The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, June 20, 1874, Image 2

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= =■ ——= ^- «^ARTA, GA , JUN* 20,1874 • ... 8 reat fmpeement. Subscribe for tfc) Times <fr p r A NTF". '« , are going w make it so that you Mn * affo «-d w without it. And we •«* ut.U ,uu thi. libo .,1 propo8ilion 11 *V,." « CH « the paper “* for •ubMfibcw, #’ r .. ctuba of fl~- e... du- ?ur. Now is your lime, tho fall campaign will soon be Upon us and you will need a p ptr, So come up. tf. Still Better^ To Ihoso who are indebted to the Times & Pianter for Subscription, wc make yon this liberal inducement to settle. We will allow all who will come Up and pay By tho first of July next, ¥5 per cent ofl of what they owe. Wc need tli 1 money and hope you will come «f. fallio Executive Committee or ilia Democratic Par<jr or Ucorala. Macon, May 18, 1874. •ction Desiring, by above all things, unity the Democrats of Georgia in our frng approaching elections, and the groat impmfence of h irmony in our ranks, I have determined, witli • view to those desirable ends, to’ Call to-gether tho Kcxccutive Committee *be party on the first Wednesday in July in Atlanta, for consultation. * IJn til then it is desired that no action look ing to nomination of candidates will taken by the party. Gontlemcn of convention, tho people demand your tention. Thomas Hardeman, Jr., Ch’m. l>em. Ex. Com. Ninety-one ounvictft t have been t IlC • ■ -• • ■-«-> Si '*t Of April, of which number six are white men and eight arc negro wunen. \:r Ho — sec • the “ ■ city n iu council « Atlanta. of Atlanta nave taken this thing in hand, and going urc to put forth every effort to make it • grand success. They « pec t to put *80,000 into it, aud if they ma n - •go it right, wo think they will lose nothing by it. Huff proved that in Macon, and wo don’t see why Atlanta can't do as well with it, or even better than Macon. We liopo they may cccd. They sue- „ ought to redeem them ■elves on fairs. dimthict convention, Tho Chronicle <(• Sentinel of a cent date desiies to know the views «or people in this Congressional I),*.. tnct as to wha* action ought to bo had looking to the organization of the Dem «*rsuo P«** for tho campaign j, •h«Ad. It is M the opinion of some niem *ew of of the Executive Committee •AM the., - term of service has expired, •Oil that a new orga D i 2a , ion ncce<: lg ■ary. We suggest that the ed¬ itors of the Augusta papers d«J and place name a for a district Conven¬ tion, giving sufficient time for the pco plo of tho counties to send delegates, •nd that the organixation for the Dis¬ trict be then and there perlcctcd. Wo would favor that or any other practical plan for setting the machinery in mo¬ tion. thr CONSTII UTION hivqi The seventh anniversary ol the At lanta Constitution was celebrated »» tk*t city on WediiDsdny night by a magnificent banquet to the Georgia pr« ami wua honored by the pn sence of the Mayor «/.vrr«ii(a, and the At totaey General or the State; wus **ly oelobratfd by toasts, speeches, •a elegant supper, aud by a good time generally. From the excellent good spirits which “was extend •d.aod from all tho facts as detailed in tb*eport of tho occasion Pt wc nro snre H •» a great success. Wo noto that *ho id it or ol tho TlMra A Pi.antTr Was rm®» *nd bis confession, “that A* fe like [jpor dog Tray—a Christian •R«r in ba^omp^p,” was certainly tua e h had