The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, October 03, 1874, Image 2

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TIMES & PLANTER. JNO. It. CHRISTIAN, Editor. F. L. LITTLE, Ass* hate Emtoit B TOBKli UFA UFA , Ot im. DKIIoril.t’l IC MMIISATIOV, For Cwgretm -—8/4 Dislrirl, IIO\. ALIA. II. stk:i»iii:\s. For Hrprrm n hit!ax. .IOIIX I,. CULVER, JOHN It. ltl\IOV Executive Committee, Mill III* tl-ift. Tlic following is the Executive Com¬ mittee for this District, n| pointed nt the late convention in Augusta : L, Columbia, H. It. Casey j Elbert, L. Claikc ; Glascock, Henry Lngtic ; Greene, Jiis. Davidson ; Hancock, C W. Dulkwe ; Har», Joel E. Turner ; Jefferson, James ii. J'olhil! ; Johnson, James II. Hicks ; Lincoln, C H. Stroth er ; McDuffie, J. II. Casey ; Oglethorpe Jj. G. Johnson j Richmond, Judge H I). D. Twiggs; 'J’»!iHferro, .1 F. Reid ; Warren, W. II. Pilcher ; Washington, It. L. Roger- ; Wilkes, J). W. DuBase. nKoiiuu Kbhnioss. The elections in Georgia within the next six months, occur u« follows: Wednesday in October next, election for members of the JjCgida turc. for Jj'Mrst members Tuesday of Congress. in November, election First Wednesday in January, 1805, election for county officers. The polls at the Court House will open at 7 o’clook in ilio morning and close at 7 in the evening ; and open at the precincts at 8 o’clock in the morn¬ ing and eloso at ii o’clock in the even- or It BAKHECL’i:. The following report of our Detn oerutic detnoiifitration, on last Satur¬ day, is copied entire from the column* of the Chronicle A: Sentinel, beetinse it gives n correct account of tho “day’s doings.” H was truly a great oeea bitot for old lltineoek tnid’ her glorious Democracy. Many years have elaps¬ ed since the people have, spread it “Free Barbecue” on a political occa¬ sion. They determined this one should he worthy of them', ami’it was. Con¬ sidering till the arrangements looking to the make up of ilm great dinner were made in one weeks lime, it was a success in every particular. The day itself was auspicious. Tin; splen¬ did Band, our own “Sparta Silver Cornet,” being on hand Hiroughout day, and the cavalry troops of >Capt. L. Ij. Lamar being* out in force, ..........................-.n o,, gtfished guests, the Orators of tin* dav. 'Tlieit there was assmuhleil in the > jfr(f{*( , ,*tiear Sparta, a large, intelligent and orderly crowd, numbering, ils w c think, 1,000 ; among w bom w ereinanv of the Tail* ones of tow n nml country, who patiently nnd'curncsth li-tcd to the excellent spi'eehes which were lie -fotnnl liv^red, interest evineing and tlirougliout^si ^.ro pleasun* in what was going on. The long tables reallv groaned under barbecue, and bread. ami cake ami people, ami everything went off’ as handsomely as could be “Baldwin" certainly does not exag¬ gerate the excellence of the speech, ■s. nor anything else, appertaining to the occasion. Both the Orators are well known, by character, in Hancock, Imt this was their first appearance among lisas speakers. As il is known the friends of each are pressing (licit rr speetivc claims for the (ioveritor-hip. their presence was (he more attrac¬ tive, and no Georgian w Ito listened to them in their able addresses lelt oth erwise than proud that our great State nurtured mieli worthy m>ii-, to pul into her best positions of honor and refi|H»H*ilillity. A large nHtuher of colored people were pieseut. and gave marked atten¬ tion to what was said. Many of them were more than pli-a».Yl with the hon OHt, out-spoken aeutimeulN of the Hpeakers, nml, were rotiriueed that the government «*f the Slat.