The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, September 12, 1874, Image 4

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SUBSCRIBERS i 0 OurOwn Fireside have choice of any of Hie following article* for a premium, viz : One of the Following Chronics, “Mischievous Attack/' Size 15x18. Afetr JitinlmrU’ |G00 Fain It g. * ‘ E <1 in o n s o n ’ s Fruit ) 9 I Si*e 11x17. The be t u ado. “Cross Triunipliaiit," Size 14x17. 1 he best Cbromo of Cro s an Flowers. OR A HOLD S C R E H P E \ C I L. on Blackwood’s Magic Dress Skirt Elevator OR ONE COPY OP "THE JHOIVTAXAS.” Buying the Pa iitings r,f celebrated artists, Mud having our own Cliromo P,utes made, we have better pi j crcs than tho e offered by other Gold publisher.-. been Talent Screw which The Pencil lengthens and shortens it. It is four inches long when open. It retails for $1 00. W lien ordered as a premium 10 cents extra must be enclosed to pay mailing in a r gis eiad letter. BtATKWi*!!>•* vAOtC & I) It Khis-s K (H T M. i V ATO It. A'Mftt***, (irii'/w t, Korn' ih/i ,f .Style BbocuIIv* Mmi-i. i . V\ ah, |>.G„A> I.Y ,'74 Mr: Mr* Grani It, t •• to » tl >•» »l,i \ Y t! II Vy<mtoe*«»4 /wrH'fBh Urn., ll, ri r, J * It * if of.i-ndn ■ Si.lly. § $ • »,* * \U/ >» CLINTON T* H. IU.AUL l.m I V. t.«»!», lt.M>,». m l r.tnrv twlwnv r< vll/ jjf N. B —tWi.t to niiy mldro s i r 7 rut t* uu t SlRUtpS. AlltltMM US )ii,J| iLWi t N. i The fashionable effect of di awing ttic *kir s M trifle buck is produced l»y the Elevator One simple motion elevates the skirt, anoth¬ er lowers nnd extends It. The hirg st tra I dre*s can be worn w Hi comfiet ami , le li ness. When seleutid a- a premia,n ltt els. ex ra must lie lent for mailing same.. “THE MONTANA ■>” is a Novel wri t«n by Mrs. Ssllir J. Batley. “ I his >* >m inter es'.ing story, w, ll told, ntul fu I of the pure heaModness aHd liigli hearledu«»s of its most excellent author." This book will he sent by nmil on receipt of (t 1.25. When selected as a premium, 10 ceats extra must . e scut for mailing YOU WANT OurOwn Fireside fOW ITS GOOD STORIES! FOR ITS FASHION ARTICLES ! FOIt ITS MISCELLANY ! FOR ITS HOUSEHOLD NEWS 1 FOIl ITS PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, Through w York ieh evety furnivhed deRiraldo a the t elc in New is at lowest rates without extra charge. “Our Own Fireside” IS A HOME JOUSRNAL FOR THE FIRESIDE, Almost in its fourth year 10 large pages, wi li illustrations Price *1 50 a year. Ev ery sulifloriber having chi ir e of one of the desirable article* above named tu .kos this paper the cheapest pub i*t ed. NOW m Canvassers Wanted IN THIS VICINITY FOR THIS ABOVE PAPER. Send three cent stamp forsamp'e copy. Atklres* Our Own i'lr<*Nlilr> Co , Room 4, Nun Hu I Diliu:;, \. 1' PURCHASING DEPARTMENT OCR OMX III! LSI PL, Room 4, Nun II ii i i.l Ina New Vurk. For th * benefii of p*rt e* living at a *bs lanre from New York, wo are doteimined t*' establish an agency for the purehase of any ar tele in tide maiket without extra t to o*ir patrons Years of experience l ave gi on us faeili ties excelled by none, <• n*l we vv ill eive pet ■anal tutniaicd «uperv**ioti to tin* tilling ot nil ot.l-t to our Care. Our Hut ciiiii|iry'hi*ii<l* MACHINERY of evey k *1, FARM IMPLKMKN " ot e ery t las*. IlOUSEIlOLD g uuls of every *h***eri It *U ladies' KNTS'amii’itn.Pinx’-yv a. »"g appaiel am pet.......I u*-'c vo <m>. Mu.,* i i .Ira »e"t*. B „ "k- at*1 *ap«»r ** vr«. II. . Lm h ‘i yytn*. VI<i rlili ro* niitl O lie r Xiii. I le. a S|>* Hid Sam*lea-of Hie * Goo.U, t goes and I’ricc 1.1*1 of t uncut V*».