Newspaper Page Text
'I lie I'i**i* AMHOClmlon Mniiq;ne .
Fiutulhc Macon Teieg'ttph nnd Messenger.
Alter the iliwe. of the morninfl Sl-S
»inn nnd its adjournment tine die, nt
thespecial invitation of Major l ull,
the members of the Association ptu
Ctedod to Brown's Hotel nnd partook
ofa handsome dinner which w«s pro
pared for their cut vtaiuurcnt. Other
guests', also, were present, and the pro
ceedings were of the most pleasing and
enjoyable character.
Lons bchrethc plates were removed,
and the dessert oppesnd, Madam Cii*
f ,uot nnd other brand* of the beverage
which chceis and exhiliratra without
trobudinp the serines, were paraded, ard
lent their inHpirstion fcr thu uturjuce.*
of the hour.
Our genial Mayor was the fir t to
arrest 'he clai cr of kniln hh 1 link, i y
n brie! address of welcome, ending in
a aentiment it* honor of the “iumtii «u
late of Gcorpin,’’ the
Col. K Y. Blatke, of Atuanta
Constitution, vim was n the midst
Of his ‘ n ast hort,” was Oe'lled out in
response, hut declared that the
was too early for n speech, lie had
not yet reach, d the point when, so
cording to custom, he could with (rurh
affirm ho was too full for uttciance.
tl hose at the other cud of the table bad
the advantage of him in that respect
Ho returned the thanks of his brethren,
however, in fitting turns for the com
pliment This paid the them. signal for general
was a
fusilado of speech making, and
qncncc and kind words well spoken
went sparkling around in constant sue
Cession. Time, and theahseneeol notes
must be our apology lor only giving
tho names of the several orators. 1 Irn.-.c
were Mayor Hull, Ci>l. E. i . Clarke,
again, Messrs. EstiH, llairis, Gorman,
lfi’teh, 'J’iiplott,tiiylvs, Peeples and Dr.
Blackburn. c'.ored
In Bis last speech Col. Clarke
with the following iiapj y impromptu :
lie Vs to Macon s Mayor, Fair Huff;
The premium noble State
Georgia of sueli have euougti- men
Can never
Nothing could have been more mod¬
est and tndy than tli.j rejoinder of
■Rr iliiijiOr ...» tl„n nun,
Col. Weems, of Atlanta, also, in re
■police to a toast in ud.alf »f ti.»*.
great project f,r which ho ha* ignored
bo earnestly, the '.rent \\ esfern and
AjlaiitiO ( anal. lCp'iCu t*rn t y, c >n
clU'led tlio iifiMirtinco thfn . i 4 lu**ru .»
Were still chceiing imlicatiotis that the
undci taking would yet bo accmp i h. d
within a reasonable The com •
pany then hU|aratui in fin* Uib UL.M I /,»>
spirits, preparatory to tho ontutaiu
trient of iho t vening.
A lVurtiij’ lAampIr.
Tltc Hichnitmd currespondent of the
Petersburg lumiflics the fol¬
lowing : ‘‘Mote than twoyiars r.go, a
young geBtluitan of tliis ciiy, a mui
a well known hunker, graduated with
distinction nt the University of Vir¬
ginia, and canto home |»r<*j*!»ra'« ry to
entering upon his here prefesniou ol civil
engineer. While lie t.’utermiiol,
in order the belter lo lit hmnodl tor
practical prolcsf iouul hit’, to five an
* t up«fnttcc«liip in a uiuehiiio shop. Ac
cordingly, hia lather paid live hu.tdred
dollars to a firm ol Ifaitiuiote nro-hio
istsfor largo tho privilege eHtiililishuietit of entering lit n io
iiio ovcf
they that presided, lie with lie rented 11"• uudt ot im|h her n<iin k -
w as to * as w m
men, cxeept that in conMtleratio,, nt
his tliFOitlical aUainim tit I»is ni»i*r* 1 ‘ ti
tioetmip nil 0111(1 1)0 only , two years , in
duration, aioUtliat n» n< on u.-t he
cd himself proficient should in tho be detntU
one dfpnilment, lie The
to go into another. young
went to Hal'tmore, entore 1 the shops,
and with an energy and dicisi it
character as commendable ns
moil, b ms now neatly served out
term, ilo entered as a helper at
anvil in n blueksniith's shop, and lu:\
ing passed through nil tho various do
partiuente of a mammoth iron
establishment, is now at tho 111 ail
the dtaugliUmHii having In worked
way wp by merit alone. sueli
cstcotu ate his sir vices held by his
ployers, that .-o far from charging
of lor inlonu.itkm his opportunities which for their tlio all
they ttow •!»"«» otter him a salary r«m,in of
.)»« "*
them m a posit too, tho duties of
are not only light and agreeable, hut
ported accord with his tastes. Ilo
decline, lumovcr, lor tlio present, 1 *
Will take ii vacation this summer .
