The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, September 12, 1874, Image 3

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J. CLARENCE SIMMONS’ and Collecting Agency, Sparta. TIMES & PLANTER, SPARTA, SEPTEMBER 12 , IH 74 . LOCAL AFFA1KS. — NOW IS YOUR TIME. The Time# & Planter til Christmas for 50c CuHie tip and subsetiW fur I'llK ; Times & Pi.antb.i. Everybody is in Icresicd in the Fall esutpuign, t him! sltnuld keep posted, end we offer i' n"W to nil who want it, from now 'til Clui-t ini.N, for fifty rents, rash. By the fir.-t of Ociotier we intend 'o cbtnn out in an ; entirely new dress, and greatly enlarg j hI. We want to make the paper wor¬ thy to represent old Hancock abroad, ond il you will give us your encourage¬ ment and support wc will do it. iSo come up now and subscribe lor tbe c.tiepu go paper ; only 50 cents, and if you haven’t got the money, brina or unv kind of country produce, which will do us as well. Ten Biantls ol fine Cigars, to bo ro d cheap, at the ,Sparta Drug Store, Ice-cold Soda Water drawn daily from the fount, at the Sputtu Drug Store Buncombe Gabbage seed at the Spar¬ ta Drug Store. Buy Cattle Powders for your Poor Horses, Mules and Cows, at tint Spurti Drug Store. Call at the Sparta Drug Store and pet Fresh Turnip Seed. Tins yen's crop. Crown by Robert Buist, Jr. Apple Vinegar. Home-made apple vinegar lor stile at the Sparta Drug Stoic t’tc per gal. Buibi'h Improved Iltita Hagu, Yellow Aberdeen, Large White Globe, Yellow Globe, Golden IT 11 , Seven Top, Ea* Dutch ami Red Top T urnip Sued tor Hule nt the Spaita Drug Store. Now is tho limo to prepare lor the Emit Huason. Call at tlm Spura Drug Store, with tlm rush , and buy ihe. following Well known brands at less than August, prices ; Fruit .Tits, Glass M 'no It'a Improved Tops, Quaiis, $ 2.75 per due. Ala-on’a Porcelain lined 2.75 “ «i •* igal. 8 . 5 U “ I'Oit hAliC. I offer to diapuse ol tho greater part of my limisehnM and kttehiii furniture at. private sale, until the lust wo k in October, when wluit remains will be sol) at auction. Sep 5 lt MRS. 8. F. JORDAN l’tiHHcngerH contemplating travol itig North, South, East or West, nhotiM writo to B W. VVrknn, Gen oral Pas.scngor Agent, Atlanta, (la. anglS tf. Attention, Hancock Troup Cavalry 1 You ure hereby ordered In leporr Ill I ii.t* i.le ground, at 11 o'clock A. M. Wedoe-dny. I (it ti umlaut I.. L Lamar, Hup'nin. K il. Thomas, Orhrly. It has boon very dry in those parts the past two weeks. ’o want t ■ rent a house, don’t ev erybody apply at once, wo only want olio If anybody don’t believe we want to hire a nurse they cm easi y be convinced of their error by trotting ono over. Qieriy at tho school It.HOC a-' Wednesday Whaf was (ho cause ol I’lnf, Ni'Win in's looking so pleasing mol in sueti good bum ir. ♦ - - Mr. Wiley Yarbrough is out for Tax Receiver. Wiley is a mighty g Mid fellow, tin I if lie husn t but one 1 g he <*nn run mighty well Th to aro four candidates in this county for the Legislature—two white and two negroes and only one of tneiu who don’t take their county paper. Guess which it is. Democrats, listen to the call else¬ where for a "Grand Rally," on the 23 d, and come Don’t say business kept you away, (’onto! You have no business of more importance than tins, it is your business and your du ty. Gome one, come all! Our New Job Pros Wo have juat gut in our now Gor¬ don Jobber, tli» boot machine job proa made, and in a week or ho a* noon an our new job type arrivcH, we will ehow you what wo know about cheap job work. The colored people lm .1 a camp mn (mg over at Dixie last week >unday Iwo from extra trains brought full loadm on" Augusta, with neven cars and one from Washington with teu mm, and there wore •ee wand on the gruunJatffl time of it thongh^^^^^H . wcowTl ril was bud t*’ be un _ Burnet b kitcheu. next to the chimney where tUev had beeu cooking’ It WUB discovered in time and put out with little trouble, aud no damage was done we are glad to aav. Personal. Col * 1 .T. Gardner earn* up NYednrs tUv, but went out to lit* plantation. NN e forgot to state last week, tlut Fol. J 0 . Simmons, with his tarniiy, led for Ni w York, io be gone a nmuth Our town will tni-s him even A>r that ta»e. We hope them a plea ant (tip and sale return The business is left in charge ot 'Ir K. H Mct'ou.b.