The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, June 27, 1874, Image 2

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TIMES & PLANTER, JXO. li. CHJirsTTAX, llniTon, j£. L. LITTI, 13 , Am i.vj’k KniTott, Si'AKTA, (1A , .JI NK 27 , lfcTI. Congress adjourned on the 2i>n in s t, France is about to get up her annual war. Mr. Hill has published his la: t I t ter, so he says, in the Stephens-Jlill controversy. We!!, that's a glutious idea. Wc hope he’ll stick to it. Mr. Kdward A. Angicr, C'has. ]t. Oaskill and J. 11. Kendrick were a'l admitted to plead and practico law in the Superior Couits of this State, in Atluuln a few days since. The people ut Millcdgeville a d the Union and Recorder seem to bo dccid edly in favor ot Nulling lopresenting them in the next C'ongrc-s. Well, lie is a good, safe man, and they will neverloseunthing by electing him. Ho is a man, too of business ability, and that’s the sort we need now, not pro Jcssional spoutcis. • tllM'.lt AI., .11. Ullltt.Uj. Wo are glad to sen hum the Macon Sfar that General Wro. 31 . Browne has oguiii connected himself with the Mn cmi press, as editor in-chi *f of ilm Star This is n good movo for the Star, for tire General has a reputatio^_t! at is enviable for any paper to , ami wcho{« fhe Star may be * l Of the brightest luminaries ol the Geo, gi t Dai ly 1’rcfc.s, from this on, and may sue cess attend it in every way. rilK CtitlltiX V IIIM,, The new euirency bill has p; - d Irotls Houses of Ci.'.tgi vss and bt <*n sign¬ ed by tho JV.sident. Wo don't sue any immo.’iutc roliiT or help to the South from it ; but wc su pTuse it can not do us much harm, It is simply u luodificAtiiiu of the n«ti»!'*l hanking system, which w*«- oonsidor already a tbo most corrupt urn) dangerous means of lurnisliing eurro »cy for the co intty, that any country ever bad Wo need a reliable curr ncy if v/c citn'i <«; bark to specie, and thin n:;lion I banking system does not give it. But tl i ov ertiuient J'ui Irish the ■•urrciicy — d > her own banking—mil !•.«> long ns wo luv. a government wo will have a ntu cur¬ rency, and he nearer a speeiu basis. Wo haven’t room tj even a synopsis of the bill thin week, but will publish it next, in full. Atlanta ttow with h *r rsual thrill and enterprise, is (draining t \ i ry nerve Msecure the appropriation by Gongress of $ 250 ,OOf) to ever-t, n Hustoin House •ml 1 'osLotticn building 'In re. [i has passed the ilouse ; at,d the Senate committee on public buildings h»s te ported on it lav u ably, so v.'e guess tliy'l! got it. Wh therm- u t it is a judicious appropriation, wo don t know nor pretend to say. but we ate glad they gut it. Atlanta e< rtainlv thu rvet great creilit for the po-:t:f»u she occu¬ pies to day com par. d to what .ho w.t uiiie yeas ago, and we ho; >> to -eo her numbers about double whr.t they arc now ; anil it would not sr.rpti ■ us to ace it 111 .five years mntr. This sppro* priaUon will add much to h r itupor tanee, and wo don’t bluin'} them tor working so lor it Well, e t teeus* to ker. May sho jet l*e the Chicago ol .the ."'outli. lllOM II •* . Wo very much dislike t < • |tt—t«• uuy thing from tliis hoary old liutnl but when ho happens i i,st g. r .ut tile truth give the wo think devil at b dues uothu but tight to h» T'lie knoxvilto 1 'ii. . ■ a letter from Binwiiinu, ot win It tl iollowint! is a synopsi, J.e vtt «i '* the tie > vi IVf 1 IV} tiill and equal pr ttu- tion Uw. l»ut in ftevoral F u ,>ni N n, like South C n ilin ) the win;, tita.i |, i oo rights which tlic uu. i.t i. i> rod t-> respect,— I'fin S'Utliirn pur ple lave beiu sufficicut|v rebellion, punish).u t, r pstrtui tMlion ill the mid of nnrrassing and further Imutili King the si Oongr mtgut :•» extend a bolping hand I In tcsult ot r!i« i ; ' sage ot the bill Will be that th* •gljotii oyaUun will be dcstv -ycd. w. r 1 race prejadic.N which w te in i» i idly obliterated mil be rcvi/ud vith un VSUted tuts and the \ t'v;-t ' Ait* licit will not hvc t )V II eotiditiou ot attain- . t m ■ - at the ; rut.' ent time. A li*c i g anting iov* ally which was grown g iu the >vutti wdl -Be out. ami ion- I h >, il. > t > tl. aovcreuueui will (.*: < I Th bill uught he .-I ; i .1. V 1 A bill tor the Cm’ n ag me t I Ml i chaos in the fvutheru Sta •=, «;i s l> i 'he h umti.tti-ut ot widow - as.. i FtCvsiou oi t he ot oh an \ 1) With a;y vi w ol l glad lose* «lies tin* Super ut :t ft’ublic luatruvu ti j,ii IVin . - c ha» 'mhiMi an inittat r. .uqi : i the lh)U e*t the Wi e .c CelUtti* . \ hv i tern of tlic ^tatc, s' tl.u iio should pass the system ib iv le A altsit* ed without delay lu tlu> fullest at | ocr possible l "i-h to .- T tu " express the indignation ■ her people at tbo ? t 'pabu* iti'.iftl. U t In tr rights in i j ate y u !uv»tic teUv. unis r»> keep ft i- t . n the fd; ol anee, u i* » v.>c ; o * t camphor with the see t '.i placed in drawer-,r trui k' w veut n.i.e !loat dti. 5 thes.t i irv, OIK CONtTirii'IIDN IUMtl'KT. Last we ok ffo took advantaged be¬ ing on the sick list, pressed in our ever ready assistant, and went to help cele¬ brate the seventh anniversary of that stfiling paper, tbo Jfhnitu Constitution. It would Fount, too, a poor place lorn :del. man, but wc thought n jaunt to the tiiourifa/us woulddjiisgood. So Wednes¬ day morning, we started out w ith a trio of dim legal gentry, who were to go to W urrenton, and happening to the good fortune to be under the c hnrgo of Mr, Frank Burnett, we could but promise ourselves a pleasant trip, to add to which the road w: s perfectly free from dust, making it cool and pleasant. Arriving safely ut Warren ton, r.s the crowd were cotning to imet the train, we looked tnoir faces, yet too far oft for re cognition, we were attracted by a smile playing over the face of one lean lank little fellow which on neater approach proved that and were not u istuken in that it belonged to some country who was contemplating the joy nestling Iii.s No. tens under Pease's in celebration of the Con¬ seventh birth day. y ePj it wus lie McGregor, a jolly good f'd low as ever elbowed J’eaya or any body olse's mahogany, and wo wore glad to meet him, which partly made tip for tile less of our legal friends. Wc found Charlie brimful of life and uiU rest which made our trip quite pleasant — \\ o tound time, too, to notice oceasion ally the crops along the road, which, considering oil things, Looked very well; corn especially was flatteung, and cotton, while tiro weed appears lieahliy, it i.j small; and wt* weru glad to see, too, a ; 1 pi'ipui tiun of wheat : but except along a (jiccti county, we saw no corn or cotton ns good as ours, At Covin On, amongst the crowd seek ing to get aoourd, wiight have been M.en i no long, “Broau axo” looking fel¬ low, who feerned just c little more nnx ious than the rest, ami ono not know¬ ing of the harngicL to he given in At Inntti. might have supposed thut Si JU I! ol his kin folks were dicing and had sent for him, but we knew it and Were not to be fooled, r.