The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, June 27, 1874, Image 3

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TIMES & M’akta, iiA...n:xii 21 , utt. - LOCAL AFFAIRS. Chamberlin, Boynton & Co, M'e now have in our Dross Goods I >»-pari merit the Drgest wit] finest stuck ol Him k unit colored Silks, Lisle Silks, (HihIIcs, J emu's, Dc.bage’s, Mourns ing (jootls, colored Otgamlies and Lawns, White Goods, Lima Lace Feints and Snc((UCH, i'uiasols, Gloves, liOidcty, and (iencrnl assortment id Dry Goods and notions ever ottered un Atlanta, Onv assortment of Ludie’tt fine Dress Goods is nn*i|'*«*dcd in the State, v.-'i/rct sent on application. Carpets ! (!arpeta !! We arc now making a specialty of Carpets in our cur (Juipct Department, Wu liav^nt all times un elegant line of Axminslcrs, Velvet, Body and Tapes¬ try Brussels, ,'J Flys, Ingrains, and cheap Carpets, Floor Oil cloths, <>il Shades, Lace Curtains, Damasks, Hep* Wall l'aper, and House Furnishing Goods. A large lino of lJroc.itclle, (loata lino, Safin’s, nnd tilk Stiipcd Bops, LstuhrcguniK and cornice mad j to order Cocoa und china mattings u spcoially. All ol ubovo goods bought lor cash un¬ der recent depressed markets and now offered at bottom price*. CHAM BERLIN, BOYNTON & Go., 60 &, (W Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga., April, II tf. Religious. .Sacramental services will ho held at the Presbyterian Church tut tins first Sunday in duly, at. which the Bov. C. F. Bctiian, I). D., und Ilev. Mr. Geotch «u», will ho present, Services to com¬ mence Friday morning «t I I o'clock. • — * ♦ ♦ — Bead the interesting communitation on our first page, to day, headed, “Oath olio Schools vs. Protest ant Schools.’’ Ice-cold Hodtt Water drawn daily from tho fount, ut tho Spuita Drug Store. Mr. It. If. Lmvis, of this place, comes in for the third honor, ns one ot the speakers und honor men of the .Senior class, at Kmory C'oollegc, Ten Bi.inds of fine Cigars, to he sold cheap, at tlie Sparta Drug Store. Sparta Male and Female Academy. Tho Spring Term of this Institution will close Wednesday, -July l -t, with a public examination of classes. Select readings and deed a ruat intis ut, night. Rtultz’s “AAAA," Royal Chew find Yellow Bank, Fine Cut Chewing To¬ bacco at the Sparta Dmg Store. Our devil wont to the upper well on Broad street, nod said he luid to draw up three huckcts-lul be loro ho got a good one. lie said they all hud “snuff brushes''in them. How is that '( A r.f. Forties owing hills to T. 0. & Del,. Turner, that are p-i»t due, must pay them within a week from date, or they will ho railed on by Jenkins, jiine 27, It. The Pounds Case. We learn that .Judge Ihittlo lets tic* «iJad to try live Bound a ease, in Wash¬ ington, Wilkes county, «u tits first Tuesday alter the fouith Monday in July. Tnoso interested had bettor vet that down. One Million Flies (tnoro or lessj kill •d daily at the 8 part a Drug Store.— Oo and seo for yotirseH. Notice the advertisement of Dr. S. F. Saber, of Atlanta, he bus built up a wonderful repttttlion there, and is uiaitituiiiing it. lie is a physician of unlimited skill and ability, as the many eertitieat.H published will show. Those troubled with old diseases of long standing, would do well to address him. Titu best and elieapest l-’I.OF B in town at T. C. h DuL TUMN Ell’S, june *27, *2t. Bend the advertisement nlsewhernol tho celebrated “Goldsmith's Self-fasten . Ing he, „ which . pronounced Cotton is *-* «»,.*» “ «•* ton tie. nitnp e, easy ot adjustment, and cheap, and cannot bo uniastend «llhou( cutting. It iu « gowl thing. Send , 0 ,,, order. I. J. II. 0 W Cietu-ru! Agent, Augusta,lia. Buy ( attic I owtiers tor your loot H.vr-,.. ’ Mules ' »»d I'vws ’ at ‘ tl.o Sinrta *( ‘ Dn,g Store. Refreshing Luxury. SS^2rgS2*'*' -Jeo rut... Cream, daily, 1 at 5 o’clock. P. M. „• v- . -I- h " *“ II. II. vl H. J.-Miivcua "UKUa. june 13 l*.u. A Rraninq Club. ... U now . have debating . , ... bleb, .