Rome courier. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-18??, December 25, 1855, Image 3

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tsmm |Bg>: ■, * * w jv-^r i!ii > ; jfc. *T^5g«VV*- SB*' * ■-• * ' SB §&W§m& ’ TfflpR ■ • ■ ■ % 5^§5'- wmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmm HATS! BATS! F XE fashionable Moleskin Dress Hats and n large stock of soft Fur Hats, together with a great -election of men's and boy’s W ool Hats, Caps, Ac, can be found at the store of ' R .1 JOHNS SON. SHAWLS, SWAWL8. TpIIESK fine and new style embroidered and J. cashmirett Shawls.- are something new in Thev can be found at tho R J JOHNSON, er ©wVof fashion. IHPROVED HAVANA PUT LOTTERY, (By authority cf the State of Georgia) FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY!! 1 PRIZE TO EVERY 10 TICKETS ! FOR DECEMBER—CLASS TEN WILL BE Drawn December 24, in tho City of Atlanta, when prises amounting to $30,000 will bo distributed according to tho following INIMITABLE SCHEME: CAPITAL PRIZE TEN THOUSAND DOL’S SCHEME: 1 Prize of CHBRELLAS. f large and fine Umbrellas and for sale cheap. JmbrelU There ali kinds from the finest to com cotton umbrel la, for ladies and gentlemen. R J JOHNSON WRAPPING PAPER. APPING Paper in great abundfiBOOc Those who want, call, yon can buy cheap. R .1 JOHNSON. m GROCERIES. S UGAR, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Chickens, Rice and manv other articles in tae Grocery line, on hand and fbr S*lo ** «bea» M «W be found. • KJJOB — INSON. — SALTED PORK. A LOT of Fresh Salted Pork now on hand and for sale by R J IOHN^ON. WINDOW GLASSES. T ins excellent article of French Window ft great variety now on hand and offering at the right prices. Refer- cr? can be given as to its quality by one who bar opened and used a number of boxes from 'the same lot. [dec IS j R J JOHNSON. 'host' rf.;' I it; m-'M »yd County i To all wbotu it will please take notice, that ' A uthonv applies to me for letters on the Estate of William L ceased. refore. to cite and admonish I ■ and creditors of apjiear at my office d by law to show said letters should ted onto said applicants. Given td official signature. J. LAMBERT!! Ordinary YHALE AYR FKJLALE ACA E51Y. rr.oYri eov THOMAS W SKELLY, PI _ T his institution will Re-open on THE SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1856, when it is hoped that all students, 'desi- ; admission. will be in attendance. TERMS OF TUITION, FOR The sebsla.-tie year of 10 months arc as follows: ordinary branches of an English ed. ncation : : :::::: :s » : J z: $12 00 r Maihensrtics, Astronvimy, CivilEn- geneering. Ac:::::::::::: 20 00 r Latin. Greek or French 25 60 Landscape Drawing. Mapping. Vocal Mnsieand •hand Writing, taught gratis to subscribed The- discipline or government of the shall be mild and parental, yet firm and form, Yitfc that confidence, which successful expe- ienee alone can inspire, Mr Shelly pledges him self. that the reasonable expectations of all who : their children to his care shall fcc am- fulfilled. The Academy is situated right milerfrCm A-tairS-eille, nice front Rome, and thirteen from Calhoun—In a district of the; county, remarkable for the beauty of its scenery, ( proverbial Tor its health, and famous for the va riety an i abundance oTits good spring water. Good Board, at very moderate prices can be Up: obtained in the irorae iate vicinity of the Acad emy Indeed, the accommodations in this par ticular. are superior to those offered elsewhere ia Cherokee Georgia. TKCSTEES. i Lee. Col. Wattees, *tox Atcock. Mr. JohsRcsh, Hoo.T.McGriRE. J the opening of the School, ail letters are to be addressed to the principal at his pres ent residence. Resaca. Ga. declllm FAR* AND «TORESTAND-FOR SALE!! UPHE Subscriber offers for sale, his Plantation A «t 'BMffi I rituafafi Jteo milea fan Rom* oa tho Van Wert Rom! He has 400 Acres, about 100 Acres cleared and under good improvements. : >n.ftriable Dwellings on the ri Gin fin<* Annie and tfS- waterantf oiiicrcon- n-niVnc- s in all making It one of the most '3 here are m pleasant pfag fin the coant it. ALSO A STORE HOUSE. This is an excellent Stand fbr selling Dry G■ and Groceries it being ten miles ti>rn ll»me. thittrenmil« from Van Wert, •»i*l t welve miles from Cedar Town. If not twfore the first of January, this Store WTtlbeoSbredtorent. devil3m JOHN JOHNSON. CS^ THE H1GIC I.BPRESSiO.Y PAPER T?' »R WRITING without pen or ink, copy* JD iif ■' ' ” —- -jgj|- - -' Hma j - ing leaves, plants. Sowers, pictures, patterns Jbr embroidery, marking linen indelibly, and manifold writing, f- This article is absolutely the best portable inkstand in the known world, fora small quantity folded and placed in tbe pocket constitutes a traveling inkstand, which cannot be broken. No pen is need,for any stick sharpened to a point, writes equally as well as tbe best gold pen in tbe universe. For draw ing it is.Tndispensable. It is, indeed, tbe whole art of dnwiog and painting—in one lesson.