITE ATTENTION OF ALL PROMPT PAYING OR CASH CUSTOMERS. THE USUAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT MADE ON ALL CASH BILLS OF $5 k OVER J H McCLUNG, 'cr ^ G R WARD. Rome, G a * Sept;25th ioriaiy- ± CHEROKEE FEH1LE LlSTltCTE. r J 1 ITE publie fo invited to attend the annnal J T. McCONNELL.—Attorney at Law, Ring- •gold, Ga. [nov!21y J W. HICKS k CO.—Dealers in Medicines, •Drugs, Points, Oils, and Glassware, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Ga., 3 doors briow Sloan Hawkins A Co. [hov!31y J R A T W ALEXANDER, Attorneys at Law Rome. nov271y M ILES W. JOHNSON, Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing,, Boots, Shoes, kc, Broad st, Romo, Ga. [uov!3]y B Dteb, Wm Newton, C H Stillwell, £ D Chisolm, A F Kino, D S Anderson, T H Sparks, Wm Peek, Cot 8 Gibson, W O B Whatley. E H Richardson, W E West, L W Battle, C H Sparks, A Darden, A N Vbrdery, W A Mercer, Joel H Terrell, W P Wood. [nov202m] GEORGIA 1856 FEMALE COLLEGE. * FACULTY: GEORGE Y. BRO WN, President. P. LOUD. Professor of Natural Science. R. D. 21 ALL ARY, Prof, of Belle Letteres. J. R. Seals, Professor of Music. > The Collegiate year for 1856 will begin on Monday January 14th. Commencement will be held la October. Pupils lrom the low country will thus spend their sickly season in our salubrious climate. ( Catalogues containing farther information may be obtained by applying to either of the faculty. [nov207wj R D MALLARY, Sec’y PAINTING!! P LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL.—JAMES P PEItKINS WOULD INFORM THE CITI- zen* of Rome and vicinity, that be is now prepared to execute Jobs in Plain andOma mental Painting. He wonld call particu lar attention to, and invite examination of bis specimens of TRANSPARENCIES, . Banners, Scenery and Landscapes. He now expects to devote bis entire attention to this business and has confidence in bis ability to execute orders in GRAINING and Harbilng as veil as Plain Painting, in a style not surpassed by any one in this section of country. Those desiring work in bis “lino,” are respectfully solicited to give him a call. RomeNov20tf A S THE limit of our copartnership expires the first of January, we intend at that time to close out entirely. We are now offering ia choice lot of FRESH GOODS in our line at ve* ry reduced rates. Cash buyers will save from twenty®*® to fifty per cent by giving as a call soon. This is no common advertisement, we mean just what wo say. CHA.MPB & KERR. N. D.—Those who havo not settled their bid bills, had better do so at once, or they will bo favored with a call from Sam. focSG 0K M. MARKS.—Dealer in Dry • GoodvReady- •Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Shoes, A Boots. He solicits the attention of the public to bis well-selected assortment. nov!3Iy N DUDLEY, Manufacturer of Carriages, Bug • gies and Waggons ; he also attends to Blacksmithing in its various branches. Shop near the Buena Vista Hotel. [novlSly P A. OMBERG, Manufacturer and dealer la • Boots and Shoes; .genteel work done order. Broad st Romo. Ga. ' [novlSly examination of the pupils of the Institute on tbo 5th k 6th last; The fourtb tenu of this Institution will open the first Monday in Sep tember next. Tuition reduced to^iuit the time*. Scholarships, for the year with th'o privilege of the whole range of studies without extra charge for French, Drawing, Latin or Greek, as here tofore $50. There will be hereafter four De partments with the following studies and Rates of Tuition. PitnrARY Department.—First rudiments,ren ding, spelling, defining, primary arithmetic, primary geography and primary history, Jor.tbe Spring term 24 weeks, $15; Fall term, 16 weeks $10. \ • ^ Secondary Department.—Primary branch es revised, geography, English grammar, Arith metic and history of the United States in addi tion, for tbe Spring term of 24 weeks, $18 ; Fall term 16 weeks, §12. Tertiary Department.