* in the hands of DefiNierats, will insnve them more rights- an.l more benefit* than under such Radical* n» steal il.....bool fund from the children and leave theui to ignorance and vice. But for the unfortunate event which marked the close of the day—the shooting of Tom Hall, a colored man, by Mr. duo. 1. Berry, there would Have been nothing connected w ith it to regret; hut all good citizen* not only regret. Dial occurence, hnt unite ! m denouncin'* it im nil uncommon outrage, w hich should he followed hx a sw ill and sure retribution, if its per¬ petratin' could he found : SrART.v, G v.. Sept. 20. 1<71. ][\U.kv 4 'i ( hrohirlf .1 Sfiifihtl; lib* train of the M. \ A. K. K. nr rixed i4 tlte usual hour this morning, mid wa* greeted by tin* excellent bra- hand of the tow n w ith some capital music, w hile drawn up iu line, near by, w;is the cavalry louipany ul (apt. Lamar, equipped some sixty strong, .ill ".min d and iy the law directs." w ho. w llli draw ii sabres, welexuned the <*r ator* of ihe day, i.en. folquitl and lion. Thomas Hardeman, who. with Messrs. Stephens and Hill, hail been lit.*tied to address the people on il jiolilxienl questions »*f the dux Rre (weded by the band and under tlse e- iH’it of tlu* cavalrx tin* two gentlemen named above, together w ith otl X 1« itor*. were a«w*urelv landed at tin I l xx arils lloii*c. amid the cheers of the yeomanry of x*W Haiieo.k. and the sxxi i’lesl siliih fi of tiie sxveeU’st women tu he found iii Georgia. Every store and business hnii-e au* ,-lo-. >1—all having determined ti -pend oiu* dnx for their stand country’s had been gcusl. erected : The u ix n udiaeent grove and thill at ll o’* dock ihe crowd, munlwrtuu -omi S fc or I .MlI*, repain'd Mc»»fs. Hill and >lepln*n* not hax inu put ill an appear' ji« *. it xx a- nri.uqn xi*Lhv man should speak first and he follow¬ ed by lien. Colquitt. Col. II. for one hour entertained the large audience with one of Ids most happy efforts.— Reviewing particularly the contrasts'll, etlect o! Radical rule in Georgia, he in glowing colors, the miserable mis¬ rule of carpct-bnggi rs and renegade scalawags with tin* good order, peace and prosperity enjoyed tinder the be¬ nign sway of I hMiioeratie colored supremacy. IIis remarks to the voters, a large number of whom were present, were well received and vociferously applauded. He clearly allowed them that from the forfeited mule" promise of ••forty acres and a to the grand swindle of the *T’re< slnnui’s Savings Rank." "shuriu. sv’ said lie. should he the word, they had been duped, out¬ raged and swindled hv their pretend¬ ed friend.- and allies. Col. Il’s pero¬ ration, address-d to the ladies, was in Hardeman's inimitable style, and to have been appreciated should have been heard. The applause which greeted him at intervals during his address and particularly at tin* dose, evidenced the appreciation of his large enthusiastic and attentive audience. General Colquitt Followed in a speech of one and a half hour. His marks mi the political questions the the day were pretty much in same strain as Col. Ik's. He, as was Col. II., was very severe upon independent