-p 'ciulty wIk ii \w soon Imurd u long Si.ghjand turuin to act* i urn enough there was before u. the invincible b'i Hawkins, of tho /;#. hijHist, who i.s a good had will, a quiil ami no slouch with a knif-o and fork Also, Mr. »J. W. Ando rson, the agent of tho Atfunt'i Cons''tn/toiif got on hoard, and the balance ef the t ip t Atlanta was very pleasant, where v. e arrived i due time, and v ere nut by t ol. Clark and chalked for tho Kimball House, and iu-tnrdt 1 to meet et Fie ConsUtnhon cflice at 7 j o’clock sharp, from where we weie to go in n body to Pease’s at 8 o’clock. The ban 1 -sumo Cun&th ion building was illuminated from garret to cellar, presenting a very handsome appearance. Chineeo lar;terns swung in trout, with every window filled with iiglvt FO S o’clock all mremblcd, -itid after a short stay in the iHSce, going through it \ we repaired to tlie scene of con ft tut mid now we pause, ti-yl only for •he want of l.irguago adequate to ex¬ ptessour admitatioa for tlic boautitul scene tint im: mr cyes on entering the hantlsnttiu y i netl dining room, but to remind ourscll that r»ur space is liiu il< d, tin 1 to jr-traiti ourself fnnn follow ing our inelinutiou und gmg into mi nuto ilutaib ot tho jnucoodings of the banqui t, '1 be table v* ;s I;ft' ,;et lung with a Center cross, isndcring ti.c wests ot access trotu o p •; ite wings in the center me was h pyramid ot fruit , t lag l Ml.i v pyratni Is of fruit a*, t varktUH puitions *d the table Ao it; t. met aide quAitity i. u a .nou '.s itilt.- n mted tfie table, wliih It \f|*i \ es tii td With tl VV 1 1 s u 11 c r h lagrancd urouud. 1 in' w ut weic in rich 1 ! , . adt.’s ,d' A lanta *ieU with ot her ,,i .ending their rarest, .sw, t ; i I .jit tlow't rs u» their muut.M' Bering to the ttati |..C The Atlanta ami West I’oint R R biotigbt ten box v ol tnagt.olias, jussmmnes utul otlur dohcu u.s an 1 rare fluweis, the gilt t! the M-'t ior class it College Temple at N* h< to. The flowers were typical ot heir fair doners. \ moil bcuutilul a !e wc never jaw. iv a'C ft) acd to appreciate the fact that h;.s ripntatiiil v.a> at stak as it were ’tod 1 o spread !i aiftult—and to say he succeeded completely, is putting it ligh:ly. I t I’cHftC, Dclmouico is tu tl o shade At the he .d of the table > it the gOiki m >g Mlyor Spencer, cl Atlanta, itJu> j r t .» ed with becoming dignify liity. and in a l.appy, tint a; ptv ( etc speech, he t the | n >- to the city, and by It; m tuner a i good huuior, lavorall mi ptl- -'ed all wh U.u t know him be r *•, At tbo other cud sat the fine hxking staiwa rt ui ot Cul. N an Estes, frou t. \ >’ Gem rat ID i. ;u a i ‘•et. cigtiilied but clever and t)u;an, was prvscut, wj*Ji a tew !U\ vd guests, and about twrtv fre edito.s, UuiLtt g al th, r as hap; w » crowU a* wc ever b- i .tccci p’easu ,o be u i;b \.i .-cate)!, now camt ‘ tt. a )t yod hum r and a s» atklc ct w.i ft...d as we have se’.Gnu seen, Al— u -t evtry one tailed it. atii vt eotii.-e stone expected to make a N ceeh, and they were happily to the point am! s!s«rl Uii > were gltd that none wp., pi eptit'ed, for it was bettor to hear a lit tlo from each oik* than to be bored by prepared harangues of a Yew. Tho «U foet was happy, >iiid each in closing would bring out another We cannot think of giving tho numerous toists !, i»d ret ponses given, but each one was in place, and we never saw anythin;/ of the kind pass ofl bitter. When the first course was announced we were ordered to go at it, and you bet uo went at it, all