The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, July 04, 1874, Image 3

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SIMMONS’ Exchange and Collecting Agency, Sparta. Georgia, TIMES & PLANTER. SPARTA, GA., JULY 4, 1874^ LOCAL AF FAIRS Chamberlin, Boynton & Co. W« ntjw t>MVo ia our Dross Goods UnartaMO* the largest and jme*t atook ■V 1 *** Organdies — Goods, Lama Lace and Sacques, Parasols, Gloves, Hosiery, and Genera) assortment of Dry Goods and notions ever offered an Atlanta, Our assortment of Ladie’s fine Dress Goods is unequalled in tbo State. Samples sent on application. We Carpet n ! Carpet* !! are now making a specialty of Carpets in our our Carpet Department, We hav*at all times an elegant line of Axminsters, Velvet, Body and Tapes¬ try Brussels, 8 Flys, Ingrains, and cheap Carpets. Floor Oil cloths, Oil Shades, Laco Curtains, Damasks, Reps Wall Paper, and House Fnruishing Goods. A large line of Brocatelle, Goata line, Batin’*, and silk Striped Reps, Lambregunis and cornice made to order Oocoa and china mattings a specialty. All oi above goods bought for cash un¬ der recent depressed markets and now offered at bottom prices. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON & Co., 66 it 68 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga., 11 tf. The Milledgeville District Confer¬ ence of the colored M. E. Chut eh in Ameriea, will convene at the Kbincza church in Sparta, Geotgia, oil Thurs¬ day, tho 9th of July, and continue till Sunday evening, with Bishop Joseph A. Beebe, presiding. M. B. KINO, I’astor Read the notice to the Democrats of Hancock, and lot every one be there promptly. It in tho duty of to come. Ten Brands of tine Cigars, to be sold at the Sparta Drug Store. If any of our merchants have much flour on hand, they had better let us advertise it, so they cun sell it out, for flour is going to tumble right along pretty soon. Ice cold Soda Water drawn daily from the fount, at the Snaita Drug Store. Arguata District Meeting. This body oonvnued iu Thomson, on Wodn ndny last. Our pastor, Rev. G. H.|o, Judge l'\ L. Little and Henry Thomas, delegates from tho {Quarterly Conluronco, loft Wednesday morning to attend. One Million Flies (.more or law) kill ed daily at the Sparta Drug Store.-— Go and ace lor yourself. FoP guns havo hecoino all the rage with ;he boys, ami the beautiful china Iterry shade trees around town will show, next Spring, how well they pructicetj. We like to a«o tho boy* enjoy them oclvez, but wo ate powerful load 0 shade trees. The best and cheapest K LOU It in town at T. 0. & 1 >icl, T U K VKIt’d, juno 27, 2t. Indian Spring will be welt ropro from Hancock tIns season. Judge T. I. Little leltThuratlay for tho Spring, Ilia wilo end non being already there; we hear of novertil others spunking going, and we are in hall a notion to go too, they speak no favorably of the benefits to bo derived from even a shoit stay there. Buy Cattle Powder* for your Poor Homes, Mules aud Cows, at tbe M(«*rU Drug Store Money Order Office. We are glad to see that through the efforts of our live Postmaster, this office has been made a money office, which w'U bo ft great convenience, ami wo hope have will be lib¬ erally patronized. Wo not on¬ ly got the most handsome Post Office but tlio best Postmaster iu Georgia. - ..... —■ Refreshing Luxury. lee Creatu, daily, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Parties, Pie Nies, or lamilies can be supplied at short notice. W. SHIVERS. II. II & o. juoe 18 lui. Clinmne** \n promotivo of health il ia soul, and as the aiekly season is about on ns, evoryliody should to it that thoir promises are kept clean , ami tho oommitteo on health should examine everv yard and see that it is in order. We cannot be too can tious as to our health. Mmany a of sickness, ami doubtless death, has hasci eausml by tilth aud Icmmuobh. tim.itrisnitvr As I hav* nottl from my old *t*„d, T* a bfrck house raor* gr«ud, 1 *ap*et to keep ou hand Th* v*ry b*> t brand Of horn* aud foreign liquors, 'A ’’ Ch**p. mlddUi'f Aloe th* b**t ol lager b*«r. fr»)« tit arid North, ] WWa (Tom li*lsud breugSt; tVi now my frt*od* ot»* and »"■ Com* aa-t give Mik* a call. M Bmxn- The Examinahon