the purpose ol inspecting objects ot
ferost to i»is prolevsion that may
found in Northern shops nnd
to 1 ........V'.»* him or his relatives 'l'" " V" lor these !"> tacts
be published, hut I shall not
them, for the example is otto
•”«'« •« .......
iwhhI eneourageinetit in their search
success in lifts The name ot the
gentle mao is John Dove Isaacs.
is the eldest son of Wm. H.
Esq , of Richmond, nnd the
and grandson of D r . J no. Dove,
•oineut Mason."
Bkmkdy for Otiu KKN Choleiu
«»».unic.u„ it. II. Knapp, Ksq., li.. of this city, iu
states tt at be lut- found a mixture
two ounces etch ot red pepper,
rosin and sulplr.r, tube an
rrmedy lor this scour.o ot the
jato, and adds :
••l.a't Sumtarr I lest morn than li
common fowls Irtn clnde: a. Mv
Fochin* not being st aU
W hen glancing over the c.dumns of
•‘ New Y tfikcr" l chanced to
tho above mixture recommended
tried it—mixing otto mMe siHoot'nl
....... tniic mt'ts ol i scalded .i) I and , tl *
imu : o
several low’s «. re in the last stages
the disease, (hey rccoveicd and l
iK't lost ft chicken stmv. In
ea-cs, 1 wcitlu advise giving about
third of a leaspeonlul in a mtai
to each fowl every d.y iiii well
hickory a small lump of alum, say the site
nut, iu ttuir titi* kusg water.’’
^ / .in...ft, n.
♦ ♦ ♦
A young l-*dy iu North Carolina
quest) d to be released from Iter mar
Act MCMWmeitt oa th« BVOMtl
■over * # i citick, rut La-~> since found
sc. u. u%
cvitEfi tv.;: ivonMr paixk
I f* frcrr, Or.r to Twenty Minutes.
nf:x'r,-v ; .!i, ■;>!,!« c.hi\l M*ta* •<M «ny on#
hi i vk.u with ..V.
It.VI)WAY’S i;;-A »v H": ■i.s A CL'UK FuR
f i-Ais.
V *n*tje i«
D '' O III V 1 J ii III 1 f,0iu<*(i y
»-• irtf rwccintlng r*ai»»«. all*-*
•• .*-.• hui'U tvito?hep ft t).«a
«wsrlat«-e,i“' , "' , '' , ‘* oiucr ii t*r organs, l- /
'* s[ "*■ T '™’ RvrY
^ I'm n he
*..... \ i ,, vim,
VV.';.!, ASTi'.iR!) I.v TAT F..VSR.
infasijia : :oi: < i ’tuk,<. ,
l ’o'iKviniyi] ma ^ AI>r ’” ''' M -
aoEUTin. i.vt i-iti tVi I '
J?,Vu. i, “ s uka!:t '
UV3 T k B! .v, U<1U1 IXFI , KsZA
o’-tivni'/ ’
’ ' ’
T ,
^ biwomatimi.
' M
Til Gi,*.tti«»n i.fthtt It Mily itfUiTtM'lepwrt • p
iV.V*.'.' t!i;!*cuUy ffeWsiA will itfiitrd «.*
j , ^ >.} . ff,T. \7.
h^VViso w-ri/e ni/w^;
mrr,- a botu. n«i.
