Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 11, 1855, Image 4

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fifty-two. As a Trior, then of this county inlifr, hat non of the State »f Texas, do- made and .■scouted to. Augustus N. in due form of ’.aw. his bond, condi tioned to make to mid Vend cry titles itt'ft simple to certain Lands described ia said bon as follows to wit: The Cedar Town tract, tl Witcher Tract, one forty acre Let Tine Lsr. Mr Mrs X Mabry?, and two small fraction* west of Oder creek bring parts of numbers5*0d and £50. in the second district •>!' the fourth section, containing In all one thousand acres wore or less ; and it farther appearing that Am Prior deceased, filed without making title* or empowering Ida executor? to mako and exe cute titles in conformity with said hood. And It farther appearing that A N Vcrdery trans form! a portion of said bond to Wane* Aiken on the 22d d;>\ of November Itik Tha land portion of relaloa to part of tha original tract, and described a* follows, to ,wit: com- acncing on the eatt aide of Cedgr Creek at the south line of the land now owned by saidJA- kin. near Cedar Townanfiranning thence mat along the lino of the land of. said *Akin wiitil it intersects the road leading from Care Spring to Cedar Town, theooo along the west side of said road nntll it teaches a point oppo site a new road or street opened b.vmidVoraaty roan in.c cast and west, north of Us gin fcoora and packing screw, thence west on a para lei line of sh« land of said Akin to Cedar meek, thence along said creek the middle thereof to the beginr.irg. point; and it appearing that mid Akin has rally paid tha purchase money for the last described portion of land containing about 100 acres according to the provisions of the,.-;. it i> ihortfota ordtltd that anbffs cans,- «.• fo? rntrary be shown to the court within three months by those interested, William H C PrW the Executor of Asa Prior deceased, will be directed, to make titles to said Akin to the last described track of land in con formity to raid bond ; and it is ordered that this rok- be published once a month for three month? in the Borne Courier.—A true extract the minutes of Court, November SOth 1S55. vernber Term, 1855: It appearing to the Court from the petition of A N Veniery that Asa Prior, late of Texas deceased, did whilst in life on the 24th day of July 1852 make and execute to said petition a bond obligation to make to the said Veniery, titles in foo simple to cevtain bonds described in said bond as follow*, to wit: the Cedar Town track the Wi Ichor tract, one forty aero lot of ne land iro;.r MrsN Mabry s’and two small ictions west of Cedar creek, being part of nnmb rs 8(|^and 860 in the 2d district Of 4th wi ion containing in all 1000 acres more or to-*. And it farther appearing that mid Asa Prior died without executing said let ter or empowering his executor to make them to raid Veniery in conformity 16 said bond, and said Vcrdery show* that he has folly paid fora portion of the sbo*e described land as follnwa, to wit : tho Major part of Lots number 821, Oil, 806'and a fraction of 887 all In the second district of the fourth section containing about oee hundred acres more or less, also that part of the original traot west ot'Cedar direek bounded by lands of T H Sparks and William Peck, contalalak 100 Ames more or lest, have,been folly paid for It is (herofore ordered by the Court that un less cause to the contrary be shown to the Court within three man thi4>jr {hotel mere*-1 ted,Win H 0 Prior, the Execttfor of said Aha Prior deceased, will be directed to mak« titles to raid Verdcry to Jfoe last described] tracts of Laud In conformity to said bond; and it la ordered that this rule be published in the Bome Courier once a month foi 8 months. A true extract from the minutes of Court this November l4. 8. X. BORDERS, | 517,60 [nov20] Ord’y & Ex Off C C 0 d««4] S A BORDERS, Or’y a Ex Off C CO Caardiau's hale, a A GREKARLK to art order of the Court of Or. binary of Burke county, will be sold on the Fir?: Tnin February next a* the Court do r in Chattooga county, tho interest •f Lv.iia Duke. a ininorjin Lot number 124 in «ti) District and 4th Section of raid county. dee4 J B JOBES, Guardian G EORGIA, Floyd CountyTo all Whom it may wweem. will plcaso.take noGpe, ThA wher.-a? John M Carroll app lies 16 tue for letters of Guardianship to the persons and property of Emetine J. Smith, minor. These ire therefore to cite and admonish all and >;n»u!ar the kindred find friends of «ufet minor, to be nod appear at tay office with in Use Hme prescribed by law to show eansc if any they bare, why said letters should C>M lvgranted nolo said applicant,— Given under my hand and official signature itnffi e, thb the 25th November. 1856. Dec4 J. LA Al BERTH. Ordinary G eorgia,Pioydeoantyr—To all . may concern, will please take notiee that whereas, Isaac Weathers, administrator the estate of Joseph Thomas deceased, “ to me for letters of administration raid Estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and cred itor? of raid deceased to be and appear at my office within the time proscribed bylaw to show cause if any they have; why mrfA letters should not be granted unto sald.ap- ' piicant. Given under my hand and official surmtnre at office this 28th November 1855. dec{4 6m] J. Lamserth. Ordinary. ft BORGIA. Floyd county To all whom It vT tc*v en corn, will pleosetake notice, that whereas. Robert N C Wareapplles tome for letter* of a; m in,st ration op the estate of Adeline M.J. Ware, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all an l singular, the kindred and creditors deceased to ho and appear at my in the lime prescribed by law to if any they have, why said let- not be granted DDfo said appli- i-r mv hand at office. J.LAMBERTH. Ordinary rra QEORGIA, Polk County: G. Waldrop* Executors* pres deceased, to me for letters di-ntissory. These are therefore to cite and adm the parties interested, to file their objections n my office on or before the first Monday of February next, otherwise letters disrnis- K ry will be granted the applicants on that y. Given under my hand at office this the 2d day of Joly 1855. . , "3 STEPHEN A BORDERS, jullO ; Ordinary. Hansom Foster applies to me [ of Administration on the Es Ute of WDIIam G Fitts, deceased. These are, therefore*6 dertfotf admonish all ar.d singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased ta be And appear at my office rescribcd by law to show aoy they have, why said letters be granted. Given under my drc4] F. A. Ktrbt. Ord’y A QREEABLE to*4j*fcdiiir oftiaCTljpfonarjt ix Chattooga county, will be-raid on the. 1st Tuesday in February next, the following pr<»perty tn wit: Tenar, a girl 18 yean old ; Gracv a girl 10 years old and John, a boy 10 year* oi-i. S >H for the benefit of the beir? of Alexander .Manning, deceased. Wa. R. MANNING Administrator, Dec.4 with the will annexed G EORGIA, Chattooga County: Whereas* Thomas Administrator of j?. H. Gaines. ‘T eased, applies to me for letters of Dismission therefrom. '~V" " ‘ These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all a »fl singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cans/: if any they Have, why said 1 •ttera should not be granted onto said applicant.