candidates, one of whom, a white, man O') was present, and if he can the scorn and contempt of people colored of Hancock in pandering the element that "thrift follow fawning," blush." then “shame lost her Direct trade, which is a spccied/i/ (ien. Ccame in fora large share Ids remarks, which were attentive¬ ly listened to. and in n -pon-e to e di¬ tor subscription to tin* sioek. a large was taken with the promise of still larger amount s# Dinner being announced, the large crowd repaired to the capacious ta¬ bles. w hich were laden with the bo.-t of barbecued meats and etceteras, which go to make up a country gia entertainment. Separate tables and were prepared for the colon <1 tuoiisly, litter reerij hodj ba-kets had fared many but not only fragments, of whole could have been gathered up. Why this gathering. Il up under the auspices of tin* cratic eluh. headed by Col, ('liairman, to entliiM the people elect tin* I letnoeratie nominees. Ciilvir and Rinion. who tor honesty ami integrity have no m's , and whose election tin* people 11 uncork will. We are per ■ undid, sun*. Col. Newman, true to the stinct- of Ids native Virginia, wa remitting in Ids endeavors to w hile lion. Ceo, F. Fierce. »lr., F. D. Little. Co|. .Iordan, ('. \V. Rosc, F.sq., and other-, w ere ting ill their ellorl - to ph and tertain. Dr. Reman, the venerable was on (lie land. For half a nearly, if not quite, lie ha* taught volt tli oft icon: it. mot of the t itii «• ... 1 it:;.- t whitened hi lock-, p Isied hD ami stooped Ids -bottidet's, “tin* young idea how (o-hoot" tin* identical -put w here* “forty ago" your corrc-poudciit at Ids Icacliings. I .mi told, '•Tlic ..| I •el" I Im.iisc ai;. rc ! mn». The l.l'IM ev.c,,|; Itv new i icn Iil,i (lor pc 11 Km ■ had <l> . Ii J * * « * •* • * # * Tlic *■ sv i’nr t-» ;hi«I fro, I! s lllll O'- ill-1 I III ‘ **.'lHD* ii«| ”l'» ll- Im I. \ curs Al’I' f spending a deiigbti'ttl dp\ w v ■ = led ottr way buincw ard. "lad > t icurts ih'tt we bad been p. rm*' - ted fo spend one inure .lav with l r ispitahle people of dear old li t - n k. B vt inv t X. I*. S.- Rumor hath it that the n •! rioits W'm. Ilctiry ll irri-uii ('. — will oppo-c | Ion. A. 11. Sic pin - l< ('ongi ■s. A Crowning Oulrngo. —■* e feel esilled np.m In chronicle fill nc of law Icssiicss mi Saturday 1 »-t. which all good m< n nn.-l ii.litc In U* ploring and dcnuuncing at the same time. An unod'ctnling negro man. named Tom Hall, w hile walking a long the piiblie highw ay, near tin res idenee of Mr«. Su-an I. iwmci on the outskirts of Sparta, and while ectii milting no wrong in word <>r t. wax deliberately shot twice by r John I. Berry with a pi-dol, w oimditiy the unfortunate negro chargcfi. A kind providence » cine.! to interpose and save !,is life. w Idle one l>a!l j>. 11 . trut- 1 the elie-t in the region of the \ iiuN. ii was.l. lit < i ed and made only a lle*ii wound— the other wound was below a d to the rear of the right knee ; w also only a llesli w omid. I'.irtiiswho w itnessed the shooting, pronoiinee '! n nio-t deliberate ea-e of attempted murder. Tin 1 law abiding portion of ottr i muuity have made every alien effort the arre-t »f the your, man. who jierjx’trate ltd- wrong . i„„ doubtless a eon-eioi'-ne-- of : iiilt and a dread of certain punishment h ive united to make him flee from that jus¬ tice Which w ould !m e follow ed-wift ly upon hi'tr.m-gre--ion. On Satur¬ day night, ond Sunday and Mon I n night the sii.ritf. with a t posse of eitizens. w a- out r the offender hut * ha- tin far ed the vigilance 'the officers, and i still at large. We can hut t ike this unfurtn.: noeuriYlieo :*.s a text from xv dchM urge nil our people to pr> vc the pe:n*e. and ret’ in fr.'tn it her x olations of the Saw . i I W is r ell! x shield and s. liriix. our on’v hoj .