11 T r nNH® *«.««•• Ur
v .-.;#■ >• n • ■ > .an if •< -a<i> ***
',. / 4 ^,„«a "
rJv,V.;fs,i.,)‘ _ > , li'Xi *,l.«r
^,'4'' V. ! ‘ ^VV^rdiVis-aV'? BA, * WA ' ,n ** ,5 ltov ^ KK
‘ ‘
filE«Ja ftr «, 3 r ?"8 i 7 PT! SlMU TIIT17 if l 7 ?
3 38 fl a
-w-v v r> pr r nr rr r.i.non-isvnEA r.
i „U'i.'. ftiwxiiuVan au!
h .a4*> v tf U O
% teiirlai Ecsolfsnt
has mA iii i nrM'»r,T .\>T(*vr htvocures : po
lywr. 1*. vl*ll» AUK'lH. ( !!A.V«;i>. THK
J'' * j i v i . i>n- .iUNDKif i m: jvrj.f /;>* B
<> * *U.; Hil'I.V \VUN*)KIU LL MBDIC1NK,
Eirery Bay an Increase iaM
and Weislit is Scon and Fell.
Rv.rr fr of t SAftS vPVRTf.t.T\N RF.SOI..
v,. ;i , ,..... . .. u., i^i ;«»•»!. i ri
. t
: j ; *
\r t i. , h,w< ti.stu < ♦ • i*. ‘iuin«*» * «n*
rrirtimhc VV > . ! w Mlirnir.,'and r. i i.tul dig
.h.t. • ,c h. i .n.wn.i iw. t . r
U’"-! V.-•.*« i-‘iT• *••»■ • ‘ .i•• i'-"Iri!•!'“
I',' ?Z-\ J :!\ViX r tt ' u “ i * 0 turMut
,, , .
l,"./, '■^7^:^ Him
*i mV' i.t* ’•« \v;t l - i t> I l **p »irs niimo
v%m ui .-nihitH !<■ ....... hte.ldn i I So-kI-hikI U.i»
thrt s ^ \n \ f* \ k I Idd AN wci blit i d« m'S M'cnrf—n r hi o
I r w h»*ti <»M' q Uii -a M*t!t tly tUui r.tMiiut; . mi
t< p-|r*if.<•* *• <*r* mi l s.K.e'MN in hi hifig »ho
1' it - w ..rite*, it- M’f.fciraw Ml I»h r«|i d. H..-I •*vt»r> dnf
Him ,..i •• il vt illlt’Cl ldtnwi»!l» row inf;» «*»»#thii.!
tiw : • <1 b .. mi. if lM*ti«r,»j>|>»:UMi tui^rovuig, tkudU*t»u
it .d tvet.diti .« i •’ tsing. T’.r-nixr-T (•v-rl*
Not <»ld, I ' hIImW' twRAf»4W|M.MJ»
n’I k nA it i . medial ■..«? 'Mir f i<i < h* "ti <*
bli U!«, t ■ Dst.t * 11 Mtliill, iAtid .tkiU tuut lathe
cmiy pottUive cm «l«»r
Kidney d' Madder Complalntn,
T’Hnnrv an l WdhjS r*:n j Pk,Gi*a vtX, T>r<'pay,
FitiUl't :*• of Water, lit**»i*t*t)• * .«••?«*l l i » •*, 1-t i. lit*#* Ht.i
f.’-”, tl "itn.ic r a, .. .-I in nil ci.*D*s wh«r« «her© er#
f ri' k d't t di d nr iht * water i*» Iblf'k, rh"*tlv, iihxmI
with an orlhiMill like
r.rth' rf t*i» morlrlil. dtrk, hUJou ms Mi'petir- t»
,t <1 w lu-n Inert'
D pr.« km/. Li ^*im» . *-**t* n when jm-sing Wt*t»*r , ulid
jniiu Id the MiBiii oJ Ujc Ba* Ji mbU kho Loiua.
Tumor of Vi Yearn’ Growth
Cured by Had a'ay's Resolvent*
Psrfaci Purgative l Rcpdatinj Pills,
;; ; V-nn
l ^ a .*;‘v;,*.V“;VlV;;'..n!r’i;.
