The Southerner. (Rome, Ga.) 1849-1852, November 14, 1850, Image 3

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Clayton Compromise bill by a majority in Congress. That bill bad 6uch form as would hare enabled the southern people to briug the Question of their right to hold slaves in Cali fornra, before the judicial tribunals, but it was rejected by a majority, and we were deprived V of the benefit of an appeal to the Constitution * al and peaceable remedy of the judicial tribu nals; and it is obvious that a tyrannical major ity in Congress, who would violate our rights in one respect, would at the same time violate them iu another, in order to rob us of our rem edy against their tyranny. Ilence, as Mr. Milner, iu his own explana tion of his position, allows to a state no other remedy than those simply of the judicial tri bunals and the ballot box, it is clear that against the will of a majority in Congress, he allows to a state no available remedyat all. — He virtually holds the will of that majority to be the supreme law, and that a state has no right within the constitution and the Union, to seek a remedy, by her own action , against acts of Congress, which she may judge to be un- Constiiut’ssai and oppressive to her. PRICE. FOP. THE 80UTHEKXEK. To John H. Lumpkin, Esq. Sir: Iq my letter to you of the 24th ult., I endeavored to point out the circumstances to which you are indebted for your former and present position. I also ventured to give you some suggestions, which I hope will not be en tirely lost upon you. Ambition is an almost universal, and certainly a very powerful prin ciple of human action. Like other passions, for it sometimes amounts to a passion) it rath er grows, than is satiated by success and in dulgence. You, my dear sir, have thus far been eminently lucky; and if I should be so fortunate as to give a right direction to your ambition at this critical period of your public career, I flatter myself I shall do you, and the public some service. Allow me then to urge upon you the propriety, and even the necessity, of excluding all thoughts of elevation to any other office until you shall have qualified your self to discharge with credit to yourself and ad vantage to your country, the important du ties of the Judgeship. Believe me, it will re dound much more to your honor, as well its to the advantage of the public, that you should be ambitious of discharging with- fidelity and ability the duties of the office you hold, than ! that tc-u should aspire, too soon, to one more elevated. Qualify yourself for the office you have, before looking to one above it. This advice commends itself to your favorable con- i sideration, not less upon the score of policy t ‘.ban duty. An able and faithful discharge of the duties of the Jtdgeship, would be no mean recommendation in a candidate iicr the Execu tive Chair. Hating thus given you good advice, and good reasons for it, —you will pardon me for adverting to some small errors you have un fortunately committed. That a man of your mental calibre, should fall into errors of judge ment is certainly no matter of astonishment to” any body; but the facility with which you sundered the ties of fraternity, and forgot the services of long tried and faithful friends, touch es the heart, and raises a suspicion that all is not right with you in that quarter. Not only do you seem to have made up your mind to abandon a vast majority of you: party, whose long coincidence and co-operation in political j views, bad ripened into personal friendship; j but you have signalized your desertion by a systematic and whole-sale attack upon their motives and purposes. You habitually charge them with being inimical to the LTiion, be cause they do not think submission to injus tice the best way to preserve it. It is the opin ion of some that great men have occasionally appeared in the world, as the special instru ments in the hands of Providence, for the ac complishment of great objects. Such were i Gengis Kahn, Tamerlane, Cbesar, Cromwell, i Bonaparte and Washington. Who shall say that your mission is less important than that, of any of these historical characters? May you not have been sent into the world, for the very purpose of saving “this glorious Union!” While a number of patriotic whigs were breaking through the ties of party to come to the rescue of their injured section, you deserted your party that you might prove false to that section. There is certainly a wide difference between their conduct and years. Such a de sertion at such a time, and upon such a ques tion, has lead many of your old friends to be lieve that you intended to desert at any rate, and were only awaiting a plausible pretext. Be that as it tnay, it is very evident that the leaders of the opposite party, from Toombs and Stephens down to Miller and Price, play ed an artful game. They were, or pretended to be in the front ranks of the Southern Rights party, until the time for action came; when, ail at once, they went over to the enemy.— Their affected real in the cause of the South was a hypocritical feint, intended to deceive the more ardent and steadfast friends of the South, and throw them into a minority, by carrying off a school of gudgeons and traitors to do •mall work and fill small offices, while the lead ers partition the higher honors amongst them selves. You have a talent for one thing at least, and you proved it on this occasion.— You took care not to break with your old friends until they gave you an ofEce which may last you until you shall so have ingra tiated yourself with your new, that they may bestow upon you another. You and your new leaders, have now arrived at that point in your game, when it is necessary to persuade the people that to contend for justice to the South, is to be guilty of disloyalty to the Union.— Hence, the cry of disunion raised by you and Toombs, who said but a little while ago that this very cry was “ the masked battery from behind which the rights of the South were to be assailed” This is a cratical part of your plan of operations. If you fail in persuading a majority, that the South is full of traitors you loose the game and then alas! a long farewell to all your greatness! Your obedient Servant, Peter Piloarlic. About 170 female eonvicts are being ship ped at Woolwich fyr Hobart town. Home Prices (Current. ARTICLES. $ CTS. § CTS. Apples, Green, per bush 87 a 75 Dry. pared 75 a 1 00 unpared ‘. 