The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, July 04, 1874, Image 4

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<« r *Bl BfciiiK'n to »«ud Troop* to “ ' Virginia. Aepresentativcs I’lat.t and Stowell, ycstdr^dty called on tho President and requested Y« that for troops be sent to Peters-* _burg, officers there, , the protection they of alleged, certain whose lives the wero in danger. Upon hearing this, remainder of the Virginia delega* tion, with the exception pf Mr. Thom as, united in a request to the President, that he would not order soldiers to Petersburg, Va , as they believed that under the Marshall and District Attor ' ncy, the laws of the country would he enforced, and if any one has committed an offonso ho will bo punished Or¬ dering soldiers there at this titno would Injure their State, Tho and do President" no ,c rthly good to any interfere one, in tho do clined to matter. The request was made in consequence of excitement at tho arrest of nine con¬ servative judges of election tor alleged violation of the election law in refusing to let colored men vote. Representative Harris, of Virginia, called at the executive mansion to day, to seo tho President in regard to the application he which has been Petersburg, made for troops to sent to and lor the purpose of protesting in the name of the people against military interferunce in that State and to assure him th it as good order prevailed in Petersburg Union. a* in any other city in the The President being absent from tho city, Judge Harris went to the furnish¬ depart¬ ment of Justice, where he was ed with a copy of a telegram from the Attoincy General to United States Marshall Ram-tcl) at Petersburg, which read as follows: You arc instructed to tako tho neces¬ sary steps to protect tho property ot tho United States from injury, and the officers of tho Government in Peters burg from any violent demonstrations against thorn in the perfoitnnnce of their official duties, and to that end if you think proper, you may summon a posse of tho citizens to aid you, hut these men nro found inadequate for tho purpose, you will ho furnished, upon a call made by you upon me, with troops from Fortress Monroe. It is dobirable not to uso troops il possible. Ought to go Rack to Africa.—A correspondent of tiic Richmond Dis¬ patch, who attended the recent com¬ mencement • zeroises at u negro nor¬ mal school at Hampton, Virginia re fors ns follows to a speech delivered on that occasion by th« Rev. Edward Illy dcn a very black man, a native of Cuba and now living iri Liberia : 11 0 said they are now fighting the battle of civil rights in Liberia—that by an old law a white man is not al¬ lowed to vote, or hold office or own lands—and that a proposition to so change so ns to give (tie whites these privileges thus successful is meeting opposition. with bitter Vet and lar lie fully endorsed Dr. Ruffticr’s education view, and believed in the t-eparate • f tho races Jle went further,and thought that tiro negro ought to go bae* to Af¬ rica. And lie believed that just in proportion they have as you educate them and good sense and tho interest of their moo at heart they will go hack and seek to build up there a negro « »• tionalih/ — Telegraph <tn<l Metnenarr. PeaTjJOVINO I/ATXII l’lhhARS.—They claim to have brought the process ot killing the cotton caterpillars in Texts to such perfection that it requires -cry little time or expense. We find in the Galveston Aiim, an advertisement by the inventor of a "cotton worm destroy or.’’ in which he claims that lie makes a compound which is not only "dead sure' to kill the worms, hut acts ns i fertilizer to the plant, and lie sell* a machine for distributing it over cotton plants in the lie form of spray reaching every part, says that one of his packages costing a dollar will be enough tot five hundred gallons of water, that this quantity will sprinkle twenty to twenty live acres, hihI that the machine will sp* inkle tiny acres n day.