hands. As to the bill of lure, I’case might be able to give it, bat we can t, and refer you to Pease or Col E-tes— the mountain L'o;/Ie, maybe, could go through with it. But null it was one ut the finest suppers we ever saw, and will Carry the name of I’case uud the CfiHStitHtivu down to posterity as the most enterprising and live men of' the 19 th century. C’f course wine flowed lieGy, and it was a sore temptation to It;ese and the balance ol us good tv in plats, but wc up on ciequct, and that cremated pudding, of which Col Estes at our left was so fjnd. But Reese, poor fellow, v.-.; really felt sorry for hiui, V his serious co,item , j l<n,on , • ol a gln-« , of spaiblmg ... rhamprgno would have furnished a tunpeivncu lecturer a line uxt} but he h Id out nobly, for a time, but after a while wc looked again and the glass wus empty and Ilett-e was ready to make a speech —a happy glass that.— i’v.Mvo o'clock having rolled around, the ctowd disj erseil, feeling as huj py as mu; cut;I I tud, to take some rest before at G o’clock next morning to start on the tx -tnsion, an] vm* believe all wore able to gut to ilieir hotels—a tio t;.' 1c tact—and were promptly at the train at G o'clock, t-ob. r and refre.-licd. ready fb: the ucii^btful buy we were :i> t]cud. At pro.isely G| o’clock, Thursday morning, about lotty, some having goiii) home, boaided the train — a spec ial Haiti prcpiiicd by the bully la y of tho W. vk A K. 11 ., Mr. li. W. Wren, and tho aide itud iliiunut Sti^iciintcud cut, Gen. Mcllac, thun whom f.vo mere zealous and enterprising gentlemen do nut exis* they are the itfe of the St..te Komi. The time we wt**- to make—■ tojl iinv iii three liouts—-caused some ol them to think scrio tdy about the 1 crt-ditois, and the interest taken in will ows and orphans ; and when wo get aboard, we noticed that the es?r me bm.. end . 1 toe car was very popular. l.ut wo were soon tiielv gliding over the best road in the statu, and nltluiugli we Were pr.tiieiu ; along ri ht lively, they ill soon forgot the last tuiio we w«*rt making, amt all were ct joying them s -Ivi s. fhe road v.a mouth, arid owing to llio late rains there was no dust, Which made it teal uIuamiA White ob serving the beautiful country, we did not fu;l to notice the j routising aj pear aneo ot ilie t roj s, anti it di»t make us fuel good to see so many fields laden with beautiful wheat already cut and slit eked; it reminded us of old times, and made us hope for a return of pro-per it' Tt.e wheat irop was good, m i th amount ! money if «iii put in ciicula ttoti at t hw time, will greatly benefit the j tu i Te, and w* hype tu .-uu i' bting iiuur tiuwu otIO. * hey have planted cxtuufcively ot cotton in X :lit Georgia; more, w would gue s than iatt ye r, but they h iv not invtsfcil to largely in firti r-, us they did bis; year. Noiii'iug ol interest happened till ~v got to Kinufttun sale and sound, where we nad to \v.*11 w halt hour f t the Itouie tr.iin, l.»: the eplend.d l rass band which bind th« air with 11 mu-bes ami made Kingston .i\ t too tr an iv 1 and we weie ■» ; sj t’d t or I|utm • , . ‘ 1 ' city ut so'. *i win re tv an.ved in due tiiU) , and tound the nplemiid little L M , ’ iu waiting, cleaned up and tu a pin. Alter about aj Biiuutes sta y in li me, during which tit; w ut i t d around to sec the Cl which wo i ittnd unatly improved since wc i eav. i: ut ti yvut ago—its iivuiy city now—th-. boot ummuhci ; tea y, by a "liisllc, un i wc "ere a.l soon abo ird, wuh tho bam! dispensing b iu iiU.