< v help. o i u the i T 1 -ru.v •ehx x\ 1 l is f, :n flit 1 * e . have ii elder. *otid( uittaf ie a of t will and mu -1 of oiltragx' and b.xx , ; \\ c xx rile in , r = 1 u« haxv a reel am in m.iinla : 11 g l.l XX Lrrvt the i i UU-i HX him xx he ft 1 V w ),u h niiiv **1 \\ l U t l t- ' 7 w ' Association of tin* Weekly Press of (ioorgtisi. H lm« bcoii proposed by several of the country papers of tin* State (tin* idea originating, we believe, with McGregor, of the Warreiiton * ”1 ij»] m*i*) to form an association to be composed entirely of the members of the Rural or weakly press of Georgia. It .is sug¬ gest ed that i'll publishers meet in At¬ lanta during the State Agricultural fair, to take into consideration the formation of such organization, We think tin* idea a {food one. and intend to he there if possible. Such associa¬ tion need not interfere in any way with the Georgia 1’re-s Association. llrov.n’s Hotel. The proprietor of this noted home of 11n* traveler while abatin'.!'the price of hoard, seems resolved to evince to his patrons that there shall he no vlwti mail to their-comfort, luxurious hill of fare and hospitable entertain¬ ment. If is servants are well trained and attentive, the rooms clean and pleasant, the cooking excellent, and. in short, no pain are spared to antic¬ ipate every want of his "■nests. The registry hooks show that no hotel in Georgia is more liberally pat¬ ronized than the llrown House, and certainly none are more worthy of the Aiigustjt Hotel. Messrs. Mosher & s <»u. w ho are not -I ratigei'). ill the hotel hti-ine-s. Iittve leased tin* Atigo-ta Hotel and tire ren¬ ovating it. ami rearranging it general¬ ly, preparatory ’This Jo opening a first class house. is the large.) and best appt inted h<Ht>e hi the city, and with their experience and reputation ns ho¬ tel men. we know they w ill make il one of the be.! hotels ill tin* Slate.— The M'liior formerly kept the Gault House in Eoui-villc. Kentucky. CititiplM*!! X. Touch—M acon Go. Wc would advise planters before they ship their cotton to t xatnine Jhe itdverliscmetif, ei-cw iicrc. of Ale.- r . ('aiiiplicll A Jones, of Macon. The\ are ttgcnis lor ihe G range and propo-c to-tort* cotton i-5ocents*. :t1 jit: 1 half tin* usual price, w hich This is liber¬ al mid erterprising in them, and the farmers should encourage them in it. and end them cotton, mid we can as ure any who do not know them that tin y tire till rigid, honest, clever gen¬ tlemen. We have known them for vears. ’fhev are worthy of anv cou fid. •e. and ? c hope Hancock will them i:t = *h . ncoiirsigcment. ’rttsoNAf..—Mr, I. L. Hunter, ot i * MilledgevSlh* Every Satttrdai'. dropped i;i "it us I i t Saturday, foe a few minutes, lie hum* ov» v 1<» Icirbectte. We v. I wc « <*u x seen more of him. ♦ \Vt I’MU X ve showed him a roll OUI . ity ’ hilt We think he got lost is v. iiv hi* didn’t • cl round 'tier. reoplc from the country v, licit they do gel in low n uhvrt\ - want to -< tin* sights. Also licit. Mnnit. the good looking and c \ er agent <d' sieriing ) per. Telegraph M -ettger. v. in town a II. Mu-.m 'i jolly, goo i fellow, and i- \ i • .... i \ i il left n to tiio»e W !,<> * oc. a-ion l> -trik. - lip w ii h iha n't take if NFAY ADYER7 iSF.MENTS Strayed <>r Stolen. TiEi'tT! i:x icuvitor ( .in la:. T \ !