The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, June 06, 1874, Image 3

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TIMES & : _....... M’AllTA, G.Y., JI'NM 0 , ISTf. CL. I..OCAL AFFAIRS Kelhctllsl fhurch. 1’reuchuig Rev G. 11. I’attillo, I'aator. every Sulibatli, II o’clock a. M , and 71 i>. m. .Sunday I'rayer School, 0J a. (Mas* Meeting, Meeting, Thursdays 7J P. M. o'cl Friday uttetuoon, 11 ck. Sac runt eat, Lord's Supper: every l.»t Sa b. Saerunx nt, llap intn, every Saturday before IntSabbuih, at4 o'clock, Sactohy Cm;licit—Preaching every T Ui-bday tiigbt. ^al/bltll School, every Sunday after boon, 3 o’clock. Bapt st Church. Rev. A. J. Rattle, Raster. Services •very second and fourth Sabbath at K>£ a’clotk, a. M , and 5 o’clock r. m. Chamberlin, Boynton & Co. We now havo in our Dress Goods Department the largest, and finest stock of JJIack and colored Silks, Lisle Silks, Challes, Lena’s, Dtbage’s, Mourns ing Goods, colored Organdies ao<l Lawns, White G'ootls, L.tna Lace Points and S.'ictpirH, Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, and General assortment of Dry Goods and notions over offered an Atlanta, Our assortment of Ladit-’s fine l)rc«s Goods is Unequalled iu tho State. Samples sent on application. Carpels! Caipet*!! We me now making a sprciult’y of f'srpets in our tor Cat pet Department, Wt liflv*> nl till times tilt elegtmt line <d Axminsters, Velvet, Hotly and 'Fapcs. try Brussels, •'! 1’lps, Ingrains, and vlicap ('ai'pefs. Floor Oil cloths, Oil Shades, Lace Curtains, Damasks, flep* Wall Paper, mid House Furnishing Goods. A largo lino of Rroc.ilellc, Coata line, Satin’s, and silk Striped ItopH. LsmbrcguiiiK and cornice mailu to order Cocoa and china mattings a specially All of above goods bought (or cash tin rler recent depressed markets and now offered at bottom prices. CHI AM liKHLIN, HOYNTON k Co., Hi A tW Whiteball street, Atlanta, Ga., April, 11 if. Notice. Rev. H H. Butler will preach in tho Baptist church, in this place, nil tho 2nd HaMuith in this month. lee cold Soda Wafer drawn dally from the, fount, at tho Spnitu Drug Htmo. Thanks Wo make our best bow to Mr. Mi cbael Rutler, better km wn to our read era as “Tip,” the poet, for n I ;i-l.ot ol splomlid liurlt potulws on Ttu aday last. 'J'hry wt re truly fine, and wo greatly enjoyed them. Ten Rtfinds o! line Cigars, to lot sold cheap, at the Sparta Drug Store. Recruit to (IrtugH' Rriuadc. Isaac Wilson, Cohirnl, was tried in the County Court lust M< inlay, on the rltarpc of obtaining lit miry by illegal •ml liitudnlrnt practices, fmiml guilty smlmnlcncctl to the chain gang for forty days. Siuli/.V “AAAA,” Royal Chew and Yellow Rank, Fine Cut Chewing To* bscco at the SpAi tu Drug Store. Dr Loviek Tifrcn. This venerable Christian minister h. been nick in Muron since iho ailjuuru Kent of the general eonleri nco, but we arc pleased to learn that his eondiliun to improving ami trust (lint he may soon be returned to bis family ami friends in tho enjoyment ol pci feet liuullli, Buy Cuttle I’owders for your IW Horses, Mules , and , ,, Dows, althe Sparta ,, Drug Store. The New Bell, l'lirchased by f’ul. Turner for the u»e of the Methodist Charvli at thi place, has been received, und its lirst lone* were ImarJ , , on ,,, Ihursdiy , evening . wlttlu it was being elevated to its place in the new eupnlo, it has b ug been needed, und wc are gratified to know that it will seen regularly suniuiou the people to worship. One Million Flies (more or Ieas3 kilt fd daily at the Sparta Drug Store — t»o and *00 lor yourself. Rain. 33 o lutvo Iho pU nstuv of stating that, ihiriii^ tho ra^t woek, mattv furntH in tho county Inivo boon visit «st with refreshing nuns, greatly to their itni'iovcmcut. It is only to U» regretted that Uie^o jotiim have bvon partial, mud that ft large district si the cauintv ta >4'U drv 3Yo tr.mA itooe th.., muv b ,.ratouK out tin** hut all our neig-lihonug rouutie*. and that there uinv he a harvest imh eil tu tho coming w inter, <’u'tion’—I n our ebcvgeatde efi mate.emghs. , colds, ,, ami , diseases , of the , threat, lungs and ebest will always pro v«t|. t'ruel conMtmj tiett will claim its victims These disossea, if attended to in time, can be at rested ami cured. Th*»«,4,»iV. u II. Mr, ft, Thu’ Picnic at Latimer's Mill, It WJW not. onr trwrl fortune to pros nr with th > [conic party Hpt nt tho day a' .Latimer at Mill I in sTay 1 *«fc. lmt have t een ti'inn iwmy vnirccs that it whs a mos •lu'iglifc m oce.miiCj. It was princi¬ pally r>f* l/iilth* Up of t’in young down s parta and is