The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, June 20, 1874, Image 4

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. Ltaiuva Sluiu). •. Russia appears to he the most bar¬ barous country in Europe in its treat¬ ment of the marriage relation. The nuptial ccremonii s, all and singular, ore based upon tho idea of the degrad* iinn ot tho female. When tho psitints flhave agreed upon the match, tk«* bride is examined by a number ot women to see if sho lias any bodily defects. On her wedding day she is crowned with a garland of wormwood, fo denoto the bitterness of the married slab 1 , She is exhort, d to bo tbedieut to ber bus band, and it i* a custom in sWo dis¬ tricts for tb« newly married wife t»> present tho bridegroom with a whip, it token ol submissi on, and ** ‘ ‘ Seldom fto *shrr»-''TiT‘fl(L- a ; fln,inMj’»^'’*^hatius T are «k^i'nl(i'criii>l known to torture their wives to death, witliout any punishment bar-. lor the murder. If a woman proves TCb, uic husband gene alty prcvujls and leave on her to rotire into a convent, bis him at liberty. If he fails iu per¬ suasion, he is peimittcd to whip hqr into obedience. Such is the slavery in which the Muscovites aro kept by their parcntR andjguardiuns, that they agreed arc not allowed to dispute any union upon by their ciders, however odious or incompatible it may bo ibis ex¬ tends so far that officers in the army are not permitted to marry without the consent of the sovereign, and wives they do not want arc sometimes forced upon them. Whether it be the result of this systtm of oppression, or of their savage climate, or ol the unnatural, hot air of their stove-heated apartments, it is certain that n more unlovely set of women than the Russian would be hard to find. ‘‘They wufit," says an I'jnglisn traveler,‘ the gcutiinc flavor which only Nature can give. That charming firtn ness und elasticity of flosli so indisputa¬ aud bly requisite to constitute beauty, bo delicious ttf the touch, exists not among the Russian females, or in very few of them." A licciic 11 o/ii 1.1 !«• 1 A yt.ung rutin entered the bar-room of u village tavern and culled for a drink, said the landlord, “you have *h»d delirium tremens once, and 1 cau jouuit-Mtou tv>*^" f '‘l just onteiod, and a^wrwiujlo.' I waited upon them politc fy. Tho other had stood by silently and sullen and wbon they finished he walked up to tho landlord and thus addressed hint : “Six years ugo at their ago, L stood where those young men are now —1 was a man of fair prospects. Now, at tho ago of twcnty-cight L urn u wr drink. ek, body and mind. You led me to In this room I formed the bubit that has been my ruin. Now sell me a few glasses more and your work will he dotio ! I shall soon ho out o' , the way ; there is no liupo for me. But they can ho saved ; do not sell it to them. Poll to me and letino die, and the world will he tid ol me; but for heaven’s *u o sell no more to them.” Tho landlord listened, pule* ami trembf . bitf. yettiug down his decanter, he vxclaiineil • “(itMt’fie p me j'Uiib is the lust drop 1 will ever sell to any one 9 ! r *ml Itc kop his word. A Tutu: Lahy.