— Col. j.ihnm IT- To Makk Watei* Colo in tiirSi m MKU.—The following is a simple mode rendering water almuut nn cold a.s ice : Let (he jar, pitcher, or vessel used for water be surrounded with one or more (olds of course cotton kept con¬ stantly wet. The avnpnmtion of the water will carry o!T the heat ironi the inside and rtduco it to freezing point. In India and other tropical regions where ice cannot bo procured, this is common. Let every mechanic or la¬ borer have at his place ol employment two pitchers thus provided with lids and covers, the one to contain water for drinking, the other for uvapnrntion, ami lie can always have a supply of cold water in warm weather. Any per sou can test holding this by dipping a finger in water nod it in the air of a four warm times, day ; after doing this three or lie wiil find bis finger un¬ comfortably cold. A Plant Dystuvctive to Bkes__ The large podded milk weed almost in variably alighting causes the death of eitht’r every bee upon it. The bee ad¬ heres to the plant or else bears away a small scale sticking to his (oet, an t cripples itself (atally in attempting to remove the anoyance. To Make Blacking For Morocco CituKs.—Pound sonic scaling wax, and bol put in bottle with half pint of ulo>. : . ahiik, it frequently. »nd when it is dissolved, vt*u lll# y ru fi j( on tnoroc* co laced, slioe- when they -n* scaled or do and they will luoV almost like bow ; dry it on in the auu. Blackberry Jm r.—Put tho fruit into a jar, tic piqcr over it, aud stew in ting a *v*»«iipan ot boding wa’er, or by put the jar into the oven; strain oft the liquor, and to every piut of juice, add a pound ot bait sugar ; put all in¬ to a preserving pan. simmer and skint it. When it will jelly upon a plate, it M fit to b< put into jars for use. The title ot a rel gicuts article ou “Mirth as a mean a of Grace,” is per¬ ••Miith verted by a i oral compositor is a mw#ns ot Grease.'' He was doubtle*.- thinking o> the proverb : *Ltt>£li and grow lit.*' is <s> v /% m It ms & WM UREK&J mxz £ IT mm am Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters arc a purely Veg¬ etable preparation, made chiefly lower front the native herbs found on the ranges of the Sierra Nevada moun¬ tains of California, tho medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “What is the cause of tho unpar¬ alleled success of Vi.vegar Hit¬ ters t” Our answer is, that they remove tho cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They nro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving and principle, Invigorator u of perfect the Reno¬ vator system. Never medicine before iu tho history of tho world has a remarkable been compounded qualities of pos¬ sessing tho Vin¬ egar Bitters in healing hoir the sick of every disease man is to. They nro u relieving gcntlo Congestion Purgativo as well IiUlammation as a Tonic, of or the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases Tho proportion of Dr.. Walk¬ er’s Vinegar Bittern are Aperient. Dia¬ phoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa¬ tive, Diuretic, Sedative. Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious, n. h. McDonald * co., TWnechtx Sl of Gen. Wa*1ituKt<m ASun und Francisco. Onllfo!*. nin, fe cor. nil Charlton St;-,., N.Y Sold liy nrujgl.l. amt Dcalt i.. J. FRIEZE, Cabinet 3Ialfer, BROAD ST., - - SFAUTA, GA. IT 11 AS on hand a full supply of new and ele ganl Furniture consisting of Fine Ma¬ hogany Burmins with marble lops, Parlor and Bed room He s. Chairs Rocking Chairs, Wash Stands, Extern ion Tables, Lounges, Sofas. &c., &c., winch lie is offering to tho public at very reduced rat.s. CM T=0 t=3 My customers will |tloanc ho tr in mind th >t I Nell only for CASH. I’crsous whii ing goods in my lii e nro rewpi ctlully invited to come and examine my stock, 1 cn give you a BARGAIN J. ITCIIJZL. August 10, 1873. i 1 IMnrblo Works, AUGUSTA...... ...... GEORGIA M etc., Ait.iIiK .iovigned Monuments, executed, Tombstones, from etc. the plaiuest to the most elaborate, m the best style and a lit* l.w et tost. All work fortlie b'. It. iiitrv It. carefully * cxctl and delivered at the O |ioi free of charge Bov 16 73 1 y J . C. PECK & 00., um! ru‘trmn" 551) nmer Ix Doors, Sash, Blinds, . Mouldings, . 