1 •<»« «, im«■«. »*. i ...1 1 * r, um.uom ln‘ IdGmii iI
\metvi. WoPftiii’Ci lo •‘f«' t »p* *-*« Mtv« rttr# orduleuurl* Part!*
\t uituiiuU
a»• >- rnw.t v't*rr.Mw:it a-*ctiN»*v»
“’J' i iV “i< v‘i. ", i i-" 1 '
! it./mpU'e vt'W \ v }Mi 1 \. 3 : w' Tli
' rk - «nh *.«*..
—! ovl, 2y.
jfl.T*tCXS. __ „ r ^ iuiQQ.'l m
M' R.
\r AM^
1* Uson;
J r/ „, r , Protect
,./ Solution of the Vrotoxlde of
Iron, in so combined an to havo
the eharach r of an aliment* an
with rumty di.yentcd and' assimilated
the btood an the. simplest
i food. of It Increases the quantitjf
Agent, Nature's Own l italiVnuj
! Iron in the blood, and
I f ">'rs”athousand ills*’’simply
riche l and vitalized btood per~
in repairing cates every damages part of and the body*
disease to feed upon.
! This in the secret of th e iron -
dcrtul success of this remedy in
curing Dyspepsia, l.lvor t om
UroRS'S Clironfc Dlar
thcra,Dolls,XcrvousAftVot ions,
CiiilU anti Fevers, Humors,
1-os.s of Constitutional Vigor,
diseases «'f U.o Kidneys and
Bladder, rennilo Coiiiplnints,
state eompanied of by itch'd it y or a hat*
the system. Iteiny frea
from any form,its
fion, bat itre pi iufu*
tife fluff strength, rigor, unit lieu*
into atl juirts of the system,
up «n Iron Cou~
Thousands hare been changed
W’cah', by the use of tain remedy, from
richly, suffering erea -
U * /f. n, w 5 r J h ^ l ‘l»y. and
invalids happy men aid . women; and
can not reasonably lies*
ffufc to give it a trial.
I Sev that each bottle has PERU¬
VIAN SYRUP ’down in the glass.
j l'nmplilctt Wee.
, SETH W. FOWLE b. SONS, Proprietors,
X»*. sj llarvUuu .tv., ItoilUH.
, foil) st h:iui'.t»ti cttntAii t.
tax \o rin;,
rj'iH’. 1 T.*\ r-u-k* are now open, and I
j ready ;*• r»w.* re u*, » of all t’oll,
'*"• « ’’ ' •** ■ ' *■• > * r h-rr.
\v* v\rbk , 'U *h
KtTUlVl . •
% *s
-s 4 % b
Itr. »f. Walker's ('aiifnml.t
VilH*—«r 1* Hillers nre n purely Vog.
otahlepieparutioii, tmuie chitily from
the native herbs Ibmi l o:i tin; lower
range* of the Sierr . N ‘Vaiht mmm
taiiis of t'ahfoi ilia, the medieinal
propoiTie* of which are extracted
therefrom vithout llnuse «*f Alcohol.
Thu queriiun is almost daily asked,
** \Vhat is t!m of tin* unpar¬
alleled S’.ieeer.s of VlNK'l.Wl Drr
TEiis i‘* Our si’iR'.ver is. that tliov
remove th;: era •• of disease, and
Die r-“ v.-» hi 5 . ir.lj, ’l ey
are t! a g"eui nlool paritier and a
lilV-giviu-' n:ul j luvig'ira.or i'inciji!**, a t.iirfeet f U.-uo
vitlor « the sj>r r.i.
Never Ijol'ore in the history of the worn!
hat a medicine l>ecn comjwnimh-d i«m.
s»-"in;r the remarkahle q miitie.s «»f Vim ItrrrKKS in healing tin? sick « f
every di. iMso man !* lo ir to. Th-r iiio
a guutlo I’urgittive as v.-* !J a Tnuie.
relic t'oier. -titm or I. J'l.tuoii nf
the l.ivr itud Visceral Organs, ia lhi.uua
Lh cii' '-t
Tli 1 prop(*rU-*s of Pr.. Vv’at/:
i:»*.s Niiiriii«»us, Aperien:. La:;v- Diitr
phoreiic. i.’arniinutivo, •.nmter-Irritant,
tiv. Diuretic, .S«-.j.iiive.i
Sud.tri \ n <>c-j, il ii'-fliilnus.