— Beauty nnd stylo arc hot the surest passports to resjecta bility—siltin' ol the noblest r specimens of womanhood t nt the world him _____i D»«F Seen. have presented tho plainest and most man’s unprepossing appearance. A wo¬ wot in is to he estimated by the real goodness ol her lieutt, the great ness of her soul, and the purity ami Sweetness ol her character ; anil a wo mini with u kindly disposition, and well ba'ancid mind and temper, is lovely and attractive, ho Iter fttco over to plain and her figure ever so homely; she makes the best of wives, and the truest of mothers Kh« has a higher purpose iu living than the beautiful yot tain and supcieiHous woman, who has faery »» higher ambition than to flaunt lu. r on the street, or to gratify her iiiord.natu vanity by extracting flattery and praise Iroui society whoso compli¬ ments uro m hollow as they aro insin¬ cere. Kuloot on Woman.— How can tho rose grow without Ruushine ? Huw can tho violet bloom on the salty soil | Lo! women uro flowers th u t «ro nl «^. hconming afore hi^u»i***f gtiatded ® r >u irup;raut tlio mere thr) fire and -«a*etl for. But u»on should be k epers in the garden ol in beauty; they may rejoice thcinselvei ^u; Irugrnnco o| the fiowets, bit they may Out rumple them with their hands. Just ns the weud rooted frou the flowerbed, so should all that is huso and qptnmpn ho re moved flrrwiiy Iroiu- the neighborhood of woman. Ttcad upon .the rose with tho feet ami its thorns amaze time, Make thyself of ^Ue own accord » •lave to a wonuvu, and ahe will not hvnr it, hut will herself how before thee, nnd in thankiil love look ud to thee as liar lord ; u»ko a woman by three n •lave and alie will hear it sttl less, but will »C k l.y entt , n a « „»»i,.>i. „bi.« dominion over theo. For the empire ot love is the esiptro of oontradiott^u y tl.e wise ma ttauka this and sets ae eordtoglv. 1 lie more one has to do with women, th® more oue learns t.» know them, and tho more oiu le ms to know tit* jii (Ijo mors one learn* to them; and the marc one lov.s, them. highest love is the highest wisdom. ,llr ' "‘'ns. I’krioo ov I Kim* it . ^•K-l ur>. sure there on, un II I am d tog nu V,'i..ito thil “ h ‘ l “> 1 "I I \ I tlCl amt up K. a *t'P'M**** «*" day ot all. | ^'nng u he b.-t uoveraenii* 1 stn%^ >r » v ’ r . on tire ci i; .| i«u .•) pr,t»e. u ' j‘ «i '.’.iWm'..". : j,%. «r*»» Die to dre ' . 1/1 a ^NV 1 *, from th# creidle to thv 1 «* »•* r> ca led to wm I ighor ai.-a.m-WWSlJrf up for f-Dhc vJ.V’’ silver W?* “AS ;^, J T '* rDw * 4 -*|Qig), n ihawk* h*p r Y u , U lather, it b now ^ k ^ ■lr«- ■-it. K, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF CUJRKS TBB WORST I’AINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR •IterremttairthtsktrertlsmueBt need nnyoae UK prTA* KVKkiX nr*t».nd Is Ft wti*''" Remedy inttROU: *?rpiithcmoRtPXcnici»tinff pnfn*, * 11 *r* and cures i?onj;f*Um»A, wlieiJttr ottht Huim xt a.Jiovvtji^, or other glands or orgftQBi by applicBttoU. IN FROM ONK TO T\VKNTV MINUTK 8 , rn vCr bow vl- lent or e’cruciaUiig the tmtn the ATlO, pro*U'&teu Its 1 rtihh'r. uh Infirm, a Crippled, »•* * ’ or w n»u RADWAT-?.