and Exhibition at the Ac cademy. Last Wednesday Prof. Murray closed his splendid school with an exhamina tion of tlio principle classes, during ring the day, aud exhibition of speeches, compositions, reading, &e., at night. Wo attonded in the forenoon the ex¬ amination, but oould not in the after¬ noon ; however, wo raw enough to sat mty us that It is no idle boast of the people in claiming Prol. Murray to be one of the best teachers in the State. Wo haven’t space to particularize and note the cieditable examinations stood by different classes . We have seldom seen, especially small children, so thor¬ oughly and exto sively examined, nor have we seen them go through with it so nicely; it evinced the fact that extraordinary care had beon given them, with a natural tact and ability in teaching. Sumo were examined by Mr. Julinnie Lewis, the assistant, who, though young, displayed no ordinary ability, us a teacher, and if he improves with age, wo predict that he will attain a high reputation as a teacher. Wc consider that altogether the ex* a ruination was very good, considering that very little preparation had been made for it. THE EXHIBITION. Early in the evening, notwithstand¬ ing the threatning appearance of the clouds, a largo crowd of both gentlc mon and ladies, assembled to witness tho exhibition. The band, led by Pro . Uett, opened the < xercises with some of their splendid music ; and aside from the subject, wc must say we nev¬ er saw a band play so well for the timo they havo been practicing. Tbe evening was cool and pleasant, and a most happy timo was passed. Tho boys, most of whom woro small, delivered their speeches vory creditably, both to themselves and their teachers; the larger hoys did exceedingly well. John Martin t spoko with a vim that would have caused one to think that he meant it when he gave tho good advico to, “read tho papers and advertise your business.” Tito compositions and read ing by tho girls, was also entertaining, and done very handsomely; although, tho continual fuss kept up by Hie au¬ dience was calculated to embarrass them. Tho exercises closed with an amusing dialogue; and after a few eall B for llandrup, ho appoaro t with a coat of bunt cork over him, and made a Civil Rights speoch, wc reckon it was. Ho imitated the darkey very well. Af¬ ter which the crowd dispersed, doubt less feeling that a pleasant evening had been spent. The Prolraeted Meeting. On account of tho district meeting, thin week, the meeting was closed on tfundxy night. Wo were sorry, too, that it was iiecc.ssi»ry to close it, for the fueling was daily increasing, and we think w« could have hudatqlendid inouting. But for the time it did go on, the result was vory good. Thirteen were United with the church, and houiu others converted who will unite with othor churches ; and we wuro glad to amongst tho members receoeivcd, yer y v *lu:xblo acquisitions Home them Lunds of families, and in one instancy *h H united lioittl of a family joined, aud immeuM*«ij, | ia ,] a || t ^oir children dedicated by baptism, jj..., they till be faithful uoldtors, uud real iio that, “ ’Tit religion that can give coutl nts while we live.’’ Wo learn from tho pastor, that he in. tonda to resume tbo meeting soon ; ami by tho-way we must say, we never saw a pastor more zealous and interested for tho welfare ot his flock, and we hope he may havo the satisfaction of knowing that through his elTorts, many havo eulisted in the cause of - Rain and Crops Tuesday ami Wednesday last, wo had splendid showers of ruin, which was vory Acceptable. 8omo portions 0.