— Given under my hand andf official signature at office. [deed] F A Kirby, Ord’y ’ virtue of an order from the- Honorable Court of Ordinary of the county of Floyd, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Jaonary next, at the Court House In Some between the legal hours of sale, the following Negro Slaves, belonging to the Estate of the late Mathis G. Simkins deceased, or so many tbereo‘*as may Le noceK.rary to pay off and di-charge the debts of said deceased, to wit: Henry, a man ag»-d 45 years ; Patience, a vom?n aged 38years; Ellen, a woman aged 23 years, and her two children, Prince 6 year- arid Vahala 2years; Margaret; a wo man aged 18 years and her two children, Framds 4 years and Jane 2 years; Jackson, a man used 22 years, Henry, a man aged 28 years; Little Maria a womanaged 46 years; Caroline a woman aged 17 years and her child, Fctona 2 year* of age Terms Cash. GABRIEL JONES, Ad’mr Nov.20rh'55.lda with the will annexed OF GEORGIA. Floyd Ouonty : To all nii'.in i; may concern will please take notic>: \hni ' ' reaa Charles Knowles applies to me for letters of Administration on the E-taloof Cbcroket B. Talbot deceased. These are tfterefine to cite and admonish all and singular, fhc kindred and ereditgrs of raid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, t.» show cause, if any exist, why said letters of p.rliiJ'.nbdration abonld not be granted nnio *aid applicant. Given under my band at r-ffice. Jnov27|- J.LAEBBBTH, Oridy POSTPONED SALK, B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Or- iliniiry, the first Monday in Angast 1855, will be -old before the Court House door in Gommcrvitle. Chattooga County Georgia on the first Tuesday in January next, part of lot of land number 129 in 14th District and 4tb Section, containing one hnndred and n«e aerek(401) sofd fo^ the benefit of the heirs and cn difoia of MoaesKellet,deceased Term? tnado known on the day of s«le.— Notes with ajioroved.wcfiritv. this 6tb Ang. N«.v38 JOHN D KNOWLES, Adm’r ication will bo riVO months af:;r date appHca 3 f Floyd T made to the Ordinary of Floyd county for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the minor heits of the Estate of A. N.^ Baird, deceased - . JOEL MARABLE. N-iv 27.1855. Gnardian ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Y »n order fnm the Honorable Court of Or he sold before B dinary of Floyd county will he sold the Court liou««: in the city of Rome cn the 1st Tuesday of January next, t behind belong ing t., tin-estate of Martha Eason, deceased, consisting or twenty-five acres more or les*, it being the west part of Lot six bundredthirty severity (6T7) tltinl district, 4th section, joining the Jand helpoging to the estate of John G Eason. Terms made known on day of sale. cov6, TilOSJ. DAVIS, Ad’mr. are r Term Upon foe petition of T. W. Craven, praying that Wm H C Prior, Executor of Ara Trior, deceased, be directed to mako titles to lot of land, n timber 181 in the third district, of the 4th section, containing twentyfour and a half auras more or less in conformity t* foe bond said Asa Prior deceased made T. W. Craven dated September foe 94tb ^fo il is ordered by Hie Court thst unless rase to the contrary be shown within tho ,- ne prescribed by law, the said Execufor w l.- o directed to make bills to mid Craven incc formity with said bond. And that this rule be published once a month for three months in foe Rome Courier: A truo extract from tho minutes of Com t, November 18th, 1865. $10nov20] S A Borders,Chd’y a kx off o c o JrVi X iir**an, General and any other'* frandtl Owing to numarousappHcations from all parts of tho country, tho managers will givo their attention to tho filling of orders for tTeksts or ooMificatcs, in foe Maryland Lotteries. Persons at adlstanoo may confidently roly npon having thoir orders for tioksts promptly Ailed, and tha strictest confidenco obssrrsd. These I<oUeriea are drawn dally in publio in fos City of Baltimors, under tbs: superinten dence of tho Stats iiottary Commisslouar.— Raavy Bonds are given to the Stats sa security for th payment of all Prises. The prices of tha Whole Tickets are from 81 to $25. Half and qnater tickets in proportion. Thera are never loss than 38,000 prises in any Lottery, whieh prises vary In amount from 18 to8t00,000, according to fos prioe of. foo tiek- eta. For instance— ww» a* **tf -r mm a si iw U|M **im u Oni t*,ooo u %* a jj tt it « 10,000 <« « «« 5 tt ft, tl 20,000 a it n .jo « u , it 40,000 « tt tt 20 ** « “ 70,000 With numerous Prises of810,000, $5,000,8500 $100, ac. Parsons can remit as any amount, from $1 upwards, that they wish to invest, on receipt of whieh we forward its value in Tickets in the Lottery designated by fos potohaaer, or, if jreno bo designated, then some lottery will be drawn after foe buyer has got the tickot in hif possession. An official Scheme of tho Lot tery will be sent with all tiokets ordered, caro- B y sealed in an ordinary envelope, and on th the Lottery Is drawn the official dnv be sent, together with a written Explana tion of the result of the purchase. The drawn :rs are also punished in the daily papers City of Baltimore, and in foe Daily Na Intelligencer, Washington, D. O. A circular eontaining all foe Schemes will be $ent to any one by addressing the undersigned. Address orders for tickets to F. X. BREN AN, No 4 Calvert Street, ang71y Baltimore, Maryland. JACOB'S CORDIAL,. n BORGIA,Floyd County! VT To all .whom .it U»y concern, take notiee that whereas Jane Simra whereas Jane Simmons irtratrix bn the estate of Mansfield Simmons deceased applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Estate. These are therefore, to cite ana admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appearat my office within the time prescribed bylaw to show cause if any they have why said letters of dismission should not be granted onto said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature at office thislhe LKIElfS ! LIHEMS! ILI1IEI8!!! TXTHITE Irish Linen Of the best quaily. VV WHITE IRISH LINEN for gent’s pants and coats. Also CHECKED AND STRIPED Linensfor gent's pants and coats. WHITE AND COLERED LINEN DRIL- lings for gent’s pants. BROWN LINENS, a large clock and of ev ery quality/ R J JOHNSON Also, if yon want a fine Fashionable HAT, I have them of the best that is made on the la. test style, and very cheap R J J READYMADE COATS, PANTS, A VESTS xm received of the latest style to suit summer. ttaylS tf RJJOHNSON. j(J8OBGIA, Chattooga County: VT Whereas, Sarah W Moore, Administratrix of John Moore, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dismission there from. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish Ml and singular, foe Kindred and Cred- itore.of said deceased, to be and appear at my officq within the time prescribed by Law. to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted unto said ap plicant. ..Given under my hand and official signature at office. • F AIKIRBY, A i j!yl7’65 . ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. "DY virtue of an order from tho Court of Or- X> dinary of Floyd, will. ,be sold before, the Conrt House In of Rome on the first Tuesday in January next, the land iq said connty belonging to the estate of John. G Rasdq.' deceased, containing one hundred and twenty Acres, Lots No 688,687.and 665 inVanns Valley on foe waters of Cedar Creek There is about seventy acres cleared under fence, dwelling honse, orchard and a fine spring of water. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and .creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the ds»r of rale. nov6 T J DAVIS, adm’r, debonis. DALTON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. T HE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW PREPAR ed to fill orders in the best style of. Work manship from foe best of Material with the la test improved patterns, pn short NOTICE IN IRON, BRASS OR COHPOSOTOflf ALL CASTINGS Wild. BE EXPE DITIOUSLY. EXECUTED, S UQH AS UILLL GEARING OF EYEBY DESCRIPTION. PATENT WATER. WHEELS, . BARNHILLS. PATENT SAW SILL DOGS, GIN OARING! And all sorts of Gearing for both SAW AND FLOURING MILLS. WE ARE ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE PATTERNS OF ANY DESCRirTIOSi OB PLAN A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STOVES PLOWS AND - AgrlcuIt’I Implem’s generally, are i~ kept constantly on hqpd at reduced prices. All persons wishing to bniid or re- Mills, are invited to examine our patterns and and prices. Having a practical Millwright connected with the company, we. are prepared tp give plans and fop Estimated cost of all kind of Mills and Machinery. . ROB'T BATTEY, Dalton ap 17 ly President. W HEREAS, James M. Wootten ‘applies to me for letters of Administration upon the Estate of Henry W. Wooten late of Carroll Co deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased. 7 to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they bave why said letters should not be granted onto s^id applicant.— Given nnder my hand and official signature at office. [nov!3] F A KIRBY, Ordy’ G EORGIA, Floyd County: To all whom it may eoneem win pleaso take notice, that whereas Harrison Camp, Administrator on the Eetate of William Y. Coney, deceased, and also administrator debonisnon ,on the Estate of John E. Coney deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the Es tates of said deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be aud appear at my office within the time prescribed by law/to show cause if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office and official signature at office Nov.9ib. [novlSJ J. LAM BERTH, Ord’y G EORGIA, Floyd County « To all whom it may concern, will please take notice, that Adam Mitts applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the persons and property of Susan Margaret; Elizabeth Robert, and Noah Self, orphans ol Robert Self, dee’ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends of Mid orphans to be snd appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause if any they have why said letters sbonld not be granted unto said applicants. Given under my hand and official signature at office this the 6th of November, i856. [novlgj J. L.VMBERTH, Ordinary AEORG IA, Poik Connty: VT Court of Ordinary October Term, 1855. Up on the petition of Thomas J. Peek praying that William fl. C. Prior, Executor of foe last will and trstament of Asa Prior, deceas ed, be directed to make titles to lots of land No. 1828 and 1829 in the 21st district of the third section, now Polk County, contain ing each forty seres more or less, pursuant to the bond mid Aaa Prior deceased mode to William Peek dated the fourteenth day of Febraary.1840 and transferred to Thomas J Peek the ninth day of October, 1866 now on fllo in the office of this Court. It Is ordered, that unless canae to,the con-, trary be shown by those interested, within foe ttmeprescribed by law, the .raid Execu tor will be directed to mako tltfcs to said Peck in conformity with the bond, and that this rale be published once a month for three months in the Romo Courier. A true extract from the minntpsof Court, this the 10 th day of Oct. SA Bordbrs, , oct 183m / ■ Ex* Off. C. f C, 0 HOUSE FOR SALE. T HE undersigned offers for sale, agoed Dwel ling House in tho city of Rome. For par- iculnrs apply to James M Sumter, Esq., may 8 JO McKINZIE CHEAP CARPETS, T apestry, Bumml ingrain and Carpets, 0-4; and 12-4, Drugget, Fic Cloths, Ac, for sale by J H McCLUNG Hemp Floor Oil A CO '$lack»smith Shop. (Ba^THE Subscriber moat kindly ref turns his thanks to foe Citizens f^Smlof Rome and vicinity for the very _ generous patronage extended to him during the S t year, and would inform them that he ie pared to carry, on Blaeh'gmithing in fos ions branches also the building aad repair ing of Waggons and Carriages, and being a maehinestcan make and repair Machinery of all kinds. Wan ted two Black Boys between the age of 15 and 18 sis apprentices. Jan 9 '55, ly K. S, SIMONS. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING!! TpiNE French black, bine and olive cloth, J? Frock Coats, made in foe most fashionable tnaunor, new styles of plain and Fancy Cassl meres, walking and' business Coats, French Doeskin and fancy Cassimere pants, English Casrimere domestic dito. AN ENDLESS AS SORTMENT OF VESTS, consisting of plain Cloth, Satin, figured Silk, Silk Velvet, Plash, Ae. A large stock of elegant over Coats, Cloaks and Talmas. Also a well assorted stock of boy’s dofoing, Boots and Shoos, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Tranks and Valieses at STERN A CO A large and well selected stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Watches and Jewelry, ladies’ Shoes and Gaiters, just received and will be sold on reasonable terms by (nor62m) S. k CO ATLANTA MACHINE WORKS. T S LATE ATLANTA IRON FOUNDRY.) S new Company is now prepar-t ed to do work on short notice, of heavy and light Castings from foe latest improved patterns of Iron, or Composition, all of which will be warran ted. Turning, Borings and Drilling done to order. Also, screw cnttingrOf 10 feet or nn der of any size and thread required. Heavy and light forging of wrought Irou or Steel done in superior style. ' PARTICULAR ATTENTION is called to their, patterns for Mill Gearing,for Merchant and Custom Flouring, and 8aw Mills, Gin Gearing of all the nsnal sizes, and Bark Mills always kept on band. We are also prepared to bniid stationary Engines upon the latest improvements. All oi which will be sold low for cash. Copper and Brass taken in exchange for work - at cash prices JAMES L. DUNNING, john McDonough, WILLIAM RUSHTON. P. S. All of tho above company arc prac tical Mechanics, and give their individua attention to the business. jan. 9, ’55 T HE following is the schedule ct the arrivals and departures of foe MAILS to and from this office. The Eastern and Western Mail closes daily ; (Sundays exeepted) at 9, a. m. Arrives daily (Sundays exeepted) by p. m. Mode of conveyance, R. R. Cars. Jacksonville, Ala., Mail by Cave 8pring closes daily at l p. m.; arrives daily by 84 a. m. Mode of conveyance. Coach. LaFayetto Mail, by Armntoboe, Dirt Town, Mount Hickory, Summerville and Tryon Factory, closes Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a. m. .Arrives Wednesdays and Saturdays by7p m Mode of eonvejranee, Hack. Cedar Town Mail by Lake Creek and Vann’s Valley closes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at l p. m., and arrives same day by Centre, Ala., Mail by Thomas’ Mills. Cedar Creak, Go., HoweUs Cross Roads, Oceola, Ala., closes Fridays at 6, a. m.j arrives Sat- t urdays by 7 p. m. Bine Pond, Ala., Mail, by Cedar Bluff, Gayles- vllle, Ala., Missionary Station and Co sa, Ga.', doses Wednesdays, Fridays and Sun days at 5, a m.; Arrives Tuesdays,^Thursdays and Saturdays by 0 p. in. Hermitage and McGuire’s Store Mail closes Thursdays at 1 p. m.j arrlvos samo days by • U ( o. tn. -’ , .i j;.,.'’ ~ Floyd Spring* and all Chattooga county Mail arrives and lenves by the LnFayctte Mail, and Western and Southern Mails included. THUS. J. PERRY, P. M. P. 0., Rome, Go., 2d Aug., 1855. HU* OF THE LATEST STYLE, UST received and for sale nt J ?US (n (novOtf) J II McCLUNG k 00’S Cholera, Dysentery, Dtarrhcua, BOWEL DISEASES. Cholera Morbus, Bilious C/tolic, ; • Cholera Irifdnturti, 2 >i. 8 rf. 4 a, 6a. ca. 7a. ALSO, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY DISEASES OP PE MALE Si MOST ESPECIALLY PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. 1st. It cures a* worst eases of Diarrkaa. J 8th. It retitvts Pain'in Back and IMns. It cures tho worst formsof Dysentery. j Hti. llcmntefaclsNcrvoumcss and Despon- Itcures California or Mexican DiarrhteQ. l dtney. It relieves Ike severest Colic. ^ 110/Ar. II Restores Irregularities. It cures Cholera Marhue. I 11 th. 11 dispels Gloomy and Historical It cures Cholera Infantum. I 12fo. Vs d Tranquilizer and Admirable Tonic It cures Painful Menstruation. . A few short Extracts from Letters, Testimonials, ?ic, _ "I have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, aud have found it a must efficient and in my * ment, a valuable remedy.” Hon. Hiram Waknkr. Judge Of Supreme Court;, Ga. t gives mo pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own persona] ex perience, and tho experience of ray neighbors and friends around me, U a sufficient guano- fee for mo to boiler© it to be oil that it purporM to be; viz: a hpykbeioh remedy.” Hon. Wm. H. Underwood, formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cberokce Circuit. “I take great pleasure in recommending tills invaluable medicine to ail afflicted with bow el diseases, for which I belidvfflt to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing else over tried by tapr A. A. Gacldino, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georgia. “Thisefficient remedy is travelling into celebrity os fust a Bodkparto pushed his columns into Russia, audfalniug commendation wherever used.” [Georgia Jeffersonian, May 190,1868. Jacob’s Cordial’ in my family, und thin, w fth all I hear about It, as a rem- y l)y those who have tried'it, Induces mo tpbelipvetbat it stands at the head of every preparation of the kind, and! would recommend Its' use in the disease for which it is compounded. i . 7 Milse G. Dobbins, Cashier of foe Bank ofthe State of Georgia, Griffin. “If there is any credibility in human testimony, ‘Jacobs Cordial’ must stand pre-emi nent above all other preparations for. the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testi mony in its favor comiug in from ail quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a curative agent, of most if uof all other ‘patent’ preparations.” A . Fleming, Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance.Bank, Griffin, C?" For sale by Dr. Hicks & C°.and J. E. Pinson, Rome; S. M. Davidson Cave Spring, R* D. Winoakd Vann’s Valley, Stephen Ball Armutehee, T. McGuire McGuire’s Store, Wm. McCollouoh Floyd Springs,Carpenter & Burke Cassville,.E Porter Adairs- Aiilo, Allgood &Edwahdb Summerville, Thornton’s Dahlonega.M. Turner Stileehcrongh, t»d by the principal Merchants ahd Druggists through on t the State. PERFUMERY!!! DR. J W HICKS A CO., THANKFUL FOR foe patronage they have hereto fore received from foe citisena of Romo and its vicinity, would very respeetfully invite them to call and examine their stock of WHICH IS DECipEDtY f Ik lARGEST 4 } best selected stock that has ever been brought to fo is market. Theirilssofcment CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF PERFUMERY, POMADES OF ALL kinds, k Flavour. COOKING EXTRACTS, -ODOMIXE, CACHOIJS , PRESTON SALTS,- powder, Snuff-boxes &c., &c.,&c. Please call and examine their as sortment. mayl5 tf SCOTT’S PATENT LITTLE GIANT HiSMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. helmdold’s hiohlt conckntratbo COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHF, For diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weaknesses, aud all diseases of the Sexual Organs, Whether in male or famale, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long standing.