£“* ytit? mo.v c? kiunt.vs. A TIIMtV.WEI.'sf ni.AT)T)EU. or T.IBOAT. affiStStaMStf”* l,sA '' , • TOOTITACIIK. I A I.VKKll, INFLUENZA. CHILLS, A.fil; •Ol A, RHEUMATISM. ItinS. Twwity nine itropylnKiltMuroJilw tiro CHRAMIhs! AhMB.SiHJH »f «. nter wllllnafcw KTOMAUU. Traveler. »h»uld Kctcl "Vav< earrjr a bottln of Rad Itcii'tv wtUitlH in. a ♦*» tn water willl,rev. "t ma\ a or nun, from of water. It I. UettwUi»I .»uuU iiriiedy or JItitera ui al'.huCanv. FEVEIUKD AGUE. FF.VF.R AST) Ar.l^Qandfnr flfty e.«'«. Thera it LIEF. F illy cent* pur bato._ HEALTH! KAUTY 11 u’r^Xrl mn E a A no dr. RADWAY’S Sarsajarilliai Mvett the cheat blood purifier. “Msam 111 AT Every Day an Increase mflesit aal Mentis Sea aM M SOTb. *m rwnw ; ' V : ! . Tat Hi*) 1 1 '** pri'it I . li ■ ill . .1 '1 . i v. .e I. - I)f'• Wtiiiilfitr . :|, o ui| (’*.*n*i.v.try, v . i t rurctiw* refuse nf this ot M i h»i*ii m <* t t l« \v <l‘t s«' im»* u UI iinivetdiiny Us pt»rv>h usintjtt'forc tl. u ofUiubQ ImiiusuC li ilin I MM Jl'llcut tUil/ |1 OWl'.l' I iGUUIClhUn. rtdupQd by thf"Rftp(ca firiil p'ltujtif, lion tinui* ec« f-ontinuully nil ig a «(.’onirp ml piv»g re-*'nt», MIC* u. i- is ir ^rr.Totijjg wh*-mH repuii;* tli« auund V ili in V Nut . ri'tl tn , ul'* i , !**■ iltl»v l»loo !—jugI Hits tin - \ • .1 a P . l: i 1 / 1 , 1 A .V vi i .Mini «•—«.citrn l-* <"■(-* tin*; f..r v%h<m ouu« ihU itm tiy uornriiffrucii its v *. ; ot ji ti'iiicutlori. and min cii,(h lit Uit Its M-{i%irs Will Imi nip"’, mji«I «*\#?ry day U.'- ;>»itit»t*t wiiiI>«ihiiitM«»lfgro\vitiu I oitei un i tyfroru^r. Him t-uniUiC’Htlitg liuiier,uppoUle improving, aud i.vuh I l(T«- l - IU.V Not Oil] , the S A HF '• PARll.f.I AW Hr.FOI.Vr.YT excels Nil k'Miwii agciitsln tho **tir« ttt <"Ur ,| ii , c.hero* btloui, < ’i UiH-h nnl, nud Uniu UmcAoua *, buVitiaUio only pmfiUvu cure tbr Kidney <0 Bladder Complaint VrinnryADil H'oppnpft nf WiMur, Womhillx^iuKjH.OrA IiirorttiiiunuHof vcl, Dlaht«c«, Drt>p«y, Urine. Hrit.hi’k Dt» ««*«», Iirh'li-tliurt A IbuntinttiiR, dupt.niig, t»rthf iuul in nil cjisum i*ttih-k,« whem 4 tbure are wttKN- Imm > mixed wnhxiihhtnn<'«M white *tik, like the v liliuolnn urthrt* i In Ilk® f rtb« relsit tnnrhbl. <1 u k. hiliv'u Alice anti wliiin htu.e fjtmtdttjn.-ii!*, n"d ttht-D tnereif a Itrirkmit, ihuNiualI biniiinumuMivtim) t>f w hen pawwing Loliw. whI *r, aud |iiiUi at l..e ifaok ami along the Tumor of 12 Years* Growth Cured by ltttdway's Insolvent. DR. RADWAY S Meet PurgaUvo It Lgii’uliig Tills, i * t r'im t 1*1 i ‘vii'*!«* Um, tin*uni. purify,cituinn* «1 «n 1 U»d* u-b* \msn h i.»r ui’it;i st im I.lvur, Hovvt'la, Kulnw>i», libwidur, N«*rvo i« Dtafftsei, 1Uvm1a' )i«, 4 'nmUipaiH n, ('uMtivcmvwH, I mli, uatlon, IKg- 1 | !