Newspaper Page Text
IT real jl&nrrtisriiirnts.
!k IVunit. Court of Ordinary GEORGIA, Polk County, Court of Ordinary
crin, 1855 : It apne»rincfo the ^ November Term, 1855 : It apDc.iriftjJ to the
the petition of Warren Aiken, show- C<>»it Pom the peUUoit of A A , , j '
t there, to wit, on the !w-en!yfourth day
in the yedr of ettr Lord, eighteen hen-
two, Asa Prior, then of iht»county
life, but now of the State of Texas, de-
made and executed to Augustus N. j simple to rortain bonds ^described
■ in due-form of law, his bond, condl- , borui as folio us, to .wit:* the Cedar
Asa Pri<>r late of Texas deceased, did whilst
in !ito ort the 2lfh day of July 1852 make
And execute to said petition a bond obligation
to make to the said Widely, titles in fee
in snidl
Town r
Verdery titles in fee j tract, the Wilcher tract, one fot ty acre lot of
pine land, neat MrsN Mabres’wa&two small
iVaotions west of Cedar creek,, 4kdhjf p*it of
tnimb'Ms 800 and 850 In 'the So dfatriot of
4 th seriioncoMt'dolBgin all 1000 acres more
or less. And Ufarther appearing that said
Asa Prior died without executing said U t
ter or empowvi tug hlsexecutorto make them
to Mi l W idow in v'< nfonntty to said bond,
and said Yeidvry shows that he has fully
paid fora portion of the aho^Odescribed liyi.l
as follows, to wit; the Major part of Lota
iiurolff 924, Oil, 1HH> and ft fraction of 887
all in the second district Of the fo» rib section
containing about one hundred acres more
or less, a!'*' that part of the original tract
west ot Cedar creek Pounded hv lands of T H
Aen*s more
according to the provisions of the contract.—
It is therefore ordered hv the Conrt that an-
■ to ffertetn laiOris Aeeorilwtl in said bond
_ t» wit: The-Cedar Town tract, the
Witfcher Tract, cor forty ajre Lot Pine Land
Mrs N M%biy*e, and (wo small fractions
tof Cedar crock bring parts of numbers8Of,
?d 85(L- in the sreottd district of the fourth
- \:section, eoniataing in all cue thowsand acres
more or le*» : and it further appearing that
Asa Prior deceased, died without oinking titles
or empowering bis executor? tv make end exe
cute titles* in conformity with said bond. And
it further appearing that A N Vcrdcry trans
ferred a portion of -aid bond to Warren Aiken
eit tit*22d day of November 1855. The land
portion of bond, relates fepart of the original
tract, and described ak follows, to wit: com*
roeneing on the cast side of Cedar Creek at the
•mUt line of the land fv-w owned by said “A- 8p:v! k
near Cedar Town and running thence
: the line of the land of said ^Akin
*1 It intersects the road leading from Cave
.Cedar Town, thence along She west
i ofeakHwxl until it reaches a point »j>{hv
ia B*W road or street opened by said Verdery
l»g aast and west, north of bis gin house
i«g screw, thence west on a paralel
fthe land of said Akin to Cedar creek,
< tfchmg said creek the middle thereof to
eginning point: and i! appearing Ut3t
“ e purchase nusaev
of land containing
nmtvMsn lotteries.
Office of the Maryland Cnnaolidutedjuittprioit,}
Baltimore,-July Jst, IS55. !
; All tl'cl'ft* or Certificates of Packages of Tift- |
ft.', :- i th* l.olUres authoris'd. by the State j
Maryland bear the lithographic si./nntui'c >;/ l
-V. i/ioi.ri, (irnnol Agent for the Contractor
wad any other'* frond*. IT '
• Owing to numerous application.? frontal! parts
of the country, the managers will give tfccir
attention to the filling of orders for tickets nr
certificates, in tbo Maryland Lotteries.
Persons at a distance inn}' confidently rely
i upon having their orders for tickets promptly
| filled, nod the strictest confidence observed.
These Lotteries are drawn dally Inpublloin
I the City of Baltimore, ululcr tho syporinton-
deuce of tho .State Lottery Commissioner.—■
j Heavy Bonds arc given to tho Statons security
! fbr th payment of alt Prixes. Tho prices of the
i Whole Tickets nro from $1 to $20. Half and
; punter tickets in proportion.
There ere never less than 23,000 priies In any
: Lottery, which prises vary In amount from 1$
; to $100,OKI), according to the price of tho tick
ets- For instance— > • •. > /' '
; M&Af fDFfilSM __
./.n ote s vo/tuML.
Wiliinni Peek. containing 100
or less, have .been fully paid for
less erntw ti* the contrary be shown to ti e
Court within three nmntlis by those interes
ted, Wm !l 0 Prior, tin* Executor of said
Am Prior .I e. used, will be directed to make
titles to mi id Verde ry to tin* last described
1 U« prt« f a* l!(Wi frf»U »h*«i ••,000
«* * <• $2 “ «• “ 10,000
ft i» u 5 tt tt tt 20,000
*« <- it io •< « “ 40,000
ti « ■< l’O ** it t< 70,000
With numerous Prircs of $10,000, $5,000,$500
$100, ,u\ Persons can remit us any nmount,
from $1 upward*, tliot they wish to invest, on
receipt of which wo forward its vnlno in Tickets
in the Lottery designated by tho purchaser, or,
if none bo designated, then some lottery will
be drawn after the buyer has got the tiokot in
his possession. An official Schcmo of tho Lot-
ig to the provisions ”"_ s
and it is onlered that tbiM ttle in* published in
the Rome Courier once a month fm 8 months.
A true os i tact front the minutes of Court
this N. vember 14. S. A. BORDERS,
* tmmths in
acre fine ordered that
iry be shvwa to the
by these Interested,
ni!-r of Asa Prior
o wake titles to said
:k of land in c*m-
ered that
for three
true extract
>nrt. November 30tb 1>55.
EP.8. Ory a Ex Off 0 C 0
traels of Lnwi in c<.nforta»tv to said bold, “tv will he sent with all tickets ordered, enre-
I fully sealed in an ordinary envelope, and on the
| day the Lottery is drawn tho official drnwing
: will be sent, together with a written Expinna*
j tion of the result of the purchase. Tho drawn
numbers are also publish'd in tho daily papers
j of the City of Baltimore, and in tho Daily Na
tionalIntelligencer, Washington, D. C.
j A circular containing all tho Schemes will bo
sent to any ono by addressing the undersignod
'wtkketsto *
ENAN, No 4 Calvort Street,
augSTy Baltimore, Maryland.