Grateful Thonsanus proclaim wonder¬
Vinegar Bitters the most
ful Invigorant that ever sustained
the No sinking Person system. take these Bit¬
ters according to directions, and re¬
main long unwell, provided their
bones arc not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, and vital or¬
gans wasted beyond repair. and In¬
Bilious Itemitteiit,
termittent Fevers, which arc so
prevalent in tlio valleys of our great
rivers throughout the Baited .States,
cspeehdiy- those of tlio Mississippi,
Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, C'oi't
Cumliorlami, Arkansas, Iiio Grande, Red, Pearl,
rado, Brazos, Mobile, Savannah, Ro¬
Alabama, and others,
anoke, James, many through¬
with tlieir vast tributaries,
out our entire country during tho
Summer and Autumn, and remarka¬
bly so during seasons of unusual
heat and dryness, ‘ arc invariably ac¬
companied by extensive derange¬
ments of tlio stomach and liver, and
other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a
powerful influence upon these vari¬
ous organs, is essentially for tin- necessary.
There is no cathartic purpose
equal to Da. J. Walker's Vinegar
Ermais, dark-colored us they viscid will speedily with remove which
the inntier
the bowels urn loaded, at the sumo timo
stimulating tho secretions <«f the liver,
and generally restoring the lieulthy laoc
tiuns of the ti’gest vo organs. tlis
l-'.irl ii'v the body agaim t
Oi! ,p by purilying all its lluids with
VixiMiAii HirriiRs. N > epidemic lonvarmed. caa
Inko It opt of ft sys: -m Huts
Dyspcnsla cr liidittcslion, Head
ache, J’atn in the Hhonldors. i'ou^Iis,
Tightnc.*-s of the C'lie-t, D.z/i’n s. .-our
Eructations of the Stomach, Had Tcto
in the S!ou:h, Bilious Attacks, Palpita¬ tho
tion of tho Heart, inflammation of
Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys,
and a hundred other Dyspepsia. painful symptoms hot
arc the oil - pringsof One
tlo will prove a better gam .uitee of its
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scmfuhi, or iifnif's Kvil, White
Swellings. I'leers Erysipelas, Swelled
Neek, Goitre, Scrofulous liitumniations,
indolent lullanitnations. Mercurial nllec
tions. Old Sores. Eruptions of the Skin,
Sore Eves, etc. In these, as iii ail otlmr
constitutional Diseases, W Atari: s \ tx
Ko.U! l’.UTKUS have shown their great cur¬
ative powers in the mo t obstinate and
intractable cases. and Chronic
For l:ill:imi»a!nry Remit¬
! thru Hint is:w,(Jotit. Hiliutts, Di-ea-es
tent, tt’ul lutefHiitt'-nt Fevers,
of the Blond, Liver, KtUm-v am! I’.Iadder,
tltese ltittei ! havo no e pi;,!. im ltDi -
tu-es me taUM-d l>v Y.tiated Blood.
Mochaitipnl Dfseas:*s.- l’«
engaged in I’ttmls and M..jeta! , --m It as
I'iumtR'rs, T\ !»• otters. Gold i";u‘.rr an l
Miller*, as they sdvauee in it)'.-', are sub*
ie.'t I.'pat'idy ; of1 ’ Bowels. To guard
ngainst this take tt do * ot A -tI,i, i.h s
V tsi:«. vn Brrrmts oct a-iottally.
For Skin i)i.soit*o*s, in Eruptions, I’im
Tetter. Salt Itheum. Bh>S s Spots,
n!e-. 1‘ii-tules. ItoiL. Carl'uncles. Bintr
vvorins. Scald head. Sore .'lorathms Eyes, Erysipe¬
las 1> b. Sturt’s Hi - "f the
Skin, li itnn rs and D • t ■ ; of the skin • t
w hatever name < r a t! ar-. are literally in
dug up and carried or.* < t he .-y-tetn a
»h..rt time hr the use of tho -e Bitters.