* the county hive lmd pleutv of rain, while iu some othor pu ts they hnvo ronlly suffered • but we hope all got it this and last wg*o w We were up Hasten . in tho North portion of the county last week, lteji o on Friday, Saturday and SundayViy had *plen did showers, and wo uevS- saw crops look so promising. Corn isVJaid by and cotton as clean as i garden and growing B right along. The rains'M ~rm% aud it last . week t will it abont i * put tho out of danger from a drouth ; a good crop is already certain, and unless scute disaster happens to cotton, it Cftnnot holp lm t make a good yield, Uop# m(Xt {|%u> noun . try in a bettor and more independent condition than any year since the war. M* the fAruu ' 1 '* ma v bo on ’ . eounvgod to always, hereafter, make com wheat, oats kc., and then if they have land and tune left, put it iu cotton. Removal. Mr. S. C- Shiver* has moved t f * m the eld Burnett house, to the house be low tho Post Office ; and Mike Butler, the illustrious poet, bos moved into the **rve it» aad poetry, but don’t charge for the latter— throws that in. ,o ,o» tn.v ,o« trad, b« live j as yow p-’etry is. LKUAL tDVKHTI8ING—CASH. This is to give notice to all concern¬ ed, that on and after this date all Sher¬ iff sales and legal notices are to be paid for before publication. We have tried both plans and find that this works far more satia'actorily to all concerned. It is certaiuly better for the officers, as it will save them many a dollar, and we know will bo better for us ; so finm this on it is a rule, and we will not de via to from it. As will be seen by the following, which is the law, the Sheriff is authorized to persue this course. §3649. Adv< rUsing fee paid in ad¬ sheriff, vance, whm. this [No sheriff or deputy in State, shall be required to advertise the property of any de¬ fendant in Ji. fa. for sale until the cost of such advertisement shall have been first paid by the plaintiff in fi. fa. his agent or attorney : Provided, that when suoh party plaiutiff, or his agent or at¬ torney for him, shall make and file an. affidavit in writing, that, owing to his poverty, be is unable to piy such cost, then it shall be the duty ol said sheriff or his deputy to proceed as now re* Two Thieves Harnessed. Last Monday a couple of Sumner’s pets were caught and put in jail. They had in their possession a lot of clothing which fbey had stolen from a Mr. Strickland, wbo lives at Roberts’ Sta¬ tion—first Station this side of Macon. Him and bis family were away from home, and these two aegroes were pass ing by and entered the house and car¬ ried off the clothing, Tuesday an offi¬ cer from Jones county and Mr. Strick¬ land, came after them and carried them back. It seems they tracked them to this place. They had sold one suit of clothes to a negro, the other side of Milfedgcvilie, for $6 00, which he re¬ covered, and which aided in tracking them up. They were at first thought to be escaped convicts, from Mr. Ste¬ vens’ Pottery, near Milicdgcville, but they said they had been working on the Memphis and Savanuah li. It. We guess they were vagabond travelers, but reckon Jones county will get some work out of them in her chain gang. Call at the Sparta Drug Store and get Fresh Turnip Seed. This year’s crop. Urowu by Robert RiuBt, Jr. Base Ball, What has become of our Ba e Ball Club. Wo ought to have something to pass off these pleasant evenings and to exercise us. So can’t we revive the Kureka’s 1 and by-the-way, we get the following from the Milledgeville Every Saturday : ‘‘The young gentlemen of this city have organized a Base Ball Club, aud propose to try the autul of the Base Balli.sts of Macurr and Sparta, ere the season is over.” Well, trot them over, and if we don’t have our club reorganized, just give us about one days uct.ce, and we can get up a scrub nine that will beat them again. Personal Wo neglected, last week, to notice the return of Mr. W. R. DuBo-o, who has been attending the University of Virginia, preparing himself forauM. D. He is a young man of promising ntind, and has, through all of his collegiate course, stood head in hi» classes, und taken first honors We ar« glad tOkee our young friend, •>f the legal way ol seeing things, J A. Harley out, after a light severe spill ol sicKRt-ss We hope he may he able ti > eep on his pins hereafter, with out the tiiU ul a doctor. Now is the the time to prepare lor the Kruit season. Call at tho 8par a Drug Store, with the cash, and buy the following well known brauds at les than Augusta prices : Mason's Improved Fruit Jais, Glass Tops. Quarts, $2.75 per doz. Mason’s Forcelain lined 2.75 “ “ tt 1C “ Igal. 8.50 “ « To Young Men. If yon would spend your time pleas antly. and at the same time profitably, during the dull Summer months, go to Atlanta and attend Moore's Sonthern IJuivereity. It ia a first class inatitu tion. complete and thorough in every department. And to any who would like to go, we have a life schollar ship in it, lor sale, which will carry one through, and allow him to attend at ^ t,me *f tcr '*“ r ds ho f "D® of coat - It can be had for $40 DO—the ^ $ - 0 0Q App|y M ouce at thig wan t it. Aberdeen?