The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, June 06, 1874, Image 2

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TIMES & PLANTER. JNO. Jt. CHRISTIAN, T’mToa. J'. L. LITTLE, Am cut* Editor. «rr.— HI’AUTA, GA , JENK 0, 1*74. Croat Inducement. .Subscribe for the Times <T Vi.ASTK.rt. ^’e arc going to mako it so that you eau’t afford to do without if. And wc now make you tide liberal proposition. To clubs of ten cash subscribers, we will send the paper for §15 UO, or club* of five for 87 50. Now is your time, the fall campaign will soon be upon it® and you will need a p per. 8o come up. tf. Still Better. To those who are indebted to the Times & 1’untkr for Mihucriptiun, wc make yon this liberal inducement to settle. We will allotv ait who will come up mid pay by tho liist of July next, 25 per cent oil of what they owe. We need tit i money and hope you will come up. tf. Tollin I Xt'CiiilVo KiilumMi'R ol tile llriiiocrnllc l*nr-y <>l (.i>oriilti, Macon, May 1H, 1*7L Desiring, above nl! things, unity of notion by the Democrat! ol Georgia In our approaching cluctionn, and know¬ ing tlit* groat im pints non of h rinony in our ranks, I have determined, witli a view to ilioso desirable cttda, to call together tlie Kexecutivfl (lotnniittcc of tho I'ttriy on tint first Wediieaduy in July in Atlanta, for conaaltati-m. I n til then it is desired that no action look Jng t-» nomination of candidates will be taken by tlio party. Gentlemen of ti e Convention, tho people demand your at¬ tention. Tiiomah Hardeman, Jr„ <,'h’in. Dem. Ex. Com t'aiil From i lie < lint ....... ol line llrld oeruitc (liXeeiMlvn eommt-ti-r. Macon, Jun« I, 1*7 U Editors Telegraph and Mewni/er : 1 see some of my ftictids douht tt-y au thirity to call ti tueutitig ol the Kxcc citivo Coin nittce of the Democratic party. If they will refer o the pro Cecdings i/I tlx! oonYentioti|crcating the Commit ten, douh'S will vanish. Others nlijuct to tho tinu*, tliiukin. can-lidutci should l/e placed to the field immediately. Upon conference with aotnn of tbo committee I burned that it was more probable 1 would secure a quorum at tbe time uppunttd than ut uu cat tier day. Again, it was thought (but a shoit, active campaign would bu more effect¬ ive tli an a long, tedious one during the Bummer tnantlm. Hie executive com¬ mittee also desire, while advocating tlio cause ol no aspirant lor tbo i iTtees end horn rs of the partv, to so shape their notion and that of the party as to give no cause of ofTcnse to any one Hone- they thought that simple ju-ticu w-fj-ors I that rheenlt *hnnbt bn ma-ti*. so dun alt parties, those present and those absent on duty, should at least be placed upon tut sehistus equal looting. This will prevent und jealousies, ami was necessary for the harmony •ltd prosperity of tlie party. I liopo this simple explanation will convince all our liicud* of tho wisdom of our action, for we are looking only to tlio success ol our cause and the fare of the State. Titos Hawikmvn, Jit., Chii until Hxccittive t’-until it tee. Atlanta Constitution, t Gov. Smith Huh appointed tlie follow ing as a of Visions to attend the examination the senior classes at the University Georgia on the Tucker, Bill day ol D., July Rev II. II. D. Hev. Wills, I*. D, of Atlanta; U-d. II. Jones, c-t Macon ; I’rof. .1 W. of Jcllerstui;-Major J. M. of Durro It on ; I’rof. A. 11 of Uutliburt; George M. Dews, ot Co hnnlnis; Hon. John \, Wood, ol l.n fayetto; Uiclumnid Hev. W. I*. Kiikpatrtck, county. t'livtuivii I'Htiar. Tlmro are indications that i!m is moving ahead ol