—Secondary branch es revised with natural philosophy, . chemistry, general history, algebra, botany, Watts on the mind, rhetoric with the principles ofeyntax ap plied in a course of reading of the best English classical writers, for the Spring tom of 24 Weeks $21; Fall term 16 weeks $14. . Senior Department.—Revision of the Ter tiary branches, with geology, moral, intellectu al and political philosophy, logic, geomotry with the Latin and Greek languages, for the Spring term of 24 weeks $24; Fall term 16 weoks $16. Mu.sic, French «nd Drawing, each extra, a* he charge of the Professor. S. FOU0H2'. JONES & WILSON Broad St. opposlto Choice Hotel, H ave just received and openino AN ENTIRELY NEW and Hoary Stock of FALL AIVD WHITER GOODS, which they offer the publlo at low rates, and only ask no opportunity to show that they will do a good part by all who may favor them with their patronage: BLANKETS, KERSEYS Ac. Heavy sovt Blankets Mapklnaw Blankets Whi tney Blank ets Railway Wrap pars Crib Blankets G eorgla Plains HoavyFIanocls Welch Flan n ols Domestic Flannels Ex Hvy Twill do Tweeds assorted Green Flannels Sadie Blan kets Gray k Wbito Wool Plains Blue Gray k Brown Bluo Uroen opera do —Cloths— Cas- imere Gray BlkSat- i n e t s Fey Cas- I m e r e s BIk Blue* Various Cloak M 1 x Lind *•- Cot Vest- 1 n g a Mix k Black Casslmere* French Doeskins olive Cloth colors 0 1 o t b, Tweeds soys ton l O 5 Spun Silks Circassian § a -a s o Fine Dress Goods Sd Super Stripe *** A Pld silks Plain Silks Blk Silks A lap a e as DeLalnes *»» Cashmeres . Bombasine ■ £ Fch A Eng M ar i nos ^ all Wool do § DeBerge K Ombre shaded »-3 Satin Stripe M Printed and opera Flannels Velvetine cloak Anstr’li’n Lac- Wool e n s os Dim ity, Persian T wills - Cloths K VelvetR’bons S, f onnet do g 5 at i a Ribbons - Lining Silks Sai Crape -mmiJX* Swiss q s n | j Moire Antique Dress Trimming F ringes, Rach- Black * h e 1 * col'd “ But’ns, But * Linen to g * C o t ns. «. ton e F lo s s, to Berego, -m Swiss ^»1 Muslins *"* to d Flowers HEdg- Ruse, > ing, O il *c,*c. Silks A ID Wholesale Bar MAGNOLIA BUILDING, ALABAMA J. VALENTINE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUPS, PICKLES, CIGARS, Tobacco, Ac., keep constantly on Land tho following articles : BRANDY, Cognac, Otard, RUM, St Croix, Jamaica, New England. WINES, Port, Madeira, Sherry, M ascot, Claret, Campagne Honnessy, Rochelle, Pcacb, Cherry, Blackberry, Apple. GIN, Holland, American. WHISKY, Bourbon (old) Monongahela, Irish, Scotch, Deans, Dexters, Pikes, Gibson’s (bottled) Ac., Ac* Ac., — .... We Intend keeping on hand all articles needed by Bar-kee ourselves to sell fine Liqnors and Cigars, Tower than they eon be J. PALESTINE, MAT 22, TOBACCO Smoking * chewing’- GLASSWARE, Decanters, - Flasks J-p't, to 2 p’ts, Ttrtnbleri. . SYRUFS, . • Lemon, p’t or. gal/ Raspberry, • Strawberry. Sundries, Sordines, m i ■ _ . mmmmm Campagne Cider, P.rokcrs Bitters Porter Ale - Stranglet m '• CIGARS, Ess. F«rp«mwst* Spanish, Curncoc, American, Mauachins, - . " German— Anisette, a very large assoftluont. Absyntbe, Cordials Corks. 1 * r . Ac. Labels, Ac. t. % s, and will obliga te gbt in .aay-marhet Bqutb. ED. SHARP. IF* H. EIDSO.Y, NEW GOODS!! n. w. jontsos W OULD call the attention of his friends and customers generally, to his'hirge rfnd well selected stock of New Goods. Ho' has just returned from New York With a large supply of FALL & WINTER Q0G-PS,’ Consisting-of all the kinds that, are anally bought or are suited to this market. A. large assortment of CASSIMERES, DELANES and WORSTED PATTERNS, varying in price from 25 cents to the highest. Also • . SILK DRESS GOODS OF THE LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS, and a variety of Ladies’ Winter Goods of every description. Also «. large assortment of Goods suited to Misses’ and Cbildrens’ wear. ALSO A SUPPLY OF LADIAS’ CI.OAltS OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND SWAWLS of various descriptions. Also Silk and Worsted Hosery of various sizes and qualities