Ckolcj'a Moi'bus,
fill intis ChoilC,
Choi cm Infant mn,
I of Diarrkma-.
t of Uyttnlcry.
1st. It cures th - vaorst casts
u. II CUT'S the writ fon* _
/> r u res California or Mexican Diarrhaa.
•ith. It rttieves the severest Colic.
6th. It caret Cholera Morbus.
(Uk. It caret Cholera Infantum.
7th. It cures Painful Menstruation.
1 8th. It relieves Pain in Buck and Loins.
0IA. It counteracts Nervousness .aid Despon
10Ik. It Restores Irregularities.
1 1 If A. Ildiipth Gloomy awl Ifisterif al fee/i n gs.
12th. Il'ea Tranquilizer amd Admirable Tunic
§17 50 [nuv20)
(h d’y &■ Ex Off C C 0
{*& ^ I
V_* November Term, lS5a:
Ujion the jmlition of T. W. Craven, praying |
e bond AirniTK Irish Linen of tho bestquaily.
T. W. ; VV WHITE IRISH LINEN for gent’s j
CRENABLE an ordor vf the C
djoary of Burk, county, will be
3cedar in February next at
> d<H<r ha Cfcs:‘-ega countv, the interest
Lydia Dui k«v a minor, in Lot, number 124 in
1 4th Section of said county.
.T B JONKS. Guardian
1RGIA, FI yd Cv.iuty :—To all whom it
— may concern, will please take notice, that
►»*S*t*rva> John M Carroll applies :o tuo for
I-tlesa of Guardianship to the poisons and
. propertr ofWline J. Smith, minor. .*
Tbvs; arc thcrefont to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred and friends of
tid minor, to be and appear at my office
it id:! the time prescribed by law to show
catbfl if any th.-v haw. why said ktlOT
'si***atd not begrantvd unto said applicant.—
tl;v, n under mv band and official signature
« f!i e, this the 28th November. 185&.
Dec4 J.LAMBERTII. Ordinary
EORGLA. Floy d coocty r—To all whom tt
vf may concern, will please take notice that
whereas. Isaac Weathers, administrator
on the estate of Joseph Thomas deceased,
applies to me for letter* of administration
Jr-'H said L-:iMjfe-' 3 '
Thesse are. therefore, fo cite andadmon-
i-h all and >inguljr the kindred and cred
itors of.Mtd dece-iscd to be and appear at
in t office within the time proscribed bylaw
>w cause if any they have, why said
should not be granted unto said ap-
Given under ray hand and official
treat office thi^ 28th November 1855.
[4 5ro] J. Lambebth. Ordinary.
f* EORtJIA. Floyd county To all whom it
VT may eoncem, will please take notice, that
whereas, Robert N 0 Ware applies to me for
b-tiers of ration on tiie estate of
Adeline M. J. Ware, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
*li and sifignlar. the kindred and creditors
of said deceased to be ami appear at my
; within the time prescribed by law to
they have, why said let-
granted nnto said a^pli-
rov hand at offiee.
.AMBERTFT Oidinarv
that Wni H C Prior, Executor of Asa Prior, : ' 1 ' r p°v •pR F v\
deceased be directed to make titles to lot of ’*
latwi number 181 in the third district of the
4th notion containing twentyfourand a half
acres more <-r less in conformity t< 'he
said Asa Pin.-: ! *«vasoi ma le i
Craven dated SeptcmOeT 'u 94th $
-art of Or. ^ soniered by the Conrt thuc u..icrs utso
old on the to the contrary be shown within the uie
the Conrt i prescribed by law, tbo said Executor « l. e
ditccted to make bills to said Craven in CL
fonuitv with said bond. And that this ruk
be published once a month tor three months
in the Rome Courier. A true extract from
the minutes of Cbnit, November 13th, 1S55
fJI0nov20J S A Borders Otd’y a ex off c c o j
• — ■ . . ■ ■
G E 0 R GI A, F l o v d C ou n t y :
To all whom it may concern, will please
notice that whereas Jane Simmons admin*
trix on the estate of Mansfield Simmons
to me for letters of Dismission
Estate. - ~ ' - -• - l .
These are therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
to be and appearnt my office within the
and coats.
gent's pants and coats.
lings fur gent’s pants.
BROWN LINENS, a large stock and of or-
eiy quality. It J JOHNSON
Also, if yon want a fine Fashionable HAT, I
have them of the best that is made on the la.
tear style, and very cheap R J J
ust received.ofthe latest style to soft summer,
may 15 tf / RJ JOHNSON.
Black-smith Shop.
5j«TIIE Subscriber most kindly
turns his thanks to tho Citizens
of Rome and vlcini ty for the very _
generous patronngo extended to him during tho
,, ... , - past year, and would inform them that he is
«me prescribed by h.w to show cause tf«nth«f g^ied to ^ on Blachramithing in the
nave nnv said letters of dismission should not ? , *. .. .. . l 47 , •
have why said letters of dismission should not
be granted nnto said applicant. Given under
my hand and official signature at office this the
22dOctober. (oe23) J.LAMBERTII,Ord’y
G eorgia,Ppik County: ^ v -
Whereas, Robert T. Spught and Thomas
G. Waldrop, ExecaJors of the will and tes
tament of John Ayres deceased, has applied
to me for letters distnissory. A ,
♦ These are therefore to cite and admonish
various branches also the building and repair
ing of Waggon* and Carriages, and being a
machinest can make and repair Machinery of
all kinds. Wanted two Black Boys between the
•go of 15 and 18 as apprentices,
jan 9 ’55, ly K. S. SIMONS.
. - , . .. . .. . . A ed to fill orders in the .best style of Work-
the parties interested, to file their objections j manship from the best of Material with tho la
ri my office on or before the first Monday
of February next, otherwise letters disinis-
sot v will be granted the applicants on that
day. Given under my hand at office this
the 2d dav of Jniv 1855.
jnllO * Oidinary.
Foster applies to me
f Admiaistration on the Es
tat? of William G Fitts, deceased.
These are ; therefore to cite and admonish
s.l and singular the kindred and creditor? of
4^ - deceased to be and appear at my office
l widsin the time prescribed by law to show
if any'they have, wbj said letters
sh*>uid not be granted. Given under my
f at offiee. d c4] F. A. Kirtr.v Ord’y
RG Ir. C’aattooga County: Mlicreas'
Thomas ifaines, Administrator of P. ,Hi
Gajne*, deceased, applies to me fc'r letters of
Dif nmion therefrom.