vicinity, who to the place <f n?:cl« zvutts, lmg-gics and wagons, ucemnpanic l»y lh-ofcssor 11cfct and t he .Silver Cornet Pau l .Although day was warm, yet by dint of plenty uiid having of ice the to mix good with fortune their water, to find cool and r< freshing shades on the banks of the crook,-they managed to escape The music any unpleasant the heat. from baud wns one of the chief pleasures of the day. to all who love ‘ the concord of sweet pounds," while fishing in the water occupied tlio lmt slight attention from party. We have heard, however, that their were several serious high land anglers, using there “best i>n delivers," but are not informed they come out. The dinner was the praiso of all Many l'u.l baskets "good things’’ wore ernpted on a ta¬ ble, and Spring chicken and all sorts of cakes, and nil that could the appetite were there in pro/usion. The day was spent in pleasant tivity, and the party n turned late in tho uft< me >n l<> Sparta, some them a little dump from tho rain, but all in happy spirits and ready for an other good old picnic nt the time. A Triplbg'^Kike. [F r th Times aM r,miter. Mr. AV if or :■—A party consisting of six whiten and two colored gentlemen hit your town on last Monday week for fishing frolic on Dlua l^ake, in Kmaiiuel county. l\'c set out bright and early, well armed and equipped for tho I t ip. Wc I raveled about twen ty-M-vt-n miles, and then stopped for dinner ami rest. Wo dinod sumptu¬ ously, you muy rest assured ; and while et joying t,he ninny things put up by the good people at home, wo discus,ed the propriety of officering our little Company, un i wc elected n Uaptain, « C"Me.-pomling Secreiaty, and a Trt-su. rer. Alter wc (lined the oidt-r wa. giveri f<t rest ourselves and horses unf.l three o'clock, and soon could ho seen six gtotvii tncti stretched on their blan¬ kets fast asleep. Four of them dr« mu, in"- ol wife and haloes at, home. The Captain has no wife, hut has three giown babies, Tho Trousurcr bus a grown wife but no h Ides. We tickled tne (hiptsin's nos- w.tli a a!r<tw, and Waked him up, and soon we lie lit <i the I'tder’ liiteh up,” aud off we started. We hitind tlie emps along the route, the tmijoti'y nftlii in, in good condition. Washington county is far ahead of Hancock on the road to itidcpcn nice. < ’ot it, wheat, and oats occupy a large, ami on the farms, and are a'l looking wall. 3\ itli gooil seasons her people will have eiHMgh, and to spare. Granges lm\e brought about this state ol things iu Wasliniutun, l expect, find it so, Hancock can claim some of litis praise, lor Col. T. .1 Htnitli is a Halo i -k tou ( and at the. lu'ini oi the 111 angi’, Iii Jefferson wc fouinl inoto geest) than I ever saw In fere. I don’t mean men stmpln luiuugh to he called get sc ; Inr littm it, Jor .It ff’erson is iik<r Wash iugfoti, planting grain—working "lor -In tcttiiiulm’s sake.” I h nty of old coin in tlu ir dibs, and ( Vies still godess on the tums. Wc were ordered to h. nil about halfw ! <y between sunsfll and daily at the ol 1 Tarver plantation, three miles (tout !>attow,nn the (Yntrul Railroad. IR irt hv spent the night, Supper nub ted, eoliVu sent IV to be mud'' and never was strung enough to get but k. Alas, poor human imt tre, ai.i**. mean coffee ; imt tlio party drank a good di til ol hot wnt l" and got some coffee. Soon wo stretched ourselves on our blankets under our tents iu reg ufur soldier style, and slept soundly all ui. lit I’.arly next morning wo struck our tents, fi-hing and place. by ton o’clock were at uur Ami such fishing, 31 r. Editor ! Ry dinner tunc wc had more tidi than we Cuuhl eat ; but all were would - be > busy catching fish that none detailed to take them to the sunk. So wc had no fish until supper, ’*" ’ 1 iimigitio a bream weighing mn and a-linll pound, nicely fried, nnd )ot i'uj/ic this time, fur it vv»s prepared bv 'T, Crt, ‘ k ’ U >‘ ,a nr « with on», lake more; and tf you don i like the bream lake a red-bi-asted Icliow which makes one of our company grunt to pull out of the wafer, or ’a War-month, or a cat or n jack or n trout or an cel. This was not our l ill °! dinner ,; *r« for atid one meal, but for breaxf ist, supper. U'tte Lake it a rdiect , of , water, buck- , in(P , ip tr o.M the Ggcechec river, and bordeted with oak and e\pr e-s. Uy the W i y. f**r th«* information of up country t”the lake is not known in that eon my by the ns mo of “Blue Luke,’’ but ”( deman’s Lake. * The Inkr? is about twenty where tcet deep in tmtno places, and tust it unites with the ri\ er ts th - best ti-hin p. The first week in June, ortho week alter the full moon in Ma\. is the time lot the bream bed. l ike on l liuDaisy by order of tbe un i rt tha pan \ t>v e'-ght o’clock, dicta nee—live miles 33 e carried plenty »>t ti>1 1 with from the lake, but same of the parts took the boats and went out into the pond to try the bream. Saw plenty nl them, and caught as many aa they *J. I. ... I. • h,. (o'. t .h,.'