* t « a can we h»vo a reading oUt> . l^jis would be very „ w „jj J||1||r We. How tew otTts know how to read •otredly, »nd sutely practice would do u» all good. One advautage thi w -> hare iuz club : tiothiug oouU be final to the yr*uwa W) U A Wart house »«*i W ,\y • is . it that . bpirta , has no ware* liouhti ' It is really sit liaising that ........... •»« » I.......K-crl-s over r In ir infevsto. Hu certain h i need ono. « Hay, ‘ Well, ’ tl.o lar.i. Cfs carry their cotton Irmu Very neat' htre to Miitedgeville or ►Sanders ville, or .snip . it to Augusta. . ,, .... I hut uiay be i so, ruiu% but why do they do :t '( II wo liml a god warehouse here, with ware l„ n ,8o acpotntnodntion*, and a cot. ton m . iv ket, (which we would have il Wo ], a j tho warchovsc) would they curry it nil then or ship it ? No; ol course not ; for the far.,.ers who make less than seventy live bales of cotton would j„»ti find out that they could always got a better pricM in a country market than in the city, even in cents, outf-iilo tlm innumerable expenses al¬ ways tacked on, fur tho reuson, that in tho city uiuikct i f . is strictly classified and sold accordingly ; while in the smaller market, men who ate paid a dollar a b-ilo lor buying, get up a com¬ petition and they don't consider the elnsK of tlie cotton but buy it ; and es peciully /'or the lower grades you can uhvuys get a hotter price. This we know to be so, ar.d it it is, !k> w many dollars would be left in our town, if W e had a wui cityuse and a cotton market. • hat goes to other places now. The farmers hurl tather bring their cotton to a nearer market, in their own county too, and would rlo it it they could. So let ns have a warehouse. Il no indi vidtul Inis money to invest, raise u Mock company ; tho merchants o»jght ta build it. Lit each take s ock iu it, und wo guamnteo that tho stock will pay them a handsome interest; and if it didn t, tho additional business they would pot would pay them lack in a f w years their entire stock. Or it is a fine opening for the Grangers, In Aincricus they are building a very fine warehouse, and al though ihero sever il others there they expect it to pay. So wo think they could very consistently and profitably po into this enterprise, and they could take no stop which would he more ben eficiul to the intcre-t they represent. W e do hope our people, merehui ts and Grangcts, will think of this, Ibr there is nntliing our toivn and our farmers need more, and at I lie s.ittic time i( is a safe and sure investment. Let us call a meeting of the citizens ol the county at some early day and raise u stock company for ibis purpose, tor ail are interested. Make the. shares, say, >'50, We ll start it with shares. " two Gome up, gentlemen, and let’s have uni stored at home, even next fall. Who'll bo the first to move '( Thomas 0 iackson, Shot. (lur rentiers aru perhaps familliur this name, as liguiitig eun-j icu in our courts, umt who was at last court/ri«,l /or assnult und ut to murder on tho deputy marshal tlm town, touml guilty ami seutenced seven years in the penitentiary, but night be I ore he was to bo tsketi oil with several others, mail.: their es from tlie jail, anil have been at ever since, until last Monday bo was shot by his brother. lie shot with n rill through tho lungs, wo hoar is alive and doing well, tho deputy sliCiitl went down evening to at rest him. Tho as near as we can gather ate :t« follows : It seentes that be been laying around through tbc since his escape, going homo Ins fatheis when hc lelt like it, or slept there regularly, nnd on last bo came home greatly un the influence of liquor. When lie to the gale the deg barked at him, lie caught it and with his knife his ■!':* fathor «'•»»/ -............ end »»j came out rcmovi* with him for the rash n >t he a. nun with the knife, swearing be Would kill him ami tho whole i- family, . i * but , bo got ol .... bis out way, when bis brother also tried to ........... *!u "■» as his brother rtiu out of the house ^ -y down the ritle—and took it with him, and run a hundred yards or more with the turious bother rarotner rapidly u gaining - • on hint, , his t*«%thci* shouted to hiui to mod wLir. and *•« w- or v wouu i., knica and he wheeled bj# brother being about er,.. v -inL p.uut^.