Tiiese are. therefore to cite and admon
ish all and singular the kindred and creditors
of *atd deceased to be and appear at my of
fiee within the time prescribed by law, fo
show cause if any they have, why said 1 riters
should not be granted unto said applicant.—
Givi-n under iny hand and official signature
at office. [dee4] F A Kirby, Ord’y
B V virtue of an order front the Honorable
Court of Ordinary of the county of Floyd,
«dl1 be sold on the first Tuesday in January
^ next, al the Court Hoa«v in Rome between
2 <“« legal hour* of sale, the following Negro
‘Hvf*s, h>*1oneine to the Estate of the -late
atthias G. Sttnkins deceased, or so many
as may be accessary to pay of! and
barge the debts of said deceased, to vjt:
ry, a roan agr-d 45 vears ; Patience, a
nan aged 38 years ; Ellen, a woman aged
»r». and her two children, Prince 5
and Vfabala 2 vears ; Margaret a wo
rn aged 13 years and her two children,
jfipinci* 4 vears and Jane 2 vears ; Jackson,
•TO'D s?<-d 22 year*, Henry a man aged 28
; reirs; Uttie Malta a woman aged 45years;
Caroline a woman aged 17 years and her
child. Petona 2 vears of age Terms Cash.
G A BRISL JON E3, Ad'inr
ISSftvISWth*55.tds with the will annexed
G EORGIA'. Chattooga County:
Whereas, Sarah W Moore, Administratrix
of John Moore, deceased, applies to mu for
letters or dismission there from.
These are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish a!J and singular, the Kindred and Cred
itors of said deceased, to be and appearnt
my office within the time prescribed by Law.
to show cause, if any they Have, why said
Letters should not be granted uufo said ap- j
j»lieant. .Given tinder my band and official 1
signature ak office. i' x. I
j!yl* ! 55 ordinary.
test improved patterns, on short
And all aorta ofGearing for both
Agrirulfl Impir-ra‘9 ■-
generally, are
kept cons t antly on
hand at reduced price?. All
persona wishing to build or re-
Mills, are invited to examine ourpnttetos and
and prices. Having a practical Mill Wright
connected with the company, we are prepared
to give plans and the Estimated cost of all kind
of Mills and Machinery.
Dalton apl7 ly President.
A few short Extracts from Letters, Testimonials. &c,
"I have used Jacob's Cordinl iu my family, and liuvo found it n most efficient and in my
judgment.'a valuable remedy." Hoyt. Hiram Wauner. Judge of Rajhi-mu ( part Ga.
'•it gives mo pleasure In being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own personal ex
perience, anil the experience of toy neighbors and friend? around me, is a sufficient guaran
tee for me to believe it to bc*M that ft purporst to be ; viz; a sovrhkion rkmedv.”
Hon. Wm. H. Undbrwood. lonnurly Judg#* of Superior Court. Cherokee Circuit.
“I take great pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bow
el diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing
else ever tried by rao." A. A. Gai.-unno, Deputy G. M. of tho Grand Lodge ofGcoi gia.
"ThbefBoient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast a Bonaparte pushed his columns
into Russia, aud gaining cdtlomondation wherever used.”
[Georgia Jeffersonian, May X9fA, 1858.
“ I have used ‘Jacob’s Cordial’ in my family, and this, wit h all I hear about it, as a rem-
ody by thoso who have tried it, induces me to be 1 leva that it stands at the head of every
preparation of the bind, end 1 would recommend its use in the disease for which it is
compounded. G. Dobbins,
Cashier of the Bank of the State of Georgia. Griffin.
“ If there Is any credibility in human testimony. ‘Jacobs Cordial’ must stand pre-emU
nent abovo all other preparations for the cure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testi
mony in its favor coming in from all quarters, it must be very far in advance, as a curative
agent, of most if not ail other‘patent’ preparations.” A. Fleming,
Cashier Marine and Fire Insurance Bonk, Griffin,
For sale by Dr. Hicks & Co. and J. E Pinson, Rome t S. M Davidson Cave
Spring. R. D. Wingahd Vann’s Valley. STEPHfcN Ball Armutchee, T. McGoiRb McGuire’s
Store, Wm. McCullough Floyd Springs,Carpbntbb & Burke Cassvillo, E Porter Adairs-
A ille. Alluood &Edwards Summerville, Thornton’s Dablonega,M. Turner Stilesbcrough,
nd by the principal Merchants nhd Druggists throughout the State.
tbo patronage they have hereto
fore received from the citizens of Rome and its
vicinity* would very respectfully
invite them to coll and examino their stock ef
Ifidptrif k $inn| Mrles
best selected stock that has ever
been brought
tjo this market. Their assortment
Please call and examiue -their as
sortment. mayl5 tf
Administrator’s Sale.
B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Or
dinary of Floyd, will be sold before tho.
Conrt Honse in the city of Rome on the first
Tuesday in January next, the land in said,
county belonging to the estate of John G
Eason, deceased, containing one hundred
and twenty Acres, Lots No588. 587 and 665' M
in Vanns Valley on the waters ofCedarCreek FALL AND WINTER^GLOTHINo.!
There is about seventy acres cleared under T?INE French black, blue and olive clotb,
fence, dwelling house, orchard" and a flee] A' Frock Coat?, made. in.the most fashionable
■ * " ' - “ • manner, new styles of plain and Fancy Cassi-
meres, walking and business Coats, French
J Doeskin and fancy Cassimere pants, English
ssimere domestic dito. AN ENDLESS AS-
spring of water. Sold, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms
made known on the dav of sale.
nov6 T J DAVIS, adra’r-, debonis.
r so
ORTMENT OF VESTS, consisting of plain
G KOROMA, Fiovd County : To all whom it I Clotb. Satin, fignrad Silk, Silk Velvet, Piusb,
may concern will please take notice, that *«• A large stock of elegant over Coats, Cloaks
- ^ — - .... i an d Talmas.- Also a well assorted stock of boy’s
clothing. Boots and Shoos, Hats, Caps, Shirts,
Collars, Trunks and Volieses at STERN A CO
wberea? Harrison Camp. Administrator on
the Ectate of William Y. Coney, deceased,
and also administrator debonisnon on the
Estate of John E. Coney deceased, applies
to me for letters of dismission from the Es
tates of said deceased.