■ II u» nun , I . • - i • . •. I ■ iiimiHlkm ofuM lbnvi'li, rnct, nnd r;i 1 t.*rongpm»»#t *4 «*f ih*» Internal Vincent. W»rr tint l in uifipft i t t>oMtm* cute. I'urilf VHt»*»tawle f contmuln.; nnm» % rct u y, tnlnci nU »>r iW.eieln* ou n IriifN fciii front all tlu< nl»o • n l.-"plem, l*rtfC, 25 ' tii® p.w r."\. h«*M> liY ma ..'.I is. iirc a i> “ r*: and tui k * Hun.i. *ne h'ttct Ha id p i" II A h\Y \ Y .» GO.. No. Si* Wurrun St.. N«*vf York. IiifuruialloB Worth lhuui|tvnd» will Im aunt y*»u. nuvl. 2 y. £ # < a . TIIE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely ard resort to this stand¬ preparation, as lias been P 1 >y .11 tllC hundreds , , of , tUU . niflIS l'CCClVCtl proprietors. •® 8 0 It is by tho ItckllOWl edged nlivflirnnw by many U prominent JK 1 t,v *i, 1 n 1U ? St ft-liable preparation /• OVCT 111 — troduood for tho 1 ’clicl' Ulld ClU ’0 of all Lungeamplolnts. aild is otlbfcd to tlk) public, 1 ’ lorty by the .1 experience >\ • lien O^OVCl* 'CSOl’tcd ill ycai’S. it Scl- 1 to season fails to effect a speedy c ^niO«t LOUgllS, 13 r 0 UCllitl 8C\CrO 8 Cl'OUp, "\V hooping Cough, , InlluOIIZa, Asthma, Colds, or s or r DCSS ill the C llCSt aiul , iNdo, . Liver Complaint, Bleeding ot the Lungs, &c. ‘Wlstaru Balsam does liot dlT J 111 1 ) a n Cough, 1 and 11 leave the , cause behind, as is the ease with most loosens preparations, and but it cleansed the lungs, j>‘ and allays irritation, «w us complaint. removing tho cause ol rurransn nr %ETH W. FOWLS & SONS. Bjstca, Mass, Aud soU by Drub'c'uU 4S4Dfc4l.»si.»uuUy. I’An. \OTIUK. IS?i. r | ,,li |B>. and '- . ,> n .»» or n. 1 in ,l v V r,s ‘ v I-* »• ^ • 1 VU Tre *’'*> aut r .’f ’a ‘irss o. > j .. th.r afor. 'rraTst 5 - «. YaBBKODoII, TaxRc^r iS7l J llt '45 w m gTtHVSfll Dr. J. Walker's California Hitters arc a purely Veg¬ preparation, made chiefly lower from native herbs found on the of the Sierra Nevada moun¬ of California, the medicinal of which aro extracted without the use of Alcohol. question is almost daily J * ll! asked, What is the f j "" 3 K ii Tn'i l * UMpnr- 8 ti.-co» J » ^ ,s ^"AwTrswor causo °f is, disease, that . they and patient recovers his licmlth. ’n,,.,. l tho great blo«A puntior ami >i»S™u“ .ff- fer - i f t tt a medicine been compounded qualit ot V p >s tho remarkaWo healing tho es . 1 a hitters in * -ry disease man to h«« .to. ft > gentle Purgative as well as a ; Diseases properties of Dr.. ..., '\ai.k- T „ The A \ , u " 0 nt S^: er\s Vineoah IUtters ^ 1 ( g i J Sudorific, Alterative, and Auti-Bihou.,. R. It. MCDONALD * ?