— Any leaf, plant, or flower can be transferred to the page* of on album, with a minute and dis- ' oet resemblance of nature. With equal facility, etures and embroidery patterns are taken, and received the highest euloginms from the x ; and indeed a more tasteful present fora lady could hot be produced. This Magic Paper also marks linen or other articles, so as to remain perfectly indelible.— ;Tn the world fails to bring it. out. Any child can use it with perfect ease.— •With this Magie Paper, likewise ona or four copies of erery letter written can be secured 2 do S,000 are 3 1 do 500 are U 10 fi! 250 aro 110 are 17 do 75 are 4$ do 50 aro 88 - do 60 are 200 do 10 aro 830 v do 5 aro 1,000 ONL .Tickets 8AM prices amonntinn to ,Y TKI» TJ THOUSAND NUMBERS. ; Halves $1,50; Quarters $1,25 1 SWAN, Agent and Manager, ' ita, G Atlanta, Ga. WOOD & BRO., TlT OULD most respectfully Inform their VV friends and customers that they have moved about ten foet into their new store room between their old stand and Wm U White, and that although behind every body else in getting' in thdr New Goods this foil, they are nowin store with all the advantages that purchasing late in thananson secures to them. We have ndw'In store— OSNABURGS, white,striped and plaid; KERSEYS, common, and best Ga Plains; NEGRO SHOES, home-made; WAX’D SHOES, for Men, Boys and Children ; Calf, Kip and Kid BOOTS for Ladies; GOAT BOOTS for Ladies and Misses, C«U sowed TOOTS for Men; “ peged * *« 'hu « Boys; I WOOL, HATS, fanne-made ; Spun Cotton ; Loither: Axe.,, Sami Collins; Hoes, Noel,Sand 3; Trace Chains t * Paper fl^ LttttRsnd Noto; BUSINESS DIRECTORY ■^TOOD A BROTHER, Merchants, are sup- A W. CALDWEL, Manufactnrer of Tin Ware, Coppe Copper and Sheet Iron. Guttering, nnd Repairing done to ordor at the placo lately occu pied by Wm B Jones. SO,000 lbs Rags wan. ted. novfily M. KEHlt.—Carriage Manufacturer. Repairing done with neatness. Orders IVotu abroad promptly filled. novlSty A. A P. NEELD —Merchant Tailor. Broad-st, r Romo, Ua^ will fill all orders with prompt ness. Work warranted tosnltcustomers [novlS B LACK A COBB, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Etowah Honse, Romo, Ga., will give their personal attention to the interests of all who eonlldo business to their mahagemonL Thread and Osnshnrgs by the bale at Factory prices. They are prepared to extend the nsusl utoiilUes. { Gao S Black, H W Cobb }■ novOly plied with the latest styles of Fancy, Pit nnd Stuplo Dry Goods, do., during tbe seasons; store opposite Ramey’s stable and noxt door to Wm. White. noviaiy JONES & WILSON, W M. JOHNSON, Dealer in Carriages, Rock nways, Buggies, Ac. Repository noxt butldlng west of Ramoy's Livery Nibble. [novl3 and YITILLIAM H. W VV manufacturer of WHITE— Dealer In, manufacturer of Saddles, Bridles, Uar- Lenther, Calf-Skinb, and all kinds ofCar- ness, rings Trimmings. novlSly W M E. ALEXANDER A .CO, Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Opposite Rail Road Depot, Rome, Ga. novGly W M.W. SUAUPE, Professor of Vocal imp . . „ ... - HUY A HARKINS. Dealers In Staple and ioy Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots. Shoes nor of Broad and Oostanaula streets, Rome, Ga. nov201y pLARK A COOLET^Rrocersi _ v Merchants, dealers in Pbthfi^ so agents nod dealers in Vi Tobacco and Havana Soi Commission and Pro- dues: Also nfhetured Tooaeeo- ana uavana sugars, Kb WO, Ga. -{ Wm Clark, Milto.v A Cool* v } novdly C HOICE HOTEL, Broad Street, Rome, Ga.— Wm M Roberts, Proprietor. [novl31y C P. CULVER, resident Dentist, Rome, Georgia, (novfily) D R. KING, informs tbo public that ho may be found at his residence at all* times; at the two story building, comer, nearly opposite the Buena Vista Honse. 1QANIEL R MITCHEL. Attorney at Law, Hose, Cash mire -Hose, black; ** « * .white; « . ** aborted col's ; Cotton "% white'Ao; Half Hose of rations kinds; GU-ves, of “ “ -Calicoes, a huege lot new and pretty ; Ginghams, assorted; Furniture, prints'; Datoasts ; ’ Linseys; Checks and *Stripes : ; -Dress Silks in Greafvariety; Blk MarcUiue-Siiks; townee Velvet; Black Silk Velvet; WhiteSatin : ; DreisTrimiiiings"; Embroideries: “ Handk’fo; ** Collars; * « Sledves t ' u Chemisetts; Alpaccas, Plain hod Figured; M assorted col’s; Bombazines-; DeLains ; Marinoes ; Cotton Flannels; * Wood Homespun, Blch'd A Brown , Paper Cambrics Jack “ Muslins, Swiss and Nainsook Thread Cambric; Black Crape ; Lieces; Cambric*, assorted col’s; Cassimeres; Black Doe Skin; Fancy “ North Carolina Ao Tweeds; v-. ' Dri»r n k BlMeb’d A Brown C ol’p ; Wool Net Shirts; Silk M “ Tranks; Tin Ware; Crockery and Grass Wave ; Locks; Tobacco; Toilet Soap , Shaving Soap; Pepperj Soda; Ginger; Copperas ; Indian; And many other articles too tedious to men tion. AU of which we will be pleased to show and sell on reasonable terms. Nov. 27, WOOD A BRO. r f perimance to an order of the Honorable tbe 0T“— * Ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at£the Court Honse in the city of Rome, on tbe 1st Tuesday in January 1856, the following notes and fi fas, sold as tbe -property of tho Estate of William T Prfoe, deceased to wiu J W Dorwin’s Note N Sims W II Brarilo “ Cr. for $60 18th Nor. 1850 $165 00 20 00 171 45 it the cheapest and most convenient article ex tant. It is used to great advantage by repor ter* of tbe public press, telegraphic operators and bosta of others. Each package contains four different colors black, bine, green and red, with full and printed instructions, for all to use, and will last sufficiently to obtain five hundred ’ distinct smprcMion;. It is put up in beautifully enamelled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness rf the proprietor attached. . Each and every package warranted- Price— $2 per dozen, or five for $1- Single package* 25cts. Mailed to all parts of the world on tbe reception of the above price. Address, postpaid. N.HUBBELL, 167, Broadway, N. Y 0FIX1OXS OF THE PRESS. lUMTr 51 ante Imprzurion Paprr.