Phi, Tit'pr, mnl nthfr Worms,
lurkimr in the.system >t so many thou
muhIs. are eilV'Ctuuny desi roved and re¬
moved. No svs-.e n "<*!' medicine, no ver
mifugt«. no antheiminitics will tree tho
rvstetn from worms tike taese Bitters.
For Ft iiiitlt’i oniplaiitls, single, th*- i.. dawn \ . ot r
or old, married or at Ton
womanhood, orth > tnr.i of life, th* se
ic R * *»*?*< display so *»n iiBflui'Bco
Ulraiisp Hit* Yilialrtl IHoml
whenever y u tiud i:-- impurities bursting
thnmch tl;*’ 'kia In ! sn’-'-s, Efipthms, tiud oh
or Sores; cleanse it when you it
| st meted a"4 slugg.-h in the \ e::ts; cleansa
I it when it is t ml; v«mr iVehugs vvi.l ftud tea tho
1 von when. Keep the btood pure,
t’ the sv-lem vv .d feil-av.
... II. S|( |).l\ VI.O -V t l'.,
•. .y ,\ - , > , l rniit-iwe. CaUf.*e
luv.v ■ "-*>fW V , ,.' v i‘- N *•
(tulU U> nil Uiu^iS' »u«l . l)t»l«n.
The Faniojs ftallion. ’
1 Sn-tt own* ’ ' y me an 1 cm he f ur.-I
It*, sen' F*>v «e*s a* kc mv apply , ’a *■ in Judge
eoentv. te m«, ,
i. t tt!** at -part i, ir 'a m *.. i her iu
-* tt er by lett- r the same p tee
Sept. 27. tf W D BRANTLEY
liA Ca^sitGriiiT
r P!ie tindi '-vne 1 l control of
I. to»- SAW MILL, «b.«
ini'* s from Milk Lcvillc, a.e
'o fnrnisn _ i pi ; Luun .r ol
style and gra in on -her* t *ice.
- saw Liti s «• 1 zevtifaetur**
r I * - n'rv cl ai»s. They c*n
i-h limber dress* d o
ship by r • r l Tl ty me also
pared to take contra* ts lor public
private bui dins*. Give n* a call.
post offi-'o is Mdledgeville, Ga.
mil! i- located 3 it i!*s horn Carr's
tiou, M. A V Tl. R
rjM r: \
.0 ft
f ■ ~ )\rw% *
for 20 y<Ans tub
Standard of Excellence
If yc.n think of buying a Sewing Mnebirc
il wi! pay you to exiiniiia he records of
thoic now in u,c. and p,ofit by cxpii'io ce._
Tim R'haficr &. WfDo'i Mrinds
i nlone ns iim uniy k.ijsliit i.'an
ning .tiiirUinc, living me :-?o
fui'.V I3ooii, uuililtig a hticii
Mill'll, a'ikc o . both sides of ihc fabric
i sewed. All rhu tic nnc-bii' 's w sit* pow»r iu
drawing fh ■ sbuttlo b ck after the stilc.b is
. toiin -d briit ing double Wear and strain up
! ether on both machine and rapidly Operator, hence while
> machines veer «ut, the
Wheeler & Wilson lasts u life
j time, Red proves au eenuonical iavest
j tticith Do lint believe all 'lot is proritisej by
j so failed ‘-c cap” niachim s you should
I j r<rjifirf praDt"1h* ot us* have tested
their value. Money once thiown aw ; y c:»n*
not 1 e recovered.
rtcuJ for circtlarr. Macliim s «o’d on easy
le ms or monthly payments t. ken. Uid
lea- liines pul iu old r o, received in ex¬
CES: .Savannah, Augudn, Macon and
Columbus <«a.