These are. therefore, to cite and admon
ish all and singular tbo kindred and creditors
of said deceased to be aud appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause if any they have, why said let
ters should not be granted. Given under my
hand at office and official signature at office
Nov.9tb. [nov!3] J. LAMBERTH, Ord’y
A large and well selected stock of Staple and
Fancy Dry Goods, Watches and Jewelry, ladies’
Shoes and Gaiters, just received and will be sold
ou reasonable terms by <uov62m) S. A CO
- v-
"ATE OF GEORGIA. Floyd County : To
i whom it may concern will please take
that wherca* Charles Knowles applies
letters of Administration on the
f Cherokee Ji. Talbot deceased.
■ *r-. therefore to cite and admonish
singular.' ‘.he kindred and ereditcra
r ‘aid df-feabed, to be and appear at my
‘ within the lime prescribed by law,
hum- if any exist, why said letters
utni-tration should not l>e granted
do said appth-sint Given under my hand
» ffiefe. - f t.ov27} J LA EBERT ti. Or’dy
► T virtue of an ori-r fn-tn the Court of Or"-
JlSnary, tbo fir*l 5fon*!riy in August IS55,
4 ' be sold before the Court House door in
inierriile Chattooga County Georgia on
first Tue‘day in January next part of
L of land number 123 m 14th District and
Section, containing one hundred and j
acre. (HR) sold for the benefit of the!
Ira and «*r. s of -K -l'' f deeea?-d :
itns mad*i known on the day of S.rie.— J
i with approved vendtr this, 6th Auer.
an order from th*- Ihin-rrabbj Court ofOr
hdtomy of p loyd county t»i!i he rold before
?^ourt house In fie; city of Rome m tin:
lay of Jaonary ru-xt tln-huid belong-
• enutto of Martha Eis<>n. deceased,
let* nrrres more or i>*s». it
dug the'west part of Lot six hundred thirty
5-Mity (637) third di-'riet 4tii section,
t«log the land bejongiitg to the estate of
tsoo. Term:! maOe known on dav
ofsafcOjgvfi THOSJ, DAVIS. Ad'mr
T IVO months tifl* r <J:i!c duplication wiil he j
made to the Ordinary of El-iyd comity for j
leave to sell the li<dongin« to the
minor heits of the Estate of A. N #J Baird, j
deceased. Satv
1 or.27-1865. Guardian j
CABLE to an cr»ler of the Ordinary of ’
, county, will he sold on. the is!
.utday in. Felmtrtrv next, the following I
ly to wiyjhTetiat, figirl 13 yt aikvld ;
a girl UMvejtr.s j(d<J .and John, a boy-
d. Sold ^or the hem-fit of thii
sandet- Mantling; d' o-atajd, Zj
- 1ANNINQ Admi
G eorgia,poik county:
Court of Ordinary October Term, 1855. Up
on the petition of Thomas J. Peek praying
that William H. C. Prior, Executor of the!
last will and testament of Asa Prior, deceas
ed, be directed to make titles to lots of land I
No. 1328 and 1829 in the 21st district of)
the third section now Polk County, contain
HIS new Company is now prepar
ed to do work on short notice,of
heavy and light Costings from
the latest improved patterns oflron, Brass
or Composition, all of which wiil be warran
ted. Taming, BortDgs and Drilling done to
order. ®Also, screw cutting of 10 feet or un
der of any size and thread required. Heavy
and light forging of wrought Iron or Steel
done in superior style.
their patterns for Mill Gearing, tor Merchant
and Coxtom Flouring, and Saw Mills, Gin
ing each forty acres more or less, pursuant to
| Geariog of all the usual sizes, and Bark.
William Pcckdated the fourteenth day of Mj , ]s always kept on hand. We are also
February, isl and transferred to Thomas prepared t ' bui j d stationary Engines upon
J Peek the ninth day of October, 1855 now on rujf: imnroveraents. All of which will
file in the office’of this Court.
It far ordered , that unless cause to the con
trary be shown by those interested, within
the Itme prescribed by law,, the’ said Execu
tor will be directed to make titles to said
p.-ck in conformity with the bond and that
this rule be {
months lo the Rome i
nee k month for three
A true extract from the minntes of Court,
this the 10th day of Oct. SA Borders,
octl63m Ex, Off. 0. C. 0
GEORGE Y. BRO WN, President.
P. LOUD. Professor of Natural Science.
It. D f I ALL ARY, Prof, of Belle Letteres.
J. It;Seals, Professor of Music.
The Collegiate year for 1866 will begin on
Monday January 14th. Commencement will
be hold in October. Pupils from the low
country will thu* »|iewl their sickly season
in our salubriotiscliniate
Catulega*'* ci.rit iiiiing farther information
may to- obtained l>y aj>pl% ing to either of the
faculty. fnuv207wj R D MALLARY. 8ec'y
the latest improvements. All of which will
be sold low for cash. Copper and Brass
taken In exchange for work at cash prices
john McDonough,
P. S. All of the above company are prac
tical Mechanics, and give their individua
attention to the business. jan. 9. ’55
z-ri*'of Bbme and vicinity, that he is now j
prepare*I to execute Jobs in Plain andOrna j
mental Painting. He would call partlcn* j
hr attention to, and invito examination
of his hii-cimnn* of TR A NHP A RENCIES,
Banners, Srenery and Lantlaeapes.
He now expects to devote his entire attention
to this business and has confidence in hi*-
ability to execute orders in GRAINING and
Garbling as well as Plain Painting,
in a style not surpass'd by any one In t!»?*>
section of .-'out* try. Those desiring work in
his line,” are respectfully solicit< j d to yivc
himahali. « ,R'*rn* Not20ri'.
1ST received and. (or *»M«* «t
T HE following is the schedule u the arrivals
and departures of the MAILS to and from
this office. .
The Eastern and Western Mail closes daily
'(Sundays excepted) at9, a. m.
Arrives daily (Sundays excepted) by 14 p. m.
Mode of conveyance, R. R. Cars.
Jacksonville, Ala., Mail by Cave Spring elosos
daily at 1 p. m.; arrives daily by 84 a. mf
Mode of conveyance. Coach.
LnFoyette Mail, by Armutchee, Dirt Town,
Mount Hickory, Sqmmorvillo and Tryon
Factory, doses Tuesdays and Fridays at 5
a. m.
Arrive* Wednesdays and Saturdays by 7p m
Mode of conveyance, Hack.