the) music, pressing into rank extremes ol which will not command the assent the rtiorc thoughtful und members of the party. Tho spirit cently manifested by the vote in Senate on tlio Civil Rights Hill, called a bait, and been the uvc-AMun calm thought atn^ deliberation. Iho indication* ol a change t*>r the ter, wc note with pleasure the attitude ol the New York Times, lett-ling Republican journal, which litretntorci given it* powerful tt» the 1 .it measures of the party. When a strong paper like this comes, of a sudden, tho champion States Rights and rings out upon public ear its nott > of warning th« reconstruction program of its party, and against nil Umlitir class U'g wlation in favor it negroes, it is a •t hope, mid n ay betoken n better at lb* Sou 1 H This paper warns Republictn leaders that they may pay any attention to the present uiont, but if they do not other will arise who will see that justice done. The following is its language a recent editorial : “The negro ha* had a fair amount protection, It is important befotc ing any lurther, Ui find out what use ba- ma le ot the reedom already bn:n m . w..six,ty ho hasexersiecd V... HI««I e-*«. »i,i. vhW. been J JuJ. n!u. ,«’tt ot rneut ho has helped * lx* set up in » * . . ere. e us most powertu. ; »o short, he at this moment stands ,n ■•cd pr tr.-t-on from the white ’MIK SMTI! CONVICT POItt'E. A in st grave and practical problem for our legislature to solve, is a wise and judicious disposition of our large and increasing convict force in the State T ho old Penitentiaiy system which ftrevailed in Milkdgovillo until some time dining the war, may be regarded as a failure ; having been found too expensive, even with the small number ot felons then confined in its cells.— Now the number is trebled, and at the present ratio of increase, ten yiars hence will find perhaps two thousand of these unfortunate persons in the hands of our State authorities. Tito present system of farming them out in squads of fifty, .and a hundred, . the , portions .. of e the , State , in various to pmate individuals, may be regarded only ns nu experiment, and one which, in our judgment, will not prove satis- i I'iic.ory, ot ]>ermaneof. Wo .IrMtly ! I li.-ur niwnr. ol <li.«atioluction ,ill. .lie plan, eoniirig from tho people, and the reasons upon which their complaints are founded, will very surely reach und in¬ fluence tho public judgment. These toasoni aro threefold, and are as iol lows: 1st. They ought to bo worked for the fttblto good and not lor private benefit. 2tl. The State woubl be far more apt to see that tiieir confinement in every ease resulted in punishment, than pri j vatu individuals who might, in some j particular ciscs, be undet temptation ‘ to rdax ... tins, . , and , perm,t some terrible felon to escape it altogether. 3d. The .State would be far more ! capabU of guar-ling them tl an private individual.®, with a view to their being securely kept, and also prevented fioui endangering tb« peace of any comtnu uity in which they might be thrown. Wo do not propose to discuss positions luither than «-, say, that , they | Cover tlio ground, anrl nre louuded in a j correct thet»ry. All will admit that It Iona ought to be well punished they ought to be securely and inexpensively 1 J . and . . . , . - i- , t wor e at all, their labor should be expended on public wotks. or bu made to contribute to the public grxjd. In the absence of all llailroad enter pii.'