waded through tho iui ■onsebifl ot fare provided for the guests-nothiog could have accouuted hr thiibad feeling but the inability to l«lkr justice to tho rich DKT «a mm «p and doing. The time is upon tie for hetiou in ,«kr local politics. Members ot the Legislature will bo elected this Fall, v Wbo shall bo our candidates? This fa important. -Wo waul‘good, true mto—n en of worth, of integrity, of in •••Igenee. Men who know the wants ••d 8ghts of tbe people of ourgood old eounty, iB J w bo will maintain them without *'» r and without reproach, Jfo good citu*D$ can differ about what of tua« will be required for tbe important po*i*,ion of a Legislator, Lalew unite all over -ho county in se •witiv^ (ha Mrvioee of our Wst men. ^ oubi it not be well for the Chair ■* V f < h< lia * ,Cut i v e Committee, 6f * r * , * C ^ of tb it « county, to •or do we think wD» v, M , y bet we favor a rowioa!r>», and the •nauitm us suppoit ef tke regiwrlafly DMDtaeiod oiBdtdaJe* v P ::;:Bc'£fS> f '“"> '« educatuA^*^ O.orgi.j,. -'™. ,. rcared > ar ><l 11,8 reWnt eulogy on Sum#^* y ^ wa, gutter., ally dcno- '^cJ > n 'he SontK, httt equal |v ..1 much lauded itt tfio North. We have not seen thut eulogy and do not S&xr&rjji " * impossible that he can remain i n (Jon gross without attracting material at teiuion j and he ha* rapid I v rose to th* hnt posit'on ocei,pi c d by ary South,™ nieiubet in that The »rc. . , , . oxpra.aior. ro. bci „ g Norther,i writer, concarniug The first in from a Washington correspond ent of .^the Atlanta Constitution, and the second from tha Boston Advertiser t '“This disinguished son of Georgia has again qade himself conspicuous above his felloy members1 by h.selo the Louisiana eo^te^oleotio^wselS a fitting seqifcH to h\» Sumucr oration, and the two tfforis not only give ex pression to Southern aeotimen», but pOPtroy the evtla of reconstruction and' the injuries entailed upon the South by carpct-bag layonets. officials, upheld by Fed cral Mr. hauiar has made but ttpooebe. tbi. jwion, but thc?e have given him a national repu tation,und he is now tefered to by the Nor hern press as ‘‘the coming South ernev.” His Louisiana speech has not yet appeared in the Record, having been withheld for revision The Boston Advertiser says, and truthfully, *of the Missi-sippian has done so much this session for section nnil his ‘R*!* : “Mr. Lunar, (juent -ly"«n<Mh speeches n cr of^thoae which stirring"an./ are sure to all a sympathetic chord in the hearts generous people. No name is closely rebellion identified with the cause of and the conflicts of tho than that of his family, which was spicuously tho represented in them from first to the last. Fifteen of its bers it is said lost their lives in of the lose cause. The generous per, the nobility of sentiment and moving ehquence cf the present repre¬ sentative from Mississippi are moio than anything else could to pel the unpleasant feeling which been excited by the good name bears, and to promote good offices tween sections of the Union no divided. The response which men all j aities make to such appeals their generosity is a good sign.” [COMMUNICATED ] ICfllxIniiM Iinni, 10 Kilm Ckareh and Pine Urov. N. liool lloiiau. Several weeks ago, at the rpquest of brother Alexander, tho tastorof Klim aud lloicb churches, we cou.