- If you have contracted the terrible disease which, when once seated in the system* will surely go down from- one generation to an other, undermining the constitution and sap ping the very vita! fluids of life, do not trust r m a fion to the Pu'blili AWFUL CASE «F CANCER CUBED. Editor* If aeon Telegraph, '■ Pike Co./ Ga. | Gentlemen: In bbtglniehtirfoyiJonswObci- and for tho benefit ofsuffering hnnianity.‘pef- J | mil me tbrongli the cdlmnns o( jrotTr exten sive psper. to perform what I heliove to tje, my duty to soffcringfellow moffois. Cancers and Cancerous uUnctions of a malignant character aro constdereU'hy alt th'C MfedfckI I Faculties both in England, France and A- merlca. as incurable: and thousands are dai ly lingering on tbrongb a painful and dread ful exislenro to an awfpi death from thM moat direful of all complaints to whic human race are snbjccte ‘ thought or hope of recovery/ffll fmndredsofl the best surgeons the world ever prodneed. has been exhausted in vnfn. Aly mother has I foeen for sixteen years afflicted with otto of ■ing cancers, situated in tho M .Rate part ofthe tinman system, and : of all others the most obstinate urtfofe; She has been relieved by Dr R Moseley, of Grif fin. Knowing the Importance of even a small] apace in your paper. I will give a brief state ment of the case, that tiutfe wbo are afflicted may read and judge for themselves of its ma lignant character, and the extraordinary skill required to eradicate it. The disease origi nated upon the upper tip, near the comer oj [the mouth, and continued to spreaduntil tho ■hole of the upper lip, the gums, nose and ions ofthe face were very ranch affected, had been nnder the charge ofmanyemi- [nent physicians before visiting Dr Mosely, And'also the celebrated Dr. Marshal, of Ma con, and Dr. Shepard,'of Charleston, both df {those noted carers having failed to give any E Klief. She was considered by all who saw I er, to be ont of the reach of medical aid; her lip was all destroyed and gone, and con stitution apparently ruined from the effects af Arsenic, and other poisonous escharotics, { ■hat were applied while she was under the treatment of other physicians. Her face and eyes had become very much swolen, vision nearly eone, and a general Dropsy ofthe en tire system, with distressing palpitation of the heart In this condition Dr. Moseley took her under his treatment at Griffin, oil the 1st of August, 1851. The Doctor took out all the cancer, together with her front teeth, and a por tion of the superior maxilary bone; al so some of the bones in the roof of the month; and all without the use of the knife, There {has been no appearance of the disease since, and I believe that it has been entirely eradi cated from her system. I have made fre quent and minute examinations, and discov er no apppearanceof any cancer remaining. When she reached Dr. Moseley’s infirmary T HE above j**tly celebrated corn and oob milt commands itself to all persons who bavohor sos, males, cattle, hogs, or poultry, to feed; be sides making prime hominy^ aad good corn- brcad-mfeal. This mill needs no “puffing,-” all that ia needed to make them sell ‘like hot cakes’ is for foe poblio to investigate and become ac quainted with foehr performance, ac. We have been appointed permanent Agents for this section of foe oountry, and have the dif ferent sites of mills, now on band, and will bo glad to reeeive calls from all persons interested in snch a machine. - i We have never recommended any machine that did not give perfect satisfaction, and our confidence in this is as well ’fixed’ as in any ono we have ever examined. CUNNINGHAM k LINTON, Ag’le for Rome, and Co. aronnd. ISAAC McKIM COOKE, General agent for Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. N©2 will grind 10bn. corn and oob mealin 1 boor, cost $57; No 3 .will grind 15 bn com meal in 1 hours, cost $67,50; No 4 grind 20 bu corn and cob meal in I hoars, cost $78 Ijy 17 '556m yourself in the bands ofthe Quacks, who start up every day in a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods, too well calculated to deceive foe young, and those not acquainted with their tricks.— Yon cannot be too carefril in the selection of a remedy in these cases. The finid.extract Bucbns has been pro nounced by eminent physicians the greatest remedy ever known. It is a medicine per fectly pleasant in its taste, and very innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that It an nihilates ovary particle ofthe rank and pois- inous virus of this dreadfhf disease; and; Unlike other remedies, does not dry np.tbe disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self* abase, a .most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes, of parents, and blighting in the bad the glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can be cured by this Infallible Remedy.— And as a medicine which mast benefit every body, from the simply delicate to the con fined arid despairing invalid, no equal is to be found acting both as a Cme and preven tive. SWAN’S BANK-NOTE LIST AND DETECTED, P UBLISHED semi-monthly, at Montgomery, Ala., at $2,00 perannum, in advance. The work is printed on fine white paper and new type, and in appearance will be second to none in foe United Slates. A Southern Bank-Note List is essential in every Bank, Counting House and Public Office. Let us unite iu advancing our common interests, and not permit Northern men and Northern Direotors to fluctuate onr money matters as they may wish, while we are quietly following their dictation. The work will be carefully revised on the day of publication, and all important financial changes, as they oc cur, noticed. Every exertion will be made to moke it a correct and reliable guide to the Ban ker aud Mercuant Hotel Proprietors, Brokers, Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, and oth ers desirous of having their names and business ■ HELM BOLD’s BIGHLT CONCENTRATED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For Purifying the Blood, removing all dis eases arising from excess of Mercury, expo sure and imprudence in life, chronic consti tutional disease, arising from an impure state ofthe Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the care of Scrofula, Salt Rheum., UlcerationB of the ThroitandLeps. Pains and Swellings ofthe Bones, Tetter, Pimples on the Face, and sca ly Eruptions of the Skin. This article is now prescribed by some of the most distingaished physicians iu the. country, and has proved more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsaparil la yet offered to the public. Several cases of secondary Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrof ulous diseases have entirely recovered in the incurable wards of onr public Institutions which had for many years resisted every mode of treatm-nt that conld be devised .