60 al. 75 Bacon, Hams, lb 10 a .. 12) Shoulders, 7) a .. 8” Sides, 9 n.. 11 Bagging, Dundee yd 14 a .. 16 Ky a.. .. Gunney 164 a .. 18 Butter, Goshen, lb a .. .. Country a..15 Beef, Fore quarter, ‘2l a.. 3 Hind do 3 a .. 3 Candles, Box, Tallow, 15 a.. 20 Spermaceti a.. 50 Adamantine, 83 a.. 40 Coffee, Java, Sack, 14 a.. 16 Cuba a.. .. Laguira 13 a .. 14 Rio 134a .. 14* Cotton, 12 a.. 12j Corn 70 a .. 80 Corn Meal, 65 a 70) Cordage,Bale Rope 10 a .. 12 Manilla, 17 a.. 20 Cotton 20 a.. 25 Flour 7a.. 74 Fish, Mackerel, No 2 per bb1.... 10 .. a .. .. Hides, Green, lb 4 a.. 53- Dry, 8 a.. 10 Iron, Swede 6 a.. 6) English, 54a.. .. Rod, 64 a.. 8 Band 64 a .. 8 Leap, 74 a.. 9 Liquors, Brandy,Cog per ga11.... 75 a4 00 Champ 1 00 a 3 Oy Peach 1 00 a 1 25 Whiskey 40 a.. 45 Rum, 55 a.. 70 Gin, 60 a.. 75 Wine, Sweet, 1 00 a 1 50 M. 1 00 a 3 00 Port, 2 00 a 4 00 Claret, : 75 a 1 00 Sherry, 2 00 a 5 00 Cham d0z.... 18 00 a24 00 F Cordial per d0z.... 3 00 a 400 Molasses, bbl per gal 35 a .. Syrup 45 a.. 55 Nails, Keg, lb 5 a.. 5) Peaches, Dry, pared pr bush 75 a 1 00 Unpared, a.. 60 Peas, per bushel 50 a.. 05 Raisins, per box 300 a.. 00 4 do 1 50 a.. 00 4 do 1 00 a.. 00 Rick, lb 5 a.. 63 Salt, Liverpool per Sack,.... 1 80 a 2 00 do do bushel 80 a.. 90 Table.perbox 124a.. 25 Cigars, per 1000 15 .. a2O .. Sugar, N. Orleans, lb 74 a.. S4 Portorico, 9 a.. 10 Santacrus 10 a.. 12 Refined 10 a.. 12) Loaf, 12 a.. 15 Crushed,.. 12 a.. 15 Tallow 8 a.. 10 Teas, Imperial, 1 25 a .. .. Gunpowder 1 00 a 1 00 Hyson, 75 a 1 00 Black 60 a . . 75 Tobacco, Chewing,. 25 a.. 60 Smoking 19 a.. 25 Wool, Raw, 23 a . . 25 Rolls, 40 a . . . . Paints } White L'd in Oil, kg.... 2 00 a 2 50 <fr Oils ) “ “ Dry lb 84 a.. 10) Varnish, Copal Gal 2 50 a 3 00 Coach, 3 00 a 3 50 Oil, Olive, 1 88 a 2 0 Linseed, < 1 00 a 1 50 Train, 60 a 75 Lamp, 80 a 1 20 W. B. Sperm, 2 00 a 2 25 A SUPERIOR lot of Gentlemen's White, Black. and Fancy Colored Kid Gloves, just received at OSGOOD, ALSOBROOIv & CO. nov 14 ISSO ts Another Rich Gold Mine Discovered! STOP IX AT I. EEIAS’ OLD STAND OPPOSITE 11. F. PRICE, CA99VJI.I.E, AND AT Z>AYVIfeOuP.-i OLD STAND, CARTERS') ILLE. IN consequence of wishing to close my business in the above named places by next spring, I would beg leave most respectfully to inform the citizens of Cassville, Cartersville, and their vicinities, that I will sell my stock of Goods cheaper than ever offered be fore in either of these places, consisting of the follow ing articles. Calicoes from 5 to 10 cents per yard, nnd the finest at 1 5 cents; Ginghams 15 to 30 cents, Alpaccas from 25 to 37-) cents, shaded Brocade and Mohair for la dies’ dresses 30 to 60 cents, and shawls of every des cription at very reduced prices, ladies’ white and col ored hose from 10 to 25 cents per pair, cross-barred Swiss and Book muslin from 20 to 30 cents per yard, fine Irish linen from 45 to 75 cents, large size linen handkerchiefs from 15 to 30 cents each, cap lace of the finest quality at 6) cents per yard, edging from 2 to 5 ceuts, brown and bleached shirting, 1 yard wide, 10 to 15 cents, fine sea-island, 1 yard wide at 12 cents, white and red flannel at 25 to 40 cents, blue and black satinetts 62) to 70 cents, Tweeds of all kinds from 25 to 50 cents, striped cassimeres from 30 to 81,25 cents per yard. Also, a good stock of Groceries and Liquors, a large lot of Ready made clothing, caps, shoes, and other articles too tedious to mention. L would beg leave to say that the above goods have just been laid in, and will be sold exclusively for Cash. All those indebted by note or book ac count will please call and settle. nov 14 ts I. ELIAS. GEORGIA, Paulding C ounty—All persons interested, are hereby notified, that four months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior court of said county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real es tateof John W. Jones, deceased, late of said county. 1850. SHERIFF BRUSTER, Nov. 14. Administrator. EW STORE. TTTHERE may be found a very extensive and T V well assorted Stock of Goods, comprising Dry Goods, Hats, Saddlery, Groceries, Medi cines, and Crockery Ware. Also, one of the larg est and best assortment of Boots aud Shoes that can be brought to the country —together with a variety of Ready Made Clothing, viz: Over Coats, Dress Coats, Cloaks, Vests and Pants, just received and for sale on liberal terms. Our friends and the public generally are invited to call and examine for themselves, and let us con vince them that we will treat them well and sell goods cheap. BOM Alt, ALEXANDER it CJ. Adairsville, Nov. 14, 1850. ts CO.MRTiYLRSIIIPr HHIIE Subscribers have formed a Co-Partnership J.. for tin* transaction of a general Warehouse and Commission Business, under the firm of walker, Bryson & Cos. Their Warehouse is one of the largest in the city, Fire- Proof, centrally located, and can store under cover, upwards of ten thousand bales, having recently erect ed two large sheds. They return their sincere thanks to their customers who so liberally patronized them during the past season, and hope by a contin uance of strict attention to the interest of those who may favor them with their custom, to merit and re ceive a continuation of their favors. Liberal Cash Advances will continue to be made on Produoe in store, and all orders for Family sup plies shall have prompt attention, and purchased at the lowest market prices. GOLLOTHUN WALKER, HARPER O. BRYSON, A. D. STATU AM. November 14, 3t. We have also established a branch of our Home in Charleston, the management of which will be u 1- der our H.’C. Bryson, for the transaction of a General Commission Business, and will feel tlankful to friends who may ship Produce to that market for their patronage. The style of the firm will be G. W alker <fe Cos. Office, Frazer <fe Go’s Wharf, Charleston, S. O. T\ Ki: ,\OIT( l!, r I “'ll AT two Notes of mine, tiie one for one hun- X hundred and fifty dollars, and the other for six hundred an 1 fifty dollars, payable to Robert C. Carr both dated 24th Sept, last, and dUe 25th Dec. next, will not be paid unless compelled by law, as the consideration has failed. ABNER ATKINS. Nov. Pith, 1850. NOTICE. TO show that the consideration has not failed fm the notes advertised by A. Atkins, given to R C. Carr, Sept. 24th, 1850, and due Dec. 26th, 1860, 1 propose to the said Atkin; a return of his notes, pro vided he will return to me in as goo 1 plight the par. of the coasideratian for which the notes were given, he yet has at his command, between now and the 22 Ih duy of December next; otherwise I slm 1 hold him responsible for the payment of tho note.