3110 u' CASES, 37.1: 112 1.21/15. m L I.'.S'i‘l.‘l:.8', 1.0313512, Paints, Oils, (§1ns<. Ftco, Corner Loyd Street and Georgia Railroad, [“4 3m] (0; Fame Cener‘al Pruiwng- r m; a2.) ATLANTA, - - - - GEORGI L The Famous r tallicn, Billy," I now owned by tne and o,»n be found lb ptvseut For season at my jdaoe in tlaneock count v. lei ms, Ac , apply to Judge T, I. Utile, at Spurt t, or io me, ei her iu I'cr *>n or bv letter at the same place 8*pt. -7. tf W D BRANTI.EY Lumber, Crmliriig, &c. rpbc undersigned having control of A. | 1. Butt* - SAW MILL, about V> miles from Milledgcville, a e prepared to turuisb good pine LuiuIhm ot every style and gruiic on short notice. They also saw Laths and manufacture OU I'tishion coaatry chairs. They can turn i;-li timber dressed or undressed <*liip by railroad Th.jt -re also pre ]»oreit to >.ko contracts lor J ublie oc private ' bni diog* Give its a rail Our postoffioe . j. is Millcdg .... ■ vtlle, mh. Our mill is locate*! 3 tniks (tom Carr's S’»* tion, ML 4k A U H SHIVERS A WOSHEM. jaalT 6ui. )q ths Traveling Public. marshall House, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Fj’’HT,S £ Broughton first-class srtreet, Hotel and S’®’ convenient situated on to the business part Of the citv. Omuibu-scs and baggage wagons will be in attendance at the various I>Lp its and Steamboat land injrs. The best Liverv Stable neo mmoda lions wi 1 bo found adjoining the House. At no time will trouble or expense be i spared to make guests comfortable, and the House equal to any in the State. BOARD REDUCED TO $8 PER DAY. He resp ctfully solicits a proper share of the publie p Ironage, a* d trusts that when you visit the city you will give him a call. A. B. LIK E Prop. 3I»y 30 tf. Pulaski House, SAVANNAH, GA. S N. PAPOT &CO. OMNIBUSSES Meet all Trains and Steamers. 1/1 VF.Y etten'iun shown to guests. The Pi Mouse is centrally located and havi tr been no * ly refitted, a <t tefuri ished is one of ihe most, popular Hotels in the Southern States. May 30, tf. Opposite Ca h«iic Chur* h, 75 Jackson St. - Augusta, DEALER IN Fruit and Cigars, Wholesale & Retail. -o;o Genera' Railroad News All orders from Country Merchants, or ders left with News Agents on th » Trains will meet with prompt attei.tion. WHOLESALE DPAt.EIt IN Prize Candies, feb 14 ly SPECIAL TO FARMERS. The 0. W. Massey Excelsior COTTON GIN! I -A • POWELL Ac Co., Agents, Spartai Georgia. \\ , V €»I.T, T for J - ' wli '^ le ell ROent wc a on « °' A the ents people in ibis of Hancock V\ county b liev« to this be just y celebrated would c. tuny e ;t t" a Rood giu, or we not sell it, and we confi i. ntly recommend it to am who want a GIN, as m HIE BEST YOU CAN BUY. It will Gill more C'otton in a day, w ith loss power, separates the seed ironi the lint clcanor, and turns out a pret ti( i r, cleaner staple, which will always command jj of a cent on the pound more than cotton from otlic • gins. An evid-nee that it has all tlieBe advantages C’aimed for it at the T. xas Slate Fair held this year, it took the ■IIG a a K«r PREMIUM over all the other gins that were exhibited, as being the bust gin on exIItuition. And as a further evidence of its merit, we subjoin the followi g c rtificate. and cou d publish many more b it deem th s tuifib ient: SrvKTs Wa.. M y Ifiih 1872. This is to c rtify that I l»ough' one of O. W Massey's I’X Kl.SIOIt« OTTON GINS in 1872, at.d have ginetl two crops on it with per et t satisfaciioo. N.o e ,,n beat t tor 1 ghi ness of Bruit, and it cannot be choketl ns the comm n Gin and mak> s beau iful ini leaving (It- * oil perfectly cle.