^utlgh bv Vn , . '7 , iin.<lt iiio b«ll V hiTioHp/ . • j , 1 tun> "-unded. 1 >' 1 A M" ’ u desperate *. 4 'Xvrously —, n< and from wbat we cart learn, the %r.. regret is that his/’-ofAer was forced aches any blame to bint. ^ .... l, thc , snentt . found , ''"".'.i'I? that 0 .?- he wns’t " ,A m when ‘’ rn J be y o.llu.1 lor liim. nnd of could learn nv>tbi'>-r el his whereabouts,— Ttwy reported took that him a off, party and v>, , that night and they re t[>-‘ hIri * W *«an shot iT'i through lt * 9 1 orte the . r *7°S® lungs s »ouId so ea-ity delude the otheer. it • can’t be caught, a sound man need ^ *** f., . 1 'rtl litany .ct :u:..'y <d _ i Our Drui j* Store Ever »e hav been , , here, we hum t , !mvn heeii Inti tiding to say .............. ........i to* Storo, Tor « think wo hold? one which w« can con scicriouvly J brag on - and whi'e wo hope we are not given . to bragging, . wc always like to talk about a nv J coil mend* able , , enterprise in our taui, not only , bocau-e we lire proud oi it, hut to cii* lout ago . it. \\ o know , many towns of tlin-o times tbc size of Sparta , iavc , i’ 1 a drug stove that approaches it it. comparison ; and the largest city d, t.g stores arc not more neatly and carefully arranged and kept, or more ably and systematically conducted. Auury, ■'ubrv We %e have nave kimvn known IxdYir.* bciore, amt a ml wo we know know him him to to ho bo nno ouo of of tho tho Wt best »nd and sa'cst druggists in the .State, Wo think Sparta should feel proud of her , beautiful ____, ri . , Drugs r\ ___ o. $ u " .. e i encourage it, . for nothing is more useful in a town than a well kept Drug .Store. They h . vo displayed unusual good t-mto nnd entemrivo tn c P rKC i,. 1,1 (iviii.r it an U P» cv P ,. ' erytning is in place end kept neat and clean, anil in the most modern J.,. style. Tl,,y l,. r rr..lijetl ;„„1 tractive tlgii tu town, and in with the bilaneo of iho store, they hvo both good lo .king fe'I iws—in laet there is nothing baniLoiun ui-!y about thote, Tlo-y liave, too, a Soda ‘ Fount a i. o very host ... Kino , of soda , water, with pure, good sytups. A protracted meeting has been going on for several days at tiro Church, and we aro triad to reo a deeper feeling is being daily festei, nnd wo do hope it may not until wo have a most glorious ami scores united with tho And tho ('Lurch should como to assistance ol the pastor, who does whole duty, we mu-t say, nnd wo ho may he richly rewarded for his ous efforts to save souls. \\ o A A • I LEI l I ) I.SJ'jA.SJSS* from Inf onejf t> (I'd Aje, 'WITH THE DISEASES OP CHILDREN. BY S. F. SALTEIt, M. D. One volume, 1 ti mo., K'H [wires. Price 30 civtifs a copy. Atlanta. (.:t, 8. F. Su Tkii. M. !>., Fob blur, |-72. t Ii above uorfe i^ i o\v re:i !y for (libvery, and f otn pie-ent i dionti a* ihe edltiou , r >,tu*(i OO)d' h will soon 1 e exlittns ed. 1 lie toll..wing li*i oj' contents will give Horn idea <<l the wmk DISK AMIS of THE FEMALE. Adlu-s/on of iho Labis,. Amer orr/ie-i, An¬ te Vursion ol YVoii.hf After Pains; Aboi tion ; Air and Kwr is. ; Alteratives ; As tiingi-lils ; Ill'll ng; linden Inf .uli„n ; < Y»rv,i-a| Leitci.i ih-a ; Fh’; Compound • ) hi ; t boii-a 8t. \ itiis Du i‘c ; Coueeptioii; 1 a ic ; t Hpilial M- ntugi is ; Cancer id i he Womb; Direa-es of the Libia: I'i* •■a os of tlie Clitoris; Di-in- '* of he Ya k'l.a ; Dim use* cf Meitsiruaiiou ; Dysinen o.rbt a ; bi.-i-.i-. s ot the W oioli; /ti-. ,i-e*ot he Ovitties , ll'.op uc (haiati; Divis ons ol L.ib '1- ; l» HO hc- of the Hi-I’.-I-I, of Mamma; Diseases ot * htblieii; b. dii e ol 1 fe; Die-*, 1'iet : iV.qho e;i - ; Diure'io* ; IJytadids in 'he Womb: . Hyst.-ris; J): in <es » Pr g "imey; Li goigeme- i of v\.>.,b ; Eil'.et, ot (motions ; Elite n tgogues ; Kvpec oiaats ; Lxci cii HIM or V, arts ; I* isi ula ; Ft I - void liio ins of Womb- Fibrous Tumors t; Fitttj T-mo’s ot Hieant; Kei ii da lion; Fashion—it* inti ;e e ; Foi-um ary f r p-epa. it.g Medicine; lie tlur-howto preserve its natu a| color ; ilrg enic llu'es ; I.ttiOducio y ; Infantile l.eueo iho» ; |m [o r o tte.l ilymi’ii; Int! itmiti i i of Womb; liiffuenee ■ f parents on Off.