^ BuL-v^- Improved lluta Baga, Yellow White Globe, Yellew Globe, Golden *'*'V^ey e „ p i#t Dutch and Red Top T^_g Store^**^. ccd for sale at the Sparta Drug Elder House, Indian Spring We woild direct the atteotion those contemplating a visit to this pop¬ ular summer resort, to the card of the Elder House to be found elsewhere.— This Honse ia well known as being a fir,t c, *“ Home, and charges very rea¬ sonable •10 00 rates week, of board—$2 #35 00 00 a day, a or per month. »■ Very liberal and most anybody ' ^ ou, ^ tpeuA a w ek ,n,i benefitted in full for all cost li 2i'2l?.' e * on *** clever and enter ”° '"i^r If- U juu Thos. 0- Jackson. We believe the job of capturing Jackson has, after several fruitless attempts, been given up as a bad job and he is left alone in his glory. It seems to us that the Governor should offer a reward for him— that might help to bring him in. He is a dan¬ gerous character, and if such a thing can be did, he should be captured. We understand, the whole neighbor¬ hood in which he is, from fear of him } are afraid to give any aid or informa¬ tion concerning him, which, with the aid of a large swamp for a retreat, makes it hard to catch him. Post Office at Carr’s Station. Wc aro glad to see that the people in the vicinity of Curr's Station are at last to have an office. They have been terribly afflicted in the mattar of mails, and wo know they will appreciate it. Last Thusday week we wrote to a party near Carr’s to meet us at the Station Saturday, aud we got to the place be¬ fore the letter did. That's biz. with a vim. Mr. Julian West has been ap pointed, and as soon as the bond and papers arc returned the office will be opened. Then we hope our subscrib¬ ers up there may get their papers more regularly, and that we may be able to get a number more. We wonder where all those are who are willing to sacrifice them¬ selves on the alter of their country, or where their friends are. We are ready to present the claims of any¬ body who have any, or who have friends who have any, for only twen ¬ ty cents a line, for less than a half column, or fifteen cents where it is more. Hand in your documents. We invite the attention of our readers to the card of Messrs. Greer & Bro., of Forsyth. They have now a stage coach running to Indian Spring, which cost S1,100. They are enterprising, go ahead men. - m m m - Cotton Boll. We have pefore us a cotton boll, handed in by Mr. Wm. Coleman, up near Devereux's, it measures inch¬ es long and 1| inches in diameter, and we suppose is about two-thirds grown. m f & % V % i o o BAD BLOOD I “A corrupt tree,” sniib the Inspired Vol¬ ume, “bringedi forth not g< o I fruit,” nor can corrupt blood impart h> alth beauty and good flesh, nr spir is “The B'ood is the Life,” and health ern only be enoyed in its fu'l per fee ion w.‘ tire the blood is kept in a pure and unc rrupted state, h« nee the ne¬ cessity of pure bloi d, to give health, beauty, bouyant spirits, long life and happiness. AN IMPURE CONDI ITOX oetiib BLOOD mati'fesis itself in different fo"tns of diseases, such as Tetter, Salt Ulteutn, Scald head, King-w nns. 1 tntples, matches. Spots, Eruptions, Eves, Rough Pustules skin, Boils, Carbuucb s. Sore Scurf, Scrofulous «orcs and Swell tigs. Fever wires, W'h te swelling, Tumors. Old Sore* or Swellings, Syphilictic, Affecti ns of the Skin, Throat and Bones.’ Ulcets of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, I ungs and Uterus. In this condition of things something is needed aT i nck TO CLuansk thk ItbooD, •nd nci tra the insidious poison that nut-"** LIKE a TERRIBLE FIRE, as it courses ,| |f T( ,j llg mowing seeds of death «ithevety r-l* tion. Hr Pemlxirton’s Compound r.