*, and we bonw will be eartivd vm to tbe sactfavl ou ol all. UH.IMI «> i. v ar simiii •, s a »• « V, »*»i* » I nil'!.- 20 I*. c i, •liirdinmo , n<i <■•-1 ^__t di *•*» 1 1*« ll> * x(><■>■ #0 i> <1 a Ad A Muss Miftin;/ at 1 U. A. M for Or t/nvr.t.tit'ii—>})tnhimj at 11 A. M% Uuiniitl\ Expert* hrrrif Man to tin his Put ft l'r.I.I.OW ! KVOCi ATS of IIancock: — Since our rot p b ie on ct nyour CDinJidates lor S'a.e and F del'll icprc Lave b«uu iiom oaied, but Iiii step* liavo b< en taken towards or gunieing io secure their election. l ill r. ime call upon eiciy Democrat in H i iiC< •« k to give the 4 h Saturday in this moo It to Ins count y ; to to the Court bouse, in t'paita, at lU mi ib it day, to aid in «'ff. ciina eh m jreaniz ition of the party as will Ftcore the c'eleut ol the ‘‘aueiui" rights advocufis, and convince them this is, and that we are titter lint/ it ever shall he, it white Ilian s t r inni iit. By your apathy in 1808 you suffert d h ack tine to be drawn neros-. the escutcheon ot old Hancock. y.»u willing to i.'pe«t that reCotd ? It not. C"me forward on the 26 tlt and in preventing sue > u calamity. The iFMHh involved in tlie elections in which you will be Called upon to vote this fall, are the nn st important that any pcoj It: have o.rr been called uj on to decide. We are battling on the side 11 tj d ai d humanity. If wo suc¬ ceed. we prcbctvu social distinctions wliieli can m vet be peaceably oblitera¬ ted, and pi event tin* ignorant itogro 1 1 o in rushing blindy upon It is own do s'ructi oi at tin* btdiliug of bis protend ed friends and worst ctti tuies. blotto but the pen of inspiration cart depict tl.c enn-t quencis of iho success ol the Civil Rights party, mid an attempt to enforce the social equality which they advocate. Then, icllow citizens, let each nnc fed it lit-* du y, «> a pattiot, toconubute all in Ins p< W,*r tn uvett by the pellCi*. ful means ol tt,e billot, tin, instill, in¬ slid social calumny which thru it ells Its lluhci ck i xpectv every imitt to do his ittiy. Rem, inl>« r the 4 th H.iltnduy ('I e 20 h ol S ptcmheij Hon. A. ii Su pin ns, l ’ I I l ion,if, Harde man, mid Gen. A H Colquitt are ( x peeted <o uddicss tin* tin cling. J S. N i wman, Prc.-ideiit (Iuncut*k Deni. Club. R fiiulltty'a Sons Macon. NN’o direct tho attention of our to tho very modi st a of tho •hove name l firm They vory tmidost an I wo must say wo hku their kind of modesty it savory virfuo th ho days fsnoh as tli irs ) this is one «>l tho 1 irg* st, l tuns' substantial F un Iri. s an I , Maohtuo hops in the South, they i are pruetic i men all of them nm ehinost from b ok keep* r, to shop j foreman which gives them « very j great a Ivantage, and tlii y are sharp enough to use it It is wonderful tho bit- nos-; they liav • d 11 sineo the war Alt r g< tting their shop out Of tho Federal gov. rmuont s hall s they went to work, an 1 with their practl ral experience, pluck and entorpris ing porsevoience, they have known nothing but success ; an l with ex Cel slur embla/unod boldly on their biinu r in shining letters of gold, they They still push I and tt, wav 1. ate, too, as clover as llun are enterprising and as prompt and sys team ties! as successful ben 1 their adv rlis. m nt ami n o what tin y pro pose to do. and we know they uill do all they say Arms for the* Hancock Van Guards. Sp.vttTA, S. pt. 4ib, InTI. At h meet in; ot tin* Il iie.