* st ains .d music, slow down the beautiful T i s >, tod were ftOou quietly winding mound ho mountains and hill: The d»y "as lUl.tul and ch ;»r, the air coo! and * ^ 'ill? ■ K.t, and taken altogether this wa» * i.' pleasant t ide as we ever 1 uk The C,i’ t tain and all the * ftic< r* of tbe boat we t,)und to bo pleasant, courteous gen tie men. who spared no pains for our otaiuit an hum we feci very grate iu:. In the engit or wc tound an old ac luaiutaucc, aud from what we knew id him, we Jcit that we were in good b itids at;d felt no fear in his Jep irf u.) tr. A tier a pleasant ride to Hatcher’ ftp ring. 2 utiles b;y!ow Route. «rd a tt ft * trn there, w- started oo our r.lurn, aud al u • ■* o’elooir sat iiow» ou the i at, t Itj^i . aud \t€> t«u>t say W' never ?«w Town to a dimmer we enp'ycl more It was a 'p’cr.afd din m-r. w«-li pieva’.ft.l 1 serve J in goo< J rtyle. Just before r taehing Route, a uieciiug was tr.a: ize » it J re.-olutious of thanks pas-vd to the ufiieers of tbe 1 .*». the pr'prietorsot the l* n, Railroad efficers, acu to L B. \Y Wren. wit. acc.iupJutul 1 litre M.h l the (rip, and a nled manually tlie make to up nfonr company. Mr - *.ud ing w c only had a few mi.-lffes in Home, ^hiclt !'c Pome (■• took office, n {vantage of and went I vrirr where Mr. Dwinell 1 ''ticket of lemonade, to eo«.l and—Sc., » ,t tile , train . on. \\ c Were scon aboard a l! , llt speeding homos ward. At S " v 1 S l,i,,,tlc ,orr,,d cording to the wo « nC ~ l U?J , i, nicc hot supper waiting, "' ’ n ’ * w d l ull ; after which a *\ ln ? as c, W ’T 113 «P »t Atlanta, at II lout ended .1,0 Mn C „, ,„ in f „ r h „,'“ v y us the seventh anniversary the At (ant Consti/uf 0 p a m», and a most bt 11 Hunt affair it " as The Omttitution * Will live long i„ the hearts of M ‘' fit ’ an ' ! wc ,,n l>« she may live when hu p: 1 "''ft enterprising proprietors have livid out their three score and tMi yeoR, and bo as bold and fearless advocate of the right as she is to day. This eatcitaininent cost them aboi t §1,0U0, or moic, and is a step ahead the as t«, South, enterprise, and of any hope daily their paperin’ wc liberality and enterprise may ever be rightly re Warded and appreciated. ‘-At ,s\i tx At 'count OF Colob.— Last bunday ever mg, says a Washine ton d.spatcli fjenaicr to Morrill, the Fpringfidd R,,,nl for , walk. Bussing of Maine, was out a a cliurvh o! c-dored Methodists, he was so pleased with the singing that he went in. lie hail been scatfd a Jew moments when a dignified colored brother came up to him and stid that the church was for colored people and that they prefered to Ue left alone ani undisturbed by white people during their services. It suddenly rill occured to the solemn Mor¬ that hs, had sat up all night about a v, k before voting for the civil rights Lilt, but 1<> did not mention it. lLe si¬ lently withdrew.—,y. Louis li>i>nblL CO Texas R ami l*iize Concert The Hoii. das. T. D. Wilson, May or ol Houston, and llie City couocil, eudurtu the enterprise as follows : Hui ston, Texas, ' 3 Vo, th* undersigned, April 2ft, 18.’4 I al Estate r. gard the lie Foster Distribution, which .J. K proposes to make on the 20 th ot -Inly next, in this city, us calculated to piomoto improvements, and placing with n the reach of many, who other wise would be unable, a chance to se* euro a home for them and their tarn ii:cs, and having from our long acquaint anee with him, every confidence in his integrity, *bat wu lenl justified iu saying we believe he will carry out his L)istrit u tion ,10,i °8' 1 y ®nd ^'Hy, accord , . j, s T „ Wi , SOJI> J5 j.