atlow prices Also Silk and Worsted Hosery of various sizes and qualities at low prices. For gentlemen’s wear a large supply of Winter Goods in Bolts, and READY MADE CLOTHING, a full supply that can bo bought at the lowest prices going. Also a good assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES of all sizes, styles and quantities. Also a large supply of NEGRO GOODS FOR WINTER, con sisting of Blankets, Lindseys, Kerseys,' Bed Blankets, Ac., Ac. Those who will call aod see for themselves can buy Goods so as to be sad isfied with Styles and prices. oet!64m .use .. I. J. O’IBKRG, HERCHAST TAILOR, H AS just received from New York a larger Stock of GOODS, than Be has ever offered HEW BOORS J USTreceiveff at the Book Store of Henry A Smith:—Travels in India, China and Japan by Bayard Taylor; The Lauds of the Saracen, do; Tbo Two Guardians, by the author of the Heir of Redclyffe; The Castle Builders, do; Mary Lyndon or Revelation of a life; Captain Canot, or Twenty years of an African Slave; Stray Leaves from the Book of Nature, by De vere; The Great Red Dragon, or the. Master Key to Popery ; Rambles in Iceland, also in Brazil, by A R M Payne; Nathalie [a novel]' by Chas Reads; The Hidden Path, by the au thor of Alone; The Deserted Wife by Mrs. South worth ; Fifty Years Exile, by Mefiville; Cum ming's works by whole series uniform .editionj Rome, Georgia, November 6th, 1855'^ Silks Belt* MOREEN FLOSS Scarfs M Velvets 5?5 - Cloaks , to Jac’net o Shawls C * Swiss fi Gloves S Mas- E* H o » <2 lias. O e r y f Q C a m - o Yarns, brics Collars Top- ■ ®«» Prints, Skirts, Slopes q O H H O ’ Linens Silk* Linnen Hdk’fs, G’gbams, P5 Fr. Prints.^ S o 52. w BACON! BACON! 30,000 5 BAC0!,r «' . April, 17. tf WE ALEXANDER A CO R OMB STEAM, ENGINE WORKS, Steam Engines and all kinds of Machinery Manu factored. Also Castings'in Brass or Iron of any size made to order, nov61y JAS. NOBLE A SONS TJOBERT BATTEY, Druggist and Pharnra- Av centist, Choice Hotel, Rome Ga. Physici. ans’ prescriptions compounded with paro.[no61y R T. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer •in English and American Hardware, Broad street, Rome, Ga. T [novlSly R J. JOHNSON, dealer in Groceries, of which ho keeps a fresh and various supply. Sfore next to Wood A Brother’s. [no»131y R S. NORTON, Dealer in Staplo and Fancy • Dry Goods, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Trim- S kings. Embroideries, Linnens, Bonnets, Huts, ^aps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery, Ac.— [nov!31y Rome,* Geo. R D. HARVEY, Attorney and Councellor at Law, Rome, Ga. fobt3ly S ANDERS A 5IANNING;, koeps’on hand a well selected stock of Prints, Sheeting, Shir tings, and other dry goods, and a few groceries,' told low and on good terms. Stand nearly pp- posite postoffioe. , [novlSly S TERN A CO., Merchants, dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Heady Made ■ Clothing, Store one door above Omborg’s [no! 3 S LOAN, HAWKINS A CO.—Have always on bond a full assortment of Groceries at their old stand. Also, a splendid stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at their New Store, one door above—all at low prices. Calls from our frionds are respoectfully solicited. novl31y QTANFORD A PITNER, Doalors in Dry O Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Shoes Ac., Ac. nov!31y- S MITil A UNDERWOOD, Attorneys at Law, will practice iu the Courts of Floyd and the neighboring counties. cnAULxs n. smith. I j. w. a. csnsnwooD. Jan 10/54. , S G. GUERINEAU—Guttering and Piping dope to order. • dec. 6 ly. OULLIVAN A BARRETT, Dealers in Staple V and Faney Dry Goods, Groceries, ete„ Broad BtreetRomo, Ga., Corner of Rridgo and Broad streets. [novlSly nPHOMAS J. PERRY, Agent for Charter Oak J- Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Cbnn., Rome, Ga. [novlSly • ' R. S. MORTON, TS now receiving his Full and Winter Stock of A Goods which will be offered at a entailer ad N , yanco. than usaal. You