- in full, nov 18 1880 81 B. 0. CARR. MEDICAL CARD. DR. J. D. OWEN, t(LATE Assistant Physician to the Lu natic Asylum at Milledgeville,) having permanently located in Rome, respect iully tenders his professional services to all persons requiring Medical, Surgical, or Obstetric aid, in the city or country, lie hopes, by constant and unremitting attention to his profession, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Office, front room over Starr <fc Calhoun's Furniture Ware-house. Residence, first house below the Baptist Church. Rome, Novell, 1850— 3m. WATCH, CJLOCIi AND IT©Gll£ b (£59 MR. T. S. WOOD, has Just received a fine asssortment of Gold and Silver Watches, of aijiis every grade and price. Also, an assortment °f CCOCB4S, which will positively be sold at such prices as must induce persons in need, to buy. He can say that a better and more extensive as sortment of JEWELRY, has never been ex hibited in this city, and he feels that if it shall be ex amined and priced, the inducements to purchase, will be irresistable. Repairing done promptly and neatly. Nov 7 NOTICE. VLL persons having demands against Coleman Pitts, late of Cass county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested to me, within the time prescribed by law, or they will not be settled, and all persons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment. Nov. 11. R. H. CANNON, Ad’mr, Administrator’!!! Sale. TY7ILI. be sold at Van Wert, Paulding county, T Georgia, on Wednes-tay, the 25th dav of De cember next, a portion of the personal property of Coleman Pitts, of Cass county, deceased, consisting of calicoes, Muslins, worsted goods for Ladies dress es, ginghams, cambric, shawls, ready-made clothing, dry goods of various kinds for gentlemens wear, bon nets, hats, caps, shoes and boots, books, paper, tin ware, hard-ware, cutlery, saddles, harness, valices, castings, hoop iron, crockery and stone ware, a small lot of wheat, and very many other articles of mer chandise too tedious to mention. Also, the undivided interest of the deceased, in the family grocery known by the firm of Pitts i Simp son, making in all a very good stock of Goods.— Terms will be liberal and made know on the day of sale. The sale will be continued from day to day until the entire stock of goods is disposed of. Also, will be sold atCartersville, Cass county, Ga. on Monday, the 30th day of December next, the bal ance of the personal property of Coleman Pitts, late of said county of Cass, deceased, consisting of horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, 2 wagons, 1 barouche, 1 hack, 1 buggy, 2 yoke of oxen, 1 set of blacksmith tools, some farming tools, a small lot of wheat, anew cotton gin and thrasher, 19 bed-steads and bed clothes, two bureaus, 1 mahogany sofa, 2 clocks, chairs and tables and various other articles of household and kitchen furniture too tedious to men tion. Will be hired, also, at the same lime and place, nine negro men and boys, eight women and girls and some children. I will also rent at the same time and place, the cleared land on Lot No. 458, in the 4th district, 3 section. Also, the tavern and store house lots and garden in Cartersville. and several other out buildings on different lots. Also, anew store-house. Terms of sale and rent will be made known on the day of sale. The sale will continue from day to day until all the personal property is sold, negroes hired, and house rented. Nov. 14. R. H. CANNON, Adm’r. EOOIk AT THIS! GREAT BARGAINS! TIIE CHEAPEST GOODS EVER OFFERED FOR SALE! r U*HE undersigned, just arrived from the City of A Philadelphia, informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Floyd and the adjoining counties, that lie is open ing a Dry Goods, Clothing and Fancy Store, in the City of Rome. The Goods are entirely new and well selected, and will be sold with very small prof its. Ilis Stock contains Clothing of every descrip tion, —Caps, Hats, Satinetts, Jeans. Ac.; Shawls, Mus lins, Alpacas, Ginghams Calicos, Prints, Swiss Mus lins, Millinary Goods, Mantillas, Laces, Needle-work ed Collars, Chemisetts and Perfumes. Gold and Silver Watches—A large assortment of Gold Finger Rings. Ear Rings, Breast pins. Masonic and Odd Fob low’s Pins, Pencils, Hearts, Slides, Guard and Vest Chains, Keys, Studds and Silver Combs. Old and out-of-fashion Gold and Silver taken in exchage. My stand is one door above Dr. Dickerson’s Drug Store in the House formerly occupied by Saul Box. I confidently hope to give full satisfaction to all who may favor mo. M. STERN, Oct. 26.—ts Broad Street, Rome, Ga. N. B.—Remember one door above Dr. Dickerson's Drug Store. Hsigoosi, Cos. No. 4, CHOICE HOUSE, HAVE openen and offered a general assortment of READY-MADE CHOTHING, embracing every variety of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cotton and Merino Drawers and Shirts, Merino Under Vests for Ladies, Cravats of various styles, Half Hose, Gloves, Collars, Ac. Ac. We also offer a superior lot of Boots and Shoes, from the Negro Brogan to the Calfskin Boot, with a Choice selection of Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes and Bootees, Trunks and Car pet Bags, Hats and Caps of all prices. We also offer School, Religious and Miscellaneous Books, Stationary and Fancy Stationary, Perfumes and soaps from Jules Houel, Hair and Tooth Brush es, with a great variety of articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold at a fair advance upon cost and carriage. We expect in a few davs, FOUR SUPERIOR PIANO FORTS. ‘ The Ladies, we will be especially pleased to see at No. 4. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our stock. They can be supplied at Augusta Wholesale prices. Rome, Ga., Nov. 7—ts. A Letter from Arkansas. Union County, Feb., 1850. Dr. Little—Sir: When in Macon in December last, I procured a package of your dyspeptic medi cine, consisting of Tonic Bitters, Antacid, and Veget able Pills. These were for my wife, who had for a long time been sick, and doctored for a liver com plaint without being much benefited. From your medicines she has found the greatest relief. Please send me three packages by the way of New Orleans, immediately, Ac. Yours truly, WM JAMESON. Macon, April, 1849. Dr. Little—Sir: I take pleasure in informing you that my wife is now relieved from the dyspepsia of fifteen years standing. From its effects she has been prostrated frequently, a number of days at a time. To cure it, many things have been used, with scarcely more than temporary relief, besides nioAiciues and advice from different physicians from time to time, with the same result. Under these circumstances she began using your Antacid and Vegetable Pills— at once she found great relief from that tightness and oppression after meals, to which she had been so long subject. Daily she continued to improve, and was soon enabled to eat almost any kind of food she pre ferred. For some time past she has used but little of the medicine, and is now enjoying good health. Truly yours, Ac., GEORGE VIGAL. An Important Case Judge—MauncTs own Statement. Talbotton, Oct.,] 848. Dear Sir: My health last winter being quite fee ble, so much so as to be scarcely able to walk about. I was induced to try your dyspeptic medicines. At once your Antacid began to help me, in preventing the tightness and oppression after eating; in strengthen ing the stomach, and relieving debility. The Tonic Bitters are excellent, and besides feeling a great, deal better, I could rest well at night But your Veget able pills arc the best, I ever used; for without any unpleasant effect, I always found them to act well and to leave the bowels in a fine condition. I have been subject for a gieat many years pat to colic, and since taking a package of these medicines, I have not had a single attack, or enjoyed so good health for a long time before, Yonrs, truly, To Dr. Litte. D. C. MAUND. BEWARE OF IM I’OMTIOA, And avoid tiir use of Substitutes.— The sac sim ile of the signature of Dr. W. G. Little will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medi cines. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 264 Market Street., Philadelphia. And also Macon, Georgia. AGENTB. Summers A Brother, Kingston; E. 11. Edwards, Dalton; Patten A Chunn, Cassville; H. M. Morgan, Cartersville; Dr. Root, Marietta; G. W. Cook, Can ton; Kent A McCoy, Ringgold; Frasier A Bell, Chat tanooga; Dr. llattey A Bro., uud Dr. Dickinson, Rome. November 7. Kirli lire** (ilootl*. Burns a Murray offer n largo assortment of Dol’d and Black Silks and Alpaccas, Mouscliu de laities and other worsted goods at lWWr.h lower prices than tho same quality of goods are sold ift Qouptry Summerville Hotel, SUMMERVILLE, GA. The undersigned, for some time proprietor of ffjjjj this establit hraept, returns acknowledge- Milt HI ments for past patronage, nnd being thereby enabled to increase his accommodations, he is now fully prepared to meet all the wants of the travell ing and pleasure seeking public. Gentlemen prosecuting business, or with their fam ilies seeking the mvigoruting waters and mountains of the up country, will find at the Summerville Ho tel the comforts of a home. The grand scenery of the Cheiokee country is a great promoter of health, and the prolific soil of the same is just beginning to be a great laboratory of wealth. Call and sec them. Oct. 24—ts. NATHANIEL HEWITT. 11 i: v n ii Ahtll ks , gaT MILLEDGEVILLE. October 23rd, 1850. By His Excellency, GEORGE W. TOWNS, Cover nor and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Na vy of this State, and of the Militia thereof. r Po the Colonels or Commandants of Regiments -L and Battalions, comprising the 12th Division, Georgia Militia: Whereas, a vacancy has occurred in the twelfth Division, Georgia Militia, by the resignation of Ma jor General Daniel H. Bird: Now, in order that said vacancy may be filled,and in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly, “To provide for the election ot general officers of this State, agreeable to the amended Constitution, to 27th December, 1843. I have thought proper to issue this, my Pro clamation, hereby ordering you, the said Colonels or Commandants of Regiments and Battalions, to cause an election to to be held on Monday, the 6tli day off January next, at the several places cf holding elections for mem bers of the General Assembly, in the Counties of Cass, Chattooga, Cherokee, Dade, Floyd, Gilmer, Gordou, Murray alker, giving due’nofice there of for the election fmm Major General, to fill the va cancy aforesaid. The duty will devolve ‘upon (one or more) of the superintendents of the election held at the precincts to meet at the Court House m the respective coun ties, and. count up and consolidate the same, and for ward said consolidation to the Head Quarters of the Commander-in-Chief, agreeably to the Laws regulating the returns for members of the General Assembly. By the Commander-in-Chief. Oct. 81— 4t. JOHN T. SMITH, Aid-de-Camp. Hooks! Books! Books!! William Kay, Bookseller and Stationer, White Hall street, Atlanta, Ga., offers for sale, at wholesale and retail, at the lowest market price, a large assortment of School, Classical, Medical, Law, Historical and Miscellaneous works; American and Foreign Stationary, four hundred pieces Sheet Music for the Piano, well assorted, including the very latest musical instruments, Fancy Goods and toys. Schools, Academies and Literary institutions, supplied at the lowest prices. Booksellers, merchants and others purchas ing quantities, will do well to call, my arrangements being such as will enable me at all times to keep a stock of Goods on hand sufficient to meet the de mand. Oct. x 6m. NOTICE To The Officers and Soldiers of the Several Wars Since the Revolution. a recent act of Congress, Officers and Soldiers, (who have not received) are entitled to BOUNTY LANDS, for services of one month or more: Widows and mi nor children of those deceased, are also entitled. The subscriber will undertake to obtain the claims of those entitled, at a moderate compensation. Hav ing been employed for many years in public office, his experience in such matters will enable him to af ford great facilities to claimants, for Lands and Pen sions, and save them much trouble and expense.