—Wc refer cor reader* to the advertisement, in another column, retting forth tbe merits of this pleasing — j ? 1—^—ention. The cheapness should it a trial.—[Pbila- Merchant^ *ed for neatness, utiUA, and 5 *ale »t r-.chty d<-Ee--.-. Jf .-Trihunc. he public haj.'iong desired, and i itself to kyiry individual of taste fafCommerce. (deellSm 20 00 5 00 22 00 8 00 2 00 Cr. to July 1862 for $100 M G Jones Note J P Doverson Note Hudgings k Morriss Note Cr. 19th Judo 1452 for $13 00 H F Sharp Noto J L Hoson . Noto J D Dickerson Noto Ed Sharps Note Littebny Huff Note —-—T FMLoy NtfaT" Fi fa, vs H GiHaffm" * Note Y, ta, vs'fTj McCoy Note At tbo same time and place will be- hired, the Negroes belonging to said Estate. DR MITCHELL, J Adm ,„ HI County: Whereas. Be Administrator cn tbe Estate deceased, applies to me for real estate of said deceased. tr» cite and adnjnii* the kindred and credit- to be and appear at my within th< time prescribed by law. if any they have, why stleh net i»<- granted nnto raid ap- Gtven under my hand nnd official . [dec! 1J F \ KIRBY Ordinary should SAKL-EL C. BVfiEY y < -.Jlf'ASr, PROPRIETORS. THE DAILY 4HERICA.V ORCAY, pubii-fbed every afternoon, (except Sun day,) at the corner of Lotrie-ana avenue and Tenth Mreet, and i« delivered to eity subscribers (payable to the carriers) at 0$ cent* per week. Single copy, 1 cent. Mail rub-eribers,$4,00per Annum or $2 00 for 6 months, always in advance. RATES or ADVERTISIHG. Five lines or less, one insertion twentyfivo cent* ; each additional line, five cent*, i additional insertion, balfof tbe above rates, red ad vertUetnents charged solid measure THE WEEKLY AMERICAN ORGAN I* published every Saturnny, on tbe following 1' • TERMS. 1 copy, 1 year, $2 00 j 1 copy 6 months $1 00 5 copies, 1 year, 6 00 j 5 copies 6 month* 5 (0 TO copies l year 15 6o i 10 copies 6 months 8 00 SATES OF , Ten cents per line for each insertion. ssa-AU communication* on business connected wito this papermust be directed to tho“Amer ican OrattnP Washington city, and bo postpaid. Dm4 '• 1855 • ^ FOR SALE. 0. ikely Nogro Boy o or 10 For particulars enquire de«4 A Stephens Noto 45 00 A Stephens Note 19 30 S W Venablo Note 14 55 S W Venable Koto . 70 00 R J Johnson Note 30 00 Thomas Petit Note 25 00 H M Turman Noto 75 00 A Alexander Note 4 75 John Floyd Noto 26 00 Littebny Hoff Noto 9 09 A. Copeland Note 61 00 A y W Copeland Note 15 50 Wm Smith Note 117 00 will attond courts in Floyd and adjoining counties. {norl31y D R. GREGORY, tenders his professional ser vices to the eitisens of Rome and vicinity ; office four doors above Norton's store at the prepared to transact any btuinofes entrusted to place lately occupied by Champe k Kerr [novlS U s at those places. H S F A S. D ANIEL s. PRINTUP, Attorney at Law and Agent of the Bank State of South Car olina, Rome. hovI31y E TOWAH HOUSE, Near the Depot, Broad street, Rome, Geo ; J, M. Roach, Proprie- [noVISIy tor. T?TOWAH STABLES.—Rome, Ga. Near R J-A R Depot. Horses and Vehicles bought and sold. Conveyances of all kinds for Hire. -novOly WM KETCH AM. HARGROVE, wholesale and retail dealers in Groceries; always well supplied with fresh articles, sold on the best terms. Lo cation at tbs comer from O-stanaula bi old "Exchange." n< p&IEDJt BRO.—Dealers in Fancy and Sta- iincy am pie Dry Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, etc., Broad street, Rome, Ga. [no]31y H arvey a Hamilton,—Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Rome, Georgia. foblSly ' { RD HARVEV D B HAMILTON }■ TTENRY a. SMITH.—Bookseller and, Sta- H doner, Rome, Ga., keeps a general assort ment of School, Theological and Miscellaneous Publications. Also, a great variety of Station ery and fancy articles. [nov!31y TTENRY A. GARTRELL.—Attorney at Law, XI Rome, Ga. Office over the store of Berry A Harkins. * [novlSly |_|~ARDIN A SMYRE, Merchants, offer on good terms Fine, Fancy, Staple, Plain and Heavy Dry floods, Ac. Store just under South erner office, - novl31y JONES k WILSON, Dealers in General Mer chandizc. Bn Rome, Ga (BF t., opposite Uh«ice Hotel; J M Wilson }■ novfily J P. HOLS’ J * gans, Boots and' ther, BroadStreet^Romj _ fanufaeturers of Bro- rioes, and dealers in Lea- Ga.“ novlSly J L. LOGAN & CO, Dealers in Groceries, • Grain and Previsions of all kinds, Broad street, Rome, Geo. no vl 31y J P PERKINS. Scenic, Banner and Ornamen tal Painter, Rome, Ga. [nnvUl^ VA.UVAN8, Fashionable Boot Maker. Shop on Broad Sl Terms Cash, nov6tf. J M. QUINN A CO.