<n. The staple commands J percent, more than miier t o ton made by other gins. GEOKUK M A MOSS Parties desiring to buy, would do well to call at on *fr, rt , and examine this gin purchasing. I. l*OW EM. fc l igenti, May HO Hm spsirla, (;a Visitors To Augusta Georgia, IF YOU WANT CLOTHING GO TO Cooke’s Clothing Store ! imoAI> STRID r. 203. -:o: c iu will find every grade of CLOTH ING, Irom .Medium to CENTS’ FURNISHING GODS. H at s c&s o . -IN SHOUT, READY-MADE CLOTHING TO SUIT EV ERYBODY, AT TIIK VE1IY LOW! ST Pif ICES. A. W. BLANCH ’ RD, May 23, 3ui Augusta, Ga. PEOPLE’S CLOTHING STORE, W. A. RAMoEY, Agent t 'No* 2(5§ MROA1) HTKEET, * it, , 4 - GEORGIA \\T. ' ABE NOW RECEIVING THE LaRGE'T ASH BF.Sr-SELECTED STOCK * et Kt. tPY MAt-'U LOl'HINO for st. mcr atti wi n-r th t tw fottorr iu the e *’J’- ant ( » , »»ut«ciur,.i exnre»*ly tor this n.arket b\ us. 11 x.ue ample facilities, our f° ck •* *7* b-^mptHo wuh .H ,b- nceluesof the wb. Jogc.herw.ihaa el-grtut lu.e of KJKNGhl.Nt, u«M ID» nf everv ktui. As-, it V T5, tAi's, IRLNK8. ' VA USFS MEASURES A CttELs, I’MBKELL «S, Kc. — TAKEN carcfttUy, aaJ clothing made ic .taer. -r> LARGE GLASS FRONT. iuat’-7 ly Up.'osiie Natitaal Exchasgc Bank. YOTJtsrC4 MFN Who wish to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education, . , P r *pare thr-mselv-s tor th„ duties Ac ual Business Life, under of and advice the i u . struct on of experienced accountants, sh- uld at.end mmmmmm p»s8 ^oad Valab^ rr'HE X largvtt and best Piac'ical Business School in tho South and the only one in the city presided over by experi*-nced ac¬ countants and businessmen. Tiie (Jours of Study is conducted on actual business j>r,ncip es, suppli* d with ban .ing and other offices, combining every known facility for imparting a tho ough practical and B\stematic business e uca ion in he sliorie-t possible time and at the least expense Students received for Telegraphy. No vacation . S udeuts admitted a' any lime. Catalogues m i .d ki: -b to any ad¬ dress. B. F. MOORE A. M., ap4’74 ly Piesident. AUGUSTA HOTEL, PATRIC K iYIAl', Propfctor. fPHIS X popu'ar Hotel has recently been put in complete o d<*r, and thorough ; y re-turnished, and our trie ds amt the 'rav¬ eling public ill now ti d her a hearty welcome, with accommod tious and at ieai-onable rates. june 13 tf. e a 1 ar gains —IN— FIRST mmm CLASS DRY GOODS. NO HUMBUG! NO SHODDY! No Soiled Goods! No Shelf-worn Goods But Genuine New, Fresh Goods ! AT UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES. -:o:- 4-4 LONSDALE at 12£c. per yanl; 4-4 FRUIT OF THE LOOM at 15c. per yard ; 7-8 BROWN SHIRTING (heavy) at 8o. per yard; ALL the best makes of CALICOE «t 9o. ; 3-4 BLEACHED SHIRTING at 6Jo.; 4 4 BLEACHED SHIRTING at 8c.; COTTONADES and KENTUCKY JEANS at, I2ic. ; GINGHAMS at 10c. Our entire stock will be sold at reduced prices FOR CASH. This Sale is EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH. Parties keeping accounts with us, who desire to purchase any of the above Goods, and have them charged, will havo to pay regular prices. febl4 ly JAMES A. GRaY & CO m •9 Successor to WALKER & DOBBS. Importer of and Dealer in CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Chandeliers, Gas & Kerosene NON EXPLOSIVE LAMPS, COAL OIL, Lamps, burners, FLOWER POTS, <fcc. 80 & 82 Mulberry Street, MACON, GA. Agent for the State of Georgia for PORTERS PATENT GARDEN and TATION COMBINATION HOES. june 13, 3m LADDS HYDRAULIC LIME, 65 Alabama Street, ATLA NTA, - ap4 3m A* C. LADD* Agent. db * Corner Cotton anil Cherry St., GEORGIA, EEC CONSTANTLY ON HAND— Tennessee Cotmlty Cured Hams, Sides, »nd Shoulders, Western Clear Ribbed Sides, Hams, and Shoulders, Lard, in tierces, kegs, and tins, Tobacco, Ilicc, etc. Corn, Oat*, aud 11 ay, Meal and Flour of all grades, in sacks and barrels, Soap Virginia w tar»h. and Candles, and Liverpoo 1 Salt, ( hewacla (Ala.) I.ime, Plaster of Paris, Plast. ring Hair, Laths, and Cement all of best quality. Agents Pure for Stevens’ Sewer Pipe Drain Tile and Fire Brick. <’orn and llye Whisky. The Acme Wlijpky. in barrels and cases. Sole Apenls for the State of Georgm for the celebrated Chestnut Grove Whisky, in rels asd cases. Full quart bottles All of which we will sell at lowest market rates. june 13 3m MRS. N. BRUM CLARK’S, 251 Broad st, Augusta, Ga., T ARG STOCK of Millinery Goods. Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, L bons, Luces. Goods P llars in variety. ; Hair Curls, Druids &c , &0, Zephyr Dolts, Duckies, Setts, Ear Drops, Pins, Chains oanvas. Wool, Shetland Wool, Duttons, Gimps, Fringes, Edgings. Ac, &c. Crape Veils, Love Veils. e 6 Hats and Bonnets made of good material at reasonable prices. Mrs. Clark is Agent for Madame Demorest’s Patterns for Ladies and ehil. uren. bend lor Catalogue. MRS N BRUM CLARK, 251 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. feb 14 ly THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE. IT IS TIIE OLDEST and the Latest Impi oted, Nothing more simple, durable or easy to learn. AgpJts wanted in every coun¬ ty in Georgia. Apply to TIIE LT/mE MACHINE CO., f;b 14 12m - Atlanta, Ga. JAIE SMITH, Contraeror cfc Builder manufactures; Masli* Binds, Doors, AIouldings, «&<»., «fcc. FibCJSS, Door and Window Frames made to s short notice TL Also, a kupply of Lumber, rough and dressed. Floor S. ceiling kept constantly on hand and for sale at reasonable rates. All promptly tended to. a at* Factory and Lumber Yard, Sparta, Ga. READ ! READ!! _—*): - 1 - * * w.2 will so* b- •»’>’a, found where at E. we T. keep BUDNET’* constantly old on stand, haul and a CHOICE W. H. HARRISON’S KF.T.KH rmXLpX-1—on old staa WINES ,Tr-r- 395 t*(, and all C O O o mr Summer, GIVE US A CALL. July Spares 12,187J BOWEN & CO. Jy R. R. R. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF CCICEK THE wons r PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after readtafithiM Mvertlnoment need any SUFFICR WITH 7 ona R , nWl WAY-S „ PAIN. A CUBE FOR It wag the /lent and ], * i RADWAY’S READ wiu, afford instant INFAMMATION OK TITR KIDNEYS. inflammation INFLAMMATION of tub bowels. OK THE BLADDERS DIFFICULT CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, PALPITATION BKBATHING. HEART. OK TUB HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. „ COLD CHILLS, AO NEURALGIA, UK RHEUMATISM. CHILLS. Tha application the palu of tho Ready dilUculty Relief eiii-la will to allbnl Uispartor parts where or eaee and Comfort. few Twenty dropRin half«tumbler of writer will In a momenta cure CH K A MPS.8P ASMS, HOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DYSENTERY, COLIC, 8Il!K HEADACHE, WIND IN THE DIARRHOEA, DOWELS, and all INTERNAL pains. of „ Rad- ^ Travelers should always carry a bottle drops Way’s Ready Keller with them. A few In Water will prove m sickness or pains from change of Stimulant. Water. 1 1 Is better than French Brandy or UUtera as a FEVER AND AGEE. FKYE R AND ague cured for fifty cents. There' Is Hot a remedial agent in thin world that will ture Fever and Ai;uo and all oilier Malarious, Jlilous, Hcarlet, RE LIKE. F il'ty cenuper buttle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND FUtR RICH BI.OOD—IN CUBA SB OF FLUSH A.V1» WEIGHT—CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIKULCOMPLBXION (SKUURliD TOAU. DR. RADWAY’S Sarsapillian Resolvent THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADF.THFMOST ASTONISHING CURES : 80 QUICK,SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES, 'I'llB BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INKLDKNCB OK THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Eyery Bay an Increase in Flesh and WeiiMis Seen aii Felt Ererr drop of the SAR^PARTUiUN RESOL* YKNT communicates through the Rlood, Swoat, X T rln«, and other Fluids and juices of the system the vigor of Ilf , for it repair* the waste* of the hotly with new end eoiind material. disease, Scrofula. Ulcers in Syphilis, tho throat, Consumption, Mouth, Tu¬ Glandular mors, Nodes i n the Olantls and other parts of the system. SoreKyos, StrumorotiB discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald 11-ad, Ring Worni,»»l« Flesh, Rheum,Erysipelas, Tumors, Acne. Illack Spots, Wormsln tho Can cerslnthe