„,o. *hfy attiused tbemsclve* under the mi by eatehing small fi-h, about the size a man’s hand. 33 ? w aited until late > . t a „a ur in npthopoud. 33« passe*l over a sliect ul water hundred acres ot Und—the a> clear as crystal. . 33 hen we get midway tbe pond, we saw the object ^ lir cearcli and rowed A?r htt» as ly as possible 33’hen atmut fifty truin him, h.* turned toward us. as ... was, fo hold our lit c uufil the word was given; soon wc wore in a lew of him—-ben ilie word fire, and two rmm ’* from our p'.s’ols, and— ami un» »trr ho wont We »iive chase to two o lmrs.f.m di.l .,«,t get in .hooting di. lance. i'll** test one we saw was sup f ? 1,0 ; ll,ou ‘. ,c ; n ,,ct got h-,3k to the null n data and found the hnlunoo of mu fuuty \M h a company iiv«, ,r,:„ a,,,., ,,.. >hooting «t a little aligator about three h-ct long. The next order was, to * t”ni your faces homeward, and Thursday evening w« came to Mr. (lolcnnn’s about five miles on our way home. Wc slept in bis piazza and next mottiing set out again for home, Jciv* ing tbe : nlamnmhr bill*, n.usi|uitces, moecssins, nligatoia and the host (idi ing place in the world, behind us. We film's all kept very n-eff with two ex* co- to, lions. Ono Uuc of ot (he me i,arv pat y drai.l- uranf. too too much Wtt er Without rniltiig !t, Alt other got over nn old fence to gather sotiio hhi'-kl)‘I'rio.s, rJkine alter bcill" Vo .InlLr warned about T hU Hf« o„ • . • . " t i Vi . „ ....... i... / and before i they ,t were half i istt filled, ol they Imd t-topprd tho circulation pedal in those slender things, and his ex treuiittc* were entirely xnuined. Wc pitied biro near a bottle ol keros-at oil and they c i her did not Ike the smell of it. or else they luid nothing more ,o draw on—anyhow, they let loose and lie was able to get about after eating a bait ot ham and I iscuit. About noon wc reached Mr. lJriuson's, to whom our f arty are greatly ii.debted for :i goml dim cr lor mao and tteas', and our ip c'aele man, for an extra sup ply of raspberries. We b it Mr. Urin • soil’s about ■) o’clock, and enine to Mr. Hooks’ aud slept in beds for the lirst time since we left homo. It is need. less to sty, wc slrjtt well, We weto np brigl t and early next morning and alter thanking Mr. Hooks b r our en¬ tertainin'nt, set off for homo ; and when in sc7cn raiiesof Sjarta stopped to rest our hor. es and call for Trcas urcr’s report ; and with liis spectacles on I is nose, he made it appear that lor for two dol'ais and fifty cents apiece, to him in hand pod, wc ha i had a do lighiful time—plenty oi li-lt and plenty of iun. We got back to your town in good order about 10 o’clock, Saturday morning. And this, sir, is the report of tho (’OUHKSI’ONIMNN SKCUETAHY. [communicated.] Itrltjitous llema and Soe'n' I-’.iij•>}’• ■sent. It was our privilege anl pleasure, last Saturday afternoon, to go to tho Rev. T. .J Veuzcy’s, iu Warren county, and spend tho night with him. There we met a frit, ml of long acquaintance, Dr. Rhodes, and had a good old time with him He is a gradtia’o of the State University, Athens, Ot. Soon after leaving college, ho began tho study of medicine iu the town oi Cruw foidviilc ; remaining them only a lew mouths, he went to the Medical College in Augusta, Ga., where lie graduated. From thence he returned to his home in Taliaferro county. Soon thereafter, in the year l8«2, be located near Jew¬ ell’s 31 ills where ho has since been mak¬ ing iiis home, lie lives iu a spacious and splendid mansion all alone. (If there is not a change made in this way i of living, in my humble judgment, lie or oa;e nice young lady will be great¬ ly to blame.) Dr. It, is looking well and doing well. Ilo gets a large ard paying practice; and bids fair, l think, to rise iu tlu course of tiuto, sbrtuld be live, to great eminence in bis profes¬ sion. Hi ccess to my young f riend. Sunday morning brother Veazoy, lit¬ tle (’. night r and tuysrll went to Jewell Ghtireli, We arrived there before the el os a of Hie Sunday School ser iecs.— They have u largo and interesting school at this place, its members, I was told, range from 60 to IDO. Breth¬ ren Jewell, Cason and others are teach¬ ers, also, several lcmalo teachers. 