ean satisfy yourself by calling and examining Goods and prices. Rome, September, 25, 1255 - RS NORTON MISSES’.BOYS* AMD CHILDRENS’ QHOES, Hose, half Hose and Gloves of all si- O zes. [sep25] R S NORTON LADIES DRESS GOODS, TC'NGLISH and Franch Merino,’ Thibet Cloths, Al Delaines, Chnlly’8 Poplins, *e. Also an as sortment of small patterns for children. Rome, September 25th, 1855. R S NORTON WELCH FLANNELS, ^;elch, Shaker and German Flannels at [sep25] R S NOTON’S 1" WOOL YARNS, . S CARLET, Orange, Blue, Mixed, and'White, at [sep25] R S NORTON’S BONNETS, S ATIN, English Straw, Florence, and Neapol itan—Ladies’ and Mimes’. R S NORTON EMBROIDERIES. /lAMBRIGand Muslin Iosertings and Edg* v ings,'Bands, Collars, Sleeves, Chimizetts and Handkerchiefs. sept.25 Also Thread Laoes. R S NORTON TTNDEilWOOD A STARR, Physicians and amo*^ 00011 - noarly oj^pjitO UtO Toft \ novlSly ARE YOU INSURED? FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. P, M. Sheibley, Rome, Ga. - JBBHFARMERS AND MECHANICS’ FIRE, MARINE, AND LIFE INSURANC1 COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $ 3 0 0, 0 0 0. Amount Bocurely invested in Bonds and Penn sylvania stocks, $200,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL Edwaru R Helmbold, ) f lion T B Florence, Secretary. J (. President FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of the Valley of Virginia, at Winchester, Va. CAPITAL $30 0, 0 0 0 C. S, Frank, Sec’y J. S. Carson, Prss’t Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. ofPuHs- ORING INAL CAPITAL $ 300,000 ACC AM UL AXED CA PITA L $334,307 J. W. HoRNon, Soc’y. }■ ■{ D. L. Miller, Pres’t. Tho rutos of proroiuws are us low as a just regard to mutual safety will allow. No effort will be spared on the partofthe agapt; at all timoB, to protect .the interests of those who may patronize bis Agency,, and any lnfor- rpatioft o;i the subject will go ehoerfuJJy given upon appucuuon in person or by letter. [ocltiSm Ladies’ Calf and Kid Boots Black Gaiters .-Jenny Linds ~ R a c h e l*s Broad ways, Lola Montes, Fahey Ties, Kipheel Boots, P a r o dies , -. Highlanders. .Rubber's S 1 i p p e r s. Ankle Tics. Ladies Extra Fox’d Gaiters CORK SOLE BOOTS, Brogans, Russ ets, Slippers, San della, D k neiSi g P u ta ps. Lace Boots, . Calf Boots, PoggedA ,Sewed B usk in 8. P .a tent CHAMPE &. KERR. TAILORS BROAD STREET RQMEGA. The Public will please bear in miadYhat the above named Firm keep constantly - offhand a. fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEEES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODShte. OATS AND POTATOES. 1 (y Bbls prime Irish Potatoes for ■ Planting. X u 350 bushel seed Oats Just received and for sale by V- - Feb 20 W S COTHRAN k CO. tills market before, consisting of every varie- of Good* for gentlemen’s wear. Ci<>th of erery variety abd color. Every desciip- Honof Gassiincrs, ah over 'stock of Vesting*, Velvets, Silks Satinn, &C.. &C . of all culors and prices, rUICMSHII^G:'GOODS ofeve- rf description and variety, r onsisting in part of Woolen Under Shirts. Drawers; Collars, Cravats, Stocks, Ties. Su^ienders. alKsort* 1 of Gloves, Half Hose, Hate; Csjjs, &c. &c.— A complete stock of BEADY MADE CLOTH IXG, which is manufactured at his own establish ment, and by some of the best bouses in New York. The superior workmanship of wbteh he will warrant also Clothing for children and Youtlte, The cutting: AikI making of garments of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch as heretofore. octOly. GRATIS! JUST PUPLISHED: A NEW Discovery in Medicine!-—A few words on the rational treatment, withont Medicine of Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of rbe Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity,. Self-Dis trust, Dizziness, Head Ache, Pains in the Side, Affection of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, and other Infirmities in man. From tie Fretrch of Dr B De Daney.