Cedar Town Mail by Lake Creek nnd Vann's
Valley closes Monday*--, Wednesdays nnd
Fridays at 1 p. in., and nrrivos same day by
12 m. ,
Centro, Ain., Mail by Thomas’ Mills, Codnr
Creek, Ga., Howel’e Cross Roads, Occola,
Ain., closi .*- Fridays at 5, a. in.; arrives Sat
urday? by T p. m.
Blue Pond, Ala., Mail, by Codnr DlufF, Gnylcs-
villo, Ala., Missionary Station ami Co ?a,
Ga., closes Wednesday?, Fridnys and Ban-
■ -days nt 5; am.; Arrives Tuesdays,’^Thursdays
and Saturdays by 6 p. in.
Hermitage and McGuire’s Store Mail closes
Thursday* at 1 p, mV; arrives sumo days by
li.a. in. j
Floyd Springs nnd nil Chattoogu county Mnll
arrives and leaves by the LaFayette Mail, and
Western and Southern Mails included.
TOOS. J. PERltY, P. 5L
0.,- Rome, Ga., 2<1 Anu:.,
’ll IV utiilorsiy'iiod offers for Mile, a frm H Dwel-
ffousein the city of R ime
iculnrs apply to Juinjitt M Suuitet,
■■ r ■ ..
THE above justly eelebratrd com and cob mill
-L commends itself to all persons who have hor
ses, males, cattle, bogs, or poultry, to feed; be
sides making prime bominy, and good corn-
bread-meal. This mill needs no “puffing;” all
that is needed to make them sell ‘likehot cakes r
is for the public to investigate and beco'mo ac
quainted with their performance, *c. -
We have been appointed permanent Agents
for this section of the country, and have the dif
ferent sires of mills, now on band, and will be
glad to receive calls.from all persons interested
in such a machine.
We have never recommended any machine
that did not give perfect sn_tr»fncti»»**, und our
confidence in tbia is *s well 'fixed' as in any ono
wo have ever examined.
Ag’ts for Rome and Co. around.
I?AAC SToKTM uOftKK. General ajrout for
Georgia, Alabama, ana Tennessee.
No 2 will grind 1 Obu. corn and cob meal in 1
hour, cost $57; No 3 will grind 15 bn corn
meal in 1 hours, cost $07,50; No 4 grind 20 bu
com and cob meal in 1 hours, cost STS
Ijy 17 *55 0m
2, l 7’ of secondary Svphilis* Mercurial and Sc.rof
The i: i... ... ,_..j -i...
P UBLISHED semi-monthly, at Montgomery,
Ala., at $2.00 per annum, In advance
work is printed on fine white paper and new
type, and in appearance will be second to none
in the United States. A Souther* Bank-Note
List is essential in every Bank, Counting Hoase
nnd Public Office. Let us unite in advancing
our commo* interests, nnd not permit Northern
men and Northern Directors to fluctuate our
money matters as they may wish, while we are
quietly following their dictation. The work will
be carefully revised on tbe day of publication,
and all important financial changes, as they oc
cur, noticed. Every exertion will be made to
make it a correct and reliable guidoto the Ban
ker and Mercnant Hotel Proprietors, Brokers,'
Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, and oth
For diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys
Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weaknesses, and
ail diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether
in male or female, from whatever cause they
may have originated, and no matter of bow
long standing.
If you have contracted the terrible disease
which, when once seated in the system. wi)J
sorely go down from one generation to an
other, undermining the constitution and sap
ping the very vital fluids of life, do not trnst
yourself in the hands of the Quacks, who
startup every day in a city like this, and
fill the papers with glaring falsehoods, too
well calculated to deceive the young, and
those not acquainted with their tricks.—
You cannot be too careful in the selection
of a remedy in these cases.
The fluid extract -Bnchns has been pro
nounced by emioent physicians the greatest
r« medy ever known. It is a medicine per
fectly pleasant in its taste, and very innocent
in its action, and yet so thorough that it an
nihilates evary particle of the rank and pois-
inous virns of this dreadfuP disease; and.
unlike other remedies, does not dry up the
disease in the blood.
Constitutional Debility, brought on by self
abuse, a most terri ;>le disease, which has
brought thousands of the human race to
untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant
hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud
the glorious ambition of many a noble youth,
can be cured by this Infallible Remedy.—
And as a medicine which must benefit every
body, from the simply delicate to the con
fined and despairing invalid, no equal is to
be found acting both as a Cute and preven
helmbold’s highly concentrated
Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla,
Fnp Pn rifakalho Blotxt. icino*-»ng- art tHs-
eates arising from excess of Mercury, expo
sure and imprudence in life, chronic consti
tutional disease, arising from an impure
state of the Blood, and the only reliable
and effectual known rentedv for the cure of
i-'.n-ofuta-. gait Rlit-uni..^Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs Pains and s-w.-tUn g « of the
Bones. Tetter Pimples on the Face, and sca
ly Eruptions of the Skin.
Tiiis article is now prescribed by some of
the most distinguished physicians in the
country, and‘Has proved more efficient in
practice than any preparation of Sarsaparil
la yet «iff«red to the public. Several cases
Infor ma tion tothe Publici
Editors Macon Telegraphy Pike Co., Ga.
Gentlemen: In obedience tf> my conscience t
and for the benefit of suffering humanity, per
mit tnu through Hie columns ol your exten
sive paper, to perform what I beliove to be
my dm y to suffering fellow mortals. Cancers
and Cancerous Directions of a malignant
diameter are considered by all the Medical
Faculties, both in England. France and A- j
tnerlca ns incurable: and thousands are dai
ly lingering on through a painful and dread
ful existence fo an awful death from this
most direful of ull complaints to which the
human race are subjected, without either
thought or hope of recovery, in hundreds of
the best surgeons the world ever produced,
hnsbeen exhausted in vain. My mother has
been for sixteen years afflicted with one of
the most distressing cancers, situated in the
most delicate part of the human system, and
of all others the most obstinate to cure. Sin-
has been relieved by Dr R Moseley, of Grif
fin. Knowing the importanceofcvcnastnall
space in your paper. 1 will give a brief state
ment of the case, that those who are afflicted
may read and judge for themselves ofits ma
lignant churacter, and the extrao- dinary skill
required to eradicate it. The disease origi
nated upon the tipprt* lip, near the corner oj
the mouth, and continued to spread until the
whole of the upper lip, the gums, nose and
portions OFthe face were very much affected.