1 was, indeed, greatly delighted with that part of the services which it was my privilege to witness. May Got^of llis infinite love and boundless mercy, bless, prosper and cause to succeed not only this, but till other Sabbath Schoo's which have lor their object llis gluty, iu bringing the youth of out land to a knowledge of ‘lie truth as it is in Jesus Christ our Lord. Alter the csercisei of tho school wore over, a short intermission was given, and then preaching. It was made tho duty of the writer, by previous invita* tion and aoeej tancc, to address the truth to those assembled. Good atten tion was paid, by all present, to pnaching of the Word Immediately after preaching, the church met in Conference, brother Voazev. the uastor. h:l ng tho Moderators chair—koung brother Jewell, Clerk. The most im j t a i umiu?- priMii .1 e« c i aiming •• , the attention of the ( onicreuce, was the alteration and amendment of two or three articles, and the introduction of a or amcoJments, was that of ** . , ; * r >' * .1 >e (.tur, * , u. . . ll4U ‘y attend the regular Confer once* and answer to their names when the roll is called; or upon failure to do so, ' must give a reasonable excuse ar ' ,, 1 ^ ,c ^’ Ano.bcr, . I be.teve, ^ . , ‘ l , "" luirrag of tho** when present to par take id the elements ; or at lea«t to take ilicit #c,ls with th, Irctliren. R.fc„. e( J neglect of this duty required that Jchnquents) , , .\ roako i report-.I . ' '• *’• • 'he same to the church,giving a reason tor said neglect The new nt*o pro* p ‘ 08C j an 4 NcamaMiuslv ...ilLL fas ' ' Ctc a ‘ 4V- “- n ..... ' . »l fci •tx'»t S* r. S ft, [ol CoO.’freu**. ?h* Y-ofs *f ‘k* be closed, so that no noise f ron , w iih ouf> act ns „ disturbanco a ,,„„ »Iiokc ' v,, hin. (*«» giving a notice of t|„.s« rules, I no no, claim in „,y mm of tli m, to give a vet bat um lepor', as 1 write from memory, and not from note ) A( cr ,l, e adjournment ,.f Conference. ""“"f *« , us b ... >' Mr. and k, , . "'‘ , Mrs. • Jewd^we ..... dined at their house. Hi other G. W. and 1 idy formed a part of our companv. \v» " C **!” “ ,u verv '* r > t i. entenuumd. Mr. Jewell, Was a f,„« re.-iJertce—pleasantly and cvpwortfibly situated; having everything access* iy to render him and family hanov ^ iu this ... bfc and . above , all \ have good j we rea ,o hope ‘ that be and several of his family have the r»chet — the « r tchcs of grace ill Christ Jesus our r ri ” d . - .> ... , ^Cma,nod • > there about . . a: * hour after dinner. 1'roin thence wc returned returnc*. to to brother I rnthcr Vtzev’s l izey s, and and there there tve staid only a few nduutcs. Taking o„| ] cave „|' this family, we set our fuco homeward, and soon fell info a mood of mcdita,mn . and . reflection n quite delight* Ful—thinking of our pleasant visit &e. It {a sometimes very pleasant to ve* rail past events in which it was our happy lot to participate, but like tho “bfst love ol a new bom soul—sweet* cst when first loft. So it is with pres¬ ent pleasure and happiness. AVc bad long and tiresome ride, in order to reach homo again. .Just as I was en¬ tering our village, I s iw the sun beau tifully declining behind the Western bills; and my fancy drew the picture a ijuec-n maid as iu fairy day, just about to bid her iuvr adieu. Sweetly smiles, lingers awhile, gently re gracefully bows then modestly bides her face with natures veil. Soon after my arrival at home, 1 learned that brother It dteris, (son of the venerable Benjamin Roberts) was in town, and was stopping fot the night with brother W. L. Sharpe. The bretb tou of our church had at his request and our g rt >at pleasure, on oppotutment made for brother 11, to give us a talk at bight (i. o. Sunday night,) in which he to us the object of his mission. His statement was about as follows : 1. To hunt up, pray with and for who arc so afflicted and circum¬ as to be debarred the pt iviliges the sanctuary. 2, To impress and urge upon mothers the importance of in the prw.nee of their little so that they Can hear them pray To show the importance of, and in¬ upon heads of families who have enraged in, or Living com¬ it, have neglected to continue irorshi'i>, to make a start, or re¬ this duty at i>ncc. h. qve in church for the befflft of those its reach and for all, in every orliood inconvenient to any or placo of public meeting, matings. 