-ented to pr* avh for him in his absence, at Elim, ou the fiist Sabbath in June. In com plianee with the jromise made brother A., wc sturted out Sunday morning for the place appointed for Worship. We hud no company on the way thither wild; had, thi refore, ample time and opportunity for meditation. These DIO ments of uuditation are sweet, iudeed, to ouc who love9 them. ‘‘Sweet tho moments, rich in blessing.” We think that some of otir happiest Lours have been thus spent. The day was dark, with impending clouds, and had hasty showers at short intervals w - *vcei> cd one/and r** 1 °‘ uno ‘ber before rcnoliiug iLb •huieh ; but fortunately for us, we did not forget to take along our hand shelter. This served not only as a protection rom the rain, but also ns a shade between showers, to ward ofl the bold and hot attacks of old Sol ; though we are not a stranger to these attacks, even when wo have no such The Sunday school exer¬ cise* at the church wete not quite cloaid wbeu wc arrived.* There was but a slim attendance at school—more absent than' pit-sent. Those who Were iu attendance, seemed to take an in tercst in the work. The daik and rainy forenoon, doubtless, prevented many from attending’ boil* the school and preaching. Bother Sherley is c r* intendoot of this school. Our congre¬ gation for preacliing was small ; tho’ good order was observed and attention given to the preaching of the gospel. T hey have here,' a'stnall organ for the use of the Sunday School. Wc heard the lady performing on it, play one of tho good old tuees we used so often to hear at Greenville, S. C. After preach mg, we weut to biother Lewis Jones’ I’ot dinner. There we met with a good »!J sister— step mother of brother J’s. We young people who know her, call her “Aunt Cely.” She is far advanc ed in years, and almost entitely blind, and is confined much of her time to her room aud bed ; rarely ever geting' o^to chursh. It ivn a great pleasure for ns to talk with her, aud she seemed 8 r ®atly to enjoy it. She enjoys re Hgious conversation, and complained so few ministeis, and they seldom, visite*Ni*:t.^ W# hope breihrcw+a the -...... - eai»' At* k. brother V4ooT> Z rewtniM* taut Irrited sl»out three o gulai hour amemblin^ the Sohoo u.. t wr Jvflse w^S2= pr , v „. ?,*’’ ”■ b y led m P rn J er . sang anotbe- 80n *’ ,, 1 . .* hcn proceeded to giv#*t n '°n to recitations. AH tho classes tbc Mn, » time, including the teacher of Tiii«^i rot ^ er -Alwnutder is P “ r ,hc blb,e c, « » i» the reel. . 38k,n ~ ,S " nd an8We,in S qups t,0ns f als0 , “ we ' > assisted. This class . lar « e for “ ““** «k»l As ut K,im fi0 U was many / - were absent iron^******* 'J V K~ ^%uuol j B , exoreU... 1 Zr^t’ i",‘J' oI bul «“ » f preactfeA (4 Hardwick ainoffl^—+rer* here once first Sabbath, at lour p. ci. W e fol lowed brother II. in one or twolrief reniaik9> Good behavior and atten tion wa8 Served throughout. Wear rived at home very late, tmd quite tired with the day’s labor. May God in his own good way and time bless the eflort mJ tho trUtb dispensed to His own S lor J- and , the . P rofit A ot .. both P reaC, p . ‘ er and bearer. - -*- CylL'fc SALE, ,L rn\VO I , iMt uL“ SEW i NG Ma , w ^ ca p be h »Ar.ply at this office j une 1? E. & i tfON, Corner ^nd Streets, 6U. T^EAII'WATCHES, JEWELRY, ri FA pwwa Erne watch work a sp e«i Vi.jvclry repaired and engraving tf. june 13 ( on**. We lea. ned, after arriving at heme, tIl . t brether j.t. A ,,„ mSl p u.t«r of tbu Methodist , Church here, addiessed , tU t o . children belonging to the Methodist Sunday‘School ; a'so invited the Bap t|g| gund Schu0 i to be present, wb ...... >ch they readily ... accepted. . . invitation Brother A’s lecture was said to have been very good. Wo wou'd have been very glad of the privilege of l eariug it, “” d ho P c tlie tffort wiU P rovo a l,les » * D 8 *° bot, ‘ tbe speaker and those spok en to. A gentleman from White Plains re marked to some of our villager.