*t ract 0 f Stillmgia. (or Quosns Delight) will positive¬ ly efltci this desideratum, expelling eve-y trace of disease from the blood aud system, and having the >kiu SOFT , FAIR AND BEAUTIFUL. F-r all disensee of tbe HLO<»D, LIVER and KIDNEYS, this Great Vegetable Altera tire 'v* without a rival It wil cur« any CHRONIC or LONG STANDING D1S EASF. whose real or di-ect cause is BAD LIMBS BLOOD, RHEUMATISM. PAIN’S IN or BONES, CONSTITUTIONS BROKEN DOWN b r Mercurial or other poisons are all cured l>y it. For SYPH¬ ILIS. or SYPHII.IGTIO T\INT. there is nothing It equal io it. A trial wilt grove it. is » most us All Spricg and Fall Purifier of the Blood. Its sa'ety »nd innocence have been fu ly tested so that it may be administered to the most tender if fant. t3TBeware of counterfeits and subsfi *ut*-s. DELIGHT, Try th* Genuine «red Extract J. QUEER'S prep by Dr. S. PEM¬ BERTON. Attsuta, Ga. For sab- by .4- II BIRDSONG & CO . Sparta, Ga. BARRETT, LAND & CO., Wholesale Agts., Augusta, Feb Ga. 28 ly. STOVES! STOVES!! E ARE cow »o '1 ng otir superior tot of \ \ COOK ST VES a* v»ry reduc-d rates. Tho-e in want of a g-«*d 8I 0VE would do well to giva ua a call TIS-WAKL of all descrip.ion mad* CHoas PLATE ROOFING •»* GUTTERING made • specialty. Vay 23, profo*ta:n & youxu. 3m. W. A. Cone, with J. B. SADDLES, HARNESS, iJugojie?-, Ktc. Boots, Shoes. Gaiters. X> —* AIRING in all its bran-hc* XV don* OO short notice for SINGER SEWING MACHINE ly t-ive us a call. n 23 r 21 -*.'ni Does a General Banking business. Discounts Notes and Bills. Re¬ ceives Deposits. Buys and Sells Exchange and Makes Collections. WOMAN: AND DISEASES, From Infancy to Old Age, WITH THE OF CHILDREN. BY 8. F. SALTER, M. D, One volume, 16 mo., 128 pages. Price, cents a copy. Atlanta. lift. S. F. SaL M. D., Publisher, 1872. The above work is uow ready for delivery, fioin present indication* the edition of copies will soou be exhausted. The following list of contents wil! give some idea of the work. DISEASES OF THE FEMALE. Adhesion of the Labia; Antet orrlies, An¬ te Version ol Womb; After-Pains; Aboi tion ; Air and Exercise; Alteratives ; As¬ tringents ; B tilling ; Cholera Infantum ; Cervical Leucorrhea; Chloiosis; Compound Cyst; Chorea-St. Vitus Dance ; Conception; t olic ; Oereoro spinal Mt-ninghis ; Cancer of the Womb ; Diseases of the Labia Dis eases of the Clitor.s ; Diseases of he Va gina ; Diseases of Menstruation ; Dysrnen orrhra; Diseases of the Womb; Diseases hcOvuiies, Hoop>iu> Count,; Divisions of Labor ; D se<ses of the Breast, ot Mamma; Diseases.of Diet; Diapho Children etics; ; Diuretics; Decline of life Hytndids ; Dress, in the Womb; Hysteria; Diseases f pr g nuncy; h Engorgement of Womb; Effects of Excrescences, motions ; Emenagogues Warts ; Expectorants; or ; Fistula ; Fibroid 'lumois of Womb; Fibrous Tumors of Breast ; Fatty Tumors of Breast; Fecu> da tion; fi Fashion—its influe" ce ; Formulary r piepa its ing Medicine ; the Hair—how to preserve uatu al color ; Hygienic Rules; Introducto y ; Infantile Lettco ihoa ; Im¬ perforated Hymen ; Inflamatio i of Womb; Influence of parents on Offspring; Influence of Mind upon secretions of Milk ; lnflitma tion of Breast ; Irritation and luflaraation of the Labia in Children ; Leucorthea ; Lactation ; Liniment; Morning Si< knees ; Menstruation; Menstruation Menorrhagia, or Pro'use ; Meas es; Meningit s, Man’s Infide ity-its effect upon Women: Milk its Compositi. n ; Medicines Xc^ in Milk ; Malignant Tumors tf the Breast ; Nympho¬ mania ; Nervous Debility ; Narcotics ; Nat¬ ural Labor; Ovarites; Ovarian Dropsy. Ointments; rites, Prevention oi Conception ; Pm Fading or Itching of the Vulva ; Prolaps usot of the Womb; Procedei tia after Confinement: Parturition its helps aid Hlnderances: Period of Gestation ; Puer peral Convulsions ; Puerperal Fever ; Phleg rnos a Delons ; Preventives oi Abortion ; Pt.rga ives ; Patent Medici- es ; Stomati is’ Treatment of the Mother; Pregnancy; Re¬ troversion of W« mb ; Recto Vaginal Fistu¬ la ; Rupture of the Perenium ; Sterility ; rine Polypus of the Womb ; Sympathetic Ute¬ Troubles ; Signs of Pregnancy ; Skin D Seascs ; Sexual Debility; Scarlet Fevir i Sleen; t hrush, Sedatives; Stimulants ; Salves T he Female oi Baby’s Sore Mouth ; Teething t ; Organs of Geneiation ; Theo¬ ries regarding the Diff, rence of Sex ; Trip lets; Twins; Ulceration of Womb; vag¬ initis ; Vicarious