—“T!her important fact that these alarming complaints' may easily be removed without medicine, is in. this small tract, clearly demonstrated;, and the entirely new and highly successful treat-- meet, as adopted by the author, folly explain ed, by means of of which every one is enable to cure him»elf ‘perfectly, and at the least possible cost, avoiding thereby all thu advertised nos trums of the day.” ’ Sent to any address, gratis, and post free by remitting (post paid) two pos tage stamps to Dr. B. De Laney, No 17 Lispen. ard Street, New Yprk City. ect 2 6ut M A B I E’S M EM A G ER1E DEY STONE’S CIRCUS AX!) TYLER’S ISDIIY EXHIBITIONS OITED!! T HE object of the proprietors in combiningin one immense show, three distinct and per feet exhibitions,, at a single price of hdmission, is to place within the means of all an opportuni ty of witnessing these magnificent wonders of art and nature. . The following distinguished memo rs of iho Equestrian profession are comprised in the tfonpe of Den Stone: WW XichoTs, li V.' Perry, G Demot, J Demot, O Dodge, E Stone, D Dodg ers, Master Carp in tar, blaster Leon. Clown, Deo Stone. . ’ .' ’ WHI exibjff at Rome Wednesday Dec. 5th, (one day-only). Open at at 2 and 6), pm.— ADMISSION 50 ct, Children and Servants 25 ! ! gQ Boxes Fresh Lime [Hewards] Just re ceived and for sale by Feb 20 W SCOTHRAN a CO. Leather Slippers, a La Toilet.^ iety -g 6 p o Boo & ts.| At A-Large Asgtfod var- and perfect a lot of Shoe 8 ii can bo found o i n a n y Cp House i n teqo8 up c’ntry q Towns tHum W h ie h vmo[ have t<{laoqo..q COMBS Perf- nrnery hon’y Soaps, Sas’fr- as do. Hair Oils, Sh’vig Soaps Razor straps Lilly White, C o 1- ogne, Spoe- tacles, B lac- king, But- tons, Brus hes, hair pins Pencils. Tobacco, Teas,*o S pice s. g A Superior TO e ,i ar tide of 3 o m Tea, and | T o banco, o Some of tho < a “Nutmeg •3 o r o n o co” s 1 W a r a n TO tod ont o f o •o Pure g 1 Leaf. Cigars > p. all of8nperi < rortWino or quality.QQ And in fact every thing usually kept ia Uppor Georgia Stores, and would liko to coil the atten tion of the invalid Community “ard those who desire to become so,” to a very suporior article of Doable Diamond Schiedam Sok napps, which bos boon prononuoed very superior to Wolfe’s and inferior to none. Also a little PrsmiumChom- paigne equul to the best, not a headache in a Hogshead ofit. Come and see and by so doing obUgqyonrselvcs’and your friondi, BEN J. F. JONES, Kchfi Ga, Nov.6 2m JAS. M. WILSON. CHEAP CASPTTS, T APESTRY, Brussel, Ingrain anu Jlomp Carpets, 6-4*4itid 12-4, Drugget, Floor Oil Cloths, Ac, for sale by J H McCLUNG k CO HATS OF THE LATEST STYLE) GROCERIES 1 GRGScBIEG!! O A Bags prime Sio Coffee. t)\J 20 Etris Stunts refined sugar. 50 bla NO Syrup ols Guiailng rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands and quali ties for sale by W S COTHRAN k CO. Feb 20 1855; tf. NEWTON FACTORY. Asnaburgs and Yarns always on hand and v for sale by for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN & CO, J Agent. W S COTHRAN & CO, Agents for Etowah Iron Works. . HaVo always on had a large snpply of iron castings Ac., of every size and description. Orders fiHod proper ly. They will also purchase wheat at the highest cash prices Feb. 20. tf. SALT! SALT!! 1 nOO Salt largo size, in fine order 1 UUU just received, and for sale by- Feb 20 W. S. COTHRAN A CO. DANA & WASHBURN, Succwora to Wathbum Wilder k Co. Factors and Commission Hercbants, SAVANNAH. OA. Jos Washburn, Fras. G. Dana, John R Wilder, H K Washburn, Special Patncrs. General Partners Will continue the above business at ll"4, Bay st, East of the Exchange’ Orders for Bagging, Dope and other supplies filled promptly at lowest Cash prices. — Savannah, August 1 , ul^S16m; . FOR SALE OR RENT, r* T HE undersigned has^y ^d«vf»rabl^ and pleasant Houses and Lots situated in Romo which ho will sell onndVaetagoot&terins, or if not sold, will rent. These Lots are in a ploasant part of Town and tbo Chorokeo Female Institute,. He also offers for