She had been under the charge of manyemr-
nent physicians before visiting Dr Moscdy,
and also the celebrated Dr. Marshal, of Ma
con, and Dr. 3hcpard, of Charleston, both of
those uoted carers having failed to give anv
relief. She was considered by all who saw
her. to be out of tho reach of medical aid;
her lip was ail destroyed and gone, and con
stitution apparently rained from the effects
af Arsenic, and other poisonous escharotics,
that were applied while she was under the
treatment of other physicians. Her face and
eyes had become very much swolen, vistob
nearly gone, and a general Dropsy of the en-
tiresystem. with distressing palpitation of
the heart In this condition Dr. Moseley took
her under bis treatment at Griffin, on the 1st
of August, 1851. The Doctor took otitall the
cancer, together with her front teeth, and
a portion of the superior maxilary bone; al
so some of the bones in the roof of the mouth;
and all without the use of the knife. There
has been no appearance of the disease since,
md I believe that it has been entirely eradi
cated from her system. 1 have made fre
quent and minute examinations, and discov
er no apppearance of any cancer remaining.
When she reached Dr. Moseley’s infirmary
at Griffin, she was Completely prostrated
from the use of poisons, such as Arsenic
and Corrosive Sublimate; she wasscarcely
able to walk without much pain, and dis
tress from loss of sight When she was un
der Dr. Moseley’s treatment, he had many
cases cases of a severe character, on which
he effected perfect cares in a short time, some
of which had baffled the be*t surgical skill,
and been'pronounced incurab’e; notwith
standing which. Dr. Moseley cured them all
without difficulty. I merely state that from
the location of the disease and the diseased
state of the bones, it was dbsdintely beyon-
relief by the use of the knife. I would ad
viset all who are subjects of cancers, ulcers
and rumors ofall binds, not to despair ef be-
ng cured, but visit Dr. Moseley, no matter
liOw many others may have failed to relieve
you If I did not honestly and candidly be
lieve that you would be serving the cause
of sufferrirrg humanity, by publishing to the
world the knowledge of Dr. Moteleys un
surpassed skill in the treatment of cancers, I
would not solicit a place in your valuable pa
per for this communication I hope, gentle
men, that you wiil place this case before the
public, that they may read and decide for
Most Jtesp’ct’y., Your ob’t se’v’t
DR'. J. T. FORD.
P. S. I will state for the benefit of the af
flicted, that Dr. Moseley is a regular gradu
ttate, and has been engaged in an extensive
practice for the past ten years. Those who
desire tw try his *kitl in the treatment of Can-
Beer* 3yph?lig aod.otlijt<,l.wi*»fe Jiacaaee mar,
do so with the greatest hope of a cure be-j
W E take pleasure in referring the reader to
the testimonials of our prominent drug
gists and well known citizens to the virtue of
Davis’s Pain Killer. We have used the art
tide and found it valuable. The sale of this -
I article in the U. States is Leyoud all prece^’^^L
dent, as the hooks of the orice will show-.—
Cincinnati Commercial.
Davis’s Vegetable Pais Killer.—We j*,
first heard of this medicine during a recent
Visk to the New England £ ates and being
struck with the novelty of! he tiller, were in^
ditced to make some inquiry about it; and
we were surprised to learn that it was kepi
constantly in the houses of most of the in
habitants of the cities and villages where w6
stopped, to be used of sadden attacks of pain,
burns, scalds, &c. and we heard it spoked
of i« terms of high commendation by both
druggists and phpsiciaus. This much we can
with propriety say as a journalist, in favtJf
of the article.—Philadelphia Eagle.
PftRRY Davis's Vegetable Pain Killer.
Voluntarily, conscientiously, and with ranch
pleasure, we recommend to our readers the
above named medicine. We speak for our
own observation and experience, when we
sa}', that it removes pain, as if by magic,
from all parts of the body, and is one of the
best medicines in use for checking diarrhea,
and rerooving-the premonitory symptoms of
cholera. It is applied both internally and.
externally, with the best effects, and none
who have once used the Pain Killer Would
willingly be withont it constantly in their
houses.—Cincinnati Evening Nonperiel.
We presume no Medical Preparation ever
offered to the public has been more thorough
ly tested than Perry Davis’s Vegetable Pain
Killer. Thousands of persons, were they
called upon to do so, would cheerfully testify
that they have used it for various ills, with
the most sati-factory success. It is within
our knowledge, that an immense amonnt of
suffering has been relieved by it. Its propri
etors, Messrs. Perry Davi* & Son, save no
pains or expense in order to satisfy the pub
lic. Being stribtly honorable men, they ob
serve the utmost uniformity in the manufac
ture of their celebrated Pain Killer. The
materials of which it is composed are care
fully selected—none but the best quality be
ing used. By these means the high reputa
tion which the Pain Killer has long since ac
quired is at all times iriumphantly sustain
ed. In view of these facts, we are by no
means surprised to learn that Messrs. Davis
& Son’s tales are constant!}* and rapidly in
creasing. While we congratulate oar friends
generally that so valuable a preparation as
the Pain Killer is placed within their reach,
we must be permitted to rejoice at the well
merited success os its libera] and enterprising
proprietors —Providence Gen Advertiser.
Davis’s Pain Killer.—This article needs
no comments from us, but tbe real worth of
so valuabln a compound compels us to give
publicity to it, in our Transcript, Mr. Perry
Davis, the manufacturer and inventor, is a
gentleman for whom we entertain the high
est respect, and any article he should offer
to the publie ire should have the utmost con-
lliience in. Tiie Pain KilJer we keepCiMisrant-i
ly* on hand an 1 have done so for * nomberjp
of years, and have admini^teredrit for ails of
ulons diseases have entirely recovered in the
incurable wards of our public Institutions
which had for .many years resisted every
mode of treat m nt that could be devised.—
These cases furnish striking examples of the
salutary effects of this medicine in arresting
some of the most inveterate diseases, after
the ulands were destroyed, and the bones al
ready affected.
Noth*.—Letters from responsible physi
cians and Professors of several Medical Col-
iege*\and certifiicates of cures from patients
will be found accompanying both Prepara
tions. .
Prick.*, Fluid Extract of Bnchn. $1 per
■■ Fluid Extract
ers desirous of having tbeir names and business • . , « . ^
widely circulated, are iLformed that a limited | b ‘»« ,e * or 6 . bot ! , r p for , Sb ' ,
number of of advertisements will be inserted— of Sarsaparilla. 81 per bottle, or 6 bottles for
Special rates for advertising by the year or for Sb. equal in strength to one gallon of Syrup
shorter periods, may be known by applying to of Sarsaparilla.
any of my Agents, or at tbe office inAthmts, Ga. Prepared and'.sold by H. T. Hklmbold,
Special m>mbers will be sent, on application by Chemist. 268 Chestnut Street, near the Gi-
\etter, free of charge. All communications in- rard House. Philadelphia.