.o in the State, wc think the wisest, salest and most uselul plan ol dispoM mg of tlio convict force of the State, is in working the pulilic roads ot cadi county. '1 he plan is perfictly fuasiblo in every respect and woul-l greatly sure to the advantage of the public, ‘ by J .. , , 1 ring us c .ms t toroug t ares lor the travelling and tuaiketing public; ami by ridding tho counties ol a per tl'uublo Hii-M-t; evihv ww-i Kail from having t> abstract uselul la ber from the firms to work , tbe , roads. , living I bus all worked in a body, they could bo easily and cheaply guarded, and they would in this way contribute more to tbo development ot the State, the convenience of the citizens and tbe enhancement ol values on lands than iu any other wc can think of. For the Times A Planter. Dkvkkklx, Ga., June 1st, ’71. Messrs, Editors During a hasty thunder storm that passed over this vicinity on Sunday the -Itlt ultimo,, the resilience of Mr. Wm Calmer, a few miles lrnni this place, was struck by lightning, endangering the lives ol nearly Ids whole family. Mi. Palmer, bis son and Mr. Cham¬ pion were sitting in the piazza, on the Nnith lido ol tbe house, some fifteen feet from two shade-trees that stood a( the end of tbe piaaaa The electric tluid descended both of those, shivering the larger one nearly the wholo length ol its trunk. Another portion of the electricity penetrated tlio roof of tbe dwelling about half way up and uear tho gable, ieavit g k hole very much resembling one made by the entrance ol a largo slid!. Thence it descended the window posts, ripping ofl about five feet ol woatherboardtng and nearly as much ceiling ; broke all the glass in the sash and set the window curtain on tiro. It also tore tbo mantle from its ptaee, and throw it am) a lounge that was against the wall, into the centre of the room. A tl->ck, some g’ass vases, and vat unis ornaments were on the mantle, but strange to say, none of them wore broken. Tbe chimney was forced off some six inches from the house. All the gentlemen, named above, were s verely shocked—Mr. l’altntr more severely than the others, he being e nearer than they. , , He says be has no recollection of any report, and it was only after the free application of cold wafer to his MMk.bN. bad occurred. A negro who was chopping WixvJ thirty yards Iroui the place the light Ding struck, was knocked down bu: not t„ ^ ^ » ' L T port the whole, . it wa? a very nar row escape, for which they, a* chris ,ia » gentlemen, are, no doubt, pro ^ foundly grateful. l-u.wuta.ww.Wf.ta lately “li*»htnin"-rod decided, that a man who kicked a ^ ‘ ^ r ^ was nnt Ue to the law punishing amault and battery ; yet ! ata fully visit convinced if one ol them «h<-uld Mr IVi- w treat him otherwise than with stiict politeness. However, J™ may say to those dealing in nu’se liscnil safe* that it will, tm for more tl ,nn ,WH or three ol »<»'«*« - »■ -r that ulimber, it 'veil supplied with can likely furnish as many as he * i • put up immediately. ■ f l i VULCAN. Il. rnld «*n •>•<> Social S quall y Hill. Wc find tbo following remarks on infamous measure in the Herald of : Although the bill in regard to the of the negroes which has just the Senate can never be eri M, d ' s scarcely worthy consul. as a measure likely to have any upon the life of the people, it very piofitably be contemplated indication of'the progress wo have dc 1,1 oul departure Ivotu the notions /T ',":' 1 '’ 1 Y' 1 '"V o! "l power between VA/ngrcss ' ‘‘S't and the . Governments. That men who spouted politics long enough to themselves sent to the United Senate should be so little ac ntud with tbo operation of political as to believe this measure have tbe cff.ct they propose be thought strange, ii