-pring ; lutliism e of Mini) upon »e • eto.u* of Mi k ; ,m: . tl<»u • f B east j Irritation an t lulamation of the Labia ill Cl.iiilren ; l.t iicot t lira ; L ’C-tuti n ; t„, l.mim'-nt ; Mori ing Hit ktirss •d u - ut ition ; Mriion h-»g a, («r Pro esc b Menstruation; tide ity its' Mease-*; Meningit s . Man* - etleet ujmui \v« i eu : Milk Malignant ts * ’omj ■ vti n ; y;,. i, j h Ac, iu M ilk ; it tin- Breast -, Nympho¬ mania; Nervous Debil'ty ; Narcotics; Nat¬ ural Labor; Ov.-iriirs; Ovarian l-'r, pay . Prevention "t Coaeeptioti ; Pin- 11 e-H, or Itching of the Vulva ; I rolapsusoi *. al . h ' I’arttiriiiou "'"“d’; Pmode its helps tia nfer d • - a tlln i rai.i’cs ; Period of tie-taiion ; Puer¬ peral ( ouvolei •ms ; Fuerjn-I'.il Fwvr ; "•MS I eus ; Fn Vi’-.|,V»-H of A twit inn ; Pargiv t*,« ; Patent Medici oh ; Stomati ........... is,’ I real un tit i( d.„ Mother; Pregnan y ; Rc trovem«n of W. of' mb ‘iwIfSilSJ: ; U be Falypus • f ;he \ ; 8ympuiKti.-1 1 *-’ sh h™” v« r ; et-; Siumitaut*; Sa!ve» ; " ,J ab.v * ^re Mouth ; Tccihing; 1 he I-mimic organ" t.f Gem .Himi; Tbeo ries rtgirJidg the !> iT.rcnce «t ^t-x ; Trip 'N'. 11 ' - * icrvition of Womb; v*g "uns Vagina! ; ' i ->ri >u* Menstruation . Yesieo ; Women; Mi sietc. The above tml.niLsthu Mibjcrts irt-rted »^.tii detstaaUiug ol the -ut l dvseriji v v;-. ..,> ^ m 'I .. .....* I.r author llmn 'he rie* It is i w.'rk that n > woman wi 1 h ?" u * *-< 'bo price > a mere .. «e. mul .ts v -s««on ».U, 1 (*■*'« m» doubt, save more ta doctors bus ** oh * VOi,r * ,h " n ,e ‘ l Lues i s cost It !H »r.;,5 wiSs. "^ ,lle i iir.7 'bor zz 1,1 , l! - v : a “ will devote bait the net [r c« u i f tt»,« si »t edition to 1 lorlc// t.....’ ! -o:.K-n. ' AJ.||CS« n N . -LL?^“V«C. V,. — _ DU. 8 xl.TI K -til e.’: tine t [iracticr it the Eclectic Di-pet • »ry. N.«. • llio., 1 ftrert, AtUitt, Ga , wher- he treat* w th L'tcd success tl.v ul. wing difcvas u '°* ^VJEasf.h hk TltE Hr.vU.—Ne-vous lua.I ' s Igie htadache, he.d* : at» suu he. J yM-F*f t cadache ca-arrbal T -* and < • A*,.,nod urcat mi:. h(,Uu--, j>ue«*t-» ok Ttt»!'1KL < "^lf‘ " , . t " , -ac'.lel . Dis,.^okthV <.f 1 1 k-.d*. • Mediae V the w. .k and t wuracuH U n.-. -hurt br.a b. w pr<— 1 ,>, fc.r breath, e. irrh. or sea-; 1 < , l “ tLe iu#b ' s ' C0U6 ‘ W sh,>n vr loiig ?!and ’ ■ :ng -“ * —**• - ... . much 1 s * 11 * wiml bloating w the stoma, h before and j ,er PP ^''„ m „.,L in ro „ n . ATST —Jaundice, sto*«* fiver, ([,„ j» It-bbidiv, <•«!*> gemeni of tJm I»V.ksb« btiad piles Tn»Po^#.-rffl.«tcne«s ok <1 arrhea of abort or lo«# stand nj, dyseote* ry, bilious colic, and all forms of cn'ic til writ d bowels weakness of the bowels, fa I n.jr of the bowahs J'i es, bleeding idles, niiml t iles. Kmjai.k <v>Mi > — Stoppage of na lure—too 1-te too 1r q"Cut tot p ofuse, FC H - y irrogm ar or r .inful, female weak ness .""naturalI off of tl.« i '; flam ’ I „ a ;So„ orpr^sm.!"* bowomb^ 1 « mplniuts pecuii r .0 females, young Or ‘' ft,tr.UMA TIS M.-r.hcuTa^m in the h, ad. rheunmt sm in he shmilJer, rl» umat s,n in t elbo * a ^'“e./hett I'M"’ kn< t it. the arm, f the c,c vni*t, AU * rs * £*’ ?' eCt ’ ' cases, whether ch omc nr acute. ^ KIS i'MAsv.8.-SsU Shcum, Te'ler, Shingles, I'e-p.*, 1’itnples on bad the complexion luce brown ; spots anil rnotli on the face, \ nnd *11 fonts of Skin Dh-eescs. , IUse.*sE-i f„ of Ttru Er.TX *uy Oho.x*.— Diabetes young or Bi.<ld e ag.-d people • D abetes in old people, st ppage of the urine, inability to retain the uri e, the >nn:e ditfi culty in chddr«u during the nig t, gravel, u cemted kidney, ulcerated bladder, dis. ,:1 ' ar e cf muetw, pus, or blo 0 1 t om the bladder, Bright's disease of the kidneys, ' p.i, in Gie bladder Kidj-ky in Old IVr-rLK. — , ST*SSS. , , SftW , back, heat,, stricture eliding, and Ac, difficulty of passing wa ter. Dis* P sii9 i.f 'jUB dtoon.