-ck Nan Guar I" a uioii it \va * m .d. l y .1 S Ncsiuau and carried, (hat u con mitt-c at three, cmisihiiiig o( t’ipta t. Get*. F. I'iciic, da*. A. Ilar’ey uml ,J« N. m tua*', b * ii| |i.«int. d (n r quest three cit zns, tismcty : t' W. DuBose.C'apt I. I. I.amsr amt Judge F. I., Lutb*. tn as.-is' thrill in taisiitj* fund- t.* I u\ aims f< r die e'tttpany, hii 1 icpoit two week* (unit m-day I’OIKnA I’t.ANTEK r. ipi.-st.’d tn pub ^ 1 W A Co ML (hdetly We hope cverv body will go info this liberally. They aught tn be arm ed, and In wait tn gt t t|i tn Item the > s ti*tc would be to wait about a yen long, r ealh of Mrs Mariha E. Berry ^kj'.i'in Hu. d io announce ti e death il. e i. y wlich n curi.t Pii’iuv, iii this 11 ice, on ruing hot, at d whs | r, due fu’er. During the b>» g months contiiienteut her sUtb rings uiu»t been v« ry intense, (or it i- the lotfirt ol the dl l.I-.* to cau-t* much with grtai i»tn tide ho.I pativi c . The deee»*c I w** a o( \Gr giuia, but had lived Iti Spat«a lor unny y<uis wlnret. i <xe*'.>"t qu.iii* character Ii d w.* Lr her I.*'- .1 (ached Inenda who will greitly nu-« hi r 1 1om Uteir midst. "e lender '«»«t e*>'dtai sy uipulti.-* iu the bene»ved l»m* )• New Comers 1.a*t week thn*s new young ’adies sniv.d tu town. T hey are s'«>( pit'g »«•*!*c«i%wl> as b«.l•>■'», with tl etr rr.s tires : 4 .»ne «l J'rot Nvwniait s. one a' Rev. Geo H Pa'iHo’s, and the mhn af le'wtck Purees, jr and b, re* g.vd health and l**og It to to tluui. and Bay tl «»v s < ep all night. Wo utuu t Icaiu > ,,*■ A i» 1 . mmoth Wat rrr.c on On Thursday evening last, wo re c ivetl a sixty pound waterme on, with the following card attached : ‘A competitor for one year s sub scrip tion to the ‘Spahta Times & Pi. am t it.’ Mr John f. Christian will please accept, with the compliments, and place to credit of At .\c. x Al'nrsT.v Haii.ioad That certainly cuts off debate as to gt ,» the for the u T t melon ; and many thanks Mr M. &. li. u. W c will bet two like that would out Mugh J< J «> * nit in) ail road oxer earned as many lbs. oi letter materia, to make a clever, honest ana popular conductor, ilay uu livelong and always be happy, and not always be an old bachelor. Spar.a Mali & Female Academy. The tail term of this itine-hoiovpd Institution ha* opened under favoraue auspices, t-p .daily c.u sidering the let. diiess of die times. About loilv stuhnts ar.* enrolled thus far. bit; there . lor . -h 4 . W mom tuout v.cnty e more ; and the cxputicuced who pre side over it are Ihorow.hly cotnpeteut to train the risintr youth* of our coon* ty and coinntuniiy. We hope tbe claims of die Academy will be tctnciu be red. Its couttort lias been greatly iiicna*ed lately, by the addition ot new blinds, and i » s enrity enhance hy a thorough repair of the lightning rod Send t i Vour sons and daughters. X rice the adv**»tiseiikiit of J. II. Alexander, s ttcessiir to Ibutub tt* Leit. tier, Augusta, lie is offering (lie cel ct'iatcil Jewett punt lur sole at pries wiibirr reach depend of nil ; and in buying how bun you ca:i upon getting whit you buy, lor we d > ink,* him to be an ti n, st, clever, g* irleini ii ami tiotm nut people will cull tipni bun tor paint, lur siiiii'* ol tlutli arc itrcadtnll, in need ol it, ami bow is their time to get good paint. liMlliiDtU Hr *•*» A- ixlltl i «■ 111 lh|a II** rt< t or <’* n- rt? m \\ e ie.- by tin- Augusta papers ol Ibursday that the Radicals nut in • "ii Vent lull ihfj'i: nb \\ i dnesd iy to tinmli ati* a can'iidati* for C'ong t*ss iu hi'8'h Disniet, bur tiicy dieniitl tint to run any candidate a.eiu.t Mi. Xie plieus, and tin* tidlowing ie- duiimi w.js off. r d : ll so/ue*I, 'I Imi tlii> (’.invention re Coin mend that tin* Republic .ns if tin-, tin* Id ahtft C'Oigia s.