— Where he obtains nothing, no change will be made. All letters post paid will meet with prompt atten tion, and the necessary forms and instructions sent. *C. W. BENNETT, Att’y. Washington, D. C. liriti^e. HPHE subscriber having established a Bridge across -L the Oustanaula, at Ridge’s old Ferry, offers to the public a safe and convenient crossing place, at the following reduced rates of Toll: Four Horse Waggon, 30 cents. Two Horse “j 20 “ —OnctHoreo *! lO Stock, per head, 1 - - - - 1 “ Oct. 18, 1849. A. N. VERDERY Moveable Tlira**liei** and llorse Powers. r U’HE undersigif&l sole Agents, for the makers, for X upper Georgia and Alabama, are desirous to make out an estimate of how many to order, for our friends and customers, so as to secure all they shall need, and have them in time. Engagements must be made, or we will not order them. We are fully au thorized to warrant them in every respect. Apply to Cunningham A Linton, Rome, Ga. march 14tf M. CHAMBERLIN, Ag’t. IS urn*! & Murray Have opened, opposite the Choice House, a very large general assortment of Goods, which they offer at Wholesale or R. tail. Merchants would find it to their advantage to cail before going to mar ket. Goods will be sold at retail lower than they have ever been offered in Rome. Oct. 17. WOOL CARDING ETOWAH I ISON “WORKS. V Superior Card lias just been put up at the Rolling Mill. Wool will be carded for custo mere at the shortest notice. The wool must be free from burrs and trash. MARK A. COOPER, Etowah, Cass co., Ga., Oct. xvii.—ts. The Cassville Standard will please copy. FOR SALE, V Beautiful Residence adjacent to the town of Rome, recently occupied by John S. Wright, Esq. There is on the premises consisting of twelve and a half acres of land, a comfortable Dwelling House, Kitchen, Ac. The site is high, healthy and romantic. Persons desirous of purchasing in or near Rome, would do well to examine this property. Terms moderate. Apply to JOHN R. ALEXANDER. Oct., xvii.—3t.* FEMALE SEMINARV, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE, By R. B. lie Million A James Park, Presbyterian Ministers. r JAHIS Institution still increases in reputation and X patronage. Th • course extends through six years, and the prices ofituition vary from -)5 to §lB per session. I To the Chemical atl Apparutus, already large, we are aiding a fine Telescope four feet long, the finest in- /this end of the State, and about Sioo worth of otller Astronomical Apparatus. There is a Library of over one thousand volumes of choice Books connected with the Seminary. The location is unsurpassed for beauty and health fulness, aud may be reached from this place (Rome) in 30 hours’ travel. aug 22 25* THE HILBI RN IIOIJSE. M’MIE undersigned would respectfully announce, X that this New Fominoriious Hotel is now opened for the accomodation of the public.— Located, as it is near theltailroud aud Steam Boat depots, and in the most business part of the city, the proprietor flatters himself, by unremitting atten tion to the comforts of his guests, that he will receive a liberal share of public patronage. L. J. HILBURN. Rome, Ga., Nov. 7th, 1850.—ts. W. 11. Tcrlitme, NOTARY PUBLIC, for the county of floyd, and COMMISSIONER OK DEEDS Ac. for the State of ARKANSAS, is associated with ill the practice of LA W, at Rome Ga Uffice over Ilardin A Lamkin’s Store. GEORGIA RAILROAD I* AN K AEN EV, ROME, GEORGIA, CUNNINGHAM A LIN ION Persons wanting remittances on this place, or vicin ity, for proceeds of sales of cotton or produce of any kind, get checks of the Geargia Kail Road and Banking Cos., on this agency. Oct. 24. M. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Floyd Mill**. AV These Mills, on Dykes’ Creek, are l| lyfcdyl now ia full and successful operation, yMSg-jjml for Corn and Wheat, with as good a -r-iillii73fe Smut Mill und Screen attached as is in the Cherokee Country. A sample of Flour may be seen at the Southerner office, and at Johnson & Gwyn’a and Col. Waters’ Store, in Ridge’s Valley. £}ept 1 29 8t C K. AYER. Lots of Land for Male. The subscriber is now offering for sale, at Vtr&B’ bis Plantation, one mile from Rome, Lots of ■Hn from 5 to 150 acres, to suit purchasers. There are, on the place,several very fine free stone springs. Also, 14 miles from Rome, adjoining the Lands of Col. J. W. M. Berrien, 110 acres of Land, lying con venient to fine Limestone springs, which will be sold in Lots of any size to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to settle near Rome, will do well to call and examine, as the above Lute will be sold low for cash. A. N. VERDERY. Oct. 18, 1849. 33 ts Plantation for sale. <35g35- SITUATED in seventeenth district, third section, Cass county, on the bank of the Eto -‘fra wall river, nine miles from Cartersville, ad joining the lands of the late Nathaniel Burge, and containing 130 Acres of the Best T.and, Seventy of which are cleared. A comfortable Dwel ling, Negro House, Stable, Ac., are on the premises. The location, in point of health and beauty, is unsur passed in the county. Also Eighty Acres of Wood land within half a mile of the Plantation. Cash price, §2500. Address, J. B. GILBERT, Aug. 8-9 t Savannah. Administrator’** Male. Will be sold ou the first Tuesday in January next, at the court-house door, in Rome, Floyd county, agreeable to an order of the honorable Infe rior court of Jackson county, when sitting for ordina ry purposes, viz: Lot of land No. 285, in the 4 dis trict and 4 section; containing 241 and 4-10 acres, more or less, recently surveyed by the county sur veyor; about 7 0 acres improved—Coosa river run ning through said lot. Also, the undivided north half of Lot of Land No. 290, in the 4 district and 4 section; containing eighty acres, more or less—(hereon a double log house, and other out buildiuga: live acres or more improved. Also, one Negro Boy by the name of llamp, about thirty years old. Also, one smiths bellows, one anvil, one vice, one screw plate, two hammers, one crosscut saw, one hand.saw, one foot adz, one broad ax, one carpen ters square—Sold as the property of Jacob Brasel ton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms cash. JOHNB. BRASELTON, . WALTER It. WEBSTER, \ * iUin rs ’ Oct xxxi. Administrator’** Sale. AGREEABLE TO AN ORDER of the Honora ble the Inferior court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the court house in the town of Marietta, Cobb county, between the usual hours of 6ale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following lots of land: Lot No. 1263, 2d District, 3d Section; and Lot No. 845, 18th District and 2d Section, each containing forty acres. Also, by virtue of the same order, will be sold be fore the court-house door in the town of Summerville, Chattooga county,on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, lot