sale two small Plantations; one four miles from own, the other 12. (povfitf) JOB ROGERS THE GRAND PROCESSION Of tho Three Troups will enter town in- the forenoon in the followingorder, passing through the principal streets to the placo of exhibition: THE SUPERB MUSIC CHARRIOT with full band.. EQUESTRIAN COMPANY, brilliantly mounted on their highly trained horses. Tho Chiefs, Braves and Sages of the Seneca Indian Tribe in tbeirnative and original costume, mdnh ted on tbeir Hunting Courses, in all their varied and picturesque costumes, carrying with, them their weapons of Battle, implements of tbs chuse, etc. etc. CARAVAN OP WILE BEASTS Drawn in their cages. The Scene in the ting will embrace every vnrie ty of Horsemanship, Vaulting Tumbling, Sum mersetiing, Acrobatic Feats, etc, and will be enlivened with the original and comic sayings; bon mots, repartees, and humorous tales of the Clown DEN STONE. The sterling ready wit, the happy flings at the fashionable vices and foillies of the times and the purgent saiire of (his inimitable comic genius, have given to him im perishable renown. Mr Stono is not only a clown of extraordinary talent but one of the most accomplished and elegant riders and gym nasts in his profession, and will appear in the. course of entertainments in most of the trials of skill and dexterity with the rest of the troupe NEW STORED--JOXES & WILSON.. G ENEAL MERCHANDIZE, Broad St., op posite Choico Hotel. We beg leave to appr.tac the public of tho co-partnership we have formed undor tho style as above, for ths.trans- actiun of a geuerel business in Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac., and would be glad to receivo your patronage. The goods and prices will be. fonnd to compare favorably with any. iq the city. Your ob’t servt’s, BENJ F JONES,. RomoOctOW * JAS M WILSON NEW ARRIVAL OF TOYS AND FANCY N OTIONS.—I am now receiving the hand somest selection of Toys and Fancy Notions over offered in the Romo Market, comprising in part China Figures, Dolls, Watoh stands Per fumery Bottles, Vases, Paper Weights, Ink Stands and Suff Boxes. Also a grout variety of Rubber Toys, Britannia and China Tea setts, German Toys of every conceivable Character, Papie Mache, Ebony ffnd Mahogony Work Box es, Retiffules, (furnlshod) a. large variety, also gentiemen’s Rosewood and Mahogany Portable Desks, etc, eto. The public patronage is most respectfully solicited. (nov5tfJ H A SMITH F. M. EDDLEMAN & BRO. Atlanta, Georgia. Koep constantly on hand and. for aalo on tho lowest cash-prices, a largo assortment of BOOTS. SHOES, LEATHER, LASTS,. FEGS, CALF LINING and BINDING SKINS SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS; Ac. Ac.; Jan l g Ijr MR. BEASLY WILL EXHIBIT HIS ASTON ISHING CONTROL OVER THE WILD BEASTS IN THE DEN OF LIONS « .LIST OF ANIMALS, Ac.—Elephant, 2 Xu- midian Lions, Asiastio Lion and Lioness, Black Tiger, pair Brazilian.Tigers. Pair Senegal Leop ards, 3 young cape Lions, Afrioan Panthers and Striped Hyenas, Peruvian Alpacas and Kanga roos, African-Deer, Great Russian Boajr, Xortft American Black Bear, pair African Crowned Cranes, Golden and Silver Pheasants, CocatooS, Mascaws, ■ Parrots, Ac, Ae, together with & “Wilderness of Monkeys.” ■ Foremost among the attractive novoUies 6$ this Company are the pctformanc oi the Wild Tenets »f the Forest! Custumoil and decorotod in their native habili ments, illustrating scenes of ravage life. THE BUFFALO HUNT, in which the whole party will appear in animated soono of action. And again, In an amusing pastoralseene, called.tho CORN GATHERING; interspersed with Gro tesque Dancing, Singing, Whooping, Ac—be sides the following: The Bird Danco I Thanks giving Dance ! War Song of the Scnocas, Ac. Also the followingTablaux by tho Indians:^ Pocahontas Resuuihg Captain Smith ! Seal', ping Group! Tho War Song, £o. For further particulars; see Pictorials, (largo and small), Descriptive Bills. Lithographs, etc Of tho company, (uov20tf