-ioiial District, sup poll tin* It 'll A. II Stephens, (lie ople's C •Udid.lte, ft I'eleCtiO i to tin 4 1 111 C-iimr ss, led ng assiued (hat lie ivlii "make an oalli st eflnrt to inele nut to i very >>ijc, without regard t * e oidjttou in hi , that ex .ct and pci lee j I.-I:e- Iilne'l i-l:oul(l lie the o! jeut nt .If gti.i.i govi ri tili n', ’ Notico tlu . prwpoBit i oU of that stor ling daily C.c Mfa-ta (<.n*tituh „„, . lsewhero, to con imto tlieir grand lotto-ry setn-mu. Tho U"ii*tHnt„„, i. s our favorite for news, select lit ru« al ttuo ability and steu, Iv unffinclung editori ; and this t.ffers a chuttcc fur thos" wanting one of the lu st pa ' ,- s in the Mat.* t» get it with a ticket it, their L tt ry. fot the usual j npeo. K a l it j ----__ Hindu pit eon i \ t gr. wn ti ed id *hr> lb presell <«'.v «, :m.| hue I III ml imi j •«.•. - c;tn i tbn*-. enui r . have t im a be ter u* • « t >1 Hi. m iVnil.. who will li s > 1*1 h . <i.« rve .............. bit kv.-t gr.a-UBi negro to r. present h«* .* Announcements. w-jJ ID> EI'T V I.I.V aim.uiiic - sirs, ll a e U'l d i. fur r«* cl»- t on n>i 1 ,.* of I'AXUE E \E < « i tl ,u tivk o un. y i ho «-i«sui,.|T Vt* C "tl Utti! th" *>"|H i t of Un* |> "|<L* U iI.EY M. Y.VISRUO GH. l» *7 i i ,** Sria l Al. NM I'lt’ES. Obstacles to Marriage v I* ( 4 111 I. EK (<r \'<u g Men tiom till* tilt 8 Ot K im * «tl • I l'U 4 * N 0 1 r V lilt*. • ■ *. hoe- r. red. Imp. dime i* • o 'I r n^*‘ i« in* v* I \ * met* • 4 ot tr« i N« w it ! 11 inu kab p n ii t* !t 8. IT » «l t'iicu )* POUf «***. Ill S»t*H t’tl \H 1*0., MOW Aim \'S04*|.\ I M\. N - >«*u ii Nt ti» i^i l’t*i ailtlphia, I’ l> S licioll ll uill^ H hioh r. • m ( - hoi. all e 0 ..d iet and pla te--, ll ] » t ii >V. 8 Iv (’ A ll !>. rcxa» Grand Priz- C> ncerf Pcstponcd to October 22 r.d 1874 Tl.e li.'tt .Li* J I* Wils-.m Mnyur nl Il"tl*»nll, slid tlu* City CoUi Cli CIO* d.n »e Ibc ent**) prt-e a* (»il!u** ; Houston, Tcxa* Ap 129 l “71 ' e tin* umlers gned. refinrd 'he It al K-tsite Di'itibuiiun, w tell .1 K. Fester impost't > nuke in tic 22ml t { (» . | tober , » „ i«cxt. in tlii' c iv*, c*i vu* i ;it d IO pr<»ui(*le tnipi"»cmi u's, »it p.lxci' g within *Iih rearh •*( iiunv.wbo nth, rwi-e w uld b- U' able, * el.aim »o * cure a I. m • Im tt euiand (In i, lamili- H. and having frmu our ong ac quiititai Ci* >»i:U lo*u. every cut fid**i e* in Ins integrity, web ei j i-ttli d iu *av that #f betiov. be will e.nv " t Ins di-tr butt o I o» , »( y a .1 Jjjrly Signed by t o Mayor, 'he li tt. Jas T. I>. WFe-m, mid (Nty C wiactl (hininil I'tir. * € *,t .<d G d; ten -tdcuees in U -„m..h ; p.jua n 20 tHW. a «4 the li. r.*td centre ot the s-a c ; 150 ,i .c> et la< d iu rt fferent p *rtien* et the ><ai** \ alue * f L>ri:c» 81 iG.lh'O ; 73 UoO tiftei*. .cnc;.v„t"l *> I X* a., n .. M'ls M the . t tiie (bar , "I sure.*-* > finer,a;se, llsey Ice ju-t a 4 ill pr nnsiug to res ! U’d evirv e»n* o> m :*ev, it the t*w in.: docs a u t kt pi*, e on he ot Uv , , < ini. . . lv r.v.rv _ ir _■ w ra _ d j iu • iu, f , whether all the t ckeis are srt ’4 or not. Send ft r ci.cuUt', Ag*‘iifs wait d T. NY. lluVSE, Treasurer. Address J. K. FOSTER. Manager, llou»tc», Taxas. s-i jv 7:. ♦ EX 1R ORDINARY INDUCEMENT. To Merchants and Business Men. On the first of October. Tub Spar* ta Tjmks He 1‘i.antku will appear in u net*’ tires* <mt! great ft/ enlarged , when a mammoth cili ton*; 5 ,GOO v pie* will be issued for gratuitous distribution, in this and snrrcunding counties mak ing it an extra rdii ary medium for bus ness men seeking the valuable trade of this section, to get valuable , the mammoth e ition ; but any in Ber t e j only fur that issue will l>e c j )ar nr e ) the regular juice of same S p ace for one month If we fail to ca ji <m j. ougtn(1 i nyoar or( j ers an d viv guaran ee you the same price we give those we contract with in per Bon, as our published rates will be strictly adhered to Changes allow etlmonthly, aud paper sent regularly during time J(JH\ R CHRISTIAN. ® ^ tor an * 1 ro ne or * ^ . — ..... ■ ■ ” ■■■■ ........ . — 1 ■ ■ " ' j* XEW ADVERT 1 >E-uKNT>. AAA AA hX£(L$ j wJt TO RI BERS F THIS ATLANTA CONSTITUTION! I Ilk SECOND ANNUAL DISTIOtU I JON nt pro • ni< w jcli we l ave her, tofur iin> tine. *1, aim tor which we are nnocr ob!i gut ions to soi ie sulise ilcrs. wil u w bt* pit-l,e*l to aspe-dy eonsuiiniiati- n. of lead¬ t hnr dis.iibuiioii itifiei s uoui these ing Noiahetn and Weitrin new papeis in t o pariicutais: firs, our premiums ae awarded to both llai y and V' e kly sub s. ri eis ; and second y, to both n, w and old subscribers II ey tl.dly subsetitiOt paying $10 or o e year's sutiscriptiou, will n- eive a retjisierid curd entilin g him to participate in the dis i iliu b’tt ; every dai v subscriber paying $'i for s x in,iiolis will re. ei e a card emit ling him t a half inter* t ia the cash pies ints awarded -t r u 1 ' i f FIVE Wckty suhsciben.send i f/ tea (Mh>e* for one jf-nr* subscription, mill rtnite oat reg'titcred card; w icciWy subs -iper ca» !/e' a r",isternl rar-i by ad: r n eiii'f * to svhs'-rU t on or a e>>rd eiitithng him tooth hat) nter st in the c sh yresents by adcaiic ii. i o subs' r f io t on r In in his di irihu . a Hub • f week tv -.its,- b.rsobt in; i virr/.r nu - itllEl) ASH Ft FIT HOLLA'S is 0(>/,!>, which was paid to « r rgi l.tieiliart I’.roll, iiiliseli cuii'i'y, Oenigis, tu tin- pr senee of Ex-M t or llauiui ick. Tt,. wi.r.Ki.v ioX'-Trrr ion is .» cght m ii i ft ‘-■•page si eel eon .lining forty Cidli is o* !y r'J.tO per y ,-ar. A- a Fatuity unit f .trni Imi nul t is uu •iti'; ass.*.t ,j, ihe Lull'd ^ ales UP The p! ,u is the a ,me at, the first, wh.cii gave s eh utiiv sal snii-fiolioti.— t he di-t ■ itiiitioiMvi 1 h*- in pittite, and su tec nt nd' t Iy n iniitissitiiiir$ Zfi~ Att '!‘e pre ei is <1 tribute'! without * tlhnr; at d tu bohO'j!lh subscriber .1 <*11 y. ZH" i*uhs r ti- tu one** 'etoie Hie distri huiioi, cmiii s « tt ud you are ton lute for it IS the I. V - 1 . •Ml:.; ie eopi-s of the ('OSS Tl 7 UJ IOS. ml C itu a"* giving ful p.iiii vmis, sent fre on a, | lii* i lou i.b r I I it'ii nn' a sold it spec ill 1st if premiums "f rat to he ill ilgtlits .\dbies-* W. A 11 KM I’ll LL A CO., An. nm. G.\. As M« tiny in* by -■ me unacpiitint * ith us. «.*ieh»riyp ri*i VN .*>••. i . iir t.» Ex 11 " ,-k <4 * * . 4 ( < i>! V*":’ ar " w '*" »»«« d [• ZlZe" o’. j!‘Vs,,^ r -c*.' 12if --------- I^Oll I . A lilt K SlLMtll I H't-I-, .a North i ri. h It o< k. o Oronil 8trc«*r. Sic Si..iv r..* m. ...... INwI. 2« by 6(1 ft- I. ki*- ;£’f; A he In, t,t*o jin. Jr >0 It in SMd'RlAV > 1 * r a, <>**o. 8j i t. Ha , t-ep 1 -T;5 lnt A Boon to the Whole Race ;f Woman •' I R J. ERADEIELD’S FtMALE REGULATOR! |i v* Im i tr <*ti i Ih* M» t"t * ; relit ve hU p’UM hi ihe ii»«t i l*?y MVn - l ;* ettn* t % It** ti itidt *ni t 1 * 4 N »u 4 ^ » "t h ick ttiul l’ t i u?* • * tu - i or *• *> h Mrs. ” an 1 ; JV« l «• i t ii< ek t x • v i\** ti v» atiii cjt i c t «]I i regtiiiti * iv iar to la lies. I w.l'i r.-m veal initatt n "f Kidneys >it.d IU i id, r ; re ieve >1 veiit* •» ; purity the ) io"d ; i * i. n- :»Tul -l.ttixtli to tl.c wliutr -y* m ; e'e r ih ok>l). inip.atiug a *»»y hue io tlie iheek. and Clitetfn a,-ss to list* itiili i I a- f re a rutc i»i a! tin* a ve di-* e.t**e*» a* Ouifine i** ir < iii i* and I t* >r. l, oh e at cuse h h;m-v. * ,4* n c h»* . •• • • : * j> tin h *<♦ »( v f er-fii, whieh ia a inor it^n c t » th* it 1** it* utiti " iii!- > J li i- rcc..ued l y the be* physician* i d the >'r^v I tiK M'K t;*.. Mutch 23 1 * 70 . Hu *I»ki* i.i> .v i . Attain . t.a. - l»e r s ; I i.,k t lea-ure I kw that 1 li ve u-. d for the i»*t w«* y y aisifi- nie<i ci'.i vo ate no'* i*uti i.g up, k wii a- ll . J. Hi dfied- FEMALE REtil L Toil, and I'oti.