*.« »\ I Ii; i: S”E a n v he Ml tl: any I. W . Tin M»W I.I !l?l ' k <■(». THE AMISH HOTEL, (> ■r t ! ,<l V I ThorcuKbly Itcnovatcd (MI Hcf urn ishcd Tlirou u ho a t II I x. Mr 11 D’ 1 p’C lit « ;ui ( )l * { ( >1 K* 1* 7 l = »r t RHi:i>. ts. .llOfilll’l!. I’roprieto.* JOSIAH MOSHF-It. Superintendent jiAu<;iN<; \ r m:s l'O : Al.E A h I I! 12 l’AC ! it.*Y Rood Etaggin at 6 iciits per D> m:u ties at miukkt Kn j i -f UEoUUE \V. WATKINS A.t roll SA Ij ' . . ; no a i li ; Rii-i c 'ii t A v« N la. Mud c >at» Eight Hundred and i ci, h F.v l 1 I Y i r. i ! if! A I! •,bill.- S D. Four Room Dwelling. The I.i 11 <J [ i « 1 hut t (> C VsII a t c- Ill' ll?' XV i i.i'nry i: > l, ROBT. II. MAY cc ■ \ T MAN MAY.] M.';!mfaclu;ere £. Dealers in C ’arrhtLr i ‘S* i »t; j’urics. \.Nc r: \n \n x wagoxs. Harness. C.*.. t. j. Carrieq’ Material. 1 T 0 r Til <J 11 ii r l? ,9 OP 1074 . The Annual P. ir of the Georgia State Agricultural Soci¬ ety for 1674, Will bo Held at Q glethorpe HP et r 1 sl 9 ATIjA^TAi GllOHGBA BsiiflaiPi Octolier I 9 tb ai (> N E W E E K . 0 15,008 In Premiums Offered—All in Cash Except Medals and Diplomas. No Silver Plate. •o NC ENTRY FEES CHARGED. Wc append a f\v extracts from tlic Premium List, as showing the Range an'l Chancier oi the Exposition : County Premiums. To the G-ninty making the Best Exhibition of Stock . 8500 00 To the County making the Best Exhibition ot Field Crops 500 00 To the County making the Best Exhibition of llorticul ural and l'o niPHfic Products . • . . JiUO <MI To the Counly making the Dost Exhibition of Emits mu o i l’o the Co’Mity making the Best Exhibition of Domestic ManuDc'tsros 15> 00 To the County making the best Exhibition ot articles Manufacture; by Machinery ....... HY» Op Ilorst* Department. Best thoroughbred StaMion and ten of his Colts ‘j.;)(l (Ml Best Stallion ot all work, and ten oi his Colts It'd ]■_*;. (HI Best Gelding or Mare fill Second i'est Gelding or Mate . . ■'it) to Best combination Horse or Marc 50 00 Best Saddle. 11« r-e or M a to 50 00 Second Best Saddle IL.rse or Mare 25 00 Third Best Saddle Horse or Mare 10 00 est nml Best Doulvle Team matched 1U0 00 S eoml le st Double Team matei cd 50 00 Best Pair Mules, in Harness * 50 00 Bo.,t Sit g’c M'de 25 00 Cattle Department. 825 anu 820, Kespet li'c’y. for the 1 e.-t Bull and Cow of each ol the following bleeds : Alderney, Ayrshire, Biahtnin, Devon, Dutham anu Natives. Be.t p not Fat Cattle, nut I. so than ten head 100 00 Be.-t Mileh Cow 75 00 8. C i,n,| iks* Mich Cow 10 0J ikst Bleeding Bull with five f hi; Calves . luo 00 £hccp. 25 to -!5. Respectively, I ■r tie E< >? Duck and Eive .d’eaelt o( (lie (uilow ittg hr» • !•: .Menu •. S ui b.a.ivn a d t w old. l’or Use Bc.-t S'we ] s* !w I luck . JJ0 0(1 Best pen u*. Fat Mu urn uo oo Cv/inc. Liberal i’reni’ma.s fur ail different breeds ol iiogs. s’w. > p-1 ; !.■ - L'ttr • • • • . 25 OO 8wei [ -takes ftutt, wit*, p'- -'* • • 25 00 Poii It Ay. Till- department i-; ii.iiu.t.iy 1 it. 1 and liberal. I’r. liiiutn.s are .dieted tor n ll1 ' 1 ‘ .fit " Y -nit •; v u t i*iii - Kl't tor the Best If.o ol each vaiiety except B , int mis, | r who !