* McDonou h . Robert Burns. i’reil .S f anlcv> It. B i’ear, ?s. 1*. Turner, ^ lt**t'man, John 1 >. Uscncr, M. Harrington, John Maher. Capital Flize, $. 3,000 G«dd. T’opulut'mti Ten Residences iu Houston ; 20,000, and (he ra Iroad center ot the §mte, and nearly 100 tracts of bind in ,Ji,lcr ‘‘ ,,t !’""i«>ns of the State Value ol prizes, tjfUGOOO ; 73 . 0 UU tickets, at $2 each. Address T VV Hooee, Treasurer, J. F Fostkb, Manager, Houston, Texas juuc 27 -lt NEW \lis .ALTSEM ENTS. aorit b. srp- hist so ant’s Orricn ) Gfio: 1A It I.H i} n AM! tl.KKir.O ro A cot sta. t.\ lune lt*74. j I'KIiSON'S DESIR 1 XG TO AT TEND THE COMMENCEMENT K.\ El*(. lSh> of the 1 o uet'3 t>ulow named—Covington Female College, June 24 th; Madison Fcntaie College, July 1st; fiercer I niversity, .July 1st; Em ty College, July 8th, and State I'nivt r-ity, August 5 th—will be passed over tlie Georgia and Macon and An gusta Railroads f,r one fare; full fare required going and return tickets gi vc „ tret;. j. scsen , rs wii , rurc!)ase lieket , from the Agents. Conductors are require ■ to collect fate from |.»***-•> r uii not having tickets t o r - ,l Y ^’*I n ®d by an Agent »«f tickets Ootopany. lietum will be good for ten lays. S. K. JOHNSTON, Supt. juu'iOtilaug.i i:. j. joiixstox, Corner Mullmry and Second Sftreet», MAC OX, GIlOIlGIi. F..VLF.U in WATCHES. JEWELRY, Silver vui-e. Fancy e ts. AS ts i t the celebrated Dl.MOND >pECTA t'f.1 !*. Eve Glasses Fine watch work a -pe a’.ty Jc-we.ry repaired and engraving • OU“. June 1A tf. LINES & WING * ’ ‘ ( E ION l‘IIlA I; .T( ) I B 'l ’IIJVV'I‘ICI{§, 58 ('1: W L (,‘hm‘x‘y \‘Lruct. Nl‘l‘flfl'. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ - (£I‘10IHH \ Orders left qt the TIMES V1. PLANTER Onmc will rncvivu prompt mtenuon. y...“ L: n. New fkdvertisements, w. L -jSSx. . r r.Tr - A . HUFF > Wholesale and lictail dealer in Bacon, Flour, Hay, Oats, HEAL, PEAS, SMM COFFEE, SALT, LARD 9 Etc., Eltc, 15,000 Busliels White Corn. Having on hand thn largest stock ot \V lute Corn now held by any one in Georgia, L otter inducements to those who wish to supply themselves with W. A HUFF. Mixed or Yellow Corn. 10,000 bushels Mixed or Yellow Corn for sale by W. A. HUFF. Bacon Sides, Shoulders and Lard. Buyers of Bacon and Lard will find it to their advantage to advise with me forco making their purchases. 1 pay cash for provisions, and purpose to sell them low lor the ready money. U. A. HUFF. Flour, Hay, Oats, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Etc. In addition to the largest stock of Corn and Bacon held in Middle Georgia, 1 have always on hand a choice and select stock of Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Hay. Oats, iSalt, etc, all of which I sell at the lowest possible Cash Price. Time or¬ ders will only bo filled at special rates to bo agreed on. W. A. HUFF. ■ ■f Successor to WALKER & DOBBS, Importer of and Dealer in CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE , Table and Pocket Cutlery, Chandeliers, Gas & Kerosene tfOX EXPLOSIVE LAMPS, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BURNERS, FLOWER POTS, <fcc. SO k .Y2 Mulberry Street, .il4CO.\, t«A. Agent for the State of Georgia for PORTERS PATENT GARDEN and TATION COMBINATION HOES. june 13 , 3 m GREAT REDUCTION —IN— BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, AND —AT— Timmerman & Wise s, 182 Broad Street, Ain»'iisla, Georgia. (Opposite the Augusta Hotel.) 