Menstruation , Vesico Vagina! ; Women ; Woman’s Mission, etc. The above embodies the subjects treated of in the book. It is written in pla n lan gu ge, and with an eye giving correct un demanding of the subjects. The descrip¬ tions are b ief but to the p int. The author has endeavored to deal more in fuels than theories. It is a work that no woman wi l ever regret having pnrehased, as the price is a mere trifle, and its possession a ill, I have no doubt save more in doctor’s bills, each year, than ten times i's cost It is purely a Southern work. Its paper was mine and printing, binding. &c.. ad done in this city; and the author will devote half the nut proceeds of the fi st edition to furnishing medic nes for indigent women Addiess a 1 orders to 8. F. SALTER, M. D., No. 53 Broud Ga. DR. SALTER still continues t< at the Eclectic Dispensary, No. 53 Street, Atlanta, Ga, where lie tresis w unprecedented success the following es : Di EASES OF TnK Hrad. —Ne-vous ache, neu algic ht attache, sun hernia he, i.>u- headache dyspeptic t.eadachc ca he«duche, d zziutss and too great fulness, rush of blood to the b ad A pop exy palsy always prevented if treated iu time DiszASks ok THE Thkoat. —Sore thro it, in hoa-seness, swelled tons Is and the mouth A; d ill-oat, weak voice, loss voice, catarrh in throat, brooch tis. Di-kahks *>f the Lukjs Coi sumption of ail kinds, esthma, bleeding of the lotus, w. ak and contracted lun.s. short breath, op pressiou for breath, catarrh, or sca’cd cold ing. on the lungs, coughs of short or long stand DpF.»f!R9 of thk Hkast.— Palpitation the heart, st. ppage or fluttering oi the boat t stoppage of the circulation. Kni AIKiKVT OF THK liKAIIT — Thicken ing of tho valves of the heart, indicated by a iido, rasping sound, pain in the chest, pain iu the IJvsi'kf.-i* pain b tween the ghoul ers. in m.L its Forms — Sour stom¬ ach, bloatii Cu-nii g and wind in the stoma h,l.iss of appetite, g iu the stontuch, sinking and weakness of the stomach, distress in the stomach after nun's, oppression and wind bloating in the stomuch before and af¬ ter meals. Liven t’owrLAiNT—Jaundice, stone in th* gill-bladder, enlargement of tile liver wasting nf the liver, pain in the liver or r ght * de, chest or back, piles, bleedii g piles, blind piles l)i-K*sts OF THE BoweM.—Uostiveness d.arrltea of short or long standing, dysente¬ ry, bilious colic, and nil forms of colic, ul ctrat d bowels weakness of the bowe's, fa 1 ing of th* bowels, pi es, bleeding piles, blind piles. Fkmu.js t’oMPi.iiXTS — Stoppage of na ture —too l.te too frtqneut, to. profuse, sc inty, irregu .inful, female ’ ar or p weak ness, womb, unnatural bettringdoWn, discharges, falling off of the inflammation swelling, tbe displacement, womb, 1 or protrusion of a c mp.nints peculiar to females, young or old. Riiecmatims.— Rheutna'ism in the hctul, rhemnat sm iu he shotil.lcr, rh umatism in the spine, then > atism in the arm, the wrist, elbows, hip*, knee-, a >kles, feet, etc. All cases, whether chionic or scute. Skis 1»i>kasE3.- Salt Sheum, T*»ter, Shingles, Perpts, I’imples on the lace brown spots and moth on the face, bad complexion and all forms of Skin Di-eascs. Disease- of tu& Urinary 0*o«n«.— Diabetes in young or m dd'c ag--d people ; Diabetes m old people, st ppage of the urine it ability to retain the urL e, the tame diffi culty in chtldre., during the nig'.t, gravel, ulcerated kidney, ulcerated blidder, dis¬ charge of mucus, pus, or blood l orn the bladder, Bright's disease of tbe kidneys, pain In 'he bladder Kid>ey Thi ubles ia Old Pf.otle. - Scanty water, too mueh water, settlings u he water, pain in the urethra, pain in the back, stricture and difficulty of pausing wa¬ ter. beat, -caldicg. &c. Pisiases of hie Blood— Scrofula, ul cer*, jupus, syphilis, cancers, all forms of venerea- U senses. f*- 'hose afflict d, much or little, for a longer or •!*(>, er tune, with any of the above eomputu s, Lm 5Mter , xle Ll9 #id atid of rc.torisg l-rrn to TAKE NOru’g, Persons consulting m* tifman ve eon rstlyv*quested to answer all the following quretiots btatiug on the case. Enclave a s*amp and a correct (bag:..,.;* and a candid opinion 1. will t e returned aithout delay Age 2. Se*. itd. Marked or 4. How many ch ldren »n i are they h<-a thy. J {•h’Ss ’ l’/ hair and .res Des«;ib* your pr rent s mptoms. 