-—Dealers in Groceries, •Graf w -- - - Grain, Provisions of all kinds, and Staplo Dry Good?, 2 doors below the Post Office,Broad Street, Rome, Ga. [nov!31y J j. COHEN.-^-Wholesalo and Retail Mer- •rhant in Dry Goods,. Groceries and Hard ware. Wanted.—Produce of all descriptions. Also Agent for!the Paper mills. Rags wanted, nov13ly J T.McCONNELLv- •t •gold, Ga. -Attorney at Law, Ring- [nov!21y J W. HICKS ft CO.—Dealers in Medicines; •Drags, Paints, Oils, and Glassware, No. 39, Broad-street, Rome, Ga., 3 doors below Sloan Hawkins A Co. [novi3.ty„ J R A T W ALEXANDER, Attorneys at Law Rome. no*271y N Sims A Stephens A Stephens Noto Note Note 2 00 20 00 174 66 12** 00 M ILES W. JOHNSON, Dealer in Fbhcy and Staple Dry Goods, Ready Made- Clothing, Boots, Shoes, ke, Brood st, Rome, GA. [nov!3ly Instrumental Music, also tenoher of Brass Bands, Uotno, Gt^ ^[novl31y SnaijtiilU Sktttismrnta. CHURCH ANDERSON, QUORS, Iron Castings, Hides and Sole Loath- er, Corner of Front and BroadStreet, Nashville Tonn. may 8 ly W-' WOODS A CO. ^manufacturers of lard oil AND FAMILY LARD. No 25 HaWfof'Stroet, Nnsbville, Tonnsseo may 1 • ’ ly 65 B. 8. WELLER, D EALER in Copper, Brass,. Tin, Sheet Iron, Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware andNewseod and Agricultural Depot. No. 35, Upper Market Street, Nashville, Tonn, may 1 ly. U S FRENCH- -JC FRENCH. H. 8. FRENCH & SON, /I ROGERS, Commission Merchants,andDoal- VT era in Bacon, Bale Rope and Bagging.— Corner of Market and Clark Streets, Nashville, Tonn. • Having Agents in St. Louik, Louisville, Cin cinnati and Near Orleans, wo are at all times may 8 '5 ly MORRIS & STPRAl"f6N, ’^^’HOLESALE Grocers, Produce and Cour- mission Merchants, and Dealer in For eign and Domestic Liquors. Corner of Market and Clark Sts., Nashville Tenth may 8 ly 1855! 1855! FALL 1HPOUTATIO.T! JHM’CLUNG&CO, Broad Street, Rome, Ga-, Hare just received from the Northern markets THEIR FALL AID WITTER STOCK O SI PRISING- Ladies elegant Dress Goods, Handsome wrappings, hosftry,gIoves&embroideries. READY MADE CLOTHING FOR 31 Eh AND BOYS'. HOUSE-FURNISHING AND PLANtfFifc’S GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPRION. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHO^, BONNETS; TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW CORNICE. ALTOGETHER COM PRISING THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. HAV ING TAKEN EVERY POSSIBLE CARE IN THE SELECTION OF OUR GOODS, WE WOULD INVITE ATTENTION OF ALL PROMPT PAYING OR CASH CUSTOMERS. THE USUAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT MADE ON ALL CASH BILLS OF $5 & OVER J H McCLUNG, } —— ■{ G R WARD. Bept25th Rome. Ga H Broad St.' <>ppo*ife Choice Ht AV H -J UST H KC ill V ET) A NI) le iPF.NINO AN ENTIRELY NEW and lJ«avy Stock of FALL A M* HT Y! ER GOODS, which tlu-y offer the public at low rati-*, nnd only nt>k nil opportunity to show that tln-y will don good part by all who may favor them-with their pntronagu: Wholesale Bar Furnishing Establishment. MAGNOLIA BUiLDiNG, ALABAMA STREET, - hi*.- ^ dES-^SKse •Sadlo Blnn- ketsGr.iy A White Wool Plain! Blue Gray A BLANKETS, KERSEY8 Ac. Heavy govt Blankots Mackinaw Blankets . Whl tney Blank oU Railway Wrap pera Crib Blankotf Georgia Plain! HenvyFlitnn’oil Welch Flannel! Domestic Flannel! Ex .Hvy Twill do Tweeds aMorted Green FlitnneU J. VALENTINE & C0„ WHOL Brown Blue Green opera do Cai- imero Gray Blk 8at- in « tt Foy Cas- i m e r e b Blk Blueib VarioUa Cloak —Cloth!— Ml x Lind Got Str Veit- ing* Mix A B 1 a o k Caasimore F r*noS Doeskins olive Cloth ool on Cloth, Tweed! ! o y B ton ipOB yarns Fin# bres? Goods 1 8 r» f Plain Silks B Blk Silks A lapaeas DoLain e! ‘Circassian S r *r Spun Silks Cashmeres g Bombasine p Feb A Eng M Marinos' J all Wool do § Do Bor go timbre shaded Jq Satin Stripe 4 Printed and opera . Velvetino AustrTi’d Flannels cloak tac- eh NEW GOODS!! D. W. JOB,<10* TXTOUIib call the attention of bis friends and V V customers generally, to his large and well selected Stock of New Go.odF. He has just returned fho6 New York with a latge supply of FALL A WINTER GOODS, Consisting of all the kinds that are usually bought or are suited to this market. A large assortment of CASSIMERES, DELANES and WORSTED PATTERNS, varying in price from TxfijpeBta to the^feSghes^-jfis6*»i^ ^ - DKESS GOO OPTHte latest and patt Woole ns Dimity, Persian Twills Clot.hs S v .VelV'etR’bons S, Bonnet do S’ Satin Ribbons Lining • Silks Sat Crape -tntnux Swiss Moire Antique Dress Trimming Fringes, -Rach- -Black “ h e 1 k col'd ” But’ns, Linen Bat g to 2 ns. •* C o t **_? “ o Floss-, ^ Berege, m Swish ^ a 1 Muslins M te d Flowers WEdg- Rose, 1 ng, Oil Ac,ac. Silks A D CHEROKEE FE3ULE INSTITUTE. ;ed to attend the annual *W» X examination of.the quipOa of the Institute on tbe 5th A 6th inst: The fonrth term of this Institution will open tbe first Monday in Sep tember next. Tuition reduced to euit the times. Scholarships, for the .year with th<[^i,i*U»g»or- ■tHe wbote range of studies without extra charge for French, Drawing, Latin or Greek, as here tofore $50. There will be hereafter four De M MARKS.