of land No. 305 oth District and 4 th Section, containing one hun dred and sixty acres. Under the same order, will be sold before the court-house door in the town of Cassville, Cass coun ty, on tnc first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours ol sale, the following land: Lot No. 122,16 th District and 3d Section, containing 160 acres; No. 306,17 th District and 3d section; and No 656,17 th District and 3 section, the two last contai jj. ing each 40 acres—sold as the property of John C. Mason, late of Putnam county, deceased, and for the benefit of the heirs. Terms cash. Oct. 3. WM. C. DAVIS, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale. ATT ILL be sold, by virtue of an order of the hon- T i orable Inferior court of Floyd county, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, lot of land No. 85, in the 24th district, and 3d section of originally Cherokee, but now Floyd county, it being the Real Estate belonging to the Hastate of Ellis Bradley, deceased—subject to the Widow’s dower. STERLING MAYS, Adm’r. Nov. 7, —tds. Administrator’*! Male. T)Y virtue of an order from the Honorable the In- JJferior court of Putnam county, when sitting as a court for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1851, before the court-house door in the town ot Van Wert, Paulding county, Georgia, between the usual hours of sale, lot of land No. 1240,20 th district and third section, containing forty acres; sold as the peoperty of John C. Mason, late of Putnam county, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs. Tdrms cash. Nov. 7 th. / WM. C. DAVIS, Adm’r. Administrator’*: Male. Vgreeable to an order of the Honorable the Infe rior court of Floyd county, sitting as a court of ordinary, will be sold before the court-house door in the city of Rome, on the first tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 85. in the 24th district and 3d section of originally Cheroke but now Floyd county, containing 160 acres, more or less, sold as the property of Ellis Bradley, deceased, under the incumbrance of the Widon’s dower, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. STERLING MA VS, AdmV. Nov. 7. { t EORGIA, Floyd County. —Whereas, V Ts Thomas S. Price and William G. Mills, apply to me for letters of administration on the Estate of William Jenks, late of said county, deceased.—These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said estate, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said , letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal at office, this 4th November, 1850.* Nov. 7 vim JESSE LAMRERTH, c. c. o. Cotton |£7£\RECEIVED AND FORWARDED to Au- for sale by our House there, with the assistance of Messrs. Walker <i Bryson, at their New Fire-Proof Ware-House, prompt returns made, and advances on *he same, when required, bv oct 26 34 ts M. CHAMBELLAIN, Agent. JUST RECEIVED, Q CASES Superior Drab Beaver Hats, O 4 Cases Superior Moleskin, the latest tip, Leghorn and Panama, in great variety, : tdozen Palm Leaf Hats, at m A. A. ANDERSON <t CO. Airs. Gibson’s School. arj’sfxfeH The Summer Term of the above School will commence on Monday the 15 July. t&uSaar Parents are respectfully requested to enter their children at the commencement of the Session. t July 4 iim Look at This! PINE GROVE COTTAGE FOR SALE,—and an acre of Land included, sept 5 27 ts A. A. ANDERSON. BScaly-A(a<ic V loth in;;, Cl OATS, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawerps Ac.; the ) only place in town where Linen Silks, can be found mar 28 A. A. ANDERSON & CO. C'OOKING, Parlor and Shop Stoves, for sale by Cunningham A Linton. Jan 17 M. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. , lanitets, Kebseys, and other heavy woolens for > winter, can be had for a small advance on man ufacturers’ prices,at BURNS A MURRAY, Opposite Choice House. I l 11 U)Ps. Calico of every variety of patterns and IUUU fashionable colors--10 cts. per yard, at BURNS A MURRAY. \\T T. TR AMMELL, Esq., is authorised to settle it . our business—collect debts due us, and pay those against us. W. W. GIBBS A Cos. Rome, Ga., Oct. 24. Our business is in the hands of W. T. TRAMMEL, Esq. Persons interested will take notice. Oct. x. W. W. GIBBS A CO. •TO barrel)* Whisky IAOR sale by the barrel by 1 Jan 17 M. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. SIO boxe* Tandy, IT'RHSII assorted, for sale bv the Boa at mamifnc 1 turers prices. M. QUA>I BERLIN. Agent New Fork siitfurhousc Syrup. IUST received aud for sale at mar 28 A. A. ANDERSON A CO. 10,000 Found** Ua**ting> IT*OR sale by M. CHAMBERLIN. Agent. I Jan 17 46 ts •TO!) Maeli* xalt JUST received uud for sale by Jar 1 1 M. CHAMBERLIN, Agent Advances made (on our own act)on all cotton ship ped to our House, (S. D. A Cos., Augusta,) or to any other house or Bank which we may be authorised to advance for. M. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Oet. 24. ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Lang don C. Quin, late of Floyd county, deceased, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having demands against the same, are requested to render them duly authentica ted as required by law. WM. S. QUIN A. G. QUIN. 3. Executors. NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby warned, not to trade for z Va Note, given by Samuel E. Self, to James K. Moore, for one hundred and fifty dollars, with inter est from date; drawn on 3d August and payable 25th December, 1850. Said note is lost or misslaid and payment stopped. C. K. AYER, Nov. 7.—3 t. NOTICE. LOT OF LA.YD No. 348. 3d diet. 4th sec. Floyd county, is for sale—titles are goed. En quire of G. S. Black, Rome. Oet. 3.