| “• "',V »nv ml rc.a on rt eelpt of stamp* PURl'lItk 8 tNG DEI AUt V.t.S’l nfll OWN FIRE IDE Ho m I, s u B ding N. Y bteam g\t tn p jinos ■ AM> I) o 1 L 1 : it S 4, 4, and It Home Cower. «ET ___ THE b Es r AND CH e Ar e s r. Addrrw, m. i tii'Mi’ ■*£ t . Room I, Sun Uui *1 — / . Amateur Job Pres*. TiiK mint is riiit mitruvr. For Printers Drugqists. Business M.n and Bins Send five wot* for I’amp! A ? try** M L, t '. I »V CO., Room 4, - |! s 1 g. N V WOOD ENGRAVING I ELECTROTYPING AND SEMI FOH KST 1 .M\T»> brion drrinc rlsrwhfrr. Addrc**, M. L lit MP .1 O '.. >itltf R r • N > Mi! IMS! YOUNG MEN Who wrlnl» <o obtain a thorough Ptailic I Gusi tss Fflucaiioi), Ami prepare thrtnselvs 'or the duties of Actual Business i ife. under the in¬ struct mi mid advice of exp. l ienced nccounlui t- 1 , sfi. u!d at.ei.d V / " ’ ^ A*i* i°un<lc<L is m p' T - o m (3 0 - Gf} 0AO & AtAtt |4 ^ k MaM Milieu. ri'llE I large,t and best P ne'icul Business School in the South and the only one in the city pres ded over by experfimed ac¬ countants and business nmn. The ("oors op Stui-y is conducted on actual business pr.neip es, su|»)>li d with banking nnd other offices, combining every ottirli known facility for imparting a tho practical and systematic business o ucation in ihe .'liortest possible limo and at ilie leas' expense. Student* received for Telegraphy No vacation Students admitted at any time, Catalogues miitd sm-n to any ad dress 11 . F. MOOBI-: A. M., api’7-1 ly Piesident. imi»eiov;h> GEORGIA COUGH PRESS. Patented March, 1870, BY PEXBLETON ft BOARDMAN, AUGUSTA, GA. fPIIE satisfactioii this Press 1 ms giv nit in the past, tho great improve¬ ment made on it, nnd tho fact of its being forty or fifty dollars cheaper than any other good J’ivss, should induce Planters and o'liets to st ti l for one ol our Circulars before purchasing. We also manufacture irons ior Waterpower Ureases and f'eiow J’resscs. Address BUNDLE I ON' R BOA HUMAN, Foundry and Machine Works, Kolltick 81 rent, Augusta, Ga july 1 i 4tu. GUDINS USD IQGKI'D CLASS ESTAEJU HR-IENT. PATRONIZE NOME INDUSTRY rplIF.RE I LOOKING IS NO out’.\ (fLAS-KS ION To MIN'D your at d PIC¬ TURE h R A E v to th North, or elsewhere to he r. guilt when they call bo dune by the suh-criher AS WMLb and «t a* l„y V price* for the Nani* Woik is in any place in the United Stales No matter how mu It the frames aro del teed or the comments broken off, they e hi bo nmd« to look a well ns new. All lie wants is a utd and ho guar ill,lees satisfaction lie |, engaged Mr. J. Rrnyviic as lit Foreman an I head wovkinnn, who is well kii.itvu to 1 one the best in tlm i ountry. ,yl kind ol Gilt and o her t ornii made to i i ll.a Nolle but tlie BEST GOLD USED I ms ii l|u only eMali i linn id oft e kind in the State 8 ml on your woik ami you