-I'ier l the os , ouibiu ijnn v r gotten p mg t er ti r th- disea-e* for w ich l- n coiumei'd d Ih .e beta ain liar with the 1" *>• ii| i > i. L tii a- i pr etit « , r ot m-d •'*’ *' ' »«•. d -ue-pc r .. i ■ . a t can h .n i v »v i .i I c- ii'i .t-r u a h on to ►ttiir iri h* tn 8 3 C Ci op iliwi v ry oty in * ui wit U*t..i:,i, vv o may b* sffuor. 1% 111 .tv V IV I ec.i :» to I t*i 'ft, IU iy h a 't* o j i ie bo*tl«,ili t ihelr -iifter i f* may i * i rni'y L-1. t v. d. hu: thvl tii#y may t>** »-t.r«*d to h** 1 h and strong' . " id. my kt dost rcgi*.:-, I «m, r.s, ec ’iy w. B I EUUELI. J) ' M Ne k M'UjetTv. to., 'la .’h *2 187 " MF.n-L . V M. o -T x -ON He ir -“o»: NffR.e in n h* go J bought a book* Ot u ..dfi, i’s FEMALE lit t.ri, »T**r» 'r-m v u,and bate . *.,1 it iu ny fnn v with tu- utmost nt staciiwa, and t xve rt* eo.i.nicnJrd * n> thm* ciijrr and h ive found i ju-i ■»),-,! jr j* recoin in i i i. T < fiian cs w, „ n s u«-,l yoor hEt*' LAIOHar.- m p-rf rt li-d h a’<i <i| nbltlcai ni l to ttirir hotiu!.9l'l lin'io, oi w-c«d i.’.y r co *meu*t i to the pub o« - . Yvun K<*«;* t c tuilv. Rrv H B-JOHNSON. ; .".*r c,.i« *.i e- : hut vve Cfr-ider tli** a!" >r & flip V „ ac ilit \ r 1it c»: iU Vt ;u\ Al w tf ii * :ri»l. F r f "’ 1 «’*. history »t . i-/* ?<■*, a I c reVa'c*" ii« wonderful < ur t s il.e reader is referr d t*> the wiapiver around , (he bo d# Mxuuf* v red nd s ’ I! r BRABHELD & CO Pr.ccil 50. Atlanta- Ga., N ! i by ok Dr te>*-. fv.-'r-.*’. Does. it General Banking business. Discounts; Notes; and Bills. Re. min-r: Darnxits. Buys and Sells l‘lxchunpx: and Makes Collections; / **v / v- ». * 'W: % 1 V X >\ • /tt *\ 1 ' % \ /&S/ B| |w Jg 8 F School! / y ll ■ I li 19 ^ The li^all T'ei m oi tii s iScliool w 11 Open August Slat apd Close December 18th, 1874 • f 1 1 M 1 K location «s icgards clin n'c and Mieicy i.* unsurpassed, and the I’rinci al, |*nls are rieteru in«*d that in (/isripiine »ml'instruction, both nuntal and mor it .‘•hall be inferior to none. '1 he course of im*nuetion will mu brace all stud ies usually taught in graded School* from the most elementary to the Classics and Science* Believing that I mure success in school, as well as in after life, depends much upon the Inundation laid in the elementary Ir inches, they wi I receive especial utte tion. Habits of observation and the power of thought will made be nssiduonsiy cultivated. Practical appllcutiou e.f the daily lessons "will be for the develot meat of both the mental and euiotLtial nature* of the pu pils. T he Principals after long and Miccessful rxpoi? n^o, realize and appreciate tne importance and responsibility el tl.eir position, wit It the influence upon the J « and eternal destinies of those mirtsted to their cate, and will spare no *'flv*t to mct't f>»»ch Icurtul ivap >n>iLiinv month, Board in lbdnctiun private s, or with the’Principal-, nt front In to 20 .'dims per lor those pupils who spend Saturday and Sabbath at Lome. Tuition in Junior Class ?1 per Month. . : ** Inter mediate Class f> “ *i ; ‘ Senior C ass (> “ i< Contingent deposit made on day of entrance, one dollar Pupils when entered will he considered entered lor the term. No deductions lor j* ss than three weeks, and (hen only for unavoidable absence Ao interteii nce with the discipline <d the school will be allowed. Regular daily attendance is indcspensable to the progress ot the pupil Patrons deaiting pupils excused Tor any portion of a day, or from any duty, must nuke the request in writing. In order to keep in fr. qi . tit communication with patrons they will be furn ished monthly cucuIhis which tin s' In* endorsed ind returned to the 1 ’rineiials T. A. Murray & J. S. Newman, ' Sparf*, july 18 , Cm, Principal*. JAMKS SMITH, Contractor eSa Snilder * PAU TA , < w A, Contracts taken for all kinds of Buildings. Having increased my facilities fur the Martufaciue of ■N Mouldigs CO l mantels ■s an CO o ei etc., o CO o 1 wil CO 03 etc N» I offer tlie same as Low as they can be bought in any City in the State. Neasonotl l'looriug; smtl Ceiling*, always on I and Hough or Dressed. LTM E Tj a TJ 1-^. ETC., for sate. T I also , make . f m m w +> r- mm t * (’oilins of all \ COFFINS . oil short notice grades to order, i I ami at reduced 1 *. i ju iees. ••tt. *4* t* r*-.