1-50 GASES of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. VALDES and UMBRELLAS just receiv. ed And in order to make it to the interest of the pundi^er, we are determined to veil EXL’EKBIXGL Y LOW, forCish or Approved dW. Wc-would be glad to see ail cur Haucouk Friends at any t me. Please give us a june 13 3m. TBIMKJi'IAA Sc WISE. The Best, the Cheapest! :o; BOOT‘- * SHOES TOR THE MILLION 1 > eoplc oi Hancock. avIicjt you go to Town don’t forget to call Oil A ND supply yourself with Boots and Shoes, the like >»iiich has never been seen iu this city for manf years. II.s t«tock is large- .liau ever before, and made strictly Lo order by the best moiufaeturers in the jjho*gA*'- eounoul He wilt sell all quaines of Ladies’ > cents a pair I,EDUCTION ; and G^n tiemen’s hanJ-sewedShoee, Congress t»*f |ers And Boots at 50 cents, and $1.00 a pair i w»r than st ary otker period Uuriog the present year. Every article sold warranted ia the strictest sense of the word. received He gratefully acknowledge the ’arge patronage from bis friends in the coua ... i i,j, utujwil 'o accommodate aud nlease them. 1 4 —■' I--- PETjjJR KEENAN ; pu; a. CwutrA BuU'Uuf. A tiu^a.Gt. NEW A]>V''llTI.<T3!MNTS I*. C,.SAWYER'S PATKStr JI NK 10 It, 1873 . ’Wbli Adjustable Boll Box and Swing¬ ing Front, for (Funing Damp, Wet or Dry Cotton, Also, the Celebrated GUIS WOLD GIINT, Genuine Fattem, with the Oscillating Box, Mauuiaetuicd by C. SAWYER, MACON, GA. took ■ lie I*M inium last year. Having fv.vni-hi-d my simp w.tb new ma¬ and llio Im-ki ot woikinun, tl cro ia no Gin made Unit, can excel mine as to tin- - iidi I am no.v running llio bearings of tho S>w and Urush i - the Pivot or (bcil nting Ilexes that neve- heat, though run as high as 2 000 revo’niioi-s lo ih<-in mne. I hope my pair ns will not do ihis year ns they did last, wait till they needed the Gin bo fore ordering Send on your otdeis at once, >o that I may have >ime to do your work right. ]t costa no mot e to order now than in TUB September. SAWYER ECLTP--E COTTON' GIN wilt it s imp- oveinents, has won i a way upon its own merits, to the v<-ry tlvst rank of popular f„v r. I' stands to day WITHOUT COMIMSTITION in all tlia points mid (pi-lilies desiiuble or attainable iu a PERFECT COTT >N GIN Our Portable or Adjustable Boll Box pla¬ ces it in ilie power of every planter to regu¬ late the picking of the seed to suit himself, and is the only one made that dons, Prop¬ erly man ged,’ HA IVY Kb’S E0LTPSEW3IN will maintain the lull natural lengin of the staple, and he m de to do as rapid work as any machine in uso. Three premiums were taken by SAW YELPS ECLIPSE CUN last year, overall competitors, v t : Two at the Southeast Alabama and Soudiwest. Geo gia Fair, 1 1 Ktifiiulft-one h Silver cup, the other a di¬ ploma, Also llio first Premium at the Pair in Goldsboro’, N'oitn Carolina. Macon, Ga., June 2d, 1874. Tlic SAWYElt GIN lias ro sup.riois ng to speed, light Draft, ni d perfect Holt, ns it nev. r breaks. In a test trial at the State Fair, fir spe d, the following gins were rim wi'li the following results, run 4 minutes each : Sawyer Ec ips 50 Saws, . 24 lba. Gullets t-in 50 r-nws. 24 Malls Gin and F.eiW 51 Saws, K] Needle Gin 40 ( i|- ; loa, . . 18 Pratt’s Massey’s Gin 40 Saws, lit and Center 10 . 