will lie w.ll stuisfi d with it when d »i» 0 , «;s:o. < t»f m>, - 10, It lead N| , August <i.T Zir All kind ml s,/.e* i | Looking furnished, both French and Getui.n. upril IS 5m. # v it r -I go i*?i \ '' pi f *v. Sba '•■* * *• Jjr2 A * £ TIIK < 11 !KAT KEMKDY FOU COHSURdFTIon which can he cured by a timely ard resort to this stand¬ preparation,as has been proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is aeknowl edged- 1>y many prominent physicians to 1)0 tllO UlOst relKibleproparationeveriu- trodueed for tho relief and cure and is of offered all Lung complaints, to tho public, sanctioned by t he experience ofover forty years. When resorted to in season it sel¬ dom fails to efleet a speedy cure in the most severe ca 808 of Coughs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore¬ ness in the Chest nnd Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, Ae. Wi stars Msam does „ot dry up a Cough, belli and leave the cause tub as is the case with i " 0>1 l’ 1 '!™*"*. »>«t ,‘t loosens aiul cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause oi the complaint. vnrryr.rn rv SFTH YT. rOWLS & S0 V V It NR, M olfiti Ivi r*v s* •“«« ........ :r» g ir A l til Sl'A iiOTKL, mull K n 1 Y . t’i <*|*lftor. 1 II bed t ras v JOHN II. DOBIJS, GKO. 8 . O BE AII, Jr., Lute, Wise, Dobbs & Co. Macon, Ga. 250 CRATES CROCKERY AT DOBBS a OBEAR’S Crockery, Oliina and <^lnj«i«-waro 100 CHERRY STREET. t 2d DOOR ABOVE ROSS & COLEMAN’S. 1 l ST ]lK< ’ i:iVK,) P«« ship Eva & Victor 250 Crates Crockery, which wc are offering from 10 to 25 cents cheaper than ever before offered. These goods have all been bought in the last 80 days, and with the Cash, giving tis the entire benefit of the late decline WE CANNOT BE INDEllSOLD. Bar Fixtures, Flasks, Bottles, &c., Ac. In this line wc have the largest and bes' collection of goods over brought South. Send us your orders. , 1 /ruit Jars \ 1 /ruit Jars J Ma-on Porcelain Tops and the celebrated Gem Glass Top. Heiul to us for price list. Dobbs (late & Co.) purchased Our Mr Wise, Dcbbs our stock in person, and by special arrangement with the agents of ships Eva May and Victor, brought the Hi through at 1-3 per cent, less on the 1 U 0 lbs. than one half the usual rates. * <jMaJs->v»re Aro. In this line we can fill an order from tho Common Brass Limp, up to the fiinest BRONZE LAMES that are made We have on hand a largo stock of Perkin & factory. House's Non Explosive Lamps which wo will jub at eauie figures as sold by the Looking: Glas.sos. These goods were brought out on the same low freights, and we can, and will, sell you as cheap as any House North or South. Our goods arc all new and have been bought in the last thirty days Come and see u* or send for I rice list. DOBBS & OBEAR, jiin« Id dm. Secon |bio- aliove !