—Dealer in Dry /Goods, Ready -Made Clothing, Hats, Capa, Shoes, A Boots. TTa O/iltnilu lit A af fnmtar.,, /rf '|1.a mmLIi a Lao He solicits the attention of-lhe public to bis well-selected assortment. J nov!3Iy DUDLEY, Manufacturer of Carriages, Bug gies and Waggops ; be also attends to Blaoksmitbing in its^-varions brooches. Shop near the Buena Virfta I a? Hotel. [novl31y p A. OMBE G, Manufacturer and dealer iq Boots dn& Shoes; genteel work done to order.. Brooja st. Rome, Ga. [novl31y racturc anyy^iz, Castings iize made to order. ovfily JAS. NOBLE A SONS •A 21 38 7 00 35 00 100 00 nov2730 CHAS. PRICE. SOITIIERY HILITARt ACADEHY LOTTERY Southem Military Academy Lottery!!! CLASSY To be drawn January 8tb, in the city of Mont gomery, when prizes amountfbg to $30,000 Will be distributed according to tbe following UNPARALLELED SCHEDULE! unher, One Thousand Prises 11 Capital Prize, $10,000! ■m lit 1 St'- ■MS um roiies Aifon.vnso to Only Ten Thousand Numbers! Tickets $5; Halve* and Quarters w proppot- tion. All eommanieatlons strictly cohfideutiali SAMUEL SWAN, Agent find Manager. Office Rome R. It., \ November 29, 1855. ] ,N and after tbe first December, the regular Triweekly afternoon Train will be di*«on- tinued. [dec4] M. A. STOV ALL, Sup’t, 0 ; m FlKH FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale on reasonable term*, a Lot of Land containing 175 Acres—45 cleared, well fenced and under a high state of cultivation. There is a good Orchard on the place, comfortable Dwelling and Out Buildings, and two Wells of unfailing water. This farm ia on the Kingston Rond, 3i wiles from Rome. For further particulars, enquire of [dec43m] J. H. WISDOM. FOR SALE OR REST. T HE Store Room and Building at present oc cupied by Wood & Brother on Broad street, Rome, Ga. For particulars inquire of oc2 3is v H SMITH R OBERT BATTEY, Druggist and Pharma ceutist, Choice He tel, Rome Ga. Physici. ans’ prescriptions compounded with caro.[nofily E T. McCAY.—Wholesale and Retail dealer •in English and AmciicfiU Hardware, Broad street, Rome, Ga. [oov!31y J. JOHNSON, dealer in Groceries, of wbiob he keeps a fresh and various supply. Store next to Wood A Brother’s. [nov!31y Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery, Ac.— Rome, Geo. [nov!31y QANDERS A MANNING, keeps oil hand a we" wellfelected stock of Prints, Sheeting, Shir tings, and other dry goods, and a few groceries, low sold low and on good terms postte postoffice. Stand nearly op. [noyi31y gTBRN A CO., Merchants, dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Ready Mado Clothing. Store one door above Ombcrg’s [no!3 QLOAN, HAWKINS A CO.—Have always on D band a * “ full assortment of Groceries fit their old stand. Also, a splendid stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, at their New Store, ohe door above—‘•all at low- prices. Calls from oar friends are rtepeectfully solicited. hovl.'Jly S TANFORD A ? ITNER, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Shoes Ac., Ac. poriaiy gMITH A UNDERWOOD, Attorneys at Law, will practice in the Courts of Floyd and tbo neighboring counties. CHARLES H. SMITH, j 3. W. H. UNDERWOOD. Jan 16/54. gj G. GUERINEAU—Guttering and Piping done to order. dec. 5 ly. gULLIVAN A BARRETT, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., Broud^ Street Rome, Go., Corner of Brldgo and Bran dy T streets. [novlSly npHOMAS J. PERRY, Agent for Charter Oak Life Insuranco Company, Hartford, Conn., Rome, Gn. [novl.lly partments with the following studies and Rates of Tuition. Primary Department.—Firstrudimonts,rea ding, spilling, defining, primary arithmetic, primary geography and primary history, for the Spring term 24 weeks, $15; Fall term, 16 weeks $10. y Secondart Department.—Primary branch cs revised, geography, English grammar, Arith inctie and history of the United States in addi tion, for tbe Spring term of 24 weeks, $18; Fall tertn 16 weeks, $12. f Tertiary Department.—Secondary branch bs revised with natural philosophy, chemistry, genel-al history, algebra, botany, Watts on the mind, rhetoric withfthe principles of syntax ap plied in acourae of reading of tbe best English classical writers, for the Spring term of 24 weeks $21; Fall term 16 weeks $14, Senior Department.—Revision of tbe Ter tiary branches. With geology, moral, intellectu al nnd political philosophy, logic, geometry with the Latin and Greek languages, for tbo Spring term of 24 weeks $24; Fall term 16 weeks $16. Music, French »nd Drawing, each extra, at be charge of tho Professor. S. FOUCHE'. BAG0N! BACON ! 30 000 * b8 ^ >r ' m0 Tenneasee BACON for April, 17. tf W E ALEXANDER A CO R.S.NORTOI, TSjiow receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of Goods which will be offered at a smaller ad' vaiice than usual. Yon can satisfy yoursolf by calling and'examining Goods Rome, SepteulbeP, 25, 1259 R S NORTON HISSES* BOYS* A YD CHILDRENS* gHOES, Hose, half Hose and Gloves of all si [sep25] R B NORTON ^ LADIES DRESS GOODS. TJINGLISH and Franch Merino, Thibet Cloths; J-i Delaines, Chnlly’s Poplins, *e. Also an as sortment of small patterns for children. Rome, September 25th, 1855. R S NORTON WELCH FLAWELS, TT/ELCH, Shaker and German Flannels at W [sep25] R S NOTON’S WOOL YAttYS, S CARLET, Orange, Blue, Mixed, nnd White, at [sep25j R S NORTON’S BONNETS* gATIN, English Straw, Florence, and Neapol itan—Ladies' and Missses’. R S NORTON EUBROIDERIES. /"iAMBRlCand Muslin Insertings nnd Edg> U ings,"Bands, Collars, Sleeves, Chimizetts and ings, Handkerchiefs. 