-r These cases furnish striking examples ofthe salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were.destroyed, and the bones al ready affected. Notice.—Letters-from responsible pbysi cians and Professors of several Medical Col leges, and certififcates of cures from patients will he found accompanying both Prepara tions, - Prices, Fluid Extract of Bochn, $1 per OPINION ON'THE PRESS. . W E take pleasure in referring the reader to foe testimonials of oar prominent drng- f ists and well known citizens to the virtue of •avis’s Pain Killer. We have‘used the ar ticle, ahd'fonnd it valuable. The salecf this article in the U. States is beyond all prece dent, as the books of the office will show.— Cincinnati Commercial. > Davis’s Vegetable Pain Killer.—We first heard of this medicine during a recent visit to the New England States, and being struck with the novetty of the titler, were in duced to make some inquiry about itj and we were, surprised to learn that it was kept constantly In the booses, of most of foe in habitants of the cities and villages where tvq stopped, to be nsed of sudden attacks of pain, burns, scalds, &c., and we heard it spoken of in ter ms of high commendation by both druggists and pbpsicians. This much we can wKhpropritlyttiky ap a journalist, tt favor of the arlich&--Philadelphia Eagle. - Phhby Davis's Vegetable Pain Killer. Voluntarily, conscientiously, and with ranch pleasure, we recommend to onr readers the above named mediciue. We speak for onr own observation and experience, when we say, that it removes pain, as if by magic, from all parts ofthe body, and is one of the best medicines in use Jor checking diarrhea, and removing the premonitory symptoms of cholera. It is applied both internally and externally, with the best effects, and none who have once used the Pain Killer would willingly be without. Jt constantly jn their at Griffin, she was completely- Orostrated bouses.—Cincinnati Erifoftig Noni^rieL to |f | such as Arsenic Wfe presume no Medical Preparation from the ose of poisons, and Corrosive Sublimate; she was scarcely able to walk without much pain, and dis- tress frora loss of.sighL When foe. waq nn- cases cases of a severe character* on which he effected perfect cares in a short time, seme of which had baffled the best surgical skill* apd been pronounced ineurab’e; notwith standing which, Dr. Moseley enred them all rwithout difficulty. I merely state., foal from foe location of the disease and the’ diseased state of the bones, it was absolutely' beyon- relief by the use of tha,knife. I would ad Visit all wbo are subjects q(. cancers, ulcers and rumors of all kinds, not to despair ci be- ng cared, but visit Dr. Moseley, no matter how many others may have failed to relieve yon If I did not honestly and candidly be^ lieve that you would be serving' the cause of sufferring humanity, by publishing to the’ world the knowledge of Dr. Mojeley’s .un surpassed skill in the treatment of cancerk, I would not solicit a place in your val^ibjepa- per for this communication. I hope, gentle* tjaeP, that you will place before the public, that they may read and decide for foemselves. ' Most Jtesp’ct’y., Yonr ob’t se’v’t DR. J -T. FORD. _P. S. I will state for the benefit of the af flicted, that Dr. Moseley is a regular gradu- □ate, and has been engaged in an extensive practice for the past ten years. Those who desire to try his skit! in the treatment of Ca n cers, Syphilis and otherchronic diseases may do so with the greatest hope of a cure be ing perfected in a short time. I have wit nessed many wonderful cures made by Dr. Moseley during the past three years;; his mode of treatment is very mild, not preven ting the patient f.'ora daily exercise, and at' tended with no danger whatever. - Dr. T. J. F. I^TAll persons that are desirous of avail ing themselies of Dr. Mosely’s services, wil- find him at his office, on Eighth Street.Grif, finGa- All 'omunicafions mast be post paid and addressed to W R, MOSELEY, M. Dj Griffiin Ga. to the public has been more tliorougli ly tested than Peiry Davis’s Vegetable Pain Jailer. Thousands of persons, were they tier Dr. Moseley’s treatment, he had many r& ,Ied opooMpsb, wouldcbeorfally testify that they have for various ills, with tho most satisfactory succfess. It is within oar knowledge,that an immense amount of sufferibg hasfieeh relieved by it. Its propri etors, Messrs. Perry Davis & Son, save no pains or expense in order to satisfy the pub lic. Being.strictly honorable men, they ob serve the utmost uniformity in the manufac ture of tbeir celebrated Pain Killer. The materials of which, it is composed are care fully selected—none but the best quality be ing used. By these means the high refuta tion which the iPain Killer has lofcg siuce ac quired is at all times trihmpBantly sostain- ,ed. In view of tnese facts, we are- 1 by. no means surprised to learn that Messrs. Davis & Son’s tales arc constantly and rapidly in creasing. While we congratulate our friends generally that so valuable a preparation as the Pain Killer is placed within their reach, we mast be permitted to rejoice at the well merited sneossos its liberal and enterprising proprietors.—Providence Gen. Advertiser. Davis’s Pain Killer.—This article needs no comments from us,'bat the real worth of so valuable a compound compels ns togive publicity to it, m our Transcript. Mr. Perry Davis, the manufacturer and inventor, is a gentleman for whom we entertain tl est respect, and any article be shop to the public we shonld have the tun fidence in. The Pain Killer we keep c -ly on hand, and have done so for a of years, and have administered it fc all descriptions, both external ani jhtcrual, and have ever fohnd it to be the. best > dy extent. We well recollect it?-first intro- m T.~ I widely oirMlfttedh a»oZiSA b ?« Ie - or 6^ bottles for » Fluid Extract number of of advertisements will be inserted.