{,,-* ,v Coleman's. NOTICE TO EVERY PERSON, MALEANDFEMA E WHO A EE AFFLICTED With the most Stubborn Causes of Affliction, to its Mildest form, etc. Tho undersigned propooes to say he will warrant to cure nine entlis ol each and ev¬ ery conip'aini * human hem is heir to, fiom one month stand,tig to twelve years, etc. FIRST—Ti e undersig: cd will te l all complaint* <in inun or w<>tn*c without iisk ilig quertions, Only mef. |y by lo k ng at them or otherwise, etc. SECt)NDi,Y -The undersigned innounces tu (he citizens of Mac li and the ci ize s ol tlie S ate, hi- h ,t* practiced f r a long \>e nod ol't me in ISibb county, Qeotgia, at the expiia'ion of fifteen years. In* again de sir s to re urne his practice, in ortle to be amongst a circle of friends, it. or.h r to con lintt" on h 8 carreer of rescuing peoide f oir premature graves, yvhi It import is well Fstnh islied over this Stn t These 11 lie does not n ake f om tu lives of spei-uhi ti n luit from m lives to lie imparted o the Hfllictcd. n d t.o-e motives can !>.* i 'enti fied n by a large population, it i fcuH tu t«» be inquired i to etc. nilUDLV I lie nnd- rsigneit proposes to cure nine-tenths of all complaints, ll -wil, tak for liis specially, PULVI<)XA H V C’ONSl MP HON, ASTI IM V. DROPSY of the CHEST, DROPSY of the ROW EI.S, liYDKocoLB ' Hot sf, RIIEUVI V ls\l At I IT.. FLYING Rilt-.r n.Vfl.vM INFLAM \TO Y RHEUMA'l ISM, DI VRETKS, ON QUA A ISM, \ EL. SYPHILIS, CIIUoMC DI VRKIKEA. KIN'i’s EVIL. LI\ Ell AFFECTIONS, DYSPEPSIA, KIDNEYS, SPINE, and SORES Of every fo nt and ol every kind. etc. Also, lie will cure all F.*nmle t'oinphiin s. it-’ matter ol It >w long t tiiili ig tliei com i lain! mtiy tie. ur In 5= much deltililai >1 th.-ir % oM-iioitifi - tuny he Vpply fo the l tideisigi e*l and rocei * s*tiii<- inf ,rma ion regarding anything your coinplaini* I< wifi not co* i li • iitjtlersigoetl in order give a iair and impartial eAplaiiaiooi to the public, will say he will undeii ke each and every c so o' Hi abovt ni|»luilit m I*y i*o much to h** j*m i«l in ca«h n-oiith y, or hj mil h to be paM by contract, s progresses, and -o on. I!u w ii lice i sary tor all people win desire to cu l*y ronttnet t" he umler his * hargo, so as t In* rmitdc'l to sec them once *» I'nv All the above complaint* w zl I* eur *1 sound ami Well in *bc spa-e of — r** t ,n*e I o five ii out its Ip, -- ■ f Address him at 2Z aeon, Ga ., with ' stamp ml envolouc enclosed. DE. M. FIjlZGEEALD. Mnemi, Oillcccorner Mulberiy and Fouitii -t c t* tin j*i '.’Otf 1*. O. Ii. x N.. 311 Pulaski House 5 SAVANNAH. (1 \ S N. P A POT M O. OMNIBUSSES M et all Trains and Steamers* I Pj jlVKV llou*:* el'en'i i» ceiitrall*. u *■ wn located t.» ga. nud - < >>ftvi l lie i been tie ly St- ed, ;» >* icfiir lalied i* on* of the most 1 *iar 11 i-cla in the So ilk. ru .'t * te* May 3t 1 87 1 i:li)i:k house IIV Di AM SPRI C Butts County, Georgia. 'PUIS i well known Hous is now oi c to those who vi*it tlie Spring tor health or pleasure. It i.* situated nearer t! Spring 'han any i'll ■ r public* fi use, ami is spacious and comfortable I'fic proprietor arc cn cting a cottage t’Lht larger ms for the accouiuio lalion td lamilics. The tal ’> S ’pjiRfd with the l>r*t th • nnrhrt < Every atfentioO is given t«' iC gtl. >'* rt tl: 0U*e. Pr W H YYlii'fidd, od pr acti¬ tinner, has cl I-'-' n'!) h us.*, at.d i* ready to give any ar.d a.. lend* of baths. tirccr and J»**o‘fu’r will liavo a now H c oi stage- y*n the r -»i Irom F* r»yth to the Spring, making connection with all passenger train*. itt n> or notno: Per dav..... .,_s 2 00 P.r tv,'ck.... .. '.. 