5. Organize a Sal> hath School in every section v ine there is not one) and where there arc chi' dtan to be taught the truth, Rrothci Roberts is very zealous in the great work in which he is engaged. lie lias about gore ever all the territory within the limits ol the Washington Associa¬ tion, having, however, had only time enough to make hut short and partial visits, lie is not employed by the As¬ sociation within the bouitdsol which h; labors ; hut acts as an evangelist ittdc pendent of appointment, or promise of pecuniary reward May lie live to BCi; tho ‘‘work of the l»ord prospering in his hands.” My brother, l bid you “good speed.” (I use yowl instead ol ‘God’ as it is considered the more neat* ly correct translation of tho original ) The Weather and Agricultural lVos* jn’cts. The weather is fair—n lit lo warm— C 0 (d winds. Cotton is s'ill looking sick IP—some dying. Corn, where it has fc*d the proper attention, is looking as Dr as 1 have observed. Small n ra * u crops, slid look flourishing and promise a good yield. It no disaster ^ e ' a ^ s lr om ,)0W u,,| i* harvest, 1 think we may satcly say, “He that sows slmii rca r/’ JC", ^ a P abundant liar ve '* of t *' e • stall ot life. Our farm ers arc DOt < l u ‘ , ° trough planting cot ton yet. The uplands en our red hills are getting dry—alight rain, l think. would do good; but wc must and 8llould * ill * n g , T "w* 51 * 1,c Lord's time for sending it. Those who have hot , om i* n j s> aro now preparing and plant ing them in corn. Our gardens are late. The vegetables are much small* cr usually arc at this sei«on : 5!2r ,u,,! “'*' ,i A. C. RAINWATER. P. ?*. ^ Jewell church his been organized five years tho ’Jd Sun* j a y in Jinn next, and during tliit time has had but otto ca«c ot discipline —n<) exclusion. It organized, I think, about 20 or 30 and has now i t creased to about 100. 3\'ha’ church can «y f. nm* * A. C. I! Powclton, G*., May 20th. l-**74. - -- Thanks. Wc w, intcU.J to Frank White for a basket of potatoes and squashes, which, fi>o, wet*d not oolv v „ rv Sne tut tho first fe«4- s we hav We * 5CC0 this season. bad heard Mr. Frarrk Whhe waeorre of the and most euterprising lartners in State, .ai this proves to ns beyond doubt, that 3frs White is as *xk 1 ( 4 EOF,Ul A-II iNOOClv COUNTY. H Whereas, rii irb a W. PhB*so almitis tiler, whl» wFIannexe 1 &o, «f 'Vm.Dak* on Hr, .i< cv»m- i n | iouftils C« the Court, £ J X ly Hickson's- smi.\ «•*>•"• *'<'* «» T~ | 1™*% ' nn why y 7,. «J, miislr. ' .. , I,;,, ,.,i . „„ „ IC fir , t l.u„d v ., llglM , js7-l. i U.vcn .o„h-r .ny at oflicc, this -lUi , " ,J ” • • ! • ■ " " *' nL, ' J _ 1 ,. * --------— If« 0 ifij | tr LlU H {] Fl^PUflQ liiuiidU PnlrOM 1 dlii)lld| ; «' it n u TUC I Ht pjlPlIi' I Jull , f AM „ prepared to «lo any work in try line " * nT*riatro~ ria Co, Rn DU & gieSj o-ioe Wagons or ^ Porto UartS c buitt, or repaired to order, with renters* and d’spnten Ilorsn .shoeing »o,L. i nd l'laota* liua Work Pone a, Mart I Isnvo oil baud, mid will continue t<> k-en. Cluldren’s '-arriages |u ( n imli |^ t sab e ariiole'. which I w **11 at August a prices. Also, Powsof va i»us kinds a .e i in t,»r ad purpo es. wsW-.-? - ; ~ mk> - I will continue to keep Me'nliic Bur’rl C.‘?es, which will l»c sold ns low as c n be afforded. Wo den Coffins made t<» order at short notice Where par ies desire it, I will d'g graves, furnish the aud lime ami trail them up. Yeur patronage is respsr tfully soliei ed. marxism JOHN I. MARTIN. ATLANTA FDBH1TDIE MABBFACY I 72 am! 74 Whitehall Sf. (Next to (. hamberli ,, Roynton & Co.) - ill fANUFArTUREKS, Retail Iteaier in Patio, AVh locale Chamber l iaiug room a <1 <)f]t e « FURNITURE ali i>rad sa-d p-cterns. Wainut Chamber Suits, 10 pieces, ’ for $40 and t|4o, AYaliiiit Chamber 8uits. 10 jur e s, in oil or Varnish, full m irbie f7.> ami «si>. Dressing ease Soils from tPi"> to 42,0. Parlor Sid’s, from f 'iO to He 'steads, from S3.60 uj.w»rds. bureaus, Wadi at amis, 3! ail tie mid Wood Top Piibies, Wardrobes, and everything else endless kejit at a ffrs'-c'as* Furniture Store, in variety and at all in ices, and at as b/w. nr luii'-r, jitjurtn us ti>c same class of goods can bj bought at any house in this 8late. Mnttrcsors m dc a specialty with us, «-nii we make Excelsior matt esse* f>r f3.30; Straw uiel i otton $4 ; Shuck nnd Cotton, 4'i; all Cotton, ^8. all Moss, tjtS. ar Every!hit g guaranteed exactly for what it is sold. apt r **" 4' .V-, ± r j5j£* : r: ’ ! .ijBfUOm. |V-i ri i. E!.\D ItbOOU : ‘‘A corrupt tne,” saith thu Inspired Vol¬ ume. • brinjretli forth not g o t fruit,” r.or can corrupi blood ini]>ai tin ttltli ber.uty nnd 5?.-%M‘2.*.