—Scrofula, ^ 1S syp' ihs, cancers, al. torms of d - , ' e »J''S. longer To those slmoer afflict d, much or little, for a or lime, with any uf the above complaints. asks Dr. Salter *x<Ci d* his aid and the priv.hj.c of re toring tLem to he Itb. TAKE NOTICE. Persons consulting me by mail are earn¬ estly n quested bearing to answer all the following questions on the case. Enclose a s'amp und a Correct diagnosis, and a candid opinion wi,J t e returned wi'ln ut delay. 1. Age. 2. Sex. 3d. Mariied or single, 4. flow many eh Mien and are they hen thy. 5 (live number of inches a’ouudihe chest, tneasttiing just umW the arms. 6 Height and w. ight. 7. Complexion. 8. Color of hair and eyes. 9. How long afflicted. 10. bei-vtihe your present *• mptorns. It. Give i xact state ot your sexnal system. 12 it female are you regular or others ise. ]3. Have yo ; committ< d cxc.->*. s, suftV-reJ vo m-re ,1 ili.-euse or, Coustitu iot al disease 14. Were yoir par.-uts related, lo. What is the opinion of your physician a* to the name r.i- nature of your'J.sense. Id Have you tukeu much mercury. Address, J. F. SALTER, M. D, No.fS Hr. ad S reet, Allanta, Ga. New Advertisements. ENCOURAGE HOME ENTERPRISE 1 0.0— Goliaitb’s relf-Fasieiin Mu Cotton Tie. l^atented .April, 1874 =. - (CO (Ni t- l, racters, T lanters and Nlannfictu ers, 'he stibHeribers arc new ptrpa-ed to £ offer their ea'iiely novel >ELF FacTKMNG TIE. fur baling Cotton and o inr pro¬ duce. Tins 'J IE i- equal in every re-pect to any Tie m w iu u«e, li-iic a* easily fas ened and is St’lTItlOll ftoin the tnct tint once l .-lined it i* an iic]#os.sibi/ity f<> remove the HoO|* wiitmiit ii’ h{ cutting it, thereby (iF.VlvAN t BEING Funnels und other iu e ested parties against loss of \r ight by i-et-o-i of r. m val of Hoops. I bis ’I IK has been examined by neatly every Factor and Mordant ol Char cston, and has been |)>ou"ituee<i a [no feet sueee-H. (Itilars for XLIV or KCOND BAND RIVETED HOOPS will he prt mptly til cd, at as low a price a- any other lie, ut tlie manutuctory. MOSES GOLDSMITH <fc SON, 4,6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 COLONNADE ROIV, VKUL’K RANGE. Chariesto -, S. C. J. H. OPFENHEIM, General Agent, jitnc 27 6m. 103 Reynolds 8 reel, Augusta, Ga. WILLIAM STEVENTS, -DKALKll IN Goods, Clothing, Hats, Slices & Notions AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Ladies' Cluth Shoes worth S’J .10 a $3.00 for £*2.00 to $*2.50. Misses i- “2 50 a 3 00 for 1 75 to “‘25. laulies' Hats worth.......... 1.25 a I 50 for 80 tO 1.00. A Fine Lot of Ribbons at Very Low Prices. B hole Stork ol' Xotionn at Greatly lleduccd rigures. Best him ii Sparta at $1.00 Per cozen! I uo above iniiarA rguuds will Lc sold to tiny one, low, for tho CASH. nnd lor yourself. ‘ STEVENS. sec WM. SjuirUi, June 13 tf. JOIIX If. DOBBS. CKO. S. OBEAR, Jr., Late, TYise, D .btsA Co. Macon, L«a. 250 CRATES CROCKERY AT DOBBS & OBEAR’S Crocliory, Cliiiia aiul Glas.s-waro EMPORIUM, too CHERRY STREET. ■ 2J DOOR ABJVE ROSS h COLEMAN’S. | V^.U^EIVE ottering from IU 3 - pc, Jo sbip cmfs Kru cheaper V Victor than S50 ever Orurcs before Vrootcry. offeied. which These „ goods .rc iiave « 1 been byught in the la>t 30 days, and with the Cash, giving ns the entire Benefit oi the late decline. WL CAXSOT BE ISDEHSOLU. "Rot* "FivtllTPc; T lXXUTeS, TTInclr® i? iaSKS, "Rnttitic LJOIIieS, Rrn CCC.. «VC. k-n Tn this Jute we liavc the largest atui Les*. collection vf goods ever brought South. 8et.d us your otders. 1 "rui t Jars l Kruit .Tarw J Nfaron T“ I’.ire^’^in ° ‘ ami ].. tL celebrated , , , - Gem Glass for. Send c , . to us for . ntl ‘' , LL«r Mr P< ll. Gate Wise T V.b’:'S k Co ) purchased our stock in person, and sr e:ul arrang. meut with a^ewu of ships Eva Mav and Victor, brought :..rough ut L» per eeu.. teas on tij e ix«aj jr, a> than one half the usual rate*. Lamps, Glasts-warc t Vc*. Leoldag <ila-ise*. _■ a 3 **B_* e nceti .a the last thirty dr vs Gone and see us or send /or ,uJ 2 -OOBBS & OBEAR. ' * ’ -’• * Dmr above Ross \ Cdensau’s - fcitiily Keeler, ui'GLOUGlA, Guar* l* Hakrock Williim Co P. K. i an r.f IVtler. h»v ng appl e,1 to ihe Court ot Ordi nary <>< said you ty for ndisch.rge from ‘' T "" **— This U tlicref ro t» rite a]' persons con corned. ... show chus., by fi'in* «bjections niy office, why sud hrnily IVeler rlian d no. t o dismissed from her said Guardian slii,, on Hie first Monday in August, 1874. Witness »», ofhcinl signature, illOA.AS I. cIITI.K, jote-7 4ttr. Ordin.ry. (j-^vvberJi^Martb , n . snrK lonlison, n.lminU , r!U °. r Alexander ; tvprcsi-n s to l^Vo^ , f record. de Im^fuliv admi,,^ te %* S! ‘. iJ .t* ,Ducl Alexander’s estate '‘'j . * 8 .credito" said’ to’lbow cause . f Ciin> „hv administrator should " not " be dischargtd j“ fiom his udmbiis d rece ,,„ ttorS of dismission on ( j le [. t Monday in .'cpicmber, 1874. Given under .ny I and at t tfice this tlie 1st day of June 1*71. TUOS. I. LITTLE, Ord’v. June BU “ G, 3m. rpiUUI i s days afier date, application Hancock will be made t r for the cour of Ordinary, of county, leave to sell ti e he late ul E-tatc belongiug decetsel. to A. E. W. Brown, of conn y, V1RULNIA L. BROWN, Ex’rx. may 30, 30 d \jf „ FOR' ! IA - COUNTY. Ad minis tiator, with will annexed Ac, of Win. Diik in .on |,is Sr.,deceased ition duly represents cd and entered to the Court, j>e ft on tee ord, that he has lu ly a.tiniiiistmd Win. Hickson's estate This is therefore to cite nil persons con¬ cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they r an. why said aduiinisti a tor shou'd n t be discharged fiom his ad ministration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in August lb<4. Given under my hand at office, this 4th day of May 1874. LITTLE, Oidiuary. Til OS. I may 9-3m. EOIIGIA IIASC . Of !v ( OLN -Y. vT V\ hereas AIpheus B. Buckner, admin sir .tor, with will annexed, of estate of Francis M. Lawsou lute of sa ! d county dec'd repre cuts to ihe Court in his petition duly fded eml teconled, that he Jias fully ad minis'e.-ed 1 ratio is M. Lawson's estate. This is therefore to ei’e all poisons inter es ed to tlmw cause, if ai y they can, why said administrator shou d not b- tr m his admmist- ation, and receive letters of dismission on the first M tiday iu August 1874 Witness my official signature, this 4th day of Mav, 1874. THOMAS I LITTLE, Ordinary mayll 3m KTOTICH3 TO EVERY PF11SON, M A LE A N J > F EM WHO AltB AFFLICTED With the most Causes of -Affliction, to its Mildest form, etc ■ Tii 0 undgr-igned proposes to sny he will warrant to euro nine tenths t.i tach and ev¬ ery comp aint a human being is heir to, fiom one mouth 10 twelve years etc. __ FIRST—The undersigned will tel nil complaints on man or woman without ing questions, only merely by locking them or otherwise, etc. BEC02IDLY-*The undersigned announce* to the citizens of Mac n nnd the ci izei.8 o( the S ate, lie has jiraeiiei d f r a long pe rioH <4 me in l’.bb cotiuiy, Georgia, at the expiiaiiou of fifteen years, lie again lic Bir s to re nine Isis? practice, in older to be amongst a circle of friends, in order to con linut* on h s carreer of rescuing people estab premature ished graves, this whirl! hat import is welt over Sta e. These rt he does not make f mn in lives of s ti n, but from in lives to lie imjmrte.l lo afilictcd. at d Urn e motives can bj> identi¬ fied 'o by a large population, if neccs ury be inquired t> to etc. THIRDLY—The und rsignod Jireposes cure nuie-teuths of all complaints, lie lake for his specialty, ITLMOXA RY CONSUMP VI ON, AST 11M V. DROPSY of the CHEST, DROPSY of the ROWELS. 11YDBOOOLE t 1101 SY, ItIIEU VIA 1 ISM AiT TI-N ELY IN(4 R1IKU V ATIS\1 INF!.AMATO Y RHEUMATISM, DIABETES, OVA ISM, OR WKL. SYPHILIS. UIJBO.NIC DIARRHCEA, KINu’s EVIL, LIVER AFFECTIONS, DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEYS, SPINE, Of every fo-m full id every kind. etc. Also, he will cure ail Ejni-de Complain s, no matter ol how long standing their com plaint may be, or how much drbilitnt d iln-ir i onslituihv s may b-e Apply to the ndeisig ed an l receive some intdrma ion regarding anything. your complaints. It will not cost Ih- undersigned in order to give a lair and Impartial explanation to the public, will say lie will umleit ke e icb and every case oi Ii - above ccinplaims by so much to be paid in cast! n onlidy, or by so mu. Ii to be j’aid by contract., as the Cure progresses, and -o on. Ent it n- il bo neces¬ sary lor all people w! o desire to bo cured by conti act to be under his < barge, so as t; bo’ enabled to see them once a ray All the above ccmpluluts will Vie cur; <1 sound and well in ihe spa.