10 00 Per month... o.A DO I.ileial deduction* made for large faumte* W A Kl.l'KU \ SON. i tlvltf R. R. R~ RADWAY’S READY RELIEF Ct'IlES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after raultogthi!* advf;rtiflexn<*&t nee l any one P 8 E WITH I’AIX. RADWArs READY RKIJEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY I* A IN. It was the first and is The Only Ilomotly Ihat Instantly sti>lmtk^mr#stexerncisting pains, allays IniUmmutHii!-. mi*<i •••ir#- »»,»»>, whether "i the one;tjiplic«u*'ii. lAiuii*, Morn ten, Jl.woU, or other gluntiaororgAiii, by IN FROM ONE To TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or exrrM-'intint: thft pal <i the RHEUMATIC, N Del r.Lien, Infirm. ■ ripp]*!, Ner VIMU, ettralgic, or prosiratej with <ii»e.i.M* may staler, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INKAJH! U [O.v 1 -r THE Klt-NEVS INFLAMl! I.VFi.AJMlAfJON or HIE BLADDER, no.v <>«•• Tin-; bowels. BORK I'oSV.iSUuN OK THE LUNGS THROAT . HI! FUN I.T HKBATHIXii. I'AI.I'I r - floN or THE HE ART. UYSTERHS, ( mu r. ini'ttTEKI v. HF.AD.V TIB, TOOTHA. t * r.vKiili. INFLUENZA. UK COI.D CHILLS, N I K .! CIA. RIIBL'MATISM. A(,r<; CHll.LS. Th<?np|.!l<-,. mio.ri! Ch< Kpftrfj - Ke!i« f to the Barter F irt.*» i '**tn u .set :«>rt. J.illl i »»r difficulty Will ullord case tu < and*a j 1 ‘, !l j u hi<* kk’h;>B .^1 • ilgn r-irr.- a b-f !<* of I!:• rl wa; it. Relief Will \ ICM dr,i|is m »VH|i-r vrti i |,i-' .p,m- ii .!a iiKii^u i f yi n'.er. lu- 1 i i .. . t. Kil-u h l.r.UiJ* in- tucri u»* •tuuulaui iTvn: a x d .Kirs. FKVKU \ \ V. r*“l fi > v r**»i*H. Th^rt* is hot a ret Bed i.l a . ' «i t.. «t u ill < tin I «v«r » Vo . i»»lt) u. Si-wrluL \V >* Ye It All t Y i IV A i: U. y t; LIKE, t HEALTH BEAUTY I! KTRuxu and i*u t: t.-ji’ir rt.o "ID- INCUKAPR nf I- t.t.'il Nil \VI 1 ill i ii .1’. .-KIN AND 11KAI lilt I.l. ».M .-1.;. i i u HI ALU RADV/AY’S Sarcpirilla Essoiieit THE GREAT DLOCD PUR FIER. ii a > y \ i » f TH’’Most \ 1 GVMIIV rri KS : SO iOl'l V m» it \ rut UD f H < < II I \ SUK Tin*: J v S fM.IC Tl HI. I Ni l.( Li’K.vrE «»K liilS TULl.i Wu, MM.R 1 l is ME i* If INK, THAI Iiery Bay jii Increase in W aul ¥Dt£lit is Scca anil Fell >r> Of P TT.T T \ V nr >oT* r y A ly s i *• •*», N, A *t u 4 . u r r ■'Un,: ry*i| A* yt t £ I : : I - ui Uj"5C t* t Ui-e - 4 i - i inti .** e» ■ ila j <t,y ftmt !,** r :*T ; 11 lil« Kill no jf «l tlhnLUr Coinp%tlntf* f r t>r T WJ\ hr* l>w r nro i9 » to BH I . L .:•>* Tinnor of l'i Years* Growth Cured h.j lladtrn >fs lie.sol rent. - D^. RADWAY’S Uj.f.-i *.05 ; aiAwii^ ■ liiiii.* I *• » rt itMij ' i -1 I I e *. I* * w *. FT 1 ten; 7 >’m maut. •••■■ <* u t y r s.»U» HY l« H K \ It *• F \I 8 K \\ T H ' I Marap t * B4T^ v 1 W /. V rk* \uiorw ,s w--rs nest >* E. J* JOHNSTON. Corner Mibhury ant -ec*>ni .Site M v(o\, | YF.AI.Kfi in H ll ES. JEWEI.HY I f Stiver "a a F • - l*. Ac. * g ts for the ’ rated 1)1 Mt»N D -I’L Ta LES. I j Li 1 watch work a *e salty, Jew I d and enc-aviag Jt»U€ 1 -i tt. x-* c^xjxiNriNr. GppO- r I l ii..»«C t ir ii, 75 Jackson St Augusta. Ga. DE tt ER IN Fruit and Cigars, tv ’.