°.. J. F R I E Z E, Cabinet 31ulcer, 13 III)A P ST.. SPAUTA, GA 11 AS on h*„.l « full supply of new and e'e Ijjraut Furniture esnsistinfi of Fine Ma Imgiiny Bureaus with marble tops, Parlor and Bed room s. Clinics Rocking Chairs, WrkIi Siiiiels, Exten ion Tallies. Lounges. Solas (be., Ac, which Ik is offering to the public at very reduced lut ». pairing Carefully Done. My custom, rs will please be r in mi ml tint l sell only for CASH. Person* whu in* goods in my lir e are respi ctlul'y invited to come nud cxuiuioe my Block, 1 e^n jiiveyou * BARGAIN J. I'KlBgu. Aug st l«, 1873 . i • % t. iiimiws IliirliL’ Works, AVGUSTA...... ...... GEORGIA M «*«-. VR.m.p* designed Monuments, a d exeeutrd, Tobih^fonos trom etc. the plainest to th* most elubo-nte, ,n tl.e best style ami a he 1 w et l ost. All w..rk for the e«. h. inlrv H. I> carefully l sxed nnd delivered at the pot tree of charge nov 15 ’*,‘1 ’y J. C. PECK & 00., . Doors, ; MAN! ru'lrlzmfi AM) hmmu- m Sash, Blmds, 'Mouldmgg, .s‘llowm31:.5‘37‘1m ”1,1,5; [LII‘I’A'TI'IL'Sg l./'JII.’l-.‘l:’. 5 Paints, 0m. mu“. mm, Caner Lovd Street and Georgia Railroad, [r 4 3m] ' ((ppusite Cunl-ml rawnm “mm ATLANTA, . . . . GEORGI \. The Famous 5ta!lion, “ Billy,'’ . ^ 1 S now owned by me and e*n be found the pr eetit season at my place in Hancock county. For letm», 4c, apply to Judge T. I. Little, ut Sparts, or to me. ei lu;r in per •«>n or by lettrr at ihe seme plnce Scpt.27. tf V, D BRANTLEY Lite, Umlmi &c. T dir undersigned having control of A. I. Butte SAW MILL, about 9 miles from Milkdgevi!le, are prepared to turuicli good pine Lumber ot every stylo and grade on short notice. They also saw Laths and manufacture Old Fiishio n country chairs. They can furn¬ ish timber dressed or undressed ship by railroad They are al 'etr pared to take contracts tor r',Tl. 0« , or r private bui dings. Give us Our post office is Miiic Uyss**" Ga. mill is located 3 mi|F^ ( U Carr's S*a uo., M. ■' & woSHEM J+*J7'0m. JNsirfftall Houst SAVANNAH GEORGIA. at the various IVpots and Steamboat land ings. The best L verv Stable ace mmode 'ions wl 1 be (ounil ndjoining the llou-e. At no time will 'rouble or expense la snared ! o make guests comfortable, and the m any in the state. BOARD BEDUEI) iu *3 PER DAY. He reap ctfully solicits a prefer share the public p imnuge, a d trwets tlmt wh you visit the city you will yrve him a May 30 if. A. U MJt E. Prop' House, SAV'AXNAfljG-A. ci S i\t JN. r) JrA. i 1 i) T -tamers. all Trains i T 7 VET «uen-f on B i !0Wn t0 ^es^. The ’>ecn Ej House is «c,.«r!*u,.i^ a , e a and having uf ,h ie a ly refined, a .t erarrished is one Stues. 0 most popular Hoiels in the Southern May 30 , if. je». Oppotij Ca b«uic Chur< h, 75 '^sekson St. . - - ' Augusta, Ga. DULER IN ITu>t *nd Cigars, " ale & Retail. -o.o Genera' Alt orders from Rai>?yi(ews 1 Agents. Or ’^P'fl B| j . or *h * ...... Priz oC andie?, feb 14 _ S P 4 ! I A L, TO FARMERS. The 0 W. Massey Excelsior CDTTON GIN! 1^. lhn^EIala Ac CO., Aodits, S arta, O e o r £? i a . \\ 7 E INVITE (be attciin o’ the people of Hancock county fo this just y celebrated V V (4 |X. for »•> '**• S» o A rents in this recommend c itnty it We b, liev- who it to be a GIN, good gin, or we would not sell Itntly to an> want a as THE BBT YOU CA.1ST BUY. It will Gin inonvoiton in a day, with loss power, separates the seed frovtlie lint ('leaner, and turns