™:;'( 1 1 ers-dty of pure Ido. d. lo give lic«lih, beauty, bouyant spirits, long fife and hnpt inert. AN IMIT’BKt "Nbfllo.N.i nir.BI.OOT) man'Jests itself in uiffe*eiit futtn- of diseases, such as Tetter, Salt Rheum. Scald head, Ring-w rim, I’irnples, l>lotch*- h . Spots, Erupt ions, I’ustulcs Boils, Cm bimel s. Sure Kvs, Hough skin. Scurf, Scrofulous Swcs and Sw«’t ng-*. Fever sores, VVh to sweJliinf. Tumors, Old e?or»-s or Sw-tlings, syphihctic, Affecti ns of tho Skin, Throat and Hones’ fleer* of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys l angs BU*t Uterus. In Ibis condition of tilings something needtd AT « ncb To ct.t rx-r. TttK rlodD, and nentr-i izc flu* in-idio'.i» poison that BURNS LIKE A TURRUJI.K FIRE. «s it Course- tin ugh the veins, sowing seeds of death with every puls tion. Dr r-ml.oiteh's tumj.imi Extract of Stilbngta, (..r 1 Jue-ti- ! di-'h • w It positive* ly . ffect jh : s .!cm ioratiiti), expellmg . v.-y ,f8 f. ; i ; Il ' p ^ f ;r' ,h,! «•“» sy*™. u " ' *rall r un ' ivn im- tnrivrr r *, r V i n? , i ,, L , ,V-D ' ! R ’ „ i tic is Without a rival it wit any uitRDNio or long Standing djs. J-]A*-E whose rent or (li cet cause is HAD ’ or 15> NFS, VoNsTlTljriDNS BKuf^EN DOWN by Mercurial or other iijS?off*8YPniuLTlU TAlNT^iherc '!« nothing Jj e.neiS io it, A trial <r’H prate, it. j- JJ ®]g * Cii ' *l r; ‘ * « , ” { hM ^nfirr It- Rgety sud inno’-ence have ben fu ly \^ d 'e r i fanr ° ’ * ^ ' A " l * tvTC,i t0,he cf ceunt^rf-its ani sirh«ti 'u'»-x tv th* Gen .ine Ex metGUEEK’S ukiiton i„r -ih- Atlanta Gu. by 4- II KIBnso\f! AC'O, . s i arta, «4a. BARRETT, LAND & CO., Wholesale A« 1 ”-. <,a ‘ lt) '' ^ gilding mo urns glass ESTABLISHMENT, _.^^^ PATRONIZE t HOME 7~T ^ INDUSTRY rpur.fir | NO ore v^ION TO SEND your LOOKING GLA*'E3 Fb' j TURE FRAMES to the >*■ rth, or (!>• where to be meuiti when ihey cm tm done by the suwer.* er AS 1 at a, low price* gfij IK i frames are detaced or the ornamcats broken i off. they esu be male *. . lo k as well as new. A** by warns is a tria. ani Le gmir ; '2'K 7 workman, who is well Jsaawu }.» one of the best in the country, Alt kinds of Gilt ' ; ' ‘ 1 ' N " ne 1 ,’ f-mM-h . ' s-atT v ^rk u*n- •;T °yo« kd> w'L' be” c wai *t-nd u« your au J sausfi.d whh it when la. e. «E«* *- OITE*. 210, , Br t m . August*. Ga. ‘ ,, -mg Glares • - • *' • turn *(.€ ’. *'• . u rrcaeu ub i '‘er.’uiu. GREATEST D'SCOVERY OF THE ACE. NEUH IGU CUBE. l have W„ a ere., sufferer for a number >*“ w . S '""' '? ’«• ' >"« •>««■ ng thu i iu-il the p osnn [.I ions of many l’hy ...... «“*!'« t* c,,r ®"‘°v f..... 1 «•»««*'July, yes, \ liuul'yd 'I'uveJlon,, iiumcr- which 1 cure eetry tme. I havo never known it a xiiirjle raw ortho many who haw fai h(„ ty t.icl n. Its effect is .ml cd 1T.1 ,’’‘Y'.o Nournignjuius, Uicors! ^ y irtc^ fo>- hunis, Pains llruiscs, Ithoumnlism, lM^s mid gen erally. All I ask urn faithful t-inl. ami' if it does not cu e. o-grea ly benern tbo 8e who are aillieicd with die above their diseases, I am wi ling to pay them money back, This is fair, and all that any sufferer could as |,. Call on your Druggist for “lierring’s Neitndgia Cltre,’’ and it lie does r ot keep it, send 60 cen** to the subscriber, and it will he f< rwHiile l to you ,turned nlely bv mail Remember that chronic eases ot no disease can l>e eurrd in a (hty Yours &e , 1UJV. <-KO. W llMUMXa, Tin maavhlo, G». CF.r.TIFICA I K>. Thowabvii t,k, (Ja., March 27, 1874. Mr. W. Cure’’ Herring cert»ln|y 1) nr Sir • Your ‘ Neu-algia i3 niedi wiint yo!l claim have it tiied io bo "a and great it al discovery." I it, found a great specific for Neuralgia. I suffered a good dead, and for a long time. Your have medit used ine relieved me in one night. ! it irt niy fam¬ ily, and fn -nil it ad you recommended it to bo. I ch erfulty recommend it to nil who are nfllictid with neuralgia or oilier pains. Very respectfully, ts. II. ttuTI’OMtj. Tiiom* s vii. r.K, Ga., .aiareh 2, 1871. I lake 1 easurc in ttating that I have tree! “Herring’s S-Mt'a^ia Cure,'" adrninhly in several in stances, an ! I find it adapt¬ ed to the cure or relitf of s'.'c i diseases ns lie c aims for it, and wettld recommend tliose nets, ng sueli a remedy to g ve it a trial, nnd 1 tbirk they wiil not bo disap pointed. JOHN 1) ANDREWS, 31. D. Dost n, Thomas Cottxtv, Ga„ This is certify April 8 li used, 1 h74. t> flint I li.vo for Neuralgia ami To. thache, on my daughter, "H riiug’s Neuralgia Cure,” and two np plications cured her. L can fully recor.i n ,( ‘"d >' 10 die public as a cure for m.uinl¬ gia nd tootitache. REV, CAPEL UAIFORD. Fm-sale bv A. II. BIRDSONG ‘t CO., Sparta, Oeo’gia. It «•: Y G . w. IB1711R n X <i , Tliomasville, On /O". $fti| l Ol?T - T\V ElTtHPIiSE V: ' The only lie'table Distribution in t lie country 7 Iii Va^u^blo Oiits! TO BE niSTRiBUTED IN L . D - S S r <2 E ? S 41 I’ll SEMIANNUAL GIFT 1 TMSBI To be Drawn Saturday, July 4lh, 1874. ON K UIDMI CA I’ITAI. I’lUXE 1 - 10,000 OM t-old ! ONB $5,000 in Silver! f;« «( Ompithaske Gno Horse end buggy, with blivet-Mounted Harness, S'.'tMJ. 1 Fine-tonid Rosewood I’i.'ino, worth .f 530! Ten Family Sewing Machine*, worth tjlOO Each 1 Five Gold 'Vatelies and Chains, wor h $:J0D each! Ten Ladies’ O' hi Httulitig Watches, rvorli if Dl<) r.