Womb, and all weakening and painful dls charges, Night Sweats, Loss «»f Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range of thin WOl nler ot Modern ('homistry, and ft few days’ use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power tocure them. If the patient, dally becoming reduced nytnewAitM and decomposition that in continually progressing, sue* ceeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs blood—and the sumo with ns v material made AN from and healthy dons this the ma r v* \P V li I IJd will secure—ft cure lscDriain; f*r when once this remedy commences its w<«k of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, Its repairs hlinsclfgrowing will he rapid, better mid and every stronger, day the patient will feel Improving, ud Ihtsh the and food digesting Increasing. betier, appetite u Not weight does the Sakfavavum.un RF.fiot.vr.NT exreia all only remedial agents In ihe af Chronic, Scro know n cure fulous,Constitutional, and «kiu diseasea i butitisihe ouly positive cure for Kidney <€’ Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb diseases,Ora vol, Piahetcs, Tkron»y # Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, where IlrlghV* there 1 >m e*is», Albuminuria, and In all cuhoh thick, cloudy, mixed are brick-dust deposits, or the water is with •ubstaune* like the white of all egg, or threads like white sl)k, orthcreUa morbid, dark, bilious anpear ance uml white bone dust deposits, and when there la aprickuig. burning sensation when passing water, ana pain iu iboMuall of the Book and uloug the Loins. Tumor of 12 Years* Growth Cured by Jtadway*s Resolvent» DR. RADWAY’S Perfect Purgative & RcgulatingPills, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with nwoet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Rad wav’s l*illn, for the cure of Hlldiaordcrsof the Htiinach. Uver, Rowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Ncrvmia Indigestion, Diseases, Dys¬ Headache, Biliousness, Constipation,Oostlveneas, Mlioua Fever, Inflammation ofthffi pepsia, Bowels, Files, and all Derangements of tho Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. I urelf Vegetable, etftble, containing no mercury, minerals or deletelri OUl per Box. «OI,l> l»Y DllUUDISTH. Send letter RRAI) “ KAt.sre AND TRUK.” Warren ono Kt., Nee •tamp to RADWAY * CO.. N<>. 32 York. Information worth lUouaanda will bo sent yon. novl, 2y. Iron in the Blood /a i W MAKES THE WEAK STR0N6. The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect - td Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as with easily the digested blood and the assimilated food. It increases as the quantity simplest of Natyro’s Own Vitalizing jiffatt, Iron in the blood, and cures by f, athoHsand ills,** simply Vitalizing Toning up, the Invigorating and riched and vitalized System. The en¬ blood per¬ meates every part of the body, searching repairing damages and waste, out morbid secre¬ tions, disease and leaving nothing fop to feed upon. fJChis is the sccvct of the tVOfl m derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com¬ plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar¬ rhoea, Boils,Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, and Female Complaints, all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac¬ state companied of by debility or a low the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing lowed by corresponding effects are not fol¬ tion, but reac¬ eing strength, are permanent, vigor, and infu life into all parts of the new and building up Iron system, Con¬ stitution. an Thousands have been changed weak, by the use sickly of this remedy, from tures, to strong , suffering healthy, crea¬ and happy and , men women: »»<< invalids cannot trial. itato to *twt g/ioo each « « bottle has VIAN SYRUP blown PERU* in the glass, ramphlotr Free. SETH W. FOWLE It SONS, Proprietor*,' v No. SO Harrison Aw., Boston. Hold sy Druggists gererally,/ m. nuw 49 A8T-4. and ftVCry g at urd.iy thersafuir. 20th