out a pret¬ tier, poij^utj. c#ner staple, which will always $ of a cent on the pound mure than cotton from other gins. An evidence that t • ,jll these advi,ntages claimed for it, at the Georgia State Fair, held in Macon, last year, itlk tho IlItHKNT PREMIUM over all the other ginthat were exhibited, as being the . BEST (IX ON And as a farther ^dence of u§ merit, we subjoin lh© follown g c. rtificate, ami cou publish many tiuae i.u d© m th s s*uili lent : Spahta, GaI, M-y 16 th 1872 . This is to c rtify that I Ptalr one o( O. W Massey’s KX; ELSIOK COTTON GINS 1872 a»d have pimn. two cr«„«n it with per cut satisfaction. None < »n beat t lor 1 , aud mnkt beau iful n*ss ef Draft, nnd it cauiiot e choked us the comm n Gin, s saving th* s , <1 peiTsct y ole t.'l'lie staple coinuiands J per cent, more titan other < o made by other gins. GEOltGK .\ 1 . AMOSS. Puri***- desiring to boV- »'°uld , we ,j t0 en j| 0 tr store nnd examine this gin p,t- Mar .’laving L, POWELL &. CO., (gents, i> “‘ Kpiii-ta, <»a To Auqusta IF YOU W/.-ntt CLOTHING GO TO Clotliiit" siure 203 into A STRIC T. 203. :o: —>*1 'Veil Known Stand, where you will find every grade of 1XG, Irom Medium to Fine ; and also FURNISHING H a t s tfc c . -IN SHORT, TO SUIT EVERYBODY, AT THE NER Y LOWEST PRICES, A. W. BLANCHARD. 23 3 Augusta, Ga. m PEOPLES CLOTHING W. A. RAM3EY, Agent, TVo. 208 >AI) WTRRIdT^ AU^US^v. - - _ ^loRGIA ,’y Nnd mannfnctaret at •xoressly : f *, u ,he noveiuei »*»rket of by the as. »oa«on, ii .v,n together e ample w.ih facilities an el«gant our wilt svs b* comt (jt,oi lete *i >- « of FURNI - iINu »of every kind. Also HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VA¬ LISES. .-A 1 CHELS. UM iirtELL iS. etc. RtASURKS TAKK-’v carefully, aaa clothing made to order, warranted to Jit. LARGE CLA8S FRONT. Dank. mir 29 ly Opposite National Exchangt .... YOU-NG- MBN 1 . Who wish to obtain a thoroujjjh. , Business fducation, w* Business *-*; /;«fe. -under the l„- - «vuct accoou on and ac ^v.ce|f 4 W* ibl experienced at er.d .— - , & r fj o Totcndc^^ Co y y-ciS m “*VE»SS*^ -lllllil l'Hfcl». MUliflU, Ptnedcat r nd belt w ^inpsn u actual inga^.he^ busing pr'mcip es, suppb'd wi h ban known*fu offices, ccnblmt'g tt.o-ough every LcvicaUnds ility y for imparting a y S tema.ic business e^uca rot, in the dor test possible tune ^Vregreph v. AUGUSTA HOTEL, PATRICK. MAY, Proplctor. rpHlS popu'nr Hotel has recently been f put in complete 0 '<l**r, nud thnrough'y the re-lurnisbed, and our trie ds anil trav¬ eling. p«blic »i*l ,,,,w fi d here a hearty welcome, with first-class t.ccnmmod tions a .d at reasonable rales. june 13 tf. THREE HUNDRED IHJZKN C3r Xji OVE 8 , Undressed, Opera, and Street «jtul ties. Alls- ONE HOLLA tv per pair. the beat we have ever sold at that prioe. V NEW C A S 8.1 M E R E S. VERY CHOICE LOT of new medium* low priced and pure Am riem, French, and Cnssimercs, for sale very low. Linen Collars and Cuffs. blare ucw It s of L inen Collars and Cuffs, wh te nnd* colored, varibiw'y ornamented. SOMETHING X'jsnjod Il 6 se For the Ladies. NEW. am f' mar28 C. GB Y & o., Augusta, Ge 6 rg : a. LADD’S -HIDR ’ 65 Alabama Street, nta A*e«* ap 4 3 m A- C. LADD. GOODS. WliolesaT© ana S yy E ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR SPRING STOCK, PURCHASED WITH CASH at prices below the market. 