-o of from three to five months tin e. Address him at Macon, Ga., with stamp • nd envelooe < nclos ul. DR. M. FliZGERALD, Office corner Mulberry and Fourth stre ts Macon, Ga. jua'iOif r. O. Box No. 341. _ q "'-YiY / 1 (" ' 9 ' ' ' '(6b V’V-C-4f YTife fl ; Oi?T e>' '-'ip, EMTII^IISE ■ - The only lie iable Dislribution in the country $ 100,000 00 .In Vo’u-ihlo Ciitts! TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN L . D . SIDE’S 4 I III SEMIANNUAL To be Drawn Saturday, July 4th, 1874. ONE i; II * \ II < AI*ITA». •1’ItlKK !r 10,000 OO >11 «iol<| ! «M; l»!4»zt: 5.000 ill .Silver! Five Priitps $1,000 ft ( 11 P Five Prizes >500 m . OJ Ten Prizes $100 ,:j f Two Family Carriages ur.d Matched llhrses with Hi Ivor-Mounted Harness, wo th $1,500 each ! 1*0 Two Buggies, Horses, Ac. wor h ewrll 1 Two Fiue-loni'J Rascwood I’iauos, worth $.550 each ! Ten Family Sewing MacLlner, worth $100 Each 500 Gold and Silver l.evei Hunting Watches (in »li) worth trow $20 to $•»' 0 each. Gold Chains, Si'.vt- -ware, Jewt l-y, &c., &e N utn'erof Gi/'ls 10,001/ 'J'icktis limited to 50,000 ! • Aren's Wanted t«> Sell Tickets, to whom I. the rut I'romliims will he I'ald. Singh- Ticket" $2; Six Tick't $10 ; Twelve Tickets $20; Twenty-fin: ${0, Circulars containing a full list of prices, a of t - e manner of drawing and informal iou in reference to be Distri¬ bution, will be sent to any one ordeiing. All Icteri mu«t be addressed to r kfics. L. D. SIDE- Bex 86 101 VV. Fifth St. Oiucinnuti, o. June'Low _______________ ....... --- - , Cons, _ With . , . _ ., n. A. J. D. uBWITlSn. ___ AlliH . _ r , Ha3.'dp\\ OHUUrwuvJj \ r v fmniitOOj 33ug^ies, Jotc*. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters. R EP.\ I RING in all its branches neatly i dvue • • n sh it ».»*;ic-*e. Agents for the SINGER DEWING MACHINE. Give u-. a exit. margl-bm ROBT. H. MAY & [Successor to WYMAN ft MAY,] Manufacturere &. Dealers in Carriages. Buggies. 2''- Broad Street A-' -/j Gj -ic. -7 !y , St’ 1‘-’ I A 1. NOTiCKS. A Boon to the Whole Jhce of Woman r - Ml I. EEADEI15LD-S FEMALE REGULATOR! It v il’. bri- g on tlie Menses ; relieve till pui'i III the III out Illy " l’eriud cure illieil mat 'sin i nd Nt uralgin of buck nnd II crus ; Lcucor htr.-i or *• W bites,” and partiul l’«-o. Input-; i.ll Ft", irreguluriiics i ; i-heck :<vs* peeit’inr s iv<* flow, Indies. nnd ejr. r. cl to /1 will t'-n,ove nil injlnli' n of Kidneys airl Blatld-r; t-i vc (oa veno-s; purify tlie liiond ; 1 i .r tone nnd shengtli to (lift vvliole ; y:-.ti ri ; cle .r tli t skin, imparting it losy hue to the olsuck, and ehccr/ulueSH to the niipd. snl* It is. ns n etire '.n- nll (lie ftl ovo tils eas" ;:s Quinine i- in <'hi I- itnd l-'ever. Ladies c.iii etire th tuse'-ves of »i tho nbiWe rfscasts without which revi' their coin plaints in any person, is a ways mor tifying-to their pride and modi s y. it !.s,recotnmei,dtd by the best physicians ntd th.- clergy. * l.Af/HAWOK. Oa., Much 23 187(1. llltAlvi'ii- lo & Allant', ugtii-it (.la.— heap Siis ; 1 take pleas urc iu >;‘at I liavtf used for the last twcu y y ars ihe nmificinu you tire now pu't i g up , known as Dr. ./. Brad field s l KM A 1.10 BEG F h iTOB, nnd coiif itior i tin; i esi < ombin ition i v< r gotten tog< ther i r th*- disea-c.- for wi ich it ii io couimended. 1 U .,-e been amdiiiir wiiU tho presetipt; i, both a-- a pi-actit oner of med iduc and in u nuestic piac uv, and can hotu estly say ihat, 1 consider it a boon to htilltr mg fvmales, a.,d can bid hep; that VI ry lady in cur whale land, who may he Kifuer* ing in any procuie way peen'-.ur to u c'n- sox, may be tv Ic u> a bo.ilc, tb .t tlu-lr snlTcr irgs may not only l>e relieved, but lliul they may he ter to red to hell il and strength.