-w. t —a » To b g had Qf Drag( *j 8ts and Dealers, eve-
tended for the “Bank-Note List and Detector,”
mast be addreesed to •‘Stcan’s Bank-Note List,” rrw herp
Atlanta, Ga. SAMUEL SWAN- ! 3
Jakes Robertson, General Agont.
Korean Kirkpatrick & Co.
HAVING, .opened a new Ware
room oh Peach Tree Street,!
would pall the attention of tho
se253m All letters directed to\the Proprietor or
Agent receive immediate a&entioq.
juno 12
j Ajkea* \
public to tboir stock, of FURNITURE
cing Cabinet Ware, in all its varieties, (
every kind; Lounges. Mettowsea Nervour Headache, Ghiils atad Fever*, Bra"
Dnmnel* PoeniOrtO Hfiffl ftflfl TtHtSpIfl. ** _ _V*'
_ , ^ . > . , ^ . .[Uuuy. Mnow forsale at Wm M A W Peeples,
Damasl^Uormoo^ Band?, Cori randJTawrfW, CjU f oim ; C P Wellborn, Dalton; J Norcrota,
£" d :5i p £££° : ,**s*i'»
of ?? rk con , ne ?’ worth in fourteen months in Ghattanoogaamidst
» m "-' in r- ll t m i ali 0,1 »er medicines tfheremedical faculty
pairing Furniture, Making MnJtresses.Unhol^te- hi h> Wo can t . 95 put of i 00 who
rimr. Ac. Thev keep also on band, Metnlio
Burial Cases amt make upon short notice, Ma
hogany, Walnut and othor wood Coffins.
CHAIR FACTORY—They have enlarged
tbeir manufacturing shops at Decatur, and can
supply Morgan's original Cottage Chairs* Hind-
ley’s Patent Be.dstead, together with all articles
of Cabinet Ware, of tbeir own manufacture, in
.any quantity desired.
They are* now manufacturing nnd finishing
nameUed Cottage Setts, far suporior to any
to be hml from tho North.jan 9 *65, ly
high. Wo can get
have used • this to certify its virtue and pow
er. , See Brawnltfw’s Whig and descriptive pam
phlets for details and testimony. Each Bottlo
has full directions. Price 50 cts, 1 00 and
$2 00 dollars per bottle Cosh only.
I hereby certify that I was afflicted with Rhea
mutism for two years, and frequently would a-
wake in tho night and shod tears, the pain was
so severe, without relief from any medicine till
I used James’ Neuralgic Liquid and in two ap
plications it mode a perfect cure. v
Clinton, Ga. ” Physician.
Ihavo used James’Neuralgic Liquid with en
tire success in two cases of Rheumatism in my
„ . Dissolution. . . . „ „
T ile copartnership heretofore existing under | family, one chronic, tho otoor inflammatory. I
the name of Coburn A Dwinoll is this dny I havo used it for Neuralgia in my own case with
dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due
tho Firm, the yearly advertisements now in tho
paper and subscriptions from tho 3d of August
lust will ho payable to M. Dwinoll. Claims
against the office from firstof January last will
also bo presented to M. Dtvinell for settlement.
Juno 1.1866. M. DWINELL.
Earn From Home to La Fay-
much benefit. I bolievo it is the most reliable
and perfect “panacea” for pains I havo ever
had in my family.
Certificate.—Rov J. Atkins, Bible agent for
Hofaton Conference.—A few weobs since, when
some distance from home, I was attacked with
Flux. I took ono doso of James’ Neuralgic Li
quid; tho symptoms begat; to give way, aud in
a few hours I was reliovod.
Knoxville. 1855 J ATKINS
liovWril II Duggan of Holston Conferonco.
—I certify thot James’ Neuralgic Liquid curod
the chills and fovors on a young iqan after all
other remedies bad failed. It also enred a case
Otte viu. Mount Hickory, Summerviilo and Try-
on Factory. x
Leaves Home Tuesdays and Fridays at 0 ! of scarlet fever—its effect was immediate,
o’clock, A, M.; returns Wednesday! and Satur
Tho undersigned having taken tho contract
for carrying the-mail botwcon Homo nud La-
Fuyetto informs tho traveling public that he is
prepared will) good horses nnd vehicles for the
accommodation of travelers. Those visiting
slkcr countie, will find this n
:abb* route, Tho undersigned
Chattooga and \V
pleasant and agr
by d'ligoht attraction to his bussiuoss
a liberal shure of patronage,
Meigs Co. Tenn W II If DUdiiAX.
Hon J M Andorson, formerly momber of Con-
gross Cram 5th Distriet, Tenn.
.1 was painfully affiictcd with Nouralgia in
tho face attended with soro throat, and by using
only a part of a bottlo of James’ Neuralgic u>
quid made a perfect cure, indeod it acted liko a
may 1 ly Marion Co., Tenn.
.4 ;/ e n t
S G WELLS, • Rome, Ga..
J W MASdENGAT. Yingtton, Q
ing perfected n short time. , have
ne-wd raany wonderful cares made by Dr. J aU de^criptions both external and internal,
Moseley daring tbe past three years; his * *— ' ju ’ *’
mode of treatment is Very mild, not preven
ting the patient i-orn daily exercise, anti at
tended with no danger whatever." '
All Person? that are desirous ol avail- I since we published acertific *te from Bnrmali,
f_ng th> mseltes of Dr. M«irely’». services, wll j a Q d WL . i, av ,. often seen them from tiie most
and have ever found it to be the best reme
dy extent. We well recollect its first intro
duction for Public patronage ; it was then
sold in a few in this city: look at it
now 1 the world are its patrons. A few days
find him af hi* office on Eighth Street.Grif.
fioGa- AH ‘omunications mn-t he jmnt fmM. f
and W. R. MOSELEY M D.
Gritfiin Ga.
O N the l’hysilogical View of Marriage by M
B La Croix, M D, Albany, N Y. 250 pages'
nud 130 fine Plain and Colored Litbogrcnhs
and Plates. Price cnly 25 cents. Sent Free
of Postage to all parts of the United States.