therewas y evidence 'hat Senators believed bill likely to have thu (fleet they to desire, and if they it was not, only on coutrury, clear (hut rote to <i record f'-r their j> tr ty clai'on to ’f7 ro favor, and merely as kiss my the 011 [ ,iC **J. f/n ue ‘J ro Hut it tins legislation is toolmh con ituriutiall^ and as it rog.tds nation .1 it is even w orse in i's u.s[>ect the standpoint ol general or ab¬ polities, ft directly provoke®, and cultivates the antipathies ot races and caste 1 y that forcing into prom i» cnee distinctions am incradica* It enforces conflict by causing law to give an equality and which the has denied, ruinously ia . the , . it pretends . , , by litres race p^itioi. to servo it j H a af an.agontsm a Miperii r and dominant ruce. No on such tiuhjtcts .ire sound or cf save iu bo i«r as they are de ^””*7 ° f aCtBa 1 CO " di,i ;. ,,,s * 1 ‘ 1lh e ( a line . of action Inal „ is . accord with the tendencies of human pride atm passion there is Itarmoneous ; but if law and human na tote are iu contiict it is human nature prevails, and every imflV-ctive law is made is a direct loss to the mor¬ al power ol the State. D'roni the Attain* Cons tuition.] Gra ill’s Op port ti ■> I-}. AYe have some hope that Dm con Beraativo, common sense sentiment ol t,,e N ' orl,,crB I*°l [ c wiU ^crcise such . itiflucucc the action of Con an over ,_, 1C . SH as to prevent the final rustage ol the civil rights bill through the House, even though the Democrats bo d< Icat *** li 1 dr Cfi*Urt to ket'p tile bill upon »’a the ^,»,o scs.toc Many ot the great journals ol the North Republican as well Dcn„/ctufie, arc strenuo ttsly opfrniing the iu’quity, and a strong «dv< rse pressure is manifest ing it self. Hut should (lie House puss it, and the bill goto tbo INosidcnt, We ate by no means sure that it will be¬ come a law. All the iud cations point to a veto. Great opportunities in the lives of molt come sel-lotn. To seize ami tuns ter such opportunities is to achieve grostimss and win true gl->ry. We believe that (jrant’s whole his tory shows that ho lias no real sympa thy for the radical extremes of Ids par ty on the question of the negro, lie lias eo operated with it to a great ex¬ tent, because It a was unwilling to op p-s« the expressed legislative will, amt by creating dissension in the ranks ot a united and powerful organiz-tioa, ( ii danger tlie whole sultenin of its policy. Hut the Hot ubiieart party has become divided upon many issues, and ha grown and is glowing weak with the masses of the c uniiy l‘.a lea hr eecu! Jctemincd not to stop in theii mad career «-f radical extravagance and it justice, and tlio people see'it. This state Magistrate ol things disenthralls the <’hiot ol the Union I ruin furthei blind adhesion to party policy and die tate, and he can act marc freely with sole reference to tbe good aud happi ness ot the whole people. It leaves him tree to follow the natural bent of his sympathies and Convictions. On the o’her hand, a perse eu'eJ aud pow crlcrs people, against whom he has •lone «o much in the Work of wrong find iu biu» the only bulwark ag inst the enactment ol tlie crowning, culmi listing outrage of Radical legislation, lie can but see that to throw liimsell between an oppressed people and the further visitation of malignant crueltv upon their devoted heads will arouse their gratitude and pt tar to soften the bitter memories ot his past treatment. Df one thing we lecl assured. Grant docs not sympathize with the civil rights atrocity n -w contemplated by Uougress, and, it ho should ever a} f’! ove ,ht ' other reasons thau that ai ^nvietion ot its righttulness and justice will control his action, liut judgement is. that, it the ordeal he will seize his great opportunity, and rising above party,will interpoae against lbc ,urther npprmion of a people £rx ,, ‘ ^ We sincerely hope for such a result, lor we dread the upturning and g»nitution necessarily conacqucnt, in i he 11,31 ,le s ^ hora P«>ple forced to protect thoawelvcs against the consumation of Radici l infamy aud Southern degradation, which must and shall be done, Uovewer fearfoltbc - Hamilton Visitor- .«j.a. Mr Jifarshali »"« «'ia *” 1 f l0e *-prjn», has upon his land * CU ! l ° n4 tT .* C ’ 1 w,> tn, n ks ,<fave ‘be far^h at a distance ot e ght feet apart, and cross each other twelve feet from ,hc ground, and fit teen lee* above where 5 ‘ e ' cross *re united in a *o!id body ; p M»R<Ha uV Sn H.V.S’COrK 1 ** ,4 B COUNTY, ck en n,nin ’ " " ;. Franc* M. l.awson I <i* „rss d county «Wc*<l ^ V’wh'uOI v'L'!^ minis <*>»-d Francis m Lmw*.,ii\ . -.t oe -<„ij ll adnuntatra bis ndmini-tt . , ^, 0 . 1 .1 and not l/,ii»ctiar**.t i * m *nua, receive tetters ° dismission on tbo fir t M nday nieSaiui i„ Vurnsi Ihh 1«Ti Wi,,,,.*, „,y official 4th day of JLi,, l#M. TIiOM.vS I LITTLE, Ordinary. NEY t WAREHOUSE FIRM. A. II. P.KSfON, W N. MFRt’lER ot Augusta, cf t'lawloidsiillc, (In. mm 1 mm, Cotton Factors A SI) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. "arreu block..................Augusta, Ga. Y\? ,[ .L give our pc sonal and undivided iroi* (l.lm.V'iw m.'.’Sra.E'^.da. pub. 1 years "• "'“I mthe 1 "" cotton bust'ess. «f all we ov ask .11.., is to give «ctiun. us a trial, and we wdl guamnee sat’s feb28 tf Fine Viol n aid Guitar Strings if cmmk.ndh) ny _ ir xt -N-|n-|n~< xLi ibUn G y\T? UTOTCf i?XSRIii£v. TT*T3 roll SALE )5Y IIENRY CORSES, AVasliington* G a* C2f* ALU orders atb nd to promptly. apt *28 tf. NEW ADVKRTISEMENTS. LAST CHANCE . V >11 AN EASY FORTUNE! Fifth Am! Last Gift Conceit IN .t ID OF THE PDBLIG1IBBARY OF IK. .11 I,Y SlNt, 1ST I. LIST OF GIFTS One Gran-1 Cash t-iifr, $2-10 000 0 <ie 1 raii-l Cash Gi t, I Of),000 1 me Grand Cash Gift, 75,000 One Grand t us ii Gft. .'>0000 One Grand Cash Gift, 2-'i,ttOO ti Cash Gil' s, $20,000 each, 100.000 10 Cash Gifts Itt.OtMt each, 150 otto 15 Cash Gifts, 10,of|d e ch, No.ODO 20 t a -ii- Gifts, 5 •>-a) each, Dm 000 25 Cash (tilts, 4,000 each, 10-1,000 10 * 'mii Gifts, 1 00 each, VO.OK) 50 Cash Gifts, 2000 each, 100 000 100 1,'iit-h Gifts, 1,1100 each, 100.000 210 ( a-li Gif s, 50'I t-iicli, 120,01 Ml 500 Cash (Jifis, 1O0 swell, 5(1 000 :0,000 Ca-U Gi ts, 00 >■ etc- f I, 05O.OOO Grand Tofa 20,000Gifts, all each, 2 500, 00 PRICE OF TICkETS. Wlin’it Tickets !ji 50 OO 25 00 5 00 l.oyu U'l For Tickets or information, •VIdress TIE O li. Bit Ol LETT, igt iiml .Jliinagfi*. Public Library Building, l.oni- .it >*. Ky. ® FLORENCE & Tlie T, nr contested Suit of the IToi-oik-o Srning .tBat-liiiie <’t*. Aiainst the Singer, Wlmeler A Wilson, ami Grover A Baker Companies, involving, is finally dccid d by the f-uprenie Court of the I - itp-1 States iu t.ivor of tlie FLORENCE, which ithuie ii s Biokt n (hr t/ ./ ( >y) ' , y ”f ltijh Peters. THE NEW FLORENCE I* he ONLY nne in-* th,i >c»h back •rani ami f rn ird. or t right acd left. Th? simplest < hotofst— best. Sped ii S > d ) >r rush only. terms to Clubs an.] Dealers FLORENCE, MASS. $25 A DAY GUARANTEED using our WELL AUGER & DRILL in goad territory. Endorsed by Governors eftOWA, ARKANSAS & DAKOTA CtUknsftM. W. 3U.E3, St. Inis, ili. III II.Df\C t’l-is water nroof m tc ia'. FELT. resembling fine leather, is C. J. F A V, f«r outsi-Je work (no tar Camden N J sctstihc*. Uf(t.) aud inside, ins ead ot )i a cor. Fe t. Carpetings, Mats etc. Send two •< cents postage stamp* fot circulars nn-l samples. v IU>\’T! IMIVT ! I»«Y*T ! 