- *•* ‘ 4 -. “♦?* C*-'. I oriii'ig and bcr.'ll-woik of - ill kinds—■ Buildets Hardware, .such as Rocks, Hinges, etc . for sale. Fed nut. a given on apphe ition for any w- ik in my lino. All orders pmmptly at'euded to, and s..,:hfuc,ion gmiruntied. * j„ rjt! (j Dozier, Walton & Co., C2 o “t "t o xx 1IT 3 ex o i: o x* js j S AM) :i w II 0 L E S A L t I ) \ C E I S • ti 11 WING secured a fir t e'oss rx th’SALi'i AN 1>1 -“TORAGE OF t’OI TON. spccmuly solicit c itiMgiiineniH of I satin*. Om •I. I)' /l lit wi irive bis entre person a I attcii ion tn^ Ibis .!i*r>;.r:i Ourstoek of GIKM’EblES AND J’LVNTATIO SUR-S ■ l’LIh ? tvdl be kcio complete, usuai I j july 11 dm lIOZIKIt, VVAI.TOX AI & CIJS'l'A, CO.. (IX. *'*:'* v I • -A A 1 A HOLS 10, JS o- 4 ^Marietta s treet* TH c GREAT Si SH 1ST 5? Ti aim Griiilford, ood Oo*, I I A \ K -el« cted Atlanta a* tb-ir di-tr ,bu*i: g j inf L r l’iann, Organs and Mu II steal 1 is mm ut.> griieia |y. We arc sole Audi's* toi * > l*U! gia. M.hiia t, ? >u»h Carolina, Florida and Ea*| . etiticsse., lor tl.c <-alc ot the c* 1 bruftd < li i C It <* r I it *X I* i a ii O , which is a.*km wlodged t (ho leadinir l’iann f th. world • al*.) tl «* GUILD t IIU..CU Set O, GUlLFt’liD A WOnl», NE V YORK, ami other good r ,k aims. Wc art also A gouts in the same tmitory f r the JO » t e y <9 1* ur ;i n , wlreli i- unequal* d by a» y otln r Or-.-m in the enuntrv. P - ns-, im t tci it ie- n' J «i \ ai'a nv .-r i ■ h r , i » I. rs in t lie ?oUth, wc can • fftr * reat discounts t>' FLurc es. fL-h*, - and T* ac!.» rs. Pi.nos «ni Orgitissol l on the 1 s'aim t j-.sij *“ei.d for price lists and e;r culars. WE A KF IT LISflF.uS OF THE GEORGIA MUSICAL ECLECTIC, moiitldy period . , Cal. , d»v. , , aI ... \ d L $ a (C l to j-’C r c t* mure. | QQ p t *r ■ ir '“ ouu) Free to music teachers. 5*01.4 Io-«i • ciitien rnr»if*s. Add.. t>s july 4 ly. Guilford, Wood & At Co., Ga. . MhS. N. BRUM CLARK'S, Sol llrond __ _ SI, Aug'usi!!, < 4 a.. 1 ARG >IO K cf Miliin**ry Gonds. Hat-, R,jtin«*(s, F.owers, Feathers, Ribs j turns. Laces. C 1 ars : Halt Cu ■*, Ur. 1. A . Ac Dry Goods in v* k IH. .. Chain . t i#va», 4 .p»yt Wot*|, Shetland NN «. . IS ittotis, (aimps, I-ritlgcs, Ii*e* rtings, Edgings, Ac , Ac. Crape N t-il-. I. ve N . i *. ll.';*:; 1> • i t- n Mrs. t luik i* Agent lor Madame Jv. rt - J aitermt l r Ladies and cbil dren. bend lor Catahguc. Mil.' N BRI M CLARK, >1 Bread Street, Augusta. G'u. fd li iy NEW.. ADV CRTI s EMEN TS. r. c. SAWi / irs .1 COTTON GIN. iLph* wrj^ Q O r. >> fj • --- H P.V I I N I JI NK 10 li. li-Td. "\Vidi Adjustable lin'd Box and Swing¬ ing Front, for Ginning ltainpi Wot or Dry Cotton. Also, the Celebrated GRISWOLD GIJST. Genuine Pattern, with the Oscillating Box, ManiUHcfu'cd by P. C. SAWYER, MACON, GA. TItiN f*iti toi.k iii.- 1‘rcniiiim i»»t yenrr II .vine fe.nii lied my sln>|i With new nu (liineiy, nn I tlm bes of wotk neti, H ero is no ni'* iluu can excel mine as m fio i>h I am no run lig I 111* bearings of t lr« SiW and 1 iiiisli i iho I ivot or O.