80pt.25 Also Thread Laces. R S NORTON ARE YOU. INSURED? FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. P. M. Sheiblet, Rome, Gas C A P I T A Is $ 3 0 fl, Ofl 0 Amount securely invested in Bonds and Penh- syivnnia stocks, $200,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL EdwabdR IIelmBold, ) f Hon T B Florence, J | President. Stforetpry FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Of the Vulloy of Virginia, at Winchester, Va. C A PI TAL $ 3 0 0, 0 0 0 C. S. Fkaxk, Sec’y }■ \ J. S. Carson, Pros’t. Silks ^elts Scarfs Cloaks Shawls Gloves H o s e r y , Yarns, MOREEN W Velvets to Jac’net •q k Swiss S M u s- lias. ^ C a m- b r i cs FLOSS $5 O E-i H O o Collars £5 Top- O. Zillion* SJ Silk * -<*- si cs, E-i Linnen £< Prints, H Hdk’fs, H Skirts, O G’ghams; P5 Slopes o Fr. Prints.^ Ladies’ Calf and Kid Boots Black Gaiters Jinny Linds ka c h el's Broadways, Lola Montes, . Fancy Ties; Kiphecl Boots; P a rodiesj Ili ghlanders. K u b b er’s •Slippqrs. Ankle Ties. Ladies Extra Fox’d Gaitcri 'ALT-: DEAL BUS I.V LIQUORS, WINKS, SYRUPS, PICKLES, CIGARS, Tobaveo, &c., koep constantly on hand tho followii.g’Orticks: BRANDY, Cognac, . Otartl, 1 , Jlonnessy, y -Rocheild, Peach, . ■Cherry, Blackberry, Apple. GIN, Holland, American, . WHISKY, Bourbon (old) . Monongaheln, Irish, . Scotch, Deans, Dexters, Pikes, ' 0 Gibson's (bottled) •RUM, St Croix, Jamaica, New England. WINKS, ’ Port, Madeira, Simriry, Malaga, Muscat, ■*. . Claret. Campn TOBACCO Smoking i chewing. GLASSWARE, Dccapters, Flasks i p’t, to 2 p'tfi, Tumblers. SYRUi’S, Lemon, p’t or S al V Raspberry, • Strawberry. Sundries, Sardines', Pickle*. Brokers Bitter* Slrnngleton “ Ess. Peppermint, .Cii rneoe, Mans chins, ;ne. Campagnc Cider, Porter Alo CIGARS, Spanish, American, - German—T*•. )i vyjyj&ktt: Anfsct t a very largo assortment. Absyntbe, 1 Cordials Corks. ' ^ Ac., Ac. Ac., Ac. Labels, Ac. We intend keeping on hand all articles needed by Bar-keeper*, nnd will obligate , ourselves to sell fino Liquors and Cigars, lower than they can be bought in any market South. J. VALENTINE, W. IL EIDSON, ED. SHARP. MAY 22, 1355, ly and a variety of Ladies’ Winter Goods of evei description. Also a large assortment of Goods suited to Mfskes' and Childrens’ wear. ALSti A SUPPLY OF LADIAS' CLOAKS OF THE LATEST STYLES, AND SWAWLS of various descriptions. Also SUk and Wonted 'Hosery of various sizes and qualities allow prices Also Silk and Worsted Hosery of various sizes and qualities a t low prices. For gentlemen's wear a large supply of Winter Goods ih Bolts, and READY MADE CLOTHING, a foil supply that can be bought at the lowest Drices going. Also a good assortment of BOOTS AND 8BOES ofallsizeg, styles and quantities. Also a large supply of NEGRO GOODS FOR WINTER, con sisting of Blanketo, Lindseys, Kerseys, Bed Blankets, Ac., Ac. Those who will call and see for themselves can bny Goods so as to be sad isfied with Styles and prices. octl64m CHAMPE & KERR. MERCHANT TAILORS BROAD STREET ROME GA. The Public will please bear in mind that the above named Firm keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS etc.-. A S THE limit of our copartnership expires tbe first of January, we intend at that time to close oat entirely. We are now offering a choice lot of FRESH GOODS in oar tine at ve ry reduced rates. Cash buyers will save from twentyfive to .fifty per cent by giving ns a call soon. This is no common,advertisement, we mean just what we say. CHAMPE A KERR. N. B.—Those who have not settled their old bills, had better do so at once, or they will be favored.,with acall from Sam. [oc9] C. AK . CORK SOLE BOOTS, B r o g ans, R n 8 s e 18} SI i p p era, S a n d e 11s, D a nci n g Pumps; Lnoo Boots; Calf Boots; Pegged A Sewed a ° Buskins-. o £ Patent g ts Leather Slipper*; & La Toilet.® A Large As good var- . and iety -g perfect o p o a lot of BooS Shoes ts. a a s c a n be found Q i n a n y t^p Honso i u ISjos np c’ntry foe q Towns w b Jo h Pi Izll! 41 ~ ymoj havfi iqiooq ■••q COMBS Perf- urnery hon’y Sas’fr- H a i r Sh’vig Razor Lilly Col. Spec- B lao- But- Brus hair Pe nails; Soaps, as do. Oils; Soaps straps White; ogne, tacles, king, tons, hes, pins Tobacco, Tea*,40 S A Superior g article of m Tea, and T o baceo; Some of the SpiceS § 5 I J* t Fort Wind "Nutmeg brono co u W a r a n ted oht 0 f Pare L oaf. Cigars;. All ofsuperi or quality.oQ TT 1 U Surgeon*. Offiep. . » Office nearly opposito tho Post novl31y Penn Mntanl Life Insurance Co. of PhUa. OUTNOINAL CAPITAL $ 300,000 ACOAM ULATED C A PITAL $334,307 J, W, Hornor, Soc’y. \ •{ D. L. Miller, Pros’ti Tho rates of premiums nro ns low us n just ■regard to- inutua) safety will nllnw. No effort wUloe spared on tbe part of tbe agent, :,! ;•! I 1 i lli c H, U> proL rt III.' illt.'l'. -N 111' llin-e who mny patronise bi* Agenoy, nnd any infer- mat in n cm tho subject will Iju <• 11 • 1 in 1! y (.'iven