6 jON’TWHAT? from tr','.:? ^ wills Hat'llClH) th-t trav ^ cay ing a, eiit, l ist save xoor $25 A ^ nd opt ib**,o S’THU VICTOR MACHINE^ SEWING < In Tiie World I s’ ec y sen-ling , . REV. r H. BEUNE1M N ^General agent. t’oncord. N. C. list. Send Huai;* for circular and 30 lw. prici^ 7/7 may JsT L< AVKI). AN ’ LAST SUNDAY fid*? cl May) from V Mr. Jas. Hitchcissk * oue BAY M t LE uvs . d, w th the let rr ii br i und midway on ine ieft .-id - of tie,- neck ; very .-hull lo her height ; unusual high behind. Any tnf-niation concerning her wi l thankfully re -eixed. MARK. JON KB. June ti h 1871. if. / T Etmr.l V UANC’tH’K COUNTY — \J[ Whereas Mxrriu ionhson, t rater of Sn.ii'1 VV. AleZiU,l«r. repres-n s (he Court in hi- ( --titi- ii, <luly SI,-! un i tere-1 on record, that lie has fallv icrrd /-aid .''ainnei VV' Al- zander's estate. This is the ret-re to «-ite alt peisons certed, kind- 1 ,n-j ereititoi.jtC' show should if any they can, why* *a 1 not be iis, barged from bis adwinis tration an 1 roceive letters of dis*ui.<«,oa 1 the Untn l-t Monday under iu September, Lau-i 1 **T4. .r.r at office this the day of lUt. 1 UOS. 1. L1TTI.F., Ord’v. J ia* 6, '7m. t —,7 Q ^oriu’v-'orrc« , Jtm^I^Tl said [ O. G. Etell* a rewdent tt and the head sf o fan.aty. < e* bis will pass spar, the same at 11 o’clock, a S on tic 16th day of Jnn^l-74. at ,ny ! TH OS. I LITTLE, Ordinary, fTtHIRTY l will be mad*e t 5 the cour of 1 ot Hancock tmy. for leave to sell she He - >i BROWJN’S HOTEL, JVIacon* C I ooi*cria>. T ,f libcmliy . B Proprietors pat™ „t iv. h 1 < „d> It >1 Uwwn Hi,, a ' * • ii 1 "™r*- k.“SSSm :■; " ,g einplmtKiiby mid truly, wli.ut .ill will j ,CIU *'U •ehuit it, t> t-« A HOiYic. FOR r On THE TRAVELER' t V L L t n In • very pi rt ciilur It is si'u iio.t immedi sti-ly opposite the 1 .enei',,1 l'.osdusr Depot unit ia uiisurpiisml for convriiiiiice, ac cessibiliiy, cohiPti >nnt xccomm <1 itiou, by any otlin hotel in the Southern States K K. It HOW IS »S; SON, Proprietors, may J»u tf. i j Pulaski House, I ! SAVANNAH, GA. S N. PAPOT A (JO. OMNIEUSSES Meet all Trains and Steamers "1AVEY eben'ion shown to guests. The AJ4 House is centrally located and having t»eon newly refilled, a ,.I icfuri ished is one of the most popvlar Ifotcls in the Southern St . tes. May 30, if. AVAStJlNG DONE BY_ STEAM. TTAVINu JnL put chased the rglit to J. C Tdlou’s NEW STEALS WISHER for Hancock and other counties, wt* would respectful y inform tlu-s * «!io wish their less wa-hing done in a sitpetior tnnmicr, fidl with soap - tid r-lmost wittiuut lalmr, to at the stove of T. C. .x Did., tinner Sputa,),a, a d examine our macnino. It is simple and cheap and dues its osn work without rub hi; g. pounding churning or anything of the kind. Itchamcs the vdotliOA in tli rty or forty minutes. Our machines are made by skilled work men, and every oue sold is guaranteed perfect. Hear in mind ours is the lute iinpro-emeut, patented tiling December, and surpasses any ev, r inv nted iu the w y of a Washing .d chin.