Da. M. B. La Croix’s
Physiological View of
Marriage.—A new and re
vised edition of 2 -0 pages
and 180 plates. Price 25
cents- h copy. A popular
and comprehensive treatise
on the duties and casunli-
ties of single and married x
life—happy and fruitful al-
liances, mode of securing
them, infelicitous and infertile ones, their obvi*
remote habitable regionsuf the Globe. Read
er, if yeftr have npt a supply on hand, (we
| trust you have, as It is almost indispensa-
! bie.) procure it at once, and never be with
out if aglin— it will save many a physi
cian’s bill —Providence Daily Transcript.
ot.n STYLE of 3' ‘TTi.F.5
Sold by J. W. HICKS & CO . Rome. Ga;
J D Carpenter Gasaville; J A & S Irwin,
■ Cartersville.; Smith & Ezzard. Atlanta;
Barret Carter&-Co and Chirk, Wells &-Du-
bose. Augusta John B. Mo re & Co., J. H.
Carter & Co Jos. M. Garner & Co.. S. Tf.
Brantlv & Co. Savannah, and by druggists
and medicine dealers generally fJulylOlV
,5= n ONDfEAR.-.
A RRANGEMENTS for the Second Annual
Collection of this new and popular Institu
tion fbr the «irffu>ion of Lite aturo and Ajt,_
ntionand removal, nervous and-debility, i Behave been made on the most ex ten rive scale.
causes aud cure, by a process at once So simple
safe and effectual, that failure is impossible,
rules for daily management, an essay oh Sper-
matorrhoea,. with practical observations on a
safer aqd more successful mode of treatment,
precantionary bints on the evil results from
empirical practice; to which is added coinmen.
taries on the diseases of females, from infancy
to old age, each case graphically illustrated by
beautiful plates.- It points out the remedies for
thnee self inflicted miseries and disappointed
hopes so unfortunately .prevalent in the yonng.-
It is a.truthful adviser to the married and those
contemplating marriage. Its perusal is partic-
Among the works already engaged is the far .
famed ' GENOA CRUCIFIX 1 ’ which origi
nally co>t ten thousand dollars. In forming
the new collection, the diffusion of works of
American Art. and the encouragement of
American genius, have not been overlooked.
Commissions have been issued to many of
the most distinguished American Artists,
who.will contribute some of -heir finest pro
ductions. Among them are three marble
Busts executed by the greatttst living sculp
tor—Hiram Powers : George Washington,
the-father of bis Country; Benjamin Frans-
ularly recommended to persons entertaining : lin. the Philosopher; Daniel Webster, the
secret dbubts of their physical condition, and 1
who are conscious of having hasfirded the
health, happiness and privileges to which every
Jiutnan being is entitled.
’■f^rice 25 cents per copy,.or five copies for $1,
maileJfrw? of postage to any part of the United
States,-by ndclfessia-gtJOr.. La Croix, (post paid,)
Albany, New York encloif.wg^.twentyfiye cents.
..N..B—Thoso who prefef may cbniult
Croix, upon any of the diseases Upon which his f-7 ‘
book treats, either personally nr ; by mail. His ‘ 11
medicine often cures in tho short 'space of six
days, and completely and entirely eradicate all
traces of those disorders which copaiva and cu
be^ havo so long been thought an antidote, to
the ruin of tho health of tho patient. His
“French Secret” is the great continental reme
dy for that class of disorders which, unfortuno-
atoly, physicians treat with mercury, to the
irretrcivable destruction oftho patient’s consti-
tuion, and which all tho snrsnpparilla in the
world cannot euro. Dr. La Croix’s medicines
are free from all mineral poisons, and put up ifi
a neat and compact form, which can bo sent by
express or mail, and may bo taken, in a public
or private house, or while traveling, without
exposure to tho most intimato friend or room
mate, or hindranco from business or study, and
no important chunge in the diet is necessary.
Medicines eent to any part oftho Union, accor
ding to directions, safely packed and carefully
secured from ali observation. Office removed
from No. 56 Beaver street, to 31 Maiden Lane,
near Broadway, Albany, Now York. sep6 ly
Excelsior Hand Loom!!
r T'niS important labor saving machine for do-
X mestic manufactory, fa destined to supersede
and drivo out of use all othor hand looms that
have their trcaddles operated by the action of the
feet, nnd tho shuttle thrown by the hand. Tho
construction is
From its great simplicity, it is not subject to j
get out of order, nnd tho entire machine com
plete, can bo made by any ordinary carpenter.
Tho advantages it possesses over the old fash
ioned loom, consist in all its parts being SELF
CHANGING, requiring no skill to weave. It
is neat and convenient, ami on it one can weave
old fashioned loom, and WITH LESS LABOR !
The cost is no more than tho old, and ia equully
adapted to all kinds of domestic weaving.
John II. Wisdom offers to soil the Patent
Rightofthe above loom for the counties ofFloyd
and Polk by Counties or Distriots, he also has
a supply of the Looms which he will sell at pri
ces to suit tho times Jan 30 *55 tf.
Statesman. A special agent has visited Eu
rope arid made direful and judicious selec
tions of foreign works of Art. both in Bronze
and Marble, Statuary and Choice Paintings.
The whole forming a large and valuable col
lection of paintings and Statuary, to bedis-
tributed free among tbe members of this
Association for the second year.
Terms of Membership.—The payment of
..... ui.'i’ui^s courtirates any one a member
of this assodutTfro and entitles him to either
one of the following -Magazines; Harper’s,
Putnam’s Knickerbocker Blackwood's.UrS*
ham’s, God vs Lady’s Booik. and Household
Words. Pei sons taking five memberships
are entitled to any five of the v &Iagaxines fc*
one year and to six ticketsin the cfj.stribu-'
tion. The net proceeds derived from
sale of memberships, are devoted to the P**T'' V '
chase of works of Art for the ensuing yetef* :
The advantages secured by becoming »
member of this association, are—1st. all pere
sons receive the full value of their subscrip
tion at the start, in the shape of sterling Mag’
a zinc Literature. 2d. each member is con
tributing towards purchasing choice Work®
of art, which are to be distributed among
themselves, and are at the same time encour
aging the Artists of the country, disbursing
thousands of dollars through its agency.-
Persons in remitting funds .or membership
will plecso give their postofflee address in
full, stating the month they wish the Maga
zine to commence, and have tho letter regis
tered at the Post Office to prevent loss; on
the receipt of which, a certificate ol mem
bership, together with the Magazine desired,
will be forwarded to any part of the country, j
Those who purchase Magazines at book
stores, will observe that by joining this Asso
ciation, rhey receive the Magazine and free
ticket in the annual distribution, all at the
same price they now pay for the Magazine
alone.— Beautifully illustrated Catalogues
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