-l! li I 800 Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches {in uli; wortli lrom $20 to $:> 0 each. Gold Chains, Silver-ware, Jew by, &o., &e WLil# num' cr ol Gifts _ '*,501); t 1 tekets limited to OU.tiOO. Aerni* Wsnled ■•> Nell Tlchcls, to whom Liberal Premlma* will lie I>itl(V. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets fu; Twelve ' Twenty-five Tickets $10 ; $20. Circt „ ars colltainil , g B full l ist „f prices, a description of the manner of drawing and other information in reference to die Disiri h»rio«, vdll bo Sent addres-J to anyone, g. All letter* must be to “ A,S r ^*J.* L* D. SME. Be* 86, 101 .ft l w.tifthbt. ft , °i' c) W. A. Cone, with J. B. Newman. SADDLES, HARNESS, 33n^^io*-’ f JLto. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. Ty EFAIRING in nil its branches neatly J\i d)uc i'n short notice. Ageut- for die SING HR SEWING MACHINE. Give us a call. inarL’l-Cm ROBT. H. MAY & CO., [Successor to WYMAN & MAY,] Manufactir.ere & Dealers in Carriages’ Hu^yies. AND PLAN- AT JON WAGONS, Harness. Saddles, Carriage Material, Shoe Finding* ntul I,r>a In r of all kin<K, l»cltirgf, etc . *ito. 288 Broad Street Augusta, Oa dec27I y w. If. VEHDElr, A. T. VE! JJKKT. ■7. !. VEUTintY. W. M. VcFOERY & SONS, SIASUFACTCREKS ok DOORS, SASH, BUNDS , Moldings, Picket Fencing, Scroll Wo r k, Lat s and Lumber, Ber^elia- - - JOHN SHI? I.Its, S|,ai -- T EE8FECTFCLLY a k of my r-!d J. in iiane i. ■ -r.inr* .. ,i:.ties ceive! help me fo live tiicir I zya- titt-it* value money. Paul made I help to 1 ui. l liou:C- I »preueii to people. •narT dm W. M TEERY. WKSiHWI Sl’KClAIi KUTK'KS. PAIN-KILLER!! ' Fait ovi’U 'iiiiiti v vr.ins P°rry Davis' Vegetablo Pain-Killer UAt* m-'KN TK'-ICO TV KV«! v wiuTrv 0 V Ci nr\T«, ami nv a i,Mo T t v); v NATION KN> AV.S- TO AMKIUCAKS. ]t i 1 ike eo-istant «.e»mpatdoR i-nd cati i a Me ietul of the uiM-immi-y uiel lli.- ti-iivcl'-r,i nn Hea and luivl, mid no one slinubt travel on our 1,-ikcs or Rivers wi'tiout it. T( lias been before d ' publio ove- thirty years, and |-r<'b.-.biy li-is n wirier a■ *1 bolter tepiitiition tli'inniiv oilior day. pr prietaiy modi* cino ef tlie pro out At, iliis peilod there nre but few i.iiiicipiiiintod with tin* tnerils of iho l’u n k.llei ; tint wtolc KO)nq extol it n a ’ miiieni, tiu.-y know lmt I ttlo of its power 'n mig, ,r \ aiu win n taken in-' teiuatiy, while other/ use it ’uternalle witir great sucoes*, but are eouat y i;* eraut, of t's healing viituos wi ■ n iipj) iv-d e;;lcrtmlly, We therefore wmlt to say to nil tit -1. it i* equally rue -essful wlietbcr upplird it,torr al¬ ly val or <1 externally, tin 1 it stni <ls to-day uuri ci, by all Hie It gri fit. efavgue of famijy Hied es. : s su!l.eicm evidence of its virtues ns a standard medicine, to i.ltevt’ that it is now used in up pans of ilic wo hi, and that its sale is cons.tunt’y increasing, IS ft rurative ug tit, lms sueli wide spread s-ile or gheu stub it-iversa 1 15 *i-f»*etiyri.| It is a | u ly vegetable compound, a. d perfectly After thiity safe in unskillful tria', hands. years, is still r, cciving the mos litnjtialifiod testimonia s to its vir-i t if s, from ptmsons ol the highest < haractci 1 and responsibility. Physicinus ml of 11 o lirst fectual •espectabil ty, vcconim-. ioa f it ns a inctiou most, ef¬ of prepara r I he ex known pain. It is Brnwcn,'Cuts, not unly the best lluruti, retriedy ke., ,b\ ever f«r for Dysentery or Uholcra or any sort oC bowel complaint,it is a ’-entciy unsurpassed, for efficiency and rapidity of notion. In the great ei ies of India,.and oth-r hot climates, it has become the Mandn/d Medi, cino for nil such conifdnints, ns wo l r» for I> spepsi >, Liver Uoropldw.s, nod otlier, kindred disc r-.lefs. For Coughs and Colds, Onnker, Ai tlunn, and Hheunmtic difficulties, it h is hem proved by the most ubundaht and conviticir g testEirtony to be, o.ti iiivalu* able cine. Harare oj all Lull,titans. The Pit lt-Kiiler is sold liy all respecta¬ ble dtuggists (Jifougliout die United States and foreign i-ouu r’.es. I’i cos cents, 60 cot ts and $1 p>>r bo! lo. 1*IIIIIt Y WAV IN, & S4S.