-. It makes the wasl-i g »dnio-t as light as to any otb*r parts of - lie dottiest c duties of a woman. It wi i pay f.i its li in a tew mouths l> cause it requm s less soap nn-l only one t'ounli ot th- tore taken in the ohi way, an-1 the cloth¬ ing will last -1-utile the time they won d wa he.) by the old process. Wc also lure the best c othvs w ii.gcr for sale S1\>UV & VVJL.SON. May 23 It 1 hoiupsou, Oa. tt. G. Lconhavdt. II. A. Brahe. F. A. BRAHE & CO. Watcliex, t lm li*: :\ r*«I Jewelry, SILVER AND PLATED^OODS, A lnvgc assortment of Fancy Goods. —0<» Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Clark’, old stand. N. B. - Watches, flocks ami .Jewelry Re¬ paired and U arrant ed. dec27 Cm nuBTnvsmiT YOU NO AU IN" Who wish to obtain a thorough Practic 5 ! Busi ess Education, And i>rc)>ar« tht-iuselv s 'or ili« -tutics Ac mil Jlusiucss Idle, under tlie in¬ struct «n and advice of icn red t-. sli uld at f/.d y‘ a'o° R f 5 r ^<s> . T'v,rJ.d mmi-.&ytm mm. *. ii- r .*13 50’, J I c R e v ^0A 0 *, AL*8^ 1 •HE large*t und be«t P ac'icul Business Heimol in th* South nu 1 the only one in the coy presided over by experienced ic cnuntiints and business men. Tub d-t us>. </*• Ftul»Y is conducted on actual business pr.neip e*. snppli/d with banking known and other offices, combining every practical facility for imparting a tho ough and systematic business e uca ion in ihe shortest possible time and at (lie least expense. Student- received for Telegraphy. No vacation-. S tide-its admitted at. any time. Catalogues nulled khek to any ad d ]>.*•». II F. MOORE A. M , ap4’74 ly I’lfsiiUnt. P C^TTIKTJNr. ()|«I -)site (.’a Imiic t'lntr- It, 75 Jackson St. Augusta, Ga. DEALER IN Fruit and Cigars, Vt’hulu-Hale Retail* --M.O— — Genera! Railroad News Agents. Allorder-* from Country Merchants, or Or¬ ders left wiih News A (tents on thj Trains w ill me -1 w ill/ ja unapt attei-tion. wu lksai.e DKAl-KR in !P r ize C a Julies. feb 14 ly l*B*%' f'te] o l«i« OHS' o r J. V Cornor .11 1 VJ*.V T CO Loyd Paints. SilSV.) CO Pd C. OlKOiltlo) Street HITl,S u C/3 vtlft’llKUs VNCK M PECK and Oils, S’llW'l CD JLrtllMWA Go ({lass, Vil C/5 =3 AM) DRAt.EH* ‘ (*lodl>|l >reia Rio*, ‘*’<7.7./..V./7 IN & Railroad, ‘«V,7,7/t’./7 O CO -J8 CCS C/5 v» New WAX WANTED. A \ 7 F. Wi 1 pay tbe highest murk t price \V ft WAX 12 Sc o 1 •><; cash or Id to ill tntde Vt c also i-i'Stu'ClfiiUy infnrm our Custom eis. t tm as we lmvi» . 0 pay c .sh for oitr coutln, we sliu • here.vfte lit'inaml the cash befo o any gii'wls are taken from tlie store. May 2.1, l’ROFONTAIN A YOUNu. if. Mt. Zion Institute. rvITF. Semi-Annual Tlxam'na’ion of 1 pup Is of this School will take place Thurrday, iho 28ih of this month Parents, and tho publ c in general, ure vi eil to at'end. The m xt Session wi'l commence on day, ib<" lf» h ot Jilin*, under tae K. of C! i*. i email, f*. I) A. .1 II \ltWELL, Sec’y. May 23, -It S 1* E Cl AL T O F A li 31 E ii S . 0. W. Massey Excelsior COTTON GIN! i ■a. POWELL, Sc OO., jA gouts, Sparta- Georgia. AT \\ ’ i: 1NVI ’ K the aflcnt on o' tho people of Hancock county to this just y celebrated GIX. for wh oh we a e A tents in this c unty \\ e h ’lit-ve it to be a *gom| gin, of we Would not sell :t, amnvt^coufi U ntly recommend it to ait) who want a til N as I3l5^r . THE YOU CA. 1 ST BUY. It an' i 11 (tin more Cotton in a day, with loss power, separates the seed from the lint cleaner, and turns out a pret¬ tier, cleaner staple, which will always command of cent the * than a on pound more cotton from other gins. An rvidf nee that 11 as all Hu sc *dv Binges c'nimtMl fur it, at t|.e Georgia .'