* day, (9ih) that lie Was greatly surprised to fee everybody in l'owelton at We are glad to bo able to say, for information of this gentleman and others who wish to know it, that have not ot present, a single loafer vagrant in our village, or in the com munity, that we know of. We dare that we have, at this time, as quiet peaceable a little town us can be anywhere within the State; standing the fact that there is here a retail liquor shop. we venture the assertion that the dustry of l’owelton, will compare Voiably with that of any other place its dimensions. Our people if n< t ly awake, arc awakeuiug to their ter interest—woiking Lard, more grain and less cotton. Where this is the case, joveity dares not show i:s ugly lave, but plenty ut.d r a kind l’roviucnce is vouchsafed to all. A C. RAINWATER. Po welt on, Ga , June 10th, 1874. ___ _ N ew A dverti.°^m et0s. WILijLIAM STEVENS, _dealer in-— Dry Goods, Clothe Ha+s Alices ^Notions -arf greatly reduced prices Ladies' Cloth Shoes worth i?2 50 a $3.00 for $ 2.00 t Q ^2.50 Misses «A 2 50 a 3 00 for 1 75 to Ladies' Hats worth......... *-25 a 1 60 for 80 to 1.00 A Fine Lot of Ribbons at Very Low Prices. The Whole Stock of Notions at Greatly Reduced Figures. Tie Best Seiars in Sparta at $1.00 Per Dozen! Come ^.Tlie and above named ,’or yourself. goods will be sold to any one, W^M. low, for tlie CASH. wo see STEVIE ’* Sparta, June 13 tf. JOHN II. DOBBS, OKO. S. OBEAR, Jr., late, Wise, Dobbs A Co. Macon, Ga. 250 CRATES CROCKERY AT DOBBS & Croc 8 !* y ry, China mid C lnss-wavo pw-ya tm m -w ■ fc -' - w-'-'T r%. AT •f 100 CHERRY STREET, 2d DOOR ABOVE ROSS 4 COLEMANS. TUST RECEIVED pel ship Eva A Victor 260 Crates Crockery,which wc are J offering from 10 to 25 the cuits cheaper 30 days, than and will ever tbe before Cash, offered. giving These the entire have all been bought in last ns benefit of the late decline. BA’ CANNOT RE UNDERSOLD, Bar* Fixtures* Flasks, Bottles, &c., &c. In this line we have tho largest and best eslleerion of goo* ever brought South. Send us your orders. l^rnit Jars J PrFit Jar* ? Ma:on Porcelain Top* and tbe celebrated Cm Glass Top. Send to us for ^ OurMr Dobb* (late Wise. IX bis k Co!)7>rcb»6td onr person, and by special arrangement with the agents of ebps Eva aDl * Lad ’ ‘ 1 < ; ,or » brought them through at 45 per cent, less .on th« lOO **’'• none the usual rates. ' vare Lamps, osAt G/a^ In this line can fill an J*«n ’** ^mmon Brass Lamp, up to we ha 4 of finest Perk... BROSZE A House’s LAMPS No. **$*"* ^ '* nth w « Wl11 J«b tt ® sa- » f as •old by tbe faetory. T-tOoliififir Alasse*" wulWIou N -*. -___ —w-re brought ontsn the aacM^fow nwighta, an<I w« can, and «a ebeap as any Hp«i>e North or N^uth. Our gwxis are all tew, «Aave bven l>oug«Tn »h« *<* thirty days , Come DOBBS and see & OBEAR, us or send for Tloe l»t. Ross Coleman's ju** 13 o Seecad Door above A *“-.^25«~7 iU^ * ‘° M "P*P«» and 1- Subscribers Who no ^ pr«. nt>,!« t|,e not ® 10 », lnl t ered wishing to continue th uco. cir s ^ Tf subscribers order the d . , |e Mh* 1 ^ SfoTb^e ‘^^'‘[‘uoed Zr ,a h* r P p, pe „ v/^peld r "' i Thu }‘- the l-esnonaibie "?