upon application in person or by letter. [ocl03m And in faot every thing usually kept In Uppeir Georgia Stores, nnd would tike to call the jtton- tion of the invalid CommiWiity “atd those who dcsiro td become so,” to a very superior article of Double Diamond Schiedam Sot napps^ which hnsbeonprononucod very superior tp Wolfe’s and inferior to nono,. Also a tittle Premium Cham- paigne equal to tte best, not n headache in a Hogshead of it. Come and see and by so doing oblige yourselves and your friends, - BENJ. F .TONES. Rome, Ga, Nov.62m JAS.'M. WILSON. WOODLAND FEHALE COLLEGE, CKDABTWS, GA. The-Tmstee8 have made the following arrange- 1 meats for the next year : . , J. M. WOOD President, J- D. COLLINS, Professor of Natural Scien ces and Languages. , JAS. A. ARNOLD, Prof elect of MatWmat- ics, Moral and Mental Science. Teacher of Music ^to be supplie.] JOEL H.TfciifcELL Stewart. Sessions anti Vacations.-*—Spring Session, from the 2d Monday in January to 1st Wed nesday in July; Fall Session, from 1st Mon day in Angtist to last Wednesday in Novem ber. The intervening time will be vacation. Expenses.—Washing and hoard, (candles not excepted,) $8.00 per month; Tuition in the College Coarse $40.00 per annum; Tuition in Music. $40,90 per r annum; Char* ges for Books, &c.. so as to cover cost.— Settlement will be . required at the close of each session. Schollarsbips are offered at the following rates.* • The payment of ^$70 00 will secure to a pupil the privileges of the Literary Department for two yearn. $100. three years. $120, fodr rears. $400 will secure a perpetual scholarship. By this ar rangement a pupil cafi he boarded and td ucait-d for.$110 a ytar, a less amount than is paid for hoard.and washing at most insti tntions. and nearly a hundred dollars less than is paid for the same facilities at other places* These inducements are offered by an outlay of money from other sources than the income of the school—a gratuity to the public. Facilities.---The Faculty, fs composed of able and experienced teachers. . They have good Chemical and,Philosophical Apparatus at their command. The hoarding house is to l>e managed 6y a good Stewart and lady, who will guard the health ahd morals of youug ladies. Pupils will .be fc-ljuired to attend Sunday School find PreacTiing every Sabhath. SuUablo provisions will be made for mnsic and for primary scholars. . . Regulations.^- 1 Rules fdr.tlie government of the schoid are snch as we deem necessary for pnpilsand the Institution,.enforced in kind ness but with tir'd ness. Persons wishing to enter pnpils.or purchase scholarships, will please address the Fresidetlt. . By drder of the resident Board of Trustees. J. M. WOOD, President. —TRUSTEES-- . N. J. O.UBLRG, .UEKCHANT TAILOR, TTAS just received from New Y'ork a jarger il Stock of GOODS, than he has eve offered in this market before, con?i>!ing of every varie- ety of Goods for gentlemen’s wear. Cloth of erery va i iery and color. Every descrip tion of Cassimcrs. an over slock of Vestings, Velvets, Silks. Satins. &c . &c . of all colors and prices. FURNISHING GOODS ofeve- rv description and variety, enmisting in part of Woolen Under Shirts. Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Stock?.. Ties. Suspenders, ail sorts of Gloves, Half Hoae, Hats, Caps. &c. &c.— ; A complete stock of READY HADE CLOTHING, which is manufactured at his own establish ment, and by some of tbe best houses in New York. ^Tiie suporior*workmanship of he will warrant also Clojhing for and Youths, The cnttfng"'anaT., garments of all kinds done with neatoess and dispatch as heretofore. octOly GRATIS ! Jl’ST PIPLISHED s V NEW Discovery in Medicine!—A few words .{jl on the rational treatment, without Medicine of Nervous Debility, Low Spirits, Lassitude, Weakness of rhe Limbs and Back, Indisposition and Incapacity for Study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Lobs of Memory, Aversion to - .Society, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Self-Dis- trnst, Dizziness, Head Ache, Pains in tbe Side, Affection of the Eyes, Pimples on the Eace, and other Infirmitiea ia man; From the French of Dr B De Dancy.—“'I’ke important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be removed icithout medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful fre ment, as adopted by the suthor, fully explain ed, by means of of which every one is enabie to cure himself perfectly, and at the leuxt possible cost, avoiding thereby all tho advertised nos trums of the day.” Sent to any address, gratis, and post free by remitting (post paid) two pos tage stamps to Dr. B. De Laney, No 17 Lispen* ard Street, New York City. ect. 2 6m 4 « — . NEW BOORS _____ J UST received at the Book Store of Henry A Smith:—Travels in India, China and Japan by Bayard Taylor: The Lands of the Saracen, do; Tho Two Guardians, by tbe author of tho Heir of. Redelyffe ; The Castle Builders, do; Mary Lyndon or Revelation of a life; Captain Cabot, or Twenty years of an African Slave)™ Stray Leavesirom the Book of Nature, by Do vere: Tho (ireat Red Dragon, cr the Master Key to Popery: Rambles in Iceland, also ih Brazil, by A R M Payne ; Nathalie [a novel] by ChasReado; The Hidden Path, b> the au- thor of A .