*'lato Fair lielif in Macon, last year, it took the ' HIGHEST PKESI1U.U over all the other gins that were exhibited, as being tlio BEST GIN ON EXHIBITION. And as a further evidence of its merit, we subjoin the followii gc rtificato, and cou d publish mauy more b it deem th s so tli ient : FrAitTA, Oa., M y lfiih 1872. This is lo c rtify that I bought one of O. W. Massey’s EX< ELNlOlt COTTON GINS in 1873, owl have gim-d two crops on it with per'ect satisfaction. None / sri beat t an* 1-glu. ness ot Draft, and it cannot be choked ns Die comm n (jin, and mak- s beau iful iut eating ih» s ed perfect,y cle.n. The staple commands } percent, more than other ro ton made by other gins. OEOliOK At. A MOSS. Parties desiring to buy, would do well to call at our store and examine this gin bdtor* purchasing. §, 1‘OHEI.L &. 1 «., Atfi-nJs, May 30 3m. Sparta, <ia. CLOTHING CLUBS. How to get a Fine Suit of Clothing FOR NOTHING! We kor-p coristmitly on hand tho largest, finest, and most desirable stock of Ready, made Clothing jn the country, including' suits and single, garments of every duscriis tion for Gentlemen’s wear and for Boys of all ages over three years. W« have also an immense and elegant stock of Piece Goods for Custom orders, and a corps of artistic Cutters, unequalled in any Tailoring Houbo of cither Kurojm or America. Wc are the solo manufacturers of Tho American Yoke Shirt, which in unequalled for ease, elegance and durability. They aro sold either Ready-made or To Order. Wo keep the most elegant and conpleto lines of Robes ClO ChaiTtbr® and Smoking Jackets in the United States. Our numerous patrons in all parts of tlie country do business with us by means of the System of Measurement introduced by us twenty years ago, and since used with very great success. We do business on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM, For Cash, to everybody, anil fill orders by mail at the same prices as charged over tlie counters of our Stores. Tho National reputation of our House for the superiority of our goods, and honest treatment of our customers, is a guarantee tlmt anv orders sent us will bu faithfully filled. NOTICE THIS OFFER! Any gentleman who will sen<l for our Samples nml prices, and will secure Gash orders fur us to tlio amount of $BQO, $60. sliall receive ti Custom Made Suit of Black Broad Cloth, the same as we sell for Or for either of tho following amounts the corresponding premium :— $400, a Business Suit, - -L- o 350, ih CO pi 300, u a u CO O 250, u u to pi 200 t« ti to O , 150, Half Dozen Shirts, tt Ol 100, a Pair of English Custom Made Pants, “ O Or any other goods that may be selected of equal value. Cards of Samples, and Books of Instructions sent upon request to buna fde applicants.. D EVl.NcvC O % BROADWAY AND GRAND ST. BROADWAY AND WARREN ST* nox r. o., hew york. Visitors To Augusta Georgia, IF YOU WANT CLOTHING GO TO Cooke’s Clothing Store ! 201} BROAD STRICT. 20:}. -:o;- fPflEOidand Well Kn'xwn Stand, where you will find every grade of CLOTH* X ING, lrorn Medium to Fine ; and also GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS,, a t s cfc c . -IN SHORT, READY-MADE CLOTHING TO SUIT EVERYBODY, AT THE VERY COWEST PRICES, A. W. BLANCHARD, May 23, Dm. Augusta* Ga. to ill 3 Trevelnfi Fibre. Marshall 31 mdp, 8AVANNAHJ3EOHGIA. fPUTS flrst-ons* 11ot»•! '* situated oil [ Hroiightoii sit,reel, and is convenient to tlio business put of tlm oitv. Oimiihii'peS and hnrrgupe v,nor,a\r will b« in • ttendanea at the various l>. p Is and Sl.-andi mt Unit, inps. Tor best L very MtRlde hoc nituod* >ions wil tie tound adjoining the ilou o. At no t nio will noiible or expense spared iionse to make guests comfortable, and equal io any in H e State. BOA 111) Ki:m cEI> TO $3 PER DAY. t'o ro«p ctfidly solicits a slmre the putdic p ir li'’gc a i) tm ia visii t you ilie city you will give, hi,a a A. IS I.* 4 II S l op. May >10 if.