• Omtiv^ve decided that «. for £*'*“ ^t» *• j| S * ! *SR "■« >. - e 1 . ** of '*■> C whe * n t t}#j^J ?• a subscnly, 11 strscribma ; j a rob<*id give-notice p ay n ac VailC0 to to the ? -it 6 Cml °. f ,be ^ lime, if , D “n t , J8 i ^ it pabHihM ia t r i ° c and the subscribers will be P on8 ‘^uotil an express notice with 01 «U *rnars, i 8 Een t » he , r Advertisements. «i H U F F - Wholesale 3-^d Retail Dealer^tn f With Bacdtr, „ „ n u „., Oats, IEH, PEiS, 8 #gIS "x; \ > p. 1 FEE, SALT, LAlq> J r bi m in / vvgto •f Etc. ~ v. * * > - r.o \ \ in 0 15,000 Bushels White Corn. .^largest stock of White Corn now held by any on/ 10 ibm ,h,, " ish " , ™ PP ' J ,he “ 1 “ ,v "'' ’ HUFF. rucle. «r ** **' a • LINES & WING, ‘ GENERAL JOB fPRINTIalzs, 58 & (30. Cherry St fl eets M9003, ' ‘iEORGlA; A ’pmmfi 0r " 31 atgenrigghe ft TIMPS , & PLAL . T1; Omce Wli‘l‘ugelgeé‘ve . , a^Vkhtisemen TS. C. SAWYJtR’S GIN. SvfiK 10*Ia. 1873. Also, the Celebrated GIN, ^ P«tern, with the r_ Oscillating ox » Manufactured by - “'^ER, jMOTrt, GA. " ‘°»k ih • **r«JMinW last rears ^ • hs>P witli new ms iiiere ig I may have umt l o order Co^ ^ , costs no „,overoen' 8 Viub wool's > hB . ee d to auUhbnselfi IU;1 P rm; maintain the natural woiv.-«P’ „f lh<^ and be m ,de to do as rapid machine in use. taken , SAW¬ Three premiums Weft! by overall ECLIPSE GIN last yeat. v z : Two at the Southeast Southwest Geo (fin . _ . a . and other Kufaula— one a silver cup, the a cu plomii* Also the first Premium at the Faif in Goldsboro’, North Carolina. Mixed or Yellow Corn. 10,000 bushels Mixed or Yellow Corn for eale by w. a. Htrr. •o I Bacon Sides, Shoulders and Lard. . . . Buyers of Bacon and Lard will find it to their advantage to advise with me do making tbeir purchases, I pay cash lor provisions, and purpose to sell force them low for the ready money. w. A. HUFF, Flour, Hay, OatS^ NCoalj Sn^ar) Oofif©0) j: ts?.“ y all of which I sell at the lowest possible Cash 1 rice. Time o * OUH Salt c,c , filled special rates to be agreed on. Ucrs will only be at W. A. BUFF. m w Sucoessor to WALKER & DOBBS, Impo.ur of .nd Dn.ler in CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Chandeliers, Gas & Kerosene Fixtures, NON EXPLOSIVE I, AM PS, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS, T FLOWLR ^.-arT-r) POTS, TJr^l'TtS *0. Xrn M & 83 Mullrerry Street, MACOll, ««A. Ssent for tho SUte of Georgia for PORTERS PATENT GARDEN and TATIOM COMBINATION HOES. june vn, 3 m gE T?at DEDUCTION —IN— BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, AND —AT-— Timmerman & Wise’s, 183 Broad Street, Augnsta, Oeonr<<> (Opposite the Augusta Hotel ) 10U . cases of boots, shoes, hats, valises and umbrellas j»*t *d And io order to make it to the interest of the purchaser, waare dr.ermiwed *«11 EXCEEDINGLY LOW, forCish or Approved i'aper. We ^ « ud <• all cur Hancock Friends at any t mo. Please give us a call. WISE. IlMNERiHAjr * june 13 3m. The Best, The Weapest! - toe BOOTS SHOES ii ' 014 THE MILLION & s. ■:o> People of* -when yon go to <ton*t forget to call on ^ETEn JCNSEnVAIVV' A AND supply you^elf V<th Boots His and Stock Shoes, the like of which hae n^r^beeu seen in this city f«r M»; y«rs. is ls rgtr ert[ Mo[Bl * D d made atriotly Ut order by the beat manufadurers in the cointry. He • ill seff all qualitMM of Ladies’ Bboetat 25 cents a pair