- of Sarsaparilla. SI per bottle, or 6 bottles for Special rates for advertising by foe year or for, S5, equal in strength to oue gallon of Syrup shorter periods, may be known by applying^to of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by H. T. Helmbold, Chemist, 263 Chestnut Street, near the Gi rard Honse. Philadelphia. To be had of Druggists and Dealers, eve rywhere. AH letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive immediate attention, jone 12 ly aay be any of my Agents, or at'the office in Atlanta, Ga Special numbers will be sent, on application by letter, free of charge. All communications in tended for foe “Bank-Note List and Detector,” most be addressed to “Swan’* Bank-Note Li*t,” Atlanta, Go. SAMUEL SWAN. James Robertson, General Agont. se253m Korean Kirkpatrick & Co. HAVING opened anew Ware room on Peach Tree Street, would Call the attention of foo public to their Stock of FURNITURE, embra cing Cabinet Ware, in all its varieties. Chain of every kind; Lounges, Mettrosses of Springs, Hair, Moss, Cotton and Shucks. CARPETS, RUGS &o.j Window Shades, Window Curtains, Damask, Cornices, Bands, Cord and Tassels, Loops, ko. ko. Window Papering, House do., Fire-board do. They still continue tbeir shop, SOUTH OF GEORGIA RAIL ROAD SQUARE and are prepared to do all kinds of work connec ted with their business, such as making and re pairing Furniture, Making Mattresses, Upholste ring, ko. They keep also on band, MctaKo Burial Cases and make upon short notice, Ma hogany; Walnut and other, wood Coffins. CHAIR FACTORY.—They have enlarged their manufacturing shops at Decatur, and con snpply Morgan’s original Cottage Chairs, Hind- ley’s Patent Bedstead, together with all artioles of Cabinet Ware, of foeir own manufacture, in any quantity desired. . They are* now manufacturing and finishing namelled Cottage Setts, far superior to any to bo bad from tbo North. jan 9 ’58, ly T He copartnership heretofore existing ur tho name of Coburn k Dwinell is this Dissolution. under urn k Dwinell is foie day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due the Firm, foe yoarly advertisements now in foe e por and subscriptions from foo 3d of August it will bo payable to M. Dwinell. Claims against the offioo from first of January last will also be presented to M. Dwinell for settlement. 8. E. COBURN. WINE June 1,1855. M. D\ 2LL. W I S D O M-’ S r MAIL LINE 1 From Romo fo La Fay ette via. Mount Hickory, Summerville and Try- on Factory. Leave* Rome Tuesdag* and Friday* at fl o’clock, A. M.; return* Wednatdays and Satur- days. Tho undersigned having taken foo contract for carrying the mail botween Romo and La Fayetto informs ttio traveling publio that ho is prepared with good horses and vebioles for the accommodation of travelers. Thogo visiting Chattooga and Wnlkor oountio, will find, this a JAMES 1 NEURALGIC LIQUID!! T HIS EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE for foe cure of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Flux Diarrhoea, Cramp Cholic, Cholera Morbus, Croup, Nervous Headache, Chills and Fevers, Bruises .and Sprains, Old Sores, Pains in any part ofthe body, is now for sale at Wm M & W Peeples, Calhoun; CP Wellborn, Dalton; J Noroross, Atlanta ; R Baber, Marietta. We would say to all as a proof of the power and efficacy of this Liquid to do what we say, we have retailed $7.00 worth in fourteen montnsin Chattanooga amidst, all other medicines where foe medical faculty stands high. We can get 95 out of-100 who have used this to certify its virtue and pow er. See Brownlow’s Whig and descriptive pam phlets for details and testimony. Each Bottle bos full directions. Price 50 cts, 1 00 and $2 00 dollars per bottle Cash only. J J JAMES. Proprietor. I hereby certify that I was afflicted with Rheu mutism for two years, and frequently woulda» wake in foe'night and shod tears, the pain was so severe, without relief from any medicine til) I used James’ Neuralgic Liquid aud in two ap plications it mode a perfect euro. JM YOUNG, Clinton, Ga, ~ Physician. Certificatc.—JUDGE MASSINGALE. I have used James’Noaralgio Liquid with en tire sucoess in two qsses of Rheumatism in my family, one chronic, foe other inflammatory. I have used it for Neuralgia in my own case with muoh benefit Ibeliove itia foo most reliable and perfect “panacea” for pains I havo over bad in my family. H W MASSINGALE. Certificate.—Rev J. Atkins,' Biblo agent far Holston Conference.—A few weeks sinoe, when somo distance from home, I was attacked with Flux. I took one dose of James’ Neuralgia Li* quid; the symptoms began to give way, and In a few hours I was relieved. Knoxvillo, 1855 J ATKINS RorW H H Duggan of Holston Conference. —I certify that James’ Neuralgic Liquid eurod foe ofilllr and favors on a young man after aU other remedies bad-failed. It also cored a case of scarlet Aver—its effect was immediate. Meigs Co, Tenn W H H DUGGAN. Hon J M Anderson, formerly member of Con gress from 5fa District, Tonn. I was painfully afflicted with .Neuralgia in e faco attended with soro throat, and by using tbo raco aucnqoa wicu soro inroai,annoy using only a part of a bottle" of James’ Ncuralgio Li. quid made a perfaot euro, indoed it acted like a charm. JMANDERS0M, ■ plenum! find agreeable route. Tho undersigned nia^TIl^’W V’Marion Co., Tenn. b.ogps by diligent attrontiqn to his busiiuess tq.l •» ' Ag,e,n.t.^:, secure a liberal share of patronage- ' S G WELLS, Romo, Ga.? JuI7 Jy WISDOM. JWMASSENGAL Yingtton, G PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE O N foe Physilogical View of Marriage 'by M B La Croix, M D, Albany, NT. 250 pages and 150 fine Plain and Colored. Lithographs and Plates. Price only 25 cents. . Sent Free of Postage to all parts of the United States^ Dr. M. B. La Croix’s PhTSIOLOGI CAL V I E W OP Marriage.—A new and re vised edition of 250 pages and 180 plates. Price 25 cents a copy. A popular and comprehensive treatise on foe duties and oasuali- ties of single and married life—happy and fruitful al- fiances, mode of securing them, infelicitous and infertile ones, tbeir obvi* ation and removal, nervous and debility, its' causes aud cure, by a process at once so simple, safe and effectual, that failure is impossible, rules for daily management, an essay on Sper matorrhoea, with practical observations on a safer and more successful mode of treatment; precautionary bints on the evil results from empirical practice; to wbicb is added conimen taries on the diseases of females, from infancy to old age, each case graphically illustrated by beautiful plates. It points out foe remedies for those self inflicted miseries and disappointed hopes so unfortunately prevalent in the'young. It is a truthful adviser to foe married and those contemplating marriage. Its perusal is partic ularly recommended to persons entertaining secret doubts of foeir physical conditionV'and wbo aro conscious of having hazarded , tbo health, happiness and privileges to which ovety human being is entitled to. Price 25 cents per copy, or five copies far $1, mailed free of postage to any part ofthe United States, by addressing Dr. La Croix, (post paid,) Albany, Now York enclosing twentyfive cents. - N. B.'