* «fc Kei Genera Rsilrcnd News Agen's. ll! ord<*r* from C entry Merchant*, cr Or dcr* left «i'h News \gr n tbs Trains will me-t wiih f,rou,pt atre ti *n. wit USUE Ds.yLKR y. Prize feh Cant > ~ r c s, H Jy Augusta aSP^o; tipements. Real 53L 27 ms —IN — FIRST — CLAS 8 DRY GOODS. NO UMBUG! NO SHODDY! No Soiled Goods ! No Si) elf-worn Goods But Genuine New, Fiesh Goods ! AT UNPRECEDENTED: Y LOW PRICES. -:o:* 4 - 4 LONSDALE at 12*o. per yard ; 4-4 FRUIT OF THE LOOM at 15c. Our entire stock will he sold at reduced prices FOB CASH. This Sale is EXCLUSIVELY - FOB CASH. Parties keeping accounts with us, will who have desire to to rigulur purchase prices. any of the above Goods, ' and have'fiiein churned c ’ pay febl4 ly JAMES A. GRaY & CO PEOPLE’S CLOTHING STORE, W. A. RAMSEY, Agents >o. 208 DliOAl) NTUUKT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA UTI'l ARE NOW REf KIVNG -3 I.AKGK i 'Nl> BEST-SELECTED STOCK in the Slock Will «1 ayg bj* complete with all the novelties of the i our line of I URN I MING QuODS of ,en*oti, t get her w li an elegant LISKS, A UIIKLs, every kind '•so H TS, CAPS, TRUNKS, Va MEASURES - IJMBKKLL 8 , etc. IAKEN carefully, sad clothing m de to order, warranted to Jit. LARGE ^ LA ' S FROWT. jun 27 3,-n Op osi e National Exeli oge hank GREAT REDUCTION —IX— BOOTS, SIMS, IIATS, AND' VALISES. —AT— Timmerman 8t Wise’s, 1 15i*osi<l Aiio'ustii Greorgifi, . (Opposite the 'ugusta Hotel ) | wt A OASES f ROOTS Stitt S, II VU IsR> :i UMlHlETJ AS just rro-iv. L i * ed A tl in order to make it to the inf rest ot th. pureh-Mer, we me d irrmined to si ll EXCEEIHSOL Y LOW. for Cm!, rr Approved iVaj 01 Wc yy-onM be glad to all ur Hancock Friends t Please sec at any me. give it* a ( till juue13 3m. TIMI» 1 ER 3 IAY & WISE, ENCOURAGE HORAE ENTERPRISE I 0 . 0 * Golflil's felf-Fasleniii Mu Foiling. I’jitciited April 1874 o:o ’ llil Cu ton Factors, lanti* * a -I MunnfucHi cv«. Hie siibgcnbere tu i* now f p od to I offer their entirely novel -ELF F , TI.MMI TIE, | baling Cotton an c In r pro ! iuv Tito. TIE is equal in every re peel to any Tit n w in u-o lr i g as easily f mod and is SUPERIOR s front the Ian rim once st* ina it i m po'sibiliiy to remove th. wii out ri st oi Ming n there* y t.l'tR N El S PaimciS and othe ii d parties against loss ol ighi by of s:y w re o r tn y of 2 I bis Tl K has been rxamined bv no ,rly every a *to an ! Mere nnt of ('hnr'eston, nd h s been pronounced ported nicce-s. • Irtlars for NEW „r Et'O.NI) AND HIVE I I ’ 11 (it H’S will be 11 r inptly fi' *1 U i * I low h pric I < III* o Ml MO E Ov .L ,j MI i H & s N, 4,0. 8 , 10 , jo, 14 and Di t.OLUN'.N DE 1.0 , VJ*; *u. RAN V. t llHt'li^tO , S. ( ju J. II. OP E HEIM, General Agent, r 27 tint HJb i.eynoid* S ia***t. Augufl/i, (, H ....... Macon Aclve tisements. JONES db BAXTER, Orner (’oMun ^v. C 1 lier»*.v SK M*ACO\, c; k HOI A, K F.El’ CONSTANTLY ON IIANfl— Teniie^.-pp Cmiuft y Cured Barns, Sides nd Slioulders Western Clear R.hLt d Side*, lb is. and Shouulcrs, Lard, in tier* keg*, un i tin*, Tobacco. Rice **tc. Corn, t hit*, and 1 lav, "eal and Flour of all grade* in sack and barrels Soap t.*u<*h - nd a*.die*. j Virgin)« hewacla nd -g crpoo -aJf, vL». I mi**, 1 * a.sf. r of Paiiw, I'la*t r. a Hai Lillis and Pom* nt ati 2 hf»s! qoHiity. Ag nt* fit Steven*’ wet* Pito* firairi * and Fire Brick. Pure om and J!v»* Whisky ^ »)«• \cmc W hijikv in harre s a so!