— \\ ilh my kindest reg-inls, 1 ntu, respem’ly, Yv . JL$. FERRELL, M D. Nt;'i; Maiiiictta, C,.\. March 21, 187(1. MESiSU-i. W M. HOOT & BON.- Deaf Siis : Borne in nibs t go 1 bought a bottle ol Uradfiehl's FEMALE REGULATOR, from you, and have used it in my family with the utmost sat eduction, and have ro cotiimcndud it to three o h--r la mibes, nnd they have found it just what it is rccoin nt< lhlod. T■ funiulcs who Pave used your REGULATOR are in perfect health and ate able to at end lo their household duties, and lic. V/ - cordially r commend it to tho pub¬ Yours Respectfully, Rj,V. 14. B. JOUNBON. We could add a thousand other certifi cu e-. : but we consider th* above amply sulk- out pri of of its vi.tne. Al: wo a k is at trial. For fail pe.rlluulars, history of diseases, at d certificates o its wonderful cures, the reader is referr d to Ihe Wrapper around tho bottle. Manut’.i' I- red nd sold by ERABFIELB 6c CO,. Pricc-Sl oD. Atlanta. Ga.» S; Id by all Druggist*. fe!28—eivly m h ; if ' 1 ' i 1: ^%'li ii 1 fcr-j.4 •••oE ISA1> BLOOD S “.4 corrupt trec,”s«ith the fnS|>ired Y^ols time, * biingeth forth not. g o I fruit,” nor can Cfivriij) i blood in jiart h. tilth beauty and good tlesh, or ‘ The B ond is t],o ■ I ife,” and health can i nly be rnoyed in its tn'l (let fee. ion wt ore (ho idood is qcj>I in a pure and nr.c n upted state, In nee the no I'CH.-ity of [Hire 1 bi d, to give lit-.,Ilb, bean y,. bony nut spin's, long life at.d Imppine-:!. A N 1M I’U Rii) CONDI! I OX of rnr. BLOOD man feslH it- c If m d i Ft Y: cut fo. ms of diseases, such a* Tetter, Fait Rheum, Feald head, Ring-w ruts. Pimples, lilotelu'a, Spots, I'.i-uptious, I'usiuk-s Boils, Cai-hiincl s, 8oro Evs, Rough skin, 8eurf, Hi-rofttlous <«res an i 8Well ngs. Fever sores, W h to swelling, Tentors, Old Kores or Swellings, SyidiiliCie, Affecti ns of the f ( i•>, Throat anil Rones’ Fleet. 1 'J the Liver, Htomach, Kidneys, l tings and Uterus. In 'Ii condition of tilings 'otncth’ng is wtlid ,-d at ( NCK TO CI.I- AN.-K HIB 1H.OOD, and te- tra iz> th« insidious poison I lint BUi.VS LIKE \ TEt. RlI?I F /-/RE, as it courses tlir-'tigh,the veins, sowing seeds of deafh with .-v'ty puls lion. Dr. F- uibi'iinti's Compound Extract of Siithiigia, (or Qu - 'is Dili gli ) will positive¬ ly iflvct this i!e-idi:ru(um, expelling i-vo-y trace of di-ease from the blood and nyste’u, and leaving tho rkin ton , FA Hi AND lHLU 'TIFUL. F- r all disease* of tl,e l I.OOD, LIVER and KlDNI-.Yrf, ibis (Inal I >g< t<tV.e. A/fi/u i, vitlmut a viviil li wil nur, any rllRoMO „r |,ONG STANDING Ols I. A-L real or iViit’cl cause is BAD L BLOOD, i;lii:t \UT1-M, FAINA IN .MLS or IL NFS, CONST'ITUl IONS BROKEN D()\VN by .Mercurial or other puisims, are si! cured by it. Fir FVFH II. IS. there is not long equal to it, A triol icilt V> one it. It is * in" l mi ful and Fall purifier of the Blood, ft a't-ty nd Inaoronce have b en fu’ly test: d so ti nt it may be i/bidnistmd lotho most tender i /'mb I3f**B<?war« ot coiintc-rfi-ita and substi ui' S. Try tlm Gen .iu<* Extract QUEER'S RELIGHT, j.n-p .reU by Dr. J, S. PEM Ul.R/ttN, Atlanta, (la. For sab- ivy A !1 UlltDSOTG&f t)., Sparta, Grt. BARRETT, LAND & GO., Wlmlesalo AgtH., Augusta, 28 Ga. Feb ly. Obstacles to Marriage. I J A TTY RELIEF for You- g- Men from t);,. . j i.f Errors and Abuses n e,ir •>’ lil> - da: hood n-Ktored. Impediments to Marr age removed. X5w method of treat* I'icnt. New and remarkable remedies. Books i Gil- -I in sent free, in sea ed • nvelopcs Adi .-, Howard association, no. 2 Son;h Xi th Bt.. l’bLadelpbl/r, reputation furhou- l*.i.— «n Inst,- - : a having » high orai .ndiist and professKnul gkf/t* n.'V. 8, Jy j/* STOVES ! STOVES ! 1 \\ AT F. to ■' - l! ng our superior lot of COOK STOVES at very reduced rati J oo *- in want of a good SiOVB. would do well to give us a Cull TIN-WARE of all description aiado of heavy c R O - S r£j AT K. r.Oo/iNG and GI'TTItdHNO- made a specialty. PROFONT MX ii YOUNG. May U3, 3m. IX>R SALE. r ] invi) :SKIVING MACHINES Both as g- 1 a new. A great bargaiu cun t.e had. Apply at this office jllRO 1 J tt.