( ■ „ i . iicr. t tot the I i s t trio ol each variety. 7 ‘ I j in . lir ii /, t tit', c y .- .... 2t* (in Ik A ] Hi Ul Bui -ill, K .tig, Aiiiem and Toulouse Geese each . In i n Bc-t pair lE ’t a, Roland. Mmen vy and Cavuga ducks each 5 ini Be-t 1 >i play of 1 bau. s: u Fowls . loo no Best Jb.-j i. y ul F.gv Ul'fj . 25 on Crop Products R. -t Birec halt of short staple Hutton . ;50 00 Sec..a d Best i s' Jfld Best single bale sin . t fit a pie . 50 00 i St etc d Best bale fi nt fifuj !e 2.* 00 Befit Ibnrel d t.< uia ii i d.* Sugiir 25 ( B.--I Banel et Gcuigni iin leS ei.umi Sy i ip 25 : Best ills: lay id -am] i' ¬ 1 er j <• .niribuiiuii ol a single farm 2 T ll.rt difiiRay ol \ egctidiLa 25 Fruit Befit eollec’i 'll of At pi s 2.j 00 Best ciTiccti' ii ot Fears 25 00 Homo Industry. Befit of J.i a S, l’i' - i'v.-, Ibcklc / Juiiifi, <' I'siij s, 8yrujis and i "i le 'ic Mini . xliibite 1 by U:10 djf . . . 50 On Sccol.d di-pbiy fiiiuie . ... 4 t 00 j ! bird l.e.-t diphty - t.u* I . ... . . 25 * f ()|| Befit *i.-| 1 *y ut Ioitd i i f-ts • . . . • • 00 6eA : i 10 00 Befit di-play Canned Enin 25 00 j 4 i 1 IE si 10 00 " ,s( (hsp.ay el Ur • ai Dies ive cat ly hard 25 it!) Best difiplay ul D 5 Wnii'j 25 DO I. .-' ill-' ** t ulic by 25 Dll Li aid ui.-t Ivcd E t 1 < ak , tu he t\v j in t high 2D (.11.1 Needle Work 1 ’t-st mu I (i a Suit by a lady 25 Oo Be.-t tua L dy - 25 (M I’- ’fit Ilia M.k Di bv Cm rdu, not a dre-stnaker 25 mi B st piece ul f.i| rv in \\ 1 . 1 I i.ifis ly a Georgia lady 2-"> i "I Best furnished ba-kit ! >• a G. ur_i.t i;. iy 2- i DD ii'^ > t O’. M uch-Mi ( use by a Gi argia lady 25 DD r- i "*y ; l sina.i* llui Ueutt, * y "*ie tuiy* 5D DD Paintings Best < )jl i’aiiiDrg I Ex a Gc-orci.i A cist .*.... 50 00 B fit dl-play ot l’ai •njs. i*iawii _- ,-tc., ly tLe pupils ut any odmul or ( v 50 DD 15- -t * * 1 F . n'ii'g ii pr.-ei.iin" a Sou’hern l ind-eapc, fi ui natuic 20 i 0 15 i l Rain ing r. pipst nliug an hi.-tor.e il scene 2D DO B 2. ib r;rait 1 nutiiijj . . . . 20 00 Military Company F< r the la >• Diibed V.ilut r Military Cun puay d act Ic.-.i than lor iy r I.. 1 ers rank ami file . st.TOO 00 See nsii st 250 DD i bird 1 *4 125 (mi T - | i - ii:_i gebtkmen have i con invited tu act a* Jud >* , i ary ti* Gen J. E.J.. r rgia ; Gen .Ino Brerkcnrhlge. of Kentucky; <;«v J 1:11 K * ■ t. n, J B G rdcu.ui (.1; Gen. 1>. li. Hill. tt North C«r-.hna. Races f.-r Trr.ttmg l T * n I.- tl wor J . f550 00 Bunn . 11 ( n to tlic world HDD Dll other pill'.-ss e:ai auscunts are <• re 1 AGUlt’RLTl X 'X it an Rr- List, ATLANTA, a« ft! red by the STATE UAL Mil IK’l \ a i the ( < >1* embracing tv 'f. v Rep irtiii' t Ju-Ty aa< i At e full Rr 5 . .. i..;t, :u i am: Llot f rm. will be sent by umii un application t • t .e S 'etc FREIGHTS AND TRANSPORTATION. A’-. - n L tl . M i an 1 st« msbip lia - I ii t!;e u-’i'd : iu. 1 i vtx*s |..r x -it- r- ,v • artie.-.s c lining tu the Fair. Artie! - E fi-X • t. c'n-igtied, “Gx. >r c da State ls;r, Atlanta, Ga,’’ at any time a ter -*i Oet«: her. X • - or * - xx iil i e »■ p ar I to rruk tiip ar^r 'leliing Fair worthy a« a St 3! is 1 :u c- I'-.tri ere to :li Cvtnf.rt and i t.j .yment ol Its visitors, an 1 ail i i--; " ii y i: v:*ei t. c me ar J Lritm whatever they raav ha*.e tu ei GEN. A II roLf.rrTT, Rre-.