REDUCTION ; and 9». tlemea’» haad-oewed Show, Congress Gaite-g and Boots «t 50- cecta. and ♦ , _f wt , *ge* lower than at mny ether period during the P— y —^7^ h!s friends^the m the strictest sense of the word. please them. ceun lit gratefully mcknOTrledgrs the large to** k PET#511 BudMi^ FTVV A w try, and will, in return, do Ms utmost to Central Hotel Au ipril 1.4m. Macon, Ga m June 2d, 1874. The SAWYER GIN has JSS524S no sup.riotis as M ftT spend, the following gias 4 were minutes run the following results, run t Ec’ips 50 Saws, . 23 lbs. <^in 50 Saws, . * - i Halls Gin and Freder 51 Saws, . 1 < Needle Gin 40 Circles, . . . 1» Pratt’s Massey’s Gin 40 and Saws, Center 40 . • • ^ 14* . . If Massey has ever taken a premium at any Ge rgia State Fair, it is unknown to the Georgia Agricultural Society. I can furnish hundreds of certificates of the order following * ]STEW GINS Will be delivered on board the oars at the f ces 1 2.1 Thirty flte SuWai . $131 Forty Saws, •. lf O 00 F^r’y-five Saws, . . . 16H 76 F'f y Saws, . . 187 00 . *: " '225 00 Sixty Saws, , < 2f>2 00 Seventy Saws, . . ' To prevent delay, orders and old gins lime given to responsible parties Voluntary Testimonials Are lurni lied from the various sect ons of I Ifolowiug: 1 he colton-groWing Slates, of the charactct WecBobn, Fla , Oot,, 15, 1873. Mr. P. C. i-awy&k, Mac«n Ga. s My giu is doing well, am well; ‘pleased with it. In fact it cannoi be beat. Respectfully, 8 L. WILLIAM-. Grahams, S. C., Fept. 10 ,- 1873 . p fft&JSTCxSrpSSSfJSflS {^*si”whS V» — I'onl,” j*®J^HS.’WSSa.n'S'ii ”T .h“ iy* b «S«i P uIo°fmie'i-iJpi“4»» cto “] -• j 01 her make. Y Magnolia “'* rop gm T& not accepted. | S TE RS iN. U p p t w ,{ g hed seed 1 ginned oWfon for one oth^ t ale the first otte in I pou ^ ^ inrowff , to „ z "^■Bi^MNRffurned lhir<l, bwlo weighing out 407 14 Mr. P. C. Atoen*, Ala., April 20th, 1674. SaWver: 1 am Gin very Well bought pleased with the fifty saw Cotton I of you last summer. It does all you said it would do, and does it w-ll. It gins fast picks clean, makes a good sample, and I with the adjustable breast, never chokes. never expect ter use any other. Yours truly. J. R. BATTLE. Fairburn, Ga., April 21st, 1874. Mr. P. C Sawtkh, Macon, Ga.: Doar Sir— 1 The Gin w« bought of you la.t fall, we are pleas .<1 to say gives entire sat¬ isfaction. We would not have any other. six We have ginned day, 300 bales iMrd giniiirijf from to ten per cotton ag Hselt af¬ ter paying toll. W* ®*« say, that in onr / \JT *s the best gin now in use. ^tonis respectfully, etc, w .v the MILLER & McKOWN. operation we, of undersigned, Messrs. , have wi'nejMed the made by P. Miller* McKown’s gin, C. Hawyer, Macon, :G«., and can say that it cleans the seed better than any we know of, and mfckes as (food lint •• H. any gm in the State. ?, W. STRICKLAND, R ELDER, F. P. F r WNLIAMP ' Rev. W. T. ROBERid, 8 . HARVEY, J. L. MARTIN. ’ Mr ^curr P C 8 Grove, Ga., Macon, Oof. Ga.s^f 30th, 187 - a w YEB , Dear Sir—Enclosed find ar Banking Company lor jkUl our gin, with wlti ^5)3km & -on. PR9NPTLY. . Grangers with cash would do well to suit me before purchasing elsewhere. 1\ C. SAWYER, Macon* CTa Age els for" t the aboye G in. MUJ — w vO.i A gents for State of N. C, gton, IF. G J. C. Smith. Greenville, S. C. W. L. H. REID, CheriW, 8 . C. JAS. Y. GOODLETTE A 00., 8 partan burg C. SUMMERS, H. 8 .C. ®r.J. S. C. W, Orengeburg C. If., CTiriMiniTQP A nn. M S. 0.