50 Packages Opened this Day. 150 Pieces of the Best and Cheapest Black Alpacas made, 25 fieces Heavy Gros Grain Black Silk, at $1 76 and $2* 20 Cases Assorted Prints. 25 Dozen Jouvin’s Paris made Kid Gloves, Merrimacs, Amoskeags, and Garner’s, at 10c, Mourning Dress Goods, Choice Standard Prints, Tickings, Hickory Stripes, Plaids, Bleached Shirtings-all tt e popular brands, Kii^g Philip Cambric—Superior to Lonsdale, 22c* »We invite the closest buyers to examine our stock, being confident of our ability to giro entire satisfaction in prices au«I quality of goods. JAMES A. GRAY & CO. feb 14 JOKTBS db BAXTER., Corner Colton A*, and Cherry St., MACON, C5EORGXA, TT EE 1 * CONSTANTLY ON HliND^ Tenncssee Country Cured Hams, Sides, and Shoulders, Western Clear Ribbed Sides, Hams, and Shoulders, Lard, iu tierces, kegs, and tins, Tobacco, Iticc etc. Corn, Oats, aud 11 ay, M eal and Flour of all grades, in sackn and barrels, Soap. Har-h, and Candles, Virginia and Liverpoo 1 Salt, ( hewacla (Ala.) Lime, Plaster of Paris, Plastering Haii, Laths, and Cement all of best quality. Fire Rrick. Agi nts for Stevens’ Sower Pipe Drain Tile and Pure I'orn and Bye Whisky. The Acme Whisky, in barrels and case*. Sole Agents for the Stale of Georga for the celebrated Chest nut, Grove Whisky, in rels and cases. Full quart, bottles All of which we will sell atlowcsi market rates. june 13 8 m MRS. N. BRUM CLARK’S, 251 Broad st, Augusta, Ga,, T ARG STOCK of Millinery Goods. Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers «<’bi c.n«., Zopir thik p ’ g< ”’ ? Agent eo»d material ut rca.nnal,lo prieeB. *-"* Wr0 a "o m for Madame Deiaorest’s Patterns for Ladies and ebiN ’oend for Cutaloguc. MRS N BRUM CLARK, 251 Broad Street, Augusta, G». feb 14 ly THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE. IT IS THE OLDEST and th, Latest Xmpi oved. Nothing more simple, durable or easy to learn. Agents wanted in every t eoun ty it. Georgia. Apply to THE HOME MACHINE CO., fob 14 12 m Atlanta, Ga. JAMES SMITH, Contractor cfc Build . ALSO manufactures; blinds, Doors, IVIor^ TlLgS’ cfeo., Acc. llAN’^' ll PIECES, Door and Window made to order at ghort notice i antly < ' fr ’> a supply of Lumber, rough aty ressed. Flooring and ceiling kepf COO” on baud and for sale at x. onahle rates. All orders (p.Ucd to. promptly at Factory an ber Yard, Sparta, Ga. P/AD ! ^METAI) ! ! : 0 : W hi 8 PARTA"»h AftiA, where a . l , E wr'v w« keep BfrPKE constantly T < 1 o ld on !,t 8 hand T d ’J ind ^’ CHOICE^ Tr - GARRISON’S old slew a \%F ■ Y 7\&3 clRIMKS 0 -r* and all C 001*1 ;; for Summer, GIVE US A CALL. 13, 1673 IIOWEJY & CO. .(■ ’