W. B OLE YES, Gen. Agt, Savannah Ga
Aug £-‘5 73. If
iUZS£. c %*\5,
No cl'H.g.- until diro e- gr,„ e 1. A h ,. *s
>i. HOUSE A tt v t IDt Hro.ld a .y N. Y
Nov. 20, J673, Cm
YL Vv r . I’ E M i? L E j~
AT Til K
j\. u g u « t :i U'S cod SS t o i* e ,
| ' EEI* CONSTANTLY ON HAND, European and American Garden, Field,
XV Fiowi-r ami Grass see i.-, Fiuit Trees, Grape Vines, Strawbeiry, Uerani
u.ii ami oilier l’luuhs a .sj cclaitiy. Also Flower i’ols of ali sizes constantly oil
hand. leb7 iJm
— JlsC blis-liecT 1845.—
l~ f’ tHM l'H ■> AND DEALERS TV
min*', c inrrc ALs, ehsextial oils
JLJ'JCIZ. t T 4t ■i?C2L£E>’Z£3
fclT 3.U.
\iTgnsta Steam Dyeing & Securing V/orks,
A.ii'jrvisffi, Georgia.
1' A1 *11 press Goods cb'sinfi 1 or dyed in superior s f y!e ; Gentlemen’s Coats.
I j l'aiits and Vest- clean* d or Dauia-k, dye-1, nnd Brocatcd rep uted ; and Lace Satin Cur'ain* Damask cleaned Curtains and
w. itei.vd to lo )k like new ;
dyed. lcb7 3m.
W . IF* ES 2^ jFS. X S ,
Doutei- m
1' o i* c i fX si H is <1 I > o hi. o s t i c
F 1 XT J T S 9
CXiii'Hdii Seeds!* ^e.
icLi * * til •
W B. Y'H N'h E. W. HACK.
c i: st • s
— AND—
Commission Merchants,
frb7 Cm.
Dealer in
Oysters, Terrapins, Sliad* Fresh and Salt Water Fish,
G.....A......M ...K... * **
Poultry, Vegetables, Fruits, and other Produce.
A l rders puuctu«Ilj attended to. Terms CASH on delivery.
* Sent for CeiarKsy* Oysters and Creen Turtles.
JACKcON STREET, near Post Office, AUGUSTA, GA.
teb» 3iu
U A I L It O A i) n ESTAU It A N T,
. .
rii{|]g If •>«-?. Cf * '** *be 1 n: n U. R. Depot ba- been re nttedm -be best
style lor the accooitu-'dation el the 1 raveling Public.
Served on arrival and departure of trains, at reasonable ptiees.
Y, T ir»es. liquors and Cigars.
Meals 50c. J.uncbcs 25c. Beds, 50c.
J. F li I E Z 9
Ciibiiiot ^Sakcr,
I T AS on hand a full supply of new and e'e
I 1 print Furniture cotisimirg of Fine Mh
h.gany IJtn-ei u* will, nnthle I ops, Parlor
m,d Bed room So s, (_};.• i;s Rooking ('■ airy,
Wash Stands, Extra i*,,i Tahiti-. Lutingr*.
Sofas &c., Ac., wit,i'li It. is ottering to the
public at vcy reduced lat s.
row Carefully Me.
r My ciisfom r» will p'oRse be ,r in mind th'Vt
xcil only for CASH. Persons wmi ing
S'locls in my li e arc resp" cliuPy invited to
oome nnd i suinlno my block. I c ,n civeyou
a BAKU * f.V J. rttitiz*;.
rxug st 10,187^. i
r# SBp' s:
*» ' ?
t. mm
Msirbla Works,
*1 f ARoLE Monuments, Tombstones etc.
".try ........ carefully ,V t o«d and delivered at the
‘W uov . l Io . j. * '
Wholesale eunci retail
\Y“ESS™ 0 ™* m *° aT0CK ’ 1>Kll,:l,l3 “ *rru cash
50 Packages Opened this Day.
150 Pieces of the Best and Cheapest Black Alpacas made/
25 Pieces Heavy Gjos Grain Black Silk, at $1 75 and $2.
20 Cases Assorted Prints.
25 Dozen Jouvin’s Paris made Kid Clove*,
Merriraacs. Amoskeags, and Garner’s, at 10c,
Mourning Dress Goods,
Choice Standard Prints,
Tickings, Hickory Stripes. Plaids,
Eleaclied Shirtings-all tl e popular brands,
King Philip Cambric—Superior to Lonsdale, 22c.