-Cil rtlitig B xes i eve heat, though run ns high as il 000 revo iiiioes to li*. m mite. 1 hope my patr ns will iiU do this year as they d'll last wait id! they needed t e l.i i i.l* fuI'e < rdcMtig Semi on your oide s at once, o that l nmy h. ve ime to do your work l ight. It cost no mote to order now than in S ptembtr. TIIK >A\YYER KCLlp E COTTON GIN will its impi ovetueiits, has won its wti upon its own tneiiis, to tin very first rank ol popular f v r. )t stands io r!»y u muu r c'u.Mi’KinioN n m ih* points nd rjn lit ic*si di'sii b e or attainable m a pEitmcr. t »it n .ix On l oriable or Adjustable Roll Box pla« ces it i .lie power ot every planter to legit late lie picking of the seed to sui: himself, ml is the on'y one made that does, I’rop Ct fy man ge l, S \ U't Eil’ti I'K’LU’WH 01 tl wil inai tain tiie u 1 natural leogt a i f iho staple, a d t.e m de to do as rapid workus i! y much ne in use. T tec pr-niiuuis w. re taken by SAW I BUS ft MI'S GIN' lust year, over all coinpetitoi s, u : I wo nl t e IS ullieaSt hitiiina and .'-'oil luves* G -o gia hair at liut.itilu o e ii s 1 er cup. tin* oiln r a di t >1 oin , AN.i In-fi <1 i rein m at iUe Fair in ol'lshoi o , Xi I'tu t'ai ol: a. M ' N. Ga. June 2 d, 18 M. The SAU'YF.R Gf * has a -np riots its in vJ> id. lij.' t l lul'i, aid pc fee, Roll, US it n -v r It- .ks In n li*? tii il at ihe State Eiiir, t' r >| i. d, tin- fid owk g gins were rua vvih tin* i,d.owing results, run 4 minutes a cli; Su yer Ec ips *0 Saws, . 20 lbs. (} l'.cts ' .in ,30 uws. . 24 Halls (!in and I' i cC r 01 Saws, * 1 i 4 Needle < in 40 < iri los, , . . 18 \f sscy’s 40 Saws, . 19 Pratt's Gin and Center 40 . 14 * If Mii«sey has ever tut-en a premium nl any Ge rgia S me Fair it is unknown to iii" (J. or i, Ag:ie Iluvu ’-tocicty. I cun bullish till!,dr ds of e vt i ti it us of i lie order ful owi'ip • I " ¥ I . s j;l '6)| i f. ■ fv > f mm, ■Hi -*S§tf W ;My. ; '4 TNlfiVV (J-I ISTS will bed livrr <1 on bard Hu oirsattl# f I owitig pr «t* 3 : '|’|j »-i, five a ws ! . $181 00 I'.riyP.iiM, r o oo E r v-''ic Saws, . KM 30 Ffy Sans, . 187 00 six y Haws, . 223 1)0 S.veuty Saws, . . 2'.2 00 Eighty H«ws, 3(10 00 To pv. v nt rV-l.iv, old. -• mid old gin< should tic sont in mm.*difi,'''y, '] un* g'vuito i>' ponxihli' parlies f olunfar.v A I" Mini ii"il I'l him I he \ inioiis sect, ona 0 *f li.- c.u om jjit wii'g o mcr, of tho character ful owing: M r., notn; I't. v . Oct., 13 1873 . , Mr P (' MW' it. Mite.n, Un. : ■My ill IM d.'i.iir well, ii in well pleased (V til :t,. Ill f.11 t it C'Ulllot h 1 ) ll'. ReSpectf dly, S I*. WILLIAM*;. E ' n lit ttv, (!i , A}>*il 21 st, 1874 , Mr V. (' Sa'.vv It. M eon, (iii ; lie::r S The ' in iv h.maht of you 1 a*t fall, waic !'■ *. d to say ^ vs en ire sat istactiom W w iiid not lutve ur*y o'her. ' c :v.* iri 11 in"i 30 't bal . g i ing from - v tot 11 pi 1 oa . cot imi liinf ng iisel' »f t.*’ pa\i:.a 10 1 . W1: can Ha ely -ay ti at in o r of.ii i ri, it i- tin li * giu now in ime. You s r S(ii*i;tfu)iy. . tc , v,H,l,i: & M( KCWN. W • tie* under i n I li-ive wi iu**s"d Ihe < ['-*m! b n o' • . M I:.' »V, McKcwn'h gin, field- *>y )’. ( • yi r. M roll. (}»,, »nd can : iv t..'i it i:' m s lie: -c.-d hei er Ilian* ny in v c kn >v of and rusk s as good lu.t s am triii tu li e S'uie II. nt: ! KL I), I W . I’. S. WILLIAMS, 'V It EL I.* T. IlOKKR I'd, Lev. S. if \RVLY, .) L UAUTJN. L *r 1 fit: vi-:. Oa. Oei. 30 h, 1873 . 31 r. P C S wy it 'I -e u, (j,a.; I' nr S:r — i.i . 1 li d dr Fi on f;iiflfn Cal,Log ( | in iii ! ' a poym nl f,T our gin vsi'li w. h we are we 1 j leased, Y*o r- mly, il. O i KIN & - ON. CI S EPAIr.ED PRONPTiY, '.TrtUJX : - V.'.til < • :i v. .'d do W.-l t , {Otis *1111 in - l.(i! te j ic using els' vvhe*c. l \ C. SAWYER, A Taco n, Ga. Aaerls for tl.e Sale of the above ( 3 n, ML Hi; VY ii <•" 2-nist r Slate ol N. C, (Vi m i etc- N C. J C i-ioiih fnee vgle 8 C W. L. -. LEI I). f'h»r w. 9 G. J A 8. Y (;o"[.)U-:tte rti (' 0 ., Sp.r'an buig . A • . Dr.! L M M dEHS Oreugeburg C. H., T,,' K „ , ;• «, C 0.. Mar on C B„AC, E. G O I E\ S-imter. *S. C. vv. In ( \c, 'i . n asvil <*, Ga K !' tn ^ 'N''M’*KNN ' Cipelika Ala* t: A. CUNNINGHAM Griffin, via. ju; « 13 3 iu .1 t i.ts!i:\CE snuoxs, .•-sviil, bparfa,