- Areal* for ihe State ot Ueor? a for th. <*1 f 1 »r. <i ('hf wiriui Grove vi A rels a«d case*. Full ipiari bottles All of which we will sel' at lowes market rat. s J ■ WALKER, Successor to WALKER & DOBBS. Importer of and Dea or in CHINA. CROCKER'.' ARC GLASS-WARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Chandeliers, Gas & Kerosene Fixtures, -\CK\ EXPLOSIVE L\31PS, COAL OIL. Lamps, eurneks, chimneys, I^LOAVEIl X-* ! >TS, <fec. SO A. Vi Mulberry Street. 9IUOY. t;.4. Agent for the State of Georgia for PORTERS PATENT GARDEN and PLAN¬ TATION COMBINATION HOES, june 13, 3m ' M & ii % p 58/ /vv?'.-* s vjg'i&gKv t i %%>}■ p«e Dr. J. Walker"* California Vinegar Billers are a purely Veg¬ etable preparation, JUii'io chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada moun¬ tains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tlm use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “ What is the cause of the unpar¬ alleled success of Vi.vbga tt Hit¬ ters V 1 Our answer of is, that they and remove the cause disease, the patient reei,vers his health. They are the great blood purifier and n life-giving principle, u perfect Reno¬ vator ami invigorator of the system. Never before in the' history of the, world lias a medicine been compounded pos¬ sessing the remarkable qualities of V in* of no a a Hitthus in healing the sick every disease man is heir to. They are a relieving gentle Purgative as. well as a Tonie, the Liver Congestion Visceral or Inilannnalion «,f and Organs, in Uilious Diseases I'lift properties of Dr. Wai.k mt's Vixuoau Drrnaisare Aperient. Pia phoretie, tive, Diuretic, Carminative, Sedative, Nutritious, Oqunter-1 Laxa¬ Smlorifie. "O’ 1 A iiti-i!if%cto rkjtaut, ;r, Grateful Thou&uids proclaim Vinegar Bitters tlio most wonder¬ ful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bit¬ ters according to directions, and re¬ main long unwell, provided mineral their bones are not destroyed by poison or other means, and vital or¬ gans Bilious, wasted beyond Remittent, repair. In¬ and termittent Fevers, valleys which are so prevalent rivers throughout in the the United of our States, great especially those of iho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Bed, Pearl, Colo¬ rado, Brazos, Bio Savannah, Grande, Alabama, Mobile, llo nnoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through¬ out our entire country and during remarka¬ tho Summer and Autumn, bly so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, arc invariably ac¬ companied by extensive derange¬ and ments of the stomach and liver, other abdominal viscera, In th cir treatment, iulluenco a purgative, these exerting vari a powerful is essentially upon ¬ ous organs, necessary. There is no cathartic lbr the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they viscid will speedily with remove which tho dark-colored matter timo the bowels are loaded, at the siuno stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy Junc¬ tions of tho digestive body organs. against dis Fortify tho caso