< no ; The Deserted Wife by SfTs"S'ea*h worth ; Fifty Years Exile, by Mellvillo; . Cum mine’s works by whole series uniform edition November 6th, 1S55 * y De faster “ ■ OATS AND POTATOES. for Planting; 1 .) Bbls prime Irish Potatoes 1 a 350 bushel seed Oats. . Jnst received and for sale i>> .. . - Feb20 WS COTHRAN* CO. I -±- - - I ' EC ZNPJBT SEC3 ! _____ OA Boxes Fresh Lime [Howards] Just re- Ov/ ceived and for sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN A C( 640GER1ES! GROCERIES 11 •QA Eag.' j'l'iine Rio Cofiefi v 20 Bbls Stnarts refined 'v | refined sugar*. ' T, 50 bis N O Syrup 20 bis "Gunning rapping, old importation. 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands and quali ties for-sale by W S COTHRAN & CO. Feb 20 1S55, tf. SEffTOli Fit TORI. Ylsnabnrgs and Y'arns always on hand and w for. sale by Feb 20 W S COTHRAN i CO. . •- Agent. fe Dver, Wm Nkwto*, C H STltXWELb, E D Chisolm, A F Xin’g, D 8 Anderson, T H Sparks, Wm Peek. Col S Gibson,. W O B Whatley. E H Richardson, W E West, L W Battle, C II Starks, A Darden, A N Verdery, W A Mercer, Joel H Terrell, W P Wood. . [nov202m] MADISON FEHALE COLLEGE’, MADISON, r.EORGlA. Ter hi of this Institution firill T HE Spring beeinoh Monday, January 14th, 1856, an CHEAP CARPETS, T APESTRY, Brussel, I?-grain and Ilomp Carpets, 0-4* and 12-4, Drugget, Floor Oil Cloths, Ao. for mile by J H Mr CLUNG A CO HATS OF THE LATEST STYLE, J UST reooived and for sale at »»ll AUUIIUtSj) VttUUIII J .1X111} AUDW; U dor the direction of the following Faenlty : Rev JOSEPH H. ECHOLS, A M, President, and Frof. Moml Philosophy, Ac. Rev. JAMES L. PIERCE, A. M., Professor ' English and Latin Literature. Rev. WILLIAM C. BASS, A. B., Professor Natural Science. Rev. JOIIN A. MOSELEY, A. M., Professor Mathematics. Prof. GEORGE C. TAYLOR, Teacher of Harp, Piano, Violin, Crayon and OU Painting. Miss A E ROBINSON, Piano, Guitar, Singing, Water Colors and Penciling. Miss MARGARET K. SHERMAN, Principal Preparatory Department, nnd Instructress in Embroidery nnd Wax Flowers. BOARD, including Lights, Fuel and Washing per annum $130 Tuition in Literary Department, 50. No extra charge for Vocal Musio and the Lan guages ,* (Latin nnd French.) Jpg?**The First Thursday in July will be Com mencement Da)-. Catalogues oontnining particulars may bo obtained du application to any of the F.-iculiy. Dee-!Gw W. C. BASS Seo’y of Faculty. W S COTHRAiNi & CO, m Agents for Etowah Iron Works. Have always. ''' on had a large supply of iron castings Tfcc.. of every size and description. Orders filled proper- They will also purchase wheat at the highest r:r cash pricets ^ Feb. 20. ff. SALT! SALT!! V 1 OHO Sacks Salt large size, in fine order 1 UUU just received, and for sale by Feb 20 W. S. COTHRAN A CO. DANA & WASHBURN, -* ftiffiHirt ID Waafitera TV.; r .t Co. Factors and fommissien Hrrchanls, , SAV.VXXAn. (TA. . Jos Washburn, Fras. G. Dana, John R Wilder, ji** . II K Washburn, I . , Special Fatners. General Partners Will continue tho abovobusiness at 114, Bay sf, f ;_, - East of the Exchange.*. OrdeirS for-Bagying, B<.pe and other supplies filled promptly at lowest Cash prices. Savapnah, August 1 ' ulv316m FOR SALE OR RENT. , . • T HE undersigned has several very desirablo and pleasant Houses and. Lots situated i& £ pleasant Houses and. Rome which he will sell on advantageous terms\ or if not sold, will. rent. . These Lots are in a pjeqsant of Town and cpnveniettl to the Cherokee Female Institnte. He also offers for sale two small Plantations; one four-miles from own, the other 12. (novfitf) JOB ROGERS NEW STOltE!—JONES & WILSON* * /lENEAt MERCHANDIZE, Broad St., op- U posite Choice Hotel. We beg leave to apprise the public of the co-partnership we have formed under the style as above, for the trans action of a general businoss in Dry Goods, Hardware,’Clothing. Boots nnd Shoes. Hats, Caps, Ac., and would be glad to receive your patronage. Tho goods nnd prices will ho found to compare favorably with anv in tho city. Your ob’t servt’s, BEXJ F JONES RomeOctfitf JAS U WILSON 4r NEW ARRIVAL OF TOYS AND FANCY N otions.—i am now receiving' the hand- somest selection of Toys and Fancy Notions ever offered in tho Rome Market, comprising in part China Figures, Dolls, Watch stands Per fumery Bottles, Vases, Piper Weights, Ink Stands nnd SuffBoxes. Also a great variety of Rubber Toys, BriUiimia and China Tefi setts, German Toys of ^every conceivable character, Papie Macke, Ebony and Mnhogony Work Box os, Reticules; (furnished) a large variety, also gentlemen’s Rosewood and Mahogany Portable Dosks.etc, etc. The public patronage is most respectfully solicited, (novutf] HA SMITH (oov6tf) J .11 McCLUNG A CO’S HOUSE FOR SALE .I T HE undersigned offors for sale, a good Dwol- ling !I->iise in the eity of Koine. For par- iculnrs apply to Jamos M Sumter, Esq., may 8 J G McKINZlE ¥. M. EDDLEMAN & BRO. Atlanta, Georgia. Keep constantly on hand i;ud for salmon tho lowest eas)i prices, a largo assortment BOOTS, SHOES.LEATD e.'R. TJ TEGS. CALF LINING and BINDINj SHOE-MAKER’S TOOLS, Ac. J - an - . ■■I mBH