-ident. -. v; M 1 i;IUP'. Gen’! Superintendent, PAL* H.M Ji HINSON, Secretary. - B PEN''LB, Max r of the City of Atlanta. Ga. New A clyertisements. BUY THE ! .Jewett'S Will'll; K.GlSI is Wiin-anted Rtire Tim only quality or Io k.I made h JKWKl'T & SONS for the l'is< sixteen jrnvs Kegs ("'(I Pails 121, 25, r >0 nirl 100 mids cadi Also Kegs of 2(JO and 300 • |m. ibs. 'A'SA each, ( ilejul.) !?as oils, cans, varnishes , glass, paint¬ \\ A* ,,_____ ') brushes. ALT. IN FULL ASSORTMENT. o (ino stock of DlilJCS ami of ALL ARTIDJ.ES y k q.t in a, COMPLETE 1HIUJ 8 TOR if mid CIIKAl* for <! ASd GARDEN SEEDS, always lush, s nt by ni iil or txpress .T H- ALEXANDER, Successor to Plumb & Leitner. srp‘2 if Augu-tii Oa. (Patented February 21, 1871. and April 28, 1874 ) E55ESI3 Awarded the GREAT “ECLIPSE” press ever ail competitors at Georgia .State Fair at Macon i i 1 m7■>. The Fastest, Most Durable, Lightest Draught and Cheapest Screw Cotton or Hay Press in the World, Packs the Bale in Twelve Rounds* Two to Three Hands, or one Light Mu’e, Packs a Bale in Two Minutes. laves of C ostun ]> .deed 1 y ili’u range from 5U0 u> bOb pounds, TO Til v KE GOOD. VUE"5 OP COST (aid pay <>:po ses < f Innispoi in) ANY POfis / Tl N OP i’ll K I ISON WOISK OK TIIK Kcbil'.si; |'||..\ |’ y \ I’uov r; l'Lli’.C I 1VE, WITHIN Tllllli; VK Ms Ai Tl.ll I’UR C A ' E, AM) WAR If A.NT ACAlxsT liKKAK A(.E WITHOUT LIMIT As l'o Tl VIH. j i v I ii H. Can he fii'.ii shed oil compl fo, or . iaip’y the* Trans, ns p rfies may d© ■ ' (*• 1 arr.ngid f.i steam or wute power wlun nquired, "'«* h.-we ’i KSTi ;v:()N IA from many of the and Dost P antfis in {J orpirt t tl all of the oilier (avion Suites) using this Press, whose names a*e ns "familiar as Hon •. Ii.1l r.-onls. IT liters xhiti.-g Mi.con arc ciuec-i y advised n a to purchase a Cot ton Pr. -- until tle-y examine clos- ly ami tlmrouglily i|,o "i’elipso,” undjudgo Dr tlicm’ selves Send for Desetipt ve Punqihlet- <• mtainin : testhnouiuls a il prices Tie cell tar .-it| o i..r to all oil cr Presses heretofore, we It ,ve* made liEi'ENT VALU'D * UI’liOV KM I'.N IS. ; v tig Tl pa ts increased sl-n with, ntul i.iioi (Png s ill LIGHT K j'i-* M X lT ’ llul wil *i wlmt w.s known as 111 ■ ‘inner sleeve.’’ Tne |» r' PSHFKCTIOKr 2 Findlay’s Improved Power Press For $fram or Walcr ^oweiv I IN PLAY’S IMPHONI 1) ro'VEH PP.KB8, firitenm or w.U. t j’.owcr pos-essrs r.iro aTvancii es an<) ( Yemen, rs, Screw l’i is ton loot long ; (ienrii c ltenvy and strong, a it ins c,"l cl ilc,‘ do 1 *tlnl Mini d t"< i i'cu- “ciiueli" arranjrctapiit tiglii and 1 osi* | alleys ivitli * s'i | cr" arc c- — . tints iiisitiing 8 a Co ., ( ertnitity and prompt ness of «o ion This I ic-s w . i'" ::ij pud ill! our a,w putt* — ctiical I,’oilers, a must valuable iinproveiaoi , l,i i ITiliSs " r I \\ " A« .......I AI.SO ivec TRIUMPHANT viic ; - 1 ic "cud ihr... “ and v.*r V in it-ri dlv lessening friction. Tills’ AT LAS 1 STATE U.\lu. cr-’v m tnre» * 1 1 ' ; ’ !l 1 1 i.i i.m-i:' ‘'t.di, .-a! Pitw ■> i tier i It is sea salt, (gi, i.ra ate d as nhovn Mi icily . .' • * /?:■/,V'f} i:ci, x-Nv/a /•»/„> Wi - horn t:d levers, fur w 7t- •'g ir id-- 1 i f g n-lmuse V-, i 1 lie IV m three to lour t nus ,s li i . and ligbti Ira a lit 1 1 u,y other Il iad 8 n w Press ever offered. b T f L T, A N <) ^ Il I) I ! P.y positive riybi wc wi 1 also uinuufaclaru in id its t .Us Mini’s : i®r vBfl WrciU Iron few don Press, 1 i "in ‘I" j : ...... ai.d d: 11 nr i.nv ‘ pal ziiLX'cii nl Uidlers,” to 1i-s u cti fric , 1 '' 1 J ’■ ‘ I t - c .. .