14* If Massey has ever taken a premium at any Ge vgiu Smto Fair it is unknown to tli« Geoi'tii Agriciltuial Jlociely. I can furnish hnudivds of c. rtiticatcs of the order following' NEW GINS "tVill be (luliver. tl on board (lie cars at tho' f 1 owing pr ces : Th.rty five Saws, $ 1 •’ 1 25 * Forty Saws, ro oO' Fur y-tivo Sawn, 108 75 F.fy Siy.iy Saws, 187 0f» Saws, 225 00 Seventy Saws, 2fi2 00 ) . I Eighty Saws, :!I10 00 To prev.-nt delay, orders and old gins should he sent in 'lninediatoly. 'Iitne given to rospoiiHitde parties Voluntary TTstf itionial* Avk Unto loul from tlm various sect ous of the cotton-growing Stales, of tile charniiteF fobuwing : •* Ki.iionn Ft,.\ , Get.. 15, 1875. Jlr. P. C. sawykh, Mncm Ga. : My gin is «loing well, nm well pleased’ with it In fact it cannot bo boa* Respectfully, S L. WILLIAM 1 *, Guutams, s C., Sipt. 10,187,'J P. <1, Fawvkk, Mh<i : Denr Sir—When y u fiunl mo the fifty new gin, yo)i reiptc t< d me whe-i i tried her to let yon ki ow how I in pleased willi tier, and according to yrur request 1 will <1<* po. Yesterday alien oon 1 limed lmr. I gin ed one lionr and tliity nnnu’es on u | ilo of cotton which was too damp to bo in real good order. I ilien pack¬ ed die cation, pulling 7.1 yards of bag¬ ging on the hft'e. I then weighed it. and tt weigh-d 514 pounds do not hrsjtn'o to say thill she is tlm fastest a ml picks ns clean as any gin t'>o* 1 over saw ginning. 1 \0mld not exchange her for no 50 ssw gin of any Oilier in ,ke. Magnolia gin not adopted. Yoiiis respect fully. I weighed II. KASTFJtSIN. P. S. ft p<1 oo'I on for one oth¬ er bal« the first, one I ginned on your gin bun. M'.ndav nfiernooir, mid it turned nut 14* pounds. pounds, over one-third, bale weighing 407. VniKt", Ai,\ , 20ih, 18 71 Mr. ]’. G. HawyMK : I a 11 .) vo-y weft plcafted with Hie fifty saw Cotton Gin 1 li ii”tit of y*>u lust summer. It does nil you said if would do, and does it w, 11 It, gii s fat-t picks dean, makes a good sample, and with ili« adjustable breast, never chokes. I never expm ta use any other. Yours truly. J. It. BAT ILL’. FATttnrnN, Ga., April 21 at, 1874; Mr. P. f 1 v'avyi jr Xluvttn, On ; ue.'if Sir- 'I’ll* Gin wu bought of you last' mit, is iv h arc • leiisid (o say gives en'ire sat faction. We would not have any other. six We have ginn- d 200 baits, ginning froni to t n pur day, cotton third ng itself af¬ ter par ing to 1. IVe can safely my, that in our opinion, it is (he best gin now in use. You s respectfully, i to , MILL Eli & McKOWN. We, tiie under igiu d have 'vi nessed tho operation of Messrs. Millerft McKown’s gin, made by !’• C. lawyer, M eon, Ga., and can say that it cleans the seed better than any i in v e know of, and makes as good lint “s any gin in the Slate. II. STI!ICELAND, J’. P. S. WILLIAMS, W. ii. ELDER, W T. ROBERTS ltev. S. UAIiVEY, J. L. MARTIN’. ’ L- c t;*T Gkovr, G v, Oct. 30ih, 1873. Mr. I*. C. Sawysn, Macon, Ga D.-ur Sir—Enclosed dud draft on Griffin Banking with Company which tor §140, as payment for our gia, we are. well pleased. Yours truly, If. T. DIG KIN & -ON. ..... GINS REPAIRED Y. Grf.tigor - v.J __do •fmomnaing elsewhere. well to con * suit :.j).nal* 11 ** T*. C. SAWYEE, IVCacon, C^a. Agents for the Sajo.,/; f w Gin. ^ *»• Mrun f^cnville j. Li- Stirrith H <’ W. L. S. BE1I). t'lifir .if, S C. J AS. Y. GOOD LETT E & EO., Spirlan Dr. burg (J. II , 8. < .J. \V. SUMMERS, Orengeburg C. II., &. C STACKHOUSE & CO., Marion C. D-, S. C. E. C GREEN. Sun.ter, S. C. W. ISAAC, Tliotna- ville, Ga. BURNET’*" A: CD.. Ma)i«m. Ga. H EX tiY?! KIM jf \ lii:i-'A' J ^ .t J *. M liW 4 »; Apn; r OTUM \N fir f' 1 . T f G»|, ijn, G. a. . t NNl.VGil.iM, Gn .‘iiii , O ju_elJ, ui