.li ;ir k ' tal " 8 -»»*.
feb!4 ly JAMES A. GKaY & CO*
Coiuer CoHoji Av. anil Cherry gi
Tennessee Oenntiy Cured Hams, Sides, and Shoulders
Western Clear Ribbed Sides, Hams, and Shoulder# *
laird, in tierces kegs, and tins, ’
Tobacco, Rice etc.
Corn, Outs, and (lay,
Meal and Flour of all grades, in sacka and barrels,
Soup -tnr<-h. nnd ('ar.dics,
'X'li'jjii-f.i, nnd Liverpoo' Satt,
( hewada (Ala.) l ime, Piaster of Paris,
Plast ri- g IIait. Laths, and Cement all of best qmditv.
Agents fo Stevens’ Sewer Pipe Drain Tile n nd Fire Brick
Sole it Agents i , f for f the 1 " r e Slate ; 0,n of « n Georg 'l K-Ve a Whi.-ky. for the celebrated The Acme Chestnut Whisky, in Imneis and cases.
vels nnd Full bottles Grove W’Lisky, iu l»»r
cases. quart
All of which we will sell at lowes market, rates. mat-7 3m
COTTON 3J 1 A. C T O R S ,
AuRU^la, <> corgin,
^7F. ARE General Agev.t, for South Carolina, Geoigia and Alabama, for th«
Ex ellenza Cotton Fe)tilizer,
a high standard sr ice, w it-h lots loeu the pubic fiv« vcir«, and ha»
given gi'iterai si'i^bie iott, «mi I'lat.tcM vvholuvo used it extensively, assert
that the KNDE!.LKN/iA lias tiosupeiio .
We aim huv l<»r suio, J'reparod Chemicals, for making IIome-Made Fcrfilix
er, and as neatly v< ry Fiaii’er can in. ko part t.f It is Foitilizr at home, we re
coititnt’iii) tin- Chetoicils propat vd by tite itiauulat tini rs "I tlio Exctllenzn Fer
tilizer, Ha well adapted tor eonipusting, and wll produce good results, leb '4 3m.
251 UrosKl i*l, Atif>'u»ui, ( tia,,
I ARG STORK of Millinery Goods. Ilats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Kiba
J Lons, Laces. Collars ; 1 Lm Cut is, Braids &c , Ac
Fancy Dry Goods in variety. B.dts, Buckles, Setts, Ear Drops, Pin«, Chain*,
Canvas, /.' pl>vr'Wool, Shetland Wool, Buttons, Gimps, Fringe,s, Inacrtings,
Eduings. Ac, Ac. Grape Veils, Love Veils.
Hats and Bon nets made of food material at reasonable prices.
Mrs. Cl'.tk is Agent for Madame Demorcbt’s l’a!terns lor Ladies and chil¬
dren. Scud lor Catalogue.
251 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
feb 11 ly
Lat© s t X mpvoved.
Nothing more simple, durable or easy to learn. Agents wanted in every conn*
ty in Georgia. Apply to TIIE HOME MACHINE (’0.,
f b 14 12tn Atlanta, Ga.
Pendleton’s Guano Compound.
^yiLL beat-any ol the salts soid for Composting, giving it the same chance
A l/.HI it:i> <H avittv o> iiaail
Also a few bushels select Cotiou Seed, ut a reduced price Pt\OLETOI». Apply to
oj.arta, feb!4 Cm. V V.
OOIltr actor «&5 BlXild.©r*
^ ^ Blindg< 15oors , Mouldings. Ao, Ac
A NILE PIECES, Door and Window Frames matin to order at short noticed
Al-o, a -up,.!y of Lumber, rough and dressed. Flooring and cci'ingkepf
coti-tantly on band and for sale at reasonable rates. AH orders promptly at*
tended to. Yard, Sparta, Ga.
* Factory and Lumber
\\ -T. will h- foutvl a' E. P. PU r NET’^ olrf stand, and W. If. HARRISON' 5 ? oil »Uh'
in iPAt’-T \, wher- wc k>ep consta tly ou hand a CHOICE .-ELEC I'lON of
WI> F> A^'I> IalQUORS,
and a!! COOLI.YG DRINKS for Summer. GIVE US A CALL.
BOtVhN & CO.
12. lfe'-f ly