\ S*i’Oj>‘ s. j No. lefilligu si.cet, X’rovideuce, it i. nmy 2d 4t A Boon to the Whole Race of Woman • DU- .T. EUADEIELL’J FEMALE REGULATOR 1 pain It. v : 1! To i muiitlily g n\ tho .Menses ; relievo all at (!*■ -T’ci-iotl cure Rlioti mat'Mh tind N-.urnlgia oflaiek and H orns ; Leucorhoca or "Whites,” ami partial Pro lupstis Uieii; check exccs.-ive How, ami cor r. et all irregularities peculiar to la lies. I! wilt remove nil irritation of Kidneys' and Bladder; relievo (.'osFvcne-s ; portly the Blood ; t ivc touc and strength to (lie whole system ; clear the skin, imparling a rosy hoe iu die clicek. and ehcff/uluess to the mind. It is as sure a cure in al! Iho above dis¬ eases »s (JuiTiino is in t'hi it- and Fever. t.udios can eii.-a tli mselves of ul (Jib above d'seasea without j-erealing their com* plaints to any pu-smt, v.-itich i;; always mor¬ tifying to tin it- pride and modesty. it isieeommended by (ho L-esi physicians and tlu ch-rrry. LaGHANGK Qa., 31(1!'.!: MT 1870. BRAIIKIF1.U& Ot), Atlanta, Gt>.— Dear Sits : I lake ptcii-uvo iu stni n gtbut I havo used tor the tnsr twoi'y y-nrn ilia mnhvliit> you m »ow |iulting uj', known as Dr. J. Uradfidd’s FEM A US REG U,L \T0R, and consider it the beat t ombintiiioM ever gotten together for the <lisc;i! es for which it is io comuiendt-d. 1 h > been fnimllinr with the prescription, both as a practitioner of m«d eineaml i;> domestic pi act to \ and can hon. estly s;iy that 1 consider it a boon to differ-, ■ng female*, m.d can tuit liopa t]iwi ry, lady in our whole hunt, who may ho sfl'ner-, ing in any way peculiar to their sex, may l)« tv:;to to procure a hoftlo, flint (heir sutler-', ir gTH Tuny ic-t.ored not only bo relieved, but (hut (hey nmy ho to ho d h and strength. —r With tny kindest regards, I urn, respect’fy, IV. B. FERRELL, Al. D Ntrvu Mauietta. Ga., Alareh 2t, 1870.' MESSK^. VYM. BOOT & SON.—Dear. Sits: Some months t go l bought a bottle nt I’.rndticld’s FEMALE REGULATOR from you, and Intvo used it in my family with tlm utmost sal is/,act ion, and have re¬ commended it to three o lo r families, and they have found it jn-t what it it) recoin tin nded. Tt c female.'! who have used your REtiDLA FOR nr,- in perfect lienlih. umt me nl)lc to tu i-ii'i Us their household duties^ and We cordially r comuteud il to tlio pub* lie. Yours Reaped fully, Ri-.v. U- li. JOHNSON. Wo ectrJd «'LI « ihauvnntl oilier cert it?* cue -.but we consider lbs above amply, siifieient proof of its vittuc. Ah wc a k is a triid. For ful! par/iciitars, history of ((Leases, a' ,I certificates o' ir.< wonderful cures, tlic, reader i- referr d s,, tho wrap|h*r around the bottle. Manufactured > n l sold by Price? ERABFIELD&CO.. 1 .00. Atlanta, Ga.. Held by all Druggists. fcu28—ewly Manhood : How Lost; How RcitomlJ _ ~ ^ V'fet.’? c-titiou J<'«t pithlinheJ, a new c#4f ot hr. (htlvcr ttJv'L '»>« < well’ Ut-lcb ftted Essay , m ,t iH radical curb •without lu'dicinc) of SrF.njiATounrr'T.A or Seminal Wcnkncss, Involbr lairy .Scrniniil Losses, Jmio TE*f'.', Mental ami X'iiyrical linyif -icity, hnfie'l uirriis to .Marriage, etc. : aVo, 'Jtieei! Gonsi .mitio.v and Fits, in by self-iudulgcnee or sexual extrav* agnuee. -• l*i ice in a scaled envelope only suf ceuts. The celebrated author, in tl.irs admirable cs-ay, etc uly dem ,ti-ti atci fr m p. thirty years’mcccssftil ; rteliee, that the alfirniing cotiM queoc'M of (■•••u'-nbit-.o tuay be radically cured without fhe dangerous u-o of in'crnal niedieino or the apfdicatiu.i of i)i« knife . }>onit!iig ait' a mode of cure at once siu'jile, (•r ain airl efite ml, 1 y t cans -f which ev¬ ery Miff cr r, no ticiitcr what hi co i tli tion rn iy be. may cure l.iuiHlf eho iply, priva’e. ly h mi radically. lecture bauds 2 ■: Th' should be In the oi evi ry man in the land. Sent. address, Under m a plain envelope, to any poai-puid, on receipt of Mx 1 eir.-, or tw i postage .-.tamt h. ! v addressing & the publi'd.ers. Address the Publishers. 1 CD AS. ,7. C. KLINE A- CO., 12/ Bowery, N i., p. 0. Box 4586. April 19, 1878. ly Obstacles to Marriage. II AI’PY ItJiLJEF for Yours* Men from *be effVicts of Errors and Abuses « _ ear y life. >1at ho d restored. ImpedimoDtS to Marr n^e r-moved. New icethoil of treat incut. Now and remarkable remedies. Books nnd t’iteu'ars rent free, in Hoa cd « nvelopes Address, 2 South Nu II03VAHD th St., Philadelphia, A.-SOCIATION, I’a.—an No., I | crable lustitutiou liaving a high reputation for hott* 1 conduct nnd professional skill*