• c. d tor 1! :i ed, I! ct"..', \\n t r or S onm J ’owe', a din cv—■ '' 1 11 •'*' 1 . i i i v ill t c t 1 •,. i cl bitic, mid |our ;nflics in diaiu Icr, . f w ,rnt, ,ted mate WE V.T L llE P CPARID TO SUPPLY ANY KIND Ol A SCHEW COTTON PRESS' THAT MAY HE DESIRED. A A A F A B5 l V A I i U 6 t A o xv 11 iidrod ii"" NEW (.JN ( At INC, 1. mid I aaperc d • all oil K’niply j lie — — laslii.'ii.'d (iiu (J ai Ce¬ j! 1 a u i Ii i.-ii n l ull- rs and xvo kin^oii the gronmh : Ilni- T _ pe ng wHli'Idic posts - ’and •ccei'- ip;> i;s," ami ihe nimb'c and do.ib of 1 I’ ’ 1 ~ it 2 o '' '■ : ’ x i - ■ pat ucs not I o oi lor uni if they s.e if is '‘nuxv n.uxciauul” and | near oui p n = b. tifl fur Dsscr.piivc Circular, Ccntain n ; Cctailrd Illustrations of our Presses, etc ? and Tcstimonai-i, Price, Terms, etc. M .n il.uiuicrs nls.i of STEAM ENGINES. BOILERS, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS r . I.T a.; liii.'l ul M . ..Ti i ii. i y il ( T.-i i m ulc. Hi; 12 R. Findlay’s Sons, sep 1 in FINDLAY IKON WT) KS, MAKIN, if A. SC UOFI Ii 1^1 >\*S IKON WC)UI M U'nx, ( 1 LX)! Id l A . SCHFicLO’S PATENT COTTON PRESSES j A<)|: HOP. P. HAND WATI'dt ..)• STliVAl FA ROUTS’ CICNTKU SUPPORT, I (li li* ai T --'.-txv M ils, (Ji-is) Mills, linn |{ai inc Sli ddi.a l*nl cy , Ihoi » s, Sn par ■' ill-lU'T Ivttd' s, XV»,(«!■ U lu-h, M I'Tiiin iy in T ( is t> s or ;t I kind ; lr, n and* lil'MS- cial u civ ol Mil Ih Mini Maulii erv. Work all first class, and prices Exv J S- SCHOFIELD & SON. Kisbet’s Improved Wrought Iron Scrcm Cotton Press T MADE ONLY AT Scl!t){i"1(I\ I 1*0 SI TT orks, H vii../ "i.i i • i.r • I will. .1. P. S(IIOIT I! LI) & S< X 'o la iMi'acture lay I>Jt . I' K* > \ 1.11 Cl 1 1 11 ).\ j T: I i.i! : n * i - - i-r in\ j'llrnisl' I .li .* ro all in v fri a drt '.id p 'ion • w.-ii ' y n-y 1 'd TON Plil SES In .all o , tla-in, v i uni unsure t It «-!!•• dial tl.vy x* ii. fui'i lie- pi: ESSES mamifaci >c -.l with (lit* .-.on ; e iru a: J would vx-rci.-o l! X st 1 • ’•! r.S KS. S ' 11 ( »i 11; I, I • St SON to* in mill, 'mi' Un.' NIoLRl’ | ll h-S. FAUT'S IRON CENTER SUPGRT GIN GEARING. Ill' \ i: ' • KIT) ]«) CI VL SATIS FA ( Til) N Is Hie tr ( - i i lie * x» if Ii ils ol’jec live peiiils r 5 1 t nek all tlic Hi I'se-PowiCK in clc 1 - Di a nr. ii * slro k uud <lur .li e. Il w il un ligiccr t u. ai y hu-st 5 him i.- yw C r.- or by anybody. It's «’ riiirhine mini- In iln if.< .r //• Tluntcr- wdlcall aai •veil 1.. fire *2 '-'a ii y pi.v.n In i un gin -, and yiu iroiit buy any < th,, anu2 dm. S. S€ 4 2SO^fJFjSjB5 & SOM. e,ooo QA.gjg;sags ■H L s F O 1 TP r 4 \ \ ’ E AKU N'T’iV jccclving. direct fio a \ *lo. k ot Boots, Shoes A'!.-' 1; xx j Ilf"'.! a- '. -xv as h. any o'le r market.. AH g'lods xv arena I Orders s .lb red .>!(rcliaulfi 1 isiiing (Iiarh.'fon arc Invifiul lo Examine our Slock. U. i\ FU:iII\c; & ( On No- - Hayne Street, Corner of Church Street. IT. F. Fi.K'TtVf; .1 \ m ks M. Wire on. Sam t'm. A Ni:r.f(,v. James (Tii i'/emn, • h irb - uii, A>:oa-' 1. 1 C “ } aup. l.j.'lrn Tl I 10 JHOW10 SEWING MACHINE. -oto-- IT IS ’i IIK OUT EST and the Lo ros 1 \ m ] > v o v e (l . N -im; Ic, durable or ca • t.u ! .: a. A goats x'"; idcd in every coun* v i n < • t THE IIOWK MAf IIINK CO., c I ] > ' Ju: ' * Atlanta, G it. ^