—Those who prefer may consult Dr. La Croix, upon any ortho diseases upon which bis book treats, either personally or by moil. His medicine often cures in the short’ space of six days, and completely and entirely eradle&te all traces of those disorderOwhich oopaiva and cn-. bobs have so long boon thought an antidote, to the ruin of tho hoalth of the patient His “French Secret” is foe great continental reme dy for that class of disorders which, unfartuna- ately, physicians treat with mercury, ’ to foe irretreivablc destruction ofthe patient’s eonsti- tuion, and which all foe sareapparilla in - the world cannot euro. Dr. La Croix’s medioines are free from all mineral poisons, and pnt op in a neat and compact farm, whioh can bo sent by express or mail, and may be taken, in a publio or private house, or while traveling, without exposure to foo most intimate friend or room mate, or hihdranco from business or study, and no important change in the diet is necessary. Medioines sent to any part ofthe Union, accor ding to directions, safely paeked and oarefally secured from all observation. Office removed from No. 50 Beaver street, to 31 Maiden Lane,’ near Broadway, Albany, New York. sep6 ly dnciion for'Public patronage ; it y»a* i sold in a few shops in this city: Io<»k' at it now! the? world are its patrons. A ft- w days since we published a certificate from Burma ii., and we have often teen them from tin* must remote habkafcle regions df the GloBSt Read er, if you have not a supply on hand:, (we trust yon have^asit is almost indispensa- ,ble.) procure it at once, and never be with out It again—it' will save many a physi-' clan’s bitl.—Providence^ Daily TransCripL BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT PUT DP IN THE , ' . old sfTLE op bottles ; 7 : -■> Sold by J y?HICKS & 0Q:j R < • m \ G i ; -J D Carpenter,^.Cassville; J A & S Irwin. CartersvlUef ; Smith & EzraH, AGania ; Barret. Carter&. Co. and Clark, Wells & Du bose.-Augusta; John B-Morra & Co., Carter & Co . -Jos. M. Garner & Co.. S. D. Brantly & Co.‘, Savannah, and by druggists and; medicine dealers generally [/ulylOly COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION II—SEC- A RRANGEMENTS for the Second Annual iL Collection of thi3 new and"pnpufar Institu tion far the diffusion of Lite attire and Art, have been' made on the most extendi Ve scale. Among the works alreddy.engaged. is the. far _ Exoeiaio r Hand Loom!! rpHIS important labor saving machine for do- X mestic manufactory, ii destined to supersede * nd drive out of nse all other hand looms that ave their treaddles operated by foe aotion ofthe feet, and foe shuttle thrown by foe hand. The, construction is . ' SIMPLE, CHEAP, AND DURABLE ! . From its great simplicity, it is not subject to get ont of order, and foe entire machine com plete, ean be made by any ordinary 'carpenter. The advantages-it possesses over tho old fash ioned loom, consist in all its parts being SELF CHANGING; requiring no skill to weave. It is noat and convenient, and on it ono can weavo THREE TIMES AS MUCH CLOTH as on the old fashioned loom, and WITH LESS LABOR! The cost Is no more than fofagld, andis equally adapted to all kinds of dom^stio weaving. a supply of tho Looms whioh hp will sell at pri cos to suit tho times • Jan 30 ’55 tf. io lias A at pri-' ‘ R j the wl .,.. faibcti 1 ;GfTNOA CR UCIF1X” which Daily, cost ten thousand dollars. In forming the new collection, the diffusion of works of American Art, and the encouragement of American’genins, havenot been overlooked. Commissions have been i.-sued to many of the most distingnuhed American Artists, who will contribute some of »heic finest pro ductions. Among them are three marble Busts, executed bv the greatest living sculp tor—Hiram Powers : Georoz WasinnGTON, r the father of his Country; Benjamin Frank lin, tho Philosopher; -Daniel Webster, the Statesman. A special agent has visited Eu rope and made careful and judicious selec tions of foreign works of Art, both in Bronze and Marble ; Statuary.ond Choice Paintings.' The whole forming a large and valuable col lection of Paintings and Statnary, to'bc dis tributed free among the members of this Association for tho second year. Terms of Membership-t-TIio payment of three dollars constitutes any one a mtimber of this association, aad entitles him to either one of the following Magazines : Harper’s, Putnam’s, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s. Gra ham’s, Gody’s Lady’s Book, and Household Words. Persons taking five memberships aro entitled to any five of the Magazines for one year, and to six ticketsin the distribu tion.' The net proceeds derived from tho> sale of memberships, are devoted to the pur chase of works of Art for the ensuing year.. The advantages secured by becoming a member of this association, aro—1st. all per sons receive the full value of their subscrip tion at tho stavfc, in the shape of sterling Mag azino Literature. 2d, each member is con tributing towards purchasing choice Works- of art. which are to bo distributed among themselves, and aro at the same time encour aging the Artists of the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persons in remitting funds tor membership ' will plecso give their postoffice address im full,stating the month they wish the Maga- * zine to commence, and have the letter regis tered at the Post Office to prevent loss; on the receipt of which, a certificate of mem bership, together with the Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part ofthe country. Those who purchase Magazines at book stores, will observe that by joining this Asso ciation, they receive the Magazine and free ticket in the annual distribution, all at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone.— Beautifully illustrated Catalogues givmg full description sent free on application £3P"For Membership, address C. L DERBY, Actuary, C. A. A. At cither of ti>d principal offices—Knicker bocker Magazine office 348, Broadway, N. Y or Western Office, 1G6 Water street, Samlns- ky, Ohio, novl38m FOR SALE OR RE AT. Store Room and Building at present oor. cupied by Wood .fc Brother on ^roadstreet, ome, Ga. For particulars impure of "' oo2 2in C H SMITH m8&