by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar take hold of JIitthrs. system No thus epidemic fore-armed. can a Dyspepsia or indigestion, Coughs, Head¬ ache, J’ant in the Shoulders, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpita¬ tho tion of tho Heart, Inflammation of Lungs, l’ain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other Dyspepsia. painful symptoms, One bot¬ are the offsprings of tle will prove a better guarantee oi its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King’s Erysipelas, Evil, Swelled White Swellings, Ulcers, Inflammations, Keck, Goitre, inflammations, Scrofulous Indolent Mercurial affec¬ tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Buro By os, ct.» In these, sis in all other constittUiomil Diseases, Walk HR s V in i:aA it Bittkks have shown their groat cur alive powers in tho most obstinate mid intractuble cases ami UlironiP Forliilljiiniiiatory Remit¬ I{IlPUinsitisin,Gout, Intermittent Fevers, Bilious, Diseases tent and Blatlth of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and r, these Bitters have no equal. Such Dis¬ tots os uro c til sod by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons engaged in Paints ami .Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters and Miners, as timy advance in life, are sub¬ ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose id WALK lilt 8 V iNKOAit BiTTKits occasionally. For Skiti l>iso:ts**s, Eruptions, I’iut Tetter fialt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, tiles, Pustules, Boils, Uurbuueles, yvornis, Biailtl head. Soro Lyes, Erysipe¬ of tho las, Jteli, Scurfs, Discolorations Skin, Jiumors ami Di eases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out "I the system ina short time bv the use of thexo Bilkers. Fin, Tap!*, and oilier Worms, thou¬ lurking in the system of so many sands, are effectually destroyed medicine, and re¬ moved. No system of no ver¬ mifuges, no unthelmiuities will free tho system from worms like these Bitters. i-'orFanialeComplaints, married single, the in dawn young ot or old, or at womanhood, ortho turn of life, these’J on ie Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is Vitiated soon perceptible. Flood tit'ii lisa tho bursting whenever you find it '• impurities Eruption*, through the skin in when Pimples, lmd it ob¬ or Sores; cleanse it you eleanso structed and luggi.-h in tho veins; it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when, Keep tlie blood pure, and the health of the i system will follow. K. H. H'ii DOV tliU A; < <>*, CnUfoi^ DrugirintH A*. (i«n \gtg., San FrunciJco, St«.,N.Y. Ida. & cu»p. of Washington ami Olmrlton Soli 1 Iiy all UrngVa** Dealer!. £ fit A ...... Gl OHGIA M <»tc \U--L?’. . *igric Monuments, t a d **xecut.-d, Tombstones from etc. the plainest to th .* iimiSI elabo'ati n the best * yh* a . I a h.*l tv -t ost All work for the fi. tn it. try carefully oxed and delivered at the D po> free of charge nov 15 ’73 1 v W* A. Cone, with J. 0. Newman. SADDLES, HARNESS, E'c. Boots, Shoes Gaiters. TY EPAIttlNG in nil it.* biancbes * eatly JL\,i SINGE}; dyne oil short i oti'-e. Ag.*rits for he LOWING MACHINE. th " Give ub a cu!!.