11. Give exact state ot your sexnsl svstem 12 If female »re you regular or otherwise. 13. Ustc yoa committed exc-.ties, suffered nercul disease or, inherited constitutional uiseiise 14. Were your parents related. 15. What is the opinion of your physician as to the nnmo or nature of your disease. 16. Have you taken much meroury. Address, J. F. SAT.TER, M. D , jne271ra No. 63 Br ad 8 reet, Atlanta, Oa. Peeler, hav ng applied to the Court ol Ordi¬ nary ol said com ty for a disclnrge from Guardianship of William P. Peekt’s person und property. This is therefore to cite all persons con¬ cerned, to show cause, by tiling objections in my office, why siud Emily Peeler sheu d no 1 he dismissed from her said Guardian¬ ship on tbe first Monday in August, 1874. Witness my official signature. THOMAS I. LITTLE, jure 27 4w. Ordinary. f '1 EOUGIA, HANCOCK COUNTY Whereas. Martin Jonhsou, adminis trator of Saui’l W. Alexander; represents to i he Court iu his petition, duly filed and en tered on record, that he lias fully admiuis tered said Samuel W. Alexander’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons con corned, kindrtd and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his udminis trntiou and receive letters of dismission on the 1st Monday in September, 1874. Given under my hand at office this the 1st day of Jt.ue 1874. r TIIOS. . I. LITTLE, Ord’y. June 0, 3m. — A BORGIA- HANCOCK COUNTY. Whereas, Charles W. DttBose. auntinis 'tator, with will annexed &o , of Win. Dick¬ in s'on. Sr., deceased represents to the Court, his pe ition duly fi ed and entered on tee ord, that he has administered Wm. Dickson’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons con¬ cerned, kindred and credit" rs, to show cause, if tiny they can, why said administra tor shou'd n t be discharged ftom his ad ministratiun, and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in August 1874. Given under my hand at office, this 4th day of May 1874 THOS. I LITTLE, Ordinary. may 9-3m. (-1 r, F.ORGIA HANCOCK COUNTY. W liereas Alpheus B. Buckner, admin 'str.itor. with will annexed, of estate of Francis M. Lawsou late of sa d county dec’d repre ents to the Court in his petition duly filed and recorded, that he has fully ad minis ered Francis M. Lawson’s estate. This is therefore to ui'e all persons mter es ed to fchow cause, if any they can, why said administrator shou d notb:- discharged fr.m his administ'atiou, aud receive letters of dismission on the first M ndny in August 1874 Witness my official signature, this 4th day of Mav, 1874. THOMAS I. LITTLE, Ordinary may 9 3m New Advertisements. ENCOURAGE HOME ENTERPRISE I - 0 . 0 - Msteiiii Mb cotton Tie. Patented .April, 1874. - o:o fllO Co'ton Factors, Planters anil Manufacturers, the subscribers arc now prepared to £ offer their entirely novel SELF FASTENING TIE, for baling Cotton aud other pro Thin T1E is equal in every ro-pect to any Tie now in use, buini as easily fasiened utul is SUPERIOR from the fact that once fastened it is an impossibility to remove the Hoop without tiist cutting it, thereby GUARAN I EE1NG Farmers and other in crested pa rties i against loss of w iglit by roa-on of r< tn val of Hoops. This TIE has been examined by nearly every Factor and Merchant of Charleston, and h;i» been pronounced a perfect success. Ordars for NEW 0 r SECOND HAND RIVETED IlOOrS will be promptly filled, at a4 low a price as any other Tie, at tbe manufactory. MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, 4,6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 COLONNADE ROW, VEOUE RANGE. Charleston, S. C. juuf 27 Cm. J. H. OPPENHEIM, 103 General Reynolds Agent, S.roet, Augusta, Ga. WILLIAM STEVENS, -DEALER IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes & Notions AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Ladies' Cloth Shoes worth $2.50 a $3.00 for $2.00 to $2.50; Misses “ “ “ 2.50 a 3 00 for 1 75 to 2.25. Lailics Hats worth..........1.26 a 1 50 for 80 to 1.00. A Fine Lot of Ribbons at Very Low Prices; The Whole Stock of Notions at Greatly Reduced Figures. Tiie Best Septs in Sparta at $1.00 Par Dozen! The above named goods will be Bold to any one, low, for tho CASH. Come aud seo lor yourself. WM. STEVENS. Sparta, June 13 tf. JOHN H. DOBBS, GEO. S. OBEAR, Jr., Late, Wise, Dobbs & Co. Macon, Ga. 250 CRATES CROCKERY AT DOBBS & OBEAR’S Crockery, China and <»laws-wai’e EMPORIUM, 100 CHERRY STREET, 2d DOOR ABOVE ROSS & COLEMAN’S. JUST RECEIVED pet ship Eva & Victor 250 Crates Crockery, which we are offering from 10 to 25 cents cheaper than ever before offered. These goods have all been bought in the last 30 days, and with tbe Cash. giviDgusthe entire benefit of the late decline. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Bar Fixtures, Flasks, Bottles, &c., &o. In this line we have the largest and bes collection of goods ever brought South. Send us your orders. ll^riiit Jni’8 f Fruit Jars J Ma r on Porcelain Tops and the celebrated <Am Glass Top. Send to as for price list. Dobbs Co.) purchased stock in and Our Mr (late Wise, Dcb’os k our person, by special arrangement with the agents of ships Eva than May ami Victor, brought usual them through at 45 per cent, less on the 100 lbs. one half the rates. Lamps, Glass-ware Arc. In this line we can fill an order from the Common Brass Lamp, up to the fivweat BRONZE LAMPS that are made We have on hand a large stock of Perkin & House’s Non Explosive Lamps which wc will job at same figures as sold by the factory. »«• eiassc*. .There >U, sell gootls were cheap brought oat House on North the samo South. low freights, Our goods aod we can, all and W jt»u as as aoy or aro uow, and have been bought in tbe last thirty days. Come and see ua or send for | rice list. DOBBS & OBEAR, 13 3m. Second Door above Roes it Coleman’*.’ THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. HERRING’S NEURHGII CURE. I have been ft great sufferer for a number o( years, with Ncur ilg a, and during that time, tried , the pi escriptious of many Phy¬ sicians, but from nlj, found no re ief— my case hour’y. became After chronic. experimenting I suffered daily, yC3, with numer¬ ous remedies. 1 finally d scovcrcd one which will cure every time, i havo ne.ver known it to fail in a single cane of the many who have faithfu ly tried it. Its effect is ipd, ed wonderful. It is no “Humbug,” as many advertised remedies are—but is certainly a specific for Neuralgia, Gins, Burns, Ulcers, Bruises, Rheumatism, Piles and Pains gen¬ erally. All I ask is a faithful trial, and if it, does not cu e, or gready benefit those who are afflicted with the above diseases, I am wi ling to pay them their] money back. This is fair, and all tli it any sufferer could ask. Call on your Druggist for “Herring’s Neuralgia Cure,” and if he does not keep it, send 50 cents to the subscriber, and it will be forwarded to you immed ately by mull. Remember that chronic cases of no disease can he cured in a day. Yours &c , REV. DEO. W HERRING, Thomasvifie, Ga. CERTIFICATES. Tiiomabvii.LE, Ga., March 27, 1874. Mr. G. W. Herring 1)< nr Sir : Your ‘ Neuralgia Cure” is certainly what you claim it to b« “a great medical discovery.” I have tried it, and found it u great specific for Neuralgia. I suffered a good dead, and for a long time. Your medicine relieved me iu one night. I have used it in my fam¬ ily, and fo 'nd it all you recommended it to, be. I cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with neuralgia or other pains. Very respectfully, 8. E. BOTTOMS. Thomasvillr, Ga., March 2, 1874. • I take p’easuro in staling that I havo tred ‘‘Herring’s Netralgia Cure,” in several in¬ stances, anil that I find it admirably adapt. ed to the cure or relief of such diseases as he c'aims for it, and would rocommend those needing such a remedy to g:ve it a trial, and I think they will uot be disap¬ pointed. JOHN D ANDREWS, M. D. Boston, Thomas Countv. 8 Ga.,. 1874. This is certify that April h . to I have used, for Neuralgia and Toothache, on my daughter,’ “H< riing’s Neuralgia Cure,” and two ap¬ plications cured her. I can fully recom¬ mend it to the public as a cure for neural¬ gia and toothache. REV. CAFEL RAIFORD. For sale bv A. H. BIRDSONG & CO.,' Sparta, Georgia. REV G. W. HERRING. May 23 tf Thomasville, Ga.