—3 m. T. A. SULLIVAN. NOTICE. ALL persons are forwamed not to trade for a certain promissory note given by me to W. Horn, for 847, dated 23rd Jan., 1860, ninety days after date, as I will not pay the said note unless compelled by law, as the consideration has failed sept 5 27 ts A. A. ANDERSON. NOTICE. ‘T'ake notice that two Notes of mine, one given to ■A Benjamin Kelly for eighty dollars, due the fif teenth of March, 1849; the other given to Francis Gaines for twenty five dollars, due at date, and given some time in the fall ol 1849, said notes, now in the hands of John Lusk, I will not pay, unless com pelled by law. JAMES M. CARNEY. Oct. 24,—St. NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby notified not to trade for a NOTE, given by me to Elisha Glass for one thousand dollars, dated the 20th March, 1850, and due the first day of October thereafter, as the consid eration for said note has entirely failed, and I am de termined not to pay the same unless compelled bv law. JOHN L. MOODY. Summerville, Ga., July 27. n22tf NOTICE. CHATTOOGA COUNTY, Ga., July 12, 1850. | INASMUCH as my WIFE, NANCY, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby forewarn all persons in this State, or any of the United States of America —now and forever — (under the penalty of the law,) from keeping, harbor ing, feeding, giving to, buying of, or selling to said wife without my leave. July 25—n21tf NATHANIEL YOUNG. Mortgage Sale for December. WILL be sold before the court-house door in the town of Rome Foyd county, on the firsh Tues day in December next, the following articles, viz: 1) lb. Gum Ammonia, 3 lbs. Aloes Powdered, 1) lb. Aloes Gum,) lb. Allspice, 3 lbs. Assafoetida, 2) gal. Alcohol, 1-16 gal. Oil of Annice, 9) lbs Borax, 1) lbs. Btichu Fol., 2) lbs. Pearl Barley If lb. Peruvian Bark, 2 lbs. Cinnamon Bark. 1-6 gal. Balsam Copaiba, f lb. Blk drop, 3 lbs. Chrome Yellow, 6 lbs. Chrome Green, 3 lbs. Red Chalk, 1 lb. Cloves, 2f lbs. Cloves, 2 lbs. Cloves, ) gal. Cologne, 16 oz. Tict. Cantharides, 1-16 gal.Tinct.cinnamon, l-16galoilofeubebs,)gal. Oil of Cloves, fgal.Tinct. Cubebs, 1-16 gal. Cologne Water, 2 lbs. Calomel, 1 lb. Lunar Caustic 2 oz. Gum Camphor, 1) gal. Sulp. Ether, 1-16 gal. Ergot, ) lb. GumGambooge, ) lb. Pulv. Gambooge, ) gal. Hive Syrup, 10 lbs. Indigo, 16) lbs. Ivory Black; ) lbs. Ising Glass;) gal. muriate ofiron; 1-16 gal. juniper oil; 2 lbs. jalap; 3) lbs. lead; f lbs. sugar lead; 23 lbs. lithrage; 20 lbs. red lead; 44 lbs. chip logwood; 12 lbs. litharge; 2 lbs. liquorice. 1-16 gal. spirits lav- i ender 20 lbs. madder; 1 ib. gum mvrrh; 8 oz. calcine magnesia, 10 oz. carb. magnesia; 2 oz. muriatic ac id; ) oz. nlMH* l6ll **; 3 oz. nutmeg; 1-16 gal. No. 6., ) gal. nitric 16 gal- train odj 13 lbs.yellow ochre; 2) oz. gum 01 qt. street lbs. yellow ochre; 8 oz. b’Jk pepper; f lbs. red pep per;) gal.pis-gone;) ib. ess. peppermint; 10 oz. sul phate potash: 1 lb. quicksilver; 7 lbs. rose pink; 18) lbs. red sunders; 1) lbs. E. Ind. rhubarb;) lb. turkey rhubarb; )gal. syrup rhubarb aro.; 1-16 gal. syrup rhubarb; 1-16 gal. wine rhubarb; 11) lbs Spanish brown; f Ibis, rappee snpff; If lb. macaboy snuff; f lbs. green smalt; 1 lb. purple smalt; 3) lbs. blue smalt; 10 lbs. flower sulpher; 2 lbs. senaar fol.; 4 lbs. alex. senaar; 18 lbs. glauber salts; 11 lbs gum shilac; 12 lbs. epsom salts; ISf lbs. salt-petre;) lbs.colchicum seed; 1-32 gal. oil sassafras;) gal. sulphuric acid; 7) oz. syr. squills; 12 gal. spt. turpentine; 8) gal.spt. turpentine in bottles; 16 lbs. cream tartar; 15 lbs. cream tartar; 2 lbs. uva ursa;) gal. japan varnish; If gaL japan var nish in bottles; 7) gal. copal varnish; ) gal. leather varnish; ) gal. coach varnish; l)lbs. verdigris; 12 lbs. Venetian red; 1-16 lb. valesian; 1-16 gal. oil of worm seed) gal. lb. adhesive piaster; fifty lbs. brimstone; 3 paintbrushes; 1 varnish brush; tenbot. british oil; 29 boxes blacking; 1 tooth brush; 2 hair brushes;4 tin cans; 6 boxes water colors; 2 spring lan cets; 1 thumb lancet; ) doz. gum lancets; thirty box es mustard; 7 mortars and pestles; twenty bottles opodildoc; 7 poor man’s plaster’s; 1 pill tile; 8 P. P. syringes; 2 F. glass syringes; 3 doz. shaving soap; 31 slates;3 reams sand paper; thirty lbs. Spanish whi ting; 2 carmine saucers; 2 two gal. tinct bottles; ten 1 gal. tinct. bottles; 15 ) gal. tinct. bottles; ten ) gal. | tinct. bottles; 59) gal. tinct. bottles; 33 ) gal. tinct. 1 bottles; 57 ) pt. glass jars. 6 1 gal. specie jars; 2 half i gal. specie jars; 7 half gal. salt-mouth jars; oue half gal. salt mouth jars; S fourth gal. salt-mouth jais 17 eight gal. salt-mouth jar; twelve painted salt-mouth i jars; eleven eighth gal. tinct, bottles; 1 lot 2 oz. tinct. bottles; 66 assorted porclaiu jars and contents; 6 show globes; one pair apothecary scales; one pair iron scales; all the drawers, fixtures and furniture in the store, in the town of Rome, occupied by J. D. : Dickinson, and situated on lot No. 7, Oustanaula di vision, in said town, levied on as the property of J. D. Dickinson, by virtue of a fi fu on foreclosure of mort gage, in favor of Joseph W. Webster, us survivor of the late firm of Denslow A Webster, vs. said John D. Dickerson. THOS S. PRICE, Sh’ff. Mortgage Sale. ’I A7'iU be sold before the court-house door, in the t T town of Rome. Floyd county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the half interest of the following articles: Article Ist, 5 gallons gin. “ 2nd, It) gallons madeirawine, “ “ 20 “ sherrv “ “ “ “40 “ Whis'key, “ “ 20 “ Pale brandy, “ “ 100 bis. sugar, “ “ 3 gal,us peach brandy with demijohn, “ “ 1 “ Irish whisky “ ” “ 3 4 gallon jugs empty, “ “ 1 empty demijohn, ” “ 100 empty bottles more or less, *■ “ 2 empty casks, “ “ 1 dozen empty cigar boxes, BAK ROOM, 12 decanters, 2 do. small, 19 bottles with contents, 2 doz. tumblers, ) doz. lookiug glasses, 2 counter pitchers, 2 doz. bottles porter, 4 small pitchers, 8 small cups, 1 ice box, 2 water buckets, 1 drainer for tumblers, 1 sugar bowl, BARBER SIIOP -3 couches, 2 barber chairs, 1 leg stool, 2 looking glasses, 1 large table, 2 small “ 16 pictures, 2 lamps, 1 stove, with boiler, 1 doz razors, 2 shaving cups, ) doz, bottles for shaving use, 4 wash bowls with stand, 1 hat stand, 2 looking Glasses, 2 small tables, 1 gass lamp, 1 couch, 1 wash stand with basin, 1 barber chair with two stools, 2 hat stands, 8 pictures, ) doz. bottles for shaviug use, 1 tin box for shaving use, 1 bowl, 2 mugs, 2 shaving cups with ten razors, Levied on hs the property of Hugh Lewis, to satisfy a mortgmre fi fa from Floyd Inferior court, in favor of F. \V. Tugglo, v@. Hugh Lewis, a free person of col or. T. 8. PRIOR fci’hff Business SirertorQ. HOUSE, SIGiK A OUXAMERTAL (PMHflfflM „ r |’*HE subscriber would respectlully inform thecif X izens of Rome and surrounding couutrv, that he is prepared to execute nil orders in the Painting on th e shortest notice, iu as good style, and on as reasonable terms as can be had in the city. Pub lic patronage is respectfully solicited, with the belief that the mostcompletc satisfaction can be rendered. nov 29 39 ly WM. S. BRADBURY. Furniture! Furniture! JAMES M. SUMTER,* £ CABINET MAKER,’ Broad street, opposite the Presbyterian Churai, Keeps on ban Land makes to or-pi *£- > p3pp2SS|der all kinds of Mahogany, Cherry J •* Jr J Jtk Walnut Furniture, in the latest Isl style, and of superior workmanship, which he will sell as low as work of the same quality can be bough, in Georgia. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselvca. Jan 17 48 If CABINET WARS! HOUSeT CAUHOU.Y A STARR ; Have on band, and for sale. Sofas,zyj S Mahogany and Marble Top Ceo- JJif J U tre Tables, together with all the IAI various articles of FURNITURE usually found in an establishment of the kind. Their materials are good, and put together by worknen who understand their business. Ware Room at Peck & Hardin’s old stood, four doors above the Exchange HotcL Rome, May 2. ix E. F. GOSSETT. Tl* MANUFACTURER, Broad street, ROME, GA., IS prepared to do all work, and furnish at short no tice articles in his line, executed in the best man oer, out of the best materials, at reasonable prices.— Out door work, such as guttering and roofing, will be promptly attended to. He will keen on hand a good assortment of TIN WARE. July sth, 1849. IS ts FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. N. J. O.VBERG, DRAPER TAWLOEL BROAD STREET, ROME, OA., 4 Has now on hand a well selected stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings of every shape and color, and every thing usually kept in an establishment of this kind. These goods nave been Felected by himself in New-York, with great care and particuar reference to the prevailing fashions. He is also pre pared to manufacture clothing in a manner and stvle not to be surpassed in our largest and most fashion able cities. Oct. x. JEFFERS A COTHRAY, Factors and Commission Merchants, Augusta, Georgia. THEY receive and sell Cotton, Flour, Corn, Bacon, and every other Produce. They Store Cottca consigned to them or ship it to Charleston or Savan nah, as may be directed. Thev buy Goods to order for planters and Merchants. They Receive and For ward Merchandise. They are in no way engaged in speculation, and therefore devote their whole time to the intered of their friends. Commissions shall be as customary. Office on Me- Intosh Street, near Bustin di: Walker's. W. S. Cothran may be consulted at his plantation in Cass County or at Rome. Liberal advances made on Produce consigned to tliem.,Jg3 Coskery, Janes & Cos., WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. THL undersigned, thankful for the liberal pat ronage of the past season, again tender tneir services to their friends and the public, in the sale of Cotton and other produce, at their FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on Campbell street, where personal attention will be given to all business en trusted to them; and liberal cash sP vancea madM&ro Produce, when required. ~ ; y ~7 ‘n. Orders for Bagging, Rope, afad Family supplies, executed at the lowest market prices. JOHN COSKERY, A. G. JANES. Sept. 19 l 1850. 5m THOS. W. COSKERY. IIOPKnig, KUDSOY A CO. Commission Merchants, OFFICE FRAZER’S WHARF, CHARIEST OX, S. C. THE undersigned.beg leave to inform their friends and liie public, that they have opened an office iu the City of Charleston, S. C., for a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Particular attention will be given to the sale of Cotton and all other Country Produce, purchase of Merchandize, and receiving and forwarding goods. The customary cash advances and facilities will be afforded customers. J. R. Hudson and John J. Cohen, reside in Charles ton; L. Hopkins continues his residence at Augusta, Georgia, engaged in the Commission Business as heretofore, where he may be consulted in relation to b usiness designed for our house in Charleston. Lambeth Hopkins, Augusta. John R. Hudson. * . John J. Cohen, Charleston. WM. MATTHIESSEN, Wholesale Clothing; Establishment, COIiNEU OF EAST-BAY AND QUEEN STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Nlantiiactsiring House, NO. 36, PLATT ST. NEW YORK. C COUNTRY MERCHANTS, purchasing Clothing, /'will find it to their advantage to look through the stock of this extensive Clothing House, where they will find fresh and desirable Goods, at prices as low as can be purchased at New York. August 1, 1850. n22 9t SWIFT, L'EXSLOW A WEBSTER, DEALLES IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LI QUORS , OIL , GUNPOWDER , SHOT PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPER , Corner of Day and .Whittaker streets, EDWARD SWIFT, ) SA VANNAII, QA. ALLEN A. DENS LOW, V Joseph w. Webster. ) dee 8 40 ly .1, r. SWIVNEY, mg,nonmr 9 SAVAAXAH, GEORGIA. A 4 TILL attend strictly to the Sale of Produce or V V purchasse of Goods Refer to S. FOUCHE. April. Ist. 1849 12m. SEC O\l> AHUVr AL FAIR OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE, OPEN QN THE ISrA XO VEMBER XEXT. r I‘'HE second annual Fair of the South Carolina X Institute, for the promotion of Art, Mechanical Ingenuity. -Tc., will be held in Charleston, opening on the 15 th November, and to cominuo during the week. Specimens of every branch of Industry are cam estly solicited. Premiums will be awarded—for the best specimens, a Silver Medal; for the next best, a Diploma. For Original Inventions, & suitable pre mium, at the discretion of the judges. A selection will be made of the best specimen of mechanism and the Arts—of Cotton,. Rice, Sugar, Tobacco. Corn, Wheat, Flour, Rosin and Turpentine —and sent to the World’s Fair, to be held in Loudon in the Spring of ISSI. A large and commodious building has been selec ted for flic Exhibition, and every attention will be paid to the reception and care of articles sent to the Fair. All articles must be directed to L. M. Hatch, Chairman <>f Committee of Arrangements, and be delivered by the 14tli of November. Communications addressed to James H. Tatlor, Chairman of Committee on Correspondence, will meet with prompt attention. The Hon. JOS. H. LUMPKIN, of Georgia, will deliver the Annual Address, on Tuesday night, the 18th November. Arrangements have been mado with the South Carolina kail Road Company, to let all articles in tended for the fair, return free of charge, WM. GREGG. President E. 0. Jones, Secretary. july2s—n2l Ladies’ Slippers, Buskins and Gaiters. Burns A Murray have opened an assortment of ladies’ slippers—from 50 to 75 cts.; patent and enamel leather Buskins, 5i,25, coL and bl’k Gaiter Boots, Si,so; Muses and . sad Boots.